#He's as of yet unnamed but I'm working on it. And also somehow not dead. Debatably. It's a crossover AU it's not adhering to RW canon
hrokkall · 11 months
What's gabriel in this au?
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Some loser, probably.
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2x4plank · 1 year
Ugh, okay. Okay, it's time to talk about David. I've never hated a guy more. I've seen, I believe Neil Druckmann's comment about making David more nuanced and possibly giving him a backstory or fleshing his group out more...
For so many reasons, this is not a good idea.
David is not nuanced--there is no good in David. What he did to Ellie is unforgivable and no one should ever lose sight of that.
We start out Winter with Ellie, with no information on the whereabouts of Joel. He could be dead, for all we know.
After killing a deer, she is approached by two strange men who give off absolutely rank vibes. They arrange a trade, but Ellie understandably distrusts them. She does not even give them her name; however, she makes sure to take David's rifle.
David's accomplice, James (not the wet guy from SH2) pisses off to get the medicine Ellie trades the deer for. While he's gone, a group of infected overwhelm David and Ellie and they work together to survive. They even have to do the little boost thing Ellie normally does with Joel.
Sidenote: David has the nerve to tell Ellie to watch her language. We also see that David is perhaps religious, perhaps Christian? He might say, "Ah, thank you lord." Or, "You will not take me!" when getting attacked. I'm not sure though.
Then comes the reveal: David is aware that Joel has been killing his men, and Ellie was an accomplice. He says it's fine, because she's "just a kid" (make note of that), but when Ellie returns to medicate Joel, his men have tracked her.
While his men are intent on killing her, David takes her alive. He strangles her unconscious, saying that he's "trying to help", before he kidnaps her.
So, uh, a couple of bad things so far. Yet it somehow gets worse.
Ellie wakes up in a cell. James is chopping up a guy before he notices her and goes to let David know.
Sidenote: If you're using a Dualshock controller on the PS5, the vibrations when she's touching the bars are very cool!
And then it gets very uncomfortable.
David starts to play virtues with the child he has locked up in a cell. After bringing her "deer meat", he tries to hold Joel and Ellie killing his men over her head...even though they killed them in self defense.
Then comes: "... That you can come around. You have heart. You're loyal. And you're *special*." And he places his hand on hers.
OOOOOGH! What the fuck!
So not only is he a cannibal, he's an all-around creep. He very clearly outlines that he wants to groom her.
Ellie breaks his finger (the proper response to that) and lets out one of the best lines in the entire game: "Tell them that... Ellie's the girl that broke your fucking finger!" Ooh, she's got bars!
And then David throws a temper tantrum that he can't have a teenage girlfriend or whatever.
I would hope this is enough to dissuade someone from viewing David as a "darker Joel" as I've seen said before. Joel would never operate on that level. He would never do that to a child. Sure, you could argue that David trying to groom Ellie is a perversion of Joel acting as her father, but to make this comparison at all is kind of...weird. It feels like trying to involve nuance where it isn't needed. David is pretty much just a negative force in Ellie's life. He does not want to protect her; he wants to abuse her.
Anyway, guess what's going to happen? It's gonna get worse.
After evading getting chopped up like a tunafish by biting David and machete-ing James, Ellie runs hard and fast around the town that has now turned completely against her. She has rejected her captive status and is now being hunted. An unnamed woman mentions the children of the group, which is an uh oh. Definitely don't want this leader to have access to more children!
Finally, she slips into a steakhouse (ha ha).
But uh oh! David has a janitor's key because this is "[his] town" and now it's completely mask off. Ellie has to hide from David as he hunts Ellie with both a machete and a gun. All Ellie can do is stab him in the back.
Anyway, it's Joel time. Most important thing to note (at least to me), is that the hunter Joel interrogates to find out where Ellie is refers to Ellie as "David's *newest* pet". Repeat offender!
Back to the steakhouse. Of course, most of David's taunts are random so you might not get all of them and I don't know all of them myself. Some important ones are (I'm pulling from my shaky memory):
"James was a good *kid.* You really shouldn't have killed him." I won't feel bad for James. But I am disturbed by this comment. It feels like it implies David groomed James; it'd explain why they're so close. But it could also mean that James just does what he says. Very ew, though.
2. "Hey, Ellie! Sorry about your horse! Take comfort in the fact that we won't waste any part of him." They want to eat Callus. :(
3. "All those men you killed? It's only going to make our group stronger!" This completely dispels the myth that David "cares about people". He is clearly fond of bragging about eating his own, though.
