gloryy-vs · 1 year
can i request a drabble of neteyam or lo’ak seeing their crush being motherly to tuk and realising, they like them?
|| YES. YESYESYES. I’ll do both Neteyam for now and set Lo’ak for tmrw! Promise! Not proof read all the way please don’t kill me.
neteyam x reader , tuk
F L U F F , SFW , tuk being tuk
His eyes followed every movement you made, from a good distance of course. You played around with Tuk, pretending to be a big monster, and she, a brave little warrior. “Rahhhh!” You growled, forming your hands into makeshift claws. Tuk hissed, using her stick to pretend to stab you, jumping around in victory as you fell. You made it as dramatic as possible before laughing and getting up. Tuk continued to jump around, getting far too close to a tree and running right into it. She toppled over, confused as to what happened. You crawled over to her, lifting her up into your arms and cooing in her ear.
Neteyam sat up in the hammock, intrigued as to how quickly you reacted. You were such a caring individual, especially with his younger sibling. It was admirable and made his heart swell with the feelings he already had for you. You continued to hold Tuk, asking if she was okay. “No ouchies right? Everything okay?” The young Na’vi nodded, playing with the braids and beads in your hair lazily. Poor girl was more tired than hurt. You kept her in your arms, making your way over to a flushed Neteyam.
“What’s got you all shocked and bothered?” You said, placing Tuk in the hammock next to him. Sitting down next to him, he looked over at you. “Nothing, just. You’re good with kids, I mean like, my sister.” He seemed to have trouble forming his sentence, still admiring how mother-like you were. “You’re cute when you stutter.” You said teasingly, and he was still lost in thought while looking into your doe eyes. He was determined to make this more than just a simple crush. Neteyam was now set on making you his mate. A perfect mate, and a perfect mother to his children.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 9 days
SAY IT WITH ME (Unpopular Opinion Post)
Say it with me:
"Kiyotaka should've gotten a better more acknowledged death❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥
"Hiyoko should've gotten plot development❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥
"The double murders are wasted potential❗❗❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Chapter three (3) THH was an annoying plan and wild goose chase❗❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Leon Kuwata > Kyoko Kirigiri❗❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Your headcanons are ALL valid EVEN IF PEOPLE DON'T AGREE WITH THEM❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"My girl Tenko shouldn't have died when she did,"🔥🔥🔥
"Byakuya didn't get enough 'plot development'❗❗❗" (*''* because he really got proved wrong like... once-)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Sakura should've survived❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥
"THH made all of the blackeneds look like people who would murder somebody❗❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥
"I WOULD'VE LIKED SDR2 CHAPTER FOUR BETTER IF GUNDHAM ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED NEKOMARU ON TOP OF SONIA KILLING THEM BOTH❗❗❗" <- I love chp.4 but like... imagine if Sonia heard a noise and ran to check on it, and Nekomaru fell on top of her. THE GUILT GUNDHAM WOULD FEEL! And the shock when he finds the body... MAKE AN AU SOMEBODY PLEASE❗❗❗ :')🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Miu probably should've died earlier❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Mahiru isn't that good, but she deserves MORE LOVE❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Danganronpa needed to give their characters more time so we could like them more
"Danganronpa needed to give their characters more time so we could like them more (Leon, Hifumi, Teruteru, Imposter, Ibuki - specifically❗❗❗)"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Akanidai is underrated and I love them so much-❗❗❗"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I was feeling controversial, don't take any of this to heart if you don't agree. We are all entitled to our own opinions!!! :D
Also, please feel free to argue in reblogs if you want, prove me wrong, I'm always open to learning new things abotu different characters and plotlines! :)
What ones do you agree with the most/least???
