#Hazbin Hotel critical
The Pinterest side of HH/HB slander is underrated
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As a bonus, some GOATED comments
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(NOTE! None of these were made by me and I cropped some images so stans don’t harass these people)
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The 'Your playbills are delayed' letter if Mario wrote it
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showtoonzfan · 1 day
Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel is concerningly a trojan horse of white feminism. White feminism identifies with white patriarchy and strives to find a place of power within it, whether or not they acknowledge white men would never see them as equals. This type of feminism enforces the same patriarchal values that hold them down.
On both shows, the male characters are favored, the actions of the shitty male characters are justified to be right and that they are to be sympathized with little to no regard to their victims that are made to be at fault for being being imperfect at reacting at the abuse they receive.
And what is most perplexing to me as an outsider, is that Medrano is supposed to be a victim of abuse by some guy, and yet identifies and upholds her abusive male characters. In her attempt to humanize them, she disregards the weight of their actions. Her actions with her ex-employees and ex-friends show that the victim became the abuser to regain a sense of power, which is typically what white feminism is.
I know I shouldn't be psycho-analyzing her as a distant observer, but I'm tired of people mystifying a suffering deer with fungal-mutated horns and not thinking there's something wrong with it and that it needs help.
No you’re completely right. Vivienne has shown for many years that she isn’t a girls girl. On the outside she’s tried to paint herself as pro feminism and that she cares about other women, when in reality she’s transphobic, has put other women down, and has slut shamed them in her work. She’s basically that obnoxious girl in middle school that acts like she’s a girls girl but in reality is constantly and desperately seeking male validation, like how she once made a tweet questioning why she hasn’t been acknowledged for being a famous female content creator in a world dominated by men even though there were many other female content creators before her that were already rising to the top. I never came out of watching or reading something she made and thought “she hates men”, cause she doesn’t. She hates women and it shows in how she writes them and uses them. Her males are allowed to be 3 dimensional yet 90% of her females are one note. Viv also caters to the male audience who lusts over her female characters and I don’t need to explain that one.
Meanwhile she hasn’t got a single favorite or popular female character. There’s a reason why for years she’s said her favorites are Alastor and Angel and how she loves writing Adam, hell…she confirmed Adam is her favorite HH character. She doesn’t care about her female characters and only her males, whom she can find enjoyment in, either woobifying or sexualizing them. I think it kinda tells you something when you learn that Val is supposed to be based on her abuser yet she constantly likes tweets by Val apologists and sexy/silly fanart of him.
Meanwhile (as everyone has been saying), her content is for white queers/white fujoshi’s, no one else. She tries so hard for some reason to act like she’s new and progressive, challenging the world that’s been dominated by white people and their bland perspectives, but she hasn’t really added anything new to the table, and the way her fandom (and she herself at this point) treats black people is fucking nuts.
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bump-inthe-night · 2 days
I find it hard to believe Charlie was the first and only demon in all of Hell who thought of redemption. You're telling me that out of the millions of sinners, none of them ever thought about repenting for their sins to earn God's forgiveness and a spot in Heaven?
It’s impossible to believe this because there should be sinners who genuinely feel guilty for their actions and want to repent so they can leave Hell. There should also be sinners who believe they don't belong in Hell and want to prove themselves worthy of being in Heaven.
Charlie, a hellborn demon, shouldn't have been the first and only one to realize redemption was possible. If anything, she should've been the first demon to try redemption on a mass scale.
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arteicetb · 1 day
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Twitter Artist made blanks and I’m loving it lol
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arieshasbrainrot57 · 3 days
one of my least favourite takes about writing i've ever heard is that trauma = character complexity
don't get me wrong, a character having experienced trauma, or having a traumatic past, or just struggling with anything like that really is a deeper thing for them to do in the story. but it doesn't mean they're complex.
anyone can slap on the label of "my dad was awful to me as a kid" onto a character and that's that. it takes actual writing and work to make that traumatic event/backstory to make it mean that that character is deeper and more complex.
i see that point brought up a lot when people get mad at others for not being a big fan of the way Angel Dust's written in Hazbin Hotel, that he is a more complex character bc of his issues with Valentino, but i really don't think that it means that.
