#Most obscure: my own minecraft character
scumbagjaeger · 1 year
we neeeeedd more gamer porco please !!
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Starring: Porco Galliard
Rating: 18+
Notes: Thanks so much for your ask!! I jotted down most of these while I was on a train back to London so I’d say there’s quite a bit?? Hopefully you like them! If you want to see more of these individual in-depth character hcs, let me know here!
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- Porco probably started playing video-games at an early age because of Marcel
- Lowkey probably he was terrified at first??? Marcel would play these games with the weirdest monsters and creatures and poor baby Porco couldn’t handle it :(
- But he loved watching his brother and when he was old enough he started to play!
- Speaking of Marcel, I bet he’d be really into DOTA and League, but he has his own play group because of distance
- Secretly, I always hc Marcel as going to college or working in Europe or something while Porco is in the US? That’s why they don’t stream together regularly!
- But every now and then Porco does a stream at an obscure time so they can play together(:
- Speaking of streams, I totally see Porco streaming on Twitch someday?? He’d be hesitant to do it at first because he’s a busy guy and he wouldn’t want it to be a big hassle, but he just starts streaming casually
- Has a minecraft realm with Marcel, Colt, Pieck, Bertholdt, etc (Reiner and Zeke don’t play video games lets be honest they can hardly use a computer)
- Combining my two AUs (gamers and college students), Reiner is the captain of the soccer team that Porco’s on so he gets included now and then
- Like Porco will convince Reiner to join the server once in a blue moon and he spends the entire night harassing the guy
- Poor Reiner doesn’t even know what a crafting table is and Porco has his best netherite gear on, hiding in the treetops above him, ready to attack
- Porco tells his chat that he hates Reiner because he makes them run extra laps at practice (and Reiner says back that they need to run more if they want to have a chance at winning their upcoming tournament!)
- Brings Reiner into the nether just to tell him to place a bed and go to sleep in it xoxo
- I think that Porco might be really into 100% completing games and speed runs but he’s SO BAD AT THEM
- Honestly on his channel it becomes a joke where he calls everything a speedrun
- He pauses his game “okay guys brb doing a G-fuel speedrun”, or “gotta piss, bathroom speedrun”
- He’s not very good at games like DOTA, he’s decent at Call of Duty, but he doesn’t like to stream them because he doesn’t understand why someone would watch a mediocre player?
- But as he gets comfortable he starts to open up more and play for fun, and people watch just for him and his personality!
- As his partner you also probably get roped into playing with him now and then if you mention being down to do so! If you’re not he won’t push it(:
- Always refers to you by name on stream because he assumes his fans all know you??? Like duh you’re the love of his life how would they NOT know who (Y/N) is.
- And he talks about you a lot. Probably too much?
- Unfortunately he might share one or two personal details or stories that you might not want him to tell
- Nothing too bad!! Just like “oh (Y/N) drooled all over my pillow last night so I’m running the sheets through the wash, in case you guys hear my alarm go off” (unrelated but he keeps an alarm on for the washer and dryer because he hates when they start to smell mildewy and get wrinkled!)
- “Y/N doesn’t like drinking milk because it makes her really gassy and then she—” the stream abruptly ends
- Honestly he has a pretty monotone voice when it comes to his streams? Probably sounds annoyed half the time (and he is, when he’s playing DOTA with his playgroup)
-The only time he like actively perks up is when he’s with you or talking about you
- Ngl but he’d stream the dumbest games with you?? Like Webkinz, Club Penguin, the Sims, etc
- “Girls Go Games with (Y/N)” and you play dumb games about taking Queen Elsa to the dentist, or dress her up for tea with Anna, etc
- He’d probably take them weirdly seriously though?? “No chat I’m not putting her in the orange dress it’ll clash with the theme of the tea party”
- He probably drinks G fuel or other energy dreams during his streams?
- Starts each stream with a ‘just chatting’ segment where he talks with his chat and then tries a new G fuel favorite
- Cries when he gets a G fuel sponsorship (‘:
- Would play a couple games with Connie honestly, also random ones
- Anything from Chess to Wikipedia races to more Girls Go Games
- Have you seen that clip of Jschlatt playing chess, and he’s SO CONFIDENT about beating his opponent but then proceeds to get check-mated in two turns?? That’s so Porco. Connie doesn’t even know how to play and he check-mates Porco out of pure chance
- Also they have a Sims household together for some reason?? You and Porco are streaming, about to open your cute household file where you have a cute apartment and a lil dog together, and you see a new file titled “ABOMINATIONS FROM H3LL” and they’re just the scariest looking sims ever. And they’re all pregnant for some reason?
- When he plays with his League/DOTA group (Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie), they’ll also play other games on stream
- Like Among Us or Phasmophobia
- And he’s so bad at them!!!
- I bet he’d play a lot of Pokémon games on stream?? That’s a game from his childhood that he’d watch Marcel play that DIDN’T scare the shit outta him xoxo
- Does a Nuzzlocke version of every single Pokémon game, probably does a marathon of sorts for charity at one point(‘:
- On casual plays, he makes sure he has an Umbreon in every game possible because it’s his favorite Pokemon, as well as whatever your favorite is!! Names it after you and actually feels really bad when it faints :(
- I think every now and then he’d be SO EXCITED to play with you??
- Like with my last set of gamer headcanons, before you and him started playing together it was just sort of his private time to relax after school?
- So once he’s comfortable and embraced that dorky side of him (and knows that you are also a dork lol) he’ll literally pick you up and carry you over his shoulder towards your desk
- “C’mon let’s play a quick round of DOTA! I have a really good feeling about it, I’ll play support :D”
- Honestly I don’t think he’d be the biggest fan of games with stories?? Just because he can get busy with school and soccer and ends up forgetting the plot oops
- But he’d definitely watch you play and join in now and then if you want!
- I don’t think he’d like the 1 player games where you have to make decisions that would impact the ending (like Until Dawn)?? Just because he’d be super panicked about making the right decision
- “Pork baby there is no “right” ending, your choices will lead you to the ending that best fits your game” “No (y/n) I need to make sure every single character survives!!!”
- He’ll play them though because they’re recommended by his twitch followers?? And then his chat tells him all of the wrong choices
- Sorry it’s easy to push his buttons lol
- Doesn’t like his chat calling you guys mom and dad because he thinks it’s weird “I haven’t even proposed to her yet guys stop”
- But he’s also been caught with “Porco x (Y/N) best moments” and similar past searches 🫢
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m1d-45 · 1 year
sorry i've been mia i was busy rizzing up the kaeya and diluc ais. anyways imagine reverse isekai with ur main. i personally would have a blast being able to talk about minecraft and mystery flesh pit national park and warrior cats with people who do not even have the internet.
also my diluc and kaeya plushes arrived and now i need to make clothes for them so they won't be naked but i have to make sure they have an equal amount of clothes with an equal amount of effort put into them so that it doesn't seem like i'm favoring one brother over the other (this is the same reason why i bought the diluc and kaeya plushes together in the first place) - teddy anon
1) it’s ok 2) kaeya ai? 3) this idea oml
aside from the fact that showing them all the weird and obscure shit in our world would make them lose their minds (speaking of nobody tell them about organized religion. barbatos is surprised ppl follow him after a few hundred years of no contact well look at this right here-) they’d be fascinated with how you control them.
i imagine they wouldn’t appear in game, and you couldn’t like use them for anything. makes logical sense to me.
if you’re like me and struggle to form teams at all, let alone ones without your One Good Built Character, they’re borderline going to be apologetic at seeing how you struggle. part of them is proud they’re so needed, but the other part is sort of sad.
i literally only run teams w/o kazuha for the abyss because his playstyle and the team i run for everything else is so ingrained in my head. i genuinely struggle if i don’t have an anemo character on my team and always fumble for a while if it doesn’t have kaz because it’s like i forget i don’t have him. it’s a problem—
if you’re not dependent on a single element like i am, they love seeing you work around them. it’s simple, you explain, swapping to an alternate team, and they watch in awe at how easily you adapt to change. they marvel at reactions they haven’t seen, at how much this new team differs from the one with them in it.
if you try and show them how to, they’ll immediately insist that they’re fine watching, that they wouldn’t dare touch such a holy object or manipulate teyvat in your stead.
for some, this is true. for others, they’ll cave with enough pressure.
itto treats your controls with the most delicate care, very gentle with everything as to not break it. not really prone to gamer rage, more so just “your grace, i can’t figure this out :(“ and watching over your shoulder as he promises “ok, i’ve got it this time, swear!” he doesn’t, but the smile on your face as you watch him die for the nth time soothes any anger he feels. refuses to kill rifthounds btw.
mona doesn’t know anything. you could tell her sixteen times how to access the inventory and she’s still asking you which button it is. don’t tell her about the wishing system she’ll quite literally lose her shit. she doesn’t understand the value of items like dream solvent but refuses to spend even a single coin of your mora or your food. collects her own ingredients and keeps track to cook her own food because “i wouldn’t want anyone else touching what’s mine.” pls tell her it’s ok and losing some of your 2k sweet flowers isn’t the end of the world.
ayato wouldn’t directly play, but he does sit beside you and offer semi-functional ideas. “run a team with x y z characters,” “fight this boss without the element it’s vulnerable to/full physical damage,” “take on this enemy without a healer,” etc etc. he likes seeing you solve problems, and likes watching you explore. if you have low mora he’s incredibly confused, but doesn’t comment on it once he sees how much it is to level a talent or ascend someone. if you have like 7mil mora and go “why do i have so little :(“ he’s asking a few more questions, but overall is silent about it. you don’t have a job in teyvat, and get most of your money from chests or leylines. it makes sense you guys would view mora differently.
alhaitham doesn’t touch your device, but kaveh (yes he isn’t out at time of writing no i didn’t ask) could be convinced into exploring a bit. he refuses to engage in combat and always uses his glider, never dropping more than a second or two at a time. panicks if your characters get hurt at all and either runs to a statue of the seven (give him time, he forgets he can teleport) or triggers your healers skill. if you run a character that has hp drain he’s flipping his shit and either demanding to know how to change the team so they don’t get hurt or runs them and three separate characters. loses his shit when you tell him about the teapot. that’s all he does now lmao.
zhongli will tap at stuff a bit, get a hold of the general game, and then just. not play. you tell him he can do commissions if he wants or run domains and he shakes his head, “i will not interfere with a world i don’t own.” so silly. doesn’t understand why shops don’t give you stuff for free. speculates on how monsters dying gives you mora. refers to everything by their full names no matter what silly nicknames you have for anything. if you have a well-decorated teapot/generally take care to plant stuff or collect realm bounties or similar, he’s happy. if you mostly neglect it, he’s asking why. it’s an adeptal art, and he needs to know if it isn’t satisfactory.
yae would love to manipulate a world of her own, but the knowledge that the world you control is real and has real actions is a bit too much. yelan asks to see, but only because she wants to know what you’re on about when you talk about lag, ping, or hitting the wrong button. finds it funny even gods can mess up. yanfei fusses over whether she should even be allowed because of like divine right to rule and whether her interference counts as idolatry since she’d technically be playing god. you let her worry about it in the corner and don’t ask questions about where she pulled that giant book of law from.
if you allow him to, venti sits in your lap while you play. he’s very much just a guy that’ll sit with you and maybe play his lyre if you’re getting frustrated, and adores the ingame soundtrack. give him youtube and point him in the direction of the ost and he’ll obsess over it. within a week he has everything memorized and has composed at least three ballads about ‘the song of the heavens’. wont actually do anything directly, but if you’re running abyss and ask him for suggestions on fun team comps, he’s already got ideas. is a bit unnerved at first if he recognizes some of the people on screen, but rationalizes it quickly enough. if you’re like me and leave your characters sitting at a bench or table before logging off, he insists you sit them in the statue in mond.
neither childe or scara even entertain the idea that they’d be allowed to use your device, and just kinda watches from the side. scara laughs a bit if you get hit by an enemy. childe asks about what his build is prior to his vanishing and probably studies meta and like crit ratios and stuff (no i don’t know what meta qualifies as yes i’m just sayin shit). xiao’s worried his karma could infect through the screen, and wouldn’t dare suggest anything. if you’re doing it, it’s good, if you’re not, you have a reason. ask for his opinion and he’ll bluescreen.
