#I'm just tired?? i have enough issues as is without some immature person trying to jab at me anytime possible
chqnified · 2 years
Love how one of my irl 'friends' thought I'd be devastated that she hadn't even looked at my messages in over 2 weeks and that she had so many messages. Like babes, i have 3 fan accounts, but whatever.
#I didn't say anything. she wanted to see how many unread messages i had and i think that spoke for itself lmao#but like??? i mean tbh i didn't even realise she never responded or looked at them. She's on the list of people i generic reply lol#bless her. she's recently really been trying to embarrass us in some way lately. or attempting to feel superior anyhow#first it was with the grades... i did better than her so she failed at that (not to mention she also cheated but whatever)#then it was the attempt at saying she had sex and kissed someone at a party and she was 'so drunk she couldn't remember ' ...#idk how she thought that was a flex but go off ig#now she's trying to claim she's way more popular and liked than me and that in a way we need her?#like ok.#erin tag#it's comments here and there that really make me think. ok. you're definitely not jealous of us huh?#and don't get me started. she's still trying to twist everything we say into making it seem like we have a crush on her but she doesn't#again go off ig. but we all know the truth. She's the one who follows me around and has to come find me#nobody else will talk to her at break lol#she'd try to make out that i don't have anyone to talk to but her. the difference is. in break i fucking hide from everyone#because they all get on my last nerve atp#I'm just tired?? i have enough issues as is without some immature person trying to jab at me anytime possible#and whilst she doesn't know about our DID. it is perfectly obvious she tries to take advantage of when a little is out#also. despite knowing when we're having an anxiety attack. she'll just purposely leave us and claim we're holding her back from socialising#one time we only agreed to go out with a group of friends bc she said she'd be there if we needed to leave for a break#when time came and we were very stressed and in physical pain too bc haha joints. she made us feel guilty for it?#also she forced us into staying with the group. saying she too had anxiety and leaving the group would make her feel awful.#manipulation at its finest#that's all she seems to be good at. and yk what. i give her the credit of being better at it than us. congrats babes.
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eemcintyre · 3 months
I am getting real tired of the modern, technology-driven notion that everyone has to be constantly available to everyone in their life.
Like, if it's an emergency I will be there for you 100%, but I have now had multiple friendships/relation-ish-ships end (all with men btw- coincidence...?) because I didn't text them back right away, every day, multiple times a day.
Am I the only one who thinks that this is, at best, ridiculously needy, and at worst, ridiculously entitled behavior?? This level of clinginess and insecurity (that somehow is my responsibility to reassure???) is a huge turn-off.
Not only do I think it's important and healthy for everyone to be comfortable spending some amount of time alone with their own thoughts, but I *especially* have always needed a lot of solitude and independence (idk maybe it comes from how controlled I was as a child and how few friends I had, but that's a whole other tangent right there). I require room to do my own thing, and while I love my friends and they are important to me, I'm not totally dependent on them and every ounce of my happiness and self-worth doesn't hinge on them. Honestly, the more someone tries to cling to me and rein me in, the more I feel compelled to distance myself. I need to know that I am free.
Anyway, this seems to intimidate a lot of people who are immature and not secure in themselves and are still suffering from unresolved past trauma that they are projecting onto me. They find it intimidating that even though I can want someone in my life and like or love them, I don't need them in it to survive because I am ultimately comfortable with myself and know my value enough now to not compromise who I am just to keep them in my life. They find it scary and foreign that I don't need constant reassurance and don't have the energy or will to provide it; that I can be content doing my own thing. Aka me having my own separate life in addition to our relationship and enjoying alone time = I don't care about them at all.
I need someone with the maturity, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem to realize that not everything is about them- I have more than one person in my life, I have a job, I have hobbies, etc., and even just because I am not busy at a point in time doesn't mean that time is *free* time. That is recharge and contemplation time.
I have even, against my better judgment, tried compromising my own boundaries to accommodate these people's insecurities and needs, and it didn't work. It's never enough. Also why does it always have to be me who compromises and makes the changes, and not them? Why don't they have to try and work on themselves to become less dependent on others and more secure? Why is it me who always has to drain all of my energy with forced, ingenuine conversation and interaction and trying to heal the past issues of other grown adults that they are projecting onto me?
