th3-0bjectivist · 10 days
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“Planetary Nebula” – Animated painting
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zytes · 3 months
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odds n’ ends
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......soooo like
coffee shop au on ferrix anyone?
velcinta september day 26: ferrix
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neo-wolfe · 1 year
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Happy Lesbian Week, I made a flag with colors pulled from Agent 24 🧡💛🤍💗❤️🦑🐙
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
SFX instructor: ok so i can put the tooth casting stuff away for now, we're not going to need it for a while
SFX instructor: unless you guys want fangs?
me and my classmates, immediately: FUCK yeah we want fangs!!
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bobzora · 6 months
making the bold choice of using Four whole colors in bad-end-animatic's palette
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
Let People On Food Stamps Eat Hot Meals
Particularly on cold, rainy days (like today), while unhoused, sometimes all I want is a hot meal but it’s so difficult (if not impossible) to cook outside in the rain.
On top of this, I’m physically disabled and chronically ill. Medically, I’m supposed to have assistance with making meals as part of in home care. But I can’t get in home care without a home.
I just finished making dinner for my partner and I, it took 2 hours (3 if you include clean up). My knees are burning, my back is aching in it’s core, I feel like I’m about to faint, and all my joints are screaming. But it’s the only way we could have a hot meal today and get some protein, which is vital for our health conditions.
People judge us for using what little funds we have on McDonald’s some days. Because sometimes, it’s the only hot meal we’ve had in days. And sometimes I’m physically unable to stand, move, and do all the actions needed to cook. Or I faint while cooking. Or the rain doesn’t let up. Or we don’t have access to a kitchen for the day. Or the fire danger outside is too high. The list goes on.
Without my own kitchen to use, I don’t get to sit down while I cook (right now, everything is wet from the rain), I can’t meal prep, I can’t stock up on freezer meals, I can’t use an oven or a microwave to reheat leftovers, I can’t just reach across the kitchen for a fridge item (we have a small amount of fridge space friends let us use), everything about cooking is exponentially harder.
And even if I had 24/7 access to an accessible, full kitchen, it’s not even physically safe to cook my own meals. Even then, having a pre-made, hot, ready-to-eat meal could keep me safe and give me independance.
And all the safety needs for hot meals aside, emotionally, hot meals are also life saving and comfort. Meals are a part of community, culture, love and art.
So many gatherings we have as communities center around food. Most people in the United States would think of ones that often hold great value to Western culture. Mother’s Day breakfast. Spaghetti fundraisers. Wedding cakes. Birthday dinners. Bake sales. Carnival treats. BBQs on weekends. Holiday roasts. Lunches with friends. Casseroles brought to grieving neighbors.
Our world revolves around food.
I firmly believe that no poor person could ever “take advantage” of a system designed to feed us by using food stamps on hot food. This restrictive rule serves no purpose but to punish the most vulnerable of poor people— unhoused, disabled, and those of us living in unsafe conditions.
It also serves to restrict our access to joy and comfort. The joy can sometimes come from the food itself, but also the joy from having shared experiences solidified by the sounds of laughter and forks clinking on plates. The comfort can sometimes also be from the food itself, but also the experience of being loved and cared for while your close friend brings you pizza from your favorite restaurant because you lost your drive to eat three weeks ago and they worry about you. They know you. Those slices of pizza bring color back into your world.
Poor people deserve to be able to have the comfort, joy, and care that goes into a hot meal. We deserve the autonomy to choose foods that are best for us ourselves. We deserve to be able to eat in ways that are accessible to us.
Above all, we deserve access to hot meals.
Originally posted to my blog on 6.3.22
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forduary · 4 months
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Forduary 2024 is almost upon us!
And this year, it shall run from February 1 - March 11!
And now, the themes/prompts!
~The Life of Stanford "Grunkle Ford" Pines~
Week 1 - Childhood and School years (Everything up to college) Week 2 - College and Researcher years (Everything from college up to his entrance into the multiverse) Week 3 - Portal Years (Everything from his time in the multiverse) Week 4 - Return to Gravity Falls and beyond (Everything from the moment he returned to Gravity Falls and into the future)
More info under the cut:
Since time got away on us older mods and we've been otherwise occupied we decided to head straight into announcing themes for this year. We apologize for not running a poll but we've recruited extra help and will aim to be better in the future!
That said, the available mod positions have been filled! Thanks again to everyone who volunteered and to our two new mods!
For this year's themes/prompts, pick anything you'd like to represent those times in his life - multiple things if you want!
