heartshack · 11 months
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diagonal-queen · 2 months
Omg you're backkkk<3 I hope uni's going well for you!
Maybe the Hunting Dogs with a s/o who's kind of mean/petty?
Hunting Dogs with a mean S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are the Hunting Dogs with a mean and petty S/O?
♡ cw: Swearing, u r a BULLY >:((, dw it's pretty chill though, non-graphic NSFW with Jouno, teensy bit of NSFW with Tachihara, mentions of violence, crime and torture
note: ahhh hello yes i'm back! uni's pretty great actually. i love being able to tell people i go to law school lmao, it makes me feel smarter than i am. uhh but i've been swamped and a bit busy, and i'm going back home for a week so i might not be super active over the next couple weeks, i'm so sorry my babies </3 but i'll still be lurking in case you wanna chat! as always, apologies for errors and i hope you enjoy x
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Mf you think he cares?? He hired Jouno and Tachihara because they committed crimes, and he's more than happy to keep Teruko around. Bro doesn't give a FUCK that you're mean
If you're dating Fukuchi you clearly do give a shit about the welfare of society and world peace, so your individual quirks are just that. Quirks
He will fully let you just be a dickhead sometimes, because...like, why not?
I feel like Fukuchi is obviously often a very intimidating individual who strikes fear and commands respect from everyone else. But you? You just walk all over him
In some ways for him it's probably kind of refreshing to have someone around him who doesn't idolise him at all, or look up to him as a superior. It gets exhausting, for sure. Sometimes he just wants to be humbled and that's so okay Fukuchi, you deserve it actually /mean-spirited and condescending
Don't get me wrong it's not like you're an abusive partner! You're still obviously nice to your partner and you love him, but you definitely don't go out of your way to sugarcoat things or try to avoid any necessary confrontations
And Fukuchi genuinely really respects that about you. He's pretty similar like that, though still definitely goofier than you
I mean he won't want you sitting around with an RBF when he's at formal events and whatnot, because that really wouldn't have the best impression, but he's usually very gung ho about letting you be yourself
You're lucky he loves you man...lmao
He loves it. Full stop.
You two are just sadist central over here. Like he'll be torturing a suspect and you're just watching. Bored. Not a care in the world
(Jouno, I don't think you're legally allowed to invite your partner to watch you do your job- much less one like this, but...eh...)
You two are always just talking shit about people to each other, and like when you're out in public on dates you're just whispering to each other and judging people T-T
Lowkey kinda gets turned on when you guys argue. He thinks it's hot when you get heated and angry. Usually it ends in rough "passionate hugging", and the pillowtalk is when you both actually resolve the issue (dumbasses)
He might even purposefully rile you up sometimes because mf is just THAT much of a horny degenerate. You guys can call him classy and gentlemanly all you want, but we all know he's secretly deranged
Like an angry, horny goblin with a knife...someone stop him
Tbh you should probably bully him a little bit every now and then. I think he needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
Hey, he's more likely to listen to you than Tecchou, isn't he? Besides, it's nothing genuinely malicious. Just couple's banter
Oh, you guys are fucking LEGENDS at the couple's banter. Though you never do it in public, because a lot of the times the things you both tell each other as jokes can come off as really cruel jabs
Nah your senses of humour are just not family-friendly (violent and malicious)
You guys have very strange ways of showing your love and affection. But, hey, it works for you and that's what's important :)
Ah yes, arguably the least meanie of all of the Hunting Dogs. Yeah uh he doesn't really like you at first
Tecchou doesn't understand being mean just for the sake of it. I mean like, for Teruko, she uses it in her career, and Jouno is sadistic and weird and also uses it in his career. You're just petty because you can be
But the more time you spend together the more he realises that you're really not that bad- you're really just more of the loveable asshole type
An acquired taste, yes, but this is Tecchou we're talking about! That's his thing!
He learns to appreciate the things about you that many others would probably consider flaws. He influences you for the better definitely...
...BUT you also kinda make him worse
He will adopt your 'deal with it bitch' attitude sometimes, but it doesn't hinder his relationships or work so it's fiiiiine
(Jouno isn't a huge fan of it though...but at the same time he kind of respects you)
Tecchou probably won't admit it but he really likes to listen to you rant and bitch about people you don't like. He just likes to listen to you be angry about trivial things, he finds it equal parts endearing and entertaining
If you're mean to someone who deserves it? Well I mean...who is he to stop you?
At the end of the day you're definitely emotionally self-sufficient, so that's one less part of you for him to fret over. All's well that ends well or some shit idk
Teruko (platonic):
You guys are literally the best of friends
She's the loud fiery kind of mean and you are the 'I will straight up meticulously ruin your life' kind of mean
You on some r/nuclearrevenge type shit and she fucking loves that for you
Like she's fully willing to plot and scheme with you and do whatever mean shit you suggest. You two are menaces and she should absolutely not be a military soldier
Teruko WILL smite your enemies. And by smite your enemies I mean she will actively do what she can to ruin the lives of people you don't like, with absolutely no remorse (pretty sure she actually commits crimes to do this)
She LIVES for your cruel one-liners and clever insults. Every time she hears one she absolutely hollers
Teruko enjoys it when you're mean to the other Hunting Dogs (except Fukuchi). They can handle a couple bitchy words so it's not a huge deal, but she's just extra amused by it
For the record you're not *mean* mean, you're just...humbling them (which let's be real they could use from time to time (Jouno, again, looking at you))
Nobody is surprised by your guys' friendship really
You're a dangerous pair. Please stop
Teruko kinda likes that you hold grudges so frequently because she'll never tire of hearing you shittalk the same exact people and events over and over again
She'll shittalk them too
Dia doesn't approve of this friendship
You guys know that scene in B99 where Jake says that he can't decide if he's scared of Amy or turned on by her and then decides that he's both? Yea, that's Tachihara with you
He is a good person at heart, and outside of his mafia gangster persona he's really not that mean, and as such he does not encourage mean behaviour. But like, when you do it? Mm...
Lowkey he probably gets some of his mafia persona ideas from you 💀
His mafia coworkers have no questions about how you two get along, and they generally like you. The other Hunting Dogs have a few more questions
Tachihara isn't some shy, quiet introvert, but he is generally pretty chill and a nice person. They like to playfully tease him about how different the two of you are (though if it gets too far he knows he can count on you to rip them a new one with no issue)
Dw they still like you though! Especially Teruko
He has absolutely no problems with you for being cold and blunt. It's nothing he himself can't handle, and in some ways it actually makes talking to you easier
Again, I'll stress that you're not mean to him, you're just not the most lovey-dovey person out there. But you DO put effort in and that's what Tachihara cares about, even if it isn't in a stereotypical way
If anything else, you're certainly loyal!
Tachihara loves you for all of your different eccentricities, and he's also kinda turned on by them. Win-win? Win-win.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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hyuckmov · 1 year
haechan — gold-skinned, eager baby pt.2 read the first part here! 
haechan x fem reader wc: 11k genre: fluff, smut 18+ minors dni warnings: chest/boobs/nipples fixation, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex, choking, finger sucking, blowjobs, handjobs, mirror sex, overstimulation, a little bit of dacryphilia (crying), hair pulling, dom/sub dynamics (haechan doing both), tittyfucking, thigh riding, this list is making me feel embarrassed minors dni i am so serious, breeding kink, a bit of saliva play i guess, aftercare , haechan is a mastermind male manipulator (in a cute way), me using mark as a plot device or: in which haechan is competitive (read: eager to please), and determined to find out what about him makes you lose all control
a/n: where do i even begin. writing this was so exhausting but also so rewarding at times but also i feel like i'm going to take a break from writing smut after this, i've literally written almost everything i could think of for this fic. i think what we liked from part 1 was haechan being needy and subby so i did add in scenes for that dw <3 i know i describe a lot of what they are thinking in this fic so hopefully it doesn't bore you... if it does... please sugarcoat it for me in your review (just kidding but also like...please don't be mean) anywayy... do send me an ask/reply if you liked this, as per tradition, i hope this is at least a little bit hot :) happy valentine's day!
haechan would say that his standard of living had increased exponentially since your second anniversary. 
the two of you had become more open with each other, communicating your frustrations and needs more easily. there was also a faint buzz of something in the air, moments when you would look over at him and he would feel a blush spread across his cheeks, burn low in his stomach. it felt a little like he was falling in love with you for the first time — it had been a while since he had felt so vulnerable and loved by you. 
"what are you thinking about?"
but perhaps the most significant improvement made to his life was the way he could now reflect on your loving and healthy relationship with his face nuzzled against your boobs.  
"love you so much," he mumbles against your skin, placing a small kiss on your cleavage. "that's what i'm thinking about." 
he feels your hand come down to stroke his hair gently, and he closes his eyes at the feeling. sunday mornings with you in bed: you scrolling through your phone while he's given the freedom to love on his favorite parts of you, have become just another routine that started ever since your second anniversary. 
focusing on freckling kisses on your warm skin, he's then completely unprepared for when you card your fingers through a handful of his hair only to give it a light, but still significant, tug. 
the sensation sends a feeling shooting down his spine, a slight shudder to his body as he lets out a small gasp muffled against your chest. feeling something stirring in the pit of his stomach, his legs twitching on the bed, he nuzzles his face into your chest. 
"again, please," he mumbles. 
he feels the giggles you let out at that right from where his face is pressed up against your chest. kicking his feet, he whines lightly in protest.  
"what's so funny?" 
"found something else you like," he hears you muse. "you're so sensitive, baby."
frowning, he sits up. the visual is slightly amusing — his hair mussed up, his lips swollen. 
"it's not fair," he states. you reach out a consoling hand to him, and even as he continues to grumble, he still intertwines your fingers gently, a contrast between his unhappy tone and his tender actions. "you have too much power over me." 
"what are you talking about?" you laugh, and he scowls. 
"you know." he mumbles. "you can just flash your tits at me and i'd do anything you ask-" 
"i can?" 
"and now you know i like it when you pull at my hair," he whines, a permanent pout forming on his features. "it's like there's nothing i can do that makes you go crazy." 
"that's because i love all of you," you soothe. "all of you makes me feel crazy." 
"do you have any kinks you're keeping from me?" 
"you're my kink," you tease, but your smile drops when he scowls. "sorry." 
there's a pause. haechan looks at you, hard. scanning your face, his gaze doing a slow drag down and up your body, his expression darkening. something had shifted in the air, and suddenly you're a little scared to breathe too hard. 
"i'm going to find it," he breathes. 
"i'm going to find it, and then i'm going to make you beg for me to fuck your brains out." 
"what the fuck?" 
but haechan shakes his head, and when he next refocuses his eyes on you, his eyes have the familiar twinkle in them. moving over to you, he cups your face in his hands and plants a kiss on your cheek. 
"love all of you too," he beams. "i'm going to go make breakfast, okay?" 
and with that, he all but skips out of the room, leaving you sitting on the bed, feeling unsettled and also just a little bit excited. 
the first time he tries it, it's a complete disaster. 
it's not that haechan isn't good at observing you and what you like. when you go shopping together, he doubles back when you're not looking to take photos of items you've picked up to examine, making mental notes of their price and when he could get them for you. point something out to him, and haechan runs back to the store if you leave him alone for just a second, the bag hanging from his arm when he returns as he tries to hide how fast his heart is beating from sprinting. make an off-handed comment about how good a dish looks on instagram, and he's looking up the recipe before the video ends, and you can bet on the fact that you're having it for dinner the next day. 
it's just that when it comes to him, he has no clue how to begin. you had laid out the perfect plan for him because you knew exactly what he wanted — meanwhile, he was starting from scratch. 
so in the end his brain goes to the one thing you've told him you enjoyed. after all, considering how many times he's seen you fall apart on it, you must like his cock, right?  
"why are you so far away…" he whines, exaggerating his tone a little. you're seated on the other end of the couch, head against the arm rest, your laptop perched on your lap as you work on something. at his words, you lower the screen a bit, peeking over the top of your knees with your eyebrows raised. 
"what's wrong?" you frown. "are you okay?" 
"come here and sit on my lap," he says quickly, before the embarrassment can get to him. "i missed you," he adds, patting his thighs for emphasis. 
that evening, he had chosen to put on a pair of gray sweatpants that usually left little to the imagination. he didn't wear them often for that exact reason, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. however, that was kind of at the top of his agenda right now. 
shrugging, you make your way over to him, settling down in his lap with your back pressed against his chest. his chin rests on your shoulder as you open up your laptop again, typing in a few extra words on your document as mumble to yourself under your breath. 
and then nothing. 
haechan doesn't really know where to go from here. his plan had actually only involved one step: putting on the sweatpants. asking you to sit on his lap was already improvisation on his part, hoping that by getting you close he could hopefully get you to react. but here you were, sitting peacefully, happy in your boyfriend's warm touch. 
unsure what to do, he figures he might as well get comfortable, bringing his arms around to hold your waist. feeling like this was turning out to be a complete bust, haechan sighs and buries his face in your neck, huffing a little as he wonders if he should just give up and spend a nice evening cuddling with you. 
but then suddenly, haechan jolts. troubled by your slow progress at your work, you’ve started to absentmindedly fidget, wiggling your hips uneasily and even bouncing a little in his hold as you shift around some more. his arms reflexively tighten around you, his breath catching in his throat as he feels something stirring in his navel. 
"sorry." you whisper sheepishly, trying to keep still as you continue your work. but behind you, haechan is grinning as if christmas had come early. 