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vicky-shitposts · 3 years
Tumblr media
19th Feb 2021,
last night was crazy. me and zoe finally made up, and when i was telling her about my giant pyramid project in minecraft, she said she's going to move into it with me - girl really likes to keep me on my toes. she also wore a beanie and a flannel and the gay inside me exploded. had to remind myself that i am, in fact, not in love with her. finally got around to watching Name Of The Doctor too, but it was really hard to see it through my crying; totally worth it, and seeing Walter Simeon hold the Doctor's face uh, did something for me. Phoebe was also kind enough to check out all of Inner Mechanism for me and was a total darling about the whole thing. they also "green lit" the project for me, so now it's all systems go to add the final perfecting touches. first proper teaser went on my instagram: "this is my sacrifice, this is my exile". might do the second one later today, "watch this space..."
sipping coffee, painting my nails black and watching interviews. about two hours ago i was lost in tiktok, just scrolling mindlessly with not a single hope or care in the world. it was really nice and felt like a trance. a year ago today, the world was normal and calm and i was in wales. i went to see my best friend at the time, as well as her girlfriend, but the entire fiasco turned into a shambles; in short, i just felt like i wasn't wanted there after completely running myself down and investing my own time and money to get there. i stopped speaking to her a few weeks after as a result, but she came back out of nowhere last month and messaged me for some reason. i haven't got to the bottom of why or what happened, part of me is too scared to hear the truth. i haven't spoken to her in a while. i have an unread message from her, so i think i should drop a line and say "a year ago today i was with you, you were with your ex and the world was stable".
finally read some more of my fucking book at last!! did so while listening to Who Am I? - Pale Waves yet again. enjoyed it a lot more this time around. was speaking to Lyndon a few days back, saying how i often get bored with new albums around halfway through; Who Am I? is only 33 minutes long mind you, which doesn't constitute an album runtime in my "professional" opinion - i've made some money from my music which constitutes me as professional, right?? back to my point at hand. it flowed a lot better this time and it didn't leave me feeling bored by the second half. it flew by and again was a perfect reading soundtrack, thought i did prefer it the last time when it was executed within a moving vehicle. a friend of mine called James also checked out my Underworld single yesterday, said he really liked it and loved the beat, which really meant a lot.
lego set arrived and oh god, is it beautiful. it's so big!! and it comes with a couple other things beside the main rocket itself; it's so cute, so cool and so worth the money!! Iron Lady also came today, so once the night crawls in i'll be sitting down to watch it. who's gunna take bets on if im gunna cry or not?? but lyndon did say if i cry over a Margaret Thatcher film, it makes me a tory - rahhhh that's actually so peak fam :///
i can see why Meryl Streep was highly regarded in The Iron Lady. but while she does play the part extremely well, i couldn't help but feel so upset and distressed by the film. i'm a history student and hear about things in passing, like the cold war and the falklands war; none of which have never been taught to me at school, and therefore i have no clue of any detail concerning them. after seeing this film, i can only assume that thatcher had a huge role to play in the falklands war. to see so much terror, death and bloodshed under the reign of one woman?? this is the past history of the place that i was born and live in, and it disgraces me. this was supposed to be about the life of a woman but with so many explosions, acts of terror, stock footage of people fighting police officers, buildings on fire and people bleeding on the street... what have i come from?? this woman served under the same party as we have here and now, and it made me start to think. what if people retaliated against boris johnson in the same way?? what if his second in command was blown up, or a hotel he stayed at was bombed?? it's scary to think the power that people have, and when they upset the public, how hard they fight back. and if thatcher was the reason for all of those explosions and deaths, then i feel ashamed. i can understand why people despise her and her party. were discussing the idea of "what is history?" in one of our first history lessons last year, and we concluded that it is to record the errors of the past to ensure that we don't make the same mistakes in the present or the future. to learn from our past for a better future. i hope that above all, we have learnt from our past and never experience anything similar. i couldn't handle it in the film, so god only knows how i would take the real thing. but i can tell you here and now - hope is the only thing keeping me going.
i want to conclude today with some quotes that i have recently discovered and fell in love with: "the name you choose is like a promise" - Doctor Who; "i love being called a bastard. it somehow implies that the most heinous thing i have done is exist" - Lord Byron.
