#/happy 150 alpha!!!!!
jarofstyles · 3 months
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Hello my loves! This is the first part to our Patreon exclusive series, Buttercream. The ready is available on Patreon (over 18 parts) and is still being updated. You all asked to see what’s available to read and I’m giving you sneaks of it!
A series featuring an Alpha Architect Harry, a bossy bakery owning omega Y/N, the sweetest treats taste tested and some steamy smut.
Check out our Patreon for all parts of the series and 150+ exclusive writings.
The smell kept him coming back.
In his life, Harry had been to a quite a few bakeries. He could be considered an expert on fudge brownies, a specialist on cupcakes and the swirls of icing, a connoisseur of croissants. He treated himself a bit too often, if his mother had anything to say with it. His sweet tooth had always been prevalent in his life.
The new bakery down the road from his job, though? That had made him a true problem.
Every day before work, he stopped. Suit and all, pulling into the parking lot and nearly drooling the moment he got out. His feet carried him towards the door and the smell hit him immediately. Sweet buttercream, frothy vanilla, spiced cinnamon, and… something else. That something else that had him nearly vibrating, and now on a mission to have the whole menu to figure out just what the hell that scent was.
It was intoxicating. Mesmerizing. If Harry didn’t have work, he would spend hours just sitting here to smell it. It had a weird hold on him, and he didn’t quite know how to ask if it was an air freshener. That was unlikely for anywhere but restrooms anyways considering how offensive it could be for the noses of alpha’s and omegas alike. A bad scented one could send them into moods. Or even sickness. The sense of smell was very important.
“Mr.Styles.” The teen manning the cash register saluted him. He came in every day and was known to the cashiers, so he had ruled out it being one of them. Thank god. They were either young enough to not have a scent or too old for it to be possible. “What will it be today? Y/N’s been whipping up a storm for the holidays. New recipes. We’ve got a peppermint bark brownie that would go well with the peppermint mocha you like.” She chirped, watching as he scanned the cases.
Harry was a little intimidating but he was exceptionally charming. He smiled, he conversed, he tipped well, but he always seemed to be looking around. Trying to find something that no one could really place. The bakery was empty besides a mum and her friend with their kids, munching on treats and coffee as they watched the traffic go by. It wasn’t them. Harry’s ears did perk up when he heard an unfamiliar name.
“Y/N?” He asked, tilting his head as his attention went back to the cashier. “Who’s that? The owner?” Harry had never met the owner. For some reason, every time he came in the morning she had stepped out for her own break. It didn’t bother him so long as his compliments to the baker got passed along, but hearing her name stirred something in his chest.
“Yep.” She popped the p in her word. “She’s awesome. She started this all on her own after she went viral on the internet. She got the funds from online orders. You see the custom cakes and stuff but she does awesome experimental flavors. She doesn’t care if they’re hits or misses and let’s us go home with leftovers.” There was obvious pride to be working for someone like Y/N. It peaked his interest.
“Oh?” He asked, leaning his body against the counter. “That’s incredible. I’d be very happy to taste some of the new things.” He flashed a smile, tapping his card against the wood of the counter. “What would you think Y/N would suggest?” And why did saying her name make him feel silky and hot? Like it was meant to live on his lips? They tingled as the word left his mouth, making him shift his stance slightly. His skin was buzzing slightly as he heard someone else come from the back.
“She would suggest the peppermint bark brownies, the s’mores donut, the lemon cream cookie and the chili chocolate cupcake. Spice and sweet work surprisingly well together.” The airy voice went to his bones.
Harry could smell it fully now. The scent that laced the bakery was now engulfing him. Filling the space, making him inhale it with each breath. His hand tightened on the card, curling into a fist at his side as he caught a glimpse of her. She had been the source. It wasn’t a baked good or a cashier, but it was the baker herself that was making him addicted to the sweets laced with her scent.
He was silent as he observed her, a smile quirked on her lips. Slightly glossy and deliciously plump as she greeted the cashier with a simple hey and asking her to go to the back to grab the other new tray of cinnamon buns. Sliding them on to the rack, she used her hip to gently nudge the counter open and grabbed one for Harry.
“Here. On the house.” She slid the bag over to him with her soft simper, hands tapping on the wood.
She was marvelous.
Harry was speechless. Something he never usually was- the alpha could talk to a brick wall if he needed to- but this sweet little omega has been slowly hypnotizing him with her scent over the course of a month and now he was finally seeing her. He loved delayed gratification, a fan of edging, but this? He wished he had seen her far earlier.
“Hi.” He peeped. His face looked like he saw a ghost. The woman in front of him was like a mirage- and he wasn’t trying to be dramatic. He swore she was familiar to him in some way. Some how. She was all omega in the ways that called to him. The curve of her face and her soft voice… he could have started purring if he didn’t have some semblance of self control in his body.
“Hi.” She returned the greeting with a soft chuckle that heated his chest. “I hope you like the suggestions. I recognized your voice. You’ve been in here every morning we’re open and I figured it was about time to meet the loyal customer.” She chirped, brushing the stray hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ears. The adorably disheveled look added to her appeal.
A candy apple red apron was dusted with various baking material, tied around her waist snug. It showed the curve of her waist went deeper than what he could tell under her sweatshirt that appeared to have the bakery name printed on it. A swipe of flour was decorating her forehead, like she had wiped hair from her face and simply forgot about flour coated hands. Little details he was memorizing to think about later.
“I love the smell.” He blurted out. Immediately, he winced. That hadn’t been what he had meant to say, at least how he had meant to say it. Heat crept up further under his cheeks as he opened and closed his mouth, watching her giggle a bit as he tried to find his bearings.
“Fucking hell- I meant to say, I love your bakery. It smelled amazing when I went past it so I decided to stop in a few weeks ago and now it’s become a part of my daily routine. I bring in pastries for the office.”
“Aren’t you a star coworker.” She cooed, turning from him with a wink as she grabbed one of the red boxes and began to construct it. “They must love you at the office. I have on good authority that the one that brings the snacks, gets the pats on the back. Especially hand made, beautifully crafted baked goods.” She teased, opening up the case and beginning to place some sweets into it.
“I’d hope they like me. I’m their boss.” He laughed quietly, scratching the back of his neck. Never has he felt more like a schoolboy talking to a playground crush. He was head to toe in a suit good enough to meet his best clients, and a girl with flour on her face was sending him to his knees. Each time she moved, a gentle waft of her scent was given his direction and made that ever loved self control hang by a thread.
“Ooooo. Bossman.” She grinned, wiggling her brow as she placed another iced brownie with crushed peppermint bark sprinkled on top into the box. “Should have guessed. Love the suit, by the way. You look very handsome.”
That little compliment made his day. The pretty omega with the prettier smile and mouthwatering scent thought he looked handsome. That would be lingering in his brain all day. How she thought he was handsome. The casual compliments.
“Thank you.” He preened. “We do interior and exterior design for businesses. Up and coming places and remodels. So if you ever need a guy- I’m here.” He placed his hands in his pockets and lifted up on his toes rocking back and forth.
“Oooo. Is it that bad in here? Do I need a renovation?” She sucked her teeth, tilting her head. It had him freezing, mouth falling open to grovel. He hadn’t meant to offend her at all, hadn’t tried to insinuate it needed a remodel.
“Shit- no, I’m sorry. It’s very cute in here, I didn’t mean to insinuate it needed any help. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how it would sound-“
“Cool it, bossman.” She cooed, laughing at how he had nearly fallen over himself. “I’m just messing with you. The place does need some exterior work, actually. I hadn’t had the budget when we first started, nor the time. But I didn’t take any offense to it. You’ve got to market yourself. Don’t worry.” Her reassurance made him melt into relief, leaning into the counter. This whole encounter had him feeling a bit on edge in the weirdest way. He wanted to snuggle this woman, yet he was almost afraid of her. An omega. He was afraid of an omega.
Anyone else would laugh at him, perhaps, but he felt the nervousness creeping in his bones. He wanted her to like him. He wanted her to think he was cool and want to know him better. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. She had unarmed his normal charm and made him feel like a nervous bundle of sweat and it was exhilarating.
“I’ll take a card, though.” She placed her hand out flat. “If you’ve got one. I’m gonna check out your website.”
