#I feel like that's just basic decency because it's their space
mako-island-moon-pool · 2 months
Why am I flipping tf out over my roommate going into my room when I wasn't home and leaving a package on my bed it's literally not a big deal and they were trying to be helpful but I am shaking right now I should be happy I got my new favorite shirt but I'm so angry
#Like genuinely seething with rage over something so innocuous I shouldn't be angry#But at the same time I'm like...#The door was shut. When did I ever say you could come in here (I didn't). I wasn't home. Don't touch my stuff. You could have left it#Outside the door. My room is a mess and they saw. AND DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF#I feel like I shouldn't have to sit them down and be like 'hey I don't want you going in my room when I didn't say you could go in there'#Like I feel like that's common sense when u live with other people but I guess not?????#Like it really bothers me cuz I'd NEVER go into someone's room when they weren't there w/o express permission#Fucks sake I linger outside the doorway til they say I can come in when they are there and we're talking#I feel like that's just basic decency because it's their space#Why can't you respect mine and not go in my room when you don't have permission?????#At least text me first????!#THE DOOR WAS SHUT THATS WHAT'S REALLY BOTHERING ME#THE DOOR WAS SHUT WHY WOULD YOU LOOK AT A CLOSED DOOR TO SOMEONE'S BEDROOM AND JUST WALK IN WITHOUT EVER ASKING#Sorry. I know I'm being super irrational right now#I just. My mom used to go through my stuff when I lived at home and throw out whatever she wanted#She would wait until I left the house and then throw things out and leave the rest in a giant pile of trash on the floor#It was always when I was having a decent day too. She'd treat me totally normally the whole way home and then I'd walk into my room to it#Absolutely destroyed and her response was always a cool 'well you should have cleaned it then'#I used to have to dig through the garbage to get the stuff I had attachments to back#She once threw out an entire shoebox filled with my drawings because it was 'too messy' but literally the lid was slightly askew from being#Overfilled. Instead of getting me a bigger container or another shoebox she just fucking tossed it#I lost so much childhood art from that it's part of the reason I refuse to throw anything I've ever drawn away#Anyway this is why I'm overreacting and being irrational and not letting people walk all over me with no complaints#Don't worry though I'm working on squishing any other reservations I have about being a doormat#That way in a couple more years I'll just be a shell of a person and then people will finally like having me around#AJDGDHDHDBMSBDGDJDHDBDMDBDBDN#Grumble grumble
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cardentist · 6 months
this is all gonna be very disorganized and rambly, but
"the male loneliness epidemic" as a concept is like.
does anybody remember when it was common knowledge in feminist spaces that part of the Point of feminism was recognizing that All groups of people were negatively impacted by sexism?
I Remember the ridiculous "mens rights activist" era. I REMEMBER feminist talking points at the time pointing out that it was Toxic Masculinity that contributed to things like men not being able to be vulnerable with the people who care about them, or men (or Boys) not being taken seriously as rape victims.
and the point of this Wasn't to blame men for their own pain, to blame men for the system that they were negatively impacted by. but to point out how Feminism Was Meant To Help Them. how it was Sexism that needed to be dismantled to address the things that these very ridiculous men were angry at feminism about.
and now it's just like.
not only have people not learned this lesson, it's becoming increasingly Extinct as a concept even within feminist and activist spaces.
I Do find "male loneliness epidemic" silly as a term. it's particularly strange to me that there have been several articles ran about it.
But Ultimately This Would Not Be Necessary If The Climate Was Different.
like. the term is silly, I'm sure the articles are silly. but it is just Objectively True that men are statistically more likely to kill themselves. the exact number fluctuates depending on the study and the years they were conducted, but this has been Consistent for literally decades.
and it just ! feels abjectly cruel to watch people act like acknowledging something Like This is stupid. to watch people lump in men together As A Class and more or less victim blame them.
why should We care about Men when it's Men who are sexist? if Men care so much about being Lonely then then why [screenshot of 4channer]
a conversation on sexism creating a system where men are emotionally isolated, are discouraged from vulnerability, from relying on the people around them emotionally, are discouraged from affection, Is Good Actually.
like ! I really do wish that people didn't take a nose dive into gender essentialism and decide that men and women are just categorically and fundamentally different from each other. that if one suffers then the other must only be the one that inflicts suffering. that to recognize the pain of one is to deny the pain of the other. when that is Literally Not How It Works.
it's not about why Women should care about Men. it's about recognizing a facet of sexism that is negatively impacting PEOPLE and discussing it in the hopes of starting a long term conversation about it. to potentially encourage change and reach the people that need to hear it.
because All People are victims of sexism, All People can enforce sexism, and All People benefit from recognizing these facts and working together to undo the effects of sexism on a wide scale.
and I Dunno. I think it's really telling that some people actively choose Not to show basic human decency and compassion towards people if they can get out of it. if social convention in their circles say that X group of people don't Deserve It.
we live in a time where compassion fatigue is a real issue. where we have to process more atrocities on a daily basis than the human mind was ever meant to handle. but I still feel like human suffering should just like. Matter As A Baseline. it shouldn't be anyone's job to Convince You that it's worth caring about, you should just care about people.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 1 month
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of sex and killing.
I was listening to this song and was just thinking of this with Mattheo.
Closer by Waterparks
Nothin' stays the same
I feel love a different way, yeah
So I contemplate the change
I got my space, but what did I pay for you?
Mattheo's already decided he just can't do relationships. That's too normal for him. He can't love like other people, he thinks.
That's what he tells himself when he meets you. Seeing your bright smile as you greet him like he was a normal person and not the Dark Lord's son when he sat next to you in Potions in 4th year.
If he was normal, he might've fallen for you instantly. But he pushed those feelings down. As best as he could, at least.
He was drawn to you, though. He figured it wouldn't hurt being friends, right? Nothing more. Keeping you close enough to smile and joke around with you, but distant enough it never became more than that.
'Cause I love you or I want to
But I don't know how
Because I need to really feel you
But we're runnin' around
Because I love you or I want to
Is it easy now?
You only hit me in the evenin'
When I'm all stressed out
Being friends with you wasn't helping. It just made things worse. He was crushing hard. He felt like an idiot around you. He felt proud when he made you smile. His heart beat faster when he made you laugh.
But he wasn't normal, he reminded himself. He couldn't love like normal people. He'd hurt them. He'd be mean. He never had a healthy relationship as an example of what love looks like. Of how to treat his partner.
But, Merlin, did it hurt when he saw you with Cedric, laughing at his joke. He was fuming. As much as he knew he couldn't have you, no one else should. It only made him realize his feelings more.
I need you closer
Or I need it over
Either need you closer
Or I need it over, yeah
It was an accident. He swears. He was drunk. It was one of their parties. And he kissed you.
Such a bad mistake. It only made him want more. He wanted all of you. He didn't wanna just be friends.
You were driving him insane. He was split between wanting you all for himself or just trying to forget you, figuring it might be better for you in the long run.
There's nothin' left to let go
It's the darkest afterglow, mm
Maybe in another life (In ano—, in another life, ooh)
We can try to get us right
No, no, no
He was still stuck in his decision when he made an even worse decision.
He asked you to be in a friends with benefits situation with him. He knew a real relationship wouldn't be good for either of you, but he also couldn't get enough of you. He wanted to kiss you over and over again, wanted to run his hands over your skin, wanted to get lost in you so he could forget that you weren't really his, just for a few moments.
You agreed and he was happy and upset at the same time, knowing that was all you could be.
Because I love you or I want to
But I don't know how
Because I need to really feel you
But we're runnin' around
Because I love you or I want to
Is it easy now?
You only hit me in the evenin'
When I'm all stressed out
It was sometimes weird to hook up with him. He'd be almost romantic, worshiping your body, touching you almost reverently. You'd think he was in love with you if the next time you hooked up, he wasn't fucking you senseless.
He'd always show you care afterwards, cuddling you or getting a bath set up or falling asleep with you.
It wasn't being romantic, it was basic decency for hooking up with someone, he'd claim if you asked.
But it was the only way he could show you affection in your relationship. He couldn't be too romantic, too sweet, too touchy. You were just hooking up. Nothing more, he'd have to remind himself
I need you closer
Or I need it over
Either need you closer
Or I need it over
He broke it off with you. He said it was too much right now. Said he couldn't keep doing this.
You were confused. You thought he was happy with the arrangement. He was never the relationship type, so you knew this would probably be the closest he'd get to having one.
It was upsetting for you. Not just because you were losing the sex with him. But because you were losing him. You really liked him. You really loved him, if you'd let yourself admit that.
He avoided you. He stopped talking to you. He stopped looking at you.
'Cause you're the holiday I celebrate too late
You're the eyes I gave up tryin' to captivate
You're the song that I loved but then overplayed
And I'm the B-side throwaway
I hope you never rain on my charade
The lonely one I let myself create
I got my space, but what'd I pay?
I've been fucked so much that I no longer wait
I sabotage and break my own heart
Just in case
His heart hurt. He was trying to get over you. I mean, you weren't even together, he'd tell himself when he felt like drinking. 
His smoking habit got worse. He snapped at people more, even his friends. He locked himself away in his dorm more. He fought a lot more. He was constantly covered in cuts and bruises.
No matter what he did, you were on his mind and it made everything so much worse.