4. "Come on! Don't you have anything to say to me, Ellie?" This one is just funny.
But because he won't (I won't say can't) keep a handle on his violent lust, and Ellie kept a one-track mind on that machete, she overpowers him and gets him! She just keeps hacking and slashing, chopping that meat!
Joel comes to pick her up from the lowest rated resort in Colorado, and they have a touching, but very sad moment where he calls her "baby girl" (as he called Sarah). And as a bonus, it's revealed Ellie slashed David so hard the machete is stuck in his face.
In conclusion, I feel pretty grossed out by not only David, but his entire crew. I know that it's an apocalypse and numbers are good, and without proper incentive, it would be pretty difficult to separate from that group. Additionally, some of these crew members might have been raised under David's rule and could've been groomed themselves. But they did uphold a system that likely serially abused children, so...icky icky icky. I never feel safe driving past a Longhorns anymore.
P.S. One of his hunters put it best: "Fuck David!"
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bluberimufim · 11 months
Hi, happy blorbo blursday to you!! (As usual I am @writeblr-of-my-own)
How do your blorboes react when they get sick? Who gets sick more often? Who takes care of them? Who pushes trough the pain, and who gets in bed when they have the slightest cold? Who is super mad when they get ill and who does not mind? Go wild with this one!
Happy blorbo blursday to you too!
I'm gonna try to spread this out over my WIPs to make it more interesting.
Black and White
The answer is 100% Markov for almost all the parameters in the ask.
When he was working at the circus Reyna found out he was getting weird hallucinations (he fucked up his brain with his faustian bargain magic powers and sometimes has difficulty telling what is real and what is illusion) she told Johann and he freaked out. Johann is basically the dad of the younger people at the circus (except for Darius, he's been claimed by Diedrich as his New Son), so he immediately offered to take care of him and give him every medical resource available. Markov was like "ew no leave me alone" and refused everything.
But later in the story, after experiencing Growth(TM) and also horrifying torture at the hands of a god, he starts going to Darius whenever he needs help, since he considers him to be almost a brother to him. He asks Darius to hold his hand when it gets too much and Darius is very happy to do so.
Also, as a side note: Alphonse never got sick as a child because as soon as Diedrich, his father, heard him sneeze he'd go "let's heal that up with my magic powers". He gets super confused when his friends have to stay in bed for a few days to recover from a cold.
The as of yet unnamed Dystopia WIP
The obvious answer would be Cristover because he's the group's baby and has somehow amassed 4 and a half parental figures (you can find an informal introduction here). Or Nester's two (now dead) daughters, since he's one of the country's most renowned doctors (I kinda expand on his character here).
But the actual answer is Vi, who's sickly as hell. It's very hard to get a regular supply of your meds when you're a criminal on the run after a botched coup d'état, so he's constantly feeling Weak and Frail. He's like "Don't worry, I've dealt with this bitchass chronic illness all my life!" *is struggling to stay upright*. Veta and Veo, his two girlfriends, are very worried about him.
Devourer of Souls
Well you see. Seth is a very skilled healer, so his kids never get sick. Except for Kayla (name may be subject to change), who's allergic to magic like one would be allergic to polen, and starts sneezing uncontrollably whenever magic is used in her vicinity. The whole kids thing happens way later in the story, when he's like... 40-50 years old.
But the thing about Seth is that ge can't heal himself. So earlier in the story, when he was in his 20s-30s, whenever he went "ah, my leg hurts" in the beginning, his partner Teo would scoop him up like "Do not fear, my love!! I will help you!!" and he'd try to carry him until his arms gave out (which, when you're the strongest demigod to ever live, is a long fucking time). Teo eventually learned that that's not very nice.
(Here I should mention that Seth got his right leg busted early in his youth in a healing accident on which I'll elaborate at a later time, rendering it almost useless. He's kinda weak so that's why Teo was so adamant on carrying him around.)
Meanwhile Teo has no clue how to take care of himself. He's like *slowly losing pieces of his soul due to magic-related deterioration to the point that he barely feels human anymore* "Yea I'm fine".
I loved this ask! I do hope my response wasn't too long.
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pestidunce · 1 year
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The lore of "What's Happened To Soho": Places and history
I've been working on this project for a looooong time now, however feel like many people don't quite know what it is, so I'm making a lore post (art mode turned off for now).
So far, WHTS has a fixed setting with a few places that come up. This is a list of the basics:
The characters are in England, London to be exact. They live in Soho.