Harry fished one out of his wallet, thankful he kept them on hand. It had his office number, and part of him wanted to offer his personal cell but he knew that would be a bit weird. Especially if she wanted to use his services. He almost hoped she didn’t- asking a client on a date wasn’t good for the image, was it? He wasn’t sure.
“If you’ve got any questions you can reach out on the email there, it’s a direct line to me- or uh, I come in every day so.” He shrugged. “Around this time. You’ve got very good coffee too. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good hazelnut. People put a lot of syrups and things… but your shop does it the best.”
“Thank you.” She seemed chuffed with his praise. “I taste test everything with the crew here. You’ll be in for a treat. If you’re coming in every morning, do you think you’d want to be a bit of a guinea pig for me?” She slid the box across the counter. “I’ve been experimenting like my lovely employee was saying. But I’d love a real customers opinion. Even if it’s bad. I want to know what the consumer likes.”
Harry was shocked. Y/N was kind of treating him like a friend, like she valued his exact opinion. He couldn’t deny he felt exceptionally special. Having not only the owner of the bakery but an omega he had some sort of crush on suddenly want to sample the new things she sells and get his opinion on it.
“Oh- uh. Alright. Of course! I can do that.” He grinned shyly, handing his card over for her to pay for the things she had put into the box. “I come in every morning during the week so… you can just let me know what’s new to taste.” There was a giddiness in his stomach. An excuse to talk to her every day. Or at least a few times a week. He’s never really reacted this way to an omega before, the scent craving, the shyness he suddenly felt, all of it was so new to him and he was unsure how to navigate it but he didn’t want to stop. He only wanted more.
“Perfect. What is your name, by the way?” The card was handed back to him and there was slight disappointment their fingers didn’t brush, but Harry took today was a victory.
“Harry. Harry Styles. It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Y/N. I’m glad to meet you too. I hope to see more of you soon.”
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undergmnds · 8 months
When Crowley fell, he cried and clawed at his face, eyes unable to see the stars he himself had created.
He grew bitter at the heavens, not only having fallen from it, but for holding his pride and joy hostage—just within arms reach, but too great and pure for someone like him to have. Something people don't realize is that when an angel falls, they lose their most prized possession. To Crowley, it was his sight—not that he was blind, which he might have preferred over not being able to see the stars in the sky.
When the demon met the angel at the Garden, he was blinded by the sparkling blue that silently analyzed him. He had forgotten (or kept locked away) everything else about Heaven, save for the eyes that witnessed the beauty he made. To Crowley, Aziraphale's eyes held the sun, the moon, and the stars. He started brandishing a pair of sunglasses to hide the impurity of his eyes, and almost to shield himself from the blinding love and optimism the angel had. He remembered when he was that angel.
Every day with Aziraphale was Crowley's own piece of Heaven. There were times he was unsure whether he deserved such warmth or not, making him push the angel away, only for him to come back the very next day—or decade, depending on how fearful he felt. He had already lost his angelic status, his right to create and witness what he had made; he was not about to part with the one person who showed him love and compassion, despite being something so unforgivable.
When Aziraphale went to Heaven, despite Crowley's pleas, the world around him darkened. He asked himself if this was another punishment. Had he not lost enough?
He couldn't bear to stay on Earth. He looked around and he was reminded of what the heavens had taken away from him. His stars. His freedom. His light. He left the planet soon after the angel left, meeting Beelzebub and Gabriel along the way. He would accompany them from time to time, harboring much contempt and bitterness in his heart.
Why wasn't it him and his angel in their place? After all they've been through? After all what they made them go through?
What made them so special? What made them so deserving of happiness?
Why couldn't he have this miniscule piece of Heaven?
A few years went by, and for a while, it seemed like Crowley was starting to forget—although that might not be the right word to use. Forgetting was the farthest thing the imaginative demon was doing. He kept replaying the time he spent with Aziraphale over and over, rewriting the pain, cursing himself whenever he said the wrong thing, and replaying it until he got his desired result.
This was, perhaps, Crowley's personal Hell. Up in the stars, on a planet surrounded by those twinkling orbs of light that he couldn't see, the serpent cried. No one could hear him, and he was glad for it. When he grew tired of the depression, he would sleep for years, only to wake up and do it all over again.
One day, something changed. He awoke to persistent knocks on his Alpha Centauri cottage, fashioned similarly to his Earthly abode, only there were empty bookshelves instead of his beautiful green plants. It had been another five years of sleep—150 years had just been this pitiful routine. Crowley opened the door to see a flustered Gabriel. The demon scoffed, almost slamming the door in his face by reflex when the ex-archangel said it—his angel's name and a word he dreaded to hear. He wanted to hear that word from his beloved instead, as he finally admits his love for the accursed creature, after which they would share a tender kiss. Crowley wished it was a dream.
Something people misunderstood about Crowley is that while he is a temperamental demon, he couldn't find it in himself to hate Aziraphale. He knew that the angel is pure-hearted, perhaps a bit too naive, too scared to take risks, yet too impulsive. He knew what the angel wanted when he left, but he never understood why. Strangely, Crowley trusted God to protect such a pure soul, but what was this? His detestation for Heaven and Hell grew by the second.
His angel fell, and it wasn't into his embrace, nor was it in love. No, he fell from grace and lost his heart. That day, Crowley felt as though he had lost his, too.
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katarh-mest · 6 months
alcohol PSA for writers
If your characters are drinking alcohol, but you yourself have never had any alcohol, it can be very VERY obvious if you have them get drunk within the first few sips of a strong drink.
Continue below if you want some education from a professional lush.
Alcohol actually takes some time to absorb in the bloodstream and start impacting behavior. It's why it is such a dangerous drug, and SO easy to abuse.
At a minimum, most people take at least 10 minutes before they start to get it circulating through the blood stream. That's on an empty stomach. You might have other effects besides the ethanol poisoning - strong liquor can make someone cough if they're not expecting it - but the euphoria and lowered inhibitions don't kick in for quite a while if you are drinking lower ABV stuff.
Most liquor is not drunk straight. Exceptions are things like whiskey and fortified wines like cognac. Mix the drinks with something non alcoholic, usually cut with sugar. Your characters are not going to down straight vodka (unless it's Mao Mao... then she totally would.)
Beer, wine, and ciders range in ABV from 3% (weaker beers) to 15% (stronger wines) compared to liquors which start at 20% ABV for the most part. The whiskey I drink straight is 35% ABV... and I drink it very slowly, very carefully, about 10 drams at a time (roughly 1.5 oz or so.) That is, one "standard" drink.
Other standard drinks: One 5% beer (12 oz can or bottle), one 5 oz pour of 15% wine, and 1.5-2 oz of a liquor that is 35%-40% (80 proof), vs a 0.75-1 oz pour of a 150 proof liquor. Proof maxes out at 190 and that's Everclear, aka 95% pure ethanol. 100 proof is 50% alcohol and you'll find that in things like vodka, gin, and tequila. These DO have flavors! But the flavors are buried underneath the ethanol, and need to be thinned out to be tasted, so they're almost always cut with something else to make the alcohol not be unpalatable.
If I'm drinking, here's about the levels of alcohol and how they affect me (I'm a 44 year old woman that has fairly high tolerance. Use this guide as a metric for your characters who can handle their liquor. Move everyone down a level if they are "lightweights" or have never had alcohol at all.)
1 standard drink makes me happy and pleasant, fun and giggly. I can still think, I can still drive as long as I've had something to eat and waited 30-45 minutes, and I get some of my best house cleaning done in this state
2 standard drinks make me slightly buzzed and approaching unsafe to drive (I hand over my keys at this point to the DD). Still fun and giggly, but also starting to lose my inhibitions. More likely to break something while cleaning.
3 standard drinks start to impair my ability to speak with my normal levels of clarity and articulation. I am not yet slurring my words, but my brain's CPU is now overheating.
4 standard drinks takes me out of the happy space and starts to make me sick. Its no longer fun. I cannot stand up straight. This is binge drinking.
5 standard drinks is going to have me vomiting if I drunk them too fast. I've got high tolerance so if I ate food I'll be okay, but if I don't drink enough water, I'll be hung over the next day.