As usual, they are merely here to help you create so feel free to ignore them and do your own thing if you have other ideas! Also, time is an illusion so no worries on sticking to the schedule too strictly. Anything tagged with Forduary and posted during the event, as long as it features him and meets the guidelines (see below), will be reblogged. And also as usual, if we haven't reblogged one of your creations within 24 hours, please let us know so we can share it!
As for the above mentioned guidelines:
All forms of media are accepted. Comics, memes, fics, art, videos, etc.
Please keep your creations at around a PG-13-ish rating. Basically nothing too extreme in gore, violence, or NSFW content.
Ships are fine but please steer them away from in/cest and adult/minor content. Also, since it has been a source of turmoil in the fandom and this is meant to be a fun space, we won't be reblogging Bill/ford content.
Now, go forth and create! And check out @stanuary if you haven't already! Art by @fexiled (sketch and planning) and @rum-and-shattered-dreams (line art and colors)
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thechekhov · 5 months
How often would you say that you draw comics and art while also focus on the other things in life; work, family, etc?
Like, for example, if you had an exact number of minutes, hours, or days of drawing, what is an estimate per day or week? I'm just curious.
Honestly, it's difficult to count since my workweeks tend to vary based on the season but here's a quick example:
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I don't work full-time at this point but I do have an hour commute both ways, and because I'm on a salary, I'm sometimes forced to stay overtime, meaning that my entire day is just sleep-eat-work-eat-sleep in that order, with nothing else that really happens that day.
During non-work days, most of my non-work time is..... art-work time!
And by that I mean that if I'm not washing the dishes, running an errand or spacing out, I'm drawing.
When do I play video-games or watch shows? I don't.
When do I spend time with friends? I don't.
Not unless it's specifically scheduled, such as when someone visits from far away. I have about 1 hour of social stuff set aside each week because I participate in a taiko group in the city I work at.
When I count it up, my art stuff ends up being anywhere between 30 -35 hours each work. My part time job is supposed to be 24 hours (not counting the commute), but often ends up going over. And I usually need another 5 hours each week to take care of the back-end office stuff - scheduling posts, managing Patreon, answering asks and planning future stuff.
I will admit I would not be able to do that if it were not for the kindness of my partner, who takes care of most of the cooking and cleaning, and often ends up cooking me things to eat:
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I appreciate him and his commitment to keeping me alive very much
Also, just to be clear: I am not pretending that this is not a good work-life balance.
It it just the balance that works for ME, personally. I think most people would find this...less great.
I do not go out for coffees with pals. I do not watch new series, and I do not partake in social events. This is something I am fine with, but I know many other people would find my life incredibly repetitive and boring.
Actually, looking at this math laid out, I am quite disappointed in not being able to accomplish more with the 30 hours I have per week. But...the reality is that aside from running the comic on my Patreon and doing random personal doodling on my main blog, I'm also often trying to do other projects in the background that I don't feel like sharing until their completion.
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The reality is, I enjoy this load, though. I make it work for me, and I'm getting to do stuff I like AND make money for myself and my partner! So I'm fine with it. I'm not actually dying from exhaustion.
It's just hilarious when I sometimes get asks going "Hey, have you played that latest 130-hour-long videogame? :)" followed by a swift "I wish you would post comics daily again :((( I want more arrttttt" like kids, you can't have both, I don't know what to tell you.
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th3-0bjectivist · 12 days
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“Spatial Cataclysm” - Animated painting
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vamptember · 2 months
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Welcome to MerMay - Vampire Chronicles edition! Vampire lovers, please join us in celebrating another category of mythological creatures and monsters: mermaids, sirens, rusalkas, selkies, and so on, combined with the VC characters we know and love all month long! 🫧🐠
Create fic, art, playlists, moodboards, photo manipulations, and anything else you can think of that relates to the theme of bodies of water and their inhabitants! 💙
Base it on the characters of the books, the movie, the show, the musical, or even that other movie! Genderswapped and trans versions welcome! Whatever ships, pairings, genres, tropes, and ratings you feel like doing! 🐙
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
1. MerMay VC will run for 4.5 weeks with each week featuring FOUR THEME PROMPTS and a bonus FREE SPACE prompt where anything in the spirit of MerMay goes! Prompts can be interpreted as SFW or NSFW — go nuts! Pick one or combine them or rearrange them, it's up to you!
2. Tag your posts #vamptember so that we can reblog! We'll be staggering out our reblogs throughout the month so that we can make the mermaid magic last longer! ✨ If your post isn't showing in the tag please don't hesitate to send us the link in our ask box! Delayed submissions are always welcome!
