#(decided to keep roman in that /didn't save anyone/ even though i'm not sure about it
raviposting · 1 year
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I love when tragedies are like... (in/sp)
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typically-untypical · 6 months
A Magician's Mask
AU: Circus
CW: Alcohol Usage
WC: 3,574
Date: 12/17/2023 (That's all for today until after I clean my kitchen for the Holidays!)
Patton felt safe in Roman's arms, gently pressed against the canvas fabric of the circus tent as the two of them exchanged soft kisses. This was fairly normal for them, praising each other on their acts and swapping sweet secrets hidden behind the main tent. Even Janus walking up on them was fairly normal. He had seen the two of them making out far more times than he could count, and he didn't mind one bit. 
"Ring master," Roman drawled, pulling back only enough to allow Patton an escape.
"I guess I should expect a lion tamer to be ballsy, kissing out in the open like this." Janus took a step forward, giving Roman a kiss first then Patton before he stepped back again, leaning on his cane. "I have a job for you. Well, more for Patton then for you."
"Rude," Roman pouted, shifting to give Patton a bit more space. "And why is it I'm not included in this special job?"
"Because your social skills suck," Janus deadpanned before fondly rolling his eyes. "We have a new start." He tapped his gloved fingers against his cane, using it more for stabilization than he'd probably like to admit. "However, he's a bit shy. I figured Patton, out of the two of you, would make the best impression and be the least likely to leave him wanting to run away from us."
"Rude," Roman repeated and Janus stepped forward, leaning in closer to Roman. "I could give you a special assignment as well, but that requires you behave." There was a shiver in the air, a lingering quiet that was broken by Patton stepping in to save the day.
"I'd be happy to look after the new kiddo, how old is he? Oh! Did we finally get to adopt a youngen? You know I've always wanted a kid." He clapped his hands together and Janus moved back once again, smiling at his boyfriend's enthusiasm.
"No, he is about our age so I wouldn't consider him young. However, maybe we can kidnap you a kid in the next city we stop in."
"Now that wouldn't be very nice," Patton pouted and Janus just smirked again.
"I know."
"You're incorrigible," Roman waved his arm, pulling Janus in, though really Patton knew he was giving Janus plenty of opportunity to move on his own so he wouldn't mess up his knee. "Don't worry Patton, I'll keep our temptress from attempting to hurt any of the children who visit us."
"How sweet, and how do you intend to control me when you can't pull your thoughts away from kissing Patton." 
"Not true," Roman whispered, "I can easily distract you by switching my attention." He leaned in to kiss Janus, stealing his lips and breath. The two slipped into their own twist of subduction and romance, so Patton decided to slip away, allowing them privacy to flirt and canoodle. He did have a job after all.
It wasn't often they got new people in their little family. Janus was very picky about who he let in but he always had a reason. Even if with Roman it had mostly been because 'the pretty boy is hot'. Patton giggled at the thought as he made his way to the center of their encampment.  Janus set the wagons in a way that encouraged cooperation and collaboration. New people were almost always put at the center so it would be easy for them to reach out and ask for help if necessary. Once they were a bit more incorporated into the group, the wagons would get rearranged again. Sure that could be a bit difficult for people who didn't like the spot light, but who in the circus was afraid of a little attention? Knocking on the door to what served as their spill over wagon normally, Patton waited with bated breath, curious about who Janus had hired. He hadn't heard about anyone applying but sometimes these things were a bit sudden and the sudden ones were almost always the most interesting. They had a lot of the standard circus acts but Janus had a knack for finding things that wouldn't work in a typical circus and incorporating them here. He had also started doubling up on performers so they could run longer shows without burning people out. The circus was getting big and Patton loved every moment of it. "Hello, I'm Patton, part of our patented welcoming committee!"
The door opened to a tall man, probably only a few inches shorter than Roman, looking curiously at Patton. Where Roman was bulky and strong, this man was thin and whispy. He had an air of magic to him and Patton was excited to soak it all in. "Was that supposed to be a pun?"
"It was, I think I'm rather punny." Patton could see the way this new man fought back a smile attempting to remain serious and stoic. 
"Interesting. My name is Logan, I believe Janus spoke of you. You are the trapeze artist, is that correct?"
"Yep, that's me, I had rather lofty goals in life don't you think."
