snakespirits · 3 days
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Some of my Pokémon as efverse designs! This is Murky (wishcash) and Electro (galvantua) ! Murky was basically a teen dad, though electro’s not his biological own. It’s a whole thing.
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spoopup · 6 months
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i started the new scarlet/violet dlc specifically to find joltik and galvantua and thats all i did for like an hour
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Temporal Static
[Set in @ailingwriter's Post-Rus AU]
Elesa, the Shining Beauty of Nimbasa City (and its Gym Leader), sighed as she plopped on her couch. It had been another long, long day - planning her next fashion shoot, taking on Gym challengers, and of course Emmet.
She’d realized that the Subway Master was…eccentric when she first met him and his brother, Ingo. The eccentricities got even worse when Ingo just up and vanished one day while checking the Unovan subway. It was a Herculean task to keep Emmet from diving headlong into finding his brother, but it’d been a good value for the effort (snrk - effort values). The white-coated man would have likely burnt himself out trying to find his black-coated twin…
Elesa didn’t like thinking about what might have happened in that situation. Not at all.
UGH, why did she feel so itchy? Her coat had never felt like this before on her, and…ergh. Alright, off it goes for now. Then time to unwind and get ready for the next day.
As the Electric-type specialist arrived at her Gym after a good night's sleep, her thoughts turned back to the Subway Twins.
They’d eventually found out where Ingo had gotten off to - ancient Sinnoh, otherwise known as Hisui. But the history books about that era were… oddly vague. It was probably related to those announcements from the authors about how they had not originally written the content that was currently in the books. The prevailing theory was that something was changing the records after a certain point - likely something on the scale of the Sinnoh Legendaries.
Ironically, this “certain point” being right around when Ingo had apparently shown up hadn’t been Emmet’s biggest concern at the time. Well, it may have been, but him starting to turn into a Galvantua had definitely taken more of their focus.
The only lead they had on these changes was something called “Pokérus.” Not much was known about it: Only that had been introduced into Hisui a few years after Ingo arrived, and that it turned people into giant, feral, overly-aggressive Pokémon.
Fear over what Ingo had gone through had to take a back seat to fear over Emmet’s changes, which were - quite frankly - not pleasant to watch. But thank Arceus, despite the total physical changes Emmet somehow managed to keep his mind. Nobody was exactly sure why or how at the time. The prevailing theory was that he’d managed to get rest, food, and water that may have been harder to get back in Hisui. Which meant, in a way, she’d saved his life by caring for him during those last few moments.
It was either that, or something to do with the fact that he didn’t end up a giant like prior victims. Probably both.
…odd. Was it her, or did it seem like the gym design was slightly different? She couldn’t place a finger on it, but something was…off. Maybe she needed to take a break?
OK, Elesa definitely needed to take a break. As she transitioned from gym duties to model work, she could swear that her stance was off the whole way through. Everyone else claimed she was doing just fine, but their looks and tones belayed their actual opinions. 
It wasn’t easy taking a break on the fly, especially when you had as many duties as she did. Meaning there was one last flurry of activity, making calls and rescheduling events before she could go home. Argh, it was getting a bit tricky to write too…she must’ve been doing really bad. Surprising that it’s all showing up now, though - with all her jobs, she’d gotten pretty good at noticing burnout. It just flaring up like this was something that hadn’t happened since she first started doing double-duty, but then again a lot had been going on lately.
Specifically, since a (normal-sized) Gliscor had been spotted in the train tunnels about a week ago. Reports said that the Gliscor was a bit...weird: Specifically with a nigh-perpetual frown replacing the normal smile, and two strangely familiar bits of fur poking down from behind the ears. That, and the oddly familiar black cap it was wearing. Of course, when Emmet had finally seen the Ground-/Flying-Type, he’d basically glomped the aerial ‘mon because sweet Dragons that was Ingo.
Apparently, the physical changes from the Pokérus were permanent - but the feral mindset had actually been induced by whoever had caused the whole incident in the first place. Some crazed Arceus-obsessed man who wanted to become divinity himself or something? It was weird.
The Legendaries had been more than willing to help the victims adjust, though. For one, the strange rips in space and time that were the actual source of the “disease” still existed in Hisui. But they were far less dangerous, usually only causing stores to lose a few items here and there (usually TMs).
For another, Uxie helped Ingo with the Amnesia he’d suffered since arriving in the past (which everyone agreed was a good idea. It wasn’t like he was getting any stat buffs from it anyways!), while Dialga and Palkia had offered to take him back to his original time.
There was a brief... altercation... when Emmet heard that his brother had originally declined that offer. Emmet’s reaction made sense, though: Ingo had stayed for like a year after the offer had been made! Thankfully, a simple explanation had cleared everything up. Since it was going to be a one-way trip, Ingo hadn’t wanted to leave the Pearl Clan right away. He needed time to settle matters, doubly so since he was a Warden caring for a very important Pokémon - some extinct Sneasel evolution? She hadn’t gotten the details during Emmet’s typed-up summarization.
Still, things had been a bit hectic since Ingo had returned, even ignoring how Gear Station had to close for a couple days for “renovation”. Not only was she helping the twins rearrange their apartment, but she was also busy getting them new coats made. Understandably, there hadn’t been much progression in Pokemon fashion outside of Contests and Performances, where ‘mon like Gliscor and Galvantua didn’t show up often - so that was an uphill battle. At least they’d been able to preserve what had been left of their original coats. 