If I'm beyond this, I'm probably passed out someplace. All but once that 1 time has been at home (that time I woke up on the couch of the fraternity whose party I was at. I was okay. I was lucky. Thank you, Alpha Kappa Psi bros, for putting me on the couch and giving me a glass of water. You were the MVPs.)
Alcohol is a poison. It is a poison. It's a delicious poison, and humans have the ability to process it, but it's still something that will make you very sick or kill you if you go too fast.
BONUS: High tolerance, low tolerance, and a tendency to alcoholism are all somewhat genetic. Our bodies need two enzymes to process alcohol, and if one processes fast and the other processes slow, the result is that some people "handle their liquor" naturally well, and others are going to be "lightweights" no matter how much they practice. Some folks actually get 0 of the happy euphoria from alcohol and go straight into the poison symptoms (this is known as "Asian Flush Syndrome" but it can impact people from any part of the world.) These folks will get sick from a single "standard" drink - but they are unlikely to ever get drunk, because they'll get sick long before they drink enough alcohol to reach that point. They make some of the best DDs out there, though, so if you know someone who experiences it, make them your best friend, offer to buy their coca colas and bar snacks, and hand them the keys after you have had drink #2.
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misspetsyourcats · 1 year
Things men have offered me in exchange for ownership, a nonexhaustive list:
- goats
- heroin
- “as much alcohol as I want”
- “the good weed”
- a farm full of goats
- a house
- a cruise every year
- shoes
- an apartment
- legal guardianship over said man
- more goats
- dabs
- “you’ll feel better trust me”
- enlightenment and the knowledge of gods
- weed and a massage
- $5
- a boat
- canadian citizenship
- the truth behind the CIA
- goats but only 3 this time
- a nice fish
- a truck
- also a truck but it was a toy and he was 6
- 16 alpacas and 2 goats
- plumbing work
- a space on his private bunker homestead
- sex with his wife
- a nice rifle
- the blessings of the old gods on my womb
- the “joys of birthing the next aryan generation”
- an enchanted knife and spoon
- a gold thumb ring with some sort of spirit in it
- not making me pay for condoms
- a whiskey tonic
- carrying my bag
- a tick
- “my heart”
- his virginity
- 150 goats
- tricare
- a house in Canada
- the position of holy whore in his totally-not-cult
- a joint that was 90% sage
- “the privilege of being owned by a true alpha”
- a collection of automatic rifles
- position as head of the harem he did not have
- “it’s a secret drug formula from the russian mafia, just lick the powder off my hand”
- goats AND the pen they live in
- he will make me toast
- airfare to his apartment
- “if you never have to be sober you’ll be happy by my side regardless, just pick your poison”
- free tattoos
- a coffee
- a coffee and a trip to france
- just the trip to france
- a cell phone that he would pay
- a single goat
- pretty rocks
- “I won’t hit you”
- a whole group of goats and a nice dress and wellies to tend the goats
- 40 acres of logging and gravel pits
- his dad’s house
- a few goats and some sheep
- to never give me a traffic ticket
- a nice pocketknife
- his ex’s lingerie
- as much vodka as I want but no jäger
- a four course homecooked meal
- everything in my etsy favorites
- his sister
- his FAVORITE goat
- a beach house
- position as his first wife
- position as his second wife
- a firearm he made in his garage delivered to me every few weeks
- protection from his militia
- the blessings of a god from dungeons and dragons
- to never need to see him again (as long as we had sex)
- only 8 goats (the ninth was his mother’s)
- health insurance
- use of his home gym
- literal godhood, as in he would bestow the power upon me
- meth.
- him stabbing me 37 times (not 81, that was for more important people)
- I could meet his ghost
- he would keep the ghosts away
- psychic powers
- keys to a nissan altima currently located in a ravine 20+ miles offroad
- his plug’s phone number
- cheese
- a pen
- a goat pen *but not the goats in it*
- his dad’s house (don’t worry the dad will die soon)
- an illegally imported russian sniper rifle
- a dog
- flowers once a week forever
- “if you don’t marry me my mom will be sad”
- a horse
- country club membership
- shrooms
- his left kidney
- a few acres of forest and pasturelands
- a new iphone
- good grades in x class
- a baby goat
- a tractor WITH the gas in it
- cocaine
- a free tattoo (but only one)
- a plant (iirc a lily)
- a gangbang every month
- a cashew farm
- a room in his house to be mine forever
- goat cheese
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sxlxcious · 8 months
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𝕤𝕩𝕝𝕩𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ;; independent tumblr-only, semi-selective roleplay blog for an original female muse. the person running this filthy & questionable blog is S. this blog will contain 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐇, sprinkled with helpings of 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊, 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐃, 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐓, 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄, 𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐎 & 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐋 themes that I do not condone, but truly enjoy. reminder that I will never force these topics on to anyone when in discussion, but plotting and chatting on it certainly will help.
star of the show : 𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔯
✖ RULES ✖ KINKS & THEMES ✖ SMUTTY OPENERS ✖ MEMES ✖ DESIRES ( purely adult in nature, also plot ideas ) ✖ WISHLISTS ( clean, safe, plot ideas )
𝖆𝖌𝖊 ✖ the mun behind the muse is 30 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃, so I ask that all of my writing partners be at least 21 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 and older to write all that nasty content.
𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 ✖ this is a 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 blog. meaning that 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 is being written on here is 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋. please separate 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 from 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 and as this is purely fiction and purely for me to explore 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊, 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐘 𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀. nothing that I post here reflects on my actual feelings in reality. it is purely musings & desires of Elle. this blog will contain 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 and 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 content and themes such as 𝐒𝐄𝐗, 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐄, 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄, 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐒, and various 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒. Everything posted on this blog serves 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘. Please also keep in mind that I try to tag 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 to the best of my ability but might fail to do so at times. Either way, none of my writing will be placed under a read more.
𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 ✖ 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 and 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 are the basis of this blog. my writings are mostly based on 𝐎𝐍𝐄 solid 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇 of 150 to 200+ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 in one go; and sometimes I can go 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 than one paragraph at length. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 is also quite fine with me.
✖ that being said, if you have no idea on what to write, send 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. send in detail what you are looking for in the meme with elle and she will respond accordingly.
kinks ✖ among the kinks that elle can participate in, and I am more than happy to write about:
BREEDING & CREAMPIES ( anal & vaginal )
CUM PLAY ( let elle eat it, rub it into her skin, etc )
COCKWARMING ( pussy / ass / mouth )
FINGERING ( anal & vaginal )
INCEST ( step or real )
ROUGH SEX ( and anything associated with it: hair pulling, spanking, scratching, biting, et al. )
WATERSPORTS ( only in the aspect of being pissed on )
VIRGINITY ( both anal & vaginal )
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newpersonteeth11 · 1 year
Sam Dezzani
You (34m) were the grandson and heir to Rupert Antoinette (84m), a multi-billionaire ($23 billion) who owned Antoinette & Laurent LLP, a multi-national property management company, Pegasus Medical Group, LLC, and Horizons Incarceration Group, Inc. You were the CEO of Antoinette & Laurent North America, LLC and you had a net worth of $180 million. That day, you met the CEO of Preminger Property Group, a smaller $50 million condo REIT, James Dezzani. When you arrived at his house, as his building was under renovation, he said he was running late and to wait for him. Then, Samuel Dezzani, James's son, came into the house from practice.
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As soon as he came in, you noticed his beautiful face, sculpted body, and his hypnotic eyes.
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"Sorry, are you waiting for James?" he asked. "Um, uh, yeah I am. Why?" you replied. "Oh, I just heard his plane was running late. Are you with A&L?" he said, taking off his shirt.
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You stared, mouth agape at his perfectly chiseled abs. He asked hesitantly, "Sorry, should I put it back on?" "No, no um, it's your house, keep it off." you said. "So what do you do?" you asked, still staring at his pecs. "I play football, varsity." he replied. "Impressive, you clearly work out" you replied, half jokingly-half flirtingly. Your phone rang just then, it was James, "Hey, my jet has issues, we're going to have to reschedule, so sorry." "Oh that was you father, he said his planes getting swapped and we'll have to reschedule." you said. "Oh, that's a shame, I was looking forward to getting to know you." he said, charmingly. "Why don't you pick me up at practice tomorrow." "Um, well uh, I, um, I, I have a board meeting that day" you said, hesitating. "Are you sure you can't come" bouncing his pecs. "Well, I could, I guess I could reschedule it." you said, transfixed by his muscles. He just replied, "Good". That one word, made your mind explode in a haze of happiness. As soon as you left, you called your chief of staff and told him to cancel the incredibly important meeting. You knew it could cost the company over $50 million, but you didn't care all you cared about was his beautiful body. That night, you fell asleep dreaming of becoming his butler. He, however, left the house immediately after you left and drove to his friend Corrado Martini's. Corrado, much like Sam, was a rich, entitled kid, who was the son of Giuseppe Martini, an Italian buissness magnate worth $150 million.