"don't be," he murmurs, voice dropping an octave. gripping your hips again, he begins to move you on his lap so that you're grinding down on him. "keep going, sweetheart." 
you bite your lip. you really wanted to pay attention to haechan, the sinful way he began to rut against you and the feeling of him slowly getting hard creating a soothing haze in your mind. "i can’t. my work…" you mumble. 
haechan freezes, thinking to himself. you weren't giving in yet. he wanted you to beg him, but so far he had initiated almost everything. "okay," he breathes, settling back down and removing his arms from your sides, even though he could feel himself getting hard. "okay, i'll stop. focus on your work, baby." 
confused, and a little worried — because when haechan wanted something he usually never stopped to get it, — you try to snap out of it. "maybe i'll go work in the bedroom…" you suggest reluctantly.
"sure," he replies, easily. crossing his fingers and hoping you didn't truly mean it. 
but before he knows it, you're standing up, the absence of your weight on him making him feel doubly empty as you begin to walk unsteadily back to your room. a slightly sad expression on your pretty features, the tension in the air making it difficult for you to look at him.
it's the look on your face that makes haechan forget all about his mission. 
"y/n wait-" his voice is high-pitched and breathy. he was more affected than he realized he was. 
at the sound of his voice, you turn around. immediately putting your laptop down on the dining table, you all but run back to your eager boyfriend, skidding slightly on the floor. clambering back into his lap, this time straddling his waist, you smile as he leans in to kiss you, frustration making his movements a little rougher than usual. 
punching him lightly on the shoulder, you glare at him for playing with your feelings. "did you really want me to go…?" nervously, you fiddle with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
"no," he says firmly, kissing you again and pressing you closer. "never."
you beam at him, happy you had such a sensitive and caring boyfriend. anyone else would have found your reaction laughable, but haechan just got you. it warmed your heart to no end. 
"y/n…" pulling you back to the current situation, haechan gently thrusts up, reminding you he was still hard. "can i…?"
"yes," you say, excitement making your reply come out rushed and flustered. "please."
smiling to himself, he pulls your sleep shorts to the side, pressing his fingers hesitantly to the seat of your panties before he falters. 
"you're so wet," he breathes, tugging your panties to the side too so he can stroke your folds with his long fingers. rubbing quick circles into your clit, he pulls you down by your shirt so he can kiss you heatedly. 
holding on to him, you feel your thighs start to tremble, unable to hold yourself up with the feeling of his hand between your legs. as he runs a finger along your slit, rough fingertips sending jolts of pleasure up your spine, you lean your weight almost entirely on him. "please, -" you gasp, not sure what you were asking for, but somehow he's even more desperate than you.  
a groan rumbles from his chest as he impatiently lifts you off his lap, maneuvering you so you take a seat on the couch. scrambling to kneel on the floor between your legs, he pulls you to the edge and pushes your legs upwards, practically folding your body. your feet planted on the couch, your breathing grows heavier and heavier as he tugs off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. the sight makes him moan out again, and he pauses.
"can i lick you?" breathlessly, and almost in a trance, he presses a kiss to your thigh, arms coming up to hook around your thighs and keep them open. "pussy's so pretty baby…" he murmurs, blowing air on your clit and making you tilt your hips towards his mouth. "i just know it'll taste sweet."
"don't tease," you plead. haechan's only ever done this a few times and on special occasions, usually more for you than for him. but when you look at the way his eyes are glazing over, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips hesitantly, you know he wants this just as much as you do. 
"wouldn't dream of it." and with that he dives in, his tongue flat and wide as he licks up your arousal. alternating between flicking at your clit and lapping at your entrance, his moans fall from his open mouth freely, muscles in his arms flexing as he presses you further in the couch and tries to keep your hips from bucking up into him. 
when you feel him dip his tongue into your tight entrance, your hands fly to his hair, curling on his strands around your fingers. the feeling going straight to his cock, he whimpers as he loosens a hand to ease a finger into you, his mouth suckling on your clit. 
"cum for me," his mouth detaches from you sloppily, and you swallow as you see his chin dripping with your juices, his lips wet with saliva. "wanna feel you cum on my fingers so bad…" dipping his head back down, he flicks at your clit harshly, his fingers pressing against your walls. you feel your back arch off the sofa as your thighs clamp down around his head, his tongue still working on you as you cum, hard. 
your hips buck against his face and his nose bumps against your clit as he kitten licks at your folds, lightly overstimulating you as you ride out your high. pushing his head away gently, you’re just beginning to put down your legs when you're startled by his hand, shooting out to prevent them from closing entirely. grasping your thigh. 
"please?" haechan's eyes are blown out and wide as he rises up on his knees, his hands trembling slightly as they move higher up your thighs. "i'm so hard…" you take in the way his hips absentmindedly move against the edge of the sofa seat. fully hard in those sweatpants, looking absolutely sinful the way he chases any form of friction. 
"of course," you breathe, lying back on the couch as he enthusiastically tugs down his sweatpants, his cock slapping up against his navel, the tip red and leaking precum. propping himself up with a hand, the other gripping onto your waist, he closes his eyes as he slides in, the two of you letting out moans as you shiver from the sensitivity. before you know it, he's fucking you into the couch, whines falling from his lips freely, rising in pitch as his eyes screw tightly shut. you close your eyes too, reaching out to grab onto his shoulders, the feeling of him stretching you out pushing you close to your climax again. 
haechan has completely lost all grip on reality. he feels your walls sucking him in, wrapping around him so tightly he can't even pull out properly. the rhythm of his thrusts jagged and needy, his hips rutting into you in a frenzy, he's only able to last a few more seconds before he's cumming, his hips stuttering as he feels you tighten around him again. his throat is hoarse, and he wonders if he was screaming instead of moaning. under him, you're also coming down from your high, smiling as you see how winded he is.
"you okay?" tapping him gently on the cheek, you give him a small kiss on his cheek as he blinks dazedly at you. "haechan?" you give him another kiss. 
"yeah-" he mumbles. "fuck." he realises he's still pressed on you, so he gets up, giving you more space to sit up and breathe. as he collapses on the other side of the couch, he takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to his knuckles, lips still sticky. "was i too rough?" he murmurs, worriedly. "i'm sorry, i just really lost control at the end-" 
"it was perfect," you assure him, crawling over so you can hold him. "i liked it," you smile. 
his expression clears, and his eyes crinkle into a smile that mirrors yours as he kisses you sweetly on the tip of your nose. "you were perfect," his eyes sappy with love, he feels sleepiness overcome his body. "i'll run a bath and we can relax after, okay?" 
it's only after the bath, and after the impromptu supper he makes for you, when the two of you are in bed, when he realizes that he's completely lost the plot. today's attempt had told him nothing, except maybe he was going to get addicted to the feeling of eating you out. 
looking at your sleeping form in bed, a light smile ghosting on your lips and the glow of being taken care of by your boyfriend shining on your face, he shakes his head and decides that for now it doesn't matter. he'll figure it out eventually, he knew he would.
the second time haechan tries it, he starts out slow. 
"your fingers are so pretty." 
you're out running errands with him, and as the two of you stroll back to the car, his fingers brush yours and he takes your palm in his. now, holding up your clasped hands to examine his fingers, you smile sweetly at him. "i think you have really pretty finger joints." 
"yeah?" it's a small compliment, but haechan always liked being praised, even for the smallest things. "thank you, baby." 
he doesn't want to build any expectations for himself, or expect any reaction from you immediately. he's sure that that's what went wrong with the first attempt. did he really expect you to fall to his feet when you saw him in those sweatpants? it was silly. it was childish. haechan could do better than that. 
he starts out by not taking off his rings when he's around the house, hoping that the sight of them on his pretty finger joints could stir something in you. so far, nothing. (although you did ask him if you could get another set of couple rings together. he said yes.)
he starts picking up activities which show off his fingers more. asking you if you wanted to watch him play the piano, or the guitar. still mostly nothing, although the activities did bring you closer together, his cheeks burning as you praised him for his talent. 
happy that your boyfriend was sharing his interests with you, you asked him to help you with your baking, wanting to reciprocate with your own creative date-night ideas. he was nothing but sweet to you when you brought up the idea, accompanying you to the store for ingredients and helping you set up the kitchen. sure, he seemed to want to hold your hand throughout almost the whole thing, following you around the kitchen like a lost puppy, but once you assigned him to the task of melting the chocolate the two of you fell into a nice rhythm, his soft humming filling the kitchen as he busies himself with the hot water. 
"is the chocolate ready?" 
"yeah," he mumbles, lips pouting with concentration. he looks up to see you smiling at him, tilting your head in curiosity as you watch him stir the melted chocolate a few times. 
and suddenly, he knows exactly what to do. 
dipping two fingers in the chocolate, he holds it up to your lips. "wanna taste?" he asks, as casually as he can.
flustered, you swat his hand away gently. "i can do that myself," you try, shyly. 
"come on," he urges you. his eyes, which have been zeroed in on your lips, flicker up to your eyes and you can see them glint. "just a taste," he says, softly. 
inside, his heart is beating hard against his chest. although it was only the two of you in the kitchen, he could tell from the way you looked at his fingers that you were flustered, hesitating over the idea of sucking on his fingers so boldly. if he could just get you to do this…
he watches with bated breath as you swallow, inching forwards. grabbing his wrist to keep his hand steady, you stick out your tongue to lick at his fingers cautiously. you're just able to taste a hint of the chocolate, when haechan pushes forward and his fingers are enveloped in the warmth of your mouth. 
"now come on," he breathes, a thrill running down his spine as he sees your eyes widen. gently but firmly, he continues to hold your gaze. "suck." 
this was it. a smile spreads across his face as you begin to suck on his fingers obediently, looking up at him through your lashes. he'd won. except…he wasn't really sure anymore, what with the way your tongue was now swirling around his fingers as you continued to lick them clean. the feeling of it foreign yet familiar, making his breath catch in his throat as he’s reminded of the fact that it had been a while since you’ve sucked him off.
but while he was still struggling to figure out who had the upper hand, you already released his fingers with a pop, looking at him knowingly as you went back to measuring ingredients. 
a pause. 
shaking his head a few times to steady himself, he tried to stay confident, putting on his cockiest smile as he sidled up to you. 
"did you like that?" 
"like what?" 
"you know what," he wraps a hand around your wrist to halt your movements, pushing your measuring scale and various other bowls to the side so you focus on him. "did you like sucking on my fingers?" 
"i felt what you were doing with your tongue, baby." he relishes the way you can't look him in the eyes. "i know you liked my fingers, but i didn't know you liked them that much…" he muses, voice low. a heavy hand snakes up to rub your waist. "wonder if you would like my hands somewhere else…" a flicker of need courses through his body as the words leave his mouth, his hands wandering up to your chest to palm your boobs. "or…" he trails off, biting his lip to try to keep his thoughts to himself.
confused as to why he had gone silent, you finally look up at him, feeling your eyes widen in surprise to see that haechan's demeanor had done a total shift entirely on his own. rather than the usual hard stare and stony expression that accompanies his low tones and rough touches, his lashes flutter with need, teeth tugging mindlessly on his lip as he is completely and wholly distracted by the soft feeling of your chest in his palm. 
"haechan?" you prompt him. 
"fuck, sorry-" he blurts out, unsure of what he was apologizing for. "it's just…", breathily, he scrabbles at your bra, tugging it down so he can touch your nipples. "they fit perfectly in my palms…" and there it is: the familiar pitch of his voice that tells you he's going to start whining soon. 
you can't help but laugh at him, amused as much as you are in awe of him. "did you really just dirty talk yourself into this state?" 
"yes. wait, i mean, no-" troubled, he furrows his brow as you begin to take off your shirt. "uh…"
"we can discuss this later," you soothe, leading him out of the kitchen, the idea of baking long forgotten.
1.12 am, haechan: don't get distracted by boobs.  1.12am, haechan: don’t look at boobs.  1.13am, haechan: don't touch boobs.  1.13am, mark: what the fuck ?????
“you taste good,” you murmur, touching his cheeks lightly as you lean in to kiss him again in the darkness.
eagerly, haechan sits up. you’re startled by the sudden movement, blinking at him blearily, but soon you’re being tugged up and into his lap, him rearranging your legs haphazardly so you’re straddling him as he leans against the headboard.
but haechan kisses you before you can finish your sentence, his remarkably soft and pillowy lips moving against yours with a soft fervor. 
“feel good?” he asks, expectantly.
“yeah…” you mumble, a little dazed. 
“used a lip scrub,” he states, proudly, kissing you again to punctuate the point. “and i’ve been using a lip sleeping mask for the past 2 days.”
“you taste like strawberry,” you point out, weakly.
“lip balm,” he breathes, almost buzzing with excitement. “you like?”
“yes,” you smile at him, endeared by how happy he was. you lean in, kissing him again, sucking gently on his bottom lip and making him sigh into your mouth. pulling away, you fail to notice the way his eyes light up in anticipation, only to flicker with confusion as you dip your head to snuggle into his hold. burying your face in his chest, you give him a gentle pat as you close your eyes, ready to return to the peaceful state of dozing off you were at when he had first kissed you goodnight. “sleep well, baby.”  
his puffy lips, his puffy sweet strawberry-scented smooth lips, pucker slightly into a pout. “y/n?”
“you don’t wanna kiss me more?” he whispers, the words a little pathetic in the silence of the room.
“tomorrow, baby.” you assure him, stifling a yawn as you feel yourself drop off. “sweet dreams.”
sighing, he pats you gently on the back as if you were a baby, lulling you to sleep. this really wasn’t as easy as he thought it was going to be. 
sweet dreams he thinks bitterly to himself, closing his eyes too.
all the thinking was taking a toll on haechan's brain. 
he was good at games, he was good at strategy. but the thing was, this felt less like a game and more like an experiment: the observation required, the long-term planning, introducing new variables, and analyzing your reactions to see if his actions had the desired outcome. 
he tried revisiting the hand thing. 
