#Aspros de Geminis
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theshiki · 1 year
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¡La astrología ha hablado!
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dreamerkaus · 21 days
Este año no pude participar en el Mermay 2024 de la pagina Es de Fanfics, pero aprovechare el espacio para recordar que participe en el 2022 durante todo un mes por lo que dejare los links a continuación :3
Título: Pecera
Shipp: Oneiros/Gemini Aspros
Resumen: Recuerda ese día con un extraño cariño, la sangre que se desliza lentamente por su brazo no le preocupa en lo más mínimo, esta fascinado por la criatura marina que tiene entre sus brazos y no tiene pensado soltarlo, será suyo, totalmente.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38715936/chapters/96801024
Título: Música para la sirena
Shipp: Benetnasch Eta Mime/Siren Sorrento
Resumen: Su encuentro había sido accidental, un pequeño vistazo por la noche le había hecho insistir desde entonces para ver más allá, no importaba lo peligrosos que pudiera parecer ni las advertencias de que seguramente no encontraría nada, lo necesitaba, era esa inspiración que había estado buscando desde que llego ahí.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38715663/chapters/96800502
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the-golden-saints · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒋𝒆𝒔
1 • Manigoldo de Cancer • Recep Usta • #Inmortal 2 • Sisifo de Sagitario • JayB • #SaintofArrow 3 • Alone Hades • LuHan • #JekyllHyde 4 • Reulus de Leo • Han Jisung • 5 • Tenma de Pegaso • Kim Hongjoong • #Revontulete 6 • Kardia de Escorpio • Jeonkook • #Escarlata 7 • Asmita de Virgo • Román Reigns • #Astralvmood 8 • Degel de Acuario • 9 • Pandora • Xia Lan • #Night_Pandora 10 • Yuzuriha de la Grulla • Kwon Eunbi • #Crimson_crane 11 • Yato del Unicornio • Taeyong • #UnicornioVolador 12 • Albafica de Piscis • Lee Min-Hyuk • #aquaνερό 13 • El Cid de Capricornio • 14 • Aspros de Geminis •
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lizydferdy14 · 7 years
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7th Fanart
Gemini Aspros - Sapuri ver. . Saint Seiya The lost canvas
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wild-e-art-e · 7 years
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More sketch requests! or as @funjoushi said
Problematique blue haired boys
I’m honestly not so happy. They look good, but I don’t feel they look as Aspros and Ikki =__= well, what can I say? that day my hands hated me
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kanongeminis96 · 7 years
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autor: 青竜
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thegoldencosmo · 6 years
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Gold Saints of the THE LOST CANVAS Casual CLoths by a fan artist
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Open request
Saint Seiya: Yandere Gold Sanits and Oc´s
----Aries -Gategurad -Avenir -Shion -Mū -Kiki
----Tauro -Francisca -Ox -Aldebaran (Rasgardo) -Teneo -Aldebaran -Harbinger -Theseus
----Geminis -Cain y Abel -Aspros -Defteros -Saga -Kanon -Paradox -Integra -Sōjirō
----Cancer -Sage -Death Toll -Manigoldo -Deathmask -Schiller
----Leo -Kaiser -Ilias -Regulus -Aioria -Mycenae
----Virgo -Shijima -Asmita -Shaka -Fudō
----Libra -Itiá -Dohko -Genbu
----Escorpion -Écarlate -Zaphiri -Kardia -Milo -Sonia -Lancelot
----Ofiuco -Asklepios -Odysseus
----Sagitario -Aeras -Gestalt -Sisyphus -Aioros
----Capricornio -Izō -El Cid -Klose -Shura -Ionia -Eito
----Acuario -Krest -Mystoria -Dégel -Camus -Tokisada
----Piscis -Cardinale -Lugonis -Albafica -Afrodita -Amor
Santos Dorados