I'm sick of my boundaries being disrespected. You are valid if it mentally drains you to be in constant contact with other people, and you are no less of a kind, caring person and good friend or partner for being that way. Like, it has nothing to do with you; I just recharge from spending time alone where I can think and exist without being observed or obligated to entertain others; being able to do exactly what I feel like, analyze my thoughts, or enjoy the quiet. Honestly, most people who require more contact (to a reasonable and non-codependent degree) are valid too; I just think both groups need to either compromise equally in relationships or seek out people who are more like-minded rather than existing in constant strife trying to change and/or make each other understood.
I know that I am a good, kind, friendly, and generous lady who brings a lot to the table, and I am sick of trying to convince people of it. If they want to leave because they can't handle physical and mental personal space, then no hard feelings at the end of the day but they are absolutely welcome to. I'm tired of letting people guilt and disparage and try to change me when I'm not doing anything wrong.
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beelsfeels · 4 years
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A profile of my Obey Me OC, Shoshi! (Pronounced like Yoshi)
Picrew 1 Picrew 2
Name: Shoshi (short for Shoshana)
Age: 27
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5′6″
Background: raised Jewish, got into Jewish Mysticism as an adult, began worshiping Lilith, and has Lilith's sigil tattooed beneath her bellybutton. She feels VERY awkward about it in the House of Lamentation.
Random HC: Namaah exists at RAD and is a totally hottie BAMF that Shoshi has a Huge Gay Crush on, to the point she can't really form cohesive thoughts around her, a fact that Satan and Asmodeus love to team up and exploit for the LOLs.
Summary: Horny-For-Yall Death-Wish with Crippling Anxiety. Copes with humor and memes. The ultimate self-insert.
Relationships with the brothers:
- Shoshi and Lucy have a very complex relationship, she both admires and is intimidated by the eldest.
- Shoshi is a huge brat and it gets her in trouble a LOT with Lucifer. He goes easy on her though, which is good because her anxiety skyrockets when this man get That Look™️ when anyone is acting up.
- When Lucifer tried to intimidate her at Diavolo's weekend retreat while dancing, Shoshi straight up cussed him out and stormed off to the balcony to angry cry.
- Eventually had an argument so heated she wasn't sure if she was about to be murdered or have the best sex of her life.
- it was the latter
- they started casually dating after that, and Shoshi would often stay up late with Lucifer to keep him company while he does paperwork.
- Lucifer is very protective of her, and often walks her to each of her classes, a hand on her lower back. This draws many stares from the other students and becomes harder for her to make friends outside of the HoL.
- HC that Lucifer teaches one of her classes and she can NOT pay attention which earns her lots of after class "punishments"
- listen up, Morningstar
- "What did you just call me?"
- ::books it at high velocity towards wherever Diavolo is::
- Shoshi is his Ride or Die (Ride AND die more like) best friend.
- will destroy anyone who talks crap on the 2nd eldest.
- maybe a tiny human but WILL throw hands for his honor
- always ends in Mammon having to save her which is counterintuitive
- they share one (1) braincell when they are together and it's full of the literal worst ideas.
- snuggle buddies, Mammon won't admit he likes her out loud but will end up in her room Every Night that Lucifer hasn't already sanctioned her time.
- Jealous of her relationships with every other brother, but will tolerated a three way spoon with Beel since he's a walking teddy bear.
- "after this hare brained scheme we will have enough money to buy you a bigger bed"
- they never do
- invented a silent eye contact language for when Lucifer is lecturing them for hours about how irresponsible they have been.
-Leviachan! ::Jump hugs him::
-"Shoshi!! You can't just hug me without warning!"
-Levi is always having a heart attack around Shoshi either because she's flirting with him or she's absolutely crushing him at video games
-Shoshi would literally die for this boy, is absolutely in love with this Otaku king.
-she thinks it is unrequited until one night she's crushing him too hard at Mario Kart and he finds ways to... Distract her.
-Shoshi will protect Levi at all costs and he REALLY doesn't need her to, why does this human think she can take on everyone she's so bad at fighting.
-what that tail do?
