#// BLESS FRANKIE for being so goOD
Portgas D. Ace Headcanons 01
Excuse me Oda-sensei, but that 40 year old Ace is simply criminal. Thank you so much for blessing us with him
Anyway! Have some Husband!Ace headcanons For more Ace content please head to my Tumblr MasterList
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Ace is, respectfully, a huge simp for his wife
To the extent that the Whitebeard crew straight up jokingly awarded him with a “Biggest Wife Simp” Award
They made it look official and had Whitebeard sign it and everything. There's even a stamp.
Ace has it framed and hung proudly on the wall next to your bachelor’s degree / college diploma / degree in general. 
I feel like despite his own personal insecurities, Ace still manages to be an amazing father
I imagine Ace originally setting out for like one or two kiddos at most (because y'know...what if he's not good enough) and ending up with 3 or 4 kids
Thing is, that’s both your faults.
Ace is tender and goofy with his kids, and he’s so friggin caring: to the extent that…well wouldn’t it be neat to see him with maybe another 2 or 3 kiddos of his own? 
(Your husband is hot okay?)
In his case, he swears you have a unique glow about you when you’re pregnant. But more than that when he sees you with your first born, he suddenly wants a big family with you.
I imagine his kids are an eldest son, then his princess, then the youngest boy who takes after his uncle Luffy.
His kids aren’t parentified. He keeps his issues far, far, away from them. Besides, he’s got you by his side.
He was dedicated to making sure they got as much playtime as possible.
He heard about learning through play, and he is DEDICATED to doing that as much as possible
Ace’s kids are spoiled with affection, but not spoiled brats.
While it’s true he’d give them the world, he’d rather let them go get it themselves. 
For example: when they asked for a tree house, he gave them the greenlight immediately.
But they had to build it themselves.
It was a super fun project lasting a little over two months with the whole family involved.
Oh and the Whitebeard crew helped too.
It took a while to get the design down initially, then the shopping logistics and whatnot (they used a lot of math here - see education via play)
Building the thing took maybe a weekend or two because the Whitebeard Crew and even the Strawhats came over to help
(It was mostly Franky and Usopp doing work, Sanji was cooking with Thatch)
Uncle Luffy was not allowed near the construction zone after an accident.
They almost destroyed the tree house with their partying once
Ace’s kids were not happy and no one was allowed in the backyard for the rest of the night
He makes sure they have proper manners and self-defense skills
You had to help out here, no lie.
He admitted he needed your help, especially after a dinner with Garp where Makino tagged along to see Ace again
He puts all of his kids into martial arts classes
especially his princess - he’s so proud of her when she beats up bullies
He’s not great at discipline though to be honest. He probably goes about it similarly to Garp. 
Ace will not tolerate any of his kids being nasty to their mother. No matter the phase.
You will have to hold him back if you want to let them get their frustration off their chest.
He’ll let them talk, but you’ll have to keep a hand on him somewhere, his arm, his hand, his knee, his shoulder, his back and rub soothing circles
Let’s just say, “talk shit, get hit,” is Ace’s attitude towards anyone being demeaning towards you (more so with adults, not his kids, but that's why they get a scolding)
"Ace my love" (he melts every time you call him that) "the kids’ll start thinking you love me more than them if you do that"
"My kids won’t disrespect their mother though!"
"They’re just venting darling, and when they say or do something that violates my boundaries, I'll be sure to reinforce it. Lead by example right?"
If they ever feel like pissing Ace off for fun they can just say something kinda not nice about you and he'll get mad and they'll flee from him giggling like the little gremlins they are
Ace is veeeeeeeeerry physically affectionate and he isn’t shy about it at all.
At gatherings with the Whitebeard family, he will gladly seat you in his lap, he will happily hug you as you are seated.
His arm is on your waist most of the time.
They tease him to make him tone it down, he does not.
He, in fact, dials it up. Turns up the heat lol.
You have kids? Not in front of them? What do you mean, not in front of the kids? It’s important they know just how much he loves their mama!
So he will continue to be playful with his hugs and kisses and other displays of affection.
It’s nothing too over the top. Just hugs and quick pecks wherever.
Your entire head is fair game for his smooches, your arms (he loves kissing your pulse and then making eye contact, sneaky guy that he is), your shoulders.
Maybe lifting you and spinning you around. Cuddles. Little bites.
He will play-wrestle his kids to “fight” them over getting to cuddle you, and then he’ll just put all his weight on all of you in a group cuddle
Just to let you know, your kids also receive all the warmth and love of his affections.
When his sons are still tiny and adorable, he smooches them all over. The kisses grow less frequent as they grow older, but the hugs do not stop.
Oh no, hugs galore.
Ace still pecks his little princess on her forehead though
When they’re all under ten he’ll wrap them in a hug (after he chased them down and caught them so they’re laughing and screaming) and start smooching their cheeks while they laugh and try to get out of his grasp
Also yes she’s his princess, but that girl has no problem throwing a fully grown man twice her size around, he made sure of it.
I reiterate: Ace is not remotely shy about displays of affection
Like his eldest could have a friend over, and Ace would still launch a full scale hug attack using the rest of his troops (daughter/youngest)
It's complete with screeching, screaming, and a lot of laughter
His kids used to get teased for it, but it didn’t take more than a few conversations for them to instead jeer at the kids that teased them.
"You’re all jealous your parents don’t love you like ours do"
"How sad, your parents don't hug and kiss you"
Their dad, grandpa, uncle - uncles really, are all gremlins - it's in their DNA
The kids are really physically affectionate with each other as a result
Deadass they’ll be kicking the shit out of each other one second and the next they’ll be all cuddled and huddled up playing Mario Kart or something
Ace is his kids’ hero.
His sons aspire to have his level of fitness.
His daughter, when she’s older, uses him as a standard for dating
You're relieved
Ace is touched and a touch nervous, because he is aware of his shortcomings, though he works hard to keep improving
Of course when you look at him, a twinkle in your eyes, and tell him, “I’m so proud of her, I’m so proud of you!” He feels better
When you continue: “if she can find a guy like you, who cherishes her as much as you cherish me, I’d be so happy.”
Ace loves you so much he swears
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undercoverpena · 6 months
coming under the christmas tree
frankie morales x f!reader | masterlist
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summary: The way he whispers your name should be a sin—it coating the air, making each letter feel important, essential—as your hands find his belt, undoing it, the sound cutting through all else, even burying a whispered expletive that falls from his tongue. “Do you know how hot you look right now, Morales?”
warnings: explicit. 18+. smut. literal porn from me. oral (m recieving), p in v, praise (jo has a thing, run with it), frankie being gorgeous, minor cock worship, christmas themes.
wordcount: 2.8k an: i wrote this little imagine and then the gorgeous, wonderful @wildemaven created this moodboard (which inspired the banner) and then i decided to write more.
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Putting up a tree with anyone is a chore, but with him, it’s a blessing.
It isn’t because it’s him, because you’re dating, because he makes you laugh and makes your toes curl at any time of the day. But, rather, because he wants to do it. Because he’s methodical. Always thinking, turning—planning.
Whether it’s routes to get somewhere, timing on when to leave when the two of you have reservations or whether your grand plans for a room rearrangement, Frankie plots it out and makes measurements in his head. He’s always right, not that he ever gloats—just nods as though it’s entirely normal.
It isn’t—it’s fucking hot.
Something you expect, and thankfully do, come face to face with when the branches are all in place on the half-dressed Christmas tree. The clear plastic boxes strewn across the living room, his fingers slowly undoing and unknotting the lights you’d haphazardly thrown in the box last year.
You know the answer, but you ask all the same: “You want me to help with that?”
He doesn’t answer, just gives you a look. A blend of ‘be serious’ and ‘you’re good’ cuts across his features, making his eyes warmer and his smile kinder.
Before he even sets about winding them through the branches, you can tell he’s created a light-path. Already heard him mumbling that they don’t go all the way around, remember earlier. His eyes glancing up at it, making mental notes, calculating a route—brown eyes skating and shifting side to side.
You just remain on the floor, legs crossed—checking over the ornaments for nicks or scratches—admiring. You do it a lot, admire him, take him in—gawk, trace your eyes over him so when you blink you don’t waste a second not seeing him.
“We can always buy another set?” you offer, watching him bend behind the armchair, plugging them in, plunging the room in a soft, white glow.
Grinning, Frankie brushes some loose strands from over his eyes, “No need, baby. I’ve got it.”
He does. You weren’t surprised his devised path makes the base of the tree already look full—no section unlit, each bit of cable hidden from sight, blending perfectly with the tree. You were even sure if you turned it 180, the back currently in the corner would even be lit.
It isn’t that which makes your mouth drool.
It also isn’t the way the twinkle of the lights has hit the brown of his eyes when he lets his gaze fall to you, making it appear like a galaxy has burst in them—a sky full of stars, all staring at you.
No. It’s the way the entirety of him is lit up. Practically glowing. It enhances how stretched out he is, practically in a straight line. His arms above his head, fingers delicately wrapping the lights around the tip of the tree. It shines light over the slither of skin exposed from his shirt rising; it makes it more evident that his tongue is poking out, resting on his bottom lip, eyes trained on the job at hand, his priority, his task.
You flutter around nothing.
Feel your heart stammer in your chest as you devour the sight of him whole.
Placing the ornament in the good-to-hang pile, you don’t even pretend to glance at it. Too busy drinking in the sight of the lines on his arms from flexing—those strong, arms which carried the tree down from the attic. Little beads of sweat had clung to his forehead then, having needed to shift things around, move them—move baby, don’t want you to get hurt.
You were something akin to pain now. Desperate, needy and fucking feral. Your throat all dry while your tongue felt heavy, eyes sliding down his frame, focusing on the hairs on his stomach, all exposed, beckoning to be touched, to have your tongue slide down over it.
You only blink when he clears his throat, looking up, finding his eyes on you—tracing over your face, slightly narrowed, attempting to read you.
Another day, you might shy away from it. Look away first, wait until he calls your name and pleads for you to look at him. Today, you don’t. Slowly rising onto your knees, holding his stare, commanding him to blink as little as possible:
Watch me, Morales. Keep your eyes on me.
Sliding your tongue across your bottom lip, your teeth finding a resting place on it—fingers sliding to his hips, watching his hand release the lights, forehead smoothing, any and all confusing lines fading away.
The way he whispers your name should be a sin—it coating the air, making each letter feel important, essential—as your hands find his belt, undoing it, the sound cutting through all else, even burying a whispered expletive that falls from his tongue.
“Do you know how hot you look right now, Morales?”
Your fingers undo the button, tracing your tongue again over your lip—hungry, practically salivating—as you slide the zip through the teeth. His gaze is still on you, unwavering, a shadow of surprise in the back of his eyes that this is even happening—as though he is still taken back by the fact he deserves this, deserves you.
“You want me to suck your cock, baby?”
His swallow fills the room—loud, vociferous. Your palm brushes over the hardened bulge, tracing the outline over the thin cotton which remained a barrier between his velvet skin and your tongue.
“I really wanna suck your cock,” you add, purring, practically drooling as you notice the wet stain appearing—blooming, stretching out—as one hand falls from the tree, cupping the side of your mouth.
You like him like this, quiet, taken off guard. So often it is him doing it to you, saying all the right things, whispering all the words which make your skin feel like fire.
When you finally let his cock spring free, you waste no time licking a stripe up the side, tongue flat, brushing over veins as your hands tease the fabric down to the tops of his knees, resting on the jeans that remain there, pointless, likely mildly annoying for him. Not that he’ll care in a second. Less so for now when your fingers wrap around him, take his girth in your palm, warmth spreading over your palm as you slowly pump him up and down, collecting your first few hisses, and a little groan.
You marvel at him—at his cock. How thick it is, how long. How you know it feels between your thighs, how it makes your toes curl. Pressing kissing to the leaking tip, wrapping your lips around the head, hand working the length of him as you make your lips slick, coat them in desire, before you take as much of him as you can. Your tongue pressed to the underside, mouth basked in the taste of salt and just him, as your jaw stretched to accommodate him, to willfully take more, and more.
“Don’t know—fuck, baby—what I did to deserve you.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks, burning under the praise, under his praise. Your head bobbing, wanting to show gratitude by taking more of him. Cheeks hollowing, his fingers sliding around the back of your head, a comforting hold, a calming one as you relax your throat, wanting to be full of him. Fiercely so.
Tears even prick at your eyes, and your fingers dig into the back of his thighs, lifting off, swirling your tongue around him, running your teeth lightly over him, before swallowing as much of him as you can. Willing for him to smear your throat in him, leave you tasting him with each swallow for the rest of the afternoon.
“Wanna fin—fuck—ish inside you,” he grunts, curls plastered to his forehead, cheeks flushed—neck stained in pink.
You moan in response, closing your lips around him as you’re sure your underwear is clinging to you, drenched in want.
You’re half-tempted to slide your fingers inside the band of your shorts, passed the red lace you chose this morning, not even sure if you’d be unwrapped before or after the erection of the tree. Midway through hadn’t crossed your mind. Had never counted on this, never would have made a bet.
But, then he drags himself out, tip hovering at your lips giving you a look—sharp, uncharacteristic of him. “I want to fuck you, baby. Make you feel good.”
Tongue swirling over, he appears to shudder, eyes fluttering, before he pulls the rest free from your mouth. Spit smearing your lip, snapped in the space between where the two of you had been connected.
“You always make me feel good, Frankie.”
Smirking, his arm flexes briefly as he takes hold of his cock. “Do you want me to fuck you?”
And you don’t miss the reference. Not so drunk on him that you don’t remember your own words from before—but you just nod. A retort growing and dying, as you do.
“Spread your legs and show me.”
And you do. Leaning back, sliding onto your rear, your fingers slide your clothing down your legs, kicking it off past your ankles, passed the fluffy socks you’d stolen from him. Bare from the waist down, just for him—always for him. Letting your arms support you from behind, you tilt your head. In awe of him once again as he wraps his hand around his cock, the size even more impressive when you know how big his hands are—your own nails digging into the rug under your palms and ass.
“C’mon, show me you want me.”
You whimper, spreading your knees, letting them part until they’re hovering just above the floor on either side.
The cool air kissing over you, a gasp desperate to emerge but dies somewhere in your throat—swallowed up by a moan at the way he views you. The way his eyes rake up and down you like this is the first time he’s seen you, and not the billionth.
Like all the things he does, it’s with precision the way he rids himself of being contained by his jeans and underwear. Lowering himself to his knees between yours, you lean forward, lips finding his—messy, needy. Need you, they kiss, fuck me, they plead.
His mouth remains on you, only letting enough words escape to tell you to keep his jumper on when your fingers slide his t-shirt up and over his head. He rewards your obedience by letting his hand fall from himself to you—tracing, languid circles on your swollen clit, until he pushes two fingers in. You shift your hips into him, hearing him moan distantly at the feel of how wet you are, whispered praises given that are too far away as your mind rendered nothing (emptied, lost)—
Because he’s electric, you swear. Not even sure the lights need plugging in, you swear he could touch them and they’d illuminate—at least from the way he sparks enough in you to light the whole house up. Making it run, dart, a heavy current that dashes through your veins.
It’s why you whimper at the loss of him—only stopping yourself from whining when you feel him trace his cock through your folds, teasing, tracing up and down as the head of him nudges your clit, watching you, focused on the way your mouth must be parted and the likely sheen on your face.
And, you’re about to say his name—more in warning, in hunger. His body presses you down flush to the floor, the back of your hips meeting the fluff of the rug, as his mouth slides over your jaw, fingers dancing along your thigh, writing words, with the pads of them—leaving teasing verses against your skin.
“Stop teasing,” you say sharply.
Watching your words have their desired effect—that shy smile that grows into a confident smirk. The one you witness more than anyone else, the one you think of when you’re alone in the bed you share and it’s only his voice you have down the phone when your mind tries to pretend your fingers are his.
It’s slow, gentle, the way he begins to line up, pausing at your entrance—keeping you hanging, delicately placed there, held up by string as his breath paints what he wants to do to you against your neck. But you don’t hear it, can’t untangle the tale, least of all when he begins pressing in, sliding in inch by inch—
He’s big. And it makes you breathe deeply as you stretch around him. It makes you shiver. Makes you moan as he buries himself to the hilt, hips flush with yours.
“So good for me,” he praises before his lips slope over yours.
His hips begin to move, and each drag of his cock in and out makes you moan. The sound of you swallowing him, taking every inch of him he’ll give, is the soundtrack; the backdrop being the halo of lights above the two of you. It lights him, kisses along the varying shades that make up his curls, the browns, the beginning greys.
And you’re soaked, drenched—can feel it around where the two of you are joined, each slow drag in and out making it more apparent as you capture his lips. Breathlessly doing so, looping fingers around his neck, tugging lightly on his hair, curling into him, needing him deeper as your legs wrap around him.
It’s then the tip of him hits that spot, all unhurried. A motion he seeks, centres in on as he thrusts again, abutting it, making your eyes close and your mouth stretch each syllable of his name out in a whine. It makes you forget how to speak, and which language to utter. Barely a word for each finger can even come to mind, it’s mostly just his name. Frankie. Frankie. Please, Frankie as the air crackles around you.
He answers—he always does. His hand slides between your sweaty bodies, and finds the bundle of nerves calling out to him, the place which yearns. Doing so with accuracy, and exactness, as he draws shapes, lines and the fucking alphabet until you’re seeing stars, until it’s so hot you swear the jumper will peel from your skin and your head is nothing but a dizzying mess of him, just him. It makes you frantic to see him, outline his face, all cast in shadows because he’s turned away from the lights which made him look ethereal only moments ago.
His cock throbs inside of you, everything else curling inside your stomach, walls twitching around him as you tighten, vice-like, making him hiss. A sound which makes molten spread through you, more so when his mouth slides to your ear, breath laboured, along your skin, begging for you to come, needing you to, please, baby, please.
“S’close, Frankie.”
“I know—doing so well, so perfect for me.”
The words unlock something as a new pace is set, it more unforgiving, one that’ll likely leave marks on his knees from the friction on the rug, as you writhe and cling, half-moons left on his neck, digging in, marking him in the same way he’ll mark your walls in a moment or two.
Then, it floods over you. Drowns you. Coats you from head to toe as though you’ve been plunged in pleasure, left gasping, breath struggling to be located. Your mouth latched to his, burning your thanks into his mouth, your entire body tingling as he fucks you through it, until he’s thrusting aimlessly, so damn close until your name leaves the back of his throat in a sob, a blend of pleasure and relief strewn across his face as he comes deep inside of you. Hips slowing to a stammer, lowering himself down till he’s flush with you, before they come to a stop.
Then, it’s just his pants that meet your strained breaths, until a little hiss as he pulls himself out of you. Leaving you empty, sore in a way you’re grateful for, as his fingers trace over your chin, along your jaw, words being thought in slow bubbles as he stares at you.
Narrowing your eyes, you slide a hand to his hip, pinching.
“Just love that puttin’ lights up made you wanna suck my cock, is all.”
Smiling, you run your knuckles along his cheek, and brush past the wiry hair that makes up his patchy beard. “Wait till you see me hand the baubles, bet you’ll wanna be on your knees for me.”
“Good,” he replies. “I’m really hoping to taste how good we are together once we’re done.”
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an: i freaking loved writing this, oh my.
i don't usually do taglists, but just tagging a few people who seemed interested in the longer version (sorry if this is annoying): @thetriumphantpanda @swiftispunk @5oh5 @morallyinept @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 @reddedmiller @yorksgirl @missredherring @tvversionperson @secretelephanttattoo
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Can you make a HC about what they do when Luffy is King of Pirates, the One Piece is found, Mystery of "D" resolved and so on? I mean if they stay Pirates, settle down, marry or do another profession. 👀 When there 35 plus or older. Please with Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid 😍
Ooooh how fun! I did a bunch of chars including the ones you wanted : D
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Sanji Sanji finds the all blue and makes his own floating restaurant. Luffy always comes to visit and always eats him out of house and home. Sanji has long hair he keeps in a ponytail, and he has a beard he keeps in a braid, just like his old man [Zeff <3] Sanji is tough love with teaching his chefs but they all love and respect him. He’s married to his work and also every pretty person who steps foot in his restaurant. He calls it ‘The All Blue’ and he charges people with alot of money but helps out those in need. Thanks to Luffy being not just the pirate king but also a yonko his place is considered untouchable by the marines and thus everyone can come and eat here fearlessly with no worries. 
Zoro He’s the greatest swordsman in the world. He never leaves Luffy’s side, always sailing the high seas with his captain. When he does eventually settle down he gets married, and everyone is invited, even Sanji. He runs his own dojo now in Kuina’s memory, he teaches kids how to fight. He doesn’t turn away people who are female-bodied/identify as girls because he knows how strong they can be and would never play the sexist card. Everyone who trains with him are equal and valid. He would teach his own children how to fight too. He’s a firm but fair teacher. He still has that short mossy hair of his, maybe he’s got some ink now.
Nami Fame, wealth, power! Some say that’s just for the Pirate king, but Nami would disagree, Nami has everything she’s ever wanted. She sends back loads of money to her home island which have repaired all the damage that the Arlong Pirates ever did. They become a thriving community. She even makes sure there is a lovely orphanage, in memory of Bellmere with orange trees all around where young women can grow and learn skills and become strong and anything they want to be. Nami gets her short hair back.
Robin and Franky Together, but not married. Neither wants to get a piece of government-approved paperwork to say they are married. Robin can piece together all the mysteries of the world, the void century is her’s and she passed on everything she can to her students. She makes sure the next generation of the world will remember everything that happened both good and bad and as long as there are people alive who know what happened, who have seen the devil and god history can avoid repeating itself. Robin has her bangs back, and wears her long, long hair in a braid. 
Franky becomes a teacher himself! He passes on the amazing shipwright skills he learned from Tom to anyone who wants to come and learn from him. Both are a blessing to the generations after. Maybe Franky has toned down his look a little and he’s more like he was in pre-skip? 
Brook Still a hecken popular musician who is going around touring, loved by many, and as long as his music keeps touching people's hearts and he always has fans, he won’t ever truly be alone. He obviously reunites with Laboon too!
Jinbei Retired, living his best life back at Fishman Island, and has a spouse now. He keeps an eye on Fishman island though there is nothing but peace. After all the island and his people are protected by the pirate king himself.
Usopp Usopp goes off and becomes a pirate captain himself! But it doesn’t last very long, it’s just not the same so he retires and goes into writing books. He writes stories of all his fantastic adventures and inspires the hearts and minds of many young people who all want to be pirates. He also takes up art as a more serious profession. He writes and does his own artwork. Usopp’s Fables. Maybe he goes back to his village, him being a famous writer brings good things for the sleepy village.
