#Nandor x reader
hotpinkboots · 9 months
vampires can't digest anything other than blood. most of them have probably forgotten what food tastes like.
that's why they lick the sweet flavored chapstick from your lips when they kiss you.
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thelooneytoon · 5 months
Your camera roll as the Gen Z vampire of the WWDITS Staten Island pod.
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teagballs · 6 months
hi, lovely! i saw you’re taking requests and would love to request a nandor x reader from wwdits! 💞 maybe the house gets a new neighbor and she goes over there one night for cookies to introduce herself and it’s like a love at first sight for him? i would love to see what you come up with! :)
love at first sight - nandor the relentless
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authors note: HIIII loved this request so much oh my god it was so fun to write tysm. i love nandor sm. KEEP SENDING REQUESTS!! im free to write more over the christmas break. i hope u guys have an amazing christmas, love yall.
cw: none! sweetsweet fluff. gender neutral reader. -------------------------------------------------------
You had recently moved into your new home. A comfortable house in a quiet area of Staten Island. It was a lovely place to live. Not too lonely yet not too popular - just how you liked it. After a couple days of moving your belongings into your new home and shuffling them around, you decided it would be best to introduce yourself to the neighbours. Everyone seemed friendly, some smiled on the street as they watched you gracelessly drag your new furniture into the house. You wanted to be involved in the community, make a friend of your acquaintances. So far, you have been successful. Your method? Bringing freshly baked goods to your neighbours. The way into peoples hearts was their stomachs.
After next introducing yourself to the neighbours opposite you - inhabited by a quirky couple named Sean and Charmaine - you were encouraged to talk to the residence on their right.
"Yeah, they're a strange bunch, but some of my best pals! European or somethin'." Sean explained.
According to the pair, there was a group of 5 neighbouring them. They spoke highly of them.
Charmaine cut in, "Oh, but y'know what? I never see them out during the day. They must all work bad hours, I think. You'd be better going in the evening time." Strange, you thought, but only for a moment. This actually worked out better. It gave you more time to prepare some confectionery.
By the time you approached the house, the sky had already faded to an amber and rose colour. The house had an overbearing presence. It was like something out of a book. On the walk to the door, you were greeted with bushes; trimmed and perfected into intricate shapes. Some of animals, some of what looked to be... genitalia? Huh. European. You note the cobble stairs leading up the entry, supported by two pillars. A deep tangerine colour shot from the stained glass windows onto the grass, it didnt seem like it was providing much light in the house as it dimmed and died on the lawn. The whole building seemed to be almost secretive. It was dark, like it was trying to hide away. You took a deep breath, holding your tupperware of cookies close to your chest. You rapped on the door.
After striking the surface of the door, you were met with silence. Then what sounded like a groan? Then a word. Maybe someone's name? You awkwardly shuffle in place as you wait. Finally, you could make out a shape approaching the door. You straightened your posture. The door creaks open, quietly.
"Hi, um, who are you?" The stranger asks in the politest way possible. From what you can make out from the dim lights of the house, he appears to be a shorter, stout man. He's wearing circular glasses and a sweater that reminds you of something your grandfather would wear. It's an overall comforting appearance. Judging the exterior of the house, you were worried someone evil and dark lived there. But that was not the case, it seemed.
You give the man your name, "I just moved in a couple days ago, I'm trying to get to know all the neighbours, I brought these," You awkwardly gesture to the tub of cookies in your hands. The man smiles at you kindly.
"How sweet, I'm Guillermo." He tells you. But before the pleasantries can continue, you are interrupted. The sound of heavy, heavy boots fills your ears. Striding down the hallway.
"Guillermo! Who is it that is at the door! They have awoken me from my slumber far too early!" A gorgeous man with long dark hair stands behind Guillermo now. He looks sleepy, his hair disgruntled. He's wearing some strange attire, nothing like you had ever seen before.
Guillermo gestures towards you, "Our new neighbour came over to introduce themself."
Nandor snaps, "A new neighbour!? Who gives a fuck about..." Oh? Oh.
It was only now that Nandor took notice of who was standing at the door. And how beautiful they were. He tugs on his clothing, trying to make him look presentable.
He clears his throat, "And your name is?" He asks. You note his accent, which makes every word spoken from his mouth seem more lavish and captivates you further. You meet his gaze and tell him your name. You have to pull away, however, fearing that you could get lost in his umber orbs forever and ever. He's fidgeting his hands, you notice. It's adorable. His fingers are looped with an assortment of rings.
