cover-me-in-gasoline · 10 months
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just imagine the red string i don’t have any
sticky notes say from left to right top to bottom:
orange: “ENDLESS NIGHT” drum — no other goodbye? not like them
orange: frankieromustdie fortune cookie posting REAL
orange: foundations is abt 9/11 (+ released w/out warning)
pink: that’s in 2 1/2 weeks btw :)
green: SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 mcr5 release / announcement 💜 a panicked poster by cover-me-in-gasoline
orange: outfits show a woman who stars to decay after “terror” drum (where she dies?) [with attached pink note: feat. gerard autism fit lol]
orange w/ arrow pointing from photo of all the drums: -> “here comes the airplane” + skylines played
orange: skylines is abt 9/11, foundations is abt 9/11
pink: 9/11 would be a banger reunion album theme tbh. circling back to the beginning but showing [how] they’ve changed [“how” not featured (i forgot)]
pink: + basically confirmed by frank’s bad lying + rich is bein kinda suspicious
images are:
top left: screenshot of spotify playing foundations of decay
under that: screenshot of the lyrics “he was there the day the towers fell / and so he wandered down the road” with “the towers fell” underlined in sharpie
under THAT: collage of all 9 drums from the nz/au/jap tour
top middle: screenshot of frankieromustdie’s story which is a photo of a fortune cookie fortune that says “let’s finish this up now, someone is waiting on you for that”
to the right of that: screenshot of a tweet detailing all the frank iero fortune cookie posting (feat. tinhat ray toro image)
to the right of that and all the way down the right side and then along the bottom a bit: all 9 of gerard’s tour outfits in order probably
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daily drawing daily drawing
i made a whole playlist btw of the songs so recommended me-
i listened to them while i was drawing in the morning.. they are such bangers.. haha also i habe a miku poster so random but its like on my door its hard to ignore (sorry for the bad photo its dark in my room and i only have my ourple night lamp)
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Anyways thanks you and good morning 💜
(I actually flap my arms like a chicken tho… my dad would tease me about it when I was younger but it was all in good fun)
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hekateinhell · 1 year
Your Louis/Armand headcanons my goddd you get them so well 🤌🏼 despite the fact that they built Trinity Gate together and lived there for over a decade I’ve always seen them as more of an Upstate couple yk, the poster boys of cottage core/sad girl autumn, all cozy sweaters and giant scarfs and piles of books and fireplace cuddles. To their Upstste neighbors they’re this impossibly beautiful gay couple with a slight age difference (not the kind of age difference that would really get people talking though). The auburn haired one is a little standoffish at times and the brunette one has to pull him by the arm so they can say hi to the neighbors during their nightly walks. Louis insists they leave housewarming gifts by their neighbors’ doors whenever someone new moves in (it’s usually an apple crumble pie they get at Trader Joe’s, with a little card in Louis’ handwriting). Armand rolls his eyes at first but he secretly loves and craves the attention people give him and Louis together (“see Lestat? You’re not the only one turning heads with him by your side”). People start noticing they don’t really talk to each other a lot and seem to communicate with looks which they think is incredibly romantic but really it’s just them quoting erotic literature bangers back and forth in their heads . It’s the type of thing they don’t have the opportunity to do with their disaster blonds so they make the most of it whenever they’re together. Them getting away from all the noise and the people and the expectations and just having the opportunity to decompress together in a little (ridiculously expensive and meticulously designed ofc) Upstate love nest is my JAM 🥹 xoxo DA 💋
Awww DA, always so nice to see you! 🥰 I apologize for taking a minute—I've been outside roasting like a little lizard now that summertime has arrived here on the East Coast (apparently... I don't question it).
YES you get it, they're such an autumn couple! A 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom-friend of the maturing sun' (Keats; Louis would approve imo).
Armand and Daniel to me are much more summer, with humid late nights, beaches, and just the exciting highs of life. Lestat and Armand are spring, I think... renewal, rebirth, and hope (literally if we think about what Lestat represents to Armand).
It's so funny to consider how much practice Louis and Armand must have blending in, like I wonder what their neighbors on the Upper East Side think of them... what's the cover story there?
Louis is such a gentleman, he would so be the one introducing himself to the entire village! (Because rumors get started real quick in those sleepy little towns where not much happens, best to nip it in the bud). LMAO at the age difference 😭 Louis probably skates right under the radar at an entire twenty-five years old (RIP, Danny). Armand deserves to have Louis be his trophy husband from time-to-time, and in a childish sort of way, it soothes some of his insecurities that must stem from knowing their kind sees Louis as Lestat's consort first and foremost.
PLEASE tell me more about this erotic telepathic foreplay. 👀 I'm not ready or maybe I am for Louis to go all James Joyce on Armand (iykyk, otherwise shush) but he must've made him blush at least once right over the Headless Horseman Bridge. 🥹
*btw thought you might be into the L/A/D snippet I posted last week 💖 I'm a disgrace and don't have anything new to share since, but I hope to get back to it after banging out a kink meme prompt rip
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Shiratorizawa Car Boot Sale Headcanons
look these are the headcanons no asked for but have been stuck in my head for days so here we are.
to all my non-british followers here is a link explaining what exactly is a car boot sale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_boot_sale) 
to my british babies @sugawarasimp​ and @lydzisanerd​ this is for you.
