#APPARENTLY its weird to say stabbing someone is like gay sex
damndaehyung · 3 years
Chapter Three :  The Art of Friends?
John Tucker Must Die Au Included : Daniel, Tara, Tyler, Jaehyun Mentioned: Emily, Minah, Jane, Sungjae, Mark, Maude
“You know when you said you wanted to hang out i didn’t think we’d be in the library,” Mia said with a light laugh. Daniel looked away from the book he was pretending to read to look her over.
“Really? But you dressed for it?” he said, raising an eyebrow. “And we will go soon i just need to -” he said, craning his neck as one of the boys from the party stood at the table Emily and her friends were sitting at.
“Spy on your cousin, it would be sweet if it wasn’t just a little bit creepy,” she suggested. “And you are being rude to your only friend on campus, i personally think i look good, it’s boho chic,” she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“It’s grandma chic, are you into the whole cottage core thing? I’d take the gym wear trend of last week back if this is what you’ve been reduced to,” he said with a shake of his head. “And i am being protective, I’ve seen these college boys and i know for a fact none of them will ever be good enough,” he said with a glare.
“You sound exactly like my dad did when he first met my boyfriend,” Mia laughed. “And that is next week i am dragging you to CrossFit and then we will see if you keep mocking me,” she said smirking, “I am going to love watching you suffer,”she grinned clapping gleefully.
“Point?” Daniel asked. “Do you know these boys? Just give me a name i can get my guys to -” he started only to see Minah and Jane walking in sitting at a table three rows back, his nose scrunched up at them, due to those two and their co-conspirator, Emily wouldn’t talk to him for a day and made him wear sandals for a whole day. The only positive was that their plan seemed to fall completely flat, he would feel a little bad for her but sandals goddamnit sandals!
“I am just going to ignore the fact you have guys,” Mia said with a shudder. “Friends of yours?” she asked nodding towards Minah and Jane.
“No, I don’t even know them,” Daniel said, he must have pulled a face because Mia began to laugh. “Oh sure Daniel, you glaring pretty hard at some people you don’t know,” she said shaking her head. “Look how about we go, I haven’t had lunch, we can go that cafe you always go to, you can check that boy out,” she said in a sing-song voice.
“Just give me a sec,” he said, wanting to double-check on his cousin only to be blocked by a Gucci polo cladded torso, he looked up to see Tyler Lee standing in front of him. “The Children’s section is on the third floor so if you don’t mind,” Daniel said making a shooing gesture to him.
“Funny,” Tyler deadpanned with an eye-roll. “Daniel right?” he said taking the seat across from him. “Doing some light reading i see,” he said picking up the book Daniel had been pretending to read. “Hemmingway,” he said. “Your such a lovely temperature,” he continued.
“Are you lost?” Daniel asked. “And are you implying i am sick?” he said cocking an eyebrow.
“He was quoting Hemingway, babe,” Mia said. “And with that, i’ll go… look for a book i guess,” she said before standing up leaning down to whisper if Daniel’s needs her to she will set off the fire alarm. As she left Tyler turned around to look at her as she left.
“Don’t even think about,” Daniel said causing him to turn back to face him. “She has a boyfriend and from what I’ve been told you aren’t her type,’ he said.
“You are assuming a lot about a person you’ve never met before,” Tyler said with a frown. “You know if i didn’t know better i would think you didn’t like me,” he said with a sheepish smile.
“What do you want?” Daniel said with an eye-roll getting straight to the point.
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“Can you get me another drink,” Tyler said to his friend of the night, the girl - Amelia maybe? slid off his lap, leaning down and pulling him into a heated kiss before leaving with a wink, her hips swaying as she made way across the room.
“You really look heartbroken, I mean you broke up with three girls,” Jaehyun said sitting on the couch across from him, joint in hand and girl pressed to his side.
“Four actually,” Tyler smirked, “But Maude isn’t taking it so well,” he shrugged. “I might keep her around after all,” he said bringing his drink to his lips. “I am surprised you are here, you know after Jane,” he smirked looking his teammate, he not only stole his girl but he had her in everyways and then dumped her.
“I am over it,” Jaehyun said, “she is just a girl,” he shrugged,” though i am surprised about Minah, i thought you actually had a thing for her and you know Gabe,” he said.
