d3rpydoods · 9 months
HI!! Uh i was lookin through the shadowpeach tag- and welllL is this your art????? Cuz looking through this persons posts looks to just be stolen art.. 🧍‍♂️wish i knew any of the other artists but your art was the only one i could immediately identify!! ANYWAYS yE hope this is helpful?? Or maybe it isn't since i swear tumblr got a rubbuish report system 😑 but GAHg Very sorry for this situation in the first place BTW REALLY DO LOVE YOUR ART AND ITS STYLE!!! its pretty recognizable and so cOLOURFUL AND PRETTYYY!! SO DONT LET SONE SILLIES LIKE THIS RUIN YOUR DAYY!!🧡💥💥👊😤
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Sighhh, thank you so much for letting me know (and thank you for liking my content!) - I'll look into it when I get the chance
Yall should look out for this person
.. God, I hate these people
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secondary-colorentimy · 7 months
Hi! I hope this is not offending you in any way but can you draw some basic anatomy without any details? (Like those pose guides you see on pinterest) I really REALLY love your artsyle and plan to study it and probably implement it on my art (obv crediting you ofc).
I hope you're not mad on this- stay safe and dehydrated btw!
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i will be honest my style kinda fluctuates based on the day or how im feelin (and honestly what brush im using <— you can usually see when i get into a new brush) LOLL but i will do my best 😤 (also tysmm!! :3 you can absolutely draw inspo from my art style!!! thats how all art styles are formed! :3 )
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honestly i find this style draws a lot from the fact that im a sonic artist first so i kinda think like draw a sonic character but like if they was people so extend it but keep the big hands and big feet (i be like could a sonic do this pose? 🧐 imma do dat)
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the cross on the torso?? it does nothing and yet everything, i cannot function without the cross on the torso but idk if its actually doing anything LOLL
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shout out to the sonic the hedgehog art style and the my little pony equestria girls art style for being my biggest inspos ‼️🗣🔥 im a big fan of long legs and chunky hands and feet/shoes
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mommytimmy · 1 year
Hi hello i know this is out of the blue but i need you to know that i just. Absolutely adore your art. All of it. Its so so gorgeous and delicate in just. An incredible way and if i could id print out every single piece and consume it like a 5 course dinner. Your tim is so so gender and the way you draw him is beautiful. Genuinely, your style makes me so so happy to see
omg 🥺🥺 I took a while to answer this because I couldn't think of an answer that wasn't (incoherent screaming).
I really like drawing pretty people and pretty men, and Tim is so special because he also brings a youthfulness to it, like his cheeks are soft and still a bit baby fat despite his Self Care Choices I think fljskahdjklsahd (if I were to age him up, I'd definitely keep the kind of looks that have people carding him to buy alcohol) 🙈
I keep thinking of the balance of drawing a pretty androgynous guy without relying on over-feminization, and I don't know! I think as a character Timmy should be confident in how he presents himself and therefore does absolutely deranged stuff with his fashion choices LMFAO like his Sticking Up Hair from old comics with the Gotham giants magenta shirts LMFAO I haven't drawn that, but it lives in my head rent free, he has so much range. OR how in GK he tucks his pants into his socks oh my god I want to shove him into a locker????
Tim doesn't know how cute he is even when he hasn't washed his sweater for 2 weeks fr... But definitely, I feel like I've drawn him when he's "produced" himself for the public (taking notes for future drawings)
Another super nice thing about getting into comics is that legitimately I can do whatever I want with Tim's design? If you look at my first drawings on this account, definitely the way I have been settling on drawing Tim has changed, and I keep thinking of ways to live my best life while also having Tim look like himself, and it's still a bit of a learning curve heheh I think the goal would be having people recognize him from a lineup of his siblings (which I have to get to btw, I really want to draw the Robins but crash into the wall of "I don't draw handsome people as well as I do pretty people" fjsahdjklsad)... which comics don't do btw, it's embarrassing how many times I've confused Tim and Dick? They should color code them like the power rangers jfc
I'm also glad (laying on the floor crying) to learn more anatomy even though I never actually show it lmfao I still draw it like some clown before drawing clothes over it, but drawing superheroes is SUCH a chance to learn how to draw!
