#I'll do a proper drawing for another scene sometime
nell0-0 · 2 years
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Rerouted (chapter 16) by @stellarcoachman​ :)
I just really love this fic. 
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poopingonthefloor · 10 months
Davesport is Toxic NOT abusive
(((WARNING: PRETTY LONG POST UNDER THE CUT.))) I've seen some people making the claims that Davesport is comship/proship (ok well i've more seen people bitching about it) and im tired of the Davesport slander so this will be an analysis of their relationship. My motive isn't to force anyone to ship it or anything- i really dont care what you do with your life, my frustration is just when people try to make up REASONS why they don't like the ship, even though its literally canon (and not badly written). My main point is -- You can hate what you want. You don't need a reason, and it doesn't need to be bad just because you don't like it. But I will not take any slander on their ship nor any slander of people who like davesport. Davesport is absolutely toxic-- No DSAF fan would disagree. They are literally child murderers with little to no souls and literally are physically disfigured to the point they don't have the capacity to feel proper humanity anymore. You cant expect 2 men who live their lives willingly murdering and then partying in vegas to celebrate on repeat to be gentle and kind to themselves or anyone else.
However, its NOT abusive. I've seen multiple people (mostly from twitter screenshots) claim that Davesport is abusive or the way people portray it is in a fetishy or romanticizing way of abuse, when that's just not the case. I don't blame a lot of people, since a lot of it comes from reading context and intent of the artist, which not everyone is good at-- BUT I'm here to assure you that MOST people don't intend to do that much and just like to portray how their dynamic is canonically like or portray Daves obsession with Jack. Another argument I've seen (by a twitter screenshot...) is that people are comshipping Davesport because people draw Jack annoyed a lot at Dave when...thats not true? That's just Jack's personality, first off:
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(From the Dave x Reader fanfic by Directdoggo)
"Jack is a bastardman not very touchy-feely. We can see this in many scenes, where Dave more or less says “I love you” and Jack responds with deflecting humour, or outright scorn. When Dave says it for the final time, this time, Jack tries to say it back, but can’t outright, only getting out: “Why is this so hard?” and “I hope you can find peace with what you’ve done.” Which Dave understood the meaning of. (Hey, better than Henry (LEGACY Jack) hearing “I love you” and proceeding to tear Dave limb from limb, huh?"
(Directdoggo describing Jack's personality)
I know it can be a little confusing to some people, but as someone who struggles with similar issues, just because he struggles to express intimately doesn't mean he can't love anything. Sometimes people are just different and communicating like that doesn't come as easily, even to the people you're closest to. To make it as easy as possible to comprehend-- He's quite literally a tsundere. (Minus the exaggerated ridiculousness in anime) He loves Dave, he just cant bring himself to say or act like it. The dismissiveness or rudeness in response to Dave's affection is not abuse, it's just a defensive response since he doesn't know how to say it back. (His way of being "shy") -- Also note its important that Dave UNDERSTANDS this about him by that point.
However Jack isn't the only thing I've seen regarding the claims that their ship is abusive-- and to debunk all of those I'm going to explain the three points that keep Davesport from being abusive, and I'll use Henry x Dave (which is what I'll call it to prevent it getting confused for FNAF willry) as an example alongside it since its super obvious why that one is messed up. Firstly, They are both bad people. By this point, Dave and Jack are murderers. It's just not surprising that they will be willing to kill each other at at least some point, considering they are willing to kill 5 year olds without remorse- and they'll both deserve it. It's only their own faults that they teamed up with the other, and it's meant to be the ultimate irony when Jack becomes even worse than Dave by "An ending". My point is- they're bad people. It's not like they're owed perfect company or would choose wholesome people to hang out with when they're literally both child murderers. Dave wasn't evil and didn't want to kill by the time he teamed up with Henry (and even after it was Henry's fault), so by that point his suffering was absolutely undeserved.
Secondly, They're lacking any specific power dynamic. Unlike Henry and Dave- whom have several levels of "Age, Father figure, and Employer", the most important one is that Henry is Dave's abuser. He manipulated him and purposefully harmed him both mentally and physically, whereas Dave never had any intention of doing either because Dave loved him and didn't want to lose him (because he had nobody else) This obviously much different with Dave and Jack, whom other than being taller and several years older than (which you can argue their 6 year age gap is weird but they didnt get to know each other till they were both older than 30 so by that point age difference doesnt rlly matter and (also theyre "mentally" like 24 and 22 canonically anyways (as much as I usually hate that argument)) Other then that they are only co-workers. This is a bit more arguable during DSAF 1, where Dave comes across more threatening and comes across like he's manipulating Jack, but I don't exactly count that because I wouldn't say theyre "shippable" or in their "situationship*" by that point (but also because them even being a ship was barely considered by the creator at that point obviously)-- whereas Dave is certainly more easily recognized as sincere to Jack in DSAF 2. Jack also is not someone who is afraid to defend himself against Dave, as shown by the fact he's willing to call out Dave's ridiculous behaviors (which is reasonable of him to do).
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(Also from the Dave x reader fanfic) (I just think this specific screenshot debunks any sort of "power dynamic" claim)
My Third and Final point: There is a CHOICE involved I haven't really done much Dave defense in this post, but his defense is very simple: He is literally physically unable to comprehend guilt or conscience. Dave didn't want to murder anyone in the first place, but it was Henry who fucked with his (literal) head so much to the point he stopped being able to feel guilt. He doesn't care about murder and doing wrong because he CAN'T care. You can't really let that reflect Dave as a character when he's really not in control of himself in the first place. Now with that, that doesn't change the fact he could certainly affect and hurt people, and it's fully up to Jack as to whether or not he wants to deal with this purple man's freakish life choices and hobbies or not. And that's honestly super dependent on the ending you decide to base Jack on. Most people see the 'canon' endings to be: Gnarly ending (DSAF 1) -> An ending (DSAF 2) -> Good ending (DSAF 3) Where in all of these, Jack DOES choose to deal with Dave and basically is completely cool with murder. You don't have to follow those endings if you don't want to, but that's just typically what the modern "Davesport" is known for, but its what I'm using for my defense (considering this is a defense of both fandom and canon Davesport.) Though as opposed with Henry and Dave- Dave had no choice. Henry only ever manipulated him into thinking he did, and Henry made sure to feed this whole 'we will be a family' ideal into Dave (who never had one) so that Dave would be terrified to lose him. Jack never manipulates Dave (when teamed up with him), and Dave never manipulates Jack (tho arguable in DSAF 1 as well). They stay with each other despite all of their issues, and I believe its due to some co-dependency (imo I think Jack is also obsessed with Dave just in a different way before DSAF 3) Which isn't healthy, but not...inherently abusive.
I believe my main three points kind of cover the most of why I dont consider Davesport to be inherently a bad ship, but like I said- if you don't like it, none of that matters anyways. You dont NEED a reason to like something, and I wont try to convince you why you should ship something because I like it. Just don't hate it just because of what someone else says-- 90% of the dsaf fandom aren't comshippers, and Davesport isn't gross or "toxic /neg" just because it's not healthy. I think "Don't fetishize/romanticize literal abuse like its normal or sexy" and "We should explore more complicated and unhealthy dynamics" can and SHOULD coincide with each other!!!! I think Davesport is great because of how bittersweet it is that these two people finally found solace and acceptance in each other but couldn't get past the self-sabotaging nature of what Henry turned them both into, ultimately making it impossible to work out forever. I think embracing the Davesport makes the (kind of aged) trilogy a lot more enjoyable of an experience and I DO encourage any davesport skeptics to keep an open mind. [Pretend I wrapped this up super nicely I can never do that--- Also this is open for conversation and/or debate, and also yada yada my bad if i said something randomly terrible I have extremely poor social skills lol let me know so I dont do it again yada yada] *Also if anyone doesnt know a situationship is (at least in the context im using it in ive heard other definitions for it but its not a real word so i actually dont care) when 2(or more) people basically treat eachother like lovers but they never communicate this outright and dont technically officially date but like they treat and commit to eachother like a partner would) (So its kind of what all those people who playfully flirt and call each other their spouses as a commited running joke are in)
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bojangos · 2 years
hello i would like to hear about your “jaster never adopted jango” analysis
(LOVE your jaster art. im also inhaling crumbs)
(thank you for the compliment!!! I want to draw more of him sometime.  perhaps from one of the many ‘jaster lives’ aus i’ve seen lmao)
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Alright here we go gamers. strap in i'll try to organize my thoughts coherently.
It all comes back to "The Mandalorian: Season 2, Chapter 14", where Boba gets his armor back and shows Din his chain code to prove it belongs to him. Din's immediate reaction is "your father was a foundling", which seems to raise Din's opinion of Boba (but that's. another thing altogether lmao).
So this establishes that, not only was Jango a Mandalorian, but that he was specifically a foundling. Okay, what does this mean?
Foundlings, as portrayed in The Mandalorian, were kids from outside of the clans who were rescued and brought into the fold. They were raised by the clan until they could be 'reunited with their own kind' or came of age, where they could choose to swear the creed, or leave. Jango could not be returned to his family, since they were all killed, so Jaster raised him as a foundling, and we can guess based on the fact Jango's still running around in beskar'gam twenty years later, he swore in. HOWEVER.
Being raised as a foundling is different than being adopted! Foundlings raised in Din's covert were not part of the Clans, but if they swore the creed, they could go on to form their own (re: din and grogu forming Clan Mudhorn).
Okay, what does this have to do with Jango and Jaster? Once again, we wheel back to the scene where Boba shows Din his chain code. Remember, Din takes one look at this, and knows automatically that Jango was a foundling:
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(source, a translation of Boba's chain code).
The most notable part here is that it lists Jango as Boba's father, but Jaster as Jango's mentor. The "Mentor/Father" distinction is key to my theory here lmao.
We know that Mandalorian's have a proclivity for adoption, but it seems to be limited to children of other Mandalorians, and that 'new blood' like foundlings are less likely to be adopted and typically form their own clans instead. Another source for this theory actually comes straight from the OG "Open Seasons" comic that goes over Jango's backstory and formally introduces Jaster.
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(pictured; Frames from Jango Fett: Open Seasons, Volume 2. Montross is essentially harrassing Jango for “not really being Jaster’s son”.  Also of note: normally I hesitate to source Open Seasons because so much of it is outdated lore, or downright racist or misogynistic, but. We’re going back to the beginning here)
This comic was published before a lot of the existing lore on Mandalorians was established (re: the “Republic Commando” Novels by Karen Traviss), but if we take it in that context, Montross saying Jango isn’t “really” Jaster’s son implies that Jango hasn’t been adopted, that the gai bal manda (mandalorian adoption vow) hasn’t been said.  Adopted children ordinarily have no difference in standing, and typically no distinction is made between adopted and biological children, so Montross saying Jango isn’t Jaster’s son - I’m inclined to believe Montross.
(though Montross does later get Jaster killed in this issue so lmao.  He’s trying to needle Jango here - and I’m sure Jango himself might’ve questioned why Jaster hadn’t adopted him).
If Jaster never adopted Jango, this could be why in The Clone Wars, Season 2, Episode 12: The Mandalore Plot, Prime Minister Almec states: “Jango Fett was a common Bounty Hunter -- How he got that armor is beyond me”.   (This was apparently very controversial when this episode came out - saying Jango wasn’t a Mandalorian after all? In Meta, the reasoning was that the Mandalorians should be more than a mercenary company).  
If Jaster never adopted Jango, this could be reason why Jango was not part of Mandalore’s records.  Then again, Din’s name was apparently listed in a registry on Mandalore proper, so another question is: why isn’t Jango listed there? I have a few options:
1: Jango’s presumed death upon starting the Kamino Contract meant he was removed from any registries.
2: Jango’s earlier presumed death after Galidraan (and his subsequent time in slavery) meant he was removed from the registries.
3: Jaster’s Death on Korda IV meant Jango was removed from the records, since his Mentor died (kind of a stretch, since Jango seems to have already sworn the Resol’nare at this point).
4: Concord Dawn kept it’s own registries (possible, but unlikely, given Din was registered on Mandalore after being in the ass end of the galaxy (sorry, Aq Ventina)).
Anyway, Jango’s mandalorian status nonwithstanding, this doesn’t entirely explain why Jaster wouldn’t have just adopted Jango, since Jaster is well aware there is no one for Jango to go back to. So why didn’t he? I have another couple thoughts!
1: The funnier, albeit less likely (in my opinion) is that Jaster couldn’t legally adopt Jango because he is technically a convicted murderer (re: the republic commando novels, Jaster was exiled from Concord Dawn after murdering a fellow Journeyman Protector for corruption - likely Jaster caught him in the act of some Nasty Things and he was compelled by his own moral code to kill him).  Even mandalorian’s i’m sure have legal statues against letting ‘violent criminals’ formally adopt children (though the Foundling loophole clearly still stands lmao.  Also, as Mand’alor, i’m sure Jaster could just.  Adopt anyway aklsdjflkasdj)
2: More likely in my opinion, is that Jaster didn’t adopt Jango out of respect for Jango’s old family.  If an old friend died suddenly and you took in their kid, you wouldn’t want to replace them as the kid’s parent, right?
Jango was about ten years old when his parent’s were killed by Death Watch - plenty old to remember them fondly, recognize them as his ‘only parents’, and certainly old enough to get hostile with anyone who tries to replace them.  I’m sure this isn’t uncommon among mandalorians or foundlings, so Jaster may have recognized the potential hostility and was extremely clear on not replacing his parents.