"look at how pretty my fingers look around your neck." 
he slides his fingers out from between your legs slowly, smearing your arousal on your thighs before coming up to steer your chin back towards the mirror. the image is so lewd that you want to look away again — you, wearing only his shirt. haechan's chest pressed up against your back, you sitting between his spread legs, your thighs propped apart by his own. one of his hands squeezes lightly on your throat as the other trails back down, two fingers stretching you out as much as he can. 
choked moans fall from your lips as you shake in his hold when you cum, his rings digging into your throat. he releases you almost at once, letting you come down from your high as air floods back into your lungs, murmuring praises into your hair as he cleans you up, while you were too tired and hoarse to speak.
but that was that. you never brought it up with him or requested he do it again, although he knows that if he asked you wouldn't deny him. so he filed it away for next time. 
he tried thinking of things he loved about you. he loved to kiss your neck — so he tried wearing necklaces, tilting his head back more to showcase his jawline, encouraging you to kiss him there. but the most you'd done was ask him if his neck felt sore. 
it was a friday, and haechan decided to leave work early, to see if he could get a headstart on a new lead he had. you had stared a lot at his legs the other night when he had taken you out for dinner, saying they looked pretty in the skinny jeans he was wearing. if that wasn't a directive, he didn't know what was. 
and so he made a short detour on his way home, stopping by the mall to pick out a pair of ripped skinny jeans. he liked the way they hugged his thighs, the slivers of soft skin that showed underneath. 
that's how you find him, when you arrive home. standing in front of the bedroom mirror, scrutinizing his appearance in the mirror. 
"i'm home…" you call out, before stopping. in the mirror, haechan can see your eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens with excitement. you're clearly distracted, unable to tear your eyes away from his legs. was this it? 
meanwhile, you can't stop staring at your boyfriend. usually in sweatpants or baggy jeans, you haven't seen him dressed like this in a while. there are so many rips in the jeans he practically didn't have to wear them, and yet somehow they're positioned in a way that made you want to suck bruises onto his smooth skin. 
your eyes flicker up to his, narrowing slightly when you see the expression of pure unadulterated glee that takes over his features. the corner of his lips quirked up smugly, his eyebrows raised in a challenge. 
and it just flips a switch in you. 
"did you dress like this for me?" you ask, softly. walking over to him, you tug him closer by the belt loops of his jeans, leaning in so your lips brush his. "did you want my attention that badly?" 
haechan falters. this was not how it was supposed to go. 
"can't think of an answer?" you mock. trailing your fingers down to his thighs, you scrape at the exposed skin there with your fingernails, making him jolt. "you were so confident just now, baby…" you pinch him, and he sucks in a breath. "what happened?" 
"i…" at the sight of you tugging your shirt off, his splutters out in alarm. "wait! don't-" feeling stupid, but panic overtaking his brain, he squeezes his eyes shut. "don't take off your shirt." 
you burst out into genuine laughter. getting more and more flustered by the second, he slowly opens his eyes, peeping a few times to make sure your shirt remains on. "don't make fun of me," he mumbles. "it's just that, i get really distracted if i see them, and-"
"oh i know," you assure him, kissing his cheek. "i mean, i was going to let you fuck them, but i'll just suck you off instead." 
he protests the entire time as you push him to take a seat on the edge of the bed, babbling on and on about how this was supposed to be about you. however, the moment you take your position, kneeling between his legs as you reach out to palm him through his jeans, he falls silent. 
"these are new…" he mumbles, weakly. he can't help the way his hips begin to squirm under your touch. 
"aww…"  you squeeze him tighter over the denim and he whimpers. "bought them just for me?" 
"yeah…" he admits, swallowing hard. "y/n…can you…" 
you finish his thought by undoing the buttons on his jeans, tugging down the zipper as he lifts his hips obediently, tugging the material down to free his hard on. when he starts to remove his jeans entirely, you place a hand on his to stop him. grinning at him, you place a light kiss on his thigh. 
"i really like these jeans," you explain. 
you can feel haechan's eyes on you as if he were in a trance. looking up at him, you coo at the sight: his mouth hanging slightly open, drool spilling around his mouth from how he's been licking and tugging at his bottom lip from just the feeling of you touching him over his jeans. reaching a hand up, you wipe his saliva off with your fingers as if he were a baby, his tongue darting out to lick at your fingers. indulging him, you push them into his mouth: full, heart-shaped lips, wrapping around your knuckles as he sucks obediently. 
extracting your fingers from his mouth, you comfort him with a pat on the cheek as slowly, and with a light touch, you start to rub at the pink tip of his cock with your wet fingers. the stimulation makes his legs jump, and he lets out a cry, hands scrabbling and twisting at the sheets. neediness seeping out from all the pores in his body, your hand becoming slick with his precum as you pick up the pace, giving him longer strokes along his shaft. 
you look up at him, and his face is contorted with pleasure, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squeezed shut. his head thrown back, you can see his adam's apple bobbing as he gasps for air. 
"do you like your reward, baby?" you tease, taking your hands off his cock to dig your nails into his thigh instead. the feeling makes him wail, eyes opening to focus on you, blinking away the spots in his vision. 
he nods, still gasping for breath. "don't stop," he manages. "please, don't stop." 
"i'll take care of you, baby, i promise" you ease, hands going back to stroke him, although at a much gentler pace. "keep your eyes on me, okay? i want you to think of this every time you see these jeans…" you take his tip into your mouth, pressing your tongue into his slit. and without any warning, his hips buck into your face and he's cumming messily, all over your mouth and chin. 
"sorry," he moans, unable to control himself. "fuck, i'm sorry,-" his words are twisted into a loud cry at the sudden feeling of both of your hands on him. cum makes the slide easier as you twist your wrists in opposite directions, watching as haechan's whole body spasms — his movements jerky, grabbing at your arms to push you away while his hips continue to thrust forward into the pleasure. you feel a sense of excitement rush through you too as you survey how his thighs shake, muscles in his legs spasming. 
"thought you told me not to stop," you bite your lip, putting on a confused expression. "i promised i'd take care of you." 
haechan is too far gone to respond. tears begin to run down his cheeks as he cums again, globs of cum oozing from his slit. finally stopping your movements for good, you climb up onto the bed next to him, letting him reach for you and pull you close. his tears stain the shirt on your shoulder, and you run your hands through his hair to soothe him. 
finally, his breathing evens out and he plants a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
feeling a little guilty, you brush the hair out of his eyes as you try to read his expression. "are you okay?" you ask, softly. 
he gives you a dopey smile. "yeah," he kisses you again, letting the feeling of your lips moving against his ground him. his hands ghost over your thighs, and he starts to pull you into his lap. "you want me to return the favor…?" 
"no, it's okay." smiling at him, you cup his face in your hands before you realize that your palms are still filthy with drool and cum. "we should probably get cleaned up…" you murmur. 
"i'm never wearing any other pair of jeans," he sighs, contentedly, letting you guide him towards the bathroom.
later that night, haechan is lying in bed, reflecting on what just happened. sure, he hadn't gotten you needy and desperate, and in fact he'd done all of the begging, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. it was the biggest reaction he'd gotten from you yet, one that was entirely initiated by you, his cheeks warming at the memory. 
"can we talk?" 
"of course, baby." clearing his head of his thoughts, he pulls you in closer to him, heart warming at the feeling of you snuggling up to him. "is everything okay?" 
"yeah," you say in a small voice. "but i wanted to ask you if you're okay." 
hearing the soft concern in your voice, he tries to remember if he said anything to you about feeling upset, or unhappy, but nothing comes to mind. 
"yeah i'm fine," he frowns. you look up at him with skeptical eyes, and he lifts a hand from where it's wrapped around you to stroke your hair, hoping to comfort you. "what's wrong?" 
"it's just this whole…" you sigh. "you trying to find ways to make me feel good." 
"is it too much?" panic starts to seep into his brain as he runs through the things he's done with you, and to you, these past few weeks. he's sure he made sure you were comfortable with everything, but there was always the possibility that you were appeasing him. maybe he'd gone a little too far with the choking. "i can stop if you want, i didn't think-" 
"no, that's not it-" you interrupt, placing a hand on his chest. "i'm okay, everything's okay." moving up a little bit on the bed, you press a soft, close-lipped kiss against his lips. it takes a few seconds, his body still frozen with uncertainty, before he relaxes and kisses you back, deepening the kiss and holding on to you tightly. 
"i just hope you know that i love you, so much," you say when he pulls away. "and, you don't have to do anything special to make me feel crazy about you." 
"i meant what i said that day," you insist. "i know i've mostly been in control recently, and you think i have so much control over you now…but i want you to know that even before our second anniversary i've been just as obsessed with you." 
shyly, haechan bites his lip in thought, your words making him feel more flustered than he would have expected. 
"see?" you continue. "i think you look so pretty when you bite your lip. and i love your hands…" you reach for his palms and place a soft kiss to his knuckles. "love your fingers, no matter what you're doing with them. love your legs, love your moles…" 
"okay, okay." he buries his face into his pillow, a warm glow spreading through his body at your praise. "you can stop now," he murmurs. 
"love all of you." you finish, burying your face in his chest again. "love everything you do, so don't worry, okay?" you mumble, sleep slowly taking over your body as a weight is lifted off your chest. watching haechan observe your reactions extra carefully has been endearing, and being on the receiving end of his constant affection has you dizzy in more ways than you show.  you just hoped that his relentless attempts to please you and read your mind didn't mean he felt unconfident about how much you loved him. 
but haechan doesn't respond. a sense of disappointment blooms in his chest, and he can't for the life of him figure out why he felt so forlorn. it had seemed so simple: he wanted to find out how he could have you needy and eager for him, just as he was with you. just like you had tested out his obsession with your boobs — and at the thought, his hand guiltily strays downwards to palm you over your shirt, needing at least some form of comfort on this confusing night, — he had tested you. and while you responded eagerly to whatever he did, there was no denying that you didn't usually initiate it, and he doesn't know if he would classify your behavior as needy in the way he wanted you to be.
maybe he just needed to tease you a little more. or maybe he needed to deny you pleasure just as you were about to cum. maybe, if he initiated it, and then suddenly left to do something else-
"you're thinking so loud, baby," he snaps out of it with a jolt, feeling you shift in his hold, your eyes opening groggily and a pretty pout settling on your lips. "go to sleep, please," you groan.
haechan lets out a groan of his own. "i'm confused…" he mumbles.
but he shakes his head. you've already reassured him, and honestly he thinks he'll go crazy if he hears you profess your love to him again. 
drumming your fingers on his chest, you hum lightly, thinking to yourself. "will you feel better if i let you fuck my tits?" 
"yes please," haechan sighs, sitting up and shaking the sleepiness from his body before clambering over to straddle you, practiced hands pushing your shirt up. 
and as he lets out a soft wail — feeling you licking at his tip when he thrusts all the way up your cleavage, his hands scrabbling for purchase on your soft breasts, — he almost believes he's okay with giving up this game he set for himself. 
haechan spins the controller in his hand and waits for his next game to load. 
he had let the whole thing fall from his mind. he'd gotten some pretty good sex out of it, and he felt closer to you than ever before, and that was all that really mattered in the end. now, he could actually focus on his favorite past-times without wondering what you were doing, could wake up each day and not stress over what he should wear. he was sure he would get over the disappointment, pushing the uneasiness from his mind completely as he slumps further down in his gaming chair and starts to think about how to get past his opponent instead. 
faintly, he can hear the door push open behind him. you must have entered the room. "hey," he calls out. "i just started another round but i can come spend time with you after i'm done, okay?" 
no response. weird, but maybe you were distracted with your phone. 
"i was thinking," he continues. "do you want me to cook dinner or should we order in? i've been craving pasta but i need to know if you prefer mine or-" but he cuts himself off when he notices you hovering next to his computer, a large oversized shirt hanging from your frame. it's the look on your face that makes him forget everything about dinner or pasta or cooking. 
"y/n?" he blinks. "what's wrong?" 
"i need you," your soft voice whiny. 
"um…" surprised, he's taken aback as you sit yourself down on his lap, straddling one of his thighs. he drops his controller clumsily, arms coming around to hold you as the game goes on ignored behind your back. "are you hurt? or is it…do you-" he sucks in a sharp breath when he feels your wet core moving on his bare thigh. you're not wearing anything except for the shirt. 
you start moving, rolling your hips onto his firm muscle as if it were second nature, your eyes locking with his and he gulps at the desperation in them, pleading with your expression for him to help you. 
"fuck, baby, what's gotten into you?" what should he do? panicked, he sits up in his seat, the movement making his thigh muscle tense and you let out a whine, your swollen clit extra sensitive at the feeling. "baby, not here," he coaxes, alarm in his tone as he wonders if you're going to cum right then and there. his hands going to your waist, he feels you press down harder on him, your moans increasing in pitch as you ride his thigh without a care in the world, egged on by the feeling of his skin on yours. 
"baby, wait, get off for a moment, let's get on the bed," he tries to move again and it jostles you, and you roll your hips even faster. 
"don't care," you whine. "need you now. wanna cum now…" tears prickle at the corner of your eyes. you're so frustrated that it hurts, you needed him so badly but it's like he'd forgotten how to touch you entirely. "haechan," you groan. "i need your fingers, anything…" the hot friction on your clit making you fall forwards, burying your face in his neck. 
still flustered, haechan tries his best to help you out, wracking his brain of what to do. tensing his thigh muscles, he bounces you gently on his leg, one hand steadying you and the other scraping lightly across your nipples, just the way you like it. gasping at the sudden stimulation, you whimper in his ear to let him know you were close, your arms grabbing haechan's hands and guiding him to move your hips for you. 
you cum just like that, a high whine and your body shuddering, haechan continuing to bounce you on his thigh to help you ride it out. as you recover, he realizes that he's winded and breathless too, the reality of what just happened sweeping over him. 
but what exactly just happened? 