And every time he saw you, he'd be staring, looking away before you could catch him. He'd stare at all the photos he had of you when he was drunk.
He's not normal. A normal relationship isn't for him. You deserve someone who is normal, he'd think as he finished the bottle, laying down on his floor instead of moving to the bed.
So, yeah, I loved you or I tried to
But I don't know how
Used to need you and feel you
But we ran it all down
'Cause I loved you or I tried to
Can it be easy now?
Or will it kill me on the evenin'
That I let you down?
His father forced him into being a Death Eater. He hated it. He didn't want to do it. He didn't wanna go on missions. He didn't wanna kill people.
The only benefit is it gave him something else to think about. Something that wasn't you.
He gave up on you. Gave up on the idea of you two being together ever. You could never love him if he was a Death Eater. At least he had something to deter you now. Something you could blame him for and hate him and he could move on.
When the Battle of Hogwarts happened, he couldn't stick with his father anymore. Not after he saw you fighting on the other side. He switched sides, helping defeat his father. Helping get all the injured people to safety.
He killed a Death Eater in front of you. He felt horrible when he saw your horrified face. It would be an image he'll never forget. He quickly left you and went to help someone else, not being able to stand your judgment and expression.
I need you closer
Or I need it over
Either need you closer
Or I need it over, yeah
The battle was over. He just wanted to get a glimpse of you to make sure you were okay, then he'd leave. He spotted you, sitting on the ground, covered in dirt and dried blood, but overall uninjured.
He was going to leave. He was going to turn around and let you be, let you live your life. But you locked eyes and he was frozen in place. It was the first time he's even met eyes with you since he called things off. Even though you were filthy, he thought you were stunning. His heart was pounding, he could hear it in his ears.
Before he even realized it, he was running towards you. He reached you just as you stood up, wrapping his arms around you, one arm around your waist and the other holding your head to his chest. He was apologizing profusely, saying he’s an idiot, saying he shouldn’t have let you go, saying he was a coward and thought he couldn’t love. He pulled his head back to look in your eyes, cupping your cheek when he finally said he loved you.
He wanted all of you. And this time he could admit. And he admitted it straight to you.
You said you loved him back and he smiled at you, brushing his thumb on your cheek for just a few seconds before he kissed you, his arm around your waist squeezing you close to him.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff @ireallyneed-somesleep @soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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yonpote · 2 months
I feel like people are conflating continuing the joke with invading their privacy… like no one is stalking them or sneaking pictures or bothering their friends and family asking about them we’re just continuing their joke that they set up within our fandom space. Which is exactly as we should be doing imo
yeah exactly. like i think when outsiders dont understand that we are in on the bit that makes some sense, but when it's PHANNIES especially phannies who joined post coming out???? it seems strange.
oh i didnt really explain why this kinda behavior is homophobic as well. (disclaimer: me calling an action homophobic is not the same as me calling an individual homophobic.) a lot of ppl use pj and sophie as a direct comparison straight couple example. pj has only directly called sophie his girlfriend once, and it was in the context reading someone's poorly written article about him lmao. otherwise, its known that they met in uni, have lived together since then, have worked on nearly every kickthepj project together, and generally their on screen energy is really sweet and funny. they also have a cat together and call themselves a family. it's not a stretch to say they're together in the slightest. in fact, it is just natural to assume so.
BUT when dnp who are now publicly out, have been very open about how much they mean to each other, have lived together since dan was in uni, have worked on nearly every project together (even in solo projects the other would help out behind the scenes), have a clear on camera chemistry together, had co-parented a fish, a pigeon, and several houseplants and possibly plan to get a dog or other pet in the future... suddenly it's wrong to assume anything.
i understand the fear that may come from having been in the phandom since when they were closeted and it was much harder to talk about it without seeming like youre aligned with stalkers or ppl who harassed their families or dnp themselves to reveal more information, but thats not the case anymore, and ESPECIALLY if you discovered them post-gay, it's such a flimsy argument to say anyone is breaching privacy in that way.
now there are still some like unspoken basic decency and boundary rules. you probably shouldnt be @'ing them in your smutfics or even your pretty innocent theories about them being super duper in gay love. dnp themselves understand that if they aren't being @ tagged in something, it's probably not meant for them to see, and even acknowledged that in the twitter memes video. but us talking about it in our own spaces, especially on tumblr where they arent on as much but also on twitter BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEYRE NOT MEANT TO SEE IT, is not the same as being like hey @/danielhowell @/amazingphil do you fuck nasty i gotta know if you fuck nasty. (but even if i were to do that, i feel like its very clearly a joke lmao)
so like just dont worry about it, if you still personally dont like seeing ppl talk abt this stuff regardless, you can mute and block people, you can blacklist tags, you can curate your own experience to fit your needs and you dont need to harass other people into suiting your needs.
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darknesseddiem · 1 month
hi babe !
i hope your doing okay !! can i request n°10 and n°13 with roommate Eddie Munson, some angst and fluff pleaaaase ??
love u
nono 🫶����
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
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Ever since you moved in with Eddie, your life turned into a complete circus, and not the fun kind.
I mean, this guy made it his personal mission to torment and annoy you in every possible way. It was like he had a sixth sense for when you were in a good mood, because that’s exactly when he'd show up with his unbearable attitude and ruin your day.
You’d be chilling on the couch, finally finding your zen after a long day, and boom, Eddie’s at your side with some ridiculous comment or a loud snack, crunching like a rock concert in your ear. It's like he had an alarm set to interrupt any hint of peace you managed to scrape together. He was the king of passive-aggressive vibes, and his superpower was turning your bliss into chaos.
But it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You'd just moved out of your parents' house, and your wallet was emptier than a ghost town on a Tuesday night. Plus, you had a lease binding you to this disaster zone of an apartment, and breaking it wasn't exactly in the budget.
So, there you were, stuck with Eddie the Terrible, who seemed to think that personal space was an urban legend and that common decency was for other people. Every time he walked into the room, it was like a dark cloud rolled in, and you couldn't help but wonder what cosmic force had brought the two of you together. If only you'd had a crystal ball before signing that lease.
Everything seemed totally fine at first. When Steve and Robin introduced him to you, he seemed chill, fun, even charming in that "he's probably got a ton of friends" kind of way. If only you'd known what you were signing up for...
The first few days living together in the apartment were bliss. He helped you with the move, carried all the heavy boxes, and went out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable. He was quiet when you needed silence, even respected your sacred moments on the couch while you binge-watched Modern Family. But, you know what they say, when the deal seems too good, it's time to raise an eyebrow.
It didn't take long for Eddie's true colors to start leaking out. Those same colors were about as subtle as a clown at a funeral. The same guy who had been so considerate and quiet suddenly turned into a one-man circus, complete with loud music and a never-ending collection of weird hobbies that made you wish you could build a soundproof bubble around yourself.
Silent nights turned into your own personal heavy metal concert, and your sacred couch time was constantly disrupted by the RPG campaigns he insisted on hosting at the apartment. Oh, and let's not forget about the marathon sessions he spent in the bathroom, perfectly timed to when you were running late. It was like the old Eddie had vanished into thin air, replaced by a cheap knockoff who didn't understand the concept of a volume knob—or basic courtesy, for that matter.
Gone were the days of quiet evenings, replaced by head-banging riffs that could wake the dead. Trying to watch your favorite show? Forget it—there was always a horde of his geeky friends crowded around the kitchen table, rolling dice and arguing about some wizard’s spell-casting ability. You'd go to grab a drink and feel like you'd wandered into the middle of a convention.
And those bathroom stunts? A whole new level of infuriating. You'd be in a rush, scrambling to get ready, and he'd be in there for what felt like an eternity, probably reading one of his comic books or watching cat videos. The guy had a sixth sense for the exact moment when you'd need the bathroom, and he used it to make your mornings an absolute nightmare.
Which brings us to the present moment: you pounding on the bathroom door like there's no tomorrow, hopping up and down like a kangaroo, and shouting for the thousandth time. "Eddie, I swear to God, if you don't come out of that bathroom right now, I will pee on your bed!"
The only response you got was a noise that could only be described as someone eating in the most grotesque, inappropriate way. "Wait, are you... are you watching ASMR while I'm about to explode into a puddle of pee? Oh no, you did not. You are going to hear from me!"
The sound from inside got louder, and then he replied, "Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm busy watching this guy stuff a whole chicken leg into his mouth."
It took every ounce of restraint not to break down that door and give him a piece of your mind. Eddie's antics had hit a new low, and your patience was hanging by a thread. This was the pinnacle of absurdity, the kind of moment that made you question every decision that led you here. You'd been through a lot with Eddie, but this? This was a whole new level of "what the hell." It was like living with a YouTube compilation of the most obnoxious trends, all crammed into one bathroom-occupying nightmare.
You might need a whole new strategy—or, at this point, just a new apartment. Because if this was a glimpse into the future, you weren't sure you wanted to stick around to see what else Eddie had in store.
“Please, for the love of God, let me pee…” you said, almost on the verge of tears. This was getting exhausting. Eddie must've sensed the shift in your tone, because the annoying sounds suddenly stopped, and the door swung open to reveal a metalhead with frizzy hair, wearing Looney Tunes pajama pants.