"A beautiful name," he remarks, almost to himself. Flustered, it was your turn to fidget now, as you massaged the fabric of your jeans. Guillermo rolls his eyes. He knows.
"I'm Nandor the Relentless," The long haired man tells you. Strange title, but you are too wound up to notice. He could say the most absurd thing, and you will still be enamoured, it seemed.
"I, um, brought cookies!" You exclaimed, snapping out of your trance but a little too excited over some baked goods. Nandor the Relentless matches this excitement, however.
"How wonderful. I will enjoy these later, I imagine they are delicious!" He muses.
Gulliermo mutters to Nandor, "Nandor, you can't even eat human food." And Nandor quickly snaps back, "Shut up," all out of earshot to you, however.
You're dazed. So is Nandor. Even with his 36 wives, he had never felt such a connection. With this, you both found it hard to reach your next sentence. You stammered out, "Sorry if I uh, woke you up, your neighbour said you worked a late shift? So I thought coming in the evening would be better." You smiled.
"Late shift? No, I was slumbering-!" Gulliermo lightly shoves Nandor, to shut him up.
"That's right! Nandor was sleeping, just about to wake up for work." He smiled, covering for him.
Nandor catches on, "Oh! Yes! I have just awoken to start work at my normal human job. At the railroad."
You giggle at his manner of speaking. A railroad worker works late shifts? You had never figured.
"Oh! Cool! Well, yeah, I just wanted to introduce myself to all the neighbours and bring a little gift." You gesture to the cookies again, Nandor takes them finally. Maybe he was a little reluctant to take them from your hands as he worried you would disappear after. Your fingers lightly grazed his, a touch that lasted a little longer than average for such an exchange, but you still wish it continued.
Although you didn't want to leave and it felt like you were being pulled to stay, you decided it would be best not to intrude any longer. Especially if Nandor had to start work soon. "Yeah! So um, I hope to see you 'round. Have a good evening." You flashed another big smile and thumbs up.
"Yes! I do hope to see you around!" Nandor held an even bigger smile at you. It made your heart warm.
You turned on your heel and walked back to your house. It was only then when you were filled with dread. 'Why the fuck did I give him the thumbs up!?" You externally cursed. You were going to overthink this whole exchange all night. God you hoped to see Nandor again. In your heart you knew you would.
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nanawritesit · 11 months
WWDITS Headcanons: You Having the Opposite Aesthetic of Everyone Else at the Vampire Residence (fem!reader)
tw: vampires, blood, corpses, mentions of killing, mentions of virgins, immortality
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you were brought into the house to work as nadja and laszlo’s familiar
after having so many familiars die on the job, they had pretty much lost hope that they would ever find one that was right for them
so when you of all people, with your brightly colored hair, glittery makeup, long nails, and hot pink platform boots, were still around after a few weeks, they knew you were special 💞
of course they had their doubts at first, thinking you were much too soft for the job based on your cute aesthetic, but you surprised them with how tough you were
you had no problem finding them victims, cleaning up blood stains, and disposing of corpses. the promise of eternal life was much too great for you to give up because of some gore
nadja is overjoyed to have another woman in the house, and quickly becomes more of a bestie than a boss (as long as you do all of your duties as a familiar too)
she requires you to attend weekly “girls nights” with her, the guide, and mini nadja, but even if they weren’t mandatory, you’d happily go along
sometimes you’ll get all dressed up and go clubbing, taking everyone’s drinks for them since they can’t ingest human food
you stick out like a sore thumb in your pink sequin mini dress and heels, the rest of them shrouded in black lace, but you have an amazing time regardless. they really know how to party!