Merkabah de Aries Amergin de Tauro Selk de Géminis Raos de Géminis Makhai de Cáncer Canaan de Leo Salomon de Virgo Agape de Libra Ajatar de Ofiuco Prometeo de Sagitario Ixion de Capricornio Anathema de Acuario Rosal de Piscis
Santos de Bronce
Baldwin de Cygnus (Cisne) Alceo de Heracles Danann | Navia | Ada de Vulpecula (la zorra o la raposa) Píixan de Delphinus (Delfín) Orpheo de Lyra Aquiles de Sagitta (Flecha) Oliver de Pegaso
Patriarca Quirón
Keltois Warriors (Ejercito de Lug, basados en el zodiaco celta)
Tarw de Tarbh (Toro) Kitalpha de Each Uisge (Caballito de mar) Morrigan de Cigfran (Cuervo) *Diadell System de Cigfran Ptolomeo de Kelpie (Caballo) Astro de Bradán (Salmon) Caer de Cisne (Cisne) Monarca de Sidhe (Mariposa) Lukwos de Lobo (Lobo) Ovidio de Falco (Halcon) Cernunnos de Fidhe (Ciervo/Venado) Zarif de Cat Sith (Gato) Bai de Wuivre (Serpiente) Sionna de Zorro (Zorro)
*Diadell System es una persona que sufre "Trastorno de Identidad disociativo" o (nombre en desuso) "personalidad multiple": Núcleo: Adan Anfitrión: Elatha Persecutor: Morgenstern Protector: Akram Protector Peleador: Arquidamia Protector Peleador: Felix Militar: Quiomara Asistente interno: Tomoe Organizador y Guardian: Lugonis Niños: Yoriko
Keltois Sacred Nexus y Consejeros
Venus de Banshee Galahad Perceval Bors
Keltois Hijos de Lug
Olindico de Fomoré Setanta de Cúchulainn Ibic de Leprechaun Danann | Navia | Ada de Selkie
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Comecei a treinar sugestões sobre ships de cdz que me foram sugeridas lá no twitter (eu que pedi que me dessem as sugestões), vou pegar uma de cada do pessoal que sugeriu, hoje escolhi
Hasgard e Aspros. ♊️♉️.
Amanhã escolho mais um. Meteoro de bjs 😘
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saintseiya-zone · 3 years
2021 SSZ Secret Santa
1. Rogercat "I promise to deliver my Secret Santa gift no matter what" I would like my own gift to be something set in the Lost Canvas, like a drawing of Aspros and Defteros meeting Sasha together and them being presented for her as the Gemini Saint, or Sasha bonding with the Gold Saints prior to the Holy War
2.  @SHaRKxym I promise to deliver my secret Santa gift no matter what! I want something with Saga and my Saintsona please
3.  @quixoticPrince “I promise to deliver my secret Santa gift no matter what” I would love anything with Shura, Aiolia, Aiolos, or any of the bronzes. I also love TLC (Manigoldo, El cid, and Sisyphus are my favorites from that) and episode GA though I understand if the last one is difficult to work with ^^;
4.  @nnarukamii I promise to deliver my Secret Santa gift no matter what! 1. Shion and Dohko 2. Shaka and Mu 3. Aphrodite and Deathmask 4. Yato 5. Manigoldo 6. Any of the bronze saints (both original or Omega) And with the first three pairs for future reference they can be either platonic or romantic!
5.  @D_Artemi I promise to deliver my Secret Santa gift no matter what Wish list: Santa dearest, for this year I'd like either of the following; - A Dohko in a sexy christmas costume, could it be Santa, Reindeer, Snowman, or anything you'd see fitting. - Sextant Luna and Nero Prietess from StS Awakening in a cute christmas date. - If my Secret Santa has OCs, having them interacting with mine in a holiday scenario  I would also love it. (Reference https://i.imgur.com/h1xvUxx.jpg) But do not feel restricted by that, If you have something cutesy in mind please feel free to go with it! I can understand both Spanish and English in case the present happen to be something written, Thanks you so much in advance, happy holidays!
6.  @PegasusLauraNK "Prometo entregar mi regalo de Amigo Santa sin importar que pase" Personajes que les gustaría en el regalo: · Camus · Afrodita · Saga · Albafica · Kardia · Shura · Seiya · Elyn (OC. Piscis Australis)
7.  @SaintSeiya_Info I promise I'll deliver the gift no matter what. I'll be good with any Saint Seiya character, not OCs!
