#/j but im sorry lmao
nipuni · 9 months
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the snake of eden 🥰
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lesbiandarvey · 4 months
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SUITS -> 3x16 “No Way Out”
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crocrubies · 6 months
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Stupid meme redraw idk
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ghostycheese · 6 months
Hank is canonical older than jeb
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seawing-vibes · 9 months
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Finally did this !!! With Sora :) !! She’s one of my favs so I had to do her designs <33 The top row is more of ‘canon’ designs for her to me, so the graphic novel and wiki design’s + Liighty’s design will always prevail as the Sora I think of when reading the books lmao
The bottom row are all designs from artists on Tumblr ! All of these designs are soo good an all these artists are super great at designing so check em’ out !!
Liighty - Wings of Fire PMV: Sora: In Fact
@avianwofdesigns - Sora
@wofdesignhub - Sora
@daily-wof-designs - Sora
Here is the blank template if anyone else wants to do this!! Unfortunately I can’t find CanineDragons’ original post so this is a version I scraped together from the OG template !!
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zvezdacito · 1 month
Also tbh idk why people act like Malleyuu fans are the main culprits in twst illiteracy/mischaracterizing Malleus and making up 638272 scenarios to be mad at when a single individual says something goofy in relation to Malleyuu (that or just taking random lighthearted yume jokes way too seriously😭)
From what I've seen people who mess Malleus up are the people who never liked his character all that much to begin with or the ones that only have a minimal/casual knowledge of Malleus/twst in general because they're more into other interests
Only randomly bringing it up but idk it's lowkey annoying to see people keep dragging a conversation (that was already from weeks ago💀) regarding that one lighthearted joke about Malleus OBing because of Yuu from a tiktok user who literally admitted in the same post to still be at Book 4😭 It's not like there is a shortage of people who are actually caught up with the story who know Lilia is the primary reason for his OB and that he has an important attachment to him, Lilia stuff like that is literally what the fandom as a whole has been focusing on for the past year (including ppl who like malleyuu)
I get some people just never liked the pair to begin with because they favor other Yuu or Malleus ships hence this reaction but atp save your energy for the people who think "Malleus is faking his social cluelessness because he's pure evil" or being lowkey victim blamey about how his circumstances affected his personality and mindset. Or the people who sideline his entire character to just be a villainous plot device to highlight the development of some other character (usually Silver, Idia, Ace or Lilia but sometimes even Rollo??? ever since the start of Book 7.)
^ Like idk those seem like more heinous ways for him to be mischaracterized in and not a mildly corny yume joke😭 There are worse jokes regarding Malleus like the ship jokes of him with Lilia💀 or the "Rollo was right all along" jokes
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sadkois · 1 year
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10 mins later after majima convinced nishiki to go out on a guys night :)
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theamazingannie · 6 months
Finding out that people pronounce it perkabeth is the bane of my existence. No minor detail makes me quite as full of rage as knowing that people ignoring that his name is PERCY AS IN PER-SEA and still looking at his ship name with Annabeth as perKabeth. Where is the K sound from??? I don’t CARE how the word itself would be pronounced in your language it’s a NAME based off OTHER NAMES you can’t just CHANGE IT!!!!
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 8 months
no one asked for this but I'm writing it anyway. Also time doesn't exist in this thing, that or Ghiaccio's computer time travelled
Ghiaccio with an S/O who plays Papa's Freezeria on his computer
This was it. The biggest step in your relationship thus far. No, not marriage.
Ghiaccio agreed to share his computer with you.
You didn't have one of your own and amongst other expenses you just never got around to buying one. So, with a lot of deliberation and building trust, he sent you a message saying that you could make an account on his. You would have to wait until he got home though, so he could show you how.
Unfortunately, you either didn't read or disregarded that last part of the message, and with a childlike glee flung yourself to his desk, loudly click clacking the keys and brute forcing your way into figuring out his password. You must have woken it up from it's sleep because there was nothing open when you got in. Then, you sat back and tapped your chin for a while...what exactly were you going to do first?