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i realized people make introduction posts so here we go i wanna summon the other chaotic neurodivergent trans gremlin bois who like the same shit as me i know you're out there and i will find you.
my name is Charlie and my artist personas name is Chalk so that can be used as a nickname for me. my pronouns are he/they and i'm a 20 year old artist from Sweden studying animation. I'm a transmasc and feel like the label boyflux describes my gender the best. i'm an adhd autistic who obsesses over the most obscure things and then tries to find people on tumblr who also obsess over them to feel better about it.
(still waiting for an autism diagnosis :') but my like 10 autistic friends and my allistic ones all agree i am and that's all i have to come with rn. to quote my dear friends: "you're literally the definition of autism")
here's some stuff i like or find interesting:
☆ character art, design and development🤖
☆ drawing both traditionally and digitally🖍
☆ my oc's❤️
☆ sketchbook drawing and decoration📒
☆ animation and animatics🎞
☆ crows and similar birds in the corvid family🖤
☆ my favorite aesthetics: own aesthetics i don't know how to name📻, sciencecore🧪, scenecore⚡️, y2k💎, gremlincore🌲, fairygrunge/similar aesthetics🕸, cryptidcore🔦, crowcore🖤
☆ exploring in the forest🌲
☆ Lemon Demon☎️
☆ Oingo Boingo☠️
☆ Pseudo Echo🌆
☆ Minecraft⛏️
☆ 80s, 90s and 2000s stuff📼
☆ my favorite types of characters are fun villains who know they are villains and that they are the shit/pos, mad scientists because chemistry and machines and robots and stuff are cool and we love the unhingedness, and odd/chaotic but chill characters who i just really vibe with😎
☆ Undertale and Deltarune (fav characters: Sans, Papyrus, Spamton, Mettaton, Lancer, Susie)❤️
☆ Arcane (Fav characters: Victor, Jinx, Silco)🔫
☆ Frankenstein and it's fandom🔩
☆ Youtubers/streamers i like: Jschlatt, Ted Nivison, Slimesicle, Strange Eons, Internet Historian, Nilered, Milomumbles, Jackscepticeye, Markiplier, Daz Games, Philza and wow there is probably so many more i forgot.🐏
☆ maybe getting into the Re Animator fandom cuz i love Herbert and the Danbert ship🧪
☆ monster energy (i collect the cans but don't drink it that much since it doesn't go well with my anxiety sometimes)⚡️
☆ old technology (old computers, computer games, old internet, cassette tapes, vhs, cd's and more)📻
☆ game development (dunno how to make games myself but wanna learn)🎮
☆ chemistry is interesting and cool, i wanna learn it but i struggle with math and remembering all the words and little facts about things. :( ⚗️
wow this got really long and i dunno what more to write. :P
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echonvoid · 2 years
Holy Shit!!! Thank you guys so much for 50 followers!!! Have a celebratory screenshot redraw of the best bois!!
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I started with just wanting to draw them with face masks (a strange benefit from quarantine; I never knew how much I loved wearing masks); which led to wanting to draw them wearing merch outfits. I spiraled from there. Raph’s was the hardest cuz I wanted it to be like corpse husband or the dude from Tokyo ghoul; an eyepatch face mask combo. But neither fit. So a teddy bear would do (although now I’ve totally decided it’s a knock off glam rock freddy)
Other headcanon shit:
They all definitely had a Minecraft phase that they will sometimes re-hyperfixate on (Pbbfffttt I’m not projecting I dunno what you’re talking about/s)
Techno’s death hit them all hard. He was definitely a MC CC that they all enjoyed; the potato war was much quoted in their household. He probably passed shortly after the movie, so it was salt in already massive tender wounds.
Dinosaurs was a thing they love because of splinter and the Jurassic Park series; he hyperfixated on them when Jurassic World came out. And they all loved getting to share it with him. It was one of his healthier mental and physical health times when they were growing up. Only Mikey actually ended up hyperfixating on dinosaurs, to the point he’s the only one that can name the more obscure dinosaur species
MCC is sacred. They, splinter, April and all their other friends join. It’s essentially the Super Bowl for them. They all pick/vote on who perspective they’ll watch from (Philza being the most often picked) eventually Draxum is roped in as well (Mikey definitely bonds with him by playing Minecraft with him)
Individual Headcannons:
Still has his can, it’s just pretty hidden. He’s a huge Ranboo fan: I mean Gender and Gay? Sign him up. (Also the fact that they can both teleport in some fashion or another is just an added bonus)
It took him a long time to accept his transness; he never felt like he should consider himself that since he’s amab and a demiboy. Finally April and Donnie helped him accept that he’s still trans, transitioning or no.
He still struggles with it, not wanting to take away from “actual” trans people, but he’s working on it. And the fucking comfy ass pj pants really help.
The cape/cloak is supposed to be JoJo’s Bizarre adventure merch (a cloak I saw on their store) but all the cloaks had ridiculous patterns and character art on the back, and I had no fucking idea how I’d even go about doing that. So you get a mosaic esque one instead
The only other merch he’s wearing (except for maybe slippers idk) is a Philza beanie, which of course says Dadza on it; it was given to him as a gift by Mikey in honor of all his robotic children
The non-Bi-nosaur is my pride and joy, it’s based off of this I found while looking for ideas and inspiration (I added the Bi part, god I love puns)
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God I want the pants I drew for him. Oh and he’s definitely wearing arthritis gloves to help with pressure sensitivity and joint pain
EDIT: I totally forgot to mention that Donnie’s mask is based on Corpse Husband
Made his own mask based off of some of my own versions of c!Ranboo. He’s a huge fan of beeduo and the whole arc where they adopted Michael. Fell in love with Minecraft bees. They spent weeks drawing the Minecraft family. (Fell out of the fandom cuz of the craziness of the kraang, and all the ccs doing different things)
The jacket is definitely not the same matching pair Tubbo and Ranboo bought; not at all /s
And yes her shirt has a Minecraft EnBee on it.
At this point it’s safe to assume they’re all wearing arthritis gloves to help with all kinds of pain and sensitivities. Mikey’s help with a cooling salve he puts on whenever his scars start feeling like they’re lighting on fire. The glove pressure is just a nice soothing bonus
I need to give Poot Raph some more love, he’s definitely how I feel as an eldest sibling and someone with very nasty anxiety disorder. Apparently my love of twins is too powerful
Like Donnie, he has a burning blistering rash along his skin where the kraang infection had been. It healed after a couple weeks but the scarring and irritation remained.
The siblings all compare him to Glamrock Freddy, which to him is the highest honor they could bestow upon him; it really works well since both Freddy and Raph were mind controlled at some point (a fact that they don’t bring up too often)
Raph’s shirt says “Dinosaurs are cool; Transphobia is not” (from the great Jammidodger) and his Jacket is a Techno Memorial hoodie
His right eye can only see in Ultraviolet after the Kraang invasion. The eyepatch is incredibly important so he doesn’t get a sensory overload or blow a breaker in his brain from such different spectrum inputs
This is what he sees:
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
You asked for a hot take, but this one is lukewarm at best so I apologize.
Fiction and Artwork depicting real people without their consent (for example, Tommyinnit or JSchlatt) can absolutely be scrutinized because it affects and involves real people.
Fiction and Artwork that doesn't depict real people (Hannibal springs to mind) - flatly does not involve real people and shouldn't be fussed over about "toxic depictions," or "how horrible they are to [X] character" because I promise you that Will Graham being shipped with the token cannibal isn't going to kill real people.
People shouldn't be told "kys" for either, but the latter isn't worth fussing over while the former is absolutely worth tossing out a piss fit.
Yes yes yes, I am so fucking bored right now thank you so much for saving me from my own boredom.
I respectfully disagree with most of your lukewarm take! Harassment is fucked up no matter who the target is.
I'd also like to preface this by admitting I do not write nor read Real Person Fiction, mostly due to being out of touch with celebrity culture. Nor do I watch anybody in the Dreamsmp, other than watching one Minecraft Manhunt. If I get any details about them wrong, please do let me know!
With RPF, I think it is very hard to draw a hard line between the actual people, and the personas they put on! For instance, I dont think anybody would consider Six the Musical to be an accurate depiction of Henry the eighth and his wives. They more so are characters that share the same names as real people. I'd say the same is true for most modern celebrities, though to a much lesser extent. An extreme example would be celebrities like Daft Punk or Sia (did I date myself?)- we dont know much of anything about them outside of the content we create. Thus, I wouldn't say any RPF written about them is necessarily accurate. Most celebrities are committing to a bit for publicity. Due to celebs being active on social media these days, they can come across more authentic, but I highly doubt celebrities as a whole give their true, whole self to their fans. (I'm not a celebrity, but even I commit to a bit for my unserious posts!)
With MCYT in particular, it gets more complex because they have an obvious bit and a less obvious one. As opposed to the Character!youtuber and content creator!youtuber divide is kind of a false one from what I've seen as an outsider. Instead I'd propose: Authentic!youtuber Stage Persona!youtuber and the character the youtuber is openly playing.
Very few people know the Authentic!celebrity, usually their family and close friends.
You discuss if a celebrity is consenting to RPF. My stance is, they can keep any detail of their life private and offline. Every detail we know about them is shit they want is to know. There is nothing preventing them from obscuring and misleading us about their personal preferences.
I dont think I've heard the RPF writer's boundaries discussed in conjunction with the celebs' boundaries. I'd be highly embarrassed if somebody sent my Non-RPF fics to the canons author. Im sure that the average RPF writer would not be happy if a third party showed their fic to the celebrity. The celebrity shouldn't be aware the fic exists, so they shouldn't be uncomfortable by that.
If a celebrity is rightfully uncomfortable with content of their stage persona, then they shouldn't go to sites like ao3 and look themselves up. If fans are sending them such content, than I do feel awful for them. I personally would ignore it or gently remind the fans of the fic writers boundaries.
For celebrities under the age of 18: I honestly dont think they should be a thing. By allowing child actors at all, you open kids up to serious abuse.
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orangesunsets12 · 1 year
For the ask game, 1, 5, and 23!! I'm really excited about your answer to 5, lol
Thank you so much for the asks!
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
I have so many stories that I want to write, but one in particular that I've been avoiding would be a Steve Harrington in a Mental Asylum AU. It's such a neat concept that I want to explore, but there are a lot of details that I still need to get sorted out, like details about the mental asylum and how he go there in the first place. All of these details require a lot of thought and research, both of which I don't really want to deal with at the moment. So, it will likely sit in my unfinished works until I want to tackle the research and thinking part of it lol.
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
This was definitely a harder question to answer, I had to think about it for a bit lol. Out of all of my fics, I would have to go with Christine Palmer from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I never really liked her in the first Doctor Strange, so writing a fic centering on her (her other multiversal self, I guess) was super surprising to me, I never expected that it would happen. But, if a story needs to be written, it needs to be written!
For the Stranger Things fandom I would have to pick Will.
Don't get me wrong, I've always loved Will. His personality and experiences makes him an amazing character to watch, but I just never had an urge to write anything with him being more than a background character. I think this may stem from the fact that he doesn't have a strong relationship with Steve, as he never even talked to Steve in canon. Steve is my main focus for most of my fics, so naturally I never expected to write Will to the extent that I have in my 5+1 fic. However, I did write a chapter in this fic of him having bonding time with Steve, which was definitely a shock to me.
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
This was a bit of a hard question too, I don't have many life experiences lol, all of what I mostly do it go to work, write, and play Minecraft lol, though I sometimes go on trips and concerts.