but sometimes you just have sleepovers where you watch mamma mia and talk shit about all the men in the house
laszlo didn’t take you seriously at first. he never really saw the appeal of having a familiar, thinking he got along just fine without one, but wanted to please his good lady wife
he could never understand how nandor was so attached to guillermo. he was just some human who followed him around and did his bidding
that was, until you came along
he found it was really nice to have someone to practice his music with, to organize his library for him, to help him into his coffin every night… and after a while he really grew quite fond of you
which scared him, because he knew how fragile human life was
but that only made him want to keep you under his wing more, to protect you until the day him and nadja decided to turn you
they love having you accompany them on their nightly walks, carrying their parasol behind them as they bask in the moonlight
they’re super protective of you, especially from people who assume you’re an easy target because of your looks
like, if anyone tries to mess with you around them, lazslo will yell at them to go fuck off, and nadja will practically go feral and rip their heart out
you’ll have to BEG her not to hurt them for her to even CONSIDER letting them go 💀
nandor pretty much falls in love with you upon first sight
he absolutely adores your style, loving how unique it is compared to anyone else he knows
he tries and fails to flirt with you all the time while you’re working, until nadja eventually yells at him to leave you to your chores, and he’ll scuttle away bc he’s scared of her 😀
he sometimes asks you to do his makeup like yours, saying he wants to “glitter like twilight”
his undead heart stops when you lean close to his face to do his eyeliner 🥺
he desperately wants to ask you out but is terrified of what nadja would do to him should you agree
she thinks you’re MUCH too good for him
he eventually goes to laszlo for help, since he’s such an “expert” on modern women 💀
he agrees to help him, but tells him that if you guys start dating and he hurts you, he’ll kill him 😗
guillermo is honestly just so thrilled to have another human in the house to sympathize with him 😭
the two of you quickly become partners in crime, dragging bodies down the stairs together and recruiting virgins for your vampires to feast on
he also wouldn’t hesitate to slay any vampire who tried to feed on you
you always stick up for him when the vampires aren’t taking him seriously, which helps since they all value your opinion tremendously
nandor gets a bit jealous when he finds out that you and guillermo get lunch together everyday 😭
guillermo admittedly gets a bit jealous when you’re turned into a vampire before he is, but is obviously very happy for you
but since nandor has such a soft spot for you, you’re able to convince him to turn guillermo sooner :) that way you can be a big happy vampire family forever
collin robinson thinks you’re quite entertaining, although he gets frustrated at the fact that you somehow always dodge all of his attempts to drain your energy
when you go out on the town with everyone, you have major scary dog privilege
when you walk by, people see a pretty pink princess 💞
and then they see the three huge, dramatically dressed vampires, one emotionless suited man, and one monster slayer walking behind you and they’re like oh shit nvm 💀
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cyberstrm · 1 year
my pleasure
nandor the relentless x gn!vampire!reader
cws: none!
a/n: i met kayvan novak on saturday at mcm and he was so sweet,,, so,,, nandor brainrot heehee
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you weren't really sure what nandor, your husband, spent his waking hours doing. the time of darkness he occupied lasted usually 8-ish hours, and that felt like a lot of time for someone who didn't have a job or any real responsibilities.
despite his presumably empty night, you hadn't seen much of him, and was craving some well deserved attention.
you looked in every room, and eventually concluded he was in the fancy room. you creaked the door open and smiled when you saw him laying on the sofa, reading an ancient looking book. he looked up, and his fangs showed as he grinned.
"hello, my love!" he beamed, closing his book and sitting up.
"heya." you replied, entering the room fully and sitting next to him on the sofa. he took your hands and kissed your palms softly, savouring your presence.
"did you need something, my little dove?" he asked, his expression soft and inquisitive.
"i just missed you, this house is so big, it feels so empty..." as you said this, you went red, realising how childish it sounded.
"aww." he cooed, cupping a hand to your cheek and stroking it gently with his thumb. "what can i do to make you feel less alone?" he posed this less as a question and more of tease.
you looked away, and he chuckled. he enjoyed flustering you.
"say it, little dove."
"can you kiss me?"
he didn't need to be asked twice. he leant forward and kissed you gently, a hand reaching into your hair. you could feel his fangs against your lips, but he wielded them proficiently as to not hurt you by accident.
he pulled away, a slightly dazed expression on his face.
"you are very nice to kiss." he commented, making you giggle. "can i kiss you again?"
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hi!! if it's ok I'd love to make a request!
please can you write a oneshot with Nandor x reader (fem/gender neutral) where reader is feeling insecure and Nandor comforts them? hoping for something really fluffy and if you're comfortable with writing smut then it'd be amazing (if not then no worries, SFW is fine with me :D)
thank you!!
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Nandor x F!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
This was my first time writing something for WWDITS, and my first time writing something a little spicier. It was a lot of fun. Thank you for the request @just-a-little-cellist
Warnings: NSFW, This is a little more smutty than my usual stuff, so 18+ only please!!