3. As of 4/24/24, our ao3 collection is now live!
4. Follow @vamptember to see everyone's incredible creations and keep up with our latest fandom events! Our sister blog @priapus-at-the-gate will also be a hosting an exclusively NSFW MerMay event, so feel free to give us a follow there as well for more fun stuff coming soon! And as always, let us know if you have any questions about anything, we're here for you!
𝕿𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉! 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙! 🪼
WEEK 1 (May 1 - 7)
fishing net / stuck on land / gore / pearl / FREE SPACE
WEEK 2 (May 8 - 14)
lighthouse / curse / knots / thalassophobia / FREE SPACE
WEEK 3 (May 15 - 21)
sea cave / pirates / specimen / myth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4 (May 22 - 28)
rescued / song / bioluminescent / depth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4.5 (May 29 - 31)
tentacles / under the moon / eggs / shipwreck / FREE SPACE
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
Most small towns have a museum. Sure, they might not be ornate, enormous buildings filled with art. Once you pass a certain amount of people there's going to be some kind of hoard of historical items. We just naturally want to be able to tell future folks that we were here, that the things we did mattered, and here's where we came from, as evidenced by this old plaque, and a blurry photograph of the lady who got mysteriously murdered on this very night exactly 100 years ago.
One thing that almost all of them are lacking is a suit of armour. See, suits of armour are a big thing in museums in cartoons. Whenever you see Scooby-Doo investigating someone stealing t-rex bones, those crazy teens always somehow manage to end up over in Late English Medieval History and hide in a suit of armour. This is probably because suits of armour are fun for cartoonists to draw, and extremely time consuming for local, small-town cranks to fabricate.
Me, I live in a big city, and that means the museum has some very strict standards for what it accepts into its collection. Items have to be "historically significant," or at least not some random garbage that I welded together. They've got a suit of armour. It doesn't come from here: the museum has it because the queen gave us one when she visited. It's part of our history, sure, but only by accident, in the same way that you can't throw away an ugly vase from your mother-in-law because she expects to see it every time she visits on Thanksgiving.
A couple miles outside of the city limits, though, is a small town that I frequently visit. There's many reasons: it's close to affordable rural junkyards, the people are generally friendly to random folks showing up and pretending to have been invited to the barbecue, and the sheriffs are too busy ripping by on the highway to stop in and write exhaust tickets. Their museum fucking sucks, though. It absolutely rots. For starters, it's more of a "drinking hall" than a museum. Any mementoes of the town's last couple of centuries are just loosely nailed to the wall, without even an explanatory label stuck into the picture frame explaining who these ancient folks are. They needed a docent.
All this is to say that it really wasn't that hard to weld together a suit of armour. I had a lot of leftover bicycle fenders from the big internet company that went bankrupt. Burying the suit of armour, waiting a few weeks, and then digging it up was way more work, especially since I had to work silently so as not to arouse the suspicions (and indirect fire) of the good townspeople I was about to scam. Scam them I did, however. If you're in the area, come on down to the local museum. You can tell which one it is by the old, leaking Plymouth parked out front, in the "reserved for docent" 24/7 parking space.
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soleilonthesun · 9 days
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May 24, 2024 In the center of Harbin, the city of coastal China, there was an exhibition of Japanese and Chinese anime. The exhibition was a week ago – or possibly more. At the Harbin 2024 exhibition, we meet cosplayers, anime fans in general, gamers, etc. Being a reporter, I realized that this exhibition was in early May, where everything becomes a space spread throughout the city of Harbin. Exhibitions, activities, talks, projects and proposals related to the ninth art are hosted. Leaving this aside, we have our favorite BLLK characters, making a cameo in the second season - which will be in October 2024 -. Of course, the cosplayers did a good job. Seeing our beloved selfish footballers on stage gives us excitement. Especially to characters that are not yet in the anime, like Oliver Aiku or Hiori Yo. Definitely, I hope to go to China and take photos with them. I feel like this exhibition has been quite fun! Your reporter never seen before, Soleil
Link: https://m.weibo.cn/search?containerid=100103type%3D1%26q%3DBlue%20lock%20cosplay
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 14 days
This week I have mostly been reading...