Anyways. Leave the thinking for tomorrow - she’d gotten home in the time it’d taken to finish those thoughts, so it was time to sleep.
*bzz* *bzz*
“Ugh…I’m awake, I’m awake…” Fumbling with one hand, Elesa picked up her Xtransciever from where she’d left it overnight and checked the screen.
Emmet had messaged her? Huh. More proof that investing in a messaging program for his laptop was worth it (even if it felt like she should sleep for a couple more hours).
‘Elesa! I am Emmet. You need to see the news. Ignore everything else on your schedule until you have.’
Emmet telling her to ignore a schedule? That meant this was huge. Slipping out of bed, the Beauty tugged some clothes on (making sure she looked decent) before turning on the TV. It was already on the news, so that made things easier-
“This is Kevin Brockman for Unova News with a breaking report. Mysteriously, several people have begun changing into Pokémon!”
Slowly the model slid onto the couch, gawking as she processed the anchorman's words. “For more, we take to Katy Jacobs. Katy?”
The scene shifted from the studio to a Pokémon Center lobby filled with worried people. “Thanks, Kevin. I’m here at the Castelia City Pokémon Center, where multiple people have arrived with what are, quite frankly, bizarre changes.”
It went on to show interviews with people sporting feathers, fur, claws, tails, and all sorts of Pokémon parts. The Gym Leader’s mouth slowly opened in shock - how could this be happening? There weren’t any distortions to cause Pokérus, right?!?
As the reporters began to discuss how the changes seemed to be focused along family lines, the couch suddenly decided to push against her butt. Kinda hard. “YOWCH!”
Jumping up and checking said couch, Elesa blinked - there was…nothing different? So how did it…
A gentle swaying sensation was the answer. As she looked behind her, a sense of cold dread washed through her bones because that was undeniably a tail.
Elesa had immediately gone to the hospital after the panic attack ended. OK, she was still frantic and Confused, but she wasn’t going to attack herself.
…that would’ve been funnier if she wasn’t turning into…what seemed to be a Luxray? At least going by what the doctor had said. He was hopeful that she’d be alright, given how well Emmet had turned out, but...
Basically, she had half a week of humanity left. And that was being optimistic.
So here she was, standing at the door to the train twins’ place, acting all fidgety and nervous. Hopefully they’d be able to shed some light on things…or…something. She wasn’t sure. Really she just needed to talk to someone, and who better than her best friends? Who had literally gone through this before?
Gently reaching up with a slightly deformed hand, the probably ex-model rapped at the door. “H-Hello?”
“Gil-so!” A couple seconds later, the door was filled with cap-wearing Gliscor. “Gli?” Yeah, she’d told the brothers there wouldn’t be any discussion about the coats today. And…there really wouldn’t be.
As she lowered her hand, yellow eyes caught it in their gaze. “S-SOR!?" Said eyes darted over the rest of her body, taking in the miscellany of changes the model was already dealt. "GLIS!?”
“Gaaaal.” Emmet scurried nearby, chastising his brother for…something. Probably cursing, given the humorous tone - which fled rather fast when he saw her. “V-VAN! Ga…” The pair backed away, letting their scared friend enter the abode.
Meandering to the couch, Elesa almost sat down before remembering that she had a freaking tail now, so she had to sit sideways. It…wasn’t the most comfortable, but it’d work.
*bzz* went the Xtransciever - right, she needed to mute Emmet. The one drawback to that program she'd gotten them - it’d buzz her even when she was right in front of the duo. She’d rather do something closer to normal conversation when visiting. 
‘I am Emmet. You are changing species tracks, Elesa?!’
“Y-yeah, I am…” A shudder. “A-and…it’s kinda scaring me.”
Ingo nodded, chittering something. ‘Ingo says it was the same for everyone back at the Hisui station. And you surely recall how I felt when I discovered this track switch.” The pair shuddered at the memory.
“So sor.”
 ‘...he says you do have a better track than we did, however.’
Elesa let out a sharp, not-really-funny laugh. “Oh? What’s that? Because I kinda can’t see any!!”
The Gliscor just face-clawed, chittering some more. ‘You know you won’t end up feral like he did. No Volo.’ 
“Volo? Oh, right. He's the butthole who started all this back then, wasn’t he?” Nods and sounds of affirmation were all she needed there. “Ergh. Right. So then…”
Several more hours of chatting later, and it was decided that the changing human would stay the night. Her team would be worried, but they didn’t want her walking when her legs could change at any second.
There were two items of note the next morning.
One was that, compared to Emmet and Ingo’s changes, Elesa’s weren’t painful at all.
The other?
Ingo: ‘Elesa, is…this actually working?!’
She stared at the message, then to the Xtransciever-wearing Gilcisor. “Yes, Ingo… this is working…”
“G-Gil? Gil! Gi-scor!” ‘I do not believe this! For such a function to appear overnight is… is as likely as a train falling into Hisui!’
On that, everyone agreed. Since when did Xtranscievers have a voice-to-text function that 1) worked perfectly, and 2) translated Pokéspeech?! Not to mention 3) come in a size that fit a Gliscor?!
Emmet: ‘I am Emmet. This track we have been placed on is growing more and more confounding. www.unovanews.pke/article/XtransDelay’
A tap on the link (with a claw that formed overnight) pulled it up. Wait, when could Xtranscievers pull up links like this?
That question was soon banished upon reading the article. It wasn’t about a delay in a new Xtransciever model. It was about how, for some reason, the Xtransciever had apparently been released in 2012 instead of 2010? The model clearly remembered doing a show for the company as part of a 2011/2013 anniversary special, though. 