-"please stop asking me that"
-fast burn enemies to lovers
-Satan does not appriciate Shoshi's humor, as it relates to him.
-"Shosh, do you want to study together tonight?"
-Not Today, Satan
-"Shoshi I brought you your homework"
-Hail Satan!
-Turns into her closest confidant
-lots of book reading, philosophical conversations, and wine nights
-Got Satan to join her in her morning yoga rituals to help with his wrath problem
-Loves going on dates with Satan, he's so upfront and honest, though not as affectionate as she would like
-she respects his personal space
-he lectures her on her "death wish" for all the times she says "fight me" unless it's to Lucifer then he buys her a new book or hands her a kitten he happened to have on hand.
-cat memes back and forth 24/7
-Her actual "first demon" 😉
-"You little brat" (that is a threat)
-she loves it
- gossip girls
- weekly bath night, bubble bath, face masks, painting each other's nails
- Asmo gives her all the latest DevilDom gossip, and even when it's about people she doesn't know at all she will still chug that tea
- casual nakedness, don't pop into one of their hangouts if you're not ready for an eyeful
- Satan learned that the hard way
- Beel also did, but didn't mind as much
- has to literally put a ward on the door to keep Mammon from busting into Asmos room and dragging Shoshi out
- "no older brothers allowed" sign on the door.
- sneaks out to go clubbing, Shoshi doesn't drink much but she LOVES to dance
- "describe Lucifers abs to me, do not leave out any details"
- ASmo No! i don't want to die over some glorious abs!
- "excuse you, what would be a better way to die than that??"
- also has a secret language for when Lucifer lectures them, but it involves mostly puppy dog eyes and trying to guilt Lucifer into forgiving them
- has never worked once
- the most dramatic friendship 180 in the history of the DevilDom
- Shoshi thought he was an anger issues Jock who punches walls and threatens to eat her
- Well cannibal serial killers have stated on record that humans with tattoos don't taste that good so you probably shouldn't eat me
- can't believe that worked
- staying in his room after the kitchen incident and cuddling with him in bed, talking about the loss of their sisters, and how important family was, she realizes he was a soft boi that needed protected
- that night beel became her second demon 😉
- Shoshi loves cooking, so they cook together a lot, helping each other when they're in charge of meals
- Shoshi starts a vegetable and fruit garden outside the house of lamentation, teaching Beel how to grow food, which he takes to very well (after a few casualties of fully eaten tomato plants)
- this significantly helps the fridge situation at HoL, which all are grateful for
- the fridge checks, while occaisionally sexy, mostly actually involve Shoshi jumping at Beel to see if he will catch her (Brooklyn 99 gag style)
- "Beels what's your T-Shirt made of? Cause it feels like husband material"
- "oh, I think it's a demon cotton blend"
- I love you, my sweet Himbo.
-Belphi take me to Majolish
-"No, I'm tired."
-Remember that one time you literally killed me
-"okay I'll be there in 5"
-Shoshi is the only one who could possibly out nap Belphie
-Beel/Belphie/ Shoshi cuddle puddles and snack nights.
-rarely hangs out with him alone because he did, in fact, murder her once
-They leave each other super soft pillows without notes or any context and it has turned into a rivalry to find the BEST pillow. Winner gets bragging and napping rights.
- You're my Dad! Boogie woogie woogie
- teaches him all the latest memes and dances
- No fear for this man, which disturbs and upsets pretty much everyone.
- one time Lucifer asked Shoshi to Please Stop asking the Prince of Demons for piggy back rides
- Shoshi told on Lucifer and in fact got MORE piggy back rides.
- They have Lucifer Imitation contests where they just say "Don't Dissapoint Diavolo" back and forth till one of them cracks up.
- Did not anticipate any sexy business with this Goliath Friend, but caught Luci and him smooching one time and one thing lead to another...
- Did not change their friendship at all, the Two Most Immature People In The Entire DevilDom
- ::stranger danger siren goes off::
- I don't trust you Wizard boy
- Asmo said you can have a little rights, but you're on thin fucking Ice mister
- oh you got 72 demons? It'd be cooler if they were cats and dogs.