"if you don't mind me asking…" he panted. 
you nodded, still in your head. "yeah?"
blinking up at you politely, he licks his lips nervously before asking, "what did i do? and, how do i do it again?" 
shaking your head you hug him before clambering off his lap. "like i said," you reassure him with a kiss on his cheek before you stumble off to clean yourself up. "i love all of you." 
"you guys need to leave me out of your sex life," mark grumbles, the moment the call connects. "i want the best for you, dude, but i'm not that invested in your personal happiness, okay?" 
haechan scoffs at that. "firstly, it's not like i'm not privy to your sex life. been a good boy for mommy recently?" 
"i was just-!" 
"and secondly," continues haechan, ignoring mark's splutters and protests, "you owe me." 
"i owe you?" 
"haechan's fucking obsessed with your tits…" he mocks in a clumsy voice, scowling at the memory. "you gave her an unfair advantage-" 
"i don't sound like that-" 
"so you owe me. now help me figure this out." before mark can think of some other way of protesting, haechan begins to ramble on and on about his feelings for you, and the dynamic in the relationship as of late. he analyses your reactions to him, the varied success in his attempts to get you riled up, your conversation together when you convinced him to drop the matter.
"but then, this morning i swear i'm just doing nothing-" he cuts himself off, feeling his breath hitch as the vivid memory hits him with full force. remembering how it sounded when you begged for him. the feeling of you moving on his thigh, of you guiding his hand to your core. 
everything he ever wanted, and he had no idea how he got it in the first place. 
mark is staring at him blankly. "this morning…?" he prompts. 
"nothing," haechan shakes his head quickly. "basically, she kind of jumped me, and i'm still trying to figure out why." 
"jumped you like in a bad way…or-" 
"in a really good way," haechan mumbles, suddenly feeling a little shy. not wanting to describe exactly how it felt for you to use his body like that, when he wasn't even trying. 
"okay, uh, cool." mark nods a few times, frowning slightly to himself. "you sure you were doing nothing?" 
"i was playing a game in my room." 
"could've been the gaming?" mark suggests, half-heartedly. 
"but i do that all the time," haechan sighed. "she doesn't do that with me every time." if only it were that easy, he would have you figured out in 3 seconds flat. 
"what were you wearing?" 
"just some shorts and a shirt." 
"could've been your thighs…?" mark tries. "she told me she loved your thighs." 
"could be…" distracted, haechan blinks. "wait. my thighs?" 
"yep," mark winces. "i won't quote exactly what she said, because i don't want to hear myself saying that to you, but just take my word for it." 
haechan thinks about it, hard. but then he shakes his head. "fuck, i think i did it wrong. i mean i tried legs and it didn't work, and i thought thighs were included in legs for obvious reasons, but-" 
"or maybe it just had nothing to do with you," mark shrugs, reaching for his drink to take a sip. "maybe she's just ovulating or something."
"she's just what?" haechan balks. 
"um…ovulating." mark freezes, immediately wishing he hadn't brought it up. to hell with haechan's sex life. "it affects the hormones and it might results in a higher sex drive for her or-" he cuts himself off when he notices that haechan is staring at him, stock-still in his seat. "um…it's part of her menstrual cycle…?" mark tries.
haechan looks at him blankly. 
"basically, it's like when her ovaries-" mark winces. "dude, i'm not about to explain your girlfriend's ovaries to you." 
"but i can't ask her," haechan finally speaks up. 
flustered, mark runs his hand through his hair a couple of times before deciding to just rip the band-aid off. haechan could be very persistent if he wanted to be, and he didn't want his phone blowing up with texts about this. 
"basically, in the days leading up to her…um…her period, her hormones levels are messed up because her body's preparingforababy," mark rushes through the sentence, hoping to god his girlfriend wasn't currently standing outside his room, listening to him poorly explain what a woman's menstrual cycle was. 
thankfully, haechan gets it on the first listen. "so she might be extra…" 
"yeah," mark cuts in, feeling his face burn. somehow, haechan seems to be taking in this information extremely calmly, as if he were sitting in a life sciences class. "um, so, can i go now?" 
"sure," haechan says, absentmindedly. "thanks mark-" but the call ends before he can finish the words. 
slowly shutting the screen of the laptop, haechan stares at the empty wall before him and just thinks. could it really be that your neediness this morning wasn't a result of his doing at all? he tries to think back to previous months, because if mark was correct, this wouldn't be the first time this has happened: but for some reason, he can't recall a thing. he's always too lost in the feeling of you to ever notice things like what day it was happening on or whether it mirrored your behavior from previous months. scheming and plotting was truly not his style. 
what exactly was he trying to do with this experiment? was he really trying to find a way to get to you just as you had to him? but he did have you just the way he wanted. this morning had proven that. 
so what if he couldn't figure out if it was his hands or his thighs? you had promised all of you to him. said you loved all of him just the same. 
so maybe it was time to make good on that promise. 
haechan has been on his phone the whole day. 
normally, you wouldn't really mind. he was so loving and attentive all of the time, that a little bit of absent-mindedness didn't bother you. it's just that today, you wish he were paying a bit more attention to you, especially because you can't seem to get him out of your mind - what with it being your peak day of ovulation.
the thing is, haechan was always somehow so attuned to you that he never left you feeling restless and needy. you rarely had to ask him for anything, because he would always deliver of his own accord — wanting you as much as you wanted him. it had been fun, in the weeks leading up to your second anniversary, seeing how riled up you could get him, and exactly how far he would go. even while he claimed to be doing the same to you, he was still the one to initiate everything, leaving you more than satiated afterwards, each time. and although his efforts had unsettled you, you'd eventually told him, hoping that it wasn't some underlying miscommunication or problem in your relationship causing the sudden eagerness to take you anywhere and everywhere. 
and ever since, nothing. chaste kisses on cheeks, arms around your waist while you cuddled. somehow, subtly, control had shifted back to him as you waited on his next move, waited for the next time he would approach you to try something. you suspected he didn't even know that he had control, skipping around the apartment, unaware that you were practically begging for him to make a move.
this morning, you couldn't take it anymore. your dreams the previous night punctuated by visuals of haechan eating you out, of him letting you ride his thighs, of him playing with your chest. the moment you heard him in the next room, raspy voice ordering his teammates around, and the moment you caught sight of him in his shorts, you had decided to indulge in your own needs, to hell with waiting for your boyfriend to take care of you. 
but almost an entire afternoon had passed since then, and you could feel the space between your legs getting wet again, your brain flitting back to the scenes from your dream. shuffling into your bedroom, you see haechan lounging on the bed, disappointment flickering at the back of your mind when you release he had put on some sweatpants instead. still on his phone, he barely looked up at you when you approached him. 
raising his head to look at you, he raises his eyebrows. you falter as you see his closed off expression. 
"yes?" he responds, softly. 
swallowing, you press on, sitting down opposite him. "can you…can you please…" you take a deep breath, fiddling with the edge of your shirt before you realize that yes, that was the perfect way to get him to notice you. removing your shirt quickly, you see him look up from his phone, his eyes flickering down to look at your bare chest, lingering slightly before moving back up to your face. 
"can i please…?" he repeats, face devoid of expression. 
you balk. haechan never acted like this with you. embarrassment, and a little bit of indignance, rises up in you, and you have to stop yourself from whining. "you know," you bite your lip, imploring him to understand. 
he sighs. "speak in full sentences, baby." going back to his phone, he clicks on a new tab. "i can't read your mind." 
"i need you," you blurt out, feeling delight rush through your body as he looks up at you. finally. 
but he makes no effort to move. "why?"
confused, you make an impatient sound. "what do you mean, why?" 
"why are you suddenly so needy?" he asks, voice steady and calm. his eyes stare at you, gaze unwavering. "was it something i did? or did something happen to you?" 
"i don't know what you mean…" you hesitate, but your answer doesn't mean anything because he's not really listening. setting his phone down, he pushes you onto your back with a slight roughness, crawling over to you.
"thought i was doing it for you, baby-" he confesses, quietly. "trying to figure out if you liked my fingers, or my thighs…seeing if you liked it when i use you…" towering over you, he takes in the tension in your body, your shaky breaths as his fingers trail up your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
"but i was wrong," he muses. you hang onto his every word, mind attuned to the syllables falling from his lips, body sparking at his slightest touch. 
"was doing it for me," he breathes. "i wanted to see you this fucked out before i even touch you." his hand caresses your upper thigh, tutting lowly under his breath. "messy baby, dripping all over the sheets…" 
unable to take it anymore, you try to sit up and move towards him, pushing your body up on your elbows, but haechan's hand whips out and he shoves you back down onto your back with a firm palm.
"don't move." he soothes, but there's a warning in his tone. slowly, he eases your legs apart to settle down in between them, and you whimper slightly from how he manages to make you feel so exposed.
"when was the last time you'd been good for me, hm?" his thumb traces soft circles on your soft skin. "i give you a little bit of power and it goes to your head…doesn't it, pretty?" his face leans closer, his lips almost brushing yours as he speaks. 
"it doesn't-" your voice trembles, as his palms press down firmly on your thighs, spreading you open wider. 
"have me touching your tits, stroking you all the time," he breathes. "does it feel that good?" 
"thought you were letting me use you, but all this time you were using me," he ignores you. "all i wanted was for you to sit on my lap and beg for me…" suddenly, his hand moves, and you feel a sharp sting as he flicks at your clit with his thumb and forefinger over your panties. a loud whimper leaves your mouth as you feel your thighs jerk, and embarrassingly more of your arousal seeps out onto the sheets. your hand reaches out, trying to hold on to his wrist so he stops teasing you, but gently, and almost lazily, his other hand manages to grasp both your wrists in his hand. 
"but no matter what i tried…" he continues, and you can tell he's saying it for himself more than you. his hand moving as if on instinct, his fingers beginning to stroke your folds over the fabric, paying no attention to the way you trembled and squirmed at his touch. "you would still sit there on the couch, waiting for me to come take you…" 
"i'm sorry-" you sob, your throat closing up.
"you're so spoiled." and for the first time this evening, he kisses you lightly on the corner of your lips. you tilt your head, trying to catch his lips with yours, mouth open and ready, but already he's pulling away, smiling to himself. "spoiled." he repeats.
"haechan please-" you try to free your hands so you can do something — touch him, or even touch yourself. "i need-" 
"you need me to fuck you?" he tilts his head, the harshness of his words contrasting with the gentle, and almost mocking way he says it. "is that what you want to say?" 
shame burns low in your stomach, and you nod imperceptibly. mirroring you, haechan nods too, his eyebrows raised.
"say it," he insists. "say you need me to fuck you."
at your hesitation, he backs away slowly, the warmth of his body leaving yours as he starts to slacken his hold on your wrists. immediately, your hands shoot free and you pull at the hem of his shirt pathetically, trying to keep him close to you.
"i need you to fuck me," you whine, trying to hold your gaze with him even as his eyes go dark. "please, don't go-" 
"how long were you going to make me wait?" he seethes, flicking at your clit again, fingers roughly pulling at your panties and making them snap against your skin. 
you can't think of anything to say. you whine his name, and he scoffs at how wrecked you sound. 
"why didn't you tell me your body wanted a baby, hm?" 
you freeze. what? "you m-mean…" you stutter, as haechan begins to tug your panties down your legs. 
"needy baby fucks herself on my thigh because she wants a baby in her, is that right?" his voice thick. 
"yes," you hear yourself say. there was no point in denying it, you needed him so badly. and the idea of him putting a baby in you, of fucking you so full of him until you were swollen and full… 
"then prove it." sitting back up against the headboard, you follow him eagerly, no longer caring about how you acted around him, your skin burning hot from the way he was speaking to you. he let you strip him of his sweatpants, your mouth going dry at how hard he was. maybe you could suck him off first, and in return he could finger you-
a rough hand shoots out to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "focus," he demands. "i want you to ride me." 
hurriedly, you start to straddle him, lining his cock up to your entrance before you hesitate. he hadn't really prepped you yet, and although you wanted it so badly…
you cry out as he shoves two fingers into you, sighing at the way you fall forward into his chest at the feeling. curling his fingers in you, finding your soft spot effortlessly, he murmurs close to your ear. "tell me if i'm being too rough, okay?" if possible, his words make you even more needy, and you nod, hips chasing his hand. "don't wanna hurt you," he mumbles, before stilling his fingers and pushing you back. 
"why am i doing the work here?" he muses, condescendingly. "i thought you wanted this." 
nodding vigorously, you begin to grind on his fingers, whimpering when your clit bumps the heel of his hand. a hand on his chest to steady yourself, you move the other downward and try to shove a third finger into you, wiggling your hips as he relents and starts curling three of his fingers against your walls. 
"cumming," you gasp, feeling something tighten in your core. his thumb comes up to stroke your clit, and you're about to tumble over the edge, when suddenly he yanks his hand away, leaving you throbbing and empty. a sob rips out from your chest, the built up pressure of having him act differently around you, of needing him for the whole day, washing over you like a tidal wave. 
"crybaby," he coos, wiping your tears away with the hand still slick with your arousal. 
"please," you choke out. "cum, i wanna…let me…" pawing at his chest, you try to lift his hand back up and guide it in between your legs, but he grabs onto your wrist instead, forcing you to stay still.
"just want you to cum on my cock, that's all," he soothes. "don't you want me to fill you up?" 
gulping, your breathing slows as the words seem to calm you. "yes," you mumble. 
"good girl." grabbing your hips, he eases you down onto his cock, groaning as your walls spasm around him, your entrance fluttering uncontrollably. "fuck," he muses. "did you just cum?" 
feeling humiliated, you nod reluctantly. "was sensitive…" you mumble. he laughs, stroking your cheek as you take all of him. he gives you time to recover, stroking your back tenderly as you get used to the feeling of him in you. 
