#I'll make a proper post about it later
skania · 7 months
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The Uno reverse-card was so good!
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This gave me such strong Chapter 52 vibes 😭
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 6 months
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silly vampire costumes and their added benefits™️ (directly based on this)
#and just when you thought I wouldn't take an opportunity to draw fall alt Morty simply because it's not October - you f o o l s !!! /lh#this was actually quite an old doodle that I managed to finally get to as a treat for myself since work has been quite overwhelming skdjfns#I just wanted an excuse to draw Morty all flustered and shy really eeeeeeeeee (those lip stains are Eusine's ofc) 💕💕💕💕💕💕#I'll make a proper post for it later but I'll skip the comic update this weekend so that I could unwind and attend this con I've been eyein#(it's a local Pokemon Con where I plan to just - splurge my savings on merch really SKDJFSKJDFNSD bc I deserve it methinks)#(I have the update planned as well- I just don't wanna stress myself by rushing it --- I wanna make it the best I could hehe ✨)#I'll also !!! share that I've recently started the Magnus Archives and have been on . a MANIC binge on it since last week#(I'm clinically diagnosed as bipolar this is okay for me to saySKJDFNSJKFDSND)#but oh my god I've just been--so addicted to it - I've just recently started S4 and I'm Severely Depressed by it but god I am---#--loving each and every moment of it so much I am So Indescribably Insane about it#part of me wishes I started investing in podcasts sooner really - it fits my nature of work quite perfectly#I'm nearing the end (it ends at S5 - 200 episodes) so I'll finally be able to participate in fanworks after that wish me luck y'allSKJDFNSD#sacredshipping#morty/eusine#morty x eusine#gym leader morty#morty pokemon#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#fall morty#pokemon#pokemon masters#pokemon masters ex#pmex#pokemas
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kafus · 6 months
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i finished our new guestbook!! no more 123guestbook woohoo
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starryalpacasstuff · 8 months
So I went on a bender and read an 800 page book in a day. In total, it took me about 13 hours and 40 minutes.
Out of which I read for 12 hours and 40 minutes STRAIGHT. Like, did not take my etes off the page for more than 3 minutes at one point throughout that time. I'm not okay, but simultaneously I'm high on the excellent feeling of meaningless accomplishment.
The book was excellent, its called Priory of the Orange Tree. Here's the pitch: Fantasy, dragons, and lesbians. What more could one want? Highly recommend, 10/10
Though maybe not the finsh-it-in-one-day, over-12-hours-of-consecutive-reading-part, because I feel delirious right now
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sonippep-hohu · 10 months
I'm genuinely uncomfortable and disappointed in this fandom... You all are way too comfortable with ablest shit... in this community. It's actually baffling to me? And to think artist I really and truly respected are supporting it and are saying they're "standing by creativity." I'm extremely disappointed in artists I've even looked up to supporting it? I am not going to spill my guts to why shit like this isn't fucking ok; especially to make into a fucking comedic joke? As a person with DID, and generally a lot of symptoms like pseudo-memories and delusions etc etc - this shit isn't fucking humorous to make fun of to me. You could handle this any other way, but you're playing it up for jokes because ""it's so creative!!"" I have long time felt discomfort at how casually ablest ppl talk about Peppino. But now it's really ridiculous. Never have I truly felt I do not belong in this community until this moment.
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yu3s · 2 months
** i think reading dungeon meshi and frieren and witch hat atelier at the same time does something irreversibleto you... .
#yu.txt#relistening to the wizard the witch and the wild one too so whatever happens to me after this will unthread/resew the fabric of my existenc#do you see it? do you see the vision? im pacing around the house humming “your eyes are the size of the moon” from a song i used to hear#on the radio as a kid and i'll look up the lyrics later but i finally get itnow. i get why people were making posts about senshi and cookin#and nourishing yourself!! eat a balanced diet rethink your lifestyle rhythms get proper exercise!! yes sir senshi dungeon meshi sir!!#my dnd group is going to get my best character yet im putting notes in the character sheet as speak for devouring and consuming and becomin#song was nine in the afternoon btw. i have to write i have to make a story i have to make the most diabolical au to ever exist i have to#i love you stories i love you stories i love you stories if stories were a food i could eat them forever and ever i would always be cooking#and baking and sharing and the table would be full and the meals would be filling and i would try so many things and find what i liked best#this post was brought to you by: the birds are chirping but its not tomorrow morning until i go to sleep. with a note from our sponser:#i don't have work tomorrow and nature is healing. i need to make a little wizard sketch bc dungeon meshi was so good and also i m going to#sleep and when i wake up im going to write something and it will be so fun i love you making stuff i love you stories i love you writing!!
