#I’ve got another set in my drafts that makes me think of you 😂 but that namjin took first place to publish
morvantmortuary · 3 months
okay, so, the cool thing I said I had to show you!!
as a very kind xmas gift, my mom paid for a very special commission back in december, who’s been waiting at her house for me for about a month or so.
I got to see her for the first time in person yesterday, and y’all, she’s beautiful 😍
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Rora, in the style of @stitchybutton — and good goddamn, did she go above and beyond on this one, I’m in love 🖤🖤🖤
Detail shots below (some of which might be slightly blurry bc my hands are unsteady, but bear with me)!
This version of Rora is based partially on Eva Green and a reference sheet I sent to Stitchy, but mostly on this picrew, which I loved for the white dress:
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But I didn’t even realize how many small touches there were Stitchy would be kind enough to take the time to recreate in full!! Not only did she include the smeary eyeliner, but
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at these
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her little shoes!! 🥹
and the HAND BELT!!!!
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It’s perfect! It’s adorable!!
But even better than this, is what Stitchy did with Rora’s resurrection scars:
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She matched the ones on her face perfectly, capturing the reference to Elsa Lanchester’s makeup on Bride of Frankenstein
and just look at the pearly strands over her Y-incision!!!!
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She’s literally perfect, and I’m unspeakably delighted 🥰🥰🥰
here she is with the boys and the tiny versions, all together at last:
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(Poor Maxi, you can tell I’ve had him longest bc he looks the most loved 😂)
She’s a little taller than the boys, but that’s bc she’s more detailed (and I can’t help but think at how tickled she would be to be taller than them just once). They make a perfect set, and I’m so thrilled to be able to hug all of them at last when I put them through the Horrors lmao. I’m definitely going to have to work on a specific place of honor for them as a group in my room.
Anyway! Thanks for humoring me and my plush problem yet again — this is the last one I’ve been really wanting, so I’m delighted to be able to hug her after I just turned in my latest diss chapter draft 🖤
And once again, if you have some cash saved and want a beautifully made, handsomely detailed doll of your blorbo or your own OC, definitely look up StitchyButton on etsy! She has sales fairly regularly, you can get a 15% coupon every month through the lowest tier of her Patreon (literally just one dollar USD, and one of the few I kept when I had to cut back this year bc it’s so incredibly worth it), and she always has the most consistent schedule of any plush artist I’ve ever, ever worked with. Anything by her is a work of art, for real.
(The tinies are by another etsy artist called NoizFoxy, and I know she stopped doing small dolls for a minute, but I think she reopened?? Definitely check into her too, if that’s more your speed!)
The three of them are finally together, and I’m unreasonably thrilled about it for being the age I am 💀♥️💚💜
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zentloper-xmas · 1 year
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Zentloper Xmas Letter 2022
Lo and behold– it’s a Christmas letter! Stunning! Magical! Magnificent!
Well, I hope that’s how you feel opening this. 😂 Before I write these things, I scroll through my photos and make a list (and check it twice *wink*) of what’s happened. It felt like very little had happened this year, until I did that scroll. Turns out, plenty’s happened! So lemme share some highlights...
Neil and I both got promoted! 🎉 Neil ocially became a Data Analyst in April of this year. He’s still at Amazon, and does a lot of audit-related stu at the warehouse to ensure accuracy and junk using various code. Maybe one day if we’re really lucky, they (or another company) will recognize his value and pay him appropriately, cuz right now he’s still making peanuts. 🥜 As for me, SEMI had an opening that was a 20% pay bump and more reliable hours, still WFH, so who could say no? I’ll admit, it’s not the kind of exciting job I prefer... like operating roller coasters🎢 or dancing up on stage, but I’m smart enough to recognize a good thing when I see it: a flexible, reliable gig like this will be really beneficial when we eventually have a newborn around. 🍼
We’ve gone all sorts of places this year, as my wanderlust is never quite satiated. In January (to get me, and the Prius Neil’s folks gifted us, back from Cali), Neil flew over and we road-tripped back to our Texas home, spending a couple nights at the Grand Canyon’s cabins. The snowfall was gorgeous! We also hit Roswell, NM to see some aliens 👽 and a unique “immersive art experience” known as MeowWolf.