Apparently, the company agreed with her. Everyone from executives to line workers were mystified about how this change had taken place. “‘I would call it a hack’, said CEO Mayers, ‘if it wasn’t for the sheer totality of the changes. Even un-networked files are reflecting this new need for accessibility!’”
And that was the apparent reason for the delay - a need to increase how accessible the Xtranscieverwas. Not only that, but to have it function almost like a Pokédex or RotomPhone - not in identifying Pokémon, but in serving as more of a miniature computer. (On a related note, apparently RotomPhones no longer really existed? The phones did still, but not the whole “it’s meant for a Rotom” bit).
I: ‘This is…quite astonishing, brother. Do you have any idea why reality is suddenly switching tracks?’
Em: ‘I am Emmet. I have no idea why this track change is happening, or why it is so verrry drastic.’
Mjfqbse:’Da heck are you guys talking about?’
Em/I/Elesa: EgaR4rha3tHDSw4tgr
I: ‘Who are you and what are you doing in this chat?’
Mjfqbse: ‘...Sis added me? C’mon, you guys remember back when we got these…’
El: ‘Everyone but you, unfortunately. -.-’
Mjfqbse: ‘...Els, this isn’t funny. You have to remember, right?! Back when you had evolved?’
Em: ‘I am Emmet. You are the one not being funny.
…odd. I cannot find any pictures of Elesa as anything but partly changed.’
Mjfqbse: ‘Part- Hey! We hatched from the same egg, thank you very much!’
El: ‘...you…do know I was born human, right? So please, just cut it ou-’
And suddenly a Liepard’s face was filling the screen. Everyone jumped back at the transition to group call as the felid began ranting on who was joking with who (thank you captions). However, when her gaze fell on Elesa, she suddenly stopped.
Familiar eyes locked with the human's own before darting up and down the screen. “...I…Who are you and why do you have Elesa’s Xtrans?!?”
“That is Elesa. Surely if you knew us you could recognize her, even with a different coat of paint,” Ingo chittered.
“No. Nononnono. That can’t be right. That CAN'T be right!” The feline’s wide, panicked eyes went to one corner as she seemed to be flicking through…something. “W-What in the world is up with these pictures! You…I…” One such image was promptly sent to the group, and Elesa recognized it: It was the picture she’d taken to commemorate becoming Nimbasa City’s Gym Leader!
But at the same time, it wasn’t. In the picture before her, Elesa looked about as inhuman as she currently was - spotty blue and black fur, tail, flat paws for feet, sharp claws for nails, and the beginnings of a muzzle. But perhaps more shocking was how a younger-looking Liepard was also in the picture, holding Elesa close as if they’d known each other for…
For as long as the train boys had known each other.
The soon-to-be-ex-human let out a cry of shock, which soon became a sparking yelp as her ankles raised up, moving into a more digitigrade position. Thankfully Ingo was there to catch her, but the shock returned twofold when she looked back at the picture.
The Elesa in the picture was now leaning on the still-human Ingo. Looking near the bottom of the image, she could see that her feet were also propped up in an animalistic position.
“...What the-” 
“-is going on!?” And apparently, this cat had a bit of a pottymouth. Although being censored with a voice clip of pre-Hisui Ingo calling his brother out for cursing was definitely new.
…and honestly made sense. The brothers were well-known enough for that kinda thing.
Like usual, the news had the answers. But it wasn't in a way anyone expected.
“Kevin Brockman here with an update to yesterday’s breaking news. These bizarre transformative phenomena have been confirmed globally. Furthermore, it appears that it is not just people that are changing. Katy Jacobs is on-scene with details. Katy?”
The scene changes to Elesa’s apartment, where the changing Elesa and the Liepard are both standing. The scenery wasn't the same as a normal apartment, looking more suited for a quadrupedal lifestyle than anything. In the background, Elesa’s team is out of their balls, staring suspiciously at the Dark-Type. 
“Thanks, Kevin. I’m here with Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa, and the Liepard who is - get this - her twin sister.” The Liepard in question opens their mouth as if to say something but then closes it - all while wearing this confused look. “Miss Elesa, how did you find out about this…twin, of yours?”
“Well, the Subway Masters and I were discussing the changes to the Xtrans when she suddenly just appeared in our group text. Understandably, we freaked out, assuming she was some sort of hacker.”
“And what convinced you she was not?”
“A picture I’d taken when I became Gym Leader.” The picture in question is shown on screen, with an edited version to the right showing what she remembered it looked like.
“Ah, yes. That would be…quite compelling evidence.” The Liepard grumbled something which thankfully wasn’t picked up by the cameras.
“I-it is, yes.”
“So…what has it been like, having your history upended like this?”
Elesa opened her mouth to answer-
Her history upended? History… siblings… family… THAT'S IT! 
“Erm, Miss Elesa?” How long had she been thinking?
“S-Sorry!” she yapped out, chuckling nervously. “Your question just reminded me of something…kinda important. Would you mind waiting a moment please thank you?” She’d taken off before the reporter could reply, leaving Ms. Jacobs to send the broadcast back to the studio.
Her “sister” yowled after her, crying for the Leader to come back the interview wasn’t over! But Elesa paid the cries no mind. If she was right, then that family tree she’d made on a whim a few years ago would pay off…
Bingo! There it is, and one look confirmed what she needed to know. She rushed back to the confused newspeople, sheet of paper in…mouth (Bloody paws - wait, had she run on all 4s?). “Morry mbt mat!”
