#It's a spur of the moment brain dump
hyperfixatinator · 6 months
I like the DC x DP AUs where the Justice League and Amity Park (and Elmerton by proxy) never noticed each other due to an information blackout. I also find it neat when the idea's taken a step further.
For example, what if the government built Amity Park on insanely haunted land on purpose? Let's say, years ago, the whole LoA and Ra's Al Ghul situation made the U.S government curious about Lazarus water. They wished to find it's source in order to harvest it themselves.
The U.S preferred to avoid Lazarus pools that already existed to prevent conflict with the LoA. Instead, they decided to seek out the perfect location to "dig a well" of their own.
GIW scientists established that Lazarus water, a heavily condensed version of ectoplasm, was linked to ghosts and other ectoplasmic entities. They also observed that these entities are highly attracted to human populated areas.
This gave them the idea to settle a whole population of people on a liminal hotspot to lure ecto entities into the human realm. With the Anti Ecto Acts in place, the GIW were be free to capture ghosts and other creatures for their ectoplasm. The end goal was for the Fenton portal to be used as a well to harvest mass quantities of ectoplasm directly from the Infinite Realms.
How might this work for Amity Park and it's place in the world?
The information blackout is heavier outside the Amity-Elmerton territory than inside. Amity residents are only cut off from info that could threaten the government project (EX: the existence of real life superheroes, the Meta Protection Acts, certain major events, etc.).
All devices that enter the Amity-Elmerton territory are unable to send or receive video/pics of the above "blocked" topics. In fact, it's difficult for social media users within that territory to connect with any posts or profiles from outside unless they look hard enough.
Amity residents are still allowed to travel, but airline ticket prices are jacked ridiculously high, especially for specific destinations (i.e: common superhero locations) to deter those residents from going there. GPS devices and maps bought in Amity or Elmerton are also set to misdirect users away from these same locations if they opt for a road trip.
Most Amity-Elmerton residents hardly bother leaving at all since there's a hefty fee for crossing beyond a set perimeter. They've all been lead to believe this is a normal part of traveling in the Midwest.
To everyone outside the Amity-Elmerton area, that area is virtually non-existent. It's not listed on any map, globe, or basically any public geolocation tool outside those provided in Amity (not even Google Maps). The only hints of it existing are in certain forms of documentation, such as birth certificates and tax forms. Even then, these people are hard to come by.
At most, Amity Park is a little known myth where people occasionally debate on it's existence.
In general, the government limiting Amity-Elmerton residents access to outside info while giving them just enough to stave off suspicion.
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myosotisa · 1 year
Hmmm you know, I’m always down for that you’re in a new relationship, just been recently going out, and it’s that first time with a new partner. Can be awkward, can be fluffy, who knows? The world is your oyster. 😏🩷 also love you immensely
your brain is so big and i chose to make it funny. love you so much Luna!!!
3rd Times the Charm
ǁ summary: The 2 times you and Steve tried to have sex for the first time and the 1 time it actually happened.
ǁ tags: mentions of blood and injury (not graphic), mention of needles/stitches, fem!reader
ǁ word count: 1.5k
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The first time you and Steve tried to ‘consummate’ your relationship did not go as intended. You’d planned it in advance – a nice dinner followed by a romantic and cheesy walk in the park. The ending was set for your place because you had a bigger bed and your roommate was supposed to be gone.
Key word: supposed to be.
The two of you had gotten distracted in the hallway. Steve had one hand on your hip, the other on your jaw, and was pressing you flat against the wall with his body as he sucked your lower lip into his mouth just to watch it pop back into place again. You both knew what the plan was and the anticipation to finally fuck your boyfriend of 3 months had been building the entire night.
If the denim erection pressing into your hip was any indicator, then Steve was just as excited as you were.
After some careful coaxing both by your breathless murmurs and your fingers twisting in his hair, you were able to convince him to let you go long enough for you to get your keys out and unlock the door. Although, you really only got halfway through doing so before he was pressing up against you from behind, wide palms settled on either hip, and his mouth teasing at the skin on the side of your neck.
The two of you stumbled into the apartment together, his arms wrapped tight around you as he used his foot to kick the door closed. It only took another scarce few moments before he had you pressed against another wall, this time with your back still to his front, and his hands wandering from the fronts of your upper thighs all the way up to cupping them under your tits. Each graze of his warm palms lit you aflame, forehead pressed to the drywall as you closed your eyes and tried to regain some composure despite Steve intentionally trying to drive you into a frenzy.
That was when the two of you heard the first sob.
As it turns out, the one night you and Steve had planned to have sex for the first time ended up being the very same night your roommate got dumped. The two of you peeked around the corner into the living room, fully disheveled and panting, to the sight of her curled into a ball on the couch. She was completely inconsolable and the moment she saw you, she was begging for a hug and someone to talk to.
There was nothing you could do to weasel your way out of this situation to go try to hook up – not when she was crying face down in your lap with Kelly Clarkson playing on the loudspeaker. And Steve, absolute god tier boyfriend that he is, ran his fingers through your hair to settle it, pressed a kiss to your temple, and shared an understanding smile with you before asking your roommate what kind of ice cream she wanted from the convenience store on the corner. He returned no more than 15 minutes later with a spread fit for a heartbroken young adult and with multiple RedBox DVDs that the 3 of you watched into the night before you all fell asleep on the couch in a mountain of blankets and pillows.
The second time you and Steve tried to “consummate” your relationship went even worse. The idea of ‘Sex sent me to the ER’ is all fun and games until it happens to you.
It was very spur of the moment at a party – one of your mutual friends had planned this huge celebration at their parents fancy lake house. The two of you had gotten suited and lotioned up, drove the hour out of town to the property, and spent the entire afternoon roasting in the sun on jet skis and getting thrown off inner tubes behind a speedboat.
You’d had your eyes on Steve for hours and you were completely unapologetic about it. He was wearing a pair of navy swim trunks, a white linen shirt that was fully unbuttoned to show off his chest hair and golden skin, a pair of aviators perched on his nose, and with his hair sunkissed and windblown.
He’d taken over driving the speedboat with a beer in his hand and the steering wheel in the other, gunning it across the lake and throwing people off their rafts into the water with absolute joy and taunting yells across the wide open spaces. It looked like he was born for this, like this was him in his element, and you had actually never been more attracted to him than you were under that May sunshine.
When the sun set, a bonfire was lit and the speakers came out. Snacks and drinks, alcohol and non, were flowing steadily as people alternated between sitting by the fire and talking, pushing each other into the lake or the pool, and a few people even started dancing down by the water. You were all sunburnt and lazy with the first heat of the summer, heavy and slow with relaxation. And honestly… Horny as hell.
The two of you had stumbled into a shed on the property with greedy hands on warm skin and in slowly drying hair. His mouth was ravenous as it trailed from your own to the salty span of your neck and down to suck bruises into the sensitive skin on your chest. He’d pulled back after a few minutes, chest heaving beneath his open shirt and pupils blown wide as he looked you over. Told you he wanted you more than anything but was worried about your first time being in a fucking shed. You, completely drunk on him and not caring about anything else, informed him you didn’t give a damn and you needed him inside you like yesterday.
The grin that lit up his face was brighter than the summer sun of the day.
It was all blooming feelings and barely contained moans until he knelt down to give you some well overdue attention between your thighs. He had trailed kisses down your stomach as he dropped down without looking before you heard him suddenly hiss out through his teeth at the same time something shifted beside you and he fell away. Still slightly dazed, it took you a few moments too long to realize he had fallen onto his ass and was gently cradling his shin because it was now quickly pouring blood.
He’d knelt down and sliced his calf on a gardening tool in the shed. A blade that, after pulling out a flashlight, you confirmed was covered in rust.
The two of you spent the next 4.5 hours in the emergency room – earning Steve a tetanus shot and 2 other injections as well as 10 stitches and a prescription for antibiotics. As soon as you both confirmed that he wasn’t going to lose his leg or something, you couldn’t help but laugh. The sun and fun had lightened your minds and made something like having to go to the ER because Steve tried to eat you out in a shed feel like a story to tell, and nothing worse than that.
While it probably could have happened sooner, you and Steve finally got your chance the day after Steve’s stitches were removed. He’d shown up to your apartment early on a Saturday with a packet of baked goods for breakfast and a cup of your favorite from the corner store. All completely unprompted and he insisted it was just because he wanted to do something nice for you after your week at work.
The two of you had a slow and comfortable breakfast on your balcony as the morning sun rose higher in the sky. The moment you were both finished eating, you’d wasted no time in climbing into his lap and making up for lost time.
It was slow and thorough; each of you taking your sweet time in learning what made the other tick and shiver. It was hours between your sheets in the late hours of the morning with all the time in the world to explore each other.
And, while it was well worth the wait, you certainly had a lot of time to make up for.
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brandogenius · 4 months
ok what about an angst hc with jb .. like they had a horrible breakup and see each other a year after and make up <33
i’m in the angsty mood so i apologise
BLURB - julien x reader - breakup and make up
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- horrible breakup you say? what if it was due to the fact rumours spread around you were cheating. fans wanting to break you and jb up.
- seen hanging out with your friend, people making photoshopping / making fake dms etc. obviously jb not caring about them because you’d tell the truth, right?
- telling jb you were going to a friends house for the weekend to meetup with them as you haven’t seen them in a while but fans catch you out with your friend at a club. literally doing nothing other than dancing to music.