All this to say, I draw ultimately to make myself happy, and I'm lucky enough that with a couple days of resting the eyes, I can look at my own drawings like someone else made them LOL it also makes me really happy other likeminded people can enjoy the drawings I make (while I also enjoy the fanworks they make; I love ur writing!) I'll keep doing my best to keep learning how to draw so we can have more things to enjoy together! 😤
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castles-in-the-eyre · 2 years
Hi! 1, 6, 9, and 12 for the ask game please? Btw I love your art style + the poses u choose are always super neat! :)))
1. what is your favorite color to work with? oooh I've gotten really fond of pinks recently?? that and warm yellows, which is odd because my favorite color is blue-grey haha
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations ohmygosh I'm scared but the incredible @sidsinning @yayee-prsp @xcatmo & @brizelizi to name some? and literally anyone who draws marigami... I adore you.
9. what drawing program do you use? I've been using ibispaint for the past four years, but I recently got procreate with my school tablet and honestly, game-changer.
12. draw one of your favorite characters in 15 seconds klajdflkajsflkajsflkjs mari... I'm sorry....
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thanks so much!! I'm proud to say that I've been your follower since that very first marigami drawing & have been in love with your art ever since 😤
link to the ask game!
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borgchip · 1 year
watch me be TERRIBLE at making any assumptions based on your style but i adore it btw its so pretty and it gives me a lot of inspiration😤✨.. my guess is you really like western cartoons specifically the ones like totally spies or winx or powerpuff girls bc ur arts super colourful in like a really balanced way if that makes sense? the way you give the trek charas fun little outfits makes me think youve always loved drawing your fave characters in fun new outfits and liked possibly customising toys or video game charas outfits as a kid (maybe im just reading into that because i loved doing that myself) anyways feel free to tell me how wrong this was ✌️😔
🥺🥺🥺💖❤️💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗💘💗WTTFF THAS SO NIC E THANK YOU SM AA 😭😭😭 I rlly appreciate it !! I DID used to rlly be into cartoons as a tween n teen I still have a big appreciation for them, i was never into winx or spies but i fucking LOVE powerpuff girls shdjsjf its funny you guessed that !!! My faves were like gravity falls back in the day. Im honored u think i use colors good i cry :'((( ALSO. YOU ARE. SO RIGHT. I LITERALLY FUCKING LO V E DRAWING CHARACTERS IN LITTLE OUTFITS IT IS 1 OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO DRAW EVER 💗💗💗💗 IT MAKE ME VERY HAPPY. Also my fave part of literally any game is character customization HSJAFKSKF. IDK WHAT IT IS ABT DRAWING IT i just. .love seeing my fave lil blorbos in new cute wardrobes...s like im playing barbie SHSJGKD. I love thinking about what they would wear n what their style is I think it says a lot abt a character. ALSO I think its cause a lot of the things i watch have characters in like 1 set outfit most of the time (see: cartoons, also star trek now) so seeing them in a new outfit was always like a rare treat.
TYSM FOR THE ASK I RLLY APPRECIATE IT 😭😭💘💖💘💘 UR ART IS SO ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS AND CREATIVE N FUN YOU ARE A HUGE INDPIRSTION TO ME AS WELL !!! Especially how u draw people n characters they look SO much like themselves !!! U get their FEELING n their VIBE just right 👌 its a delight to look at !
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Heyo lovebug🐛♥️ I hope ur having a great day, congrats on 500 u deserve so much more bbs!! I was wondering if I could request Louisa for Paul dano characters pls
Btw sorry if this is messy I’ve never done this before…..