“M-Miss Elesa! Oh, we can bring the interview back, just - What’s that in your…mouth?” She sounded less disgusted and more confused, and Elesa couldn’t blame her. Dropping the sheet of paper for the interviewer to pick up, one eye noted the cameras were back on her. Showtime.
“You see, not many people know this, but I actually had a couple ancestors back in Hisui. Y’know, ancient Sinnoh.” And Ms. Jacobs was about to ask that question, great. “No, it wasn’t Ingo. We checked as soon as we found out he’d been sent back in time.” One of the drawbacks of the public knowing what had happened.
“I…see.” She really didn’t. “And your point is?” There’s the proof.
“My point is, those ancestors didn’t come to Unova until sometime after the whole Pokérus incident. You know, the thing that transformed Ingo and Emray.” Blink, paw to her mouth. Oh, was her voice going NOW?!
Well, the interview might be over, since the reporter was looking away, one hand to her earpiece. “I…uhh, hang on. Yes…yes, Kevin. That last syllable was a “ray” to me, not a “met”. Yes? You sure? Ok, wow.” She turned back to the hopefully-still-a-Gym-Leader. “Apparently we have live Pokémon-to-human translation now, so… could you elaborate?”
“Erm? Oh, uh, right.” Oh boy. She was having trouble telling what part of that was words and what was Pokéspeech. That live translation came at a good time, huh? “Anyways. Ingo had said that the Pokérus had been caused by these…rifts in space-time some jerk made?” 
“Yes, I remember hearing that in an interview.”
A subtle nod as her sister (no quotes now?) looked on in shock. “I think what may have happened is…well, something to do with how those were rifts in space and time.”
“Are you implying that this…Pokérus… didn’t originally exist?”
“Either that or a cure for it did exist originally.” The cameraman’s mouth made a nice “o”. He got it. But for the rest of the class... “If this is true, then all these changes could be because the cure just…doesn’t exist anymore, or something.”
“That… that is an incredible discovery, Miss Elesa! How did you come to this idea?”
The Liepard chose this time to step over, unannounced and utterly deadpan. “...one of our best friends literally became part of a key time of our world’s history. Even if I…well. Even if I wasn’t here back then, I’m pretty sure the conclusion follows naturally. Yes?”
“I…alright. Erm, some of our researchers are getting in touch with genealogists and changed people now. Get people looking into this theory. If it’s right, then we may finally have an answer to all this.”
“Eh, no sweat. Sis and I…oh.” A blink. “I don’t actually remember what I do for a living… or my name! Guess that says something, huh?” The purple feline laughed, but Elesa could hear pain underneath. See the shock and fear in her eyes.
“Umm. Very well. Thank you very much for your time and insights. It seems like Kevin’s ready to go back to the studio, so yeah. Go ahead, Kevin?”
To say the Unova News website was busy after this would be a gross understatement. It was only thanks to some improved Porygon-made tech that they were still online at all, and the loading times were still unreal.
Ironic how the reason the site was so close to crashing was the same reason it was still up.
Elesa’s family tree theory had borne fruit simply from research alone, but then Cynthia went to Spear Pillar to try and ask Arceus himself.
She didn’t get the Alpha Pokémon, but they did get Celebi (on behalf of Dialga - apparently he was her boss or something). The Time Travel Pokémon confirmed that Elesa had gotten the theory right on the head. For some reason or another, their original timeline - the one where Pokérus had a cure - had collapsed into what the Legendaries had dubbed the “Post-Rus” timeline when Arceus had sent that world’s version of Ingo home. Apparently, some wires got crossed somewhere? Honestly, seemed like a bit of an excuse, but anyways
As a result of the collapse, any Legendary with metaphysical weight to throw around was busy trying to keep things stable for the merger - make sure different versions of the same person didn’t cause a paradox, make sure people who existed in one timeline and not the other didn’t get erased, that sorta thing.
Technically speaking, this Celebi was from the future, a good year or so after the merger had stabilized. Her present self - along with all of her selves from now to that year-after point - were busy dealing with an Ash Ketchum. Apparently, he was so critical he needed a special task force just to make sure the merger didn’t prematurely cause Armageddon or worse. 
And that was when she’d said too much, as Celebi vanished about mid-sentence. The former Champion seemed to be... unsurprised, at this (or was it at this “Ash” being such a big deal?). Still, at least what she'd said was safe to share. Seeing as it hadn’t been censored out like most people assumed it would.
As the article segued into a guide for how to tell which timelines you were originally in, Elesa could hear her twin groan. …Arceus apparently had a sense of humor, giving her a twin in the other timeline. At least they weren’t as in sync as the Subway Masters.
Speaking of, Ingo and Emmet had been overjoyed to find that Gear Station’s trains had been modified so that Pokémon and humans could run them. Which made sense, if in that “Post-Rus” timeline Pokémon were on an even keel with humans…
“Hmm?” The lady in question looked over from her round, pet bed-like couch to the Liepard, who looked... upset. 
“...Do…do you think I’m real?”
“Eh? I mean, of course you’re real, you’re just from the other timelin-”
“That’s the problem!” Oh. “T-that other timeline…my memories…they aren’t real! They shouldn’t exist here!” The feline began choking up. “And if it wasn’t for me you’d still be...y'know...”