As the world is closely linked in with Lovecraft, Miskatonic University exists. They have a campus in Soho (fictional), as well as one further down the map which will be mentioned later. This campus has a lab and a library, in which Griffin works. Victor and Hyde study here. There is also a museum in close proximity, in which the events of issue 3 are going to happen with Elizabeth and a mystery character who I have not yet introduced. This museum is home to the famous portrait of Dorian Gray, a man found dead in his apartment, suspected suicide, Victorian era (hint). This portrait was lost for a long period of time, however was eventually recovered. This does not guarantee that it will not be lost again. The library contains a copy of the Necronomicon, however special access is required to this section due to the sensitive contents of the book.
There is a 3 hour drive from Soho to Little Innsmouth. Little Innsmouth started as a settlement of former Innsmouthians unhappy with the outdated system of the former town. Little Innsmouth is a popular holiday destination and has a rich culture. Innsmouthians have skills in fishing and jewelery making, just like their American counterparts. However, they are much more open and do not eat people. Some say that there is a religious cult at work underneath the tourist-friendly facade of beaches and seafood....but oh, don't take their word for it. The town is the current home of the ocean god Dagon, who the locals worship. Little Innsmouth is the origin town of Gylphie and Otto, who are 3rd generation settlers. The mass-movement occurred around the late 60s or early 70s. The townies do not like talking about it. Little Innsmouth is small, with only about 2 hotels available, yet somehow happens to be bustling with visitors and photographers during the season. The townies are overwhelmingly religious and devoted to Dagon.
The town is very close to New Arkham, which is also a very popular tourist attraction. The city offers an asylum, another campus for Miskatonic (with an even bigger library), a planetarium and a few factories. It is quite atmospheric, however very dangerous to be around at night. New Arkham have their own mayor.
The Red Rat is a popular pub in Soho, this is where Hyde and Lucy meet. Lucy works here as a waitress. It is 5 minutes away from the apartment in which Hyde, Jekyll, Griffin and Victor first live together. Their landlord is the Time-traveller. Justine lives in an apartment opposite the men. She lives with William, raising him due to Caroline's death. Sometimes she does odd jobs for the Time-traveller, intrigued by the concept of time travel. It is how she first met Hyde, however that was a long time ago. A lot has changed since then.
The Frankensteins (exc William, Ernest, Justine and Victor) reside in a large Chateau in Switzerland. This is where Justine, Elizabeth, Ernest and Victor were raised before moving. Ernest and Elizabeth are travelling characters. They move a lot, not staying in one place for too long. Ernest is a monster hunter in training, Elizabeth simply enjoys moving.
There is an unnamed acre of woods near Soho, which most people tend to avoid. There have been rumoured sightings of a Moth-man here, as well as "wolves". Lucius Moritz, one of the Moritz siblings, was last seen here after his return from a mysterious island. He has been missing since. Justine quite enjoys the forest. It is where she gathers herbs and plants for her teas as well as divination practices.
Whitby is a seaside town home to Mina Murray, Arthur Holmwood, Lady Westenra, Jack Seward and Jonathan Harker. It will be explored more in the near future.
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brendaonao3 · 2 years
WIP ask Meme
Oh I gotta know about this one: Unnamed Jack Benjamin/Thor Fic (Kings/MCU Crossover)
For the WIP Ask Meme (feel free to ask me about any of the ones on the list!