Chopper Goes back to DRUM and helps the people, bringing back doctors to the island. DRUM once again becomes well known for how amazing its doctors are. He’s a good teacher for those wanting to be in the medical field.
Luffy THE PIRATE KING HIMSELF? Every night is still a party, he only settles down when the last of his crew wants to seek their own fortunes. He visits them all. Spending his time traveling between them and going on adventures. He never truly settles down. Just married to his love of life. 
Law Still a pirate, still with his crew because they are and always will be his family. He did everything he set out to do, take people down, and get revenge, he didn’t ever see his life past Dressrosa to start with so everything is a bonus. The only difference is now the heart pirates have less of a reputation for their captain being scary and cruel but the best place to take anyone with a rare illness. He specializes in learning about them and healing them. Totally rocking more tattoos everywhere and a ponytail maybe. Or an undercut…
Kid IGNORING CANON Him and his crew are still an issue for the world government, even in their 30s, 40s, hell even when they're 70 they are wild and causing chaos all across the world. Kid loses his violent streak and is just out here with his boys having the time of his life. Maybe he has a partner or two, he and Killer going polyam at last.
Marco Marco even at like 80 still looks younger, still a doctor on Sphinx but this time he’s not so honour bound to the memory of Whtiebeard and Ace. He sometimes leaves the island to go on adventures. He visits his partners, finally allowing himself to date again. He becomes a vet as well as a doctor, helping out people on islands he visits while seeing his partners. He’s enjoying his retirement, he has so many people in his life again that it heals his heart. Still, he aches for everything he’s lost, he always will but now he’s not shackled by it.
Sabo Thanks to his efforts and the RA the world is a more equal place, he makes sure of it. Aside from all of that. Maybe Sabo has a partner, maybe he’s allowed himself to have a few kids that he raises to be good and just and to never see the world as black and white but all the greys that the world is built up of. Making sure the next generation has a strong sense of their own justice. Sabo also wrote a huge book documenting Luffy’s travels after listening to his brother tell the stories over and over. The book becomes the legend of the Pirate King. The story inspires another era of pirates.
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rhoorl · 4 months
Turbulence | Part 4
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Pairing: Frankie x reader (will turn into an OFC)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 Link
Word Count: 7k (sorry!)
Summary: The conclusion of this little arc. These two enjoy the rest of their weekend.
Warnings: MDNI. Alternating POVs. Some angst and some fluff. Nervous Frankie. Allusion to a previous bad relationship (infidelity). Swearing. Unprotected P in V. Oral (f receiving - duh, it’s Frankie).
A/N: Apologies for the delay! This ended up being a lot longer than I intended. I thought about breaking this up into two parts but I think it’s just better as one. This is my first time writing Frankie smut so I’m a bit nervous (although it's not the main focus of this chapter). 
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 “Ok and if we can get one more with the whole bridal party!” 
Bless the photographer and her assistant because wrangling this group is akin to herding cats.
“Your boy here yet?” Ash muttered through their smile as we all posed for a series of shots.
“Yup, just got a text,” I said, trying to conceal my smirk as Ash slapped me on the ass. 
“Hell freaking yeaaaah!”
Once we finished with the photos, I walked up to Carol and hugged her. She told me to have fun and gave me a knowing look, confusion etched on Dave’s face. Truth be told, her reassurance made me feel better about slipping out.
I spotted Mom and Aunt Lydia already at the bar, so I told Ash to cover for me should they ask where I went. 
“Have fun!” Ash winked as I grabbed my things and made my way out of the venue, trying to keep a steady pace when all I wanted to do was sprint out of there so I could see him.
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Frankie didn’t quite know what he should do. Get out of the truck, walk up to the aquarium, and wait? Stay put in his truck? Seeing a couple of men dressed in suits smoking outside, he suddenly remembered how casually he was dressed and felt a bit self-conscious. It didn’t feel right to just sit in his truck scrolling on his phone waiting for her; it made him feel like he was just there with one thing in mind…although that was on his mind.
He took a deep breath and decided to get out of the truck, figuring he’d stand in front of it and lean onto the hood as he waited. It only took a few moments before he saw her walking out of the building with a bag in tow. His breath caught in his throat seeing her in person again.
“Hey,” she raised her hand for a small wave as she scurried across the parking lot toward him.
“Hey,” his hands twitched at his sides as he pushed himself off the truck. It only took a few steps to close the distance between them. When he reached out she slotted perfectly into his arms, just like she did at the airport. He breathed in her scent, feeling her arms tighten around his neck.
He pulled back, appreciating her beauty while trying to be respectful. He couldn’t help as his gaze quickly flitted down her body before finding her eyes which he loved so much. She twirled the ends of his curls between her fingers as he softly chuckled, “You…look beautiful. Way better than the picture.” She feigned offense and giggled as Frankie tried to recover. “Shit, I mean, the picture was nice…it was great…fuck…” he shook his head. “Can I start over?”
“I know what you meant Frankie, I’m just giving you a hard time,” her nose crinkled as her arms trailed down his shoulders, rubbing his biceps. 
“Ha oh,” he blushed.
“So…BB-8 huh?” She pulled at the hem of his T-shirt.
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Another one of Pope’s ideas….so, you ready to head out? You sure you’re ok to leave, I don’t want some bridezilla coming after me.”
“No, Frankie, it’s all good. So…I believe we were between pizza and burgers right?”
“Yup…your choice.”
“Hmm,” he couldn’t help but notice how cute her nose looked scrunched up in thought. “I think pizza.”
“Perfect, I was kinda hoping you’d say that,” he winked. “You need to change or anything,” he motioned to her bag.
“Oh, nah…I paid a shit ton for this dress, I’m keeping it on as long as I can.”
Frankie coughed as his throat went dry. He knew she meant that innocently but his mind wandered and he could feel his face getting red. 
“You ok, Frankie?”
“Um...y-yeah…all good. Here get in,” he walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for her.
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I couldn’t get over how cute he looked…and hot…I can’t forget that part. Hugging him felt like I was being embraced by the coziest blanket and it took everything in me to let go. 
By all accounts, Frankie was still a stranger to me and here I was getting into his truck and going who knows where. I’ve spent far too many hours listening to true crime podcasts to know all of the red flags dotting this situation. But with Frankie, I felt…safe. I really can’t describe it other than it’s just a feeling. 
He said he had a place in mind but it was a bit of a drive. Honestly, he could have told me we were driving the few hours to Miami and I would have been fine with it. He was so easy to talk to and I loved watching him drive. My eyes tried to not linger on his hand gripping the steering wheel as I took note of how thick his fingers were. 
He filled me in on his day which included a cast of characters that sounded like they were plucked out of a TV show. I loved hearing him laugh and the way his eyes crinkled as he talked about his friends was adorable. We were so engrossed in conversation that I hadn’t realized we were on the causeway until we were about halfway across the water.
“Are we going to Clearwater?” I looked over at him, a little sly smirk coming across his face.
“Yeah…shit, I didn’t even ask if it was ok to go this far. Sorry, I-”
“Frankie,” I reached over and put my hand on his arm, “it’s ok. I just hadn’t been paying attention to where we were,” I chuckled, my hand running down his forearm to rest on top of his hand on the center console. I quickly patted it, wincing internally at my awkwardness, and returned my hand to my lap.
We sat in comfortable silence as I stared out the window taking in the views. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Frankie bite his lip as he moved his right hand to hover over my leg. He hesitated for a moment and then rested his hand just above my knee. It felt like an electric current went through my body – not only was he touching me but his hand was close to my…
“Is this ok?” He turned his head giving me the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “This is ok, Frankie,” I put my hand on top of his, rubbing circles with my thumb. He started to visibly relax and it made me feel warm.
We spent the rest of the way chatting about random things, his hand firmly planted on my leg. I could tell he was starting to feel more comfortable when his hand traveled up and down my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. I wished I didn't have all of the fabric on because I yearned to feel his rough calloused hands on my skin. 
There was this intriguing duality to him. On the one hand, I knew these hands could exact some level of violence. I’d be kidding myself if I didn’t realize that he’s probably severely hurt people before. But at the same time, there was a softness to his touch, like he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I felt a slight shiver as his fingers skimmed across the satin of my dress. As strong and capable as his hands were at piloting an aircraft I imagined they were equally capable of pulling countless pleasures too. The thought made me squirm a bit as I tried to steady my breath.
“You ok?” He turned his head to look at me.
“Y-yeah, I’m good,” I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Ok good, we’re almost there.”
Next thing I knew, we pulled up to some hole-in-the-wall pizza joint that he swore up and down was the best pizza on the West Coast of Florida. I caught some funny looks thanks to my floor-length gown from the guy behind the counter who I learned was the owner. He and Frankie knew each other so we jumped the line of to-go orders waiting to be made.
In no time at all Frankie scooped up a bag full of styrofoam containers along with a pizza box. We stopped off at a convenience store to grab a six-pack of beer…again my overly formal attire drew some heads from the casual locals and swimsuit-clad tourists. 
Once we had everything, Frankie reassured me we were close to our ultimate destination but I was in no rush. When he finally backed into our parking spot, he looked over and stopped me as I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. “Can you stay here for a sec…please?”
I cocked my head to the side, curious what he was up to. “Sure…”
“Ok cool…don’t go eating the garlic knots yet,” he quipped. “And ah…close your eyes. I’ll be quick I promise.”
I smirked as I closed my eyes, straining to hear what he was up to. He opened the back door, some rustling as he found something before closing the door. The truck rocked a bit. Eventually, I heard the crunch of gravel underneath his boots as he opened my door.
“Ok, you can open your eyes.” 
My eyes fluttered open as he reached for the food I was guarding in my lap. He offered his hand to help me get out of the truck.
“What do you have up your sleeve?” I raised my eyebrows. 
He led me around the truck and I felt the butterflies start to flutter around in my stomach. There was a maroon and white plaid blanket laid across the bed of his truck. It was a bit tattered and looked like it had seen better days. At the back, there were two matching pillows. 
“It’s not fancy, but I figured we could eat and watch the waves. The sunset is the best here.” He stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, rocking a bit from side to side as he looked down at his feet.
My breath hitched as I took it all in. This was such a sweet gesture and I was honestly impressed by the thought.
“Is this ok? Sorry, if I had more time I would have…”
“This is perfect.”
He looked up at me with the sweetest smile and offered his hand for me to climb in.
“You looking for an excuse to check out my ass Frankie?” I smirked, noticing his blush as I hopped up, shuffling in and putting one of the pillows behind me as I rested against the back of the truck.
Frankie followed, crawling up to sit next to me. He grabbed a couple of bottles from the six-pack, twisting off the tops and handing one of them to me, “Cheers!”
“Sorry, it’s not cold..”
“Frankie, stop apologizing. This is…perfect. I just wanted to see you again, it didn’t matter what we were doing, so this is icing on the cake.
I could see the tension leaving his body as he made quick work of laying out all of the food. It was quite the spread and definitely too much for just the two of us. We chatted and grazed and things never felt awkward, even during those quiet moments. It also wasn’t lost on me that Frankie had drifted closer and closer to me. His outstretched leg now pressed up against mine, I could feel the heat radiating between us and all I wanted to do was curl up next to him.
As the sun set, I felt a wave of melancholy wash over me. It suddenly hit me how finite time was this weekend. The sun chasing the horizon was a visual of the hourglass in my mind counting down the hours I had left in this dream.
“Hey, you alright?” Frankie reached for my hand as he turned to face me.
I nodded, managing a weak smile. 
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Frankie felt like he was being pulled in two directions. On the one hand, he wanted to spend more time with her and see where this night was headed. But at the same time, he wanted time to stand still because the more hours they spent together the closer they were to her inevitable departure. 
It felt like a cruel joke. The moment he starts to feel…something…anything…and it’s a situation with logistics. Distance hadn’t worked well for him in the past seeing as how his ex’s cheating started while he was away on a mission. 
For so long he blamed distance for the demise of their relationship. In hindsight, he knew there were more issues than just the time apart, but it still was a reason. If he had a job that didn’t force him to be gone for months at a time on covert, highly classified missions maybe things would have been different. If he had picked a line of work that didn’t give him nightmares and so much anxiety that he had to resort to increasingly dangerous ways to silence the voices maybe things would have been different. If he wasn’t so fucked up every time he was home he would have seen the warning signs long before…
Frankie had been so caught up in his own spiral that he hadn’t noticed her energy shift. She too looked deep in distant thoughts of her own.
“Hey, you alright?” He turned, reaching for her hand to ground himself in her touch.
She nodded and he could tell she was putting on a brave face. He wished he knew the right thing to say but he was so conflicted. This was too good to be true right? It was clearly destined for failure because things this good didn’t happen to him. He’d done too many bad things in his life to be rewarded with someone like her.
But as he searched her eyes, he felt a sense of comfort. He couldn’t explain it. So much of this whole situation seemed ripe for heartbreak but he couldn’t stop the freefall he was in. There was a sliver of hope that this … that she…may have been worth it all. 
His eyes trailed down to her lips and his palms twitched because he so desperately wanted to kiss her. To hold her close to him for fear she’d disappear. His mind quickly cycled through thoughts of what kinds of sounds he’d be able to pull from her, how she’d taste, or how her body would look writhing underneath him.
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Our gazes stayed locked on each other for what felt like an eternity. We were both nervous to make a move. But as Frankie’s mouth curled up into a small half smile I saw the cutest dimple form and leaned forward without thinking too much about it. Our lips met and the kiss was soft and a bit tentative, like we were both seeking permission from one another. He pulled back, looking down and swallowing hard before his eyes rose to meet mine.
“Was that ok?”
“Yeah Frankie,” I whispered.
“Ok, good,” he cupped my face as he smiled into another kiss. 
It didn’t take long before his tongue licked along my bottom lip, prompting me to open my mouth for him. I could still feel him holding back a bit, so I wanted to show him it was ok. I lightly nipped his lower lip before taking it between my teeth for more of a tug. As he let out a low growl, my hands rested behind his neck, twirling the chocolate curls that peeked out from beneath his cap. I forgot where I was and swung my leg over to straddle him as his hands came to my hips. His grip tightened as I let out a small moan, slightly rocking into his lap. In the distance, some whoops and whistles broke us out of our little bubble. 
“Looks like we have company,” Frankie smirked, motioning behind me with his chin while adjusting his hat.
I slowly turned, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I remembered we were in public. A group of teenagers waved back at us snickering and whistling. I immediately turned around, burying my face into Frankie’s neck as he laughed. “I’m not gonna lie, I kinda forgot where we were for a sec.” 
I could feel the laugh in Frankie’s chest as I stayed nuzzled against him, the stubble of his beard running along my hairline as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.
“How about we um….get out of here?” I couldn’t even say it without laughing. “I’m sorry that sounded so cheesy!”
“It’s ok…if you weren’t going to say it I was,” he winked. “C’mon,” he tapped my hip, “let’s get you back.”
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The closer Frankie got to her hotel, the more his anxiety spiked. He didn’t want to assume anything, but he desperately wanted the night to keep going. Kissing her felt like a fog clearing and she was the sun shining through it. 
He kept his hand on her thigh the whole ride back, again grounding himself in the fact that she was real. As he pulled into the hotel, she reached for his hand. “D’you wanna drop it off with valet?” 
“Um, yeah sure….ah…” Frankie blushed at his next thought before he shook his head and decided to just go for it. “How long am I staying?”
“As long as you want,” she leaned over and kissed the bare patch in his beard, sending an electric pulse down his body.
A valet came up on either side of the truck, opening the doors. 
“Hi sir, ah checking in?” The young man asked as he took Frankie’s keys. 
“Ah no, put it on room 1802,” she called from the other side of the truck as the valet wrote it down on a slip and handed it to Frankie. 
“Oh one sec,” Frankie opened the back door, pulled out a backpack, and slung it over his shoulder. “Ok.”
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I narrowed my eyes as Frankie rummaged through the back seat of his truck and pulled out a backpack. It made me wonder - is this something that he does a lot? 
He seemed to sense my confusion as he came around the truck and took my hand to lead me through the lobby. “I ah, I stay at my friends’ house a lot, so I started keeping a backpack with a change of clothes,” he laughed. 
“So you were tired of doing the walk of shame from your friends’ house huh?” I quipped as we made it over to the elevators.
“Ha ha. Very funny,” he grinned, that little dimple making another appearance.
We got in the elevator with a few others. Frankie held me in front of him, one hand on my hip as he quickly shot a text off. 
“Texting Pope, you know…in case something happens he knows where I am,” he laughed as I feigned offense. “It’s not every day I go to a beautiful woman’s hotel room,” he whispered in my ear, his warm breath making goosebumps form on my skin. 
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Frankie felt like he was on the longest elevator ride of his life. As he held her in his arms, he couldn’t help but discreetly press himself closer to her. When they finally reached the 18th floor, she led him by the hand to her suite, dropping it briefly as she fished out her room key.
“Presidential Suite huh,” he raised his eyebrows, looking impressed.
“I decided to treat myself,” she said as she led him into the living room. She dropped his hand and walked over to the large windows. “I didn’t realize I would have such a pretty view.”
“Neither did I,” he was right behind her, his breath ghosting down her neck, trailing soft, open-mouth kisses to her shoulder. His hands lightly caressed the straps of her dress.
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I instantly wanted his hands and mouth everywhere at the same time. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as he kissed just below my ear. He pressed himself closer to me and I could feel him already getting hard which instantly made me tingle with anticipation. I shifted a bit to press my thighs together as he ran his nose to the back of my neck, trailing kisses down to the zipper of my dress.
“I’m glad you’re still in this,” he said against my skin, his hands wrapping around my middle. 
“Why?” I whispered.
“Because I wanted to be the one to take it off. I’ve been thinking about what’s underneath all day.” 
I felt his length twitch as he said that, making me shiver. I turned my head to look back at him as he lifted his gaze, his eyes dark. “Well, go on,” I smirked. 
“Yes ma’am.” He started to undo the zipper, kissing down my neck as more of my skin was unveiled until I was standing there in my underwear.
I turned in his arms, pulling off his hat, dropping it to the floor as our lips found each other again. His arms drew me in, pressing me flush against him.
“You're so beautiful,” he managed to say between kisses, continuing to whisper more sweet things as I walked us back to the bedroom.
Before I knew it, I felt the back of my thighs meet the mattress. I sat on the bed to undo his belt and work on getting his jeans off. My mouth watered as my eyes followed the trail of hair from his navel down to his tented boxers. As I went to hook my fingers into the waistband, he cupped my chin and tilted my face up. 
“We can get to that, there’s something I want to do first,” his tongue swiped along his lower lip as he sank to his knees in front of me. “Is this ok?”
I nodded, “Y-yeah.” It had been a long time since I’d been intimate with anyone so I was feeling equal parts excited and nervous. 
He gave me the warmest smile as he brought his hands to rest on my thigh. He leaned up and kissed me, pushing me backward as his mouth blazed a trail down my body, making a couple of pit stops along the way. He stilled as he hovered over my belly button. 
His stubble tickled and I couldn’t help the giggles, clasping a hand over my mouth. The giggles were quickly silenced with a gasp as I felt his fingers curl underneath my underwear. I lifted my hips to help him work them off. The nerves suddenly kicked into high gear as I was left exposed.
Frankie sucked in a breath as I strained to look down between my thighs. What I saw was a man taking me in like I was the finest piece of art he’d ever seen. His eyes scanned all over as he brought his hands to my thighs, pushing my legs wider. 
“F-Frankie…if…if you don’t touch me I think I’m going to explode,” I giggled, gripping the sheets in anticipation. 
“Well, we wouldn’t want that,” he tutted with a pout which quickly turned into a smile. “Relax, mi cielo, I’m going to make you feel good.”
And holy shit he wasn’t lying. His tongue licked up my folds before finding its home on my clit with soft and steady undulations. I shuddered, tightening my grip on the sheets as his broad shoulders pushed my legs even further apart. I clenched my eyes shut, back arching as he picked up the pace. 
He murmured his praise as he continued to work me over. I lifted onto my elbows, catching him looking up at me through his eyelashes as he continued his feast. My eyes rolled back as he changed the pattern his tongue used to trace around me. I reached down to his hair, grabbing a fistful of hair and tightening my grip to bring him so close I worried for a split second that I may suffocate him. But that worry quickly dissipated as I heard him moan into me, his grip on my thigh no doubt leaving a bruise as his other arm laid across my stomach.
I bucked up into him, riding this wave of pleasure. I’d been with partners who enjoyed going down on me in the past, but I’d never experienced someone devouring me with this much enthusiasm and reverence. The hand on my stomach start to trail upwards, cupping my breast through the fabric of my bra. I wanted, no I needed, to feel his hand on my skin so I quickly reached back to unclasp the garmet and flung it off the bed. 
He brought both hands to palm my breasts, his thumbs brushing across my pebbled nipples. I snuck another look down and the image of my legs draped around his broad shoulders, his messy curls bobbing up and down was nearly enough to send me over the edge. I whimpered as he pulled off briefly to catch his breath, looking at me with a smirk as he grabbed the back of my thighs and brought me closer to him.
A few more flicks of his tongue as he groaned into me was all I needed as I tumbled head first into a sea of pleasure. He stayed with me as I worked myself down from one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had. As I laid panting, legs splayed out and my body feeling boneless, he nuzzled against my thigh and kissed it.
“Fuck…” I sighed, ruffling his curls and twirling the strands that had fallen on his forehead.
“Yeah…” He chuckled, crawling up to lay down facing me. 
He looked beautiful, his hair all messy and his beard glistening from me, from what he just did. I also snuck a glance down, wanting to see what was waiting for me on the other side of the thin fabric. He cupped my cheek, kissing me tenderly and I could taste myself on his tongue. I deepened the kiss and moved to straddle him. 
“Can I take these off,” I looked down to the only thing separating us.
“Please, I need to feel you.” I bit my lip and reached down to pull his boxers down and off. 
Seeing him lying there, his cock hard and the beads of precum dripping off, threw me into an alternate dimension as everything ran by in a delicious blur. The stretch I felt as I lowered myself on him was intoxicating. 
He let me ride him for a bit before flipping me over, hitching one of my legs up, and hitting a spot so deep I didn’t even know it existed. He grunts, my moans, and the squelching sounds of our joined bodies were absolutely sinful. 
“You feel so good, baby,” he panted. “I’m not going to last much longer.”
“Good….neither…am…I…fuck,” I felt myself coming for a second time – something I haven’t achieved in longer than I care to remember. 
As I arched my back, Frankie’s rhythm sputtered as he came, falling forward to cage my head between his arms. He brought his forehead to mine, pressing a quick kiss to my nose as he rested his head next to mine, still panting. 