- only teams up with him for kareoke nights and other human themed activities because no one else understands
Things Shoshi has said without context:
"Why does everyone in this house have bigger titties than me"
"Lucifer took his gloves off and I almost passed out"
"I'm from the United States of America in the year of our Lord 2020, you can not scare me"
"It really do be YEET or be YEETED in this house, huh?"
"Mammon if you even look at that cat wrong I will round house kick you into the next century and claim my rightful place as second oldest"
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sigurdjarlson · 5 years
So, coz I never get tired of this (and because I'm trying to distract myself from being hellishly hungover): What would the Wintermoon girls be like as villains? Say they joined Aszhara, or Elisande, rather than making their own way?
Ooooh interesting question. 
This got extremely long and borders on being a goddamn character analysis essay I’m so sorry
I hope you feel better soon though. Hangovers are hell.
edit: (OOOF  forgot the read more. Sorry to anyone who had this monster of a post take up their dash for a minute there)
Any villain Diily AU I have tends to be one where she loses Alaluria and Ladelia in a very traumatic way and just kind of..snaps. Or rather doesn’t give a fuck about anything but getting vengeance.
Completely disillusioned with everyone, heroes, villains, she doesn’t care. Get in her way and you’re cat food.
A lot of things that make her..her? Would be gone. Compassion being the most notable missing trait. It’s switched off and twisted into something much worse.
I think..cold. She’s all rage but it’s a quiet and cold rage. Calculating. Patient. Ruthless. She’s a huntress after all and she is just..hunting a different kind of prey now.
And honestly cruel because why should she continue to be kind when the world never was to them? Why should she keep giving when all fate seems to do is take and take from her until there’s nothing left.
She’s putting all that pain and rage onto her victims and it makes for..very brutal deaths. Because they deserve it, don’t they? They’re all monsters. All of them. Look what they did. Even those who had nothing to do with it?
The world is cruel so she will be too. She tried being good once and look where that got her.
Such a huge part of her identity is being that sister figure to Alaluria and Ladelia. Her life has been dedicated to protecting them for 10,000 years. And naturally that inherent kindness and compassion extends to the rest of the world too.
They’ve all got some..hm..codependency issues that have been getting better as they get older and branch out, spend time with other people but they do still exist. Ironically I’d actually say Diily has it the worst there. It’s part why her and Alaluria clashed so much. It didn’t mesh well with Alaluria’s own deep rooted issues.
And WERE ABOUT TO GET REAL DEEP INTO THEIR PSYCH because it plays a huge part in how something like this could so drastically change her
GODDDD my Diily. She’s such a mess and full of good intentions that sadly don’t always have the best results. And the saddest thing about her is that she was just as much of a traumatized, terrified child as the other two when they lost their parents.
And she was thrust into that mother role which she was of course not emotionally or mentally prepared to take. She herself is deeply traumatized and trying to cope but none of them know how.
She does know she loves them though. And so, she throws herself in that role completely. They’re her world okay. She loves them more than life itself. I can’t stress that enough.
And another thing that breaks my heart is that in becoming what is essentially their mother as a young pre-teen she gave up everything. None of them had a typical upbringing and a typical adolescence but Diily really had none of that.
She’ll starve herself before she let them go hungry (she’s done it before). She’ll sell her body before she lets them freeze or succumb to illness. (And god she wasn’t ready for that. Not at all. My poor girl.)
She’d tear her own heart from her chest herself if it meant theirs kept beating.
She gives and gives and it leaves her very empty. This doesn’t only stretch to her sisters. She’s very much..a caretaker? But she doesn’t really know how to balance that with taking care of herself. So, she lets them fall or the side because in her eyes? She’s completely unimportant in comparison.
She never got to be a teenager. None of them did but she lost her innocence in ways that she bent over backwards to protect them from.
The worst part she’ll never think she’s done enough. She’s proud of the people her sisters have become but she feels she’s failed them. They didn’t have a normal childhood. They saw and did things no child should have to see and do. (Even while she got the worst of it)
In my eyes, she’s far from perfect but here she did the best she could.  (and someone truly needs to tell her that ugh 3)
They’ve been hurt and she takes them being hurt as a personal failure. Rationally she cannot keep them safe from everything but she blames herself every time. She’s her big sister after all. She’s supposed to protect them.