Getting More Familiar
Having recently moved back to the city in search of a fresh start, you found yourself working at the local movie theater without a clear sense of direction. It was during this time that two mysterious figures, dressed in Victorian garb, approached you with an enticing job offer. The prospect of escaping your unfulfilling job and gaining a new place to live seemed too good to pass up. When Nadja and Laszo revealed they were vampires that night, it didn’t faze or shock you at all; it felt entirely ordinary. Reflecting on the encounter, you couldn’t help but wonder if you had fallen under their hypnotic influence. Strangely, this realization didn’t bother you; instead, it added an intriguing layer to your newfound life. 
As Nadja and Laszlo’s familiar, you found yourself responsible for managing the entire household, which included their two roommates. Nadja and Laszlo were low-maintenance, devoting the majority of their free time to activities that Laszlo referred to as “fucking and sucking.” You quickly learned to avoid Colin Robinson, as he never missed a chance to drain your energy–whether through incessant talking or attempting to piss you off. You found Nandor to be your favorite vampire companion, and he, too, seemed to enjoy spending time with you. He shared that his familiar, Guillermo, was currently on a break, and Nandor appeared somewhat lonely.
Nandor relished recounting his human past, regaling you with tales of the villages he relentlessly pillaged and reminiscing about his time as the nation’s Supreme Viceroy. You consistently listened to Nadnor’s stories with genuine interest, asking questions and sharing laughter at his jokes. Despite Nandor’s formidable warrior background, it appeared that the years as a vampire had softened him. What he seemed to need most was someone who would listen and genuinely care about what he had to say. Being that person came easily to you, and you couldn’t help but imagine that Guillermo had played a similar role before his departure. 
You couldn’t deny that Nandor was quite easy on the eyes, though it felt somewhere cliché to admit, considering he was a vampire. His undeniable strength became clear when he assisted you in carrying heavy bodies for disposal. Nandor had long, soft, black hair, and on some mornings, he’d ask you to brush it before he retreated into his casket. When the group ventured into the city at night, he displayed a protective streak, keeping a watchful eye on your whereabouts and warding off other vampires who showed too much interest in you. Though you harbored strong feelings for him, you refrained from admitting it, acknowledging that a 761-year-old vampire likely wouldn’t share your romantic feelings. Despite this, you cherished the moments spent in his company, savoring the connection whenever possible. 
Today unfolded like any other ordinary day, with you rising a few hours before sunset to tidy up the house before the vampires stirred. In the library, Colin sat absorbed in his newspaper, a familiar sight as you diligently dusted the room. It seemed that Colin was perpetually awake, his presence a constant in the early evening routine. Colin prattled on about something from the newspaper, but you didn’t mind, anticipating the upcoming time with Nandor. As you continued to dust, Colin’s chatter ceased, likely realizing his attempts to drain your energy in this way were futile. 
“You know, it’s interesting…” Colin Robinson began, peering out above his newspaper toward you. “Laszlo and Nadja usually have sex with their familiar by now, but they haven’t with you. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with you.” With that, he folded his newspaper with glee and left the room, his eyes glowing blue and a smirk on his face. 
He had gotten to you. The rush of energy left your body as you started to ponder if Colin’s words held truth. What was wrong with you? You never saw yourself as beautiful or sexy, considering yourself cute at best. Memories of past men you liked referring to you as “like a sister” flashed through your mind. Colin Robinson had hit on an insecurity that had lingered for most of your life–you didn’t feel desirable. You were kind and easy to be around, but the realization sank in that there was probably a reason those two vampires wouldn’t have any interest in you. Those thoughts circled in your mind for the next few hours as you continued cleaning the house, leaving you feeling intensely self-conscious by the time the sun set. You made a decision to try to avoid everyone tonight, unless they genuinely needed you. 
You kept yourself busy in the fancy room after greeting Nadja and Laszlo. Fortunately, they made their way to the room with the piano, engrossed in practicing some of their old songs. This allowed you to maintain a bit of distance and focus on your tasks for the night. After an hour, Nandor found you, greeting you with a sheepish smile while idly playing with his fingers. “Oh, there you are,” his voice rang out with his usual, endearing accent. 
You replied with a forced smile, that being the best you could muster while feeling embarrassed for letting Colin Robinson get to you. Despite your attempts to conceal your emotions, Nandor noticed immediately. 
“You’re glum,” Nandor remarked as he sat on the couch, gesturing for you to join him. When you opened your mouth to speak, nothing came out. “Don’t deny it. I can tell.” Feeling vulnerable, you decided to tell him the truth, but you looked to the ground while speaking. “Do Nadja and Laszlo sleep with all their familiars?” 