But, there is one experience that I think may have helped me write fear more realistically, I'm not sure if it counts as "obscure" but I'll share it anyways.
Long story short, I got in an accident a couple of years ago (but I'm completely fine now, there were no huge injuries or anything, not even lingering ones, and I wouldn't call myself traumatized because of it) that made my truly feel afraid. I realized through this accident how true fear makes some people act completely out of character, how it affects people in the present and after the fact, even months later, and now I use that knowledge in my own stories. Fear has always been something that I wrote, but now I feel as if I'm writing it more accurately or in a way that feels more plausible (though, while I say this, people experience fear in many different ways.) This has probably made my writing seem more real, which has definitely helped my writing overall. (and, again, I'm doing great now! It was just a small hiccup in my life that I've moved on from and learned from!)
Thanks again for the ask, it was really fun!
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: Miru
Debut: Pac & Pal
Miru is one of those “obscure” Pac-Man characters. She’s not REALLY obscure, and is in fact the titular Pal of Pac & Pal, and a big part of the game! Any in-depth Pac-Man Fan knows Miru. To most, though, anything beyond Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and the Ghost Gang is obscure.
Not me! I play Pac-Man for the world and characters, and I am NOT kidding! And Miru here is one of my very favorites!
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As mentioned previously, Miru is Pac-Man’s pal, and is featured in Pac & Pal, the second sequel to Pac-Man after Super Pac-Man! Ms. Pac-Man is more of an official mod than a sequel, and is sort of a spinoff, despite its much bigger fame than the true sequels. And honestly, it is, conceptually, far less interesting, even if the gameplay is more widely appealing.
In Pac & Pal, there are no dots, and no Power Pellets! There are ghosts and a maze, but this time, the goal is to collect all the items within, by flipping over cards to unlock paths. To fight ghosts, Pac-Man can now collect various items to use various attacks that are functionally identical, but have different fun visual effects! He can even play a trumpet to make them happily dance! It is so charming!
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The most important thing about Pac & Pal, however, is Miru! The Pal! As a Pal, Miru will try to collect fruit as well, bringing them to the Ghost House. This does help complete the level, but it provides many more points for Pac-Man himself to collect the fruits, so stealing them back from her leads to a higher score. Stealing them back when she is just trying to help seems kind of rude, but she is described as “playful” and “mischievous”, so I think it’s fine. She probably finds this whole thing fun!
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Pac & Pal did not come to arcades outside of Japan, but they did an “unsuccessful” test run, where it was rebranded as Pac-Man & Chomp-Chomp, simply replacing Miru with Pac-Man’s dog. As much as I love Miru, I feel a bit like Chomp-Chomp works a bit better as the Pal here. A happy little dog would be more universally seen as a friendly character compared to one that kind of looks like the ghosts, and instead of stealing back fruits from a mischievous friend, it’s now like your dog has picked up something he shouldn’t have, and you need to get it back! Both characters are very cute and should coexist. I think Miru should walk dogs as a fun little side job, and walk Chomp-Chomp when the Pacs are busy! A trusted family friend.
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What IS Miru? She’s good! She’s safe! But what about her species? It is kind of vague! There ARE some sources that say she herself, despite her very different anatomy, is in fact a ghost! This would explain why she brings the fruits back into the Ghost House to collect them. Is this her house, too? Notably, though these sources are American plug-and-play blurbs, so I’m not sure how “canon” they should be taken as. For all we know, they just saw a non-Pac entity in a maze and assigned it Ghost. One even calls her Pal instead of her name! That’s what I like to think of her as. a Pal. It is her species, to me.
After Pac & Pal, Miru only ever appeared in rereleases and small cameos... but then, this. Get a load of this!
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For Pac-Man’s 20th anniversary, a Pac-Man DLC was released for Minecraft, where the main selling point for most people was to play mazes in 3D and create your own... but for me, it was that MIRU IS HERE! And she is PLAYABLE! Ms. Pac living in copyright hell has led to a miracle! Miru is the only character besides Pac himself to be available by default, and the only non-Pac-Person playable! It may have been 38 years after her debut, but for such an obscure character, I think that having one of your two unique appearances be in PLAYABLE form is pretty amazing! Thank you to whoever decided to add her here!
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Finally, Miru will be returning again in 2022, as Pac & Pal is included in Pac-Man Museum +, the latest game collection! Look at this lovely spritework from the official website! Also, they call her Mil in this game. They do that a lot. It is a good time to be a Miru fan, I think! And hopefully you agree now that I have blasted you with my Beam That Turns You Into A Miru Fan! Have fun!
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I Had A Weirdly Really Good And Developed Dream About A Weird DSMP AU So I Am Rambling About It.
(Obviously, everything below is /rp and refers to the characters I don’t have weird au dreams about real people I have them about characters. the stuff in the trigger tags is under the cut, this au gets dark bc my sleeping brain pulls no punches)
Okay, so the au centres on there being gods that have almost complete power over their own lands/kingdom. Each one has a different way of doing this, each with their own weaknesses. In my dream, at least Dream, Callahan, Sam, Bad, Philza and Kristen, Ranboo and Foolish were gods, but I didn’t have anything specific for Callahan and Foolish. For the rest:
Sam controlled his land through coding, and the weakness of this was that it took a decent amount of time to do, and could be interrupted. His land was a vast city that was very technologically advanced, with machines to provide for people’s every need.
Bad controlled his land through the egg, and the weakness of this was the egg had a mind of its own which lead to conflict between them. His land was eerie, with it being perpetually night, red foliage curling into even the darkest and most obscure corners, and a Victorian gothic atmosphere, but feeling somehow comforting and homely.
Philza and Kristen controlled their land through death and rebirth, and the weakness of this was that they had a very limited control over things that weren’t living (or once living). Their land is almost entirely alive, or once living, being a verdant jungle of plants and animals, with cities built in the bones of long dead megabeasts.
Ranboo controlled his land through it changing to how he remembered it. This was the most powerful of the methods of control, and could even effect Gods in his land to a limited extent, but it had the very obvious drawback of being completely out of his conscious control, especially since he has awful memory. His land was always shifting day after day, sometimes as small as the sky being a slightly different hue, sometimes the entire laws of physics changed.
Finally, Dream controlled his land through an artefact (well, two), being the discs. The weakness was that these could be destroyed, losing Dream of his power. His land was carefully neutral, basically being a medieval kingdom with Minecraft mechanics, though it had an unnaturally large variety in biomes that would have been impossible naturally.
The plot of the dream, unsurprisingly, revolved around Primeboys. Basically, Tommy was a street kid,and a thief living in Dream's kingdom, and he decided (being Tommy and therefore incredibly reckless with no sense of authority) robbing a God would be a good idea. In his defence, he had an actual sensible(ish) reason for this- if he succeeded, he’d be rich beyond his wildest dreams, if he failed, he was going to die young on the streets anyway, so why not go down as the bastard crazy enough to steal from a God?
Tommy went into this with an actual plan, that worked surprisingly well. He disguised himself as a servant, and no one really pays much attention to their names and faces, so who would notice if one was different? He was going through the palace, taking small but pretty valuables into his pouch to sell later, when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. In a random, seemingly empty hallway, there was a small shift in the wall next to a painting. A hidden passage, one no one who hadn’t spent sixteen miserable years hiding in them would notice. And, with endless curiosity, he went through it.
The passage was full of magical defences, but none that would affect a small, completely untrained, human teenager. You can’t drain strength that wasn’t there, magic that wasn’t there, and since the only thing Tommy had was cunning (and even that’s debatable), the only magical defences that worked were the ones notifying Dream that the passage had been broken into.
At the end of the passage was the discs, and- well, Tommy wasn’t stupid enough to try and steal something so powerful, but they were so beautiful and Tommy couldn’t resist just touching them. As soon as his fingertips brushed against the vinyl, though, he turned and found himself staring at the God he was trying to steal from.
Tommy thought he was dead in that moment. He wasn’t that lucky.
See, Dream was less pissed that someone broke into the palace- he could just replace anything or anyone missing or destroyed easily the next day- and more fascinated on how Tommy managed to break in so seemingly effortlessly, and how touching the discs would effect him, so instead of killing Tommy, he decided to instead experiment on him. And not just to figure out how the discs effected him, he found Tommy fascinating in general too, and wanted to see how he'd react to everything.
As a God, Dream could very easily mould Tommy's mind and body and soul like clay, but that’d just be boring, so there’s rules he sticks too. Physically, while he often changes Tommy's form to see how he reacts, he makes sure to keep enough that he’s always recognisably himself, no matter his species or strange mutations. And when experimenting with how physical pain and injury affects him, he always fixes his scars up. Eventually.
Mentally, he never directly affects or changes Tommy's thoughts or personality. He might mess with, remove, or conflate his senses, remove or add or confuse his knowledge, or even completely puppet his every action, so many more that it can’t even be listed, but he never changes his thoughts or who he is as a person.
Through this, the effect of the discs are also discovered. Tommy is incredibly durable, though not completely invulnerable, and heals from everything eventually, though with incredibly obvious and ugly, painful scarring (which Dream usually removes). He’s also ageless, and if he’s ever somehow aged through, say, a Gods control, he slowly de-ages back to sixteen. These two abilities, though, rely on his proximity to Dream. When he’s out of Dream's eyesight, he has none of these, and the further he goes from Dream, the weaker and sicker Tommy gets, up to falling into a deep coma when he’s so much as a mile away from Dream.
(In addition, Dream could train Tommy to be able to use the same powers as him, into becoming a secondary God of the land, but obviously that’s not something he wants to do. At least, not yet.)
After finding out Tommy loses his near-immortality away from him, Dream keeps Tommy by his side at all times. It’s a hassle having to revive him, after all, wastes time that could be spent on valuable research. Tommy gets dragged along to diplomatic meetings with the other gods and Dream holding court and religious ceremonies and basically anything Dream does. This does not go unnoticed.
The rumours throughout Dream's land were varied, but the most widely believed one was that he was a physical manifestation of the discs themselves. All agreed on his divinity, because what else would the figure always one step behind their God, ever changing but always recognisably the same, be?
The Gods, however, know a mortal when they see one. The divine energy coming from Tommy, though, is noticeable, and he’s assumed to be Dream's protégé, like Philza was to Kristen long ago. The exact nature of their relation is a topic of much debate, however. Some see the resemblance between the two, blond hair and freckles and a crooked grin, and say they are brothers, not by blood but by choice. Some see the way Tommy flinches and looks no one in the eyes and sometimes moves ever so stiffly, like a puppet, and say he is a prisoner or some other lowlife who’d never be missed, to be turned into a mindless vessel for Dream's will. A few even say he's Dream's bastard son.
Either way, as someone who will one day be kin, it would not do good to offend him. Gods don’t have war- their control over their own domain would lead to the party being invaded winning every time- but diplomacy can be as bad, if not worse, so they’re distantly friendly to Tommy, which he resents. They’re not his family. His family was the kids on the street with him, who he’d never see again, or so he thought.
After all, Dream has seen all of Tommy's memories, so he knows about them, and when he decides Tommy's been good and needs a “gift”, it’s trivially easy to take one of them- the one with cracked horns and burn scars, Dream didn’t care for their name- back to the palace. Of course, this wasn’t solely an act of twisted kindness. For one, Dream was interested in seeing how Tommy reacted around someone he cared around, and for two, it was an easy way to keep Tommy in line when he refused to play along with the experiments.
Tubbo is completely confined to the wing of the palace Dream and Tommy reside in. It’s larger than most villages- time and space are mere suggestions for gods- and holds luxuries much beyond the medieval level tech outside, but no matter how gilded it is, he’s still in a cage. And whatever rules Dream has when he effects Tommy, he does not care to hold back on him.