Logan brought his hand to his mouth and coughed but Patton could see the hints of a smile just past his pointer finger. "I believe anyone who is willing to throw themselves through the air is a very adventurous and entertaining person." Logan cleared his throat, putting his hands behind his back. "Though I am curious as to what brings you to my door step. You said something about being the welcoming committee?" 
"Yep!" Patton clapped his hands together. "It's my job to show you around, make sure you're familiar with the space and introduce you to everyone else in our circus. We keep getting bigger every year so if there are people you don't know it's okay." He gave Logan a reassuring smile and held out his hand. "Do you want to come with me?" For just a moment, Logan hesitated. His fingers reached out but then curled in. Was there a reason he was hesitant to reach out to an offered hand? Eventually, Logan nodded, but his hands behind his back, leaving Patton with far more questions than answers. Maybe he could sweet talk Janus into giving him more details later. For now though, he was playing host!
Patton took his time showing Logan around, trying to leave the other man plenty of space to talk about things. He didn't seem like the talkative type, at least not anymore. He would open his mouth to say something but then close his lips tight. It was disappointing, especially when bits of his personality would show through. Via, the daughter to one of their ushers, had almost tripped and Logan quickly caught her and helped her up. He gave her a soft smile before producing a handkerchief with the flick of his hand. He dusted off her cheeks before offering her the cloth. That wasn't the only trick Logan had up his sleeves, and it wasn't the only time he helped someone without a second though. Patton could see how the close up magic would work well to stir up a buzz in the crowd, but had Janus known about the compassion?
"Patton?" Someone was calling his name. Oops, he hadn't realized how lost in thought he was. Patton looked up, catching Logan's eyes. They were such a deep blue, far deeper than Patton remembered from early but then again he hadn't been this close. His cheeks dusted red as he lost his words. "Apologies for invading your space, but it seems like you wandered off there, metaphorically. Is everything alright?" Logan was so close, so incredibly close and Patton wasn't used to people being this close and towering over him. Most people treated him with kid gloves, the only two people who towered over him and didn't worry about the impression they might make was Janus and Roman.They towered over him with smirks and teasing quips, but there was concern and compassion in Logan's voice. Oh, shit. Would Janus be upset if he fell for the new guy on the first day?. 
"Oh yeah, I'm good kiddo, perfectly okay. Just got a bit distracted." He took a step back, almost tripping on one of the tent stakes but Logan caught him, arm wrapped around the small of Patton's back, his other hand in Patton's. That was not helping his problem right now.
"Please be careful, the human body is surprisingly resilient when properly taken care of but it's best not to put yourself in situations where you may get injured."
Patton just nodded slowly, mouth hanging open slightly. "Well, Think that ends our tour." His mouth felt so dry and the lump in his throat had grown bigger.
"That may be best, you are looking a bit flushed. I hope you haven't gotten too hot out in this sun."
"No, no, I'm good," Patton muttered, giving the best smile he could. "Please let me know if you need anything, kay?"
Logan nodded slowly, gently taking a step back from Patton. "Of course, thank you for your kindness."
[Section Break]
Roman wasn't avoiding the newbie, honest, it was just that... well, Logan wasn't really his type. The man was quiet, stoic, and walked around as if he were a ghost. Sure there was probably a reason, no one moved that quietly without having a reason, but it still felt weird. The whole situation was made worse by the way Patton was enamored. He talked so much about the different things that Logan was doing, the magic, the pulling in of crowds, the pulling of his own weight with chores, it all made Roman feel a bit insecure. What was so good about this Logan character anyway? He had Patton's approval, and obviously he had Janus', but that wasn't enough. 
They were going to be heading to the next city tomorrow morning, so this was their last night to celebrate, yet Logan was sitting just far enough that he wasn't part off the group. What did Patton see in someone so antisocial? Roman had a few drinks in his system, and just enough liquid courage to turn off his impulse control. He was finally going to tell Logan off. "How dare you steal my boyfriend's attention? So smug and so smart. I bet you think you're all that, don'tcha?" That wasn't what he meant, right? It was because Logan was so sullen, but he was smart. He had helped Patton with a few tricks to make them safer and he had actually discussed methods for helping Janus' leg hurt less during performances. Was it really his intelligence that irritated Roman, or just that Logan had taken Patton's attention?