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writersarea · 10 months
you ever realize you fell into a rare pair by accident cause you’re writing for a huge fandom but there’s only 40 works in the tag on ao3
anyways, i just posted the third chapter of my kaminari denki/tokoyami fumikage fic from my hero academia
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starsailed · 5 months
Talking with Aster made me really want a Lethal Company inspired AU for Astrid. This only really makes sense if your muse has a TARDIS/some way of whoosie-doodle teleporting onto the employee ship or one of the company moons, but if anyone wants to plot out something, hmu!
Otherwise, boop the heart for a small starter if you wanna wing it.
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spiderdramaqueen · 1 year
hi hello! I was wondering if you had a full-color doodle (or anything really) of your Watcher Ren? I want to cosplay him one day and a breakdown of his outfit would be good to have, no worries though! thank you for your time!
~ @aethermod
hello! here you go:
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feel free to change some details if you want to! but i'd like to ask that if you post pictures of your cosplay somewhere, please credit me (and also tag me or send them to me!! i'd love to see it! /nf) sorry i didn't answer earlier, i needed some time to draw this thing, because the two scribbles of au i posted before were like. the only ones i had anndmxkcnsksjhjf also, i really appreciate the interest for my au. it makes me really happy to see people being invested in it. so, thanks! <3
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its imperative to me that you guys understand jy is a guy who Puts On Weight and this does NOT mean he is unfit or fat or overweight
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talietikasero · 2 years
This isn't finalized yet but here's an Aria design sheet and character portrait (with some artist notes)
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[Link to the fic from the beginning]
So for this, it's the design I came up with for my ongoing story project. I had the idea that she'd base it on Sol's and gave her the Justice palette (blue, white, black.) The matching jacket is a given, and the numbers on her belt buckles hold significance. [T-01] is the alphanumeric designation, and [09|02] is what GGML listed as Justice's birthdate (September 2nd.) I wrote her to have a navigator theme, hence the bike goggles (they were turned into magi-tech.) As for the crescent moon necklace, it's a limiter Sol made for her (given in chapter 4) that matches her alias "Luna." I went with "Luna" over "Juno" for differential purposes, though I did keep the "she has the [Scales of Juno] in her body" thing. There's a few instances in the fic series where it's joked that if Aria did fully follow Frederick's alias, she'd be known as "Luna Badgirl"
On the right is a jacketless version to show off her shirt, and the blue crawling up her arms is part of her super form I thought of. It was going to be written as X2 Justice's Omega Shift, but I reworked it into a Dragon Install-like boost and gave it the name 《Bad Moon Rising.》 It's explained in the notes of the chapter it first appears in (rewrite chapter 9) during the fight [Aria (+ Sol and Jack-O) vs Asuka]
For a character portrait, there's a bit of context for it. Here's a wip shot:
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In chapter 11 of the rewrite's intro, I gave her the ability to summon gigantic Justice arms a la Bayonetta and Madama Butterfly. This power is tied to her super form seen in the above and is heavily utilized in the final battle
(Psst. If you'd like to, I'd love to see another artist's take on my design)
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reinarandraw · 11 months
Just so I can stop refreshing ao3 every 30 minutes, are we getting more Sam and Izzy today or next Sunday? Have a nice week! 🖤
Hi Anon! You're in luck because I just posted the new fic! Please find A Brew of Love on our beloved Ao3 for your weekly Bellhands fix!
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oh-warizoro · 2 years
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So..? Is Zunesha purpose to open the borders of Wano?
Oden predicted that Momo would be able to speak and give orders to Zunesha. Momo's hability resembles a lot Shirahoshi's and the sea Kings, which makes me wonder if Zunesha and Momo are the other ancient weapon.
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Momo's apologie for not opening the borders now really feels like it's something personal to Zunesha.
"Sorry I'm making you wait even more time until the borders open!"
Is Zunesha's sentence (for his past crime) over when Wano's borders open? What is going on here..?!
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passportinspection · 2 years
aaaaa I feel really guilty about owing people fics for months now and it's made me avoid doing other creative things, but I've come to accept that not doing other things is not going to make me any more likely to actually work on those fics
so, with that in mind.. I'm currently looking for a rp parter 👉👈
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justaballoffluff · 5 months
also, I know I've said this before at some point, but gurlanin have an average lifespan of around 700 years, so if she was relatively young (somewhere under 100) during the Mandalorian Wars, it is entirely reasonable that she could pop back up 300 years later and have a lot to say about the Order of Revan and the whole Shadow of Revan stuff
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coffeeastronaut · 5 months
if anyone is interested in a commission i'll do them for equal value of esims sent to gaza! send me your recipts and your requests.
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