"ready?" he urges, thrusting his hips gently. 
you nod, placing your hands on his shoulders as you begin to bounce in his lap, your thighs still shaking from your previous climax but the feeling of him too good to ignore. trying to pick up the pace, you stare at where your bodies are connected, the wet sounds of you sliding on him embarrassingly loud in the room. you only realise you've been letting out a steady series of moans when he brings a hand up to squeeze your throat. 
"tired?" he pouts at you. you nod, begging him with your eyes to take over. "thought you said you wanted my baby," he mocks. your hips continue to circle even as you lose the strength to lift yourself up and down. feeling his tip brush against a spot inside you, you wail as you feel yourself clench hard around his thick length. 
"please help me," you gasp. "wanna feel you cum inside me, want you to fill me up-" and haechan, tired of waiting, finally gives in. 
he pushes you back onto the bed again, his arms pushing your legs up so they brush his shoulders, hips tilted towards him as he rams himself back into you. letting out a low moan, he begins to thrust hard into you, snapping his hips such that the blunt head of his cock repeatedly brushes your g-spot. 
"you gonna cum?" he mocks, sarcastically. "or do i have to do that for you too?" 
your hands find your clit, rubbing circles on it frantically as it immediately brings you to your high.
the feeling of you cumming around his cock, your warm and tight walls milking him, pushes him closer and closer to his own climax. 
"where should i come?" he breathes unsteadily. 
you don't respond, still too lost in your own pleasure. a hand comes down to pinch at your nipple, and you whine incoherently. 
"where should i come?" he demands again. 
he can see you struggle to piece together the words in your head. he hadn't asked you this in a long time — ever since your first anniversary, when you went on birth control and he celebrated by finishing inside you, the feeling of you raw making him come undone faster than he would have liked. 
"w-where?" you make a sound of confusion. 
"should i come on your tits," he pinches your nipple again, 
"on your face," a light slap across your cheek,
"or inside?" 
"inside," you moan, beginning to thrust your hips upwards to meet his movements, desperate for him to finish. 
"good girl," he breathes, and with a final stroke he's cumming, pushing deep inside you as you feel his warmth fill you up inside, seeping out where your bodies connected. 
the two of you stay like that for a while, him stroking your hair and peppering kisses on your face. you holding on to him for comfort, whimpering whenever he made an attempt to leave, burying your face in his chest. it's after you've mostly recovered when you finally let him go get something to clean you up with, and after you drank the glass of water he insisted you have, when you finally get a hold on what just happened. and a question comes flitting into your mind. 
"yes, baby?"  you open your eyes, and squint at the angelic expression on his face. "tell me…mark didn't have anything to do with this, did he?"
tags: @91qowngus, @joonpantheress, @sundhaelatte, @jaemboi64, @sassy-author, @krazy-kpoppy, @9900z, @kosmoreads, @matchahyuck, @donghyeok-okie, @bbh-kji, @isearchedtheyooniverse, @bettyschwallocksyee, @babyjenono, @prdshobi
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1luvlamp · 1 month
My Guumy bear 𐙚
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"Don't sugarcoat me, baby!!!"
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𐙚 Mini hc: Megumi would 100% save your contact as just your name, no emojis, or anything, so you'd force him to put at least a heart smh (-_-)
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honey-on-your-tongue · 10 months
BITCH imma need a Jake sully x f!reader, where he calls us baby girl oh my god i would actually go feral.
I SWEAR every time Jake Sully says babygirl it just makes me 😩😩😩😩😩
Also, I'm making this human!reader because I just need to fulfill my size kink 🤭🤭
Not proofread soooo as usual, squint if you see mistakes 😙
Jake has an array of nicknames for you. Little pet names that make you blush and smile, bashful. All of them elicit pretty much the same reaction. Except for one.
Jake had accidentally called you babygirl without even realizing it. But the moment you hear it from his lips, you blush and your eyes darken ever-so-slightly. A warmth spreads between your thighs, spreading over your skin, flooding your womb.
You'd stuttered out a reply, nervous and flustered, and then he'd smelled it.
Your soft, sweet arousal. He was used to smelling it occasionally when his hands grazed your skin, or maybe he'd smell it on your hands, making it obvious you'd been touching yourself. But he'd never been able to get that reaction from you with words.
He cocked his head sideways. “You okay?”
That had only flustered you more and you ran off not long after, mumbling something about being late to some place or another.
At night, Jake had stayed up,wondering what it was he'd said that had you so turned on.
It must be long past midnight when he realizes it. And the very next morning, he's waiting for you in the cafeteria as you make your way to breakfast.
When you see Jake there, your cheeks instantly heat. Unconsciously, you wipe your hands on your shirt, sort of trying to dry away the sweat and also hoping the scent of your pussy isn't still imbedded in your skin.
You figure it must be, especially since you've been touching yourself almost nightly since you met Jake.
“Good mornin',” he greets, a sly smile on his lips.
You smile back. “Hi, Jake.” You sit at one of the tables. He sits on the floor beside your chair and he's still taller than you.
“How'd my babygirl sleep?” he asks, brushing a strand of hair off your face.
You shudder slightly. The way he says it has your body warming, especially since you'd spent all night replaying the memory of his voice as you desperately thrusted your fingers in and out of your sopping cunt.
“Um.” You clear your throat. “Yeah. Good. Good.” You nod, avoiding his gaze as you stare down at the plate of eggs and hashbrowns already set in your place.
“I'm glad.” His thumb gently caresses your cheekbone and then his fingers trail from your jaw to your collarbone before retreating. He doesn't miss the way goosebumps flower all over your skin.
You hum quietly, quickly stuffing a piece of hashbrown into your mouth in hopes that he doesn't ask you anything else.
The scent of your arousal slowly fills the atmosphere between the two of you, and Jake's cock twitches in response. He pushes the urge away and smirks slightly.
“You know, I've been thinking. I always give you tour after tour of the village and the clan and whatnot.” He glances sideways at you. “I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the lab?”
You laugh softly and point out, “You already know the lab.”
Jake is not the type to sugarcoat what he wants. He playfully rolls his eyes. “I was implying you should give me a tour of your quarters, silly.”
You blush more. “My...?” It takes you a moment to recover. When you do, you're quick to ask, “What for?”
He smirks, making what he wants absolutely obvious. Still, he innocently says, “I wanna get to know your place.”
You chuckle nervously. “My room's sort of a mess right now...”
He laughs and leans in a little closer. “I'm gonna let you think you're a good liar and pretend I believe you, alright?” he whispers. Then, leaning back, he says, “I don't mind a messy room.”
You can feel the embarrassment heating up your cheeks. “Um.”
He grins. “I promise not to touch anything,” he teases, crossing his arms and tucking his hands under his armpits.
Defeated, you sigh. “Fine. But if you touch a single thing, I'm kicking you out,” you joke, trying to push away the embarrassment you feel and hoping to regain some of your dignity.
He's kind enough to chuckle at that. “Alright. I'll behave, then.”
When you finish breakfast, you lead him out of the cafeteria, down various halls and into your corner of the lab.
Your quarters are made up of a total of three separate rooms. One, your greenhouse, originally a lab full of samples of Pandora flora that eventually overtook the space and now you grow them more than study them. Two, your office, full of thousands and hundreds of books you read for pleasure and not work; your desk is there, computer full of your daily logs. And third, your bedroom with its big queen-sized bed, luxurious mattress, rug-covered floor and joined bathroom as well as a small walk-in closet.
You lead Jake inside. The greenhouse first. He smiles at the small Pandora forest you've grown in here, each little plant encased in a special, all-glass habitat appropriate to its needs.
“This is neat,” he admits, chuckling.
You nod. “This is my favorite room,” you inform him, checking the temperature and humidity in each of the plants' habitats. “I always come in here if I want to relax and just be on my own for a while.”
“I can see why. It's so pretty.” He smiles as he watches you, fussing over your gathered flora.
You lead him into your office next. This room is the one you're most uneasy about. It's private. This is where your daily logs have turned from a record of Pandora to a teenagerish diary obsessing over Jake.
He walks in, fingers tracing over all the familar technology he doesn't use anymore. The space is all clean, spacey, extremely professional.
“It's so weird to be back in one of these rooms...”
You don't spend too much time in your office. You feel almost guilty about all the things you've recorded on your computer.
“Yeah. But you're all familiar with this sorta place.” You chuckle awkwardly; Jake can smell you're nervous. Your little hand grabs onto his for a moment as you tug him in the direction of your bedroom.
He follows after you, eager to see your room, the bed you sleep in, wondering if you ever touch yourself there while thinking of him...
Maybe he's too eager. His tail swishes around, excited, without him noticing. He only becomes aware of it when it knocks something over.
You're halfway into your bedroom by then, but you stop dead in your tracks when you hear your own voice from your computer.
“...and I try not to, I really do. But Jake's just...” A sigh. “God...”
“What's this?” Jake asks, turning around to find he's knocked over your log recorder, somehow managing to make it play last night's log.
You rush out of your room, reaching for the off button, but he holds you back. “No, no. I wanna see,” he tells you, his huge hand holding you away from your computer.
“That's private!” you argue, cheeks flaming with embarrassment.
“Not if it has my name in it,” he responds. He turns his attention away from your complaints and back to your log.
“...supposedly just friends, I know. And what's more. He's, like, a whole other species. But I just...can't get him out of my mind, and...”
Jake's eyes rake over your face as you speak. In the video, he can see your raw emotions. Your wide, darkened eyes. The way you chew on your bottom lip. The little sighs and exhales that leave your mouth as you talk about him.
“...drives me crazy. For fuck's sake, I have to touch myself at least twice a day because of him. And when he called me babygirl.” In the video, you bite your lower lip and whine lowly. “I want him so bad. And it's so wrong, I know, but I can't help it.”
Jake's eyebrows raise, his tail swinging with excitement.
Behind him, you're holding your face in your hands, hoping you die right now. The embarrassment is gonna kill you anyway.
He pauses the log, slowly turns to you. Your gaze is quick to avoid his.
He takes a step closer to you and grabs your chin in his enormous hand, forcing your eyes up to his. “Kid,” he says firmly.
You're quick to break. “I'm sorry!” you exclaim, horrified. “I...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have— It was wrong of me to— I just—”
His eyes move to your lips as you talk, and he cuts off your rambling by sliding his huge thumb into your mouth. “Stop talkin',” he says, voice low.
You swallow, hard.
His eyes follow the movement of it.
“Did you mean what you said there?” he questions.
You nod slightly. “Mhmm.”
“Fuck,” he hisses. “Even the part about touching yourself?”
You grimace, blushing intensely. You look away from him and he tightens his grip on your chin. Your eyes find his once more. After a while, you nod. “Mm...”
And then Jake loses it.
His enormous hands grab you by the hips, pushing you backwards into your bedroom. He slams the door shut after himself and then helps you onto the bed.
“You should've said so sooner, babygirl,” he tells you, voice low and raspy. “I could've helped you out a night or two.”
He spreads your legs, your skirt riding up your thighs and exposing the edge of your panties. Your scent is thick—thicker than it's ever been—and Jake can't help the animalistic urge that takes over him.
He pushes you to lay back against the pillows, one of his hands holding you down while his other one holds onto your hip. He nuzzles his face between your thighs, rubbing against the soft skin there. He slides his nose up your slit, teasing you through your panties which are rapidly growing moist.
You whine lowly, breath hitching, hands moving to his head. You hold him, back arching slightly in search of his mouth.
He groans against you, tongue darting out to flatten against your clit through your panties. You squirm under him, thighs squeezing his head.
He chuckles, smirking as he uses his huge hands to hold your legs open. He grabs the hem of your panties between his sharp canines and quickly tugs them off. The sight is almost enough to send you over the edge, somehow you manage not to lose your mind right there and then.
He throws your panties aside once you're out of them, his eyes quick to fall on your cunt. Delighted, he reaches for you, one hand holding your hip in place while his other hand slides between your thighs.
His middle finger traces up your slit, teasing your entrance. He spreads your soaked folds, eyes focused on the way you clench around nothing, how your slick drips down to the bed.
“Jake,” you whine out, cheeks heating from his intense gaze. “Jake.”
“Yeah, babygirl?” he says, eyes fluttering up to yours. “What do you want?”
You make a soft, high-pitched sound when he gently slides a finger into you. “I...I want you.” Is that your voice? So breathy and whiny and weak?
He nods. “Off to a good start. But I know you can do better, baby.” He grins deviously. “What do you want from me, babygirl? Hm?”
You blush. “Want you t'fuck me,” you mutter, shy, nerves getting the best of you.
He taps your thigh, drawing your eyes to his. “What was that, baby? I couldn't hear you.”
You feel your entire face heating with embarrassment. He loves to tease you, you know he does, and it always makes you shy and flustered.
“Please, Jake,” you whine. “Please fuck me.”
A small growl escapes his lips. “Oh, I want that. You don't know how bad I do.” He holds your gaze. “Are you sure you can take it?”
You nod, too clouded in your lust to even consider it. “I'm absolutely sure.”
He nods. “Alright, babygirl. But first, I gotta get this pussy 'f yours all nice and stretched out. I don't wanna hurt you.” He dives back between your thighs, his mouth finding your folds, his nose against your clit and his tongue tracing around your entrance.
Your nails dig into his scalp, your body trembling under his enormous hands that hold you still. Your eyes flutter shut, mind lost as Jake devours your cunt.
He tries to be gentle, but he's so eager to please you that he accidentally grazes his teeth against your sensitive cunt. It sends a whirl of ecstasy through you, making your hips jerk.