- clearly enjoying yourself not knowing jb knows either. your phone is out of charge and on silent. fans going wild and creating rumours that that person you’re with is actually the person you’re cheating on jb with
- coming back home at like 4am to a bunch of messages from jb and even from the boys. accusing you of cheating. you try ringing jb but she doesn’t reply
- going back home early in the morning to try and get some insight and tell jb it was all a big misunderstanding. she wouldn’t listen though. the rumours having got to her brain - breaking up with you on the spot.
- you just gathering your things and going back to that same friends house.
- what jb didnt know was your friend was straight 😭 it didn’t click with her / she forgot
- lets say a couple of days / weeks after she tries to find your friends instagram. coming across her and her boyfriend she realises “fuck- she was straight”
- nah going into twitter to see the ‘fans’ scheming to break the two of you up and seeing those threads like “this is the perfect opportunity” and julien just realised she made the biggest mistake of her life
- not even letting you explain just immediately dumping you to the side. she tries to reach out to you but you have her blocked on all social media’s.
- she realised she lost you.
- kicking herself and crying, telling the boys who are equally as devastated and guilty.
- but you’re nowhere to be seen / nowhere to be found. (having decided needing to get away from here: you just fly back to your parents house and figure out what you’re going to do now
- lets say a year passes. you’ve moved on. you’re at a bar when you see a familiar face across from you. clearly you know who it is and it hurts
- jb finding you in a random bar while she is at a pit stop on tour is something she didn’t expect. accepting the fact you were gone for good.
- when faced with the realisation she could explain everything to you, quickly walking over. you’re about to stand up but she’s like “wait- please “
- “are you here to accuse me of cheating again? because i’m at a club?” you reply with a snap.
- julien just grabbing your hand and dragging you outside to explain better.
- clearly all the anger and sadness you felt has worn off. left with only tiredness and exhaustion and hurt.
- a small part of yourself deep down knows you’d react the same. seeing people on the internet all saying the same thing with ‘proof’. you too- jump to the conclusions and make emotion based decisions on impulse and on the spur of the moment.
- “we can start slow.” you crossed your arms. “that doesn’t mean we start back where we left off. you can take me out tomorrow and we can start from there”
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inslumber · 2 months
So I feel like i should probably address the Voidbeau account thing since it seems like some of you have been wondering about it.
For those who have no idea and don't care, you may keep scrolling lmaooo.
First of all I want to say, sorry if I worried anyone! I genuinely didn't think anyone would notice if I'm being quite honest.
Secondly, it was a spur of the moment action based on something I've been thinking of doing as far back as December.
I've wanted to take a break from the Fandom for a really, REALLY long time.
It's been doing crazy things to my head space. Both good and bad.
First of all, y'all have been great. So super cool and supportive, I can't thank y'all enough!!! ^^
I've been able stay on top of my art better than I have in years and it's so nice. The Fandom has kept me sane while I flounder irl with mental health issues and other fun real world Beau problems.
Problem is, my anxiety- among other things, likes to take a big fat dump on anything i do for myself. So while I was thriving for a while, what was once something that was helping me turned into the thing eating me alive.
I started to feel like I needed to do better and better eveytime, to the point where my own standards were set to unreachable heights. I became obsessed with validation via notes. I started to hate my own work. I felt like I wasn't good enough and I realized like, man this isn't fun anymore...
I got so stuck in this cycle of unhealthy thinking but if I tried to take a break I'd only be able to stay logged out for maybe a day. If even that.
I felt so anxious if I wasn't creating. I was so restless all the time and I felt if I wasn't working on the next project I'd "fall behind" or something silly like that.
It was very strange to say the least.
So finally what happened after months of struggling with it, I just kind of woke up and was like, "fuck it. I'm pulling the plug." And I deleted VoidBeau.
I do kind of regret it.
So many headcannons lost and asks unanswered.
I wish I had saved them somewhere.
Oh well. We can rebuild.
For now, consider me still on break for a while while I beat my demons into submission. And if/when I do come back- which I probably will cause my brain is still being eaten alive by twomp thoughts, I won't be doing it here. This is just some throw away side account to sort of announce that I'm still breathing.
My main is @hereliesbou
I might still upload art from time to time but for now I'll just be focusing on ocs or different Fandoms.
But twomp is still the #1 fandom of my heart.
So for now in terms of twomp...
I am, In Slumber.
See you next time! o/
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cassiusonic · 1 year
might as well dump whatever i have about my scrapped exe fc. this is a long one.
This is The Stranger.
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[ set in-universe, specifically during or at the aftermath of Sonic Forces.
devastation hit harder than what the tinted reassurance of salvation portrayed. the Resistance tried their absolute hardest, but they weren't the golden hand of any god. now, we focus on a certain unfortunate civilian.
if no one was coming to save them, they'll have to save themselves. such is their feeble grasp on the straw towards survival. body all soiled and stomach caved in, their eyes were blurred for anything that will dull the ache. never have they experienced delirium to this extent ; teeth grinded in their sleep as the hunger pulled onto their intestines and clawed their brain, then nothing was left but pure instinct.
sustenance. just a little fill. just a little further onto that luscious open scab.
what follows that decision was a blur, but they do remember a sliver of regret, then an infestation of awe. it was meat they never knew, like a forbidden fruit they'll never find themselves sharing. since then, the stranger stirred more and more towards this new diet. conveniently enough, under debri were lots and lots of supply.
and wouldn't you know, an ability that they initially viewed as a curse, finally came in handy.
[ side note ; that Tails-looking corpse? i wrote back then that Stranger had at some point made that abomination out of corpses while under the influence of lemon sundrop dandelion (if you know, you know) ; one of their "meals" being laced with it. but it's clear i'm not the slightest bit educated about the effects of said substance. you could say this was just a spur-of-the-moment idea.
[ their hunting grounds was at a made-up zone i called the Grayscale Zone. it looks exactly like it sounds. a thick monochromatic foresty area, with a quaint closed town just a trek away.
the Stranger knew each and every faces in that little town, they should know how to recognize outsiders, which they decided will be their only targets. attacking the town was practically painting a target on their face.
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they were mostly known by the title Stranger by the locals of the zone ; a friendly and amiable wanderer from the depths of the foliage guiding visitors safely towards the only known sign of society in the gloomy area.
the inhabitants of Grayscale Zone are oddly in the dark when it comes to the happenings out in the world, and the world knew barely about the zone just as much. hence why they aren't suspicious of the Stranger's face.
[ i fantasized on introducing Stranger through a type of novel game, with puzzles and multiple branching routes relying heavily on every decision you make.
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there, you play as a green cat named Fluke. the cat had met the Stranger by one fateful day, and he actually recognized them. Sonic the Hedgehog, but not so Sonic the Hedgehog...? wasn't he dead? Fluke is already suspicious throughout their first interaction, but he knew nothing but to be quiet.
Fluke eventually learns of the Stranger's macabre practices, and the not-so-Sonic was too calm about it when they found out in return. however, he always found himself coming back towards the lair of the cannibal. and every time, they talked rather normally about anything and everything as if they were neighbors. with the stranger's carefree attitude and almost simple lifestyle, you'd think they're really just a normal person. that is if they weren't the reason for the multiple missing individual cases recently.
the novel game will never come to fruition though, i'm too inadequate for that.
[ i've come up with four major ending routes when i still had them around.
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the first was the "Tattle route" ; the Stranger used to find it amusing whenever the two mulled over Fluke's ideas about tattling, which the latter hadn't done immediately if he weren't so piqued with the cannibal. but eventually, he did.
it actually wasn't the first time Stranger was hunted down ; their missing right pinky finger is the reminder of that. but this time, it's like the entire town was out for their head. Stranger had always recognized how Fluke tethered that threat, but they believed he won't do it because they both knew what the fake hedgehog was capable of.
Stranger actually never expected him to grow a pair and tell about their transgressions, and the sudden switch in power irked them. if they survived this, rest assured they're now out for Fluke's head. curiosity kills the cat, and that cat will certainly be a special treat.
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second is the "Molotov route" ; Fluke finds a way to deal with the cannibal himself. and that's by flaming them up. what drove Fluke to this decision was his accumulated fear and a wobbly sense of heroism, believing this time, he could at least do something right (as right as fighting violence with violence gets).
this might be the worst of the worst routes. because here, Stranger survives, though not without a bit of crusted patches on their skin that their shapeshifting ability barely covered up. the seething pain fuels their newfound hunger for repayment. Fluke's fate is unfortunately left unclear.
the third was a rather neutral one, the "Rock Bottom route" ; here, more insight about Fluke will be given. what i've conjured up then was that Fluke wasn't holding up mentally. (keep in mind that this is set in the circumstances of Sonic Forces)
the place they met was by a cliff, and the Stranger could immediately tell the context as to why he was standing there. hence why they were the first one to speak out and catch his attention. from there, Fluke has become more focused onto the interesting subject that is the person whom in a way both ruined and saved him.
as per usual, Fluke always comes back despite the dread that lingers. it was mixed with excitement, doubt, shame, until it all settled to confusion, which then drove his next irrational moves.
the two got along here i think, even if the Stranger knew what a mess could be happening inside the cat's head. the Stranger, despite their obviously disgusting lifestyle, is pretty aware of their wrongdoings yet just chose to be ignorant. Fluke's case wasn't gonna be anything special.
i don't think i've explored this enough, but the gist of it is that Fluke gives in to the tempting thrill, in hopes it'll pull him out of his previous inner turmoils (in turn, entering another). he followed the Stranger's complicated conduct, slowly but surely beginning to aid them in their spree. Stranger on the other hand didn't mind it.
last is perhaps the good ending out of all the routes, the "Cordial route" ; where Fluke actually befriends the cannibal and makes the effort on grounding them down, to convince them to finally abandon their harmful ways.
my ideas skipped the process, but i do remember the last bits - the novel was gonna take a more lighthearted tone in this route with the two genuinely getting along. the Stranger even actually introduced something about them - their flair in cooking. here, Fluke also managed to convince them to cook and try real and healthier food, to see if they could get the old appetite back.
at the end of the run, Stranger was to insist to start over and introduced themselves as "Sham" (though you can't be sure if they were being honest). Fluke would be the first to know the impersonator to such extent after a long, long while.
the two are still yet to deal with the lingering consequences of the Stranger's visceral history. it was still gonna end on an untied note as to how the cannibal will make up for all of that. gonna have to take whatever you can get from it.