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Both Sam and Corrado were both friends from an early age, as they were both Alphas. Since then, both of their fathers became servants to them and they both were extremely rude and egotistical.
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Corrado asked Sam, "Did you get the fag?" "Hook, line, and sinker. He couldn't stop staring at my abs, I mean he cancelled a board meeting to pick me up from practice." he said, laughingly. "He's that pathetic", Corrado said laughing,
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"Let's arm wrestle for who get's to fuck the fag first." "Okay, you're on." Sam said, jockish. Corrado won, and they chest bumped. Sam then left in his Rolls Royce back to his mansion. When Sam arrived home, he saw one of the maids (there were only male maids). He had a rule, Never let me see you.
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He was shaking, and tried to run but Sam just said, "Don't even try, we all know how this will end up, with me on top" He froze, and Sam punched his teeth out, and then proceeded to beat him to a pulp, until he finally left, telling him to, "Clean up the blood, or I wont go as easy" the maid just wheezed back, "Yes sir", before losing consciousness.
The Next Day:
You woke up, and immediately got to work. At 4, you got a text from Sam saying, "Practice is almost done, pick me up". You immediately left your meeting, interrupting a million-dollar client, and had your driver drive to his school. When you arrived, you stepped out to see Sam in football gear, causing you to positively melt.
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He saw you, and told you to wait in the locker room. He planned for you to arrive early, and purposely left his locker open, with a pair of sweaty socks and briefs. When you entered the locker room, you took the bait, sniffing and licking his socks and briefs clean, cumming once before you heard him come back to the locker room causing you to put everything back.
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"Sorry practice was running a little late, you didn't mind did you?" he asked. "No, not at all, it's perfectly fine." you replied.
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You and Sam then drove to your house, when Sam asked you for your address. You gave it to him, and he secretly sent it to Corrado. When you arrived,
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he went to the kitchen and offered you a drink. You politely declined, but he brought you a coffee anyways,
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you didn't dare not drink it, so you did. You then talked, and after a few minutes you noticed your speech slurring, you asked Sam to take you to the doctor but he just said, "No, you're fine. Just a little dehydrated, have some more coffee." pouring more coffee into your cup. After a few more minutes you blacked out, falling to the floor. Then you woke up, you were propped up against a wall, while Sam was relaxing, drinking expensive liquor shirtless in your kitchen.
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You tried to scream, move, do anything but your body wouldn't move anything.
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Sam noticed this, and just smiled.
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"Look who's awake, sleepyhead" he said, mockingly. Your eyes darted around the room, panicly. "Don't worry, the effects aren't permanent. They'll just last for around 12 hours. But don't worry, that's still plenty of time to make you my bitch." he said, with a sinister tone. He dropped his mug on the floor, saying, "You'll pick it up later"
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"Now, what's in the penthouse of yours" he searched your entire penthouse eventually putting millions of dollars in gold bullion, priceless paintings, diamonds, and other valueable things into a corner, he then took your passport and put it in his bag saying, "I don't think you'll need that."
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He noticed how scared you looked, "Are you confused? Well, let me clear it up.
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First of all, I know how beautiful I am, I know how much fags like you worship me, knowing you'll never be as powerful as me. You can't say no to me, no matter what, all I need to do is flex, isn't that right.
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I mean, how can you resist this" he said, flexing his arms.
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"Tell me I'm wrong" he said, goadingly. You let out a single tear, he noticed. "Are you, crying." he said, laughing. "Wow, I have never seen someone so pathetic, you want a drink of juice, huh? huh?" You just let out another tear, to which he responded by punching you in the chest
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"Weaking" he said, over your bleeding body. Then he picked your limp fat body up like it was no problem, and threw it on the bed. Now for the fun part,
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tempest-toss · 2 years
Important Sites and MTF Units Masterlist
[The following is a list of some of the more prominent Sites and MTF Units of Tempest. These will be mentioned more in pieces. Will be updated as needed]
Site 2 – "Old Training Facility", Abandoned. The Insurgency began here.
Site 4 – "The Armory", Stores anomalous clothing. MTF suits and weapons are stored here if not in use.
Site 13 – "The Swamp Site", located in the bayous of Louisiana. Focuses on bug and plant SCPs. Allegedly keeping an entity at bay.
Site 29 – "The Vault", houses anomalous relics and acts as a high-end prison if need be. Overseen by Three.
Site 32 – “Little Mister Emporium” One of the micro sites made exclusively to house the Little Misters; recently vacant after all 40 escaped.
Site 54 – "The Botanical Garden". A site dedicated to the preservation, growth, and containing floral anomalies. Overseen by Twelve.
Site 65 – "The Brewery." Despite the name, this is actually an alchemical site for testing out certain anomalies and the few recorded anomalous elements. Overseen by Nine.
Site 71 – "The Mariana Trench." Exactly as it says. This site is operated from afar and documents any anomalies hidden in the depths of the ocean.
Site 78 – "The Bug Cage". An entomologist's dream. This site records and observes any bug-related anomalies such as the Calcitos. Overseen by Twelve.
Site 103 – “The Recording Room”. The digital archives were established as being separate from Site 109. Overseen by both One and Ten.
Site 109 –" The Archives". The main archival facility that contains the history of every aspect of the Foundation, and thus is one of the most guarded. Overseen by One.
Site 129 – "The Range". One of the microsites, known for housing anomalous weaponry of various kinds including the Emerald Blade. Formerly Overseen by Thirteen.
Site 150 – "Moon Base". The one and only base on the moon. Serves as a lookout for extraterrestrial anomalies.
Site 230 – "The Happy Home". A site dedicated to helping and healing sapient anomalies by providing them a safe home where they are treated not as SCPs but as people. Run by Site Director Enigma.
Site 390 – "The Ranch". A site that houses farm anomalies. Overseen by Eight and as of recently Thirteen.
Site 401 – "The Skyship" The only site that is permanently in the air. Made out of a taken-over CotBG airship. Tends to contain avian anomalies.
Site 417 – "The Storage" This site was once a major storage center for the Foundation, but now houses the personification of fear, which has rendered this site useless.
Site 500 – "The Radio Tower" A micro site used to broadcast FOundation information globally. Can be used to neutralize any audio-related anomalies.
Site 515 – "The 'Main' Site" Originally the primary site for O5 use. Acts now more as a training area for new recruit and standby containment for transfers. Overseen by Ten.
Site 623 – "Arctic Base" The base in one of the coldest places on Earth. Mainly used to study viral anomalies without fear of outbreak. Overseen by Six.
Site 781 – Abandoned after mass containment breach. Used for the first Isolation Experiment. O5-13-ii was originally buried here prior to his rediscovery.
Outpost 34-YT – Also known as The Hidden Flower, this is a small private location for Seven. She uses this place to brush up on her skills as an assassin.
Outpost 23-Delta – Four’s Station away from the council. Located in Russia, near a remote village.
Outpost 19-T – The main Technology Hub of Tempest. Known for the creation of gadgets, field apparel, and mechs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MTF Units~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MTF Unit Alpha-5 – Disciples of Flesh: Former members of the Sarkic Cults led by the only Sarkite to survive the Isolation Experiment. Tends to handle machine-related missions. Friendly rivals with Kappa-1.
MTF Unit Beta-32 – The Exterminators: Identifiable by their masks, this quiet team takes on pest-related missions. Effective, but always reeks of chemicals.
MTF Unit Gamma-12 – The Iridescent: Team is made up of people who look, act, and have powers relating to light and the rainbow. Tends to handle darkness-related missions.
MTF Unit Delta-90 – Abyss’s Secrets: Polar opposite of Gamma-12. They tend to have powers over shadows and tend to have some signs of corruption. Tackles light-based anomalies.
