#Btsandvmin answer
btsandvmin · 10 months
Hey dear, I want you to just hear me out. When Jimin released Face off. I got a feeling that this song was about Tae and that it was a break up song and that is the reason why I think Tae never Hyped Jimin’s album. What if “ I wish you could love me again” by Tae was a reply to Face off. This is just my thought.
Nothing is impossible... They do have interactions after Face where they seemed fine though. And I remember Tae saying he was excited/waiting for it too before the release. Anyways, as usual we just don't have enough of the pieces to really know anything. All we can do is guess... Personally I don't really lean either way regarding the songs being about each other. What I do think is that no matter if the songs are about each other or not I stil think they are friends and at the very least civil with each other.
Thanks for the ask, and let's wait and see and hope Vmin haven't been through anything too angsty. ❤️
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 2 years
How did a song about Jimin & Tae, become a song about all the members & Army?But why did Jimin include ARMY and others in CHINGU?
Well hello there, dear anon, how surprising to see you here as well! Unfortunately here, too, you won't find any negative or pessimistic answer either because, just like romanticdrift and btsandvmin have said in their answers, we also do not see how todays short promo video for Proof of Inspiration affects or changes the meaning of Friends in any shape or form. After all, even if you want to zoom in on the specific wording, at the end of the day Tae also counts as Jimin's friend as well as a fellow member. Yet, even in a group of friends you can still have your one special person but you don't have to single them out each time, especially when everyone already knows they are special. It's enough for him to have said it in many instances before, as well as in the lyrics of Friends themselves, so even while grouping Tae in with everyone else, that doesn't take away anything about their bond and how special they are to each other. Or how special Friends the song is.
So, dear anon, I'm sorry to say but your search for a pessimistic answer will have to continue.
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lesbian-vmin · 3 years
Welcome back, truly missed your no-nonsense longtime ARMY take on things. Watching Festa 2019, Hobi made me emotional. When the members were praising him, his little face 😔. He truly is underrated. Sometimes I think Jin & Hope hv similar personalities, but Jin has larger presence? Q. Recently there’s been ask/comments popping up about something being off with vmin. In what little unedited(?) content we have last year, there seems a bit disconnect, but being really new ARMY I am genuinely curious to know your feel. I have read btsandvmin’s posts, but wanted to hear your take. Thank you if you do decide to answer. Please don’t stop posting ❤️
He is so underrated, but I kind of like it that way. Hobi biased people tend to be the most amazing and wholesome people in the fandom (as well as Jin and RM biased people, honestly... though some RM biased are a little pervy for me lol)...and I think it's because they have the least fans/stans/solos or whatever. So you know, the less people you have...the less crazy people you have. In the words of Agent K. (I think it's sort of fitting) "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
Anyway. Before I move onto Vmin, let me just state one tiny little thing about Hope. Probably my favorite thing about him (there are so many things) but I love it when he talks about his passion. I wish we had more Hope on the Street lives where he talked about dancing. Because I could listen to him gush about his passions for an eternity and never get bored. Honestly. 
Now for the Vmin take on this ask. (below the cut)
I've read some posts around about recent Vmin, and...I'm not going to get into who said what and which specific details I agree and disagree with. Because I don't always (in fact I almost never) agree with larger Vmin bloggers. And I don't particularly....well. I'll just try to answer this in a way that (hopefully) isn't stepping on anyone's toes or anything like that (because I know that's probably not the intention of the ask), and this is something I've wanted to talk about for a hot minute. 
So. About the recent Vmin and how there seems to be a disconnect or whatever. I don't know. People keep using this "I've been around for a long time" bs to justify them saying they see what they see. And I mean. It's fine. People can see what they see. But "I've been around for a long time" too, and I don't think there's any sort of "disconnect" or anything really strange going on. I'm not saying that my view is better than anyone else's. In fact, I don't "read too much into things" or try to make something out of nothing/everything all the time. I usually take stuff at face value, and take the members for their words. I see Vmin talking. Being cute. Interacting. Posting about each other. Complementing each other. And everything they've always ever done? It doesn't seem weird? It doesn't seem off? What was it? Because of the birthday post? Because Jimin didn't gush and post a lot of words and just made a simple tweet? Or is it something else? (I mean, I can "delusional" about things if I want to, but I'm mostly joking on those things and just appeasing the audience, if you will) 
Either way. I don't think they're off? Or disconnected? Or anything like that. In fact, they actually seem closer to me? They always seem closer and closer to me. I think all of the members are a little off from what they usually are, if you ask me. Whether it's because of the Pandemic. The absence of fans. The fact that Yoongi was out of the game. Or what. They're all a little...I don't want say "off" (even though I just did) because it makes it sound bad. I honestly think that them being stuck in Korea and letting them have more time at home has allowed them to work through things and think about things they may have been too busy to give any attention to. That goes for all the members. Not just Vmin. If we're just observing Vmin alone....I guess maybe someone can say they're different than what they used to be. But they always are? They're constantly changing. But that goes for everyone. I don't know. 