[ miscellaneous stuff
Fluke wasn't a local of Grayscale zone, so why haven't Stranger gutted him yet? Fluke bugged them about it too at some point, the cannibal begrudgingly reasoned that "they didn't kill him because they weren't hungry" and that they don't necessarily needed to kill on sight. Fluke just happened to be lucky every time he comes back.
they have terrible memory and terrible eyesight, hence the failed imitation of Sonic. speaking of imitating Sonic, Stranger only did so to (take a guess) lure outsider prey, and to live in the skin of a young, wild and free individual. yes, they had at some point admired the blue blur.
only has 5 bundle of quills on their head, 1 bundle of quills on their back, and no tail.
Stranger hates winter, especially when they didn't stock up enough. due to the cold, there would be very little to hunt and the town is an alternative they don't wish to resort to. hunger was one of the things that really drive them mad.
they're a bit ironic and snarky.
are they actually wearing anything?
Stranger's burnt injuries was actually inspired by a certain frame from an animation "LEGACY, Sonic.EXE" by [ youtube@/kishinpain ]
during Stranger's earliest days when Exe/Faker influence was still there, they had a beast form. which i eventually scrapped because i opted on making them a little more unique than just being a blatant rip-off. well in the end, i just scrapped Stranger as a whole so welp i guess. remants of this scrapped concept is evident in the body contortions latest-Stranger makes.
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uh huh. that's about all the things i've developed for this exe, however i've grown disatisfied with them especially with the design. i still wanted to share it though.
that's all now. have a blue gang :^)
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Part (?)
“Oh Dove~” Z’s voice carried on the night wind, echoing through the dark trees. A low, lilting drawl that raked across your skin and threaded into your ears. You would have covered them, but then how else would you be able to hear his footsteps crunching over the damp leaves and sticks that littered the forest floor? How else would you divine the direction of the mocking whisper drifting on the breeze? “Where are you, my little human? Come on out, sweetheart. Don’t make this any harder than it has to be, hm?”
Swallowing back the scream in your throat, you pushed yourself further into the shadows, pressing your back hard against the wide trunk of the birch tree you had chosen for shelter. Your options had been severely limited – a large boulder, some bushes, and a stack of tires someone had dumped. There weren’t many places to hide. Not without running deeper into the darkness and risking discovery.
It was fine. You would be fine, you reminded yourself on a deep breath. You just needed to stay still, stay quiet, and the demon would eventually look elsewhere. Then this whole game would be over.
Z’s steps were in no way silent. The demon stalked the moonlit darkness with utter temerity, every rustle and crack igniting every instinct in you that begged you to run, run, run.
“You know something?” Z asked. His tone was almost conversational, and in the silence, it rang out like a beacon just taunting you to try and escape. There was an odd quality to it as well, a raspy undercurrent that you had never heard before. Or perhaps you had, but without any other ambient noise it seemed far more obvious to your human ears. “I’m a little hurt. You ran away so quickly, baby. What, did I frighten you?”
A sharp crack split the air as though to punctuate the statement, and you clapped your hands over your mouth to muffle the shocked noise inside your throat. You waited breathlessly for a long moment, but the forest remained eerily silent, with only the distant sound of faraway cars and whispering branches to disrupt the quiet. You waited some more, a frown creasing your forehead. Was Z just…standing there?
Slowly, oh so slowly, you pushed upwards and craned your neck around the tree trunk – eyes scanning the dimness for Z and the source of the noise. You didn’t find the former, but it did not take long to find the latter.
The boulder, the massive moss-covered rock, had been cracked cleanly in half. The moonlight shone through the canopy of leaves, illuminating a stony visage with five jagged claw marks gouged at least an inch deep as though it were made of clay.
A warm breath on the base of your neck froze you in place, even as goosebumps erupted over your skin. A feather-light touch against the back of your neck spurred you to life, but you scarcely had enough time to roll onto your knees before a clawed, silver-clad hand slammed into the bark by the side of your head hard enough to shake the whole tree.
Z grinned, all vicious teeth and even more desperate greed as he backed you up tighter against the tree with a smug, “Found you~." The hand not imprisoning you in place curled over your chin, a firm hand squeezing the sides of your jaw until your mouth had no choice but to open wide for a finger, and then another.
"Behind a tree?" Z clicked his tongue in mock disappointment, pressing his thumb against the inner side of your cheek so that the skin bulged cutely on the outside. "Be honest with me Dove, were you trying to get caught?”
You didn’t reply. There was no point and no time to hesitate. Instead, you rolled to the side, staggered to your feet and bolted. If there was less adrenaline crowding your brain, you might have realized how easy your escape had been, that they’d let you run away. You might have noticed the way the trees began to warp in on themselves, the trampled path twisting in and out of itself in repetitive loops.
But all you could pay attention to were the eyes. Scarlet will ‘o’ the wisps hovering at the edges of your vision, ahead of you, behind you. The gleeful cackle reverberating all around you, the snap of teeth at your heels, the scratch of claws on your back.
“You aren’t getting away that easily, sweetheart,” Z called out to you in a voice that came from the sky, the grass, inside your chest where your heart beat like a war drum. “Sooner or later, you’ll have to stop, and then you’ll be all mine.”
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cattyanon · 2 months
This is your invitation to brain dump as much angst as you can for when Sonic starts loosing control in the Black Legs AU. Go ahead. Have fun. >:)
Wellll if you insist...
So it starts out with Sonic hiding in like a cave in the middle of the woods but as with actions made with haste and without thought he realizes something he didn't account for: His hunger. It would mean he has to go out to get food. So after snagging himself a cloak (and making sure to leave the appropriate amount of rings) he starts regularly buying meat to sustain himself. And like... he hides himself as much as he can. It helps that his legs don't look blue so all he has to do is focus on keep his upper body features hidden.
He also realizes another problem: How was he even going to cure himself? What could he do by himself? At that point he figures that maybe it'll go away if he stops eating meat because maybe that fuels it?? He tries to eat fruit to compensate but encounters another problem... he keeps throwing up anything that isn't meat. Which meant he'd have to starve himself. Great. Surely nothing would go wrong though!
But as you should expect by now everything goes wrong.
The hunger gets worse and while the bodily mutations seem to slow down they don't stop. And eventually he gets so hungry he snaps, instincts taking over. He slinks to the nearest town at night and kills somebody in their sleep, also taking away an arm to munch on later.
And it only escalates from there. The police are stumped and ever so slowly the death toll ticks up to the point where they call the Restoration for help, thinking it might be a monster. So there Amy is trying to get to the bottom of it when she eventually finds the cave Sonic is hiding in and by proxy Sonic himself. And he doesn't hesitate to attack what he perceives as an intruder.
Eventually Amy falls back and, unable to get through to Sonic, she calls up Tails and Shadow as she practically sobs into the phone after patching herself up.
So now Tails and Shadow go to confront him and things play out a bit differently. After Amy he's still on high alert and does end up attacking Tails and Shadow at first but it only lasts for like less than a minute as he realizes who they are. His mind is still in a bit of a haze though, not quite returning to the right headspace yet. He's definitely more himself than he has been in the past week (or 2 or however long i go with) but he's still not fully there as his instincts are still on high alert.
I think I'm gonna stop here because I need to sort things out more but I will say that he's in that between state for a while afterwards. Not quite instinct driven but still not quite himself. And it's definitely a problem that he needs to consume human/mobian meat in order to stay healthy.
As a side note the reason he has less control than Shadow over himself is because Shadow was made that way- with Black Arms DNA in mind. But Sonic? This was a spur of the moment injection by Eggman. He wasn't born or created with Black Arms DNA, so why would he be as balanced as Shadow?
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meowloudly15 · 1 year
I think Katniss Everdeen is ace/aspec.
I am not going to cite sources from the books (and I am specifically considering the book canon) because I really don't wanna skim them over rn, this is just kind of a spur-of-the-moment brain dump. If I got anything wrong, please please please let me know! So let's get started.
Katniss is utterly oblivious to love. She doesn't notice that Gale's crushing on her, she thinks Peeta's trying to pull her leg with the whole star-crossed lovers business, heck, she thinks Peeta straight-up wants her DEAD for a good portion of the first book. She doesn't initiate any kisses with him except for publicity plot-mandated reasons. She shows no signs of even returning either Gale's or Peeta's affection until like two-thirds of the way through Catching Fire when she and Peeta make out on the beach or something, and that's the first time she really seems to enjoy kissing him. She's known him for over a YEAR, is statedly fond of him by now, and she STILL doesn't like kissing him until this one singular moment! And it's a one-off event!