MTF Unit Epsilon-33 – Aces of Arrows: One of the newer teams, they are comprised of agents who have varying resistances to anomalies that can affect the mind.
MTF Unit Zeta-0 – Memory Blockers: The oldest team, they are known more for their role in making the population forget the anomalous creatures and battles they have witnessed.
MTF Unit Eta-44 – The Pyromaniacs: When Beta-32 and Lambda-16 fall short, this team will rise to the challenge to wipe out any plant or bug-based threat.
MTF Unit Theta-6 – The Gamblers: Similar in nature to Pi-4, they take on riskier missions. All members are keen on making risky decisions, and so far have not failed a mission.
MTF Unit Iota-98 – The Apex Predators: Works with the Nine-Tailed Fox strike team in containing escaped SCPs. They tend to be looked up to among rookie Foundation members.
MTF Unit Kappa-1 – Bane of the Crimson: Made of synthetic humanoids, typically mechanical and electronic ones. They fight against flesh-related monstrosities and are usually sent to eliminate the creatures the Sarkic Cults create. Friendly rivals with Alpha-5
MTF Unit Lambda-16 – Eco-Friendlies: Made up of defecting members of the Flora Fighters, this team promotes eco-friendliness by using their plant powers for the sake of the world and the Foundation.
MTF Unit Mu-100 – The Crafters: Creatives at heart this team is known for hand making their weapons and tools, usually from the environment of the mission. While they have more fails than the others, they get the big jobs done.
MTF Unit Nu-60 – The Crusaders. The primary field team, they tend to take on the harder missions that require expertise and skill. Clashes with Mu-100.
MTF Unit Xi-33 – Holiday Hoppers: One of the least active units, they are sent to track down holiday anomalies and prevent tragedies from occurring on these days of celebration.
MTF Unit Omicron-5 – The Misfits: One of the most well-beloved units of Tempest, they are well known for their eccentric mash-up of characters and their high success rate. Currently disbanded.
MTF Unit Pi-4 – Party Rockers: Similar to Theta-6, this group is rambunctious and party crazy. Despite their wild nature, they are extremely talented in blending into crowded areas and can single out anomalies in compact areas.
MTF Unit Rho-65 – Weather Report: A team made entirely of agents who have some ability relating to the weather. Sometimes deals with weather anomalies, but not all the time.
MTF Unit Sigma-10 – The Pack: This unit is made up of people akin to werewolves; all agents can transform into a hybrid between human and animal, including a werewolf, werebear, wereviper, and many more.
MTF Unit Tau-2 – The Fraternity: A unit rumored to actually be made up of a frat. They exist (mainly) to pacify one of the Little Misters, Mr. Candy.
MTF Unit op-silon-48 – The Combat-Medics: As the hyphen in the name suggests, this team is made up of a split between soldiers and medics. The divide is apparent and causes conflict, but neither side makes a move since they know they need the other half.
MTF Unit Fie-50 – The Magicians: A team made entirely out of agents who can perform actual magic. Not to be confused with reality-benders, as they'd let you know.
MTF Unit Chi-75 – Masked Deception: One of the trump card teams, they tend to be deployed to gather intel from GOIs by effortlessly blending in with them.
MTF Unit Psi-81 – Astral Projectors: This team is a peculiar one, as they have all mastered astral projection, the act of leaving one's physical body and interacting with the rest of the world. they use this ability to take on more dangerous situations.
MTF Unit Omega-20 – Will O’ Wisps: This is a ghost-related team, although only one member is an actual one. They are currently working with the Shibuya Ghost Detectives, but are always on standby for any emergency the Foundation has.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Zellard X Gaïana Ship Chart
A little chart to understand my ship, in that case ; Zellard X Gaïana
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Zellard :
Height : 6′0″ (183 cm)
Age : 462 years
Weight : 183 lbs (83 kg)
Gender : Fluid (born as male but sometimes considers themselves as female)
Sexuality : Bisexual (female lean)
Birthday : January 21st
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Race : Wyverian (though he has slight Changeling DNA, but he doesn’t have any Changeling attribut. However, his cousin Musica awakened his genes so he can turn into a female wherever he wants to be one)
Alpha ? Beta ? (Wyverian only) : Alpha
Wyverian traits : Digitigrade feet, pinkish-dark purple scales along his spine, sharp claws, enhanced hearing.
Gaïana :
Height : 5′7″ (170 cm)
Age : 260 years
Weight : 150 lbs (68 kg) (as a Wyverian) / 161 lbs (73 kg) (as a Crystalling)
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Heterosexual, but she is also Homocurious (she also likes doing it with female Zellard)
Birthday : September 14th
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
Race : Wyverian / Crystalling (she has the ability to completely change her appearance : her Wyverian side shows her with red curly hair and blue eyes, as well as a pink dress, whereas her Crystalling form shows her with straight purple hair and a Crystal-like armor, as well as multiples tatoos throughout her body)
Alpha ? Beta ? (Wyverian only) : Beta (though she somewhat seems Alpha as a Crystalling)
Wyverian traits : pink scales from her back down to her hips (the shape ressembles a heart), enhanced sight.
Common Points between them :
It was pretty easy for both to confess their love for each other : in other words, they are not scared to show their feelings to the other.
Both cooks, and they both are pretty good at it.
Overprotective towards one another, though Zellard stands out in that.
Both already had at least 2 relationship experiences before.
Both have a formal attire where they are calm and collected, but they also have an “armor” and are good fighters ; you better not mess with them !
Both have a battle scared body, though Gaïana only has a few that can be seen in her Crystalling form, though they are slightly visible.
Considering the fact that both of them are Wyverians, they both have “heat periods”, though Gaïana has way less periods like this than Zellard thanks to her 50% Crystalling genes.
None of them are awkward at all in their relationship.
Differences between them :
Gaïana can be really fancy and extravagant. Zellard may wear some fancy clothes sometimes, he is way more reserved than her in that regard.
Gaïana often borrows clothes from Zellard, and Zellard doesn’t mind lending them to her : he find it amusing.
Sometimes, Gaïana likes to tease Zellard by using pet names on him. Zellard does it way less, but it’s just to make her regret that.
Gaïana is more outgoing than Zellard. She is also extraverted.
Zellard shows more his affection by using words, whereas Gaïana is the type to show her affection with multiple actions.
Gaïana doesn’t really like bugs (apart from ladybugs and butterflies), Zellard doesn’t mind at all and even helps her appreciate them more since she moved to Rutoh with him.
Zellard definitely has knowledge about Monsties and riding ; Gaïana doesn’t know that much, though Zellard will be happy to teach her more about that, maybe even finding a Monster egg for her if she ever wants a Monstie...
Zellard isn’t the type to like PDA (Public Display of Affection). Gaïana doesn’t mind showing some.
Gaïana can be a bit jealous when she sees her man with someone else, especially if that someone else keeps looking at him with some interest.
Zellard has way more “heat periods” than Gaïana, and they are more virulent than hers.
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grimxwritings · 7 days
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independent, semi-selective roleplay blog. discord-based. writer of problematic things. 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 present. this blog will contain 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐇, sprinkled with helpings of 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊, 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐃, 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃, 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐓, 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄, 𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐎 & 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐋 themes that I do not condone, but truly enjoy. reminder that I will never force these topics on to anyone when in discussion, but plotting and chatting on it certainly will help. always looking for like-minded writers & equally writing up fucked up stories.