I can do a whole analysis about this topic, but to talk about the Vmin last year alone, I'd have to dig up content to talk about. And to compare it to what we've been given before, I'd have to dig up further content. All I can say is. I see Vmin as being close. They haven't done anything recently to make me feel otherwise. And, I'm sure I've said in a post before, but it would take a lot to convince there's some "off" (in a negative way) about them. Because I don't take the few moments we see on camera as hard evidence. And I don't think that what they post or don't post publicly (see b-day tweet) is any indication as to what's going on right now. Does that make sense? 
I know this answer probably isn't helpful. This is something I do want to talk about more, but I also am not sure that my attitude or view toward things is what everyone wants to read. Because I'm just "eh" most of the time. I mean. I can analyze moments that we do get and talk about them all serious or playful as much as anyone wants. But I can't go beyond what we're seeing to try to justify my thoughts. And what I see is Vmin being close still....so....does that make sense?
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vminforlife · 3 years
(1) Hello!! I’m a very, very new fan of BTS. Would you be okay if I asked you a few questions? I’m having a hard time finding BTS ( especially vmin) blogs that are currently active and updated. If not, please just ignore this message. :) I just heard and watched the live Outro Tear video and I read BTS wrote this song believing they were disbanding. Are they? That was very disheartening to hear as I’ve found so much joy in discovering them. Would you mind sharing your thoughts on current Vmin?
(2) Vmin was what initially got me interested in BTS. I loved their interactions and how much they seem to care about each other. But all the current (or at least what I think is current) BTS media they are stand off-ish to each other and hardly ever interact. Taehyung never smiles or has any of the playfulness in his personality. Did I join this fandom at the end of BTS? At the end of Vmin? I would love to hear your thoughts if you’ve got the time. It’ll be much appreciated. :)
Hi ! Thanks for your ask ...actually you are the first one ☺️and I don't know if I have the right to answer your ask. Actually I'm a fetus army as well although I know BTS quite sometime but I'm not into them really at first because I'm not into K-pop thing but my daughter was. Until last year September I think? I was watching videos in FB and somehow i came across some BTS videos them being dorks in an award shows and I find them funny and adorable at the same time. From then on I watch all the videos of BTS as much as I can 😅 to gather all information about them.
For your question if they are disbanding the answer is no. It was 2018 when they are having a hard times and thinking to disband it was revealed by Jin on his speech in an award show but fortunately they did not so don't worry. They renew their contract for another 7 years last year so we have plenty of time to see them 🙂
About VMIN .... I really love them you know. Their interactions felt genuinely real for me that's why I shipped them(I don't know if you are aware about fan service) . You're new in the fandom so do I but after researching about VMIN on youtube and here in Tumbler I can say that VMIN are still the same up to now ,they just got matured and not playful as much unlike before. They call each other bestfriend and soulmate and I believe them even if others don't.They wrote songs to each other and do coupley thingy that's why I can't help to ship them beyond friends. They are really cute together 🥰. Last year was a blast for VMiN they have a lot of moments together check out @btsandvmin you will be surprise.I hope I answer your ask correctly it is to the best of my knowledge and I 'm willing to be corrected 🙂I'm not good in explaining so forgive me ..
If you want to understand their dynamics fully I recommend @btsandvmin @lesbian-vmin @nekathyran their blogs are great and worth reading. Happy New Year!!!!
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vlovers19 · 4 years
I m sry if this offends u but dont u think its weird that the others would refer to jikook as a couple more than once? Jin has done it, joon has done it n now yoongi. I mean ofc if it were real they probably wont but still 3 times to the same pair? Are they trying to hint something? And lets say if vmin rly have feelings for e/o them saying this wont it make vmin feel bad?
Thank you for this. I don't really want to talk about another ship because i will be sounding biased. If you follow my blog and read some of my answers, you will know that I have never mentioned that Vmin are for certain in a relationship. What i mostly say is that they probably developed feelings for each other over the years. (I hinted probably but most people always seem to ignore that)
The reason is because personally, I think being in a relationship with a fellow member in a conservative country like Korea will be very difficult because you won't really receive the support of everyone. It will be hard separating your work life and your personal life. Even if the members support you, what about the rest of the staffs working under the company? Is everyone really comfortable with your relationship considering the fact that there are a lot of homophobic people around?
Now realistically, instead of actually promoting the 'couple' so people will notice their relationship, they will actually try to cover for them and not let the attention fall on them. They will have to be extremely careful with the things they do and say.