He had this sheepish grin on his face, like he knew he'd pushed you to your limit but didn't quite realize how close you were to snapping. He stood there in all his ridiculous glory, holding his phone with a paused video of some guy eating what looked like a plate of ribs, totally unbothered. "Hey, no need to be so dramatic, it's all yours," he said, stepping aside as if he wasn't the cause of your impending bladder explosion.
You shot him a look that could've melted steel, then dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. As you finally got your much-needed relief, you could hear Eddie outside, humming some awful heavy metal tune to himself. It was like he had zero clue—or zero care—about how his antics drove you up the wall. He was just Eddie, living his best life, while you were left to deal with the chaos he left in his wake.
After the morning incident, you grabbed your coffee and headed straight to work, determined to shake off the chaos that was life with Eddie. But you could only escape for so long, because lunchtime rolled around, and you returned to the apartment, only to find a scene that looked like something straight out of a sitcom—think The Office, but even more ridiculous.
Eddie was in the kitchen, wearing an apron that said "Kiss the Cook," with his hair pulled back in a makeshift ponytail. The whole place smelled like something was burning, and he was frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke detector, trying to get it to shut up. It kept beeping, and every time it did, Eddie flinched like it was personally attacking him.
On the stove, there was a pan with some kind of unidentifiable charred mess, which he was desperately trying to scrape off with a spatula.
Your smile vanished the moment you noticed that the charred thing in the skillet was none other than the octopus you'd bought just the day before.
"What the hell?" You were furious, and it didn't help that Eddie was grinning like he was some kind of innocent angel.
He shrugged, clearly oblivious to the level of your outrage. "Oh, that was yours? My bad, I thought it was just... some random squid or something." He scratched the back of his head, as if he'd just made a minor mistake and not destroyed a perfectly good piece of seafood. The sight of him smiling like that only made your blood boil even more.
Your plans for a delicious lunch were now literally ashes, and Eddie was standing there like he'd just successfully solved a Rubik's Cube. You had to take a deep breath to keep from shouting. You'd put a lot of effort into picking out that octopus, and now it was just a blackened lump that even the trash bin would reject.
"How do you not know the difference between an octopus and a random squid? And who just grabs something from the fridge without asking?" you shot back, trying to keep your voice from escalating into full-blown rage.
Eddie looked around as if hoping to find an excuse or an escape route, but there was nowhere to run. He was cornered, and he knew it.
That was the last straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and Eddie's expression shifted from cheerful to guilty in an instant. Before he could say anything, you turned and bolted out of the apartment, exhausted by the whole ordeal.
You couldn't stay there another minute. The anger and frustration had been building for weeks, and now it had boiled over. You needed space, air, and most importantly, a break from Eddie and his chaos. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you couldn't be in that apartment for another second.
You walked for what felt like hours, letting the cool breeze and the distant sounds of the city calm you down. The world outside was peaceful compared to the constant drama of living with Eddie. As you strolled through the park and sat on a bench to collect your thoughts, you realized just how much the situation had been draining you.
You didn't go back home for the rest of the day. Instead, you found solace in the simple things—grabbing a coffee, listening to music. Anything to clear your mind and remind yourself that there was a whole world out there, far removed from Eddie's antics. You needed this time to figure out your next move, to decide if you could keep living with him or if it was time to break the lease and find a new place.
The one thing you knew for sure was that you couldn't keep going like this. Living with Eddie had become too much, and you'd had enough. It was time to put yourself first and find a way out of the madness.
As soon as you returned, he tried to talk.
"Don't talk to me," you snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. No room for discussion, no excuses. Just the sharp edge of your words.
Eddie looked taken aback, his eyes widening as if he'd just been hit by a surprise splash of cold water. You'd never spoken to him like that before, but you weren't in the mood to hear whatever half-baked apology or lame excuse he was about to offer. After everything that had happened, you just needed space and silence.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and backed off, his usual bravado deflating like a punctured balloon. You could feel him watching you as you walked past, but you didn't turn around. The time for talking was over, and you didn't owe him anything. You'd already had more than enough of his antics for one day.
You went to your room and closed the door, thankful for the barrier it provided. It wasn't much, but at least it gave you some distance from Eddie and his chaotic energy.
After some time reflecting, you decided it was time to talk about your decision. You went to the living room, where Eddie was watching one of his nerdy movies. He was glued to the screen, engrossed in whatever epic battle or spaceship chase was playing out.
"We need to talk," you said, standing by the couch with your arms crossed. Eddie turned his head, startled, but didn't say anything. He paused the movie, knowing this wasn't just a casual chat. "This isn't working," you continued. "I think it's better if I look for another place to live."
Eddie blinked a few times, processing your words. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, scratching the back of his head. It was clear he hadn't expected this conversation. "You're leaving?" he finally asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You nodded. "Yeah, it's just... too much. The constant noise, the bathroom thing, and then the whole octopus incident," you said, laying out the reasons. "It's not healthy, and I can't keep dealing with this."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful. "Hey, I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to—"
"It's not about apologies," you interrupted. "It's about needing space, needing peace. We just don't work as roommates, and that's okay. But I can't keep living like this."
He nodded like he understood your reasons, but what he said next was not at all what you expected.
"Ever wonder why I always bug you?" he asked, looking at you with an expression that was hard to read.
You frowned and shook your head, genuinely puzzled. "No, not really. I just figured you were... I don't know, Eddie."
He took a breath and then, almost sheepishly, replied, "It's because I want to get your attention."
Okay, what the hell? Your heart suddenly raced, and your mouth opened in a shocked gasp. Was he serious? All those antics, the noise, the drama—it was all because he wanted you to notice him? It sounded like something out of a high school rom-com, and it left you reeling.
"Wait, are you kidding?" you asked, trying to process what he was saying. Was this some sort of joke? But the look on his face told you he wasn't messing around. This was real, and he was genuinely trying to explain himself.
Eddie seemed to sense your disbelief, and he shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. "I know, it's dumb, right? But I don't know how else to talk to you. You seem so... I don't know, together. And I'm... well, I'm me," he said, gesturing to himself like he was some kind of cosmic disaster.
This conversation had taken a turn you weren't expecting. You'd come here to tell him you were moving out, and now you were dealing with a confession that threw everything into a whole new light. What were you supposed to say to that? It was hard enough dealing with his shenanigans as a roommate; now he was confessing that there might be more to it.
He continued, "Ever since Steve and Robin introduced us, I’ve been interested in you. You’re so smart, beautiful, and funny that I found myself falling for you, little by little."
Oh my God, it felt like your heart was about to burst from the rollercoaster of emotions you'd experienced today.
"Was it a stupid way to get your attention? Yes. Was I a jerk? Absolutely," he said, rubbing his temples like he was trying to make sense of it himself. "But I got so lost in my own feelings that it was the only thing I could think of to make you notice me..."
This wasn't at all what you expected when you walked into the living room. You'd imagined a straightforward breakup with your roommate, but now here he was, confessing that he had a crush on you. And not just any crush—one that had apparently driven him to turn your life into an ongoing episode of Jackass.
It was a lot to take in, and you didn't even know where to start. Part of you was still annoyed at him for all the chaos he'd caused, but another part of you felt a twinge of sympathy. Maybe Eddie wasn’t just the relentless man-child you thought he was. Maybe he was just... confused and desperate for your attention.
"Eddie," you began, struggling to find the right words, "you can't go around making my life miserable just because you like me. That's not how this works." You shook your head, trying to ground yourself. "I'm glad you told me how you feel, but this isn't the way to handle things. It just makes everything more complicated."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful, as if he realized that his antics might have done more harm than good. "I know," he said, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I didn't think it through. I just... I don't know, I panicked."
The whole situation was like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy, but it was happening in real life, and you weren't sure how to navigate it. You'd come to tell him you were moving out, and now you had to figure out how to deal with this unexpected confession without losing your sanity.
You sighed, feeling like you'd been caught in the world's most twisted emotional chess game. After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you confessed to him, "I can't say I don't feel anything for you either... From the first day, I liked you, but I'm just so mad about everything." It was time to set things straight. "We can try something more, if you promise to never pull those idiotic stunts again, or I swear I'll kill you." The two of you chuckled at the last part.
Eddie's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face like you'd just given him the best news in the world. He looked almost like a puppy that had been let back inside after getting caught in the rain. "I promise, no more of that stuff. I mean it. If I do anything dumb, you can smack me with a frying pan," he said, putting his hand over his heart in a mockingly solemn gesture.
You couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated seriousness. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was being so goofy. "I'll hold you to that. I have a pretty big frying pan," you replied, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie chuckled, clearly relieved that you weren't storming out the door. "Deal. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to make things so hard for you. I just... I guess I went about it in the worst way possible." He rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. "But I'll do better, I promise. If it means we can try something, then I'll be on my best behavior."
It felt like a weight had been lifted, and the tension in the room eased a bit. You knew there'd be a lot of work to do to make this living arrangement function without the constant drama, but at least now you had a new understanding between you. It wasn't exactly the romantic journey you'd pictured, but at least it wasn't a total train wreck.
"We'll see," you said, giving him a half-smile. "But one more thing, Eddie—if you ever lock me out of the bathroom again, I won't just threaten to pee on your bed. I'll do it." The laughter that followed was a sign that maybe, just maybe, things might work out after all.
