#<- also why michael and tommy have freckles
zecoritheweirdone · 6 months
i don't usually share wips,,, but 'm pretty happy with how it's coming out so far,,, plus it's also killing my hand so i might as well share a sneak peek since 'm not continuing this tonight,,, dkjdkemwkjssk. anyway have i told you guys how much i like the fic vagabonds
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m1lespr0w3r · 3 years
Literally just- a cluster of headcanons!
Ranboo’s skin and hair isn’t split down the middle completely, it’s a bit blotchy and there are patches of white on his black side, and vice versa; but they’re more like freckles than huge patches.
Skeppy needs to polish himself once or twice a year or he gets really sick.
Skeppy’s a little wizard, little hat, cloak and pouch, and is VERY experienced with ores and rocks; I just don’t take criticism.
Tubbo shows effection to people by rubbing his horns against them, although he only really does this to Tommy or Ranboo.
Tommy can’t look at the colour green the same way anymore, and to make himself feel at ease he thinks of Tubbo’s button-up instead of Dream.
Puffy always sang sea shantys to help her children sleep, but she sang them softly and not as fast.
Tubbo and Puffy’s hair is really fluffy and grows very fast, Puffy lets her’s grow out and Tommy cuts it for Tubbo; it’s always messy but Tubbo likes it.
Whilst time-travelling, Karl has swirls in his eyes.
Tommy and Tubbo when stressed would scream together at their bench and just cry together, just scream until their throats were sore, Tommy did this during exile and Ranboo took Tubbo to do it.
Niki helped Fundy transition when he came out as trans, she saw Fundy as a little brother; even if she didn’t she would help him in a heartbeat.
Hearing footsteps behind him scares Quackity, he almost immediately turns around and puts an arm out to his side; he always did that to protect Tubbo, he needs to be able to see a person in front of him.
Ghostbur is neurodivergent, as a Nd person I see myself so much in him.
Tommy doesn’t like potatoes anymore, can’t eat them nor look at them; it makes him feel really unwell.
There’s always a voice in the back of the people’s head under the egg’s influence, trying to gain control; just pleading, but they’re too weak.
BBH just doesn’t need to sleep, he does when he’s bored however; but if he isn’t sleeping he’s usually making sure everyone is resting well.
BBH can shrink in size when he wants to y’know, being a demon and everything; but he just doesn’t.
Tommy has trouble sleeping at night.
Literally NOBODY on the SMP feels safe anymore, everyone is armed at all times since small conflicts aren’t uncommon; just small scuffles that aren’t turned into anything big, it’s one of the reasons Ranboo and Tubbo don’t let Michael outside.
Tubbo has been really close to fully snapping on multiple occasions, so when he fully snaps it’s going to be MUCH worse.
Ghostbur is always crying, not actually but; he always has tears running down his face.
He also have forget-me-nots covering wounds on his body or leaking out of them, like his left eye, chest, knees, etc.
Ghostbur does cry alone on occasions and talks to friend, but some do know this because his echoey wails can be heard; especially when friend was dead, those wails were heard but not at dead night, so everyone KNEW something happened.
Niki’s hair is naturally pink, but Hannah-Rose liked to use Peony dye she made to make it brighter for Niki.
Once joining the syndicate, Niki took off the promise ring Puffy gave her and swore to never look at it again or wear it; but she truly does miss Puffy and still loves her.
Quackity does have wings, so does Tommy but Quackity’s are developing, just slower and it’s unknown if Tommy’s will ever develop and grow.
Wilbur did have wings, but he ripped them off, Phil noticed this when Wilbur was going to blow up L’manburg but he couldn’t even mention it.
Sapnap’s hair has that wavey effect that fire has, and little sparks come off of it; but it flares up when he’s feeling an extreme emotion- usually anger, he also leaves footprints of ash wherever he goes, but can also leave small spots of fire too.
Quackity and Karl need to use oven-mits to help Sapnap calm down sometimes; to be honest everyone does- except for Bad.
Quackity does have a few teeth missing on the left side of his mouth after Techno ‘put the pickaxe through his teeth.’
Tubbo used to tell Michael stories about Tommy to get him to sleep, but they always made him cry; so he doesn’t tell them anymore, Michael didn’t understand why those stories made him sad.
Purpled is the definition of ‘True Nootril,’ he just is.
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scarlettwriter91 · 2 years
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Date - March 19, 2022
Full Name - Thomas David Anderson
Reason or meaning of name? Twin; Beloved
Nickname? Halfstack
Reason for nickname? Wesley called him that when he was little because he was so short
Race? White
Occupation? Farmer
Physical Appearance
Age: 19    How old does he appear? 19
Eye Color? Blue-green    Glasses or contacts? neither
Hair Color? Blonde Style? Permanently disheveled? Shaggy 
Weight? 175lbs  Height? 6ft
Type of body/build? lean
Skin tone? Light tone   Skin Type? Normal
Shape of face? Square
Distinguishing marks? None
Freckles: No  Moles? No Scars? No
Predominant Feature? Jawline
Face Claim? Chad Michael Murray
Is he healthy? …yes
Favorite Color? Dark Blue
Least favorite Color? Orange
Why? He associates it with school since it’s part of their school colors
Favorite Music? Classic Rock
Least favorite music? Musicals
Why? He doesn’t like them
Food? Pizza. 
Literature? Sherlock Holmes
Expressions? N/A
Expletives: Sh!t
Mode of Transportation: 1968 AMC Javelin
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Same when alone? Yes
Habits? Drinking out of the carton (Ruth hates this)
Hobbies? Working on cars, Archery, Camping
How does he spend a rainy day? Doing as little as possible. Annoying Beau or Ruth
Hometown: Decatur, Tn
Type of childhood? Happy
First Memory? Swinging on the rope across the pond
Most important childhood event that still affects him? 
Education? High School
Religion? Christian
Finances: Pretty good for a 19 year old who doesn’t have many bills
Mother: Ruth Anderson
Relationship with her: Very Close
Father: James Anderson
Relationship with him: Strained but they both try
Siblings: yes
How many? 2 brothers   Birth order? Wesley, Tommy, Beau
Relationship with each: Close with both but closest to Beau
Children of siblings? Wesley- TJ, Gracie, and Amy
Extended family? James’ parents are still alive
Close? No   Why or why not? James’ own relationship with them is strained and they don’t live around there.
Most at ease when? He’s working on cars or racing 
Ill at ease when? He feels like he’s in the spotlight 
Priorities: Having fun, his family
How he feels about himself? Confident
Past failure he would be embarrassed if people know about? He failed his written drivers test three times.
If granted one wish, what would it be? 
Greatest Strength: His ability to not let things bother him
Greatest Weakness: Worrying that he lets people down
Soft Spot: Animals
Is this soft spot obvious to others? So obvious
Biggest vulnerability: Letting people see him have big emotions. He’d rather bottle it all up
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Drives and motivations: To have fun. He’s also just really passionate about certain things so he just goes all in with them.
Talents: racing (Cars or horses) 
Extremely skilled at? Violin
Extremely unskilled at? Roller skating
Good Characteristics: Protectiveness, eagerness, smart, funny, cunning, quick-witted, ambitious
Character flaws: Impatient, short tempered (when he feels it’s justified. He doesn’t get upset over little things though) Sometimes he’s so focused on what he wants or is doing that he ignores everything else around him.
Mannerisms: He stretches out the hem on all of his t-shirts because he tugs at the front of them. Talks with his hands. (When he’s trying not to is when he starts tugging his shirt hem because he always needs to be doing something with his hands)
Biggest Regret: The fight he had with Ruth right after he turned 18
Minor regrets: Not trying harder in school. Letting Beau go with him to the race where they got arrested.
Biggest accomplishment: Playing Ashkon Farewell in front of the whole school his senior year
Minor accomplishments: The Javelin getting to be in the car show. Being the only kid brave enough to jump from the high cliff at the quarry the summer before junior year
Darkest Secret: He and a couple friends broke into an abandoned building when he was 17. They were smoking pot and drinking. Basically just being bored teenagers. No one knows exactly who started it or how, but they set the place on fire. They all ran and got away. The fire dept got there and put it out before it completely destroyed the building but nobody got caught and noone ever confessed.
Does anyone else know? Just the other kids he was with. Wesley had a suspicion but he never had any proof. He also didn’t want to find any proof.
If yes, did he tell them? No
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merakiaes · 4 years
Confessions On Drugs - Finn Shelby
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Pairing: Finn Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: Not proofread so I’m sorry in advance for any possible mistakes. I may have changed your request up a bit but I hope you like it xx
Wordcount: 3216
Summary: After being shot, you’re high on pain relief medication and accidentally confess your love for Finn in the presence of the entire Shelby family. 
Being shot was not fun. In fact, it hurt like hell. Well, at least you thought it did. You were currently so high on pain relief medication that you could barely remember your own name, but you guessed that it had hurt, or else you wouldn’t have been where you currently were, lying in the hospital bed surrounded by the very family that had raised and taken care of you your entire life.
“How you feeling, (Y/N)?” John asked where he sat at your left side, watching you with amused eyes as you played with the rings on his fingers.
Your eyes narrowed slightly in concentration, giving it every ounce of your focus to turn all of the metal rings the same way. “Like I was shot in the chest.” You answered without ever looking away from his hand. “But I feel like I’m floating on clouds. Am I floating on clouds? Am I high?”
John chuckled, and the others with him. He nodded in confirmation. “Yeah, you’re pretty high.”
Your eyes instantly shot open and just like that, his rings were as good as forgotten, your attention instead turning to look around at the people standing around your bed. But the only face you could really make out was John’s, the others’ being too far away and only appearing a blurry mess.
“On cocaine?” You questioned, bewildered, before you turned angry, your eyes narrowing again. “I bet it was Finn who gave it to me, wasn’t it? Might as well paint his nose white with all the snow he’s been snorting.”
Everyone exchanged a look, eyes twinkling with amusement and lips tugging slightly at your sudden outburst.
Tommy raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer and leaning against the wall right beside your bedside table. “Why the sudden hostility against Finn?” He questioned. “Aren’t you best friends?”
You sighed dramatically, letting your head fall back into your pillow, staring into the ceiling as you answered. “It’s complicated.”
Finn, who was standing at the very back beside Isaiah and Polly, frowned, and spoke up before he could help himself. “Complicated?”
He was confused, to say the least. He wasn’t bothered in the slightest about your retort about the cocaine, as you had spent the past year pestering him about his drug abuse and trying your very best to get him to quit it. But when had your relationship gone from a normal one to ‘complicated’?
You only ignored his question, however, keeping your eyes glued to the chipped ceiling, talking to Tommy. “Do you want to know a secret?”
The man raised his eyebrows even higher at this, nodding his head slightly and taking a drag from his cigarette. “Sure.”
You hummed, bringing your hands up into the air and inspecting them, wriggling your fingers a few times before starting to trace the lines in your palm. “You know Finn?” You asked. “Your brother Finn?”
Everyone exchanged glances, but Tommy’s eyes were stuck on you. “Yes. What about Finn?”
“I hate him.”
When those three words slipped out of your lips, everyone was shocked, and Finn most so of them all, his entire posture growing rigid and his eyes hardening at what he was hearing.
Tommy was speechless for a moment, before he finally regained his composure and asked. “Why?”
“Eyes.” You answered simply, without even missing a beat. “Those damn eyes fucked me over. They fuck me over every day. It’s infuriating.”
You let out another dramatic sigh, still absentmindedly tracing the inside of your hand. “I can’t decide if I want to punch him in the face or have his babies, you know? Have you ever had that problem?”
Now this was what really shocked them. It had been a shock in itself to hear you utter the words “hate” and “Finn” in the same context, as they knew how close you were. But now, now they realized they might be on the way to an actual proclamation of love.
Tommy, now being shocked and slightly taken aback from the surprise and anticipation they were all feeling, lowered his hand holding the cigarette slowly, putting all of his attention on you. “I can’t say I have, but it sounds tough.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding your head lazily. “It’s the toughest.” You confirmed, narrowing your eyes as you thought. “I should just punch him while we make babies.”
The words hung in the air for a moment, and John, Isaiah and Arthur were all now snorting at the back of their throats and having to use every last muscle in their body in a desperate attempt to keep their laughter in.
And it only got harder to do so when a look of horror struck your face, finally realizing what you had just said. “No, wait.” You quickly corrected yourself. “I’m not that kinky.”