May 13-19th, 2024
New idea I've had, and hopefully something I'll have time to do once a week on a Sunday. Over the past seven days, I have devoured the following Good Omens fanfics, and I recommend these most heartily to you:
Completed works I've read this week:
Boyfriend Debut by snae_b Rated E - A & C are both porn actors. It sounds seedy. It's not. Holy Hell, it's not. It's one of the hottest things I've ever read, but also so, so sweet and delightful.
They Drink Tea At The End by @knifeforkspooncup Rated T - After a year spent in Heaven, A returns to C in the bookshop completely and utterly overstimulated in every sensory capacity. A wonderful, sweet story of them truly knowing each other and an excellent example of how the fandom relates to GO in so many beautiful ways.
Pay Per View by IneffableToreshi Rated E - A lovely story set in Canada, full of our so frequently seen miscommunication between A & C. And, as the author says: "Also, why the fuck is Aziraphale watching porn in their hotel room?! And taking notes?!"
Cranking Up The Heat by @vavoom-sorted-art Rated E - Well, the title says it all, really. And the fic's description: "The equivalent of that hot wings challenge, but with porn." Don't really want to say much more, as you've gotta see it to enjoy it.
On The Same Page by Chekhov Rated E - A fake marriage fic with Only One Bed. A & C are both authors, but two very different ones. Excellently written with very vividly described mental struggles with internal homophobia & self loathing.
A Model Guardian by Fuuma_san Rated E - As a former model, I found this fic really interesting. I'd genuinely love to know what the author's tie/experience in the industry is. C is a model, A is their bodyguard. An interesting tale which involves some great discussion on gender.
In The Room Where You Sleep by @mrghostrat Rated E - Another banger by ghostrat, posted in its entirety this week. In a reversal to many other fics I've seen, A is a vampire and C is a vampire hunter. *Homer Simpson voice* With sexy results. ;)
WIPs which have updated this week (which I devour as soon as I get the update!)
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out by @phoen1xr0se Rated M - A is a researcher (puffins!), C is a lighthouse keeper on the island where A has run away to to escape his problems and do his research. The author has recently spent a week studying puffins - which is the ultimate dedication, if you ask me. Ch 9/26 posted this week
Find The Light by @klikandtuna Rated E - Headmaster A and Rockstar C. The story teases out a fraught history between them whilst keeping a tension between them in the modern day. Ch 4/? posted this week.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley Rated T - Astronaut A is guided back to Earth by controller C after 92 years in space. There are many difficulties both of them have to face and they develop an amazing rapport. Ch 15/17 posted this week.
Oddity by @tsyvia48 Rated E - Actor C is contracted by (useless) Gabriel to guest curate an exhibition at the museum where A works. After getting off on the wrong foot, can they work together to pull off this show? Ch 22/24 posted this week.
Under The Summer Stars by @pannotbread Rated E - This wonderful fic has taught me more about physics than school ever did (mostly because I never did any physics, but...well). A & C have to share their time at an observatory because there is Only One Telescope. Not only will you learn about astrophysics, astrobiology, and astroecology, you'll also read some of the most poetically, beautifully written masturbation scenes I've ever seen. *ahem* Ch 6/13 posted this week.
Free by well, me: imposterssyndrome Rated E - A & C meet (again?) in an acute mental health ward after both having had mental health crises. A runs a bookshop but is very much under his parents' control. C has been homeless since childhood and has struggled his entire life. They do not trust each other when they first meet, but feel strangely drawn to one another all the same. Where will this lead them? This is a passion piece for me. There is a lot of lived experience in it, and extensive research from both professionals and peers. It has been a real journey for me to write it, and as I'm coming closer to the end it's becoming very emotional for me. Ch 43/? posted this week
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ashonheavenscloud · 2 years
Beautiful || Bang Chan
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Beautiful || Bang Chan for kinktober
warnings: dom!chan/sub!fem!reader, praise, breast play, teasing, mirror kink, fingering, back-to-chest, ice play!!
word count: 3.2K
🎧: beautiful - hyunjin’s unreleased song that i am DESPERATE to be released😩
Your apartment had never been as beautiful as it was tonight.
Candles flickered from their place on table tops, the coffee table, and one even hung from the ceiling in a glass jar, held up by a metal hook. The stand up mirror in the corner of the living room had been strung with fairy lights, and the curtains had been drawn shut. You’d dimmed the lights, set the table with a pretty green tablecloth and even brought out the seasoned wine you’d been waiting on for a while now, waiting for the right occasion. Beside each glass stood cups of ice cold water and sprigs of mint and lemon- you were pulling all the stops out tonight.
And Chan, your fiance, coming home from his business trip after nearly three weeks away from home, seemed celebration enough.