And that has resulted in well intentioned but ultimately unhealthy patterns of behavior such as her occasionally being overprotective or overbearing. (As she gets older she does get way better about this but there were times as a teenager she naturally had no idea how to deal with Alaluria’s confusing outbursts of rage and Ladelia’s complete dependence on her. And it did result in her trying to protect them in ways that came out more controlling then anything because she’s not an adult she’s just a kid and she has no idea how to be a mother. That and she’s their sister not their mother and it creates really confusing dynamics when Diily tries to tell Alaluria what to do for example. They will never see her as a mother figure. So..there’s some clashing there if that makes sense.
Alaluria saw her overbearing/overprotectiveness as a need to control and it clashed completely with her independent nature. She lashed out. She left. (While simultaneously craving and needing that love and affection and it used to frustrate Diily so much because she didn’t understand. Alaluria unsurprisingly couldn’t articulate what she needed (what child can?) and Diily couldn’t give her what she needed. (She’d never be able to give her everything no matter how much she tries.)
God and you know I can see the rift deepening because Alaluria keeps lashing out and driving her away and simultaneously is hurt when Diily reacts accordingly because Diily doesn’t understand why she’s acting that way. She’s a child herself so her own stubbornness and temper make her snap back which only worsens the situation.
And it results in Alaluria acting out more because Diily is naturally going to well withdraw (and probably pay more attention to Ladelia as a result which wasn’t purposeful or spiteful but its natural she’s put her energy into the sister who doesn’t keep purposefully hurting her) but whatever she does it doesn’t get her the reaction she wants.
(Alaluria doesn’t know what she want. My beautiful ball of contradictions)
Alaluria flip flops badly when it comes to affection. She craves it but will reject it when it comes her way. It’s why she sometimes reacts positively to her sisters being affectionate and other times she lashes out or pulls away. It seems like a contradiction because it is.
And you know I can’t blame either of them. It was just such a clash of personalities and most of all…shitty circumstances. And it’s the fact that they were just kids. Maybe not when Alaluria left but emotionally they’re all kind/of fucked up so it really doesn’t matter.
And on a more personal level Diily doesn’t like herself. Frankly she hates herself. Her self worth is very much dependent on her role as a caretaker and protector. Sadly? The truth of it all is that you can’t be a perfect caretaker. You can’t protect everyone from everything. And it’s something she still struggles to learn. (See: her devastation at what happened to Teldrassil and desperation to make it right) there are other reasons for it too.
Shes..got this need to be seen as strong and put together. (Which is why I enjoy taking her apart so much I think). She wants people to be able to trust and rely on her and her eyes she needs to be strong for them.
Her pain, her needs get shoved down.
She doesn’t think about. She doesn’t want to. So she focuses on others.
And really? All her personal baggage? She doesn’t know how to deal with any of it. None of them have exactly learned healthy coping mechanisms lmao.
She was a scared, hurt little girl who was forced into becoming a mother by horrible circumstance and saw and did things no child should ever have to see and do.
And she’s been trying to pretend she has it together for a very, very long time.
But she has no idea what she’s doing. She was (and still is) just as lost and scared as her sisters but she saw that they needed her and stepped up in a way..she never should have had to.
Kids are supposed to be selfish and immature. It’s a give in. It’s a part of growing up and something they’re taught to grow out of. They’re not supposed to do the things she had to do to keep them alive or give up the things she did.
What else could she do after all? They needed her. There was no other choice,
So what’s the point of the character analysis? I wanted to talk about my girls and got extremely carried away. Losing them would devastate her completely. So much of her would just..shatter. And if the circumstances are right enough it could make her snap in a way that’s really..not a pretty sight at all
She doesn’t have it together. She doesn’t know what to do with these extreme emotions. She doesn’t know what to do without someone to take care of. She doesn’t know what to with without them.
The only beings I can see her not being indifferent to is Wildheart and Brightheart of course. She loves them as loyally and unconditionally as she does her sisters. They’re family
She’s willing to do anything to get her revenge because that’s all that matters to her. The world is as dead to her as they are. Or rather..she’ll make it so it is.
Alaluria being the most morally dubious of the three is a bit easier to figure out. It could’ve a similar situation to the above or one where the fel madness takes over. Or both.