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(pictured: clip from Jango Fett: Open Seasons, Volume 1 showing Jango’s father leaving food out for a ‘beggar’. Someone  somewhere once used the name Cassius for Jango’s father, and it’s what I use - gotta inject a KOTOR reference somwhere, right?).
Jango’s father was covering for Jaster when Death Watch came knocking - He trusted Jaster enough to leave out food and put his family at risk for Jaster’s sake.  It’s entirely possible they grew up together on Concord Dawn, or, barring that, were close friends as they were both Journeymen Protectors.  He’s still covering for Jaster even as he’s beaten within an inch of his life in front of his family. 
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(Pictured: Poor Dad Fett getting beat up while Death Watch threatens to kill him in front of Jango.  Dad says he Hasn’t seen Jaster since he was exiled.)
This is all to say, beyond the ordinary treatment of foundling’s it’s entirely possible Jaster didn’t want to adopt Jango, as doing so would remove one of Jango’s only remaining connections to family - Jango is a Fett first and foremost, and adopting him into Clan Mereel would remove him from that. (the Fett clan is old as hell, predating the Vizsla’s, but that’s another sidebar lmao).
Also super minor, but.  What kind of kid calls their parent by their first name? lmao.
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In summary: Din’s reaction to Boba’s Chain code implies that Jango wasn’t adopted, and ye olde Open Season’s Comics support this in various ways - from Montross’ dialogue to Jaster’s relationship with Jango’s family.  Even if he wasn’t fomally adopted, Jaster and Jango recognized each other as family and the respect that came with it.
I’ll leave you with my favorite frame from Open Seasons, lmao.  baby jango you are so cute 
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sovonight · 1 year
Hey there!
I love how you draw backgrounds, and I was wondering what your process for that is?
ahh i'm almost not sure how to answer, i feel like i haven't done a proper background in a while!
i think the most important part is to go into drawing a background with its purpose already in mind. even if you're not drawing a dedicated background, and it's just a backdrop for your characters, there should still be a reason why it's there. like, maybe the character(s) are interacting with it (leaning against a door frame, sitting in a chair, having their hair swept by the wind), maybe it provides a certain dramatic lighting that you want the character(s) to be cast in, maybe it adds a physical barrier between two characters who really need to talk something out, etc.
i feel like this is much easier in a comic because 9 times out of 10, the background is already woven into the setting and movement of the scene so you already know what you need from it, but you can also do the same for a single illustration. if i know i want a character to be shelving a book in a bookstore, and to have a ray of morning sunlight come in from the right that just catches the edge of her face and her neck, then I know that I need to draw a bookshelf near an implied window, and then maybe a few more books that she hasn't shelved yet, another bookshelf or two to imply there's an abundance of them, and then a few things i think a bookstore would need to have: a checkout counter, the counter is by the entrance/exit, the entrance/exit has large glass windows, additional light is coming in by the counter.
after i decide what elements i need in the environment, i sort out how i'm going to separate those elements out into layers--foreground, midground, background--and then i start working on composition. i value composition right after context because even if you can draw an environment with technically correct perspective, if it lacks a pleasing composition that completes the piece, it just feels dissatisfying. of course it's nice to have both a pleasing composition and correct perspective, but if i had to sacrifice one i would always sacrifice perspective. composition is hard to give tips on, because all i can really say is rule of thirds, feel it out, trust your gut, do your best, and remember that color and lighting affects composition too so try to plan with those in mind as well. at this point i usually try to start a color sketch and add in all the lighting effects i had in my head in order to get a full picture of the environment so far, so that i can judge if the composition & the colors work well together or not.
for coloring, i start by coloring everything its base color, which means the background starts out looking very flat. you can add depth into this base--and i sometimes do by just adding a few washes of darker color using normal mode layers--but for my comic backgrounds i actually prefer to add depth by relying on the lighting that i apply through layer modes, to keep my layer count down. for lighting, i like to stick with one main source of light that i can use to justify glowy highlights, and then i'll use a soft brush to airbrush some ambient light in the background. i'll mess around with my favorite layer modes, like multiply, linear light, and add glow, and i'll also try to have different gradients of light going in the foreground, midground, and background to maintain some contrast and depth between them. sometimes, if you're pushing something further into the background, and you're tempted to add more shadow and make it darker because you think that'll push it back, the right move is actually to focus on reducing contrast. like, if you look at a landscape, the hills in the far distance almost just blend into the sky; it's objects that are close to you that have the most distinct shadows and high contrast.
as for perspective, you can always fudge perspective, and should feel free to mush and squish it around if it benefits other aspects of the piece (composition, eliminating tangents, symbolism, whatever). messing around with it too much can break the illusion (unless your style completely supports that), but a little bit is healthy. everyone has an innate sense of perspective, and as long as that sense says "yeah feels good to me," then you don't necessarily need to pull out the formal perspective tools for every single background. a huge part of faking perspective without many tools is just to get so familiar with different angles that you can just toss them out on demand, and for that you can study a bunch of photo refs of different angles from real life, or you can do what i did and get a freecam mod for your favorite game and fly around taking screenshots of environments of interest from different angles.
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mycomicbox · 1 month
Random Thoughts on Persona 5 Royal - Part 3
[Progress: October 13th, 5th Palace conquered]
<<< Part 2
I've been thinking a lot about what it'd be like if I were a Phantom Thief. Perhaps I'll draw that sometime.
God damn, this game is long. I consider myself someone with pretty good JRPG stamina, but I'm about 103 hours into this game and I'm nowhere near the finish line. For reference, my Persona 4 Golden playthrough maxed out at 100 hours.
It took me far too long to notice that the letters on Caroline and Justine's hats spell out "oxymoron".
The Doraemon reference in the movie theater got a chuckle out of me.
I like the little quips from your party members while exploring Mementos. One of my favorites is Morgana complaining about the tiny school desks in the suggestion box.
Ryuji and Yusuke's Showtime attack is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
The fact that Futaba's All-Out Attack splash screen says "Git Gud" is pretty indicative of when this game initially released. If the game came out now, it'd probably say "Skill Issue" or something.
Haru's Phantom Thief costume is probably my favorite. Hats with feathers in them are guaranteed to look cool.
Add Futaba to the list of characters who desperately need a hug. I like the idea of someone willingly asking for their heart to be stolen. After all, the Phantom Thieves don't just beat the shit out of scumbags: they help those who can't help themselves.
I also like how Futaba's awakening is somewhat of a callback to Persona 4, as she awakens to her Persona by facing her Shadow directly (no face-bleeding required).
How is she so goddamn short (then again, I guess being a shut-in could've stunted her physical growth)
You can tell that I have some stuff to say about Futaba. Yusuke has some competition for favorite Phantom Thief.
Another Persona game, another awkward beach scene... (except for Yusuke's lobster gag, that amused me).
Why did Ryuji think that Los Angeles was the United States capital? Is he stupid?
Shadow Okumura needs to speak up, man. It's like they lowered his volume compared to the other characters (which kind of makes sense with the space helmet he's got on, but still).
Unfortunately, I have been spoiled as to the Black Mask's true identity. I don't care how old this game is, tag your damn spoilers!
When I was in middle school, I went to a water park on a school field trip, and the county schools rented it out for the students. I thought that alone was magical. Imagine getting a whole Disney park rented out just for you and your homies.
With the death of President Okumura, and the tanking of public approval, the Phantom Thieves' resolve is starting to waver...
The sixth calling card is addressed to Sae Niijima. I can't wait to see how this story will unfold.
⚡️Confidant Lightning Round
Beep boop.
My man Sojiro going through it...
With the way that Futaba peppers her speech with video game references, I see a bit of my 15-year-old self in her. I've noticed references to Pokémon, D&D, and RPG terms in general (EXP, trash mobs, etc.).
Imagine meeting a cute nerdy girl and the first thing she does is ask if you're a NPC 💀 poor Mishima, I would've never recovered from that
I like Iwai's little quips about gun terminology.
Takemi please step on me
You're telling me that the Get Smoked hat was from this game!?
I would do anything for a politician like Yoshida.
As I have discovered, there are some unused voice lines implying that Sae was planned to be a romance option at some point. That would've been one hell of an enemies-to-lovers (even if it wouldn't make sense narratively).
Well, I've gotten the Faith and Councillor Confidants to their proper ranks before their deadlines. I guess I'll wait and see what happens next.
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barbatusart · 7 months
Hi barbatus I love your music so much and idk if you have an ask blog, but I was really curious where you draw your inspiration? I love your music because it has all the harsh noises I crave but it isn't just pure chaos. All the sounds truly work so well together and every song is such an AMAZING, exciting, and exhilarating listen. I love listening to your music by itself but sometimes I'll relaunch the TPOF for some of those songs specifically so I can also revisit the scenes because the music you made just fits each scene so perfectly. I'm totally enamored with your music!!!! Do you get inspiration from the world around you? And what helps you "get into the zone" to make music? Thank you!!! :'33
THANK YOU YAHOO im so touched!!!!!! hahaha gosh honestly im still stunned about my stuff being enjoyed so much!
im trying to narrow down where specifically my inspo comes from, definitely im drawing a lot from 80s and 90s skinny puppy, even going as far as to hunt down sounds from the s900 to try & make a replica drum machine (used brilliantly on the Too Dark Park Album! check out the opening track Convulsion, theyre wringing the greasiest sounds out of the s900) im still not as precise or inventive as SP (and frankly haven’t gotten around to implementing film/radio/etc samples yet) but they’re a huge inspo for me, i feel like if you listen to anything off of the Bites album the line of inspiration becomes very clear
another big one is the soundtrack to rockstar’s game manhunt, which grotesquery-wise was an inspo torch i carried for decades but now im thrilled to have the inspo shine through my audio endeavors too. manhunt is so good lol the older & grimier-looking it gets the better it is
what else uhhh, there’s a fair bit of nine inch nails & tyler the creator in my more melodic stuff ive been doing recently as im trying to get Actual Chord Progression in there. (still a work in progress lol i think i figured out some fairly beautiful stuff but i wanna step it up into a proper journey instead of just loops!) early hocico also is a big one by way of disgusting noise with interesting melodic stuff but i have No idea what machines they were using, & frankly i wouldnt wanna try & imitate their early sound perfectly cus it’s so distinct to hocico lol. aaaaand what else….. dreamcrusher, coil (!!!!!!!), author & punisher, театр яда, susumu hirasawa, front 242, joy division, and the entire discography of swans (tho idk if the swans influence is audible at all honestly lol)
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monstroustea · 11 months
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a friend was talking about style influences earlier and it reminded me of this old meme and i wanted to do one!!!!! i'll talk more about each one under the read more, but if you want to do one, here's the link: https://www.deviantart.com/foxorian/art/Influence-Map-Template-174550753
Sailor Moon (particularly the 90s anime) - this is a big one! i remember drawing sailor moon in elementary school and playing pretend/LARPing sailor moon on the playground... the good old 90s anime style with the exaggerated expressions! cute girls! friendship! this general kind of soft, roundness to the style of the 90s anime? it has everything
Honey and Clover - this manga/anime means the world to me. i love the style, the way the mangaka draws emotions, but also the protagonist's story of finding himself? resonant. the manga especially is precious to me bc of the art tho, it has a sketchy quality that i love
Hey Arnold! - another childhood favorite... this one doesn't reflect on my actual style so much, but it's a big influence on the stories and characters i like and create. if i could make everyone watch only one cartoon, it would be hey arnold
this is a triple threat... Persona 5, sketchbooks, @meruz - if you look at more than one page of this blog, you can probably guess i like p5(r)!! a lot!! i love all the characters, even if you mostly see me drawing the protag and akechi bc i'm a shipper at heart lol... i'm always inspired by sketchbooks of other artists! especially proper sketchbooks, where they're messy and worked in and aren't curated to be "good looking" for people to look at. that said, this is a page meruz posted from one of their sketchbooks (go buy them) and i adore meruz's work! i got into their work a while back and their lineart really drew me in, the lineweight and use of spot blacks is delicious. i need to work more on those in my own art and meruz's work always makes me want to do just that
Dolls - and here we take a little detour from the obvious? i sadly don't own this doll :( she's a rune naito fashion doll and i want one so badly. i collect dolls, especially fashion dolls!! i love their designs!! i usually just leave them in their stock outfits bc those are part of the charm to me. i wanna draw my dolls more, but for now they're just a big influence on design and outfits for characters
Amanda Lafrenais - i've been following amanda for so many years i can't keep count anymore!! her style blends "western" and "anime" so well to me and also she just draws lots of pretty women?? also we love queens who draw different body types
Roleplaying (pixelated image from wiki-how) - i've been roleplaying, mostly just with my bestie erin, since i was like 14? i draw stuff inspired by our roleplays soooo much, whether it's from a scene or just "what if"s we threw around. erin is a brilliant writer, has great ideas, and she's basically the GM even tho it's collaborative writing-based rping lmao... im just like "erin come up with a plot and we can shoot ideas back and forth" lol
Drawfee - no idea anymore how i came across drawfee but it's a really fun and funny channel and i'll do some of their challenges on my own sometimes!! (my favorite is the 30s character from memory challenge, i'll have erin give me characters and time me) also they have a ttrpg-style series called Drawtectives that has great characters!!! also every time julia draws a scene im like "ah i want that to be me..."