Tubbo tries to find comfort in this new life. If he can’t escape, he might as well try to adapt. He makes friends with the servants, when Tommy's away, and eventually becomes a father figure to a pig hybrid even younger than him. Still, there’s a melancholy around him that never fades.
And that’s all I had of the dream, but I’m certain I’ll definitely have more of this AU because… wow, my unconscious brain POPPED OFF jeez.
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grandtorinaa · 3 years
Obey me Coming Out Headcannons
My dumbass posted this and went the entire day before realizing I forgot to label it lmao
Gender Neutral, Race Neutral MC
No warnings
Luci boots with the fur
"I see."
He'd honestly be really happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell him
Don't let his boomer-isms fool you, he is 100% supporting you.
"I'm very pleased that you're finding your identity, love."
He would make sure all your official documents were updated if they needed to be.
If anyone dares to disrespect you they will be not-so-kindly chewed on by cerberus.
"Oi, what are ya lookin’ all nervous for? Ya think the Great Mammon would be mad over this?”
His words might be initially rough sounding, but the intention is portrayed with the physical affection he gives you.
He will aggressively defend his human if someone is rude to you, or makes a snide comment.
If you wanted to get any medical procedures done, he would try to save up and surprise you with it as a present or something, he just wants to see you all smiley and bubbly tbh
Depending on your identity, you might have to explain to him what it means, he might not even get it at first but he still tries his best to make sure he’s doing things right for you
He is 100% relating you to a random anime character he knows
He is also asking you to cosplay them
If you come out to him first he’s going to feel extra special, maybe wag his tail internally. But according to the tsundere code he has to play it like he doesn’t care or knew the whole time.
“S-silly normie, that's not, well, I’m, that's not something that would bother me.”
He’s like your own personal cheerleader when it comes to social interaction, especially if you’re nervous.
Very chill.
“Oh, I see.” *closes his book* “I appreciate you letting me know.”
Highkey would ask you questions just because he’s curious academically, but if you don’t feel comfortable he’d be understanding.
If you have dysphoria, he’s going to activate his braincells and get you a potion or something to alleviate it.
He will also murk anyone who acts disrespectful, on sight it's over.
If you go to events like GSA or something he’ll also tag along if he can.
He wants to learn about anything and everything relating to you.
like this dude isn’t genderfluid and having an affair with solomon c’mon now
“Think of all the ways we can style your flags!”
If anything he’s more excited than you are.
Asmo is most certainly busting out his acrylic set and giving you a manicure.
Someone disrespects your pronouns? He’s roasting tf outta them. Immediate social death, straight up hatecrimed them. Someone being xyzphobic? They’re getting called a stupid bitch on his live.
If you wanted reassignment, he could probably hit up Solomon for his magical essential oils. But if you didn’t, he would definitely do his best to show you how to appreciate yourself. If you’re dating him you’re automatically the 2nd hottest person in all 3 realms.
This man. Ugh this man 🥺
His gives you the sweetest warmest smile and it just makes you melt
“Oh, okay.”
You might need to explain more in depth if it's a more obscure term or identity, but he loves you no matter what.
pride cookies, pride ice cream, pride waffles. It's so beautiful, the kitchen is a mess but the cake is great.
If anyone disrespects you, well first of all rip to them. Why would you do that? Beel is huge, giant, and could crush you in an instant. Like he just goes “:/“ and straight up eats the fool. Major Ls are taken by the offender.
“okay whatever”
Pretty lackluster reaction but it's only because he really doesn’t care because he’ll always love you.
Go to pride riding on a cow with him do it do it
I feel like Belphie would like pride pillows. Yeah, he definitely would.
“Belphie what happened to my bed sheets?”
“They’re gay now y/n”
Some random comes over with shit to say? He smacks tf outta them with his tail. Whipping them to death and back. Either that or the offender has nightmares for a very, very, long time.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 3 years
Always Shine and Redefine Our Humanity
How Eret Contributes to the Dream SMP's Narrative Themes of Change and Self-Discovery
I can’t believe listening to a song from a fairly obscure but growing musical (where I took this post’s title from) would prompt me to inspect Eret’s character more but here we are. I will heavily use @theeretblr's (whom you should subscribe to, btw) Character Explanation thread as a basis, as well as statements about their character from their most recent streams and things that I have gathered from other essays by people who clearly have been watching from the start.
This will include sentiments and theories I want for the character because I kinda got attached to them as of late. Please keep in mind that I have been watching since around Late November-Early December, so my biases would be appropriate to such a viewer.
This essay is a discussion of the roleplay character.
1. Eret is Self-Preserving & Versatile in Skill (and this is why they're powerful)
"Those who are given Power hold on to it."
Something I’ve observed concerning Eret’s Betrayal of L’Manburg was their motivations for doing so. For a time they have believed that power and security mattered. For a time their interests went first. CC!Eret referred to the choice as "an offer no one would refuse" as well. This wasn't just luxury and (they didn't know it at the time, but false) power, it was the protection they would be allowed to have by the admin of the server. It was being allowed to do whatever they wanted, despite the means to it being dishonorable and interestingly enough, demanding of permission.
Eret was willing to do anything to remain secure and equipped, and I argue that they still do until now. The difference is that now, they are more concerned about how they maintain their security in that they wouldn't hurt other people or be extremely unethical in the pursuit of this security.
Also, they're privy to grinding when it's necessary, they know how to build structure and contraption, and they can hold their own fairly well. They're very well-spoken and can deliver on appearances and ambiance, excellent at both comforting and intimidating whomever they choose. They had to have been this skilled for a while.
2. Eret has a Forgotten History (of bringing down powerful groups of people, apparently)
"Those who don't know History are doomed to repeat it."
So remember that interaction with Foolish? I want to bring this up because I feel that having particularly close ties with a God of Undying/Death has implications.
Foolish also brings up "taking care of [a] Wither cult"—an organized group! Wasn't Eret known for taking down an organized group on the server? L'Manburg, at its founding. He was part of the rebellion against Manburg. He was against the Eggpire. Yep, that's a pattern.
What does this mean? Well:
Eret's hands were never clean from the start, clearly before the Final Control room, and it can be inferred that they're redder than they seem
Eret's tendencies towards self-preservation may have been influenced/learned from Foolish
Eret may have had (if they still don't do) an inclination to pursue power through the dismantling of organized groups that also seek/already have established power
Eret's current skills are the way they are due to his past
And we cannot forget the CC confirmation that c!Eret has relations with Herobrine, the infamous Minecraft urban legend known for the horror he brings and how many lovers of Minecraft frame him as this terrifying powerhouse entity beyond human comprehension. This relation is still a mystery, but from what we know, it can tell us a lot about what Eret has forgotten about himself and what Eret is capable of!
3. Eret is Concerned by What People (though only those that matter to him) Think of Her
"I think Respect is a big thing."
In light of her power, we have to remember that Eret regretted pursuing power upon recognizing the loss of respect and friendship that came with the throne. This becomes a much stronger detriment when she realizes that the power she thought she had never actually existed in the first place—one can say she would dread pursuing power for herself again. To subject oneself to the standards of others after all is to subject yourself under constant scrutiny.
In her regrets, she learns and realizes what she wants—to be loved and cared for, to be truly alive with her loved ones. It's why she decides to improve herself, and she works and makes the effort to try! She struggled (and still does) in the process of pursuing forgiveness, illustrating that her determination towards an end is very strong, gradual as it may be.
It's how she looks up to Wilbur! Still! I reckon the two believe they're responsible for the other. Change! What an incredible thing the two are able to do.
4. Eret Knows What He Wants (but is struggling to figure out how to get it)
"That was a long time ago. I've changed things and I know not to break people's trust anymore."
One of Eret’s biggest concerns right now in Season 3 is his relationship with the Crown, mixed and fickle it seems based on his streams during this time. His kingship carries more and more weight each passing day, debating whether forgoing the effort and spilled blood Eret had to get the Crown is worth it. (I mean, he accepted the restoration of his Kingship when George got dethroned.)
The Kingship is still power, and it's become true power after Dream had been put in prison. We know he's admitted being deathly afraid of Dream, so this period of genuine Kingship would be incredibly special to him. Ever since he's been finding ways to make his kingship genuinely meaningful, redefining the evils the Crown used to have by doing good to whomever sincerely, freely, and willingly. He's attempted allyhood with like-minded individuals based on his judgment of their character. Remember his Knights? These consisted of HBomb, Puffy, and Punz, each of which exhibited behaviors (predilection for community, dedication to duty, moral neutrality) he has as well!
But yet, the blood spilled for that Crown still stains him, and it cannot be denied that it will continue to do so for as long as Eret wears the crown. I wonder if he believes this, whether a part of him does deep down. Dream being in jail doesn't just mean freedom to be a king but freedom to quite literally be yourself, whatever it may be.
5. For these reasons, Eret Represents Constant Self-Actualization and Rediscovery
"I'm a strong, independent...whatever the fuck I am."
Given the points established above, Eret is unfamiliar with her full self and wants to shape herself into someone desirable and genuinely contributing kindness to a clearly broken world, a world whose brokenness she also happened to contribute to.
Her enthusiasm for History and the pursuit of enlightenment speaks volumes to this motivation. It's her repeated, dedicated efforts to try and try and try and try, to be better! Not just to be a better person herself but for everyone else to be able to be better too! She's aware that perfection is impossible, but clearly recognizes that constant reevaluation of the self is nonetheless necessary.
It's how she's open to engaging with as many people as possible despite differing opinions and carried baggage. She researches and explores and examines! She does no harm but takes no shit.
Every facet of her, to the terror her eyes have been known to give, to the air of affirmation radiating in her domain of a Pride castle, to the blood that decorates her fingers, to the people she has given support to, to the people she has disadvantaged, to the History she keeps, to the part of herself she no longer remembers, to the power she carries—Eret knows how to be truly alive.
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goodmode · 2 years
for the fandom blorbos ask, any or all of genshin, homestuck, or mlp ?
if i did all of these i’d die and flood the dash so i’m gonna pick genshin impact since it’s most on my mind. absolute shoutout and kudos and accolades for calling out my main interests though. you have suffered my content with such enthusiasm and i knight you today
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
bennett. whenever i enter a new area i’m usually using bennett and even if i’m not the whole time i’ll be applying new dialogue to a potential bennett-inclusive party. he is Involved. we go down to the place under sangonomiya? he’s there. we explore a new region? he’s there tagging along. we go to fontaine? he will be my plus one. every line of dialogue i’m like oh? and from the perspective of a mystery orphan with unexplained fate hell? any clues here? no? he’s having fun though
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
klee requires utmost caution or you will set off a nuke. the nuke is her mother alice who comes to kill you irl through the screen. klee is a little baby who has a programming tag of if you treat her bad, alice uses minecraft pistons to turn you into mulch irl.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
xingqiu. and i don’t want to hear anything about icelad here even though i love him. i don’t want to hear about the obvious hehoo pairing! gay teens! or whatever. they get enough of that. PLEASE i’m begging you let xingqiu be a person in his own right. i will die for any exposition of him that explores his relationship with his dad and older brother where it's like: this kid has expectations on him and he’s genuinely good at meeting those expectations but also he wants to spend his summer break doing robin hood. except he gets no summer break. so any excuse to be Out There is seized upon at all costs, despite family misgivings. you can’t be Zorro we need you to do paperwork [the yearning]
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
paimon. i’m not sorry. any paimon appearance has me going oh my god thats her. shes bonding. we are bonding! people don’t like paimon and for why?? she is our closest best friend who loves us and is a “guide” who is actually just looking for a hand to hold. people act like paimon is this annoying gremlin but she genuinely has moments of emotional awareness and she wants to help and she is fuelled by the power of Lost Child Being Nice and i would die for her. paimon is barely keeping her head above the existentialism waters by pretending she is helping this superpowered alien from space who absorbs elements by silly straw. paimon is scared and lost and found 1 (one) friend and she’s trying real hard guys
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
dainsleif. he sucks. he sucks so bad. all his decisions have been stupid and bad. but also we got the implication he’s got godhell disease from the abyss so i also feel bad for him. Sir Has Wifi Connectivity In His Skin. Sir Ignored A Multiversally Displaced Teen in order to do some behind the scenes bullshod. come drink some water and go to therapy and PLEASE help us and we’ll help you.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
i don’t know HOW to embarrass yae miko but i know i want her to experience cringe. i want her to shrivel, for herself and not for anyone else. i want her to know that she said something weird in groupchat and there was no timestamped response for 24 hours or more. i want her to make a social media post being smug and for no one to like or react to it ever. i want her to sit there checking her phone like oh my god maybe that was squingy actually. i want her to harpsichord as a person while grimacing
ask meme source if anyone wants to send me a different franchise
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hamphobicbasil · 3 years
Could u elaborate about the dsmp story being bad? Not a rabid/brain dead fan, just genuinely curious and I enjoy reading people's rants lolol
oh you dont know the floodgates you just opened
a few things:
1. despite not liking the creators of the dsmp anymore, I don't actually hate most of them. [the ones that are particularly unsavory fall outside of this of course] so all that I'm saying i truly mean in a critical sense towards the story, its also just all purely my opinion as someone who enjoys fictional and fantasy stories and who like criticizing works to see what it does well and what it doesn't do well
2. for clarification I'm going to use the c![name] to indicate when I'm talking about the characters. Don't get me wrong, I think its annoying too but its the only way I'm gonna be able to write this thing without getting something across the wrong way yknow?