We stayed like that for a while. I traced my fingernails up and down his back, lightly scratching him, which he seemed to enjoy as he nuzzled his nose into my neck. He felt like the perfect weighted blanket. 
With a deep breath, he pulled out as I whined, feeling the emptiness. He laid down on his back next to me, pulling me in so I could curl into him. The early morning wake-up call coupled with the excitement and exertion made my eyes feel really heavy.
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I was pulled out of my slumber thanks to a ray of sunlight coming through the curtains I forgot to close last night. Behind me, I heard the sheets rustle as Frankie turned, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my back flush against his chest. 
“Morning, mi cielo,” he kissed my shoulder. I giggled as his stubble tickled me. 
“Why sky?” I turned in his arms to face him, pushing some wayward curls off his forehead. 
“I don’t know…I guess…we got to know each other up in the sky. And it’s my favorite place, so it seems fitting,” his eyes softened and it made me feel giddy. “Sorry, that’s probably really cheesy.”
“No, it’s really sweet Frankie. I’ve never been called that before…I like it.”
We made out for a little bit and one thing led to another and he was back between my legs. I don’t even know which round we’re on as I lay panting and trying to catch my breath. 
My stomach betrayed me and grumbled; food was the furthest thing from my mind at this point. Frankie heard and laughed as he sat up, his sweaty curls clinging to the back of his neck as he got out of bed and grabbed his boxers and jeans.
“Where are you going?”
“Downstairs to get you something,” he winked. “How do you take your coffee?”
I crawl over to the side of the bed, sitting up on my knees and reaching for him. “We can just order room service.”
“I was planning on it for later,” he smirked, kissing me before he turned to head out to the living room to grab his backpack, grabbing a shirt from it. “Coffee?” he called over to me as he put it on.
“I take it black.”
“Makes sense…you’re already so sweet.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Ok, I’ll be back.”
Once he left I searched around for something to wear. I spotted his BBB-8 shirt crumpled up in a ball on a chair and decided to put it on, loving how it hung on my frame. I laid back in bed, smiling to myself as I remembered parts of last night and this morning. My phone buzzed and I assumed it was Frankie asking a question about what I wanted, but instead, it was Ash.
Ash: Ok, but he’s hot AF in person. You must have had a LOT of fun last night based on how his hair looks 😉
What the fuck is happening?
Ash: Relaxxx. I’m down here taking a call. Almost didn’t recognize him without the hat.
Ash: Holy shit. He’s getting you breakfast? 
Ash: Aww it’s so cute. 
Ash: You must have worked up quite the appetite based on the amount of shit he’s getting.
Please don’t say anything to him.
Ash: I’m not. I’m being stealthy 
Ash: Ok lover boy is headed back up. 
Ash and I texted a bit more so I could get caught up on the wedding. Everything seemed to go to plan and Carol was beaming in the photos. It was so sweet to see the way Dave looked at her, his gaze reminding me of a certain pair of chocolate brown eyes that were now seared into my memory. 
Almost on cue, a knock at the door brought me back to the present. I rushed over to open it for Frankie. Ash wasn’t kidding, he brought the whole bakery upstairs with him along with a couple of large coffees. He inhaled sharply as he saw me – I’d forgotten I was wearing his shirt. 
“Damn, that looks really good on you,” he kissed my cheek as he walked in.
As we ate and sipped on our coffee we talked about plans for the day, deciding that we wanted to stay holed up in the room. Our conversation eventually came to a natural lull as I lay on Frankie’s chest, his hand trailing up and down my arm. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was time for both of us to just think. My mind drifted from being giddy and excited that I’d get to spend the whole day, and hopefully another night, with Frankie, to feeling deflated by the fact that in less than 24 hours I’d be boarding a plane back home.
“What are you thinking about?” He broke the silence, nudging me with his knee. I shook my head, nervous about sounding too needy. “C’mon, you can tell me.”
“It’s just…what happens next?” I winced, unable to look at him.
He paused for a moment before taking my hand, “What do you mean?”
“I mean this…us…I…no pressure or anything, but I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you Frankie. And I know I’ll be far away and I totally get it if you just wanted this to be a weekend thing and I-”
“Hey. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you too…I haven’t had this much fun in a really long time and you’re easy to talk to,” his soft smile instantly warmed my heart. “Here I was wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to not have you run but the truth is, I don’t want this to end here. I want to keep getting to know you and like no pressure or anything, but if you decide you want to come back down here to visit or have me come up there, I’d do it. Whatever you want.”
I paused for a moment, shocked by his candor but relieved that it seemed like we were on the same page. Taking a deep breath, I turned to him. “I’d like that.”
“So don’t think of it as a goodbye. We can figure it out. Have you ever done a long-distance thing before?”
I shook my head. “If I’m being honest, I haven’t really ever been in a…uh…” I didn’t want to label ourselves as in a relationship but that’s how I saw it.
“You haven’t?”
“No…it always seemed like no one was ever really wanting that, like they’d lose interest after a date or two. Eventually, I ended up getting busy with work and stopped caring.”
“Well, I’m very…uh…interested,” he chuckled. 
“Good me too,” I leaned over and kissed him.
We spent the rest of the day lazily in bed watching movies, making out, having a little extra fun, and even taking a little nap too. Frankie stayed true to his promise and we did order room service later, followed up by a shower. I was so thankful I sprung for this suite for that shower alone. 
It was so nice to have just a chill day, but it made me a bit sad that I wouldn’t be able to spend next Sunday doing the same thing. As the hours stretched into the evening and the sun started to set I reluctantly started packing. Frankie sat at the foot of my bed watching me flit around the suite.
“How are you getting to the airport tomorrow?” He asked as I zippered up the carry-on.
“Ah actually…I was hoping maybe you could take me?”
His face lit up. “I’d love to. We should probably get to sleep, you have an early flight.” 
Sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to savor every last moment I had with him and not squander it away by being asleep. Sex with Frankie was everything I ever wanted and unlike anything I’d ever had. He was caring and tender but passionate and decisive. I didn’t want to say it out loud to him but he officially ruined all other men for me; he was now the standard. 
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The alarm startled Frankie from his unusually deep sleep, annoyed that the morning came so quickly. But then again, that’s what happens when your night stretches into the early hours. Even though they’d both established that this morning wasn’t going to be a goodbye, he still felt uneasy. 
Right now they were in a little bubble and riding high off of the oxytocin and basking in the afterglow. What lay ahead was going to be difficult – finding ways to stay connected with each other, working the other person into their life from afar. He already knew what Pope was going to say, no doubt telling his friend to be cautious and guard his heart. 
But as she turned around and faced him, cupping his face and stroking the bare patch on his beard, he just knew. He’d never felt so sure about anything in his life. She made him want to try. To open his heart back up again. To unlock a part of himself he thought was gone forever. 
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I had to rush a bit to get out the door, thanks to Frankie who was very eager to show me how much he was going to miss me – not that I was complaining.
He held my hand the entire drive to the airport, trying to quell my flight anxiety along the way. The weather was beautiful so he assured me that it should be a smoother ride than our trip down.
As we approached arrivals, I felt a pit in my stomach. Truth be told, I was scared. Scared that this may be it. Scared that he may change his mind, and that this would be too difficult given his past experiences. He'd clued me in on some of the issues with his past relationship but I just know there's more there to uncover.
Sure, we talked about staying in touch, but what if my definition of “staying in touch” was different from his and I ended up scaring him off? I already knew I would be overthinking it all. But even amidst all of that uncertainty, there was a little voice telling me it was going to be ok.
His grip on my hand tightened as he pulled up to the curb to park.
“This sucks.” He dragged his other hand down his face before turning to face me. “Is it weird if I'm already trying to figure out when I could come up?” The relief I felt hearing him say that must have been more visible on my face than I thought because he chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss me. “I take it that it's ok?”
“Yes Frankie, more than ok.”
The whistles from the guards directing traffic pulled us back to reality. Frankie hopped out, jogging around the truck to help me with my bag before gently setting it on the ground.
I crashed into him, wrapping my arms around his mid back and pressing my face into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head as we stayed like this, neither of us wanting to be the first one to pull away. 
“Hey boss, imma need you to move this,” a man behind me grunted to Frankie.
“Yeah, I'll be a second.” Reluctantly, he pulled away from me but still kept me in his arms. “I'm not saying goodbye ok? Because you're going to text me when you get through security and you're going to send me a picture of that spicy Bloody Mary Mac is going to make you,” he chuckled. “And you'll tell me when you get on the plane and I'll tell you how Benny's training goes.”
“And then I'll tell you when I land,” I reached my hands to rest behind his neck, playing with his hair. “And you'll fill me in on whatever else you boys have planned for today,” I winked.
“So it's not a goodbye.”
“Nope, not at all,” I smiled into a kiss he quickly deepened. People around us be damned, I couldn't help the moan that escaped as he pulled me closer to him.
Another whistle from the cop and we laughed, holding each other for one last second before pulling apart. Frankie handed me my bag, cupping my chin.
“I'll talk to you soon mi cielo. You're going to have a safe flight.”
“I'll miss you,” was all I could squeak out as I bit my lower lip. I'd been feeling the tears quelling up since we checked out of the hotel and I was nervous they’d finally spill over.
“I'll miss you more,” he kissed me again. “Now, you have to go otherwise my truck is gonna get towed,” he chuckled.
I kissed him one last time before I grabbed my things and walked towards the sliding automatic doors. Turning around I caught one last glimpse of Franke, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and giving a small wave with the other. 
I'd never been more thankful for TSA Pre-Check. The lines were long and my goodbyes with Frankie stretched longer than I thought. Once I got through security, I quickly bought my water and magazine and walked over to the bar to see Mac.
“You're late! Musta been a good weekend missy,’ he winked. 
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, “that obvious huh?’
“For a second there I thought you might miss your flight. But here I made you something, on me,” he winked, handing me a white Styrofoam cup. 
I took a sip and chuckled. “Is this even legal?”
“Well, don't take it on the plane with you. Figured you could sip on it while you're waiting to board. I can't have you walk by my bar and not get your Bloody Mary.”
“Thanks, Mac. Sorry I can't chat much this time.”
“Oh, I think we'll be having plenty of chats. You have a safe flight missy, I'll see you soon.”
I thanked Mac and said my goodbyes as I walked over to my gate, arriving just as boarding started. With one last big sip, I threw the drink in the trash and boarded my flight. I headed straight for the wing, remembering how Frankie said it was the smoothest ride.
My mind raced through the whirlwind of a weekend I had, smiling at the memories made and those I hoped were to come. I fired off texts to Ash and my mom to let them know I was alive and on the plane. Ash quickly responded and I knew I'd spend the whole drive from the airport to the office filling them in on the weekend.
Then I went to my thread with Frankie. Scrolling through it to see how our chain started, remembering that I saved my number in his phone as Wifey. The photo of him in bed reminded me of the soreness between my legs and I could practically feel his curls as I balled my fist.
“Ma'am, we're going to need you to turn off your phone,” the flight attendant leaned over with a sweet, but firm tone.
I sighed and quickly typed up a message.
On the plane. Found a seat over the wings. I'll let you know when I land. ❤️
I kept my phone out of sight, waiting until the last possible second before I put it away. Frankie was probably still driving so I wasn't expecting a response. With a sigh I unlocked my phone and as I went to swipe the airplane mode on I got a text.
Frankie ✈️: Good girl. Have a safe flight, I miss you. 
And with that, I switched my phone off and stared outside the window with the biggest smile on my face.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! While this is the end of this arc, this isn’t the end for these two. They’ll get wrapped into Delta Landscaping  (my Triple Frontier AU). For those reading that series, you would have seen a mention in the last couple of episodes.
Tagging a few who may be interested based on comments/reblogs from the previous parts. I can remove you if you want: @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain  / @lwfics / @missladym1981 / @alltheseperfectimperfections / @anavatazes / @inept-the-magnificent / @weho2kcmo / @casa-boiardi / @undercoverpena / @survivingandenduring / @secretelephanttattoo / @sin-djarin / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @trulybetty / @mellymbee / @jessiejessworldsblog / @anoverwhelmingdin / @southernbe / @inthedarkestnight / @iloveenya / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @itspdameronthings / @all-the-things-2020 / @avastrasposts / @linzels-blog / @maried01 / @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 / @titabel
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Could you do Frank x daughter of Bellona headcanons?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ frank zhang x daughter of bellona hcs
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content: frank zhang x daughter of bellona hcs warning: probably language but i don't think so. i think i finally made a warning free post author's note: MY BOY FRANKIE POO FINALLY MY BOY HAS RETURNED TO ME
the son of war and the daughter of war are in loveeeeee
are you kidding me??? that's so cute???
wanna know what makes it cuter??? they're both just big softies, not an evil bone in their bodies
they met while training, being paired up by reyna
both were super awkward and kinda didn't want to do it but reyna would have their asses if they didn't
so, y/n managed to swipe his legs out and send him straight to the dirt below
"oh, jeez! i'm so, so sorry! here, let me help you," the girl instantly whined, rushing towards frank and pulling him back to his feet, worriedly looking him over for cuts or scratches.
"thank you. i'm good, i'm alright-"
"l/n! zhang! what's going on over here?" reyna barked as she marched up to them, y/n's eyes going wide as she let go of franks arm
"i was just helping him up-"
"would you help an enemey up? huh?" reyna taunted and y/n hung her head, adverting her eyes. reyna sighed, pressing her fingers to her forehead.
"look, y/n, i'm just looking out for you."
"i know," y/n muttered back and reyna nodded, setting a soft hand on her half-sister's shoulder before walking away.
y/n's eyes followed reyna for a moment before turning back to frank, who blushed as the attention turned to him.
"wanna get ice cream with me? after training?" the girl offered, tilting her head with a soft smile
frank nodded his head instantly, trying to hide his growing smile at the prospects.
so they got ice cream, walking around new rome and just enjoying each other's company.
frank had shown off, turning into a beautiful bird for a few minutes before sitting beside the giggling girl once again.
"that's so cool!! i wish...i wish i could do something like that," the girl muttered, pushing around the melting ice cream with her spoon for a moment before looking back up at frank, who had all of his attention on her.
"i dunno. it's half blessing, half curse. kinda nice that i can, er, impress p-pretty girls with it," he replied, trying his best to be smooth.
evidently it worked based on her blush.
"you're cute, zhang."
"i try."
"you know, i really am my mother's daughter. i've led our camp through many victories and i'm very proud and honored by that but...to be like her makes me afraid. i don't want to be mean or rough," the daughter of bellona admitted, feeling candid with the son of mars, someone she thought could relate to the thought.
"tell me about it. the thing that killed my mom is the very thing that my father lives for," replied frank, both of the children of war's attention on the other.
there a pause before they both started to lean in, the ice cream abandoned and melting somewhere on the bench
"y/n! you're needed, i could use your brain for some strategies," reyna called, cutting straight through the moment.
both of the children of war flushed, quickly pulling away and trying to put their attention elsewhere.
"i should-
"yeah, totally i get it-"
"if you wanna hang out later just-"
"oh, yeah totally-"
"...cool," the girl finished, smiling brightly at him before reyna called out again.
"i'm coming!" called y/n back, moving to leave the bench.
she walked away for a moment before glancing over her shoulder at him
"i'll see you around, zhang."
after that day, they were never seen apart again.
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snortoborto · 5 months
This is literally the only website where fans of G3 Monster High can exist in peace without being fucking crucified by G1 purist types.
I grew up in Pony Fandom, I'm used to seeing how adults react to reboots, but I have never seen a fandom (of a children's toy line, lest we forget) act so horribly vindictive towards a reboot, and it's fans. A very high quality, thoughtful reboot at that.
You literally can't just enjoy G3 without someone screaming in your ear about how bitter they are that theyre not a kid anymore. That Monster High isn't catering to the youth culture of of 14 years ago.
I grew up in the 2010s and so many franchises from that time have been reworked. Some good and some bad, but I've never really seen quite the level of dedicated, continuous, distain for a reboot, that I see in the MH fandom.
Its just weird cause they're the same people who tout the "Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be a Monster" tag line of G1. Unless you like a different doll than them...I guess? It's so unserious. I think they remember G1 as being better, or more countercultural/progressive than it actually was. Those dolls and movies are not quite the high art, people pretend that they are.
They also constantly act like G3 killed G1. Wiped it off the face of the earth. All the old stuff is still there, PLUS Mattel is constantly releasing G1 collector dolls. Like, a lot of them.
The pride merch for this year had the G1 ghouls on it, eventhough G3 is the only version with actual cannon representation. (Yes Ik the G1 creator confirmed queer theories and intentions on social media, but it never explicitly made its way into the TV/movies. Its just coding, which is good, but still NOT explicit representation. Plus Garrett likes the new dolls, and posts them on socials. G3 has his blessing.) Why didn't we get some G3 Frankie merch to rep their NB identity? Why didn't we get G3 Clankie on a shirt or something? Mattel is still putting G1 first.
There's plenty of normal G1 fans, obviously, but the shitty ones are LOUD. Mattel can't even post an insta or tiktok video of the G3 cast, without the comments being full of people trashing G3 and attacking any commenter who likes it. Sometimes even shitting on the live action actors and VAs on their personal socials. It's gotten a little less bad since the reboot has been out over a year, but it's still a huge problem.
I'm genuinely confused as to why MH fans are acting worse about a reboot than literal bronies did about MLP G5. I love bronies, I'm a life long pony fan, but ik the fandom can have STRONG opinions on horse show.
When I started using Tumblr, I was surprised to only see love for G3. I'm sure there's hate somewhere, but not that I've seen.
Anyone else have any idea about why this might be? Are other doll-centric fandoms like this? I only really like MH dolls, so idk.
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
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Hi everyone!! Erin and I compiled all the fics that were submitted into one big list and split the reading! So if you don’t see your fic here check out @perotovar’s post that will be coming soon! Also, for any multi chapter fics that were submitted we only read the first chapters for them! Thank you to everyone who submitted fics for this and made this celebration such a hit! If you’d like to see more events like this please let either Erin or myself know!
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@trulybetty Strings
What a strong start!! The part where he was dealing with his nightmare in his sleep was so heartbreaking. And the reader contemplating comforting him or respecting the boundaries of their relationship and minding her business was a struggle you really felt.
@pascalispretty Leading Blindly
Oh man love me some shy, submissive Din 🥵 And Canto Bight is the perfect place to put a brothel in Star Wars!!!
@chronically-ghosted Recovery Road
Wow, what a beautiful depiction of struggling with addiction and anxiety. As someone who suffers from anxiety myself (as I’m sure a lot of you guys do too!), I found myself really emphasizing with Dieter. Precious lil guy 🥺
@theywhowriteandknowthings Catch Me If You Can
This fic is such a good capture capture of the chase 🤌 The last chapter was posted as a part of Kinktober but if you want to find out just how Din and the Reader got there, read this!!! It’s going to take place on several Star Wars planets and as a Star Wars nerd that makes my heart happy
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin The Clink
💳💳PRISON GUARD JAVI💳💳 What more do I need to say?!?!? No but fr this is not only extremely hot but also very very well done. Prison Guard Javi wasn’t something I knew I needed until Ang put it out 💅
@jenna-ortega Vertigo
The premise of this is so scandalous 🤭 I’m a sucker for infidelity fics for some reason so you know this just has a hold on me!!! And I love the warning “unpleasant!Joel” 🥵💀😭
@milla-frenchy Smack My Bitch Up
I’m a slut for rough sex and even though I’m not personally into anal I still really enjoyed this! A great take on Raider!Joel and Raider!Tommy 👀
@katiexpunk Reporting For Duty
THE PREMISE I’M SCREAMING and the smut was soooooo fucking hot. I love Air Marshal Peña!!! Something about joining the Mile High Club is just 🥵🥵
@dark-scape The Vagabond Gladiator
This is by far the most interesting and unique Joel AU I’ve ever seen. The world building in this is just great!!!
@novemberrain-writes Daggers to Dust
A MANDALORIAN WESTERN AU ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I enjoyed this so much omfg!!!
@decembermidnight Ner Mircet'ad
First of all, two words: GLOVE KINK!! Love the Mando’a title, love dom!Din. Seriously what is there not to love about this!!
@soft-persephone Scattered Promises
“My name is Din, he whispered lowly in her face, and if I made a promise to never leave your side, I intend to keep it.” Oh my god!!! I love Din and the MC’s dynamic so much!!!
@nothoughtsjustmeds Tip Your Server
NOT THEM LOSING THE OSCAR 😭😭 I love wife!reader fics and this was seriously so sweet and hot at the same time!!
@scarerjh Love Machine
Dieter is so sweet and devoted in this!!! So fluffy and sweet it makes my heart explode!!!
@grogusmum Conversations with Dead People
This was so sad and impactful!! I just wanted them to get back together so bad!!!!
@marisferasiop Paklalat
This was such a treat, literally the group sex/polyamorous relationship of my DREAMS 😍😍
@idolatrybarbie The World Tipped On Its Side
(Chapter 1) I really love the characterization of the reader in this. Frankie as a stunt pilot is a really cool idea for him. And the reader is disabled, which is really refreshing to see that being represented here in this community🤍
@romana-after-dark Blessed Be The Fruit
If you like the Handmaid’s Tale and TLOU then boy do I have the fic for you!! The first chapter was so interesting and the world building was insane!! I’ve never watched or read Handmaid’s Tale and I was easily able to fall into this universe!
@ladamedusoif Visiting
One of the most well thought out Mr. Ben fics I’ve ever seen!! I love the ofc and I love that her age is relatively close to Ben’s!!
@chaithetics A Cinematic Lover
Dieter having a crush is so fucking cute!!! And I love chronic illness/pain representation here 🥺🤍
@aurorawritestoescape The Helping Hand
I love somnophilia!! This was so hot and I love the idea that Joel’s loud snoring keeps you from falling asleep at night 😭💀
@pimosworld Tango
Love the premise, loooove the TF boys being protective and of course, I love dom!Frankie + the aftercare 🥹
@beecastle Chocolate Cake
This was so cute!!! I love first meeting fics and there’s something so sweet and so normal about it happening at a grocery store! And of course I love dad!Frankie!!
@frenchiereading The Parents That Are Left
I don’t really have much to say about this besides the fact that the writing is beautiful. And that this is such an interesting premise!!!
@ohforficsake You Brought Me Poison Flowers
Fourth of July in Jackson?!?!?! Sign me UP!!! I love the title of the series. I love the first chapter title. I love the OFC! There’s so much to love about this!!
@healmydesires I Wanna Hear You Say My Name
I loved this so much!! I don’t typically read period sec fics but wow!! I started my period the day before I read this and now I have a whole new appreciation for fics like this!! The smut was so hot and I loved the dynamic between Joel and the reader!