“Okay, I’m starving,” you said, breaking the mood with a light touch. “Sushi?”
“Sushi?” He grinned and pitched his voice into a silly imitation, making you roll your eyes. “Eddie, I’m serious,” you said, trying to sound stern.
“Eddie, I’m serious,” he repeated with an even bigger grin.
“Stop mocking me,” you whined, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Stop mocking me,” he echoed in an exaggeratedly whiny voice.
“I’m getting the frying pan,” you threatened.
“Sushi sounds great to me,” he replied instantly, flashing you his best innocent smile, you rolled your eyes and went to order the food.
You wouldn’t lie—even his idiotic ways had managed to win your heart too, but you’d never admit that to him.
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katsubie · 1 year
imagine looking for a seat in the 1-A commons, a bit dazed from the day preceding you– you waddle with your pajama pants sagging on the floor beneath you.
the sofa’s are full as everyone continues on with their conversations, too busy with laughing and pushing each other around playfully to go out of their way and make space for you on the cushions. you sigh quietly and prepare to either just plop down on the floor or make your way back to dorm and relish in the silence.
you throw one last look around the group to look for an empty space, and catch a pair of familiar sharp eyes staring you down– clearly catching onto the fact that you’re struggling to speak up and look for a seat.
you give bakugou a small and defeated smile, slumping your shoulders as he gives you his signature uninterested scowl before he rolls his eyes and sinks deeper into the couch cushions behind him, spreading his thighs apart and patting the space between his legs.
for a second you blink at him confusingly before your face heats up with the realization that he wants you to basically sit on his lap.
and who are you to deny, right? when your boyfriend offers you a seat between his thighs you don’t say no.
so you shyly shuffle towards him on the sofa and sit yourself in front of him, face warm as his arms snake their way around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder and nuzzling his cheek against your neck.
“you couldn’t just ask for a seat?” he chastises, and despite the bite in his tone you know it holds no actual malice behind it. all the same you still give him a pout.
“you couldn’t just move over so i could sit next to you?” you quip back, knocking your thigh against his playfully and snorting when he shoves back against yours with a click of his tongue before he mutters under his breath.
“like i was gonna’ give up the opportunity to have you pressed up against me like this.”
heat pools in your cheeks and you purse your lips to keep yourself quiet while -unbeknownst to you, though you can guess- bakugou's cheeks fill with a sly grin as he presses his nose into the corner of your jaw.
moments like these are nice- though it's impossible for you to escape his snarky attitude and comebacks, it's.. nice. because despite all that he still wants you close to him, and he has the decency to at least try his best and stay a little calm, for you.
and it's sweet.
for about ten seconds.
"the lovebirds are at it again!" squeals mina from her spot on the sofa in front of you, catching the attention of the rest of the group, halting their conversations and shifting their focus to the sight of the two of you- pressed against each other, chest to back, with bakugou's arms wrapped around your waist.
he tenses up against you in embarrassment as kaminari and sero join in on the teasing, and you swear you can feel him vibrate with annoyance as your own face heats up.
"guess grumpy ol' bakugou really is a softie, huh?"
"dude- look at his face- he's so red!"
they cackle themselves onto the floor as bakugou shouts, “THE HELL I AM!”, fists balled up against your stomach in an attempt to refrain from any instinctual explosions, yet his hold on you doesn’t cease.
bakugou’s less than a single millimeter away from turning the building into ashes, his scowl growing deeper as he sneers in frustration and anger.
and to everyone’s surprise, he doesn’t actually do anything.
sure, he throws the rest of the room death threatening glares and growls an irritated, “the hell are you lookin’ at?”, but he doesn’t even stand up to begin his usual altercations, and no explosions have been set off. you’re even half surprised he hasn’t thrown you off him yet.
but as the laughter and commotion dies down, he goes back to resting his chin on your shoulder, an angry pout lacing his lips. you’re bracing for impact— assuming you’ve hit the calm before the storm, but he does nothing.
all he does is press his face into the side of your neck, nosing against your jaw before he mumbles.
“ ‘dumbasses are just jealous that i got what they don’t.”
and as your face heats up once more, you think, yeah.
“i know.”
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jewishconvertthings · 8 months
This isn’t a conversion question but I hope it’s okay to ask here. Is there anything I can do to support people living in Israel during this terrifying time?
Hi anon,
I wrestled with how/if to respond to this, because I try very hard to keep I/P politics off of this blog and have since I started this blog in 2017 or so. It is not relevant to this blog what my opinions are on this, and it's hard to talk about the topic at all (even in a neutral way) without people accusing you of being Zionist or Anti-Zionist if what you say does not perfectly line up with their viewpoint.
But in the end, I think that this transcends politics. It has to. Condemning the slaughter, torture, and sexual abuse of human beings, whoever they are, is the correct opinion. I don't care who is doing it, and I don't care why. This isn't a political debate; this is basic human decency.
As for what you can do right now? If you have Israeli or Palestinian friends (whether they are in your community or in Israel/Palestine, reach out to them. They may b'ezrat Hashem be safe, but they are not ok, so instead of asking, just let them know you are thinking of them, that you are praying for their continued safety and for peace to come swiftly and justly. They may not feel like talking, but if they do, hold space for them.
There are a lot of excellent organizations collecting funds to help with the great need that has been created by these atrocities. Find ones whose mission and goals align with your own, double check their validity, and then donate what you can.
Many Jewish communities (most, I assume) are currently organizing or have already set up community events to address the issues and to pray as a community. Look at your email - my inbox had no less than twelve different events (online and in person) within the next few days - and check the websites for Jewish organizations that you affiliate with for opportunities to gather and debrief.
And, perhaps, the most important thing from a social media standpoint: make sure that you vet *all* information before deciding to accept it as true and cross-check it with other sources, especially if you plan on sharing that information. Both Hamas and the Israeli government are masters of propaganda, and the Western media really likes to lean into this for a better story. Since Western media thrives on conflict and hyped up emotions to keep people interested and scrolling, there is a strong incentive to publish as much as quickly as possible, the more sensational the better. Use reputable sources, but don't rely on them to get it right 100% of the time. I would suggest looking at reputable sources that have a clear, known bias in each direction and comparing them both to media that at least attempts to be neutral. So far, it doesn't seem like too too many facts have been in dispute (most of the information about the atrocities committed by Hamas has been posted by Hamas as propaganda) but it's early. If you have the emotional bandwidth and have done the research, please correct the misinformation you see from friends, family, and followers. Do **not** jump in with assumptions or non-researched opinions, because that will only fuel the chaos and not help anyone.
Above all, be smart, be wary of disinformation, be compassionate, and (to the extent you are able) be generous. Remember that civilians are civilians, that neither group of civilians chose this, that plenty of them dream of a peaceful and just coexistence, and that intentionally hurting non-combatants is always wrong no matter the justification.
As for me, I will turn to Tehillim and to the words of the Prayer for Peace:
May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease, When a great peace will embrace the whole world. Then nation will not threaten nation, and the human family will not again know war. For all who live on earth shall realize we have not come into being to hate or to destroy. We have come into being to praise, to labor, and to love. Compassionate God, bless the leaders of all nations with the power of compassion. Fulfill the promise conveyed in Scripture: I will bring peace to the land and you shall lie down and no one shall terrify you. I will rid the land of vicious beasts and it shall not be ravaged by war. Let justice and righteousness flow like a mighty stream. Let God’s peace fill the earth as the waters fill the sea. And let us say: Amen
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notmazikeen · 1 month
SixEyed | Gojo Satoru
 ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
‧₊˚✧[chapter 5]✧˚₊‧     
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Satoru had carried you to your bedroom, pushing your body backwards against the cold wood door. Your hand reached below yourself to lock the door, not wanting another repeat of this morning to happen.
Your legs hugging his waist tightly, his hands gripping tightly into the flesh of your ass. Neither of you wanting to break the close contact with each other. 
The whole scene looked sloppy, but in a way romantic.
Like two lovers seeing the other after months of being away. It’s exactly what it felt like too. Satoru had been keeping a close eye on you for months. Not feeling hopeful for an interaction with you, especially after the last time he had seen you and Shoko.
To which you were almost completely ignoring him. He just would not stop staring at you with those damned eyes.
That’s when you had a weird dream about him. The two of you were in a field of flowers, a blanket beneath your two bodies, and a dark sky. It seemed like you were stargazing. But all you could admire was the handsome man beside you.
The way his eyes almost glowed under the moonlight, and the way his chest rose and fell with such calmness. 
Honestly the feeling was weird, you had woken up from your sleep with a harsh pant. Have you developed feelings for this so-called womanizer?
The position you were in right now made it seem surreal. Everything felt weird.
Of course you wanted this with him right now, you could not turn down a hookup after going months without a man’s touch. Which, yes sounds desperate but you could feel the pent up stress building. It was almost as tall as a two story building. You need a release. Sadly, Gojo is the man to do it.
Satoru pressed your hips down in a sudden movement, breaking you from the trance of emotions. The friction made you exhale softly, almost a whisper.
He pulled away from your neck, removing his lips with a string of saliva connecting your skin to his. “Do you still want to?” He said breathlessly.
You nodded your head and tilted it softly to the side. Confusion coming across your face. 
“I do… Why’d you ask?” You mumble. Feeling just as breathless as him. The foreplay was getting your aching thighs and your clothed sex as needy as ever. Damn you really needed this. 
