#.....okay nevermind it was a silly idea but I was just thinking
l3viat8an · 4 months
I always think of you when I have a silly obey me idea
Imagine MC collecting feathers from (any character with feathers) and when asked MC says “I need a new feather duster, I can’t reach my top bookshelf to clean it.”
I’m taking that as the best compliment omgggg I love silly ideas <33333
The bird in Lucifer would be so pleased you’re asking for his feathers!!!
It must mean you’ve noticed how perfect and pristine he keeps them and- wait, “Why do you need my feathers now?” he’s watching your face closely, almost expecting you to look embarrassed but you just shrug.
“I need a new feather duster.” nope, nevermind. You can’t have any feathers now. He’ll still give you a few, but he asks that you don’t use them as a feathers duster- he can buy you a new one instead.
Simeon was surprised when you asked him for some feathers out of the blue, “Whatever do you need them for?” he’s smiling, genuinely curious what you could want them for- “I need a new feather duster.” you say plainly.
He blinks a few times, shaking his head a little….maybe he heard you wrong? “MC….could you repeat that?”
“I need a new feather duster, for cleaning yk.” okay….so….he heard you right the first time. Simeon clears his throat before answering, “Actually I have a feather duster at purgatory hall I’m not using. You can have it.” humans really are strange…….
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
When you get the chance do you think you could write a Miguel x chubbyF!reader ?
(It's my first time requesting and I wanted to try and give like an idea of it)
Miguel saw the reader in the library and she caught his eye and he went on about what he was doing until he grabbed the same book as her and it just happened to be both of their favorite books and they ended up talking about it and maybe going to a coffee shop after?
The Very Grumpy Spider
Miguel x Chubby/Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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Miguel was hiding away from the world in the most unlikely of places. It wasn't his home, or his darkened office at HQ, or the labs at Alchemax.
No, it was the library. It hardly had any foot traffic, and the libraries of the world were quickly becoming obsolete with their actual paper books in favor of all the digital files you could simply download online these days.
Which is why it was perfect for him to hide in.
It was quiet, almost no people, and his favorite reading nook had the comfiest chairs. Hell, sometimes he'd sit in the bean bag chairs and nod off a bit.
Today he was browsing the shelves labeled "Classics -- Science Fiction".
His large fingers drummed on the spines of each book as he weighed the decision of which one to read, his glasses perched low on his nose. It seemed silly, that someone who has superpowers would like something as simple as science fiction, but these books were a big escape from the abuse he and his little brother were witness (and in many cases victim) to.
It was also the library he'd run off to back then, too.
It was a sanctuary, a sweet, private Sanctuary.
Miguel was so warped in his thoughts that he didn't notice somebody was now standing right next to him.
Not until a small hand reached out and they both touched the spine of the same book.
An omnibus of sorts containing all the stories of a series called "Dinotopia" by an author named James Gurney, a little over a hundred or so years ago. Miguel as a child had silly fantasies of finding such a place and now the stories were a source of great comfort when the stress of his life became a bit too hard.
"Oh! Sorry!" You say, awkwardly snatching your hand back. "I... Er. Didn't know that anybody else liked... uh, nevermind."
You were... cute. Not obnoxiously made-up like many of the women he's met; you were very minimal makeup and he could even see a few blemishes here and there.
Your body was not rail thin--again, like most women he's known--you were soft, your clothes hugged your body in a way that showed that you had little rolls that spilled over the top of your jeans, your legs and arms a bit on the thicker side, and your round little face definitely set you apart.
And Miguel found himself quickly liking the sight.
He lowered his hand and shook his head with a soft chuckle, "Ah, no, it's alright. I'm surprised anybody even knows these books exist."
You smiled sheepishly up at him, dimples in your soft cheeks as you did. "Yeah... My grandpa used to read these to me when I was little. It's hard to find them nowadays and the copies I had got ruined when my apartment flooded..."
"I used to read them as a kid, myself." Miguel smiled at you as he plucked the book off the shelf, looking at the illustrated cover; protected by a dust jacket but the cover was faded with time, the pages slightly yellowed.
"They were a nice escape."
"Oh! Yeah... They--they are." You say as you watched him turn the book over in his massive hands. Hell, they were so goddamn big that the thick volume looked like a tiny booklet. And oh, did you try to ignore how strong they looked.
Miguel sighed and held the book out to you, "Here. Far be it from me to keep someone from reading a favorite, huh?"
You held your hands up, waving then a bit. "Oh! No, no, um... It's okay. You can read it."
You both stood there, blinking at each other in an awkward silence.
Until you both broke out into soft laughter and Miguel lowered his hand that still clutched the book.
"...We're just going to go back and forth about this, aren't we?" He asked.
"... Probably." You giggled, rubbing the back of your neck.
There was another pause, until you decided to break it.
"Um... well. We can... Talk about it?"
When he tilted his head at you with raised eyes you felt yourself flush. "I--! Well, I just mean that, um... Er. It's unusual to find anybody that knows about that series because it's so old, so, I mean..."
He laughed again, and god, did it sound wonderful as it tumbled out of his lips. He fixed his dark eyes on you and smiled. "Sure. I don't have anywhere to be for the rest of the day."
You swore you could see that his eyes glimmered a different color as he spoke, and your heart slipped a beat.
You and Miguel chatted for what must have been close to three hours. You'd even gotten so close as to read the book together; or, well, a few of the stories in it here and there.
You guys had sat so close you could smell his cologne and aftershave.
Meanwhile Miguel could smell your sweet, cherry-like perfume. Hell, he could even smell your lip balm (it had notes of honey) thanks to his super senses.
He loved watching you move, he would often take his eyes from the pages to scan your form, looking at how soft and plush you were. He had the most intrusive thoughts about laying his head in your lap and just letting you run your fingers through his hair as you read the book aloud to him.
Oh, your thighs looked like perfect napping pillows...
He was gorgeous, and he found you absolutely beautiful. You were cute, funny, and quirky, whereas you found him intelligent, witty and kind when he spoke to you.
Something beeped on Miguel's watch and when he looked at it, he grunted. Lyla was asking him when he was going to just ask you out, because apparently she'd been eavesdropping covertly through his watch.
Yeah, it had been hours.
"Is that, um... A call you need to take?" You ask hesitantly.
"No, it's just my assistant checking on me." He turned it off and lowered his wrist, smiling again at you, and he felt something gnaw in his stomach when he saw your hopeful expression.
Fuck it.
"Hey... Would you like to get a coffee?" He finally asked you directly.
And oh, the little error-code face you made was just precious.
"Oh!" You shake your head softly, and smile up at him again. "Sure! I--I mean that is I'm okay with with that, and... uh."
Miguel stood, the book once again in his palm and he extended his hand to you politely to help you out of your seat.
Witty and chivalrous. It made you positively weak in the knees!
"But, um... are you sure?" You ask, following him to the check out counter.
He smiled at you over his shoulder, waving the book.
"Of course. After all, how else are we supposed to finish reading this together?"
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
hellooo ^^ i saw ur requests were open...
could you write a little silly thing with the obey me brothers and a child!mc who swears up and down that they'll marry him? typical funny "child doesnt understand the full meaning of marriage they just think its the ultimate form of love" trope.
ermmm sure ‼️‼️‼️ i gotchu anon. i think child mc is very silly™️
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Lucifer worked on his paperwork at his desk, as you talked his ear off with all about your day, sitting on one of the chairs of his secret study. As usual, he paid no mind to you minus the usual nod or hum, his attempt at making you feel acknowledged.
That was, until, you somehow brought up the subject of your future wedding. He looked up at you, his attention no longer directed at his papers.
"Excuse me..?" Lucifer's eyes widened as they always do when he's surprised. He was in complete shock.
"Yeah! Our wedding. So we can spend the whole day together!" You seemed to be delighted, already planning your father-child day in your head.
"Dear, if you wanted to spend the day together, you could just ask." He stopped writing and put his pen down.
"Really? But you're always so busy!" You frowned, Lucifer frowned with you at your response.
"Do I really seem busy?" You nodded, confused as you thought he already knew how little he's spent time with you lately.
Lucifer sighed. "I'll see if I can clear my schedule and I'll spend all tomorrow with you. How does that sound?"
You hummed in agreement, already ecstatic for tomorrow.
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To celebrate his recent win at the casino yesterday night (unbeknownst to you), he took you to eat at the fanciest restaurant in the Devildom he knew.
He told you to get dressed in your fanciest clothes and to meet him at HoL's front entrance, covering your eyes as the two of you drew nearer to the restaurant.
Later, you were both sat down at a table near the entrance, eating your meals.
"This is so good! I can't wait until our wedding!" You exclaimed with a mouth full of food.
Mammon's grip on his fork loosened. He dropped it on his plate. "Our huh. Our wha...? Repeat that?" Mammon was stunned.
"Our wedding!"
"Do... do ya know what a wedding is?" Mammon asked you, serious for once.
"Well... no, but-!" Mammon interrupted you. "Aha! Knew it! Don't go sayin' things like that, ya hear?"
You sighed. "Okay...."
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"W-what did you just say?!" He put down his controller and turned to you, forgetting all about the Devil Kart game he was playing with you.
"Yeah, when we get married-"
Levi cut you off. "Nooope! Not happening."
"What? Why not!!" You seemed genuinely curious, so he answered. "People get married when they love each other."
"Huh. But I love you!" You seemed very confident with your response.
Levi was stumped, unsure of how to explain it differently.
"Y-you know what, nevermind." He decided that you'd understand what marriage is and how it works when you're older. Probably. Hopefully.
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You sat there patiently, listening to the bedtime story Satan was reading to you. It was a story from the human world, one you've heard a dozen times, yet you don't get tired of stories as long as Satan's reading them to you.
Everything was going normally until Satan got to the end of the book, the part where the prince marries the princess. "Satan, I'm gonna marry you one day!" You sat up from your comfy spot on your bed.
"I'm sorry, you're going to what?" Satan was speechless, unsure of what to do or say. Does he keep reading? Does he explain to you what you just said?
"Well, it says the princess and the prince love each other." You pointed to the page picturing the princess and prince's wedding. Satan nodded and you continued. "When you get married, it's because you love each other, right?"
"Well, not familiarly. You get married to someone you're romantically attached to." Satan explained.
"Oh. Okay!" You had no idea what either of those words meant, but you laid back down anyway, ready for Satan to continue reading.
Satan looked at the clock on your nightstand. "It's getting past your bedtime, little one." He began to close the book. You put your hand on the page that was open to stop him. "Please, just five more minutes! The story's almost over, anyway!"
Satan sighed. "Alright, five more minutes."
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"Hmm? Our wedding?" Asmodeus was confused, to say the least.
Asmo brushed your hair, fixing it up in time before breakfast. You sat on the edge of his bed as he talked to you about all the new hair products he got you yesterday while shopping. Well, until you began talking about your future wedding together.
You nodded, he stopped brushing your hair, the brush still in his hands as he held it in the air. "Yeah, our wedding!"
"Why would we have a wedding, hon?" Asmodeus questioned you. He watched as you sputtered, trying to come up with an answer. He just giggled at you and smiled. "That's just not possible, dear." He continued to brush your hair.
"Huh? Why not?!" You seemed hell bent on marrying him, for familiar reasons of course, but nobody knew how to explain that to you.
"Hmm, I'm not sure how to explain it..." Asmodeus looked for an answer, hoping it would suddenly pop up in his brain.
Unfortunately, that light bulb in his head didn't light up, so Asmo stayed quiet and continued to brush your hair.
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Even though it was a Saturday, everyone (mostly Lucifer) was still on about how you had woken up late. Everyone except Beelzebub, of course. He had even saved you a plate at breakfast! How kind and caring!
As you sat down at the dining table, he handed you the plate of food. You thanked him. It wasn't often the glutton would save someone food, unless it was you.
"Thanks, dad! I'm gonna marry you!" You hugged him tight, exciting for him to save you food every morning once you got married.
Beelzebub was... confused, to say the least. He continued to munch on his food, not sure how to act next.
He swallowed before speaking. "That's not how that works..." He looked around the room, looking for an answer. "Maybe you'll get married one day, just not to me." He finally decided on his answer, looking at you now.
"Okayyy..." You didn't understand, but who were you to ever argue with him?
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Belphie crouched and peaked his head under the blanket roof of the pillow fort you carefully constructed with him. "I got you something." He was hiding something behind his back. He took it out from behind, and there was a soft cow plushie in his hands. He smiled upon seeing your excitement towards it.
He gently put the cow plushie in your hands. You held it tight as you lay against the pillows, on top of the blanket flooring."Thank you, Belphie!" He hummed. "Heck, I might even marry you!"
The Avatar of Sloth raised an eyebrow.
"What...?" He questioned you quietly. You nodded. He knew it was just a saying, but he was slightly concerned. Asmodeus said that a lot. Was he finally rubbing of on you?
He finally went inside the pillow fort and got cozy. He took a pink blanket and covered you with it. It was silent for a bit.
"Where'd you learn that from?" He finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Asmo!" You exclaimed, holding the cow plushie even tighter.