rules || kinks
𝖆𝖌𝖊 ✖ the name is S, female and I am 30 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐋𝐃, so I ask that all of my writing partners be at least 21 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 and older to write all that nasty content. minors 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓! you have been warned. 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 ✖ this is a 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 blog. meaning that 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 is being written on here is 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋. please separate 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 from 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 and as this is purely fiction and purely for me to explore 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊, 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐘 𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀. nothing that I post here reflects on my actual feelings in reality. it is purely musings & desires. this blog will contain 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 and 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 content and themes such as 𝐒𝐄𝐗, 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐄, 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄, 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐒, and various 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒. Everything posted on this blog serves 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘. Please also keep in mind that I try to tag 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 to the best of my ability but might fail to do so at times. Either way, none of my writing will be placed under a read more. 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 ✖ 𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 and 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 are the basis of this blog. my writings are mostly based on 𝐎𝐍𝐄 solid 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇 of 150 to 200+ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 in one go; and sometimes I can go 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 than one paragraph at length. 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 is also quite fine with me. ✖ that being said, if you have no idea on what to write, send 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. send in detail what you are looking for in the meme with elle and she will respond accordingly. kinks
✖ among the kinks that I am more than happy to write about:
AGE DIFFERENCE & AGE PLAY ( includes underage )
BREEDING & CREAMPIES ( anal & vaginal )
CUM PLAY ( eat it, rub it into their skin, etc )
COCKWARMING ( pussy / ass / mouth )
FINGERING ( anal & vaginal )
INCEST ( step or real )
ROUGH SEX ( and anything associated with it: hair pulling, spanking, scratching, biting, et al. )
WATERSPORTS ( only in the aspect of being pissed on )
VIRGINITY ( both anal & vaginal )
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fitjourneydaily · 4 months
ProMind Complex: Unveiling the Truth about This Dental Health Supplement
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Introduction (Approximately 150 words): Taking care of your dental health is essential not only for a beautiful smile but also for your overall well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to various dental issues, including cavities, gum diseases, and bad breath. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in dental health supplements, and one such product that has gained attention is ProMind Complex. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore ProMind Complex in detail, including its effectiveness, legitimacy, and key ingredients. We will also address common questions such as "Does ProMind Complex work?" and "Is ProMind Complex a scam?" So, let's dive in and discover everything you need to know about this dental health supplement. Content (Approximately 1000-1200 words): 1. Dental Health and Its Importance: Maintaining optimal dental health is essential for a healthy and happy life. Good dental hygiene not only helps prevent oral diseases but also plays a vital role in preventing systemic health problems. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist for routine check-ups are crucial elements of oral hygiene. Additionally, incorporating dental health supplements like ProMind Complex into your routine may provide additional benefits that traditional dental care alone cannot offer. 2. Understanding ProMind Complex: ProMind Complex is a dental health supplement that claims to support memory, focus, and cognitive function, while also improving overall oral health. This supplement is formulated using natural ingredients that are known for their positive effects on brain health and dental hygiene. ProMind Complex aims to eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth and promote optimal dental health, ultimately enhancing cognitive function as well. 3. Key Ingredients in ProMind Complex: ProMind Complex contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that are specifically chosen for their potential benefits to both dental and mental health. Ingredients like Huperzine-A, Vinpocetine, and Gingko Biloba are known for their cognitive-enhancing properties, while Bacopa Monnieri and St. John's Wort offer stress relief and mood regulation benefits. Additionally, Green Tea Extract and Alpha Lipoic Acid, among others, contribute to improving oral health. 4. Does ProMind Complex Work? ProMind Complex has gained popularity due to its claims of improving dental health and cognitive function. While individual experiences may vary, user reviews and testimonials suggest that many people have reported positive results after using ProMind Complex. Regular use of the supplement may reduce plaque buildup, enhance memory, and promote better overall oral health. However, it's essential to remember that ProMind Complex is a supplement and should not replace a proper dental hygiene routine. 5. Addressing Concerns: Is ProMind Complex a Scam? With any new health product, it's natural to have concerns about its legitimacy and effectiveness. As for ProMind Complex, there have been no proven reports or evidence to suggest that it is a scam. The manufacturer claims that the formula has been developed by a team of experts and is backed by scientific research. However, individual results may vary, and it's always advisable to consult a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine. Conclusion : Promoting good oral health is imperative for a healthy lifestyle, and dental health supplements like ProMind Complex aim to provide additional support in achieving optimal dental hygiene and cognitive function. While it's essential to approach any new supplements with skepticism, ProMind Complex has received positive feedback from users. It is vital to maintain a consistent dental hygiene routine and consult with a healthcare professional to determine if ProMind Complex is the right choice for you. WordPress Tags: 1. Dental Health 2. ProMind Complex 3. Dental Supplements 4. Cognitive Healt Uncover the truth about ProMind Complex, addressing questions on its effectiveness and legitimacy. Explore what ProMind Complex is, its safety, and where to buy. For more information, visit the 'ProMind Complex' website. Visit the ProMind Complex Product Page. Read the full article
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praeyrp · 5 months
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To most, the Syndicate is just a myth, a legend. Known about by various different agencies around the world, but never any concrete proof to ever be able to link it to anything, or, anyone. Some question whether they are indeed real, or just told to various different people as a way to spread fear. The truth of the matter is the Syndicate is very real.
Alonzo / Broderick Hunter - 150's - hybrid
In 1861, Alonzo was nought but a slave to a powerful family, a pack of shifters who he did everything for, as was expected at the time. He held no rights, no station, no power. Until Demetrio settled within the town, and eventually the pack. There was something instantly magical between the pair of them. Alonzo always the warm male despite his situation, helped Demetrio feel again. To love, to see the light he had long forgotten when he had lost Eve. Alonzo helped tame some of the beast. Helped remind him of the man he had once been. Not perfect by any means, but not this dark monster that the Fae had turned him into. He brought back an almost softness to his life. In kind Demetrio helped Alonzo see the world outside of what he was allowed to see. He brought him culture and strength. He brought him hope he had long stopped having.
Demetrio promised Alonzo both protection, and freedom and for that freedom Demetrio went to war.
When Slaverly was finally abolished and Alonzo was freed, Demetrio destroyed the pack, burned them all to the ground, those he allowed to live, became his new pack, for the first time allowing Demetrio to become the new alpha.
It took nearly five years for Alonzo to finally convince Demetrio to turn him, Demetrio always hesitate because he had done so twice before and each had been failures, ruined one woman that ended with her death and left him nothing but a husk at the hands of the other. He couldn't stand the idea of losing Alonzo as well. But with time came age, and time was not kind, he had seen it many years before and he could not stand the idea of losing another person. Of falling back into that darkness.
They had several years of happiness. And they were happy, so very happy. But time passed and their love for one, while still strong, and it was strong, it became something else. Something less romantic more plotonic.
Time saw them part, saw them to separate ways, Alonzo always apart of the pack even as he travelled the world. His new found species, turned him slightly darker, made him a little harder, a little more chaotic. Made him willing to do what he needed to in order to take away that little voice inside of his head. He started taking on contract killings. Just small jobs, after one of his old friends had asked him for his help and from there it snowballed, he was good at what he did and he returned to the side of Demetrio once more. Still killing, still taking on hired jobs. After one such job nearly ended up with his death, Demetrio founded the syndicate as a way to keep him safe. Demetrio became that middle man and the Syndicate grew from there.
Demetrio became known as the masked man, as did all those who worked with him truly. No one ever knew the middle man. No one ever saw who those middlemen were. Alonzo became the right-hand man, the one who was a sounding board to Demetrio, the one he listened to and bounced ideas of, and was the person who stepped up and did what was needed whenever Demetrio was doing something else.
They have been all over the world, LA their main hub of business for a long time, before they picked up and moved. They settled within Seattle for a while, and New York for just over ten years. Before once again they have packed up and returned to LA finally, after ten years.
What Alonzo does outside of managing these companies when Demetrio doesn't, what he feels towards Eve etc is totally open. At his core he is still that warm person who Demetrio fell in love with, he's just a little twisted and dark.
He is an important part of the Syndicate, so he should be active as possible.
Adryan /keanu reeves - open age - mortal - spellbinder
Adryan here is a spellbinder who specializes in Sigil's. He and Alonzo and Demetrio have known each other for a good amount of time, How long this is, its totally open to whoever decides to take him, but he should be older than one would presume. It was actually Alonzo who recruited Adryan to the Syndicate and the pair of them have had a very hit or miss type of relationship before that. You see Adryan was working for several clients that the Syndicate had been tasked to take out, Alonzo actually the hired gun to do so, and Adryan was the one guarding them which made it incredibly difficult to find let alone kill. This was happening for a good couple of years, and it soon became apparent there was someone out there was working actively against the Syndicate to damage their reputation. With that knowledge, Demetrio was able to figure out just who, and that is totally open to whoever takes Adryan, and destroy them. They were nothing big or major, just a group trying to make a name for themselves.
Demetrio smacked them down though and given Adryan was always on the outskirts of them, was able to walk away with his life, the type that was always on the move, went where the money, never really had plans to actually stick with anyone group.