Nope. No crying allowed. The almost-a-Luxray wobbled over, proportions slightly out of whack still as they hugged the spotted cat tight. Her sister blinked, shuddering at the contact as the Gym Leader gave a small nuzzle. “...Sis. Please. Don’t worry about it.”
“B-but I-”
One paw reached around, turning the crying cat so her eyes locked with Elesa’s own, increasingly feline ones. “Listen. I don’t know what you think about how our timelines interact or what anyone says about that stuff. What matters is that you exist. You’re here. That’s real enough for me.” A smile. “And honestly? I’d welcome you at the Gym, sister or not. But I’m sure any sibling of mine is great at battles.” Smile evolved into Grin! “Then, maybe I’m just telling a Lie-pard.”
The Liepard blinked once. Twice (pfft). Three times (Snrrk). And then they couldn’t hold back the giggles.
“Oh, please! Not only is that a horrible pun, but you know I don’t need any sort of invitation! Besides, I do it…better…”
“...Sis?” Elesa was worried - the other cat’s eyes had grown wide and her mouth was hanging open. Oh, please don’t let this be another existential crisis…
“...Dragons, I just remembered what I do.” Thank Dragons, it wasn’t another crisis!
So just lean in and smile. “Really?! What is it?”
A very feline grin. “Admittedly? More or less what I was hoping it would be~”
“Alright, now you gotta spill.”The hug was released as Elesa felt her face push out one last time. “Just what do you do?”
It had been about a week since the timelines had merged. The panic had more-or-less calmed down, with the ones still upset being those who either wound up in bad situations (which, thanks to all the recording being done for comparisons, were easy to spot) or were upset they didn’t get the form they wanted. Apparently, there were even a couple of Pokémon who were upset about becoming a different species altogether - or outright human! (The Nimbasa Trio Twins found this hilarious.)
For everyone else, though, the adaptation process was going rather well. For the twin Subway Masters, they were actually ahead of the curve, with being transformed before the timeline shenanigans. Even if people had memories and instincts from another timeline to use, Emmet and Ingo had memories from their FIRST timeline so HAH! (Emmet would not admit that their memories as pokemon were not as long-lasting in either timeline. He was Emmet.).
As for right now, the two were waiting at their usual table at Klink & Klang’s. “...Brother, do you suspect they forgot we were linking up here tonight?”
“I am Emmet. I do not know. I only know they are late.” His pedipalps twitched, already eager for some red meat substitute. He’d lost out on his birthday steak due to his changes, but the other timeline apparently had something similar to red meat that was Galvantua-safe. It would not be a steak, but it would be suitable.
“Hopefully it is just completing safety checks. They are a two-cab train now, much like we are.”
“True! I am Emmet. I hope they were not held up by someone being unsafe.”
“I believe they are more than able to re-route around such an impediment-”
“Sorry we’re late!” Both chitin’d Pokémon looked to the entry, where a pair of poofy coat-wearing felines were strutting in, a package on the larger one’s back.
“Yeah, we had to make a quick stop.” The pair sauntered over to the table, the Liepard taking a seat. Elesa took a bit longer to get seated, using her blue muzzle to nip the string holding her package before setting it on the table in front of the guys.
The train twins laughed. “I am Emmet. I did not expect you to use the same style of dress!”
The Luxray laughed, shaking out a long, black mane from her trademark earwear (Even if it no longer went on her ears). “Nah! Besides, these things have removable cooling packs inside now.”
Her sister nodded. “Yep. Great to beat the heat with. Especially when you’ve got fur.” She smirked, stroking her own silvery coat whilst ears flicked.
“Well, it appears Miss Sable has decided to pull into your station. Regarding fashion choices, at least.” Ingo smirked, dragging the package over towards himself.
“Ha ha ha. Yeah, like you two aren’t copycats yourself.” The train twins sputtered and Elesa chuckled at the joke.  The Liepard waved a paw through the air amidst the reactions, causing the package to pop open before the brothers’ eyes. Gotta love moves. “That’s for you guys by the way. Want us to get the menus while you use the restroom?”
“What do you mean, ‘use the-’” Words died as the battle facility heads looked in the package.
“I am Emmet! You said these wouldn’t be in our terminal for a year!” Well, buried their heads in it in Emmet’s case. If it wasn’t for feline hearing the sisters would’ve only heard “mm mmm m mmm m mmm!” Or something like that.
“Yeah, turns out that when like a quarter to a half the population is Pokémon? Species isn’t a factor in clothing design anymore.” Elesa shrugged and smirked, watching the twins gingerly pull out a pair of Subway Master coats. One white with multiple leg-holes, and the other black with slits for wings. Both sized perfectly for their wearers.
“...We will be returning to this station momentarily. Please wait behind the yellow line.” That was all that was said before the pair scurried off to the restroom, Emmet almost bowling people over in his frantic rush.
“...they do know they don’t have to use the restroom, right?”
“Maybe, but they were originally human in both timelines.”
“Ah, true that.” A snicker as a green-and-tan Sneasal brought menus to the table. “So, what’d you think of my ‘first’ day?”
The Electric-type couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Oh, please! It was so clear it wasn’t your first day dealing with the Gym. You had no mercy with those challengers!”
“Well, they don’t call me ‘The Cruel Beauty’ for nothing, miss ‘Gleaming Beauty’~”
More snickers. “Heh, to think we’re Co-Leaders of the Nimbasa Gym.”
“And both models, right?”
“Y-yeah, that too.” Snrrrk. “I swear, if Arceus knew this timeline stuff was going to happen, he meant for us to be this way.”