“He’ll get over it,” Tyler shrugged. “And yeah i did but once i got her man, she just lost all my fascination,” he said. “Maybe I’ll try to win her back, you know if i get bored,” he said.
“So what’s next for the great Tyler Lee?” Jaehyun asked as a girl came to sit beside Tyler.
“What’s your name?”
“Sophia,” she answered, the smallest hint of a blush on her cheeks. Well, this would be way to easy.
“There you go Jae, Sophia is next,” he said grabbing her hand and pulling her up as Amelia returned with his drinks. “And Amelia, If you’ll excuse me, lads,” he said with a wink wrapping his arms around both girls shoulders. “I’ll see you in a bit,” he said leading the girls to a bedroom.
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“Do i have to want something?” Tyler asked, sounding surprisingly hurt. “You really don’t think too highly of me which is a little surprising considering you don’t know me,” he pointed out.
“Yet you know my name, seems a little odd considering you don’t know me don’t you think,” he pointed out. “Your little oh woe me act might work on your harem of girls but i have no time for this -” he said.
“Okay ouch,” Tyler said rubbing at his heart. “Look i think you got the wrong idea about me?”
“Daniel, Tyler, What a coincidence,” Tara exclaimed as she walked into their section of the library an evil grin on her face. “I didn’t know you two know each other?” she said sliding Mia’s now empty seat. Daniel frowned he was surrounded by every Lee but the one he actually wouldn’t mind seeing right right now. “We don’t,” Daniel said bluntly. “And since you are here to keep your charming brother company i should get going, I have a friend to meet -” he said moving to stand up only to get pushed down by Tara.
“Oh, I just thought it was nice of my brother to show an interest in a new student,” she said sweetly, putting particular emphasis on the word interest. Daniel was acutely aware of what she was pointing out, she had somehow managed to trick her older brother into some sort of pursuit of Daniel and now he had to hold up his end of the deal.
“How do you two know each other?” Tyler asked looking between Daniel and Tara. “I would have thought Tara would have introduced me to such an interesting friend,” he said.
“Were fucking,” Daniel said as Tyler spluttered.. “Yeah she wants to see if she can turn a gay man straight, its a weird social experiment but what can i do,” Daniel continued as both Lee siblings glared at him.
“Oh Daniel,” Tara sighed shaking her head and giggling fondly. “ He is just embarrassed because i found him crying in a cafe, his boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, Sungjae had just dumped him,” Tara said cooing sympathetically, Daniel gasped in offence, what an unbelievable lie, he had never been dumped in his life.
“Oh that’s too bad,” Tyler said not sounding sympathetic at all, Daniel eye’s narrowed did he actually believe that someone would dump him. His hand tightened on a pen wondering which one he should stab, the younger Lee sibling who put such an ugly and terrible thought into the universe or the older one who apparently believed someone like Daniel was dumpable. Oh if only he had two pens that would solve all his problems. “My girlfriend, well ex,’ Tyler said frowning, “we broke up recently as well, i know how hard that can be,” he said acting like he was genuinely cut up about. “If you ever need a friend who knows what it’s like -” he trailed. Oh, he was good playing the poor broken-hearted boy.
Daniel is a man of his word but after hearing, Tara say he got dumped, yet alone dumped by Sungjae, he was going to have fun with this, He sniffed, looking down and wiping at his eyes. “That is so nice of you,” Daniel ‘bashfully’ looking down as he wrung his hands together. “And while I appreciate the offer it wouldn’t be fair, not after you got your heart broken and what happened to Tara,” he said looking at Tara with a small frown. “She was just saying how lucky she had you to help her start to move on after Matt -” he said looking at Tara sympathetically.
“It’s Mark,” Tyler filled in.
“Oh yes, Mark but does he really deserve a name? After breaking your sweet little sister's heart like that?”He said, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “I wish i had a brother like you,” he said. “Such a good brother who is always looking out for his sister and never getting involved unless you were asked,” he said, biting the inside of his cheek to stop him smirking at the way Tara was fuming.
“Well when it comes to family,” Tyler said before Tara cut him off.
“Maybe you should give Daniel some tips his younger cousin is apparently having some boy trouble,” Tara said. “Anyway i should get going Enzo is waiting for me,” she said standing up, purposely stepping on Daniel’s toes. “I am so sorry, maybe you should get Tyler to kiss them better,” she said in a faux sweet tone.