3. I stopped watching the streams after November 16th, [save for one Techno one but I closed out after a particularly bad story beat lol] and so all information coming afterward is all second hand from either me seeing people on twt talk abt it or people dming me. All i really know is up to dream's imprisonment and some stuff past that.
4. This is mostly aimed towards the "main" story, so stuff abt the badlands, eggpire, and whatnot are briefly mentioned.
anyways uh, i'll try to be brief but also include enough information to get why i feel the way i do on some stuff across
A. Performances Alright obviously these people are all streamers, so obviously they might not be the best actors, and hell no one is even asking that of them. However, when you're telling a story that's based on the audio with the visuals kinda coming to a second, it's gotta be pretty strong. I will say, some of the best actors in my opinion are Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. I would include Ranboo but I never watched any of his story bits or story streams so I can't say much. Wilbur and Tommy are excellent in selling their character's emotions and feelings, when I watch the stream I don't feel like I'm watching an rp but an actual thought-out story yknow? And one of my favorite Tubbo examples was in the Hog Hunt video whenever Techno attacked him, he sounded genuinely afraid and I believed everything his character was feeling.
However, unfortunately, not everyone is gonna be that good. And I'm gonna say it; Dream and Techno have to be the worst out of the entire cast. I understand Techno's whole character is this monotoned badass, however, when really emotional moments hit I feel like he never lets that fall, and a lot of intense moments just ring hollow. And I'm sorry but Dream's attempts at being intimidating leave me laughing whenever I watch them. It feels like he watched that one scene from The Marriage with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johannson and said "Oh this is what good acting looks like! Just yelling." His whole "I don't give a FUCK about Spirit!" speech isn't as great as people keep making it out to be. And whenever he tries to act coy when being a villain it feels like a guy reading the script for the first time, a bit like he's trying too hard. I have more problems with his character but his portrayal certainly doesn't help.
Everyone else is fine, and I don't feel strongly either way about a lot of them.
B. The "Lore" Okay first off, I can't be the only one who thinks it's silly that people are calling the dsmp's story "lore" when it's not, it's the fucking story. Lore indicates backstory to either the world or the characters, which a lot of the streams don't really pertain to. This is a really petty section but god it's a weird pet peeve of mine.
Other than the misusage of "lore" vs "story", the actual lore and world-building of the world are so lackluster that new elements can be introduced whenever and it often feels cluttered or not well thought out at all. And here's the thing, I feel like if the writers sat down just for a few minutes to establish world rules and general history, a lot of this could be solved! but so much is made up on the spot that it starts to feel like they're grabbing at straws to keep people invested, trying to reach that next high and intense story beat without actually earning it.
C. The Egg / Eggpire This is a pretty minor note since I was only invested in the Egg storyline for a little bit, but god it's so underused that it's almost embarrassing. Bad has provided this super interesting antagonistic force that's infecting the SMP, can control people, and who one of our main character is immune to, and it's just never used or even talked about again? Now I understand if he wanted to keep it to a side storyline only, however, to introduce this borderline eldritch creature and force within the world and then never have it dealt with is so weird.
D. The Writing Oh boy this is. kinda a big one. Now I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty obvious I have a bias for the Wilbur writing over the current team [that consisting of Dream, Quackity, and Tommy mostly]. I don't this his writing is perfect by any means, the characters constantly bringing up traitors got obnoxious after a while, and writing Hamilton but in Minecraft really isn't the modern Shakespeare or anything. However, I think his exploration of characters and plot progression was a lot more thought out and well planned, like he actually had two brain cells behind the story yknow? The current team I think fails to be as emotional or even impactful, things happened too fast and my god was everything drowned in angst for so long.
Don't get me wrong, you gotta have your characters face hardships to make them reach their goal believable, but some of the shit they put the characters through just felt like too much. From c!Tubbo's constant comparison to c!Schlatt [who btw, fucking ordered his death and kept him from his friends in a nation he felt trapped in] and on a side note, i kinda really fucking dislike the "c!Schlatt dad!!" au's or the au's where c!Tubbo inherits some of Schlatt's features, it would be like c!Tommy getting a c!Dream mask after his exile, it's feels so weird yet people eat that shit up for some reason.
But god, did c!Tommy get the brunt of it all and in retrospect after his final death, it kinda feels really fucking gross. Now obviously, I'm not trusting any of these people to write decent mental health representation, but c!Tommy's PTSD and how it was explored was just degrading. [Specifically the scene in that one Techno stream where he saw the final control room from the first war, and had a flashback / panic attack where he started calling out for c!Dream. I understand this is an actual thing people with PTSD will experience, but it felt so fucking stereotypical it got on my nerves. I actually had to close out of the stream because it made me feel sick, fiction shouldn't leave you feeling that way.] And don't get me started on how they basically reused the formula from the previous arc. [Problem introduced -> Tensions rise as things start to fall apart -> Big confrontation -> Exile -> Return from Exile -> Blowing up L'Manberg, again.]
And speaking of characters-
E. Character Arcs, or the lack of them In my genuine opinion, some of these characters' arcs are so disappointing. Especially c!Tommy's. I'm not one to believe that he was a "selfish" character or anything, however, his goals were simply set on his discs and maybe c!Tubbo, he didn't have much outside that. However, L'Manberg gave him something to care about, he gave up his discs for it and he fought for it tooth and nail, I think it taught him to open up to others and trust more. It was a great character arc for him to have, seeing him still fight even after his first exile alongside c!Wilbur, to return safely to the nation that he and his found family had built.
But then his second exile happened, and I feel like all of that was undone.
c!Tommy's exile genuinely pisses me off for so many reasons. It's not that characters can't have their low points after reaching a major change or feeling like they've "completed" their arcs or anything, but it's more of the fact that it seems like he's never going to heal that feels like a spit in the face, especially to people who might have had setbacks like that before. Progress isn't linear, sometimes things happen and you get knocked back down, it can take a while to get back up, but I don't think c!Tommy's character is ever going to be allowed to get back up. From c!Dream, who pretty much was a constant abuser in his life, killing him then reviving him, and his still fractured relationship with c!Tubbo, which by the way I have a had time believing they would still be friends after all that happened, it feels like he can never get a win and it's generally kinda a shit way to treat your characters who have been abused. Of course, not all abused characters are going to get happy endings, I'm not trying to dictate that they all should, but c!Tommy deserves one and the fact that it's so obscure feels shitty.
Side note: we still don't have a canon reason to give a shit abt the discs. Like I'm sorry but without some sorta connection to the MacGuffin why should we give a shit about him getting them other than "he wants them lol". Like hell, I would even accept the classic "they were the last gifts from his parents" or something, but we still don't have a reason.
c!Tubbo also lacks a fulfilling arc as well, from someone who started out as a yes man, he has progressed a bit into having his own interests first, but besides that sometimes his character makes me so. depressed. He's easily one of the most pushed around and hated characters within the story, all for being a kid who didn't know what to do and he's in the same vein as c!Tommy; these kids can't get a break. Also, his anti-violence beliefs morphing into the "lets kill c!Techno lol!" bit was so out of place and without proper build-up it was like. what. And now he's building nukes?? god c!Tubbo makes me so sad because he's kicked around constantly and never given a chance to grow.
Another small note, I also don't really enjoy c!Techno at all. Besides the previously stated reasons of lack of emotions when they're really needed, I find his character to be weirdly pretentious. He talks as if he's constantly been betrayed and hurt but I personally, don't see it? Like, I think one of the main examples was the Pogtopia vs. Manberg war, yknow he wanted to end the government but they just reinstated it after they won = c!Techno upset. But this doesn't make sense to me because why did he think otherwise? The entire time c!Tommy had talked about taking back their nation and starting again, so the fact that c!Techno suddenly thought there would be a sudden change is, to put it bluntly, kinda fucking stupid. I don't want to say that he "plays the victim" or anything because that feels a bit harsh, but his character feels so far up his own ass that I can't enjoy him.
I have a major grip with c!Dream as well, but that's getting it's own fucking section.
F. L'Manberg This is a quick note before we get into the, forgive me for this, endgame, of this entire rant, since the next two sections are tied together. But god, L'Manberg makes me upset because it feels like they gave up on it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is supposed to be c!Wilbur's "unfinished symphony", the thing that destroyed a once charismatic and widely loved man, his attempt at power that utterly ruined him. But the fact that it just got blown up in the end after everything and left to rot felt like such a waste of time. From the first war, to Pogtopia, to even c!Tommy's exile, it all felt fucking worthless in the end, and the story is actively closer to how it was when it started now more than ever. I wished it was actually allowed to exist and continue to be a peaceful place in what is a chaotic world, but no it was just snuffed out because why dedicate to this concept of finding others you can band together with and feel safe. fuck that noise apparently?
G. The Villains Now villain-wise, I'm only talking about c!Dream [during the first war], c!Schlatt, and c!Wilbur. And believe it or not, this is actually mostly positive.
Now I'm not gonna lie, c!Dream as a staring antagonist wasn't bad actually, he posed a genuine and threatening opposition to L'Manberg, even if we didn't know his real intentions or motivations as to why he was against it. He's lucky in this sense because he didn't have to be good, he had to be passable. If anything, he felt more like an anti-hero than a tyrant or traditional villain, and my god do I wish he kept this theme going forward.
Now quick disclaimer, I don't like JSchlatt as much as the next guy, he's an adult man who should know better than to joke about some sensitive topics and act the way that he does. But the one thing I'll ever give him is that damn, was he a good actor for his character.
Now here's the thing, c!Schlatt wasn't particularly deep at all. He had no real motivations behind his exile of c!Wilbur and c!Tommy other than getting competition out of the way, had no reason to act the way that he did and yknow? that's fine. The reason why he worked was from his performance alone, he was actually intimidating. When he came onto the stream and was doing his typical bad guy stuff, it was actually intense to see what he would do. Whenever he would almost catch c!Tommy back in Manberg, whenever he would begin to pressure c!Tubbo, it put you on the edge of your seat and it felt like everything would change at the drop of a pen. He's a villain to be a villain, and this works out because he's just charismatic and well put together enough to make it interesting, even without the backstory or motives.
c!Wilbur however, is much more tragic, and the best villain of the story. He essentially was the "mentor turned evil" trope and it felt terrible watching him descend into madness, unable to trust barely anyone except for c!Techno and c!Tommy. Hell, in the end I think he still cared about them both, despite losing everything. Sure, he blew up L'Manberg, but there was still a smidge of the old c!Wilbur in there made everything he did feel melancholic. His death at the hands of his father after achieving his final wish was chilling, and something I still think about.