“Heh, fair enough.” A purr as Sable slicked back her head-fur some, making sure nothing was poking over her silver-and-black headgear. “By the way, know what you wanna order?”
“Not really, no. My old favorite isn’t that cat-friendly, and I’m not sure this place existed in the other timeline…”
“You’re just sayin’ that because you don’t wanna make a mess of the apartment again.”
“‘Make a mess of the apartment?’ I am Emmet. I would verrry much like to hear about Elesa dirtying her home station.” The Luxray blushed as her sister laughed, the once-identical twins having chosen this moment to return to the table.
“I would apologize for the delay, we had issues with our new garb. However, it appears we were actually right on schedule.” Oh, and Ingo was getting in on it too?
“C’mon, you don’t need to tell them that story!” 
“Oh yes I do!” Sable laughed as Elesa began looking for a way to shut her (new) twin up. “So she’d had this ‘strange’ cough for a while, but figured it wasn’t a big deal.
“I am Emmet. I think that was a failed safety check.”
“Sure was! Even if we use showers, a cat’s gotta groom. And she wasn’t letting any of it back out~” 
“Oh my. Are you saying?”
“Yep! Got so clumped that it was blocking stuff up, and…” As the story rambled on, Elesa was redder than a Tamato, frantically trying to cover up her sibling’s mouth. Unfortunately, Sable was adept at dodging any attempts to stop this embarrassing tale. Oh, was this how Emmet and Ingo felt when one was sharing an embarrassing tale about the other?
“You mean she -”
“Yuuup. Doc had to force the damn hairball outta her to un-clog the pipes.”
“SABLE!” Ergh… 
It was hard to believe it’d only been a bit over a week since Elesa had met her twin. A bit less than that since she’d fully changed into a Luxray. And just a few days since it’d been confirmed that the timelines had merged fully (the guys upstairs were just smoothing over rough patches).
Battling had been surprisingly fun. She could only fight herself if the opposing Trainer did too, but oh was it an exhilarating experience! She could see why Emmet was so eager to try battling after he got the hang of things.
And modeling? Well, the catwalk (Hah!) had adapted for her new species, and she’d already done a couple of rehearsal events with shocking ease. Soon she’d be able to host an actual fashion show - which of course would be focused on felids and humans. 
As her blush grew alongside everyone else’s laughter, Elesa just couldn’t help but think - ‘Yeah. Yeah, I can get used to this. But first, time to Counter.’ “Alright, alright. Well, if you thought THAT was funny, wait until you heard what happened when Sable first got to the gym.”
It was impressive how such a colorful Pokémon could turn snow-white in an instant. “Y-you…you wouldn’t tell them about that, would you?”
Sensing the train boys’ eyes on her, the Luxray just flashed her sibling a predatory grin. “Wouldn’t tell them what? That you didn’t know about the roller coaster, and now we need new cars?”
“You never liked those kinds of things before! How was I to know you’d include them in the Gym?!”
Emmet and Ingo went into hysterics as Elesa regaled them with the most embarrassing tale she had. Yeah, she could definitely get used to this.
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Au sans pokemon teams
Ink: Smeargle, Galarian Rapidash, Ho-Oh, Alcremie (Rainbow creme), Milotic and Ambipom;
Dream: Cresselia, Musharna, Plusle, Ludicolo, Espeon, and Lucario;
Swap: Pachurisu, Escavalier, Honedge, Corvisquire, Mew and Jolteon;
Nightmare: Darkrai, Umbreon, Lucario, Gorebyss, Sharpedo and Gengar;
Dust: Cinccino, Aggron, Misdreavous, Seviper, Shedinja and Ninjask;
Killer: Bisharp, Gallade, Honedge, Loppuny, Meowstic (Male), and Meowstic (Female);
Horror: Haxorus, Guzzlord, Snorlax, Mandibuzz, Dusknoir, and Drifblim;
Cross: Zangoose, Scizor, Weavile, Honedge Zorurark and Lycanroc (Dusk form);
Error: Galvantua, Porygon z, Aquanid, Electrode, Toxicroak, and Mimikyu
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ashery24 · 2 months
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Alola Ninetales (Bcs is said that they live a long time + matching Flamels)
Shiny Mismagius
Ultra Absol
Frotlass (For the ghosts)
Galvantua (For Arachne)
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cripplepunk-sylveon · 2 years
electric type with a galvantua 💛
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literally months ago i made everyone pokémon teams and then never told anyone. TIL NOW!! for the pokémon au i’ll never do <3
in order: kai, jay, cole, zane, lloyd, nya, pixal!
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written descs. under the cut!
((BEFORE ANYONE ASKS. no i don’t know why there’s someone there twice. maybe it’s only showing up for me. tumblr mobile’s post editor is a bitch))
kai: arcanine (starter), volcarona, alolan marowak, emboar, talonflame
jay: galvantula (starter), luxray, alolan raichu, emolga, ampharos
jay: galvantula (starter), luxray, alolan raichu, emolga, ampharos
cole: excadrill (starter), flygon, krookodile, midday lycanroc, gigalith
zane: aurorus (starter), alolan ninetales, froslass, beartic, weavile
lloyd: gallade (starter), haxorus, togekiss, sceptile, whismicott
nya: vaporeon (starter), floatzel, samurott, azumarill, milotic
pixal: meowstic (starter), corviknight, metagross, lucario, altaria
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red1sg0n3 · 2 years
Mochi is sending me snapchat images of parts of the Manuscript of the Connection Terminated speech from Fnaf while I’m slowly losing my mind over a Level 58 gigamax Galvantua that wont feint
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Hi I just binged the entire wanted au tag and I adore it!!! (Would love to do fanart when school stops kicking my ass dhdjjd)
I happen to have twin ocs that I've inserted into Pokémon thanks to my recent submas hyperfixation and one of them has adopted a joltik from Emmet lol so when I read about joltik basically being the Nimbasa starter(TM) I immediately thought of that XD
Which brings up my question; since the crew might run into Unovans that have moved to Sinnoh, do you think any of them might have a joltik or galvantua and if that would ring a bell in Ingo's head?