The Golden Age of Illustration - i'm such a junkie for cartoons and anime and comics and such, i don't really know the classics OOPS... but in the past year or two i've gotten really into what's apparently known as the "golden age of illustration"!! roughly the 1880's to 1920s, there's a lot of fairy/folk tale art from this era and i'm obsessed with all of it. standout mentions that i love to look at the work of are kay nielsen and edmund dulac
honorable mentions are just... every manga i've ever loved. every artist i've ever obsessed over the art of. and HONORABLE honorable mention to drawingwiffwaffles who sadly hasn't updated in a few months... she got me back into traditional media tho and is a general delight to watch work
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ghostlycoze · 10 months
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°•.Howdy Hey!.•°
Hi there! I'm Ghost, an Aussie guy with ADHD and a raging hyperfixation on Rainworld.
- He/Him, experimenting with it/its sometimes?
- 20y/o, old ass /j
I'll leave the rest under the cut because it's a pain to scroll through.
Welcome to my little blog where I do not shut up about RW (with hints of other media I like via likes and reblogs, e.g. CotL, Oneshot, Ori, Moominvalley, Spyro the Dragon, ...Mune? Apparently? etc)
I'll mainly ramble about RW lore, the iterators, as well as my own oc stuff relating to RW!
Warning: I swear a fair bit, sometimes make jokes that are suggestive, and do occasionally write darker subjects that may be sensitive — for example: gore, character death, scenes relating to breaking the self destruction taboo, etc. However, I will tag all accordingly and put proper warnings beforehand!
I also do like to reblog/write a lot about shipping RW characters! I will tag all as [#RW shipping], for those who want to avoid shipping all together, as well as the ship in question's name, e.g. [#rw sunstone], for those who want to avoid certain ships. I personally enjoy sunstone, lilypad, ragequit, and traffic light (and a general polycule vibe with the group. no peb-moon shipping, ew they're siblings).
I am mainly a writer, so I maaay start posting some of the scenes I write here or on AO3! With my ADHD I'm not expecting to finish a full long fanfic (though I'd love to if I could pull it off), so instead I'll use a method many others have here and post little bits and pieces of the lore, string it together and throw in some more with prompts from asks and such :]
° These Bridges That Bind Us
My main AU, a simple off-the-string, happy ending au primarily focused on the local group finding a new purpose in life, healing, learning to survive in this world, and also some robo-romance (Good ol polycule)
° Iterator Revolution
An AU where the iterators turn against the ancients for the sake of their freedom, find their way off the string, and flee. But this also undoes the events of the mass ascension. Sliver of Straw never dies.
° Moon Memory Loss
A smaller AU focused on Moon's memory loss, exploring her falling in love with Sig again and reconciling with Pebbles even after remembering the mistakes he made. Off the string, happy ending, just with a lot of Moon-centered angst.
° Human/Modern AU
A maliable AU centered around my version of Chasing Wind. No real plot, just cute romance, healing, and Moon being a cute country gal.
° Cult of the Rain AU (Cult of the Lamb x Rainworld crossover, made with @sapphicdib)
An AU where the Rainworld characters play the roles of the Cult of the Lamb characters, with the iterators being the bishops and the scugs being eeeeverybody else. Saint is the Lamb, Sliver is The One Who Waits.
Outside of that, I've got a sort-of-AU in relation to two of my OCs, Ever Changing Fates and No Rhyme or Reason. Two little dudes having their own stories unfold, probably placed in the TBTBU AU.
I draw a bit, but am not really an actual artist so I don't know hoooow much I'll be posting that kind of thing — Though I would like to share my designs of these characters, so we'll see!
I'll eventually post some refs of both my personal iterator/scug designs as well as my ocs, so when I do I'll link those on this post too!
°•.Asks and DMs: [ Open! ].•°
Feel free to send in any asks if you'd like to talk about RW — whether in general to just have another mutual to talk to (though fair warning, I am a bit socially anxious, though I'd still love to meet some other RW fans :]), about my fanfic, or my RW OCs; all is welcome!
I'd love to try to write little scenes out or maybe do some sketches in responses to asks, it'd be a fun creative exercise to help me keep practicing.
°•.Requests, Trades, Commissions, etc: [Closed].•°
I'm still not hugely active on here and am very unconfident with my art and writing, so I doubt I'll be open to much like this for now at least.
However I do love sharing ideas, and could possibly take inspiration and write based on a prompt discussed; but I won't be specifically fulfilling requests for writing scenes or anything right now :]
• #ghost rambles = text posts, non-creative-writing type stuff
• #ghost reblogs = featuring my amazing commentary in the tags /j
• #ghost arts = any original art posts
• #ghost writes = any original writing posts
• #ask reply = as you might guess, ask responses. Might be useful to group them together from the flood of me reblogging stuff
• #ghost lore = anything relating to my HCs, fanfics, or OC lore, for those who want to see it all! and for those who don't:
• #ghost rw lore = purely HCs and fanfics, no OC stuff
• #ghost oc lore = purely OC stuff, for those who might be interested
• #tbtbu = purely for my AU These Bridges That Bind Us. Updates, little scene snippets or convos about what happens, etc
• #iterator revolution = purely for my Iterator Revolution AU. Same stuff, whatever I mention relating to the AU.
Alright, now that that's finally done, time to actually go through everything I've reblogged and posted and tag them correctly. This is gonna be one heck of a task lol
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sparklingpax · 1 year
Hi! 🎢🛒✨️
Response to this
Hello hello~!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Well....I haven't written anything super crazy yet (I don't think?) but...I'd have to say my "In Relativity" fic, purely because 1.) It's the longest singular fic I have ever written (and finished), taking literally months to write (😭 I pretty much mentally checked out of so many Health 2 classes and was working on that fic instead lmfaooo) and 2.) The amount of scenes I ended up entirely rewriting more than once, some of them altogether scrapped. I'd classify it as a wild ride, in short, because of how much effort it had taken which I'd not yet given to anything I've written....also because I guess....a lot happens in it?? Idk, idt it was that interesting in the end, but it was something meant to be very small and throw-away, which in the end had a lot of thought and such put in, which to me looking back on it, feels like what I'd call a "wild ride" ^^''
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Themes: Emotional stuff! Like people breaking down or going into their deepest thoughts, their fears, feelings about others...that kinda thing. Also, like...anything that builds on a character. I like the idea of trying to delve deeper into characters that didn't get much in a series, like if we saw glimpses of things but nothing more....I'll take what I interpret those glimpses to be and build on them in the ways I find interesting, I think :D Feels: Like hurt/comfort, yk? Angst but with some kind of "hey, it'll be okay" except for that one optiratch fic but I enjoyed that change of pace ngl as well as like...laughter and joy....idk if that even counts but I'm putting that down. I think back to writing Tales from Iacon stuff and I really like to write those moments of peace and laughter between Orion and Megatronus...thinking about how they ended up....idk. Scenes: I'd kinda just repeat what I said above, since that's about it ^^'' Imagery: I like to talk about lighting a lot?? Like of the sky and such. And...I try to liken certain phrasing to like, drawing stuff when I can. "Painted the edge of his glass" and "drawing upon the gentle heartstrings" and all...I try my best to make vivid imagery a thing in my writing, pointing out as many details of things as possible so you can almost see it (or I can, anyway) as you read. This comes from the books I used to read when I was younger often having huge paragraphs of descriptions and details, which I think has seeped into my writing over time, lessening a little every time since I'm working to be more concise but, well...as you can see here........the progress is slow :'D Also idk where this goes but, subtle movements and expressions characters make since I believe that sentience means little sometimes meaningless things that they do while talking or listening or whatever because we people do them as well....does that make sense?? Idk ;w; but yea!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
UHM! oh gee another one! ummmmmm..........idk if it's just me but I think I'm pretty okay at creating good reading pace with my spacing and stuff? Like I'm careful while reading back and I indent a lot because I want to try to ensure the proper pauses between each sentence and movement if there are any so the scene flows to the reader as closely as possible to how I'd read it in my head. Again, that may just be me and anyone who reads my writing might be thinking: what the fresh hell are all these random paragraphs and spaces for jfc and potentially dislike my writing for it.....but my intention is that and imo reading it back, the pauses and flow work very well, usually :]
Thanks again for dropping by and asking~!!! ^w^✨
-Kuni :]
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Only The Best
➟ pairing(s): Bang Chan x Female!Reader
➟ genre(s): Fluff
➟ word count: 1.1K
➟ warnings: None
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"Of course I'll make sure he's taken care of mom," Chan said into the phone. "I can't believe you let him fly out here alone. You still don't let me do it!" He teased his mother on the phone.
"He isn't alone, Chris," the woman scolded him. "Y/N is with him."
"Y/N? Hannah's Y/N," he questioned? "I haven't seen her in years. What is she doing coming here?" He smiled fondly when he thought about his little sister's friend.
Talent is something the Bang children had an abundance of. Clearly, Chan was very talented, and his sister was no exception. When she began dancing, their parents made sure she was enrolled in classes at one of the best schools. That's where Hannah met you. You were a few years her senior and head of the advanced classes. From day one, you took Hannah under your wing and treated her like the little sister you never had.
"You're right," she agreed, "She just finished sometime at university and wanted to travel before going back." Chan could hear paper being shuffled on the other end of the line. "Ah, yes. Once she leaves you at the airport she is visiting Korea, Japan, and then I think China. Or was it China then Japan?"
Chan listened to the announcement on the speakers, checking to see if the flight his brother was on landed. He told his mother goodbye and made his way to the proper gate. He was dressed in grey sweatpants and a hoodie, hoping to not draw attention to himself. The last thing he wanted to do was cause a scene.
Watching people file out of the gate, he searched the faces for familiar ones. Or one. He wondered if he would recognize you, or if you would him. You were his little sister's best friend, and it felt like you were part of his family with how often you stayed over. He hated that he didn't see you when he visited home, but he knew he was mostly to blame.
You had stopped by the Bang house to say goodbye to Chan before he left again to continue training as an idol. You kissed him clumsily before he pulled away and told you that he didn't feel that way about you. You were more like a little sister, and he couldn't see you another way.
He spotted his brother and waved his hands over his head, trying to get his attention. Lucas looked his way and waved back. He turned and hooked his arm into the arm of a young woman and pulled her through the crowd. As they got closer, Chan smiled as he recognized you.
The years had been very good to you. You had developed into a confident and beautiful woman. He always regretted not reaching out to you through the years. Deep down he always wondered what would have happened if he stayed home instead of choosing the path he did. His heart skipped a beat when your eyes locked with his.
Chan pulled Lucas into a hug and patted his back, "I've missed you, brother." Ruffling his hair, he pulled away and smiled at you. He held his arms out to you, offering a hug. Carefully, you eyed him.
"You look great," Chan said to you, "I was surprised when my mum said you were coming with Lucas."
"I wouldn't let him travel alone," you smiled politely, "Plus he makes a great travel buddy." You stepped past Chan's open arms and pointed to a sign. "Is it this was to luggage claim?"
"Nice try, man," Lucas laughed and patted Chan's chest. He turned to catch up with you, leaving Chan with a blank expression on his face. "You have to give him a break," Lucas said to you as he reached your side. "That was years ago."
"Oh my gosh," you groaned, "Is this something the Bang family will ever forget? I don't care anymore." Chan had caught up with you by now, but he kept his distance. "I was a stupid kid, with a stupid crush on a stupid boy. Nothing else." Chan scoffed behind you, causing you to turn on his quickly. "Something to say," you snapped.
"Nah," he held his hands up. You continued towards luggage claim when Chan spoke again. "I just think it's funny," he said, "For something so stupid, you seem to still be upset about it." You rolled your eyes and sucked your teeth.
"What if I am," you asked, eyeing his sideways? He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. "What if I am upset still? I thought I was in love with you. You could have been more gentle." You huffed and faced his again. "I can't ever forget about it. Hannah thinks it's funny that I have a crush on her famous idol brother. Your parents always make mention of you to me, like we're friends. Shit, this kid calls me his sister-in-law, as if you've ever spoken to me since you left," you scowled, pointing to Lucas.
"Look, I'm sorry," Chan apologized, touching your arm. "I was a stupid boy, youq said so yourself. And besides, I didn't know how to handle it. I should have been nicer to you, but you were my sister's friend, and I-." He stopped and grinned at you. "Did you say you have a crush on me... Not had? Present tense?" Your mouth fell open and your cheeks burned red. "You did!" He said triumphantly.
"No, no I didn't," you tripped over your words. Lucas bumped his shoulder into you.
"You did," he whispered, "I heard you." You hated them at this point. Lucas for being right and Chan for being so good-looking. Chan stepped closer and smiled down at you.
"Come on," he urged, "Let me take you out. Just once before you leave." You chewed your lip and thought about the offer. "Let older me take older you out to make up for younger me being stupid and mean to younger you."
"What about me," Lucas piped in? Chan looked at him and made a serious face, mouthing a simple 'no'. "Wow," he said under his breath, "Older you is still a jerk."
"You know, older me has higher standards. You can't just smile at me with those dimples and expect me to give in Christopher Bang," you informed Chan. He smiled wider.
"As you should," he said, "You're a beautiful girl. You deserve the best."
"The best," you repeated. "Hm, guess I should be on my way then. Can't let the best see me with you. Might frighten them off." You smiled over your shoulder and winked.
"No, no," he called chasing after you, "I meant me. I'm the best. Where are you going? "
"Wow! How can you be so bad at this," Lucas called after Chan?