@604to647 Lingerie
I have never read a modern AU for Din before and I have to say, this was so interesting and hot at the same time!!
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Familiarity Breeds Contempt
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Chapter Ten of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Eleven
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.1K
Chapter Overview: Rochelle and Frankie's relationship finally reaches a boiling point
TW: toxic relationship, mentions of cocaine, depictions of domestic assault/violence
Notes: hey everyone !! this is a heavier chapter,, so it didn't feel right to include a lot of the things i originally intended too. not to worry though because that's what next week is for hehe ((: thank u to @missbabyjay for being a blessing and giving me some inspo for the fight scene !! i updated the tag list so please let me know if i missed you/ you want to be added ! as usual ... my asks are always open and happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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“What’s going on?” Benny looks puzzled as Will holds your scared body with extreme care. He peers past his brother to find only Pope following closely behind. “Where’s Fish?”
“Dealin’ with his past.” Will sighs as he sets you down. 
You quietly wrap your arms around your body and turn to look back at the front door of the gym.
“His past? Could you be any more vague?” He brushes past his brother for you. Benny crouches down and cups your face in his hands while cautiously inspecting you. “What happened out there?”
“I don’t know. I really don't know. One minute everything is fine and then the next minute a car comes barreling towards all four of us and I’m being rushed inside.” 
He looks for his friends for more answers as he rubs your shoulder. When Will stays silent, Pope speaks up. 
“Crazy bitch decided it would be a good idea to show up here.” He offers.
“Rochelle?” Benny stands to his full height. “Rochelle is outside my fuckin’ gym? No way in hell.” He starts heading for the exit with murder in his eyes, but Will plants a steady hand on his chest. 
“Fish is takin’ care of it. Leave it be.”
“Leave it be?! How can you say that after everything she has done to him?” Benny spits.
“For the love of God will someone tell me what’s going on?!” You finally crack.
All three of them look at you with pained expressions. 
“As much as we want to tell you-” Pope starts.
“And we really want to tell you.” Benny quickly adds.
“This is something Catfish has to tell you himself. You deserve to hear it directly from him and not a third party, hermosa.” 
“But-” You begin.
“He will tell you, hon.” Will wraps his arms around you and you allow yourself to accept the comfort you so desperately need amidst the chaos. “You just need to be patient with him. His past, just like the rest of ours, is hard to talk about. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust us.”
You slowly move your own limbs around his torso and take a deep breath of his woodsy cologne. Of course he wears a scent that is reminiscent of trees. They are one in the same if you think about it. Both of them are tall, strong, able to stand firm in any weather, and always constant. Will is your oak tree and you cling on to him until the raging winds start to die down. Unfortunately, just as trees are predictable, the winds never are. Muffled yelling begins to seep through the door accompanied by pounding fists on glass.
“Francisco fucking Morales!” She screeches. “We need to talk!”
He starts walking towards her. “Yes, Rochelle. We do.”
“Oh!” She gasps dramatically. “So now you want to talk?! That’s funny because you have been avoiding my calls and texts for the past week! I haven’t heard from you since Saturday night! It wouldn’t have anything to do with that fucking receptionsit, would it?”
He knew this would happen. He knew that she would immediately bring you up.
“Do you know how many times you would disappear on me while we were dating, Rochelle?” He asks calmly. “But now that we aren’t dating and I’m the one not responding, it’s an issue for you?”
He can see it in her eyes that she's taken aback. In every argument that they have ever had in the history of their relationship, Frankie had always rolled over and bared his stomach to her. He never tried to fight back in order to preserve the peace. Clearly she thought that this time would be the same.
“Why haven’t you answered my question?! Does that receptionist have anything to do with you ignoring me?!”
“This is between me and you. Leave her out of this.” He wants to keep you as far away from her hooked claws as he can. He might not have been able to escape them, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her drag you down.
“So, that’s a yes!” She throws her hands up in the air as if she is celebrating a victory. “I’m also going to correctly assume that she’s the reason why you haven’t given me an answer about getting back together!”
You were the reason. You were without a doubt the reason. In the short time that he has known you and the even shorter time that he has been with you, you have given him things he didn’t think he was worthy of. You gave back all the kindness and care he gifted you tenfold. You listened when he talked, communicated with him about the little things, and above all, even if you didn’t know it yet, were patient with him. He knew he was a broken and shattered piece of glass, but you were like the sea. Your gentle waves came up and kissed his rough edges until they were soft and round. You were nothing like the relentless, careening waters that he knew Rochelle to be. That he thought all relationships to be. You never made him feel like he was in a perpetual state of purgatory waiting to be granted access to the Heaven that was your affection. You gave it to him so willingly and without hesitation.
“No, I’m the reason why you haven’t been given an answer about if we are getting back together. I don’t want to do this anymore,” He motions his hands in between the two of them. “I want something healthy.”
He watches her eyes grow wide at his words. The sheer weight of them slams down on her so hard that he swears he almost sees her knees buckle.
“You ‘want something healthy’?!” She mocks. “I pulled you out of the gutter when I met you!”
“Oh my fucking God.” He whispers. It’s like he’s looking in a mirror eight months ago. “You’re high, aren’t you? You could have killed all of us and yourself driving like that!” Anger starts to bubble below his cool demeanor.
“Don’t change the subject!” She bellows.
“You want to talk about pulling me out of the gutter? Fine! You pulling me out of the gutter caused me to lose my fucking pilots license! The best part was,” He can’t help but laugh dryly. “You didn’t even care! That didn’t even snap you back to reality! You never came to visit me in rehab either!” He takes a deep breath to get centered as he can feel himself getting sucked in. “I’m just as complicit in the drug use as you were. You may have shown it to me, but I continued to buy it. I know this. But, when I needed your support you bailed on me.”
“I gave you a distraction from all of those goddamn nightmares!” She hollers. “If you were too busy being high on coke then you wouldn’t have them!”
“You’re fucking deranged if you think that’s what help is supposed to be!”
“At least when you were with me, you knew I wouldn’t judge you for it!” She quips. “What has she said about your little ‘habit’, Frankie? Did she gasp? Did she move away when you tried to touch her? Did she tell you she needed time to be by herself to think everything over?” 
He stays quiet as he clenches his fists by his side. His nails are biting into the flesh of his palm, but he doesn’t care. Her words vibrate violently around in his head. He hadn’t told you about the coke, not yet at least. It wasn’t something he was comfortable coming right out and saying on a first date. The fear that it would make you look at him differently or even want to leave all together haunted him at night. Keeping it from you was wrong if he wanted to be in a relationship; however, he selfishly wanted to keep the image you had of him inside your head intact and uncorrupted. 
“Well look at that!” She giggles maniacally. “She doesn’t know. You haven’t fessed up, have you?”
“What she and I talk about doesn’t concern you, Rochelle. As a matter-of-fact, nothing I say or do should concern you from here on out.” He conjures images of you and uses them to keep him steady and put the final nail in the coffin. “Since you clearly didn’t understand what my silence meant this past week, I’ll waste my breath on you one last time. I don’t want to be in a relationship with you. I don’t want to associate with you. I don’t want to know you anymore.”
“Frankie, baby. Please-” Rochelle begs. She can feel him slipping out from where she verbally pinned him. The struggle for control was tipping in Frankie’s favor and she didn’t know what to do.
“Don’t pretend like you care now to make up for the fact that you never did the entire time. It’s over for good. I should have ended it officially long ago. I guess in a fucked up way you did help me when we did coke. Whenever I was high I could actually convince myself that I loved you.”
Frankie watches as the woman’s eyes across from him darken. Her lips contort into a sinister smile and she tilts her head to one side. It made his blood run cold at how quickly she could switch emotions.
“She’ll leave you, you know?” Her voice is thick with false sweetness. “If she doesn’t leave you when she finds out about the drugs, she will leave when she learns about the little ‘vacation’ you took.” 
He feels like he just got the air knocked out of him.
“Once she finds out that it’s all an illusion, you and all your friends, she’ll run for the hills. At the end of the day, you’re still the man who shot first.” 
There it is. There is her winning blow. There is that conniving woman he always knew she could be. She had a gift for knowing exactly what to say to destroy a person from the inside out. Every time she did it, that signature smile was always present. It seemed to grow wider each time she twisted her verbal blade into his stomach. Up until this point, Frankie had managed to remain relatively controlled. He knew she was sick, but he never dreamed she would bring up what happened in South America. He told her, in confidence, a little about what happened because he desperately needed to. He went to places he never imagined due to the guilt he felt about Tom’s death. Figuring that talking about it would lessen the pain, he opened up to her. Unfortunately, that only worked when the person he was talking to was actually listening. 
“Leave, Rochelle.” His voice waning under the strain of his plethora of emotions. “We’re done here.”
“I’m not done! I have something to tell that lovely woman hiding inside the gym!” She makes a mad dash to the gym entrance. When she frantically pulls on the handle and finds it locked, she resorts to yelling and slamming her hands against the glass. “Come out! Come out!” 
Frankie has caught up to her by this time and is trying to move her away. As angry as he was, he would never resort to being physical with her. 
“Rochelle, for the love of God get the fuck away! This isn’t going to fix anything!”
“Does it look like I care?!” She screams, turning her body to face him. “I don’t get dumped! That’s not how this works! I’m in control!” 
She starts to bring her fists down on Frankie now. He blocks her blows with his forearms and prays that the guys have kept you far enough away to where none of this madness reaches your ears. 
Loud sirens slice through Rochelle’s incomprehensible rambling. He looks past her flailing body and sees red and blue lights begin to paint the buildings on the street. As they get closer, its noise registers in her ears too. 
“You called the cops?! You called the fucking cops on me?!” She brings her balled up hands down harder and faster on Frankie’s makeshift shield. “Asshole! Asshole! You’re such an asshole!”
A police cruiser pulls into the parking lot and comes to a quick stop in front of the gym. Two officers immediately jump out of the car and rush over. Within minutes they have Rochelle pinned up against the wall of the gym and are attaching handcuffs to her writhing wrists. She keeps yelling things like ‘this is a misunderstanding’ and ‘we were just having a passionate argument’. Frankie watches as the cops have to force her into the back seat because she keeps trying to climb out. She looks like a rabid animal being caged.
“Goodbye, Rochelle.” He doesn’t know if this is the last time he will see her, but for now he knows he can sleep without having to keep one eye open.
Once they finally have her secured, one officer climbs into the passenger seat and the one makes his way over to Frankie. 
“Evenin’, sir. What can you tell me about the young lady?”
He has no idea how the cops arrived and no energy to speak with them. Frankie just wants the comfort of you.
“Uhh her name is Rochelle and I’m pretty sure she’s high right now. I really don’t have any other relevant information to give you. She just showed up here out of the blue.”
“Well, we were already goin’ to charge her with assault when we arrived on the scene, but I’ll have her drug tested when we get back to the station.” The man looks into the gym. “They know anythin’ about it?” 
Frankie turns and sees Benny leading Will, Pope, and you to the front. Benny unlocks the front door and you slip under his arm and scurry to Frankie’s side. He swaddles you in his arms as he buries his head in the curve of your neck. He doesn’t know which one of y’all is shaking harder at this point. 
“I’m Benjamin Miller, the owner of this gym. Maybe I could help answer some questions? My friends here were also outside when she sped through the parking lot earlier.”
Frankie looks up at his friend and nods in his direction. An unspoken ‘thank you’ for getting the attention off of him.
“Let’s get away from all this craziness, estrella. Walk with me.”
You feel him pull away from you, but reach down to take your hand. He holds it tightly as he guides you away from all the commotion. You follow him as he walks around the back side of Brass Knuckles until the sights and sounds of the evening fade away. Then it's only him and you leaning against the brick wall. There are so many questions buzzing around inside you, but no words come. You observe him take a small pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. He thumbs one out and places it delicately between his lips. Then he looks over at you with tired eyes and offers you the pack. You shimmy one out for yourself, an act of solidarity, and wait as he gets the lighter. He lights yours first and then he takes care of himself. Only after he takes a long drag does he speak. 
“I’m sorry that you had to be a part of that.” He sounds distant when he speaks. You don’t think that he’s doing it on purpose. This must be a defense mechanism.
“Do you want to talk about it? I know it's still really raw, but I’ll listen if you want me too.” 
The sun had long set, but the faint glow from the end of his cigarette allows you to see a small smile pull at his lips.
“Would you settle for the sparknotes version right now? I promise I’ll give you the details tonight.” 
“Whatever you’re comfortable with.” You offer quietly.
“Did you-did you hear anything that she said?” 
“I heard her yell your name before Will and Pope got me completely inside. Then we all heard yelling, more her than you, and finally her banging on the door.” 
“To make a long story short, Rochelle showed up angry because I have been ignoring her since Saturday. Over a month ago, the day Benny hired you actually, she texted me saying she wanted to get back together. It wasn’t a healthy relationship, but it was the longest one I had been in so I was confused. It sounds silly.”
“No it doesn’t.” You reassure him. “Keep going.”
“Well, I knew I didn’t want to be in that relationship anymore and I just didn’t know what to tell her. Ignoring her was childish, I know, but it seemed like the best possible option at the time. I didn’t want to get into a big argument. I guess that blew up in my face, huh?” 
“You did what you thought would be best, Frankie. Unfortunately, things just go south sometimes.” 
“Hmm.” He nods at your statement. “Basically she was just angry that I didn’t want her in my life anymore. She’s not really used to being told ‘no’. You really didn’t hear anything specific though?”
“No.” You take a pull from your own cigarette. “The guys never let me leave the heavy bag area in the back.” 
“Good.” He breathes out. He sounds like he is coming back to you.
“But…” You turn your head up to face him. “They really should have kept a closer eye on me if they didn’t want me involved.”
“It was you!” He says, whipping his head to look at you.
“In their defense, they were all discussing what they should do about her showing up. Will wanted to let you figure it out yourself, Benny wanted to punch her out I'm pretty sure, and Pope was somewhere in the middle. I got tired of sitting there and listening to them bicker so I took my own course of action.”
“You amaze me, you know that?”
“What do you mean?” You feel your cheeks heat up.
“I just-I just can’t believe you did that. There were four people telling you to stay out of it and yet you still found a way to help me. I’ve never had someone like that in my life.”
“Your friends would drop everything for you!” 
“I know that.” He laughs lightly. “I mean I’ve never had a woman I’m … dating do that for me.”
“Oh, so we’re dating?” You tease.
“Yes? No? Talking? Courting, maybe?” 
“Courting?” You cough. You were in the middle of inhaling and that caught you off guard.
“Don’t laugh!” He says, shoving you in the shoulder. “I’ll be honest, I have no idea what we are. I just know I like whatever it is.”
“I like it too, Frankie. Labels can come later.” You take the hand he had resting by his side and interlace your fingers. “So…you smoke?”
“It’s not an everyday thing!” He rushes. “It just helps curb the anxiety in a stressful situation.”
“I get it.” You say honestly. 
“I haven’t had to use them in a little over a month.” His hand squeezes yours. “That’s about when you came into my life.” 
“I’m your new vice, huh?” 
“You have no idea, estrella.”
The two of you stand, hands together, letting the smoke from your cigarettes dance around in the air. The quiet that has encompassed y’all is welcome. You don’t hear the blaring sounds of the siren nor the damped dialogue between the police and your friends. It’s safe to say that the coast is clear and safe, but something keeps you here. Something keeps you both here. You can feel it in the way Frankie is breathing, the way that his thumb is rubbing over your skin, that he has more to tell you. He says your name barely above a whisper.
“I know I said I would only give you a quick summary, but you deserve more than that. You deserve better than that.”
“Frankie, it can wait if you want it to.”
“This is something I need to tell you. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to explain it, but it’s just so hard.” You clutch his hand to let him know you’re listening. “It has to do with my Tuesday work meetings.” 
“Alright?” You aren’t really sure what that has to do with the current situation.
“I don’t really go- they aren’t work meetings. They’re meetings, but they focus on something other than my job. I uhh fuck.” He has to take a breath. “It’s a support group.” 
“For dealing with what you saw on missions?”
“For the things I did to erase what I saw on missions actually. I go to an NA meeting every Tuesday. I met Rochelle when I got back from a particularly bad one. We both kinda clung to each other although, in hindsight, we were both sinking ships. We would go out drinking all the time and when that stopped helping I started using cocaine. It just snowballed from there into something I couldn’t control. I ended up losing my pilot's license because my habit got so bad.”
“God, Frankie. I’m so sorry.” 
“The guys helped me get into a temporary rehab and then find a new job. I’ve been clean for eight months now.” 
“That’s amazing!” You're looking directly into those deep brown eyes. “I’m so proud of you!” 
“You’re what?” The pure shock on his face makes you want to sob.
“Frankie, I’m proud of you. Pulling yourself up after dealing with something like that isn’t easy in the slightest, but you did it. You found your footing and have been walking on your own for eight long months. Going to those weekly NA meetings proves that you are serious about recovery. You should be proud of yourself.”
“You don’t want to leave?” 
“Leave? Why would I want to leave?”
“I’m an addict.” He speaks softly.
“A recovering addict.” You say taking his face in your hand after discarding your cig. “You’re recovering. Please don’t discount all of your hard work. I’m so humbled that you wanted to tell me about this. It would be hard to support you if I left, now wouldn’t it?” 
He surges forward and swallows you in a kiss. His tongue tastes of sweet tobacco as it parts your lips. Your hands find his hair and knock away his cap so you can run your fingers through it. His moans fill your ears as you bite down on his bottom lip. He moves so he’s positioned in front of you. You feel the coarse brick nip at your exposed skin as he pushes your body against it. His hand comes down to roughly palm you through your shirt. You whine in approval as your back arches in a subconscious response to his actions. 
“It’s Pope! I’m coming back there! Y’all better not be doing anything I would be doing!” 
The two of you scramble to separate before you get caught like a couple of horny teenagers. Frankie is in the process of snatching his cap off the ground when Pope rounds the corner of the building. 
“Hi!” You say, breathing abnormally.
“Hello to you.” Pope says with a knowing grin. “Fish.” He nods
The man next to you returns the same greeting.
“Not to kill the vibe of whatever is going on here, but Benny is bitching up a storm.”
“Oh, God. What now?” You question.
“He can’t find his ring girl for this evening.” He smiles.
“It’s barely even 9 o’clock.” Frankie finally chimes in.
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.” Pope holds his hands up. “I was just told to come tell you to get your ass inside. You know how the Millers are about punctuality.” 
“Yeah, alright.” You concede. “Tell him I’m coming.” 
Pope throws each of you a devious wink before leaving. You throw your head back and sigh loudly when it's just you and Frankie again. 
“Want to accompany me into the lion's den?” You hold out your hand to him.
“Yes, but can I ask you something first?” 
“What’s up?” 
“Would you maybe, Christ I feel like a child, want to be my girlfriend? I know you said that labels could come later, but I don’t want to wait until later.”
Your smile could light up the entire alley. You throw your hands around his neck and kiss him. He learned from your last interaction and placed one hand on his cap and circled your lower back with the other. You can feel him smiling against you as you pepper his lips, his jaw, and any skin that you can reach with kisses. 
“Is that a ‘yes’?” He laughs when you finally release him. 
“Of course it’s a fucking yes! Francisco Morales, I would love to be your girlfriend!”
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 Day 23 - Drunk Sex Vampire!Frankie x Reader
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General Warnings: 18+, as is the whole of my blog, I will mark anything specific but be aware this is predominantly a smutty blog that writes porn with plot. DNI if you are a minor. By reading further you have taken the responsibility to do so with the warnings I have given.
Specific Warnings: Drunk Reader (dubcon but established relationship), Twilight references (to piss off Frankie) Vampire sex, Vampire bites, Unprotected PiV (sort of), vampire vibes, oral F receiving, biting, vampire bites. Let me kow if I missed anything!
Part 1 here: [Can be read as a standalone but there is some context you might miss if you don't read part 1] Read on Ao3 Support me on Ko-fi or Patreon! Thank you @pastelnap for being my ride or die <3
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You stumble through the door to Frankie’s apartment, shushing yourself in the way drunk people do, making decidedly more noise than if you’d just kept your mouth shut.
“Mi sol?” Frankie’s voice startles you and you yelp, falling over yourself as you try and get your shoes off. You’re hunched over, determined to stay on your feet, for some inexplicable reason.
“Go back to sleep!”
You hiss into the dark apartment, giggling to yourself as you finally get your left shoe off, before starting on the right. Frankie turns on the living room lamp and you groan in protest at the sudden burst of light.
“You know I don’t sleep, hermosa, do you need help?”
You hesitate before looking up to see Frankie smirking down at you, dressed only in olive-green sweatpants and – of course – his Standard Oil baseball cap. You roll your eyes at the ensemble, but you can’t deny, no matter what Frankie wears, he’s gorgeous.
“Please.” You whine as you give up, plopping down on the floor unceremoniously as you watch your boyfriend saunter over to you with an amused grin on his face.
“You look like you had a good time.”
Frankie’s thick fingers ghost against your skin as he undoes the tiny little buckle on your strappy heels that bested you in your inebriated state. You hum as the mere brush of his calloused palm on your ankle sends heat driving to your core.
“The best, Damien scored, and Lisa and I caught up, her baby’s almost a year old, can you believe that?”
“That so?” Frankie encourages you softly as he pulls you up to your feet, steering you to the other side of the studio apartment, settling you on the kitchen counter as he gets you a glass of water, some juice, and a snack.
“Yup, still looks like a potato though,” You hiccup, and Frankie lets out a soft snort at you, “Not sure why people think babies look cute, they’re all…” You make a wiggling gesture with your fingertips and scrunch your nose at him as he brings over the snacks and drinks, “Wrinkly.”
“Dios mío,” Frankie chuckles as he pops open the Ziplock back of high protein snacks and pops something salty into your mouth, “Children are a blessing mi sol.”
Something in your drunken brain takes the statement too much to heart. You feel tears welling in your eyes as your heart clenches painfully at the thought of not wanting kids.
“I’m sorry Frankie.” You sob as you swallow painfully around the lump in your throat as you wash the bitterness down with a swig of water. Frankie is between your legs in a flash, you’re still not used to how fast he can move, and you wince slightly. His hands rub gently over your bare arms, coarse skin catching delightfully against your own softness.
“What are you sorry for mi sol? For being drunk? That’s not something to apologise for, you were having fun-,”
“For not wanting your babies.”
Frankie’s hands still on your biceps and you look up to see sadness pulling at his brow, his eyes glistening with shame as his lips part gently. It’s funny when Frankie does something so ingrained in muscle memory like sigh because very little actual air comes out, yet the hard-wired expression of exasperation remains.