“Ah, Tara foot fetishes aren’t hereditary are they? I am sure your brother isn’t into that” Daniel said looking from Tara and the back to Tyler expectantly.
“Funny,” Tara commented, sounding exactly like her older brother. “I’ll be seeing you around, bye, “ she said, sending a glare Daniel’s way and a fake smile Tyler’s way before walking away from them.
“If we are going to be friends maybe don’t joke about my sister’s sex life,” Tyler said through gritted teeth as Daniel broke out into a fit of giggles.
“Friends?” Daniel laughed. “I don’t think so,” he said shaking his head. “Look I am sure you are a great guy and all,” Daniel said, “And i appreciate your offer truly,” he said holding a hand to his heart. “But i am pretty sure i am not your type of friend and i am very sure you aren’t my type of friend so instead of pretending to tolerate each other maybe this conversation should be our last,” Daniel said nodding, he thought he was very impartial and definitely not rude.
“My type of friend?” Tyler asked with an eyebrow raised. “You really do have me wrong, let me guess you just think i am some dumb jock who parties all the time and sleeps with anything in a skirt,” he said as Daniel nodded, at least he was self-aware, gold star to Tyler for self-awareness. “Are you really just going to believe the rumours? Look i might have been like that in the past but after Minah - “ he said pausing fist clenching as he grimaced,”that’s my ex,” he said as if it physically hurt him to say her name. “After we broke, i did some heavy self-reflection and didn’t like what i see,” he said.
“I personally love looking at my reflection, i am very pretty,” Daniel cut in. “Sorry go on, you did some self-reflection and thought you know what would be a good way to show you’ve changed then to befriend the new gay guy? Seems a little suss if you ask me?” Daniel said. “Surely you can see why i wouldn’t believe this -” he said gesturing to Tyler. “If you are trying to prove to that girl you’ve changed i think there might be more effective ways” he continued.
“I get why you would think that,” Tyler said, “But i think you are making a lot of assumptions,” he said. “But you don’t exactly have the best reputation and i can see why,” he said with a shake of his head. “But i am sure you are more than just an arrogant pretty boy,” he said.
“Not really -” Daniel shrugged as his phone chimed, he grabbed frowning as an unfamiliar number messaged him. He raised an eyebrow ‘we are watching you’ he rolled his eyes as another message came through ‘you are meant to be making him fall in love with you’ Daniel scoffed throwing his phone down. “But i suppose it wouldn’t be too bad having a male friend, Mia is great but -” he shrugged.
Tyler beamed and Daniel thought that if he wasn’t such a douchebag he would have actually been cute. “Yeah stop smiling like that i am a notoriously awful friend,” Daniel said waving a hand dismissively. “Are you sure you want to be friends though? I mean despite me being awful and vain people have a habit of falling for me, you think you can resist me?” he said fluttering his eyelashes at Tyler.
Tyler smirked. “If anything i think it might be the other way around,” he said. Daniel rolled his eyes snorting in disbelief, shaking his head.
“If that helps you sleep at night than you think that,” Daniel said standing up. “Now while this has been .. “ Daniel trailed making a so so gestures. “I have better things to do,” he said grabbing his things.” See you around Tyler,” he said walking away.
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“Truth or Dare?” Tyler laughed. “Aren’t we a little too old for that?” he said looking at Jaehyun and a few of his other teammates.
‘Sounds like Tyler Lee is scared,” Jaehyun laughed loudly, “Can’t even play a little truth and dare now,” he continued as their audience started to snigger. “Did Minah or Jane get your balls in the break-up?” he teased. “Oh don’t tell me it was Maude,” he snorted. Tyler growled, his hand squeezing the can he had been drinking hard enough for it to bend and spill over the girl who was currently cuddled up on him.
“Are you going let him talk to you like that Captian?” One of the younger guys asked.
“Of course not Jaehyun just talks big talk because his mouth isn’t good at anything else, Jane told me about your performance issues bro,” he said smirking at the dark look that crossed Jaehyun’s face. “But you know what I’d humour you, you already know what i am going to say, dare,” he said shrugging.
