#I also think it's really funny the idea that like. elan 4 and 5 knew each other at like. Elan Ceres Training Camp or whatever
birdmenmanga · 1 year
ok wait before the next episode drops I want to present my theory that elan-4 and norea du noc were siblings just because I haven't seen anyone else say anything (maybe because it's too obvious?)
Mostly it's from the conversation between Elan-5 and Norea during episode 14.
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Norea, specifically, knows quite a lot about Elan-5's situation. She clearly knows that this Elan isn't the real Elan Ceres... but that's not really information that's publicly available. Of course, disposable lives are sourced from Earth, so it stands to reason that she could possibly know someone who was a part of this farce. The next lines from Elan-5 really cement this thought.
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Aside from the differences in clothing and accessory, the biggest difference between Elan-4 and Elan-5 are their eyes. Elan-5 resting expression has his eyes wide open, which you can see in stand-alone illustrations of him. On the other hand, Elan-4's eyes are constantly half-lidded... quite like Norea's resting face.
Anyways, Norea just went for a dig at Elan-5 and he's like, you know, a little bit spiteful so he really wants to hit her where it hurts. Elan-5's not going to randomly bring up the death of Elan-4 if he had nothing to do with Norea, because it really just cements the point Norea's making: you're a doll for Peil tech and you're going to die at the end of it.
But I think siblings is probably the correct answer, since their interactions seem to indicate that Norea and Elan-5 had never actually met each other until Asticassia. In this scene in Episode 13, Elan-5 is curiously present, and through this he could have deduced Elan-4 and Norea's relationship through their (maybe) shared last name.
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(Elan-5's the one holding the pad.)
Anyways back to this scene in Ep. 14.
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This description does match up with Elan-4's death pretty closely. Oh, I'm wasting my life away? Check out what happened to your loser brother! Lol!! And he does manage to rile her up. ("You're an irritating fellow.")
But even putting that aside there're a ton of similarities between Norea and Elan-4 regardless of whether they're actually siblings or not. For instance, there's a real strong parallel between how these two characters are introduced. Below are the beginnings of the first scenes where they have spoken lines.
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Even their character arcs follow a similar pattern.
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Anyways that's all I have off the top of my head thank you for coming to my TED talk can't wait for this to be jossed on sunday
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