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COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The booming clap of thunder and the steady drumming of rain hitting the windows can be heard. The poor girl sat before us, shaking, her breath heavy and ragged. She was now wearing Mike's jacket; he had given it to her when we found her shivering in the rain. The four of us stood in front of her, gazing at her in awe and bewilderment. Lucas and Mike were to my right, Dustin on my left. Mike finally broke the silence.
"Is there a number we can call for your parents?"
"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"
"Dustin," I warn. Although, I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind.
Before I can stop them, the boys continue to ask her all sorts of questions without even giving her a chance to answer.
"Did you run away?"
"Are you in some kind of trouble?"
"Is that blood?" Lucas slowly extends his arm towards the girl's face; before I can stop him, Mike beats me to it and smacks his arm away.
"Stop it! You're freaking her out!"
"She's freaking me out!"
"I bet she's deaf." Dustin then turns to look at the girl and quickly claps his hands in her face and she flinches back, clearly even more frightened, if that is at all possible.
"Not deaf." He says weakly, shrugging his shoulders.
I draw the line there. "Dustin, seriously? Do you not hear yourself? How would you feel in her position, huh?"
"Y/n's right, okay? Enough, both of you." Mike defended me and looked to Dustin and Lucas as he spoke. "She's just scared and cold." He pointed in the girl's direction as he said this.
Hearing him say that made me realize she was still in nothing but a soaking wet t-shirt and Mike's jacket. I turn to Mike. "We should probably get her some fresh clothes. Do you have any down here?" I ask.
Mike nods and heads towards a laundry basket across the room. I look back at the girl and I see her close her eyes and flinch, shrinking into herself a little as another clap of thunder boomed from outside. I cautiously took a step around to the side of the coffee table and took a seat on the edge so I was near her eye level but not so close I was invading her space.
"Hey, it's okay," I try, my voice gentle. "It's just thunder. You're gonna be okay. You're safe now."
I send her a warm, reassuring smile. She says nothing, but I swear I see gratitude in her eyes.
Mike returns with some fresh clothes.
"Here, these are clean. Okay?" She cautiously takes the clothes from him and looks at them. After a moment she brings them to her face and softly rubs them on her cheek. My sympathy for her grows stronger, who knows how long it has been since she's had a proper set of clothes. She sets them aside and shrugs Mike's jacket off of her shoulders. She rises to her feet, reaching for the bottom of the t-shirt she was wearing, clearly about to undress in front of us.
"No, no, no!" We all yell.
I jump to my feet in surprise, ripping my gaze away in panic while also attempting to reach for her hands to keep them in place. Mike tries to do the same, but he's a bit more shaken up. Meanwhile, Dustin and Lucas began freaking out, their heads turned so as to not see anything. Dustin could not stop saying, "Oh, my God!"
"See over there?" Mike points to the bathroom just across the room. "That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" He asks. The girl looks ashamed and confused. She looks to the bathroom and then to me, her eyes pleading. I can tell she's afraid to be alone. I take a quick, deep breath and look at her. "You... want me in there with you?" I ask gently.
She nods and we are all surprised to hear her speak. "Yes."
"Really? Umm," I look to the guys in shock who all wear the same expression as the scene unfolds. Panicking, but also realizing by now she doesn't understand why I would be, I look back to her only to find fear in her eyes and I feel a wave of guilt. A sigh escapes and I nod. "Yeah, uh, okay. I can do that, but, you're still gonna need some privacy, okay?" I grab her clothes off the couch and I lead her to the bathroom and she looks around in curiosity.
I gesture around the bathroom awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.
"Here, I'm not gonna look, but we should close this so they don't accidentally see anything. Okay?" I gesture to the door.
Panic flooded her features, and for the first time since we found her she wore an expression of absolute certainty, speaking for the second time tonight. "No."
"Hey, its okay, it's just so that you can change in privacy. You know, so they don't accidentally see you changing? How about we close it most of the way? That way you have privacy, but you know you can still get out. Does that sound good?" She hesitates then nods her head slightly. I push the door in so it's cracked open.
I handed her Mike's spare set of clothes, doing my best to offer a small smile. "Alright, here you go,"
For a moment I think, just maybe it's okay to slip out and let her change. But then I see the look in here eyes, and it hits truly me why it's so important to her someone stays.
My smile feels a little more genuine now and it almost seems to put her at ease, just a little. "Don't worry, I'll stay."
I cross over to the other side of the bathroom, taking a seat on the closed lid of the toilet with my back turned to her. For extra measure, I even clamped my hand over my eyes, still trying to figure out my day took such a weird turn. I can her start to move around and figure she's started changing, and briefly I think of how scared she looked when the thunder rumbled.
It reminded me of how bad thunder used to scare me as kid; like really bad, and how Mom helped me through it. Even kept me company until I fell asleep, and it all made a little more sense why she asked me. It was the same reason I recognized the look in her eyes almost at once; Anxiety and genuine fear. Like I did when I was a kid, I needed that company around just to know I wasn't alone.
It only makes my mind race with a million different questions but, they're all silenced when I hear voices coming from the other room.
"This is mental." It was Dustin.
"At least she can talk." Mike defended.
"She said 'no' and 'yes.' Your three-year-old sister says more." Lucas counters. I bite my lip, trying not to yell at Lucas. If he heard her say 'no' to me from the bathroom, that obviously means that we can hear him. As much as I love those guys, they can be really insensitive.
"She tried to get naked." Dustin argued."She brought Y/n in there with her!"
I can feel my face heat up and I wish I could melt into a puddle where I sit. At least that way they could just flush me and be done with it.
"It's not like that! She's just scared," Mike defended.
"There's something seriously wrong with her. Like, wrong in the head." Said Lucas.
"She, just went like..." and then I could barely make out the muffled sound of something falling.
"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst."
"From where?" Mike sounded just as exasperated as I was feeling.
"The nuthouse in Kerley County."
"You got a lot of family there?"
"Bite me."
"Seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy."
"Why she went like..."
"She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a psycho."
"Like Michael Myers."
"Exactly! We should've never brought her here."
"So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?"
"Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem."
"I think we should tell your mom." Dustin offers.
"I second that."
"Who's crazy now?"
"How is that crazy?"
"'Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?"
"So if I tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom..."
"Oh, man."
"Our houses become Alcatraz."
"Exactly. We'll never find Will."
There's a brief silence, and I think about everything I just heard. Mike had a pretty good point. And I don't blame Lucas for being skeptical, I just wish he wouldn't be so harsh sometimes. If I can hear their conversation, that means she can. I can't imagine what she must be going through right now.
"All right, here's the plan. She sleeps here tonight."
"You're letting a girl --"
"Just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We'll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will."
I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see the girl had changed. She had sad look on her face and I don't blame her at all.
"Feeling better?" I ask. She meets my eyes for a brief moment and nods, looking back down at her feet.
I sigh and lower my voice into a whisper, trying to undo all the damage the boys just unknowingly caused. "Hey, I'm sorry they said all those things. You'll be in good hands here with that boy Mike; the guy who gave you the clothes, he's really nice, and it sounds like you'll be staying with him."
I stood up, eyeing the door and my friends who I could barely see through the slat we left open and I turned back to her.
"By the way... You don't have to answer any of those questions if you're not ready. That was unfair of them to do that. If you ever need anything... or someone to talk to, even after we get everything sorted out, well, I'm here." I shrug, giving her a reassuring smile before opening the door, leading her out of the bathroom.
Lucas and Dustin were standing at the bottom of the stairs, ready to head out. I follow their gaze to find Mike had made a small fort for the girl.
Mike was helping the girl get settled inside. "Here you go. This is my sleeping bag."
"You really think she's psycho?" Dustin whispered.
"Wouldn't want her in my house." Before Lucas could head up the stairs I spoke up.
"We heard everything."
Lucas and Dustin stopped and looked at me, worried.
"All those nasty things you were saying back there, we heard every word. She heard every word... Just go. Dustin, I'll catch up in a few minutes. Bye." I threw them a flat, angry look as I shook my head and walked away. As I made my way over to the fort I took note of the silence behind me, followed by reluctant footsteps up the stairs.
"Hey, um, I never asked your name." Mike said trying to make conversation. I kneeled down next to Mike.
The girl looks at us both, then without saying anything, she pulls up her left sleeve to reveal a tattoo on the inside of her wrist. It read '011'. My eyes widen in shock.
"Woah," I can't help but gasp.
"Is that real?" Mike asks excitedly as he reaches over to touch the tattoo. She quickly retracts her arm and looks at Mike. There's an awkward silence apart from the booming thunder outside.
"Sorry, I've just... never seen a kid with a tattoo before." He apologized sheepishly.
"Can I ask what it means?" I say.
She looks at me and then points a finger towards herself.
"So, that's your name? Eleven?" I confirm.
She nods her head and then looks down at her lap.
"Eleven. Okay." Mike says, perking up. "Um, well, my name's Mike. Short for Michael, and this is my friend Y/n. He's Dustin's brother." Eleven looks over at me and I smile politely, giving her a small wave.
"Maybe we can call you 'El.' Short for Eleven." Mike offers. She nods her head in agreement. There's a silence and I can tell Mike likes her already.
"Um, well, okay," I say, trying to break the silence. "El, it was nice meeting you. And, like I said, if you need anything at all, I'm here. And so is Mikey here, of course," I say, looking over at Mike, giving him a knowing look, a smirk on my face. "Unfortunately, I have to head home so, I'll see you guys later."
I smile and grab my jacket. As i head for the stairs, I turn to both of them and send them a little wave. "Bye!"
Mide nods at me, the girl, El watching curiously as I go. That's the last I see of them as I dissapear up the steps.
I could hear Mike stuttering a 'goodnight' to El as I make it to the top. Clearly, I caught him off guard. I smile to myself, thinking.
'Ohh, he has so got it bad.'
I parked my bike in its usual spot and made it through the front door quiet enough so my mom won't hear.
Most of the lights were turned off, my mom must have gone to bed already just as I suspected. I heard an obnoxious meowing near my feet and look down to see Mews. I kneel down and pet this attention starved cat knowing that's the only way she will ever quiet down. I don't know how she can be attention starved when Mom doted on her as much as she does.
Mews lets out a deep purr and leans into my hand as I give her head a few scratches. I take off my shoes and set them by the front door before sneaking back into my room.
I flip on the light switch and stare at my slightly messy room and sigh at the events of today. I close my door so I can change into my pj's and tidy up a bit. Once I'm done I open my door so it's ajar, knowing that Mews likes to come and go throughout the house as she pleases. I sit down on the side of my bed and sigh heavily.
My eyes are fixed on the floor, particularly the different shadows that were being cast from my lamp on my bedside table as my thoughts wandered back to the fruitless efforts of tonight.
The stress and constant worrying have taken its toll on me. It breaks my heart to know that my best friend is somewhere out there lost and probably hurt. I guess a big part of me was sure that we were going to find Will in those woods out by Mirkwood tonight. I should have known better.
I feel something on my leg and I look down to see tear stains on my pajama bottoms. I hadn't even realized I had started crying. I sniffle, wiping my nose and grab the stuffed duck that was sitting on my bed. Will had won it for me. I give it a tight hug, a small smile creeps its way onto my face at the memory.
It was the first Saturday of summer vacation and the five of us had gone to the arcade for a much-deserved celebration. We all filed into the arcade, I followed Mike, Dustin, and Lucas as we made our way to Dustin's favorite game Dig Dug, Will and I side by side, buzzing with the excitement of the new summer ahead of us.
There was a brief moment of comfortable silence as we looked around the arcade. We passed by all the familiar games including the infamous claw game. I spare a glance at its contents and notice an adorable bright yellow duck perched in the front of the glass.
I smile and point at the stuffed duck. "Oh! That duck is so cute!" I admired it for a brief moment and catch up with Dustin, assuming Will is still next to me.
( hats off to the folk who understand this reference!! 😎 )
About twenty minutes later I had just beaten Mike's high score on Pac Man. All the boys watched over my shoulder and I couldn't help but cheer out. "Ha! Say, Mike, how does my dust taste?"
"Oh, whatever. You only beat me by," he leans over my shoulder to look at my score. "Holy crap! 1300 points?! Alright, well done." He sighs.
"Hey Will, you owe me 5 bucks!" I turn to my friend only to not see him there. I look around in confusion.
"Wait, guys, where is Will?"
They all shrug.
"I don't know, the last time I saw him he was with you. When we got here." Lucas shrugged.
I look around until I spot the familiar bowl cut by the claw machine. He must have won something since he was leaning down to grab some prize from the machine. I quickly grab my tickets and abandon the machine and meet him by the claw, he made eye contact with me and quickly put his hands behind his back.
"Hey, man. Where have you been? You just missed it. I just annihilated Mike in Pac Man. It was awesome!"
"I, um... Well, I, uh," he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he stammered.
I breathed out a soft laugh. "Will, it's fine, you're not on trial or anything."
"Well I noticed you seemed to really like that duck and it seemed easy enough, and um, and so yeah, I played a couple rounds and, well here." His words sort of spilled out of his mouth and he quickly pulled out his hand from behind his back and handed me the cute little stuffed duck from earlier. A huge, beaming smile finds it's way onto my face as I take the duck from him.
"Oh, wow!" I gasped as I took the duck from him. "That's awesome, thank you! I love it! Aww, it's so cute!" I gave the duck a big squeeze and held it under my arm.