Your heart was in your throat, nerves dancing like a swarm of butterflies in your chest. There wasn’t a word to explain how much you’d missed him. He filled your life in every aspect- his touch, his words, his smile- and you couldn’t believe you’d lasted almost a full month without his presence beside you. Phone calls and video chats had been as frequent as possible, but they weren’t at all the same as him actually being here.
But tonight, you wouldn’t be seeing him through a screen and hearing his voice through a speaker. He’d be back home, back to you, in… you checked your phone for the time: 8:24 pm.
Any minute now.
He’d called half an hour ago to let you know that his flight had landed safely and he would catch a taxi home. You’d immediately set to work, prepping food to go in the oven later, decorating the place, and making sure you were wearing one of his oversized shirts. You knew he loved when you wore his clothes.
Your plan for the night was relatively simple- a nice meal of chicken stir-fry and store bought egg rolls, where you could catch up on the missed time, you would watch your favourite show (and hopefully pay attention to none of it), which would of course lead to a heavy make-out session, complete with sex and cuddling in bed. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep next to him again.
The stage was set. Everything was ready.
And as soon as Chan stepped through the door, it all fell apart.
You weren’t even granted a moment to speak before he’d dropped his suitcase on the ground, rushed to you and kissed you, hand slipping around the back of your neck to pull you to him, tilting your head just the right way to have your body tingling. You couldn’t help but sigh, relaxing into the kiss, threading a hand through his hair before he pulled back, a smile bright on his face.
“Oh my god, I missed you.” He whispered, thumb brushing your cheek, like he was touching a piece of art. The action made you want to scream. Somehow, the space between had made him ten thousand times more beautiful in your eyes now that he was back. You took in his messy curls half hidden with a beanie, the jeans and plain black shirt that dressed his body, the faint stubble on his cheeks, often the result of busy weeks. Every bit of him was gorgeous.
“Me, too.” You whispered, playing with his curls, appreciating the feeling of them between your fingers after so long. Out of all the things you’d missed during Chan’s trip away, it was this closeness, this intimacy, that had been missed the most. Feeling him, feeling connected to him. You wanted nothing right now more than to kiss him and feel him, the boy you’d missed like he was a very part of your body, and extension of your heart.
It was almost like he could read your mind- his lips were back on yours, and dinner and your show and a follow-up of cuddles and the entire plan was tossed out the window. You couldn’t focus on anything but the enthusiasm of his kiss, at the desperation in it. Clearly, you hadn’t been the only one missing and craving touch.
“Miss me that much?” You giggled against his lips, and the way he looked back at you gave you wild butterflies.
“Every day.” He whispered, kissing you again, and mumbling against your lips. “You have no clue how much.”
His kisses quickly turned feverish, as his body guided you back, sitting you on the arm of the couch. Your hands found their way through his locks, the beanie slipping to the floor as you pressed him closer to you, making him grunt into the kiss, hands on the back of your neck. “God-”
His lips slipped to your jawline, snappy kisses heating up your body. His fingers slipped between your shoulder and your shirt, pulling the fabric up and over your head in one swift movement. Your body tingled as his eyes roamed your skin, hands wasting no time to discard your bra and move to fondle your breasts. He cupped them and squeezed, releasing to enjoy the way they bounced. You couldn’t tear your eyes away as he played with them, leaning in to capture one of the buds between his teeth. The wet feeling of his tongue on your nipple was divine, your head tipping back as you bit your lip to hold back a moan.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty and perfect.” He groaned, teasing the nipple further. You whined, toes curling, body writhing at the intensity of the feeling. He chuckled, hands finding your hips to keep you in place for him as he slowly sucked.
Your eyes rolled shut, swirls of pleasure tingling through your body and finding their way to your clenching core, desperate for his touch inside of you. You made that clear by winding your legs around Chan’s midsection, pleased to feel the boner under his pants. You palmed it over the fabric, rewarded with a buck of his hips and a harsh groan as he released your nipple.
“I…” his eyes raised to yours, heavy and dark. “I’m afraid I have to ruin your plans for the night.”
“Please,” you wound your arms around his neck, pressing a slow kiss to his lips. “Be my guest.”
Without another word, Chan picked you up, arms securely under your ass- and then he was kissing you again, no less needy than before. You softly moaned into the kiss, addicted to the warmth of his body against your skin. You couldn’t wait for him to be even closer, and it seemed like Chan had the same opinion. He didn’t waste time discarding his jeans and shirt and finding a spot on the couch, hands gripping your waist as you straddled his hips and pressed against his chest.