Jake's tail flicks with surprise, his ears perking as he glances up at you. He studies your face, looking for signs of discomfort. When he doesn't find any, he runs his sharp canines over your swollen folds again, teasing your clit as well.
That gets you writhing, hips torn between jerking away from his mouth and pressing against it.
He gently bites your clit, growling lowly when you whimper. One of his hands moves away from your thigh and to your cunt. His rough, thick middle finger presses against your entrance, gathering your slick before pushing inside of you.
Your velvet walls clench around his digit eagerly, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the relief of having something inside.
Jake's mouth keeps working your clit, making you see stars, while he slides his ring finger into you as well.
His fingers are too clever by half. They find your g-spot with too much ease and are quick to curl against it, giving it the exact pressure it needs to make you writhe.
Your voice is a gentle whimper as you feel your orgasm nearing and start a high-pitched chorus of, “Jake! Jake! Jake!”
He chuckles against you, sending vibrations up your spine, his cock twitching in anticipation.
Your little hands grab onto his hair, trying to push his head away. “'s too much,” you cry. “It's too much! I-I can't! Jake, please! Fuck!”
He ignores your whining, knowing full well that you need to come. He keeps going, and your damn glad he does. But the pleasure is too intense; you're not sure you won't pass out any second now.
“No, no, I can't!” you insist, nimble hands failing at countering his strength. His mouth keeps devouring you, his fingers thrusting into you until you're falling over the edge.
“Fuck!” you cry, eyes fluttering shut, back arching. “Fuck! Fuck!”
Jake helps you ride out your orgasm until you fall limp on the bed, chest rising and falling with each breath.
“You okay?” he asks you, crawling on top of you, dwarfing you as he cups your face in his hand.
You nod. “'m fine.”
He smiles softly. “You still want me t'fuck you, babygirl?”
You nod. “Yes. Please.”
He nods. He takes his loincloth off, tosses it aside. Your eyes fall to his cock, heart racing at the sight of him. He's long, thick, and hard. The thought of it in you sends fear flying through you, and it only turns you on more.
You spread your legs in a silent invitation, your pretty eyes focused on his face.
Jake runs the thick head of his cock between your folds, teasing your clit, nudging your entrance. “Are you sure?” he asks, eyes studying yours for any sign if hesitance.
You nod. “Please, fuck me.”
“Deep breath for me, yeah?” His voice is soft, soothing, a gentle command. You nod. As you start taking that deep breath, he pushes into you.
At first, your cunt offers resistance, pain pricking your skin as the head of his cock struggles to fit. Once the tip is in, hoewever, the pain lessens and eventually dissipates, allowing you to relax.
Jake slides into you deeper and deeper, hissing quietly, his mind reeling from how tight you are. He fills you until the tip presses against your cervix, leaving almost half of his cock out of you.
He glances up at you to find your eyes shut, mouth open in a silent 'oh.' He chuckles softly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Someday, I'm gonna be all the way inside of you,” he promises. “You're gonna learn to take every inch of my cock, babygirl.”
You moan, writhing underneath him, your body too overcome with pleasure for you to reply. Your breath is heavy, your back arches as he starts to move.
“Just like that,” he groans, one of his ginormous hands holding onto your hip, the other one braced on the headboard. “Good girl. Breathe for me, hm?”
You whimper, your hips grinding against his at the slow, steady rhythm he sets. You try to take even breaths, but with every tiny move he makes, shocks of ecstasy climb up your skin, knocking the air from your lungs.
“Oh, baby,” he chuckles, “this pretty little pussy is so good...so fuckin' good.”
You moan, hands curling into fists around the bed sheets under you. “Oh, God,” you cry out, your legs wrapping around his waist, pushing him almost impossibly deeper into you.
A snarl leaves Jake's lips. “Fuck, you're gonna kill me.” He leans down, his mouth meeting your neck. He bites your throat, his teeth dragging over your sensitive skin. He licks the sweat off your collarbone, buries his nose in the crook of your neck.
Stars dance behind your eyelids, your pulse races in your ears. You can't think, can't do much more than squirm under jake and moan.
“There you go, babygirl,” he whispers into your ear. “You're doing so good for me.”
Your nails dig into his shoulders, your heels pressing against the small of his back. He can't get enough of you, but he knows he has to hold back. He'll hurt you otherwise, and he'd never risk that.
Heat blossoms in your core, spilling between your thighs and aching deep behind your belly button. Your release peeks through the haze, steadily growing, like a snowball rolling down a slope, gaining momentum and size.
The sound of your voice, high-pitched and shaky, has Jake's ears perking up. Your velvet walls tighten around him and he groans.
“That's a good girl,” he hums. “My babygirl. You gonna come on my cock, hm? Gonna behave for me?”
You nod, eyes shut tight, your teeth digging into your lower lip as you try to muffle your whimpers.
“Answer me,” he demands, pounding you harder, his fingers digging into your skin, bruising your delicate body.
“Yes! Yes! I will!” you cry out, your body writhing, hips jerking as your orgasm bubbles right underneath the surface. Jake hisses as you clench around him, making it almost impossible for him to slide in and out of you.
Jake's predatory amber gaze watches you as you come undone. Your release crashes over you, making your back arch, your lips part. You moan, nails digging into his skin, slick gushing over his cock
Jake groans as he feels your pussy grow wetter, velvet walls clenching around him. And then his own orgasm takes over him. He spills his thick load inside of you, rope after rope of warm, sticky release. He pumps you full of his cum until it's dripping out of you and then he collapses beside you on the bed, breathless.
He hugs you to him, kissing your forehead. “You were so good for me, babygirl,” he says, his hands quick to massage your body wherever he left bruises. “Such a good girl.” He kisses your jaw, smiles against your neck. He chuckles and adds, “I bet that by this time next week, you'll have learned to take all of me inside that pretty little pussy, hm?”
You meet his gaze, blushing, your eyes growing wide. You nod, swallowing thickly. You're already thinking about what tonight's log is gonna be.
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orbitsuns · 5 months
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don't sugarcoat me baby ♪
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rheiple · 5 months
Attention Seeker
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ Why is he following and helping you around with every chance he gets?
▪︎WARNING/s↦ None
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Eclipse, Reader
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▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ Gago ang tagal ko nang hindi nagsusulat,, well anyways this the Eclipse wanting reader's attention, the first thing I needed to do at the poll.
I'm not really satisfied with the out come, but I wanted to post it not instead of letting it rot in my notes, and also I might not do the other fics I've planned at the poll, if i did write them then its gonna be for a long time
I've noticed that whenever i write, when I'm passionate about something I noticed that my writing looks good(?)
But when I force myself to write its basically shit, and this Fic is probably one of the few sjit fics I've written
So yea I hope you don't mind
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“…It’s really dark in here.. Mind if you shine your eye lights over here bud?”
The sound of metal clinking represents the movement of your very tall and lanky companion.  With it’s big bright eyes, you’re able to be see the injured Helpy trying to move it’s way towards a vent.
Here in the storage room, it’s very hard to move and see with how many piled stuff are stored in this small room. You’re surprised that He managed to cramp himself inside here.
Eclipse, your ‘new' friend has been tagging along with you ever since your shift has started.
You don’t really know why- or maybe you do. Perhaps it’s because he’s still new with his surroundings in this Pizza Plex. Couldn’t really blame him, and it’s not like you mind his company anyways. You just found it a little strange.. and maybe cute.
You went to carry the small bear in your arms, you heard a little hiss coming from the taller one. You eyed him as you put Helpy on a table.
Noticing you making eye contact with him, he grinned from ear to ear, he lets out a creepy glitchy giggle. It’s like he’s drunk on something.
Honestly though, you want to have a taste with whatever he’s drunk with. It’d be a good stress reliever for at the moment. But oh well, no matter, you have at least 30 minutes until it’s your break time. You could pull this through.
Just like what you keep saying to yourself for the previous days.
Holding the hammer up high, you gave Helpy a little warning. Knowing he’s been given the ability to feel pain and all. It’s creepy and sad knowing this bot's cursed ability is used to train newbies. You also wondered how on earth are they able to program that.
“All right Helpy, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this and tell you it’s gonna hurt just a little. It’s actually gonna hurt really bad but I need you to be brave for me ok?”
He's shaking, but he nodded his head.
“…Ok, on the count of one… two…”
You aimed the hammer a little close to his knee.
Eclipse hold the back of the hammer.
“Wha- Eclipse? What’s wrong?”
He gently took the hammer out of your hand. His other hand softly patting your head.
And immediately slammed it on baby bear bear's knee.
While Helpy screamed because of the sudden pain, you screamed in fright because of how loud and painful Helpy's scream is. Eclipse took care of the situation by putting some kind of mask that emits special smoke to calm him down, and put a bandaid on his knee.
His other hand went to give him a lollipop.
You only looked at him flabbergasted. And he only smiled at you.
“Work is over.. Break now..”
One of his hands took yours and led you to the cafeteria.
Well this is humiliating.
You ignore the stares of your co-workers, glaring at them if they ever so much as chuckled at your current predicament.
He held the spoon filled with fried rice and chicken, the lunch you packed for yourself and tried to feed you. He’s making you look like a baby god dammit! You glared right up at him and gently smacked away the spoon. “Eclipse, you’re kinda making me look like a fool here…”
The celestial robotic tilted its head, he slowly brought back the spoon close to your mouth. His other hand  holding your chin, trying to pry your mouth open. “…ahh”
You took a grip on his hand and lowered it down where he couldn’t reach your chin once again. He didn’t seem to mind, as he gladly took your hand and intertwined it with his slim fingers instead. He began to rub your hand with his thumb as best as he could.
With a sigh, you took the spoon and placed it on your lunch box. You look at Eclipse and hold his other hand. His rays slowly started moving at the initiated contact. “Look man..” You start off, letting out your thoughts and feelings was really hard for you. You’ve never thought you’d even do it to someone like Eclipse, considering he probably doesn’t know the most of what your saying unless you explained it but.. At least he had sympathy, you wouldn’t be able to find that in most people nowadays. That’s probably why you feel safe sharing your thoughts and feelings to him.
“Eclipse…You know I really really appreciate you helping me around stuff n all but. I kind of feel like you’re just… Babying me at this point.”
He emits a low mechanical whine, you could feel the slight tightness of his hands. “…Not intentional.. wanted to help you… get work done…”
“Awwe, thanks buddy.” You gently squeezed his hands and did the same thing Eclipse did with your hand earlier. “…But are you sure that’s the only reason? I noticed that.. You’ve been a little passive aggressive with the other bots.. Whenever I focus on them instead of you.”
With your confrontation, he looks to the side and whistled out some playful toons.
You confirmed that being rough with Helpy earlier was intentional on his part.
You let go of his hands to put yours on your hips. Giving him the all knowing stare, you called to him in a accusing manner. He only grinned widely at the mention of his name. You guessed that scaring a robot wouldn’t really work considering with looks alone, he’s the scary one than you.
“…Are you jealous?”
“You’re lying.”
“Not lying… only fibbing.”
You scratched your head and raised a brow. “But why? Why are you jealous?”
The tall robot leaned in to hug you. You went to sit on his lap. His faceplate rotated from left to right. “…love your eyes. Better on me.. than on them..”
You snickered and brought a hand up to your face. “Oh my god.. you wanted my attention?” You  seem to get the memo as he purred in delight at your question. “..Oh Eclipse.”
You pry yourself off to stand and look at him, cupping his face with your small hands. As expected he leaned in to your touch. “You didn’t have to go through all that way just to get my attention you know that?” Seriously, he really shouldn’t have.
He caused hell to the other bots, he’s scary when he’s jealous.
“If you wanted my attention, you could’ve just asked! You know I wouldn’t say no..”
He took a hold of your hand with his, and looked at you with bright purple eyes.
“May I… have your eyes on me?” You grinned and kissed his teeth. “Of course..”
He began to stand up, surprising you by picking you up. You didn’t know where your going, but you assumed in one of the dark places where no one could find you. You’re glad you play a vital role at your job, or else you would’ve been fired with the amount of time you’ve went missing during your working hours.
You didn’t noticed, but Eclipse surely did, of a certain robot hanging from the ceiling observing him with envy.
The moon themed animatronic crossed his arms. “…So this is what our star has been wasting their time on..”
‘No fair, no fair! Why spend time with a bootleg version of us?!'
It’s as if Eclipse heard their thoughts, one of his hands gave them the rude gesture from behind.
Moon clicked his tongue. “So…that’s how you want to play…”
He’s been playing unfair for the past few days! Always sabotaging their plans so he could have you in his arms! They tried so, so many times to get your attention. Like making so many messes in the Daycare for you to help them clean it, they made gifts so they could see your flustered face, and they even broke themselves for you to fix them.
Not only did the metal prick cleaned the Daycare, fixed them instead of you- which they much rather prefer,  he stole their gifts, lying to you that he was the one who made it instead of them! He is such a big fat liar! A phoney!!
He could imagine his Sunny counter part walking around and huffing in annoyance. ‘Oh the nerve of him to do that! When I get my hands on our star once again he’ll be begging us to let him see her! And even then it’d be over my shut downed body if he ever thought I’d agree!'
The lunar jester is pretty sure the Eclipse would just control their minds to scrap themselves up, before they could even think of hiding away their star.. As much as he wanted to, he and Sun knew it’d just make you sad if you found out they’re not on good terms.
So they’re the ones who tried to give them the time he needed with you but, they’re just abusing their kindness at this point. They need to hatch up a plan to have you back in their arms sooner of later.
The moon slowly backed away by crawling. “…Hoping to see that soon…” He went back to his patrols for now.