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impvarjack60 · 7 years
15 Welcome *ome, Anna
The shuttle clunked on the ground, and out stepped Anna, Princess Anna. Ugh,... I think I've created a monster in my own mind. She was wearing the same white dress as that first day. A wide strap sleeveless affair in cotton. I vaguely remember seeing her in it from some past memory, ah yes, it's from a story I wrote. She was in the Mediterranean on a trip........ She held out her arms as she approached me, almost as if she was displaying her new arm. We wrapped each other up, and kissed for what seemed like forever. Then something happened that I had totally forgot about, Rain Day. Yep, it rained on a schedule here. The clouds weren't heavy enough for any real precipitation, so they pumped water thru a gazillion nozzles to make it rain in the Habitat. So there we were, recreating the end of Breakfast at Tiffany's. All we needed was Cat. I just didn't care, it wasn't that cold, and I couldn't move, for fear of spoiling the moment. Even with all the time in the world, I kept having this gnawing feeling that it would all get ripped away at any time. She'd be gone, the Habitat would disappear, and my flabby old carcass would come back, like Cinderella at midnight. But that's what life is, it doesn't last forever, and you have to make the most of it. Even though I would turn out to be one of the oldest humans ever to live. At the time, it just didn't seem like enough.
As we walked back to the house she seen it, and started giggling in the cutest way possible. I had made a sign just like the one in Frozen Fever and hung it in the trees, 'cept this one said; 'Welcome Home Anna'. I had specified to Olaf several days ago I wanted water color paint and a brush on paper to recreate what Kristoff had done. Now that it was raining the paint was running down the paper, making it a complete mess, as the 'H' fell to the ground. "Well, I bet the stuff inside the house survived." "I still love it." Then she kissed me on the cheek. Inside the house it was wall to wall flowers, Minoo gave me a hand with this yesterday. I'm glad Abzari turned her loose with me, I needed the help, and it was a sign that he was letting go of the past, this would have never occurred on Earth. She is very attractive, but my days of chasing tail were decades behind me, and all I can see is Anna in my life now. I'm so glad I can look at a woman like Minoo, and see only beauty, instead of desire.
"Oh my God, they're sooo beautiful!, she walked up to every arrangement to give it a sniff. "We should probably get into some dry clothes." "Stellar idea." She went to the replicator and got something comfortable. As she started up the steps, she gave me a long look. I knew what it was, this where I would help her. "Go ahead, I'll get dressed in the Cave." She slowly turned and walked up the stairs. It's amazing to me how these little things that come in and out of our lives can have such a profound effect. But every Sun-day I would button her buttons, or put on and tie her shoes, and she would smile. It would be our tiny little ritual. And this one was pretty harmless.
So we had dinner, and I finally noticed it, she had a perfectly circular scar around her shoulder. They cut off the remains of her arm and popped in the new one at the socket. Probably trimming off the excess like a vinyl record fresh out of the stamper. She seen me starring at it. "Pretty ugly scar, eh?" "I honestly don't care. you're in one piece, and you have your independence back, that is all that matters. You are just as beautiful as the day I met you." "Still, I wouldn't mind doing a cover-up. Whatcha' think, flowers, Celtic, or maybe a dragon?" "And ruin your beautiful freckles?" She gave me a puzzled look. "You think my freckles are beautiful?" "Of course, do you think you'd have them if I didn't?" It took her a second to realize what I was saying. "Oh, yea." "Anna, your beauty lies in these tiny little flaws." I started to touch them. "I never subscribed to the typical beauty that so many American males were attracted to, I'm sure you've noticed your breasts aren't gigantic, right? I think they're actually a touch smaller than in the movie." "Wait, WHAT?" "As it turned out, you were kinda' built to specs, and I'm into the dancers body, the Gamine. They obviously seen this and made you this way. You are my ultimate beauty, and anything you do to degrade that is going to sadden me, but I must be fair. Even if they created the image I wanted, it's your body, and you can do what you want. Just know the scar doesn't bother me, and if it bothers you, then fix it. I don't want to ever reduce your happiness." "When I first met you, you were scared of me, and I thought it was a mistake to love you. I will never believe that again." More hugs, more kisses, more love. She understood what I meant, and she would never feel the touch of the artist's needle. She respected my thoughts, the one's I had while I lied in stasis, waiting for my fountain of youth, dreaming of twirling in the ballroom with the strawberry blonde princess.
