#I can't believe user @succulentlover490blazeit approves of the extinction of bats
I'm so done with purity culture and trying to mimic whoever seems the wokest. A lot of people have bad takes and its ok to be critical of them. Grey space does exist.
Anyways I've decided I'm entering into a new Draigin Era. Its called growth.
Also purity culture on the internet is so tiring. Just let people enjoy things. And if they enjoy something you don't like, then ignore them. And if they enjoy something illegal, then report and ignore them. It's not that hard.
Twitter culture means you have to be a soldier constantly fighting in a war of philosophy. That's tiring. I want to embrace a culture of learning and growth and not being overwhelmed by having to have an opinion on literally every current event. God save me if it's not the *right* opinion because I could only get limited information on that event through screenshots. I'm 18, I shouldn't have to know everything about the war with mars, I should just meme about bezos and elon making out with the martians.
We live in a frustrating time where we have a wealth of knowledge and a neverending stream of news being shoved at us. War here, fire there, drought somewhere, and simultaneously everybody and nobody cares. I'm so done. It's exhausting. I just want to exist without someone asking me what my opinion is on a country I've barely ever heard of just because there's currently twitter drama on it right now.
We live in a time where because everyone feels the need to broadcast their opinion on everything, beloved figures of our childhood, people who we look up to, relatives even, suddenly become tainted and evil. Every person is wrong, every organisation and company is evil. I'm so sick and tired of constantly monitoring what I like. I could be like "I like succulents!" one day, and then a year later I get a notification on that post says "Succulents have been found as the main cause of cancer. Congratulations, you support death." (This is exactly how everyone who suddenly hates Harry Potter and can't let other people enjoy it just because Rowling sucks as a human being. And we wouldn't know that she sucks so much if she didnt broadcast everything.)
Bring back the innocence, bring back the times when the only drama was found in trashy magazines and the Enquirer and maybe AOL news. Bring back the times when we "hated" old people because they didn't understand the latest lingo or videogames or memes, not because "all boomers are inherently evil." Bring back the existence of fun, of nuance, of life.
I wish we could exist on the internet without feeling the need to tell everyone every single one of our opinions so that we could be judged by puritanical gods behind their glowing screens.
#They are complaining about purity culture?#must have been cancelled for being racist#I can't believe user @succulentlover490blazeit approves of the extinction of bats#*This Happened*?!#so... how do you vote#Aww look at this cute cat#rant#do not reblog#this is just really messy thoughts#I swear to god one of you is going to look at this and be like#no you idiots im just tired of everyone asking for every single opinion on everything and broadcasting everywhere#I didn't know the church had published an official stance on the masks/vaccines#I found out that conservatives were mad about it before I found out that it happened.#This is how I find out all of my news now adays.#I'll be like : This happened? Then I'll google it and be like#And it did happen#and I learn about it because people are using it to hate eachother#and usually its because of misattribution of words and posts#but also sometimes its because people broadcast their personal politics everywhere#Ok like sometimes thats good. Like if I'm on a date I'll be like because I personally am not into confederates.#unlike alice from twilight#but aside from that#Im so done with twitter purity culture#and done with it seeping into everything we do#I really just want to sit all day and joke with my boss about doing ketamine in a gay bar#because we're both gay in california#i dont want my entire life politicised#i dont want to be policed by a thirteen yearold who thinks that any >17 online is automatically ebil#I dont want to reblog a post that is like and then it is a really cute cat#only for someone to come into my inbox and be like "Yeah that person actually hates Doorknobs and if you want me to keep following you
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