Hope you don't mind the long ask dhdhdh ~Aqua
Thank you so much! Your Oc’s sound so cute, I love when fan ideas overlap. And don’t worry, your ask is lovely!
Yes, they would run into a trainer with a Joltik! The trainer would be a kiddo, likely getting her Joltik from her parents Gavantua. She would be out to start her pokemon journey! And runs right into a pair of over powered criminals.
I feel like to make the battles they face against kids more fair Ingo and Akari would use some of the lower level Hisui Pokémon from the Arc phone PC. this gives the Pokémon experience with modern battles, and give their opponents a chance to win, or at least to not feel steam rolled.
But anyhow, after seeing her pokemon in action Ingo recalls so much about that particular type that he has list of tips for her and her little Joltik. He is so enamored by the little bug he asks her if he can hold it. The girl agrees, having long forgotten that these people are alleged pokemon thieves as she rubs a young Growlithe s belly. 
Ingo is so gentle as he holds the tiny Pokémon, not even minding the near constant little shocks it causes. It’s stares curiously as him as he pets it’s head. The tiny mon recalling the stories their mama Galvantua told them of the wonderful humans who raised her from an egg before releasing her to go off and find her own trainer. The Joltik can’t help but think that this person oddly looks like the ones their mama would describe.
Ingo is almost sad when he returns to Joltik to there trainer, but is happy to see the clear bond between the two. He can tell this duo has a bright future ahead of them!
Later, as Akari sits, adding more notes into her Pokédex on all the new pokemon she saw, Ingo finds himself suggesting details on the Joltik they saw. Realizing the little electric bug must have sparked a memory, she asks if he thinks he had one on his team. Ingo has to think for a moment before answering. He decides on both yes and no. He can recall battling along side a Joltik, or at least something very similar to a Joltik, but he doesn’t think the pokemon was actually his. Perhaps a double battle?
Akari notes that he and the other trainer must have been close if they double battled enough for him to remember the Joltik so well. Ingo thinks that’s sound right.
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dittolicous · 2 years
Making a thing and I found out Gliscor and Galvantua share an Egg group. I tried to imagine an Alpha Joltik.
well. great. there's a weird ship to stuck in. gliscor and Emmet's Galvantula, leading to alpha sized joltiks
Ingo: o_o
Emmet: O_O
Gliscor & Galvantula: v////v
ughlfuofhcipgupvlvmvjchc oh god then having the alpha Joltik be what scares Dr. Larch because BUG BIG BIG BUG NOT NORMAL BUG BIG
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(Snorlax Anon) Update! The Joltik Snorlax list against is now a Galvantua, and they had a rematch, which Snorlax winning! I then caught the Galvantula, and they're pretty much the best of friends!
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Long post is long! So have a link. https://ailingwriter.tumblr.com/post/691260959305678848/another-question-regarding-the-post-rus-au-galaxy
In reply: I have to agree on all points, although this:
“This would cause some people to not want to travel to Hisui, though some would not be swayed.”
Was a bit confusing. Not sure what it meant, but yeah.
Kinda thinking the one or two members of that initial contingent might end up being proof about the transformative properties of the rifts. Of course, then I remember that for some areas they’ve seen it in-person, but for those who still doubt this will be a kick in the teeth. Atop seeing Jubilife being converted for Pokémon use.
…wonder if any of those contingent members are people who really really want to find out what happened to their father/brother/spouse/etc.
Regarding the remaining portals, well that would be one way for a stray TM or 2 to fall through (Or a Galvantua, depending on how you want to handle Emmet).
I am curious how the Pokémon world would look in modern times with a continent consisting mainly of Pokémon alongside all the human-dominated continents.
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mossdeepmedium · 5 years
Opinions on the spider pokemon lines? (Galvantua line, Araidos line, Araquanid line?
The Galavantula line is perfect for petting. A good mix of fluffy and friendly. The Araidos line are less keen on affection, but they are cool to look at. Araquanid are really good at playing catch, because balls just lodge themselves in its bubble head. I like playing with them. So does my Mime Jr, but it is just small enough to fit in that bubble, so I keep a watchful eye. 
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cannedburrito60 · 4 years
My fan region, Arell (Part 1/?)
The Arell Region is a far-off region, far away from any other region, with Galar being the closest.
Arell is made out of seven islands, with the largest island being called Arell Prime.
Arell Prime has many towns and cities. They are, as the following:
Beag: The smallest, western-most town on Arell Prime. It’s where most people start their journey.
Eachdraidh: A city with the Arell Natural History Museum.
Connadh: The gateway to Connadh Forest. The town is covered in ash, because of the nearby Connadh Forest, which is constantly burning.
Sabaid: Home to the Sabaid Gym, and home to Arell Prime’s Pokemon Nursery.