Gojo shifted his weight and spun you around. Taking you to your bed. Then turning around and sitting on the edge of it, now putting you in his lap.
“You spaced out, and I wanted to make sure.” He gave a soft smile. You didn’t think he’d be like this, after what he said earlier, how he promised to make you forget everything but his name. It was odd seeing him so… Sweet? 
This was basic human decency. Something your ex was never keen on, Satoru was treating you like you mattered right now. Which made your cunt throb. It really didn’t take much to turn you on anymore. The man underneath you being Satoru, didn’t make it too hard either. 
You nodded your head and leaned in to kiss his lips. “I want this.” You mumble against his now open mouth.
His hands shifted across your torso, one staying against the plush of your ass, while the other traveled under your shirt. 
A soft grin spread across Satoru’s face, lifting your shirt up to reveal your chest.
Once you realized why he was grinning, embarrassment wept over you. “I didn’t expect-” Gojo cut you off quickly. Putting a tender kiss on the laced hem of your bralette. “It’s hot.” He murmured through kisses.
You truly didn’t expect to have sex with Satoru while he was over, you just hadn’t done any laundry and the only bra and underwear that was clean in your dresser… Was a matching lace set.
It was only clean because one, you didn’t expect any visitors, two, you had only worn it once after your ex demanded you buy a nice set for him, and three, it was uncomfortable. 
But the way Gojo was placing passionate, wet kisses along the tops of your breasts made the tight fabric erase from your attention. 
It was truly a sight to see. One of his palms softly groped your breast while his lips sucked on the top of your other. You could feel that he was leaving a hickey, and if you were to wear a lowcut shirt everyone would see it. The butterflies in your stomach made their presence known as the goosebumps rose on your skin.
You couldn’t help the furious blush across your features at this moment. Soft whines and huffs would leave your lips when he reached a sweet spot, not even undoing your bralette to reveal your nipples yet. 
Then Satoru’s hand crept around your chest and felt for the clasp of the bra. Unhooking the metal clasps with just one hand. Oh… He’s probably done this before. Lots and lots of other desperate women, just like… You?
Satoru moved his head back to take in your body, just staring at you with a hunger for more.
In a shy manner, you slid down your bra, off your shoulders. Unknowingly in a relatively slow way. Making Satoru think you were strip teasing him. There were no complaints from him, he was more than enjoying himself. The pre-cum leaking from his tip and through his sweatpants were proof.
He bit his lip and ran a finger over your nipple, making you shiver. Quickly looking away from him, you tried to conceal the soft moan escaping your lips.
You felt his free hand shift from your ass to your chin. Turning your gaze to meet his. “Fuckin’ beautiful, love.” He purred.
You let out a nervous giggle in response to his compliment before he suddenly flipped your bodies. Now you were laying on your back, while he hovered on top of your body. The plush of your duvet covers surrounding you in warmth. 
Satoru slowly brought his lips back to your breasts, this time placing kitten licks across your erect nipples. Making your back arch off the bed ever so slightly. Then he began to suck. “F-Fuck…Please T-Toru…!” A moan escaped your lips as he nibbled on your bud. 
One of his hands traveled down your abdomen. Creating a fire in its wake. 
His soft hands tugged on your shorts, pulling them down just enough to where you could take them off with your legs. 
“A matching set? Sure you didn’t plan this?” He chuckled softly as his fingers grazed across the lace hem of your panties. You grabbed his head and brought him close to your lips. “S-Shut up.” You whined.
His lips roughly pushed into yours. Pushing his fingers down along the soaked fabric of your red underwear, that were now a variation of maroon around your cunt. 
Satoru’s hands were precise, he knew exactly where to touch you. His fingers circled your throbbing clit with a soft motion. Earning a loud gasp into his mouth. 
He took this as an invitation to stick his tongue into you. You swirled your tongue around his, attempting to get him closer, which is nearly impossible. 
In your attempt to gain more friction, your hips rutted against his fingers. The motion causing his fingers to push against your clit perfectly. You whispered his name through a moan as your legs shook softly. 
You could feel his lips curve into a smirk as he felt the soft quiver of your thighs. His fingers hooked onto your underwear before pulling them to the side. Letting his fingers brush against the entrance to your cunt. 
He was teasing you. His fingers gathered the slick liquid from your folds and dragged them up to your clit. “Please, Toru.” You whimpered against his lips.
His lips broke contact with yours as he gazed down at you. “Please what, sweetheart?” 
“Stop teas-, Mmph!” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before his fingers slipped into your dripping entrance. A loud moan came from your throat, a desperate moan.
“So wet f’me.” He purred. Satoru always was extremely cocky, but during sex it was almost embarrassing how dominant he was. You couldn’t help but feel shameful for how submissive you felt. Maybe not having sex for months was a bad idea. 
You tried your best to hum a response but you only let out an airy moan. The way his fingers curled up to hit every spot you couldn’t, made you breathless.
“S’toru…Please.” You slurred out. He thrusts his fingers harder into your cunt, and his thumb moved to stroke circles around your clit. You could feel the familiar heat building up in your stomach. The walls of your sex clenched around his fingers, wanting more and more, like a greedy slut. 
“So needy, baby.” He mumbled against your ear. 
You let out a shameless moan as he curled his fingers up again. “Fu-, Hah, W-Wait!” You whine. The heat becoming a more prominent feeling in your cunt. 
Gojo smirked against your neck and pulled his fingers out. Leaving you softly trembling from the lack of fullness. “Already gonna cum?” His lips leaving a faint love bite on the soft flesh of your neck. You felt embarrassed, the heat that built up felt different than usual. You felt like you were going to pee?! Wait! Was he seriously going to make you squirt for the first time ever in your life with just his fingers?!
His body sat up, and moved off the bed. Pulling his sweatpants down along with his boxers. You made an effort to remove your underwear but he stopped you. “Keep ‘em on. You look fuckin’ sexy with ‘em.” 
Only a nod was your response. Too mesmerized by his heavenly toned body. You had seen his dick before but that was only on camera. He was so much bigger in person…
Satoru grabbed your thighs and pulled your body to the edge of the bed. His hands then moved to either side of you, leaning down to meet your face. 
He used one hand to move your panties to the side before pushing his flushed tip against your clit. Gathering what slick you had, and rubbing it down his dick. 
A breathy groan came from him, after he finally touched himself. Relieving the throbbing sensation from his cock. Gojo then slid his dick down to meet your entrance. “Please…” You whined. Your sex drive had never really been this high before. It was honestly odd how much you were begging for anything really today.
Satoru leaned his head down to meet your gaze, his blue eyes gleaming with lust. 
“I’ll go slow, it might hurt.” He mumbled before placing a soft kiss upon your plush lips. 
His hips bucked forward slowly and the tip of his cock pushed inside your now throbbing cunt. The two of you somewhat moaned in sync as he pushed his dick farther and farther inside.
Honestly it was difficult feeling the slight sting around your cunt, his dick was thick, thicker than anyone you had sex with in the past. The slight curve to the left made his tip kiss your g-spot with ease.
You let out a soft cry when you felt it. This was new to you, and unexplainably pleasing. It was almost like he was made for your cunt. 
“Y-You okay?” Gojo’s voice was strained. Everytime he moved an inch, he could feel your walls clamping around his cock tightly. Pulling him in more and more, until he pressed against your cervix. 
If he wasn’t controlling himself, he would definitely cum right now. His dick throbbed with a need for release but he couldn’t give in right now.
You nodded softly. Your eyelids barely able to stay open, a cockdrunken look on your face already. “Mhm. F-Faster… Please?” You managed to choke out. 
His thrusts were so agonizingly slow. It felt amazing but you needed more of him. You already felt so full with his cock inside of your cunt, but the way his tip would kiss against your cervix every time his hips met yours, drove you mad. 
Satoru straightened himself back upwards and held onto your hips tightly. His pace was picking up quickly, almost on the verge of losing control. He was utterly obsessed with you now. Obsessed with everything…
Especially the way your walls kept clenching around him every time his balls would slap against your skin. Every time he thrust his cock back in, it was like you didn’t want him to pull back out.
Shameless groans and grunts escaped his lips. His eyes glued to the scene below him. You sopping wet cunt sucking his cock in. The bed had started to become damp from the sweat he was building up, pre-cum and your pussy. 
The way breathless moans and whimpers left your mouth made him weak in the knees. The way you muttered his name, almost made him cum.
“Mmph! ‘To-Toru, Hah- Harder!” You whined desperately. His hand shifted your body with ease, pulling your ass closer to the edge of the bed. He pushed your legs over his shoulders, which to be honest you didn’t know you could do. 
Then he began to fuck you with an animalistic pace, and roughness. Every thrust hitting the sensitive spots just right, that feeling from earlier arising again.
“Fuck. Baby I’m tryin’ so hard… N-Not to cum.” Satoru let out a whimper. A hot fucking sound you’d never get over. Truth be told he had never made that sound for anyone ever, but there was something about you…
“Sa-Satoru!” You tried to muffle the pornographic moan leaving your lips. You tried to tell him you felt close but before you could, your high had already approached. 
He knew it too. Your cunt clamped down around him tightly and your walls throbbed furiously. 