I’m 19yr, I’m petite and very pale ( I look like a vampire lowkey) my height is 5’2 I use she/her pronouns, 99% sure i have ocd but it hasn’t been confirmed yet, I have short brown hair with highlights ( it used to be pink highlights but they’re gone now loll) I wear glasses, I would describe my style to be kind of 80s a bit mixed with goth and a hint of  cottagecore my aesthetic is so weird, I’m tomboyish but also a girly girl at times too I loveeee wearing baggy shirts and some sweat pants ( it’s my go too) I also have a few ear piercings, I love reading comics and playing video games ( lost of us is probably my favorite), and puzzles too I’m probably the biggest nerd you would ever meet lolll ( I like collecting figures and comics)  I’m obsessed with music I could talk about it for hours if given the chance too, the song I’m currently obsessed with is bad habits by Steve lacy ( my favorite band is mook of course 😤and my favorite artist is Mac DeMarco) , I hope to pursue something in art in the future,I like to think I’m a creative person and oh I’m a movie nerd too
how I would describe myself : I’m the mom/funny friend, I’m ambivert but leaning into an introvert ( for some reason I’m not shy around introverts i suddenly get this boost of confidence… Idk tbh) I like having a small friend group, when u first meet me I’m shy and quite but when u get to know me I’m a total goofy ball lmaooo,I’m a very good listener, I’m also very supportive and loyal ( im the friend u can call when u need to bury a dead body loll ) i do have a resting bitch face sadly so I look intimidating it makes it hard for people to approach me🥲 ( i promise im nice cries) I’m very goofy I absolutely love making others laugh I thrive on it , I’m very determined person once I set my mind on something I have to do right , I’m very protective over my loved ones I would literally kill for them😀 I’m such a hopeless romantic I like listening to lovey dovey songs and create fake scenarios in my head ( I live in my head 24/7) a few of my bad habits is that i don’t know how express my emotions well anddd I hate crying in front of others…… I’m also very moody too ( I’m working on it I promise 🥲) oh my god I loveeeeeeeee showering people with complements and love I’m very affectionate towards my loved ones I love animals especially cats and birds,I like to think that I’m a very responsible person, I’m a very honest person too ( i don’t really like sugarcoating things but I have to at times) I can be really stubborn at times too, I would consider myself to be really chill, calm and lowkey sensitive.
Hobbies: reading, painting I can knit a bit but I’m better at crocheting ( I like making mushrooms for some reason) baking and cooking too I also used to play the piano but I stopped, ( I ALMOST FORGOT I ADORE FLOWERS SO MUCH ONE DAY I WANNA OWN A HUGE GARDEN) I think that’s it ( I’m a sucker for riddles I ain’t the best at them but I love how it keeps me thinking) I hope this is enough luv please take ur time and don’t forget to take breaks!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
Author's Note | first of all, you adding on your love for Hot Freaks in that separate ask wasn't dumb at all because I gave them a listen and now I'm in love with them too!! seriously, your vibes are fucking immaculate?? like fuck dude I wanna be your friend?? thank you for giving me so much to work with here!! I really hope you enjoy your matchup!!
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I am pairing you with ✨ Edward!! ✨
You and Edward would be adorable together, I know it. For one, your loyalty and support would mean a lot to him (you did say you're the friend to call when a body needs to be buried /j). Truly, though, your love, honesty, and kindness would make him so incredibly happy. Edward is an introvert but he would feel so comfortable with you.
Edward would come up with different riddles for you to solve. And if he thinks up a particularly good one, he has to write it down. Even if you can't figure it out, he'll gently nudge you in the right direction every time. He just loves watching the cogs turn in your mind as you decipher something he put together since he's a huge geek himself.
Decorate his life with your crocheted mushrooms, comics, and figurines. He'd properly adore and cherish every mark that you've left on him in a way only Eddie can.
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trashylvania · 2 years
are you on any other sites or usually just offline in general?
I used to have a twitter and ig, but both are deactivated and probably will be for the foreseeable future. Only thing I regularly use anymore is reddit, though I *really* wanna get back to being more active on here, as I have a lot of art projects and outfits to share 😊 and I also miss the style of content here. I am just extremely fatigued with political tumblr, once I get my follows right it'll be significantly less frustrating to use 😤
Love your username btw 😊🐛🏆
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
Fan cast of your fanfic
i was gonna save this post as a draft for when my fic is closer to done but fuck it!
