#& i know i'll enjoy it again eventually tho bc my brain likes to cycle thru the same 5 interests year after year (lol)
23meteorstreet · 11 months
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charlie kelly - season 16
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dyketectivecomics · 3 years
Ok, I'll bite: please explain the Roller Derby AU shipping chart emojis XD Admittedly it is less convoluted than I feared once I took a close look but I wonder if it's intentional that between Harley and Talia there's both an "uwu" and a throwing hands emoji.
That was intentional as FUCK IM SO GLAD U PICKED UP ON IT LMAO
Okay, so we’ll divide these by colors and the add the emojis and hopefully no one will call me out for a past fandom I was in but that’s just the risk I gotta take
Also note before I start, I use ship names (no spaces btwn names or with a / slash if I’m unsure of the ship name) for romantic/sexual ships. And the ampersand (&) for platonic/other ‘ships’. Bc Ao3 rlly Did Something and we ought to bring that over here with more regularity tbh
Harley & Talia - uwu vs ผ(•̀_•́ผ) 
so idk if Harley and Talia have rlly had like, SIGNIFICANT interactions, they didn’t have a lot of direct stuff even in the GCS issues (bc obvsly Selina & Talias whole thing was center stage for that one) BUT. Harley gets on ppls nerves!!! She’s only got like! Two settings and normally the more playful one is out and I can’t imagine that ever being anything BUT annoying as fuck to Talia! And ofc Harley LOVES fucking with ppl so it’s just gonna be a whole continuous cycle of her Ramping Up Shenanigans while Talia becomes the human embodiment of the *arthur clenching fist* meme. Add onto the fact that again, Talias the pivot and Harleys the Jammer and you’ve got a RECIPE FOR DISASTER.
IvyZee - (ง •̀_•́)ง vs ผ(•̀_•́ผ)
I talked awhile ago abt my Social Media Rivals AU and tbh...... there’s not a whole lot there that CANT ALSO crossover to here so!!! I just rlly enjoy the idea of Ivy and Zee fuckin HATING each other and it constantly being a “oh my god just Kiss or Kill each other already” I know some ppl don’t like those ships but LISTEN. Listen if we play the inherent sexual tension of enemies to rivals to begrudging allies to 👀👀👀 buddies right I THINK I can make this work.
HarlIvy - ❤️
OBVIOUS. I should not HAVE to explain this one at all aksjak (other than the general reminder that I’m gonna try hard as hell to make it slow burn bc 🔥 I need it)
Zeelina - 🙃
y’all K N O W I’ve got COMPLEX feelings abt them. So this is rlly no different. This is gonna be that On/Off again thing, they’re hot n cold all the time, things get messy and they’ll have Conflicts but ultimately will pull together bc 🙃 well.... there always WILL be that history+chemistry There, whether they admit to it or not
Talina/DemonCat - 😈
I just think it would be VERY NEAT if they started something together!!! And just 100% organically just mutually dated!! And maybe only find out way later that they both dated Famed College Drop-Out Bruce Wayne lmao anyways. Theyre both hot and I love them and think they should date so!
Talia/Zee - 💅
see above, but also Make It Even More Fashion and there’s Slightly More Distrust At First (bc yeah they got that Mutual Attraction. But also Zee Heard things from B, and Talia’s not so Sure abt where Zee stands in general so!!)
(Side note, yes I also want Talia/Selina/Zee eventually but LISTEN. It’s not gonna happen all at once from the go!!! We gotta try a couple Configurations First!!)
Harley & Selina - 🫂 
theyre friends thru and thru and I love that for them and just want good things for them both in that friendship!!! Idk!!! I’m sure there’s probably SOME shippers for them out there but!!! I just love their friendship so much so!!! Friends! They shall be!
CatIvy - 👀
THESE TWO ON THE OTHER HAND THO. okay listen LISTEN. Ivy and Selina’s Arkham City cutscenes live RENT FREE IN MY BRAIN. Theyve DEF slept together at least once or twice! I will accept nothing less! (The green is for mostly staying friends tho so onto these next ones)
Talia/Ivy - 🤝
okay so in canon, technically It’s Like Ivy 🤝 Talia: technically eco-terrorists who for all intents and purposes would be Heroes if their Ways Of Saving The Planet werent Kinda Skewed. So we’re carrying that over to here where Talia is an anthropology major and Ivy’s a botany major BUT they’re both getting minors in poli sci and take some of the same classes and 🤝 bond there before Ivy invites Talia to join the derby team that Harleys trying to form. And maybe they sleep together once or twice or a few times as friends with bennies idk
Harley/Zee - 🤡
listen I loved Harley’s Little Black Book and ESP that one halloween story that Dini wrote for them and basically I think it would fuckin Hilarious if they slept together at least once and then never brought it up again akdjsk so I’m gonna like. Imply it One Time and Never Bring It Up Again and ppl are just gonna have to draw their own conclusions!
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