“You like his eyes, eh?” Arthur joined in then, leaning forward in his own chair and smiling smugly at you, not that you could see it as you were still focusing on your hand.
A simple sigh escaped your mouth. “Yeah.” You drawled sadly, sighing again.
“What else do you like?” John asked, and you answered without missing a beat.
“No-“ He chuckled, shaking his head. “What else do you like about Finn.”
“John-“ Finn began protesting, now a whole flustered mess where he stood, Isaiah silently laughing and looking as if he was on the verge of crying.
But he was ignored, as you had already started talking again.
“I don’t know.” Yet another dramatic sigh. “His face, I guess. His cute, stupid face. He’s tall, which is pretty hot. And he’s got nice hair, and freckles. Yeah, I like his freckles. He’s really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing him all the time. Whenever I look at him he’s just so cute and perfect, that little shit.”
You narrowed your eyes toward the end, starting to mutter about what a little shit he was under your breath while everyone was now silently teasing Finn.
“Does he know you feel this way?” John asked in a shaky voice, his entire body trembling with the way he was trying his hardest to not laugh out loud.
“Of course not.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him, to which he raised an eyebrow.
“Why not?”
“Have you met him?” You quickly responded with another scoff. “He’s too busy fucking whores, doing drugs and sticking his head so far up his own ass to listen to anyone but himself. He’s on the top of the world.”
You then made a face, starting to imitate Finn in a deeper but at the same time very ridiculous voice. “I’m a Shelby I can do this. I’m a Peaky Blinder I can do that.”
Polly, Aberama, Michael and Esme who had all been pretty natural up until this point were now having to try their hardest to keep calm, as well, and Isaiah, John and Arthur were practically dying, silently clapping their thighs and laughing quietly.
Isaiah was slapping Finn’s back repeatedly, and with every hit, he only blushed further and further.
“I’d be his if he asked, though.” You continued, too caught up in your own mind to even realize what was going on around you, or who you were even talking to in the first place. “Even though he’s a complete asshole. I’m 99.9% sure he doesn’t like me like that, but I mean, I’ll be fine. As long as he stays single.”
You shrugged naturally, and with the way John and Arthur were now both holding their fisted hands in front of their mouths to hold any sounds in, Tommy picked the subject back up.
“And you don’t think he knows about your feelings?”
You hummed, blinking droopily and finally letting your arms fall back to your sides, moving your attention back to the ceiling. “No, I know he doesn’t.” You answered, shaking your head.
“How can you be so sure?” Tommy asked, and you hummed again, smacking your tongue against the roof of your mouth repeatedly, which only added to the humour of the situation.
“He’s very loyal and sweet, but also very dumb.” You answered, seemingly without a single doubt in your mind. “Sometimes, I don’t even know if he’s got any functioning brain cells.”
And that’s when they couldn’t hold back their laughter anymore, Arthur, Isaiah and John howling out and triggering everyone else. The three of them had to bend over and slap their legs where they stood and sat, laughing so hard it could probably be heard all the way out to the street.
Polly crossed her arms, shaking her head at their antics, but she laughed too, as did everyone else but on a much lower level. Tommy joined in on the laughter, too, watching you fondly as you reacted by turning and narrowing your eyes at them.  
“Why are you laughing? Are you making fun of me?” You rushed out angrily, pointing a finger at them. “I’m friends with the Peaky Blinders you know, they’ll cut your eyes out if I ask them to so you better not be.”
Polly shook her head and abandoned her spot at the back of the room, coming over to your bed. “No, we’re not laughing at you, love.” She assured you, and you turned your attention to her, calming down slightly. “We’re laughing at something else. How about you get some sleep, yeah? You need all the rest you can get.”
She gently pushed you back into the bed, smiling fondly at your pissed off expression all while starting to tuck you in under your blanket.
“Fine.” You snapped back, crossing your arms over your bandaged chest but nonetheless letting her adjust the blanket over your body so that you were comfortable. “I guess I am pretty tired.” You muttered.
After making sure you were situated in your bed, Polly turned to the others and slapped John and Arthur on their heads, motioning for them to get up. “Alright, that’s enough fun for today. Let’s not torture your brother too much, yeah?” She said, waving a hand in Finn’s direction, but as everyone turned and got a glimpse of his bright red face, their laughing only intensified.
But nonetheless, Polly managed to get them all out of the room, making sure Finn was going to be alright as he told her he would be staying by your side until you woke up again, before leaving to go back home herself.
Once she was gone, Finn finally allowed himself to take the chair at your side that John had previously been occupying, sitting himself down with an exhausted and flustered sigh, watching your peaceful face as you had already fallen asleep.
He took your hand in his carefully, and soon lulled off to sleep himself.
You weren’t sure for how long you were asleep, but when your eyes fluttered open again, sunshine was shining in through the window as opposed to the moonlight that had been illuminating the room before you fell asleep.
The first thing you noticed upon awaking was the slightly stinging pain shooting out from your chest and the way your head was spinning slightly, and the second thing you noticed was a warm hand limply clasped in your own.
Slowly, you turned your head to the side, and a soft smile automatically made its way onto your lips when finding Finn sleeping soundly beside you in a chair, his hair hanging in front of his eyes slightly.
Your thumb automatically caressed the back of his hand and he twitched slightly in his sleep at the small touch. You stared at him for another moment, before gently pulling your hand away from his and starting to sit yourself up, the aching in your back getting to much and telling you it was time to stretch your stiff limbs.
As you moved, however, Finn instantly woke up, more or less shooting out of his chair, eyes searching the room in panic before finally landing on you, struggling to sit up.
“No, you should lay down.” He was quick to protest, attempting to push you back down by your shoulders.
You met his eyes and smiled lazily. “I really need to stretch my legs.”
He looked at you for a moment, but soon nodded, and helped you sit up the rest of the way, watching as you slowly brought your legs over the edge of the bed, stretching them out.
He sank back down into his chair, leaning his elbows on his thighs, but not once looking away from you as you rolled your neck and stretched out your stiff muscles.
Feeling his stare burning into the side of your face, you turned your attention away from your legs and gave him a look.
“What?” You chuckled. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Do you-“ He hesitated. “Do you remember anything from last night?”
You raised an eyebrow to a start, but once you caught sight of the seemingly nervous expression on his face, you frowned, shaking head. “No. Why?”
He stared sheepishly at you, briefly glancing down at his lap and you instantly brought your hands to cover your face, catching on to what this was about. “I said some stupid shit, didn’t I?”
“You said some very… interesting things, yeah.” He agreed, and your heart instantly picked up speed, anxiety starting to settle in your stomach.
“What did I say?”
“I-“ He hesitated again, and you removed your hand from your face, giving him a desperate look.
“Come on, please tell me. Put me out of my misery.”
His eyelashes fluttered, a habit off his whenever he was nervous. He swallowed slightly, leaning back into his chair and grabbing a hold of the armrests. “You talked about me.” He finally told you. “About… having feelings for me.”
Terror instantly struck your face, your eyes widening and your entire body growing hot with shame. “What else did I do?” You asked, your voice now trembling, and you weren’t even sure you wanted to know the answer.
But now that the conversation was started, Finn’s answer came pretty quickly.
“You insulted my intellect on more than one occasion.” He told you, the corner of his lips tugging slightly. “Called me braindead, an asshole, questioned whether or not I had any working braincells, among other things.”
When hearing this, your eyes widened to the size of saucers, guilt instantly filling your entire body. “Oh, my God.” You said. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Are you sure?” Finn chuckled, but judging by the faint blush dusting his cheeks, he was just trying to lighten up the mood, in reality just as bashful as you were.
“Of course I’m sure.” You answered, shaking your head. “You might be… special. But you’re not an idiot. Jesus Christ, what’s wrong with me.”
You raised your hands to your face again, attempting to hide your shame.
“So you didn’t mean any of it?” Finn asked, and you shook your head, voice coming out slightly muffled against the palms of your hands.
“No, of course not, Finn.” You said sincerely. “I was high on pain medication. I would never call you stupid. I don’t think that at all.”
“I wasn’t talking about that.” He sighed. “I was talking about your feelings. For me. Was that just the drugs talking, too?”
With a sigh of your own, you slowly brought your face back out of your hands and gave him a hesitant look, feeling your ears burning hot with embarrassment. “I guess that depends on what I said.”
You watched as his eyelashes fluttered again, and you could feel your heart thumping violently inside your chest as he spoke. “You, uh, said you liked my eyes, my hair, my freckles.” He swallowed, chuckling slightly. “That my height was hot and that you… wanted to have my babies. Among many other things.”
“I-“ You couldn’t find the right words, looking down and shaking your head slightly. What was the point in denying the truth behind his, your, words, if they had already been confessed? You would have hoped your true feelings would never be discovered, but you guessed there was on going back now.
You sighed. “Well, I… I guess that’s pretty accurate.” You answered quietly, looking down at your hands and tugging slightly at the sleeves of your hospital gown. “I mean, you’re a Shelby, aren’t you? It’s no secret that the Shelbys are good looking.”
“(Y/N).” He said sternly, and upon glancing up at him through your lashes, you found he was looking at you with an equally as stern expression.  
You gave a nervous laugh. “Ah, shit.” You cursed, falling back against the bed, squeezing your eyes shut and reaching your hands up to pull through your knotted hair. “Yes. Yes, I do have feelings for you and I have for a long time.” You finally confirmed, your heart feeling as if it was about to jump out of your chest at this point.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked seriously, and all you could do was shake your head.
“Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”
He was quiet for a moment, and in that moment, all you could think was this is it. This is where he tells me how weird I am for having feelings for him and cuts all ties with me.
But then you heard the ruffling of his clothes, as if he was moving, and only a second later, you felt a warm hand carefully sliding onto your bare knee, followed by his voice. “You wouldn’t have.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and your heartbeat picked up even more speed at the feeling of his skin against yours, your entire body starting to tingle. You opened your eyes and brought your hands away from your hair, slowly pushing yourself back up on the bed, eyes looking into his uncertainly.
“You mean you-?”
He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a playful smirk. “You’re an asshole and sometimes I wonder whether or not you actually have any functioning braincells, but I guess you’re pretty cute, too.”
Your eyes widened to a start, not understanding what he was getting at, but when his playful smirk widened, you instantly realized he was mocking you and your shock quickly turned into shame again.
“I still can’t believe I said all of those things.” You muttered, bringing your hand back up to hide your blushing face.
The sound of the chair dragging against the floor could be heard, and soon, Finn had removed your hand from your face, taking both of yours into his.
Upon opening your eyes again, you found that he was now only centimeters away from your face, the realization taking your breath away.
“You also said you wanted to kiss me.” He revealed, not even trying to hide the way he was looking at your lips.
Your heart thumped against your ribcage. “Did I?” You asked, your voice barely even audible.
But he heard you, nodding his head. “You did.” He confirmed, finally tearing his eyes away from your lips, instead looking up to meet your gaze.
And then he leaned in and kissed you.
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smallheathgangsters · 4 years
Second Youngest | Part Two
Part One
A/N: This took way longer than it should have and I thoroughly apologise for that! There have been so many people asking for a part two and I hope you are happy with what I came up with :) Also, I switched from third person to second person, because I felt more comfortable while writing. Love you all, stay safe and healthy! 🧡
Tag List: @annabethgranger123 @marvelschriss @bloodorangemoonlight @chill-bee
Shelby!Sister Reader
Word Count: 1599
Type: angst, some fluff
It was horrible, downright dreadful, hearing Finn argue with your family, while you were in the kitchen doing the dishes. The water in the sink was very hot, but the burning sensation was a distraction you welcomed. Still, it was impossible for you to ignore the conversation going on in the room next to you.
“She never once complained in all these years and now suddenly she’s upset about her situation?” you heard Polly scoff.
“The way you’re reacting to this is exactly the reason why she’d always been afraid to speak up about it!”
Finn’s voice sounded very frustrated and you felt bad for having him stand up for you. You hated yourself for not having the courage to hold the conversation yourself. To be your own fighter. You’d initially rejected Finn’s offer to talk to the family, but he’d insisted and there had been nothing you could’ve done to make him change his mind. He’d been very determined to start integrating you into the Shelby household in a way that was more respectful and loving.