Those two have a very negative relationship, but that's about it. Valentino is aggressive and threatening, forcing Angel into situations he doesn't want to be in, but that's about it. There's nothing deeper than that, no manipulation, guilt tripping, or any other tactics that make those kinds of relationships so difficult to leave. It's a similar situation with Stella and Stolas, but my feelings on how badly written that abuse storyline is a different post on it's own bc i have,,, feelings
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One thing I kinda wish we saw was female characters like Blitz or Alastor in HH and HB. Idk how to explain what I mean exactly. But it often feels like we have either Verosika/Barbie/Loona or we have Millie/Charlie. There are exceptions like I wouldn't say Vaggie exactly fits either of those categories. But I would like to see chaotic driven female characters that have a similar energy of being dicks or that are out for themselves and for a neutral or more nefarious goal. Driven and powerful female characters that aren't excitable optimists and simply look cool doing what they do? Especially if they got to be side characters that everybody loves to the extent characters like Fizz does. Idk how to explain it exactly but yeah. I'd have also loved to see maybe a female Husk type character. An older woman who's jaded in that same sloppy kinda way. We have more jaded women like Loona but usually they are younger with nicer figures. Idk just some personal thoughts!
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The thing that I find most interesting about the whole Hazbin Hotel Playbill fiasco is that the physical Playbill itself was literally the easiest piece of merchandise to produce. Yet somehow, Viv managed to find a way to screw that up.
Playbills are basically booklets, you’re telling me that you seriously didn’t have enough time to produce that many physical Playbills? Even though you announced the Playbill set back in October of 2023?
If you’re going to spend the rest of your life hawking out gaudy merch, the least you could do is make sure that people get the stuff that they paid for.
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Tv Tropes Is Trying To Protect Stolas Like It Did With Catra
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One thing that Tv tropes sometimes does is do everything in it's power to protect anything negative against some of their favored characters like with Catra if you go to the YMMV page for She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power you will notice there is no entry for Unintentionally Unsympathetic for Catra but ironically there is one for Lonnie and Adora (one of them being that she betrayed Catra by defecting). It is because in my opinion that website has become so biased that certain people who white knight for certain characters will coddle them at all cost due to being anal to certain stupid rules they have made up or they are biased.
And again this is the same thing happening with Stolas is that they is an overwhelming negative reaction is his rising creator pet but the site doesn't want to acknowledge it because it holds onto the belief of protecting certain characters above criticism. And it's again due to how popular these shows are on the site and how they are praised for superficial progressiveness. The difference here is more people are pushing back and pointing out how much of a pos Stolas is being depicted and are not going to lie down and make Stolas out to be a sad boy just to hide his horrible actions and pretend he had good development.
While the push back has acknowledged Stolas' shittiness, we still see people who run apologetics for him and try to again push blame on Blitzo while ignoring how much Stolas started this from the moment he tried to get Blitzo in the bedroom. And again these people try to use every type of logic to defend this pos bird and claim that Blitzo is stupid for not blindly going with him. It's the same thing with Catra where people say Adora is dumb for not thinking of her but never do the same thing with Catra who is a selfish pos like Stolas and is coddled by the fandom because of her sad backstory no matter how much she treats people like absolute crap.
If more antis push back against Stolas being treated with Catra hands we can actually get accurate reactions to his behavior rather than coddling him as people this poor misunderstood soul who really is nice.
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I would love to read about Stella, without it being all about Sto*as, his manpain and Sto*itz. Also without everyone shitting on her.