If the look on Logan's face was any indication, he was surprised at Roman's observation. Did he not realized how enamored Patton was? How dare he be that stupid? "Apologies, I'm a bit lost, by your boyfriend, do you mean Patton?"
"Obviously, yeah there's also Jannie, but you couldn't have him if you tried." A look of something crossed Logan's face, something Roman couldn't read in his inebriated state. "Jannie's too smart to fall for a... for a... meanie."
What he could understand, were the words Logan spoke next. "I apologize that you see me as mean. However, I'm aware I can't have Janus, as I'm aware that Patton loves you. You won't lose him to me." There was a gravity behind his statement that soaked into Roman's core, a memory of his brother looking listfully out to the ocean which was always just out of reach for the two of them. Logan had turned to look at Janus and Patton, curled up together as Patton tried to feed Janus a marshmallow he was pretending he didn't like. Still, Janus occasionally took bites from it when Patton pretended he wasn't looking. Roman followed Logan's gaze, watching the scene and feeling the warmth fill him. He smiled at the two of them. He almost forgot he was standing next to Logan. 
"You should rest," Logan's voice was smooth and despite not being as deep. Roman wasn't jealous when Janus and Patton were cute or when they talked about each other, so what made Logan different? And what was with Logan's tone. It was heavy. It tasted wrong. "Let me take you back over to the two of them."
"And you won't steal my boyfriend?"
"I won't steal your boyfriend," Logan agreed, putting his hand on Roman's back slowly leading him toward the fire.
"What about stealing me?"
There was a pause, a stutter in Logan's even steps before he continued. "I had the notion that you didn't particularly like me?"
Roman shrugged. "Who knows, you're softer than I thought. I'm never wrong, but maybe I could know you more. I'll debate you when the world is less woooh. If you win you can kiss me."
"We can discuss the details when you're sober." That felt like a rejection and Roman pouted, right up until he focused on Janus and Patton again. Throwing his arms open he stumbled toward the two of them.
"My loves!"
[Section Break]
As Logan watched Roman sit down next to Janus, leaning into him and spinning an epic tale about defending Patton's honor, Logan slipped away, fingers playing at the shirt buttons on his wrist. He had expected Roman not to like him. He was everything Logan could be, loud, vibrant, creative, he just hadn't expected Roman to think he was trying to take away Janus and Patton. Sure, he was closer to the two of them than anyone else but that was because they were they two who had reached out, and Logan was a bit too nervous to talk to the others. 
When he had first asked Janus if he could join them, Janus had asked Logan why he wanted to join the circus and his answer had been the only obvious one. Logan wanted to find a place where he belonged. He wasn't convinced this was the right place. It had been nice thus far but he couldn't get into the groove of it. Everyone here was so full of life, and Logan was.... he couldn't break out of his own silence. 
It was hard for him to relax and let go of all of his fears of failure. Watching Roman, Patton, and Janus, not to mention the others, Logan wondered if he'd be able to go back to the way he was when he was younger, seeing the world through the eyes of childlike wonder, asking questions that never had answers, existing without reservation. He grabbed a coin from his nightstand, sitting on his bed as he flipped the metal disk along his fingers. There were times when he almost let it slip, almost allowed himself to speak freely. There were times when it felt like the chains of his past were going to let him go. However, as soon as his lips would curl to speak he would hear the voices in his head, the cruel jabs at him being annoying, over bearing, and unwanted. It was hard to fit in when he was playing a part, but he couldn't give up his mask. He couldn't risk people hating him for who truly he was. If they hated a watered down version of him, that was alright. He hated himself too.
With a sigh, Logan set the coin back down and lied back in his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Janus had hired him to do close up magic, and Logan was good at that, but he had said something that still rung in Logan's ears. "We all have masks, the question is are you happy with the one you're wearing." Was he?
A knock at his door pulled him out of his thoughts and Logan pushed himself up, dusting down his rumpled clothes. He walked over to the door, opening it up, words dying on his lips as he saw Janus and his all too knowing smirk.
"May I come in?" Why was Janus here? Shouldn't he be curled up with Roman and Patton at this point? The night was beautiful, if Logan had a lover he would want to be in their arms under this sky.
"Of course." Logan took a step back, giving Janus the space to enter. "I'm sure you are aware there isn't much room for you to sit but feel free to take a seat on the bed."