"Yeah, uh no problem. So you said you beat Mike's score? That's great! By how much?" He seems more relaxed now that he's changed the subject.
"You'll never believe it, 1300 points!" I said smugly.
"No way! Y/n, that's awesome!" He gave me a big smile.
"I know right? Anyways, come on, let's hit up Space Invaders. We've got more records to beat." I motioned towards the machine, but Will doesn't move. His smile only falters. "What's wrong Byers? Come on, we better hurry before someone else gets to it." I give him a smile, silently urging him to come along.
"Yeah, umm about that... I don't have any money left. I um, I kinda spent it all on the claw." He said sheepishly.
"What?" I stare in disbelief. I can't believe he would do that.
"I'm sorry, I just thought that—" he stammered.
"No, Will, hey! I'm not mad!" I soothe as I reach out and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him.
"And please, don't be sorry. If anything, I'm sorry. You spent all your money just to get this duck. I know you guys are tight on money right now, and well, I—" I stopped, completely appalled at his actions. "Thank you. That means so much to me. You're amazing." I smile and pull him in for a hug.
The hug lingers for a few moments longer than necessary but not enough to make it too awkward. He was hesitant to let go it seemed. I finally broke the hug and gave him another big grin.
"Come on, I am playing Space Invaders with my favorite person, whether he likes it or not. I've still got a buttload of coins."
"But, you don't have to do that."
"You didn't have to spend all your money getting the duck but you did anyway." I point out. He smiles at this.
"Besides," I continued. "You know me, I'd feel way too guilty if I didn't repay you in some way for the duck. This way, we'll be even. What do you say?" I playfully elbow him.
A big grin breaks out on his face. "Yeah okay, cool. Thanks."
I smile fondly as I give the ever so slightly worn duck a squeeze. It quickly became one of my favorite things. A quiet sob escapes my lips as I hug the duck.
"Y/n?" My head shot up to my door to see Dustin poking his head in my room, concern etched on his face.
I sniffle and quickly wipe my nose with the back of my hand as I attempt to stop my sobs.
"Sorry," I mumble, figuring I'd annoyed him.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Dustin asks worriedly, he takes a seat next to me, not before closing the door behind him.
"I'm sorry, I just," I am unable to hold back another sob, I lean into my brother's shoulder. He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he tries to comfort me.
"Seriously, are you okay? What's the matter?"
"I miss him," I wail. I can feel Dustin's body stiffen for a brief moment at the mention of Will. He sighs and runs his hand up and down my shoulder, trying to comfort me.
"I know," his voice sounds hoarse, like he's trying not to cry. "I miss him too."
"What if, he doesn't come back?" I choke on my sobs.
"You shouldn't talk like that. We'll find him. You know him, he's good at hiding. If something did get him, you just know he's hiding. That's why the clever bastard never bites it in our campaigns, even when we do."
I breathe out a soft chuckle at this. Dustin has a point. It seems no matter what kind of trouble he gets into during our campaigns, he always seems to find a way out. It's become a running joke in our party.
My smile falters. "But what if..."
"Y/n, you can't keep doing this to yourself. No more 'what ifs' it's not healthy, and—"
"Well, I can't help it, Dustin!" I snap, cutting him off. "I just... I just can't. You don't understand. You think I like it when my brain won't stop plaguing me with these god awful scenarios that gnaw at me every second? I can't help it, it's so draining! Why do you think it takes so long to come down from my anxiety attacks?"
My eyes are welling up again and my vision has become blurry. All I can do is look down back at the ground.
Dustin only sighs. "I'm sorry. I had no idea."
I sniffle and sigh. "I'm sorry too. It just gets so frustrating not being able to communicate my feelings with people who don't deal with anxiety like I do."
"I just... I just hope he's okay." Hot tears slide down my face as I stare at the wall. I heard a sniffle come from Dustin. We stayed like that for quite some time, longing for our friend.
A//N: I put this in because I think it's important that I share this with you all. I don't ever see any fics with a reader with an anxiety disorder and I thought it was important that I do because as someone who struggles with anxiety and someone who has anxiety attacks all the time, I often feel disconnected from the story, anyway I thought that I should shed some light on the subject as well as let readers with anxiety disorders feel included and represented as well as let you know YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND YOUR DISORDER DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. PLEASE DM ME (A LIVING BREATHING PERSON WITH AN ANXIETY DISORDER) IF ANY OF YOU WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE WHO STRUGGLES WITH THIS AND/OR YOU WANT TO ASK QUESTIONS TO LEARN MORE.
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musette22 · 2 years
Hi, darling (I hope it´s ok to call you darling) I´m starting to write ff so I am really curious to know more about your dont´s and any other advice about writing that you might have. I´m a huge fan of your stories and I think you´re an incredible writer so I will really value your opinion on the topic
Hi, lovely! It's absolutely fine to call me darling, you can call my anything you like as long as it's something nice 😘 Thank you SO much for your kind words about my writing, I appreciate it more than I can say 💗 I'm so happy to hear you're starting to write fanfiction as well, that's very exciting!! As for writing advice, I really don't feel qualified to dole out advice lol, but I'll do my best to tell you about a few things that I try to do and/or avoid myself when I'm writing! I'll put it under the keep reading tag for you, since it's a little lengthy 😘
1. Make sure you stick to one tense. I personally always write in present tense, but I know a lot of people who write in past tense as well, and that's just a matter of personal preference. Both are absolutely fine, as long as you consistently use one or the other throughout your fic (with the exception of course of when a character is recalling something, or in dialogue etc. But that speaks for itself, I imagine)
2. Make sure you stick to one POV within a single scene. Unless you're writing from the omniscient narrator POV or something like that, you always write from one person's perspective, meaning we are in their brains and looking through their eyes. It's incredibly jarring to me when within a single scene, multiple POVs occur. It just jolts me out of the story immediately, because that's impossible in real life, and it should therefore also be in fiction. It's fine to switch POV from one chapter or even scene to another, as long as it's clear that it's intentional POV switching.
3. Avoid the use of epithets and characteristics (i.e. when someone is described as 'the taller/older man' or 'the blond woman') to indicate someone instead of using their name or he/she/they. This does not apply when it's a character whose name we don't know yet. It makes sense to describe those characters by some of their characteristics, although if it's a while before we learn the character's name, I personally prefer it when people just give them a nickname (blondie, Hot Gym Guy, Sarah's dad etc.)
4. When writing dialogue, try not to use too many alternatives to the word 'says/said'. It's understandable to want to avoid constantly going "Bucky says" and "Steve says" etc. since that can get irritating too, but only using substitutes like "grumbles" or "sighs" or "whines" or "mutters" can also start to become tedious after a while. The trick is to find a balance, and to also write dialogue in such a way that it's often clear who's saying what without always having to indicate who is speaking.
5. Try to use a mix of shorter and longer sentences. I personally find it difficult to get into a story when it consists of only short sentences, but of course, when an author only writes very long sentences with lots and lots of commas, that can get a little tiring too. So the trick is to try and mix it up, but in an organic way (so not alternating or anything like that, but finding a balance that works).
6. Use proper punctuation. I can't stress this enough. Commas and full stops and hyphens all exist for a reason. Please use them as they were meant to be used as much as possible, and be economical with exclamation marks. In my opinion, it's almost always possible to show that someone is agitated or enthusiastic by simply using the right words, or sometimes some well-placed italics.
7. Pay extra attention to your opening sentence/paragraph. Make sure it's engaging, and draws your reader in. An easy way to do that is to open with dialogue, but if you do that, do make sure that you take the time to set the scene as well. Your reader will want to learn the who-what-where at some point during the first few paragraphs. It's sometimes tempting to open a fic by explaining what happened before this scene, how the character(s) got to where they are, and exactly who they are, but to me, that can feel decidedly clunky a lot of the time. So again, try to find a balance (but I'll admit it's a tricky thing to get right!)
8. Try to find a balance between exposition and dialogue. It's totally fine and understandable that some fics are heavier on one than the other (it depends on a lot of factors), but if a fic consists almost exclusively of descriptions without there being a good reason for it, I personally find that it gets less engaging. Similarly, if a fic uses a LOT of dialogue and rarely delves into exposition, it can kind of make me feel a little unmoored or stressed, and like I need to catch my breath. If possible, try to alternate.
So basically, it's all about balance 😅 I could probably go on, but I think these are some of the most important practical things I can think of when it comes to writing a story. Please keep in mind that I am not a professional author, and that I've only been writing for about three years, and learned through trial and error more than anything. I still struggle with a lot of the above - as you, as a reader of my fics, will probably know! But I do always try to pay attention to these issues, so I hope some of these tips can be useful for you too!! Let me know if you want me to elaborate on any of these points, and best of luck with your writing, lovely!! 😘😘
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ofbeautsandbeasts · 2 years
This isn’t a question but i just wanted to let you know i keep going back to your unmasking drawing of leroux!erik because it has one of the most terrifying deformities i’ve ever seen. I can’t wait till you post another Leroux!erik drawing 🖤 💀
Oh wow, thank you so much for this kind message @artbecome!!! 😆💖 I'm so happy you like the ultra scary version of him that I sometimes draw. Ngl, his skin is meant to resemble a cantaloupe to some extent 😂 My next piece is a commission for @obesessedwbeautiesandbeasts that does feature an unmasked Erik (and Christine), though it's part of her fanfic Paris High School in which they're high school students...so not quite Leroux (but similar). Feel free to check out her fic if you enjoy high school AUs! It's one of my faves 😜
I'll get around to a proper Lerik drawing sometime this year (I gotta, right?). I have some other random projects to work on, which is why I haven't been drawing much lately, although I really appreciate you coming by to say you want to see more of my creepy skeleton man! 😁 I’ll do my best to think up a scene where I can make him terrifying again. Hope you have an excellent day! 😎✌️
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Hwa, spare a tit or two 🤲🏻 even if they're flat I'll take them!
Vampire Jimin makes sense and DILF Namjoon yeah, so predictable lmao.
I feel the same about fanfiction. I read some San ffs at the beginning of stanning, but with Hongjoong and Yeosang I only really read threesomes with Seonghwa jahsggsdjahdjshss sometimes people send me snippets of other fics so I go through them. I read some Seongjoong once or twice, because I knew someone who wrote and read for them, but they became a bit too invested in that ship and it felt like they were seriously seeing them as a couple and I'm not here for that 🤡🔫 I used to enjoy MxM fiction, but it started to feel weird, especially because most MxMs aren't written by gay men so it's a bit off putting to me. I also dislike how other sexualities than straight and gay basically don't exist in the fanfiction world. The plots might be really great, but I just can't do the smut 😭
Before I proof read some SKZ fics, but I wouldn't call it proper reading, because I had to look away during smut scenes hdusjjsdnhdshjs. Sometimes I scroll through tags for other groups like my children Enhypen and see some hardcore dom smut I need to run away 😭🤚🏻
Please do not ask about my writing career hahhaahhaha it was long ago and 🤡
Oh yeah idols are extremely sexualised, sexualised or infantilsed - for some people there's nothing in between. There's no problem with calling someone sexy unless they're underage, but people go too fucking far. I have a "friend" who claims to be a soft stan and acts pretty delulu sometimes, but then goes 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 at every picture. So fucking exhausting. And they don't even like men irl much, lmao I think after getting into kpop they started simping for Korean men in general which is creepy af. A whole ass 27 year old ehhhh
Hahaha yes I think I liked Wolf ironically at first, but now I genuinely don't mind it. Bestie I said print 😭😭😭 I used to draw, but not anymore. If I could I would be drawing/painting Seonghwa left and right
So trueeee he's always immaculately styled, I know it's easy cause he has great body proportions and is willing to experiment. But he just works every type of style so well. Versatile king 😍
Btw I'm going to another kpop party tonight, I'll let you know how it went. Hope they play a lot of Ateez, sadly it's +16 so I expect a lot of cringy Koreaboos and creepy guys... - DV 💖
Hwa, spare a tit or two 🤲🏻 even if they're flat I'll take them!