I know about Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi declaring jikook are a couple when they act oddly in public. It's suspicious but at the same time, it really isn't. If they where a serious couple, instead of making it so obvious, they would have tried to shut it down. To get people's attention away from them so it doesn't look like a big deal. But when the members talk about vmin, it's often vague, they don't give away too much.
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If we take a look at the image above, apart from Rm talking about vmin's closeness with Hoseok, he has also vaguely mentioned about it with Jin.
But at the same time whenever they do something odd or close to odd especially in front of the cameras, there will always be someone there to shut it down. Mostly, that's the job of Rm, the leader of the group.
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Photo Credit @btsandvmin
It's like he doesn't want to leave people with imaginations. Shutting down vmin has been something he has done more than once.
During an interview, Jimin suddenly declared that Taehyung made his heart race after the latter complimented him. Rm immediately shut it down with 'because he's your friend'
He has done this during few occasions. Another example was when 4'O clock was released. Rm and Taehyung where chatting on social media. Rm asked Taehyung how the song came to be. Taehyung revealed that the song was inspired by Jimin. The reaction to that statement wasn't favorable at all. Taehyung was ruthlessly attacked by fans after that so Rm immediately deleted the post.
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Due to such a reaction, why would he want to get them exposed if they really are a couple? Vmin ship isn't nearly as supported as jikook or Taekook. Many of their moments are often questioned and side lined showing the lack of support they get. Some blogs who post about them are ruthlessly attacked. Many of them end up getting shut down so it will only be natural if they are protected instead of being exposed. No matter what they do, people eventually choose to forget it with time.
Another example comes from Yoongi. Now, Yoongi is quite blunt with his words especially when it comes to the situation at hand. In 2016, when Taehyung was shooting Hwarang and Jimin kept continuously talking about him, Yoongi teased him much like how he is doing with Jikook now.
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Or when Jimin was trying to flirt with him during a fan meeting but he immediately rebuked him and told him to flirt with Taehyung instead.
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But when they acted spontaneously without any warning he too was there to shut it down.
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Or during the shooting of boy with luv when Jimin held Taehyung's hand for no reason at all, Jin was also trying to shut it down but this time, he was somewhat unsuccessful.
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I think it's more realistic for the members and Big Hit as a whole to shut down any kind of hint that might prove something is going on between those two. It is more realistic than trying to expose them or outright declaring that they are dating to the public especially at a time when things aren't that favorable for lgbtq people in their country.
They can joke about two people's 'relationship' if it isn't really true but no one makes jokes about a real relationship especially if it is a gay one. Why? Because it's sensitive. It takes a lot of courage to come out to others so most people will just try to avoid talking about it as much as they can.
I want to point out something. For quite sometime, we all had been waiting for a vlive from Vmin. However, Big hit chose to give us an interview of the two where they will have to answer specific questions. Despite it all, even in that interview, they exposed quite some interesting information about themselves. Things we didn't even know about them.
Having noticed that they had said too much, they immediately shut down our imaginations as if they where making excuses for their weird behavior during the interview. They reminded us that they are just friends like any other. Taehyung said he hoped they weren't awkward. (When in fact they where)
Even they themselves want to shut down any hint they might have exposed. Like they don't want the attention, as though they are trying to protect themselves.
Like I have said before, being in a relationship with a fellow member in a kpop group where fan service is the order of the day might not be an ideal situation which is why I think no one is dating in Bts. Really, no one has the right to be jealous if two other members are flirting. To me, it's the situation I see vmin are in right now. Even if they are, they will try to leave as little hint as possible.
Ultimately, I believe if there is a gay couple in Bts, they would try to keep it as low key as possible. Even though they want to hint at their relationship, they will make it vague so people don't really have conclusions about them to avoid attacks on their personalities. It's only normal. If one is going to come out, you have to really be prepared to face the pressure. If one isn't prepared, then it's only likely that you will continue to remain in the closet until you are ready if ever you are to come out. So in reality, it isn't as easy as it looks. People just don't hint on something that might bring attack on another's personality unless it's just a joke. Being in a gay relationship isn't the same as being in a heterosexual one. It comes with a lot of challenges. It's not that simple.
They might actually go about leaving hints if they are truly certain that they will end up together, like they are actually committed but according to Jimin, he is uncertain about the future. He doesn't know what will happen. He can only hope that they will be together but for the present, he would only like to show the members he cares.
I guess you understand the point I'm making. I don't want to dwelve so much but that's all I can say about this. Thanks for this ask. I quite enjoyed talking about this.
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btsandvmin · 10 months
Omggg omgg Tae's album is finally coming this month😭😭😭. I'm so fkng excited! I just hope we get some vmin crumbs since we have been starving for so long. Manifesting Jimin related content in KTH1. I miss your analysis too. Wish you were as active here as in the past.