So this one is probably truly dead, which is a shame, because I really love the idea of it. It's set after the finale of Kings, and post-Thor 2 & AOU (and ignoring the subsequent Thor & Avengers' films), and features Thor in Gilboa at some party or another that Silas and Rose are throwing, and he meets Jack, and realizes pretty quickly that Jack is basically a political prisoner and decides to rescue him in his very Thor-like manner. Never got beyond the planning stages, but here's a bit of me plotting it out:
Silas is trotting jack out to quell the rumors that Jack is dead or being held captive
and Thor, as royalty, is invited and he's normally too busy to accept these sorts of invites and what does he care about petty Midgardian monarchies but there's something about Gilboa and Silas that strikes him as false. something of Loki in Silas' smile that rubs him the wrong way so he accepts and goes to the party determined to find out for himself one way or another what is the truth
and that's when he sees Jack who is doing his duty, because if he doesn't, they'll kill Lucinda, and Jack is many things, but he's not about to let some innocent girl pay for his sins with her life
but the second Thor sees him, he sees past the cold exterior and the calm facade to the brittle, fractured man inside and he wonders at the pain and the anger and the resignation lurking behind that smirk and those cool blue eyes
(and Jack is intrigued by this prince, bc Thor is like David, only magnified to 10, and Thor also has ZERO fear of Silas)
so imagine, at this function, Thor talks to Jack for, idk, maybe the 5 minutes they're allowed to, under the very watchful eye of Jack's guards
and goes, yeah, no, something's off here so, he does something very rash and very (potentially) stupid, but that's also Thor
he's going to figure out what's going on and he's going to help if he can, and so he basically bullshits (but not really) his way into claiming Jack as…let's say concubine or companion or whatever you want to call it
and it's not exactly like Silas can refuse bc Silas may be king of Gilboa, but Thor is a crown prince of ASGARD
and Jack's sort of annoyed because, what the hell, he's not some object to be sold off, but at the same time, watching someone Silas can't control or intimidate making a demand that Silas CAN'T refuse is sort of hilarious (and he wishes David was here to see it) and it's a massive turn-on to see someone that assertive and yet that soft-spoken, and who's capable of being kind to the staff (let's say earlier, Jack witnessed some small act of kindness on Thor's part), and yet so arrogant
plus, if it gets him out of the castle, he's okay with that, as long as Lucinda is safe
and then Thor insisting Jack will leave with him and improvising, i'll take Jack and his companion, because i'm a god and i have appetites that no one person can satisfy, etc, etc
(but yeah, no clue what to do with them or where to put them or how it all works afterwards, because he hadn't quite thought that part of the plan all the way through, and Jack being even more amused and somehow MORE charmed, although he'll never show it)
so Jack's all, okay, look, i can't go back to Gilboa and neither can Lucinda, and i can't join David in Gath just yet because he's not ready to take the crown, so how are we playing this
and Thor all, fuck, i need Loki. no, wait, i need the greatest tactical minds on Midgard (ie, Steve and Natasha), so he takes them to the Avengers compound and is all, soooo, help, i seem to have, um, procured two companions. how shall i proceed.
and Nat all (LOL) and Steve all, i'm sorry, you did what??? and Jack looking at Thor all, who ARE you and how can you be so calm threatening my father and so lost right now? and Thor all, well, that was combat, that's easy
Anyway, I'll probably never write it, but it's fun as hell to think about :D
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Episode 4(SWAP)- “I'm happy if anyone goes but these bitches' mouths are sealed”-Raffy
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I prayed for a swap... and now I'm regretting it. Honestly, kind of got tribe swap fucked. There are 4 original tribe members and then... me and Owen ALONE WITHOUT ANYONE FROM OUR ORIGINAL HOUSES. So... the odds are NOT in our favour. Hopefully maybe we link up with Juls and Chips and potentially set ourselves down as a four.. but also maybe that four isn't tight and I can wiggle these hips into a majority somehow. Straight off the jump you can tell that Landen/Matt are probably close. They have the same interests, same age, and both don't shut up so.. I can see it. I've played with Lily in the past and she's lovely. We weren't exactly very close and she got robbed by a twist but.... hopefully we can try and pick up where we left off. Chips is... lacklustre. I know when I hosted him he was a busy man.. so maybe it is different here. I AM ALSO OBSESSED WITH JULS. So hopefully she's just as obsessed with me and we can work together but I do see similarities in our games and she's someone who when I saw cast reveal I instantly knew I wanted to work with. Honestly, I know the odds might be stacked against me but.. I'm gonna work harder than a hooker on a busy night to get everyone here to love me and keep me around. PS: I miss Jacob ALREADY.