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classicslibrary · 8 months
Seventeen Fic Recs: Volume IX
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Indigo’s Note: Here’s round nine! (how did I even get here? Omg) of my fic recs. As these fics may contain both SFW & NSFW elements, minors dni. Happy reading, and show these amazing authors some love!! Indigo's Note 2: I'm very sorry for the disproportionate number of fics for my bias line...I was in a bias-rot ig? I shall diversify my reads for the next round 💕 Indigo's Note 3: I'm so sorry, because this round does not have fics for Woozi or Vernon, I got caught in my bias line rot for this and I promise to make it up for the next round of fic recs 💕
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✦Let Me Love You by @gyuwoncheol (18+, smut, fluff) ✦Baby Maker by @onlyseokmins (18+, smut, angst) ✦Cupidity by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut) ✦Kidult by @hoeforhao (18+, angst, fluff) ✦Kamikaze by @ressonancee (18+, angst, smut) ✦Baby Fever by @cheolhub (18+, smut)
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✦Paris by @amourcheol (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦I Hate You I Love You by @wonusite (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦Lucky Girl by @horangare (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦Envious Whispers by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut, angst, fluff) ✦Titty Shirt by @beefboyandbabygirl (18+, fluff, smut, angst)
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✦Clothes Make the Man by @hwanghyunjinenthusiast (18+, smut) ✦Isohel by @toruro (18+, angst, fluff) ✦Joshua Smut Drabble by @duhnova (18+, smut) ✦Bad Girls Makes Good Boys Cry by @duhnova (18+, smut) ✦The Devil Wears Baby Blue by @onlyseokmins (18+, smut)
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✦Happy Ending by @junkissed (pg, fluff, angst)
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✦First Time by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut) ✦What? Like It's Hard? by @starsstuddedsky (18+, fluff, angst)
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✦Caught in the Middle by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff, mild angst) ✦Work Husband by @bitchlessdino (18+, smut) ✦The Peephole by @rubyreduji (18+, smut) ✦Dear Autumn by @wonwoonlight (pg 13, angst, fluff) ✦1:30pm by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut) ✦Rogue by @smileysuh (18+, smut, angst, fluff) ✦Love and Other Cliches (18+, suggestive, angst, fluff) ✦Since You've Been Away (18+, smut, angst, fluff) ✦Dope Lovers by @taekurai (18+, smut)
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✦I Like You by @seokgyuu (18+, smut, fluff) ✦Your Forever by @seokgyuu (18+, angst) ✦Seokmin Needs to Lose His Virginity by @bitchlessdino (18+, smut) ✦With You By My Side by @seokminkisser (18+, angst, fluff) ✦Sunshine and Sunflowers by @shuastruck (pg 15, angst, fluff, smau) ✦Pretty Boy by @seokminkisser (18+, smut)
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✦Caught in the Middle by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff, mild angst) ✦The Very First Night by @shuadrive (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦Kim Mingyu’s (unhelpful) Guide to Losing Your Virginity by @shuaflix (18+, smut, fluff) ✦In Soft Hands Part 1 and Part 2 by @beahae (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦Give Me 20 by @horanghater (18+, smut) ✦Grocery Bags by @guavagyu (18+, smut) ✦Is This Too Much by @ressonancee (18+, smut, fluff, angst) ✦Wings of Love by @seungkwansphd (pg, fluff) ✦Cuffing Season: His Needs by @number1mingyustan (18+, smut) ✦Breakfast by @shina913 (18+, suggestive, fluff) ✦Sex Toys by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut) ✦Hope Is a Dangerous Thing by @gyuwoncheol (pg 13, angst)
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✦I Don't Understand But I Love You by @toruro (18+, smut)
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✦Bet On Me by @multi-kpop-fanfics (18+, angst, fluff) ✦Smut Drabble by @love-strike (18+, smut) ✦Sweet Things by @toruro (18+, smut) ✦Chicken by @rubyreduji (18+, smut) ✦Sugarcoat by @love-strike (18+, smut, fluff)
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✦Lee Chan Needs Love Too by @bitchlessdino (18+, smut) ✦Crybaby by @toruro (18+, smut) ✦Now spit, baby by @rubyreduji (18+, smut)
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Not a request, but ive seen you mention in the horror movie headcanons that leo whispers threats to the reader, and i was wondering if you had any actual lines in mind for threats from yan leo and donnie in general (i dont think raph and mikey are ones to threaten)
Oh yeah, sure. I actually had 'quotes' in mind, but I felt too embarrassed to put them lmao. These are a bit low effort, but I'm tired and just took the first of many finals, so... Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
(not just for the movie, just in general tbh. I'll mark movie ones in green)
Tws: Threats, mentions of a feeding tube, paralytics, general violence, yandere themes, mentions of kidnapping, isolation
Donnie's much more blunt with his threats. They are more of a warning, him just trying to get you to behave quickly. He doesn't sugarcoat it, or do the whole 'or else' thing, because he wants you to be certain of the consequences for your actions. You're misbehaving, and he's giving you a chance to correct your behavior. Let's hope you take it.
Donnie's example threats:
"Stop struggling or I'm going to inject you with a paralytic."
"I need you to eat. Don't make me get Leo to help set up the feeding tube."
"You're such a dumb dumb sometimes. Can't you see that I'm doing this for you? Do you really need me to figure how to perform a lobotomy?"(Less of a threat, more of a rhetorical question)
"Unless you want to be put in isolation again, I'd suggest you'd put down the knife. I'll let Mikey know you can't assist in the kitchen for a while."
"Did you really think that would work? You know I have to put the shock collar back on now, I can't have you leave my side."
"If you try to leave again, I'm going to paralyze you. Make the right decision."
Leo, on the other hand, is a lot more... Jokey? About his threats. He treats them like a quick fear tactic, and usually won't go through with them unless you continue to push his buttons. Usually sticks to implying things or to hold onto you tighter, letting you 'hear' the threat instead of outright saying it.
Leo's example threats:
"Oooh, did you see the way that guy's hand got broken? It would be such a shame if that happened to you. Stop struggling."
"I thought I told you to stay put. You don't want to get tied up again, right? I swear, you're just asking for it at this point."
"Keep your voice down. I don't like your tone. Just remember, my hands can wrap all the way around your neck if needed."
"I swear, I need to tie you down for everything. Don't you know how annoying you can be?" "Keep talking like that and I'll rip your tongue out." (example of a threat he wouldn't do, but wants you to listen)
"Aww, is the poor baby crying? That was nothing. If you continue, I'll give you something to cry about."
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nyctoaerah · 17 days
CHOSO WITH PAPARAZZI IS SO FUCKING REAL GIRL, becuz he's following the reader at literally everywhere and is keeping an eye on her (on that one line) so she doesn’t run away from her 'motherly' obligations. HES SO DELULU ONG😭😭😭 EVEN FUNNIER AT THE SEX ED PART, I CACKLED LITERALLY💀💀💀WHERE HE GOT HARD AND DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING🤓. I was giggling at that part until i read the fact that choso actually wants to bash reader's head😿 like baby, what did she do?😭
Btw Im binging your fics right now and im definitely getting euphoria.
Don't mind my shitty grammar because english isnt my first language👁️🫦👁️🤟🏻 IDFC IF IM BEING EXAGGERATED HERE, AERAH, YOU ARE THE BEST.
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Choso gotta learn his bodily functions w [Name] fr!😭 SKSKS, DW, I laughed when i was writing that too, I EVEN HESITATED ON MAKING THE READER SUGARCOAT HER LEARNINGS AND WAS LIKE “Nah, she’s gonna say it bluntly” SKSKSKS, she do be teaching choso with the same way aionarch taught her about sex😭
“I shall pass the trauma my father has bestowed upon me to you, and you will also pass them to your younger brothers” THIS IS HER KIND OF IMPLICATION THERE BAHAHAHA
PLS, CHOSO’S BEEF WITH HER WASN’T EVEN THAT BAD, BUT SATORU’S BEEF WITH HER IS😭😭 Like girlie didn’t even do anything to him (and they haven’t met him) and now he has this big fat beef with the reader😭😭 like first, he wants to gobble her up to get ‘more powerful’ AND NOW HE'S JEALOUS OF HER LMFAOOO. AND SKSK, STAY TUNED FOR MORE BEEF 😭 CAUSE MORE PPL ARE GONNA HAVE A BEEF WITH HER. BUT SHE ALSO HAS A BEEF WITH OTHER PEOPLE LIKE TOJI THOUGH BAHA.
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chellustrates · 1 month
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"don't sugarcoat me baby, complex is overrated"
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Ehmm hello! I don't know if I can ask this but how do you see akutagawa in a romantic relationship? What kind of boyfriend would he be hehe. I'd just like to hear your thoughts and headcanons on him , I guess. Thanks in advance and sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue
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hi hi!! you’re totally allowed to ask that! i don’t take requests, but i do welcome suggestions/prompts, and while i don’t answer all of them, any of the ones that make my brain n heart go !!!!!!!!!! get stashed and stored safely in my drafts hehe c: 
AH okay i am in love with this question!!! i have many, many thoughts on this topic hehe <33
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warnings: toxic traits/relationship, mention of rough sex and kinks at the end (marking, dom/sub dynamic, dacryphilia, degradation + dumbification, etc).
words: 1.9k of me literally rambling about aku
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akutagawa in a relationship is very interesting because i think there’d be multiple layers to the whole thing; it would be quite complex! i also don’t think a 100% healthy relationship is possible with him, for reasons i’ll get into below! 
and of course, keep in mind, these are just my personal opinions and interpretations of him!
𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: 
- at the beginning, he is awkward, clumsy, and standoffish. these are all very new, very intense feelings for him, and while he likes them—likes the way warmth seethes pleasantly in his chest whenever you smile at him or call him baby, likes the way his ribs expand with bubbles of sunshine whenever you gaze at him with such pure, potent adoration—they do still frighten/unnerve him to an extent, and he does not know how to properly express + process these emotions of lust and love and compassion. as such, he truly doesn’t know how to act in a romantic relationship, and will most likely end up unintentionally stepping on your toes or hurting you with his actions and his words, purely out of ignorance. he’d feel horribly guilty for these mess-ups, and would learn from them extraordinarily quickly (could also see him researching relationship things on like, google or something lmao). 
*a side note here: i believe when akutagawa feels, he feels very intensely; he is apathetic towards a lot of things, but when his emotions sprout, they fucking surge, they take over his body and invade his mind, they are extremely powerful and he cannot ignore them, though he can sometimes reign them in enough to get shit done and momentarily dull them to a constant tugging at the back of his mind
- the possibility of him unintentionally hurting you with his words is particularly large, considering he is incredibly blunt and says exactly what he thinks and means without any regard for the feelings of others. he is extremely honest, and he doesn’t ever sugarcoat his words. the fact that he is quite logical and technical in his thinking patterns only adds to this and his emotional ineptness.
- he is selfish! he feels very possessive and protective over you, well past the point of normal or healthy. it almost bleeds into yandere territory; he’s greedy with you and will get jealous extremely easily, extremely quickly. he likes to know where you are at all times, whom you are with, and when you’ll be back, and you can expect constant texts from him while you’re out. 
- on that note, once he finally comes to terms with his feelings for you and fully accepts them, he will be incredibly clingy in both the literal and metaphorical sense of the word. 
- he doesn’t like your friends. in fact, he doesn’t like anyone who gets to spend time with you and takes you away from him for even a few moments. he is generally cold towards the friends he plainly dislikes and downright hostile towards the ones he hates, the ones who cause his envy to flare and sprout talons and claw at his ribs, the ones he disapproves of, as well as previous exes, if you have any. he genuinely does not see anything wrong with this behaviour and truly believes himself to be doing the ‘right’ thing and what’s best for you (and he knows what’s best for you better than you do, duh).
- he’s touch-starved, and at the beginning any sort of skinship makes him flinch—not because he doesn’t like it (he very much does), but because it’s quite new and unfamiliar to him. he wouldn’t be incredibly interested in PDA, partially because he’s shy and partially because he thinks that’s special and private and just for the two of you to experience, but you can expect his hands on you, or his body touching you, somewhere, someway, all the time when you’re out and about. this could manifest as a hand resting on your lower back, just above the swell of your ass; or an arm twined tightly around your waist, large palm resting on your hip, wrist curled around you; or his thigh slotted up against yours at any event; or his ankle linked with yours beneath the table at a dinner; or your pinkies intertwined; etc.. he just likes to be touching you in these small, soft, subtle ways; it makes him feel calm, it makes him feel grounded, and it makes him feel like he’s visually staking his claim on what’s his for everyone in the immediate vicinity to see without drawing too much attention to himself.
- his starkly defined black-and-white philosophies are immovable and unbreakable, and he holds steadfast to his world views. to me, this steadfast devotion would bleed into other important areas of his life, such as a romantic relationship, which means that he would be incredibly loyal and faithful to you. he’s with you for life, through thick and thin, no matter how angry you make him or how many fights you have, he will not let go of you, and he will always, always defend you against others (aka he’s the only one allowed to criticize you lmao). he may be the mafia’s dog, but he’s your fucking dragon (ew cheesy as heck i know!!! but it’s true!!!).
- he definitely gets in Moods. sometimes you’ll be able to offset these Moods or dispel them (ie. the way gin did with tea n figs), but there will be times where you just have to accept that he’s in a Mood and leave him be. 
- on that note, he genuinely does value his space and his alone time. this is of utmost importance to him and he needs you to understand that, as well as understand that it’s nothing personal. he is an introvert in all respects and doesn’t really enjoy being in big crowds or conversations, or loud and hyper spaces. this is just another inherent trait to who he is; he needs his own space to recharge, even from just you. 
- his moral compass exists in some vague form, but it is extremely weak. he will take disproportionate revenge on anyone he believes has wronged you. 