But it seemed hopeless. The venom, the dripping poison in their words weren’t indicating any progress towards a compromise and all you wanted to do was get Finn out of the crossfire he was in. Tell him to leave it be, but that you were thankful for his dedication to make you part of the family.
“Pretty pathetic if you ask me,” Michael huffed, and Arthur agreed. “Sending her little brother? That’s exactly why she can’t be a part of our business.”
“Can’t you just give her a chance? She’s done nothing wrong!” Finn pleaded. You shuddered at Finn’s begging. There was no reason for him to put himself in a position like that. As the youngest of them all, he’d had it hard already, constantly having to prove himself to his brothers … he shouldn’t be risking the loss of respect he’d gained up until now because of you.
“Look Finn, if she’s not ready to speak up for herself, we’re not going to change anything to her satisfaction. Life isn’t easy and she apparently still needs to learn that.”
Tommy’s voice sounded calm, firm and bored. Bored of you. “Now please stop embarrassing yourself and get back to work.”
Immediately, there were chairs being pushed back and the footsteps of multiple people were audible. After only a few seconds, your brothers and Polly were out the door and peace returned. Finally. The house was quiet again and you let out the breath you were holding, freeing your lungs from the slight pain it had caused. Free of pain. The one thing you so desperately wished for.
You closed your eyes while your hands were holding a porcelain plate under water. When you heard a careful knock on the door, your eyelids sprung open and you started scrubbing the residue of food off the plate, almost a little forcefully.
You knew it was Finn, wanting to check up on you. He was aware that you’d been unintentionally eavesdropping from the kitchen and already knew what news he was bringing.
Finn pushed the kitchen door open and stepped inside, closing it quietly behind him. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I really tried–“
“I know, Finn,” you interrupted him, placing the last plate next to the sink and shaking the water off your hands. Then, you turned around to face him, your back leaning against the counter. “And it’s okay. You did more than I ever wanted you to do.”
Finn’s face turned into an angry frown. “But I don’t understand why they’re being so stubborn!”
“Finn!” you said a little louder. “I said it’s okay. I don’t want you to be upset. I really appreciate what you did.”
Finn let out a loud sigh. “It’s still not fair.”
“It’s what it is.”
A few seconds later the two of you ended up in a warm, comforting hug. One that reminded you that even though nothing was good at the moment, it’ll eventually be okay. That you’ll find happiness someday, somewhere. Just not here. A realisation you had needed for the longest time.
And that realisation lead to a decision. The decision to leave. For good.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Finn’s voice was shaky. You watched him nervously look around the train station. Nervous about being spotted with you. Well, not with you exactly. But being spotted at the train station with you.
“Yes, I’m more than sure,” you assured him, sending your brother a kind smile. “And to be honest, I’m actually really excited.”
You nodded. And while the sun tickled Finn’s face, highlighting the countless, beautiful freckles, the train rolled in. Loudly, puffing angrily. Your eyes wandered over to the steel machine making its way closer and closer to you.
“You got the address?”
Another nod. “Thank you, Finn. For everything.”
“Please ring me as soon as possible.”
You promised and got on the train, although not before giving your sweet brother one last hug. One that was even warmer, more loving. More understanding. A friendly farewell.
London was busy. Just as Finn told you. Busy and noisy. But so pretty. And a lot less dirty than Birmingham. It smelled of luxury and wealth. Like the scent of an expensive perfume tingling in your sensitive nose. Tingling in a good way, one that gave you little butterflies in your stomach. Just like the kind you got when you passed a cute stranger on the streets.
You’d followed Finn’s instructions on the tiny paper note he’d given you the morning before you left for the new city. He had promised you that the man at the address had a job as a secretary for you. The initial feeling of doubt haunting you as you knocked on the door in one of the creepy back alleys of London had been unjustified. The man behind it was polite and very happy about getting a helping hand. The pay wasn’t huge, but enough for you. A small apartment and a place you felt home was all you needed. And that had been exactly what you’d received. Nothing more, nothing less.
And you were happy. Very happy. With every day the loneliness, the worthlessness, all the negativity Birmingham and your family had caused you, drifted further away. Up and away into the mostly cloudy, dark sky of the city. Your boss made you feel like you were relevant. Needed even. Some nights you laid awake, wondering how all of this had improved so quickly, swiftly. Huffing to yourself and shaking your head at how incapable and stubborn your family had been and how little it had taken to turn your whole world upside down. In a good way.
Unfortunately, only a few months in, on a rainy Tuesday morning, your boss was waiting for you with unlucky news.
“What does that mean?” you gasped.
“That means there’s no way for us to achieve the breakeven-point. Our incomes are too low,” he explained, the tone in his voice almost a little embarrassed.
You gulped audibly, playing with your fingers, unsure of what to do with yourself. “What now, Sir?”
“Don’t you worry, dear. I have a friend, a very talented businessman, who could use a motivated and diligent employee like you.”
“But what about you?” you asked him, genuinely worried about his future. “Do you have a plan for yourself?”
But just as he opened his mouth to respond, there was a knock on his office door, his gaze promptly leaving you. “Oh, that must be him already.”
“Your potential new employer.”
The loud exclamation leaving your boss’s mouth, inviting the stranger in, cut your sentence off. And with that, your conversation was finished already, leaving you with many open questions and a little overwhelmed.
Your eyes observed the door swinging open and a rather short man stepping into the room. Or maybe he wasn’t actually that short. Maybe his hunched posture made him seem smaller than he was. He was wearing a white shirt, one of his braces hanging loosely by his side, the other one over his shoulder, where it should be. He looked anything but a talented businessman.
“Brother! Glad you could make it!”
Had your boss’s voice just gotten slightly higher? Or was that your paranoia creeping up? The weird feeling tapping on your shoulder, reminding you of the fact that you frankly knew nothing about your boss and even less about the peculiar man standing in the doorframe.
“This the secretary you told me ‘bout?”
His steps were slow. Heavy. Dragging themselves over the floor.
You held your breath when he halted in front of you. A little too close. You were sure you were able to make out his eye colour from this distance. Blue? Greenish even?
Did he hear your heartbeat in your chest? Was he trying to make you uncomfortable? Nervous?
You gulped. But the lump in your throat was still there.
Then, you slowly held out a hand, hoping to stop him eyeing you up and down. He accepted your greeting, grabbing your hand firmly. His was rough and large.
“D’you have a name, lovely?”
You nodded, reminding yourself of Finn’s note. The last sentence on it. In bold letters. DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME, OR MY FAMILY WILL FIND YOU.
“Y/N … Smith.”
Smith. Your mother’s last name. One of the only things you knew about her.
The man kept shaking your hand, making you question if he’d ever let it go again.
“My pleasure. Call me Alfie. Solomons.”
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sinfulshelbys · 4 years
Doves | Shelby! Reader
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Isaiah Jesus x Shelby! sister reader
Warnings: swearing, smut and a whole lot of fluff
Request: Can I ask for more Isiah x reader maybe where he’s got a playboy personality but he ends up just being a total dork around reader (could be Shelby!reader or not, I don’t mind either way)
word count: 2.6k
As a Shelby you were naturally rough around the edges.
You and your twin brother Finn grew up surrounded by danger, guns, and the fair share of blood shed by and from your older brothers – never really been taught how to be soft and gentle. 
Finn’s best friend, Isaiah Jesus, however is a man of many characteristics – you knew that. But it was as though his favourite was being a ladies charmer. It seemed like every time you, Finn, your cousin Michael and Isaiah went for drinks, the boy found himself a new lady.
That night was no different – a petite blonde girl, with perfectly curled hair and a silky pink dress was perked upon his lap as he whispered nothings in her ear. You recognised her from when you went to school, Dorothy Hanaghan, the girl who used to pull your pigtails and kick the back of your chair until you got fed up and almost stabbed her hand with a pencil. 
Your heart broke a little as you watched the interaction from behind your glass of whiskey in the private Shelby booth in the Garrison. You had naturally developed a crush on the Jesus boy; spending as much time with him as you did with Finn – maybe even more. 
You fell in love with the way he would help tie the laces of your boots when you were in a rush to go out and help with the illegal side of business, or how he would make sure to carry a ribbon on his right wrist incase you wanted to tie your hair up. 
You fell in love with his eyes that were coloured amber and when the sun hit them just right they resembled the gold that people spent years desperately trying to pull from the ground.
You fell in love with how his hands always held yours with nothing but tenderness although his palms were calloused and rough. The way his laugh would fill any room and his tiny freckles that coated his cheeks and the bridge of his nose – the small details that others wouldn’t take time to notice. 
You fell in love with how completely thoughtful and astonishing Isaiah Jesus was – and foolishly believed he felt the same about you. 
Reaching for the bottle of alcohol in between both you and Finn who was talking to Harry, the bartender and Michael, the poor men nodding along with the youngest Shelby’s argument over why filly’s were better than mares. 
Your hand reached into the pocket of Finn’s disregarded coat for a cigarette and lighter; finding both easily. Not bothering to pour the alcohol into a glass, you took a swig straight from the bottle, lighting the cigarette in between your fingers – switching between smoking and drinking. 
Your eyes refused to listen to your brain that was telling you not to look past the door – your attention naturally being drawn to the boy who had your entire heart in his hands and he had no idea. His wide grin lit up his features as he playfully nipped Dorothy’s neck, her laugh echoing throughout the Garrison – a painful reminder that he wasn’t yours. 
Clasping the nose of the bottle in your left hand so tight it almost shattered, you felt a single tear slide down your cheek, quickly putting the bottle down to wipe it away. You didn’t notice Michael’s eyes that were intently watching you, his gaze darting between you and Isaiah in the booth outside – the desperate urge to go over to Isaiah and slap him silly fuelling his body. 
To Michael, Isaiah had to be the dumbest, blindest and possibly most pathetic man he had ever met. Every time the pair got together without the presence of a Shelby, Isaiah always found himself ranting to best friend about something ‘utterly adorable’ that you had done that day or always found a way to bring you up in conversation. 
Isaiah was in love with you and you were in love with him – but you were both too stubborn to admit it to each other.
Sighing, Michael could only watch as you downed half the bottle of whiskey before you stood up and left the pub without so much of a goodbye. His head turned to look at his best friend who’s features turned into a frown as his eyes followed you; his attention being pulled back to Dorothy who placed her hand on his cheek.
Stupid. Fucking stupid idiots in love, he thought.
It had been a week since the events in the pub, and while you tried your hardest to ignore Isaiah, you had ultimately found yourself once again back to square one.
Tommy had called for a family meeting, the Shelby house being full of life to celebrate Michael joining the legitimate side of the business. Food covered the table, Arthur singing some song that he had learnt from a lass that sung at the Garrison on Saturday. 
John was trying to sing along with the eldest Shelby sibling, failing since he didn’t know the words – laughter and bright smiles on everybody's faces. A rare but welcome sight.
You watched from the top of the stairs, you couldn’t help the grin growing on your face at your family. You had taken a little longer than usual to get ready since everyone was planning to take the celebrations elsewhere after eating. 
Your red dress clung to your body perfectly, the lace covering your skin in the prettiest of ways. Ada had pinned your hair up and done your makeup – your red lipstick making a statement. 
“We’re going to find you a man,” she suggestively wiggled her brows, a teasing tone in her voice. Your laughter easily slipping through your painted lips.
“Ada!” Your aunt playfully scolded from her position on the chair in the corner of your room, your older sister discreetly rolling her eyes – but not discreetly enough for your aunt who seemed to have eyes in the back of her head. 
“Who knows, maybe Isaiah will finally make his move,” Ada grinned, causing you to flush and look away from her stare in the mirror. 
Shaking your head, you weakly mumbled out a “he doesn’t like me like that,” because it was true. Wasn’t it?
You didn’t see the frustrated looks Polly and Ada shared while you began to clean up your makeup on the vanity. They, like the rest of your family, could see how infatuated both you and Isaiah were with each other – the only two too blind to also see it was the both of you.
“Put on some shoes,” Polly squeezed your shoulders, both her and Ada leaving your room. “We’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready.”
That was almost ten minutes ago, the celebrations already in full swing as you finally made your entrance. Your heels clicked against the floor as you entered the dining room, everyones eyes turning towards you. 
“Y/N!” Arthur boomed, already pretty drunk. “Don’t yer’ look fuckin’ dashing, she looks dashing doesn’t she John.” He slapped the boy to his rights chest. 