After another job Alonozo realize that someone had made it out, that Adryan had made it out and he worked to track him down and offer him a job within the Syndicate. He accepted and has worked for the Syndicate since. Again how long this is, is open, but he now works to keep the hotels that the Syndicate works out of, safe, he also works to keep others protected as well and various locations. He is a major part of the Syndicate who will no doubt work hand in hand with the right hand to just sort of help along with her own magic and anything she might need.
He is totally open outside of what has been mentioned here though and whether he is totally loyal or not is open, but if he isn't and Dem catchs wind he does just cut the head of those who ya know, aren't so there is there.
aurora / Bryce Dallas Haward -open species/hybrid
Aurora's story starts like many stories, she was an orphaned child, in and out of care homes, and foster homes, never wanted because she was always the troubled child, always the one who stood out, and not always for the right reasons, and the older she got the more jaded with the world and people she got, the more scrappy and outspoken she became and the less people wanted her. The less they wanted the child who spoke her mind and sabatogged every chance at happiness she had. She ended up on the streets when she ran away at the age of 16, tired of all the dissopointment and the cruelty she faced at the hands of so many foster families.
A couple of months on the streets and she was taken in by another woman who was working for some guy, pimping her out, and she ended up selling her body to anyone who paid well enough to keep a somewhat warm roof over her head. That cold and jaded person became more so. Men were cruel, the world was crueller and cold and she had seen it for exactly what it was. She was tired of what the world was throwing at her, tired of being taken for a fool, taken advantage of every single way and she was tired of doing the hard work and this man who was supposed to protect her, taking everything and only leaving enough where she was once more forced, to rely on him. After one of her customers tried to kill her, she ended up slitting her throat, a beating from her pimp saw her turning away from him, slitting his throat and taking some of his girls under her wing. She started offering protection to the working girls, and together they joined forces.
She was in her mid 20s when Demetrio found her, between her leaving her pimp, and starting out on her own, and meeting Demetrio, something happened that left her dying in a gutter. That was where Demetrio found her. Even as badly beaten as she was, she was she came out swinging. She wasn't going out without a fight. He saw something in her, in a way, through her looks, and her attitude, she reminded him of his long love Maeve.
He cleaned her up, dusted her of, and became the first person in her life that actually treated her with kindness. It was not an easy thing, she was always waiting for the penny to drop, waiting for him to show his true colours, and while he did with everyone around her, he was never cruel nor harsh to her. Whether he turned her or not is totally open, and im down for whatever in those regards. They have never been sexual though, but again whether she has wanted more or not, is totally open, but it is not something he has ever wanted.
Eventually she got interested in the Syndicate, she works at the hotels, usually behind the bar dealing with the clients, sometimes front of house, again, dealing with the clients. She's one of the middlemen, that makes the clients feel at home, gets a feel for them, what they need etc, before passing on the info to the ones who will do the jobs. SHe's also one of the ones who decides who gets what job etc.
How long it has been since she was found by Demetrio to now is open, a couple of years, or a couple of hundred years is very open. She however has never really known much about Maeve, but will sure find out when she joins him in LA and meets her face to face.
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updatecrazy · 8 months
Timberborn update 5 is available to download on PC(Steam). According to the official Timberborn patch notes, the latest update brings significant changes to visuals, water physics, and resource management, including new buildings and goods. In addition, the Timberborn patch also adds balance adjustments. Previously, a Timberborn update 4 added new changes and improvements. Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today's Timberborn patch will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below. Timberborn Patch Notes - October 12, 2023 Visuals You’ve made it clear that the colors of badwater and extract should change. We’re happy to oblige. Toned down the hue of badwater to make it look less like lava more like the toxic waste it is. Changed the color of extract to red so that it better corresponds with badwater’s. Water physics You asked for more ways to control how the pollution spreads, so from now on, Dams, Levees, and Floodgates stop the ground’s contamination. This change also applies to irrigation, though, so plan carefully. Dams, Levees, and Floodgates now prevent irrigation and contamination spread. Extract While badwater does well as a new threat, its positive side has been lacking. We sought a way to improve that, and we’ve found bots to be a good choice. New building: Grease Factory (2000 SP; Gear x30, Treated Plank x20, Metal Block x10; 2 workers; Iron Teeth-only). Boasting Danny Zuko’s seal approval, this building turns extract into a new, oily resource. New good: Grease (Extract x1, Canola Oil x1 gives Grease x2). Stored in tanks and consumed by Iron Teeth bots, grease increases their condition by 1. New good: Punch Cards (Paper x2, Plank x1 gives Punch Card x2; Folktails-only). Containing more precise instructions, punch cards are an extra paper sink and a new, earlier boost to Folktails’ bots. Produced at Printing Press (which is now a Folktails-exclusive building, remember?) and stored in warehouses, cards are consumed by Folktails’ bots to increase their condition by 1. Updated recipe: Catalyst (Maple Syrup x1, Extract x1 gives Catalyst x3; Folktails-only). With extract added to its recipe, we’re making catalyst the second, more advanced boost available to Folktails’ bots. The maximum condition achievable by bots is now 2. A bot with access to both faction-specific boosts enjoys +80% movement speed and +120% working speed. Balance In light of Update 5 changes, we’re tweaking the game’s balance and difficulty levels. Small Windmill: maximum power output is now 150, down from 200. Large Windmill: maximum power output is now 300, down from 400. Wheat flour recipe: now takes 0.5h to complete, down from 0.78h. Cattail flour recipe: now takes 0.25h to complete, down from 0.66h. Bread recipe: now takes 1h to complete, up from 0.42h. Maple pastry recipe: now takes 1.5h to complete, up from 0.55h. At hard difficulty preset, it now only takes a single guaranteed drought cycle before the game starts randomizing your plight between droughts and badtides. Misc. Updated the Diorama map to remove a visual glitch causing water to clip through the terrain. Updated icons for several water- and badwater-related buildings, as well as the icon for the injured beavers. Updated descriptions of difficulty levels to mention badtides. Updated the welcome screen so that it no longer refers to the ancient alpha, beta, and demo times. When selecting a good in a storage building’s panel or via the storage overlay, its extended tooltip - the same as the one used in the top bar - is now used. Bug fixes Fixed a crash caused by using the layer hiding tool (again). The “It’s dying” progress bar is no longer displayed for partially collected crops. Fixed the map editor’s “Hide resources” icon behaving incorrectly. Fixed the missing injury chance in Dirt Excavators and the incorrect injury chance in Explosive Factories.
Fixed the “Empty storage” status icon being displayed under range lines. The units’ movement speed bonus is now correctly displayed. Fixed a bug with goods’ icons on barrels sometimes having the wrong color. Fixed a bug with water pumps partially disappearing while in preview mode. Fixed a bug with Water and Badwater Sources setting the contamination of the water tiles above them to 0% and 100%, respectively. Fixed numerical input fields crashing the game when trying to use certain character combos. Beavers now only become contaminated right after finishing their current task. Illness is an illness, but finishing work takes priority. Download free Timberborn patch on PC (Steam).
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boyprotected · 10 months
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Name: Skylar Reyes
Nickname(s): Sky
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Likes: gaming & live-streaming, comics, movies
Dislikes: traditions, alpha arrogance
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 pounds
Build: lean
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Tattoos, scars: n/a
skylar was born out of a relationship only few people truly understood. his mother's parents never understood why she fell for the man who felt work was more important than her, her friends didn't understand what she saw in him, but none of them would ever find out - truly, because she died before finding out herself. the circumstances of her demise were unknown - to this day, but skylar was told all through his life that her had her eyes & her beauty. he couldn't tell, because he never met her, or if he did... he wasn't old enough to remember.
with his father being the only parental figure skylar knew in his life, the bond formed between them was stronger & so much deeper than anybody would expect. skylar grew up a mostly happy child - no child is always happy, is it? but skylar had only very little in his life to complain about. he had a loving - if absent father, a wonderful home, he didn't have to fear for his life, or worry about food on the table & education was guaranteed. he still wondered about his mother, nobody ever spoke about her - including his father, so curiosity never quite left him, not even with years passing, but his options were limited.
a privileged life bore its own disadvantages, deception & exploitation a common path into the favor of a wealthy family. skylar never quite struggled making friends, but he did often wonder if his friends were just by his side because of who his father was - or because they actually liked him.