Aaaaaah! Yes it's finally coming! And videos for every song! 😳😍 It would be lovely with some Vmin indeed. But also just waiting for Tae's album for years and now finally getting it makes me so excited and curious.
As for writing analysis.... I am so sorry for not doing much. The biggest issue is that I still need to buy a new computer. Mine broke in October and I still haven't been able to buy a new one even though it's been forever. 😩 (Everything is so expensive atm so it takes forever to save up, and I don't have a job right now which sucks).
Basically it's just a lot more difficult for me to write long pieces on the phone.
Also now during the summer I have been away a lot, to some places that barely have internet. But I totally understand why you are waiting for me to post... I am sorry for being away. 💜 There are definitely interesting asks and of course old topics that I still want to post about... 👀 And Tae's new song titles looks interesting as well.
Thank you for the ask (and to others who has kept sending asks as well). 💜
Let's be excited for Layover together! 🥰
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btsandvmin · 1 year
What a friendship touching your friend’s lip to put 7 on it! Besties! Bros!
Best bros! 😚🌈💜
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Platonic soulmates best friend bros. 🥰
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btsandvmin · 1 year
Bet you anything that at least one of pjms song is vmin coded do u dare challenge me XD. I know i might be delusional here. But thats just for fun after all. I Guess shipping Wars meant to be fun if we dont cross bounderies of course. Anyway im so in love with vmin's bond and even if they are not a couple they do act like one sometimes XD And they do seem to be genuinely happy when they are together. Anyway im so happy pjm is coming. Btw didnt jimin said in festa that they both worked hard for their mixtape? Maybe together. Who knows XD. Im so excited. Vmin best bros.
Omg yes! I am so excited for PJM1! And no, I won't take the bet against you. 😝 As you say it is for fun, but considering their track record of similar themes (I mean even Jimin's part in Vibe has moon, stars, night and holding hands, and it's not even Jimin's song) I am kind of scared and excited.
And a Vmin joint mixtape (or collabs on their individual ones) have been a dream of mine for so long. (Anyone remember when I wrote about an actual dream I had about it? Vmin had a cute mv with them together on a couch and everything. 🥺❤️) But I don't know if I dare hope for it... I don't want to end up disappointed because of wrong expectations. 😅
Either way... You who have followed me for a long time probably know that lyric and song analysis in regards to Vmin is something I have done a lot, and something I enjoy a lot as well. Even if it's just for fun there is just a looooot to find in their songs that match extremely well between them and in regards to their relationship.
Anyways, of course I am looking forward to it even if it doesn't have a single Vmin theme or connection. But again, it would be really interesting to see if there are some themes or other things that pop up that could have a Vmin connection. 👀 ⭐❄️🌙⁉️
(...actually what if Jimin's moon tattoos or just like the moon or moon cycle is on the cover... Like that would be Vmin but also Jimin himself you know. Sooo many possibilities that could be super ambiguous and yet make us think of Vmin.......)
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So yeah, excited and also a little scared. 😜 But I am sure we will all love it and I can't wait to see more of Jimin's colors as an individual artist. 💜
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Thanks for the ask @yesimavmintrash 😚
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btsandvmin · 1 year
Hi! You haven't been active for a while and i just wanted to ask if you are okay?
Hi and sorry for worrying you all with being so silent. I am currently away from home, visiting my mom to help her. I'll be away for a little longer but I have seen that I have gotten a lot of asks and I understand that you all are waiting for my replies. Sorry for it taking time. But I will try to answer as much as I can when I get back home. ❤️💜❤️
Meanwhile I can at least say this in regards to some of the more frequent subjects in my inbox.
1. I love Face and will likely write a small review of the album as well as some thoughts on the lyrics etc.
2. I am not worried about Vmin at all and if you have read my blog for a long time I think you know my feelings about any "Vmin divorced" kind of claims already. (It's basically redundant for me to be talking about it at this point).
3. I will eventually post my big analysis here and I have already posted some of it here (though I haven't updated it in a long time now). There is more on my Patreon and some posts there are even open to read without being subscribed if you want to check it out. But the plan is to eventually have most of the big analysis on Tumblr as well as long as the format allows it.
Sorry for being missing during this time and I hope you can have some more patience.
💜 Thank you all for sending me so many questions and other messages. 💜
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btsandvmin · 2 years
Tae and Jennie dating rumors
Now this is a topic I have been a bit afraid to touch. But I have gotten several asks about it, and I do have thoughts about the subject. I don’t think this will be a very fun read, but even so I always strive to be as honest as I can and I don’t want to ignore it either. I think no matter what I say there will be some readers who will end up disappointed, but I hope this post at least explains my take properly and that you can understand my reasoning.