"Ah." He knew it. He took the yellow blanket next to him and covered his legs, as he didn't feel like tucking in his upper half. The blanket had white stars scattered on the fabric.
He felt his eyes fluttering. He was about to fall asleep, but he still had something he wanted to say to you.
The pillow fort was quiet. You grabbed the book that was in between you and Belphie to begin reading where you left off. Before you could, Belphegor broke the silence once again.
"Hey..." He began. You looked up at him from your book. "Don't go around saying stuff like that, okay?" You flashed him a smile and gave him a thumbs up. That was the last thing he saw before falling asleep.
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parisoonic · 8 months
pyro is so silly and so crechur!!! honestly pyro is such a fun background character to play with. maybe they're causing trouble. maybe they're the straight man in a situation. maybe he's the kid who played the tree in the school play.
yeah! these are already such good ideas!! im gonna ramble which i don't do very much (im shy) but: I REALLY wish we had got that tf2 tv show to flesh out certain characters who are woefully underutilised by the game/comics (Engie gets the brunt of this tbh). There's so many funny ways to take Pyro specifically...are they the 'Lassie' of the team? ('What's that boy? Is Scout stuck in the mine...again? Why didn't you say so!') Do they even try to 'talk' to the others or are they the Ghost-at-the-Feast who lurks around doorways? Does nobody understand them? (Do the whole 'lengthy waffle' from Pyro and everyone else just going 'Yeah well...right, moving on.' Does ONE person understand them? (Fun character dynamic for whoever that is.) In addition I think it's hard not to bring some of how the character feels to play to the character. I think this is where Engie's caretaker-nature comes from in a lot of fanworks as well as the Medic’s general aura of radiating ire for his team. Pyro to me is defined by being a 'foil' to other players and a bother to play against. Oh what's that? An Engineer setting up a nice nest? Okay well I'll equip Dragon's Fury or the Homewrecker and be a sentry buster. Oh what's that a Soldier and Demo wrecking havoc? Well I can reflect your shit so now you don't get to have any fun. Annoying Scouts? Nevermind I've got the detonator so you're now permanently on fire and I can jump after you to chase you and get mini-crit punches on you. Sniper shutting down the whole team? Let me equip the one weapon in the game that can piss them off (Scorch Shot lol). Oh? Spy...in general? FOILED. I dunno maybe I'm describing 'countering' but it feels slightly different than when as a Heavy I mow down Pyros at mid-range lmao. It's probably where the whole 'Pyro is unfun to play against' thing comes from.
Not sure where I'm going with this but lots to think about (wistfully imagines the tv show.) 
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kitthepurplepotato · 3 months
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Chapter 6 - Crimson Riot?!
Summary: Eijirou is too busy fawning over Crimson Riot.
Warnings: Swear words, Eijirou makes one kinky comment
First Chapter Ko-Fi Master List
She’s so close. Oh my god. She’s so pretty. Those plump lips, the slight blush on her cheeks… how is he supposed to resist?
He knows Y/N said this was a date but he’s still sure she’d meant that as a joke. It was just teasing. She still called Kirishima her homoerotic buddy by the end of the day, so clearly, he’s still in the hubby zone.
He should be happy for getting a kiss on his cheeks. He should be thankful…
Okay, Y/N is clearly aiming for his lips but maybe, that’s just his wishful thinking.
He’ll just… wait it out, he guesses. He slowly closes his eyes, letting faith choose the path for him and certainly, it does; Y/N’s door opens up from the inside. Kirishima respectfully almost shits his pants.
“Did you forget how to open your own door, you silly sausage?” A cheery old man with Crimson hair crackles teasingly. “… oh. Oh!”
Well, that’s what Kirishima’s also thinking. Oh. This relic is a bit too big to fit into a box; Kirishima thinks as he looks at the man in front of him who looks 100% like Crimson Riot.
Kirishima’s also sure it’s illegal to keep people in boxes. Except if they want to be kept in a box. But why would they live in a box willingly?
“What the fuck are you doing here, Uncle?!”
Oh, it’s just her uncle. The loaded one who owns the flat. It makes sense. Crimson Riot was one of the best heroes of his era so he certainly managed to get his hands on enough money to keep him and his family well fed for as long as he lives and probably even after. Makes sense indeed.
Makes… sense.
Okay, wait. So this man, possibly Crimson Riot himself, just opened Y/N’s door and she called him her uncle. That means…
“Crimson Riot is… your uncle?!” Eijirou yells and there is a palm on his mouth the second after.
“Don’t fucking yell, you himbo!” Y/N sighs, clearly aggravated by Kirishima’s stupidity and to be honest, Kirishima is quite used to get this look every day so he doesn’t even flinch. He’s a bit dumb. He knows it. He’s okay with it. “Why the fuck are you here, uncle?! You just ruined my plans!”
“Ahh, honey, I’m sorry to say this but I’m quite sure the mood is ruined anyway so we might as well have a little chat. I’m quite sure Red Riot-kun is more than happy to tell me what does he want from my one and only niece I’m willing to kill for if I need to.”
Kirishima’s blood freezes in his veins. This is too much to take in for his little bird brain. Okay, let’s focus. One thing at a time. One thing… at a time.
“Are you really…” He lowers his voice into a whisper. “Crimson Riot?”
Y/N facepalms herself. He has no idea what he had done wrong this time. Like, bro… can you really blame him for that question? He was already all over the place thanks to the fact that he was on a not-a-date with his new favorite person and now that favorite person turns out to be Crimson Riot’s niece? Eijirou is having an out of body experience. He swears he can see his soul leaving his body as he stares at the old man he’s been worshipping for decades now.
“Yes… I was Crimson Riot when I was a hero. Now, I’m just uncle Riot. Okay, son?”
Kirishima cries manly tears. This is the best day of his life.
“So now that we are settled, can you please tell me what are your plans with my little girl?”
Uncle Riot asks. Well, that’s easy.
“I…” Nevermind. It’s not.
What are Kirishima’s plans with her? Honestly, not much. He knows he’ll never have the balls to confess to her. He knows he’s not enough for such a perfect woman anyway, so… “I like spending time with her. She’s the manliest woman I’ve ever met.”
Uncle Riot rolls his eyes and looks at Y/N questionably. She sighs.
“We were on a date and if it’s not for you he would be my boyfriend by now, so fucking thank you for the cockblock.”
Okay, what the fuck. Kirishima has no idea what’s going on and why is Y/N lying about their relationship but if that’s what she wants, he will just roll with it. He doesn’t even need to lie to be able to do that.
“To be fair, I was about to kiss her goodbye in the doorway, then you opened the door and… well… not like I mind, sir! I’m actually so thrilled to meet you, can I ask a few questions?” Kirishima rambles, embarrassment already forgotten.
“I thought you want to have some alone time?” Crimson Riot smirks knowingly but Kirishima is too excited to even think about cheeky things.
“That can wait!” He spurts out and he can’t even finish the sentence before he gets a fist in the stomach.
“Oi!” Y/N yells, clearly offended. Kirishima gives her his best apologetic face, puppy eyes and all, and Y/N only sighs at that. “Only if you stay for the night.” Y/N whispers into her ears, and oh boy, his whole face must be as red as his hair. Stay… for the night?! Like a sleepover? With the prettiest angel in the whole universe?! Kirishima is so fucked.
“Uhm… okay?”
“Good boy.” Y/N kisses his temple with a smirk and Kirishima descends to another planet. He really liked being called a good boy. Is that weird? Kinky? His little fella between his legs says it’s the latter. Oh no.
You are so done with this bozo. Yes, you said you are okay with Kirishima staying over to talk to your uncle for a while but it has been hours, you need to go to bed in a few minutes and the red headed idiot - the younger one - can’t fucking shut up. Even your uncle looks uncomfortable at this point, probably having PTSD from all the times he’s been interrogated before. Yet here is the himbo, his non-existent tail wiggling from excitement as he asks questions after questions like it’s his fucking job.
By the look of it, you’ll go to bed alone. You are actually about to cry from how disappointed you are.
“I’m going to bed. I have an early shift tomorrow.”
Your voice is so lovelorn it’s actually ridiculous.
It’s just… you had this all planned out. You wanted to kiss him in the hallway then ask him to come in, cuddle on the sofa then maybe… share the bed after. You can’t believe it’s almost midnight and none of your attempts to kiss him worked. Is he even interested in you? You really thought it’s obvious that this was a date. He gave you a ring and promised he’ll be yours, yet here is, fangirling over “fucking old man Crimson Riot” instead of being with you. It just… hurts.
“What’s wrong, Angel?” Red asks and your stupid heart almost leaps out of your chest from the pet name. Your uncle takes one good look at you and slowly makes his way to the door with an apologetic smile on his face.
“I… just remembered something. I need to go. Sorry, son! I’ll see you soon, I’m sure of it.” That stupid old man winks at you as he sneaks out of the door. There was no fucking need for that. No fucking need.
“There is spare bedding in the chest of drawers next to the sofa.” You mutter and make your way towards your bedroom and for your surprise, Eijirou doesn’t even bother to come after you.
You take a deep breath and grab your pajamas from the bed then make your way to the bathroom to shower and brush your teeth. When you are done you take a peek to the sofa; Eijirou looks so fucking sad you start to feel terrible for being an absolute bitch to him just because he didn’t give you all his attention for once.
“Hey, himbo.” You half-whisper into the silence and Eijirou looks up right away.
“I don’t know what I did wrong, but I’m sorry.”
Oh my fucking god, how can he be so cute?!
You move closer the sofa and crouch down in front of him. You are done with this game. Just… done.
“You’ve done nothing wrong. I just love to be in the center of attention.” You admit sheepishly, your hand caressing his cheek, because you can’t behave yourself. Eijirou melts into the touch and pushes his cheek into your palm then turns so he can leave a kiss on your fingers, slow and so-so loving it almost makes you cry.
“Crimson Riot is the only person who can steal my attention from you.” He admits, and you can’t help but giggle at that.
“That was a really backhanded compliment, Ei.” You smile as your thumb caresses the skin under his eyes. There’s a lot of tension in the air but not the unpleasant kind; it’s like you are both waiting for something, but none of you know how to actually make the first step. “So what do I need to do to gain your attention, Red?”
“Don’t tease me…” he looks down into his lap with tears in his eyes. It breaks your heart.
“Ei… I’m not teasing you.” You stroke his cheek again. You can’t help but take a peek at his pretty lips, slowly closing the remaining distance as you speak. “I want to know. I don’t want you to take your eyes off me. I’m being selfish.”
“You can have all my attention. All of it.” Eijirou whispers, so close to your mouth it lips actually tingle from his breath. Fuck it. Just fuck it.
“No, it’s not enough.” You finally close the remaining distance and kiss him right on the mouth. You stay there for a few seconds, savoring the taste, the texture, the softness, then move away with your heart in your throat. You did it. Oh my god, you kissed him. And it was amazing. Oh god, you are so in love with this himbo. “Good night, hubby. See you in the morning.” You smile at his dumbstruck face. Red Riot.exe has stopped working, clearly. “I put a new toothbrush out for you. The red one is yours.” You can’t help but barge back for another little peck before you run into your room with a massive blush on your face.
It’s done. It’s official. You made your intentions clear as a day and he didn’t say no. You make a new note in your calendar for today called “anniversary” then you yell into your pillow, like a proper adult.
“So she tried to kiss you several times during your DATE.” Katsuki mutters.
“That’s not what I said!” He retorts right away but his best friend does not listen.
“Then you proposed with a ring from the vending machine and she said yes.”
“I didn’t propose!”
“Oh sorry, you told her you’ll marry her.” Katsuki looks at Kirishima with pure incredulity. “Then she invited you to her flat and told her uncle you two are a thing.”
“You are not listening, Katsuki!” Kirishima yells with a red face. “Why are we not talking about Crimson Riot?! He’s the uncle! Crimson Riot! Katsuki! Focus!”
“You focus! She fucking kissed you on the mouth TWICE, Shitty hair, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!” Katsuki is absolutely out his mind by now, he’s yelling like a maniac, his eyes dark and menacing, and you swear there are fresh claw marks on his desk where his hands are right now.
“She’s not my girlfriend! I swear!” He’s about to cry. What does he not understand?! Yeah, she kissed him. On the mouth. But maybe Y/N is just really affectionate with his homosexual buddies (hubbies). There are some countries where people kiss on the mouth. Or at least he thinks.
“No, she’s fucking not, because she’s your fiancé, you absolute idiot!”
“Eijirou, I love you to death but you are an absolute himbo… a himbo with a fiancé.” Katsuki’s girlfriend looks up from her paperwork. He can’t believe these two.
“She’s blood related to Crimson Riot! That’s just… inappropriate! No! I’m done with this conversation!”
“She made you a home-made fucking bento at 5 fucking AM in the morning! The carrots are fucking heart shaped!” Katsuki continues to yell, but Kirishima is done with this conversation. “HEART SHAPED, KIRISHIMA!”
No one understands him. No one.