Neil’s sister Martha had her thirtieth birthday in May, 🎂 and the whole fam planned ahead of time to convene in Denver, CO where she and her husband, Chase, live in order to celebrate the occasion. I particularly enjoyed dining at the fancy restaurant Chase worked at, Guard and Grace– known to be one of the best steakhouses in the world! In July I joined my parents in Las Vegas to attend FreedomFest, a gathering of so-called Libertarians (calling them “so-called” because many of them were not actually very good at practicing Libertarian principles... 🗽) for many thought provoking panels and discussions. In August I took my Etsy shop “on the road” for a Sonic fan convention in Dallas, where I sold lots of stickers and buttons and the like– I think I recouped the expense of the trip... maybe! 😜 Then in September we had a pleasant camping trip in north Houston as well as a Ren Faire in Bastrop.
Think I’m done? Not quite! Last month we drove through Lousianna, Alabama, and Mississippi to get to Florida (upping the # of states I’ve visited to 23) for Neil’s maternal grandmother’s service. While she passed mid-Feb 2020 and was cremated, her interment was planned out far in advance so all her children and their spouses could attend; Neil and I were also able to make time in our schedules to go. I’m glad we did. We were graciously given a room to stay at his Uncle Adam & Aunt Rox’s home, and they were fabulous about showing us around some of the sights FL had to oer (even in the midst of Hurricane Nicole), like gators 🐊 and the beach. I’m determined to take them up on their oer to come back to see Busch Gardens next time!
We sure get around for being complete homebodies, ha. As for the house in Buda, we now own a partial stake. After my brother and his family moved out and into their own place down in Schertz, my folks and us drafted up a FSBO in order to “go halfsies” on the place. Finally, some sweet sweet equity! In order to pull o this stunt, Neil and I legally tied the knot at the courthouse on June 3rd. 💍 Neato. We are still planning to do a ceremony with friends and family at some point. We’ll keep y’all posted!
I continue to flex my creative muscles, be it whipping up some new seasonal place settings for our dining table, decorating the garage for a spooky Trick-or-Treat walkthrough 🎃 for the neighbor kids, or taking on painting projects to spruce up the joint (next up: baby room!). Also this summer I ended up reading quite a few memoirs by transgendered individuals 🏳️‍⚧️ as research for something I’ve always wanted to do: write an autobiography. I’ve spent a lot of time flipping through all the journals I’ve kept over the years (on my 40th), scrounging through my keepsake boxes, sorting photographs (digital and film), and bugging relatives for info. I’ve got 66,000 words down so far and a lot more words to go. I never was one for brevity.
I’d been hoping to announce some surrogacy news in this letter (have I dropped enough hints in this letter?), but unfortunately there have been delays. When Roe v. Wade got overturned in the summer, it caused a fair amount of panic nationally. A lot of appointments got scheduled in the reproductive health space, so we’ve been trying to be patient as things progress. That said, there has been progress: We’ve selected an agency to represent us, set up an escrow, and our potential surrogate is in the process of medical screening. Best case, it’s possible we could have a young one joining us late in 2023, but I don’t want to make promises when so many of the factors are out of our control. Can I take this moment to say, man, heteronormative couples have it easy... Just *boink* and baby!
In this increasingly digital world, I’ve decided to catalogue these Christmas letters 🎄online. So if you’d like to see letters from years past without digging them out of the shoebox you assuredly keep under your bed like me, or if you weren’t on our mailing list yet when I began in 2017, you can by going to the following blog:
You may even see some bonus photos there for this year!
Lots of love, y’all, and Merry Christmas!
Rick & Neil
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big-boah · 2 years
FIRST — the first two sentences of my current project
LAST — the most recently written two sentences of my current project
NEXT — the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
[insert prompt here] — you post a prompt, and i’ll write three sentences based on that prompt, set in the same time/setting as my current project
THE END — i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it
BEFORE THE BEGINNING — three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
AHHH here goes nothing:
FIRST: "Goku parked his orange 2007 Honda Civic in the driveway of the Capsule Corp mansion. He was dressed for his lunch date in his usual "nice" outfit–a short-sleeve, plaid button-down shirt that accentuated his biceps and broad chest, with a tight white undershirt, faded blue jeans, and his signature green flip-flops."
LAST: "Each time he took a step forward, the man in front of him took a step back. They continued this dance for about 30 seconds before a booming voice interrupted them." (I'm literally in the middle of drafting lmao)
[Insert prompt here] 3 sentences based on the current project (I'll go wildcard for this one with a timestamp idea I outlined!): "Vegeta had no idea how anyone could enjoy themselves here, or why Goku insisted on him joining them so badly. Sand? Sun? Water? Three of the worst things he could think of. The group was planning this vacation for months, making sure to get it in before the weather got too cold."