Until yknow, Ghostbur came back way too soon to let people feel his loss as a character within that world. And then he got revived, pretty much-undoing everything that moment meant for his character lol.
And then there's the worst one:
H. Dream. I'm going to be completely honest, c!Dream is one of the main reasons why I dislike the current dsmp stuff so much. Outside of his actions as a person, the way Dream decided to write his character as this overpowered madman of the dsmp really just. destroyed any intrigue that he could've had. Perhaps this is from my growing dislike towards him, manifesting into a bias towards his character, but god I cannot fathom why people try to insist he's interesting when he has as much depth as a fucking puddle.
And here's the thing, I'm not even entirely against c!Dream being a villain, hell I think he would've been great as an anti-hero if anything. Make him sympathetic but not through c!George to get your precious "DNF" points or anything, but show him actually caring about the people within the dsmp, including c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. This would make his rival status with them just a bit more complicated, sure they're enemies, however, he doesn't want to hurt or kill them, and there's still a level of friendship there that keeps them bonded when things get super bad. This could've been super interesting to see, the first villain of the story receiving a sorta redemption arc then descending into madness as he started to fixate on being a god. This is all how I feel personally, but god do I feel like it would've been better than his current character, and hell would've worked with how he was during the Pogtopia arc, before the war that is. I'm not trying to tell Dream how to write his own character, but there are so many other ways he could've done the madman seeking to become god rather then. whatever the hell we got.
Because instead, we got this power-mad asshole who does things... because he can? And that's one of my major issues: he tries to surround his character in mystery to make him "intriguing" but it's kinda like c!Techno, it comes off as pretentious. Not only that, but you cannot keep waving around this mystery of a backstory without ever actually revealing it. I know the story isn't over, but c!Dream is effectively at his lowest point, now would be the time to reveal his backstory. But no just keep it in the dark and keep everyone guessing, that's totally fun and not at all tiring and annoying. (sarcasm, if anyone needs it)
And back to his performance, he doesn't sell this aloof, cynical and strategic warrior that has perfected the blade or some shit, he comes off as some angry guy yelling on reddit. which i don't need to tell you, isn't intimidating. It feels like he's trying to have c!Schlatt's intimidation combined with c!Wilbur's depth, but instead he's like a little brother who's trying to hard to mimic his older brother and is kinda embarrassing himself.
but other then that i dont feel too strongly abt the dsmp lol
but seriously, these are the main complaints I have abt the story tbh, I could probably talk about more but I wont because man. this is probably gonna get me in trouble if any of the hyper-dsmp fans actually read it.
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audreyimagines · 3 years
yooo the irl drabble was so good-
so sorry to dump another request on you but could i get something similair (inspired by the emo phase where i dressed like a cryptic gremlin)
Reader is, to put it simply, a chaotic emo gremlin. their stream setup is dark colors, their minecraft skin has black clothing and a dark aesthetic (that kinda looks like a vampire-). whenever they’re streaming the lights are so low it’s almost completely pitch black and whilst they don’t exactly play loud music (like MCR, FØB and P!@TD) the music they do play is pretty dark and gloomy.
everyone just assumes Reader is streaming from their bedroom when actually Reader has a streaming room with a dark aesthetic on purpose (i mean most streamers don’t really have a set aesthetic and if they have an aesthetic it usually isn’t dark or anything so-). whilst Reader can appreciate dark colors they don’t surround themselves with them all the time, and their actual room is actually quite pleasant and tidy with little plants, lots of natural light, some organized bookshelves and a record player (i have an old timey record player from my dad and it is my favorite thing i own) in the corner with a large record collection of classical, opera and some mellow jazz.
whilst Reader is a chaotic little gremlin they have a lot of random knowledge about shit (from staying up incredibly late and scrolling through random wikipedia pages) and it’s really surprising how much they know about random obscure things (flashback to that time in middle school i ranted to my Latin teacher about the connections between different theories of reality like Solipsism and Parmenides’s theory of reality and the scientific conclusions made in greek mythology like Iris goddess of the rainbow being the daughter of a sea goddess named Electra meaning light so it’s like light and water make rainbows)
like maybe Reader and some people decide to do a trivia competition and are absolutely shocked that Reader knows all these things about philosophy and classical music / opera or they just come to Reader’s house after they missed a group stream to yk check on them and just walk into Reader’s room like “what the fuck happened in here-”
(per usual, any characters, take your time and have fun ✨ (also sorry this request is so long))
goth turned...soft?
pairing - irl tommy x gn!reader
notes - my apologies for sm irl tommy but he’s so fun to write for :)
“hey, was y/n on your stream today?” tubbo’s icon lit up in the discord call and tommy only half listened.
“i don’t think so?” ranboo piped up. it had been an large group, of tommy, tubbo, ranboo, jack, karl, sapnap, quackity, and supposedly you. easy to miss people, though tommy started to think back.
roblox...nope you weren’t there. definitely not in jack box. as he recalled all the segments, he remembered the last time he’d seen you.
“they were on wilburs stream two days ago, doing trivia. that was the last time i’ve heard from them,” tommy said. the call mumured in agreement.
“yeah i remember being kinda shocked, they knew all these random opera and plant facts,” jack spoke up.
“yeah! i popped in to ask them a question about classic music as a joke, and they got it right,” tubbo concluded.
tommy had stopped paying attention. he remembered that, it was odd. your bedroom was dark, your minecraft skin looked half dead, and every call you joined unintentionally brought a weird energy. more importantly though, where the fuck were you?
“hey guys i’m gonna take off,” he spoke up. the call echoed a goodbye, and he logged off and started tugging on his shoes. maybe he should check on you. it had been a while since you texted, and that was unusual.
after begging his mother to drive him, he was on the way. traffic was awful today, but eventually he reached your house, tumbling out the car with a goodbye. looking up at the stone, he frowned a bit. this wasn’t the way he thought your first at home meeting would go.
“hello?” he knocked. your parent answered the door.
“oh! tommy right?”
he nodded politely.
“nice to meet you.”
“it’s nice to meet you too. may i come in and speak to y/n?”
your parent let him in, and he hurdled up the stairs. you must be okay if he was allowed to come inside, but still.
passing a room, he stopped and glanced in. wait. this was your stream set up! dark, gloomy, all the things he was used to from discord calls. but if this was your streaming room...
he knocked on the only other door.
“hello?” you opened the door and your face lit up.
“tommy!” you crushed him in a hug and he just stared around your shoulders.
plants, record players, tassely-tapestries, white and cream pillows, bookshelves.
he extracted himself from the hug, and you peered up at him, confused.
“tommy? what’s up? why’re you here?”
he glanced down at you.
“so you’re NOT a freaky goth?”
you stared at his expression and then burst out laughing, hands on your knees. tommy found himself smiling too. this was the real you, he thought to himself as he internally relaxed.
that was, until you straightened back up with the death glare he was familiar with.
“who says i’m not?”
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meowcorner · 3 years
Hi ^^!! my names Cat, use any prns, and this is a blog where I post stimboards, aesthetic boards, and web weaving for mcyt and mcyt adjacent stuff, it's mostly aimed at introjects but anyone can request stuff!
_request rules_
no abusers. i won’t do cmc/jikishi/etc. don’t ask me to, i will block you.
try to be as specific as you can, i.e. “a c!tommy stimboard with cows and slime", "a cc!tommy aesthetic board with red and gaming stuff", etc. and for web weaving, u can just give me a character and maybe some poems or quotes that u want/are inspiration for it!
pls be patient with me
you can request obscure and non-dsmp ccs! if I don't know the cc I will do my own research! also, ur allowed to request characters from mcyt/dsmp fanfiction, i.e pass!philza, and characters from stuff that has mcyt/dsmp cc's in it but isn't Minecraft, i.e sbi rust, or Wilbur's arg!
I can also do boards for cc or c pets, i.e shroud, or patches, and I can also do era/build boards, i.e l'manburg era, or pandoras vault!
things I am most familiar with: dream smp, origins smp, tales from the smp, last life, 3rd life, double life, 30 day smp, minecraft championships, wilbur's arg, sbi rust, minecraft diaries, mystreet, yandere highschool, akuma academy, and some fanfiction like passerine and such.
if I don’t do your rq feel free to resend it, Tumblr probably ate the ask!!
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radramblog · 3 years
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate has finally unveiled its final DLC character, with reactions ranging fully across the spectrum. Hot takes abound.
I mean, statistically, just about every possible opinion is going to be represented. There were at least 500,000 people watching the reveal stream, and that’s not including those viewing through restreams. That’s insane for a trailer of any kind, let alone for a console-exclusive video game DLC.
Now that it’s been like… a day and a bit, I think most of the spciest takes have probably been made, which is the perfect time for me to chip in with my own milder opinion. More of a butter chicken, really.
(no images in this one i’m lazy tonight)
I figure I’m this late already, might as well drop some notes on the other ones first.
Piranha Plant was kind of the definition of an unexpected pick. Not only was it from an already well-represented franchise, being fucking Mario, it’s also just…not a character. As such it makes an odd choice for a DLC fighter…except for the part where it was free. If you owned the game in its first month. And frankly, I don’t think people would have been happy if it wasn’t. As it is, though, it’s a perfectly fine character- surprisingly cute, actually.
I’m unsurprised about Joker’s inclusion. With how huge Persona 5 became in both Japan and the west, capitalizing on it to make a shitload of money makes perfect sense. The character plays well enough, though the meter gimmick was kind of a daunting sign of things to come. All that in mind, though, the most surprising thing about Joker being in the game is that they still haven’t put P5 on the Switch. Atlus please.
Hero and Banjo/Kazooie were announced on the same night, and I distinctly recall someone saying that this was one for the Japanese audience and one for the Americans. I mean, I’ve never played Dragon Quest, so I guess I fell into the latter? Both series have a long, well-regarded pedigree (Banjo’s lack of recent offerings notwithstanding), so both arguably deserve their respective positions. Hero is the much more notable character gameplaywise, though, with the incredibly complex mana and spellcasting mechanics. Complaints about RNG in Smash aren’t completely unfounded- though it has existed in the past in the form of, say, Luigi’s misfiring side-B- but I know a lot of people think Hero took it too far. If I’m honest, though, the weirdest thing is just having Akira Toriyama-ass 3D models in the game. Banjo’s gameplay is…awkward. The kit is kind of a mess, but at least the gimmicks weren’t going too hard, you know?
Next was Terry, perhaps the most obscure character on the entire list in 2021. I actually really like Terry in this game- while he’s still trying to emulate a similar feel to Ryu/Ken, the difference feels more natural, if that makes sense. Maybe it’s because I’ve never really devoted significant time to them, but Terry’s kit feels easier to work within than the Shotos when going between characters.
Finally for the first Pass, we had Byleth. I think it’s for the best that they announced the second Fighter’s Pass before this released, because if both 4 and Ultimate had ended their run on Fire Emblem DLCs then people would have been pissed. I mean, people were already pissed, but like…moreso. As someone who has played Three Houses, I do think the game is worth celebrating, but having yet another Fire Emblem Protagonist (read: basically a blank slate) in the game over all the substantially more interesting characters 3H has to offer is just really frustrating. Also the final smash looks like dogshit, like FE3H has overall worse animations than Smash for obvious reasons but I’m pretty sure this attack looked better the first time around.
FP2 opened with Min Min, which brings ARMS to the table. ARMS. The only first-party fighting game Nintendo has outside of Smash, so it looks a bit less weird next to everything else but…come on, man. I think this was the most confusing pick of all of them- the game came out in 2017, and having Min Min in Smash would serve as promotion for a sequel…which hasn’t been announced. There was a graphic novel in the works, but it was cancelled earlier this year. Oops? At least the stage was fun.