It has been a week since you and Eijirou became a couple. You wear the ring every day, showing it off proudly, especially, when customers try to chat you up. You love how their face pale when you tell them that you are actually engaged.
He comes to see you every single morning, buys his usual coffee and gets a little kiss on his mouth as a bonus. Eijirou barely kisses back but he’s a shy boy, so that’s fine; he’ll eventually get used to it - You’ll make sure to kiss him loads on your date, and maybe by the end of the night he’ll actually kiss you back… and maybe, he’ll stay the night and kiss you even more. Ahh, a girl can dream. Eijirou has no idea how absolutely gorgeous he is but that’s why you like him so much; he makes you feel like a teenager again, naive and lovesick and well… he also makes you feel really hot in inappropriate places.
No one can blame you, though. Red Riot has the body of a god and he’s sweet and so innocent you just want to ruin him until the monster in him comes to the surface and devours you in whole, but it’s too much too soon so you try your best to behave yourself and keep the kisses chaste because there is no fucking way you will be able to stop once that kiss deepens.
It’s quite silly how stressed you are about being proper when it comes to this thing even though you are literally engaged to the guy.
Having sex after the first date? Hell no.
Getting engaged on it? Hell yes.
If this keeps going this way you’ll end up having your first night after the wedding.
Hell, maybe you’ll get eloped in a random chapel on your second date.
The weirdest thing is, that you wouldn’t even mind doing that.
You feel really silly to call something so fresh “love” but you are old enough to know the difference between a crush and pure, wholehearted affection. Eijirou is everything you’ve always wanted in life; he’s kind and genuine, a person who’s not ashamed of having emotions, who’s not ashamed to cry, to be angry, to be unapologetically himself, even if people laugh at him for being like that. He’s kind to a fault but that’s even more reason for you to stay by his side; you’ll make sure that no one can break his fragile heart, you’ll make sure he’s the happiest himbo in the whole wide world.
“I can hear the wedding bells!” Your boss teases with a smile, but you can’t even get mad at her.
“Me too, boss, me too.”
The silence speaks volumes.
… Next Chapter!
TL: @porusuniverse @sixxze @unofficialmuilover @cheesenmax @readingfan @sammmm29 @pwinglez1 @happydragonfrog @magicalhandsherringclam @lovingnightharmony @theequeenofcurses @kirishima-eijirock @nerinefy @selfindulgenthoe @fierysplash213 @woofwoofwolf @touyasprettydoll @confused-smol-fan @themultifandomgirl @dark-witch-bitch @lotusstarr
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lankayu · 5 months
sanuso worms in my brainnnn😵‍💫 welcome to sanji’s struggle of being in love for the first time and not quite knowing how to go about confessions
i am a firm believer of sanji being in denial from little garden to water 7. after usopp returns to the crew, sanji finally comes to terms with his feelings for usopp as that gaping hole in his chest is filled by his presence — and following the acceptance comes the unbearable tension when he’s around the sniper. nothing has changed between them; sanji still respects usopp as the brave talented sniper he is…in fact, they’re even closer after the battle at enies lobby. sanji argued that it made the matter of his intensifying crush worse. but of course, the awkwardness was all in his head and it was his fault he couldn’t act normal around usopp or talk like they used to
but he misses talking to him. he couldn’t stand the thought of usopp permanently leaving the crew and never getting the chance to see him again. and now usopp is here, sailing alongside them, as things should be. he misses him so much so pulls himself out of his head and musters the courage to make a decision; he’ll tell usopp how he feels. it’ll fix whatever’s going on with him hopefully, because he’s been swatting these thoughts away like flies for months now but he can’t deny any longer how much more than a friend he wants to be to the sharpshooter. the only problem is that he can’t quite figure out how to tell him
sanji remembers that sunset at water 7, that bridge, where he had overheard usopp rehearsing stupid scenarios to get the straw hats to take him back (he still cant quite place why he had stuck around to listen to the idiotic display) and it gives him an idea. next thing he knows he finds himself pacing back and forth in the kitchen, rehearsing different scenarios of “the big moment.” he doesn’t want to come off as a sap, but he also doesn’t want to play it casual because he needs it to be special. this could either completely ruin them or complete them and sanji couldn’t fuck it up
after writing out a declaration of love on a piece of paper and practicing said declaration out loud and probably getting walked in on a few times by the sunny’s local food thief (luffy) he decides this rehearsing stuff is stupid and usopp is an idiot for doing silly stuff like this and why the hell did he even try something so ridiculous and fuck it all, he was just going to wait until the right moment because that’s maybe the most romantic way to go about it (even if it means this’ll take 5 more months)
there’d definitely be multiple instances where sanji has the perfect opportunity and tries to tell usopp before immediately backing out, muttering serious “it’s nothing” “nevermind” ‘s and whatnot, leaving usopp dumbfounded everytime. but he already sorta knows (more so just has his suspicions and mutual feelings to return) so he decides he’ll let the cook figure things out on his own until he’s ready. because knowing sanji, he’s probably going through an identity crisis because of him…usopp does feel the slightest bit bad that someone like him has put sanji in such a dilemma
I think the moment that the confession leaves sanji’s mouth would be the most inconvenient moment possible. possibly…. in the middle of battle, when they’re both pumping with adrenaline. possibly when usopp snipes an enemy that was just about to slice a distracted sanji in half — and the cook is so pathetically head over heels at this point, his bottled up love and the overwhelming feeling of admiration in his chest overflowing all at once, he just outright blurts out “i love you” when usopp asks if he’s okay and he doesn’t even realize what’s been said and done until usopp is cheekily smiling at him, saying something along the lines of “i know”
sanji doesn’t even get a chance to process what just happened in the span of 10 seconds before he’s forced back into battle, another wave of opponents storming the battlefield. he’ll have to deal with it later
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Hell Ain't So Bad - Part Twelve (nsfw)
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pairing: Noah Sebastian x ofc (Ellie), 
warnings/tropes: slow burn, smut, angst, fluff, mentions of death, mentions of torture, thoughts of religious ideology, minor violence and swearing.
summary: Ellie was lost in the world, homeless with no idea what to do and nowhere to go.. Who would have thought that one day, she’d end up working in hell itself.. And what does this even mean?
author’s note: Unbetaed, readers beware.. smut is included in this chapter.
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tags: @spicywhenspeaking @bngurngheart @cncohshit @valiantroeagleangel @blackveilomens @dominuslunae @tearfallpixie @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 
Tags are open feel free to ask.
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Folio had actually pouted like an overgrown puppy when he found out that Ellie had made Jolly dinner the night before and hadn’t invited him over! Nevermind that she knew he’d gone out to a bar for drinks.
“Well if I’d known coming over for dinner was an option I’d have changed my plans, text next time! Oh, I’ll be there.”
She counted the fact that he had hoovered down the container that she’d brought him for lunch and loved it, and asked what he could do to finagle dinner tonight? He’d bring dessert and booze, how about that? Ellie had smiled at the thought, and said she would love to, but couldn’t tonight as she was already handing out with.. With Noah..
Folio had almost fallen out of his chair hearing that and agreed that they could take a rain check, provided that they hear everything that happened on their ddaattteeeee, Ellie had rolled her eyes and told him to dream on, it wasn’t a date, they were just hanging out. They hadn’t called it a date…
They hadn’t. They really hadn’t.
Besides, she wasn’t sure she should really be dating a demon lord when she had no idea how long she was going to be here properly, she had to go back to the normal world at some point. Then there was the fact that after Noah had agreed to hanging out with her, she’d spiralled back and forth about the fact that Jolly had implied that Noah was actually centuries old. What did she do with that?
All the same, she’d finished work, avoided beating up any souls, especially considering she didn’t have her bat yet, and wouldn’t at least for a few more days apparently.. She looked forward to it arriving with some of the assholes that came through with them. Really, why they thought they could get out of dealing with the aftermath of their actions by flirting with her, or worse, abusing her.. As if being assholes now made up for being assholes while they were alive? Sure okay, lets go with that.
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Going back to her apartment, she had no clue what Noah had planned to do tonight.. Pulling out her phone..
Ellie: What should I wear? Ellie: Any hints what are going to be doing?
Sitting on her bed, she waited, watching the screen, watching the dots appear, finally showing that Noah was replying to her message, okay, okay..
Noah: No hints. Noah: Dress comfortable.
Frowning at the screen, that’s it? That’s all that’s all he was going to give her? Rolling her eyes, she needed more here. She was trying, okay, maybe what she really wanted to know was a question she wasn’t willing to ask. What she really wanted to know was if this was a date, if Noah wanted this to be a real date and all, did he want that, or was he just playing silly buggers and teasing her?
If he wasn’t going to give her even a hint, a tiny one?
Ellie: Really, not even ONE hint?! Warm? Cold? Anything. Noah: It’s the afterlife, weather is always as predicted. Perfect. Noah: Dress however you like. Noah: Six. BabyGirl. Be Ready.
Swallowing, nope, she quickly clicked the screen dark seeing that right there, not even wanting to think about the fact that even in text form, she could hear his voice calling her that far too clearly. She almost wished she still was hungover and didn’t remember the first time he’d said it at the door, the rough tenor of his voice, and the way it had made her thighs press together, and her how wet it had made her.. Fuck. She needed a shower now.
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By six o’clock, she was ready, casual he said, jeans, shirt, jacket, nothing special, but she tried to make sure she looked at least a little bit nice. For one, a tiny bit of makeup, her hair done a touch, washed with a bit of bounce to it. Making sure it was sitting nicely in the mirror as she heard the knock at the door, Ellie quickly went to answer it, finding Noah on the other side with a bright smile at the sight of him there, she couldn’t help it.
“Six O'clock, on the dot, good to know you’re punctual.”
Smirking a little, but after a moment, the expression relaxed into a smile, and she noted that he seemed different like this. More at ease, then when he’d come into the bar two nights ago. He wasn’t dressed all in black this time, just a simple t-shirt and cargo pants, as casual as she was, reaching up, he brushed his fingers through his hair. They looked so luscious, they looked like they’d be softer than hers and for a second she was envious, wishing she could run her fingers through it right then and there.. But she resisted.
“Ready to go?”
Nodding quickly,
“Yes, let me just get my jacket.”
Even if the weather was supposed to be perfect, she’d rather be safe than sorry, at least a light jacket. It was just a hoodie jacket, and she could always take it off if she got too warm. Heading back to her apartment, she grabbed her jacket, pulled it on, and then they headed out.
After they grabbed some burritos for dinner, tonight it would seem, was casual as promised, it was about getting to know each other, Noah took her to the entrance to… a portal?
“Where are we?”
Noah smiled as he stopped his car, however he didn’t get out yet.
“We’re at a training dimension for demons, well, demons that work in my field anyway. Some demons are more inclined to work in other fields and they’ll learn different things obviously, a demon that works in a bar, wont need to learn how to fight, and torture.”
Glancing to her, he paused,
“Does it frighten you, BabyGirl, that I torture people?”
Ellie looked over to him, blinking slightly as she studied his face carefully, she wished she could see it, his demonic self underneath, see what he thought she couldn’t handle within him.
“No, it doesn’t. If anything it makes me feel better knowing you’re keeping people that are potentially horrible people at bay. I’m hoping they only send the worst of the worst to you, considering you are a demon lord now and all.”
He grinned at that, the expression rather feral, and it had her mouth going dry at the sight.
“I do enjoy getting to handle the special cases personally. Though there are some lower ranking souls that I take special interest in. Ones that have hurt people I care about. For instance, Jolly and Folio have both been harmed in their lives, and I will take care of those souls personally the day they come through the gates. They are on my list. When they cross the threshold, I will be alerted.”
Oh, oh, that was a delightful thought.
“So, why are we here?”
“Ah, well, I heard from Nicholas that you’re acquiring yourself a bat, and I decided if you are going to use a weapon BabyGirl, you better know how to use it, properly. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if you hurt yourself.”
Ellie just chuckled at the thought,
“A baseball bat is not that hard to use, Noah, you just swing and make sure you hit the other person.”
He tsked slightly,
“As someone whose very job involves weaponry and torture, let me assure you, anything, including non-weapon items, can be dangerous, so you using an item that is a weapon, and thinking it is easy? Not going to happen, BabyGirl. Come on, you either take a lesson with me, or I'll have Nicholas confiscate the bat.”
Climbing out of the car with that, Ellie gasped in shock as she quickly undid her seatbelt to follow him in scrambling to get out of the car. Protesting the claim as if he had any say in whether she got to use the bat just because he got to lord over a bunch of demons, that was unfair!
“It was Nicholas' idea to get me the bat!”
Come on, how unfair was it that he could just say something little to the other demon and have things all switched around and pull the rug out from under her? It was just a baseball bat, and she’d already order it!
“Just one lesson Ellie, that's all I’m suggesting.. One weapons lesson. Aim, strength, I’ll talk you through it, you’ll be fine.. And it’s human qualifying, I swear.”
Walking up towards the portal, she followed even if she wasn’t happy he thought he could push her into this, but mostly, she was curious about it. Honestly, she just wanted to say no on principle, not on the fact that she didn’t want to do it. She didn’t like that he thought he could hold her plans for her bat over her head to make her do it.