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heyoooo WE MADE IT TO A SWAP!!! so basically hufflepuff was the last in-tact tribe standing, meaning we had all 5 players remaining while slytherin had 3 and gryff/raven had 4, meaning a swap right now COULD work well in our favor, and it did, except for meeeeeeeee my ENTIRE tribe (with the exception of me) got to STAY on hufflepuff, meaning I am alone but not only am I alone, every other person on new gryffindor still has someone from their original tribe and the split is 3-2-2-1, so no one tribe has a majority that overpowers the tribe as a whole since theres 8 people, but I don't have someone to fall back on as much as they might because they all have someone in a similar situation as them. HOWEVER, I did get swapped onto a tribe with jacob and jules who are two REALLY good friends of mine, I have known jacob for like 5+ years, and jules and I were a final 2 actually jacob's big brother series (sry we voted you out again sammy :c) so i am hoping i can find solace in them and maybe their relationships can also become my relationships? but its still scary to be the only person of your og tribe because just by process of elimination you could be easy pickings, so come tomorrow, as its still the night of the swap and most everyone just went straight to bed, i need to get boots on and work some social magic. But i wanted to make this confessional to give my first impressions of how i feel about my new tribe mates! we'll just go in alphabetical order autumn - she seems really cool, she turned it out in selfie scavenger hunt for her tribe which was awesome and hopefully we as a tribe can winning due in part to her dedication, all i know about her is that she played crossroads with jake p who i know and that she WON i think she's fairly well known in the community and its partially if not mostly for her good gameplay? she strikes me as the quieter but more strategic type, shes not gonna make big huge moves but shes gonna set herself up perfectly to make those undetectable moves that no one really sees and then she gets to the end and you think what did she do?? and then you realize when she blows you out of the water with her utr gameplay, but also who knows dan - DAN!! me and him played ts manhattan beach together, which was... a time, we were not really on the same side i believe we voted together a few times and worked together for the sake of making a move but neither of us were ever in the others inner circle until the back to back rounds where WE WENT OUT!!! i voted with him as the only person to do so when he left at final 7, which i dont think he believed in the moment but has since realized thank goodness, but i wanted him to stay in that game and maybe voting with him even tho it got me 6th right after and us ending on a good note actually was a good thing? what i know about him is, he is SMART, but i think he lets it show a little much, he seems passionate and very into the game and when things dont go his way i think he struggles to see the logic outside of his own, which makes sense the guy is really smart im sure if he believes something is wrong he has a reason to but it can make working with him unless your undyingly loyal to him a piece of work. if my memory serves me correctly i believe i tried to pull some fast ones on him in mb, where i lied and voted differently or maybe blindsided him a few times and then tried to damage control that and it caused distrust when the time came and i WAS being honest. so my gameplan now is if i end up wanting or needing to work with him (the jury is still out on that one as its like 2 minutes into the swap) but if i do work with him i want to be as upfront as possible and i want him on my good side at all times, like i said he's passionate so he has a FIERY side and i dont wanna be on the receiving end of it. joanna - me and joanna played tashirojima together and..... i may have blindsided her a couple times too.. maybe this is a wake up call for me, BUT ANYWAYS, we played together and we're aligned but i was playing the middle and then i chose the other side and she tried to vote me out and then i worked with her again and then i turned on her again and then i made final 3 and then she voted for me.. so now that we're all caught up, she's a good player, she is very smart and extraordinarily strategic AND loyal, but i dont think she takes to dishonesty very well, not personally but just in the game, i think she sees a clear smart and she'll do what she needs to make that move happen and she's fairly good at it from what i've seen and heard. My other point with her as opposed to dan, we played but ended up on different terms, i voted her out and then she voted me to win, so i think we're fairly informed on how the other plays and that could work against me BECAUSE I WAS SO FLIP FLOPPY IN TASHIROJIMA but hopefully i can bandaid it up and say oh i've changed im tired of stressing every vote i just wanna be loyal find a group and play out with the people i trust yadayadayada which i DO maybe not RIGHT NOW but i do!! anyways im getting away from my point, she's smart, i'm smart (kinda?) it will either bring us together or drive us apart its all reliant on how she feels, personally i would like to work with her bc i do want to be loyal but i want to be in a group that is also LOYAL and also WORKS, i dont wanna jump on just ANY ship, i want to be on the BEST ship, the one that's gonna sink LAST, when all the other ships are capsized and fully submerged. so we'll see how that goes nicholas - i do not know nicholas much at all, i haven't heard anything about him before this game nor during this game, he seems really fun and nice though, i appreciated his intro video it was chill, as for how he plays i have no information on that but i think him and jacob worked together or at least got to know each other so maybe i can get some info on him from jacob we shall see...... raffy - similarly to nicholas i do not know the guy unfortunately, i got a tidbit of info from an unnamed dr guest who was not fond of him, not a very good start BUT i am not going to let that influence me, im still going to go in with an open mind when i talk to him tomorrow and hopefully i have a different opinion and he's really cool! but yet again we shall see as for jacob and jules who i mentioned above i wanna touch on them a little bit because the dynamics there are much more complex, 1. jules is my number 1 in this game, i adore them, i love them, i will do anything for them, BUT thats how i played candyland and jacob HOSTED THAT, he knows how we played individually AND TOGETHER, but more importantly, he knows how CLOSE we are, and if you wanna hurt one of us you take the other out, i dont know if he would DO THAT but he might which leads me to my 2nd point... 