“Nadja and Laszlo would fuck anything with a pulse,” Nandor chuckled, seemingly misreading the situation completely. “Well, I guess technically they wouldn’t even need a pulse, because we’re vampires.” 
“So Colin Robinson was right. There must be something wrong with me.” You leaned your head back against the couch, tears forming in your eyes. All the past stings of rejection came rushing back in that moment. You glanced over towards Nandor, realizing he looked confused, and you felt silly for allowing yourself to get emotional in front of him. Trying to compose yourself, you sat up, wiped away the forming tears and mustered a weak smile. 
“Why do you think there is something wrong with you?” Nandor asked, genuine confusion painting his face. 
“Colin Robinson said there has to be a reason Nadja and Laszlo haven’t tried to make a move on me. I guess I’m just not desirable in that way… even though I have a pulse,” you said, trying to make a joke out of it now. You realized that Nandor probably wanted nothing to do with this conversation. 
“Fucking guy,” Nandor grumbled, his expression darkening as he glared straight ahead. When he looked back at you, his demeanor softened. “I believe you are incredibly beautiful… and you have a rocking body.”
You didn’t believe a word he was saying, knowing this was most likely just him trying to cheer you up and move on quickly. “Thanks, Nandor, but you don’t have to do that.” 
“I don’t understand. What am I doing?” Nandor questioned, a perplexed expression on his face. 
“Trying to cheer me up, but it’s silly. I”ll get over it.” 
Nandor moved towards you, placing his cold hand against your cheek and wiping the remnant of a tear from your face. “I, Nandor the Relentless, have had 37 wives and even more lovers. I believe you are one of the most beautiful, sensitive, and poetic creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon.” In this moment, Nandor spoke with authority, unlike the shy version of Nandor you usually encountered. 
Inhaling quickly in shock, you looked into Nandor’s dark brown eyes. You stayed silent, unsure if this was a trick or if it was real. 
“If you do not believe you are desirable, I’ll have to show you how desirable I think you are,” he whispered, gazing over you with his eyes. “If that is what you want.” 
You replied with a quick nod, your eyes widening, and your heart picking up speed. Your emotions flooded with longing, and you looked down towards Nandor’s lips. 
Nandor’s lips found yours, his hands firmly holding your face as he drew you in. Closing your eyes, you relished the feeling of his cold lips against yours. A gasp escaped you as his kisses trailed down your neck. Nandor guided you to lay on the couch, his body intimately pressed against yours. You sensed the touch of his cold fingers tracing across your thigh beneath your dress, eliciting a moan from you, muffled by the embrace of his kiss. He momentarily paused, his fingers delicately tracing the contours of your underwear, while looking into your eyes. 
Nandor whispered, uncertainty clouding his face, “Is this truly what you desire?” 
“Yes,” you replied with conviction, “Ever since I started working as Nadja and Laszlo’s familiar, I’ve been into you, Nandor.” 
“How should I put this… it is you who are the person who I am into… too.” His genuine smile grew, while looking down at you. 
With that, you sensed his fingers skillfully maneuvering around the fabric of your underwear, and gasped as his finger rubbed against you. You felt your hips instinctively lift at his touch and you observed him with a gaze filled with desire. As his finger slid inside of you, your eyes closed involuntarily, wanting to commit the sensation of his touch into memory. The soft sound of his chuckle reached your ears, acknowledging your reaction, while he removed your underwear tossing them onto the ground. You then experienced his icy kisses trailing up your thighs before he was between your legs. His tongue and lips provided a heavenly sensation causing you to moan and grind your hips against his mouth. 
“You taste delicious,” Nandor growled. 
Rising from the couch, he stood up, gently pulling you to your feet and enveloping you in a deep kiss. The intensity of the kiss heightened as he pressed you against one of the room’s walls. Effortlessly lifting you up, your legs encircling him, he pressed against you. Your hand descended, deftly unbuttoning his pants, causing him to moan as you led him inside of you. A momentary pause ensued as you locked eyes, desire vividly painting both of your faces. Nandor’s vampire strength proved formidable; he held you aloft, as you began a slow rotation of your hips. Closing his eyes, he emitted a low groan, surrendering to the intensity of the moment. Entwined with Nandor, a genuine feeling of beauty enveloped you, relishing in the pleasure you both felt. The feeling of being desired by Nandor dispelled any lingering doubts Colin Robinson had left in your head. Nandor thought you were sexy and he wanted you. 