“We’ve talked about this, even if I- if we, wanted children it’s not possible. I don’t have the tools for the job, haven’t had them for over a century. I have made my peace with that, and I am glad you don’t want them, it makes it easier for me to reconcile it.”
“You sure?” You sob, well aware that snot is dribbling over your lip.
“I am very sure, I was simply trying to say, maybe, just maybe, don’t call your best friend’s baby a wrinkly potato.”
“I would never to her face!” You gasp dramatically at the notion, and you smile as you see Frankie’s eyes sparkle with amusement. You narrow your eyes at him as you wipe the tears and mucus from your lip.
“There we are, I much prefer when you glare at me like that, rather than crying over something as silly as thinking you would lose me over something neither of us can control.”
“When you put it that way I feel like an ass.”
You pout and cross your arms over your chest, immediately feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment wash over you.
“But you are my ass.” He grumbles into your hair as he wraps his arms around you, pressing you against his chest and you inhale his floral body wash as you press soft kisses to his bare skin.
“About three things I am absolutely positive,” You start, a shit-eating grin forming on your lips, “First, Francisco is a vampire.”
“Mi sol, what are you doing?” Frankie grumbles as you snicker against his chest, mouthing lightly at his left nipple.
“Second, there is a part of me – and I don’t know how potent-,”
“Mi amor please, stop. Not the twilight quoting again.”
“That part might be – that thirsts for my blood.”
“Seriously, you’re being so lame right now.”
 “And third, I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”
There’s silence as you wait for him to scold you, to threaten to make you shut up with some lewd act involving his dick or his mouth. But it doesn’t come. You lean back and look up to see shock on Frankie’s face.
“You love me?”
The realisation hits you and you feel the colour drain from your cheeks.
“Uh, well, it was the quote and, well, yes I guess- I guess I do.” You fumble as you give him an awkward grin, teeth bared as you wince a little at your drunken admission.
“I love you too, so much.”
“I love you too.” You breathe as you lean up to press your lips against his, it’s a gentle, tender brush of lips as you snake your hands around his neck. You twist your fingers into the soft curls that brush his skin there.
“I know. You just told me so, by way of a twilight quote.” Frankie chuckles softly as you part, looking down at you with hungry, but kind, eyes.
“Asshole.” You grumble but you’ve already noticed the hard press of his cock against your thigh, you smirk and tug on his hair a little firmer than you would normally. He groans and crashes his lips into yours.
His fangs slide out and he makes sure to nick your bottom lip before gliding his tongue over the shallow cuts.
“You sure you’re sober enough for this hermosa?”
“I am, I promise,” And it’s true, you want this, bad, “Plus, I’m sure you can siphon off a little of the alcohol in my system to help a girl out.”
You roll your head to the side, exposing your neck where Frankie can just about see the evidence of his bite from last week. The marks too acute for the human eye to see, but he sees them like shining stars on a cloudless night.
“Fuck you’re a bad girl.” He groans as he drops his head to your shoulder mouthing gently at your pulse point as he glides the blunt curves of his fangs over your skin. You whine at the way he licks a long, slow stripe up to the shell of your ear, his strong nose buried into your hair as he takes a deep breath in.
“I’m your bad girl.”
“I’m not fucking you on the counter after confessing my love to you, come on.”
Frankie hoists you up, wrapping your ankles around his waist as he strides towards your bedroom. The same bedroom that he fucked you – and fed from you – in six months ago.
Frankie crawls into the middle of the bed, somehow managing to manoeuvre your combined bodies so that you’re straddling him. The sound of fabric tearing has you pulling back from Frankie’s lips. You furrow your brow as you look down at your ruined dress. He’s torn it completely from your body, leaving you in just your lacy panties and bra.
“Oops.” He chuckles before reaching for your panties. You catch his wrists just as he starts to tug at the lace.
“Francisco no! I love this set.”
“Fine.” He draws out the word in mock exasperation as he tips you backwards, your head resting just short of the end of the bed. You giggle as he brushes his lips up each thigh, starting at the inside of your knees. His facial hair scrapes blissfully against your tender skin as he makes his way up to your clothed cunt.
He takes his time, lingering here and there, laving his tongue over the trail of previously marked skin; some as large as freckles, others pinpricks. Evidence of the thousands of times you have let him feed on you, most of the time when he had you spread out for him like this.
But sometimes, when he’d had a bad day, or you were feeling extra generous, you’d let him feed. Drink from you for something deeper than sex. It was an act of service on your part, and you know you’ll never grow tired of having Frankie drink from you.
“Always so good to me, mi amor, look at the constellations adorning your skin. Star maps of our devotion.” Frankie murmurs against your skin
“Christ, Lord Byron, I told you I loved you, not that I pine for the fjords on a winters day waiting for your love.” You tease as you secretly enjoy it when Francisco waxes lyrical with you, you know it comes from a long dead, former version of himself that breaks through when most incensed.
“Points for trying, but I know part of that is a Monty Python bit.”
You feel the harsh scratch and burn of Frankies fangs on your inner thigh as he scolds you. The rush of warmth and arousal is instantaneous as his saliva soothes and warms your very veins. Frankie taps your left ass cheek softly to indicate you to lift your hips so he can remove your panties. You do as you’re commanded and take the chance to unclasp your bra and fling it across the room.
“Checking one last time, mi amor, you sure you want this?” Frankie hovers over your exposed core as he waits for you to answer you look down to see the picture of demonic divinity.
Frankie’s hair curls in perfect waves around his face. His eyes are tinged with crimson flecks which scatter through those dark brown depths. His mouth is smeared with your blood, fangs jutting out, tipped with smudges of red. You reach down with one hand, cupping his jaw, scratching your nails through his patchy facial hair.
“I’m sure, I love you Frankie, please, take what’s yours.”
Frankie hums contentedly as he licks a thick, broad stripe through your slick folds. He latches his lips on your clit as he sucks gently, two fingers already prodding at your entrance as your back arches up. You pant and whimper as his fangs catch on your delicate skin as he gets sloppy, devouring you like a man possessed as he thrusts his fingers deep inside you, alternating between scissoring and curling up into your g-spot.
“Come for me.”
Frankie’s voice is low as he uses the tip of his tongue to trace erratic circles over your clit. You come blindingly hard around his fingers, walls clamping down as you cry out in a broken snarl. Your vision blurs and you clamp your eyes shut, pleasure erupts from your core, bleeding through your body like a spill of hot wax, cloying, lingering, lasting.
“Good girl, so good to me.”
“Please Francisco, make love to me, bite me.” Your voice is a pathetic whimper, but you like how you sound, wrecked for him already, but of so eager for more.
“As you wish mi sol.”
Frankie lifts you back up into a kneeling position as he pulls you onto his lap, lining you up over him as he slowly pushes you down onto his cock. You gasp, digging your nails into his shoulders as his girth stretches you out. You writhe and moan as Frankie takes one of your nipples into his mouth.
“Want to go nice and slow, want you to really feel me.”
“Fuck,” You grunt as he seats himself deep inside you, filling you up as you wrap your legs around his waist loosely, “Love this position Frankie.”
“Same, so deep, so intimate.”
His lips leave your nipple, and he pulls your head down, crashing his lips into yours as he picks up the pace a little beneath you. His hips roll up into you as his free hand drops to your clit, his broad thumb pressing hard, slow circles against your swollen bundle of nerves.
“May I bite you?”
“Yes, always yes, but thank you for asking.”
You let your head loll forward onto Frankie’s shoulder as you pepper soft kisses to his skin, sucking and nipping at his flesh when thrusts hit particularly deep, or he pressures your clit just right.
Frankie mouths your skin gently, licking hot stripes over your skin as he savours you before he seemingly finds the sweet spot. Pleasure rich pain bursts in your neck, flooding your system with euphoria.
“Oh fuck yes, Frankie fuck me harder please.”
Your nails dig into the tan expanse of his back as you cling to him, his thick length fucks into you deeper, faster. You feel every inch of him, every ridge and vein as your pussy clamps down on him tightly. His mouth leaves your neck, and you pull back enough to capture his bloody lips in your own. His saliva and your blood transfusing into a sickly cocktail of iron and sweetness as your body fully succumbs to the aphrodisiac singing through your system.
“I love you, so much, be mine, forever?” Frankie pants as he picks up the pace on your clit, his hands on your hips, slamming you down to meet his frantic thrusts as he feels you tighten around him. The room is full of your breathy moans, and you nod in earnest.
“Yes, you have me Frankie, forever.”
He grunts low as he fucks up into you a few more times. The sound, the pressure on your clit, and the way Frankie’s cock simply wrecks you has you coming hard around him. He whines softly as you push yourself down on him, not letting your bodies part for even a second as he spills inside you, thick ropes of come filling you to the brim as you press your forehead against his. Cool – but not cold – skin meets your clammy forehead, and you smile absently at the juxtaposition.
You kneel there in silence for some time, hands roaming over well-worn tracks that you could trace in the dark. Frankie’s hands mirror your own, mapping you out as if for the first time, but you know it’s habit by now.
“Come on, you need something more to eat,” Frankie gently eases you off him, pushing you onto your back against the pillows, “Don’t move.” He orders as he lifts your hips up, sliding a thick pillow under your ass so that none of his spend leaks out.
“God that’s so fucking hot.” You grumble to yourself and yelp when Frankie calls from across the apartment in response.
“For someone that doesn’t want kids you sure sound like you have a breeding kink.”
“Fuck you, Francisco!”
You yell out into the studio, but your lips are spread in a broad smile as you know he’s right.
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grogusmum · 3 months
November: Mourning Moon
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A Conversations with Dead People Companion
This one probably does require reading the original fic; you can find it here
W/C 1400ish
WARNING: angsty, dead wife, ghost, that's about it.
A/N Welcome to my very late November installment for @yearofcreation2023 (a fantastic notion by @oonajaeadira.)
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Frankie climbs the steps of the 400-year-old cemetery, this time with his daughter, Julieta. Snow has been falling for a good twenty minutes, and last night's snow crunches underfoot. It’s not unheard of to have snow in November in the Northeast, even if it’s becoming more rare. It’s been a little more than a year since Frankie’s first visit with Holly. It only takes a moment before she falls into silent step with them. Slipping between them, as they seem to have left space for her, she takes each of their gloved hands in her bare ones.
“I'm so glad to see you, my loves.”
“Holly,” Frankie sighs. “Missed you, babe.”
“Oh jellybean, I'm so glad you came," Holly brings her daughter's hand to her cold cheek, then turns to her husband, “You came.”
“But not just to say hello.”
“Yeah,” Frankie looks at his wife, looking just as she did in life. This isn't going to be easy. “I've- I-”
Holly smiles, right up to her eyes -
“You've met someone.”
Frankie just gives a tight smile, she always makes things easier, he should have remembered.  His eyes go bright, and he rubs his face with his free hand. 
“Darling, that's truly wonderful. You deserve it, Frankie. And you deserve a mama.”
“I only have one mama, but I like her,” Julieta says. 
as they reach the top of Burial Hill the wind kicks up, snow swirling unable to decide which way is down. They are alone, no dog walkers, no couples taking in the view. It's beautiful but cold.
“We just wanted to tell you that. I don’t know, I couldn't just… not without your blessing.”
“You know my answer,” Holly says, giving Frankie a chilly kiss on the cheek, he shivers and smiles. “Tell me all about her.” 
Frankie tells Holly where you are from, what you do… how he feels when he's with you. Julieta shares stories of the first time you came to her soccer game, and how you make the best hot chocolate- with a quick apology, meaning no offense to Holly’s cocoa. To which Holly gifts them with the hearty laugh they love so well. 
“You aren't offending me, jellybean, it comes from a box!  But watch out, I hear the Swiss Miss gets migh-ty jealous!”
“We told her all about you. She wants to come and visit,” Julieta says, swinging Holly's arm as they walk and hold hands.
Holly looks at Frankie, then at Julieta-
“Me me? Or my -” Holly nods at the white gravestone a few paces away. 
“I told her I talk to you a lot, and about that time last fall…” 
“You did?”
“Yeah, and she wasn't weirded out at all. She doesn't expect you to come to her- make yourself um… known. She just wants to put a wreath on your grave, pay her respects.”
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You sat in the little coffee place on the main street, mindlessly stirring your tea, watching the windows for Frankie and Julieta. The wreath you made of blue spruce, juniper berries, pine cones, and of course, holly, a wide white grosgrain ribbon tied in a single fluffy bow sits on the seat next to you. You don't expect to see Holly. No. But you figure she'll hear you… you thought about all the things you wanted to tell her, trying to imagine being at the receiving end of it. As if you are the one who lost her life, the love of her life, and the apple of her eye… you close your eyes, a small tear slips down. 
Are you being weird? Performative? 
Just then you see the two most important people to come into your life, saving you from spiraling.
They wave. Frankie gives Julieta some money and kisses her head, then comes to your table while his daughter goes to the counter. He kisses your forehead and sits, “Jules is ordering us a warm-up. It's freezing up the hill. The wind.”
You nod, and another sneaky tear rolls down.
“Hey,” Frankie's brows knit together, “are you- did something happen?”
Frankie looks around for the culprit. You huff a smile at his protectiveness. You found yourself a bulldog, complete with soft, sad brown eyes, who loves his belly rubbed.
“I'm just- it's an emotional day. I guess.”
“I guess it is,” Frankie nods.
After hot chocolate and coffee (and the cookie the size of Jules' face), everyone is warmed up and bundles up to climb back up the hill.
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Holly keeps her distance this time, watching the three of you reach the crest of the hill. Frankie puts his hand on your lower back, guiding you on the snow-covered brick path toward Holly’s stone. Holly pines for that hand, warm and solid on the small of her back, just one more time. Pearly tears spill over. She isn't jealous, well, that's not true. Holly is envious of you; she's just not angry with you. She feels swindled, but not by you. You are again bringing joy to her husband and child, love and care that Holly can not provide anymore. She's grateful for you, just incredibly sad for herself. 
Holly pops over to the stone, their destination, and continues observing you. You have kind eyes, carrying a rueful smile. At least now it is, understandably, but Holly can see the shadow of crinkles around your eyes and laugh lines. You have a lovely wreath. If Holly had to picking one out of a million for herself, she would have chosen that one. 
You look at Jules and kiss her brown curls; they look at Frankie like you're looking for some help. He gives your hand a squeeze.
“It's a beautiful stone,” you murmur. Frankie puts a little rod, like a shepherd's hook, in the ground before it. Since it’s so early in the season, the ground isn't frozen hard despite the snow. Then, you hang the wreath on it. 
“Thank you for your family,” you say, and then cringe a little; Frankie kneels next to you, taking your hand in his. He nods.
“I'm…” you look at them with pleading eyes.
Julieta takes your other hand and introduces you. You kiss a thank you on her temple.
“I just wanted to come and give my respects, to um, tell you that I love your husband, and your kid here is a delight. By the photos all over the house, I can see she is the perfect combination of the two of you. I just wanted t-to assure you that they will be cared for, I hope nearly so well as when they were with you. Because, I can see your love everywhere in that house. The nursery room mural you painted full belly pregnant with Jules here, Frankie's shown me photos of your gardens. And the recipe book you put together b-before… everything, so Frankie could make all his and Julieta’s favorites. I can't replace you, of course, no one can. But I hope - well, I just-”
You look up at the white stone, your knees cold in the snow but your face hot, trying to find the words.
Holly moves to stand behind the headstone, looking down at your worried face, and puts out her hand. You blink. A graceful hand suddenly appears before her stone, right between the carved words wife and mother. Your eyes slowly follow the wrist, then arm, to the face of Holly Morales. 
After a small gasp, you take her outstretched hand and stand. Frankie and Jules slowly follow.
“Thank you for loving my family,” Holly says, placing her other hand over yours. You can feel the seeping cold through your glove, but you feel no reason to shiver. Her eyes are so full of love and gratitude and grace. “I am entrusting them in your care.”
“I do,” you say, “I mean, am, I will love and care for them with all my heart.”
“and let them care for you, and love you,” Holly so wisely adds.
Tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“I will.”
Holly looks at Jules, hand grazing her cheek. Her eyes travel to Frankie's, his tears falling freely. Unnoticed, the snow had stopped falling, and sunshine fought its way past the clouds.  Only noticed now when a shaft brightened the hill, causing a swirl of snow caught on the wind to sparkle like diamonds. And in that shimmer of snow and light, Holly is gone.
Frankie presses a kiss to your temple.
“She likes you.”
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Year of Creation: the Wheel of the Year Masterlist
If you care to be tagged for any of my works, my taglist form can be found here! I've added my Year of Themed Creations Series
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some midge/susie thoughts (and a few other things!) on the final episode:
that scene in the restaurant was just gorgeous, god damn. susie explaining her past with hedy, so poignant and beautifully acted (DAMN, we are losing one of the great tv performances with alex borstein as susie!) and even though it was just one monologue it painted such a rich picture that it told you all you needed to know.
and midge being like “i know exactly what she saw in you” and then saying she thinks susie will fall in love again and susie asking her “were you ever a blonde”??? like, the underlying vibe of susie being like “i’m in love with you and it’s dumb and i’m dumb and it will never go anywhere and i’m resigned to that, i’ve always been resigned to that, i can’t believe i fell for another impossible rich girl” but midge being like “uh actually maybe it’s not so dumb because i completely adore you and you’re my #1 life partner and the only one who truly understands this fire of ambition that drives me at my core* because you feel that way too” felt so tantalizingly just around the corner. it felt just like how i always imagined romantic feelings between them would bloom if they ever did, so it was surreal and dreamy to feel like i was watching a tiny bit of that unfold onscreen before my eyes.
(* i mean, lenny also understands it, but he was like her handsome man comic fairy godmother more than ever destined to be an everyday presence in her life.)
and midge saying in her standup that she doesn’t think she’s gonna have a permanent life partner-y relationship with a man anymore? and then she doesn’t? HELLOOOOOOO!
that shot of susie putting her hand to her heart and her and midge gazing at each other after midge’s standup ............ gorgeous!! gorgeous!!!!!
them as old ladies calling each other to watch jeopardy on vhs together and press play at the exact same time! midge being all fancy and susie being a bird hippie! midge sending susie a bird! susie naming the bird “whore”! making each other laugh so, so much, calling back to midge wanting to marry someone who makes her laugh!!!!! bro, i can’t believe i just watched midge and susie do grace and frankie romance.
45 YEARS TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just felt very “if i want to make this romantic then i can because it’s all there” and i’m so pleased and pleasantly surprised. i think they really (deliberately?) leaned into the subtext in these last episodes to very wonderful and rich effect.
also, this episode was just so, so charming and fun! i was surprised that we didn’t get more flashforwards with all the other characters, but actually i like the idea of just having those moments as sort of snapshots of future life rather than definitively told stories. and all the supporting characters really got moments to shine and it was delightful and warm. (and imogene was there! in her black beret! imogene!)
also, moishe and shirley in the shower, lololololololol!!! that was incredible. i wish that would happen to all my otps who need some epiphany time.
and abe and rose trying to summon the cab was a beautifully choreographed exercise in silliness that really just felt so ASP in the best way.
joel was very, very sweet in this episode. good on you, joel!
i am sad that we didn’t get to see midge & susie’s makeup scene from the 90s!!! but also: how fun to imagine in fanfic. in my fanfic they kiss and no one can stop me.
no other show will ever play this much barbra streisand in the soundtrack and that makes me sad. :’( every single time i heard her wonderful voice bless a montage on this show my heart soared.
i loved this season and I LOVE THIS SHOW! what a great show to have five seasons of to rewatch forever, knowing that midge and susie will be together for the rest of their lives (w/ one tragic five year blip) living complicatedly & soulmates-ily ever after! beautiful work, palladinos! thank you and goodnight!
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
What about transfem Sanji and Robin?? Like I need some headcanons. Please🥺🥺
OMG YES YES YES!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS WEFNLSNDFLKEN I LOVE THEM!!! I have SO many headcanons for these two <3
Sanji comes out to the crew not long after the time skip, but the first one to know is Robin and she's the one that encourages her to tell the others. However, Sanji is worried (and yes, I am making it Sanuso because I am just that annoying with them) because she isn't sure whether Usopp (they're dating already btw) will still love her after knowing this (not the fact that she's a girl, bc Usopp is like, extremely bi and Sanji knows this. It's more like the concept of being trans and her body and etcetc). Robin tells her about her and Franky and how she was also anxious at first (she's also transfem btw. She has wise older trans girl energy) but he loved her body just the way it is. Perfect. "SUPERRR!" in his words, of course. So Robin tells Sanji that she's sure Usopp will love her either way, but if, for any reason, he doesn't want to keep going with the relationship, that doesn't make Sanji less valuable. Just like Robin didn't need Franky to tell her she's beautiful for her to accept it.
Turns out everyone accepts her, of course, even Zoro is nice to her. Robin is next to Sanji when she tells them the truth about herself and how she'd like to be treated now. However, Sanji is looking at Usopp and Luffy the whole time. Her boyfriend and her captain. Luffy's the first one to break the silence, saying that as long as she's free and happy and still cooks for them, then it's alright!! Robin gives her a fond smile while it happens. Usopp approaches her when everybody is walking away, and without saying anything else, he just kisses her. A thing that is completely new because Usopp is mostly a man of words, but right now he just wants to kiss her, and Sanji isn't complaining. Also, if you're curious about the other straw hats' reactions (can you tell I'm super into this whole thing):
Franky: Now we have three SUPERRRR beautiful ladies on the ship!! 😎 (Or, another option: *Dramatically sobs because Sanji just told them the most heartbreaking story about her life and how she struggled to realize she was a girl*) Nami: Oh fucking finally, I thought I would have to deal with this forever. I thought you were a pervert but turns out you were just repressed as hell! Way to go, girl!!! Welcome to the club!! Zoro: She's still a pervert- Good for you, though. I'm still going to beat your ass when we fight. Not going easy just because of this, shitty cook. Brook: Oh, dear, I'm so glad there are more women here blessing us with their presence. Now, may I see your- *Nami hits him so hard his skull almost breaks in half* Chopper: Sanji!!! I'm so sorry we didn't know anything!!!! Now I feel bad for treating you like a man!!! You're not!!! You're a beautiful woman, Sanji!!! (Sanji: Chopper, I didn't even know. How the hell did you expect to realize first-) *Sobs* I- I don't know!! But I'm sure you'll be even cooler as a woman now!!!
Robin tells Franky ASAP to build a bed for Sanji in the girls' room, but she doesn't tell Sanji right away. Nami helps her move Sanji's stuff from the boys' bedroom to theirs, and they make it a bit cozier and wider for the three of them. After dinner, they show Sanji what they've done and she almost breaks down crying.