Katniss is also markedly uncomfortable when Johanna strips in front of her and Finnick (somebody considered to be the single most handsome individual in Panem) mock-flirts with her, and not in like a "oh God the hot guy's flirting with me" way but more of a "Back off weirdo" way.
Anyway. I just really like how this character, who is so compassionate and loving (when she's not in fight-or-flight mode) and cares so deeply for her family and friends, has very minimal interest in romance. I really like that Katniss is like that. Love! Is! Not! Necessarily! Romantic!
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I was trying to think of something that might inspire you to revisit jack rollins/dave rumlow, because they were so stinking cute, but when I came to your page to post this ask I saw that you reblogged that hallmark movie aftermath / business power couple au post, and now my brain is trying to make brock/darcy being the city couple that got ditched by their exes at xmas, but jack/dave getting the proper hallmark movie romance...
hmmm... if we keep it in the MCU... Brock and Darcy are vaguely aware of each other due to moving in the same SHIELD adjacent circles but don't really know each other/never really had cause to interact. Before now. They wind up on the same flight from London to NY after both having travelled to London to save their relationships / surprise their significant other by visiting for xmas, only to end up dumped like the stuffy city boyfriend in a hallmark movie (darcy by ian who got back with his college sweetheart, brock by another shield agent he'd been dating on and off for years, who took up a permanent post in the London office and reunited with ex).
Brock and Darcy spend the 8hr flight venting about their exes, getting to know each other better, falling in love...
Meanwhile, back in the Bronx.... Brock had invited Jack to spend xmas with his family, only to ditch him last minute for his spur of the moment trip to London to fix things with his girlfriend (who jack's maybe never really liked), leaving Jack alone with Brock's mother, his many sisters, and half a dozen nieces and nephews. The oldest of which is 20-something college student/recent college grad Dave. Who, while a lot younger than Jack, not to mention the guys he usually dates, is admittedly very cute and funny and keeps trying to manufacture reasons for them to be alone / get out of the house together.
Jack tries to keep his distance but when he gets a text from Brock saying he'll be landing stateside soon, Jack insists on picking him up from the airport, and Dave insists on keeping him company. He's outnumbers several Rumlow's to one poor out of his depth Australian, so queue a long trip to the airport fighting holiday/peak hour traffic getting to know each other better / Dave slowly, adorably, knocking down Jack's well intentioned defenses.
They're almost to the airport when Angela calls them wondering where they are - didn't they get Brock's text saying the flight had been diverted due to a snow storm and he's back in DC spending xmas with a friend?
No, Jack didn't realise he'd gotten a text or several missed calls, because he's been a tad distracted, alright? So, they turn back around and as soon as they get stuck in standstill traffic Dave pounces on him and they make out like teenagers. They get honked at when traffic starts moving again and decide to cut their losses and get off the freeway for a bit, winding up, completely by serendipitous (ooh! Serendipity AU!) accident, at some sort of delightful xmas market featuring all the cliche requirements - trees, carols, ice skating, snow, hot chocolate, etc etc, and spend a romantic evening strolling through the markets hand in hand...
Anonymous asked:
Amendment to previous ask... ditch the drive to the airport. Brock doesn't announce his return so that leaves Jack at his mom's house making nice with his family, trying not to flirt with Dave. One, he's much too you for him. Two, Brock and every Rumlow under that roof would kill him.
But there's still a few days til xmas and not much for the two of them to do other than babysit squabbling children or listen to the Rumlow women squabble as they cook. So Jack and Dave get out of the house as often possible and end up enjoying all the cliche hallmark xmas tropes... xmas markets, ice skating, carriage ride in the snow, kissing under the mistletoe...
They return to casa rumlow hand in hand- after Jack finally gives in and risks the rumlow family wrath by agreeing to extend their brief holiday flirtation and date the younger man - to find brock making out with Darcy in the driveway.
"What are you doing with her? Where's [ex]?"
What am doing..?! What the hell are you doing with my nephew?"
Okay, I am going to give you a little push here: you need to write this fic! It's right there in your head, all the little details, all the scenes. I cannot possibly flesh this out as well as you already have. You've got to write it! Even if you decide to use all new OCs, which I heartily endorse, I think the muse is batting at you with a cardboard tube to write some Taserbones with a side of Jack/Assorted Rumlows.
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dreamscape-popstar · 5 months
Hi how’s your day going? Mind if I ask a question about the shahrukh ( can never spell his name right lol) blog? What gave you the inspiration for it?
is it something you’ve been thinking about doing?
will we learn about his past?
idk if you’ve answered this before I have a hard time figuring out how to go back that far haha
also also no pressure or anything about the blog it was just something that popped in my head hope I’m not bothering you or anything have a good day 🙃
I’m Jess by the way~
Hi Jess! Our day's like, not too bad. Aside from what went down earlier (and some scary ass The Sun Vanished type noise that scared my paranoid ass bad), it's been not too bad.
The Shahrukh askblog was a sudden spur of the moment idea inspired by our partner system's own askblog based on their Sonic AU, The Era of Shadow, as well as an askblog AU of a series we love, Cometcare. We wanted a way to tell our AU story in a way that wasn't writing fanfiction (something we're just not that confident in to do consistently unfortunately), so, a lore dump askblog would be the way to go about it.
Sadly we haven't made much progress on the drawing to questions ratio because we wanted to plan dialogue out first, but that's extremely time consuming compared to like, going in drawing first and slammin' text down. A lot of perfectionism behind the scenes that always ends up never being seen because "What if I hate this right after I share it". Our curse (OCD). So for now it's still in the WIP stages :salute:
We will for sure learn about his past and I kinda think it's been something on the mind. As in, Karina thought about it, ruminated on it for a bit, asked her polycule about it, and got the burst of inspiration needed to make it real. And then made a bunch of art! Then the Quencies.... (art burnout.) It's still kind of burnout, but mostly just that our brain is elsewhere (see the birdposting happening) but like. We haven't stopped thinking about it.
And to quell your fears, we haven't gotten an ask like this before. At least I don't think, anyways. It's hard to remember, brain is always full of little guys. Also don't worry about asking us questions like this, it's absolutely not an issue and you're never a bother!
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Oh God I almost forgot this.
In a spur of the moment in the shower, I was thinking about the different computers in the Sun and Moon show.
Not only do we have the one Moon made, but we now have one that Monty made, and one that Eclipse made.
My brain spit out some random designs and names. I'll have to draw the designs later but for now you get descriptions.
First of all all these designs were very geometric. Basically made of random shapes. A lot of artists sort of draw like this. Where the characters are made with very flat but short lines. So it's something similar to that.
Moon's computer will get two snazzy little men. For some reason I see them wearing baller caps and looking somewhat similar to Blood Moon. Probably also being a similar height. They wear what I could only describe as mafia suits. One wears sharp glasses while the other doesn't.
Of course acts like the computer we all know. A jackass. Listening only when they want to.
I shall call them the jacks twins.
Monty's computer will be a little reptile. Something similar to a anole or some sort of small desert lizard. I see them having a fin instead of a mohawk Monty. They wear big circular glasses with a long lab coat on them. A long curling tail popping out. They also probably have bits of Australian clothing underneath the lab coat.
He is relatively quick with his actions. Focused and precise. Although he will give snarky remarks back if prompted.
I shall call him skink.
Eclipse's computer is a tall lady. Wearing what I could only describe as standardized secretary clothes. I see her constantly holding a clipboard. She has relatively long hair that hangs down to the floor almost becoming like a cape. The only one without anything on the top of her head.
She likes to make suggestions. Openly worried about eclipses condition but not stating such. Listens, but will usually try to prompt different actions.
I shall call her Sira (pronounced like Sarah with an I)
And that is what my brain dumped upon me.
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proserpinewrites · 1 year
Six+ Sentences Not-Sunday
Tagged by @its-a-humanriot, sorry that I took so long to respond. 
Tagging @ellietheewriter, @fuzzydreamin, and @mentatsandsunshine, but only if you have something you’d like to share.
One day I may finish this, which has the working title of Harkness’ No Good, Bad, Terrible Time in the Mojave. Set in the same universe as you who wish to conquer pain, after Harkness heads west away from the Institute’s reach once Zimmer is sent away from Rivet City.
The drink must have been drugged, that was his only logical conclusion in the aftermath. Getting tipsy took serious effort with the way he was built, and getting blackout drunk? Hell, he would have had to drink the whole saloon dry and then some. A Courser might have to mingle a little amongst the wastelanders to gather information for a search, so certain allowances were made in their programming and construction to make them blend in. He could get tipsy, but not properly drunk. Most chems and poisons moved through his body like water. He ate and drank like any human, he slept, but could go without all three of those things far longer than any human being in a pinch. After all, it wouldn’t do for the hunter to be hindered by simple physical needs whilst in pursuit of a rogue synth. In testing, Zimmer had found that removing the capacity for pain and the relief of said pain with medication made for a sub-par Courser with an unfortunate tendency to go mad. Med-X worked on his kind, but he had a terrifying tolerance for it.