"Thank you, Logan, always so considerate." Janus walked over to the bed before slowly sitting down, rubbing his leg at the knee. "I wanted to apologize for Roman, I'm aware of how... protective he can be but please know it comes from a place of care and not a place of hostility."
That was obvious. The care Roman had for both Patton and Janus shone through all of his actions, the way he held his breath every time Patton did a stunt, the way he led Janus to a chair after each performance. Logan had been watching all of them carefully, silently observing the life they had built together. He had been jealous. No matter how loud Roman was, no matter how much Patton didn't understand, no matter how secretive Janus could be, they all still loved each other. The three of them accepted each other just as they were. "I took nothing he said to heart. Alcohol has a way of getting to all of us and I know his affections for Patton run high." Patton had been one of the best parts of being here at the circus, and also the worst. He thought he was a comedian with all of his puns, and while Logan had, at one time, loved a good play on words, he found himself groaning internally at Patton. For so long he had been told that was a low brow form of comedy, but it was cute, wasn't it? It was a fight between who he wanted to be and who he had been told he had to be.
"Yes, his affections for Patton do run high, and he can be a bit possessive despite us having an open relationship. More than once I've had a talk with him about scaring off people I want to pursue. Should I tell him to back off from you as well?" 
There was a purr in Janus' voice that Logan didn't understand and he furrowed his brow. "I don't believe there is a need for that. If my understanding is correct, Patton is simply being friendly. He acts similar around me as he does around others in the troupe."
Janus chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm fairly sure your understanding is wrong, but I also wasn't asking about your connection with Patton."
Logan furrowed his brow as he looked down at Janus. "You are Roman's only other partner, correct? I..." It was like being struck with sudden understanding. "Do you have an interest in me?" That was news to him. He assumed he had just been a form of amusement for Janus.
"It's interesting. You are extremely perceptive, you approach people who will be interested in the tricks you have to show. You gage moods, attitudes, all in a blink, and yet you haven't noticed what is right in front of you." Janus stood up, leaning on his cane as he took a step forward. "I am interested in you. I'm interested in the smile you try to hide when Patton makes a joke, I'm interested in the way you strategize, I'm interested in who you are when you let your walls down." Logan stepped back as Janus approached, back hitting the wall as his breath caught in his throat. "Just to make things extremely clear. I want to pursue you. Will you let me?"
Logan hesitated. He didn't know how to respond. What if this was all some cruel joke to show him how much of an outsider he really was? Logan caught that anxious thought and tried to pull it away from his heart. Janus wasn't like that. Janus wasn't like the people he knew in his past, but he hadn't thought the others were like that either. He would have to sleep on it. "May I... May I have time to think?"
Taking a step back, finally giving Logan room to breathe, Janus nodded. "Of course, but don't think I am the only one on pursuit," He smiled. "Oh, something I might add. Roman is insufferably jealous, but it's not usually about people his partners are pursuing but rather about people he wants to be pursued by. Just a hint."
"Masks are useful," Janus whispered, "But if you never take it off, you'll forget who you are." He nodded his head to the door and Logan slid away, giving Janus the space to exit. "It can be hard to take a mask off, but it's worth it when you find the right people. I know from experience." It was a strange bit of wisdom to leave Logan with, but he did leave, closing the door behind him leaving Logan standing there as a blushing mess. 
He wanted to be seen. He desperately wanted to be seen.
But was he ready for it?
Looking back at the coin on his nightstand, Logan went to turn out his light. 
There was only one way to tell.
@tsspromptmonth @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @glacierruler
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reviilo · 2 years
so i have some thoughts in the all "percy didn't treat nico well" discussion bc i'm obsessed with riordanverse again and i'm re-reading all the greek-roman books
starting with the obvious: percy never had any responsibility for nico, at least not immediately
percy was a 14y desperate to find his friend AND watched two other friends die without being able to do anything
nico had no one, he was alone, angry and directed his anger at percy and etc
then there are the events of pjo4, pjo5, hoo2 and hoo3 and finally the house of hades
something that bothered me a lot while reading was the HUGE and UNFOUNDED distrust some demigods had about nico. i don't think it fits as "fangirlness" because it's situations that two seconds thinking about you see how ridiculous it is their distrust
jason and leo said they weren't sure of nico's loyalty because he knew about both camps and never said anything
chiron also knew and refused to talk???? the gods knew and forbade it???? jason also already knew hera's scheme????? greeks didn't like romans and octavian wanted to kill the greeks??????