From here the kiss turned into pure heat. Sloppy and open mouthed, while Chan’s hands slipped up to tease your nipples with harsh rubs. Your legs closed tighter around his thighs at the heat spreading to the pit of your tummy, making Chan grin as he subtly lifted his hips, letting you feel the hard boner straining against his boxers and staining them with precum.
“Shit,” You moaned, with a small laugh. “You’re going to drive me insane one day.”
He flashed you a cheeky grin, before leaning forward and kissing each of your breasts gently. Then he pulled back, eyes glancing around the room.
“You really went all out.” He whispered, eyes sparkling in the dim light. You smiled shyly, but he didn’t seem to notice, eyes fixed on something else that had caught his attention.
After a few seconds, he blinked, and turned back to you. A slow smile crept up his lips, and then he hovered over you, slipping kisses up and down your shoulder.
“I know exactly what to do with you tonight.”
His sultry tone threw your mind into a spiral and had you clenching around nothing. All your attention latched onto him, the rumble of his voice, the glint in his dark eyes. “W-what?”
His smile was almost devilish as he kissed your lips, dragging at your bottom lip when he pulled away. “Let me make you feel good.” He whispered.
His lips descended on your skin, kissing down your chest, over your breasts and down to your navel. In the meantime, his hands undressed you, discarding your shorts and panties, spreading you wide for him. You shivered as the cold air greeted you, and for some reason, that seemed to make Chan grin.
“Not for long.” You responded cheekily, and Chan giggled.
His mouth trailed back up your body and connected with your lips. His one hand rushed to thread through your hair and pull you close, the roughness of his touch making you softly moan into his mouth, greeted by the poke of his tongue as he messily kissed you. Your hands quickly began to tug at his locks, hips subconsciously grinding against his right thigh desperately for friction against your aching, tight core.
Chan grunted when a particular grind came in contact with his girth, and pulled away, eyes locked on yours. His voice was low when he told you, “Turn around.”
Heart thrumming with excitement, you did what you were told as Chan discarded his boxers and you settled back on his lap, back pressed to his chest, ass resting over his hard dick. The feeling made your core clench around nothing.
Chan’s mouth found your shoulder, sucking on the skin and leaving a sting with each blooming red mark. You groaned at the feeling, head lolling against his shoulder. At this Chan shook his head, one hand coming up to grip your chin and make you face forward.
“Look,” he said, and that’s when you noticed the mirror; lit up with fairy lights, and perfectly angled to hold your image in the glass. You looked like a mess, but even more so- even hotter- so did Chan. His curls were wild on his head, toned body already slightly sweaty, lips red from kissing you. You watched almost trancelike as Chan slipped a hand under your breast and squeezed, while the other found its way between your legs to spread them out.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful.” He whispered, lustful eyes meeting yours in the reflection, as he leaned down to place a slow wet kiss to the crook of your neck. You shivered at the touch, the need in your sex nearly unbearable by now. 
“Fuck, Chan-”
He didn’t respond, simply sliding his fingers between your folds, the feel of his fingers like electricity. You inhaled sharply, curling into Chan, who grinned.
“You must have really missed me, considering how fucking soaked you are.” He teased, leaning forward to take your earlobe in his mouth, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive spot. You whined, impatient, but Chan was always a good multitasker. His thumb rubbed between your slit, finding your clit and gently pinching it between his fingers. You hissed, writhing, and his other hand moved down to hold your hips in place.
“Stay still, baby.” He murmured, and you obeyed as his hand dipped further, and he eased his first finger into your pulsing core. 
Your eyes watched in the mirror as your pussy swallowed him desperately, and the image made your skin burn at how filthy it all was, how absolutely dirty the two of you looked already. Chan’s eyes stayed fixed on you in the reflection while he slowly began a pace, pleasuring your body with every rub of his finger against your slick walls. You struggled to keep your head up, small moans bubbling up your throat as his other hand slipped back up to palm your nipples.
“Good girl.” He whispered, eyes never leaving yours as he slowly leaned forward and languidly mouthed and sucked at your neck, pace rapidly speeding up. Your moans came out broken as he added another two fingers in one go, curling his fingers just so. You whimpered at the feeling, heatwaves rushing through your body and straight to your core.
“Feel good, babygirl?” 
“Yes, god-” you broke off into a moan when his thumb started to rub on your clit. “Perfect.”