That jackass in the checkered coat had probably dosed his drink expecting that it would be enough to kill his target. The shooting? Well, that was slapdash and spur of the moment. The move of a man trying to save face and the operation he was running in one fell swoop. At the very least, he was still drugged enough that the wounds he received barely hurt once he crawled out of that shallow grave. His memory went blank for a few blessed days after that. There were very few kindnesses offered to a synth by their maker. This must have been one of those. The elderly wasteland doctor probably expected more gratitude from someone he nursed back from the brink. Instead he got a suspicious glare, one word answers to all of his questions, and Harkness walking out the door with what few possessions that checkered jackass had left him after dumping him in the earth. This man had dug a bullet out of his brain, there was no telling just what he might have seen lurking in the shadows of the Institute’s handiwork. Harkness didn’t intend to find out either. He wasn’t actively bleeding, most of his faculties were intact, and he had a job to do. Well, two jobs now that someone had stolen his damned package.
He needed ammo and other supplies before he headed further into the desert, and someone had helpfully emptied his pockets of caps. So he was going to have to barter, because it was highly unlikely that anyone in this tiny shit-hole of a town had any work worth doing. Supplies, then info if he could get it, and most likely he was going to have to go without basic human amenities for a while. Not for the first time, he cursed Zimmer’s insistence on realism in his prototypes. Older coursers didn’t feel hunger, thirst, or exhaustion. He did, but at Father’s insistence none of those things would actually kill him. Fucking scientists. The general store owner stared wide eyed at him from the moment he stepped in the door, like a radstag caught short by a flashlight beam. This was precisely why he hated small towns. Anything and everything was news, spread around like Brahmin shit on a farm within minutes. That had to be it. Regardless, he didn’t have time for trifling bullshit.
“I need microfusion cells and 5.56 mm rounds.” He said, fishing through his pack for something worth trading. Not stimpacks, he’d need those. Someone had put some Med-X in with his things, probably the doctor who had patched him up. The shopkeeper hadn’t replied in a solid minute, so Harkness looked up at him with a frown.
“You’re the dead guy.” The man said, eyes wide as saucers.
“Do I look dead to you?”
The younger man looked, if anything, even more unsettled than he had before.
“You crawled out of a grave.” He pointed out, blinking owlishly.
Harkness sighed.
Jason Harkness was not a man inclined towards thievery or willful criminal activity. There had been a a time when he had had a deep well of patience to draw from when dealing with humans. That time was so far in his past now that it felt like those past life memories that religious folk and chem addicts babbled about. It would be simpler to pull a gun on the man to get what he needed, faster too. His fellows back at the Institute with their black leather trench coats and curtailed freedom would have chosen that route immediately. Hell, half the human population would too in a pinch. But something in him felt painfully wrong when he transgressed from the brand of morality that he had built for himself, like an alarm ringing directly in his ear for hours or days on end. A twinge in a soul he wasn’t sure that he even had, given his origins. So instead, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for half a heartbeat like a friend had taught him to do years before. When the irritation passed, he opened them again.
“Listen, I just need to buy some ammo. I’ve gotta check in with my bosses in Primm, figure out who shot me. Can we trade or not?”
Five boxes of unneeded 10mm ammo and one of his few bandannas later, he had enough ammo to feel comfortable heading to Primm. Well, reasonably comfortable. He had a migraine the size of New California and had spent ten minutes nursing a nosebleed as Chet the shop-keep tallied up their trade, but he wasn’t dead yet. You had to take what victories you could in this life, after all.
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yors-truly · 1 year
Thought up a new story idea that I just want to get out, so that when I move in and can actually draw again, I can make doodles inspired by it. OKAY.
I was reading something on here some time ago - maybe the other day, I can't remember, but it was recent - and while reading it, it mentioned kitsunes and how they have the ability to transform into humans (or can appear to be human-like).
Now, I already have a kitsune book im working on on the sidelines, so maybe I could imagine this to be like a comic or something visually, BUT! ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE...
Kind of a violent title. It's pending, I promise.
Basically (HEAVY WIP IDEA INCOMING), this story would follow the journey of an ancient kitsune, as he traverses the likes of the modern world that he's slept upon up to this point. He learns how to navigate his life as an old spirit with plenty of experience in an older time, with his life as a human in present times.
The events I have in mind for this story involve the kitsune's time in this small town with a community of believers of mythical creatures like him (and maybe they do exist; maybe I could weave that in there) and, as a result, try to hunt them down for sport. This was my main inspiration for the title btw.
Maybe the kitsune knows these other creatures personally, maybe not, but if there were to be more mythical creatures than just him, I would like for there to be a little bit of background between some of them that come from the same timeframe as him, kind of to give a sense of that old life he's had. Alongside that, maybe way earlier on, he finds a young human companion to guide him in this new modern world.
Found family. Comedy. Fantasy. Another genre that's not coming to mind right now, but a fourth one could totally fit.
ANYWERS! That's all of me dumping my spur-of-the-moment story idea on here. Maybe I could elaborate on it for fun in the near future ⭐
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jamverse · 2 years
ive been cleaning out a bunch of files on my comp and google drive and i found a plot beat summary of static sound i typed out awhile back. spoilers, obviously, if you care about that, which you shouldn't, because as I've said from the beginning this was never about the plot so much as just screwing around with my characters. I only edited the bigger points so some of the rest might be outdated but close enough. here you go.
-amaranth takes off to nk's domain to fight in gladiator matches, sees sarah's biotech w/ the same 'royal crest' mark she has and is like "hey where the fuck did you get that"
-oridar/verah are like "theres just this random kid [lily] out in the wastelands who makes 'em" so ama sets off to there to see what the deal is
-brief encounter with a toxinvein that takes out her ship but gets picked up by spurlocke, who as it happens was already going to see lily anyway 
-it's like super obvious that lily's "the lost queen" from 700 years ago so amaranth calls her dad like "holy shit guess who i found"
-ezkiel hears this and freaks the fuck out because they thought they were DONE with that job and the whole shtick of the old rulers, and hightails it the fuck over there to end it for real 
-meanwhile ama's like "ok well i can't take her home or do anything until i fix my ship" so they head Back to where ama's downed ship is
-ezekiel meets them on the way
-amaranth quickly finds a lot of [genuine] reason to be suspicious of ezekiel’s being there, and after calling her dad and getting some more info, her confronting ez quickly escalates to a fight where amaranth gets her ass fucking levelled and also inadvertently zapped with a toxinvein
-she's out cold, ez takes off with lily, spurlocke can't really do shit bc he's just some guy in all of this so he just takes to looking after ama for the moment
-flip back to ezekiel; tldr they end up exposition dumping about the razing and what they are and do as a chosen; most critically bringing up sth abt being a "regulator of cosmic/deity-level threats'' or something
-lily's like "oh ok cool you know that thing you zapped the loud girl with. maybe you should take a look at that, cuz that's kinda what we think that is."
-ezekiel decides an emerging sentient god virus is a more pressing issue than this one loose end from centuries ago and they head back to meet back up w/ the other two to investigate this [nobody Actually knows this is what toxinvein are at this point, but there's enough evidence to tip ez off that there's SOME kind of deity bullshit at play here]
-meanwhile Meanwhile after amaranth wakes up spurlocke gives her the 'hey so you're kinda fucked' rundown on what they know about toxinvein and what to expect now that she has one
-ez/lily get back a bit after this and one last lightning round exposition dump to get all the characters on the same page about who knows what
-crew discusses how to go about investigating more into this toxinvein thing
-lead 1: verah, who ama and ez both talked to, has a noticeable glitching problem Similar to toxinvein; lily and ez go see what that's about
-lead 2: ama got this Ominous Brain Message:tm: while she was asleep; not quite a dream but close enough to it that the fact of the ruler of this place being called "Nightmare King" is probably worth checking out
-there's some filler flavor type stuff here w/ ama and spur going to the city and meeting his band and her getting sensory overload and her having to go chill for a bit+catching up with magnolia but none of it is big plot important
-lily/ez get back from their questioning verah, which also pointed them to NK. they get ready to meet back up with the other two, but are intercepted by the Spy who attempts to drag ez back to NK himself for Other Reasons:tm:
-that doesnt work because ezekiel has the power of god and anime. anyway take a wild fucking guess where the whole crew heads now.
-tldr of the scene at NK's castle is he uses his powers to talk to the toxivein through ama's subconscious; the toxinvein drops the name "ibagreski", which is someone Io is all too familiar with
-squad goes on space trip with io to see ibagreski
-ibagreski's like ''oh lol that's Diode, guess he's finally leaking back into that domain since NK killed my Sentinel there. sucks for you guys but there's nothing that can be done, enjoy your slow apocalypse''
-obviously the protag crew doesnt want to do that but iba's like "unless you have [extremely specific and unlikely circumstances/resources/abilities] we literally can't do anything but wait it out"
-and ezekiel's like 'we do actually have that'
-ibagreski's like 'oh shit lol. yeah you guys can try to defeat Diode yourselves then i guess'
-this requires going back to pangea and summoning raathe, so they do that and then take it back to nk's domain and have it host the rest of diode's power
-big cool anime final battle n they kill the diode/raathe/amalgamated toxivein abomination
-send that whole mess to space hell so diode can't come back again again
Postgame funsies which I have no clue if I'll ever actually include:
-ezekiel “actually in hindsight i don't know why i'm still tethering myself to this planet i have nothing but bad memories of. i'm fucking immortal and have god powers i'm going to fucking go off and explore space and find something good. also you guys sort of know about the whole genocide thing now so i im assuming you don't really want me around anyway and i dont want to deal with whatever you were planning to do to me. bye.”