THE END: Two words: "small" wedding.
BEFORE THE BEGINNING (I pretty much mention all the past stuff in the story but here's some fun facts): Before Chances started, Bulma and Yamcha were dating (why he lives at Capsule Corp just like canon) and she didn't have the heart to kick him out when he went and got a job actually helping people. Goku dated Chi-Chi in the past but they're still friends. Vegeta has a lot more experience than Goku in the sex department which Goku is ashamed to be surprised by. 😂
POV (yo this is an awesome writing exercise! the first chapter of Chances is from Goku's perspective so here is a blurb from Vegeta's POV at the very beginning of the story): "Vegeta didn't know if he'd ever get used to living so...high up. The home he just left was huge, similar to this one, but he never had a second-floor bedroom that had an always-on panoramic view of the city.
Vegeta could make out Bulma's voice responding to someone else's--the two voices traveled up the stairwell to Vegeta's doorstep, and he froze. The clock on his wall said it was 11:59 AM, which meant it was lunch time, but that also meant he'd have to go in the kitchen and possibly interact with this...stranger.
He blinked when the clock turned 12:01, peeling himself off his bed and making a beeline to his door--he had to do this all in one shot while he had the motivation. He flung the door open and let it slam shut behind him as he booked it down the stairwell.
"Hey Vegeta, want to join us for lunch?" Bulma asked after he turned the corner.
"Hnn." He mumbled in response, trying to shield his awareness from the wide-eyed glare of Bulma's guest. He thought about grabbing a plate of their food and heading back upstairs, but that would require interaction, so Vegeta made himself busy (and distracted) by arranging a bowl of cereal for himself and consuming it as fast as humanly possible.
"Huh...so he's not deaf." Vegeta's eyes flicked to Goku for a second, before he returned his focus to his meal.
...This guy is clearly an idiot.
"You can't blame me can you?" Goku's voice shifted in pitch, and Vegeta didn't understand why it sounded so forced. He considered a response for a second, but no words would come, so he went back to eating.
Vegeta felt himself frown when he saw Bulma's strange friend whispering to her. He assumed it was about him, based on the fact that Goku was glancing over at him every three seconds.
Bulma took it upon herself to announce that he was autistic, and he saw Goku immediately start whispering again. He'd had enough of the staring and announced his departure by tossing his dishes into the metal sink."
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archivingspn · 2 years
2020: Twitter - Narwhalltime
Context: Narwhalltime supposedly worked on the Supernatural set during the filming of 15x18 and had access to the script of the episode. On Nov 25, Narwhalltime made a tweet against the Destiel conspiracy theories and entered a long back and forth with a spn fan.
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narwhalltime: “Y’all there’s no conspiracy about CW cutting this out of the OG English version, don’t give them the credit of ever writing that in in the first place lol that was just the Spanish dub being salty which is HILARIOUS and IMMENSELY better #spn” - 1:10 PM Nov 25, 2020
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janelowther: “Do you have any proof of that, because companies who dub tv shows don’t just change wording ‘because it’s funny’. The legal ramifications of that doing that are horrendous.” - 5:56 PM Nov 25, 2020
narwhalltime: “I mean I have the script that was used for what was shot, don’t have any sneaky inter-network letters if that’s what people are looking for as proof lol” - Nov 25, 2020
janelowther: “You are saying that the Spanish company did it for laughs, but you don’t have any proof of that. Are you aware that quite often they work off earlier versions of scripts & often changes are also made on the day which don’t make it into a script. I’m looking for actual facts” - Nov 25, 2020
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narwhalltime: “So you’re telling me they decided to change it “on the day” in the dubbing studio and that to you sounds more reasonable than my suggestion? Lol “ - 6:40 PM Nov 25, 2020
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janelowther: “No that’s not what I’m saying at all. I have no idea what happened. But do know that changing a dub over for laughs is right at the bottom of the pile of reasons. That’s why I asked you if you had any evidence to support your theory.” - 6:44 PM Nov 25, 2020
narwhalltime: ”My only evidence is the fact that that line was never in any of the scripts - early or the latest one used on the shoot day of the scene in question ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” - Nov 25, 2020
janelowther: “So you know which script was sent to the Dubbing company then and when in these script was the title of episode changed and why?” - Nov 25, 2020
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narwhalltime: “I don’t know which script was sent to them, but if none of them had that line then... does it matter? They wouldn’t have gotten a special script with the words that don’t match the actual shot.” - 6:49 PM Nov 25, 2020
janelowther: “They would have got an early script because that’s how it works, so they can do prep work on it. But we are now going into speculation as you don’t have the evidence to back up your claim. Guess will have to wait to see if truth will out.” - Nov 25, 2020