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Edit. Forgot one ask I'll add it when I get to my computer next time. For now this is what it said:
the jennie and tae rumors are increasing and while i wish this would mean tkkers would be a little more quiet of course they’re going down the opposite path by approaching it like larrys to their s/os dear lord
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First of all sorry for being silent, I started this post and then got covid for 3 weeks. I also think the fact that we simply get less content from BTS is going to mean less content from the fan creators to some extent as well.
To be frank, the easiest explanation for the rumors is that indeed Tae and Jennie are together. At this point there are just a lot of various photos of them together as well as photos from matching places (including the one of Tae on a bed that matches with Jennie’s pillows and covers you mentioned anon) and the timing of clothes they have worn and them being in the same places around the same time seem to indicate the realness of them. Of course the photos could be edited, but with even bruises on Tae’s legs matching it feels like there are too many details overlapping for all of them to be edited. On top of that we of course have the IG follow (accidental or not) from Tae, Tae going with Lisa to Paris and then going to New York at the same time as BP and being rumored to be at their listening party. Lastly we also have the silence from both companies.
Logically, the easiest explanation is usually the most likely one. That being said, of course Tae and Jennie being a couple is not the only option, I personally simply think it’s the easiest explanation for what we have seen and heard at this point. I am not going to dive deeply into each picture or analyze if it’s real or not, because honestly I rather simply speak about the possibilities of this being real or not and what each possibility could mean. I want to be open-minded, and especially as a Vmin shipper I don’t want to try to find reasons to believe or not believe. I’ll just wait and see.
A rumor is still a rumor and as of now it’s not yet confirmed, so while I think it’s possible I won’t say it’s definite. 
For me it doesn’t matter much if it is true or not though, as long as Taehyung is happy. I am glad that we got the live interaction of Jimin and Taehyung because even though I have always been confident in Vmin’s bond no matter the type I do feel that it will remind other people that Vmin are as close (and even clingy) as ever. 
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(I mean, not only did Tae keep commenting and Jimin kept talking to him during the live, we also learned Jimin got the moon phases added to his first tattoo becuase of a fanart Tae showed him. Also Tae confirmed to look at Jimin fanart everyone.)
Basically regardless of the truth I remain of the opinion that Vmin is Vmin, and they love each other and are each other’s soulmates and that isn’t going to change even if they date other people.
Now I’ll talk through some of my personal reflections and reactions to the rumors, but mind you they are all over the place, because again, I don’t like to come to any definite conclusion when nothing is confirmed.
Honestly, I must say even just a BTS member dating a Black Pink member seems so unreal to me. Simply because of the odds of two members of the most popular groups in Kpop actually ending up together outside of fanfiction and fan theories seems so unlikely. Especially since this ship has been popular for years and they happen to be two of the most influential people in all of Kpop. Not that it means it can’t be real, it just seems so weird to happen after so many years of fans “wanting it”.
Admittedly Jennie is probably the BP member I have the least interest in, but somehow she and I must have similar tastes because at this point she has allegedly dated three of my ultimate biases; Kai (EXO), GD (Big Bang) and now Tae. I remember when the Kai and Jennie dating was revealed by Dispatch and I also remember wondering if it was a PR relationship, though I can’t really remember where that feeling came from besides from how short lived it was. I think maybe they were also doing promo for things around that time?
Anyways, the point is that with Kai and Jennie the rumor was confirmed (fairly quickly at that) even though they broke up shortly after, and while the agencies said they didn’t know they said they would look into it. (Though I think if Dispatch already had pictures likely the companies were informed before the photos got released.) (Some articles on it X and X). SM later confirmed, while I think YG stayed silent. So at least in this sense it could match up with their reaction to the Tae x Jennie rumors. But I still don’t understand why they wouldn’t confirm if it is real.
I also remember the private photos of Jennie and GD being spread and honestly I think Jennie must be pretty bad at keeping things secret at this point. 
The one thing I will say about the pictures leaked of Tae and Jennie is that if this person who keeps leaking personal photos has so many photos then why are there not any decent ones showing both of the idols faces? I mean, if they take photos together without worrying then I would personally assume there should be some cute couple ones where their faces are very clear. But again, maybe this person is leaking these other photos for some reason, or maybe Tae and Jennie are careful enough to wear masks for couple photos but not careful enough to not take couple photos to begin with?
I am mostly saying this because it didn’t seem to apply with the private circulating photo of Jennie and G-dragon, though in it they don’t act like a couple you can very clearly see both of their faces.