8.  @Toshcomehomepls Prometo entregar mis regalos sin importar nada!! Sobre los personajes que me gustaría que incluyeran en mi regalo, están June, Marín y Shaina!!
9.  @Xenotechnophile I promise to deliver my secret Santa gift no matter what. :) I speak inglés y español to make things a little easier. I would love anything with Andromeda Shun and Cygnus Hyoga!
10.  @Gurinpengin Prometo entregar mi regalo a mi Amigo Secreto sin importar que pase. Personajes: Degel de Acuario, Kardia, Cain/Abel de Géminis, Ecarlate, Orfeo, Lune (no necesariamente todos )
11.  @KatyaBoreal Y prometo entregar mi regalo de Amigo Secreto sin importar qué pase. Me gustaría de regalo: un Seiya, Miho, Marín, Aioria o a Camus.
12.  @midostree I promise to deliver my secret santa gift no matter what. This are ideas for both Fan art and Fic. - Individual characters: Pharaoh, Milo Deathmask -- Ideas: wearing Christmas hat or sweater and drinking wine or blushing/surprised receiving a christmas gift - Fav Pairings/ships: Milo x Aiolia. Orphee x Pharaoh. Aiacos x Pharaoh. Pharaoh x Pandora (more platonic-friendship.) Aldebaran x Dohko. -- Ideas: frenemies discussing. Casual day. shopping. Person A protecting person B. person A finding that person B is kind of cute. Subtle flirting. A holding B before B falls.
13. @AngelosCrux I promise to deliver my secret Santa gift no matter what. I would like characters from Dark Wing, especially Theseus and Charlotte doing seasonal stuff. My Secret Santa can do seasonal stuff, fluff or anything he/she wishes I'm open to surprises ;)
14. @elcadejos_art I promise to deliver my secret santa gift no matter what. My request: Alioth Fenrir and my OC Artica enjoying hot chocolate together (Xmas-themed, it is a welcomed plus if Artica is wearing reindeer antlers)
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reestoga · 4 years
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Defteros de Geminis, me la pasé genial dibujando y pintando esto, pero si batalle un poquito con el cabello, pero en fin, me gusto el resultado, esta inspirado en un dibujo en específico del Gaiden de Aspros (creo, no me acuerdo). #saintseiya #Defterosdegeminis #thelostcanvas https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5gTUXgzU_Ibg6TuNM3CtTxu-T79xfAZqTI-Q0/?igshid=18mmp5dze66u8
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raymondshields · 4 years
For the ask game, all of them~?
Dove - How do you express love?
Wish I fuckin’ knew! :p I suffer from chronic Wants To Help disease, it’s genetic, I got it from my dad. I do a lot of verbal affection, my executive dysfunction prevents me from doing much in the way of actual actions but I’m working on it. I really enjoy listening and talking and being open and talking deep stuff. But mostly I just. I Wanna Help.
Record Player - Love songs or breakup songs?
Love songs, mostly ‘cause I don’t care for breakup songs. Don’t need ‘em, don’t want ‘em. Unless I can assign them to a character. (Most of the songs I listen to are Character Songs. Seanan McGuire’s Follow Me Down is an Albafica song, I don’t make the rules.)
Stargaze - Celebrity crush?
[vague shrugging in the general direction of Gemini Aspros, I guess??]
Planter - Do you have a green thumb?
I wish. :’) It’s kind of ironic. I’m a plant. Why can’t I grow my fellows.
Linen - Do you prefer being friends with someone before starting a romantic relationship with them or starting straight into love?
If I never met Kiril and didn’t have that connection with anyone, and acknowledging that I’m aro; I’d go for the latter. If we start dating, and then I find out your personality sucks, then I’m just brutal enough that I can ditch you when I stop enjoying your presence and not feel bad about it. If we start as friends first, that’s a nightmare, because I won’t want to ruin that, and I’ll stay forever pining and going ‘haha... unless?’ and while that’s fair and genuine, that’s when it sucks the most, because that’s when I get jealous and territorial and can’t do fuckall about it. I’d rather a few moments of brutality over basically ripping apart a relationship I genuinely loved because I suck at humaning.