narwhalltime: “But... I do have the earliest script 😂😂 I’ve worked with dubbing companies in other countries and I have never seen them getting early drafts. They get network approved scripts closer to when the episode is done filming. That’s about 2 months of prep work” - Nov 25, 2020
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janelowther: “Guess we have worked with different companies then. So if you have the earliest script what is the title of the episode?” 7:05 PM Nov 25, 2020
narwhalltime: “Despair. That was the original title, and the one they returned to after The Truth” - Nov 25, 2020
janelowther: “OK if you say so, that tells me all I need to know, thank you. I think our conversation has ended now.” - Nov 25, 2020
narwhalltime: “Ok thanks for letting me know it has 😂😂😂” - Nov 25, 2020
In another thread the next day:
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narwhalltime: “anyway, I do hope people realize that interpretation to fit target audience/lost in translation/etc things exist (and that they’d happened before). my salt comment was more of a nod towards people who think there’s a secret script that’s being sent out to dubbing companies... 😪” - Nov 26, 2020
narwhalltime: “like imagine if they got the script before anything was shot and...spent time translating things that will never make it into the episode... 😂😂😂” - 11:23 AM Nov 26, 2020
On Dec 3rd, in the first thread, Narwhalltime made this response to someone who deleted their tweets before we could record them, so we don’t know exactly what this is in response to:
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This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author. Learn more
narwhalltime: “I meant the reciprocation. It’s very clearly romantic from Castiel’s end, but there was never any verbal reciprocation written in” - 9:55 AM Dec 3, 2020
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desolateice · 2 years
1, 6, 8, & 25 ♥️
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it  (from this meta writer ask game)
I’m going to go with the ones that are currently on Ao3 because I feel like a farmer who was surveying my crops and realized a bird gifted me a whole bunch of raspberries and they’ve taken over and now I have too many WIP’s. I also may be procrastinating on the final chapter of RBF&GT. So we’ll start there. Root Beer Floats and Green Tea 
We’re on the last chapter and I’ve got maybe three or four files of started scenes. I haven’t even gotten to one that I’m excited about yet.  
There's a lot of stuff from the previous chapter and from earlier that I want to neatly tie up. Which when I started the final chapter I had a different plan in mind so now I’m trying to decide if what I originally started with still works. I’m unsure. I still like a lot of those scenes and a lot of my original plan, but I don’t know if that’s where I want it to end. I suppose this is the issue if you write something massive. Ah. Nope just got an idea. We might be okay. 🤣 This is why answering these are useful. I’m being vague but  trust me, it’s helping me.  It’s just a lot that needs to be written, and you know that I wanted to do these little “alternative routes” and I’ve come up with the basic outline for two of those and oh boy do I want to write those. But I want to finish this first before I start them. 
I fear this chapter will be massive so I’ve been procrastinating. I mean I baked a cake today instead of writing. 😂 I mean it was one of the birthday cakes from the story but still. I think it’s Daniel’s birthday cake from the Browns or similar enough. Right, I went out of order. What’s it about? Okay so Root Beer Floats and Green Tea is like what would happen if Johnny was a part of TKK2 and TKK3 and if told his mom everything that happened with Daniel and he felt regret after the tournament and he went to apologize to Daniel and tried earnestly to redeem himself. He’s a book worm and likes learning things and has memorized the language of flowers and really is just an absolute sweetie but super traumatized and has like no self worth and then we heal. Everything, everyone I could and we keep everyone or most everyone. I view it as sort of what would happen if Johnny got love and support and no one let him pull away or slip away into self destructive behavior. He’s held accountable but also loved. It’s Lawrusso but with the warmth and fatherly healing guide of Mr. Miyagi. It’s nearly 600K so I really don’t know how to shrink that down into an elevator pitch. 😂
What do I love most about it? 
It’s comforting. I don’t think I set out to make a comforting fic but from the response I’ve gotten that’s what I ended up with. It’s made me laugh, it’s made me cry and I think it’s a bit cathartic. I think it’s because usually when I write a fic I usually write only one for that fandom like a way to get out all my feelings for that show or media and then move on. And so I put everything I want into it and this one happened at a time in my life where I needed a distraction and time and space to work through some grief and I think it helped. I mean there’s more sadly now but still it’s helped. And then the fandom’s been so kind that I keep getting other ideas. 😅 I made a feast and didn’t expect anyone to show up and then people did and seem to like it so I’m just going to keep cooking. 