A fucked out smirk across his face. “Cum for me.” He purred through a rough grunt. Using one hand to gently rub your clit, while the other traveled up to roll your nipple with his fingers.
Your entire body felt like it was taking a screenshot over his overstimulating actions. “Y-Yes sir, M-Mmph!” 
You swear you heard him growl after those words left your lips. His thrusts became rougher only making you finally reach your high. Your walls clenched hard around his dick. Fluid squelching from your cunt and all over the both of you. 
He stopped in his tracks. His eyes were a bit wide now. “Did… Did I just make you squirt?” He mumbled, his eyes focused on the messy scene below him.
Your face became even more red. You didn’t think it was possible to have such a soul shattering orgasm before. “M-Maybe?” You panted. 
Satoru picked up his thrusts again, this time slower, because he was about to cum and because he knew you’d be sensitive now.
“That was… My first time…” You groaned as he shifted inside of your cunt, pressing against a now highly sensitive spot. 
Gojo let out a loud groan and quickly covered his lips with his hand. Was he embarrassed? “P-Please let me cum i-in you…” He whimpered. His legs were starting to tremble with how hard he was holding back his orgasm.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. “A-Ah-, Toru please cum in me-, mmph! I need you…” You moaned desperately against his lips.
When those words left your mouth, you could feel his cock throbbing and pouring out his orgasm to paint your cunt. “Fuckkkk!” He groaned against your tongue. It felt like he had came so much it filled you to the brim. 
Neither of you moved for a few minutes, both breathless and legs feeling weak. Finally with a slow shift, he pulled out of you. 
“Holy fuck…” You panted softly. He let out an airy chuckle before reaching for your hand. Satoru helped you sit up carefully, then stand up, so he could aid you in walking to the bathroom.
“That was the best sex I've ever had.” He said shyly while rubbing his neck. Looking at the two of you in the mirror with pride. Both covered in visible hickeys and bite marks. You nodded in agreement. “Honestly… Me too.” You gave him a weak smile before starting the shower. 
His cum and your juices spilled down your thighs, and it was a sight to see. Satoru couldn’t help but stare. He felt like he was high. There was really no telling just how obsessed with you he was. 
As you stepped into the shower to avoid his gawking, you heard him turning on the sink faucet. “Toru, get in here.” You giggled softly before opening the shower curtain a bit.
He flashed you a wide smile before hurrying to get into the shower with you. It was so intimate in the shower. He helped wash your body, and you did the same. Neither of you able to stop smiling.
Maybe meeting Satoru Gojo was your dream come true. He felt like the perfect man, and maybe he was, but a small part of you couldn’t help but feel insecure… Everyone called him a ‘womanizer’, but what if he really was…?
Little did you know Satoru was actually obsessed with you. You were all he thought about. He would make up lies that he was fucking tons of girls, just to try and get over the fact that he couldn’t have you at that moment.
But now that Gojo has you, he never would let you go. You were his perfect missing puzzle piece. He truly was not the man you thought he was. You were his soft spot.
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@drakenswifeyy @sapphireandange @madaqueue @starlightanyaa @agentkeegan @thejujvtsupost
comment to be added to taglist!
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vroomvroomwee · 7 months
I've seen some people saying Izzy's death as "Bury your gays," but I personally don't view it that way. There's so many gays on that ship that it's really not queerphobic if one dies. It's part of the plot. It happens. If they were all straight, cis and allo and one of them died, no one would be batting an eye.
What DOES bother me about Izzy's death is the fact that they killed off one of the few crewmates who Didn't. Have. A. Partner.
And... that trope is just sooo fucking overdone at this point. It's in almost every movie. Kill the one that doesn't have anyone waiting for him at home so it doesn't hurt the audience TOO much. And I'm honestly sick of seeing the character with no partner get treated like this.
Treated as: if you don't have a partner, you're worthless. You won't be missed as much. You're a necessary sacrifice.
If you don't have a partner, you're expendable.
And I'm so so tired of that. Normalise people feeling content with just themselves and not be alienated for not needing someone else to feel loved and happy. You don't have to be ace or aro to find this hurtful. It impacts allo people as well. People who experience societal pressure to get into a relationship every day lest they be viewed as inferior. And what makes it worse is knowing the creators are probably aware that their audience is mostly if not almost all, queer people.
Queer people who can't come out due to safety concerns, which impacts their ability to get into a relationship. Queer people who can't find a relationship due to oppression and stigma. Queer people who can't find a partner because they can't find safe spaces to meet them. It's so much more difficult for queer people to find each other, let alone click and start dating.
And to have your comfort show, throw that in your face and say what people like you are treated and viewed as. As disposable. As worthless. As someone who doesn't impact other people's lives. As someone who won't be missed. As someone who will be mourned for a bit, simply out of basic decency, but won't be given a second thought afterwards.
I love the show. But it should be remembered that you can critique the things you love all the same.
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writterings · 2 months
like re: my last post about purposefully going into anti-trans online spaces to do research, it's literally wild how out of touch with humanity these transphobes are. like i hate a lot of people and a lot of people with specific ideologies, but i would never post pictures of them directly after they had an intensive and in-progress surgery and then posting several pictures of their genitalia and then collectively making a 100+ post thread just making memes mocking how their genitalia looks.
like that's not normal. that's really not fucking normal or healthy. these people are literally not okay and they don't even realize it because they hate trans people more than they value their own mental health and basic human decency. like literally i feel like even most causally transphobic conservatives would be like "hey what the actual fuck. that's messed up."
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
List of my (most popular) fics because sometimes I write things and I think they’re neat.
Children and the Raising Thereof - started as a 5+1 of Shouta being baffled and slightly alarmed as he watched Izuku make friends, became a series of cute moments with the erasermic fam that may or may not be complete.
Class 1-A Is Typing - chatfic with erasercloudmic trying to teach/raise a collection of incredibly feral children. Includes Izuku who won’t stop biting villains and Hitoshi getting people to brainwash themselves by using the tried and true “Pedo says what?” Method.
Concrete Dust and Found Family - Battle trials have more realistic consequences at least when it comes to letting off a explosion in a contained space. Tenya, Ochako, and Izuku try to come to terms with the aftermath of having a building dropped on their heads.
Incoming call - Oneshot where Izuku is a frequent caller into PYHU Radio, and does what they always do when things get bad. They call in and talk to Mic.
Of Heroics and Healing - mha/hp crossover. At the end of third year Lupin heads to the only person crazy/connected enough to get Harry out of Dumbledore’s reach. That person? Sirius’ distant cousin who just so happens to be a hero in Japan. Hogwarts is not ready for the force of nature that is Shouta Aizawa with someone to protect.
Shouta Aizawa and His Feral Children - Crack. Pure crack. The birth of Biblically Accurate Hawks. Class 1-A is a collection of feral little demons only barely held in like by 16 rules put in place by Shouta.
Take Two (With Feeling This Time) - EraserGum step parents AU. Shouta and Taishiro agreed to put a pause on their relationship a year ago when they found two orphaned kids after a villain attack why needed the stability of a parent who was all in. A year later the kids are settled enough that their parents are willing to try this relationship thing again.
Two Heroes, A Kid, and Seven Death Martyrs - Izuku has a deeper connection with OfA earlier on which means they now have seven ghosts hanging around them and acting like a weird mix of friends, mental roommates, and parents. The ghosts convince them to ask for help before OfA can kill them, which leads Izuku to extra lessons/quirk counseling with Present Mic and Eraserhead.
Who Saves the Savior - mha/hp crossover. Harry is betrayed by magical Britain (generally) and Draco Malfoy (specifically) one too many times and decides to pack up his kid and two of his siblings to head for Japan and the three convenient teaching jobs that happen to be waiting for them. Includes Exhausted and Over It MoD!Harry, Actual Feral Sunshine Teddy, and three dumbasses trying to navigate emotions through mountains of trauma.
Veritas - Izuku gets kidnapped, shown the first bit of basic human decency in their life, and decides that they are going to force the world into becoming a better place through somewhat shady but ultimately altruistic means. LOV redemption.
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s-3lliot · 6 months
Nothing Lasts Forever
Currently listening to the song, “Nothing’s New” by Rio Romeo because it’s on my AziraCrow playlist right? And right now I’m working on this history project for my class on Greek Gods (MY CHILDHOOD— though completely irrelevant), and I took a pause to listen to the lyrics right? And of course I add songs to certain playlists based off of vibes, but a majority of a time it’s based off of the lyrics I hear in a song. So a few days ago I added this song to my playlist, but I lowkey forgot WHY so I listened to it all and— Jesus. 
BASICALLY what I’m getting at is that we all know that before Crowley fell, he was an Angel right? But he decided to question god and the almighty’s decisions, causing him to ‘saunter vaguely downwards,’ and y’know, FALL. And this was basically the start of his, for the lack of a better word, “betrayal” when it came to Heaven. Because he had been an Angel all of his life, most likely with the assumption that he would never FALL, especially not for simply ASKING QUESTIONS. I mean how much trouble could you get into for asking questions really? But then he did. Then he fell. The life he once had, in an instant, was taken away from him. 
Fast forward six-thousand-ish years later, and we’ve got the AziraCrow confession. Crowley finally realizes his feelings for Aziraphale, and then BAM! He’s hit with the whole Heaven thing. And I can’t help but link that with the lyrics of the song. SPECIFICALLY:
“So, won't you please spare me indignity?