- he most definitely holds heavy respect for you and holds you in high esteem, but i don’t think he’d think of you as his equal, necessarily. he’d probably consider you to be ever-so-slightly below him; someone who is strong, but needs his guidance and control. someone who would do satisfactorily on their own, but does even better with him. it is because of this that he doesn’t feel inferior to you, irregardless of the fact that he feels inferior to those above him (and, deep inside, himself). 
- he’d hate you trying to take care of him when he’s sick or when he’s experiencing a particularly acute flare-up of symptoms, because it makes him feel weak. as far as he’s concerned, it should be him taking care of you, always.
𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬’ 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
- he has a hair-trigger temper, and you will have to learn how to expertly avoid not tripping it up at any given moment, not accidentally snapping that thin thread. this will take some practice and trial and error, but the thing about akutagawa is that while he is quick to anger and give into the sharp flashes of fury in his chest, he is also fairly easy to calm, as long as the offense wasn’t a serious one. this may just be me thinking wishfully HEHE but i do think that his temper would be subdued by and dulled down in your presence because he truly doesn’t want to get angry at you, hates hurting you over inconsequential things, but has severe difficulty controlling his wrath. this is something i think he’d attempt to work on for you.
- he is extremely stubborn and resilient, especially when it comes to his own personal views, beliefs, ideals, and opinions, and this makes me think he would be absolute hell to be in a fight with because of his sheer willpower; he just absolutely will NOT give up. if he genuinely and wholeheartedly believes he’s right about something, his belief will be unshakable. he’s right, you’re wrong, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. as such, he won’t let things go, especially if you haven’t given into him yet and agreed with him, meaning he will continue to pick at and pull at and press the issue until you really snap, break into pieces and allow him to put you back together his way, the right way. 
- he holds grudges. he will, without a doubt, bring up your past mistakes committed against him—things he knows you feel awful about—and wield them as emotional and psychological weapons in a fight, irregardless of how long ago those mistakes were made, irregardless of if you thought the two of you had forgiven and moved past the issue. he plays dirty, and he doesn’t care; it’s all about him winning, him coming out on top, him proving that he was correct all along. he’ll use anything at his disposal to do so. 
- he won’t compromise, either. i genuinely think this is just one of his toxic traits, a flaw inherent to who he is as a person, and it’s pretty much non-negotiable. it’s a harsh truth you’d have to accept if you were to date him.
- on the contrary, very rarely, he may back down if his views on the topic or issue at hand have not yet been fully solidified. but once they are, there’s no changing them. 
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦:
- he fucks viciously, hips pounding hard and rough and fast, with such force that they shove your body up the mattress with each snap, his hipbones slapping your skin so hard it causes your flesh to ripple. he’s always leaving marks across your body, too; with the harsh drag of his teeth over your neck and collarbone and shoulder, or the sharp sinking of his nails and fingertips into your hips and thighs, marring your skin with crops of red streaks and rapidly developing smudges of navy and violet. there’s definitely an element of sadism here but it isn’t nearly on the level of, say, dazai’s sadism.
- i think akutagawa is a dom-leaning switch. he doesn’t like to be told what to do unless it is from a VERY specific person. otherwise, he likes to be in charge, not because he necessarily has those dom caretaker urges but simply because he likes to be The Boss; he likes to have all of the power and the control over you and your body.
- we know he isn’t fond of meaningless torture (which is why i don’t think he’s as sadistic as dazai), however i think his sexual punishments would be absolutely fucking brutal (because these are not meaningless; these have a very important, very specific purpose, in his mind).
- he really enjoys praise and admiration; he wants to hear how good he’s doing, how good his cock feels, how pretty it is, how much you love it, etc.. such compliments tug the most gorgeous little whines from the back of his throat, and are often followed by a jagged growl of more or again.
- his favourite kinks include: marking, bondage, breathplay, cumplay, impact play, dacryphilia, degradation + dumbification (HEAVY), discipline/punishment, cock worship, praise, dry humping, power play (bdsm dom/sub dynamics), orgasm control, and humiliation!
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snoozebin · 3 months
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🩰 ᶻ z ᶻ don't sugarcoat me, baby
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゚ ◌ ⊹ complex is overrated .. ?! 𓏲࣪⋆
% annabelle shim
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strljaem · 1 month
“don’t sugarcoat me, baby”
p/s ; i was writing while listening to sugarcoat natty for like 18239 times lol
note : angst, fluff
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It was a bustling evening at the Moonlit Café in Seoul, a small but lively spot tucked away in the heart of the city. The scent of freshly ground coffee mingled with the laughter and chatter of the crowd. The clinking of cups and the rhythmic buzz of the espresso machine created a warm backdrop to the evening's conversations. I was seated at our usual corner table, Jaemin across from me, his eyes focused on the menu.
But my mind was elsewhere. A memory from months ago had resurfaced, festering like an open wound. It was about the night Jaemin and I had plans, but he had bailed without explanation, leaving me to find out later that he had been at a party with some mutual friends. It wasn't just the broken plans that bothered me; it was the secrecy, the way he had acted like nothing happened the next day.
I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Remember that night you stood me up?" I said, my voice low but laced with irritation.
Jaemin looked up from the menu, his brow furrowing. "Which night? We've had a lot of nights together." His tone was casual, but there was a hint of defensiveness beneath the surface.
"The night you went to that party and didn't tell me," I shot back, feeling the anger bubble up in my chest. "You made me feel like an idiot, waiting around for you. And then you just... pretended it didn't happen."
He leaned back, his expression tightening. "Are you seriously bringing this up now? I thought we moved past that."
"Don't sugarcoat me, baby," I retorted, emphasizing the last word. The term of endearment was a slip, but I couldn't take it back. His eyes widened, and he stared at me, clearly surprised.
"Baby?" he echoed, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and frustration. "What's with the baby?"
The people at the surrounding tables had started to notice the tension. A few heads turned in our direction, their curious gazes making the air between us feel even thicker. Jaemin glanced around, then reached across the table to grab my hand. "Let's go," he said, his grip firm but not painful. He pulled me up, and I followed him out of the café, feeling the eyes of the onlookers on our backs.
Outside, the city air was cool against my flushed cheeks. Jaemin led me to his car, a sleek black sports car that he adored. He opened the door for me and waited until I got in before he slid into the driver's seat. The doors closed with a soft thud, cutting us off from the noise of the street.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked, crossing my arms. "We could've talked in there. Why drag me out here like that?"
"Because I didn't want to make a scene," he replied, his voice low but intense. "You know how people are. They hear one word, and suddenly it's all over social media." He turned to face me, his eyes locking with mine. The furrow in his brow deepened, but I couldn't help but notice how it made him look even more handsome, his chiseled features etched with concern.
I sighed, my anger ebbing just a little. "I just don't get why you couldn't have been honest with me. We were supposed to be best friends, Jaemin. You should've told me where you were going."
"I didn't want to hurt you," he said, his voice softer now. "I knew you'd be upset, and I was trying to avoid a fight. But clearly, that didn't work out." His gaze didn't waver, even as I burned with rage.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Well, it hurt more when I found out from someone else. It felt like you didn't trust me enough to be honest."
Jaemin listened, his expression serious, his eyes never leaving mine. The way he looked at me, so focused, made my heart race even as I felt the anger boil. The air in the car was charged with tension, the kind that made every word feel heavier than usual.
Then, without warning, he leaned in and kissed me. His lips were warm and soft against mine, and his hand gently cupped my cheek. I pulled away at first, shocked by the suddenness of it. But he held my gaze, his voice a low whisper. "Stop and just accept this."
There was something in his eyes, a mix of determination and vulnerability. I couldn't resist. He leaned in again, and this time I didn't pull away. Our lips met, and the heat between us was undeniable. The anger melted away, replaced by a surge of desire that left my heart pounding. His other hand slid to the back of my neck, pulling me closer, and I felt the intensity of his kiss. It was deep, passionate, and filled with a yearning that had been building for far too long.
The world outside the car disappeared, leaving just the two of us in a moment that felt like it could last forever.
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 2 months
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Hi @menalez, you know I thought I was being courteous by keeping quiet about my grievances with you and not airing them publicly but I guess that isn't mutual, if you really wanted to have a conversation with me you could've talked to me on discord, you're not blocked there.
when October 7th first happened I was unwell tbh and very confused, I thought the world went mad when a massacre against the Jewish state and Israelis (both Jewish and Arab but the majority were Jews and they were targeted for being Jewish) somehow made them hateful against Jewish people, even the diaspora, I was also very confused when the "feminists" of the world even the radical feminists remained silent on the mass rape used as a weapon against Israeli women or tried to deny and minimize it. This is gonna sound dramatic but I haven't been the same person ever since because I lost my trust in people, I don't trust anyone who has no sympathy for others based on their ethnicity and nationality.
and when I went to tumblr I saw that you were also sharing content from antisemites, although you tried to distance yourself from it, sure Hamas did kill babies and rape women, but it wasn't as bad as the media is making it out to be, as if there is a number of raped women and murdered babies that needs to be met before we recognize this as a genocidal act by Hamas? I tried to read what you shared and honestly the people you tried to refute (badly) made more sense to me.
I spent a huge portion of my time watching content about the conflict even when I am working, reading about it, talking to my friend about it, I sought out another friend of mine who is retired professor who has visited Israel multiple times to learn from her, I listened to Jewish people and Israelis and also to Palestinians, I shared articles from Palestinian authors and a Muslim woman about the war, I am reading a book by Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of Hamas' founders, I didn't listen to the ones who cheered on October 7th which is fair, terrorists and their supporters don't have integrity. so even though you said I "admitted I don't know shit" and I am "willfully ignorant" I am really not, I am not an expert, I wish I could read and learn more than what I am already doing but I work full-time on 5-6 hours of sleep then travel on the weekends to see my girlfriend, so I am sorry I didn't know much about Christian Zionists? I'd rather not run on my mouth over something I don't know much about, it doesn't make all of my other opinions invalid somehow. I've always been the type of person who tries to do at least some research before forming an opinion and being outspoken about it.
you also said I am brainwashed by my country's antisemitism and I am "rebelling" (which is so fucking condescending I am not a child trying to prove a point) but actually I never agreed that the holocaust was good and that Hitler was a hero like the majority of people around me did, even if I had problematic beliefs I would never agree with genocide. it's also interesting that you refer to this rightfully as propaganda but do you know which news channel was funneling this and playing in my house? it was Aljazeera, and you share from them all the time without a hint of scrutiny, of course anything Israel says must be met with scrutiny but anything coming out of Hamas and Qatar is trustworthy even though both are islamofascist that don't allow any freedom of press, very interesting.
so mena, as an Arabic speaker why don't you look into Aljazeera's Arabic websites and articles where they don't sugarcoat the antisemitism for the western audience and share them with your followers? or anything from Hamas' leaders? are you intentionally misleading them or just lazy? not sure which is worse.
I do have sympathy for middle eastern women and that includes Israeli women! Which is why I'll never support an Islamic state, they are the worst for women. There is more going on in the middle east than just western imperialism, not everything is the west's fault and even if it was we should have more accountability and not just overlook terrorism and other problems we have, prophet Mohammad didn't need Zionism or western imperialism to massacre the Jews of Banu Qurayza, which was so horrific I decided to fully become an ex-muslim after reading about it and I was questioning my faith for two years at that time.
You accused me of supporting genocide which is..... wow there is a lot to say about that, but I won't get into it now, you said this isn't in character for me as an "empathetic and intelligent woman" you're right, maybe the genocide accusation against Israel is blood libel and unfounded, because why would I support genocide? have you tried to read anything besides Qatar and Hamas approved propaganda? have you listened to other opinions in good faith without plugging your ears calling them Zionists (as if it's a bad thing to want self-determination and not be a dhimmi anymore) and blocking them?
I don't know where you get the audacity to say that I am ignorant and should do the "decent thing" and shut up, do you have any Jewish loved ones? do you worry about them on a daily basis because of antisemitism and how antisemitic hate crimes have increased to an insane level? I can't go a day without seeing new incidents reported, which you have ignored of course, because the only good Jew to you is a Jewish person who just affirms your beliefs so you can delude yourself into thinking you're a good person, but after that you don't really care, do you think antisemites ask Jewish people if they're Zionists before they harass and assault them? get off your fucking high horse, I don't owe you shit and you have no right to judge me, if anyone should shut up it's you, the rhetoric and the blood libels you share is the same fucking rhetoric inciting the increase in hate crimes, sincerely fuck off :)
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My brain thinking of the boys ever having to explain why Cass isn't coming home from a mission (my angst brain won't leave me in peace ;-;)
I am planning to make angst, but I don't have it ready yet and then you throw this my way? I started drawing almost immediately with a vague idea of a scenario and it escalated very quickly!
I actually hurt my own feelings with this, but first I want share my brain's process on trying to figure this out.
First off I had to think of who's alive/dead in this concept and Casey Jr.'s age range.
Raph is dead
Donnie is alive
Casey Jr. is old enough to remember his mom
Next, and what has a bigger impact, is Cassandra's mindset. They're all trying to survive the apocalypse and unfortunately that means a lot of unavoidable death.
Cassandra, while a being of chaos all on her own, is also extremely practical in her way of thinking. She could of easily taken over the world with her brownie business if she decided she had wanted to spend the rest of her life doing that.
Therefore, she would very openly make sure her son is aware of what type of world they live in. Death is an inevitable thing that she doesn't shy away from making certain Casey Jr. understands this.
I'm thinking that Cassandra is probably Casey's first real experience with the death of someone close. I know in my little nerdy heart that Cassandra made Leo, as designated surrogate Dad (decreed by baby Casey), promise he would not sugarcoat telling her son that she died and she would do the same for Leo.
Now, on to the actual scenario. I will say that I don't know how she died just that Leo discovers her and tries to save her.
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