Creag: An underground city, and home to the Creag Gym. It leads to Creag Mine, and to Creag Tunnel, which then leads to the Victory Road. It used to be the Victory Road, however, about 10 miles near the exit caved in, and the tunnel was reinforced, and it was dug as an alternate path to the Badge Check Gate.
Cuan: A city on a large lake, and the home to the Cuan Gym. It’s floating on a series of boards, and all the houses are houseboats.
Midnight City: The largest city in the entire Arell Region. It’s covered by a dome, which encases the city in eternal simulated midnight, giving the city a nice feel. It’s home to the Midnight City Gym, the Midnight City Shopping Department, Professor Redwood’s lab, Arell Transit Station, and Arell Trading Center.
Lusan: A very natural city, and home to the Lusan Gym.
Bholcàno: A town sitting on an inactive volcano, and home to the Bholcàno Gym.
Adhar: A city that is lifted up by large powerful turbines, and the home to the Adhar Gym. While Adhar lands to repair the turbines, it stays up in the air for most of the time, landing every five years to repair them. It’s constantly traveling, but only stays along the coast.
Deigh: The northernmost city of Arell Prime, and home to the Deigh Gym. It’s usually the final location trainers arrive. It’s frozen over, and snow is constantly falling.
Arell Prime also has several notable landmarks, such as:
Connadh Forest: A constantly burning forest, however, it’s somehow controlled by mysterious forces, and doesn’t spread to other places, such as the nearby city of Connadh.
Badge Check Gate: The gate where a trainer’s badges are checked before they enter Victory Road.
Victory Road: The final road before the Pokemon League.
Pokemon League: An underground facility where the Champion and Elite Four reside.
Current Arell League:
The roster of the Arell League changes every year, in a very selective picking process where trainers that have collected the 8 badges of the previous year can sign up, and have a tournament to decide who becomes a Gym Leader the next year. The Champion and Elite Four tend to stay the same, but those positions are not determined by the tournament.
The current Arell League lineup consists of:
Issac, the Sabaid Fighting-type Leader. He’s young, the youngest at 14, and bookist, but has mastered Fighting-types. His team consists of; Machamp, Mienshao, Hawlucha, Crabominable, Mega Lucario, and Grapploct.
Mileena, the Creag Rock-type Leader. While she’s still young, she’s the oldest of the teenage Leaders, at 17. Her father’s the owner of the Arell Mining Co., which supplies the materials the entire region uses. Her team consists of; Mega Areodactyl, Omastar, Coalassal, Aggron, Alolan Golem, and Tyranitar.
Mason, the Cuan Water-type Leader. He’s a lifeguard and surfer, and the longest-running Gym Leader in Arell. His team consists of; Barraskewda, Araquanid, Quagsire, East Sea Gastrodon, Mega Blastoise, and Milotic.
Anne, the Lusan Grass-type Leader. She’s the founder of Lusan, and is the kindest of the Leaders. Her team consists of; Lurantis, Flapple, Breloom, Cradily, Mega Venusaur, and Maractus.
Lydia, the Bholcàno Ghost-type Leader. She has Pokemon not in the Arell Dex, as she has traveled all around the world. While she’s 17, like Mileena, Lydia’s 5 months younger. Her team consists of; Dhelmise, Marowak, Spiritomb, Runeregus, Mega Gengar, and Decidueye.
Xavier, the Adhar Bug-type Leader. He used to be the Deigh Gym Leader, but he was usurped by Arlington. His team consists of; Golisopod, Leavanny, Scolipede, Centiskorch, Mega Pinsir, and Galvantua.
Nigel, the Midnight City Steel-type Leader. He’s also the Midnight City Police Chief, and the overseer of Midnight Tower. His team consists of; Aegislash, Durladon, Magnezone, Corviknight, Mega Scizor, and Genesect.
Arlington, the Deigh Ice-type Leader. He’s a musician, playing the banjo. He’s always chill, even in tense situations. His team consists of; Mamoswine, Weavile, Arctozolt, Dewgong, Mega Abomasnow, and Arouros.
Dan, the Electric-type Elite Four member. Like Arlington, he’s a musician, however, he’s mainly vocals. His team consists of; Luxray, Boltund, Electavire, Xurkitree, Mega Ampharos, and Amped Up Toxtricity.
Kailee, the Fire-type Elite Four member. She’s the owner of Arell Welding Co., which works with Arell Mining Co. to make materials for the region. Her team consists of; Ninetales, Talonflame, Volcarona, Salazzle, Mega Houndoom, and Torkoal.
Gerald, the Normal-type Elite Four member. He hails from the Unova region, and owns the Midnight City Library. His team consists of; Zangoose, Stoutland, Dodrio, Beware, Mega Lopunny, and Porygon-Z.
Renee, the Poison-type Elite Four member. She’s the older sister of Mileena, and is known for her rude personality. Her team consists of; Weezing, Alolan Muk, Toxicroak, Toxapex, Mega Gengar, and Garbodor.
Kristen Arya, the Champion of Arell. She’s held the Champion position for 10 years in a row, and has shown no sign of stopping. Her team consists of; Eelektross, Hydreigon, Ferrothorn, Gigalith, Mega Heracross, and Togekiss.
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red1sg0n3 · 2 years
funfact: None of Ingo’s or Emmet’s aces are in Pokemon Legends.
No Chandelure, No Excadrill(from what I’ve seen), Galvantua, Elektross, and not Archeops.
Was I the only one who noticed—
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