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Speaking of GD though, his behavior in this whole mess has also been a bit weird... Liking posts about him and Jennie as a couple? But also unfollowing people and commenting on weird things? Of course it could be fans making edits or something, but if it’s real it’s just another weird layer to it all. Either way G-dragon is also getting some media attention because of this rumor. (Article X)
I am no expert in Korean dating culture, nor in how celebrities and their companies handle rumors, but I do think it’s weird that we haven’t gotten any proper statements yet except “it’s difficult to confirm because it’s the artists’ personal lives” basically. When Dispatch is the one confirming I think they usually check in with the companies first, but in this situation all the pictures come from a random person who keeps leaking more and more photos. It’s odd that they simply let the person keep going, not to mention that most of the photos (if real) are obviously from the idol’s own personal phone (Jennie’s) which is a horrible breach of privacy that one would think they would do something about. Of course they might be doing something behind closed doors, but nonetheless it has been going on for a long time now with new photos or rumors every other day.
For me I don’t understand why the companies would let it continue on like this with more and more photos being leaked, which regardless of the rumors being true or not is a big offense against the artists. Even if the photos are fake this is something that could harm both individuals, but perhaps especially Jennie as it seems the person is even leaking other private photos of her. Again, real or not this is simply not something that should be allowed to go on for this long. I personally think this is weird and very poorly handled by the companies, especially if these photos are real.
Sure Hybe hasn't had any similar situations before, but it's their job to deal with and take care of things like this all the same. Being sloppy or unsure how to proceed is possible but for how long are they just gonna let it go on?
By now surely they must have talked to Jennie and Tae, because of the nature of the leak, and if they are together and don’t want to confirm then fine... It could explain the silence, but then I hope that at least behind closed doors they are trying to do something about it. For me if they are together and considering how easily the Jennie x Kai rumor was confirmed I don’t see how confirming would bring more harm at this point rather than letting the leaks continue. I think most fans would simply offer sympathy. The only reasons I can think of for them to keep quiet is if the rumors are not true but they gain from the rumors, or the rumors are true but Tae and Jennie don’t want to confirm or that the companies think they have more to gain by not confirming despite the drama (like free PR and not angering shippers).
When it comes down to it there are only a few possible options (though they all allow various reasons for how it's been handled).
The rumors are true. Tae and Jennie are dating and the rest is all just the companies handling it all weirdly. 
The photos and all of the rumors are fake, but they still won’t confirm anything. 
The photos (at least some of them) are real, but they are not in a relationship.
The third option can in turn be developed with various angles, for example they are just friends (though that also seems weird considering the type of photos), but in this case keeping silent I feel would only be for another purpose, like the relationship is created/used for PR and/or the relationship is a sort of bearding/cover.
PR relationships are actually quite common, though I do think less so amongst idols simply because dating in general is not seen as a very positive thing. Even so, relationships can be used as promoting groups or activities and creates a lot of attention and buzz. A relationship that is real can of course also be used for PR, which we should keep in mind.
To me the timing of this relationship and the silence from the companies is what I think indicates they are using the rumor for PR purposes, no matter if it’s real or not.
Not confirming in itself might also be a decided PR move, to let the rumors be talked about and engage fans in speculation to gain more attention. Even so, I do think it’s odd that so little has been said about the rumors officially and it does leave room for deniability in the future. (If they actually are together with other people this is especially important to not let the rumors be clear lies told by the idols if the truth comes out in the future).
If the relationship is real I do think it will be confirmed at some point ahead (unless they break up before such a point is reached). I say this mostly based on 3 things. 1. Jennie and Kai already had their relationship confirmed. 2. If it’s a serious relationship (which I feel Tae being who he is it would be) then they would likely want to confirm at some point to show it’s serious. 3. The rumors have been going on for so long now that most fans seem to accept them and even say “just let them be already” meaning if they are afraid of fans’ reactions it has already started to accept the possibility more (as often happens with time). Basically if this all keeps going for a long time if it is real I will start to expect some kind of confirmation or at the very least more sightings etc. from more sources rather than just this one person who has been leaking things. 
If nothing is ever said regarding Tae and Jennie and new rumors with other people or a confirmation of them being single appears it’s possible they used this for PR and either created the rumor for buzz, or rode along with it.
For me one of the most interesting questions about these rumors is about the timing. Why now?
The fact that it has all surfaced and been reported on along other individual projects with Taehyung being promoted, as well as around the time of BP having activities is always a PR red flag so to speak. Not that it can’t be genuine, but for example rumors of Tae showing up to the BP listening party or him being in New York at the same time as they do promotion etc. will mean the articles can advertise activities along with the rumors. Tae having an official appearance with Lisa during this period is another clear example or co-promotion for both groups even outside of the rumors that seems rather convenient with the timing.