Then, like a prophetic vision from God, a wave of nostalgia brushed across your body, making you literally shiver. A flash of color and music and ice cream played in your mind. The name "Papa..." escaped your lips in a longing sigh.
In a flash, you've got google open, searching up Coolmathgames. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. THE LINK IS PURPLE. Racing through the website, briefly noticing an account signed in, and nearly breaking the mouse as you clicked on the link for "Papa's Freezeria".
....HE HAS A SAVE FILE!! RANK 20!??? When the hell does he have the time to play this??
Despite your sense of curiosity absolutely HOWLING, you knew you had already snooped more than enough, so making your own save file it is, you suppose.
Has it been an hour? Maybe two? Who knows, there's no use in me asking anyways because the time certainly hasn't crossed your mind. You're glued to the game, having a nearly perfected strategy executed with each and every cartoon-y costumer. You probably don't even remember whose computer you're playing on - this reality and the reality of Freezeria have entirely merged to you.
At least, that's the case before you feel one hand clamp down on the back of your chair, and another landing on top of your own hand that's gripping the mouse.
"I thought I told you to wait?"
Ghiaccio is clearly restraining himself, there's a rasp in his voice that you only hear when he's giving his all to not shout. Your lips are sealed shut, unsure how to justify your current situation. He must have then taken a good look at the screen because next thing he said was-
"And why the FUCK are you playing THAT!?"
Shit, you legit didn't have an answer. As he's standing there giving you a weirded out look, you remember the hypocrisy in his anger. You stutter wildly, still trying to reach for some explanation, as you duplicate the tab to start the game again - you swear you see his face drop. You point at his save file with a "huh!!" sound, and suddenly he's red in the face, hand retreating from on top of yours as if the contact suddenly burned him.
"Fine!! Whatever. Just finish the fuck up and..." he groans. It always feels good to embarrass him, and plus you know he can never stay mad at you for long.
"I will, I'm almost done with this day. Last order," you promise, clicking back to your original tab and getting right back to work. Ghiaccio has nothing else to do but stand and watch you play. What you don't see is his face slowly contorting in disgust as you sloppily dump toppings over the dessert.
"That's not how you place the cherries!!! That one's supposed to be centered, and the other two have to be NEATLY placed apart! They're gonna fucking hate it!" Ghiaccio exclaims, stabbing the screen with his index finger. You roll your eyes, it definitely doesn't surprise you that he's a perfectionist in this video game.
You both watch in anticipation as the costumer tastes their ice cream, and when a 72% score appears over the "top station" button you let out a cheer. You swivel your chair to face Ghiaccio and gesture to the screen, "see? they liked it!!"
He scoffs at the score, "it sure wasn't deserved."
"What!?" you put a hand on your chest in fake-hurt, "how dare you. Louie would never treat me like this!!"
Ghiaccio blinks at you with wide eyes, needing several long seconds to process what you just said.
"...Since when were you on a one-name basis with Papa Louie!?"
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tw // death, implied suicide
(not explicit)
A scene from Chapter 2 of "Haunting My Own Skin," written by @kirii-kitten
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Bonus pages:
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haloberry · 2 months
😭😭 lmao im sorryyyyyy
It’s just that you should really consider that all three of them can’t be together 🥰🥰
Tubbo is just a baby, Pac is also minor-coded with how silly and goofy he is, and Fit is like the father too both of them 🥺🥺
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
Idle Conversations || Good Omens Ineffable Husbands
[Pre-Canon/Ambiguous in Timeline] [Angst] [Hurt No Comfort] [EXTREME Misunderstandings] [i'm so sorry]
In the little bookshop nestled on the corner two supernatural beings usually congregated. Fora various reasons- ranging from “how do I stop heaven from finding out I tempted that priest for you” to “I made a wonderful pound cake and insist you try it!”
Tonight however, was a strange third option. Tonight, an angel and a demon were lucidly drunk in the back room, speaking about any and everything that escaped their lips. Now Crowley, the dark man who adapted to any environment he needed to, playfully argued to Aziraphale, the cozy little angel that likes things to be rather comfortable. It infuriated Crowley to no end that Aziraphale was simply satisfied with a comfortable silence, while Crowley felt a vehement need for intake and indulgence. And to think that the discussion started over a movie that Aziraphale found interesting while Crowley found it pompous.
