#^ can you tell i'm very normal about theme parks by this tag wall.
bumpscosity · 6 months
too scared to go off anon but we are mutuals and i love seeing your posts about the disney rides and such. its like peeking in a window to something i know nothing about but enjoy seeing on my dash regardless
HAI MYSTERY MUTUAL!! glad ya like it! disney parks are a hyperfixation so it's always fun to post about for me :)
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bayisdying · 1 year
Second Chance at Love| Prologue
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Delilah Shadley isn't sure she still believes in soulmates and true love. She has her daughter Baylie and that's all she needs anymore. Until one day she meets William Steele and it's like the universe is telling her that maybe just maybe she's getting a second chance.
A/N: this is the first part of just a handful of chapters about Delilah and William aka the poor couple who raised our favorite hot mess, Lucky.
Tagging my babes: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw @callmemana @askmarinaandothers @starlit-epiphany @ladylanera
"I'll have my findings on your desk before end of day tomorrow." Delilah slammed the phone down and ran a hand through her hair. She'd gone to law school, just the same as these jackasses but they still bossed her around as if her law degree meant nothing.
She looked at the clock on the wall, the babysitter still had Baylie for two hours. Her sweet girl who just turned three a few months prior. The picture on her desk was from the birthday party, the mermaid theme was evident. That was all Baylie talked about these days, how she was actually a mermaid. Delilah smiled, being a single mom was not in her life plans but she'd never dream of trading her daughter for the world even though they'd definitely hit the three-nager years and the sass was very strong.
She turned off her computer and started to pack up, there was that new bar the opened up in town. She'd stop and have a quick drink before picking Baylie up she decided. She'd earned it this week, the cases she was assisting on were not their normal workload. Plus, she would be supporting a local business and she decided that was her good deed for the day.
When she parked, she noticed that there was only three other cars in the small parking lot. It was still early on a Thursday she supposed but she walked in anyways. The bar was nice inside, Delilah was impressed, ever since she'd moved here for college this building had been abandoned. Her roommates used to sneak in because it was supposedly haunted by jilted lovers. Delilah never joined them, mainly because the thought of being stuck together for entirety with someone who did her wrong sounded like hell.
The bar was empty, but a small group of men were playing pool at one of the many tables. She took a seat at the bar and pulled her book out of her briefcase, if she had to wait to be served she'd at least find out if the couple in her book would ever admit their feelings for one another.
That's when the door to the back opened and a man came out carrying boxes of booze. She looked up briefly and had to take a double check. He was attractive, of that she was quite sure. Even the little of his face she could see from above the boxes.
"What can I get the prettiest woman I've ever seen in this bar?" The man asked and she couldn't help but smile he was definitely attractive now that the boxes were out of the way.
"I'll take a Coors Light, bottle please and my name is Delilah. But prettiest woman ever is a nice nickname."
"Delilah, it's nice to meet you." He said opening the bottle and setting it in front of her. "I'm William."
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