2. i have voted jacob out of like every game we have played together lol. BUT I NEVER WANT TO !!!! i love jacob, he's wild and polarizing but he's a good friend just a good person all around but when he plays he can be emotional and in tashirojima i made a move against his number 1 and i didnt want it to divide us but it did because he wouldn't talk to me, so when i had planned to wiggle back in with him he didn't allow me to and i had to vote him out for it sadly, and then in 2020 our last game together, he was practically dead in the water and did himself no favors with how he handled situations with sammy so while i would have voted with him if it meant saving him (sorry sammy) that was not on the table so i had to vote him out, and it literally sucks EVERY TIME, because i love jacob but him in games always puts me in those positions and i hate it, and i told myself i dont wanna do him dirty, well i never WANT to do him dirty, but im going to try and actually avoid a situation that puts me between a rock and a hard place one of which being having to vote him out. but yeah so while i trust those 2 there's some things that could come out of the woodwork that may not be good for him but hopefully i can prevent those or get around them. its not very long into this swap so i may be overthinking and being paranoid but aha ha haha .. ha haa. *raven symone voice* YEP! THATS ME! ok anyways i could be very off in this "assessment" if you wanna call it that but i was bored and its 3 am so i wanted to confess, here's to making it to a swap!! WOOOOOO
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OWEN AND I ARE FINALLY ON THE SAME TRIBE, YAY!!! I'm really sad that Kevin is now on a different tribe and all alone but hopefully he can work his way into a good alliance or something.  That would be a really hard spot to be in.  Also when I play these things I'm bad about just talking to a handful of people and not talking at all to others but I am being VERY SOCIAL this came I messaged the people that hadn't messaged me already and I want to keep up a conversation with everyone, I NEED to keep my social game strong and start thinking about endgame.  
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so the tribes swapped last night and before you ask, YES i was blessed, YES i got the right house. i was sorted onto hufflepuff as i deserve, because we are the best house, and i got 4 pretty cool new people on my tribe. oh i also happened to get 3 other hufflepuffs which is great for me because it means i am in the majority :D that was such a marshmallow move, and now i don't have to worry all too much about going HARD on social play or anything like that i can just sort of chill, remain a UTR threat, make new pals, and stay on the right side of things via being in the hufflepuff majority. i'm also well positioned here i think as i have max and juls in sort of weeb trio, but ruthie/lily/myself had a sort of agreement max would go if puff lost. on top of that jess seems really funny and i think we'll get along, i might have a harder time with chips and owen but we'll see because they seem nice. (just not sure if they're people i'd personally bond close with, but that may just be because they're newer to me! it's all a mystery!) i'm also obviously very tight with juls, i love her a lot and we were close in 2020 and will continue to be close here! she is the definition of the word legend and i would throw my own game away for her, yes i would. i already have and i'll DO IT AGAIN! overall this is a tribe of really strong competitors and i can't wait to keep making marshmallow moves, *badgerin* the gryffindors, and ignoring the ridiculous idol hunt that's probably going on COMPLETELY while i vibe.
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I really like my new tribe. It feels like a good, diverse cast of OG tribes. I think I might lean towards aligning with those in Ravenclaw because they will have the numbers with only two. Autumn and I can be those 2. I am so glad to have Autumn with me as well. She will easily help the most out in any challenge. Also, I feel like I can trust Dan, but I am going to hesitate for now. 
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So this swap was pretty okay? I would have preferred Owen over Joanna hands down, but having 3 people from the OG Ravenclaw is kinda cute.  My plan is to really focus on building relationships with the people outside of the OG Ravenclaw, specifically with Kevin and either Jacob or Nicholas. I have played with Autumn before and she gets top 5 without even trying, so she is definitely on my radar of someone to try to get out before the merge. She is a great player and I would prefer to not have to fight against her for a better resume at the end. Also, on top of my idol, I found a risk/reward kind of thing that I will likely only tell Jules about. I want to drive home the point that me, owen, and her are my end game people. I am worried that Jules is close with Jacob irl and in this game because I don't want to risk her spilling the beans. I might think on that plan a little more before I put it into action, but honestly I probably will tell her. The power is only activated if I am willing to lose my vote at a tribal council.  Honestly if we lose this comp, I might need my vote just to establish trust with people, so if I'm able to save it until the merge and then lose my vote when I have individual immunity, that would be ideal. Gotta check on the rules for it though. 