If you want the cruelest version of her it would be the last option. Hm..Alaluria is already cynical and disillusioned with the world. Where Ladelia and Diily try to find the good she just sees the bad.
Ex; She’s distrustful while Ladelia is too trusting. Diily throws herself into helping others. Alaluria does the same but does it mainly by fighting rather than the loving, soft way Diily cares for others.
She is not bad in canon though. So let’s talk about my canon girl real quick the same way we did with Dil. 
And her repressed rage issues do come from the frankly massive amounts of trauma the three of them have been through. Rage that completely stems from pain. Diily internalizes her pain mostly. Alaluria takes it out on those she deems guilty. And she’s willing to do ruthless things to achieve a greater good. Her and Illidonk has that in common.
(She was honestly a happy child before everything. She’s always had a bit of a temper but so do Diily and Ladelia lmao. It’s just..a little harder to push them to their breaking points. Unless you know where to hit them.
And what really, really killed any idealism still clinging to her?
The Illidari. Illidan. That whole shebang.
She was still..there was a still a bit of that bright eyed brave little girl in her that wanted to save the world and make it a you know..not shitty place..and that was smashed to pieces when she really saw the reality of things.
Illidan has a part to play in that but no more than the entirety of the situation. Diily blames him for it. I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to blame him too much as she made her own choice to join them and stay.
And sometimes there are glimpses of that little girl, mostly with her sisters. When she’s laughing with them or finds joy in something innocent like a saber cub batting at her tail or finding a really cool gem. (I almost said rock because that makes it sound really funny. “Wow look at this rock I found” “that’s great alaluria”)
Anyway, my point. She’s a deeply troubled woman with barely repressed rage issues and it comes from deep trauma and an all consuming pain and complete and utter disillusionment with the world..yet is she really? She’s still fighting for it. There’s some part of her that holds onto hope that it can be better.
But she’s also managed to stay a..mostly decent person. She doesn’t hurt innocents normally. She has but she feels genuine guilt for it. She might growl and grumble but she does help others. It gives her a sense of purpose that has recently been shaken with the destruction of the Legion. She feels..good. Like she’s doing something good.
The whole point of joining the Illidari was to help everyone. To help fix what she saw as the biggest problem. 
She’s not the monster she thinks she is. She’s just a scared, hurting little girl in a woman’s body. 
And yes, she left Diily and Ladelia but that separation (even though she did it willingly) was very traumatic and devastating for her. She was suddenly on her own for the first time in her life and more or less thrown into a den of wolves. (it says a lot about her that she came out leading the whole pack so to speak. :’) my girls are so strong I love them..why am i so mean to them)
And I think knowing Diily and Ladelia were out there even when not being with them is something entirely different from them being dead.
There was always the chance they would reconcile and I think maybe on a more unconscious level..she always thought/knew they would reconcile. It was something inevitable in her mind. She couldn’t imagine anything else.
I can see her always having this belief that after everything was done. After the Legion was defeated she would be able to see them again. And she’d say it was just to shove it in their faces that she was right but..
The world she so viciously determined to protect? She’s always been very aware they’re a part of it too. Even while she “hated” them she was trying to protect them.
So, I think losing them. Especially after reuniting with them (but even during the separation) would be especially devastating. Another thing ripped from her. More proof there’s nothing good at all in the world.
And you know she idealizes them to some degree. She sees Diily and Ladelia as inherently good and herself as bad. (Regardless of how they try to convince her otherwise)
And so she’s just full of rage because it should have been her? There’s no fairness, no sense of justice in this universe if they die and not her because they were good and kind and she’s a monster.
And they were her sisters. And she doesn’t know what to do, how to function in a world where there’s no hope of ever seeing them again.
And now she doesn’t have any fucks to give.
And an Alaluria with no moral compass is a terrifying Alaluria.
Also it would be extremely easy for the demon creeping around in her head/soul to take advantage of that completely and twist her into the perfect weapon. The weapon part.. It’s kind of what Illidan did but he did it for the purpose of destroying the legion which as an idea is a good thing but we all know his methods and morals are questionable at best (*blows a kiss towards Illidan Stormrage* love ya, you bastard)
A villain!Alaluria would be absolutely ruthless. Full of completely unleashed rage and pain. The world wants to hurt her? She’ll hurt it right back. She’ll make the whole damn thing burn.