Vampire Jimin makes sense and DILF Namjoon yeah, so predictable lmao.
iTS ALWAYS DILF OR CEO FRR or single dad au 😭😭😭😭😭
I feel the same about fanfiction. I read some San ffs at the beginning of stanning, but with Hongjoong and Yeosang I only really read threesomes with Seonghwa jahsggsdjahdjshss sometimes people send me snippets of other fics so I go through them. I read some Seongjoong once or twice, because I knew someone who wrote and read for them, but they became a bit too invested in that ship and it felt like they were seriously seeing them as a couple and I'm not here for that 🤡🔫 I used to enjoy MxM fiction, but it started to feel weird, especially because most MxMs aren't written by gay men so it's a bit off putting to me. I also dislike how other sexualities than straight and gay basically don't exist in the fanfiction world. The plots might be really great, but I just can't do the smut 😭
YEAAAAH 10000% the mxm smut feels a little off putting fr fr 😭😭 their plots are really great but i skip past the smut so fast you’d think im the flash 🔫 but like there’s a few fics on ao3 without smut that shOULD LITERALLY BE PUBLISHED,,, when ppl become too invested in a ship and begin to think its real irl ??? 😭😭
Before I proof read some SKZ fics, but I wouldn't call it proper reading, because I had to look away during smut scenes hdusjjsdnhdshjs. Sometimes I scroll through tags for other groups like my children Enhypen and see some hardcore dom smut I need to run away 😭🤚🏻
SAME 😭😭😭😭 i used to beta read a skz fic and i had to read the smut part bc that was the whole point,,, the way my face scrunches up reading about them bc i geNuinly cannot imagine them doing this 😭😭 the choking and calling sluts and sorts,, sometimes i read the fic for the plot and skip the smut
Please do not ask about my writing career hahhaahhaha it was long ago and 🤡
Oh yeah idols are extremely sexualised, sexualised or infantilsed - for some people there's nothing in between. There's no problem with calling someone sexy unless they're underage, but people go too fucking far. I have a "friend" who claims to be a soft stan and acts pretty delulu sometimes, but then goes 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 at every picture. So fucking exhausting. And they don't even like men irl much, lmao I think after getting into kpop they started simping for Korean men in general which is creepy af. A whole ass 27 year old ehhhh
insanely sexualized and infantilized to the point some ppl just look at them as sexual objects bur then say “i feel so bad that theyre so sexualized” AND THEN DO THE EXACT SAME THING,, i have one too and im so tired 😭😭😭 i try to stray away from the topic by sending memes or something but they ALWAYS send stuff like that like come on bestie 😭😭😭 NAURRRRRRRR THAT “FRIEND” NEEDS TO STOP BFMWBDKW the fetish increases?? 😭😭 foe the delulu part, i do it for funsies “if he breathes one more time im going full delulu” but the ppl ik fr fr go “gonna go sk and walk by kq or work there, they wont ever escape me” 😭😭😭😭
Hahaha yes I think I liked Wolf ironically at first, but now I genuinely don't mind it. Bestie I said print 😭😭😭 I used to draw, but not anymore. If I could I would be drawing/painting Seonghwa left and right
u know those who liked wolf are into abo fics 🤚🏼YOU ARE A FURRY i also genuinely don’t mind it but when i tell ppl that they just go “ur just trying to convince yourself” 😭😭???? aHHHH u print pc’s 👁👁
https://twitter.com/hwachipp/status/1525141200562683904?t=Npc0fXC-rsp2Z1ofIYu22g&s=19 So trueeee he's always immaculately styled, I know it's easy cause he has great body proportions and is willing to experiment. But he just works every type of style so well. Versatile king 😍
ABSOLUTELY AND THE WAY HIS MODEL BODY MAKES HIM LOOK EVEN BETTER 😮‍💨 shinestar’s also follow him and are the best dressed 🤚🏼 following mingki’s
Btw I'm going to another kpop party tonight, I'll let you know how it went. Hope they play a lot of Ateez, sadly it's +16 so I expect a lot of cringy Koreaboos and creepy guys... - DV 💖
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g-good luck bestie
Shit bestie I think I forgot to include this important video in my previous ask THE WAY HE PULLED HIS HOODIE UP, MADE SURE HIS ASS IS ON SHOW https://twitter.com/raspberryhwa/status/1525025978908651526?t=KtQ9qPzkPzeCJrdG0LhK-g&s=19
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primroseprime2019 · 3 years
Con Job
"Alright! Chores are done! Now can we do some dune-bashing?!" Miko pleaded Bulkhead from her position on his shoulder as he walked into the command centre.
"I don't know, Miko. Last time, I spent a week picking sand out of my articulators. But there's a monster-truck rally in town," Bulkhead offered, causing Miko to light up.
"What is it with you and monster-truck rallies?" Paige asked as she leaned into Optimus, resting on his shoulder.
"They're awesome!" Miko answered casually.
"Optimus! I'm receiving a signal from a restricted band! It appears to be coming from a starship within the solar system," Ratchet reported, "It's an Autobot identification beacon!"
"So there are other bots out there?" Jack surmised.
"The masses scattered to the galaxy after Cybertron finally went dark. But 'Cons have been known to fake traps with false beacons," Arcee pointed out. Paige looked down at the mention of Cybertron but she was hiding her sadness at the fact that she was most likely the last Galatrian in the world.
And it hurt. Optimus, almost as if he sensed her sadness, gently brushed the girl's back with his digit before he looked back at the screens.
"Unknown vessel, this is Autobot Outpost Omega One. Identify yourself."
After some static, they got the answer they were looking for. And it made Bulkhead happy.
"I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat grenades!"
"Wheeljack?!" Bulkhead exclaimed excitedly as he ran forward, causing Miko to nearly fall off his shoulder, "You old 'Con crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?!"
"Bulkhead? That you? What's with all the security?"
"The rock we're on is crawling with 'Cons. How soon can you get here and even the odds?" Bulkhead asked.
"Sometime tomorrow...if I put metal to the pedal."
"Another bot's coming here! How cool is that?!" Miko gushed excitedly.
"Wheeljack... I know him by reputation only. Can you verify his voiceprint?" Optimus asked.
"He is 1000% the real deal, Optimus," Bulkhead nodded.
"Aw, y'all wouldn't forget about us so easily, would ya?" A mech's voice asked playfully. Arcee widened her optics in surprise, "Jazz?"
"Us?" Jack repeated curiously. "I'm here with Jazz and Wheeljack," Prowl chuckled.
"Don't leave us out, ya old mech," another voice said and Primrose widened her optics with joy and surprise.
"WhiteRain, Nightwalker!" She said excitedly. "Hiya Prim," the other femme said.
"Hey, Rosie," Nightwalker said excitedly.
"New bots! And they sound cool!" Paige said happily. Upon hearing that, Optimus and Ratchet softly glared at the girl.
"You're all cool too," Paige said quickly with a smile and the others chuckled. "Whatever you say, Sweetspark," Ratchet chuckled.
"Who's the little lady?" Jazz asked. "You'll see her soon," Ratchet chuckled.
"We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack. Safe journey," Optimus bidded.
"See you soon, buddy. I'll make sure you get a proper welcome," Bulkhead promised before the transmission was terminated.
"So...who's the boyfriend?" Arcee asked casually.
"Me and Jacky go way back. We were part of the same warrior unit: The Wreckers. Which means the 'Cons are gonna wish he never found us," Bulkhead proclaimed.
"Oh boy," Primrose grimaced as she facepalmed dramatically, "And I thought we had enough male ego around here!"
"Try living with them for as long as I have," Arcee retorted with a smirk.
"I don't know how you survive," Primrose chuckled.
"Hey!" Bulkhead exclaimed in mock offence.
"Wheeljack? You old 'Con Crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?"
"Bulkhead? That you? What's will all the security?"
"The rock we're on is crawling with 'Cons. How soon can you get here and even the odds?"
"A war hero, hmmm?" Ember pondered aloud.
"We haven't much time. Makeshift!" Starscream called out.
Makeshift approached the three Decepticons. As soon as Makeshift was close enough, Soundwave stuck out his clawed tentacle and stabbed Makeshift. Within moments, Makeshift wasn't himself anymore.
"Let us give the Autobots a proper welcome," Ember said with a soft yet dark chuckle.
"Wheeljack's ship is approaching the landing zone," Arcee reported happily.
"You think he's here to visit?" Raf asked.
"Maybe he'll stay! Hm, has to find his own human, though," Miko mused, "How about Paige?"
"No!" Bulkhead, Primrose and Arcee protested and Bumblebee glanced at Optimus who's shoulders tensed up with protectiveness upon hearing Miko.
"GroundBridge cycling up," Ratchet reported proudly, before sparks flew from the controls, causing him to grumble as he whacked it with his fist, "Blasted Scraplets! The equipment hasn't been the same since the infestation." "What are they like?" Paige asked, looking to Primrose, "the new bots, I mean."
"Jazz and Prowl are complete opposites of each other," Primrose chuckled, "Jazz is a bit of a musical delight while Prowl is a little by-the-book. WhiteRain is sassy and creative although her personality says different and Nightwalker's just a cowboy- rowdy and rambunctious."
"Him, Cliff and I would get into all kinds of mischief," Arcee chuckled. Paige smiled softly and she leaned into Arcee's neck cables.
"So Wheeljack's gonna land halfway around the world?" Jack began, "and then you'll just bridge him and the others here?"
"We can't risk revealing the location of our base. Just in case the Decepticons are tracking Wheeljack's ship," Optimus explained the reasoning behind this action.
"Someone wanna calm Bulkhead's pacing?" Primrose asked as she gestured to the pacing Bulkhead.
"Allow me," Miko smirked before approaching the railing, "Dude! I've never seen you so stoked!"
"You're gonna love Wheeljack! We were like brothers! And tonight, we're gonna party!" Bulkhead proclaimed.
"Sweet!" Miko cheered. The alarms went off.
"Bogies! Closing fast on Wheeljack's position!" Arcee reported.
"'Con scum!" Bulkhead exclaimed in anger.
Wheeljack's ship, the Jackhammer, flew through the air, being tailed by five Decepticons who shot at the Autobot ship.
The Jackhammer dodged every shot except one. A blaster shot hit the engine and the ship made a huge dent in the desert as it crashed and skidded for a few feet.
The Vehicons landed and transformed into their bipedal forms. One of them took a step forward only to be met with a blaster to the chestplates and it fell to the ground.
WhiteRain, Nightwalker, Jazz, Prowl and Wheeljack stepped out of the smoke. Nightwalker's blaster was out and smoking.
"You trying to ruin our day, you're gonna have to try harder than that," Wheeljack said before he activated his battle mask and the five Autobots charged at the Vehicons, drawing their weapons.
Echo watched the scene on the screen, her wings twitching slightly. Ember turned to Soundwave, "swiftly now. Before the other Autobots arrive."
Soundwave only nodded in response.
"Open the bridge, Ratchet! We're missing all the action!" Bulkhead pointed out.
"I'll prepare sick bay," Ratchet decided as he activated the bridge.
"Who for? The 'Cons? This is Wheeljack we're talking about!" Bulkhead scoffed in disbelief before running into the portal with Arcee and Bumblebee following him.
"Why do I get the feeling that something bad is about to happen?" Primrose suddenly asked.
"Prim, you worry way too much," Firestorm teased her affectionately.
"I can't help it, Fire. It runs in the family!" Primrose defended as she jerked her helm in Optimus' direction.
"I heard that," Optimus called out from the other side of the room.
"You were meant to!" Primrose called back. "It's strange that Bulkhead only talks of Wheeljack and not of the other bots," Paige said, tilting her head slightly.
"Well Bulkhead and Wheeljack have known each other since the War began," Ratchet said, "trust me, imagine how their reunion will look."
When Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee arrived at the scene, they were expecting a fight. They were expecting to be attacked by the Decepticons. So they had their blasters ready to go. However, there was no need. Surrounding them were dismantled Decepticon warriors. Bulkhead could only stand and watch in pure amazement as Wheeljack ran his blade through the remaining Decepticon and he fell to the ground.
"I taught him that," Bulkhead chuckled proudly.
"Ever think we might need a hand here?" Nightwalker asked as he sheathed his blades and he and the others approached the three Autobots.
"What? And spoil the show?" Bulkhead scoffed.
"You missed one," Arcee said, placing her servo on her hip. WhiteRain unlocked her blaster and shot the remaining Vehicon right in the faceplates, taking care of it quickly.
"If this is all you got, then this planet is in much bigger trouble than I thought," Wheeljack remarked. Bulkhead widened his optics before he hurried up to the other two Wreckers and picked them up into a hug, laughing with joy.
Nightwalker chuckled as he and Arcee clapped servos together and patted each other's backs.
Jazz smiled as he rubbed Bumblebee's helm and Prowl chuckled. Arcee grinned as she watched the two Wreckers.
"Haha, watch the finish, you old wrecking ball," WhiteRain chuckled.
The ground bridge opened and the Autobots ran into the base. Ratchet jumped slightly when the controls sparked and so did the ground bridge.
"Jacky, Rain, come here. Meet my other best buddy, Miko. She can wreck with the best of us," Bulkhead boasted.
"Hiya," Miko greeted.
"You keeping Bulkhead out of trouble?" WhiteRain asked as she leaned in closer.
"I try. But trouble finds us anyway," Miko answered. "More like you find trouble," Primrose chuckled as she hugged Nightwalker and WhiteRain.
"We're gonna get along just fine," Wheeljack chuckled and he walked up to Optimus, "Optimus Prime. It's a privilege."
"Likewise, soldier," Optimus said, "What have you to report from your long journey?"
"Been bouncing from rock to rock searching for signs of friend or foe. Now I find both," Wheeljack shrugged casually.
"We are few but strong. We have suffered losses. But we have grown. And we would relish welcoming a new member into our fold," Optimus said.
"I would be honored," Wheeljack smiled.
"Then let's get this party started!" Bulkhead cheered as he slapped Wheeljack's back and they bumped chests.
"Oh joy," Ratchet said sarcastically with a frown. Jazz looked around before he saw Paige hiding behind Arcee's pede.
Jazz smiled softly and he bent down on one knee and held his servo out. "C'mon out, Lil Lady. I won't hurt ya."
Paige looked up at Arcee who gave a reassuring nod and the girl walked over to Jazz before she climbed into his servo.
"You're a Galatrian," Prowl said, blinking in surprise, "I've heard of you but I didn't think there'd be one on Earth of all places." "She's so cute and tiny," WhiteRain said with a giggle.
Paige blushed and she waved her fist at the other femme, "I'm not tiny!" "Fiesty little thing," Nightwalker snickered.
"The moment Makeshift passed through their GroundBridge, we lost their signal," Starscream announced, "the Autobot base is no doubt heavilly shielded to prevent us from locating it. No matter. I have complete faith in Makeshift," Starscream reassured himself as he and Soundwave walked into a prison cell with Wheeljack- the real one- hanging from energy-suspended shackles.