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The Beginning
it all started when the Shiratorizawa Volleyball club funds were low, like really low
you would think that seeing as it is a private school that it would have decent funds 
wrong! the money is mostly spent on paying the coaches, which is then used as drinking money
so the team got together to try and come up with ways to earn some extra money so they could go on nights out and have some fun
Goshiki suggested a lemonande stand (nobody came), Semi thought that busking would work. ( tendou just scared everyone on the street)
so they were in despair until a low voice in the background said 
“What about a Car boot Sale”
Shitorizawa Boot Sale 
if you haven’t guessed already Ushijima is the one who has suggested it 
farmer boy over here has been doing these sales ever since i he was a child with his mother 
he forces the team to get out of bed every sunday at 5am and meet him in the field in order to set up the boot 
like this man takes his car boot sales seriously, like you do not want to be late
one time shirabu slept in and let’s just say that ushiwaka ran all the way to his house and came into his room and ripped the curtains open and proceeded to drag shirabu out the house 
yeah don’t mess with him 
he also seems to know everyone there, like it is weird, he will be chatting to these like old men who are selling antiques about farmer tings 
like what is the best time of year to grow tomatoes or like how the vegetable patch is coming along 
the team have never seen him this socialble ever. 
he doesn’t buy much though when he is there, he just kind of guards the table making sure people are not stealing 
he may or may not bring his portable radio with him and have the country radio on in the background 
and forces the team to sing with him 
Tendou is loving the car boot sales, like this is the first time he has ever been to one so this kid is the early stages of awe and wonder 
he always the only one that is really chirpy when the team arrive in the field 
no one questions it tbh like that is just tendou 
susprisely he can is a very good seller, comes with ridculous stories that some of the customers believe so they buy the items 
he earned the highest amount of money for the team, ushijima has been checking
look you know that 1 pound fish man song, i feel like tendou would do something like that ( here is the link lads it is an actual banger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_Jvo7U39-A) 
he buys mostly anime figurines because they are much cheaper
Now Semi i swear is the only voice of reason on the team 
like you can tell on his face, that he is straight up not having a good time when ushijima forces everyone to arrive at 5am 
tendou usually buys him some instant coffee which he is very grateful for otherwise he would be cranky for the whole day 
he is usually broading with his camping chair and a huge jumper over the top (airpods in) just kinda taking in the fresh air 
his job is usually in the setting up as i feel he has a good eye for aesthetics
so he coordinates where all the items go on the table and how to get everything to fit in the boot 
ushijima also forces him to bring his guitar and play country songs to “attract customers” 
i feel like he has a really nice singing voice, and tbh most of the girls only come to the boot because there is this really hot mysterious looking guy there 
he is also makes sure the younger years do not get in trouble 
Shirabu is a bit like semi in the fact he would rather be sleeping but he hides how annoyed he is not to piss off his senpai’s ushijima 
he is the treasurer because i feel like this boy is good at maths 
ushiwaka will come and ask shirabu how the sales of the day are doing, just like a CEO would to a subordinate (which is hilarious) 
like he takes his job seriously 
he also helps with the sales with tendou but he usually explains all the prices tbh 
he sometimes treats himself to a fresh bacon sandwich and i will sit and eat it with this cute little content look on his face 
he mostly buys textbooks tbh, like he is a hard working student and textbooks can be expensive so he loves the fact he can get these material a lot cheaper 
he also likes buying stationary 
Goshiki, poor goshiki. 
baby really isn’t a morning person at all 
but he tries so hard because he wants to impress ushijima, like he arrives extra early with his packed breakfast 
but he is pretty useless in the morning, he just yawns constantly, he will try and help with the set up but he forgets instructions easily 
however once the day actually begins he perks up a bit more he is actually quite good at talking to customers 
like he is actually the only normal one there lmao
the old ladies absoulutely love him, like they think he is so kind and handsome (and they dig the bowl cut) 
honestly the only reason he goes back every week is the fact that these ladies literally gas him up and bake him some jam tarts 
now goshiki get’s really excited when looking at all the stands 
i definetely see this man as a hoarder so he buys some much random crap (for example a huge garnet cystal to put in his room)
ngl he is the type of person Tendou usually cons. 
Their Stall 
ushijima usually sells some of his home grown vegatables, like these are his pride and joy
he will not barter at all, like in his eyes his products are the best like he will not settle for less
tbh i would be scared to barter with, like have you seen him
Tendou usually sells his old Shouen Jump which are popular with the little kids
he also sells h3ntai magazines too, which are popular with y’know some of the older men
Semi sells some his old CDs and records, like they are really vintage ( carla would buy them) 
He also might have some old band posters from his emo phase that he sells too 
Shirabu does the classic stuff from childhood, like old clothes that don’t fit him, old toys he doesn’t need, also might sell some his old textbooks from junior high school 
Goshiki sells his old volleyball trainers or something or some old volleyballs too 
i also feel like he went through harry potter phase so he has the really wackass merch (he is a huffepuff btw) 
Overall, their stall has a mixture of everything and is really popular at the car boot sales because it is such a comical site 
also they are like the only good looking people there, so all of sudden girls carla  are popping down on a sunday morning 
Honestly, If any of my mutuals are into drawing and are stuck on ideas, I would sell my soul to this drawn
Like this team does weekly car boots and you cannot change my mind.
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