The worst part is in this au though?
She becomes what she hates most.
As for Ladelia.
She’s the most innocent of the three. The most idealistic. Diily is kind but she’s also usually rather realistic. Ladelia is a dreamer.
A lot of this comes from Diily trying very hard to shelter her and Alaluria from the brutal reality of the world (this isn’t something she could ever do of course but she did try)
But she succeeded more with Ladelia. Alaluria lashed out where Ladelia clung to Diily. Ladelia was younger than either of them when they lost their parents. She doesn’t have the vivid memories that keep Diily and Alaluria up at night. She remembers bits and pieces but not as much.
And being the baby sister and the sister that was not only tolerant of Diily’s overbearing nature but needed it she was coddled more? Alaluria wouldn’t let herself be coddled. Ladelia needed it. She needed love and Diily is just so full of love.
(Diily never intended to create a rift between her two little sisters but she did and it still shows even now sometimes. Especially because Ladelia has been by Diily’s side when Alaluria wasn’t. That’s not a judgement on her though (it sounded too aggressive) it’s just that Alaluria feels..well, she feels left out when they talk about their adventures or they share an inside joke that she doesn’t understand. It’s a natural feeling and it makes my heart hurt for her. (They don’t mean to hurt her)
I wouldn’t call Ladelia spoiled necessarily but she is babied by Diily (and despite their differences and one sided rivalry Alaluria does baby her too..in her own way) It’s easy to see that whenever she’s in trouble she turns tail and runs to Diily. (And Maybe Alaluria resents that it’s never her that her baby sister runs too. God they’re all so complicated)
She’s become far more independent over the years but she still tends to lean very heavily on Diily which is only natural. And Diily wouldn’t dream of turning her baby sister away but she learned from Alaluria it’s important to encourage their independence instead of try to control it.
But codependency issues aside. Ladelia is a genuinely good and kind person. She has a lot of Diily’s compassion and tends to be more of a dreamer than either of them. It’s why she fell so hard for Jaina (and she hurt so much for her when Jaina lost that)
But she does have a temper. Her chosen element of choice is fire after all. (This says so much about her but I’ll tape down that essay for now. It’s especially notable when you compare her to her sisters who are not fond of fire at all and Teldrassil cemented that for them lmao) She’s..the most immature of the three. More impulsive and she wears her feelings on her sleeve unlike Diily and Alaluria. Ugh I don’t want to make her sound “weak” because she’s anything but. She’s endured horrible shit and still come out good and..soft. that’s..that’s not nothing :’)
But Diily is..generally reserved with strangers. Not aggressive or rude but she isn’t going to let them see her at anything but her best.
Ladelia an adult don’t get me wrong but she is more..immature than them? I’m not sure that’s the right word. Don’t get me wrong she has had the idealism dampened over the years by the things she’s been forced to see and do. War has a way of doing that.
But she clings to this belief that people must be mostly inherently good..because she needs to believe that. 
There’s a deep sadness in her just like the other two but it manifests a bit differently.
A lot of her sadness is aimed at the world as a general thing rather than any specific entity? Diily and Alaluria hate, hate, hate the Legion and focus their rage on them. Now it’s shifted to Sylvanas and Azshara (although Azshara’s part in the Legion nonsense is something they very much are aware of and hate her for)
Ladelia does too but she doesn’t have the memories they do. Her memory is foggy (probably her mind protecting itself really) 
She doesn’t understand why people do such horrible things. She doesn’t know why bad things happen to good people. And she hates that she can’t save everyone. (You’ll see that with both her and Diily)
But a villain Ladelia??
That would be someone who kills in the name of what they believe is good but I could see her sense of good being twisted if she lost Diily and Alaluria. Especially if in her grief someone like Azshara latched onto her.
She’d be very easily to manipulate in that sense.
And she is a very powerful mage. It’s something she is very proud of. Like Jaina she’s so hungry for knowledge. I think part of her thinks maybe if she understands the universe..she can “fix” it? She just has to understand first.
