#Viserys would probably still end up wed to Cersei lol
joanna-lannister · 5 years
margaret-rhee replied to your post : margaret-rhee replied to your post :...
Oh I think my favorite theory is that Bran somehow messes something up in time and makes the mad king mad (like saying burn them all is referring to the white walkers) kind of like Hodor. This is my favorite mostly because Bran annoys me and I would believe that this whole show is his fault somehow 😂 What about you?
I just hope they do Maggie justice whatever happens. I really liked how they wrote her this season (and how she was actually in scenes) so I’m hopeful that she might get a good end If she has to be written off at all
Oh, I love that one too! Some people hate and tried to debunk it but if that's true, it's pure genius imo! I don't hate Bran but I understand what you say, I think he will have a big part to play against the Night King tho. I love this theory too : Bran=The Night King. Still don't really get how it works but I love it.
Oh my dear I have so many theories, for almost everything! The GoT/ASOIAF world is so rich! I always wanted to write down my favorites somewhere but I'm kinda afraid to receive hate because the fandom is so messed up, but now it's the right time, I guess? It will be long and I'm so sorry, if you read everything : THANK YOU ❤️ So... let's go!
the Night King & the White Walkers win: everybody dies and everyone is sad lol
no more Wall: and no more Night Watch, the White Walkers are totally annihilated and the human race survives
the Iron Throne will be melt down: by wildfire? dragon fire? not sure. they fought so many years over this ugly piece of shit metal, it would be cool in the end if no one sit on it and if the human survives, they symbolically destroy it to rebuild a better world. as for Westeros, they are either united under one King or Queen or each Kingdoms are ruled by noble family, just like before Aegon's Conquest (the North=Stark, the Westerlands=Lannister...)
Sansa is queen: in her own right? consort? in the North? of Westeros? I don't know but I truly believe she will survive and be in charge one way or another, the Sansa queen imagery is too strong and it would be such a waste to kill her just for shock value so she will be happy in the end i hope or i will hunt D&D
Sansa marries Jon: my shipper heart talks here but i believe to unite the North or Westeros these two are the perfect match
Arya marries Gendry: okay I have big doubts about Arya survival, don't know, a bad feeling but I think she will marry him, maybe not in a tradional way but some kind. We still have Robert quote "I have a son, you have a daughter. We’ll join our Houses." I always tought it was a foreshadowing for these two. So maybe she marries him before the big battle and dies here or she marries him at the end and they have somehow a happy ending. honestly i just want her to be happy with Sansa 😊
Melisandre dies saving Davos: oooh the sweet irony...
Daenerys dies beyond the Wall: (or what's left) when I watched GoT the first time, I thought "She is going to win and will be the queen" but then, the Red Wedding happened and it totally change my perception of the show and more I watched it more I realise her visions in the House of the Undying are a metaphore : she never touch the throne, she hear her dragons, follow the sound and pass the Wall and find Drogo & Rhaego. (And here people will hate me) I think when she's gonna learn Jon has a better claim than her to the throne, she will get angry. Jeez, she fought men for years, she survived in their world, and just like that, one man has more claim than her because of a piece of paper ? She will lose control and make a huge mistake and when she realise it, it will be too late and she will try to fix it because at her core, she's a nice girl. maybe by killing Viserion? but she will die with Drogon (like Rhaego, he's her baby and he carry Drogo's name) and she will find some peace because even if she fail, she did the right thing in the end if i'm right, i will cry my ass off for days lol
Alliance Lannister-Stark: okay if the Dark!Daenerys or Dany is the Night Queen theory happen and Winterfell destroyed, i want the Starks to ask for help to the Lannisters. This alliance would be so ironic but in the end, the Starks betray the Lannisters and execute them like Ned
Cersei dies in childbirth: i know most of her fans hate this idea but this is probably my favorite. her love for her children made her do terrible things, she wanted their safety but it backfired her. she blamed Tyrion for Joanna's death (jeez, i understand). it's kind of poetic, tragic and ironic. i can see her sacrifice herself in order to save her baby, maybe Qyburn performing a c-section like Maggie did to Lori? D&D could totally write this for shock value plus it somehow fulfills the Valonqar prophecy twice: Jaime, her little brother, got her pregnant and indirectly caused her death and baby!Lannister, the little brother/sister of her children, caused her death
Baby!Lannister survives: two possibilities here : 1) he's raised by the Starks, he know nothing about his birth parents and hates the Lannisters. I think about this quote : "If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya." It would be funny that Sansa save the last Lannister and raise him as his own. 2) Tyrion promises Cersei to take care of the child, just like Ned with Lyanna, and escape with him. And because History repeats itself, they end up like Daenerys & Viserys. Flashforward 16 years later : baby!Lannister is all grown up, wants to avenge his family and say "I will take what is mine and they will hear me roar". Black screen. End of the show. LOL And then they can make another spin-off
Jaime & Cersei die in fire: If Cersei don't die in childbirth, I can see her burned with Jaime. Maybe by Daenerys or, imo, the White Walkers attack King's Landing (like Stannis in Blackwater), they have no way to escape, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. They exchange one last kiss and turn into ashes... "A day will come when you think you are safe and happy and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth" I mean... it's pretty poetic and romantic
Cersei kills the Night King: As above : the White Walkers attack King's Landing, Cersei uses wildfire and burns the city. Like, she saves the world by accident 😂
Jon dies: no comes back, no magic, he dies. Period. LOL
Sam wrote ASOIAF: cliché but i love it!
OMG! I have so many others ideas but I stop here, this is so long! I'm so so sorry... If you have read this big mess, BIG THAAANK YOU. If you haven't, it's okay I understand 😂
Same! I really liked her too this season (Lauren is so goooood), guess it's the Angela Kang effect (hell I even liked N*gan dialog but i still hate him lol). Maggie deserves a happy ending with baby!Gleggie and all the love in the world, she has already suffered enough. And even if she unfortunately don't come back, I'll tell myself she's okay, she's safe and she's doing good like this 😊
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