“Really, it’s not a problem with pretentious movies- if the guy behind its got a good record of making good high art movies, it’s the people I can’t stand who say they understand abstract art when the abstract is the art!” Crowley explained emphatically as he lazily took another sip of wine. Aziraphale nodded, his brow curled in minute frustration at how Crowly spectacularly missed his point completely. 
“Well, not focusing on the audience, the movie is a wonderful example of artistic nihilism and a meaningful existentialism in a sense- now I know that’s rather oxymoronic to say, but I feel that the art of the so-called nonsensical is the sense of it all. After all, the meaning of the phrase “You can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep.” is paradoxically beautiful and abstractly striking in a more than  can be put into words.” Aziraphale rambled on, but Crowley had put a finger up to silence him as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Well, that’s why I decided I can’t watch movies that you’ve already seen with you anymore.” He nodded, finally speaking. Aziraphale had long taken the alcohol out of his body to better explain his love for the film, but the way Crowlay had said that struck the angel in a way he did not perhaps like. “It’s like I’m watching your reaction and attachments you’ve already formed to the characters and the movie rather than the movie itself- kinda ruins the whole “new” experience. Like with Pride n’ Prejudice. I listened to you waffle on about how much you loved Darcy’s character more than I watched the film!”
Now, surely Crowley had not meant it to come off so harsh sounding, and Aziraphale knew that intrinsically. Whenever Crowley had said something upsetting, it was usually out of ignorance rather than actual malice. This however, stung like nothing else before had.
“I show you the films I like to let you see..” Aziraphale had trailed off, his voice shutting quietly against his will. “I show you the films I like and the books I like to let you peek into what made me the angel I am today. It’s nice to have a comfortable monotony once in a while.”
Crowley shrugged. “That makes sense and all, but angel, where’s the excitement for the new? The reaching out for a never before felt experience? If you’re always stuck in the comfortable- what if something passes you by?” That was a rather silly question, Aziraphale thought. He had never let an opportunity pass simply because he was comfortable. 
“It’s a sense of stability, for me personally.” Aziraphale retorted kindly. The ever so tightly lipped smile across his face hid back all the questions that raced in his mind. Was he really that boring to Crowley? Had he not cared for all the times Aziraphale had tried to open up to him through his beloved literary artworks? He had thought Crowley liked sitting with him and indulging in stories that were near and dear to him. “Heaven is very hectic, despite what it looks like.”
“Quite the opposite for us, really.” Crowley muttered disdainfully. “Every day down there is the same old same old.”
“Perhaps that’s why you prefer a faster paced lifestyle. It fulfills a different need for you, just as the comfortable stagnation fulfills a need for my life.”
“Yeah, but what’s the point of it all? The world’s still going to spin if you’re sitting in ye olde bookshop that never changes.” Crowley asked genuinely, another bottle empty and set by the chair. “I couldn’t manage myself if I just stuck to the same thing for centuries.”
“I suppose that’s the point, really. I like staying still and admiring the complex beauties of select things, while you are far better suited to a short-form consuming style of appreciation.”
Crowley made a noise of agreement. He had always liked to look up with the times. Humans always were so fast paced, after all. It’d be a shame to blink and miss something clever they did. That was something Crowley could never really understand about Aziraphale- why did he find it so fascinating to just sit idly by and perfect the tiny details of everything? As much as Crowley(to everyone else who saw him and Aziraphale together) was so brazenly smitten, his curiosity about Aziraphale’s tendencies always kept him around, even if it was just lingering for a few moments in-between thrills of adventure.
A tightness in Aziraphale’s chest and a puzzled furrow to his brow clued Crowley that something was up. 
“Well, as much as I would love to continue this conversation, I really think we should be off. I have a new shipment of books I need to unpack. I was going to get to them before you had dropped by.”