John only grinned at you and let out a “she sure fucking does, wonder who she’s dressed up for, hmm?”
Snickering at their theatrics, you walked over to Michael who was stood next to Polly – shovelling ham into his mouth like it was going out of fashion. 
“Congratulations cousin, finally apart of the business” you grinned, as he pulled you into a side hug. “And brothers, who said I wasn’t dressed up for myself? A lady can look nice just because she wants to.”
It seemed like the entire family let out a sarcastic ‘sure’ before the kitchen door swung open, both Finn and Isaiah walking through with drinks in their hands. Isaiah’s eyes immediately landed on you, the flustered boy almost tripping over his own feet at as he stared at you; his drink spilling over the edge of the glass and onto his freshly polished shoes. 
Snorting, Finn gave Isaiah a pat on the shoulder as the rest of your family tried their hardest to hide their laughter – Isaiah’s eyes never leaving the picture perfect sight in front of him, his mouth opening and closing in shock. 
Giving him a soft smile, you sheepishly waved in his direction while Isaiah forced himself to recover. You looked absolutely ravishing – just as perfect as the doves that were described in the Holy Gospel. 
“Right!” Tommy interrupted the silent teasing going on around you, holding his arms out wide before heading towards the front door. “Who wants to go get some drinks?”
With cheers from everyone, the family began to make their way out of the house, Ada’s arm linked with yours as you lifted your hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. Your fingers grazed against your earlobe and your heart sunk a little when you realised you had forgotten to put in your earrings. 
Stopping your steps, you pulled your arm from Ada’s while she questioned you, catching the attention of everyone.
“Forgot my earrings,” you hastily replied, backtracking to make it back into the house. “Go along, I’ll meet you all there.”
Hearing your conversation, Michael nudged Isaiah in the ribs gesturing towards you as you began to walk back into the house. Realising what his friend was suggesting, Isaiah began to follow you – nodding towards your family. 
“I’ll walk with her, make sure she gets there safe. Go without us.” He spoke up, waving his hand up as if it was nothing before following you inside. 
Michael could only grin as Tommy spoke up, everyone watching Isaiah practically leap to catch up with you.
“You’re not half as bad of a wingman that you are as a pain in the ass, Michael,” Tommy teased, pulling the boy into a headlock as everyone began to walk towards the Garrison – a mutually understanding that Isaiah was finally going to admit his harboured feelings. 
“Drinks are on me if they finally fuck!” John placed the bet, running towards the pub as Polly scolded him for being so crass.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you looked towards Isaiah as you began riffling through your jewellery box for the earrings that your mother had passed down to you.
Leaning against your shut door, Isaiah shrugged a little before meeting your eyes across the room. His grey suit tightening around his arms as he crossed them over his chest – the soft light from the candles causing his skin to have a soft glow to it. He was ethereal. 
“Do what?” 
“You know what,” your reply was brief, before you continued. “You didn’t have to wait for me, you could’ve gone to celebrate. I can walk there on my own.”
“I ain’t risking some drunk getting a look at a beautiful girl like you, wearing that number while walking alone. He would believe he has a shot and I don’t want to think about what he will do to get it.”
Wiping a hand under his nose, you noticed that he was nervous by the way he kept bouncing on the heels of his feet - fingers picking at the thread of his coat; something he usually did before a big job. 
“Isaiah?” You whispered, walking towards the boy who was avoiding your gaze. “What’s wrong?”
Grunting, Isaiah lifted his head as you stood a few feet in front of him, his hand raising before weakly falling back to his side before he slipped his hand into the pocket of his pants. 
“Michael told me to just get it over with,” he spoke, frustration coating his words. “But fuck, I don’t think I can do it.”
“Hey,” you began softly, pulling his attention to you but taking his face in your hands. “You can tell me anything, we’re best friends.”
“That’s just it, innit? We’re friends when I don’t want to be fucking friends.”
Abruptly pulling your hands away, Isaiah’s eyes widened as he was quick to catch your hands in his larger ones – voice desperate.
“No not like that, I–” he stopped himself, voice lowering. “I don’t want to be your friend because I want to be more. I’ve loved you for a really long fucking time, never thought you liked me so I didn’t tell you; settling for just being us. Being friends.”
Your mouth fell open at his admission, they were the words you wanted to hear for the longest time but you couldn’t help the small part of apprehension that crept into your mind. 
“But what about all those other girls?” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
“Distractions,” he huffed, ashamed of himself. “Originally I was trying to make you jealous, but when I didn’t see you show any sign of actually being jealous it kind of just turned into a way to distract myself from the way I felt for you. I’m a complete fool in love around you, Y/N Shelby. ”
“You should’ve just told me. I’ve been in love with you since Finn introduced us and you picked me a bouquet of weeds from the lawn to introduce yourself. I love you Isaiah Jesus.”
It was as if the words falling from your mouth finally lit the match that was within Isaiah, his hands moving to grasp your cheeks before he smashed his lips onto yours.
The kiss was fuelled with passion. It was one that had been expressed a thousand times between the pair of you by your eyes. It was without warning, almost as if every part of a dull star was burning bright again. It was so very yours. 
One of Isaiah’s hands moved to grip your hip, the other remaining on your cheek as he began to walk you backward towards your bed. Your hands running up and down his chest as you were encased by him – you never wanted the feeling of finally being so complete, two souls colliding, to end. 
Pulling away briefly, Isaiah began to pepper kisses down your neck as you pushed off his coat. His fingers played with the zipper of your dress before he rested his forehead on yours, lust filled eyes looking into your eyes for permission. 
Nodding, you breathlessly urged him on. “Take it off, sia.”
“Are you sure?”
You could barely form the word, but a soft, ‘yes’ left your lips as he met you in a chaste kiss, pushing down the zip.
“Good,” he mumbled against your mouth, voice horse. “It looks stunning on you, but it’d look even better on the floor.”
Jumping out of the dress once it fell to a heap on the ground, you wrapped your legs around Isaiah’s waist as he kicked off his pants – your hands hastily unbuttoning his shirt before he clumsily tossed it across the room. 
Walking until his legs hit the edge of your bed, Isaiah carefully laid you down as he climbed over you – hands eagerly exploring each others bodies as you both let out moans of ‘I love you,’ into the others ear.
It wasn’t long until Isaiah had you withering beneath him, your nails leaving scratches down his defined back; his lips marking their territory amongst your chest as you both reached your highs. He made love to you, so passionately that you swore you could die then and there but would’ve already gone to heaven.
Laying with your head on his chest as you caught your breath, Isaiah ran his hands through your hair, pressing gentle kisses to the crown of your head every few seconds. 
You were finally his and he was finally yours – and it was safe to say that after you finally entered the Garrison, john had to meet his end of the promise he made; multiple drinks being bought on his tab.
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peachy-blinderss · 5 years
One of Us: Part 5
Part four here!
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol use, inappropriate language, attempted sexual assault, ptsd war flashback, death, gun violence. 
Word Count: 3295
Angst with the tiniest smattering of fluff at the end 
Remember: Drunk or high people cannot give consent!
I’ve decided to pretend cadence doesn’t have a brother even though I said she did. Too much work to write in lol. I also feel like it doesn’t fit anymore and i only mentioned him like twice. This is extremely dark so read at your own risk. There is violence, death, attempted sexual assault. I don’t want anyone read this if you are going to be triggered by it. It took a very dark turn and I definitely did not expect that. I’m so sorry for making you all wait so long for an update on this. I was home sick today and caught the inspiration to write and just ran with it. This hasn’t been edited yet so please forgive me for the mistakes. Hopefully it’s coherent. 
800.656.HOPE (4673) this is the national sexual assault telephone hotline in the US if you need it.
There was a part of you that expected Tommy to chase you back to your flat begging you to let him explain what you saw. You knew better though. Tommy Shelby did not chase after anyone. You had been sat on the floor in front of your door for twenty minutes now waiting for him. The tears had long dried leaving behind streaks of black on your red cheeks. You felt pitiful. After much deliberation you stood up and headed towards your liquor cabinet. Gin would be your poison today. You laughed as you thought back to earlier this morning when you swore you’d never drink again. Shot after shot rolled down your throat with ease and it wasn’t long before you started talking to yourself.
“‘ ‘e don’t owe you nothin Cadence. You weren’t together he can fuck who he bloody well pleases,” you slurred to yourself.
You laughed bitterly.
“ I told ya he’d never love ya, get over it girl. You waited for him like a silly liddle girl,” you poured another shot down your throat.
“You’re weak Cadence, fuckin’ weak,” you said quietly to yourself.
The nastiest parts of your brain were coming out to play, and you were not in the mood to deal with them. After hours of drinking alone you decided company was what you needed. You tore open your bureau and pulled out the most scandalous dress you owned. A beautiful black number with a slit clean up to the hip and an open back. It took you a few attempts and some stumbling before you were able to get the dress on. You huffed in satisfaction and began fixing your hair and makeup. When you were finished you smirked at your reflection. You were hell on heels and the boys were going to pay tonight.
It took you much longer to get to the Garrison then it normally would because every few seconds you had to stop yourself from stumbling over your own feet.
When you reached the doors of the Garrison you rolled your shoulders back and held your head high, preparing yourself for any encounters with Tommy. All eyes turned to you on your way to the bar. Unbeknownst to you Tommy watched you walk in. He was not pleased at the way all the scummy men in the bar were ogling you. His fists clenched when he heard the lewd comments being aimed at you. Unable to stand it he went back into the snug, slamming the door behind him. You smiled at Harry as you leaned against the bar top.
“ One gin pleaseee Harry, fill er’ up good,” you winked at him.
Harry shot a disapproving look your way as he noticed you swaying on your heels.
“Don’t you think you’ve already had enough tonight Cadence?” he said with concern.
“I don’t know what yer talkin’ about Harry em’ fine,” you smiled coquettishly.
Suddenly you felt a warm body slide up next to you. In your drunken state you hoped it was Tommy, but as usual that was just wishful thinking. It wasn’t Tommy stood next to you, but you weren’t upset about the man who was. He had beautiful green eyes, and sinfully dark brown hair. The kind that you would pay money to run your hands through. You loved the way his freckles dusted across his cheek bones. You smiled sweetly at him as he began to speak.
“Her drink’s on me Harry, get her whatever she wants,” he said while sending a wink your way.
“Handsome and a gentleman,” you giggled while placing a hand on his forearm. Sober you would have been mortified to see what you were doing, but you weren’t sober you at the moment.
“What’s your name love?” he said turning to face you fully.
“ Em’ Cadence. What’s yer name handsome” you batted your eyelashes at him.
“I’m Jack love, why don’t you come sit down with me eh?” he grabbing the drinks from Harry. Harry shot you another disapproving look as he watched you go.
Jack pulled you into the booth next to him. You giggled as he handed you your drink. Conversation flowed easily between you two. You moved closer and closer to him the drunker you got until you were practically sitting in his lap. You could barely hold your head up when he suggested you leave. Too drunk to notice the innuendo behind his words you agreed to go with him. He practically carried you out of the bar. When the chilly air hit your face you began to sober up a bit. You noticed you were quite a ways down the street from the Garrison. You didn’t remember agreeing to leave with him, and pulled your arm away when he began leading you down an alley.
“Where we goin’ Jack? Why’d we leave? It’s so cold, I’m cold,” you pouted at him.
He pushed you back against a wall in response. His large body caged you in and prevented you from moving. You tried to pull away again when he began kissing your neck.
“Jack what’ya doin, let’s go back,” you said while once again trying to pull away from him.
He ignored you while grabbing your breasts roughly over your dress.
“It’s ok love you wanted to leave, remember? You’ll like this I promise,” He said while biting your neck.
Terror coursed through your veins as you used all your strength to try to push him off of you. He slapped you across your face and pushed you harder into the wall. You screamed in pain, and cried for help. You tried to reach for the gun in your purse but his grip on your arm was too strong.
In one last attempt to escape you kneed him as hard as you could in his crotch. He howled in pain and immediately fell to the ground.
“You stupid fucking bitch you are going to regret doing that,” he said through gritted teeth.
You panicked when he started to stand up. With shaky hands you reached into your purse and pulled out your small handgun. Jack was on his feet and rushing towards you when you pulled the trigger. He let out a strangled cry as he slumped onto the ground.