And won't you please give me some decency?
And won't you please call it, if our time is through?
'Cause I know that we fall apart, when nothing's new, Nothing's new”
The reason why I’m mentioning this specific part of the song is because first of all, you’ve got the main thing I wanted to point out, which was the ‘Nothing’s New’ line. Once again, Heaven had taken something away from Crowley. First it was his ‘Angel/holiness,’ and now it was Aziraphale. 
But then you go MORE into the song lyrics, and god does the third line hurt.
“And won't you please call it, if our time is through?” 
GOD. This just sinks up with the other rant I made about the whole duality of Achilles Come Down and the confession—- because once again it brings me to my point that there’s just so much GOD DAMN miscommunication. And it drives me INSANE because I’m just sitting here thinking about how Crowley is left at the end of season two thinking that THAT’S what Aziraphale meant by ‘nothing lasts forever.’ 
Even looking at it MORE now, there’s yet ANOTHER VERSE:
“I want to be close to you but I don't know what to do— 'Cause if we are near to through, it may make it worse”
My heart? SHATTERED. Because I bet this is what was going on in Crowley’s MIND during the confession. That all he wanted to do was be with Aziraphale, it didn’t matter WHERE, just as long as he was with him. Earth? Space? Who cares, I’ll follow him anywhere. But then reality steps back in and you’re hit with the second line which just keeps making me think about Crowley’s last-ditch effort at trying to convince him to stay, A.K.A, a kiss—- A.K.A: Wanting to be close to Aziraphale, but not knowing what to do, and under the impression that they’re near to through, thus making it WORSE.
I hate this. 
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breannasfluff · 7 months
Molting Time - P1
AO3 Link
The flock flies all the way to Legend and Ravio’s house, but it’s a near thing. All the passerine birds are hitting a molt; losing feathers and making it hard to stay in the air. It’s good timing, though, because it’s much nicer to be grounded at a house than on the road.
Legend, Hyrule, Wild, and Four are all clumped together. The other birds follow them, albeit with some wariness. Patchy feathers make them itchy, grouchy, and—in Hyrule’s case—prone to biting.
The bowerbird nearly kicks the door open and ignores it slamming into the doorstop. “Ravio we’re here! If you’ve ruined my walls again, I will murder you!”
Sure, it might be a little harsh for a greeting, but Legend is in a bad mood. Molting sucks. The raptors don’t fully understand, only losing the odd feather here and there. They certainly aren’t grounded for extended periods.
There’s silence from the house. “Ravio?” He gives their special flock call, but no one answers. “Well, maybe he’s out right now. Come on in everyone.”
The flock file in after him, spreading out and heading for bedrooms. Thank Hylia Legend splurged on the house expansion before the adventure started. Sure, it was originally so he had more space to store his stuff—and a certain merchant who took over his living room.
The vet wasn’t getting the space back, so an expansion built another one. He’d added another locking door between the shop and the rest of the house. The last thing he needed was Ravio’s customers wandering through his house.
After this adventure started, Ravio converted the storage rooms into basic bedrooms. It might not be as big as Lon Lon’s ranch house was, but the ranch didn’t have a nook, either.
Four warbles behind them. “I want a bath. Everything itches.”
“I don’t have a dirt bath, just a regular one.” At the bee-eater’s considering look, he holds up a hand. “Don’t even think of rolling in the dirt before you get in the water. I don’t want it all muddy.”
“Fine!” Four fluffs his wings, watches as one of the feathers drifts free to the floor, and stalks down the hallway.
Wild is leaning on Hyrule, but the brown thrasher keeps pushing him off. “Stop it! You’re hot!”
“I’m cold! I’m losing all my feathers!”
The plea falls on deaf ears and Hyrule gives a warning snap. Wild screeches and snaps back. Tempers are high and patience is low. Legend isn’t doing much better, but he might be able to work this to his advantage. He was hoping to ask Ravio…
“Hey, Wild, if you preen some of my loose feathers you can use the nest.”
The magpie lights up, ditching Hyrule. “Yes! Blankets!”
“You good, Rulie?”
He gets an annoyed chatter in return. Well, Time can deal with his attitude if something comes up. Legend tows Wild to the nest.
Ravio’s clearly taken advantage of his absence to pull all the blankets and pillows into the middle of the bed. Surprisingly, Legend’s favorite red pillow is carefully set to the side. At least the merchant has some sense of decency.
Wild chirps and throws himself at the nest, pushing all the pillows off to the floor and burrowing into blankets.
“Hey! My wings!”
“They itch!”
Annoyed! The magpie chitters, but his head pops out of the blankets. “Fine! Hurry up and give me a wing. I want to roll up in a blanket.”
“You’ll overheat.” Still, Legend climbs onto the nest and extends a wing. He can’t help his sigh as Wild starts combing through, feeling for loose feathers to pick. They really do itch.
“I’d only overheat if I didn’t look like a plucked cucco!” He grumbles to no one, plucking quickly. “I hate molting.”
“That bad?”
The chattering increases. “Lost all my feathers once. Bad time.”
And if that isn’t a worrying statement. Related to the yiga incident perhaps? Legend doesn’t press, just extends his other wing. He can work on the inner feathers himself; he just needs help with the back.
“You know,” Wild tugs at a stubborn feather, and the bowerbird grunts, “I wonder if Sky’s gust bellows would speed this up.”
“You want to look like a mess again?”
“I’m already a mess!” He picks a few more feathers, then stops. “I’m cold! Get Ravio to do any others.”
 Legend rolls his eyes at no one. Wild is already burrowing into the blanket pile. “Gee, if only Ravio was here to do it for me.”
The blanket pile doesn’t answer. That’s all the help he’s getting for now. At least a little of the itching is better. Legend doesn’t extend the same offer to Wild, because there’s no way the magpie is letting him tug feathers with his trauma.
He better make sure Hyrule didn’t bite anyone.
Hyrule did, but Twilight probably deserved it. Legend is standing in the kitchen, wondering if he has to feed the entire flock or if Wild will pull it together enough to cook. The front door opens and there’s a nervous whistle, then a warning call. Defend, protect!
Ravio is back. Legend gives a flock call and can’t help but smile at the exuberance it’s answered with.
“Mr. Hero! You’re back!”
“In the kitchen, Ravi!”
The satin bowerbird nearly slides into the doorframe as he rounds the corner and throws himself at Legend. His bunny hood falls back and his wings flutter. The vet catches him, wrapping his wings around them both.
“I missed you!”
“I missed you, too.” Legend squeezes him tight and nuzzles at his neck, breathing in the smell of his flockmate. It settles the constant pulse of tension from being apart. When he gives their flock call, Ravio’s response is bright in his ear.
Too soon, the merchant pulls back. “I saw the piles of gear, is everyone else here too?” Legend nods. “Oh! And look at the state of your wings! Are you molting?”
“Four, Wild, and Hyrule are as well.” The vet’s wings haven’t dropped the majority of feathers yet, but they are patchy. He’s reminded of the last—and first—time he molted around Ravio. The bowerbird spent those few weeks red as a rupee and tiptoeing around.
It wasn’t until after Legend’s molt was done that he found out about the difference in customs between Lorule and Hyrule. For Ravio, molting was only something for bonded or close family. For Legend, any friend could help—and did. New feathers were itchy, dammit!
Sure, there were creams for soothing the itch, but they were expensive and didn’t last forever. Legend rarely picked it up because the chances he’d be away on an adventure when molting were always too high for the cost.
A tiny part of him was looking forward to being home while molting. Ravio was so careful preening last time, and it was pretty cute to watch him twitter and flutter around, even if he hadn’t known why.
Rather than turn red, Ravio just nods. “We’ll make sure they get help preening, then. I was going to start dinner, although I guess I’ll need to make more food now!”
Legend pulls his wings in tighter, picking at one of the spots a feather is coming through. Din’s tits, it itches.
Ravio notices the motion. “Oh, do you need any help with your wings?”
Legend stares. That’s it? Just a tacked-on afterthought? What happened to the stuttering and fluttering? Ravio isn’t even flashing his secondaries! “Wild helped. I’m fine.”
“Great,” Ravio chirps. “I’ll start on dinner! Glad you’re home, Link!” Then he heads to the cabinets, humming as he pulls out food.
Legend finally leaves. Is he…disappointed at the lack of response? Maybe.
Four spends dinner verbally slaying anyone who dares look at him. “Warriors, pairing a scarf with a crop top is stupid. And your shorts are too short! No one wants to look at your ass hanging out when you fly!”
Warriors' nails dig into the wood, possibly leaving scrapes on the table.
“Wild, I know you have a stash of bugs you won’t give me. I’ve seen your slate inventory! I like bugs more! You can eat literal garbage!”
“I do not!” Wild’s wings puff in anger, but it’s a poor display.
“Garbage! Your taste is trash!”
Time breaks in as the magpie starts a throaty kekeke. “Four, I know you’re bothered but—”
“Don’t try to mother me!” Four’s wings flare, hitting Hyrule on one side. The thrasher snaps, landing a bite on the wing bone. Four screeches and launches himself at the traveler. The two fall off the bench and thrash, sending loose feathers flying.