Now Crowley knew something was definitely up. He did not want to press the angel about it in the state he was in currently, so a quick sobering up brought him to realize that something in the conversation had went grievously wrong. It was best not to try his luck in these types of situations he had learnt. With a quick goodbye and a lingering stare that perhaps looked a second too long, Crowley had excused himself back to his apartment. There Aziraphale sat, Crowley’s words echoing in his mind. 
Was he boring to Crowley? Was he dull and long winded? Well, compared to Crowley, Aziraphale was certainly more hesitant to change. His life had always been far too hectic, what was wrong with wanting a little stability? 
Aziraphale hesitated as he reached for a book. 
Was he really limiting his horizons by staying stagnant?
Aziraphale’s hands placed themselves gently on his lap as he let out a long yet soft sigh. Should he bake? No, that was one of his many limited hobbies. He did not want to go out and try new things simply because Crowley implied that his palette was lacking. He would not succumb to a demon’s taunt- no matter how accidental it was.
But that was the worst part though, wasn’t it? That it had been so casually said. As if it was a common fact about Aziraphale that he liked to stop and observe a world that still spun despite him.  “You go too fast for me, Crowley.”
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kittiecatalyst · 1 year
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some art
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totally-razzical · 2 months
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hes gotta collect them all sally/j
no i will not explain anything.
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pluckyoureyesout · 2 months
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Lil WIP🖤
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akkivee · 9 months
skimmed thru the guidebook myself!!!! here’s what i thought was neat about it!!!
the book cover was warning text all over it lol and it reads:
‘hypnosis mic has the power to interfere with people’s minds. when handling it, please be mindful of the extent to which its users’ influence can reach. furthermore, possession of a hypnosis mic that is not authorised by the chuuoku is subject to strict legal penalties’
within the pages, there’s another warning that’s partially blocked off by the graphics, but is advising to thoroughly read thru the guidelines for optimal functionality for failure to do can cause errors, malfunctions and other issues lol
pretty sure said pages are of the box the hypnosis mics are delivered in lol
the current era relationship chart is insane lmao like there are so many arrows. if it’s important, there’s probably an arrow for it lol
a handful of timeline events were removed in favour of including info about everything all the way up to the music festival. most of these removed events were when individuals met each other, eg dohifu meeting, rei and otome meeting
i think it’s just funny lmao but the section in bb’s story talking about jiro and saburo’s jobs to get ichiro to consider making a team with them, they included a silhouette of some woman to represent hifumi’s stalker LOL
did they update the official site with rei’s blood type??? if they didn’t, he’s type a 🤔
according to dh’s most important persons page, rei and otome stopped seeing eye to eye about the true hypnosis mic and the ramuda clones
the explanations for nagosaka’s abilities are neat!!!
🎋: makes the other person laugh, weakening their abilIties (tho interesting to note it’s not written with the english word ability to imply the hypnosis abilities)
🍮: informs allies, strengthening their power
0️⃣: manipulates any number of people to his own advantage
📿:enters a meditative state that increases concentration to block the opponent’s ability (ability here is written in english to imply it’s the hypnosis abilities)
🌙:gathers courage that restores own power (parallels jakurai’s ability to restore to normality when tled literally)
⚖️:with a shout, repel all attacks back at the opponent and away from allies
otome’s likes are gardening, tea, and antiques. she doesn’t like bugs or coffee. her favourite foods are pasta and risotto and she doesn’t like meat
ichijiku’s likes are ribbons, general goods, and fashion magazines. she doesn’t like pigeons or roller coasters. her favourite foods are sweets and she doesn’t like curry
nemu’s likes are making sweets and aquatic sports. she doesn’t like tobacco or lizards. her favourite food is hamburgers and she doesn’t like shellfish
the guidebook says the effects a person experiences after the true hypnosis mic is used on them varies from person to person. there are plenty of unknowns about it, including why hypnosis abilities disappear once under its influence.
the guidebook actually doesn’t have those pics of shakku and co we got in arb lmao. tho to that point it’s kinda interesting the people’s photos they do include are yotsutsuji and hanabi
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