Getting to the portal she looked at him and stopped.
“No. Ask nicely. I don’t want to do this if it's a threat. You want to do this because you think it’ll be fun, or you think it’ll be good for me, fine, I’m interested, I’ll admit that, but I refuse to do it because you’re threatening my bat. You want to hold my life over my head, I will walk away, steal my bat from Nicholas later, and shove right up your a-”
He was smirking as he stopped her rant, Noah really did like that fire in her. Still, despite it, he’d thought he might need to push her to even consider the weapons training, most humans didn’t really think using weapons on other people to be something that they should know how to do, which was why he had pushed with the bat threat in the first place. Not that it was about using them on other people, it was about using them at all, consider this the weapon version of self defense.
Stepping closer to her at the edge of the dimension portal, his hand reaching for her and wrapping his hands around her waist with a squeeze.
“Ellie, BabyGirl, will you let me teach you how to use some basic weapons?”
Her whole body felt warm under his touch when he touched her, but she couldn’t think about that, not right then.
“Okay, lead the way.”
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Walking through the portal was extraordinary, it felt like an out of body experience, and for a second she felt like she was going to throw up, and it took her almost five minutes for her head to stop spinning. Noah’s hand rubbing up and down her back gently to sooth her as she came back to herself, it was official, she hated portals, even as he promised that she would get used to them the more she used them. The first few times she used them, she’d adjust, hearing that just made her glare at him, and he’d chuckled in response.
The weapons training area was mostly empty considering the time, most of the demons trained during the day, those that were there were training on their own, like them. Those that were there were throwing fugitive glances their way, no, correction, glances Noah’s way. It was obvious that it was often that the Demon Lord himself personally came and trained someone down here, especially not a poor little living human. So she would take what she could get.
Noah showed her a few different types of weapons, helped her test them out safely so she would accidentally hurt herself, and practised a few different moves with each one as she went. Sword, mace, a pike, he even tried her with some axe throwing towards a target along the way.
He stood behind her at that point, close behind her, his chest pressed right against her back, his hands adjusting her hips,
“You need to adjust your stance and make sure you follow through, BabyGirl, careful of the grip on the handle.”
Guiding her through the axe throw, his hand moving up the side of her body, up along her shoulder, down her arm to show her how to hold the axe, move her arm, and then release. He guided her through the motion, and as he did, Noah could practically feel the tension coming off of her in waves as she pressed back against him as the axe flew through the air and hit the target..
“Good Job, BabyGirl.”
She didn’t care about the fucking axe anymore, not when his words washed over her, her thighs clenching together, and she leaned back against him with a low moan,
A low rough chuckle came from behind her then,
“Oh you like that, don’t you?”
She gasped deeply, knowing that there were other people around, not many, but some, others could see them, but then one second they were there, and the next Noah had teleported them back to her apartment and he had them sitting on her couch..
A moan escaped her when his fingers were expertly unfastening the front of her jeans to slip inside of her panties, the moment they came in contact with the warmth of her skin he groaned at what he found.
“Fuck, look at you, already so wet.”
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Noah's fingers stroked over her slit collecting the slick of her arousal, teasing her, Ellie arched her hips up into his touch with a whine as he smirked and gave in. Two of his long slender fingers slid into her, pressing into her pussy, so warm, so wet. She offered no resistance to him, now, he growled low, watching her every expression, wanting to see the pleasure crossing her features every moment with how she clenched around his fingers immediately as he curled his fingers into her, searching for that perfect little spot, then when she lit up with a gasp, he pressed and drew out the delicious loud moan from her.
“There we go, BabyGirl.”
She sounded so perfect like this, just as he had imagined.
Noah had been able to smell the lust coming off of her in waves the longer they trained, the closer he got to her, the more he touched her, helped her, corrected her stance.. He hadn’t reacted, it was important, and the fact she’d showed him complete and utter respect despite her desire made him so fucking proud… but now, now he was going to give her what she wanted. The pleasure she had been begging for from the moment she’d seen him pick up that first sword when they’d walked into the training circle. Ellie as grasping his shoulders as her hips rocked against his hand, his thumb immediately finding her aching clit rubbing in circles and she cried out as he started to fuck into her with those sinfully long fingers of his,
“Noah, Noah, please.”
Oh to hear her beg like that was music to his ears, and while he would love to give her so much more, he was far to enrapt right now watching his fingers disappear into her body. She looked so perfect like this. Her pants pulled down around her thighs, spread for him, his fingers pressed into her tight heat as she arched her hips, so desperate for more, so desperate for him. She looked like a work of art.
“Oh, being so good for me BabyGirl, are you going to cum for me now, show me how much of a good girl you can be?”
She whimpered as she bit her lip, her eyes dark as she looked to him, practically riding his hand right there, no, this wasn’t going to take her long at all she was already so worked up. Her hands gripping him, grounding herself as she moaned, leaning forwards, her lips finding his, kissing him and swallowing down a cry as with her cumming apart on his fingers. Noah pumped his fingers inside of her and let her ride out her orgasm wanting to feel every last little bit of her pleasure, licking into her mouth, tasting her tongue..
And then when her body stilled, and she gasped for breath to calm herself slowly, she gazed up to him as his fingers slid out of her. She watched him as lifted his fingers to his lips and tasted her again with a moan..
“Fuck, BabyGirl, so perfect.”
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Dividers: @saradika-graphics (stained glass) & @cafekitsune (MDNI)
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possessionisamyth · 7 months
fic idea notes i wont write a full story of because yall are not getting me back into writing for one piece BUT
Pre-timeskip/post thousand sunny acquisition where Sanji gets injured and he's in a coma for a few weeks. Everyone visits him but Usopp visits him the most because he can finally talk to sanji without feeling like he's going to say the wrong thing. Sure they ended on a good note getting back together but even after thriller bark that doubt remains.
Anyway, he proceeds to talk to Sanji about anything and everything. He feels as relaxed as he did talking to Sanji before the whole Enies Lobby, and it's nice. Usopp gets bolder as the days go by. He starts making little requests about food adjustments like "maybe an extra pepper or two because he loves spicy food" and saying Sanji looks good in his patterned shirts and maybe they should match. And there's no "haha just kidding just a joke" follow up comment because it's not like Sanji can hear him.
Usopp then gets even bolder and whispers very quietly in Sanji's ear that he loves him before dashing out. At the lack of Sanji waking up the next day, him saying "I love you" to Sanji as he leaves becomes routine. No, practice actually. Just in case he ever gets the courage to say it to Sanji's face when he's awake. "Fat chance of that," Usopp tells himself. The love declarations get a little more dramatic or silly or painfully sincere like "I love you more than grilled pike," or "I love you as much as you love getting nosebleeds over nothing," or ""I love you so much sometimes it hurts," and Usopp doesn't really stop.
Then the next day Sanji wakes up. And Usopp visits him. And they talk, Usopp acting completely carefree and Sanji kind of subdued just retelling Chopper's orders. Sanji can be back on his feet in the kitchen tomorrow and Usopp praises him for it. As their conversation comes to a close, Usopp gets ready to leave and Sanji asks him to wait. So it goes:
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sanji asks, hands folded in his blanket covered lap.
Usopp is reasonably confused. He was pretty sure he hadn't brought anything with him except his sketchbook. Which was tucked under his arm. "Forgot what?"
Sanji looks wounded for a split second before he turns his head away and says, "Nevermind."
"Oh, okay." Usopp wondered if Sanji was going to be like that for a while. He hoped his friend's time asleep didn't leave any negative effects.
So Usopp leaves. And Sanji gets back to work. But Sanji's heart doesn't seem to be in it as much? Even Nami says he seems kind of mopey. Everyone initially blames it on the head injury. Maybe it mellowed him out? The love cook nonsense sort of stopped so isn't that an improvement? Not really. It's Sanji, but it's not Sanji. Nami even lays it on extra thick when it comes to her drink or dessert requests, and she gets him to smile briefly before he's agreeing and walking away with his hands in his pockets. No heart eyes. Not a twirl. Something is very deeply wrong.
There are other crew members who are paying attention to the subtle bids happening during this. Like the long looks Sanji gives Usopp when he's sure no one's looking. Or how with snack requests Usopp's treats look, well, nicer.
Usopp does not notice this. At all!!!!! He thanks Sanji with the same levels of enthusiasm he always has, but his smile falters when Sanji looks at him as if waiting for something. It's then that Sanji tends to retreat to a chore or something that needed to be done in the kitchen. Usopp begins wondering how true the sudden reason for fleeing is, but not enough to say anything. He's still thinking the head injury had some small lasting effect. Couldn't be anything else.
Until they're eating dinner, and Usopp's perfect meal is perfect, but Luffy snags some and makes a face. Luffy claims it's way spicier than what he got. Usopp is confused. Robin asks to taste a bit which he lets her and she agrees that Usopp's plate, which looks like the other men's plates, is spicier in comparison. Luffy whines to Sanji about so it goes:
"How come Usopp's food is so hot?!" Luffy said with ice cubes stuffed in his cheeks.
Sanji looked annoyed at being interrupted during his conversation with Brook. "Because he made a request."
"What? No fair! I want to request more meat on my plate!"
"Request denied," he replied and returned to his conversation which Franky had decided to join.
Usopp was left pondering with his fork ready to deter Luffy's hand from taking another sample off his plate. When had he requested spicier food? He never bothered asking for adjustments to his meals. He liked how Sanji made everything, and usually if there was room for adjustments Sanji would ask him. Not the other way around.
Of course, this is when it hits Usopp that he made that request when Sanji was unconscious. When Sanji was unconscious and shouldn't have heard anything at all he was saying. What else did he hear? WHAT ELSE DID HE HEAR???!?? Usopp being one of the most reasonable members of the crew does the mature thing and runs away to his workshop after finishing his meal. Yes, he finished his food first. No, that had nothing to do with his realization. He just had something he needed to attend to in his shop before it exploded. Yeah, that's his excuse, er, reason! His reason!
He doesn't catch the look on Sanji's face as he leaves going from distraught to frustrated. He puddles over his huge gigantic irreparable mistake in his workshop. Clearly, he needed to apologize to Sanji. He needed to say Sanji had no obligation to be nicer to him while he tried to figure out how to deny Usopp's feelings gently. It all made sense. That's why Sanji was so subdued the last week post recovery. He wanted to let Usopp down gently without jeopardizing their friendship, but he was struggling with what words to use or when to tell him.
He settles for biting the bullet himself. He's used to disappointment. It wasn't fair putting all that pressure on Sanji while he recovered. He'd sweep up some of that bravado, joke off his feelings, and everything would get back to normal. Simple. Yet, putting on that bravado was more difficult than getting up at the ass crack of dawn to catch Sanji alone in the kitchen. It's a small mercy he was too anxious to get any real sleep. He would've missed his window other wise.
Usopp catches Sanji in the kitchen making bread dough, and it's awkward. The dough hits the counter with heavy thuds, and Usopp feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest to the same rhythm. So he thanks Sanji about his request and then he jokes. He jokes and denies all the things he said unless they were funny, then he makes them funnier. He almost gets to the point of telling Sanji not to worry and that he understands but the beating of the dough stops. All of Usopp's instincts are telling him to run, but his legs will not move. Sanji purposefully moves to stand by Usopp in a way that blocks the exit. So it goes:
"Say it." Sanji's arms are crossed under his chest. His apron is dusted with flour as is the skin above his wrists. Although there wasn't a hair out of place, the stare he leveled on Usopp told the sniper he'd reached his patience quota.
Yet, Usopp still tested the waters because he could be a little stupid. "S-s-say what?"
Sanji's eye narrowed, but he didn't frown. Then he did frown. Then he looked away and his arms dropped to his sides like he'd given up.
A ridiculous thing right? Sanji didn't really give up on anything, and seeing him like that...
"I love you," Usopp said despite the lurch of all his insides feeling like they were going to become outsides. Wow. Horrible anxiety on two hours of sleep was not a great combination.
And Sanji looks at him so fast his bangs reveal his other eye for a split second. He looks hopeful. Like he's lit up, which emboldens Usopp to say it again. Suddenly he's being hugged. Sanji is hugging him very tightly and pressing his face into Usopp's shoulder and saying the endearment back with such sincerity Usopp is sure he's dreaming. But he's not dreaming, because he's crying and hugging Sanji back. And oh yeah, those are the ugly tears and he should really carry his not work handkerchief with him more often.