(That's why I'm rewriting her in my fic bc the girls deserved better)
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semyazzayee · 2 days
Personal opinion: Fizarolli and Blitzø Singing and dancing Losser baby instead of Huskangel. Blitzø's Valentino is Stolas Obviously And the meaning of the song is even better in this scenario as they are imps, the lowest and losser class of hell and they had an abuser boss, so yeah they pretty much fit
They recover from their bad experiences together :3
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To be honest, while I never really talked about the Hazbin playbill situation, there’s two things that make me feel bad for the people who bought the package
Those packages weren’t cheap. In typical Spindlehorse merch fashion, the package was definitely overpriced to me because I’ve been hearing that this package costed around $70-$90 dollars and it was supposed to include keychains, pins of the main characters, the playbill, and trading cards. Why in the ever loving fuck should a package cost that much, and something that makes this worse is that the playbill wasn’t included when people got the package
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For context, a user on the Hazbin Hotel subreddit spent $90 dollars on this package and didn’t get the playbill (I cropped the image because they included a receipt that showed their name, even though they blurred it out)
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Like, this is just a scam in plain sight
The other part about this was kinda expected, but it’s Vivziepop’s (either her, or Spindlehorse’s) immature email responses to people asking about the playbills.
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Like, why in the holy hell would you roleplay as a character from your own show and insult your customers by saying they’re being greedy only to tell them that they should rewatch the show and fuck off. That’s a whole another level of childish and unprofessional.
The worst part is that people haven’t been waiting since January, they’ve been waiting ever since OCTOBER 2023 because that’s when the merch was announced
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Anyways this is just my two cents on the situation, fuck Viv and I hope people who bought the package can get a refund
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pastel-kaleesh · 1 day
Funny how most of Vivziepop's characters are skinny twigs with spindly limbs but she herself doesn't have this body type
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 10 hours
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Little bit of photography 🩷
I wanted to encourage a little bit of body positivity with this and try to make it look like Angel propping up his phone to take a quick photo of himself on a day where he feels good.
A bit of my rewrite deals with characters views on their bodies whether that be based on weight, bodily changes, transitioning, or all of the above. I think loving your body is incredibly important even if you’re actively trying to change it, like exercising per say, you can love the before and afters but I think loving the middle point or even the point where you’re just starting to be just as important.
Angel struggles with being underweight and this photo is during his attempts to gain more weight so he feels better health-wise and mentally. It’s only the start of the progress, but things like that need to be appreciated to keep the motivation going.
Really wish Vivzie would incorporate things like this into the show eventually but I doubt she’d handle it properly unfortunately
Uncropped photo without second set of arms or pedipalps (only showing cause I like his legs a lot)
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I’m doing some redesigns for the hazbin hotel and helluva boss female characters so if you have request send me a character and I redesign them!
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I miss the concept art of angel and vagatha being together because they actually looked like their time periods/a goth and a mafia member being together as tough on the outside, soft on the inside couple is so adorable..... also vagatha as a goth name is so cute and the 80s concept art of her pre-vaggie is just the nail in the coffin that viv had no clue what to do with these characters other then their stereotypes but nobodies ready for that conversation.........
I took a look at the stuff you were talking about, specifically the designs, and yeah, I can see why you'd like them a lot!
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The muted colors with bright eyes add a lot of appeal to me, and the simple color palettes work quite nicely! Also, Angel Dust having accurate clothing (from what I know, I could be wrong) is something I definitely miss from the current designs for Vivziepop's characters.
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While the stripes could be toned down a bit, I do like this design a lot (probably because I like the chest fluff, that was nice)
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Vagatha's old design is also really pretty as well! Obviously, if this was meant to be animated, the patterns could be simplified a bit, but for illustration I actually quite like it!
(There was also this design that I found that I want to talk about.)
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This design of Vagatha is very appealing to me as well, especially the Gothic vibe to her, it works quite well!
I'd actually prefer Vagatha to be a sinner than a fallen angel, the angel reveal felt too rushed (although I don't know if I'll be able to talk about that, I'm not a professional writer by any means so I feel like what I say won't really make sense or be valid.)
Although I will say this, when you're making a series, there's so many ideas that you'll want to use, but you'll have to learn to scrap the unnecessary ones and use what fits. It can be hard, but you can save those ideas for later stories. That's something I've learned from making my own series.
Anyways, as you said, both of these design work really well and have a lot of charm to them!
Thank you for the ask!
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