daily-basil · 3 days
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Basil supports everyone this pride month
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om1shi · 2 days
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stuck in a dream
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tobiasdrake · 23 hours
Fun Fact: Even in space, ACAB.
Let's talk about Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman, a somewhat more obscure manga compared to Dragon Ball that Akira Toriyama wrote in its setting.
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For the most part, this is a short and fairly simple story. It's primarily a character drama, with the developing relationship between Jaco and the scientist Omori as its central focus.
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The manga is surprisingly vague about its connections to Dragon Ball for nearly all of its length, until its final chapter. Jaco is here on Earth to thwart some vague threat sent to the planet from a world of hostile aliens. It's only at the end of the manga that we learn he's talking about Goku.
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Galactic Patrol detected an Attack Ball leaving Planet Vegeta and making its way to Earth, so they sent Jaco to... assess the situation and then make a decision about whether or not to do anything.
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In his defense, the Saiyans are the most powerful race in the universe. I can understand why he doesn't want to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. Nobody wants to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. The most that the finest police force in the universe can do against Saiyans is to try and nip them in the bud when they're babies.
It's interesting that Galactic Patrol doesn't have Scouter technology. I wonder if that proprietary? Frieza might have a patent.
But at the same time, I don't want to be too sympathetic to Jaco because. Well. He sucks.
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Galactic Patrol sucks. That's kind of the bit. Jaco is a self-absorbed little shit, utterly devoid of empathy or compassion for the people he polices. He's stranded on Earth right now because he wasn't watching the road while driving.
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Jaco's a prick, but what little we learn about Galactic Patrol as a whole doesn't make them sound much better.
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This one time Jaco accidentally pressed the Extinction Bomb when he wasn't supposed to and wiped out a planet. Hoo boy, was his boss mad! Gave him a real talking to before giving him another Extinction Bomb and putting him back on patrol.
Universe isn't going to police itself, y'know. Someone's gotta be out there very occasionally trying to stop those real estate genocides.
For his part, Jaco's in it for the aesthetic. He likes the image of being a cop, and he spends his time practicing looking cool for when he presumably dispenses justice upon the criminal element.
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But his interactions with the common people are filled with condescension and menace.
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Like I said, this is the bit. Jaco is a self-important thug with a badge, with the initial conflict stemming as much from trying to keep him from doing something awful to the community under his jurisdiction as from trying to solve his problem.
Ostensibly here to protect Earth from the impending arrival of a Saiyan threat, he is as much a threat to this community as the invader he's here to assess. Without Omori there to guide him, he'd be killing people left and right.
He fits in pretty well with the cast of Dragon Ball, many of whom at least begin their tenure with a degree of amorality to them. Omori himself is a bitter misanthrope ironically thrust into the position of having to convince Jaco not to kill people.
And then there's the manga's biggest Dragon Ball connection: The introduction of Tights.
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Any reader who's been picking up on the Dragon Ball-ness of this universe will know immediately where Tights came from. Her name pun gives the game away. Just like how the final chapter clarifies Jaco's target as the young Goku, we get to see the familiar faces of Tights's family as well.
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Bulma basically solves the entire plot singlehandedly.
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Even as a little kid, the universe's greatest heretic remains unparalleled in the field of game-breaking super-intelligence. Bulma OP do not nerf.
Again, this speaks to how little of the manga is actually about the plot. If this were a story-driven manga, having a character from another manga show up in the final issue and solve the plot in the span of two pages would be pretty disappointing. But since the plot is just an excuse to make these characters interact with one another, it doesn't really matter.
We aren't here for the story; We're here for the relationship between Jaco, Omori, and Tights. With that in mind, Baby Bulma waddling up and going "I fixed the spaceship; Are you stupid or something?" is hysterical.
For her part, Tights lives up to her family legacy of being super-brilliant.
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She graduated from college at 16. She's a genius like the rest of the family. What she's not is interested in science and technology. Possibly as a justification for why we've never heard of her before, Tights goes against the mold for her family.
She honestly seems like something of a free spirit. She lives in East City when we meet her, famously the city that Nappa wiped off the map, while Capsule Corp and Bulma's family are out in West City. Rather than a scientist, she works as a body double for a famous pop idol.
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As a publicity stunt, they're going to launch an idol into space. Tights's job is to impersonate the idol so she can die in the inevitable disaster instead. She is bizarrely chill with being paid a huge sum of money to get stupidly killed. Much like Bulma, Tights has a terrible sense of self-preservation and is willing to take on incredible risk for the sake of achieving a personal goal.
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Tights is the best character in the manga. An aspiring sci-fi novelist who agreed to probably die in space for the sake of the experience. This family gives zero fucks.
And then there's Omori himself.
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Despite its title, Omori is basically the main character of this manga. He's the one whose life situation is most heavily scrutinized. This is his status quo that Jaco and Tights enter. Similarly, Omori is the character who undergoes personal transformation as his experiences with Jaco and Tights help him find hope in connections with other people again.
The three characters click really well together. So well, in fact, that Dragon Ball would end up recycling the setup of Super Alien/Crotchety Old Man/Spunky Young Woman for one of the best dynamics they ever wrote.
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This is not a copy/paste; Cheelai, Leemo, and Broly are all distinctly separate characters. but you can still feel the barebones aesthetic of Tights, Omori, and Jaco in their dynamic.
So. Yeah. Overall, for what it is, it's a cute little short story about a group of characters just living lives in the world of Dragon Ball. It's the kind of thing that the franchise needs more of, and still does to this day: An opportunity to flesh out the universe a little but also just to let us live in it through the eyes of someone else.
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coal-cipher · 19 hours
They hate it
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fishysplayhouse · 1 day
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How do ppl be so cool on tumblr? x[
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smolbrey · 3 days
OMORI Animation - Do You Want To Jump?
Also available on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lUdCWk0_A8
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obtusewafflee · 2 days
Better late than never
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atomicstarcat · 1 day
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Give the boy a prize, he’s taller than a 16 year old!🎉
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But, well… you can’t beat them all…
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Proud buff basil advocate💪 I’d like to think he can take out all of the Hooligans. He’s just nice enough to have mercy.
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floofery · 2 days
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recently played through Boss Rush again and holy hell I forgot how cool that update was so uh... have the batshit gays for this pride month!
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dazedsies · 3 days
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numberonejenny · 3 days
"Everything is going to be okay..." Art of my favourite character from OMORI :)
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daily-basil · 2 days
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rain-and-jellyfish · 3 days
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oh okay kill me
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spicesnorter · 3 days
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gardensnakie · 2 days
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who am I to deny such a request @nav-i-nav
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pineappleciders · 1 day
wowie! it's officially my 16th birthday!! i'm the same age as kel omori!!!
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tysm to everyone, this is a lil emotional just because i think i've updated my age twice now on this page? meaning it's been close to 2 years now since i created pineappleciders. does anyone remember my OG basil pfp with the flowers or grass as the banner.
mooties followers followed ily all, i've made some awesome friends here and seen beautiful artwork. i rlly love being apart of a community like this, so far tumblr seems to be the best social media for me!! 600 followers away from 5000 is absolutely insane to me too. tysm to everyone i love you all!!!
remember your daily click!
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