didn't they even think about it for a second? seriously? if they had 1 of annabeth's neuron they would have realized that nico didn't decide to keep it a secret, he had NO choice
then the rescue in rome. hazel was the only one really worried about nico, i got this slight impression that the others wanted to save him because he had information for the mission, not because they thought he was someone who didn't deserve to die, you know? (except maybe percy, because he's the don't let anyone die type)
also we have this percy's thought in hoo3:
"Percy looked at his jelly donut. He had a troubled history with Nico di Angelo. The boy had tricked him once, taking him to Hades' palace, and Percy had ended up in a cell. Most of the time, though, Nico had sided with the good guys, he certainly didn't deserve to slowly suffocate in a bronze jar, and Percy couldn't bear to see Hazel suffering.
— We'll rescue him — Percy promised her. —We have to rescue him. The prophecy says he holds the key to infinite death."
percy still holds a grudge against this particular event in pjo5, even though nico didn't know of hades' intentions, even though he wanted information about his mother, even though he helped him against minos in the labyrinth, helped him gain invulnerability, and convinced hades to fight the titans; and percy is very clear that they need to save him because of the prophecy and because hazel would be sad, not because the 14 year old was dying
also the way nico is treated in argo II after being rescued is errrrrrrr when someone is hurt or is not mentally well among the seven, everyone tries to help that person (jason with piper after she broke her shoulder in hypogeum, annabeth and hazel talking to frank and leo)
nico, who fell into tartarus alone, suffered countless psychological tortures, was captured by the enemy, slowly suffocated for days, with no rest or food to be saved and treated as someone undesirable, someone untrustworthy and unpleasant
on jason trying to befriend nico: it seems to me more like jason had a savior complex (given his insecurities about not being the perfect leader he should be) because he only really cares when he finds out nico is gay. before that, jason thought nico liked annabeth and didn't think it was "a big deal" that eros forced the boy to talk
literally the only people who looked for nico (without being so familiar) because they were worried about him and not because "without him the world is destroyed" were hazel and will
so yeah nico was treated like shit
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
Familiar Faces, Connected Stories
4 months later, @sugarglider9603 I finally finished the second half!! :D Ohmygosh I'm so sorry for the wait, but thank you all for being so patient, alot has happened including the absolutely dreaded writers block. All of your comments, likes/kudos, reblogs (on Tumblr) have been helping me finish this chapter, so I really want to thank you guys for enjoying this💙💙💙💙
Another important note, but there is a reason I'm posting this today. That's because today (April 2nd) is my 16th birthday! I actually finished this on Monday (March 30th) but I decided to wait the few days so it would be a bit more special (also yes I know it's late I'm posting this, imma be busy all day so night posting it is!)
Also dont worry, if your new here (go check out the previous stories in the Master Post link!) do note I'm going to be writing my interpretation of the pokebois evolutions :D that and more short side stories are coming asap
Alright I've held you long enough, do enjoy!
Bonus note: this fic (Runaway Eevees) is what Sugar has said cannonly happened of how Remus and Deceit met the group, so if you wanna read that go ahead (it's a good read) :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Part 5 (chapter 1) Part 6
Master Post
Words: 2,931
Summery: ' Virgil's eyes widened "you've all met before" he looked at all five Eevee's faces, finding guilt in three and confusion in the other two "when, how? Was it before I met all of you?" He scratched at the ground.
His brother-father figure perked up behind him "you.. never told him?" He questioned the three trained Eevees, who all shuffled their feet. "We didn't want to worry him?" Roman tried, only for his trash brother to growl. '
The group will finally tell their stories, revealing past connections, and making new ones for the journey ahead
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Chapter 2
Virgil watched as Thomas set his hands on Roman and Logan's backs, putting a halt on the growling. Well, for now at least.
He inwardly sighed, he knew the others where protective, heck he himself was being protective of his brothers at the moment. But this much hostility to other pokemon he obviously knew? He even saw Patton's tail twitching, as though the father figure wanted to pull Virgil away but was resisting.
He remembered when he first met this group of misfits, that field of flowers where Patton taught him how to make flower crowns. Yes Logan was sitting out, but Roman pounced at any opportunity to play with any wild pokemon, and Patton came right over to join the dark furred Eevee the second he showed himself. Them acting this way around pokemon they never met..