I have yet to post it, but one part of my big Vmin analysis brings up Tae’s (and Jimin’s) individual personality and how I think he would be and think about a relationship. In that post I explain that Tae seems to be the type that wants to be as open as possible with most things. About who he is, but also if possible with who he loves. To me this is one of the reasons I can see Tae out of all members being less careful if he actually is in a relationship. He simply wouldn’t care much if people didn’t like it, because to him his true fans will accept it and be happy for him, and being truthful and happy is more important than the idol image. Of course it is a difficult subject, but with BTS being more “separate” as individuals it could now be different and Tae might have fewer reasons to hide his love life. Similarly to how fans have started to accept his smoking and it being his choice, eventually fans will get used to and accept the idea that he is dating. This could be one explanation to why the rumors have shown up now, and not before, even if members have had relationships before. Tae might simply be less careful about it. His reply about the accidental follow contradicts this a bit though, but that whole thing is also part of how all this started, so who knows if it was accidental or not.
I am going to be perfectly honest here, I would still be surprised if Tae is 100% straight and has never had a crush on Jimin. But the possibility is and always has been there. I might simply have convinced myself with my own analyses and theories to the point that it’s difficult to imagine Tae as anything else but in love with Jimin (I mean, you have seen what Tae does, Jimin is clearly very special to him). But again, that’s why I have to try even harder to remember that it’s still based on my interpretation, as well as my biases, and I might have gotten all of it (or some of it) completely wrong.
One of the things that I have been thinking about in regards to Vmin in particular with this rumor coming about is the possibility of “bearding”.
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Now, I don’t really like to jump at this reason simply because it feels very much like an act of cognitive dissonance being a driving force. Basically as a Vmin shipper I might want to try to find reasons for the rumors that still allow my view of Vmin as a couple to remain intact. This is a danger I have spoken about myself before and I need to follow my own advice. (BTS&Vmin analysis pt. 3 - Problems with analysis of real people (part 1)) As one anon mentioned, this type of behavior also seems to be happening within the tae/kook community.
Bearding is a possibility but my main thought about this option is once again “Why now?” I mean, we know that BTS have all been rumored to be gay or have extreme shippers who believe members to be gay or in relationships with each other etc. but we have never seen any relationships with any of them before.
The only reason I could see bearding being a possibility is if something else is to happen that might in opposite to the Tae x Jennie rumors spark really big suspicions of members being gay. In particular about Tae of course, but also possibly Jimin if we look at a Vmin perspective. Despite it being close to their likely to happen military service it’s possible that there could still be things released that might make more people speculate about a LGBT+ connection for them.
I want to add onto this with a few new updates with Vmin in particular, as they came out after these thoughts of “what could trigger the need for a beard?” were already in my head. 
First it was the live interactions, as mentioned above, it indicated Vmin still going strong. And secondly, and more poignant, when I saw Jimin’s Photo-Folio concept photos and his “color: freedom” theme matched with him being an angel in the colors of the Bi flag, I must say this speculation was a bit triggered in me. (Even if this is still all just speculative about what Jimin actually is saying)
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But alas it would talk a lot more than that for there to be a reason to shield Tae in particular with a fake girlfriend rumor even if Jimin was to actually come out as LGBT+ officially. Especially with the other two maknae ships being much more popular anyways it’s unlikely the fandom would jump at Tae being LGBT+ and together with Jimin based on what Jimin does in regards to his own sexuality. So with that being said, IF this whole thing is a bearding situation I think something else that is more directly connected to Tae would have to be revealed. Maybe with his own Me, Myself and Taehyung concept? 
My first thought in regards to something being released that calls for a beard though was if perhaps KTH1 is going to include more songs about love, and perhaps even use even more possible themes we already connect to Vmin? If so, having a possible love relationship for Tae there for fans to think of top of mind would make some sense. Again, this is the Vmin angle of this whole thing, but I still want to remind you this is all wild speculation. But as a Vminie, and as an analyzer I wanted to include these speculations as they did pop into my head.
These rumors have been all over the place and honestly I am kind of hoping it will all come to some end sooner rather than later. I especially think this very weird person who leaks things should just stop stirring things up and sharing things that aren’t theirs to share, or alternatively spreading lies for attention (planned by the companies for PR or done on the whim of a very disturbing individual doesn’t matter). I will surely notice if more developments regarding the rumor happens, but for now I am not that invested with more of the same coming out and rather wait until we actually get something more official. Basically I am just writing all of this to say "Let's wait and see".
Lastly, I wonder if people will still be interested in my Vmin analyses. As you know I have been working on the big one and was about to post a new chapter to Tumblr when these rumors and BTS’s whole hiatus put a bit of a stop to it. I don’t know if I should keep posting like usual, but honestly I do think a lot of the analysis is an interesting read no matter if Vmin is real or not. As you probably know I’ve always written analyses with the stance that Vmin might just be friends and that’s fine, their bond is still incredible and very interesting to look closer at. Also as I said nothing is confirmed, and Vmin are in the end still suspicious with a lot of things I haven’t talked about properly in posts yet. But let me know what you think, maybe you all find it weird for me to keep writing ship analysis for Vmin with everything that is going on.