(That being said - Kiril and I started out as friends, and I wouldn’t change us for the world. And my jealousy and brutality turned out to be useful. @ Fuckhands McGee: suck it. I win.)
Valentine - Do you like pda?
FUCK YEA. I mean, I don’t mean ‘eating each other’s face’ or public sex. But I have the most rock-solid relationship of anyone I know who isn’t flat-out married (Bird and Wavy are marriage goals, tbh) and I will show that off. Look at how much better we are than everyone, look at how we’re nothing like you, and you will never have anything like what we do with each other. Look upon us with disgust, if you want. I’ll keep laughing, because there’s an honesty here you’ll never find. 
I’m a jealous, territorial, prideful bastard. It turns to smugness sometimes. I’m allowed.
Succulent - What are you looking forward to?
Please world. Give us a damn vaccine so I can go back to school and get my life back on track. Please. Right up until quarantine I was finally getting better. The stupid consolation everyone told me that college would be better was actually right. End this nightmare. I want to be free.
Bath bomb - What is the best form of self care?
Me not being quarantined with Kiril is homophobia, I hope y’all know. But I really do enjoy the far and few between days where my entire family is out and won’t be home until way late, so I have the day to myself. It’s rainy in the early morning, I get up actually early, do some witchcraft and my chores, it stops raining and gets sunny and warm with a little bit of wind, and I go get breakfast, spend the late morning out on the bike, come home, bring lunch home, spend the afternoon doing more witchcraft or writing, make myself dinner, take a walk, and either code or watch a movie and shower and head to bed and I do not get bothered by my family.
Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but cabin fever and never getting any actual home-alone time is killing me. :’)
Roadtrip - Where is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Washington DC, and slightly closer, Montreal, and even closer, Burlington Vermont! DC was a work trip with my dad, we went for a week in early August and I will never do that again as long as I live. 40C and humid, ugh, I was melting. (It was awesome, though.) Montreal was my grade 7 Quebec trip, during the Carnivale de Quebec which did so not live up to the hype. Burlington I flew out in February to go visit Kiril and Lance, and I really wish I’d been able to stay longer, and spend more time with Lance and Kiril. We never did manage a movie marathon, pity. Maybe next year!
Brown Sugar - What is making your heart warm today?
I got tea, and Kirilka’s being Adorable as usual, and ideas for Camp NaNo, and I think I finally have the works of a design for my toyhou.se bios! 
Pearls - Do you want to get married?
Kiril and I are engaged, so yes. Bring a weapon you know how to use. You’ll need it. (We both know why you’ll need it, and there is an actual reason. But we’re not telling. :p)
Seaside - Ideal date?
Going to see a Shakespeare play and have high tea in full formal with Kiril, of course.
Luna Moth - City or country?
City! I like wilderness pretty good, but farmlands n prairies? Nah. The moor is probably the closest I could get to open plains and like it, and even then, we’ll see when I get there.
Cupcake - Are you in love?
You bet!
Romcom - Is your story a comedy or tragedy?
Neither. I’m an epic poem.
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athenasendai · 5 years
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Geminis, galaxian explotion y otra dimensión los gemelos Caín y Abel de geminis, Aspros y Deuteros, Saga y Kanon y Paradox e Integra de geminis. Saint Seiya siglo XVIII, XX y XX. #saintseiya #AthenaSendaiXVI m.facebook.com/athenasendaixvi @athena_sendai #twitter #instagram #facebook #edit #freetoedit #picsart #MariSendai ediciones
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vangelismorgan · 6 years
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@ichigoxd-strawberry Me inspiraste para hacer mi propia versión xD y welp no es sorpresa que Aspros fuera el elegido (?) :v Avenger porque why not... Me falto la segunda ascensión, y el final Art pero me muero de sueño (?) 
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tirgreloki · 6 years
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my best gif! ASPROS DE GEMINIS!!
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