“Well, if I”m being honest,” Nandor candidly addressed the camera, “I asked Laszlo and Nadja to not fuck her… because I liked her… I guess I could have told her that, but I think it worked out.” A smirk played on Nandor’s lips as he glanced towards the camera, nervously playing with his fingers. Just then, Nadja’s voice echoed from the other room, causing his smirk to drop. 
“About fucking time you made a move, you big idiot.” 
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just-a-little-cellist · 11 months
WWDITS Preference: When You're Sad/Depressed
(A/N: I've felt my depression flaring up lately (doesn't help that I can't watch the new WWDITS season yet lmao) so this is, as usual, totally self-indulgent. hope you enjoy, and feel free to request more stuff like this :D)
(Includes Nadja, Laszlo and Nandor x gender neutral reader)
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When she notices that you're feeling out of sorts, Nadja is surprisingly compassionate. While not particularly good at talking things through with you, she does try - at the very least she'll let you rant if you need to - and will loudly assure you that to think lowly of yourself at all is ridiculous, I mean, look at you! You're wonderful! Once you're done talking she takes it upon herself to organize a movie night in an effort to cheer you up. Hearing her enthusiastically sing along to the Mamma Mia soundtrack is at worst a good distraction, and at best it'll get you smiling and singing along too.
(It also goes without saying that if a person has caused your sadness, she'll hunt them down without a second thought.)
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Not that he'd do it for anyone else, but Laszlo will immediately sit down to have a conversation with you if he notices you feeling depressed. It hurts him to see you so deflated and he won't stand for it. He will offer advice and affirmations as you talk, and reassures you that you can always confide in him in future if it'll prevent you feeling this way (and, like Nadja, will kill for you if a person caused this).
The same day, he'll compose a song for you on the piano and requests that you sit beside him while he plays it to you for the first time. He'll play that song to you in future whenever you feel down as a reminder of how much he cares for you.
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When Nandor sees that you're feeling depressed, he's very empathetic. He's been through his fair share of it, after all. His methods of helping aim more towards taking your mind off of things and making you smile. He'll take you out somewhere if you feel up to it, dance with you at home if you want to stay in (honestly I'd kill to slow dance with Nandor), and gives you plenty of physical affection.
Everything that he does, he watches your face carefully until he sees you smile and then beams at you like you're his entire world. He will not stop until he's sure that you feel loved and wanted, and on particularly bad days he will go to the lengths of making a glitter portrait for you.
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multifandomfix · 9 months
Imagine getting a kissing lesson from Nandor.
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You were introducing Nandor to the concept of a rom-com, something he was completely foreign to. "What is so funny about romance," Nandor had asked you when you’d explained the genre to him.
You'd just smiled at him and gave him a promise of, "You’ll see."
You got lost in the film, one of your favorites that you practically knew by heart. The one big kiss scene near the end of the movie still always got you to tear up. God how you wished you could have a kiss like that. Just one. You wouldn’t be greedy. Then, and idea struck you.
Surely Nandor, who at one time had thirty seven wives, knew a thing or two about kissing, whereas you were, well…far less experienced and if you ever did get a chance for that once in a lifetime, rom-com kiss you wanted to be ready for it.
"Nandor," you broached, pausing the movie when the thought wouldn’t stop nagging at you.
"Aww, why did you stop? It was just getting interesting," Nandor whined. You cracked a smile, glad he’d been enjoying it at least.
"I wanted to ask you something. You’ve had wives, right?" Stupid way to start, but you were already embarrassed by this whole thing. You were committed to it now, though.
"Thirty seven of them, yes," Nandor confirmed.
"And I assume you kissed them."
"I did."
You let out a tense breath. Here goes nothing. "I’ve…never really been kissed. Not well anyway, not properly. I was wondering if you might teach me. Feel free to say no. You don’t have to—"
"I will teach you," Nandor agreed, readily enough. "But after the film?"
Nandor stared at you expectantly and you cracked a smile. "We can finish the movie first," you agreed. He beamed a bright smile at you and you couldn’t hold back your laugh. You were thankful that the tension in the air dissipated at his excitement to get back to the movie.
While your usual enjoyment of the film had diminished due to your rather preoccupied thoughts, you were still able to enjoy your favorite kiss scene at the end, catching a glimpse of Nandor as he watched it unfold. He looked rather impressed by it. "Is this the type of kiss you are wanting?"