You screamed when you noticed he wasn’t moving. You grabbed your gun as quickly as your drunken state would allow and ran down the alley towards Watery Lane.
Snot, tears, and drool ran down your face as you ran. You swore you could hear sirens and feet running behind you. In your panic the toe of your shoe caught on a lose cobble stone in the alley. When your body landed on the ground you were no longer in Small Heath. The stones of the alley had turned into mud. You were back in France. You screamed in pain as you forced yourself to stand up. The air raid sirens were blaring at you to take cover, so you forced yourself to run on your twisted ankle. All around you heard screams and gun fire. You began to scream when you saw the bloodied bodies of your friends and fellow nurses strewn through the mud. You threw yourself to the ground and covered your head with your arms when you heard an explosion. You continued to scream until you felt hands on your arms. Instantly you reached for your gun.
“Cadence! It’s me. It’s Finn,” he said while taking the gun out of your shaking hands.
When you opened your eyes you were no longer in France. For the first time in your life you were happy to be greeted by the sight of Small Heath. You noticed that Finn wasn’t alone. Both Michael and Isaiah were crouching next to you as well.
“Finn there was an explosion, I- I don’t know what happened,” you said quietly.
The three boys  exchanged confused looks with each other. Isaiah spoke up next.
“Love Michael’s car engine backfired, that’s what you must have heard. We heard screaming and found you curled up like this in the alley.”
You nodded slowly in understanding. You were having a flashback. You hadn’t had one in over a year. You instantly knew what caused it. You covered your eyes as you began to cry.
“Cadence what happened? Please tell us,” Finn pleaded.
You shook your head in response, and forced yourself to stand up. All three boys tried to help you but your refused. You only made it a few steps before your ankle gave out and you fell back to the ground. You protested weakly as you felt Michael and Finn wrap one of your arms around each of their shoulders.
“Let us help you, Please Cadence,” Michael said with concern lacing his voice.
“Polly. I need Polly now,” You said forcefully.
All three boys nodded and began to walk you towards Watery Lane.
Lucky for you you collapsed only a few minutes from the beating shop. It wasn’t long before they herded you inside the house at Watery Lane. Polly flew down the stairs like a bat out of hell when she heard the ruckus being made trying to get you in the house.
“Michael Gray and Finn Shelby, I swear to fucking god if you are coming home pissed again I’ll have both or your heads and you’ll be sorry that-” She gasped when she saw you. You knew you must have been bad if Polly was reacting like this.
“Em’ fine Poll just a little worse fer the wear,” You said weakly.
Polly sent a stern look your way. You knew better than to argue with her.
“Right love. Finn, get your brothers now. Go on you lot and don’t fucking dawdle,” she yelled.
Polly wait until the door closed behind the boys to start her interrogation. She grabbed a blanket from the sitting room and wrapped it around your shoulders. You hadn’t noticed you were shivering.
“Cadence what happened?” she said while taking your hand in her own.
You began to cry. Polly was immediately startled. She hadn’t seen you cry since before France.
You were unable to speak through your sobs, Polly pulled you to her chest and stroked your hair until you calmed down. You finally stopped shaking but tears still coated your cheeks as you began to speak. Polly’s huffed when you told her about walking in on Tommy that morning.
“Stupid idiot,” she said under her breath.
Her body tensed when you began to tell her about Jack. You began to cry again when you told her everything that happened.
“Love it isn’t your fault. The bastard had in coming to him. You did what you had to do.”
“I shouldn’t have gotten so drunk. I shouldn’t have gone out dressed like that,” you lowered your eyes in shame. Polly frowned deeply. You felt her fingers gently tilt your chin so you’d look at her.
“Cadence listen to me. It isn’t your fault. It doesn’t matter if you were bloody naked, no man has the right to touch you like that unless you want him to,” she said sternly.
“Now let’s get you cleaned up and in bed. You need rest love.” You took her hand as she lead you upstairs to the bath.
Tommy’s POV (This happens before the attack)
You looked up as your heard John noisily enter the snug after taking a piss. He had a shit eating grin on his face.
“Tom how many times have I told you to hurry up and make a move on Cadence before some other lad does?” he said with a smirk.
“Fuck off John,” You ignored him and took another drag of your cigarette when he slid into the booth next to you.
“But brother, I’ve seen something you’d want to know about and it involves our Caddy girl.”
“Fuck off John,” you tried to sound unaffected.
“Well I’ll tell you anyway because I’m such a good brother to you. Our little Caddy girl is all grown up and cosied up with some bloke in a booth out front as we speak. Make quite a pretty pair that lot does,” John said in jest.
John laughed when he saw you tense up.
“John Boy why the fuck you laughing? Who is this bloke? He should know better then to even come near our little bird. I’ll have his head I will stupid fuck-” you pushed Arthur back into his seat. John only laughed in response.
“Let her have her fun Arthur. You know she hasn’t had much since we’ve been back,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Have you lost your fuckin mind Tom?” Arthur shoot an incredulous glare.
“You really are a bloody idiot Tom” John laughed again.
You smacked him on the back of his head, “Fuck off John.”
You had forgotten all about Cadence until Finn, Isaiah, and Michael burst through the door of the snug panting furiously. Finn bent at the waist to catch his breath. Isaiah and Michael weren’t in much better shape.
“What the fuck is wrong you with you lot?” Arthur bellowed.
“Cadence. Hurt,” Finn managed between gasping breaths.
You, John, and Arthur jumped from your seats at the same time. Arthur grabbed Finn by the shoulders before you had the chance.
“What do you mean Cadence is hurt? Speak up lad,” he said while shaking Finn’s shoulders.
“We found her beaten up in an alley by Watery lane. She’s with Poll now,” Finn gasped out.
You felt rage flow through you. You knew immediately that bloke she was with had something to do with it. You were going to kill him once you found him.
“Find that fucker she was with NOW. John, Arthur, you’re with me let’s go,” you barked.
“All you fuckers out now! We’re closed” Arthur bellowed as all six of you left the snug.
You, Arthur, and John quickly hopped in your car and speed down the road. You knew you were driving too fast but you didn’t care. You almost clipped the side of a building when you turned down the alley by the Garrison. You were surprised when you felt the car run over something. You didn’t remember there being any bumps in the road in this alley. You quickly stopped the car.
“Tom what the fuck are you doing? We need to find this fucker now,” John yelled in frustration.
“I have a feeling,” You said cryptically.
“Well that’s bloody brilliant Tom but now is not the time for you to have a fucking feeling. Where the fuck are you going get back in the bloody car!” John howled.
Ignoring your younger brother you got out of the car. The other two quickly followed suit. Behind your car about ten feet lay a crumpled mass. Upon further inspection you realized it was the body of a man. You nudged him with your foot to see if he was still alive.
“Well fuck Tom, you killed the poor bastard. Well roll him over see if we know the lad,” Arthur commanded.
John got down on his hands and knees and rolled the man onto his back. He noticed there was a gunshot wound in his groin area. He tensed immediately when he saw his face.
“This is the fucker that was with Cadence at the pub,” John pushed Jack’s body away from him and spit on his face.
“He’s dead. Someone got to him before we could,” John said.
You didn’t even hesitate before you began barking orders to John and Arthur. The last thing you needed was coppers to find the dead fuck.
“Throw his body in the cut then meet me at home,” you threw Arthur the keys before you ran in the direction of Watery Lane.
You threw the front door open at Watery Lane ignoring the loud bang it made when it hit the wall. You didn’t bother to close it as you began frantically searching the house for Cadence. You stopped when you noticed Polly. Her back was to you. She was sitting on the couch having a smoke.
“Bout time you got here. Keep it down Thomas she’s finally asleep,” Polly scolded quietly. She didn't turn around to look at you.
“Poll where is she? Tell me what you know” you said frantically. You walked to the front of the couch to face her.
“She’s in your room sleeping. Some fucker tried to take advantage of her and she shot him. She showed up here in a right state. Poor thing was battered to hell. Did you find the fucker who did it?” Polly took a drag of her cigarette.
You nodded and Polly sighed in approval.
“We found him in the alley by the Garrison. Cadence must have killed him when she shot him. John and Arthur are taking care of him now.”
Polly nodded at you and returned to her cigarette. Polly began to speak again.
“I also know Cadence walked in on you this morning Thomas.”
You rubbed at your eyes with both hands in frustration. You had wanted to forget that even happened. You never wanted Cadence to see you with someone else. You only ever wanted it to be her not the prostitute you were fucking.
“Don’t want to talk about it Poll,” you huffed.
“She’s been asking for you. Poor thing was beaten and piss drunk but she still was asking after you.” Polly leveled you with a knowing look.
You snapped your eyes to Polly’s the moment the words left her mouth.
You immediately turned to go up stairs. Before you were out of ear shot you heard Polly again.
“Don’t blow it this time you bloody idiot.”
You tried to open your door as quietly as possible so you wouldn’t wake Cadence. You tiptoed through your room before sitting in the chair across from your bed. She looked so small curled up under your blankets. You’d spent countless nights fantasizing about her being in your bed but the reason she finally was here sent fury through you once again. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. You wished she wasn’t in your bed and everything was as it should be. You needed to go out and have a smoke to help calm you down. Looking at her bruised face was too much for you to handle. You could still see the wet lines on her face from her tears.
As you were about to leave the room you heard Cadence call for you. Her voice was so quiet you would have missed it if you weren’t paying attention. It contrasted so deeply with the loud and confident voice she always had. It broke your heart.
“Tommy please stay with me, I don’t want to be alone,” you whimpered softly.
You nodded in response and sat back down in your chair. You looked at her curiously when she began to pat around the bed with her eyes still closed. She looked like she was searching for something. She opened her eyes and began looking around the room for you. She smiled softly when her eyes met yours.
“Can you come lay with me please Tom? Like we did when I had nightmares when we were kids,” Cadence said shyly.
You took of your shoes, and got undressed down to your undershirt and trousers before sliding in next to her. She quickly wrapped her arms around your middle and laid her head on your chest. You traced light patterns on her arm until you felt her fall asleep next to you. You leaned down and placed a light kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m so sorry Cadence,” you said quietly before closing your eyes.
Also if you are wondering Cadence did in fact shoot Jack’s dick off because really that’s what all rapists deserve. 
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dazedandinked · 5 years
Bad man, sad man - (Chapter 2/2)
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Chapter 1: https://dazedandinked.tumblr.com/post/183189058536/bad-man-sad-man-chapter-12
Fandoms: Peaky Blinders (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Additional tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Season 3 Spoilers, Mentioned Character Death, Strangers to Friends, Friendship, Humor, Light Angst, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Happy Ending.
Chapter summary:
Many other nights followed that first drink at the Garrison. Crowley had the chance to meet the Shelby family and to share small little secrets with Tommy.
But all the good things in life come to an end.
A/N:  So here it is! I know this work is quite short but maybe there'll be more of this odd crossover in the future.
You can find it on 
Chapter 2: But my dreams they aren't this empty
Many other nights followed that first drink at the Garrison. Sometimes they met in Birmingham, sometimes in London where Tommy had business with Mr. Solomons (another odd man Crowley had the not-pleasure to meet.) Sometimes he visited Tommy at his house or in Watery Lane, therefore  he had the chance to meet the Shelby family.
They were friends, somehow, and this was something new to both of them. Crowley have always had nothing but Aziraphale and their weird, century-old friendship (because it wasn't just an alliance anymore); Tommy had his noisy extended family, but he couldn't really say he had a friend since Freddie Thorne, and things got complicated after the war.
During their evenings they drank, smoked and talked, a lot. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Ada or Polly and, after a while, Crowley found himself quite enjoying their company as well. He liked discussing communist principles with Ada (something the world thought coming straight from hell) and talking about religion and occultism with Polly. They were sharp and clever, obviously the force holding the family and the business together. He couldn't understand why men were so convinced of their gender supremacy. Really.
And then, there were his brothers.
In Crowley’s eyes, the Shelby siblings were basically a heap of angst, rage and cheekbones. Nevertheless, he could understand why ordinary people were so respectful towards them. Arthur a crazy horse, wrecked to the core but still trying to pull his shit together; John didn’t seem to know what to do half of the time (but fortunately he had Esme, helping him the other half); Finn was just a kid trying to act like his elder brothers.
Last but not least Michael, their cousin: secure and restrained on the outside, scared and full of doubts on the inside. A bit like Tommy, Crowley thought after talking to him for a while.