To everyone's misfortune relief, Sanji is no longer moping. Love Cook mode is back times 100, and a new shift of Usopp also being subjected to the treatment is both extremely embarrassing and endearing for their resident sniper. With the development comes Usopp being shooed out of the kitchen almost as much as he's invited in because "you're too kissable! ill burn the food with you around" being said as often as "how am I supposed to cook without my angel nearby". One of these days Nami is going to toss them both overboard for being too mushy.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Hope you don't mind another prompt from me, since my first one when you mentioned the hangman moment 'Growing', I thought it would be a very fun thought experiment to reverse the scene and it's gn!mc who writes the phrase down, and Cove is the one to guess it. I take hangman very seriously (bc it's my favorite pass-time activity) so I'm very quick with it but I could imagine Cove taking some more rounds to guess until he finally gets the full result. :D
tags : fluff, step 2, re-imagined "growing" moment
synopsis : you flirt with cove in a game of hangman
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maybe its the heat that makes you so bold, or maybe its mistake number 5,796 that only 13 year olds can make at this time; but with cove's suggestion to play hangman, you decide to share one of your many thoughts on cove, your neighbor and crush...
you sit back down with a paper and pen in hand. "mind if i go first? since you picked the game..."
cove nods.
you hum and think for a minute, tossing back and forth ideas before you finally settle on it.
it's a bit embarrassing, and you feel a wave of heat wash over you, but you just blame it on the weather.
sketching out the lines for the hangman and your quote, you turn it around for cove to start guessing.
your heart pounds as cove starts guessing, although his first guess makes you laugh.
you laugh for a bit, leaning on your bed as you take in cove's answer. wiping away tears you look at him with a grin. "z? wha- *laughs* what makes you guess z?"
cove smiles lazily, happy to make you laugh. he shrugs. "gotta take out the hard options."
you shake your head, drawing a shaky circle for the hangman's head. "you're silly. consider starting with vowels instead."
you pause for a moment, wondering if you're giving yourself away.
you didn't exactly think about how cove would react to the compliment once he guessed it.. would it be okay if he didn't guess it?
he'd probably ask what it was if he failed... would you tell him?
you chew your lip, startling when cove catches your attention.
"y/n?" cove tilts his body to the side, looking at you.
you smile weakly. "nevermind, just dying in this heat."
cove blinks but plays along with you, grinning as he makes a comment. "me too. i think i'm stuck to the floor now."
you throw your stuffed cat plushie at him. it didn't hurt him, the cat is the size of his hand at best. he just laughs and fluffs it into shape.
"imma have to charge you rent then." you grin wolfishly when cove asks how much. "twenty."
cove rolls his eyes, his cheeks a bit flushed as he thinks about it. "still can't believe my dad did that..."
cove looks down at the paper, telling you his answer again before you get too distracted.
you lick your lips, adding "O" to the line.
you smile at him, continuing where you left off. "yeah, it was kinda weird.." you twiddle your fingers, looking at your lap as cove takes a bite of his sandwich, thinking about his next guess as he waits for you to continue or not.
mumbling a bit, realizing the heat must have some kind of bug in it since you're so... sentimental today.
"i'm glad he did it anyway. you're not bad for twenty dollars." you smirk, trying to ignore your racing heart and covering up your fluster with jokes.
cove rolls his eyes and laughs. there's still a blush on his cheeks, your words still warmed his heart.
"good. there's no refunds." he plays along, looking at you through his lashes.
"damn. i missed the return window, huh." you curse to which cove laughs, telling you his next guess.
you bite your lip, drawing the letter.
as you go on playing, joking and laughing as well as focusing occasionally when cove contemplates his next move.
he's... close. although not without sacrifice.
he lost the first and second round, with only 3 letters correctly guessed on the board in the first round and somehow finished the second round with 2. now it's you're third round, and his hangman is close to his end, unfortunate for him.
the hangman only has 2 legs and an arm left, and cove has finally decided to take your game seriously instead of laughing and joking with you.
you're really nervous now, since he's getting really close..
cove looks confused at what it could be, but taking his former experience into account he guesses the next few letters.
"r?" cove phrases it like a question, tilting his head like a puppy.
you draw it, twisting the pencil as he takes the final guess.
you swallow, drawing a shaky letter 'T'.
the silence stretches between you two, and you look up from the paper to greet cove's flushed face.
he's covering his face with his hands and you look down at his lap to see his glasses are hanging off the plush cat's head.
you try to think of the plushie with glasses that actually fit, its a way to distract you as you wait for cove to respond but it just makes you blush when you realize it'd just look like cove that way...
jesus fucking christ... you drag your hand over your face. cove takes up so much of your thoughts...
you look up at him, still covering your mouth with your hand, and you mumble loudly enough for him to hear. "...a penny for your thoughts?"
cove squeaks, clearly lost in his thoughts.
it makes you happy though, since he hasn't run away it must be a good sign right?
he peaks at you from the gaps of his fingers. the shadow casted over his face makes his eyes pop, cove's brilliant blue irises making your stomach flutter with the way he looks so flustered by your written compliment.
you startle, almost missing his question.
"you mean it?..."
you blink, swallowing. suddenly your mouth feels dry... in the end you nod, and muster up a couple words.
"yeah. i do." cove squeaks at your answer.
you can't really see it, but cove's hands part in a way that allow you to see the smile forming on his face.
it makes you smile too. this is good right? you're suppose to start feelings... things. at this age, so this is okay. especially if its cove.
cove finally comes out of hiding, trading covering his face for twisting the arms of the cat plush in his lap. he must have braced himself enough to give his own compliment without hiding, at least if tilting his head down and glancing away didn't count.
"i uh... i think you're cute too..."
you're blushing, and you bite your lip to stop the elated grin from taking over your face.
yeah, this is definitely okay.
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wikiangela · 6 months
wip wednesday 🎄
it's wednesday here already so starting today off with a new wip lol sooo, i said a few days ago that I'm not gonna write a christmas fic bc im focusing on my wips, but... today at work i made myself sad by randomly thinking about buckley christmas (no idea what prompted that lol) and buck talking to eddie about his childhood christmas and a new idea was born hah it's gonna be mostly cute and fluffy tho i promise haha so here's a lil snippet I literally just wrote so ofc it's gonna get edited and polished later lol
There’s maybe twenty minutes of the movie left, and Eddie feels like he’s starting to doze off as well, when he hears Buck sigh, and it sounds almost sad. Eddie turns his head to look at his best friend.
“What’s up?” he whispers, glancing down between them to make sure his kid is still asleep.
“Nothing.” Buck shakes his head softly, continuing to look at the screen with this longing expression. Eddie frowns and looks at the TV, too. (...) “I just-” Buck starts before Eddie’s tired brain can start connecting the dots. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
“Hey.” Eddie moves his foot to shove lightly at Buck’s. “I’m sure whatever it is, it’s not stupid. You know you can tell me anything, right?” he adds quietly, and Buck looks at him with a small awed smile and shiny eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” he clears his throat, then looks down to make sure he didn’t wake Christopher. Eddie can’t help a smile. “Okay. Uh, it’s gonna be so silly, so don’t laugh.” he averts his eyes back to the screen, and if it was any lighter, Eddie’s sure he’d see a slight blush on his cheeks.
“I would never.” Eddie answers, and Buck just raises an eyebrow with one more glance towards him. They both know they love making fun of and teasing each other, that’s true. However, Eddie has a feeling this is going to be more sad than funny. 
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @hoodie-buck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @lover-of-mine @jamespearce9-1-1 @giddyupbuck @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @buckaroosheart @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley
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moth-eats-paper · 16 days
My complete thoughts on TMA through 93-200
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MAG Thoughts on ep 93-200
John's hand still hurts from the cult of the flame
There's also a missing calliope. I think thats how you spell it
The institute is a death trap.
Both John and Elias are vessels of “The Eye” and can make people spill their guts Gertrude was also one up until Elias killeClayr. So that's fun
Gorgeys not ok
Nor is Marten
I quite like the new girl shes funny
Is anyone in mag alive lol
Well idk John why does Elias do anything.
(I have no idea what i was trying to type here^)
Tim and Marten are not okay especially marten
Spooky doll thing changed her mind apparently
And Michael (the spooky one) use,d to be an assistant of Gertrude funnnn
Ep 100 time baby :3) No one in the institute knows how to interviewnoople except John and I'm pretty sure that's because of “the eye”
The spself-cannibalismThe spiders are weird
Why is this woman so calm about a ghost woman who's on fire burning her (poor marten he's very confused)
Tim is speaking to a maniac
Melanie (I think it's her) is speaking to a man who keeps getting side tracked
The poor detective
“Sarah wanted to use nails but I talked her out of it because I'm a good friend!” YOUR A MANNEQUIN (I love that line so much lol)
Oh wax love that
Mmm skin
Don't skin John please
oh he's going to kill John
Oh dear he doesn't want to be Michael
Oh he's making a statement
Oh god Gertrude
Unrelated but my cat has decided to try and kill me
Oh god Michael Shelley is very dumb
Only just know getting scared? What the fuck
Doors. fun
I can't even spell whatever that is
Of course she didn't care
Just don't trust Gertrud
The Worker of clay?
His laugh is silly
Oh oh dear
Oh dear the doors not working
So I guess the distortion only wants what that person wanted
Why does Elias just agree with the person who's trying to kill him
I think this man has bugs in his skin
He does
John can suddenly read French and then can't
Melanie keeps trying to kill people
(People being Elias)
Pig episode (like actual pigs not the police)
Oh the pig no no like you sir
Oh god I guess this pig is a weird thing
Oh god not more circuses
Oh dear I think the pig has decided to eat clowns now
Oh self cannibalism
Whelp the pig ate someone
Loud sound
The eyes doing it's thing
Tim keeps scaring people
Tims not ok
Tims brother went missing
I don't think it's Tim's brother
Whelp he's gone
Oh clowns know
I don't think that's your brother Tim
Oh blood
Oh dead clown
Oh no more skin .
Oh famous clown
Tim and Elias drama
Oh we're in China
Oh creepy opening
I wonder. Is this in Chinese? I know that the eye can allow you to read other languages in order to obtain more knowledge. Even if you never spoke that language or were able to read it you just suddenly are able to.
Oh screams
Nevermind I'm pretty sure it's in English cause it seems the person writing it is a British soldier
Does he have the black plague?
This is a sad man
“True and total war”
IT WAS FROM 2004 NOT 2014
Oh the proper one's are in America
Space station time
I wonder if this is the same space station as the one Gertrude read
I think she kept talking about it in one of the statements well more specifically the guy who it is from
We love Melanie (even though she keeps trying to kill Elias but she has a good reason)
Because the one Gertrude read was the isolation guy. This is about the other two people who were on the ship
Oh god the space weird space hands are back I think
Oh blood
Oh he's bleeding
Oh god he's just going to let himself die
Old screaming things
Don't envy the isolation guy he had a really shit time
Whelp now he's in limbo space
Oh deep thoughts
Melanie is thinking deep
She's skeptical of stuff
Oh dear
Viscera I think is how to pronounce her name?
Viscera and Melanie are gossiping and I'm here for it
Oh performance review
He can just make her watch her dad's death!
I want texas toast I'm going to go make some
Whelp he's being followed by a police officer
And Jared's “death”
He just has to read statements to make him feel better
A screaming oven lovely
What do you mean you'd burn them?
John is better!
I fucking hate Shakespeare
Lovely more masks
Poor Tim
And Melanie
Lucas seams so silly
Viscera gets really excited about her reading and I love that about her
Mmm more statements
I'm pretty sure John just asked for a statement because he was starting to feel sick lol
His accent is kinda hard to understand
Spoopy people
Love how she calls the vampire hunter old man
Oh bodys on table
Silent screamers
Staby stab
Oh she killed him
HAHAH DOLL THING (why is his voice kinda-)
More Marten :3
This girl sounds like an asshole
That is a long ass name
“Spiders are eating” PFF
Oh don't walk into people's jaws
Mmm Japanese spider movies
Oh spoopy
Oh they found A Way to distract Elias
A leitner?
Jared is cool
Jared's mom was an ass
Hmmm more things to kill and torture everyone
I keep forgetting meat is in this
Jared is so sad
We're back in America and they found a bomb and the taxidermy or what's left of it
John and Tim drama
Oh tunnels
Bomb time
The meats back
No more arm
And now he's in the water
Meeting timeee
Gurtrud tape time
I think this is from a older time in europe because of the writing and how it is worded
Mmm more robotic things
Mmm birbs
Oh he's being protective of martennnnn
Awww john
Melines to relatable
Aww goodbye Jarey
mmm masquerade
“sorry Elias I can't hear you there's a DOOR in the way” I love marten
Hehehe bomb
Oh god marten don't die
Uh oh
Mmm nothing is everything and everything is something
God what is happening
What the fuck is this
He's not responseuve
Oh eye always watching
(I'm listening to this for a second time)
Hehehe sad man
Oh dear
The sky?
Ma ma that's not edible
I don't want the box to sing
Oh tunnel
Hmmm blood
Hmmm watching
Oh dig
He screams
Who are we watching?
Bye Eliasss
Season 4 babyyy
Poor marten
This is so sad
First actual episode of season 4 :3
Oh statement
He sees how people die funnn
“What am I?” I ask that often
Ship into the middle of nowhereeeee
Nevermind it's death
Why ya calm
Did you accidentally kill a bunch of people
This is this Oliver guy
That's funnn
Oh boy
Melanie (I think it's her)might have scared him off
I keep sending the homophobic vase because I can
oh no it was gorge
Magic tape?