Virgil's eyes widened "you've all met before" he looked at all five Eevee's faces, finding guilt in three and confusion in the other two "when, how? Was it before I met all of you?" He scratched at the ground.
His brother-father figure perked up behind him "you.. never told him?" He questioned the three trained Eevees, who all shuffled their feet. "We didn't want to worry him?" Roman tried, only for his trash brother to growl.
"Well!" Thomas clapped, startling them all "I'm guessing you guys need to talk about something, and since language barriers exist and food still needs to be cooked, I'm going to go burn that. Don't faint each other!" The trainer stood up from his chair making his way to the pile of berries, leaving several Eevees that probably would faint each other before speaking a word.
Virgil huffed, suspicious and annoyed "alright, first things first!" He chirped in a light tone, though it was clear the growl that accompanied it reached all the others ears "would anyone mind telling me how you've all met?"
"-and then you woke up with no knowledge of what went down, so we just didn't tell you" Roman finished lamely. All five Eevees had taken their own bits and pieces of the story to tell, mainly because when two started arguing Virgil would hiss them down. Other than that, the dark furred Eevee didn't speak a word and kept his face neutral throughout.
Virgil sighed, flicking his tail "so you never thought once why two random Eevees took me? Logan, I thought you were the smart one. Well" he added and Logan's ears started to lower in shame "you are the smartest one here, just not about this.
"And you two" the youngest turned his head "did it occur to you that you could have just gone up and asked?" He paused, realizing the answer before the marked Eevee spoke.
"Well," he mumbled, "for one we thought they were the ones that took you in the first place. You just disappeared that day" Virgil shuddered, remembering that was true, though the truck story could be told another day "plus they're.. caught pokemon" he finished. "Ya" Virgil continued "just like me."
"But-" the stink covered Eevee tried, but Virgil shook his head.
"Thomas met me several times before I joined the team, in fact from the story Logan and Patton have told me" he flicked his tail to the shiny pair of parents "Thomas wouldn't let himself catch them until both of them made it clear they wanted to join his journey."
Patton nodded "before Thomas saved us, twice if you count the Team Rocket members in the marketplace, we never trusted humans. Most of the time humans tried to steal us for our fur color, Thomas was different" the father figure hesitated, "it.. kind of felt like a puzzle piece clicking into place when we met."
All the Eevees blinked as Thomas hummed in the background. None of the Eevees had ever mentioned to another about a feeling of a puzzle piece, Thomas had once made a comment of it, but the three there to witness that were more focused on Virgil's tail slipping into the bushes. The two unnamed Eevees even remembered when they first met Virgil hidden in the dumpster, they had felt some kind of connection.
"That.. wasn't just me who's been feeling that when we all meet?" Roman voice stumbled, eyes widening even more as the other 5 shook their heads.
"Well, you all seem to be in a better mood" Thomas chuckled, causing them all to jump. "Woah" he calmed, laughing.
 "Well, food is all ready and prepared, there's enough for you guys as well" he grinned at the newbies.
The two hesitated at the idea of food, but with a comforting chirp from their brother, they followed.
With dinner cleaned away (Thomas somehow managing not to burn anything, Logan praised happily) the group curled before a campfire as the trainer roasted marshmallows (these, he did manage to burn more often than not).
Virgil spent this time explaining to both groups how he knew both sides, of how trash and marked Eevees saved him (he didn't explain what he was escaping from), how he really was taken from them, how he met the group in the field of flowers, and how he finally stayed with Thomas for good. By the end of the story his head was laid on the ground as he cuddled Roman (a late addition during the story time, since when he explained they were boyfriends the trash covered Eevee full on tackled Roman) listening to the fire crackle. Wispy clouds drifted lazily across the sky as the night crawling forest pokemon howled and chirped and hooted.
He looked at his family, most of his past was back in his life; but for how long? He shuddered and curled more into Roman's warm fur, hating the realization he might lose them again after looking for so long. They wouldn't want to be with a trainer, especially even if it meant having Virgil being back in their lives.
Virgil. He nearly spat the name at the ground. He wanted one again for so long, from the day he hatched he had one before it and everything was taken away by.. her. He vowed never to take a name again, especially from a human. If he did, would he be betraying his oldest family connection? What would Sleep and Pecha think of his now, their little Star taking a new name, only for this one to probably drive these brothers away.