What’s it about? Konpeito is a belated Halloween prompt. It’s a science fiction soul-mate AU (kind of?) where Daniel is an alien from another planet that’s just gotten destroyed and who lands on earth and meets Johnny. 
How’s progress? I think I’ve got about 3 chapter drafts done. I just posted one before I finished this ask. I really want to get to the conflict...that’s what I’ve been itching to write so I kind of sped past all the cute fluffy stuff in these drafts to get to this point I’ve had in my head for months now. So now I need to go back and add in the fluff and all the pieces I need in place to get there.
 And then I have to decide where we go from after the big conflict. The OG plan is that Konpeito updates while I slowly work on that last chapter of RBF&GT, but I’ve also been working on other WIP and my other Halloween piece is singing for me to work on it too. My writing kitchen is pure chaos atm. So yeah not quite stuck but I snuck in and started eating the cake before it was done and now I’m like oops I was suppose to bake this. 😅 
What do you love about it? A couple things. I love sci-fi and it’s been a while since I’ve had fun with a science fiction piece. But I have a warm spot for aliens who come to stay amongst us and question everything and make us question everything so I enjoy the comedy aspect of it. I also love that it’s a Halloween prompt and there’s a little thread of horror in there (There will be a happy ending I swear, I can’t handle non-happy endings at the moment so you will get one do not fear) but I really am enjoying trying to sprinkle in little bits of horror amongst the humor and cuteness. 
(6.) What character do you have the most fun writing?
It depends on the fic.   For Konpeito I adore writing Ali and Daniel. 
For Root Beer Floats and Green tea it’s a little bit of everyone. I love writing Johnny now playfully bickering with Daniel. I have fun writing Daniel’s long rants about food or love or whatever he’s monologuing. I have fun writing the cobras because they add a layer of loving chaos to whatever is happening. I enjoy writing about Chozen and his little schemes and Kumiko taking him down a peg and keeping his feet on the ground. And I enjoyed writing Louie bothering Daniel. Really I love all of them. 😅 
In a WIP that hasn’t scene the light of Ao3 yet I’m enjoying writing Johnny mostly because he’s being super...uh...high maintenance and dramatic and driving Daniel up a wall. 
(8.)  Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes.  I like to read a lot, but because I’ve been writing so much I haven’t had a ton of time to read. At the start of the pandemic I read Ulysses and slowly chipped away at the books I already own and found to my surprise a lot of the books I hadn’t gotten around to reading all this time I didn’t really enjoy. Like it’s kind of a bummer what a huge miss it’s been on my book case of whelp didn’t like that one either.  But I’ve joined a couple of book clubs and I’m hoping that helps me find more books I enjoy. I think I’ve got like 75% of a book I need to read by the end of the month for one club and 5 chapters to read by next Friday for the other. So I might spend this week reading instead of writing. Need to tap into either Konpeito! Daniel’s speed reading or RBF&GT! Johnny’s ability to find time to read. 😂
(25.) What part of writing is the most fun?
 I like telling stories, always have. As a kid I had cute stationary and I’d get up early in the morning and write down a short silly story and make copies of it on the stationary and pass it around at school. And then in high school I’d sit down in front of my computer and write all summer break and all winter break and churn out a novel. I was also the kid who’d be given a writing assignment where the teacher expected like 2 pages and got like 5 chapters. 😂 Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that RBF&GT is nearly 600K. Apparently this is just who I am. Just the last longest fanfic I wrote was like 50k and I thought that was long. 
As a kid I think I liked to escape in a world of my own creating because I day dreamed all the time. When you write you can then go back to it and read it and there’s some comfort in that. With fan fiction it’s already familiar, it’s like visiting old friends over and over and over again but on different adventures and living different lives while always being themselves and that’s kind of nice. And when you write it you also get to go back and read it too. I mean a lot of the time fic is written because it’s what the writer wants to read.
 I suppose this question could also be what’s the most fun part to write as in a more technical answer in which case I misunderstood the question. Dialogue where they’re teasing each other is a lot of fun. I have some great dialogue in my drafts of Bobby and Dutch from a scene I completely rewrote that I adore that makes me laugh every time I get to it and honestly don’t know if I kept it and found a spot for it in the actual piece, but it’s in my drafts and I’ll post it eventually.
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