He's very confused and I can see why
Hehehe eye thing
Statement timeeee
I think this dudes on something
Idk any more everything is odd
This person's a little silly
Awww I love John
Even though he keeps making have deep thoughts
Oh oh god marten are you okay buddy
He miss his boyfriend (I'm desperately waiting for them to get together)
W E B yippee
Oh god meline she's very traumatized
Oh that hurt
(Not at the moment)
I think everyone's losing it
Real honestly
It's always weird MX statement person
Is the site sentient
Is this a thing of the eye?
No it was the web
Oh he's a fish kabob
I can't tell if this is the buried, flesh or end
it's the slaughter
Cause everyone slaughtered each other
Eye thing
126 is the distortion
The recorder is silly
Idk if I liself-esteemt he still will
Of course he's worried about his boyfriend
He had killed the thing
Lot of truck
We have bone Turner
Oh god that sounded ow
I can't really update during school
PFFF The eye is just my brain absorbeing things cause it's never anything useful
Garry reference
God damnit John stop being creepy to strangers
The computers are eating people again
Mmmm cult's
oh god
Oop angey Martin
Oh dear
Peter Lucas is an asshole
Into the lonely
John is so smart
Oh god the eye opens
They gay
Stop being depressed
TF you mean I'm faceless
Ah the not Sasha
Oh it pissed of John
“Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze on this wretched thing” HE SAID THE THING
Martens broken
They broke Marten
I think it the lonely
Oh god he's getting relatable
“I am marten blackwood and I'm not alone anymore” HAD ME SOBBING
It's the bone man idk what his name is but I hate his voice
Helen just wants to have fun
Who the fuck is doctor David
I didn't realize they could get any gayer
(They also just like feel asleep lol)
Doctor doe Jane is silly
HIII Helen!!!
“You've always said you were Helen!”
“I am! I also ate her… it's really simple if you don't think about it”
George and Melina are backkkk
And Meline fucking slays
The gays are arguing
Christ that is scary
“Shocker, I have self esteem issues. Not the point” I am Martin
This is adorable and sad
Oh god John
Oh he's pleading
That's scary
This doesn't sound like a tape
Oh god
He's going to die
I'm going to cry
He's going to kill him
I'm actually going to start crying
Oh god
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mawofthemagnetar · 8 months
So I was thinking about NameMC...
And this ensued. I may expand on this, we'll see.
“Oh, not again!” Impulse moaned.
Zed opened his mouth to ask what was happening, when the air in front of both of them shimmered. A four-bladed drone popped out of the walls between the worlds, and swiped a blue scanner beam over Impulse from head to toe. Before either hermit could react, the drone dove back into the crack in the air and vanished.
Impulse buried his face in his hands.
“I’m so tired of this, Zed. Just sick to death. I changed my shirt. So what?”
Zed nodded, leaning back on the rock he’d found. Impulse had indeed changed out of his dwarf costume and back into his familiar black t-shirt and cargo shorts. Impulse flicked his tail irritably, the yellow spines just below the surface sticking up just slightly in annoyance.
Zed swallowed, leaning back against the boulder at spawn.
“…I mean, isn’t that…doesn’t this happen to everyone?” Zed said cautiously, “you change your shirt, the drones pop out and scan you, and they go away again. Mate, you know as well as I do-“
“But- why?!” Impulse protested, “Here, look. Open your comm. Go to the index.”
Zed rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I know, I know. The MC Lookbook. I know! You know I had people wearing my Ezed Kenized getup the day after I finished sewing it!...actually, hold on. On further reflection, you’ve got a point.”
Impulse flapped his wings irritably.
“Look, dude, I’m just. This is so frustrating. Is this even right? Like-“
A shout cut the air, and both men jerked their heads up.
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Cleo yelled, swinging her sword at a nearby drone, “THAT’S TOO BLOODY CLOSE!”
She’d changed out of her blue evening dress into the sportier getup she liked for the Life games, and Zed smiled sympathetically as the drone vanished into thin air.
“I just- like- is this okay?” Impulse asked slowly, “Are the people sending these things out- Like, I know, I know, I know it’s harmless. It’s just collecting stuff for the lookbook. I get it. But…”
“-but the drones once jumped Skizz as he was stepping out of a hot tub?” Zed snickered.
Impulse shuddered.
“Yeah. How do you think that red speedo ended up all over…you know what, nevermind.”
They both sighed, and Zed shook his head.
“Someday, I want to get a whole bunch of shirts.” Zed said slowly, “A whole bunch of jumpers, like this one. In all different colours, and then I’ll wear a different colour every day of the week. Not just a pile of forty brown jumpers like this one.”
“I want to wear black cargo shorts.” Impulse blurted out, “And I want to wear a wristwatch.”
They both fell silent.
Impulse glanced over at Zed, and a stab of fear lanced through his heart.
“…Zed? You’ve got that look on your face. I don’t like that look.”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing, nothing. I wasn’t thinking about anything. Well, maybe a few things. But anyway, enough about me! You! And Tango, but he’s still getting out of Decked Out. You two have fun with your silly traffic, you hear me?”
“Traff- oh. Yeah, I’ll have fun, don’t worry.” Impulse beamed, “I’ll be back after we’re done today’s game. It’s only like, three hours, Zed.”
Zed shook his head.
“Yeah, I know, but still. Be careful. Ren came back off his rocker awhile ago. Or was that something else? You know what, nevermind.”
Impulse chuckled, and an alarm went off on his comm.
“Alright, Well, nice chatting with you, Zed. Anyway, I gotta go.”
And with that, he selected the option to leave the server, and vanished.
<ImpulseSV has left the game.>
Zed stroked his chin, and slid off the boulder he was sitting on. This was giving him…ideas.
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writer-of-the-lamb · 6 months
Hi tysm for my request about the Aym/Baal scenario I loved it 🥰! I wonder how the bet turns out in the post game era after they got resurrected and reunited with their mother, especially how Narinder and Lamb interact now.
so glad u liked it!!!! another awesome idea teehee, excited to write this one
Baal trekked through thick green foliage, wandering past empty villages and the occasional lit fire.
If he remembered correctly, the cult should be somewhere east, but a portal would be needed to exit Darkwood.
In any other circumstance, he'd be enraged he was visiting that infernal lamb once more, but now he was content. Upon resurrection, Baal had taken the tiniest of likings to life in a cult, much like Aym, even if he didn't admit it.
The biggest change of heart Baal had had was when the lamb took them to Darkwood to someone he thought he had forgotten. His mother had apparently aided the lamb many times, and as a repayment, he had delivered the brothers home.
Baal did not understand how this creature could slaughter hundreds, only to commit the vastest act of kindness 3 minutes later, but it earned his respect. He reached a still circular portal, like a puddle waiting to be splashed. Stepping into the centre, he cringed at the cool water and shut his eyes.
Magic whirled around him, and suddenly he stood in front of a green, cracked door. The crossed-out green crown symbol loomed over him. Baal clutched his satchel, smiling brightly at the statue ahead and the cobbled path past it.
He set off toward the cult, watching as the lush greenery around him seemed to float out of his way, clearing a path to stone steps and a large, flower archway.
Then, Baal saw, a looming statue built from stone and gold, bearing the lamb's face and the red crown.
However fearful he appeared, he was still a lamb. Prey does not forget its initial instinct, no matter how predatory it becomes in the wild.
Baal felt the eyes of followers on him, all seemingly suspicious. Some gave him smiles, and one seemed to dash in another direction.
A small dog tapped his shoulder.
Turning around, Baal saw the lamb, adorned in a pink layered robe with golden hearts along the collar.
"Baal!" The lamb chirped, dark eyes happy. "What brings you to the lamb fam?"
"The w-? Nevermind. I have a question, if that's okay?"
The lamb's eyebrows raised. "Interesting. A long trek just for a question? Must be important."
Baal's smile grew. "It certainly is. It revolves around The One Who Waits. Waited? Waits."
"Ohh, we call him Narinder here." The lamb grinned, "Only thing he waits for now is for me to get home." he said fondly, chuckling as if sharing a secret.
Baal snickered. "How odd to hear. I am glad he has found company." he began, watching the lamb sway on his feet. "He doesn't hold anything against you?"
The lamb hummed. "I don't think so. He has shame, that's for sure, but he seems to favour me just fine."
"Favour?" Baal asked, smiling. "Like....like?"
The lamb squinted. "..Noooo, I said fervour."
"Does The- I mean, does Narinder...like you? As in..." Baal waved his hands, "As in perhaps romantically?"
The lamb's face changed into one of smugness. "Why do you wanna know?"
"It may be silly, but I have a long overdue bet with my brother."
The lamb gasped in mock outrage. "You and Aym bet on me and your own leader??" he laughed, "Insanity, for both of you. I am assuming you're the one for us, right?"
Baal nodded, chuckling.
The lamb looked around before leaning in. "Tell Aym you win." he whispered, giddy.
"What's this about?" came a voice behind them.
"Nari's here, wonderful." the lamb chirped, dragging Narinder by the robes. "Look, it's Baal!"
Narinder scowled. "And?"
Baal nodded in a sheepish greeting. "Just here for some inquiries."
"He wanted to know if you have the hots for me." The lamb interrupted, patting and smoothing Narinder's robes.
Narinder, disgusted, but not objecting to the lamb's touch, groaned. "What an insulting assumption. Baal, you were taught better." he scolded. "Your business does not belong here."
Baal smiled. "That's alright, I have my answer."
Narinder whirled around to the lamb, who shrugged.
"What did you tell him?" he hissed.
"I told him you purr when you sleep."
"Kidding. I told him we're married."
Baal looked over. "..You're married? I assumed 'together' referred to a mutual interest."
"Oh, there's a mutual interest alri-"
"Enough, Lamb."
Baal laughed, still clutching his satchel. "I will be sure to tell Aym he owes me gold."
"No need."
Aym rested a paw on his brothers shoulder. "I've heard." he muttered, pressing coin into Baal's palm. "And I am...." he paused, looking at Narinder. "....amused, to say the least."
Narinder growled, glaring at both of them. "You are both disgraceful."
"Says you?" the lamb prodded, still fidgeting with his robes. "Please. You always liked me."
"I did not."
"Then why'd you keep my crystals?" "They were offerings."
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
real friends / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part three
hehe two parts in one day. it’s my weekend and I was on a roll. here’s a long fluffy, kinda sad but mostly silly chapter!!! turns out cobra is a bigger softy than she lets on ;)
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real friends / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part three
add yourself to my taglist
one / two 
word count: 4k
warnings: language, hangman is whipped
tag list: @potato-girl99981 @olliepig @roosters-girl @angelbabyange @loveforaugust​ 
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The air was growing suffocating in your car as you pondered your options… sat along the side of a deserted road just outside of the city you cursed yourself for not springing for a new car when you had the chance. Something about saving the money for something else because your old girl had never failed you. You opened your phone as you manually rolled the window down and clicked Rooster’s contact.
“Hey honey, what’s up?” he answered, sounding out of breath.
“Hey Roo, I need- are you okay? You sound like you’re being chased.” 
“Well… that’s because I am.”
“Uh… okay? Why?” you asked, laughing a little.
“I’m actually- uh, oh fuck.” You frowned a little as you heard grunting on the other end, “I’m on a date. Had the idea of taking her to laser tag but I’m getting my ass beat. Did you need something?” 
“No, nevermind, enjoy your date. Use protection.” you said, sighing as you hung up. You mentally ran through your list of options… Phoenix was spending time with her girlfriend, Coyote and Fanboy were seeing a movie they’ve been talking about for weeks on end, Bob had taken a quick trip to see his family, Payback had said something along the lines of ‘if any of you call me over this break I will personally see to it you’re shot out of the sky’, which only left you with one option. You could call a tow, but it really only seemed as if you needed a jumpstart, calling would be a slightly over dramatic and costly reaction to your current predicament. With a groan you clicked Hangman’s contact, bringing it to your ear as it rang.
“Well I’ll be, a phone call? In the middle of the day? Knew you’d realize I was irresistible sooner or later.” You could practically hear the smirk.
“Can it. I need your help.” Your nerves were fried as you opened your car door, stepping out into the San Diego heat which was only a few degrees cooler than the inside of your car, not giving you the respite you were hoping for.
“What’s going on, are you okay?” Any sense of teasing was gone and was instead replaced with urgent concern. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine but uh… well my car is not. I drove out to La Jolla and took a wrong turn somewhere and old Betsy thought this was the best possible place to give out on me. I think I just need a jump,” you sighed, walking around to the front of your car and leaning on the hood.
“Betsy?” he questioned, and you could already hear the sound of his keys and his car door closing in the background.
“Betsy is my car, I’m taking no further questions on the matter.” 
“Alright, drop a pin I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You hung up and did what he asked, looking around you and trying to figure out what to do to pass the time while you waited. You walked around to the back of your car, propping the windshield up, dropping the tailgate and hopping on. You rooted around in the back, grabbing your emergency kit and pulling out some long expired granola bars, a change of clothes and a few bottles of water. You quickly chugged an entire bottle before grabbing the pair of gym shorts and walking around the side of your car, quickly removing your yoga pants and slipping them on after taking a few glances in either direction. You returned to your previous perch, opening Instagram and mindlessly scrolling, leaving a rather lewd albeit supportive comment on Phoenix’s most recent selfie, and a thumbs down emoji on Rooster’s gym pictures. 