Virgil lifted his head up, staring at the two nameless pokemon maybe four tail lengths away. Why did they keep searching for him anyways?
He startled as Roman nudged his cheek. "Sorry" the starter apologized "you just dazed off staring at those two, I was wondering if you were ok."
Virgil sighed "I.. I was just wondering, why did they follow me" he mumbled, unable to look at anyone he opted to stare up at the sky. Unfortunately the world decided to push the clouds out of the clearings sky view, only piling on more of his original family's guilt. He never went searching for that farm ever again after his.. escape, and knowing Thomas they wouldn't go 100 feet anywhere near there with Patton, Logan, and Virgil. Sure, Sleep was reckless, but Pecha would be sensible enough to know not to go out into the world, an unknown area only Eevees who were taken by trainers ever saw. Those puzzle pieces were probably lost to time.
But these two.. he looked back down, Star's eyes trailing at all of his family's faces, stopping at the two. They were here, close enough in one bound he could tackle them. Why did they come, why did they care enough to try and steal him back from (what they knew at the time) hostile people and pokemon? Why did they keep looking, why did he keep looking?
Why.. did he keep looking? Virgil stood up, eyes widening. Because they were, they are family. Family he didn't want to lose, he couldn't lose any more of them. With a push from his hind legs and a squeak of surprise from Roman as he momentarily turned into a launch pad, Virgil crashed into his brothers.
"Shit, wha-" one of them cried, getting cut off as Virgil curled close.
"Please don't leave me again" Virgil chirped quietly, to the point only the two he was curled against him could hear. Virgil burrowed closer "please" he whispered "I can't lose anyone again."
The two looked at each other in surprise. They thought, well Virgil wouldn't want them to stick around. From how he told the story they would never (and probably want never) to take the smallest away from this team, and from the looks of it the three Eevees didn't trust them much right now. They didn't, right?
They usually would never hang around a human more than a few moments, never used to having a family bigger than just the three of them. It seemed logically from their past for it to be near impossible for this human and three of his pokemon to ever trust them.
But it was like the light silver shiny had said earlier, they could feel the puzzle pieces there, already connected to Virgil and ready to connect with them all. A human, who was like none other. He had witnessed them take one of his own, but when that one showed he still trusted the two misfits, the trainer opened his arms, gave them food for no other reason than one he trusted showed they trusted the two strangers.
And the three Eevees, Virgil seemed to trust them to the ends of the Earth. Patton had offered them to join their meal right away. Roman had laughed off the trash Eevees tackle and just said Logan's reaction had been similar. Logan, while seeming to be the least likely one to want them here, listened to their half of the story without interrupting unless to give more detail, and was showing trust even now by watching from the fire's other side, not moving an inch. They trusted them in a way.
No, they didn't think of these four as family yet, but for the first time since they met Virgil, since they met each other, there seemed to be a chance to make that come true.
"Ok", the marked Eevee nudged Virgil "we'll think about it overnight."
For some reason, they realized they wouldn't even need that time.
Because the best part of staying was not only they would gain a whole family, one they would perhaps one day learn they could always trust, but they would regain their brother. Their brother they would have searched for eternity to find, and given anything to stay with.
Thomas yawned as he sat up, Patton rolling off the trainer's shoulder still fast asleep and swapped to flopping over a passed out Logan, who was moments ago tucked between Thomas's ear and shoulder. The human glanced around, finding Roman (who always moved in his sleep) laying across the sleeping bag where his left ankle was. Last but not least Virgil was curled under a cuddle puddle with the two new Eevees from last night off next to his sleeping bag, the only contact being Virgil's tail brushing Roman's.
The trainer chuckled and slid his foot away from it's prison, quietly hissing as he tested the tingling foot. Of course it was asleep. Well, the best way to wake it up was to get active so..
The dirty Eevee stretched, rolling off from the top of the cuddle puddle. He let out a small oof when he came in contact with the floor a moment later than he expected. The strange, definitely not earth floor….
Eevee blinked, watching not one but two of his brothers curl together sleeping. Yesterday wasn't a dream he realized happily, watching the three other Eevees scattered throughout the tent sleep. A pleasant smell carried his paws out of the durable plastic flap, emerging to a bright, just after dawn day. The human (Thomas his always chaotic mind somehow supplied) was back making more hot food. Well, at least he seemed to be attempting with varying success, a stack of nice enoughly done pancakes sat on a plate to his left, with a smaller (but not by much) pile of black crispy pancakes to his right. Now the left crispy brown ones looked appealing, the Eevee thought the crispy, burnt pancakes smelled like a gift from Arceus himself.