Sanji is kind of self-conscious about her body, and she actually really likes wearing her suits, so it isn't a problem. But sometimes she envies Robin and Nami's clothes and bodies, and she wants to be able to wear dresses and more fem clothes too. Robin notices without Sanji saying anything and ends up lending her discreet clothes from her wardrobe for now until they have the chance to go shopping. Nami, then, is the one to buy clothes for Sanji with her own money (as surprising as it sounds) because it's, and I quote: "A real emergency. The fact that I haven't seen you in heels yet is a crime".
She starts thinking about her hair one day when Usopp notices it's getting a lot longer, running his fingers through it. Sanji has always been used to short hair. She doesn't even mind having it like this. A lot of girls have short hair. But perhaps she can... Try. Not cutting it for a while. See where it goes. (Lil spoiler: Turns out she likes long hair because it reminds her of her mom <3 Usopp loves it because this way he can do all sorts of hairstyles with it!!!)
The first time she showers with the girls at some thermal baths they find on an island, she almost has a heart attack. Being a girl does not keep her from simping, she's just a lot more normal about it (I have the lil headcanon that Sanji's constant pervert behavior is just gender envy). But also it's the excitement and feeling of belonging!! Besides, bathing with them is sooo much calmer and nicer than with the boys.
Issues with her voice? Not to worry because Robin, being the wise older transfem she is, teaches Sanji how to feel more comfortable about it and shows her tricks to train it for her voice to sound more soothing and high.
Eventually, Robin asks Sanji if she wants to try and contact Ivankov because they could help with her body, if she wants to. Sanji isn't sure. She feels like changing it completely would be like betraying herself because she doesn't want to be ashamed of her body. She's a girl no matter what, after all. But sometimes dysphoria is just... Too much. And perhaps living with a more fem body would help her. Robin tells her to take her time to think about it, and that no matter what she chooses she'll still be beautiful and a wonderful young woman!!
Silly lil thing but I think Robin would always use her hands (like, her extra hands) to keep Sanji's skirts covering her legs because girl be fighting with Zoro without realizing she's wearing a dress, lmao. The thing about her fighting style being all about kicking doesn't mix with well with some outfits.
Usopp used to be invited to girl nights, along with Chopper. Because Chopper is just, like, y'know, kind of their lil brother and Usopp is... Usopp is Usopp. He's the bestie of the gals. He's one of the girlies (he is not. He's just there because he's like the token gay friend in the girl group that always stands out. Like in teenage movies. Dude wants to be there and Nami doesn't complain). But once Sanji starts joining those girl nights, Usopp is completely banned from them. No boyfriends allowed.
Robin and Nami start using "Sanji-chan" to talk about her and it just makes her feel so so so happy!! (Actually I had to look up if Robin uses -chan for Nami and she actually does when talking to others about her???? Which is cute. I think they'd do it with Sanji for gender-affirming reasons mostly rather than just using honorifics).
Whenever Sanji argues with Usopp (surprisingly more often than you probably think, but it's just about stupid stuff) she always goes to Robin because she's the rational one and will probably help her better than anybody else. And also Usopp asks Nami for advice so Sanji can't exactly go to her.
If I start talking about my ideas for Whole Cake Island with transfem Sanji hiding that she's a girl and Luffy going after her to save her I might actually die so I won't (and this would probably change this whole thing to a Lusan post and we don't want that right now). But!! Thinking about Sanji in WCI missing Robin's presence because she always knows what to say, and not knowing if telling Reiju is a good idea.
I'm out of ideas ngl
Have these Sanjis as a peace offering for not being able to write more creative stuff:
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SHE'S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
Also shout out to our queens:
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(Sanji would SO wear these outfits btw) (I actually have so many ideas for how transfem Sanji would dres aaaaaaaAAAAAAA)
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romanarose · 1 year
Awakening: Caffeine
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Santiago Garcia X fem!Reader X William Miller
Awakening Series masterlist
Summary: You spend some time with just Santi and Will and like after cup of coffee on a sleepy morning, you, Santi and Will feel more awake than ever.
Warnings and content: threesome, piv sex, blowjob, oral f and m receiving, 69, upside down sloppy blowjob, degradation, praise, self slut shaming for realsies, lots of talking and aftercare, Santi being a switch lol, why do I talk about cum so much etc, THIS WASN'T EVEN GONNA BE GAY WHEN I FIRST STARTED THE SERIES BUT I CANT STOP!!! THE BISEXUAL GODS TOOK CONTROL!!! Romance?? brewing??? We'll see. Where are benny and frankie? not talking rn sadly :( dont worry they’re next. you know i love my FishBen
You never felt safer than in your husband's arms. No matter the dirty things he called you, no matter the impact play, and no matter the vulnerable positions he put your body in with him or his friends, you trusted him completely to protect you, to keep you safe. You could communicate your needs, wants and concerns, and you’d like to think you extended the same courtesy to him. Santiago always protected you, inside and outside of the bedroom, he protected your body and your spirit, and in his arms, you were safe.
Even as you stood naked with Will Miller in front of you, stroking himself as he watched Santi’s hands roam all over you.
“Isn’t she pretty, Will?” Santi spoke into your ear, showing you off. Santi had slowly stripped you naked in front of Will, describing in detail the features of your body as if you were a car he was bragging about. Despite the feminist in you, you loved when Santi objectified you in bed; because it was only ever in bed. In the rest of your life together, he treated you like someone to be worshiped. Right now, however, he treated you as a toy to be played with, and you loved every second.
And now, here you stood as Santi felt you up, playing with your body like it existed solely for his hands to touch, grabbing and squeezing and slapping.
Will, however, looked at you with a reverence, adoration, like he was just blessed to be in your presence. “Fucking beautiful.” 
“You wanna touch her, Will? She’ll let you. Dirty little whore just wants to be touched, doesn’t matter by who.” Santi shoves you forward and you stumble the two feet into Will’s strong arms where he catches you. Will’s body is broad and warm, firm against you but comforting. He wraps his arms around you, turning you back to Santi and one arm wrapped tight around your waist, his other hand trailing fingers down your sides.
“No, nooo” Will coo’s, kissing your neck. “She’s just a good girl, she just wants to behave, she just want to make us happy” Less harsh than Santi, he pushes you back into your husbands arms.
“She wants to get filled up, Will. Wants to have us in all her holes, she just wants to cum again, and again, and again.” You were tossed back to Will.
“That’s not true, is it baby?” Will’s words flutter in hot breaths against your ear, the contrast between the two becoming dizzying. “You want to make us happy, you want to be a good wife, good wives get shared.” 
You assume you’re in Santi’s grasp now, but you can hardly tell anymore by the way they toss your body like a ball back and forth between them, Santi continuing to call you a myriad of names and groping you, whereas Will praised you and caressed your body; it was dizzying, the back and forth, back and forth, degradation and praise, slaps and soothing touches.
Once again in Will’s hold, he tells your you’re doing so good, how good girls get to cum, how they’ll make sure everything is taken care of as long as you do as you’re told, before you finally land with Santiago again, a strong arm snaking up to hold your throat with his other hand tightly gripped your hands behind your back, prominently displaying your whole chest, primarily your breasts, to Will.
“She’s just a slut, Ironhead, see? She’s wetter than the ocean, it’s fucking dripping down her legs and all we’ve done is toy with her like a little doll.” Santi turned his attention to you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “Is that what you are, baby? Our little fuck doll to play with whenever we want? Our little free-use toy?”
You nod frantically, you want to be his doll, you want to be his toy, and you wanted him to share his toys.
“Lucky for Will, I was taught how to share.” Santi looked back to his friend. “Wanna play with her?”
Without so much as a reply, Will was all up on you, his bare chest to yours, keeping you pressed between his and Santiago’s bodies, sandwiched between the two men you loved most on this planet. You adored your husband with everything in you and sex with just him fulfill every need and desire you could have with one person, and sex with all the boys together was hot, adventurous, sexy and loving, but there was something special with Santi and Will together, a chemistry in the air and a magic in the way they worked together. Will’s mouth was breathy, kissing your lips but quickly continuing on to touch all the skin exposed; down the neck, groping and licking and sucking softly against your skin, careful not to leave marks per Santiago’s request. As his arms wrapped around you, his fingers wedged between you and where Santi was pressed up against you, and Santi’s hands slipped between your legs, gathering up the slick before rubbing on your clit teasingly slow, matching his slow kisses on your neck.
You could feel Will’s fingers fidgeting between yours and Santi’s skin, and you held your breath, wondering if, just maybe, something would…
Santi inhaled the smell of your shampoo as he buried his face in your hair. He loved this, he loved you, he loved Wi- he loved his friends, he corrected himself, and he loved sharing you. There was something special about just sharing you with Will, however. Frankie and Ben absolutely showered you in the praise and affection, they were nothing but respectful to you, men he trusted you with completely, but William John Miller worshiped you. He’s seen it in his eyes for years as you got to know his friends, the way Will’s eyes would follow you, then quickly look away for fear of being caught, the shame in his face when he looked to long or at your breasts or ass, the way that Santi could feel him pushing down his desire for you because friends don’t want their friends girlfriend, fiance, wife… Except Santi wanted him to, and seeing Will treat you with the reverence you deserved, the reverence he hoped he too showered you in… well that was as much a turn on as anything.
Feeling Will’s rough hands between your bodies as Santi kissed into you, tasting your skin as Will moved his way back up from your breasts, Will’s fingers, moving, inching… 
You feel Will’s hand stray from the small of your back and move to grip Santi’s hip and your breath hitches as Will comes face to face with Santi and for a moment, you wonder what will happen… since when was Will gay? Well, you supposed you could ask that about most of them…
You held your breath, and in the end it was Santi who kissed Will, right in front of where you had turned. Their mouths mouths melded together and when you moan at the sight, both of their attention turns to you, and your are sucked into the flurry of tongues and lips and spit, kissing, licking and sucking with such desperation, that all you could register with a sloppy mess of wet skin; but it didn’t matter whose tongue was in your mouth, whose hands slid between your legs, and whose lips you bit, because they were both your boys, and you were their girl… and they were each others.
Predictably, Will breaks the make out session to drop to his knees before you, hiking one leg over his vast shoulder to give him access, where he watches in awe at how wet you were. “You’re right, Pope,” Will spoke hungrily as he licked his lips. “She’s dripping”
Gripping Will's blonde hair, Santi leaned around you to watch Will get to work, Santi pulled Will’s head to your inner thighs. “Clean her up, then, Ironhead.”
You whimper, watching Will as Santi slowly pulled him up to your folds, cleaning you of your slick before Santiago shoved his head between your legs and Will was able to do what he did best; give you all the pleasure you could take from his mouth. As you begin panting, your right leg begins to weaken from holding all your body weight, and you tremble from the pressure building up in your lower stomach so Santi let go of his control on Will to help hold you up. Will was, as they say, tongue fucking you. Santi was amazing at eating you out, he could make you cum again and again and again, but Will? Will was a pussy eating champ.
“Fuck, FUCK fucking hell, Will” You pant heavily.
Santiago kissed your neck. “You like that, baby? You like when Will suffocats himself between your legs”
“Uh-uh-uhuh” You try to answer, and you know damn well Santi isn’t going to let that go, he really likes you too-
“Use your words, hermosa” Santi’s voice, low in your ear.
“Yes, god yes, fucking love your face in pussy Will.”
“What do you say to Will?” 
“T-thank you, Will”
You were getting close, Will devouring you ravenously and Santi’s hands holding you up and playing with your nipples. Then, you feel Will’s hand shift and Santi’s breath hitches, and from the repetitive movement you felt on your skin, you realize Will has begun jerking off Santi from between your legs.
Will comes out and looks at Santi “This okay?”
Santi nods frantically. “Y-es, yes, don’t stop.”
“What do you say?” Will teased his friend.
Santi was unable to correctly form words, the heat of the moment clouding his brain, but he had enough forethought to wrap his hand around you to play with your clit. “Mmmmhm” Was all he could reply.
You continue teasing him, mirroring his previous words back to him. “Use your words, Santiago?”
“Thank you, Will”
Smiling, Will went back to work on you and Sant, Santi sucking into your neck with a fever that you knew signaled he was close, just like you, so you reach back your hand and entangle it in Santiago’s dark curls tugging about, everything growing hot the pressure in your stomach rising, rising, rising-
Will pulls away from you, and wraps his hand tightly at the base of Santi’s cock, effectively stopping both of your orgasms.
“Fuck!” You whine, slumping against your husband.
“God dammit, Ironhead!” Santi shouted, but Will’s wet face only grinned. “That’s what you get for trying to run this show, Pope.”
You grumble. “What did I do?”
Will kisses your puffy pussy, smiling up at you. “I know, princess, you’re being so good. You’re just collateral.” He scoops you up over his shoulder as he stands, making you squeal, and pats your thigh. “Santi, lie down on the bed.” and started walking around the bed with you in tow
Santi considers the path this has taken, and where this might go. He liked what he had with Will, this little power play, and plotted his next move. Go with it, or see how he reacts if he doesn’t? But when Will looked behind him and saw Santi hadn’t obeyed, he raised and eyebrow at him, and Santi promptly scrambled onto the bed.
“Now, you’re gonna make her cum on your face, and then I’ll let you come.”
Santi laughed at that, like a fucking brat. “Oh yeah, how you gonna do that, you gay now too?”
“Relax, Santi” He began to set you on top of him. “This ain’t the first dick I’ve sucked.”
With your legs spread over Santi, you lowered yourself onto Santi’s waiting mouth as Will situated himself over Santi. You brace yourself on Santi’s firm chest as he quickly licks into you, rocking yourself over his face as you lock eyes with Will.
“He feel good, Princess?” Will rubbed Santi’s thighs.
“So good, Will”
He spit into his fist, jerking off Santi (which made Santi’s grip on your hips tighten).“Want to watch me suck off your husband?”
“Yes” you whine “Will, please, wanna see him in your mouth, bet you look so good like that.”
“Oh, I know I do” With that, Will expertly sunk his mouth over Santi’s length, Santi groaning loudly into your dripping cunt.
“Oh FUCK, fuck Will, he likes that, he likes that a lot”
You watch the scene before you, content to sit pretty on Santi’s face and watch Will pleasure him with the same enthusiasm he ate you out with; William Miller, it seems, loved to give pleasure. You knew Santiago was in fucking heaven, happy to lick and suck away, wanting to bring you your orgasm you were denied, and god, it was coming.
“Fuck, Fuck Santi, baby, I’m close, don’t stop, making me feel so- AH!” You shout as you finally cum, pleasure ripping through you in warm waved as you road it out on his face.
Will looked up, still stroking Santi “Good job princess, I told you good girls get to come, keep fucking his face, get it all out, oh look at you, looking for pretty after being denied… Santi, you can-”
But Santi wasn’t ready to give up all his power. One hand he pushed Will down to his balls, and the other pulled you to suck his cock, your pussy doing fuck all to muffle the loud groan from him, nor the cry from his mouth as he came into yours.
When he was finished, you giggle and collapse onto the mattress, propping your legs over Santi. “Boys, that was incredible.”
Santi rubbed your legs. “You good to keep going, baby?”
Will laid down beside you.
You smile, replying “Can we take a breath first?”
“Absolutly, sweetheart” Will brushed the sweaty hair out of your face. 
“You guys stay there” Santi got up and went to the living room.
Will teased. “Yes sir”
While Santi braided your hair out of your face, Santi you and Will checked in about what happened. Will and Santi confirming that yes, they were more than okay with being with each other sexually, and you confirming that you were okay sharing both, even though the original intention had been them focusing on you. After water and some fruit snacks, Santi got you situated in your next position; head hanging off the bed as Will fucked your throat and Santi fucked your pussy.
Will marveled at the way your throat opened to him, the way his cock bulged with every thrust. “Jesus christ, baby…”
Santi pounded into you, his thick cock stretching you open. “Isn’t she something? Told you she was a slut for cock”
Gently, Will caressed your cheek. “Maybe you’re right, she’s a good little slut” He pulls out for a moment. “Are you a good little slut, princess?”
Gasping for air, you reply as Will daps your face clean from drool with the towel. “Yes, I’m a good cock slut.”
“I know you are” Will plunges back into you, looking up at a grinning Santi
Santi continues fucking you, hands moving up and down the expanse of your body, smiling back at Will, this all just felt so damn right. You felt completely full, satiated, with Will and Santi’s hands on your body, toying with it, seeing what what the pretties moans, and what combinations made you body jolt, and before you knew it, while Santi played with your clit and Will played with both nipples, you came once again.
“Oh fuck, are you coming princess? Already?” Will watches your limbs shake, pulling out of you and pushing you back a bit on the bed to allow you your orgasm in comfort.
“Just like like that baby, juuuust like that, look at you, coming on my cock, Will’s right, you’re such a good girl, such a fucking g-good girl, FUCK!” Santi’s thrusts became erratic but hard, the slap of skin loud as he unloaded his cum into you. “You’re fucking perfect, hermosa, perfecta chica.”
Santi folded himself onto you, fingers trailing up your sides and over your spread out arms where his hands held yours. “What do you think, got one more in you? Gonna let Will finally feel what it’s like inside you? How tight you squeeze when you cum?”
“Please, please baby, want Will to cum inside me, I need it”
“You heard the lady” Will playfully pushed a smiling Santi aside and settled between your legs, eyeing your puffy pussy dripping with Santi’s cum. “Oh, sweet little thing…” He murmurs, mesmerized by the sight before him. “Can you even take it? Hm? I don’t know if you’re fucked out little hole can take another round…” He was mostly playing with you, but he also genuinely wanted to offer you a chance to back out if needed; he never wanted to hurt you. 
“Will please, please Will, I can’t take it, I need to know what you feel like…”
Santi was laid beside you on his stomach nuzzling contently into you sweaty skin and Will was absolutely peaking at his naked ass when Santi spoke up, voice soft. “She ever tell you she has sex dreams about you? Used to hear her moaning your name in her sleep…”
Will leaned over to smack Santi’s asscheek. “You gonna help me make her feel good, Pope?”
Cupping a breast with right hand and kissing the soft skin of your stomach, Santiago affirms. “I’ll always make her feel good.”
“I know you will, baby” The pet name Will spoke to Santi took all of them by surprise, but that was quickly erased by their grins as you moaned, Will stretching you open again. Will wasn’t as big as Santi, but he was impossibly thick.
“Fucking hell, you’re tight” He massages your thighs, relaxing you.
You feel you eyes roll back as he bottoms out and begins fucking you, a steady pace that makes your tits bounce until Santi’s hand and mouth take them sucking and playing with the peaks.
“You dreamed of me, princess?” Will sped up his movements.
“Y-yes, yes Will, wanted you for so long”
“In your dreams, did I fuck you like this?”
“This is better, so much better” You’re panting again, the combination of theirhands and cock making you unable to focus, fuck they felt good together. You wrap your arms around Santiago to stabilize you, and he kisses his way up your chest to your neck
“In your dreams, did I suck your husband's cock?”
Of all the times to cum, this was certainly something. With a death grip on Santi’s sweaty, firm shoulders you came with a start, your body jolting in the grasp of the two men, Santi whispering sweet praises in your ears and Will pinning your hips to the mattress in his large hands as he pulls out of you, marking both your stomach and Santi’s back in his cum. You are two busy riding out your orgasm to think much on it, Santi slipping his fingers inside you to replace Will’s dick to pump out the last bits of your pressure he can get and to scoop up and push his cum back inside you. 
After it all subsides, and you register Santi is still telling you how much he loves you, the heat of sex begins to cool down, leaving the damp sheen of sweat and you shiver slightly.
“Oh sweetheart, let me get you cleaned up, then we can rest, okay?” Santi kisses you, and you wonder how he doesn’t find you disgusting, sweaty and full of bodily fluids from yourself, him and another man. Was he really okay with sharing you like this? For the first time, little seeds of doubt spread in your head. Did he think less of you, now that multiple men had been inside you in a variety of ways? Did he mean it when he called you a slut?
You realize you can’t see Will. “Mhm. Where’s Will?”
“I’m right here, princess, got a bath going for you” Will walked in wearing his boxers again.
You smile as you focus on the tall blonde in front of you. Amazing, you think, they somehow know exactly what you need. 
Will used a baby wipe that Santi had in the box he had from the group sex and cleaned Santi’s back of his cum, gently kissing Santi’s neck, making the man smile, then picked you up bridal style to carry you into the steamy hot tub, Santi trailing after you, pulling up his sweats.
“I’ll give you guys a minute, make something to drink” Will leaves you two alone as husband and wife.
“How do you feel, princesa?” Santi spoke softly as he began cleaning you.
You smile dopily up at him. “I feel great, sweetheart. But I think Princess is Will’s name for me, now”
“You’re right, you’re right. Guess I’ll have to stick with carino” he kisses your temple. “Muneca” he kisses your neck. “El amor de mi vida” Your nose
You giggle at that. “Somehow, I think you’ll manage”
Taking out your hair tie of one of the two braids, Santi continues. “Are you sure everything is okay? You seemed a little distant after you came down from your last orgasm.”
You make eye contact with him, and know you could leave it, Santi wouldn’t push the subject for now, and you could avoid it, pushing your feelings down and deal with it later, or never… but you trusted Santi, and Santi trusted you to be honest, you couldn’t break his trust any more than he could break yours, the whole thing would fall apart. You could ask him if you could talk later, if you weren’t ready… but you decided to be honest. His face already betrayed that he knew your extended silence was hiding something.
You answer him honestly. “”You don’t actually think I’m a slut, do you?”
Horror spreads across Santi’s face, even as he tries to school his expressions to not create a big reaction. He knew it was important to make sure you felt safe speaking to him, especially because you tended to enjoy rougher sex, but he couldn’t help immediately feelings bad for letting you feel this way, even for a second. Santi wasn’t exactly a hugger; he was touchy, for sure, but not a big hug person. Right now, however, with his eyes wide in horror, he hugged you.
“Oh baby, my sweet girl, no, no absolutely not” 
You tear up a little bit, the high of emotions surrounding everything getting you to. “Really, because I’ve just fucked your friends multiple times”
“Well so did I!” Santi says, a slight joke in his tone but sincerity none the less.
You giggle in his arms at that. “Fair point”
Santi pulls back, smiling fondly at you, thumbing away the single tear. “Oh sweetheart, did you do anything today or in all this that you didn’t want to do? Or didn’t love, even? Anything with me sharing you, or me with Ben or Will?” he says with worry.
Shaking your head, you quickly reassure him. “No, Santi, I wanted it all”
His arms were still around you. “Do you want me to stop degrading you in bed? We can stop, around the guys, when it’s just us, all of it. I’ll never call you another name again.”
“No!” You say a little too fast, making Santi smile. “No, sweetie, I like that. It’s just, it’s just been a lot of emotions. A lot has been happening with everyone.”