As much as playing them is awkward and complex, the Minecraft addition was fitting. Only the best-selling game around. I think people weren’t sure if Microsoft would go for it, but they let us have Banjo, so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed that they couldn’t get any of the songs from the actual game in there- like, you got one in from the fucking mobile game, but you couldn’t just get C418 on the phone?
Sephiroth is definitely one of the hype-ier releases from this pass. The character is iconic, as is his theme and his home game. I’ve never played any Final Fantasy game, but I can still respect the name. Once I remember how to spell it. The whole bossfight aspect to his release was also quite cool, while it lasted.
On the other hand, I have no love for Pyra nor Mythra. There’s so much wrong with these ones, frankly. They’re another swordy character, immediately following Sephiroth too, and they go back on Smash’s very deliberate decision to split characters like Zelda/Sheik and Samus/ZSS up (Yes I know Pokemon Trainer does the same thing but I have a lot more leniency for them). Add in their being from a JRPG much less well-known or remembered than the previous couple characters and the designs being…questionable, I have a big issue with the whole thing. This was also around when I kinda stopped playing the game in general, and they definitely didn’t help pull me back in.
Kazuya might have, though. With the exception of him and Sephiroth, all the characters from the Fighter’s Passes were pretty much protagonist-types, but this motherfucker pulses with the essence of bad guy. What I’m saying is that he’s fucking cool, and while he’s ludicrously complex, that makes perfect sense since…I mean just look at the combo lists from Tekken 7. His inclusion also kinda rounds out the list of biggest fighting game franchises out there being rep’d in the game, though I imagine now I’m going to have stans from Mortal Kombat or whatever on my back. They’re not going to put a fatality-capable character in Smash, guys!
Finally, this rounds us around to the original point of this article. Let’s talk about Sora. And by that I mean…I don’t really have a huge amount to say about him. Kingdom Hearts is a franchise that completely passed me by growing up, and I don’t think I have the time or energy to devote to it now. I’m sure it’s good, people seemed really excited for him to be in the game so they have to have gotten that love from somewhere, but I don’t share that feeling.
That’s not to say that I don’t think he deserves a slot. The idea of “deserving a slot” in Smash Bros is kind of an odd concept, even though it’s come up a lot so far this post. But a slot in this roster isn’t just a place in a popular fighting game, because at this point, Smash is kind of a museum of (mostly Nintendo) games- and so having representation is a forever acknowledgment that the franchise is, or has been, an icon to so many. Kingdom Hearts, to my knowledge, has 100% earned that position, and so Sora getting to be playable here makes perfect sense. He wasn’t my pick (Touhou representation never I guess), but I’m happy for those who wanted him.
As far as the actual gameplay looks, he reads like a character that kept in mind what people didn’t like about Hero when he released. It’s another sword-based character, which I think at this point speaks more about the demographic of video game characters than it does about Smash. But I appreciate that the Magic Bullshit is toned down, and that it’s also his only real gimmick (The 3-hit combo feature is A Thing, but other characters e.g. Bayonetta have already done that, so whatever). His recovery potential looks patently absurd- like he just gets Pikachu/Pichu’s Up-B as a Side-B that can also be chained with his actual Up-B? This guy better be light as hell or he’s going to be super hard to take out. I dunno, I think he looks solidly fun enough- more dynamic and aerial than the other swordfighters, at least- and that’s good enough for me.
And I guess that marks the end of Smash Ultimate. Not with a bang, but with a key…dude. It’s been a very solid run, the game managing to keep itself fresh across several years of development, even as other games have risen and fallen. Smash is kind of forever at this point, I think, though the finality of Ultimate’s ultimate character implies that this particular iteration may be coming to its end. And seeing as it is always one Smash per console, I wouldn’t be shocked if the Switch itself was nearing its endgame as well.
Okay but also it’s pretty funny how they heavily censored everything Disney out of Sora’s DLC except for that little Mickey charm on the trailer, like how much must that one shot have cost them, was it even remotely worth it, I don’t know but I kinda want to
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umbry-fic · 3 years
A Palette Full of You (2)
Summary: Glimpses into Colette and Lloyd's lives as they grow up together, learn who they are, and fall in love with each other.
(Written for Colloyd Week 2021)
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel Relationships: Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel/Lloyd Irving Rating: G Chapter: 2 of 6 Word Count: 4212 Mirror Link: AO3 Original Post Date: 10/06/2021
Chapter Title: Save the Children!
Chapter Summary: Lloyd and Colette take a break from studying and decide to play a video game. Colette starts to ruminate a little on how she's different from the rest of her classmates...
(Colloyd Week Day 2: Sidequest)
Notes+Warnings: Chapter 2 of my multi-chapter Colloyd week fic! Colette and Lloyd play a bunch of Kameo: Elements of Power. Lloyd is bisexual. This chapter might have a bit of internalised acephobia so beware.
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"There! Over there!" Colette shouted, dropping the Xbox controller onto her lap and gesturing frantically towards a corner of the television screen. In her frantic excitement, she completely forgot that Lloyd was sitting right next to her on the sofa, her elbow banging straight into Lloyd's arm.
Lloyd, startled, pitched to the side and pushed the joystick on his Xbox controller in the same direction.
Major Ruin, who Lloyd had been controlling to charge up a Bolder Rush, executed the move at this exact moment as Lloyd let go of the right trigger.
And so Major Ruin careened right off the edge of the platform, as per the directions Lloyd had just inputted into the game. The tragic end to a glorious adventure. Kameo would never rescue her father from her sister’s evil clutches, for she had fallen to her death from a high height... by complete accident. Or maybe it would be better to class this as incompetence?
"Oh, no," they both muttered at the same time, staring with their mouths open in horror. Colette reached out uselessly towards the TV, as if she could reach into the game and stop Major Ruin’s fall.
As if.
The armadillo look-alike Earth elemental (except a lot spikier) continued to fall while flailing their stubby limbs uselessly, eventually hitting the ground with the familiar and resonant "thud", accompanied with the dreaded snapping sound that had populated much of their playtime in the Snow-top Village. The thin and winding ice paths throughout that area had led to many a death from fall damage as they had tried to get their hands on the elemental fruits hidden away among various corners. Now that they were in the Ancient Tower, with its dark, foreboding, narrow stone corridors lit only by the sparest of torches sitting in sconces, where there was only one path forward and they were caged in by walls, Colette thought their falling episodes would be over. It was a bit claustrophobic, really.
It appeared that was not the case. Fall damage was eternal, and it would haunt them always, following them everywhere and showing its face at the most inopportune of moments.
Major Ruin morphed back into Kameo's petite, winged form, collapsing to the ground with a pained groan. Lloyd's side of the screen faded to black before he respawned at the last checkpoint, erasing a full 20 minutes of progress. The Kameo that Colette controlled was now completely alone in the chamber, performing her idle animations as Colette’s controller went untouched. Lloyd dropped his Xbox controller into his lap as well, leaning back against the sofa as he let out a groan of his own.
There was no sound apart from the whirring coming from the Xbox under the TV, the game music, and the "whup-whup" of the blades of the ancient standing fan in the corner of the living room, struggling in its job to blow "cool" air at them and combat the viciously hot weather.
Lloyd had every right to be frustrated with her; she had a tendency to kill him in-game. It wasn't murder, just manslaughter: knocking him off the cliff, setting both of them on fire, or startling him in general. It wasn't just in Kameo. Her clumsiness and butterfingers translated to every genre. No matter the game - Mario, Minecraft, Maplestory - she always found some way to cause a game over.
But he'd never directed any frustration or anger towards her. These are just silly games, he said every time. Much easier to laugh over the mirthful consequences together than get mad. Whenever they had the time to play video games together, the air was filled with nothing but laughter, a few frustrated grumbles from when they were struggling at a particular level, and the occasional rib from Lloyd’s end when she messed up. That's what made it incredibly fun. What the two of them had termed "game-time" never failed to put a smile on their faces.
And it was an effective destresser! It was a great relief to be able to channel all the stress from studying for PSLE into beating up trolls in Kameo. That appeared to be Lloyd's favourite part of the game - racking up combos with his favourite character Pummel Weed. Though she had to say her favourite part of the game so far was watching the cutscenes that played after rescuing the baby elementals from the prisons created by the nefarious shadow trolls. The wacky transformation from adorable blob to full-fledged elemental, complete with the blob sprouting arms and growing claws or shells, was… interesting to witness.
"Sorry," she sheepishly said, still feeling the need to apologise as she patted his hand. "Didn't mean to startle you. It's just that I found the last child!"
"Oh, really? Where?” Lloyd asked eagerly, attention turning back to the TV. “I couldn't see anything. It's all so dark."
"Over there." More calmly this time, Colette pointed out the child encased in a translucent ice crystal, tucked away in a corner of the platform hidden in shadow. She’d forgotten the name of this species, and could only describe them as cuttlefish that had taken human form. What were they were doing so far from the Mountain Falls? Weren't they native to that location? "We need to free them quickly! This is the last child."
“The last - you’ve been keeping count?!” Lloyd asked, voice rising in volume and shock written clearly across his face.
“Yeah! The mother said there were three, and we’ve rescued two. She must have been really worried, or she wouldn’t have begged us to save her children. I want to reunite them as soon as possible!”
"Alright. Ice, huh? It'd be similar to the other crystals we got rid of in the snow area. So just turn into Ash!" Lloyd suggested.
"Oh, you're right! Thanks for the reminder!" Colette opened the transformation wheel with a quick press of a button and proceeded to fumble with the joystick for a full minute while Lloyd slowly crawled his way back up the tower. She kept pushing too far to the right and overshooting Ash's dragon head on the wheel to land on Thermite, before overcorrecting to the left and landing on 40 Below. Frustration slowly piled up until she groaned, burying her head in her lap. This was embarrassing. She couldn't even navigate a simple menu like this, even after months of playing this game. Butterfingers, once again.
"Lloyd, can you open the main menu? I'll just pick Ash from there."
"Nah, we don't need to open Wotnot. Let's give Ortho a break for now," Lloyd replied. She knew that wasn't the real reason. Lloyd just didn’t want to hear from the eccentric wizard trapped within the paperback book that doubled as the main menu. "Here, let me help. But you need to get up first!" She straightened up, still sulking as he smiled at her, looking like he was holding back laughter at her predicament.
Lloyd stretched out his hand and placed his index finger over her thumb, gently guiding her thumb on the joystick so that the selection square landed right on Ash's head. Colette watched as Kameo hunched over and transformed into the red, clawed, scaly dragon that was the fire elemental Ash, tail slowly swaying from side-to-side as his wings flapped.
"You're so good at this..." she muttered, glancing down at her controller where Lloyd's hand was still placed over hers. They were only 12, but his hands were already slightly bigger than hers. He'd gotten his growth spurt in the earlier part of this year and shot up in height; now half a head taller than her. It was a slightly startling change after being the same height for the six years they'd known each other. He would likely only grow taller as time went on. As for herself... Maybe she'd gain another 5 centimetres by the time she was 18, if she was lucky. Given the actual state of her luck, she'd probably stagnate at her current height. Tallness was just not in the cards for her.
Not that she minded. The added height made him rather comfortable to lie on. If he gained just a few more centimetres, his shoulder would be the perfect height to rest her head on… That would make movie nights all the more comfortable.
Plus, the height change was just that. A physical change. Inside, Lloyd was still the same person - the boy who loved playing with Noishe but hated doing his homework, and would do everything in the world to avoid it. He hadn't changed. Not a single bit.
"Don’t sweat it. There are so many things you’re good at too! If it weren’t for your keen eye, I would’ve missed the kid entirely… So don’t be too bothered!” Lloyd gave her hand one squeeze before removing his hand, returning to his quest of returning to Colette's location. "Now, melt the ice!”