Thomas stumbled in surprise when the stack of miserable pancakes clattered to the ground, only to laugh as he watched the dirtier of the Eevee pair dive at them hungrily.
"Well breakfast won't be ready for a bit more, but I wouldn't mind the early clean up crew" he giggled as the Eevee glanced up only for a moment, only to turn to back and attack the pancakes again.
"Just make sure not to scatter them too far" Thomas warned kindly, turning back to the camping stove " we'll have to clean up afterwards." The trainer smiled as the Eevee chirped in agreement.
Soon the others crawled out, and the burnt pancake (and other foods Thomas just didn't get right) devourer went to chirp and chat with the others. Food was served, equipment packed, and about two hours later Thomas was adjusting everything onto his back. If it hasn't been for Logan, Thomas knew he would never have had his stuff packed so neatly.
"Welp" Thomas said out loud "it's time to get going, we have a gym challenge next town" his four cheered different levels of excitement. He turned to the two wild runners "I guess this is goodbye for now" he smiled
After so many run-ins with Virgil, Thomas had skillfully learned how to hide his heart ripping out everytime he had to leave puzzle pieces behind.
This skill came into play hard when Virgil looked up at the trainer with such sorrow, Thomas nearly burst to tears right then and there. Instead he smiled, offering a hand for comforting pets. Virgil did not walk near the hand, instead letting out and angry hiss.
Thomas shook his head, wishing he could fully understand what Virgil was saying, but got the message "I can't force them, you know better than anyone here that I only bring members on my team if they want to join. Never by force, I always give an option."
Virgil wine was cut off though as the dirty Eevee snapped from his frozen trance and bounded forwards, stepping up to Thomas and putting his paw onto the human's hand. Somewhere in him remembered a similar interaction with Roman when they first met, but that was washed away when the other Eevee came up and chirped something, only to get tackled by Virgil right after.
"Oh" Thomas realized, smiling "I'm guessing that's a good thing?" He asked his team beside him. Patton nodded excitedly, Roman purred, and Logan merely flicked his tail positively.
"I guess I can do this then" he slid out two pokeballs, setting them on the ground. The wild pair looked at eachother one last time before the smaller marked one nodded, and both touched the white button.
"So" Thomas asked as the group wandered down the trail, focusing on the pair walking (or in the dirtier ones case bouncing) by his feet "I was wondering if I could offer giving you names? You don't have to, but-" Virgil rubbed the trainer's cheek from his spot in the hood, stopping the human's splutter of words before chirping some of his own down. The two below responded after a moment and Virgil gave off a purr as a signal: both had agreed it would be ok.
"Alright.." he mumbled. Earlier events of when the dirt covered Eevee had offered his paw in the same way Roman had came rushing back, turning and twisting until a name suddenly formed "how about Remus for you?" He wondered. Said Eevee stumbled as though surprised, but after a moment Remus gave a happy chirp, Thomas smiled in return.
Finally there was the Eevee with the special marks on his face. There was something in his mind that he felt for some reason, it just felt right for him to call the other 
"Janus" he mumbled by accident out loud, the trainer's eyes widened as he glanced curiously at the pokemon "what about Janus?" The Eevee seemed to think hard although weighing the name vs. something only he saw, he knew. Before Thomas could speak the little Eevee glaced up and nodded, the most determined nod he had gotten out of the six of them for figuring out their name.
Six of them.
Thomas grinned widely as all six of his Eevees walked or rode on him. It had all started with Roman, the first time Thomas had found a puzzle piece. Then Patton and Logan, Virgil, and finally Remus and Janus. It felt right, like he was home. Like he was with family.
"It's interesting," he voiced quietly to his team "how many of us have seen each other before really meeting each other. There's even more to explore in the future, so many possibilities, so many mysteries. But I'm glad" he sighed gleefully as the distant sound of cars passed. The town was close by.
"I'm glad I get to do it with so many familiar faces. I'm glad that we all have connected stories. I.. honestly couldn't imagine walking our next journey without you guys, my completed puzzle
My family."
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