Checking the time you’d realized it’d been about fifteen minutes since texting Hangman and hoped he’d be here soon. The heat was really starting to get to you and you pulled your oversized tee off and threw it somewhere in your car, desperate to feel even a little bit of a breeze as you sat now just in your sports bra and shorts. Sure enough as you were struggling to turn an abandoned book into a makeshift fan you heard the crunch of gravel as a car pulled up, and you walked around your car to see Hangman with what looked like an ice cold bottle of water. 
“Sorry it took a while, made a pit stop because I thought you’d want this,” he said, tossing it to you and you caught it with ease, immediately pressing it to your neck. 
“You thought right, thank you,” you said, watching as he popped the hood of your car. 
“Alright, let’s see if we can get this old bat running.” You watched as he connected both of your cars, scowling when he swatted your hand away as you tried to help. “What were you up to today?”
“Hike, there’s a really beautiful spot in Torrey Pines. I’d heard about a good brunch spot away from the beach but apparently my navigational skills are shit when I’m not in the air.” 
“Should be good, go give her a whirl,” he said as he got into his truck and started the engine. You let out a groan as your engine made a valiant effort to come back to life, but ultimately decided against giving you a win today. You shook your head at him as he watched you through his windshield and he turned it off and hopped out, disconnecting the cables and taking a look around. He pulled out your dipstick, absolutely barren, spare the last half inch that had a glob of dark brown sludge hanging onto the end and he just looked at you in horror. “Sweetheart, when was the last time you got an oil change?”
“Uh, well…” you took a moment to peer inside your car, looking at the sticker and reading when you were supposed to get your last change, “says here I was supposed to get it at 183,457 miles.”
“And how many miles are you currently at?” You checked the odometer.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered, replacing the stick and putting his hands on his hips as he looked at you with what you assumed was his best ‘disapproving dad’ look. “It’s honestly a miracle it just died on you and you didn’t blow a gasket or worse.” 
“I forgot,” you shrugged.
“The sticker is right there! Like, literally, right in front of you every time you’re driving.” 
“I’m a responsible driver, I don’t look anywhere but the road.” 
“Responsible driver,” he mumbled, shaking his head and pulling out his phone, “so responsible you go almost six thousand miles past your oil change requirements,” he continued mumbling as he pressed the phone to his ear. 
“Who are you calling?” He looked at you like you had two heads.
“Who am I- a fucking tow truck.” he said exasperated and you raised your hands in surrender. You listened as he gave directions to the tow company and sighed as you looked at your car, knowing the last time you took her in for work the mechanic strongly recommended you let him keep it for scrap. “Come on, they’ll be here soon,” he opened the passenger side and you climbed in, grateful when he turned the AC on.
“Thank you for coming to witness the death of my car,” you said, giving him a small smile.
“Can I ask why you’re still driving that junker around?”
“Watch your mouth, Betsy is an old bird but she still has a heart… feelings,” you said, pointing a finger at him and he chuckled at your angry expression, “I’m serious!” You leaned across the console to hit his chest. “I’ve had her since high school, she was my mom’s car before she got passed along to me. I have a lot of memories in there, her driving me to and from practices, school dances… I had a lot of my firsts in there once I got her.” You looked ahead at Betsy, in all her glory, with her hood propped open and covered in dust from the unpaved road.
“Okay, so take a photo and keep it in a scrapbook.” 
You sighed, “you don’t get it… I’ve shipped her everywhere I’ve been stationed, she literally saw me through diapers to where I am now. Every version of myself has been in that car,” you said sadly. 
“Honey, she’s unsafe at this point.”
“I know, I just… I didn’t want to let her go.” Just as you said this the tow truck pulled up and you rushed out to meet him, the two of you standing off to the side while he examined the engine. 
“Sorry kid, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do.” You nodded, looking at Hangman before turning back to the mechanic.
“Can you uh, I just need a minute.” you said, getting into the car and closing the door. Your hands gripped the steering wheel as you took a deep breath, “well, old girl, looks like the time has finally come.” You looked into the backseat, feeling emotion bubble up as you saw where your car seat had once rested, where you sang along to Britney Spears with your childhood friends, where Luke Something had deflowered you on your prom night, where you crammed a few boxes and a suitcase before departing for the Naval Academy. You pulled the mix of high school graduation tassels, your first set of dog tags, and a horribly tacky necklace Henry had bought you from a gumball machine from the rearview mirror before grabbing any relevant items from the glove compartment and front seat. You held the mix of items in your lap, taking one final moment and affectionately rubbing the dashboard. “Thank you, Betsy. You’ve been the best adventure buddy a girl could ask for.” 
You got out with a sigh, wiping a few tears away with your freehand as you precariously held the mix of memories and your purse under your arm and Hangman quickly grabbed them for you, placing them in the cab of his truck. The mechanic had since closed your hood, and you took a moment to do what Hangman had suggested and snapped a photo, fighting back another round of tears as you approached the mechanic to give him your information to bill for the tow.
“Don’t worry about it kid, don’t think I could charge you in good faith when you’re this torn up.”
“No, I don’t want to waste your time-”
“I’ll get money from the scrap, word of advice… get a new car this go around, and change the oil.” he said waving you off and you couldn’t help but start crying.
“Honey, it’s just a car,” Hangman said, pulling you into his side as you watched the man and his helper load her up onto the back, “you still have the memories.”
“They’re taking her for scrap. She’s going to be stripped and sold for parts,” you all but blubbered and he soothingly rubbed your back as you wrapped your arms around him. “What a terribly dishonorable way to go.” He continued to hold you as they began to pull away, and you buried your face in his chest, not being able to bear the sight. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, squeezing you tight. He couldn’t help but find the whole thing adorable, your deep attachment to the car and the way you cried as if it was a dear friend ripped from you too soon, and not a car he would have guessed was on its last leg about five years ago. “Okay honey, here’s what we’re going to do,” he pulled away slightly once you’d calmed down, wiping the tears from your cheeks and noting how you kept your arms right where they’d been, tightly wrapped around him. “We’re going to head down to the nearest car dealership,” you started shaking your head, feeling another wave of tears coming on, “no, no no,” he wiped them before they could fall, “we’re going to go to the dealership, we’re going to find the car that reminds you the most of Betsy, and we’re going to get you all squared away with her, okay?” You sniffled and nodded, finally detaching yourself from him and dejectedly getting into the truck. 
“I’m sure this is not how you planned on spending your day,” you finally said as you made your way back into the city.
“Certainly not, but I’m glad to be here in your time of need. It’s what friends are for,” he said, shooting you a smile before returning his attention to the road and you nodded.
“It must look rather silly, getting so worked up over a car.”
“Not at all, you had a lot of big milestones with Betsy, I know it must be hard letting her go.” He reached behind the seat at a red light, grabbing two pieces of metal and placing them in your lap, “had the mechanic take that off for you while you were saying goodbye.” Your fingers wrapped around the metallic word of the make of your car, the identifying emblem that was covered in nicks and scratches, the foil peeling around the edges and the dusty license plate.
“Jake,” you sighed, looking over at him, “that was… this is really thoughtful, thank you.” You smiled at him, fighting another wave of emotion. You pulled into a car lot, surrounded by newer, shinier cars that in your mind didn’t hold a candle to your own but figured they would have to do. He reached behind the seat again, rooting around in his gym bag and procuring a well-worn Top Gun shirt.
“Not that I don’t love this view,” his eyes glancing down at your chest, “but I’m sure you don’t want creepy car salesmen thinking the same.” You were momentarily disappointed, remembering you’d left your top and yoga pants in the back of the car but let it go before slipping the shirt over your head, trying not to dwell too much on how it smelled like Jake.
“I don’t want you thinking it either, Bagman,” you muttered, accepting his hand as he helped you jump out of the truck.
“Hey, there she is,” he nudged your shoulder as you walked in the front door, immediately greeted by an overly eager salesman and his rather pungent cheap cologne. He led you over to a table where you rattled off a list of things you were looking for… Four wheel drive, AC, noted that upgrading to a bluetooth system wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and before you knew it you were strolling through the lot looking at potential options.
“What about this one?” Hangman asked, gesturing towards a Jeep, and the man opened the drivers side so you could hop in. 
“It smells new,” you observed as Hangman got in next to you.
“Well, that’s because it is.”
“I want the faint cigarette and weed smoke smell I dedicated my entire high school career to embedding into the upholstery.” He chuckled at this, beginning to point out all the cool features.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have your GPS right here, instead of dangerously on your phone?” he asked, pointing to the screen in the dashboard.
“It’s so fancy.”
“Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but this is actually pretty standard as far as new cars go.”
You scoffed before taking a moment to look around, “I guess it’s not terrible.”
“See? And it's not quite the same shade of green as Betsy, but it’s close, right?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, fiddling with the rearview mirror. 
“What do you think? I think it’ll be great for all your new adventures and new memories.” he prodded, trying to get you excited about it. 
“It’ll do,” you nodded and he pumped his fist, deciding to take what he could get as you climbed out of the car.
“She’ll take it.” 
You later found yourself at the Hard Deck, nursing a spicy margarita as Hangman desperately tried to raise your spirits. Rooster and Phoenix walked in, talking about the sexy Jeep in the parking lot and you groaned, head colliding with the wooden bar top and they both looked at you confused.
“What did you do to her?” Rooster asked, placing a hand on your back.
“Me? What did I do? Oh, I don’t know, just rescued her off the side of the road and spent the better part of my day trying to get her stoked about her new ride.”
“The Jeep is yours?” Phoenix asked, accepting a beer from Penny.
“Yes,” you mumbled against your arm.
“And we’re upset about this?” Rooster asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“We had to put Betsy to rest, it’s been a rough day.” Hangman explained and you just made an unintelligible noise.
“Betsy?” Rooster and Phoenix asked at the same time and Hangman just shook his head as you stood from the bar suddenly, ignoring the headrush and making your way to the jukebox.
“It’s like you people don’t even know me,” you muttered.
“I think this is a good time to mention this is her fourth margarita,” Hangman said, watching as you fumbled with the buttons.
“Fifth,” Penny corrected, causing the aviators to all look at her, “she pounded another one when you went to the bathroom.” They returned their attention to you, blinking incredulously as the sounds of Angel rang throughout the bar, causing every other patron to look your way confused and slightly annoyed. 
“Oh my god,” Rooster said, mouth agape as he took in the scene before him.
“I didn’t even know this was on the jukebox,” Penny said. Phoenix stifled a laugh, watching as you leaned against the piano, clutching your drink with your eyes closed.
“I don’t think she was this upset when I almost died,” Rooster said, eyes growing concerned as you swayed before catching yourself and sinking onto the piano bench. 
“Dude, you didn’t even see her on the side of the road. I’ve never seen her show so much emotion that wasn’t anger,” Hangman said.
“I can hear you.” you half-yelled, taking another sip of your drink and humming along to the song. “In the arms of the angel, fly awaaaay from here,” you sang drunkenly, and horribly out of tune and Rooster couldn’t contain it any longer, turning towards Penny as he laughed.
“Oh, this is bad,” Phoenix said, also succumbing to her giggles. 
“Guys. Guys, guys,” you whisper shouted, gesturing them over and they slowly approached you, “a toast, to Betsy.” you said, sticking your now nearly-empty glass in the air.
“To Betsy,” they all said almost in the form of a question as they clinked their glasses to yours.
“It is customary,” you paused to hiccup, “at a wake to say nice things.” You looked at the rest of them expectantly, who looked at each other with wide eyes. 
“Uh, Betsy was… well, she was a great car, very… vibrant?” Rooster said, hoping it would satisfy you and you nodded along.
“Yes she was,” you mumbled.
“Truly a dependable car, there when you needed her,” Phoenix said.
“You have no idea,” you sniffled.
“I was only there for her final moments, and she went with grace.” Hangman finished and you held your glass up, Rooster biting his lip to contain himself as you cheers’d again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Fanboy asked, as him and Coyote walked in the bar and Penny just shook her head.
“Apparently a wake, don’t ask.” She said, setting two beers in front of them. The rest of the evening went by smoothly, the gang slipping into their usual routine with the added running of interference to keep you from playing sad songs on the jukebox. You watched as Rooster and Phoenix played pool, drinking the water Penny had insisted you switch to as your eyes grew rather heavy. 
“You ready to head home, sweetheart?” Hangman asked, stepping in front of you and taking your glass to set on the table and you just nodded. “Did you come with Rooster?” he asked Phoenix who nodded and he fished your keys from your purse and pulled the car fob off to toss to her, “drive her car home whenever you’re done, I’ll cover your Uber.” He scooped you up as you half-heartedly waved to everyone, smiling as they told you to feel better.
“He’s so whipped,” Fanboy said, chuckling as the group watched you leave. 