I got a hold of the Doc and had him come by to give Anna a thorough going over, and I mean thorough. He was a little nervous about this, as we were trying to be friends, and the idea of seeing all of her before I did concerned him. "It's OK, Doc. I really don't have a problem with this. Besides, if her vagina has razor sharp teeth in it, I'd rather you lose some fingers vs. my junk." "Very funny, Michael. But I suspect that wouldn't be the case." "Either way, we need to know what's going on here, and any clue is a good clue. I for one am sick of all this secrecy." "Very well, shall we proceed?" "Anna, can you come upstairs please?, the Doc is ready for you." She came up the stairs with light, unsure steps. While she said she was OK with this, she may be having second thoughts. "It'll be OK, Anna. He's done this many times before." Which was an absolute lie, he's never examined an alien before. "OK, Anna remove all your clothes and lie on the bed." "That is my cue to go downstairs, make sure you buy her dinner first!" "Good one, Michael, thanks for being so helpful, while I'm so nervous." I knew I'd be in for it later.
After a while I heard the snap of the glove. Then I heard Anna give a loud 'RAHHHH!' as the Doc immediately gasped. I was rolling on the floor at that point. I wonder if she heard the razor sharp teeth bit. Doc came down the steps first, while Anna got dressed, he was still breathing a little heavy. "Well one things for sure, she has my sense of humor, you OK Doc?" "I've been better. Can we talk privately?" "This way, Doc." I took him to the cave. "Other than her strange facial appearance, unusual skull shape, and somewhat disproportionately small feet she seems perfectly normal." He paused for a moment, this is never good. "Her birth canal does seem somewhat larger than I'd expect for a virgin. She is a virgin, right?" "As far as I know, I don't know if someone took 'er for a test drive before I got her." "You seem rather flippant about that, Michael." "I've never had a taste for virginity, they usually don't know what they're doing. But she has my memories in there, so I think she'll be well versed in that department."
I suspected the birth canal thing, that's the reason for my own personal upgrade, parts with a matching fit, plus birthing would be easier. A desirable trait when you want to make as many babies as possible. This has been the curse of women for ever. Hopefully we'll help to breed that awful trait out, it seems so illogical to me that creatures of nature have little trouble giving birth, while human females try to squeeze a bowling ball thru a garden hose. But the clue that provided was the scariest of them all. When we got to the new world, we would be on our own. The technology would leave with the Masters. We are currently ill prepared for a life without technology. Somebody will have to have a plan. There are some other possibilities here. We're both big headed people. Those big eyes need a big skull to fit into, and would need a larger passage to fit through. Or is a bigger passage needed for some hideous monster to make it's way thru? I keep having images of a Xenomorph ripping it's way thru her belly just before it consumes us both. I really hope the Masters reveal themselves before we start having children.
"Still, she's quite healthy, you said they wanted to have her wait a few weeks before she uses her arm fully?" "Yea, that's the message I got from Olaf. I'm not taking any chances with her, I'd hate for her new arm to pop out." "The speed at which that graft healed is amazing, I hope they share that technology with us some day." "Me too, Doc. But we should assume that once we reach the home world, we're on our own." "Agreed,... OK Michael, I'm on my way home, It has been a pleasure, although Anna could use some restraint, I nearly broke my fingers." "Sorry about that Doc, there's still some child in there." "Tell me about it,... good day, and peace be with you." "See ya, Doc. And thanks again." Hmmm, no surprises here, and only one ominous clue. It was time to meet with the other Hybrides and whatever name the Earthling women came up with for their men. I'm really not looking forward to this.
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