-amaranth already had a pretty set life before this so it just goes back to business as usual, save for the newly-installed life support system and mild fucked up glitch powers+adjusting to that. she and magnolia get married at some point probably.
-spurlocke, now having the toxinvein biz sorted out and the favor of a god to call upon [and a bit of help from ezekiel], finally goes back to his homeworld to incite his revolution and overthrow its corrupt state to save what’s left it
-lily actually fucks off to space with ezekiel, at least for the first little while. she'd love to go around seeing/studying more whack phenomenon like toxinvein, and she can also act as something of an...emotional guide to ezekiel, since they aren't nearly as open to experiencing new weird shit as she is. 
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bromcommie · 2 months
Hi! For the ask game: 🕯️🌿🏜️
Hi nonnie, thanks for the ask! Sorry it took me a hot second. 🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
A good 7, I'd say! It can be awkward as all hell rereading my own work, but in the end it's always fun to come back to things with a fresh(er) pair of eyes than when I was writing them. I either cool off from my attachment to certain bits enough to notice they're pretty bad, or I see things I thought were bad and get to go "oh, that's kinda banger actually". It's a weird mix of frustration and satisfaction every time - there are moments editing sucks because I just can't find a way to make something work and I have to kill it, but there are also times that the challenge of it makes a new angle or a different way to connect things click for a completely different segment/project altogether.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Oh man, that's always a tough one because even for a single person I don't think the same thing always works. I think there's some merit to sitting with an empty page every day just to see what comes out, but that only works 50% of the time tbh. What I try to do (especially if I can't get myself to do anything creative whatsover) is put down any random observations I have during the week to paper - things I saw on the street that I thought were interesting, lyrics from songs I was listening to, movie scenes and why I loved/hated them, conversations I overheard or stories people told me or shitty little sketches or just the same word over and over or whatever. It doesn't have to look nice and it doesn't have to make any sense. It's just a dumping ground. But usually it does end up feeling good when you can't get anything else out, and if I'm in a particularly bad block it just gets my brain to a) ease up on the pressure to Make Something Coherent and GoodTM and stop feeling bad about it but also b) unwittingly start thinking about things from that creative perspective again. And then when you have some time and a bit more energy, you can see if you can't find anything from your little Notes from Life that spurs your writing on or comes together. It's also just nice to look back on.
Also maybe finding other media that's inspiring to you - visuals, films, books, music - and immersing yourself in those for a while. Trying to figure out what you like about them from a storytelling perspective. Making moodboards and playlists even if they don't get me to a good place for writing straight away is also always really helpful to me, and just plain fun.
And if you're still running into a wall, making peace with that and finding something else to do for a while. Meeting your basic needs (I forget this one quite a lot lol), going for a walk, doing mundane chores or finding some company (maybe even someone to talk to about your ideas).
That's a lot of words to essentially say my brilliant advice is journal, listen to some music and go for a lil walk. I should write a self-help book.
🏜️ ⇢ Answered this little guy here! Thanks again :)
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
“I’m all yours” Part 2
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
• Requested: Yes.
• Warnings: angst/Swearing/adult themes/unloving relationship/mentions of mental abuse
• Summary: Part 2 to “I’m all yours” as requested! You can find Part 1 here.
• Words: 6138
• A/N :  Thanks so much for all the great feedback on it and for your continued support - hope you enjoy and that it lives up to part 1! Got the inspo from watching ‘Workin Moms’ on Netflix, highly recommend.. also as before, I do not condone cheating or the treatment of any relationship like this. My inbox is always open if you want to talk and I know it's very hard but remember you're worthy and you deserve the best. Please do not hesitate to let me know if anything in this is too close to the mark as that’s the last thing I want (i might be reading too deep into this but want to be sure I’ve made myself clear
“Jay. I need you in here with me” Voight swings the door open, forcing Jay to release you from his tight grasp and turn his back to you as if he didn’t have you pinned to the wall whispering into your ear a few seconds ago. 
“Am I interuppting something here?” his gruff voice questions to which you shake your head “Right well come on Halstead, you’re with me” Voight exits the room, allowing you to finally release the smirk you’d been witholding. Jay turns back to you, running a hand along his jawline as he chuckles but you can still see the hunger behind his eyes as he winks “To be continued”. 
You take a moment to yourself, running your hand through your hair before allowing yourself to lean your back against the wall to take the weight off. It all seemed to happen so fast that you could barely recollect the situaion but all you knew was you hadn’t felt this way in a very long time. That passion building, waiting for the other to lean in first, the way your skin burns when he touches you and the rate your heart is beating even after he’s no longer here was enough to solidify how bad you wanted him and even better, he wanted you more.   
You watch through the one sided glass as Jay and Voight enter the room, Jay now looking as stern as ever, a complete 180 from the man who was just stood before you. He bores his eyes down onto the suspect and you feel your stomach flip at the mere sight of the way he leans his hands down on the desk and towers over the man, finding yourself instinctively chewing at your bottom lip and consumed by thoughts you shouldn't be having at your place of work about your partner. 
You continue to watch, time flying by as you sit back and watch Jay do what he does best but despite how well he can calm Voight down it wasn’t working. Voight was loosing it which was spurring the suspect on to act more of an idiot by the minute, clearly getting some form of pleasure of out of he was getting under Voight’s skin. 
“Sarge, can we step outside a moment?” Jay interupts Voight who currently had the suspect by the collar of his shirt, his eyes dart to Jay and then back to the man who was laughing in his face. You actually felt for the guy, not knowing what he was letting himself in for but also not being jealous of the pair of them currently trying to interrogate him but clearly failing. Voight shoves the suspect back into the chair and storms out of the room to be shortly followed by Jay, you watch as the man seems to stare directly at you and even though you know he can’t see you, you still feel the chills run down your spine at the emptiness behind his eyes and the slight smile he has on his lips. 
You hear Voight and Jay exchanging heated words just outside the door and you flinch when the door to the room you were in swings open  “Y/N, you’re up” Voight orders and you instantly feel sick that you would have to face the suspect who clearly had no means of confessing. Normally you’d stand up for yourself but the way Voight held his fists at his sides and the vein throbbing in his neck it was hardly the situation to argue so you did as you were told. Voight takes your place observing and you exit the room to be met by Jay leaning back against the wall, passing you the file as you approach him “you got this?” he asks with a slightly raised brow, you nod and try to ignore the hand he places on your lower back to usher you into the room with a hushed chuckle “you’re the only one I can rely on these days”.
You didn’t have the most experience when it came to interviews so whenever you were in this room you felt on edge, let alone when you know Voight is burning his eyes into your back and watching like a hawk, but something about Jay being by your side made it that tiniest bit easier. You begin to probe the suspect who was now slouching back in his chair, clearly also at ease by the lack of Voight’s presence and you sat across from him instead. You felt ill at the way he was looking at you and the way Jay’s muscles were tightening as he glared at the suspect didn’t go unnoticed either. “Aren’t you a pretty little thing” he comments with a grossly inapropriate smile and you scoff “Don’t look at her, look at me” Jay extends his arm across the desk to get his attention but it doesn’t work so he’s on his feet and leaning over the suspect in seconds “Lose the grin, or I will lose it for you”. 
You cough to break the tension, already predicting Voight would crash through the door at any moment to stop the interview but luckily there was no sign. You continued your questioning and it was clear neither of you could get through to him “I can’t be asked to sit here and let you waste my time” you sigh, standing from your seat and grabbing the file to exit “leaving so soon, pretty girl? that’s a shame” he comments and you shake your head with a pity laugh. “Where you’re going, you’ll be the pretty girl” you comment, smile spread as his face drops and you see Jay cover a smirk with his hand “she’s not wrong” he shrugs his shoulders, also standing from his seat to join you in leaving the room “enjoy your time in there buddy” he pats him on the shoulder as he passes “you’re gonna need it”. 
You walk down the corridor with Jay, still laughing between yourselves but a sudden silence when Voight appears before you “What the hell was that?” he barks as you stand wide eyed but luckily Jay speaks for you “he’ll confess Sarge, we just need to let him sit”  he reassures but Voight wasn’t satisfied “we don’t have time to let him sit Jay, you’re all gonna swan off to this party tonight so we need to get him by then” he demands “What like you’ve always got them to confess the first time?” he comments under his breath and Voight see’s red.
“I think you need to remember who you’re talking to Detective” he presses his finger into Jay’s chest and you step in “Sarge, you just gotta trust us. We know what we’re doing” you can see he is slightly taken back by the way you defend Jay but he isn’t shocked “just get it done” he groans before storming back into his office to leave you and Jay alone again. "thanks” Jay mumbles, frustration laced through his whisper, you lay your hand on his back and you notice him slightly relax under your touch as you offer him a reassuring smile and a shrug of your shoulder “always”. 
Tonight was some big police annual gala and usually you were buzzing for it but tonight just wasn’t the night for it. You and Jay had spent hours trying to break down the walls of the suspect only for it to get you no where, you felt defeated and tensions were running high. It fell to Voight and Olinsky to eventually crack him but after some of their ‘persuasion’ of course.. This left you feeling not as guilty for not getting to him as they clearly used different methods to you and Jay so were incomparable in terms of techniques. 