“Jake?” you asked as he buckled you into his truck and he looked down at you expectantly, “you’re a pretty good friend.” 
“That I am, and you’re hammered, princess, so we’re going to get you home, okay?” He closed the door gently and jogged around to the drivers side, sighing as he saw you already falling asleep against the window. On the short drive to your house he thought to himself that he should have been annoyed, spending a day fetching you from the side of the road in the blazing heat, placating you as you cried, taking care of you while you drank yourself numb to toast the memory of a car but he wasn’t, not in the slightest. He honestly wouldn’t have rather been anywhere else than by your side during your time of need, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about the way his heart clenched when he saw your sleeping form in his truck, looking so peaceful in stark contradiction to the slight rings of mascara around your eyes. Even as he carried you to your porch, precariously balancing you as he fumbled to get your front door open he couldn’t find it in himself to muster a Hangman-esque comment, all he wanted to do was get you into bed safe and sound. 
You whined as he set you upright on your bed, forcing you to stay sitting as he crouched before you to pull off your sneakers, “are you a socks-on or socks-off person for bed?” he asked.
“Off, do you think I’m some sort of psycho?” 
He chuckled, “after today I’m not really sure what you are, darlin’.” He slipped them off and helped you crawl under the covers, disappearing momentarily to get you a glass of water and root around your kitchen cabinets until he found the ibuprofen, which he set on your nightstand when he returned. “Okay, honey, take those first thing when you wake up. I’ll call you in the morning,” he patted your shoulder as he went to take his leave and you forced your eyes open to look at him.
“You’re going?” you asked, your voice so small he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“It appears my duties have been fulfilled.”
“I don’t think so,” you responded and he looked down inquisitively, “will you stay?” you asked, patting the bed beside you.
“Luring me into your quarters at this time of night? What do you take me for, a floozy?” he joked, placing a hand on his chest.
“That’s exactly what I take you for.”
“That’s insulting, sweetheart. As tempting as you’re making this sound, I think you should get some rest.” You just pawed at his hand gripping it and looking up at him with the saddest puppy dog eyes you could muster. He sighed, leaning up to turn your lamp off and walking around your bed, where he internally debated whether or not he should keep his shorts on. He decided to slip them off, already knowing you’d pitch a fit if you felt the rough chino fabric rub against you in the night and slid in beside you, careful to keep a safe distance, but that went out the window as you curled up against him, his arm instinctively raising so you could rest your head on his chest.
“Jake?” you asked and he hummed in acknowledgement, “thank you for today. It was really very cool of you.” You felt his chest rumble below you as he chuckled.
“Anytime, sweetheart, get some sleep,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and rubbing along your back as he waited for the sound of your breathing to even out. Looking down at your arm wrapped around him, head nuzzled into his chest he wiped his free hand along his face as he sighed. 
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
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gifti3 · 6 months
Short thing i wrote for asmo and mc were i put them in the “horror movie couple smashing” trope (except i let them survive)
They wake up in the middle of nowhere and decide to go into the old big looking house since that's the only thing they can see in the vast field. 
A little smutty in the beginning and MC has a pp there but other than that, i don't mention any body parts
And it's just silly stuff afterwards
Okay let me know what you think if you want, other than that i hope you get a laugh out of this at least!
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Asmo moves your hands above your head and grinds down on you. 
"So good~ Don't you move an inch!
"A-Asmo maybe you're being too loud?"
"I'm so close~!"
There was no point. He was in a complete daze.
He continues bouncing on your cock. 
A low whine leaves your throat. And you try to move your hand to your face forgetting that Asmo has your arms locked in place with the ridiculous strength he "suddenly" had at moments like this.
"Ah ah ah, don't be shy on me now sweetie."
“I'm…not--” You try to warn him that you're about to finish so he can pull off but he seems to choose to do the exact opposite.
He presses down on you and you cry out. It felt weird being intimate in a house that you didn't know the owner of, but you struggled keeping your voice down.
"Perfect…" Asmo comes right after you, tensing and shuddering above you. His grip on your arms loosen and he leans forward to rest on you.
For a moment you freeze realizing where you are, but you feel Asmo nibbling on you and relax.
You open an eye. "...What was that?"
Again another creak but closer this time. It sounded like it was coming from the other side of the wall.
"Asmo…?" You whisper
He hums, momentarily stopping his ministrations on your neck.
"You hear that?"
He tilts his head. "Hear what? All I hear is your heart going nuts."
"It's coming closer." You try to sit up so Asmo moves off you.
"Wait I hear it now--"
Suddenly an axe comes through the wall an inch away from your skull.
You let out a strangled cry while Asmo yelps. Loud.
The axe retracts and hits through the wall again as the both of you scramble.
You and Asmo were out the door and into the hallway in the next second. You run away barely taking in the dark figure of the axe wielder as they struggle to pull said axe out of the wall.
“Hold on! I need to go back and get my jacket!”
“Asmo be serious right now! We are being hunted down and you're worried about your clothes!?”
"It's my favorite one though!"
The two of you had completely been caught off guard. And Asmo had ended up putting on your shirt while you didn't even think to put any clothing on and were running around in your underwear.
You couldn't afford to answer him back. Since you were running out of breath already.
You both quickly turn a corner and duck into a random room.
Ten seconds later you hear footsteps running past the closed door.
"Wait…why not turn into your demon form? Then we can fly out of here."
"Oh, that's a good idea!"
You watch Asmo and wait for him to turn. 
Nothing happens.
"Umm…" he purses his lips.
"What's wrong?"
"It's not working…"
"It's not working? …Why?"
“I don't know…I've been trying this new diet so maybe that's it?”
You raise a brow. “Really?"
"Um, I'm not sure? I don't always know how this stuff works!"
"You don't know how your body works after five thousand years...nevermind. Sorry, I'm just really freaked out right now."
You try to reach out towards Asmo and end up awkwardly poking his face.
“Woah are you trying to take my eye out?”
He takes your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. 
“I can't see much…”
"I know."
Asmo leads you somewhere in the room to sit. You wish you could just find a light but that would most definitely be a beacon for the killer.
Well, were they really a killer? If they were the owner of the house you could see why they attacked without warning. You and Asmo were technically intruding.
“Maybe…maybe we can talk to the person? We did technically break into their house.”
“I don't know if that's a good idea MC. Something about that person seems a liiiittle bit off.”
“A liiiittle?”
“They're one hundred percent deranged. No double that--two hundred percent!”
“How do you know that though?”
“My demon intuition.”
You hide your face in your hands. Even though you were pretty much used to being chased around, it was always stressful.
Asmo places a hand on your back and you look up from your hands.
Asmo takes off his (your) shirt and begins putting it on you.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m giving you back your shirt. Even though I love the view, you must be cold.”
He pulls your head through the t-shirt. 
You finish putting on the shirt with a sigh. “So you're going to run around in just your underwear instead then?”
“Just a regular Tuesday for me dear.”
You laugh. “Okay. I guess we can take turns then…”
You and Asmo fall into silence and stare at each other. You lean forward and kiss him.
Which quickly begins to get heated…
Maybe you could indulge again just a little.
Dammit, I need to learn some self control!
AGAIN you were running for your life, but you and Asmo had gotten split up this time.
The two of you had managed to avoid the killer as you explored the house in hopes of leaving. The way you came in--the front door--had been locked. So you'd been to the back, to the side and even managed to brave the basement of the house but everything was locked!
Though to be fair maybe if the two of you would stop fooling around you would have been able to move faster.
Why oh why was your boyfriend so easily able to distract you?
You approach the second floor railing and sharply turn, realizing that the killer has you cornered.
You notice the ring of keys on their waist. That had to have the keys to unlock the front door.
“C-Can we just talk this out?”
They brandish the sharp, giant, very high quality kitchen knife in their hand.
One swipe would go through layers of skin like butter.
Your teeth grit and your muscles tense. Well talking was completely off the table then.
The killer moves.
You dodge right -left -right. Manage to dodge under the killer's arm to get behind them. You jump back, the knife's sharp edge missing your side by a hair's breadth.
Within a split second, you realize what to do next and run at the killer, hands splayed out.
You aim for the keys while shoving them against the old railing hard and it breaks from the force. 
You watch, mouth agape as the killer falls backward off the ledge and down to the first  floor.
A loud crash sounds.
For a moment you stand there eyes wide and keys in hand.
You slowly inch towards the edge to look down to the first floor. And there the killer was among the broken shards of a glass table. Knife still in hand. They were still alive but obviously in a lot of pain.
"ASMO!" You yell running down the long hall.
You had the keys and the killer was down! Where was your freaking boyfriend!?
You hear your name before crashing into a body.
"Asmo!" You grab his hand and quickly lead him to the stairs. "I got the keys, let's get out of here!"
When you finally get to the bottom of the stairs, you notice the killer's body is gone.
"Woah what happened here?"
"WHAT. The killer was right there!"
You shove Asmo towards the front door.
"Ahh you're being too rough with me MC~"
"Your horniness is why we are in this situation!" Your hands shake as you start to unlock the several locks with different keys.
Asmo pouts. "Hmmm, I’m pretty sure it was our horniness. And anyways, what does that have to do with waking up in the middle of nowhere?"
You glare at him and Asmo calmly takes the keys out of your struggling hands. He quickly handles each lock and pulls the door open.
"Urgh, you and your steady hands..."
"You're welcome!"
He takes your hand and you both are about to walk out when you hear steps quickly approaching.
Behind you, the killer is coming at you both with a chainsaw.
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest.
A strained noise comes from your throat and you're being pulled along by your boyfriend. You yell something incoherent as the chainsaw revs up.
You're so busy looking behind you, you trip like the perfect horror movie character and end up letting go of Asmodeus's hand.
You try to get up but you feel the slowest you've ever been. 
Suddenly, there's arms around your ribcage and you're lifted off the ground.
"Really MC? Out of all the times to trip you pick now? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
Asmo's in his demon form flying away from the scene.
You look down and see the killer looking up confused at the sight. The dark eyes of his mask staring directly at you two
At first you thought they couldn't be human, but now you weren't so sure anymore.
You let out a deep sigh. You just wanted to go to bed really.
You yelp as Asmo suddenly shifts you in his arms to carry you bridal style.
You place your arm behind his neck. "Uh, do you know where you're going?" 
“....No clue. But I'm sure the others will realize we are missing soon."
You peek at Asmo but can barely make out his face in the dark. However, you can feel him shake a bit from exertion.
"Maybe we can walk from here--"
"I know you're worried about your sweet boyfriend, but let me take care of you this time dear!"
"Jumping to conclusions."
"You are though~"
“Yea I am…Asmo?"
“Yes hon?”
“Thank you. I’ll make sure to replace your jacket when we get home.”
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
lil infodump bout that band camp tbp au i made within my head because @staggersz is keeping me hostage🫶🏽 /j
so, im not all that familiar with band camps in general, i just know its like summer camp,,,,,, but instruments,,, so yeah really interesting. i’m pretyyyy sure that band camp becomes available when honour band becomes available because they handed out scholarships for band camp (or whatever) when i was in honour band so yeah. not sure if its different in the states but oh well (im canadian)
alright alrigth,, so i dont have a deadset outlook on the au yet (just silly thoughts and ideas) womp womp for me. i mostly have down the instruments from that post i made about guessing what instrument they would play, if you wanna know what instruments they have but dont wanna scroll thru my blog to find the post (dont blame you) just send an ask xx
what i have so far: bruce definitely got a scholarship. not sure if they do that in U S and an A but whatever if they dont. making this up as i go along, dont judge. anygays, if band camps are still following ‘typical summer camp culture’, with the bunks, cabins and shit (ill do research later sjsjsj) then boom. all basement boys™️ (or should i say,, BANDboys.. haha im so funny) are sharing a bunk. yipee. theyre also probably separated by gender so gwen n amy’ll share a cabin^^
just realized i forgot donna (IM SO SORRY) bass clarinet. no arguments? no arguments.
kk, so bruce has definitely been going to band camp for a while, perhaps vance as well. OOO what if they bickered. haha mutual-dislike-towards-one-another to okay-we-can-work-together-for-the-sake-of-our-cabin to hey-you’re-actually-kinda-cool to friends to wait-a-damn-minute, so on and so forth???? hell yeah actually
AAAAA THE IDEAS ARE FLOODING INNNxkmskddmmddmd what if,, because band camp open to everyone n shit (i caANT WORD UGH),, what if finney n robin were childhood friends, one moved (idk which one) then they reunited at band camp⁉️⁉️⁉️ rinney enthusiasts better take that and run idk what else to do
as much as i love griffin, i have no idea- wait nevermind i do and im too lazy to rewrite thst sentence. cause i gave him an older sister (ocs, they are old yes, but i dont care. will talk about them later) no doubt she joined, he just wanted to be with his sister for the summer. okay yeah that works. same could go for billy, since i reduced him to middle child status (sorry my guy) but i feel like he just joined for funsies.
okay thats all my brain can think about for now, im gonna create an animatic in my head then cry about it for an hour now byeee
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