“I know this has probably been a lot for you too, I know it has for me, discovering new parts of ourselves” He takes your face in his hands. “I know things are changing, right now, everyone's relationships and dynamics and… it’s a lot, but no matter what else happens, know that I am yours and you are mine, and nothing will change that.”
Full content and relaxed, you kiss his perfect nose. “Thank you, baby. I am yours and you are mine”
When Will came back with some iced tea lemonades, he sat on the opposite side of the bath and watched fondly as Santi took care of you.
You had asked Will to stay the night, and after the bath you found yourself cuddled up under the sheets between your boys.
“Are we going to talk about what happened?” You say, referencing not only Will and Santi’s sexual acts, but the clear dynamic change that had been occurring between the three of you.
Will answered. “That can wait until tomorrow”
“You sure we’ll actually talk about it?” Santi countered, a little nervous. “I don’t want us to end up like whatever the fuck is going on with Ben and Fish”
“They didn’t end up like anything” Will defended his brother and his friend. “They’ll figure it out, so will we”
“Yeah” you say, stifled by a yawn. “We’ll figure it out tomorrow” You wrap your arm around Santi, spooning your husband.
Santi curls into you. “Yeah, tomorrow”
“Tomorrow” Will confirms, wrapping his arm around you. “We’ll all figure it out.”
AAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE SHARING MY WORK!!!! If you're new here, HIIIIII if this interests you, please consider checking out the rest of this series! it v bisexual lmfao
Remember, reblogs are the best way to spread my work around, but comments mean SO MUCH REREAD THEM ALL THE TIME comment to give 1000 happies to me
Anyway, two chapters left! FishBen chapter next, then another chapters thats gonna be like. impssible to write lol but its all of them, all the bisexuality, everyone fucking, Ben is literally a whore for everyoe (EXCEPT WILL IM NOT WRITING INCEST) Santi lowkey is a whore for everyone tho lmfao but thats just canon.
Thank you so much everyone!!!! I adore you and than you for your love on this series
Last chapter got community guidelined after 38 minutes so Santi x benny got NO WHERE so hopfully this does better.
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Would you mind doing prompt 18 with either Jake Lockley or Santiago Garcia? I couldn’t decide which one I wanted more, so I’ll let you decide ❤️
Erase it (Santiago Garcia x reader)
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Prompt: they’re teasing each other when one character goes “then kiss me” and is surprised that the other character actually does it
Word Count: 2.6k A/N: Fun fact! This period fic was just sitting in my drafts for a while but this prompt inspired me to add a lil something hehe. Enjoy <3
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, fingering, unprotected p in v sex (doesn’t matter if you’re on your period, WRAP IT UP), i'm back at it with the idiots in love trope <3
You couldn't decide whether mother nature had decided to play a nasty trick on you or had blessed you with a chance when your period had made its uninvited appearance. It was an unusually cold night in Bogotá but you woke up sweating, pure pain radiating from your lower abdomen, edging itself towards your lower back. You panicked slightly when you turned, feeling a wet patch under you. 
“Shit …” you mutter as you scramble to get out of bed to turn on the lights.
You were right, you had bled through your pants onto the bed below you as you slept. The past few weeks have been absolute hell, you and the boys have been out and about. Today had been the day where they checked into a hotel and you guess that your body decided to let go of all its stress that it was holding and push it out of your uterine lining. Your period had been late and your flow was heavy despite it being literally the first day. The cramps were biting into you, making you curl your body forward each time another wave hit you.
You ransacked your bag and the hotel room, but found no pads or even tampons. Part of you was ready to just free bleed but the other part of you just wanted to cry. All you wanted was a hot cup of chocolate and a large pad but you couldn't go and get it yourself, not in the streets of Bogotá at 2 am in the morning. You bit your lip and decided to admit defeat, walking out of your room and padding sadly towards Santi and Frankie’s room. You hesitated slightly before knocking their door.
Santi flung the door open and squinted down at you warily, sleep heavy in his eyes. His curls were astray and he was pulling down his sleep shirt, exposing some skin that made you blush a little. His eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled, a warm feeling coursing through you at how genuine he looked. 
There's no way that this man could look this good even when he slept.
You were pretty sure you looked like a gremlin in your oversized t-shirt and blood covered shorts. 
“Everything okay?” he mumbled, sleep coating his usual gruff voice, softening out its edges.
To put it plainly, his voice sounded like it had been touched by a siren. 
“Uhm, yea kinda, but also no.” you look downward, shifting from one foot to another. 
Santi raised an eyebrow but let you continue.
“Sorry for waking you Pope, but I need a little help.”
“That’s alright, querida. Name it, I’m at your service.” he said bowing a little, making you giggle.
You hugged yourself, feeling very vulnerable as you bit your lip
“I started my period.” you whispered
Santi gave you no reaction to what you had said and you wondered whether he had fallen asleep with his eyes open and standing up.
“Okay, need me to get you anything?” he said, instead giving you a small smile.
That took you aback slightly, no one had said something like this to you so casually. Normally men would lean on the extremes, either making it a big deal, as if you were on the verge of death or downplaying it and making you feel small
“Yes, please. I just need pads, the biggest ones you can find please and something for the pain.” you meddled with the edge of your shirt, twisting it in a comforting pattern. 
“Alright, lemme just get my wallet. Wait for me in your room, okay?” he said cupping your face with his hand, an unusual act of affection from him.
“Okay. Thanks, Santi.” you smile, forcing down your tears as you look away from him
You went back to your room and took a nice shower, letting the hot water soothe your body. You heard a knock and you shut off the shower, pulling a fluffy towel around you before letting Santi in.
“I- oh.” Santi said before turning around when he realised you were only in your towel.
“Oh, it's fine. I’m decent. I mean the towel is long enough.” you laughed a little awkwardly.
Santi set the big bag of things he got for you onto the bed. He pulled out a packet of big pads, several of your favourite chocolate bars, pain ointment, painkillers, a hot water bottle and lastly a pack of cotton underwear. You didn’t realise you had a hand on your mouth as you watched Santi pull out the stuff from the bag
You were absolutely flabbergasted
“Fucking hell, Santiago Garcia.” you breathed. 
You stepped closer to him and grabbed the pack of pads, examining it with a smile before turning to face him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. When you pulled away, you noted how red his face had gone, and the dopey expression that lined it. You thanked him profusely and rushed into the bathroom to get changed. 
You finally felt nice and fresh. You came out to find Santiago laying a towel on the soiled part of your sheets and you started to tear up. You sniffling made him look up and he just opened his arms out understandingly. You almost run to him, letting him envelope you in his warm, comforting embrace. 
“How do you feel?” he murmurs into your hair. 
“Much better, thanks Santi.” you say into his chest, breathing in his soft scent as your tears get caught in his sleep shirt. 
“Alright, I’ll let you get some rest, okay?” he said before slowly pulling away. 
You were rendered confused, and he didn’t even get to put his hand onto the doorknob before you grabbed onto his wrist. His confused stricken face made you blush and drop his hand.
“Could you maybe stay?” you ask, slightly bashful.
Santiago just smiled at you, studying your face. 
“Sure, I’d love to get away from Frankie’s snores for a while.” he said after a few seconds, making you snort. 
He grabs a few of the chocolate bars before he leads you to the couch. You open one of the bars and break it into half, giving the other half to Santiago. The both of you nibbled on the chocolate and laughed about old memories. 
You watched as Santiago animatedly tells you about the boys and their shenanigans. Oh, to be Santi’s girl. You would be treated like a queen, forget it, you would be treated like a goddess, mainly because this man had the heart to be absolutely head over heels over someone. 
“There was once where Benny tried to pet a dog, it was a calm dog, for your information, and the dog lunged at Benny so fast that all we saw was Benny’s rifle flying 30 feet away in one direction and Benny running as fast as he could in the other direction.” You laughed a little too hard and felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, making you double up in pain. 
Santiago held you and pressed his hand over yours on your tummy. For the first time panic flashed through his eyes, not knowing whether this was a normal thing. 
“Ugh I hate taking pain killers, it's not like they work anymore.” you straighten your back as the pain ebbed away. 
Years of chronic pain have made painkillers essentially useless for you. Santi nods understandingly, rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly a sheepish look settled upon his face.
“What?” you say squinting at him
“It's nothing.” he said and you swore you could see a tinge of pink upon his cheeks. 
“I demand you to tell me, I'm the one in horrendous pain,” you winced.
Santi settled back onto the couch and pulled you down with him with a sigh. 
“Remember when we were small and our mom’s would take care of us?” he said softly.
“Of course.” you said, snuggling a little closer to him.
“You know when you would fall down and your mother will always have that one special remedy?” his voice edged into a whisper.
“Hmm? A bandage and some tylenol?” you say back, totally oblivious. 
“No, I mean what comes after the bandage and the tylenol?” he says a little exasperatedly now. 
You look up at Santi with a pout and shrug. He sighs again, this time with a small smile on his face as he brushes away a wet strand of hair from your face. 
“When they kiss it all better?” 
It took you a while to process what Santiago was trying to tell you. Suddenly it clicked but you didn’t let it show, masking your shock at what Santiago was implying with confusion to divert him.
“You wanna be my mom, Santi?” you feign confusion and he rolled his eyes.
You sit up slightly and press your lips together, trying to keep your laugh in. 
“I’m just playin’, I’d love to kiss me all better, not that you’d know where to kiss-.” 
His lips caught yours before you could finish your sentence. He sighed sleepily into your kiss and caressed your cheek with his knuckles. You smiled against his lips and anchored yourself against his chest, fingers feeling up whatever was under his sleep shirt. 
He pulled away and smiled at you, a boyish smile that made him look several years younger. His fingers were at your chin and he turned our face so that he could plant another kiss onto your cheek before pulling you down onto his chest. You groaned again and clutched at your stomach as another wave of pain crashed through you.
“Guess your remedy didn’t work.” you mumbled sadly into his chest as his hand kneaded your lower back with soft pressure. 
Santiago stayed silent for a while and you slowly felt yourself getting sleepier with his presence but a few biting cramps kept pulling you out of your relaxed state. 
“I… umm… heard somewhere that there is a way to take the pain away.” Santiago stuttered a little, a little unusual for someone who was usually so calm and collected.
“I’ll do anything.” you muttered again.
“Well not do hard drugs but you know, yes anything.” you sigh. 
“It involves coming.” Santi says after a few seconds of silence
“Going where?” you said without missing a beat, the pain clearly making you stupid
Santiago’s nervous expression shifts to a blank one as he stares at you incredulously
“Pope, what?” this time you were genuinely confused as you stared at his face. 
“I mean, like, ORGASM!” he whisper-shouted.
 Now it was your turn to be nervous. You eyed Santiago and picked at a hangnail on your finger. 
“Let me take care of you.” his voice dropped to something more sultry and you felt your insides swim with desire. 
“How?” you whispered. 
Santiago wanted to buy his time by whispering all of the sweet and sacrilegious things he had been meaning to do to you but in your current state, he would rather just blatantly tell you before he made a fool of himself.
“Let me touch you and help you relax.” his eyes were so soft when they met you and you found yourself trusting him entirely.
With your confirmation, Santiago scooped you up and walked you to the bed, laying you down on the towel he placed there earlier, before pulling his shirt off and crawling beside you. Your heart thudded in your chest as you pressed your legs together and stared up at Santiago. You’ve never seen this look on his face before and he was studying you, his eyes scanning your body as your breath quickened. 
“Relax, querida, I’ll take care of you.” he said, pulling your oversized t-shirt up slightly before hooking his fingers at your shorts, tugging them down gently, easing your legs apart. 
The cold air on your bare pussy made you shiver and he eyed your core in a way he’s never looked at you before. You let yourself sink down at his soft touches, his fingers kneading gently at the skin of your thigh as he kissed your knee. He kept his eyes on you as his fingers found your clit and you squeezed your eyes shut at the soft pressure. Silently, he began to softly rub at your clit, easing out soft moans and whimpers from you. You felt the tension in your abdomen pull away as it is replaced by another sensation, one that was egged on by the attractive man who was hovering over you. 
“How do you want me?” he asked softly over your whines. 
“Anything you can give me.” you breathed back, and instantly, he slipped two of his fingers inside you, making your head drop back with a delicious moan. 
He started pumping his fingers in and out of you, and you started whispering his name like a prayer almost like you were pleading for him to not stop. His thumb swiped at your clit when your walls started to get tighter around his fingers and the band that he was building instantly snapped and your back arched off the bed as you came with a gut wrenching moan. 
You dropped back down onto the bed and caught your breath, your vision swimming as you vaguely heard yourself thank Santiago. You felt the bed dip around you and your eyes dropped down to where Santi’s hand was. He had rid himself of his pants and was gently pumping himself up and down, smearing your blood on himself, eliciting a string of curses from your own mouth. You dropped your knees open and he pushed himself in, filling you up to the brim as you gasped at his size. He dropped himself onto his forearms, caging you as his lips whispered soft nothings into your ear.
“So wet and warm… Still so fuckin’ tight…” he started pistoning his hips pulling out moan after moan from you again. “Fuck, you feel so good, I need to make you feel good.” 
He was making you feel good. All of the pain had vanished and was replaced with quaint pleasure coursing through your veins. The intimacy of it all made you feel so vulnerable yet safe. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, letting him drop his head against your shoulder as your pussy started to grip him with absurd strength. 
“So close…” you managed to breathe and Santi nodded, unable to form any words.
His fingers dropped to your clit once more and it didn’t take much for you to snap again, Santi spilling into you with a sharp moan to the column of your throat. He slumped against you and your hands lazily scraped at his scalp.  All of your muscles were relaxed and it was replaced with soft clouds of pleasure that turned your mind hazy. You kissed Santiago’s temple and thanked him over and over as he soothingly kissed your neck.
“Better?” he mumbled into your neck.
“So much better.” you breathed, sleep pulling your eyelids over your eyes.
“Shh, rest, I got you baby. I always got you.” was the last thing you heard before you succumbed to the powerful callings of sleep. 
You woke up curled up against him, his hand pressing a now lukewarm hot pack to your abdomen as he cuddled you close. While you were asleep, he changed you, and made sure you were comfortable before settling to sleep. His nose now was buried in your hair and your back was flush to his chest, impossibly close. 
You held on to his arms and you pulled him closer, praying that he would never slip away, knowing that he’d be able to erase everything that could harm you. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~~
Tagging: @in-between-the-cafes @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @whatsliferightnow @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @autismsupermusicalassassin @flordelalunas @lia275 @euphoricosmo @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sugarpunch-princess @swiggy-needs-mental-help @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @melodygatesauthor
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eyelessfaces · 1 year
santiago garcia x reader
summary: you're moving out. santi helps you packing, and it's the perfect occasion to finally talk about everything unsaid between the two of you.
warnings: mentions of sextoys for some reason....... don't look at me like that. sexy times mentionned and implied, the fic fades to smut so it kinda starts but nothing too steamy
tags: f!reader, mutual pinning, friends to lovers
word count: 1.8k
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“Heard you needed help. I’m your man” were Santiago’s words before he winked at you and stepped into your half empty apartment.
You moved out at the beginning of next week, and because the laziness got the best of you you now had to rush to finish packing your stuff. 
You had started when you were determined, all energy gone once your back hurt at the end of your first day of packing, and you hadn’t continued since. And this was your mistake.
You could have been wiser and you could have started packing gradually, a bit every day but no– procrastinating had sounded so much better to your “it’s cool, I still have time” ears. 
You had started panicking when you realized it was Saturday already, so you had called your friend group in hope that they could help you get this covered, except they all happened to be conveniently busy. Except for one of them.
“I heard Santi’s available” was Frankie's casual reply when you called him to ask for his help, and you swore you had heard him smirk over the phone when he said this.
You honestly doubted Frankie, Benny and Will all happened to be busy, and you firmly believed that for a good reason; they had been doing their best to isolate you and Santiago since you had kissed at Benny’s birthday party.
Even though you had tried to resonate with them by telling them that you were both drunk and that this kiss probably didn’t mean much to Santiago, they had been actively keeping on trying to get the two of you to have a conversation about it.
Except as of now, packing was your priority. 
“Thank you for coming to help me. I’ve been procrastinating doing this and I don’t know if I’d be done by tomorrow night doing this all by myself” you sighed, picking up an empty cardboard box and throwing it to Santiago. 
He caught it and pinched a smile.
“No problem hermosa, you know I’m more useful helping you here than watching TV naked on my couch. Where do I start?” he asked, walking through your living room and looking at the boxes you had already packed used to support the TV, since you had already emptied and packed your TV stand.
“Would be nice if you could finish the bookcase next to the couch. You can put the CDs with the books, just name the box with both” you instructed, picking up the marker from the floor and handing it to him.
“Yes ma’am” he smiled taking the marker from your hand in a swift motion, determined to start his job and to do it right. Maybe the other boys not being here would actually profit you and you would be faster with your task, no distractions around.
“You know you’re not getting out of here without explaining why you watch TV naked” you said going back to the kitchen where you had started packing all your cooking tools. It was a kitchen opened on the living room, so you were not far from each other.
He chuckled. “Well because why not” he replied as he sat on the floor to empty the lower part of the bookcase.
“Why” you insisted, placing your cooking tools strategically in the box so everything would fit perfectly.
“You know I’m not the only one who does it. I mean– staying home naked. Frankie does it too. Well not anymore since his daughter was born but he used to do it”
“Bless that kid” you chuckled. “Still doesn’t answer my question” you asked looking back at him.
“It’s comfortable” he shrugged. “Things swaying freely” he said turning to look at you, a smirk on his face.
“Okay I’ll stop asking questions” you laughed shaking your head.
An hour and a half later Santiago had finished packing your living room, leaving only the couch and TV surrounded by cardboard boxes. You were also almost done with the kitchen except for a few cabinets and of course still leaving out the essential: a few forks, knives and spoons, and a few glasses and plates.
“Need help for the kitchen?” he asked, sitting on the counter.
“Yep, I was about to empty my mug cabinets. I have a lot” you nodded. You grabbed another cardboard box and sighed when you looked around but didn’t find what you were looking for. “Fuck can you get me the bubble wrap? I must have left it in my bedroom when I was packing the perfume bottles in my drawers”
“Sure be right back” you thanked him before starting to get the mugs out of the cabinet, placing them on the counter waiting for him to come back to start wrapping them.
Santiago went into your room and searched for the roll. 
Walking towards your bed, he saw something looking like what he was looking for peeking out from under your bed, it had probably rolled and gotten under there accidentally. 
He kneeled down to pick it up, noticing a black plastic box placed under your bed. He chuckled to himself before the pain in his knees reminded him that he couldn’t stay in this position for long, grabbing the bubble wrap roll and standing back up.
“Nice sextoys collection” he threw with a smug smile as he came back to the kitchen, handing you the bubble wrap roll.
You almost dropped the mug between your hands. “Wha– don’t tell me you–”
“No, but now I have the confirmation that it’s really your toy box” he laughed, and even harder when he saw your startled and slightly embarrassed face.
“You want a medal or something” you chuckled, taking the roll from his hands, your own hands not even capable of functioning correctly. You would definitely be losing some mugs after that.
“Hey don’t be embarrassed” he nudged your side. “Ever used them with someone else?” he asked leaning against the counter.
“Jeez Santi” you laughed. You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Tried to. The guy didn’t want to because he saw it as its enemy. Turns out its enemy did a way better job than him afterwards” you explained wrapping one of your least favorite mug so you wouldn’t regret it if it slipped from your slightly trembling hands. 
“Mh I see” he said reaching to grab one of the mugs to help you wrap them. “You just haven’t tried with the right guy yet” he sighed, turning to look at you.
You focused on arranging the box correctly to avoid his gaze as your cheeks heated at his words, trying to discard the feeling. “Probably” you mumbled. Probably.
Santi plopped down on your couch, a low grunt leaving his mouth as he did so.
You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaling in relief.
You were done. It seemed impossible, but here you were, everything packed.
“Wanna drink something as a reward?” you offered before you could sit down for good.
“Got a beer?” he asked raising his eyebrows.
“Yup” you said turning around to grab them from your refrigerator.
You uncapped them and sat down on your couch next to him, handing him his beer. He clinked his bottleneck against yours and you smiled, taking a sip before letting out another sigh of relief.
“Seriously, thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you” you declared smiling at him, and he finished his sip before smiling back at you.
“Eh if I hadn’t helped you who would have?” he rhetorically asked, chuckling.
“Right” you sighed, remembering the sarcastic exclamation point at the end of Benny’s message when he said he couldn’t come, Will’s fake pondering face when he did a quick review of his schedule when you called him on facetime, and of course Frankie suggesting Santi’s presence.
“You know they’re not really busy right” he questioned, turning to you and leaning his arm against the back of your couch. You threw a single nod before taking a sip of your beer. “You know they just want us to figure out what’s going on between us, right?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed and looked over at him. “I know. I think they made that obvious”
He scratched the light stubble on his chin and put his beer down on the floor before returning to his previous position.
“Then what’s going on between us?” he asked tilting his head, and he smiled when he saw you chuckling. “What? I think we should give them what they want or they’re never gonna stop” he shrugged.
“Okay.” you cleared your throat before going further. “Well, I don’t know what’s going on between us but I liked kissing you” you admitted, immediately taking a sip of your beer after delivering your words. You were almost embarrassed at how fast your heart was beating.
He smugly smiled and looked you up and down.
“As friends?” he asked playfully, throwing his chin at you.
“Dunno, you?” you asked, mirroring his smile, putting your beer down on the floor too. You looked back at him and he shrugged.
“Well all I can tell you is I was drunk but I think I know what I was doing” he said with a single nod, pinching his lips into a small smile. “And I enjoyed it.”
“That’s good to know” you replied playfully, your gaze going back and forth between his lap and his face. “You’d do it again?”
“Do what?” 
“Kiss me, idiot” you chuckled, planting your elbow against the back of the couch.
“Question or order?” he asked rhetorically, a smirk plastered on his face. You playfully hit his arm when you realized you had been tricked, and he nudged your side. “Answer the question”
Your face inched closer to his, and you tilted it slightly before answering. “Order” your voice was barely louder than a whisper. 
His thumb and forefinger grasped your chin after your implied consent, and it took him a very short time to press his lips against yours once he was sure you both wanted it.
He kissed you and he knocked the air out of your lungs, your hands buried in his graying curls and his hands traveling up and down your curves. 
You made out intensely, laying down on your couch, his body hovering over yours as he practically fucked his tongue into your mouth.
“If that wasn’t abundantly clear, not as friends, no” you panted against his slightly swollen lips once you pulled away for air.