Chan offered a slow, wet kiss to your shoulder before pulling his fingers out completely. You whined at the sudden emptiness, catching his gaze in the mirror. “C-chan-”
Wordlessly, he reached beside the couch, and you watched with a frown as he grabbed one of the glasses of water resting on the side table. You watched with uncertainty as he reached into the glass to pick out a cube of ice, about the size of a marble.
Instantly you knew what was about to happen- this wasn’t your first time with ice play. Your core jolted at the anticipation, as Chan brought the glassy piece of ice to rub it over your inner thigh. The cold was shocking to your system, and you jerked, hastily gripping at Chan’s wrist. He chuckled, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear, grinning. “Relax, baby.” He whispered, cooing.
Your breaths came out shaky, wild excitement pulsing through your body as Chan rubbed circles over your thighs with the frigid cube of ice. With every swirl, he brought the piece of ice closer and closer to your throbbing core, clenching needily. And then at last, he slipped it between your folds, making you gasp at the cold. Chan’s lips were attached to your body again, slipping to the other shoulder to kiss and tongue over the skin; but his eyes- his fucking eyes- never left yours in the mirror, as he pressed the ice further, deeper, entering your hole.
And god, it was glorious.
The freezing sensation was overwhelming, but the slick wetness of the cube soothed and pleasured your walls in ways that had your eyes glazing over, mindless whines tumbling from your lips. Chan paused his movements, as the ice simply sat there, melting in your pussy, trickling slowly out- and it was agonizing, how little and how much it gave you at the same time, as you tossed your head back, moaning. “Chan, fuck-”
“I know, my love.” He gently kissed your jawline, voice gravelly and quiet. “Feels good, doesn’t it, beautiful?”
“Fuck, fuck yes-” You groaned, squirming, but Chan’s hands quickly gripped your waist to keep you still.
“I got you,” he whispered, and his fingers were back, slipping into you to join the mess, and beginning a slow rub inside your hole. His other hand grabbed onto your thigh, spreading you further, stretching you further for him.
You clenched around him when he dug in deeper, vaguely grinding into the motion as his thumb found your clit again, rubbing the swollen bundle of nerves. 
“You’re my good girl, letting me play with you, aren’t you?” Chan practically growled, his fingers scissoring you quickly, and you could barely speak, the knot in your stomach beginning to clench painfully. Your head tilted back further, eyes flickering, mouth wide open.
“I- I-”
“Eyes on me, beautiful.” Chan whispered, sinking his fingers in deeper, the cold of the ice cube shocking your g-spot, making your walls clench around him. You moaned softly, struggling to lift your head to meet Chan’s gaze in the mirror. His eyes were glazed over as he stared back at you, absolutely love drunk.
“God, I missed ruining you like this.” He half groaned, lips finding the crook of your neck, pressing open mouthed kisses to your skin as he began a slow pace, digging his fingers further with every push. As the ice melted, cold water continued to trickle out your entrance in slow rivers, the sensation almost overwhelmingly pleasant, making your eyes roll back. Your breaths were heavy. Your body was burning, heat crawling over every inch of your skin despite the freezing cold of the ice inside you. The addictive feeling paired with his slick fingers pumping into you, his mouth sucking at the junction of your jaw, and his cock hard under your ass had the knot tightening in your stomach already.
“You’re so good for me.” Chan whispered, his other hand moving to rub at your clit, sending shockwaves through your body as you squirmed and whined, digging your hips down to chase the pleasure they granted. Your hands gripped his thighs shakily as he chuckled, sucking at your skin, moving two fingers in a circular motion over your clit.
You stuttered out a moan, head lolling back, sparks of heat rushing through your veins. “G-god, Chan-”
“Yes, beautiful?”
“D-don’t stop.” You pleaded, eyes squeezed shut, mind spinning with pleasure. Chan’s response was to giggle, and peck your cheek, before moving to whisper in your ear.
“Wasn’t planning on it.”
His fingers curled in just the right way, pressing the ice against your g-spot, making you gasp and whimper. “M-more.”
“Such a greedy little thing.” He teased, but he removed his fingers and with effort, found a comfortable position to slip his length in from behind. The angle was perfect though, and you saw stars as he pushed into you, filling you to the brim as he bottomed out. His pace was quickly set, steady and firm, causing you to choke on moans with every roll of his hips. Cold water still seeped from your pussy, and Chan hissed at the icy feeling on his cock, which twitched and pulsed inside you. “Fuck.”
