#I'm trying to keep the dolls as mindless but watchful as possible
villain-in-love · 19 days
Honestly? I support Katarina's decision to stay out of the whole resurrection business. Good on her for noping out of all of that 😂
I hope you don't mind me sending in some questions, your post made me curious about some things !! 👀
While Undertaker was going through the whole trial and error of resurrecting R!Ciel, did she ever need to help him out? Was there any problems they both ran into? Also... I'm curious about Katarina's opinions on R!Ciel in general, since I imagine she had to be around him in the parlor a lot of the time. Did she get along with him at all, or were there any conflicts between them? Did she also have to keep him a secret from O!Ciel and Sebastian whenever they visited the parlor, and how did she deal with that?
When she took over Undertaker's parlor after he fled, did O!Ciel and Sebastian ever pay her a visit to try and get his whereabouts from her?
Okay, I'm not sure if I can give satisfactory answers, because of how little we know about Real!Ciel in this timeline – by that I mean both what he's thinking about, and how the whole resurrection process went through the years.
But anyways, all in order:
"While Undertaker was going through the whole trial and error of resurrecting R!Ciel, did she ever need to help him out? Was there any problems they both ran into?"
Of course from time to time she was dragged into assisting Undertaker with bizarre dolls, including Ciel, often in a “since you have time to watch, then you could as well help me” way. Technically, he could do it all by himself, but additional pair of hands was quite welcome.
Well, Katarina mostly helped taking care of Real!Ciel’s body, perhaps assisting with possible surgeries? It’s not that different from what she does with usual “clients” as a mortician. And sometimes she might have provided some ideas to Undertaker – it’s possible that she helped in some way to come to the conclusion that the blood might help to keep bizarre dolls functioning.
“Was there any problems” – honestly, that kind of question you should ask Yana Toboso, as readers of the manga currently don’t know much about how it all went, and I don’t like speculating over those kinds of things…
Hmmm, I think Katarina definitely argued with Undertaker about Real!Ciel trying to eat her while he was still in a state of a mindless doll. She proposed sewing his mouth shut. In fact, she wanted to do the same with all bizarre dolls. Undertaker insisted that them biting is half of the fun and that sewing a “person’s” mouth shut is “inhumane”.
Figuring out how to bring back Real!Ciel’s personality to his corpse surely must have been quite a puzzle. What exactly does one need to put in the cinematic record for it to work? Restoring the motor skills was probably not an easy feat as well…
But the biggest challenge for Katarina was dealing with Real!Ciel personally.
"Also... I'm curious about Katarina's opinions on R!Ciel in general, since I imagine she had to be around him in the parlor a lot of the time. Did she get along with him at all, or were there any conflicts between them?"
My s/i have always been… wary of R!Ciel. He unnerves her, and not because of the fact that he’s a reanimated corpse. But because he remind her of the modern-day AI, and she doesn’t know what to expect from him. Plus she overall has a hard time understanding him as a person. And then there’s a bitter feeling because she knows how important he is to Undertaker, but she doesn’t think that any of this is a good idea in a context of Undertaker’s motivation. Our Ciel is not the fake one here, this thing is.
However, she doesn’t express her true thoughts and feelings. She talks to Real!Ciel a lot, trying to understand how the mind of a bizarre doll works. How the mind of this specific bizarre doll works. Definitely tried to psychoanalyze him.
From Real!Ciel’s perspective, Katarina was always slightly distant, but still showed at least minimum care. That is to say, she always treated him nicely. Real!Ciel can see that she’s doubtful and seems to view him more as a scientific phenomenon, but he doesn’t really hold it against her. She still helped Undertaker to bring him back and never meant any harm to him. He almost considers Katarina to be an older sister figure of sorts. R!Ciel is set on proving to her that he is as good as when he was alive.
I don’t really see them having any conflicts. The main conflict here is between Katarina and Undertaker, concerning R!Ciel.
She wishes Undertaker would acknowledge that what he does is only selfish – he’s not giving the ones who died a second chance. He’s not bringing anyone back, he’s making soulless copies of those people and indulging in a delusion that they are still with him. It’s basically the same thing Sebastian tried to offer Our!Ciel when they were negotiating their contract during their first meeting.