read nyctophobia on ao3 here
leah is a mix of a young q’orianka kilcher and a young julia jones in black cloud (2004). she’s baby! shes 5’10 and plays basketball btw. in her spare time she likes going to the beach and piercing her own ears at home
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because I can’t picture chaske spencer looking a day under 27 I’ve decided to cast eddie spears as sam — specifically eddie spears in black cloud (2004), but younger 💖 he can sing and likes watching tv w his mom
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seth is like ELEVEN in the beginning of the fic so ofc, he’s baby. still played by booboo stewart ✨ seth enjoys playing uno, reading books, and neglecting his math homework to play uno and read books
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sue is a bad bitch and gave birth to bad bitch jr. (leah) so obviously I had to cast irene bedard 💕 she enjoys santana, fleetwood mac, and the occasional margarita
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i loved graham greene as harry so he can stay. he throws DOWN on some fish fry 😤
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now onto leah’s homegirls!
rachel and rebecca are both played by a young tanaya beatty but they have very distinct styles and vibes.
this is rebecca. she likes dancing and surfer boys, and she thinks nelly invented music when he released “hot in herre.” she’s also fully convinced that sean paul wrote “get busy” about her. (keep in mind this fic begins in 2002 lmao)
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this is rachel. she’s good at math and loves a comfy flannel. surprisingly, she’s good at rolling blunts.
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kawennáhere devery jacobs plays emily (imagine her w darker hair and choppy bangs). she’s good at baking and arts and crafts. she also has a track record of dating shitty boys (pre-imprinting 😐)
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amber midthunder plays kim. kimmie enjoys astrology, playing basketball with leah, and pining after jared lmao
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now for everyone else...
krys hyatt (aka the og embry from the first twilight movie) plays jacob. y’all already know what he’s up to.
the rest of the wolf pack boys are portrayed by the same actors as of new moon, but much younger and they don’t cut their hair. quil wears glasses. I also have a couple OCs but I haven’t decided who plays them yet. everyone else (billy, old quil, charlie, bella, etc.) is the same as their movie portrayals.
thanks for the ask, anon! now lemme get back to writing
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genshin-hours · 2 years
Hi hi! May I please have a romantic genshin match up? I’m a 23 years old, female Aquarius INFP, and an art student, specifically print making. I’m also a textile artist, and my main job atm is embroidery. I also really enjoy illustration, and I’d like to eventually become a tattoo artist. My hobbies include watching anime and playing mobile games. I’m pretty shy at first but won’t shut up once I’m comfortable with someone lol. I can very playfully mean and a tease when I’m in a relationship. Im very very passionate and dedicated to what I love, to the point where I often forget to eat or sleep to finish my projects, but I can otherwise be quite lazy. I have traditional Japanese tattoos, and they all represent fortune and good luck. I really enjoy changing my hair like once a month, and I have 10+ piercings, including stretched ears, guess it really wasn’t a phase mom😤 I really love animals, real and stuffed ones; I actually collect the latter, and despite owning two dogs (who I love more than anything btw!) I’m more of a cat person, I’m friends with all of the kitties in my neighborhood. I’m pretty childish most times and a bit of a cry baby. I struggle with my confidence a lot but I think I’m overall kind, hardworking and patient. I really dislike silence due to childhood trauma so I always need music or videos playing to feel comfortable. I love helping people and making them happy, maybe I’m too much of a people pleaser? I also have attachment issues so there’s that lol. Oh and I’m into guys, sadly djhsjhskjbsm
i match you with...
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a/n: ty for requesting! i hope you like your matchup :]
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so, you're probably wondering "why itto"
or maybe you're like "YES" idk but yeah
itto would probably know nothing about embroidery, but because you do it, he wants to know as much as he can
it's difficult for him because his hands aren't very skilled with delicate tasks. but if you make him something, he will 100% wear it all the time and tell everyone "my girlfriend made this for me"
also he thinks your dream to be a tattoo artist is super cool!! he will be your first customer guaranteed
and if you can draw, he will ask you to draw him lmao
if you were both in 2022, itto would play video games with you and really like playing co-op together. he'd also watch anime and give you tons of recommendations. he wants you to share some too.
when you first met, itto thought your shyness was kinda cute. he really likes that you talk more now because he knows it means you're comfy with him :)
also itto can handle your teasing and dish it back, so be prepared. he will stand over you and tell you to give him a kiss, knowing full well you can't reach. at that point he will suggest you get the step stool.
