#I can't draw but graphic design edits are pretty fun!
stardew-atlantis · 5 months
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I'm in a discord server called Harvey Lovers United (HLU for short) and someone pointed out how it almost looks like Harvey Lovers University, so I made a university logo for the server ^_^
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coupsnim · 1 year
Hi Izzie, it's me your secret carat again! sorry it took so long to send another ask Hope you've had a lovely week and will have a great weekend :)
I'm still a baby carat so it's always nice to meet more veteran fans! I personally knew about them since their debut because my friends really liked them and casually listened to them for years. Didn't properly get into them until pretty recently tho but I'm glad I'm finally here! Better late then never, right? 😂
I won't name any specific members cuz that will more than likely give away my identity lol But the member who originally caught my attention are now pretty low on my bias list and my biases were ones I never expected to bias one of them exactly my type tho i just like to be in denial sdklfjgdfsg
As for fave titles tracks, I think we have the exact same ones! For bsides I absolutely love Shadow, Anyone, Flower, ODIHTD, and I Don't Know. And so many more tbh, their discography is truly amazing <333
Some new questions: How did you get into making content? Do you prefer making gifs, grfx, or art more? What are some of your favourite Seventeen concepts and what's one you would love for them to try?
hiii 🧡
noo please don't be sorry! I appreciate you took the time to write to me 😊
my week was okay but I was out all weekend and didn't have time to reply, sorry about that! hope you had a great weekend as well
I love all the songs you mentioned as well! totally biased opinion, but I think seventeen has one of the best discographies in kpop. there are maybe one or two songs that I usually skip but other than that I love all of them ahah
I think I first started making gifs around 2011-2012? I joined tumblr because of doctor who and saw a tutorial on how to make gifs - I tried it out and it was quite fun, so when I rejoined tumblr around 2017 and created a kpop blog I started making gifs again first for groups like shinee and wonder girls and then for seventeen too. however, I only started creating gfxs after I made this blog, I saw so many great creations of other carats and was inspired to make my own 😊 my dad is a graphic designer and he taught me how to use photoshop a long time ago but I mostly used it for photo editing ahah
I love making gfx, way more than making gifs, but it's been a while since I posted something here because I feel that nothing looks good ahah I have lost my touch, I believe. I do have the urge to delete everything I made each time I go on my gfx tag ahah
I love drawing too, but it's also quite dangerous for me because once I start a new project I can't stop until I'm done ahah and since I I can't take time off of work to draw, I usually only do it when I'm on holiday
my favourite seventeen concept? fallin' flower and home;run, probably. everything about fallin' flower is perfect, the song, the choreo and the whole vibe of the mv, but I also liked the theme for the home;run mv, it was fun and so seventeen (if that makes sense?). I'm just sad that they didn't reflect it in the album design too 😔
honestly they already fulfilled my every wish with fallin' flower when it comes to concepts, so it's hard for me to answer this question. however, I really liked the concept for their photobook 'social club' so maybe something similar would be cool? or maybe something inspired by a noir movie?
what about you? 😊
this reply turned out so long, I'm so sorry ahah hope you have a great day!
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hui-ing · 3 years
Hello!!! Hope you are doing well// 😂😂 It's all good!!!
Right?? Same!! I can imagine wondering or doing it spontaneously ( and then panicking because I'm lost ) but regardless, it would fun to do! One of the things I've wanted to do spontaneously is get on the tube and get off at a random stop, have some food and go shopping~~ I hope that you get to do all the things you want to do after the pandemic is over 😊 About visiting faraway family... I miss doing that 😭😭 I'm not originally from London, although I have stayed here for most of my life, I haven't been able to visit my dogs, my grandmother and cousins since we can't travel now *sigh* + I get what you mean about taking the bus places, sitting at home can get really tiring since because of the routine but because of that, I picked up new hobbies + not sure if I have asked you before, do tell me in case! what are your hobbies??
Up close must hurt even more when it hurts this much behind the screen, hopefully more people realise that they are hurting the animal and do something to help them ( like donating to the organisations ). Exactly! It's so interesting how there are a lot of myths to bust about certain animals + what are your favourite animals of the wild???// I agree! And I get what you mean~~ I would love to share my music with my favourite person and listen to theirs too (what about the funny situation where they like yours but you aren't a fan of theirs?? keke 😗). I absolutely love playing classical or folk music of different cultures if that makes sense + some pop music and ost's when I can like IU's Love Poem and I love you boy by Suzy. What about you?? What do you like to play if you do??
I am, thank you! It's okay, I loved it all the same~~ thank you for making one 😊😊
Hi! I'm a little tired but doing alright, how are you?
Ooh yeah that sounds like fun, I really love the idea of going and wandering around the city with no real destination (though it can be kind of dangerous in some places)! I hope you get to see your family and go out to do the things you like soon too. Somehow for me sitting at home doing basically nothing is even more exhausting than having a busy schedule - does it feel that way for you?
I have a lot of hobbies, including reading, drawing, writing fiction, singing and playing guitar, painting, photography, making crafts/jewelry, playing tabletop games, doing graphic design and photo editing, and trying not to kill my potted plants 😂 How about you, what are your favorite hobbies?
Yeah people can have some pretty serious misconceptions about animals, whether it's thinking that they're not as endangered as they actually are, that they're more dangerous or a threat to people, that they can survive and thrive even when their habitat is basically destroyed, and so on... especially with ones that are seen as dangerous, like sharks and wolves (when in reality you're more likely to die from a vending machine falling on you than you are to get lethally attacked by a shark, and wolf attacks are very rare and when someone dies from one it's usually because of rabies). For favorite animals, I really love otters and crows - they're both very intelligent and have been observed using tools - some crows actually make tools out of sticks and grass and stuff - and playing little games, which is super cool and (I think) really cute! Do you have any favorite animals?
Ooh yeah I think it's important to expose yourself to a wide variety of music! Are there particular songs/pieces you love to play, or any composers whose music you really like? Usually when I play guitar I play classic rock/pop and alternative stuff, I want to write songs someday but I'm not confident in my abilities haha
I'm glad you like the moodboard! It was fun to make ☺️
Hope your day is going well!
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