His pace sped up, and you met him halfway, desperately chasing your oncoming high. One arm wrapped around to hold your chin in place, forcing you to watch every moment of your desperate, feral sex. Chan’s eyes were particularly wild, and in the end his gaze on yours was what made you come hard, vision going white as your walls clenched around him and you moaned long and loud.
Chan continued to rut up into you, grip on your chin never loosening, his other hand moving to tightly grip your waist. “Such a good pussy, my good girl-”
You moaned, his hips beginning to stutter and lose their tempo. At last he came, spilling into you and milking his release for a moment before he stilled completely.
You made to move off of him, but both of his arms wound tightly around you, keeping you to his chest. Chan softly kissed your back several times, whispering in between each one, “Let’s stay here for a bit. Please. I just want to feel you. I missed you so goddamn much.”
You instantly melted, resting tiredly against his chest as he continued to kiss along your skin softly, taking you in. Your hands reached back to play with his curls absentmindedly, and he sighed, resting his chin in the crook of your shoulder.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered, and you thought you might never get used to him saying that. 
Or slowly whispering it back.
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Rules and FAQ
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The fastest gift exchange around. Objectively a bad idea. 48 hours of hyperfocus.
Schedule: (All times in EDT)
Tag Nominations Opens, Discord Opens: 0:01 August 14
Tag Nominations Closes: Midnight August 20
A03 Sign Up Opens 0:01 August 21
A03 Sign Up closes: Midnight August 27
Creation Phase: Noon EDT August 31 - Noon EDT September 2
Treating Week: September 2- September 9
Discord Closes: Noon September 9
Everybody admires everyone else's work: September 2 - Ongoing
The exchange is multifandom, and open to both artists and writers. Fandoms do not have to have a canonized Ao3 tag to participate.
You must be a member of the Discord, for communication purposes.
Once assigned, participants will have 48 hours to deliver their gift.
Artists are expected to deliver a decent sketch, Writers have a 300 word minimum
No AI-Generated content.
This exchange will be operating on DL:DR when it comes to what the mods will police and what we ask you to respect in terms of other people’s requests. The single exception is RPF, which has additional rules. 
RPF is allowed. Persons nominated for RPF must be famous in their own right and over the age of 18. Persons famous chiefly for their participation in facist regimes or as serial killers will not be considered for nomination. Mods reserve the right to reject RPF nominations in poor taste.
Original Work is allowed. Use the "Original Work" fandom. If it is important to you that a person within a specific pairing is a specific gender, make that clear within the tag, for example "Middle-aged King (M)/His Loyal Bodyguard (NB) (Original Work)".
As this is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed, even if you’re sure that both you and your recipient are adults. This applies both to sexual content and to extreme (e-rated) gore.
To increase matching options, tags must be seconded (nominated twice) to make it into the tag set. Because of this, tag nominations will be collected through a google form.
You can nominate tags for up to ten fandoms, with up to twenty tags nominated in each.
You will have one week to submit relationships and characters to a tag set, one week to write your prompts, and 48 hours to deliver your gift.
Participants are required to request at least three fandoms (with associated prompts), and offer to create around at least three fandoms.
To increase matching options, at least one prompt has to work as an art prompt, at least one prompt has to work as a fic prompt, at least one of your prompts has to be either Gen (platonic relationship) or a single-character prompt.
Please include anything you absolutely don't want to receive (Do Not Wants) in the Optional Details field in your AO3 signup. Only DNWs in the Ao3 signup will be enforced, and mods will not enforce DNWs that are overly restrictive or used to box a recipient into a specific gift (i.e. I don't want anything that isn't a space au with the mc's other major love interest dead off screen.)
This exchange uses Ao3's matching algorithm, and as such, you need an Ao3 Account.
Make sure the email attached to your AO3 account is one that a) you check regularly, and b) are comfortable with exchange mods seeing. You can verify your email here: archiveofourown.org/users/[your ao3 name here]/change_email
As per Ao3 and Discord’s TOS, you must be at least 13.
Ao3 Collection Here
Tag Set Here
Nominate Tags TBA
Tag Nomination Rules Here
Discord TBA
Intro to how to sign up for an Ao3 Exchange Here. Variant using a gifter letter here.
Sign up for Ao3 Here (there is a waiting queue.)
Additional Challenges (just for fun):
One Day: Fulfil your gift within 24 hours.
Word Count: Write 5k or more on a single gift.
Multi-media: Fulfil a gift for an art and for a fic.
Multi-fandom: Make gifts for 3 or more fandoms.
Why? Because.
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