What I’m trying to explain is that my s/i doesn’t have morals that would go against raising the dead. She loves unethical scientific experiments, especially if it involves supernatural. But. In the context of the situation, she doesn’t think that this is what Undertaker truly wants or needs. As far as she can see, without bringing back the soul, the results could never be satisfactory.
What I can say for sure is that out of the twins she prefers Our!Ciel. He’s not the easiest person to deal with, that’s true, but she still likes him and is capable of understanding him much better.
"Did she also have to keep him a secret from O!Ciel and Sebastian whenever they visited the parlor, and how did she deal with that?"
Obviously she kept this all in secret. But it’s not like keeping secrets is hard. (Now she knows so many creative ways you can hide a body...) Thankfully, Our!Ciel and Sebastian are well-mannered guests and they wouldn’t go rummaging in the parlour, so hiding Real!Ciel’s body from them wasn’t that hard. Additionally, she’s a great actress and is totally okay with lying.
"When she took over Undertaker's parlor after he fled, did O!Ciel and Sebastian ever pay her a visit to try and get his whereabouts from her?"
Oh, they 100% did. It’s kind of a big thing and a certain turning point in the story.
Listen. When it comes to parenting, Undertaker is basically winging it. But if there’s anything he treats very seriously it’s his apprentice’s safety.
Ciel and Sebastian are a threat, to put it mildly. So the question was, how to ensure that they won’t hurt her in pursuit of their goals? And the solution is…
“According to my teacher’s wishes, I am going to switch sides… and play against him from now on.”
After the events of Campania, they both knew that Ciel and Sebastian will appear on the front door of the funeral house to question her. But if there’s something Undertaker and Katarina have in common, it’s being quick thinkers and knowing how to manipulate information. So the decision was this: Katarina teams up with Sebastian and Ciel and starts working with them against Undertaker, providing Phantomhives with the information she has. Not to mention, as Undertaker pointed out, she already has a motive – wasn’t she the one who was constantly complaining and trying to convince him that he's doing everything the wrong way?
Of course, there’s… a careful game of how much information she can tell and how much she will have to withhold, as well as how she can explain why she knows some things, but doesn’t know others. She can’t tell Ciel and Sebastian absolutely everything.
For instance, she didn’t tell them anything about the real Ciel. She didn't provide Undertaker's whereabouts because she genuinely had no idea where he went. Also, I imagine, at the moment when Undertaker left, sustaining bizarre dolls with blood was only one of the suggestions. She’s still one foot on Undertaker’s side and another on Phantomhive’s. She has to make things fair.
But she definitely was helping the main duo a lot during the Sphere Music Hall arc.
As a matter of fact, she hasn’t been in contact with Undertaker ever since he fled London after the Campania arc. It was done because from this point, the less she knows – the better. (Obviously, Undertaker didn’t abandon her completely. He kept checking on her from time to time in secret and sometimes helping her out from the shadows with some problems she might have run into while doing her job as the new holder of the funeral parlour)
However, after Our!Ciel gets arrested and Real!Ciel takes over the Phantomhive manor, she will come to them. Our!Ciel and Sebastian are not a threat to her anymore, at least for now – instead of hunting down Undertaker, they are now the hunted. Though she will be displeased by the whole deal with Real!Ciel and Undertaker framing Our!Ciel. Did they really have to go that far? Actually, she has many questions. What they’ve been up to this whole time?..
So during the current arc, she got back in contact with Undertaker and Real!Ciel, even though she still spends most of the time at the funeral parlour and doesn't help the Aurora organisation in the slightest. To be honest, she finds herself more inclined to take Our!Ciel's side in this whole story, but for now she doesn't say anything about. She's waiting for what will happen next.
(Additionally: Ciel and Sebastian probably suspected that she might be withholding some information, so I think that Sebastian attempted to seduce her for the sake of information at some point, like he did with Beast and that nun in the anime. It didn’t work. He’s not her type at all (even Ciel would have had more chances seducing her than Sebastian). But his ego was hurt, which was funny. Later she will definitely tell Undertaker about the hilarious face rejected Sebastian made.)
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