itto is pretty neat with his appearance, so if you don't remember to take care of yourself, he will be on your back about it 24/7. he might even brush/style your hair for you while you eat breakfast or work
also he thinks your passion for what you love is very admirable, and he tells everyone about how dedicated and strong you are secretly
also loves your tattoos. he has a lot of his own markings and tattoos, so he thinks you having them is another thing you guys bond on.
he would definitely get matching tattoos with you if you ever wanted to btw
itto is super particular about his hair, so he likes seeing all of the different styles you can pull off. but you better be taking care of your hair smh.
also likes your piercings and he has some of his own. he thinks they make you look badass!
itto appreciates your love for animals too. he thinks your stuffed animals are pretty cute. he gives them all names (even if you have already) and he names the coolest ones after you two.
also you don't have to worry about silence because with itto there is never a silent moment 💀
itto appreciates that you try to help everyone, but he also wants to make sure you don't burn yourself out. he is more than happy to help you say no politely lmao
oh yeah and attachment issues? you're not getting rid of him. he is glued to your side unless you ask for space. otherwise he is constantly picking you up, sitting by you, laying on your lap, talking to you, taking you on a date, etc.
itto loves you lots and i think he would appreciate everything about you, from your interests to your style!! that's why i think you two would be good together :)
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halloithmeagain · 2 years
Noo don't worry I enjoy reading what you have to say keep it as long as you want. I know that all the long animes are the good ones, the real problem for me was that I was afraid that I won't have control over myself and binge watch it... And with this amount of episodes.. 💀 There are a lot other stuff I have to do so I thought okay it's better if I don't watch it at all. And I also didn't really like the art style at first but I noticed you get used to it pretty quickly after watching a few episodes. I can't hold back anymore you promoted one piece so well on your blog and my bestie also doesn't stop talking about it lol you both convinced me. But I'll try to binge watch it after ramadan just for a bit. I already really love Luffy’s character, he's so bright but I feel like there is a lot of pain behind his kindness and sweet smile, idk maybe I'm wrong. btw currently at ep 4 so 1020 left 💀😭😂
:( Thankyou & HAHA Noo you’re supposed to let it consume you ok, binge watch it and catch up then we can have fruitful discussions about it 🤝😂 yeah I get what you mean about the art style, but yes you get used to it, and it does get better throughout the series even in its early stages :) I want you to get to like ep 200 sooon, I’m so sure you’ll be hooked to it around then; let me know how it goes when you start binging it!!
Ima let you judge for yourself why he’s the way he is, I don’t wanna ruin anything for you 😤 & The ending had me 💀💀😂 4/1020 🥲😂 you’ll get there soon ok dw, just get through the difficult 100/150 eps and you’ll start flying through it 😂
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@cliffsidecoffee released their new sticker of the month for #march2022 ! I didn't realize they were 3D glasses until I was about to work the #art_work 😆 which is pretty cool AND this gave me a better idea on what style to incorporate with the theme of the sticker. I decided for this month to do watercolor, which is my favorite btw 🌝, but I wanted to try out my new #watercolorpalette ... Here's the final product of the project I did! It turned out amazing, I also *love* 🥺😤 the sticker- it's pretty cool! 😎🔥 If you haven't yet and you happen to be in #amarillotx stop by the #localcoffeeshop and support them. As YOU ALL would know, my favorite drink I like get the Snickers Freeze with whip- it's absolutely amazing. 🤤☕ You should definitely try it. Lol 😅 But anyways y'all have a great day and like always do your best. And go #treatyaself with some #coffee☕ . 💚💙🍀 P.s. I drink my Snickers Freeze anytime of the year and day regardless of the weather... 🥵🥶 It's delicious! 👹😈 #savvycreations27 #fmufam #fmufamart #art🎨🖌 #artwork🎨🖌 #water_color #water_color_painting #my_art #my_artwork #stickerart #themeart #painting_art #paint_ #art_painting #traditional_art #traditionalartwork🎨 #3dglasses (at Cliffside Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CanUw1jl1kF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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