With the right amount of alcool in their blood, they shared many bits of their private lives: Tommy talked about Grace and Charlie, about the war and his nightmares, and Crowley rambled too many things about himself and, sometimes, about Aziraphale. He vaguely remembers mentioning the fact that he had met Byron in person, and that he was a pompous haughty arse.
But they had some kind of agreement on not talking about work and business.
"It's not a matter of trust,” Tommy explained once, "it's just tha-- I prefer leaving all that stuff at the office, whenever I can.”
And they never discussed about Crowley always wearing sunglasses and the yellow eyes Tommy was sure they were covering. A trick of lights, the man said to himself, or some kind of disease. Or maybe he just preferred ignorance for once in his life.
Months passed, with more meetings and dinners, but Crowley and Aziraphale never talked about this Tommy-thing properly. After all the time they’ve known each other, it was nice to still have a secret just for himself. And besides, although Crowley would never admit it, he was a bit nervous about the angel’s opinion on the matter.
He mentioned Tommy once or twice during their conversations, elegantly avoiding every subtle question and curious glance, until Aziraphale decided to bring all this secrecy to an end.
The topic casually popped out during one of their long strolls in St. James, while they were planning one of their usual dinners.
“Oh, not Friday, sorry. Going to Birmingham.”
“Again? Really?” Aziraphale asked, his voice high pitched.
“What, are you jealous?” Crowley sniped back with a smirk on his face.
“Of course not!” Liar, the demon thought. The angel frowned, recollecting his thoughts while feeding the ducks.
“It’s just— I’m a bit surprised. I know you enjoy some human things but, you’ve never shown affection to humankind.”
“I’m a demon, I think it’s normal,” he shrugged, trying to hide himself behind his glasses.
Aziraphale chuckled, the sound of small bells coming from his mouth. “Please, dear, we both know you are not… conventional. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing. This Thomas, he must be something if you’re so fond of him.” He threw the last piece of bread into the pond and they started walking again, side by side.
“I don’t think fondness is the right word. He needed help, I did my black magic thing. End of the story.”
“Because you’re a very diligent demon, of course,” the angel said wryly and Crowley rolled his eyes.
“Fine. I helped him because — I don’t even know. But his voice was so clear, his pain so real that I couldn’t help following it,” he finally admitted.
Then Aziraphale did something Crowley didn’t expect, at all. He put his hand on the demon’s arm, squeezing slightly. Physical contact was a line they crossed only for special occasion. Crowley looked at him with wide eyes and the angel withdrew his hand immediately, blushing under all the tiny freckles on his cheeks.
Aziraphale sighed. “You did something nice, it must have felt good. I can’t even remember the last time I interacted with a human being like this. Just small things to help them, our duty is to keep balance, they said.
He looked really sad and Crowley hated it with all of his heart. Melancholy didn’t look good on  that pretty face. Maybe this could sound like a stereotype, but Aziraphale have always been the one good at comforting. Crowley didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation, but he would definitely make an attempt to swipe that gloomy expression away.
Stupid Archangels who give stupid orders.
“We’ve got plenty of time to fix that. What I’ve done, it was anything special. Just answer a call or two, there are so many humans that need a guardian angel”, and he gave him what was supposed to be a warm and reassuring smile (like Aziraphale would do), but that probably looked more like a crooked grin. But the angel deeply appreciated it anyway.
“Unless you are so scrupulous you want to stick to Heaven’s rules,” Crowley said amused, finally managing to get a small smile out of Aziraphale.
“Oh and, by the way, I’m not sure you’d define helping Tommy as the right choice,” he added. “He’s kind of a gangster, who knows what kind of dangerous shady business he—,”
“What?!” Aziraphale looked at him in disbelief, “You mean, the first time you take an interest in mankind ever, it is because of a dejected gangster?!” and his voice high pitched again.
Aw, Crowley thought, that’s my finicky boy.
“Are you surprised? Really? I’m not a saint and I don’t do charity. I like humans with a moral sense as twisted as mine,” he sneered.
Crowley walked away, leaving Aziraphale behind. He didn’t need to see his face to know it was red with disapproval and indignation.
“Oh, Crowley, I can’t believe it! Yo— you’re—”
“Fabulous? I know, Angel. And please don’t judge him from his job. Now, you have centuries of helping old ladies with their bags to catch up with. Chop chop!”
But all the good things in life come to an end, like a bottle of fine whiskey. This thought strikes Crowley’s mind every time, even though he should have learnt the lesson by now.
The day Tommy died, he got a call from Ada. He could hear the light tremble in her voice.
“I thought you might like to know,” she just said. He got all the details about the funeral and hung up the phone.
He knew that day would come since the beginning. Tommy was just a man, after all. No matter how long his life would last, it wouldn’t have been enough.
Crowley kept himself busy for the couple of days before the funeral. He had to make calls, meet people and ask for favors. He also asked Aziraphale for help, hushing him before he could start rambling about feelings and grief, forcing a cup of tea in his cold hands.
The price was high but, in the end, he had what he wanted.
It’s a nice place for a funeral, Crowley thought stepping out his car. He gazed at the thin line where the green fields met the sky. A small group of people, all dressed in black, was gathering slowly around a wooden cart.  He stayed away from them, watching Tommy’s family crying and giving their farewell. Only Ada spotted him; she waved at him sheepishly, grabbing Karl’s shoulder with the other hand.
Tommy was watching them too, sitting on a fallen trunk beside the cart. His face was calm as usual, not even blinking when he noticed Crowley staring right at him.
“You dont’ look surprised to see me,” the demon said mildly amused, and sat next to him.
“I suppose not,” Tommy answered like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Always the most unpredictable, and for the first time he didn’t avoid thinking about how much he’d have missed him.
Tommy asked for a last cigarette together and Crowley made them appear. They just stayed there, smoking in silence. At some point, Crowley took his sunglasses off, finally giving his friend a full sight of his yellow snaky eyes. Tommy huffed a smile.
“They look… appropriate on you,” and the demon couldn’t help laughing.
But then the man sighed heavily. “Do I need to leave immediately? And will— will you take me there?”
“I will, but there’s no hurry. We can go whenever you’re ready”
Tommy nodded in acknowledgment.
They sat there for a while longer, watching the cart burning slowly. He inhaled the last breath of his cigarette and stood up, giving a last glance at his family.
“Keep an eye on them, on Charlie, would you?”
Of course he wasn’t the right creature for something like that, but he decided to indulge his friend’s last wish.
“I’ll try,” and he put his pale hand on Tommy’s shoulder.
They looked at each other, a tiny smile on their faces, and then they vanished into thin air.
Many years later, Crowley was hurrying across the streets of London when he stumbled across a small handmade hat shop. Between sharp top hats and bowlers, he noticed a grey flat cap in the right corner of the shop window. The demon crossed the door wearing his most amiable smile, bought the hat and left in a few minutes.
He kept it in a small box at the top of his closet and, sometimes, he wore it just to remember.
(And Aziraphale never stopped joking tenderly about it.)
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infiniteeighthfloor · 3 years
I did drawing :thumbsup: (and also headcanons :D) I know the necks are too long. shut up
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uhh design related hcs:
Tommy: - racoon hybrid (still working on the ears I know he looks like a catboy) - matching bandanas w/ Tubbo - Wears lots of layers (long sleeve under a tshirt, sometimes w/ a sweatshirt) because he hates the cold (the worst places have always been cold) - not shown here, but he sometimes wears the “Your Tubbo” compass
Tubbo: - technically not a hybrid, more a spirt but not really? kinda like blessed by a spirt? if that makes any sense?? (someone remind me to link the explanation once I make one) - matching bandanas w/ Tommy - rings!! they all have different meanings, and in this case symbolize important people :D - the gold one one on the left is the wedding ring (Ranboo) - the silver one is actually very polished iron, made from scraps of the “Your Tommy” compass (Tommy) - gold on the right might have engravings, I just haven't figured it out yet (Michael) - there’s also supposed to be scarring on his ear, I just forgot
Purpled: - the man glows
Ranboo: - he is very messed up because whatever he is mixed with should not be mixed with an enderman - part of why his horns are different lengths, the one on the “enderman half” wasn’t able to grow properly - although they’re semi-light, they’re still uneven, and has lead to him tilting his head one way a bit - to help with this, his ring is gold coated netherite - the particles my beloved - cries because I forgot to draw freckles again - his hair isn’t split like that, it’s dyed half black - his ears are the one part that is even (I just messed them up) - as far as his biology goes he got pretty lucky with his ears - listen man enderman ears are like bird ears - have you seen birds ears? - uhh crown is a work in progress because I forgot to draw it and added it last minute in the lineart
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peakyxshelby · 7 years
Game on.
Part 1
Finn Shelby x reader 
Request: Hi.Can you something where u are Alfie's sister,Tommy sends Finn to use you for info.u found out when hearing Finn and some blinders talking about it at the Garrison,you're heartbroken cuz he was your 1 and all that.A long fic please or a II parts xx
Author's note: I got so carried away so it is super long and there will be a part 2 very soon. Also i did it from the reader's point of view and Finn’s do you guys like it this way or not? Please let me know thank you :)
“I won’t let you present me like a piece of meat to those fucking gypsy’s” You shout at your brother Alfie as he stands blocking the doorway of your kitchen.
“You’re being  a tad over dramatic (Y/N), William will be at the dinner too. It’s to show peace, finally some fuckin’ peace.” Your brother always struggled with your stubbornness and inability to compromise with him. Since your parents passed Alfie was left in charge of you and Your brother Will, and admittedly he struggled. Especially with you, you were a fiery girl from a very young age and a handful to say, the least.
“So telling me to pick out something distracting is just for peace yeah? Not to use me to lure them into your traps huh?” You were clearly agitated by your brother, this wouldn’t be the first time he had used you as part of his bigger plan. Granted, he would never put you in any harms way but, he did what he had to in order to get the ‘best for the business’. Alfie sighed massaging his temples with his fingers and squinting his eyes.
“This is not up for discussion, you will be going wear whatever the fuck you want,” he said frustrated finally giving in and walking out of the kitchen leaving you by yourself.
You were stood outside the doors of the room the lunch meeting was being held in, underneath the bakery. Ollie was also dressed for the occasion as well as a few other of your brothers men. Then there were the men that were still in those scruffy apron clearly there for some sort of protection. You saw your brothers coming out of Alfie's office and making their way towards you.
“Alf, please do not tell me I am the only female here?” You looked at him, angry, again.
“If i told you that it would have been even harder to get you to come, can’t show these gypsies that we have a weak family bond can we?” You huffed as he lead you through the door with his hand on your shoulder.
And that’s when you saw her, the girl walked into the room and it lit up. Her swayed loosely by her back as Alfie led her into the room. Her black skirt and the bright yellow top was not something you would normally see girls round your end wearing, but my god was she pulling it off. You hadn’t realised how much you were staring until Arthur leant over.
“That’s the one,” he whispered in your ear as you both started over at the girl who was taking a seat just opposite of the table. You gulped as she looked up at you giving you a sweet smile, my god was she pretty. Her eyes gleamed as the light reflected off of them while she scanned the table looking at the men around her, her eyes stopped on yours. Your eyes widened as you smiled at her, she looked down breaking the eye contact and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Well then Shelby’s, this is my younger brother who some of you have met William,” he turned to Will as he waved up at the boys, they all acknowledged him by nodding their heads. “And this, well this is my darling little sister (Y/N).” He placed his hand on the back of his chair and stared at them in his protective stance. You smiled slightly, you don’t normally get intimidated but something about the young boy with the freckles was making you shy. The dinner went on exchanging conversation about their home in Birmingham and in yours here. It sounded like friendly chat but it wasn’t, you knew it wasn’t. Alfie had a plan and they probably did too, the conversation wasn’t personal just polite. As the dinner finished up Alfie grunted clearing his throat.
“Well boys, I will see you at the club in an hour or so, drinks will be on the house if you let them know your name.” Alfie stood up shaking some of the older men’s hands and patting the younger two on the shoulder before placing his hand protectively on your shoulder again and leading you out the room. When you got out into the corridor and out of earshot from any Shelby Alfie asked, “now that wasn’t so bad was it?” You shook your head. Granted, it was boring but nowhere near what the normal meetings were like.