"Well, yes, eventually, but it’s hardly a starting point."
"I disagree."
Before you could protest, Nandor had pulled you up from your chair and stood less than a foot from you. Suddenly, you were nervous. Had this been a terrible idea? You let him put a hand on your cheek as he fixed his gaze onto yours. You hoped he didn’t see the fear in your eyes, as it wasn’t him you were scared of.
You hadn’t realized how deeply you were caught up in his eyes until he closed them and moved in towards you. His well groomed beard tickled your skin for just a brief moment before the sensation was replaced by his lips on yours. They were surprisingly soft. Perhaps only three seconds in you realized that this was it. It was no simple lesson, it was the kiss, and if you were being honest, you couldn’t have asked for a better man to share it with.
For @thetempleofthemasaigoddess
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @ayanthegreat28, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay
Nandor: @locke-writes, @upstartcrow42, @fog-on-the-moon, @gothtrash6969, @akeldamasemele, @i-do-not-live-here
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agaypanic · 25 days
been watching what we do in the shadows and everyone’s so hot
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I need some Nandor the Relentless x reader. I'm obsessed. Plus, Kayvan Novak is HOT!
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
Imagine: Guillermo (Begrudgingly) Introducing You, His Asexual Friend, To Nandor
Relationship(s): Guillermo de La Cruz x gn!(sex averse/neutral) asexual!virgin!reader (platonic), Nandor the Relentless x gn! (sex averse/neutral) asexual!virgin!reader (unspecified)
Warnings: Non-graphic references to sex. Maybe some things that could be viewed as a tad insensitive to aces, but please keep in mind that I’m ace and that this is just light-hearted fluff. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I had this idea when watching the vampire orgy episode. I know that not all of my fellow aces are virgins, and that some are sexually active (good on you for getting that [insert genital/s of preference]). However, I figured it’d be nice to write a WWDITS ace!reader-insert fic, and I also figured having a virgin!reader would be a good premise for a quick, funny imagine. I’m definitely thinking of writing more Nandor x ace!reader stuff in the future so keep an eye out for that or even request some yourself. [Insert obligatory begging for WWDITS requests, because I love everyone in this polycule])
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“Guillermo!” you greeted. Who knew you’d run into him in the party aisle of the supermarket?
You briefly eyed the camera crew who were following him and filming you.
Initially, he smiled genuinely, but faltered when he heard Nandor approach him from behind, remembering the vampire’s presence. However, he managed to promptly plaster the smile back on his face.
“Y/N! Hey...” he replied, his voice trembling slightly.
The unfamiliar man now beside him glanced between the two of you uncertainly, but his eyes finally landed on you. His smile seemed a tad strange, but it was endearing in its own way nonetheless.
“Guillermo,” he said, revealing his foreign accent, though you were more fixated on his eccentric (albeit quite snazzy) outfit. “Who is this?”
“Uh...this is my friend...Y/N.” Guillermo introduced stiffly. He looked over at you. “Y/N, this is...Nandor.”
“My, my, Guillermo,” Nandor murmured. “Your friend smells delectable.”
“Oh, uh, thanks, I guess.” you said sheepishly. “It’s just deodorant, though.”
Nandor looked at you blankly, though he continued to smile. He leaned down to Guillermo, bending his knees awkwardly so his mouth was level with his familiar’s ear.
“Guillermo, why don’t you invite them to the orgy?” he whispered with all the subtlety of a lightning strike. Guillermo’s face fell.
Your eyes widened and you swallowed your saliva.
“An...orgy?” you repeated incredulously. “That’s nice of you...to invite me. But, I’m not really an orgy kind of person. Or a sex kind of person, really.”
Noticing Nandor’s faded smile, you couldn’t help but continue to ramble to this man you barely knew. Heat rose to your cheeks.
“I’m not judgemental!” you blurted, painfully aware of Guillermo’s grimace (though you misinterpreted its meaning). “I’m just asexual...so I’m not really into people...in the sexual way...”
You finally forced your mouth shut.
“Even better.” Nandor declared. 
His smile returned, even wider than before. You knitted your brows.
“You do not have to partake in the sexual intercourse.” he insisted. “You can come...for the food. There will be-”
Once again, he leaned down to speak in Guillermo’s ear. Guillermo stared into the lens of the camera. You glanced over at the camera too.