"Our inside man is already inside," Starscream said. Wheeljack looked at the two Decepticons with narrowed optics, "tell Megatron he's fragged in the helm if he thinks Bulkhead won't sniff out an imposter."
"Haven't you heard? Someone else leads the Decepticons now," Starscream said, a hint of bitterness in his tone.
"You? Ha!" Wheeljack scoffed with laughter. Starscream growled and raised his claws to strike the Autobot only for Soundwave to grab him by the wrist.
"Yes," Starscream hissed and he yanked his servo away, "yes he may be yet of use," he looked back at Wheeljack, "Makeshift is very good at keeping up appearances. He need only fool your friends long enough to open their ground bridge from within so that I may finally learn the location of the Autobot base and send in my strike team to stain its floor with the spilled energon of Optimus Prime."
Loud electric guitar music filled the atrium as Miko played for the group, dancing a bit as she did. Paige and Raf sat nearby listening.
"Come on, Wheeljack! Show me what you got!" Bulkhead challenged as he caught the metal ball and threw it back, "Nice lob!"
"So...what's that about?" Jack asked.
"It's called lobbing. A favourite pass-time on Cybertron. Especially among the warrior class," Arcee clarified.
"Come on, Raf! Show us some moves!" Miko encouraged as the familiar beats filled the room.
"Oh, alright...," Raf sighed as he stood up...and did the robot.
"Of course. The robot," Jack laughed. Paige laughed as Bumblebee copied Raf.
"Oh the irony," Nightwalker laughed before he decided to join the two.
Paige watched Miko play her guitar and she walked away. "Hey Paige, can you sing something for us?" Miko asked, a smug grin on her face, "I'm sure Wheeljack would love to hear your voice for the first time."
Paige felt her cheeks warm up as everyone looked at her, even Ratchet. "U-um," Paige said and she glared at Miko, "you are so dead."
Miko stuck her tongue out at her. Paige sighed before she placed her phone on the amp and plugged it in.
"Said there's nothing that we can't do when we're dancing," Paige sang, "I can feel the music more when I'm with you. With your hands on me, I feel my heartbeat racing. Now."
"Had to let go of everything that I know," She continued, swinging her hips a little, "before, -ore, -ore. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently. One, two, three, and dance with me tonight! And maybe all our dreams are coming true. And, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! Let me move you!"
"Yeah, little faster, little slower, it don't matter. 'Cause I never knew myself this good till now. And I hope you know this change in me forever. Forever," she did a little twirl, "had to let go of everything that I know. Before, -ore, -ore! One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently. One, two, three, and dance with me tonight! And maybe all our dreams are coming true. And, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you. One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! One, two, three, yeah, come with me. We can work it differently! Said one, two, three, and dance with me tonight. And maybe all our dreams are coming true and, baby, I can feel you feel it too. So just let me move you! Let me move you!"
She wasn't even aware Ratchet was staring at her with astonishment and the sudden applause startled her. She smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck as her cheeks turned red.
"You weren't kidding. She has an amazing voice," Jazz said, his visor glowing with delight. "I agree," Prowl chuckled.
Paige blushed more and squeaked in surprise when Ratchet scooped her up into his servo. Jack smiled and shook his head with amusement. "Where's Optimus?" He asked Arcee, suddenly noticing the absence of the Prime.
"Went for a drive. Primes don't party," Arcee answered with a smirk. "But I'll be sure to show him this when he gets back," WhiteRain said with a grin.
"Comin' at ya!" Bulkhead warned as he threw the lob ball...that Wheeljack missed and it smashed into the GroundBridge controls.
"You know, I am attempting to perform sensitive calibrations here!" Ratchet snapped, "and you almost hurt Paige!"
"Sorry, Doc. Guess we're a little charged up," Wheeljack apologized as he picked up the ball and he gently patted Paige's head with a digit, "sorry, Kit. You built this bridge from scratch, huh?"
"I did," Ratchet nodded.
"That's quite a feat of engineering," Wheeljack complimented.
"Yes. It is," Ratchet agreed.
"Something wrong with it?" Wheeljack asked casually.
"I didn't care for the way it sounded after that last jump. I put it in shutdown," Ratchet answered.
"What if you need to use it?" Wheeljack wanted to know.
"Oh, I can't disrupt the defrag process without causing irreparable damage," Ratchet shook his head.
"So...how long will the defrag take?" Wheeljack questioned, his expression darkening.
"A few hours...if we're lucky. Maybe longer," Ratchet shrugged. Paige watched Wheeljack, frowning. Something was off about the Wrecker and his aurora only fed her suspicions.
After a while, the party ended and switched to that of Bulkhead and Wheeljack telling everyone, minus Ratchet, their stories of the war.
"So there we were. No communication. Low on Energon. Surrounded by 'Cons. So what does Wheeljack do?" Bulkhead asked teasingly, noticing the excitement on the faces of Jack, Paige, Miko and Raf, "Tell them, Jackie."
"What I do best," Wheeljack said.
"He chucks his only grenade smack in the primary heat exchanger!" Bulkhead revealed.
"Seemed like a good idea at the time!" Wheeljack defended his actions with a good-natured laugh.
"The joint went SUPERNOVA!" Bulkhead recalled, spreading his servos to prove his point.
"Awesome!" Miko gasped excitedly.
"Yeah. I'm still picking shrapnel out of my backside!" Bulkhead said as he rubbed at his backside in demonstration.
"I'm not surprised given the size of your backside," Arcee smirked and Nightwalker and Bumblebee snickered.
"There it is. Jackie's signature. One grenade. One shot," Bulkhead finished the story before noticing the expression on Wheeljack's face, "Hey. You alright?"
"What?" Wheeljack stuttered.
"You don't seem like yourself," Bulkhead observed.
"What do you mean?" Wheeljack demanded.
"I don't know. You seem...quiet," Bulkhead said. "I've been stuck in a can too long. I should go topside before things go stir crazy," Wheeljack shrugged.
"I have patrol in the morning. You can come with," Bulkhead offered.
"Let's go now," Wheeljack suggested as he immediately stood up, causing Paige's suspicions over the guy's strange behavior to rise.
"And break up the party?" Bulkhead protested, "Come on! The gang's loving you! You've gotta tell them about the Battle of Dark Mount Pass!"
"You tell them. You're better at it. How about if Miko here shows me the rest of your base?" Wheeljack offered.
"Yeah. Sure, Jacky. Go ahead," Bulkhead agreed hesitantly.
"Tour starts now," Miko declared as she and Wheeljack disappeared into the hallways, "Do you play any instruments? Can you fly? Have you thrashed more Decepticons than Bulkhead?"
"Typical Miko," Primrose couldn't help but mutter, before noticing Bulkhead's forlorn expression, "Hey. You alright, Bulk?"
"Yeah. Just out of sorts I guess, Prim," Bulkhead muttered. "Don't tell me you're jealous," Arcee teased with a slight smirk amongst the concern in her optics.
"That Miko's making a new friend?! Come on! Something...something's just not right about Wheeljack," Bulkhead said.
"Bulkhead, really?" Arcee sighed, thinking that Bulkhead was just overreacting, "He's travelled for galaxies. You haven't seen him in centuries. He could just be rocket lagged or...well, bots do change, you know?"
"Not Jacky," Bulkhead protested. Firestorm and WhiteRain looked at each other.
Inside his prison, Wheeljack strugged against the confindments. His grunts of determination and occasional frustration were heard by the Decepticon guarding him. It annoyed the Vehicon to wit's end. Eventually, he had enough. He walked up to Wheeljack with his blaster unfolded from his arm and held it to his face.
"You're not going anywhere, Autobot," he proclaimed.
That was when Wheeljack took his only chance. He wrapped his legs around the Decepticon's neck. Immediately, the Decepticon struggled against his tight grip and started shooting laser blasts from his blaster.
"Blah blah blah," Wheeljack grumbled as he guided the Decepticon's target with his legs.
Within moments, Wheeljack managed to make the Decepticon shoot the control panel that kept the restraints that were restricting him active. With the control panel destroyed, Wheeljack was able to free himself. He fell to the ground when the sparks died and the cuffs shattered.
"So, that's pretty much it. Energon stock pile, powerboard generator, armory; everything you need to blow the joint sky high," Miko remarked as she wrapped up her tour with Wheeljack.
"Where's this bunker located exactly?" Wheeljack wanted to know curiously.
"If I told ya, I'd have to rip out your spark chamber," Miko answered dangerously before a happy smile appeared, "Kidding! Just outside Jasper, Nevada! Though I don't expect that to mean too much to ya!"
"Can't say it does," Wheeljack lied, "So, any way out of here besides bridging?"
"Why? You're not planning to leave already, are you?" Miko asked nervously, "Come on. I'll show ya."
"Almost there," Ratchet proclaimed as he continued working the damaged GroundBridge controls.
"Look. I know Wheeljack better than anyone," Bulkhead boasted.
"Hey," Wheeljack said as he walked into the room with Miko, "What are you guys talking about?"
"I was just telling the guys about you and me...at the Battle of Dark Mount Pass," Bulkhead answered casually.
"That's a heck of a story," Wheeljack remarked.
"Yeah. Tell it," Bulkhead requested with narrowed optics.
"Talk, talk, talk. How about after we go off-roading?" Miko suggested.
"Miko, stay out of this," Bulkhead warned. "Bulkhead, easy," WhiteRain soothed.
"I'm not sure I-," Wheeljack began to protest.
"Tell it!" Bulkhead persisted.
"Fine. If you wanna live in the past, Bulkhead," Wheeljack shrugged casually, "The Wreckers were trapped between a Decepticon patrol and a smelting pit. The 'Cons were vicious. Raining down on us with everything they had. Me and Bulkhead engaged the enemy. Left them for scrap. Then I made us a way out using their backsides as stepping stones to cross the molten metal. Isn't that how it happened?"
"Yeah. That's exactly how it happened...except for one little thing. I wasn't there," Bulkhead revealed, causing everyone to stare at the two of them in pure alarm.
"I'd already left the Wreckers to join up with Optimus. But you would know that if all you did was access Wheeljack's public service record," Bulkhead said as he poked Makeshift's chest, challenging the Decepticon.
"Bulkhead, what does that have to do with-WHOA!" Miko screamed as Makeshift picked her up suddenly.
"Miko!" Nightwalker and Bulkhead shouted as Makeshift stood near the ground bridge.
"Stay back. Or I'll squeeze her into pulp," he growled, holding Miko in a firm grip.
"Wheeljack! What are you doing?!" Miko exclaimed. "Decepticon coward," Bulkhead growled, "let the girl go and face me!"
"Don't fret," Makeshift said, "plenty of fighting to come."
"Is there a real Wheeljack!?" Jack demanded. "Oh indeed," Makeshift said with a smirk, "and I'm sure Mistress Ember is making sport of him." Primrose froze and her optics widened.
"You Pit-Spawned fragger!" Nightwalker snarled.
"Are you certain we are at the coordinates we supplied to Makeshift?" Starscream asked Soundwave, which earned him a nod in response.
"Then what is taking him!?" The other Seeker snapped with impatience.
"Maybe they gave your boy such a hero's welcome, he got the warm and fuzzies and decided to switch sides." Starscream whirled around to see Wheeljack walking towards them, his optics blazing with bridled fury and his battle mask on.
"Do you not see you are vastly outnumbered?" Starscream taunted.
"I see fellas who might vastly enjoy me pound some dents into you," Wheeljack growled.
"Destroy him!" Starscream commanded and the Vehicons shot at Wheeljack who took out his katanas and charged at the Vehicons.
"About time," Makeshift huffed as he activated the ground bridge. "You won't get away with this!" Primrose snarled.
"I already have," Makeshift remarked with a smirk.
Wheeljack was having an easy fight with the Vehicons. And he was getting too close to Starscream. Said Seeker fired a missile at Wheeljack. The force of the explosion was enough to knock the Wrecker back but he managed to land on his pedes, slicing and dicing any Vehicon who tried to attack him. That was when Wheeljack jumped onto Starscream, putting the Seeker down for the count.
Wheeljack heard the sound of the ground bridge opening and he turned towards it. "Well, well," he murmured as a plan formed in his mind.
Makeshift stepped back towards the ground bridge with Miko still struggling in his grip. "Let's get this party started," he said with a dangerous grin.
Wheeljack suddenly jumped into the base and kicked Makeshift hard. Miko flew across the air and Bulkhead quickly caught his charge. Makeshift hit the wall and was unconscious for a few moments.
"I'd shut that hole before the stink comes through," Wheeljack remarked. "Couldn't have said it better myself," Nightwalker said.
Starscream coughed as he got up. Energon trailed down his jaw and he looked towards the ground bridge with wide, angry optics. "Enter the ground bridge now!" He shouted.
The Vehicons hurried towards the ground bridge only for it to close. Starscream let out a yell of anger.
Makeshift took out his blades and he and Wheeljack circled each other. Bulkhead stepped forward, but Wheeljack stopped him. "Ugly's mine," he said.
That was when the fight began. The two went at each other. Swords clashed and sparks flew. Everyone watched, ready to intervene if needed.
Paige pulled Raf close to her in a sisterly fashion and Raf clung to her. "Which one's the real Wheeljack?" He asked.