“Why were you so quiet in there anyway? Never thought I'd see the day (Y/N) bloody Solomon’s would finally shut her mouth,” Your brother will teased as you turned around swatting at him for being cheeky.
“Wasn’t in the best mood, A rum down me and a boogie on the dancefloor and I’ll be fine,” You said.
“You aren’t coming to the club, too dangerous tonight with those scummy blinders creeping about. And especially no rum.” You rolled your eyes at Alfie giving you more orders.
“It’s not up for discussion Alf,” you sung as you skipped down the hall and out the door.
You sat at a back booth of the club with Michael and Isaiah, Isaiah was asking what the meeting was about earlier as he wasn’t allowed to attend. It was a strictly family meeting. But you weren’t listening your eyes were too busy darting about to try and find (Y/N).
“The girl Finn or me has to try and seduce is a right looker though,” Michael laughed sipping on his whiskey. Shit. You forgot that the task was going to be given to either you or Michael depending on how she reacts to both of you.
“She’s mine Gray,” You state bluntly giving him a challenging look.
“Oh really?” he said sarcastically back. “Game on.” The two of you were both staring at each other, tensions high as Tommy and Arthur sat down with you in the booth.
“So boys, you remember what you have to do yeah?” Tommy asked seeing the tension between you two but deciding to ignore it. You nodded as did Michael still looking over Arthur’s shoulder for the girl.“We really need her to fall in love remember, we need as much information as possible and she is Alfie’s weakest point.” You felt uncomfortable knowing that she was going to be used for some big plot and plan. We would be using her for information and when we got it she would be left with no one, betraying her brother and the blinders don’t want to be messing around with a jew.
“These two have a little game going on.” Isaiah laughed snapping your attention back to the conversation. “Seeing which one will win her over by the end of the night.” Tommy looked from you and Michael narrowing his eyes at you both.
“Do not fuck this up.” He warned before standing up and disappearing into the crowd again
You walked into Alf’s club, nodding to the bouncers at the door. They knew exactly who you were, in fact, almost everybody here knew who you were. You hopped up onto a bar stool and started tapping your hand against the bar.
“Miss (Y/N), rum is it?” You smiled and nodded your head at the man as he quickly poured you a glass.
“It’s busy tonight isn’t it,” You say looking around and that’s when you saw him again. The same freckly boy from earlier, his eyes locked on yours immediately. You don’t know what it was about those blue-green eyes and that strong jawline but it was leaving butterflies on your stomach. “
“Miss, I was left a message to give to you. Mr Solomons informed me that you weren’t to go near those men until he arrives,” You sighed as Max followed your gaze over to where the young peaky boys were sat.
“Thank you Max, and if he asks I did OK?” Max gave you a concerned look but just nodded in some sort of silent agreement as he knew there would be no stopping you if you really wanted to.
That’s when you suddenly felt someone’s presence beside you. You turned around and saw the other young Shelby boy that was at the dinner earlier, he was grinning at you. What is it with this family and their damn attractive genes.
“(Y/N) right?” he asked whilst waving over trying to get Max’s attention. You raised your hand slightly and Max came right over. “Irish Whisky please.”
“That’s right,” you said slowly sipping at your glass.
“They act like you’re in charge here,” He said first glancing at Max and then looking around the crowded club where people were pretty much steering clear of you. They knew not to approach you unless you approached them.
“And who says I'm not?” This quick comment made Michael grin at you as you stood swirling his glass. Just as he went to reply a strong hand came down on his shoulder.
“Backup Shelby,” Your brother Will grunted at him. Will was tall, very tall and extremely muscly. You could see Michael was slightly intimidated by him, you raised your eyebrows trying to hide your giggle behind the glass. Michael nodded at you then Will before walking away. “Max not give you the message?” He asked.
“He did, not my fault the boy came up to me,” you sighed signaling for another drink.
“Lucky it was me and not Alf that walked in, and slow down on those rums.” He said before turning around and leaving you to it.
You watched her all night, following her with her eyes wherever she went. You thought you fell in love when you saw her take the dancefloor with her friends. That smile and that laugh could break a thousand hearts. When she finally sat down on the edge of the stage where the band was playing you decided it was time to make a move. You had to take a couple deep draws from your cigarette to calm your nerves, focusing on the smoke filling up in your lungs. You downed your drink and pulled yourself up from the chair and making your way towards her. She smiled when she locked eyes with you, this relaxed you slightly as you sat down carefully next to her.
“Miss Solomons’, I’m Finn,” you introduced yourself trying to stop your hands from shaking as you held it out to shake hers.
“What?” She shouted over to you taking your hand and pulling her face close to yours to try and hear what you were saying. You realised she couldn’t hear you over the loud music making you nervous again. You repeated yourself but she still couldn’t hear you. She stood up quickly and you thought you had blew it until she grabbed your hand and pulled you up as well leading you over to some closed of booths with another bouncer in front of the, She smiled at the tough looking man as he stood out the way for her to enter. She sat down at a chair and you sat across from her.
“I’m so sorry i couldn’t hear a word you were saying. My ears are still ringing,” she laughed as she sorted her hair out. That laugh was something else.
“Well, I just came over to introduce myself, I’m Finn,” she smiled at you.
“Finn huh? Youngest Shelby boy I take it?” You nodded feeling a little self conscious now maybe she was looking for someone older. “You are looking at the youngest Solomons so we have that in common.” You talked for a good hour, obsessed with the way she spoke, the way she looked when she spoke, everything about her. She seemed to be genuinely interested in what you had to say too. You kept catching her staring at you when you were telling a story and looking away when you locked eyes blushing. You don’t know how but you were falling for this girl from the rival family. You didn’t want her to be part of some sort of deal. You almost didn’t want her to be part of this plan, you didn’t want to betray her but family always came first.
And that’s when my brother stormed in. Finn and I had been speaking for hours he was funny, smart, kind and you did really like him. But of course, your perfect night was interrupted.
“There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you bloody hell,” Alfie scoffed barging in. “What the fuck is going on here?” he almost sighed looking at Finn who was sitting opposite you.
“We were just talking Alf,” You reassured your brother standing up and smoothing down your skirt. You wanted to stay and chat but you knew that wasn’t going to be an option. He lead you out the room looking back at Finn who was still looking at you in awe.
“He’s harmless,” you started when you got out of the room, “and sweet.”
“Nothing sweet about the gypsies,” Alfie scoffed you could tell he was annoyed at you for worrying him.
You sat bored for the rest of the evening you couldn’t stop thinking about Finn, your brother noticed how mopey you were being.
“You better not be in a mood because I took you away from that bloody Shelby,”
“No Alf, was just nice to speak to someone who wasn’t terrified of me,” You sighed as he wrapped an arm round your shoulder giving you a quick hug. “I’m sorry but it's just how it has to be.” “I know.”
As the Shelby’s packed up to leave for the night you stood at the door shaking their hands as they left, Finn was last and when he shook your hand he placed something in it. You locked eyes with him quickly before looking down at the piece of paper he had put in your hand. By the time you looked back up he was gone. You looked down again trying to see what the handwriting said. It was a number. Finn’s number.
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frostywindmademoan · 7 years
The Girl Behind the Counter
intro: This is an on going Michael fic I’ve been working on. It is also featured on Wattpad where it can be read as one cohesive story. The whole plot will include swearing, sex, and violence. *constructive feedback is welcomed*   **like seriously I crave feedback**
Chapter 17 (Previous Chapters)
This chapter now shifts the story to be about an OC (Y/N) is now Maxamiliana, but she prefers to be called Maxie.
Liyana had been offered to stay at Arrow House, but she admittedly declined. “I’m not leavin’ her. She’s didn’t leave me behind and I won’t leave her.” Tommy sighed, knowing there would be no budging her. “At least come to clean up. You’ve still got dust all over you. You can clean up, get a fresh dress, and then we’ll escort you back here.” Tommy reasoned. “Escort me? Am I the bloody queen now?” Liyana chastised. “No, she’s the queen.” Michael declared from where he sat next to Maxie’s bed. “Michael ain’t going to leave her, trust me. She won’t be alone. Besides, she’ll probably still be out by the time you get back.” Tommy said. Ana gave him a weary look. She didn’t trust the Peaky Blinders. She tried to tell Maxie that seeing Michael was a bad idea, but she wouldn’t listen and now here they all were. Eventually the urge to rid herself of the soot and blood won. “Fine.” She grumbled to Tommy. “Wonderful, come right this way and we’ll get you all cleaned up.” And so Liyana went into the lion’s den.
Once at Arrow House Liyana gasped at the size of it. King George himself might as well live there. “Why do you have so many rooms?” Liyana asked. “Because I can.” Tommy replied. Once inside Polly Shelby ran up to them. “How is she?!” There was panic in her eyes. “Fucked up.” Liyana responded. Polly turned to her with an appalled look. “That’s right. She’s fucked up. You all fucked her up. She’ll live though.” Ana spat at the most powerful woman in Birmingham. “Who the hell is this?” Polly turned back to Tommy. “This is Liyana. She’s Maxie’s friend and they’re both in danger after this attack. She’s here to get cleaned up and then she’s going back to Maxie. I’m sending John and Finn with her so there can be extra muscle at the hospital.” Tommy informed. “Right, well, come on lets clean you up.” Polly said while leading Liyana to the bathroom. “The bath is nice and warm for you. I’ll go and see if I can find some new clothes for you. I’ll bring some tea too.” Polly’s maternal side had kicked in. Normally if someone had had an out burst at her like Liyana did before then that person would have Polly as their enemy for life. In Ana’s case Polly understood her anger. She knew that both the Peaky Blinders and Falco had Maxie’s blood on their hands.  "Do you have coconut oil? And a wide tooth comb maybe? My hair is different. I don’t like to just stick it down with pomade. I like my curls.“ Liyana had calmed down and was now thankful for Polly’s help. "I’ll see what I can find dear.” Polly assured her. It took Ana hours to get all of the grime out of her hair and off of her scalp. Polly helped her rinse her curls and kept reheating the water in the tub. Polly watched as Ana sectioned off her hair and ran the coconut oil through it with her fingers, detangling any problems spots she came across. “I have to keep the oil in for a bit. Sorry this is such a long process.” Liyana apologized. “It’s no bother dear. I had no idea you couldn’t simply brush your hair and be done with it.” Polly admitted. “No, there’s a bit more to it than that” Ana smiled. “I like that your hair is curly. Josephine Baker is a fine dancer but I don’t much care for her oily hair.” Polly remarked. “A lot of us, black girls I mean, straighten our hair and slick it down like Josephine Baker. They but lye on their heads and they stick their head right on the board and bring the Iron to their hair. Others where wigs to make things easier. but in my village we would never do that. We’d braid out hair in beautiful patterns. And we’d wear our hair in a way that you all call kinky, but shape it to be beautiful domes or cones. The only reason I don’t do that now is that my natural hair can still somewhat fall into a bob like look, but I won’t straighten my curls.” Liyana explained. “I see why you and Maxie are such good friends. You said you come from a village, where?” Polly asked. “In Swaziland. I’m from Mantenga village in Swaziland. It’s in the south of Africa. My family came her when I was ten. Maxie took me in when I was twelve. She helped us get a home and papers and she gave me a job as long as I still went to school. She was my family’s guardian angel, and now she is a sister to me.” Liyana had silent tears streaming down her face. “She’s going to be alright. She knew she was getting into trouble when she mixed in with us. It was her choice. I’m sorry it effected you. But don’t worry, this act won’t go unpunished.” Polly’s voice grew deep and almost maniacal. Once finished bathing and dressing Ana was introduced to John and Finn. “Ana, these are my nephews John and Finn Shelby. You boys better keep this girl safe or I’ll have all four of your bullocks pickled in a jar.” Polly warned and Ana smirked. From the moment Liyana had walked up with her raven curls bouncing in a merry manner and her onyx eyes looked up at him, Finn’s heart began to cantor, three beats at a time with the fourth being skipped. She had a tender smile and when he saw her smile turn into a playful smirk his heart went into a wild gallup. “Right this way Miss.” Finn offered her his arm and she timidly took it. She had only ever been offered nasty things from men on the streets of Small Heath. Something about the youthful freckles coating Finn’s face calmed her and she walked off towards the car with him. John and Polly shared a knowing look and then chuckled to each other while shaking their heads. “Between Michael and now Finn, nothing bad will every happen to Maxie or Liyana ever again!” John laughed as he too walked out to the waiting car.