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It’s been a while since I’ve given an update and a lot has happened. I’m not sure if this is a blessing or a curse, but I managed to make it on a tribe with 4 original Hufflepuffs. Insane to say the least. Immedietly I felt very relieved. It’s nice to know that the people I’ve gotten to know and built some level of trust with during the first tribe would continue with me for the tribe swap...but idk. It could be a disadvantage in the long run by people associating our loyalty to one another. But I’m hoping the positive relationships I built with this tribe and in the great hall would take the target off of me if I can make it to merge. The odds of that feel good since I’ve been able to avoid tribal for this long, but I’m scared that the first tribal I attend sends me home. I really do like our new tribe but so far I’ve really only had good thin to say about this cast! People have positive attitudes even in such tough times and literally everyone is hilarious! I find myself laughing often! As far as who I can trust most, at this point it’s Ruthie. She is the only one who is deliberately said that she has my back. And I feel the same way. Hoping no one sees us as a power duo, but we shall see. I also think landen has been fairly honest with me about his opinions of the cast and that he hasn’t played with very many people. Throwback eep to when I told him I only know 2 people in the cast but it’s really 5! Ugh that’s gonna haunt me I can feel it when 3 out of the 5 people I know are now on our tribe. Eep! Any who, I’m really nervous for Kevin and hope he does well! I felt like we got along really well on the original tribes. With him being the only hufflepuff on the other tribe, I’m worried he is the easy target. Got my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. 
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i do be lying doe.....i do be lyin......
2 minutes later
to leak or not to leak to joanna...that is the question...maybe i wait....i dont want them to think they can vote me!
14 minutes later
lemme take some time to praise the hosts and this game!!!!!!! cause i ain't doin confessionals enough LMAO!!!! wow the level of originality...the level of harry potter inclusion....the idol search... ugh its amazing i LOVE it, yall did an amazing job with putting in harry potter but not like TOO much that people who don't know it might get overwhelmed? also yall are just a joy to talk to in my confessional!!! love this, never been so into a survivor game -- this is literally the first game where i've remembered to idol search EVERY day (well, almost EVERY day but STILL!!!) and idk. im so glad i'm playing this!! idc what placement i get as long as i make it to merge!!! thank you hosts!!
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I am kind of disappointed on how things turned out for the challenge. I really didn't want to have to go to tribal especially because I do not think that I have established myself well on this tribe. However, I did a good job on the challenge so I hope I can stay for it. No one has been saying a name. Autumn did mention that one of the J's should leave. I think it should be Jules because she did so bad in the challenge. Well, either way, I'm happy if anyone goes but these bitches' mouths are sealed
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Winning feels SO GOOD! I really like my tribe. Everyone has been kind of quiet. Surprisingly even with Owen here I talk to lily more and she is currently my strongest connection in the game. I’m not sure if it is going to stay that way but I kind of hope it does! We’ll see what happens haha
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Everything was super quiet and then everything started happening all at once. Now I'm in three different alliance chats and nothing seems super solid. All I've heard if Raffy or Autumn and I'm guess Raffy is going? I don't want to vote anyone out, I like everyone, but I'm not aligned with Raffy and I don't want it to be me, so I'm going where the numbers are going I think. 
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Entering this tribe swap, I had definite concerns as Jacob and I were in a minority position by default. However, somehow Kevin was in a minority of one, so I capitalized upon that and reached out to him! Granted, he was someone I enjoyed speaking to from the start, so minority position or not, I wanted to align. Secondly, I reached out to Joanna. She and I immediately hit it off, and if the vibes and aura I am getting from her is true, I think she’ll be incredibly loyal and fun as a ally! Dan, Autumn, Raffy, And Jules have all reached out to me as well. Dan is someone I have enjoyed conversations with for sure, but I do not see myself necessarily staying diehard loyal. I actually adored Autumn and I’s conversation, but I have to be wary of them! They are strong in competitions, and I do not want that. It’s pretty humorous that I think removing challenge threats means I’ll be able to win more challenges, because I suck. Jules and Raffy are who I vibe with the least, but I also remember Jules screwing me over in the ETC mini, when she played into the Hive Mind and basically allowed me to be targeted simply for being an outsider. I am not going to target her simply for that reason, I believe in forgiving the past and leaving games behind, but I do not trust her so far. Personality-wise, we get along! I decided to form the 4our alliance of Kevin, Joanna, Jacob, and Myself. I believe this will be a loyal core to what could be a stellar alliance! I suggested Raffy and Autumn, so I am hoping Raffy ends up being the plan, which seems likely. In the future, I would like to target Autumn-Jules-Dan in that order, although I am open to switching the order. I do think I have some level of control strategically and socially over this tribe, but I cannot get cocky! I have to be humble and take the journey one step at a time. Raffy, in a game of social connections, just like our puzzle, you cannot slide by without talking to others. My vote is for you. x nick