“Well since we all know you have the ability to charm the pants off any girl, I was wondering what the limits to your charms are,” Jaehyun said as Tyler grinned, as the girl started to kiss his jawline. . He made a go on gesture telling Jaehyun to keep going. “ I want to know if the great Tyler Lee can get a boy fall for him,” he said. Tyler’s jaw clenched as he shifted moving the girl off his lap.
“You are joking right?” Tyler said. “You might be into that but i am not gay Jae,” he said with a glare.
“Clever and i know that Tyler which is exactly why it’s even more fun, imagine how legendary you would be if you could make a boy fall for you as well,” he said. “You wouldn’t actually have to do anything with the guy, just get him to say he loves you by the time finals come around,” he continued.
“I am already legendary,” Tyler scoffed. “And what would i get if i managed to pull this off?” he asked with an eyebrow raised. “Come on Jung you can’t just expect to do this for nothing,” he said.
“I’ll quit the team,” Jaehyun said, simply causing Tyler to grin. Jaehyun tended to challenge him too much for Tyler’s liking and he didn’t need that disrespect while trying to get in the pro league.
“Fine,” Tyler shrugged. “Do you have a guy in mind?” Tyler asked.
“I decided to go easy on you, Daniel Choi,” Jaehyun said as one of the younger guys hollered and the other started oohing.
“Who?” Tyler asked wondering why they were acting like that. What was so special about this guy.
“Daniel Choi, the model guy,” One of them said. “Jaehyun was lying when he said it would be easy,” the other spoke.
“Look I get why you are confused maybe for one of you this wouldn’t be easy but I’m Tyler Lee,” Tyler said with a smirk. “Daniel Choi will be in love with me in no time,” he said already plotting on how he’d charm this guy.
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twosidesofhorror · 5 years
My take on... Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich
To combine a creepy, half-burned up elderly man from Europe, an extreme case of discrimination from the ideology of the SS during World War 2, an Egyptian mystical curse or spell that is still active after one’s death, a 30th anniversary of a mass killing spree and… puppets?
The movie is about a guy named Edgar who gets a divorce and is invited by his mom to stay at her and his dads house for the time being. He works in a comic bookstore with his best friend Markowitz, where he sells and draws comics. While being is his hometown he meets this girl from high school again named Ashley and they start to date. Besides from the kissing and (apparently) lots of sexy time you see nothing of this relationship. He is trying to find ways to get money so he can get a place of his own. Being back at his childhood home he scouts through old boxes and drawers to feel sorry for himself and be melodramatic. He finds an odd-looking doll which used to be his brother’s, before he sadly passed away. Now, as soon as he grabs the doll and starts to turn it over and upside down, a knife comes right out of the dolls hand and slices his inner arm. But that is not all. As soon as he turns it around again and stares into those hollow eyes, a hook comes out of his other hand. He finds out his brother found this doll at a camp he went to and had never any real attachment to it, so Edgar tries to find a place to sell it. He finds out there is an auction for these kinds of dolls at an 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon-murders. Because that is something worth celebration, obviously.
The three of them (Edgar, Markowitz and Ashley) decide to go there and see what it is all about, and to try to sell the doll. They check into a hotel to stay for a couple days. On the second day they get a tour off the house where Mr. Toulon tortured and murdered people, and where he made his infamous dolls. Here everyone finds out that dear Mr. Toulon was a dedicated Nazi-lover and fanatic. His grave, a gorgeous mausoleum with weird looking spikes, which Edgar is so kind to point out, is also on this land. When they get back to the hotel all hell breaks loose in a rapid motion. First, several people report their dolls missing and stolen. While this is being discusses and investigated with the local police the first murders take place. These are some weird ass murders where the victims are chosen based on the “racial purity” ideology of the SS. We see a man and a prostitute getting stabbed during sex, a gay man getting his throat sliced right after he finishes talking to his mom, a lazy-ass fat and disgusting man gets his head chopped off while peeing (after which he pees on his own head, lovely), a sleeping, pregnant lady getting her belly ripped open because a puppet entered via her backdoor and goes off with her unborn child. One puppet rips open a poor, old man’s back and decides to take over his body completely. Just to name a few. And all these murders and commotion seem to happen so fast it almost look surreal. Now, I can withstand gore and weird ways of slicing bodies up or stabbing people in sensitive places like the eyes, but what I can and will not accept in any movie is when someone’s ankles are being sliced, right through the Achilles heel. I hoped the scene in Hostel was the one and only time I had to see that, but unfortunately, no. No, they had to get that in during the sex-scene. Thank you very much.  