And that creates someone who absolutely excels in a field like magic. She’s very determined, she’s as stubborn as Diily and Alaluria are (it’s a family trait clearly) And she pushes and pulls and picks apart the mysteries of the universe and deep down a part of her just wants to understand so she can help.
And it’s just a desire to understand. She feels better when she understands things. Things aren’t as scary when you understand them after all.
She was an unbearably curious child and still has that curiosity. It’s something Diily has managed to keep alive in her.
She’s ambitious in the sense she’s always reaching for new heights in terms of skill. She takes great pride in her skill at magic. I could see that being a bad thing in certain circumstances. “Knowledge is power..but using it wisely is the key.” “control your power..or it will control you.” etc. So a villain Ladelia might have magic as a corrupting influence rather than a positive one like in..”canon”
So a villain Ladelia to me is one who has become disillusioned with the concept of good. Or maybe one who just has a twisted idea or what is good. She’s passionate and so adamant what she’s doing is right and that? Those kinds of people are some of the most dangerous. Think..Jaina snapping and trying to  murder the entirety of Ogrimmar.
It’s the right thing to do? ..right? It has to be because she doesn’t know what to do if it’s not. And maybe she’s just full of rage and wants to take it out on those who are “bad” in her eyes.
But whether or not those people are truly bad..well, that’s almost always subjective isn’t it?
And maybe part of villain Ladelia knows that.
She just pretends she doesn’t.
She’s good at pretending.
NOW for the grand finale which is all three of them as villains together.
I’m wondering what could push them towards something so drastic. Typically it’s the death of the others that is the major catalyst in those au’s so.. (h
I think it would have to be an AU where they’re taken in by some sort of villain and manipulated.
Someone who pretends to love them and these three terrified, affection starved children eat up whatever parental attention they can get unaware they’re being manipulated.
It would have to be someone who can prey on all their individual weaknesses and bring out their best traits and then completely turn them on their head. Twist it for a bad purpose.
Diily’s capacity for unconditional love . Alaluria’s desire for revenge. Ladelia’s idealism and ambition.
I wonder if Azshara could be that person but it would have had to be when they were younger so it would have to be a pretty drastic au. They place a heavy amount of blame on her for the Legion shit. But if they were young she could probably twist it in her favor.
Maybe an old god of some sorts? (Oh dear that’s a scary thought)
I can see the Legion doing the same but through cruelty rather than faux kindness: I think it would be near impossible to make Diily and Alaluria loyal to the Legion after what they did to their home and family.
Ladelia is more..vulnerable to manipulation than them though.
BUT their captor would honestly have to be very good at psychological manipulation.
Using them against one another would be..horrifically successful. It could really work on Diily for example. It’s a very visible and glaring weakness and if someone took advantage of that. You could get her to do anything if you put them up as bargaining chips.
Hilariously I think their…hmmm captor would end up dead with that kind of behavior though. She won’t tolerate them being hurt and vice versa.
Lmao they just completely usurp their captor and..sadly take their role as villain however because it’s what they’ve been taught and groomed for.
Alaluria in particular would be willing if they really played with her arrogance and ambition. The demon in her head tries (and mostly fails since she’s very strong willed) to do that. You can do it better..just get him out of the way..you taught me to be ruthless after all. 
(makes me wonder about an AU where she comes to hate and resent Illidan instead of admire and love him)
Ladelia is the most hungry for love. That’s something you could use against her if you’re an absolutely abhorrent person. She’d want to make their “parental” figure proud and please them so they love her.
Ah it just depends on the captor’s methods. Are they cruel? Are they “kind” to them? You could inspire loyalty and love from them or…hatred and ruthlessness but the latter wouldn’t end in their captor’s favor. However if they went the kindness route they would have three girls absolutely willing to do whatever they wanted.
You know if they wanted to take advantage of three traumatized children (who all have so much potential) and turn them into weapons instead of the people they are in canon (I feel weird calling it canon since obviously ocs aren’t necessarily canon to WoW lore but- nevermind. it doesn’t matter. My canon for them) because my canon girls are deeply flawed who make mistakes but are mostly good people who just want to help and take care of each other okay. 
They have a creator who’s very mean to them
I will say I don’t envy the au where the three of them are villains (or separately but especially together). 
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