#'Death... All right then. Your loyalty won't be forgotten.' boys just kiss PLEASE
the-crow-binary · 7 months
Hi! In scenarios where Dracula gets together with Isaac and/or Hector, what would Death's reaction be? This is just my Deathula self wanting to see that (つω⊂* )
Oh Death <3 Dracula's first, eternal simp <3 His forever husband <3 I bet seeing him get with Lisa was already hard enough, but then with his general(s)?? When he's right here?? :< Rude. :< It's not Hector nor Isaac who betrayed their old Lord to give him his soul :< It's not them who've been by his side for 400 years and protected him and nourrished him and guided him and helped him become who he is today :< What the hell? :<
He wouldn't say anything, of course, but Dracula starts to know him after living together for 400 years. It's obvious he is unhappy, even though all he wants is his master's satisfaction and happiness... and mouth and body and soul and love and
But even though, and he's the first surprised by that, he'd be a bit jealous... he also knows that Isaac and Hector are humans, and so, momentary :) They'll never develop the bond he already shares with Dracula, one that only immortal beings can understand. Dracula can have all the affairs he wants with mortal people, in the end, it doesn't matter, because he's always going to be The One. His only companion in eternity. Dracula always comes back to him no matter what, and Death is patient... a few decades are nothing in the face of eternity. <3
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