Colette did exactly that, leading the lumbering Ash over to the entrapped child and unleashing his fire breath. She watched with bated breath as the ice slowly melted, causing more of the child to be exposed to the air. They had previously used this exact same technique to unearth elemental fruits in the icy caverns filled with those icky bugs that exploded when defeated and obscured the screen with blue juice. It had been exciting then, to stumble upon secrets because of their penchant for exploration. But watching the child slowly be freed, watching their tentacles slowly start to move as they came into contact with warm air, was an entirely different experience, one that filled her with joy.
When was the last time the two of them completed a side objective like this, one that had direct effects on a citizen of this magical world? Casting her mind back informed her that that would be the starting town, when they returned to water the farmer’s crops with Deep Blue.
Now that the last child had been fully freed, all the children went running back to their worried mother, who proceeded to pull them into a giant group hug. Colette dropped her controller, clapping her hands together at such a sweet sight. Lloyd did laugh, then, a chuckle that she could feel rumble through her as well from where their shoulders touched. "What are you so excited about?" he asked.
"We did it! We saved all the children!" she exclaimed, watching the mother pull out one of the large elemental fruit in thanks. "Doesn't that make you happy? That we were able to help someone... That's what makes these side objectives fulfilling, right?"
"Yeah, I guess. It's just like you to get like this over a video game,” Lloyd replied, watching Kameo hoist the elemental fruit into the air, where it magically shrunk in size to fit in her bag. Colette wondered how Kameo’s bag even worked - how did it store Wotnot and dozens of elemental fruits? It was like a black hole. Just like Noishe's stomach.
“Though..." Lloyd frowned, staring up at the clock that hung on the wall, whose hands indicated that it was 2 pm. "Time’s up. We should get back to revising before Mom gets home from the vet with Noishe."
"Oh, you're right..." That was a downer. Time had flown so fast; their 20 minutes were up already!
The moment had come to return to the dining table and the assessment books that sat open on it. Studying was never fun, but it just had to be math today, and the chapter just had to be nets. Her most hated subject, combined with the topic she hated most. It was a headache all around.
But Lloyd was surprisingly good at nets, and he'd been a great help the whole day. Even if he still hated math with a passion and always got stuck on algebra questions, where it was her turn to assist him. That was why studying together was effective! They could fill in the gaps for each other, and motivate each other to keep going. Just three months left to go until it was all over! They could do this, and they would get through it. Together, just as they would every predicament that came to pass in the future.
"Um, and before you go home today, could you help me with something else?"
"What is it?" Colette asked, reaching for the TV remote on the coffee table. Lloyd was staring at the carpet, his hand absent-mindedly pulling at the hem of his singlet, separating the fabric from sweaty skin.
“Ellum’s birthday present,” Lloyd muttered, his voice getting softer with each word he spoke, until she could barely make out the words. “His birthday is in two weeks, and I…”
They had a habit of telling each other almost everything, for any secret was always safe with the other. So she knew why Lloyd was clamming up. Ellum was his current crush, after all.
“Say no more. Of course I’ll help you! We can do whatever you want!” she replied with enthusiasm. She'd be happy to help.
"Thank you," Lloyd replied, meeting her gaze again with a tiny smile lighting up his face. "Now, let's get back to studying."
They made the short walk to the dining table, taking their seats across from each other. Lloyd's face was already starting to twist into a grimace, resigning himself to another few hours of torture at the hands of the twisted people who made their livelihood setting math questions.
Clearing away the Kit Kat wrappers on her assessment book, she glanced down at a question about nets she'd been working on before the break. Yet not a single word on the page was being absorbed. They were all running away from her.
The downside of Lloyd confiding in her for all of his crushes was that it was a stark reminder that she hadn't had her first one yet. And then, inevitably, her mind would drift further to all the little ways she stood out from her classmates.
It was like everyone around her had changed drastically overnight at some unknown point in time. The jokesters of the class had just started making dirty jokes one day, prompting scandalised glares from the rest of the class but also prompting snickers. She herself didn't get the joke half the time, just laughed to go along with everyone else.
Then there was the shift in daily conversation. Instead of discussing their favourite Pokémon, more often than not the other girls would now discuss in hushed voices while giggling which celebrity was the most attractive. She herself would sit quietly, trying to melt into the wall as she observed without interjecting, half fascinated and half horrified. Weren't they all too young for this?
Things got even more awkward when she was forcibly pulled into the conversation when someone directed a question at her. She had no idea what to say whenever someone showed her a picture of a celebrity and asked her to rate them. The only thing she ever managed to stutter out was that their eyes were a nice colour, and so was their hair. That... was how you judged a person on how attractive they were, right? Everyone else, though, seemed to think she was weird. But how was she supposed to be feeling? No one had ever taught her. It felt like everyone was keeping a secret from her on how these things were supposed to work, then making fun of her for not getting it.
She only got more confused every time something like that happened. All she wanted to do was go back to talking about her favourite cartoons, but that didn't seem to be an option. Lloyd wasn't in the same class as her, so she couldn't even sit with him and ignore everyone else. The only time she could meet up with him during school hours was at recess. She didn't know what Lloyd talked about with the rest of his friends. Maybe the same stuff. But she didn't really care, because, with him, she could just be herself. There was no need for tiring pretence.
All she could do when the girls were in a mood to discuss celebrities again was sit a little outside of their circle, counting down the seconds remaining for class to start while she tried to look as occupied as possible. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief every time the topic of conversation turned back to something a little easier to understand, like video games.
But surely, someday, she would understand.
She was waiting. For that day. For her to finally catch up to everyone else in the race she hadn’t even known she’d entered until everyone had left her in the dust, still standing with her mouth agape at the starting line. To finally be like everyone else, to be able to fit in seamlessly. But there was no use getting down about it!
She just had to meet The One. Then everything would change, everything would fix itself. That's what happened in all the stories, the shows, the movies, after all.
Because everyone, in the end, learned to feel the same way, right?
"Right! I think that’s enough for now.” Colette’s voice shattered the serenity of her room from where she was sitting on the bed with her laptop balanced in her lap, cutting through the sleepy fog that was starting to fill Lloyd’s head. The peaceful Ghibli tunes that had been filling the room cut off abruptly as she shut her laptop screen, reaching a hand up to undo her messy hair bun.
Lloyd yawned, rubbing his eyes and hoping that would make his eyelids feel less heavy. Pushing himself up from his belly-down position on the bed, he caught one last glance of the back of Colette's neck before her hair covered it again. Doing prep for uni was not the most exciting way to pass the afternoon, and it certainly wasn't normal fare for a date. But it had to be done, so they might as well do it together, as they did all things.
Though he'd gotten distracted and started scrolling through YouTube about an hour ago.
"Are you going to change out of pyjamas?” Lloyd asked, stretching, his shirt hiking up slightly. He’d taken the lift down the three floors that separated his apartment and hers in the old HDB block that they’d stayed in all their lives, rang the doorbell while staring at the Chinese New Year decorations that were still hung up despite the month now being April, and waited for Colette to open the door… Only to be met with the sight of Colette in her favourite doggie pyjamas, the baby blue button-up ones that covered every inch of her skin. She'd shrugged and said it was cold from the non-stop rain, but he knew the real reason was the lazy post-A-levels haze, that affected him as well. These days, sleeping in until noon was the norm. Or sleeping in until one of his parents came into his bedroom to knock him awake.
“Yeah,” she replied, grabbing a towel and a few articles of clothing from the open wardrobe and heading towards the doorway.
Lloyd closed his laptop slowly, not wanting a repeat of the time in Secondary 3 he’d shattered the screen because Zelos had sneaked up on him and caught him unawares. He rolled off the bed, making the small trip of barely a few steps to the study table, passing the various objects Colette had up on the walls - the Disney posters she’d gotten ages ago, and the random stickers she’d amassed over the years from school club sales and donations - and the bay window filled to the brim with cute and huggable soft toys, a familiar Siberian Husky that showed the signs of being well-loved sitting atop the pile.
Lying on the study table was Colette’s Nintendo Switch, plugged into a socket to charge. Right next to it was a jar holding paintbrushes of all sizes, all of them as clean of paint as possible, for he knew Colette took extremely good care of her art supplies. The sketchbook no one was allowed to peek into was sticking out of the table’s drawer, half-used pads of foolscap and sheets of paper with pencils rolling in them visible within. Files that he’d nearly kicked, containing lecture notes and worksheets, were shoved into messy piles under the table, unneeded after the conclusion of examinations but having no convenient place to be stored. The tiny shelf sitting on the table still had her Junior College badge housed on one of the layers, silver in colour and reflecting the light from the windows, despite her having no use for it ever since they had graduated in November. (Perhaps she liked looking at it? She was something of a magpie sometimes.) He could spot a familiar conch shell, placed among other knick-knacks, mostly birthday presents.
Picking up the handheld (with its lime green and cyan JoyCons firmly attached), he unplugged the charger and watched the screen light up - and frowned at what it showed him.
"Hey, Colette!" he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. He hoped he could catch her before she entered the bathroom. Uncle Frank was working in the master bedroom no more than five metres away and had been nothing less than incredibly nice, as he always was, providing tons of refreshments and snacks. Lloyd would like to prevent a shouting relay if possible.
If Colette had been walking, she shouldn't have reached the bathroom yet...
The fast pitter-patter of bare feet against the floor informed him that he was right. "What is it, Lloyd?" Colette's head poked its way into the doorframe, her golden hair reaching down towards the floor, her blue eyes wide and questioning.
"You left Animal Crossing on," he answered, waving the Switch in the air.
Her eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh. You know what to do, right?"
Control the playable character and put her to sleep, then save the game. He'd done it before.
"Yeah, but, I was thinking... I haven't taken a walk on your island since last year. How about I take another tour while you're in the bathroom? If you're okay with it, of course."
"Oh, sure! I trust you." Colette smiled sweetly, turning to leave before pausing and turning back. "But remember -"
"- remember not to step on the flowers." Lloyd finished her sentence easily, stating that fact very seriously. He knew about Colette's concerns about her precious flowers, which she’d spent hours arranging around her little island until they were in just the right spot - fields of rainbows to welcome any guests and guide them around. He hadn't known that the stems of the flowers could break from being trampled multiple times when he first explored her quaint world - the fictional flowers were just as fragile as their real-life counterparts. He’d kept that in mind ever since, adding it to the many rules to follow to ensure no harm came to all the hard work Colette had put in to make her island perfect.
"Yep. Um…” Colette wrung her hands together, bowing her head so her hair formed a veil over her face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, taking a step towards her.
“No, nothing’s wrong!” Colette hurriedly replied, lifting her head again. She screwed her eyes shut, hands clenching into fists. “I - uh, just wanted to say… I love you!”
The last three words came out in a shout, so quick that he almost didn’t catch them.
Lloyd froze, trying to process what he’d just heard - and before he could reply, Colette was already gone, having fled down the corridor and out of sight.
He slowly shut his mouth, which he hadn’t even realised was open.
This was the first time she’d said those coveted three words since they'd started dating. Her voice had been dripping with uncertainty, her posture betraying her shyness, but no matter how contradictory, she’d said it with sincerity, with all her heart. And even though he didn't need to hear them from her to know she loved him, for it was actions that counted, and certainly didn't need to hear them from her for him to love her, it still made him smile, his whole soul filled with a light warmth.
They’d travelled such a long way from all the checkpoints in life that they'd passed together. They still had a long way to go, but they’d do it together. As they always had.
"I love you too, silly," he said into empty space, knowing Colette couldn't hear him but wanting to say it anyway.
Lloyd unlocked the Switch screen, staring down at Colette's intricate creation. Flowers filled the screen, black, grey, white, purple, that he found familiar but couldn't put a name to. Oh, well. He would just tour the island and check out any new changes while he walked to the living room and waited for Colette to come back. Maybe he'd visit the town centre as well.
The most vital question to be answered was... Had Colette gotten those froggy chairs that she wanted for the townspeople?
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