“Good. Good choice” he said biting down on his bottom lip, laughing when you yanked his face down to kiss him again. He kneaded one of your breasts while his tongue plunged in your mouth, his thumb brushing against your hard nipple, and you moaned in his mouth as a result.
He pulled away from your mouth, his own shifting towards your ear.
“Hey I thought maybe we could make some use of that box under your bed. It’s not packed yet after all” he whispered, unable to cover the devilish grin on his face or the excitement in his voice. 
And in his pants, too.
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modernperplexity · 1 year
Mine Ch. 1: Homecoming
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Chapter Rating: E (18+) Minors DNI, mention of alcohol, substance abuse, suggestive language, abandonment.
Word Count: 4K
A/N: Ahh the day is here and Chapter 1 is finally posted! I apologize for the delay. I had originally planned for this to be up sooner but life happened and my week became more busy than expected. You guys, this first chapter is kind of massive as I am introducing characters and setting up the plot. As I mentioned in my previous post, this is my very first fic so please be kind and bear with me. My asks are open to suggestions, questions, comments, etc. I definitely want to grow and improve as a writer <3
Again, special thanks to @ssuperficialspacecadett, your advice on fic writing was truly helpful! <3 Please, please, please be sure to check out her writing! She is SO very talented!
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Happy Frankie Friday y'all!
Mine Masterlist
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Mine Chapter 1: Homecoming
It felt like the billionth-mile marker you had passed on the way to your new apartment. “Almost home, just three more hours to go.” you quietly encouraged your tired self after 18 hrs on the road. You miss the warm kiss of the Florida sun and the palm trees gently swaying in the cool breeze of the beach. The open road ahead was brimming with new possibilities but the closer you came to home, the more daunting it all became. Your hands nervously gripped the steering wheel as you took a deep breath in and slowly out. “It’s the right choice, new job, new era, just with familiar people...It was the right call.” You muttered to yourself, doing your best to quiet the insecure thoughts with your favorite podcast.
You had loved Seattle- absolutely adored it. Your job was amazing, and your apartment beautiful, but tainted. So you pushed through an extra six months after calling off the engagement in an attempt to make the city your own, only to realize you had outgrown it. You had outgrown that relationship too, gave him so many damn chances to fess up about his dubious behavior but drew the line when you serendipitously found a red lacey thong under his bed.
*RINGGG* your phone blared through your train of thought, consequently yanking you back to earth. “Hey, girl! How’s the road?” Michele had been ecstatic at the recent news of your return and proud that you had split with Sam. He was what she often referred to as a “pinche cabron” (fucking idiot). After all, Michele was not the type of person to keep her thoughts to herself. She was always intuitive and strong. Her shoulder being the one you’d lean on time and time again.
“It’s…long” you laughed nervously, “Can’t wait to get my hands on a Cubano and some Tostones.”
“Oh my god! That’s right, you’ve been deprived! I’ll pick some up for us and swing by your new place. Just send me your new address and ETA.”
“You’re an angel! Thank you!” you chirped, your voice betraying your efforts to mask the anxiety boiling up in your chest.
“Hey… you okay?” 
Nothing gets past this woman.
A deep sigh relieves the tension in your body while you shift in your seat, stretching your aching back. “Yeah, just getting in my head. Coming home is the right call…right?”. You almost felt defeated, like you moved across the country and came back with nothing to show for it.
“Absolutely! Honestly, after everything that happened. I don’t blame you. I would’ve done the same thing. You know what? I know just what you need. We’re going out.” 
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The next few days were a blur. The moving boxes in your living room were now nearly gone thanks to Michele and a couple of other friends and family that had stopped by to welcome you back home. Thank goodness for their help, your body was so tired from the trip, it didn’t dawn on you until last night that you’d start your new Speech Language Pathologist Assistant (SLPA) job at the speech clinic the next day. 
The clinic had more Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) and SLPAs than you were used to but that was a blessing honestly. After a day of orientation and introductions, you really felt like you had landed on your feet. The sense of familiarity eased your new job jitters. The lead therapist showed you to your office and you began setting your room up with materials and games for the patients you’d be seeing that day. Lindsay, the sweet SLPA whose office was across from yours, briefly introduced herself and gave you a heads-up about the patients on your schedule. She passed along her notes on the patients who she had seen previously. Their preferences in toys, games, and their progress toward their goals.
“Thank you so much, Lindsay. This is a huge help!” 
“No problem, who’s first on your schedule?”
Your hands scrambled through your notes. “Umm…Camila Morales. Have you done therapy with her before?”
“Nope, must be an initial visit. She’s a little one too, says she’s only 3 years old on her evaluation.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks!” You said as you turned on your heel and continued preparing for the session.
Should be fine. Just interviewing the parent, going over goals, letting the patient get to know me… I got this.
You grabbed your patient’s chart at the front desk as the 9 o’clock patients signed in. Lindsay nudged your side and nodded in the direction of the reception desk as a handsome man in a cap grabbed a pen and a clipboard. “I think that’s your patient being signed in”. With a slight nod, you made your way to meet your first patient of the day. 
“Camila Morales” you called into the waiting room.
Camila slowly and carefully climbed off the waiting room chair as she heard her name. Her dark chocolate curls gathered into two ponytails bouncing as she made her way to greet you.
 “You must be Camila! I’m your speech teacher, it’s so nice to meet you. I’m so excited to show you all the toys we will use for your therapy session today.” You chirped sweetly as you crouched down to her eye level. The corners of her lips slightly curved into a sheepish smile as she held her father’s hand and a light blue stuffed bunny in the other.  
“Morning, Miss. Sorry about Bunzy, she refuses to go just about anywhere without him” he explained. 
Your gaze met the deep brown eyes of the man in the cap. His gaze was strong but warm, his smile immediately charming. “Good morning! Oh please don’t worry, it won’t be a bother.” You give him your name and stretch out your hand “You must be Mr. Morales.” 
“Oh, no. I’m not, uh… I’m Santiago…Santiago Garcia, Cami’s godfather. Fish asked me to bring Cami to her first appointment. He got caught up at work but he’ll be here for the next session.” He breathed. He settled in the chair in your office, watching as Cami eagerly darted to the Dollhouse you brought out for her, already making herself comfortable much to his content.
It took you a moment to register what Santiago said. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I assumed you were her father. Um…did you say Fish?” You said as you grinned at the odd pet name and looked over Camila’s file.
He let out a slight chuckle “I did… My apologies, I meant Mr. Morales...old habits, I guess” he shrugged in awe at himself using a prefix before his best friend’s last name. The way it rolled off his tongue, was unnatural, like a fish out of water.
“Ah,” you smiled, “Got it. Well, today is going to be a pretty easygoing session. I just want to get to know her, let her get to know me, and we will go over her speech goals” You took a packet of speech delay information that you usually handed out to parents and handed them to Santiago. “Please pass along this information to Mr. Morales.. Can you tell me more about Camila?”
Santiago filled you in on Cami’s favorite games, songs, books, and toys. He knew her first words and how frustrated she would get when she could not communicate her wants and needs. He knew Cami quite well and talked about her as if she was his own. She was so comfortable with him, it was easy to see that they had a strong bond. As predicted, the session was a breeze and soon enough Cami was waving goodbye to you as Santiago carried a giggling Cami down the hall, praising her for earning a glittery unicorn sticker. You swear you could hear his smile as he said “Te portaste muy bien preciosa” (You behaved so well, lovely girl).
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It was the 5th attempt at coming up with an outfit tonight. The clock was ticking and you knew you were behind schedule. Michele was on her way and she was never one to be late. The room was a mess and your clothes were everywhere. You glanced at your phone which read 8:50 pm. The time pressuring you to settle on a pair of black distressed wide-leg jeans, block-heeled sandals, and a cowl neck camisole. 
Oh my god! Michele is going to kill me. I haven't even done my makeup!
You went for an easy look, foundation, blush, mascara, light shadow, and eyeliner. Not trying to impress anyone tonight, It was a girl's night after all. As you applied the finishing touches to your make-up, you heard the front door that you had left unlocked anticipating Michele’s arrival, creak open. Soon after, her steps echoed down the hall leading to your bathroom.
Shit, out of time. 
“G’damn, mujer, you’re not ready?” She leaned, arms crossed against the door frame.
Your makeup brush hit the vanity and your hands swung up at the sound of her voice, “I’m ready, I swear... I’m ready” You giggled.
“Okay, Slothy McSlothson. I hope you stocked up your fridge with Pedialite cause we’re probably gonna need it later” she chided “I’ll put in the Lyft request and let the other girls know we’ll be heading out soon”
“You sneaky girl! I’ve been rushing thinking it was pre-scheduled!” a playful scoff leaving your mouth.
“What? I know you! I knew you were gonna run late, so I figured I’d get the Lyft when I got to your place.” She shrugged and reached for the bottle of Gin she brought for you and mixed it with mango juice. 
“Here, I thought we’d pregame before the Lyft gets here. I know you can get a little nervous going out sometimes.”
A small gasp left you, “My little Cuban hero, thanks!” eagerly taking the cup and taking a sip, “Where are we going anyway?”
“Oh, you’ll see.”
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You heard excited squeals as you walked into the lively Cuban bar, the upbeat Salsa filling the space, almost drowning out their enthusiastic embraces. The friends you hadn’t seen in a few years, Crystal, Lexi, and Naomi, ran up to hug you and Michele. After ordering your drinks you sat at a table near the folding window of the bar. They caught you up on their love lives, work, and family. You tried hard to keep the attention on them and not on your failed engagement but it was only a matter of time before it came up.
“Wait, why are we the only ones talking… what happened with Sam?” Crystal asked.
In an instant Michele looked up at you after taking a sip of her drink, attempting to read your expression to know if she needed to change the subject or not. She could read you like a book. 
Your gaze met hers, “It’s fine” you waived her off “Things with Sam are done, turns out he wasn’t as committed to me or the idea of spending the rest of his life with one person.” 
“Awe shit” Lexi added, “so that means..”
“Yep, found a little souvenir his girl left behind” They all groaned, almost in unison.
“It’s okay, I think I’m better off. I’m relieved I found out before I gave up my apartment or started making any deposits on venues.”
“And you’re back now… who knows, maybe you were meant to course correct and come back home.” Crystal chimed in.
“Either way, you seem like you’re doing great. We’re glad to have you back” Michele smiled and squeezed your hand to reassure you.
The night continued as your group bar hopped from place to place. The warm summer breeze enveloped you as you walked arm linked with your friends. Michele led your group to the last stop of the night. You all but stopped in your tracks when you saw the buzzing neon Live Karaoke sign. 
Well, this is going to be fun.
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Frankie couldn’t help his fidgeting tonight, consistently checking his phone for updates on Cami. He wondered if she finished her dinner if she struggled during bath time, or if she gave his mom trouble when it was time to go to bed. He leaned on his mom for support if he absolutely needed to. Only letting her babysit when he was at work or when he ran errands. He was so hell-bent on being a good father and staying out of trouble that he hardly let himself relax. He reasoned he owed Cami that much, especially after Ashley decided to leave. After her frustration with his decision to go on that mission, after he came back distraught by the loss of Tom and the wreck of a mission that he was part of, only to fall into the familiar comfort of his vice. Fed up and devastated, Ashley decided to take Cami to Frankie’s mother’s house after saying she was going out for groceries only to never return. That was the day that changed everything. It was that moment that snapped him back into reality. He needed to do better, be better, for Cami. That was all that mattered.
There was no way in hell Santiago would let him cancel. Not after he, Ben, and Will had planned this night for weeks. It had only been a couple of days since Santiago’s return from traveling around the world. This night was a big deal, it was the first time in a long time they were finally all in one place. Frankie would not hear the end of it if he bailed, especially since Pope was currently staying at Frankie’s until he found a place of his own. Frankie loved his daughter but It did sound nice to let loose with the boys. He had worked so hard to be who he was now.
“Fish, you good?” Santi asked, as he gave him a solid pat on the back “Seemed like you were somewhere else for a sec.”
“Just worried about Cami” he breathed before raising his glass to his lips.
“She’s in safe hands, it’s your mom. She raised YOU, she can handle Cami” Will chimed in and took a sip of his beer.
“You guys have been going on about how you’ve been planning this for weeks and you settled… on a karaoke bar?” Frankie chuckled.
“It was Ben’s idea,” Will and Santiago said in unison.
Ben rolled his eyes, “What? It was an honest mistake, we failed to notice one little detail.” 
“The bar we wanted to go to turns into a club on Saturday nights, and we all know clubbing is not your scene or mine” Will added.
“...and remind me what was wrong with our usual spot?” Frankie pressed.
“C’mon man, It’s a great bar! Brought a date out here last week. Just give it a chance. The live band is great!” 
“As long as you don’t sign me up” Ben gave Frankie a devilish grin and stood up “Ben...Benny…don’t you fucking dare!” Frankie’s grip became tighter around the beer he was nursing.
“C’mon old man, it’s all in good fun! You boys make sure he gets a couple more drinks in him, I’ll be right back” Ben winked as he walked away.
Santiago laughed as Frankie dragged his hands over his face “Tranquilo, I’m sure he just went to the bathroom or somethin’ he’s just busting your balls.” Frankie sighs “He’s right though, you gotta chill... I’ll get us another round”
A group of girls walked by and caught Santiago’s eye as he made it to the bar. Particularly one of the girls. She was pretty- very pretty. He could’ve sworn he’d seen her somewhere. It bothered Santiago for all of two minutes until he decided he’d let it go and focus on the boys. He rounded up the beers he ordered and turned to walk back to the group when he heard you. He recognized your voice. He hardly recognized you without your scrubs on. “Oh shit! That’s Cami’s speech teacher!” he muttered under his breath. He thought it best to keep this to himself, for that moment at least. He returned to the table when his mouth dropped. “No.. way! Is that-”
“Ben. Fucking. Miller…who knew he had it in him!?” Frankie interrupted. His suspicions were half correct. Ben had made his way to sign someone up to the karaoke list- himself. 
Ben taps the mic half haphazardly and clears his throat “Is everyone having a good time!?” the crowd cheers “I said.. Is everyone having a good time!!?” the crowd cheers even louder, “M’names Ben…Ben Miller and I’m about to make it even better.” he chuckled to himself “Alright ‘nuff talk, this one’s for my boys!” he turned to the band drink in hand as they continued the chord progressions to The Boys are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy. 
“That boy…always loved the limelight. He’s eating this shit up” Will chuckled as he shook his head.
“Holy shit” Santiago nodded to the music “not bad either”. He laughed and turned to see a more relaxed Frankie who had his sight set somewhere other than the stage. It seemed that Santiago wasn’t the only one who had noticed you.
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The live karaoke bar had the feel of a big theatre with two levels. Each table had a great view of the stage that had a full live band that had an expansive repertoire of songs available for those brave enough to sign up. The stage was impressive and lively, the stage lights changed colors and moved depending on the song of choice.
After getting your drinks, you and the girls decided on a table close to the stage when a guy named Ben went up to sing. He was really into the song- holding on to the mic stand and swinging it around while he sang. The lights turned blue and yellow around him, highlighting his strong features. 
“Wooo Ben!” Lexi cheered,“he’s hot.. definitely your type, Michele”
“Ooh, she’s not wrong Meesh, he’s right up your alley” you added “Wha- oh… okay” you laughed as you realized you and Lexi hadn’t even noticed that Michele had left the table. “Could’ve sworn she was right next to me” you shrugged.
Ben’s song came to a close and the crowd cheered. He definitely was a crowd favorite, from what you had seen, at least. There was a lull for a few minutes while the live band played an 80’s song in the background when the lights turned down and the stage lights turned red. You heard what you thought was the intro to a Queen song and you knew immediately who’d be up there. A sweet and slightly buzzed Michele appeared on stage. “Hi, I’m Michele and this song goes out to my best friend who just moved back to Florida- put your hands together for her!” the spotlight shone on you and the crowd cheered. Your eyes went wide, and your body stiffened. You tried your best not to cower in the heat of the light. All you could manage was a shy smile and wave. After what felt like an eternity, the spotlight shifted back to the stage, as you heard Michele start to sing and dance to the melody of Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. The stress of being the center of attention left your mouth dry. You needed a drink- desperately. 
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Frankie’s gaze followed you as you walked to the bar. He was almost mesmerized, maybe this could be a good night but there was no way he could talk to you. He couldn’t even remember the last time he flirted. His whole world had been consumed by NA meetings, work, and taking care of his little girl. 
“Wow, Fish, she’s gorgeous! At least go buy her a drink. If you don’t, I will, and we both know I’ll go home with more than just her number” Ben breathed.
*smack!* Without hesitation Will slapped Benny upside the head
“Shut up Ben!” Santiago retorted, pausing to look at Frankie. “He’s right, you gotta get back out there. It’s been a while since…just…let yourself have some fun. I’ve seen how you've been gawking at her for the last 5 minutes. If you don’t go, I’ll beat Benny to the bar and we all know. it will be over for you then” he winks.
Frankie turns to Will, who had consistently been the voice of reason. “Pope’s right, at least go talk to her. What have you got to lose?”
“I’ll give you a head start” Benny started counting down with a shit-eating grin “Three…two”
Frankie jerked up and out of his seat, beer in hand almost spilling some on his shirt from the sheer force of the movement “You know what?...Fuck all of you!” he said with a wide smirk and middle finger in the air. He started toward the bar, the men’s laughter fading in the background.
His pace slowed down when he saw you sitting at the bar. He could tell you were kind by the way your eyes sparkled and smiled along with your curving lips when you talked to the bartender. You looked so pretty, so sweet, so…unattainable. There was no way he could talk to you. Frankie started to panic. His mind started to race and think of the many ways he would ruin it. What was the point of even trying to talk to someone new? He had ruined his previous relationship and basically tore his family apart. Why run the risk of going through something like that again? He was more than halfway to the bar when you caught him looking at you.
Fuck, there’s no turning back now. 
Frankie groaned at the thought of the plaguing questions he’d receive from Ben and Pope. He thought it best to bring back a round of beers to ease the embarrassment. 
“I’ll have four Blue Moons,” He said, his body tense as he took a seat on the red stool. 
“You wanna close the tab or leave it open?” 
“You can go ahead and close it..thanks.” He said as he shifted in his seat, reaching for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans. The bartender placed the beers on the bar and placed the customer's receipt and a pen in front of him. Frankie was about to sign when he noticed something.
Tequila Sunrise………$6.45
His gaze lifted to look for the bartender, “Uh.. this isn’t my-”
“I think he mixed up our receipts” a kind voice sweetly interrupted. 
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“I couldn’t toss back four bottles in one sitting if I tried” You shrugged, and smiled at the handsome stranger, “Do you mind?” 
“Not at all” he motioned to the seat next to him.
“Rough night, I take it?”
“Oh uh…nah these aren’t all for me but if I was having a rough night, this would be the part where it starts to get better” he flashed you a half smile before taking a sip of his beer. That was the moment when you really noticed his features. The hook of his nose, how his locks curled and peaked under his hat, the small target tattoo on the hand that held his beer.
God, he’s gorgeous.
“So.. tequila, huh,” he said as he handed you your receipts.
“Yeah... I uh, needed something a bit stronger after my friend’s shout-out. It was sweet, but If I’m being honest don’t like being the center of attention.”
“I get that. Well..welcome back. I’m Frankie by the way” he stretched out his hand and shook yours. Your heartbeat reacted to the way his touch felt on your skin. 
You both watched the following performances, giggling as you created silly backstories for each person and why they selected the song they were belting out on stage. This was nice, definitely a breath of fresh air in comparison to the handful of dates you had recently been on- your attempt at getting “back out there”. This wasn’t even a date but you couldn’t help but notice how effortless and natural it felt. You talked about your childhood and your favorite beaches to visit. How you used to love stargazing while listening to the sound of the crashing waves, it was your favorite thing to do especially on a bad day. Frankie shared what brought him to Florida, how he enlisted with his best friend, and what prompted him to begin his career as a pilot. His eyes lit up when he talked about flying, his passion and pride on full display. The beers he had ordered stood forgotten, highlighting the time that had passed.
“Oh wow, I uh.. should get back to my group, and by the looks of it your friends might be needing their beers chilled” you chuckled “But it was really nice talking to you, Frankie,” You said hopping off the barstool.
“I had a great time talking to you too, Hermosa. I hope you have a great rest of your night” His deep chocolate-brown eyes scanned yours. “You too,” You said as you smiled and turned, ready to head back to your group.
“Wait!” he reached out, his fingers gently curling around your wrist, “I didn’t get your name”. The pen the bartender left out came in handy as you reached for it with one hand and held his with the other. Frankie couldn’t help but stare as you bit your lip while you wrote down your name and number on his palm, carefully drawing a small heart next to your name. 
“Call me sometime.”
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  “Aaand he’s back! Pope and I thought we were gonna have to go over there and remind you that tonight was for the boys!” Ben teased as Frankie shook his head as he handed the beers to the men.
“So, how’d it go?” Santi prodded.
“She’s great, we hit it off..” 
“You get her number or is my beer dangerously close to being lukewarm for nothin’?” Will chided with a sly grin.
“Awe shit..” Frankie’s brows furrowed at the sight of ink smeared on his palm, “the fuckin beers” His eyes desperately searched the venue, but you were nowhere in sight.
“The hell happened Fish…OH, damn that sucks.” Ben rubbed the back of his neck “Well.. uh..did ya at least get her name?” 
Frankie dragged his hand against his face cursing himself for not being more careful.
Pope padded him on the back “Well who knows.. if it’s fate” he shrugged with a half smile, “you’ll see her again”.
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You had spent part of your weekend awaiting a text or a call from Frankie. To your dismay, the only notifications causing your screen to glow were Instagram notifications, promotion e-mails, and texts from Michele, who had been eagerly awaiting an update on your situation. By the time Monday rolled around you had given up hope that the brown-eyed pilot you had met that weekend had any interest. You chalked up your connection to him being overly friendly. It wasn’t like he really initiated. Maybe he wouldn’t have talked to you at all had it not been for the bartender’s mistake. You shrugged and shook it off, there wasn’t much you could do about it.
Monday morning’s alarm came a lot faster than you had hoped. You put on your scrubs and grabbed a piece of toast and a cup of coffee before rushing out the door. You were determined to have a great morning. Listened to your upbeat playlist in the car singing your little heart all the way to work. 
You made your way down the clinic hall, excited to meet your first patient of the day. Opening the door to see a sweet little curly-haired girl swaying her legs in her seat.
“Cam- Oof!” Little Cami crashed into you as her little arms wrapped around your legs, “Hello to you too Cami!” you smiled at her as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Hermosa?” Your eyes went wide at the sound of the voice, his voice.
Chapter 2
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@ssuperficialspacecadett @spookyjamie333
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