“Guillermo, what do these asexuals eat?”
Guillermo sighed, but his eyes almost lit up when he realised he may have had a way out of this conversation.
“Garlic bread.”
“No! You know that won’t do.” Nandor hissed at him scornfully. “Fucking guy.
“What else?”
“Cake...” Guillermo conceded through gritted teeth
“Cake?” you repeated. “I’m down for cake.”
Nandor grinned and rubbed his hands together in glee. “Cake you shall have, then.”
Once again, Guillermo, less than happy, sent a glare to the camera.
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teagballs · 6 months
requests + masterlist
requests are currently open! ill write fluff and smut, angst and hurt and comfort. im not comfortable with writing about gore and violence. i don't write for obvious fucked up things such as incest, pedophilia, non-con etc.
what fandoms i write for currently:
• arrested development:
• what we do in the shadows
• it's always sunny in philidelphia
• beetlejuice
• superstore
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liv-does-stuff · 2 years
No because even Harvey ships it
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cyberstrm · 1 year
sleeping with nandor hcs
nandor x gn!afab!human!reader
18+, minors dni!!!! nsfw ahead
very loving when being intimate with you. he can be rough, but it comes from a place of wanting to enjoy and please you rather than simply fucking you
prefers to have you on top so he can look at you and take you in fully
verrrry handy. grips your hips and waist and pulls you onto him, deeper and deeper
he has to physically resist the urge to bite you,,,.,, sometimes he fails,,..,,and you go to sleep covered in bruises and bite marks
"apologies, my little dove, you just look so delicious~"
quiet. annoyingly quiet. he grunts sometimes, especially when he's close, but other than that he's too focused on you to make the effort to moan unless you're the dominant one in which case he is VERY loud
he forgets his strength sometimes and digs his nails into you. you more often than not go to bed BATTERED ,,,.,,,
loves giving you attention and making sure you're satisfied. he's the dominant one, but will do whatever you ask in order to please you
"tell me what you want, my prince."
ok no i take it back he'a an ABSOLUTE bottom sometimes 100%, if you pull or even just TOUCH his hair he becomes such a sub, he absolutely melts and is very whiny
so good at aftercare oh my gOD he insists on doing EVERYTHING for you, he cleans you up, bandages any wounds, brings you snacks, and if things are really messy he'll bathe you and wrap you in a blanket before putting you to bed
"are you cozy, my sweet?"
not a huge fan of cuddles ordinarily but understands that you need a lot of care and attention so will hold you as long as you need, planting kissing all over you
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just-a-little-cellist · 11 months
Masterlist and Requests!
✨1000 Followers Q&A Open!
Requests Open!
Request Rules (please read before requesting!):
I will write headcanons or short drabbles for a specific scenario, or you can request a preference scenario for up to 3 characters from one fandom :)
You can also request for a polyamorous scenario with more than one character from a fandom (e.g. Ed x reader x Stede).
I will write both SFW and NSFW content. All are x reader, and reader can be any gender. Anything NSFW I will write the reader as AFAB (purely because that's all I have experience with and don't want to seem disrespectful).
I won't write for non-con (dub-con is ok), incest, etc, but if you aren't sure then feel free to send me a message to check!
Below is my list of fandoms and characters :) go forth and request!
Our Flag Means Death (pre season 2): Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Izzy Hands.
Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane, Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth.
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield, Kili Durin, Fili Durin, Dwalin.
Lord of the Rings: Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Faramir.
Hannibal (NBC): Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter.
Rick and Morty: Rick C-137, Doofus Rick (J19 Zeta 7).
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor.
Saw: Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm.
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multifandomfix · 1 year
Introducing Nandor To Your Favorite Music Would Include
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Nandor wants to experience all of what makes you, you, so listening to your favorite music with you is definitely a prospect that excites him.
Even if it’s far outside of the music he himself enjoys, he gives it a fair chance.
You’ll be able to watch his face contort into funny expressions as he adjusts to whatever your preferred genre is.
After a song or two, you’ll see him start to get into it a little, bobbing his head or tapping his foot to the beat.
And if only because it’s for you, he’ll soon throw himself into the music and get up and dance, even if his dancing isn’t exactly fitting to the music or that good in general. But as long as you’re willing to dance with him, then he’s happy.
For anon
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Nandor: @locke-writes, @upstartcrow42, @fog-on-the-moon, @gothtrash6969, @akeldamasemele
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