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Whew! I made it to the tribe swap!! And I'm a Hufflepuff now! My ACTUAL house! Don't have to spy anymore. https://media1.giphy.com/media/LsKyE4J9PGjIc/source.gif
 Anyway - the people featured on my original tribe are: Me & Juls Cool. She's already been open with me about who she wanted to vote off from the previous tribe so I think we can work together still. From the previous Ravenclaw tribe: Owen Um... boo? I don't know, honestly. He just NEVER has or ever wanted to work with me or even really speak to me in any ORG we have ever played. I would like for this to change and will try but yeah I don't know. From the previous Slytherin tribe: Jess Yay! I wanted a chance to play a game with her. I hear she's cracked out of her mind almost all of the time in games. I am here for it! I hope I don't ruin our game relationship by saying too much or the wrong thing! From the previous (and still on) Hufflepuff tribe: Lily, Ruthie, Landen, Max Yay to pretty much all of these. The fact that they all self-identified as Hufflepuffs means that they are my people! I want to pal with all of them. Anyway, as far as game stuff goes Jess asks me how I feel about the game and I tell her that it's been alright and that our first vote was someone who asked to go and that we haven't really been playing this game. Then I said I hope we don't go to tribal because I think I like pretty much everyone. https://media0.giphy.com/media/5tlq0pRndGu8U/source.gif 
Then I made a huge faux pas... I said that if we went to tribal hopefully someone who was original Hufflepuff would go. And gave no context. So I guess I gave her bullets to have me killed at a future tribal if it's a "anyone but me" situation. Our challenge was not for reward. We had to do a bunch of puzzles. I suck at jigsaw so I decided to do slide puzzles. I have no mouse and apparently not having one slows me down exponentially. I did the worst at my puzzle. Our tribes tied. We won tie breaker because EVERYONE ELSE is good at puzzles! Final topic. Idol hunt. Still a fail. Went to the lake. The selkie would not speak with me. I think we're in love. https://media2.giphy.com/media/oBfiN3ZSuUEdq/source.gif
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I guess I will vote Jacob if Autumn wants to lol
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hi it’s me nichole.. um. smiles. i don’t really know what to say um.. we won! woohoo! another melodrama victory, i’m hoping everyone likes me as much as i’m thinking because :flushed: yes she has a social game.. yes she’s thriving.. i cant get anything in the castle so that’s cute. only hints but is that shit gonna click? No. 
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hi!!!! so we lost sadly. i did rly rly good on the maze so im proud of myself. tribal seems to be easy enough as we were deciding between raffy and autumn but then raffy decided to throw my name out so i think he's going unanimously now. ill be getting a vote which is cute but idc. once hes gone i defff want autumn out bc im in an alliance with everyone but her and dan but at least dan pms me a good bit!
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HERE'S THE GOSSIP - I'm so happy we swapped! I would've been heartbroken if we lost and I had to vote out another Ravenclaw, so this is best case scenario. On first glance tho i look mega swapfucked.... all three of prior tribe members separated from me? But honestly, I think that puts me in a better position. Not only can I make new connections, but I won't be targeted for being a block of three. PLUS? I LOVE being on a tribe with Juls, Lily, Jess, Ruthie.... I'm truly THRIVING rn!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chips hasn't talked to me much. Max is okay but seems kind of fuckin crackt. And I like Landen a lot so far! So we're in a good spot. And a puzzle??? whew, this was my week xo Praying my Ravenclaw babies are okay, and I'm going to work on building maybe a counter-Hufflepuff alliance with Juls Chips and Jess if we lose!
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ok I only have 5 minutes to write this so we will fully get into the tea later but to recap: 1. God gave me Kevin because He knew what was about to come next 2. the kids are all voting Raffy and only Jules had the heart to tell me 3. I too am voting Raffy because I don't have time to be on the bottom of the tribe and I think there's some fuckery going on 4. all HELL is breaking loose in the tribe chat 5. I got caught in a lie so I've already had to start an apology tour 6. I still have a headache lmao There is so much that needs to be said but all I'm gonna say is Raffy giving me a good laugh helps our goodbye be less bitter. He is genuinely great, was really understanding about it all (and me having to think long term instead of being loyal) and I want better for him. I also want better for myself since my own tribe has been usurped from me? but I digress. Raffy needed to pop off cause they lied to him and me the entire day so what did you expect. I have a lot of his mess to clean up now but hey I have time on my hands. Long live Raffy I will try to do right by you
0 notes