After more deaths and more hysteria all the hotel guests are asked to assemble in the lobby, where everybody decides to freak the fuck out after the power goes out. Thrice. Because that’s what’s really scary off course. They dare to just run for it and hope for the best. All I can say is that hope wasn’t on their side that evening. The surviving smarty-panties decide to take cover in the kitchen. After realizing these puppets are notorious Nazi’s, they try to use their dear friend Markowitz, who happens to be a Jew, as bait and just shoot these guys senseless. The only problem is that there might be around 40+ puppets who are possessed, and tiny, and super strong and stealthy, and work together and punch holes and get to your unborn child through your rectum and what not. So, what could possibly go wrong, right?
One of the funniest moments where I had to slap myself across the face because I couldn’t believe they actually did this, is where Markowitz sort of finds a girl to hook up with and this girl is just plain stupid. This girl happens to have a manga character pin on her work shirt and being the comic fanatic that he is, he recognizes it, and the two of them start talking. When they use big guy Marko here as bait and things turn bad, he and his girlfriend, alongside Edgar and Ashley decide to take cover in a hotel room. Here poor Marko gets stabbed in the throat and dies. But they can’t morn now, there are killer puppets after them! They start to jump out of the window one by one with Marko’s little Asian girlfriend as last. Edgar and Ashley, having normal IQ’s, jump right into the dumpster downstairs. This girl does not. She jumps right onto the side of the dumpster and dies instantly…
Where this movie is already so bad it is actually entertaining, they decide to throw that scene in like it is nothing. And it is nothing, not really. But, just, why?
Edgar says in a very sweet, little voice that he now knows how his brother died.
Edgar and Ashley seem to know how to stop all this and head to Mr. Toulon’s mausoleum. When they arrive after a thirty-minute drive or so and stop the car for a minute, they decide to buckle up. Because… logic. They see that those weird spikes are giving off electrical shocks. Edgar here warns his girlfriend very briefly about driving the car straight through the mausoleum’s wall before he does just that. Mr. Toulon gets disturbed in his death and the puppets stop killing. Unfortunately for the two lovebirds, Mr. Toulon isn’t as dead, and slow, and dumb as zombie movies make them seem. But then again this is an Egyptian spell, not a zombie-virus. Mr. Toulon kicks the shit out of the two and goes back to grab his gun (?) and shoot Ashley, after which he just leaves and let’s Edgar live.
Do the puppets get alive after this again? Because Mr. Toulon is not really dead. Why does it happen now? How does he get this spell? Why does he have this spell? So many questions…
This movie is full of weird and sudden deaths, fast paced shifts between scenes and a story which is not really explained. You get almost no backstory whatsoever (this has probably to do with the fact that this reboot is the 14th version, or spin-off, or sequel, or part of this huge franchise). What you do get is 86 minutes of pure puppet-gore. This movie has some excellent deaths with great visual arts and a good way of keeping it interesting. Everything could’ve felt very fast-paced because it was just so damn interesting to watch. The way it was filmed felt a bit off. It looked like a B-movie from the way the camera was angled, and the lack of storyline didn’t really help. The deaths, the blood, the intestines, the gore, everything important basically looked really fucking good though. At this point the weird point of views and slightly off-colored shots didn’t matter. It worked.
The puppets look absolutely gorgeous and really original. The creepy factor is definitely there. I can honestly say that I want to watch those other movies and read the comics. The art is just beautiful and well made, I want to see more of that.
I do have to say that this movie means absolutely nothing if watched on its own without further interest in the story. So, for a movie on movie-night, this isn’t really a good movie to watch. You just get more questions and find out you need to invest a lot of more time to get the whole story. But, if you got nothing better to do like me, I think this is going to be a hell of a ride to follow, figure out and enjoy. This wasn’t really my favorite movie to be honest. Let me hear what you think.
What was your favorite scene?
Which part of all those other ones do I have to watch first?
Which one is your favorite puppet?
Let’s talk.
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