"I lost track!" Miko exclaimed. "The one with the bright grey aurora," Paige said. Jack looked to her in confusion.
Makeshift slashed at one of Wheeljack's swords and charged at him. Wheeljack managed to claim one of the Decepticon's swords, using them both to knock him to the ground. He won.
"That's my Jacky," Bulkhead boasted proudly. Wheeljack deactivated his battle mask and looked to Ratchet, "you, hit the switch."
Ratchet nodded in response and turned to activate the ground bridge. "It's time to take out the trash," Wheeljack said and he smiled at Bulkhead, "all yours, buddy."
The ground bridge appeared before the Decepticons once again. The Vehicons backed away for a moment.
"What are you waiting for?! GO!" Starscream shouted. The first few Vehicons quickly ran into the ground bridge.
Bulkhead held Makeshift's defeated form in his servos before he spun around and threw the Con right into the ground bridge. The first few Decepticons saw Makeshift hurling at them and they quickly turned tail and ran.
Starscream saw them and before he could even reprimand them, Makeshift slammed into him and the two fell to the ground.
Wheeljack smiled at Bulkhead, "nice lob."
At the Decepticon warship, the Autobot ground bridge closed. Starscream got up and glared at Makeshift, "please tell me that you at least learned the location of their base."
"Indeed Commander Starscream. It is in a hidden bunker just outside of-" Makeshift's explanation was cut off by the familiar beeping sound. Starscream glanced at the bomb that was attached to Makeshift's hip.
"Whoa! Back! Back! Back!" He exclaimed as he hurried away. Makeshift stood where he was and he looked down at the bomb on his hip. "Oh no," he murmured before the bomb exploded, eliminating him and any Decepticon who stood too close.
"MAKESHIFT! YOU FOOL!" Starscream shouted in anger as he and Soundwave flew away.
In the control bridge, Ember and Echo stood in the control bridge. Ember frowned as she felt the ship rock from the explosion. "Starscream better not have ruined this ship," she muttered.
In the Autobot base, things had returned to normal. Miko was playing her guitar while Bumblebee, Nightwalker, Jazz Jack and Raf were dancing. Paige hadn't joined them as she was leaning on the railing, watching them with a smile.
Ratchet groaned in annoyance, "it's like a recurring nightmare." WhiteRain and Prowl chuckled softly.
"Now that you're part of Team Prime, we need to pick out a vehicle mode for you," Bulkhead said, gently bumping Wheeljack's arm, "I have some ideas."
"Uh... about that, Bulk," Wheeljack said hesitantly, "now that my ship's repaired, I'm itching to know what else I might find out there."
"Wait! You're leaving? Why!?" Miko pouted. "Well... because some bots never change," Bulkhead said with a soft chuckle. Wheeljack smiled softly.
"Wheeljack, know that you will always have a haven here," Optimus said.
"Jacky never stays but he always comes back," Bulkhead said proudly and he and Wheeljack did a fist bump. "Feels like you just got here, Sparrow," Paige said with a playful smile.
Wheeljack chuckled and gently ruffled her hair, "yeah, well I'll be sure to let you know if I find any more Magic Users out in the galaxy, Kit." Paige smiled softly and she hugged his digit, "thank you, Jackie. That... that means a lot."
"Anytime Paige," Wheeljack said with a soft smile. "We'll see you off," Firestorm said with a soft smile.
In the desert, the ground bridge closed up. Wheeljack turned to Bulkhead, "there's room for two Bulk. Even with a backside like yours. Who knows what we might find out there? Some of the old crew?"
Bulkhead furrowed his optic ridges and he glanced at Miko who looked down sadly. The wrecker looked back at his friend, "sounds like fun, Jacky. But my ties are here now. With them. With her." Upon hearing that, Miko smiled up at her guardian.
Wheeljack gave a respectful nod to his friend and he looked to Miko. "Anything happens to my favorite wrecker, I'm comin' after you," he threatened playfully.
"I'll take good care of him," Miko said reassuringly with a smile and she pulled out her phone, "now say cheese." With that, she took a picture of the two Wreckers.
Bulkhead and Primrose looked to Wheeljack. "WhiteRain," Bulkhead said, a spark of hope igniting in his optics.
"I'm here to stay, sweetspark," WhiteRain said and she kissed Bulkhead on the cheek. "And if I find any wreckers, I'll be the first to let you know," Wheeljack promised. "What's special between you and WhiteRain?" Miko asked curiously.
"She and Bulkhead are boyfriend and girlfriend," Primrose, Firestorm, Nightwalker and Arcee chorused. "Aw," Paige said with a smile as Bulkhead and WhiteRain blushed and Wheeljack chuckled.
The white Wrecker shook his helm with a smile before he saluted everyone and went into the Jackhammer. The door closed and the Jackhammer flew up into the air, disappearing through the clouds.
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raleighliving · 3 years
Raleigh Apartment Culture
So I'm of the mind that Raleigh is a great place to live. It has my favorite things, my favorite people, and I'm too broke to move anywhere else.
Raleigh works for me, but I recognize it doesn't work for everyone. Some people had less than ideal childhoods and wanna escape the state ASAP, some just want to live closer to their dream jobs or have new opportunities. That's all fine, but what if this describes where you are now?
What if, for the sake of argument, you're outside of NC and wanna move in? Moving is expensive, time-consuming, and risky at the best of times; so you wanna make sure that wherever you're landing is at least as good as where you started 90% of the time
"But RL," I hear you say, "you make Raleigh sound like an idyllic dreamscape populated with parks and a diverse kumbayah of peoples living in harmony"
I do talk about Raleigh in a positive light but, like a life saving medicine flavored like ass, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
So before you spend thousands of dollars on moving vans, boxes, and grits; here's a crash course on what it's like living in a Raleigh apartment, coming from someone whose majority of Raleigh Living (heh) has been in apartments.
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First off, location. Any realtor will tell you that location is 80% of the sale to sound profound, and as anyone who has lived in the middle of ass-backward nowhere can tell you: It sucks having to drive 30 minutes to go anywhere.
Good news: With the Raleigh Beltline and connecting roads, there are very few places in Raleigh where your trip will last longer than thirty minutes one-way. Bad News: where you set down still matters because cutting down on travel is important for car and mental health.
North Raleigh is different from south Raleigh is different from northwest Raleigh, and the locals aren't the only difference you'll find between locations. Each segment of Raleigh has something to offer, with easier access to some attractions than others and neighboring cities for when you need something outside the RDU area.
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Using downtown as the center of our wheel, people generally divide Raleigh into North and South Raleigh (with distinction given for NW, SE, NE, etc when needed). N.Raleigh is considered generally more upscale, a slice of suburban living interspersed with plenty of shopping centers for families and the moderately wealthy; but it's boring as all hell.
Want some fun? Excitement in the evenings and a more traditional urban experience with bars, night clubs, strip clubs, and more? South Raleigh is your best bet, at the cost of being the "sketchy" side of Raleigh. That kind of place where you'll see a bunch of auto shops that look abandoned but haven't been closed in the past 5 years and there's at least one customer from time to time.
Of course, this is a lot of generalizing but you'll find that it's still mostly accurate. The main exception in this is Capital Blvd, a highway cutting across north and south Raleigh on the eastern half of the city; a high crime corridor that's undergoing some changes in the northern half that have (somewhat) reduced crime but most people will still associate that area with the majority of Raleigh's crime and debauchery.
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More importantly, is the distinction Raleigh citizens put on inside the beltline versus outside the beltline. The I-440 and 540 highways that wrap around Downtown form the mythical beltline, and to a degree what you have access to. Inside the beltline is the majority of workplaces, stores, and shopping centers; while outside you'll still have these things just to a more... dispersed extent.
North Raleigh actually kinda exemplifies this perfectly. Living inside the beltline, you have access to places like North Hills, Crabtree Valley mall, and Triangle Town Center. Live outside the beltline, like I currently am, and you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to the nearest sheetz for that late night double hot dog fix.
So for point one: How important is it that you're near things? The majority of apartments and rental properties are in or around the belt-line, but if you want to save some cash on rent checks the cheaper properties are gonna extend your trips a bit.
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Next, what can you expect in terms of neighbors? Does Raleigh have a hip party scene full of teens renting cheap apartments and blasting trap music at 3AM?
Depends on where you live
I swear not every point is going to be this, but there's an important distinction this time that affects the type of people your complex will likely have surrounding you; are you in North or South Raleigh?
North Raleigh has a ton of pre-schools, k-12 public schools (Leesville, Hillburn, Lead Mine, just to name a few), and office complexes that make up the job market. As a result the majority of apartment renters in north Raleigh tend to be families with a few small kids or so.
As a result, living off of Glenwood North and Edwards Mill I never had any noise problems from neighbors, the worst being kids playing outside at 3PM sounding like they were being murdered (which apparently is a common thing and I apologize to any neighbors I frightened with ghastly shrieks).
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What I did have a problem with, however, was the typical Karen's you hear people complain about online. Renting a property now, we have access to our neighborhood's NextDoor page and it's hilarious sometimes to go on and read the comments, but living at a certain property we had a sort of mini-Facebook for residents
That thing was always full of either people who were moving out looking to sell their furniture or people passive-aggressively challenging each other/the apartment managers with comments about things happening around the complex.
Once I logged in to see one man accuse another, without ever actually accusing someone specific ("I know who did it and they should be ashamed" type post) of putting glass beer bottles under the tires of his truck to try and puncture them. Everyone acts civil in public, but then online they'll stir the pot harder than a chef with a hand mixer.
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South Raleigh, you have the schools like Shaw University, Meredith, and NCSU; so the people renting down there are typically college kids. You'll see more apartments that cater towards them like University Village or University Woods, but sometimes these places will cater to both college kids and working adults
Avoid these places like the plague, because despite sometimes having a lower cost to live there the neighbors and their shenanigans will drive you up the wall (unless you're the type to join in, then go wild).
I've had friends stay at places like University Village and The Proper (formerly The Vie, formerly Wolf Creek) who've shared horror stories. 3AM parties ending in property damage or vomit in inconvenient places, drug deals not even trying to be subtle, and maintenance workers doing nothing because regardless of the apartment conditions; no school's gonna pull their contract with them unless news articles start getting written.
Otherwise, south Raleigh apartments are largely like north Raleigh apartments; except the crime rate tends to be a little higher and you'll run into more singles and people working full time.
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Otherwise, Raleigh apartment culture is like apartment culture anywhere else in the country. You have a mix of apartments catering to those just looking to live versus more ostentatious luxury apartments with fancy pools, exercise facilities, and tech packages to draw people in.
If you're renting in Raleigh, however, do try to get a roommate or two if you can manage. Even with a decent job paying 800+ on a one bedroom one bath apartment can be exhausting at best, but with even one other person that can functionally halve your expenses
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So if you're a young professional, or a student, or even if you have a small family, I can safely recommend renting in Raleigh. There's plenty of places that'll accommodate you, and cater towards your needs.
But what about everyone else? Are there people who shouldn't rent in Raleigh?
But there are groups who I'd seriously ask to consider their other choices before picking Raleigh as a destination for their new home.
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For instance, are you a member of the LGBT community? A trans or non-binary individual? Well then, first off, I want you to know that you're loved and valid. I'm accepting of who you are and appreciate everyone's right to identify how they choose, but I'm not everyone.
Raleigh's bluer than other parts of North Carolina, as I've stated in other blog write-ups, but it's still part of North Carolina unfortunately and as a result, you'll face some challenges.
I doubt anyone's gonna burn a cross in your yard or knock over your mailbox, but Raleigh doesn't offer LGBT protections for housing, jobs, or credit/lending discriminations according to the Movement Advancement Project's website.
We have support organizations for LGBT and NB individuals, plenty of high schools and colleges have Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and there are numerous businesses downtown that cater specifically to those individuals... but we're also the state that got into a lot of hot water because of a stupid bathroom bill, and our politicians are trying to pass anti-trans sports legislation (because they now magically care about the integrity of womens sports).
By that measure, but to a lesser extent, if you fall outside the Liberal/Conservative political spectrum then be prepared to have no one to discuss your politics with outside of a few sparse networks like the DSA.
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Additionally, if you don't have someone to room with or a significant other to split costs with; you may want to try searching somewhere a little cheaper.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Raleigh housing prices aren't terrible for a major metropolitan city, but we're not the best prices in the world.
You can get prices on apartments and rentals lower than say, California or New York. However, compared to other parts of NC like Greensboro or Garner; rentals are still a bit much.
On average, a Raleigh apartment can run you about $900 for a single bedroom and a single bathroom. You can find cheaper, but often times there's some risk associated (Crime levels, quality of the room, quality of the property manager, etc.) Looking for a two bedroom? Then your average price is gonna jump up to around $1,200, and this is all before utilities and cable come into play.
It's true a lot of companies around here will pay more than the $7.25 minimum wage, but most low-skilled jobs will pay around 10-11 an hour.
I guess though, that's kind of an obvious statement. "Don't live in Raleigh if you can't afford to live in Raleigh."
I might expand on these thoughts at a later time, but hopefully for now I've given you some food for thought; or at the very least an entertaining read for a few minutes.
I love my city, and I love the friends I've made in it, but the sad truth is that nowhere is perfect for everyone; leastways Raleigh. If Raleigh sounds like the kind of place you'd like to live in, at least take a day trip to come visit and see how things go that way. Visit some stores, meet some locals, and form an opinion off of more than travel blogs and youtube videos.
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