Even when you had a spare minute to yourself you find yourself replaying what happened with Jay in the observation room, the way he had you pinned and the hunger you could see and feel in the way he grabbed you set something off inside you. You’d barely been alone with him since then due to the busyness of the case but the occasional glances and minor touches as you passed his desk was making the tension unbareable but you still couldn’t ignore the pit in the bottom of your stomach. You still had somewhat of a boyfriend, even if he was a piece of shit who didn’t make you feel wanted, he was still your boyfriend and to your annoyance it wasn’t sitting right with you. 
Jay was everything you needed and you knew he could give you everything you wanted and so much so that it scared you. He was perfect in your eyes and you felt as though you didn’t deserve him, you’d never be able to tell him this as you knew he wouldn’t stand for it but you couldn’t help the way you felt. You were so defeated that you felt as though you deserved a trashy relationship and weren’t good enough to be with someone like Jay. This made you feel worse as no matter how much you desired him you still couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt.
You tried to rack your brain to think of the last time your boyfriend Mike had made you feel half as good as Jay does but you couldn’t even think of anything close. You were trying so hard to give him an inch of self worth but there was nothing, he hadn’t made you feel wanted or even like he loved you yet you still felt bad for showing interest in Jay. You’d have to put your feelings for your partner to one side and no matter how impossible it seemed you’d try to convince yourself he wasn’t for you. 
You’d managed to escape the district without anyone seeing you and by anyone you meant Jay. Unlocking your car and dumping your bag into the back, you jump when you see Jay standing there as you slam the truck down in frustration “You trying to kill me?” you hit his shoulder as you pass but he doesn’t move, instead his eyes scan as you slightly graze him to try and get to the passenger side “You’re just gonna leave without saying anything?” you could feel your heart pull at the hurt behind his words, the concern sweeping across his brows and the way he held his hands together like he did when he was nervous. “I need to get ready for tonight” you fake smile but he wasn’t buying it.
 “So you’re going back to him?” he kicks a stone on the ground and you follow his gaze as he looks back up at you “I don’t have a choice Jay” you plead, causing him to cup your cheeks in his hands to force you to look at him “Of course you have a choice Y/N. You always have a choice” he reassures but you stand in silence, unsure how to respond “If you’re scared of him, I’ll come back with you or hell I’ll go and collect your stuff for you and you can stay with me for a bit” he runs his thumb gently across your cheek and for that split second you can’t hold back your desires as you find yourself leaning into him.
You manage to catch yourself and put your hands against his chest to stop “It was a mistake Jay, I’m sorry for leading you on but it’s not gonna happen”. 
You pull yourself away from him and open the passenger door to get inside before he has a chance to pull you back “ That’s bullshit and you know it Y/N” he leans against your door, speaking through your car window but you keep your eyes focused on turning the key to start the engine before mumbling “I’m sorry” and driving away.
You look into your mirror, watching as Jay stands there defeated with his hands hung low and his head dipped “You’re a fucking idiot Y/N” you curse yourself before taking another look in the mirror to see Jay was gone.
You flicked through the dresses in your wardrobe, really not being in the mood for the party was in a strange was urging you to put more effort in to hope it would lift your spirits. You’d poured yourself a few glasses of your favourite mixer and had some music playing in the background to assist in your motivation. Of course you were home alone, what else is new..
You were used to coming home to an empty apartment, after moving in with Mike after just a few dates there was always such excitement to return from work to see him lounging on the sofa and ready to engulf you in his arms but that didn’t last long. He would be out until late, without even so much of a text message which would leave you sitting around waiting before eventually giving up in the small hours of the morning to retire to bed alone. You found it funny at this point, the classic ‘gotta laugh or you’ll cry’ really was how you dealt with it and you thought that was for the best. 
You’d stumbled upon a little satin black dress that you’d bought for your birthday last year but due to staying late at work you never got the chance to wear it so it would be perfect for tonight. After a little touch of make up and keeping your hair simple you stopped to examine yourself in the mirror and for the first time in a while you were surprsingly pleased at who was looking back at you. You’d hardly bothered with your appearance anymore, going out to a party was a rareity so it always did seem to take you back a bit when you looked like this and you were feeling good.
After taking another sip of your drink your mind started to wander, Jay creeping up behind you and snaking his arms round your waist as you admire yourself. His lips pressing into your neck as he whispers into your ear of how good you look and how lucky he is to have you sent the chills down your spine. You’d wrap your hands around Jay’s forearms as he trails his lips along your shoulder, lifting your hair to the other side to allow him access to your exposed skin as he nips lightly at the corner to make you giggle. 
You were so lost in your thoughts that when the door slammed you almost dropped your drink in fright, you quickly downed the remainder before heading out of the bedroom and into the main open place space. Running your hands over your dress to smooth out any creases you look up to see Mike ripping the tie from around his neck and shoving it onto the counter. You stand in the doorway, waiting to see if he notices you and gives you the attention you now so desperately crave, even if it wasn’t from him. 
Instead, he heads for the kitchen and pours himself a drink, takes the glass and slumps on the sofa without so much as a second look at you. You clear your throat to get him to look up but still nothing. With your hands on your hips you strut over to stand in front of the TV so he had no choice but to see you blocking his view. He takes a sip from the glass and shrugs, still trying to look round you to see the pointless comedy show that was playing on the screen “going somewhere?” he questions, eyes still averted from you. You lean into your hip and raise your brows down at him “It’s the gala? You’re meant to be my plus one?”. He takes another sip with a shake of his head “Don’t know what you’re talking about”.
This is the first time you’ve spoken in hours and he already has that look of grimace on his face, looking straight through you as if you’re not even there. Luckily, the liquid courage had made it easier to deal with as you let his words bounce off you, the thoughts of Jay quickly making their way back into your mind. How his jaw would drop if he walked through the door and you greeted him like this, infact even if you were in joggers and a sweater he would still tell you how gorgeous you looked. He’d wrap you in his arms, running his fingertips up and down your sides as he admired his girl standing in front of him with the confidence that no matter how many guys drooled over her she would still go back to him. You wanted to be that girl. 
“Just change your shirt, we’re leaving in 5 minutes” you demand, heading into the kitchen yourself to grab yourself another drink as you had a feeling you’d be needing it. You hear him grumble something as he clambers from the sofa and drags himself into the bedroom, a part of you shocked he actually did as he was asked but the other part regretting reminding him as the thought of spending the night alone with Jay was sounding all the more tempting. 
A few moments go by and you’re sitting at the table waiting for him, legs swinging with your head resting on your hand as your mind is clouded with the thoughts of the all too familiar detective. Was he going to be wearing a suit? Would he need help choosing a shirt and tie combo? You’d sit on the bed as he’d groan into the mirror when he couldn’t work out which one looked better. Turning to you to ask for your opinion as you tie the best looking one round his neck, feeling his breath on your lips as he glares intently down at you. His hands finding their way to your hips as you button the top few buttons of his shirt up before hooking his collar back over the tie. Feeling him watching you’re every move as his grasp on you tightens, sitting back down onto the bed to pull you onto his lap. You swing your legs over each of his as he leans back and pulls you on top of him, his arms keeping you on him as you try to escape as you tease about how you were going to be late-
“How’s this?” a voice interrupts your thoughts, looking up to see Mike in a fresh white shirt tucked into black jeans “No tie?” you ask, slightly dissapointed but he scoffs “It’s not that fancy, don’t know why you’re so dressed up” he comments, feeling the all too normal pit in your stomach as you brush it off “lets go then so we can get this over with”.
From the moment you arrived you felt on edge, you hadn’t seen Jay yet and you couldn’t ignore the way your heart dropped at the thought of him not being there. Deep down he was the only reason you’d dressed up, the motivation for you to be there and the only thing you could look forward to was seeing him but still no sign. You were stood at the bar, watching as Mike eyed up every girl that passed like they were piece of meat and it made you feel sick.
You stood chatting with Kim who was soon joined by Adam, draping his arm round her waist as they stood opposite you to make conversation. You could feel Mike wasn’t paying attention and had even taken a seat at one of the bar stools so he wasn’t even part of the conversation. You couldn’t help the thoguhts drift back into your mind, how you knew if you were with Jay he would proudly have his arm round you when you were at an event or even have his hand protecvitely resting on your lower back to let you know he was still there as a form comfort. He’d whisper in how he can’t wait to get you alone, making you giggle as his breath hits your ear to make the hairs on your neck stand on edge. He’d love to tell people how you met at work but always knew there was something more, others would comment on how smitten he was with you and how he looked at you with those doting eyes like you were his whole world and he wanted everyone to know. 
Kim hits your arm in laughter to bring you out of your thoughts but Adam was looking like he could murder. Glaring at Mike like he wanted to lay into him, scoffing at the disrespect and the poor way he was treating his friend. You slightly dreaded how Jay would react and honestly hoped they wouldn’t see each other but it was too late. 
You were chatting away, in efforts to try and distract Adam from the way Mike was behaving when you saw him appear through the crowd from over Adam’s shoulder. It was like a cliche movie, you zoned into him like he was the only one in the room, Kim’s words fading into the background as you could almost hear the laughter falling from his lips as he engages in conversation. You suddenly felt safe, like you knew nothing would happen to you as long as he was there and you just wanted to be tucked under his arm for the rest of the night but you had to play it cool. 