& then his father became the president, which meant he saw him even less, which means skylar was taught at home until he graduated a few years ago - because at the time his father ran for president & couldn't risk anything or anybody getting in his way. then college. skylar did move to campus, but not for very long...
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sealprotected · 1 year
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prince. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • memes. • tracker. • brother
Is that FROY GUTIERREZ? No, that’s PRINCE RUTHLEDGE. The 20 year old MIRROR MOON SELKIE OMEGA MALE is a STUDENT. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be INNOCENT & EXCITABLE, but beware, they’re also known to be CLINGY & SPOILED. Their friends also say that they’re into COLLARS & BREATH PLAY but don’t you dare trying  SCAT & GORE  with them.
Name: Prince Ruthledge
Nickname(s): n/a
Age: 20
Species: Selkie
Moon Phase: Mirror Moon
Secondary Gender: Omega
Occupation: Student
Pack (born): Marin (dame), Hector (sire), Patrick & Perseus (brothers)
Mate: tba
Likes: his brother, his friends, having fun, swimming
Dislikes: n/a
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 pounds
Build: lean
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Seal Appearance: tba
Tattoos, scars: None. Pure little seal baby. He does want a tattoo though.
Kinks: Collars, Breathplay, tba.
Anti-Kinks: Scat, Gore, Vore.
Note: He’s verse, leaning bottom.
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Born the youngest of three sons, Prince grew up with a plethora of male role-models in his family, all of whom he - without a doubt, looked up to. He was close to both his brothers, but the one he felt closest to was definitely his oldest brother. Patrick. Ever since he could remember, Patrick was there for him while their sire rarely was - not the way Patrick looked out for him, so the connection between them was strong. Prince grew up wanting for nothing, especially because he presented Selkie early on, so his sire was pleased to know that if anything ever happened to his oldest son, the Ruthledges would still have another heir waiting in line. There was ..some pressure on him to perform well, in school and at home, but he knew that it was only for his own good, so he never quite found himself wanting to rebel. At least not in the way a typical teenager would. 
Prince looked up to his oldest brother - almost like one would to a parent, but it was a deeper bond than the one Prince had with his sire. Patrick was the man he strived to be. Hector often sang praise in Prince’s presence and - while he felt the very subtle sting of jealousy towards his brother, he mostly just was determined to be like him one day. 
When he presented Omega at the age of fifteen, he felt his world somewhat skyrocket into nirvana for a good few months. He’d never be the son their sire hoped to have found in him, he’d never be able to be like his brother. 
So Prince decided to be himself. 
Who is Prince Ruthledge? That'd be the million dollar question, but the young man was determined to find out.
Born again under the Mirror Moon, his personality could best be described as the definition of his moon. A happy, slightly reckless bundle of joy. All thanks to his oldest brother, no less. While Prince surely was a decent back-up heir, he knew that Patrick would be the one to take over sooner or later, so Prince pretty much got to enjoy life as it was. He went to school, he made friends, he hung out with his brothers, he crushed on an alpha and felt rejection for the first time in his life and he came out stronger. If one ignored what happened behind closed doors at House Ruthledge, his life was pretty normal - and he liked it this way. 
But he also knew the Ruthledges weren’t Selkies, they were sharks. He remembered the time his brother came home for the first time after he changed and Prince would never forget that first night after he returned. The brother that came home after that was … changed. There was a deep sadness to him that Prince could never quite find an explanation for, so he could only assume that it had to do something with the curse of the shark. Safe to say he was worried for the day when it was his turn. He liked himself the way he was, but he also didn’t want to disappoint their father, or let him think Prince was weak. He might be the youngest, with quite a big age difference to his older brothers, so he’d always somewhat been coddled, but he could also look after himself and protect himself. Thanks to Patrick. Even now, with a future mate and work keeping him busy, Patrick never never forgot him.
He has no interest in taking over the family, or its businesses - nor did he want their father to tell him who his mate would be. He wanted to fall in love, find the love of his life in a supermarket or something like that. While nobody could deny Patrick and his promised mate Nathan seemed to be the perfect match, Prince just … wanted to experience true love. And love, relationships and the like were only some of the things he wanted to experience himself. The first step after graduation had been to move to Campus. It was .. somewhat unnecessary, because New Haven really wasn’t big and he could’ve just kept living in the family house, but Prince wanted to know what it was like to live away from home - with nobody to coddle him and nobody to go easy on him when he struggled. 
Not that he'd ever not invite himself into his brother's home for dinner, or demand attention while he was at work - or invite him and his betrothed over to the Ruthledge house for dinner... no, that wouldn't change.
But college would grant him self-reliability among other things. Education was part of the Ruthledge ideology, so his father agreed without much protest and Prince moved into one of the dorms - like any other student on the planet. 
What he wants to do with his life? He's got no clue, but he'll find out eventually.
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unopiner · 2 years
Sherri papini reddit markmywords
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I'm really happy that no one lost their life here but I highly doubt the story. California mother Sherri Papini was 'branded' with message during mystery abduction The 34-year-old was 'tortured mentally and physically' by two armed women after going missing. By alpha aiden book, dark cottagecore outfits and townhomes for rent in broward. There is nothing personal in people questioning what happened. Sherri Papini, who is due in court on Tuesday, vanished in November 2016, launching a massive search, only for the Northern California mother of two to turn up three weeks later, telling. They are psychopathic and don't tend to release victims on Thanksgiving Day. No one is infallible though but this case doesn't have a clear motive and it just doesn't make sense. What's the motive and who gains? There are plenty of cases where people self-inflict very serious injuries that most people would find hard to believe. Forums like this are a venue where people will state their views. Of course people aren't privy to the information that police have but if anyone has an interest in true crime, like many here, it is just a highly unusual scenario. The reason why people question what happened is because it doesn't make sense. However, it wasn’t good enough to prevent her from getting arrested once again. Sherri Papini also claimed it was an elaborate way for her boss to pay her worker’s compensation. One social media user on a Reddit MarkMyWords account event posted saying Mark my words: Sherri Papini is lying about her abduction just like she did in. Just a thought I had.Missing Mom Found Alive on Thanksgiving Morning - Crime and Consequences Blog When that happened, Sherri claimed that her former boss was showing her appreciation by letting her kidnap him.
What she appeared to be chained to may have been something in the back of the truck that she was attached to and was able to break free from. I wonder if she was being transported in the wee hours, and managed to get out the truck and jump to safety. When will law enforcement tell us the truth Any updates 10 comments. What we are now hearing from MSM about SP jumping out the back of a truck I read on FB shortly after she was found. I still think it is all genuine but am open to listen to what others see that maybe I see differently. In the end I was right in what I was feeling. What I will say, is that I know who his source is and that source is 150 credible. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads. Even more so since Sheila Koester, the sister of Sherri Papini, left a comment under his article claiming that everything in his article was false and requesting him to take it down. Then a lot of wonderful posters who I hold on very high regard saw things I didn't see, or maybe I didn't want to see idk. Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick Some forums can only be seen by registered members. I think I was too scared to say it out loud. 'AH/Kibby' but from very early on I felt SP was coming home alive, I can't explain it. This video answers the question: Can I analyze the Sherry Papini case Support Dr. I have said many times lol bit like a broken record. I may even have felt a little superstitious. I think I only did a couple of godots 'surveys' where one time I listed my top 3, and the other order of possibilities. Mine didn't change but I will admit it definitely teetered on the edge a few times, swayed a little back and forth.
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by SetInStony
What if Tony Stark had a little brother? Explore this extremely self-indulgent story of Y/N, spanning the entire Infinity Saga as you embark on an adventure with the Avengers.
Words: 3821, Chapters: 1/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Happy Hogan, James "Bucky" Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Loki (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Jane Foster (Marvel), Korg of Krona, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Friday (Marvel), Ultron (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Reader, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Pietro Maximoff/Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Howard Stark/Maria Stark, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, male reader - Freeform, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Reader, Howard Stark's Good Parenting, Team as Family, Domestic Avengers, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Lots of it, Major Character Injury, Not Really Character Death, Temporary Character Death
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/InCT3fl via IFTTT
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