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merakiaes · 4 years
Merry Christmas - Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: None. 
Warnings/notes: I hope this was what you were looking for and that you like it! Let me know what you think :-D
Wordcount: 2780
Summary: Some Christmas fluff for Tommy boy <333
Christmas Eve with the whole Shelby clan was truly a blessing. The entire day was filled with so much love, harmony and – more than anything – laughter, that it had your cheeks aching from the amount of smiling you had done throughout the evening.
Sure, it could be chaotic with the children running around like headless chickens, high on sugar and playing with their new toys, and the adults, especially the men, yelling and singing on top of their lungs thanks to the large amount of alcohol they had consumed.
But even though it could get overwhelming at times – especially when you were the one hosting the entire thing -  you still considered it all to be one of the many charms with having such a big and connected family.
It was just past midnight when things had finally started to calm down a bit. 
Esme, Ada, Linda and yourself had just put the youngest of your respective children to bed in your daughter’s bedroom, while the older of the children had settled down in the couches in the dining room with their toys.
The adults – Arthur, John, Polly, Charlie, Freddie, Michael, Bonnie, Jeremiah and Aberama – were all seated around the dining table, drinking, smoking, gambling and chatting the night away, while Finn and Isaiah had ran off to God knows where. But knowing them, they were certainly not up to anything good.
While Linda, Ada and Esme re-joined the festivities in the dining room, you ventured off into the kitchen with as much of the dishes that you could possibly carry.
When the doorway of the kitchen entered your line of sight, you realized the light was on, which it hadn’t been when you had walked past to get the kids to bed, causing your eyes to squint with suspicion.
As you got closer, the sounds of hushed voices reached your ears, and it didn’t take much thought to register them as Finn and Isaiah’s; a suspicion that you got confirmed upon entering and finding the two boys rumaging through your kitchen cabinets.
“What are you boys up to now?” You asked as you entered, causing them to jump with fright.
Their heads whipped around to face you and Finn hurried to close the cabinet he was currently looking through.
“Nothing.” He rushed out, both of them coming over to relieve you of the dishes.
You hummed in thanks, stretching your hands out at the sweet relief and watching as they carried a pile each to the sink that was already filled to the brim, carefully putting down the plates and silverware.
While they did so, you walked off to the other side of the room where you proceeded to squat down to the floor and open one of the lower cabinets, reaching inside and pulling out the bottle of whiskey that they had undoubtedly been looking for.
Standing back up and turning around, you found that they were already looking at you expectantly, already knowing you had called their bluff and without a doubt also knowing you would give them what they wanted. 
You really were too nice with them.
But still, you held the bottle out for your youngest brother-in-law to take, a cheeky grin instantly lighting up his freckled face.
“You’re the best.” He told you, wasting no time in snatching the bottle out of your hand and coming over to give you a hug and kiss on the cheek. Isaiah did the same, giving you a grateful ‘thank you’, before they ran out of the back door and into the garden.
You could only chuckle to yourself, shaking your head. You knew your decision would come back and bite you in the ass later when Polly found out, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no to Finn.
Walking over to the sink, you sloppily washed your hands free of the food that had smudged onto your skin when carrying the dishes inside, dried yourself off on the kitchen towel lying on the kitchen bench, and then turned around to go look for you husband.
He had gone outside for some fresh air around the same time you had gone to put the children to sleep. That had been twenty minutes ago and he still wasn’t back, and you had no doubt in your mind that he had gone to his office for a bit of quiet time.
Walking past the dining room, Arthur and Jeremiah were now singing loudly while the rest of them were either clapping along or banging their glasses on the mahogany table.
Peeking inside, you saw that Esme had now found a spot on John’s lap and Ada on Freddie’s, where they were both laughing along loudly, and Linda was tucked safely under Arthur’s arm, trying her hardest to be serious and calm her husband down, but obviously enjoying it just as much as the rest of them.
The kids where watching from the sofa, laughing along, as well.
The sight, although purely chaotic, brought a fond smile to your lips.
You carried on past the room and along towards the stairs, holding on to the railing so that you wouldn’t trip over your feet in the darkness. 
You reached the top in no time and wasted no time in heading for Tommy’s office, spotting through the crack left open that the lights were on.
Reaching the door, you gently pushed it open, causing it to release a loud creak. 
Tommy was standing over by the window with his hands tucked into his pockets, looking outside. 
He didn’t move a muscle at the sound of your entrance, knowing already that it was you; anyone else sure would’ve made themselves known in a much louder way in their drunken state.
You gently closed the door behind you as you entered, before walking over to where he was standing.
“You don’t happen to know why Finn and Isaiah is running off with my finest bottle of whiskey, do you?” He broke the silence as you reached him, and it took everything in you not to give in to the tremble in your lip and smile.
“No idea.” You only answered quietly, not even trying to make the lie believable as you knew he would be able to call you out on your bullshit, anyhow.
And so he did, only humming as he took you into his arms, positioning your body in front of his so that you were leaning against his chest, giving you a clear sight of what he had just described to you; Finn and Isaiah walking down the path to your house, pushing each other and playing around while the bottle dangled from Finn’s fingers.
Tommy rested his chin against the top of your head, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hugging you tight. “You spoil him too much.”
The corner of your lip tugged upwards slightly, your hands coming up to grab at his bare forearms. “I can’t help it.” You sighed. “I love him.”
“So do I.” He agreed quietly. “But I can still say no.”
Chuckling, you tilted your head up to look at him, bringing your hand up to flick his nose playfully. “Yes, but I’m not you, now am I?” You asked, bringing a small, gentle smile to his lips.
“No, you’re not.” He confirmed, looking down at you with kind, but tired, blue eyes. “And thank the fucks for that.”
Your smile fell at that, being replaced with a sorrowful frown. You turned around in his arms and he wasted no time in taking you down with him into his chair, settling you comfortably on his lap.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, my love.” You told him, brushing his hair away from his forehead with one hand while the other went to cradle his jaw, your eyes scanning his face. “You’re good to us. Good to me. More so than you know.”
His hands squeezed at your waist, his head leaning back into the backrest of his chair while you kept brushing away at his hair, his eyes analyzing your face as you moved.
He said nothing, only looked at you, and after a moment of silence and looking into each other’s eyes, you lit up in a smile once again, let go of his face and reached into the pocked of your red, Christmas dress, pulling out the small, present you had been carrying around with you all day, wrapped neatly in a silver wrapping with a silk ribbon tied around to secure the lid.
Tommy’s eyes landed on the box and his eyebrows shot up for a moment before he looked back at you, saying in a low voice. “I thought I told you not to get me anything.”
“It’s only something small.” You assured him softly, smiling. “And besides, I told you not to get me anything, but here we are.”
He raised an eyebrow at that, pretending to be clueless. “I didn’t get you anything.”
But all his statement did was make you roll your eyes and reach out to grab his chin between your fingers, leaning closer to his face. “I know you, Thomas Shelby.”
He stared at you for a moment, silent, before his lips tugged into a smile to match your own. ”That you do, you caught me.” He agreed, causing you to break into a goofy smile.  
“I know, Arthur told me.” You admitted, leaning in even closer and rubbing your nose against his playfully. The childish act of affection brought a laugh from his lips.
“Of course he did.” He shook his head with amusement, and finally accepted the present from your hand, taking it from you with movements so careful it was almost as if he was afraid he was going to break it.
You straightened yourself in his lap to give him some space, urging him excitedly. “Go on, open it.”
He gave you a feign-annoyed look as you were practically bouncing with excitement, but couldn’t hold up the act for long at the sight of your bright eyes and equally as bright smile.
Turning his attention back to the gift, he started pulling at the bow, letting it come off before he started unwrapping it with nimble fingers. He let the paper and the ribbon fall to the floor before lifting the lid to take a first look at what was awaiting inside.
He stopped to stare at a moment, his face free and emotion and eyes glazing over as if he was getting lost in his thoughts. 
After a moment of silence, he finally opened his mouth, reading out loud the text engraved on the pocket watch that you had placed inside the box bottom up.
“To my Tommy.” He began, his eyebrows rising slightly like they always did when he read. “My love for you is timeless.”
You smiled as he finished, awaiting his reaction. He carefully reached inside and picket the watch up, reaching around you to place the now empty box at his desk so he could further inspect it.
It was an antique watch, with swirling patterns engraved all around it. You had found it in London in a pawn bank, and although you had still ended up paying a rather large sum of money for it, you had managed to bargain your way to a much better price than it had originally been out for sale for.
You had turned it in to your local watchmaker for polishing, to have the text engraved on the back, and also bought a nice, brand new chain to go with it. It had been a lot of back and forth to get it done in time for Christmas, but it was well worth it with the reaction you got.
It had left him speechless, and that wasn’t something that occurred every day.
“Do you like it?” You asked quietly, having to bite your lip to control the smile trembling in your lips.
Tommy brought his eyes up from the watch in between his fingers to meet your gaze, looking deeply into your eyes as he reached up to cradle your face in his hands, wordlessly pulling you down to press his lips to yours in a long kiss.
After a good ten seconds, you broke apart for air, but just enough to be able to breath, your lips still touching slightly. ´
Upon opening your eyes, you found that his had gone back to the watch, now holding it up between you and inspecting the inside, your foreheads pressed together.
“I love it. Thank you.” He finally gave you his answer, and you instantly smiled, pulling your face away from his and grabbing the watch from his hands, closing it.
He leaned back in his chair again, watching you with warm and loving eyes as you brought out and removed his old, worn out golden watch and put it on his desk carefully, before proceeding to fasten the chain of the new one, smoothly slipping it into the small pocket.
Once you were done, he moved his hands back to your waist, just staring at you with little to no emotion showing on his face, but everything showing in his eyes.
“In the right drawer of my desk.” He began, his eyes not leaving your face for one second as you turned your head around to look at said drawer, hands reaching out to open it while he kept talking. “There’s a black box.”
True to his word, a long, black box laid on top of a pile of papers inside the drawer, and you wasted no time in grabbing it, closing the drawer and turning back to Tommy.
You looked at the box for a moment, before adverting your gaze to him and holding the box out for him to take. But he just nodded at it, urging you to open it yourself.
Turning your eyes back to the box, you did as told, and was shocked to find the most beautiful diamond necklace you had ever seen.
“Tom…” You were at loss for words, your eyes widening and you almost found it impossible to break your stare away from the diamonds to look up at him. “How expensive was this? It must have cost a fortune.”
He didn’t look phased in the slightest that you were probably holding some people’s entire life-spending in your hands. “I told you that the business had taken off.” He told you simply, and as if even possible, your eyes widened even more at that statement.
“You did.” You agreed, looking between him and the necklace. “But I didn’t ever think things were going this well.”
You let the tip of your fingers run over one of the dozens of diamonds, the stone feeling cold under your touch.
“You don’t look happy.” Tommy commented, causing you to look up at him again. “Do you not like it?”
Shaking your head, you smiled widely. “No, Tommy, I love it. I just-“ Your smile turned hesitant, eyes flickering back down. “What if I break it?”
But he only smiled. “Then it’s yours to break.” His hands left your waist and he straightened up underneath you. Grabbing the box from your hands, he beckoned you closer. “Come here.”
You did as told, scooting further up into his lap and holding your hair up, exposing your neck to him with a smile playing at your lips. 
He brought the necklace out of the box, closed it and put it on the desk by the box his watch had been in only moments before, before unclasping the gorgeous piece of jewelry and bringing it to your neck.
You flinched slightly when the cold silver first hit your skin, but they warmed up quickly. He re-did the clasp behind your head and you let your hair fall back down over your shoulders, your hands automatically going to the necklace to adjust it so that it was in place.
Tommy smiled at you, putting one of his hands back on your waist and bringing the other one to your cheek. “Beautiful.”
Leaning into his warm touch, you returned his smile, still fiddling with the necklace. “I love it. It’s perfect.” You said, to which he brought his other hand up to your face to pull you down to his.
“You’re perfect.” He mumbled, looking at you the way only he could, leaving you breathless and lost in the moment.
You brought your face significantly closer to his, so that there was barely a centimeter left of space between your lips. 
“I love you.” You whispered, taking a deep breath when his thumb ran over your lip gingerly, a second later being replaced by his lips.
Yet another year, you got the perfect Christmas.
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