Anyways, this wasn’t the easiest post to make and likely not the most fun to read either, so if you made it this far thank you. I hope you see my points.
Also, let's enjoy demon/angel Jimin and focus on things that bring us joy rather than giving these rumors more attention.
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I purple you all, and I purple Vmin. 💜
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btsandvmin · 1 year
Dyiiiiing to read the next chapter on patreon! How are you, Mandi? So much to unpack now, miss your thoughts 🫰
Thank you!! <3 I miss writing, but my computer is broken (since late october) so it's a bit difficult to make big posts atm. And my Vmin analysis google docs keeps crashing when I try to write on the phone (because the document is too big). But I am saving up to a new computer and hopefully will buy it soon.
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I really really want to post it as it's basically finished. The next part is about my view of Vmin's personalities (as individuals). The biggest problem is that I can't track the sources for some things... Meaning I might have to remove some of the examples... I am considering posting with something like "IMG Can't find source" on Patreon and see if I might be able to find them later and update it... But I am really sad about how difficult it is to find old things nowadays. Especially when I can't remember exactly what show/media the moment was from. T-T
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Hopefully it should be up soon, but what do you think, should I post with missing sources or remove them all together if I can't find them soon? :/
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for being a bit slow and well.... quiet with new posts. *-*
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btsandvmin · 2 years
I’m intoxicated and I need the next chapter on patreon. I’m dying. That’s not a friendship hug like AT ALL.
Oh god. 🙃 I am so sorry for being slow. But yeah, the whole hiatus news followed by the dating rumors kind of made me stop and wonder what to do for a while. I am still not done with the next part and I know it's taking way too long. 😫 Hmmm..... I don't know if sharing the introduction to the next analysis chapter I'll post on Patreon is gonna help or make things worse. Either way I am glad you seem to be so excited about it. Here is a short teaser. 💜
(please don't die 💜)
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In my latest post I also wondered if people would still be interested in my analysis. And I got a lot of replies saying they still want to read. So thank you everyone for letting me know, and for liking my content so much. 💜 I'll try to go back to focusing on writing again now that I feel that people are still interested.
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Also thank you to Vmin for the flood of great moments these last few weeks. ❤️
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btsandvmin · 10 months
Whenever you can get to this- maybe I'm speaking early but I have a sneaking suspicion that the songs Tae has on his album are not the ones he came up with years ago :// I'm sad about the lost potential but excited about the new ones. The vibe suits him so well!
Yeah I don't think it's any old songs... He basically already said he got tired of them/trashed them. 😩😭 Sadly I think a lot of those old songs are lost to the void already.
I think he likely did this album as a whole cohesive thing with songs he made that fit together. And I suspect most of them will be fairly new. But if course that's just my guess. Either way I am excited and I agree, the vibe fits him very well. 😚 I have never been a huge fan of English lines on repeat but Tae seems to really liked adding English so I was expecting it. But even so I really enjoy the song and hopes he keeps up this retro but kind of personal vibe for the album. What really shines is his voice though! It suits the song and vibe so well! 😭😍❤️
Can't wait to see what else he has done! 🥰
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btsandvmin · 1 year
Hi!! Hearing that your vmin analysis doc is so big that it crashes... like I know it's a problem but can I just say that's also terrifyingly impressive??👏 Also, maybe you could share some of the quotes you're having trouble sourcing and see if anyone's brain has a lightbulb moment remembering where it's from? Just an idea. Either way, I love hearing your thoughts and hope you're doing well!
"Terrifyingly" is a great word to use... 😝 I don't know how it got this big but I do know Vmin is to blame as there are soooooo many things to talk about when it comes to their bond. (Not complaining, but like.... It's a lot of extra work to keep up.) 😅
And your idea to share is great, and I actually already got help on the example I posted. I might just do that. ❤️
Thank you for the ask and thank you to those who replied to the other post. It means a lot that you are all still here waiting for me and helping me and are still excited to hear my thoughts. 💜
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btsandvmin · 2 years
Yes, let's go through this together 🙏
Thank you 💜
Yes. We are all connected by the purple string of fate. Vminies are the best and I know we are all there for each other with love and comfort when it's needed. Just as Jimin and Taehyung always have shown us over the years.
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btsandvmin · 2 years
OMG thank you so much 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
I am the one who asked the question about Festa 2022
I send you all my love, dear one. Let's get through this together, ok? 💜
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