Watching as he heads towards you, drink in one hand with the other stuffed in his pants pocket. The crisp black shirt that was paired with a black tie finished it off, that man could look good in anything but seeing him in all black flicked a switch inside you and gave you that all too familiar feeling of the craving you had for him. His eyes widened when he saw you standing there, roaming your body and admiring every inch before Adam nudged him to get his attention “Bro, you didn’t look at me like that” he acted hurt, his hands on his heart as he pleaded “I just want Halstead to look at me like he looks at Y/N. Is that too much to ask?” he pretends to wipe a tear as you roll your eyes “Look like that in a dress and I’ll think about it” Jay comments, still with his gaze on you as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks “You look alright too I guess” you tease but this is when Mike decides he finally wants to join in. 
“You must be Jack” he extends his hand out to Jay who looks at him with a laughter in disgust “It’s Jay” he grimaces a smile and you try to hide yours by taking another sip of your drink. Mike drops his hand as Jay doesn’t meet his gesture as Kim breaks the silence “Who wants another drink?” she asks and you raise your empty glass “You’ve had enough, don’t want you making a fool of yourself” Mike mocks, expecting others to laugh at his comment but no one does.
You notice Jay’s fists clench at his sides and if Adam didn’t look happy before, he certaintly doesn’t now. Kim places a hand to his arm to calm him down and you only wish you could do the same to Jay but instead you watch as he eyes Mike, only imagining the thoughts that were going through his head as his nostrils flare. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom” Mike announces before excusing himself, leaving you stood in silence as Kim hands you another drink with that familiar sympathetic smile “I’m gonna kill him” Adam scoffs and Jay hums in agreement “You’re telling me”. 
It had been a while since Mike left your side, you’d barely noticed until Kim commented on how long he had been. You took a quick scan of the room but couldn’t see him anywhere and it’s like the feeling in your gut was trying to tell you something as you find yourself heading towards the bathroom before you can think. You march your way through the people, ignoring the calls from behind you and too focused on what you knew you were about to see. You slam the stall doors open one by one but he wasn’t there, a sigh of relief as you didn’t want to catch him out at one of your work parties was soon ruined as you hear a moan coming from down the hall. You storm towards the noises, blocking them out as you get closer and turn the corner to see Mike holding an unfamiliar girl up against the wall with her dress hiked up around her waist. 
You can’t move. As much as you want to scream and run, it’s like your feet are glued to the floor and you can’t move an inch. Instead you stand and watch them all over each other, him with a dare you say smile on his face as their lips intertwine. A sudden noise from behind you forces him to look in your direction, doing the quickest double take when he see’s you standing there but he still didn’t stop. Instead he dug his head further into her shoulder with every thrust, stopping to look up at you with an evil glint in his eye as he clearly enjoyed the fact you’d caught him and wanted you to watch. 
You finally come to your senses and headed back to the bar, no urgency in your walk, anger in your head or even tears in your eyes as you kept your head high and acted as if nothing has happened. As you approach you see the heads turn to you with concern “Where the hell were you?” Kim questions with a hushed tone “Did you find him?”. You shake your head “Want me and Jay to go and look for him?” Adam suggests and you chuckle “If I want to find a body in the river tomorrow, I’ll give you a shout”. 
You down your drink in one as Adam and Kim resume their conversation, Jay brings himself over to you and rests his hand on your lower back as he leans into you “You wanna get some fresh air?” he asks and you nod “like you wouldn’t believe”. He keeps his hand pressed into your back as he guides you out of the room and towards the exit into the majestic grounds of the hall. You can’t help but constantly look through the faces to try and spot Mike but there was no sign, probably still with that girl in the bathrooms or even better he’s taken her home to the apartment you shared and was fucking her into your bedspread. 
As soon as the fresh air hits you it feels like a sigh of relief, it was just you and Jay with no one else around, a complete contrast from the noisy crowded party and you wouldn’t want it any other way. There was a side to you that wanted to blurt it all out, knowing Jay would storm in there and lay into Mike was something you really wanted to see. The anger rising in his body as he clenches his fists, the vein in his neck popping as you confess or the desperation in his eyes as he asks you to tell him where he is, but there was the other side that wanted to keep it bottled up.
You knew the second option was wrong as it would just be another plan of self destruction and there was no way you could go back to that apartment tonight. There was only one person you knew you wanted to leave with and that same person was now the only one standing before you. 
‘Fuck it’ you thought to yourself and there it was, the moment you built up the courage to push your lips onto his. His arms clung at your waist from the sudden contact, pulling you into him but soon retracting when he realised what was happening “What’s going on? You sa-” he began but you leant in to try and cut him off but he wasn’t having it. His hand was still pressed into your back so you were inches apart, his eyes flicking between your lips and back up to your eyes but he was trying to control himself and make sure it was what you wanted. Normally this would make your legs weak at how sweet and considerate you knew he was but you needed him, you longed for him, you craved him and now you had the fear he didn’t want you. 
“You said you didn’t want this?” he questions with a huff “I was lying” you smile “I want you. You know I want you Jay” you yet again lean into him but he puts his hands on your waist firmly to keep you apart “Has something happened?”. Without words he already knows, the way your breath hitches and you harshly swallow was enough to set off the rage in him “Did he do something to you?” you can see his temper rising while trying to stay calm for you “Did he hurt you Y/N?”.
The panic sets in as you see his anger grow “I swear to god Y/N, if he laid a single finger on you”. You instinctively put your hand to his cheek to ground him “Jay he hasn’t touched me” you reassure, wording it carefully to not say ‘he hasn’t hurt me’ as after what you’ve just seen that would take a certain person to not be hurt. He relaxes ever so slightly under your touch and confession but he was still rigid, the frustration running through his body as he tries to scan your face for answers but you’re giving him nothing. 
“Can we just forget him?” you try to push past it, moving your hand down his chest and fiddling with one of the buttons “Or do you not want me?” the crack in your voice kills him, there shouldnt be a shadow of doubt in your mind about how bad he wants you, he’s needed you for so long that he should be taking you to be his right now but there was something stopping him.
“Of course I want you Y/N, are you kidding?” he grips at your waist to further cement his words “I want you so fucking bad that you’re all I can think about” he groans as you pull him closer to you by his shirt collar and just as your lips are about to meet you hear that all too familiar voice call out for you from inside the party. Your head snaps round so fast you’re surpsied you didn’t pull a muscle and the grip on Jay’s collar tells him you dont want to see Mike. 
He switches the position so he was closest to the door, his body shielding you as you cower behind him as he was the only one he could trust to protect you and be the one between you and Mike. 
Mike spots you through the door, clutching onto Jays shirt like your life depended on it but not in a way through fear. You weren’t scared of him as you knew nothing would happen to you as long as Jay was there but it was through a nervousness as you just wanted to forget the situation ever happened and just cut ties but he clearly wasn’t feeling the same way. He points his finger to you as he storms through the open doors, cursing yourself for having left them open as he may not have though to look out if they were closed. 
“Turn around and head back inside” Jay warns, keeping one hand behind his back and ensuring you stayed there “Get away from my girlfriend buddy” Mike scoffs which amuses Jay as he smirks “Sorry that’s my fault for not being clear. Turn around. Head home and stay the fuck away from her”.
You step around Jay but he still keeps an arm on you which you’re more that grateful for “Was she good?” you ask, confidence rising knowing he could no longer bilittle you how he pleased “What?” he questions and you roll your eyes “How was she? Tight enough for you?” you notice Jay straighten up beside you, clearly realizing what’s happened and increasing his anger and determination to end the man standing in front of him.
You place a hand to Jay’s upper arm and squeeze lightly in reassurance. “Go home, I’ll send for my stuff” you scorn but Mike doesn’t move “I don’t know if you heard her but she said go home” Jay takes a step towards him and as much as you trust Jay and know how he acts, this is the first time you’ve questioned if he will be able to stop himself. “You really don’t want me to tell you again” Jay threatens, Mike matches Jay’s step and closes the gap between them when you interject and stand between the pair with a hand on each of their chests.
Looking up to see the fear in Mike’s eyes but the anger and darkness behind Jay’s “Go. Home” you instruct to Mike who pauses for a second to look down at you and then back up to Jay “You’re lucky she’s here otherwise you wouldn’t live to see another day” Jay smirks, putting an emphasis on every word he spits out at Mike. 
The three of you stand in silence, watching as Mike and Jay stare at each other was laughable. Mike didn’t stand a single chance again Jay on a normal day let alone now, he was full of rage and needed an outlet so you feel a sigh of relief when Mike takes a step back and turns to head back inside “If I hear you’ve even breathed near her. I promise it will be the last breath you ever take” Jay calls out to him, his lips puling in an evil smile to which you hit him on the chest. His expression soon changes when he looks down at you and you feel your heart skip a beat, the vengeance in his eyes that told you the inner battle to control himself was getting impossible to ignore. 
“I’m sorry” he blurts out, the least of what you were expecting him to say, the softness as he reaches to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and continuing to trace your jawline with his fingertips. You loop your arms around his neck, leaving one to pull him closer to you as his arms find their way back to your hips with an urgency “I don’t want your sorry” you comment, his thumb runs along your bottom lip as he lightly tugs on the corner at the roughness of his skin “I want you”. 
He didn’t need telling twice, his grip on your waist pulled you onto him. Your legs wrapping round his waist as he steaded you against the wall, rocking his hips into yours as his lips made their way along your collarbone to lightly nip at the skin causing you to yelp “I’m going to show you how you deserve to be treated” he moaned into the crook of your neck with another light blow to the now damp skin from his lips “and we both know, it will be only me that can show you that”.
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