Sky uses the opportunity to reach across the table and steal Four’s dinner roll. Wild takes a bug out of his slate and crunches on it to make a point, glaring at Twilight when he winces. Then he waves the half-eaten bug at him. “Do you want some legs?”
“No! Goddesses, just eat meat!”
“Legs are crunchy!”
“They are gross!”
“Crunchy noodles!” To make a point, Wild makes exaggerated slurping sounds and pulls off a leg.
The hawk’s wings start to rise, but then he takes a deep breath and visibly settles. Time buries his head in his hands; he’s not going to be able to stop the chaos. Ravio watches it all with wide eyes, pressing a little closer to Legend. Oh, so now he wants to pay attention to his flockmate?
Hyrule and Four’s shrieks drown out further conversation. It’s going to be a long evening.
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themountainsays · 7 months
It looks like the writers at Loki decided to undo all the romance, prune sylki from the timeline, srly if you don't watch season 1 you can't even tell they had something going on once. More surprising is that Loki doesn't care at all when Sylvie kissed him like, 3 days ago. He just forgot.
And I think that's bad writing because... as Brandon Sanderson puts it, stories make promises, for example, "this will be a love story", "this will be a coming of age story", "this is going to be a vampire story". If you set up a story as a vampire story but then only focus on the werewolves, even if most of it is good, it's inevitably going to feel like nothing is happening and there was no story, because in the first two or three chapters, you sold your story as a vampire story, even if you thought you were writing a werewolf story, and the readers will think they're reading a vampire story in which it just takes ages for the vampire part to actually start, and then it never arrives, and they didn't even enjoy the werewolf story because it felt like useless filler taking up the space meant to be for vampires. And it just feels like nothing ever happens.
In this case, Sylki is vampires and the temporal loom plotline is werewolf. Not only is it uninteresting, but it also just feels like the writers did a 180 and decided to take the show on a completely different direction out of nowhere. And if you're going to not fulfill your narrative promises, then you need to deliver something BETTER than what you promised - and Loki did that! In the first season. It set it up as a story about Loki playing cat and mouse with another Loki, which is cool and interesting, but then, Loki and the other Loki fell in love! Add drama, add character, add emotion and growth, and THEN it becomes even better, to the point you forget you ever wanted Loki trying to arrest another Loki in the first place.
But this season does the complete opposite. The temporal loom has no character, no personality, no emotion and no growth. The characters in the crew are either underdeveloped, have underdeveloped relationships with each other, or both. So when the writers want us to believe Loki's true motivation is to keep his friends close because he discovered the power of friendship, we don't buy it. I could buy Loki and Sylvie loving each other if the writers put a little bit more effort. I can buy Loki and Mobius being... coworkers who get along and work well together, they may even be friends if they talked about their feelings a bit more. The rest? I can barely remember their names or any significant conversation they had with Loki that wasn't about saving a soulless, empty, narratively useless temporal loom. This show became less about Loki and his loved ones, and more about a machine they need to fix. That's all everyone does all the time. And the one time Loki talks about his feelings... I'm not even gonna say it's ridiculous that he says he wants his friends, or that he suddenly cares about the TVA, "savings things", order or what have you, as if he hadn't tried to destroy New York like 2 weeks ago. Because ANYTHING he could have said would have been ridiculous. Be it love, friendship, redemption, duty, basic decency, power, ego or anything else, had NOT been set up at all during this season. The only thing they had going on, maybe, is some love for Sylvie as a leftover from last season, and even then it'd be shaky because Loki and Sylvie haven't shared an atom of affection at all since this season started, and even THAT would feel forced at this point.
I'm really disappointed in this season, I really loved the first one, I loved sylki and the sylki fandom, I'll still watch the last episode, but I'm pretty sad this is what we get in the end. A non-ending to an abandoned story about Loki, Sylvie, free will, chaos and identity, forever without conclussion, with only a storyline about a broken machine to call a continuation, a Loki whose only ACTUAL motivation is "Save the TVA or everything gets destroyed", but says he's only doing this for the power of friendship... without forming any friendships along the way.
What I would have done instead would be to amp up the character tension - remember that storyline about Loki chasing around another Loki? Bring it back. Make Loki and Sylvie "enemiss", with an obvious sexual tension, maybe, or make him desperately look for her as a villanous outcast on the run, just give some texture, some meat, anything at all to their relationship. And give Loki an actual motivation. Erase the temporal loom storyline. Keep He Who Remains as the main antagonistic force. Make it opposing him something... optional. Something Loki is either choosing to do or choosing not to, because if it's something he HAS to do or else the world ends, he necessarily would need to potpone any real desires of his, and that's not an interesting story. Whether he fights HWR or not, it has to be because it connects to something he actually, really wants. Because this show isn't fooling anyone. Loki doesn't care about the power of friendship. He just has to "save the TVA or everything gets destroyed". If he was only in it because he wanted friends, he would have actually befriended someone along the way, and not just pulled around coworkers to help him fix a broken end-of-the-world machine they had to help fix anyway.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
like i do feel for skinny people with EDs, i know what it’s like to have dysmorphia and mental illness but im just so sick of the way skinny people are prioritized in ED discussions and im sick of the rampant fatphobia in their spaces. so many skinny people think that because they have an ED their fatphobia “doesn’t count” or that they’re “equal victims” in fatphobia, but they’re really not because at the end of the day, some of us will still be praised and prioritized and considered the epitome of beauty and still have all the fashion shops and trends on earth geared toward them while the rest get stomped on, discarded and forgotten. fat people are always an afterthought. just showing a fat person basic human decency is seen as an act of charity. these ED’d skinny people do not care when we are suffering, because our body shape means we deserve it. we are not equal in this fight
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
Step by Step Episode 8 Ramblings
Episode 7 Ramblings, here
Put is not even gonna let Pat say his piece? 2 minutes in and I'm already burning mad
"I haven't taken you for granted like before"
"I know, you've been really good to me" Oh Pat, you pathalogical people pleaser
I continue being impressed by this show showcasing how adults do and should handle relationships and everything that comes with it. This must be one of the most realistic breakup scenes in BLs. And it is done without compromising the emotions of the characters. Hats off, really
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Jane is wearing two layers of pink. Our resident Tumblr color demon @respectthepetty has taught us that pink = love, so good to know that his feelings has remained unchanged or even intensified from last when we saw him
My god, Khun Jeng looks so fineeeeeeeee
And he's wearing a dark blue shirt underneath his neutral brown jacket. While Pat is in a dark blue cardigan. Interesting
Ohhhhhhh wow Jane is pissed and Jaab is too. The cat fight between these two is gonna be hilarious
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Put, you insufferable snake, ya dumped. Stop misrepresenting facts
Jeng, how the fuck did you know? Are you really THAT perceptive?
Oh man, that is the worst takeaway you can ever have from a failed relationship
*jaw dropped* Oh Jeng is going for the jugular. Oh he's done playing games, he wants to fight
Oooooooooof. Put, you manipulative bastard
Oh it's still not over. Oh they're still going, holy shit, this is intense
Is that a threat, about coming out? Seriously, what the fuck
I CAN'T WAIT to read all the body language analyses y'all are gonna write on that scene. Woah, that really was something
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Ae and Beam are here!
Well, Ae looks like a goddess, as usual. What else is new?
I love this scene and the commentary that comes with it. Keep your noses out of pregnant people's business, for fuck's sake! How hard is it to have some basic decency?
I love that Tae is calling out how quickly Jeng's mood changes from brooding to giddy and vice versa in this conversation.
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We have a new stuffie. The shark is out and the tiger is in. YES I SEE IT AND I LOVE IT
Oh I'm sooo ready for this non-date date. I want the sweet, sweet fluff to drown me. Gimme all the blushing, all the eye contact, all the accidental brushing of fingers, GIVE IT TO ME
OH MY GOD, he planned the whole thing. He had people move chairs out of the way for aesthetics. This complete bitch (affectionate)
GUYS, THE FLIRTING, I know I said I can handle it, but this is too adorable ^^
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Jeng just hung up on his brother in a flash, not even waiting for him to respond? Oh that's cold
Oh shit, Pat is drunk, again, Here come the truth bombs
Damn, Man Trisanu is nailing this. He is acting his ass off to show how restless Jeng feels before every almost-confession
This slowburn is gonna kill us all, honestly
Oh we are dancing, oh it's so gloriously awkward, oh make it stop
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Jaab, my beloved, I've missed your melodrama. You look like a divorced sugar baby who won half the riches in the settlement, I love it
Jeng tells Pat he can be just a safe space for him, while Pat is sobbing on his shoulder about his ex. All while Jeng has been trying the whole day to confess his own feelings for Pat. Every atom of this man is a green flag, I swear
These drunk disaster gays, I love them so much
Pat, sweetie, no. Please, you must be joking. Don't tell me you didn't know, DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE THAT OBLIVIOUS!
Okay, now Pat has to rethink each and every one of their interactions to see if he has ever misled Jeng, or if Jeng has ever crossed his boundaries. And then recalibrate his feelings with this new information. Yeah, this could take a while.
I'm leaning more and more towards the possibility of a second season, or even a special episode, after the show ends. Because there is no way they can fit all the domesticity these characters deserve within the next couple of episodes.
Ahhhh I can't believe the slowburn is still not over. I love it and I hate it and I'm pretty sure this show has turned me into a sadomasochist.
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