#Winter Olympics Sports
retrogamingblog2 · 2 years
Snom curling
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sparkagrace · 1 year
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rough edges
written by @sparkagrace | art by @burnin-brighter
steve x bucky | mature | 33k
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tags: sports au, ice dancing, stars on ice tour, road trip, gay steve rogers, questioning bucky barnes archive warning: no archive warnings apply fills: @allcapsbingo | card AC1006 | G1: au: road trip
Olympic ice dancers Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have never gotten along. Closeted Steve is in a showmance with his partner Maria as America’s sweethearts, while Bucky and Natasha are the lethal Russian pair whose technical mastery on ice is unrivaled. Now they will all be traveling around America on the Stars on Ice tour for the next two months, which sets Steve on edge in ways he didn’t quite expect.
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Galks and I are so proud to finally reveal our 2022 @stuckybangs collaboration. This truly has been a labor of love. I am so happy to have been able to have worked with the incredible Galks on this project.
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scotianostra · 4 months
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February 21st 2002 saw the all-Scots curling team won gold at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, watched by over 5 million TV viewers in the wee small hours of the morning.
In a thrilling finish the team of Rhona Martin, backed by Fiona MacDonald, Margaret Morton, Janice Rankin and Debbie Knox, needed nerves of steel to knock out a Swiss counting stone at the climax of the final, but the skip, Rhona managed to pull it off.
Her own stone then finished up close to the centre of the rink and that was enough to seal a 4-3 triumph.
Martin had earlier fired the team into a narrow 2-1 lead at the close of the fifth end with a double after successfully taking out a Swiss counting stone.
A mistake by the Swiss during end seven increased that advantage to 3-1 before they struck back to tie the scores with singles in ends eight and nine.
And we did it all again in 2022 at the Beijing,Winter Olympics, with a dominant performance against Japan in the final. Eve Muirhead's team led from the first end of the gold medal match, and continued that form throughout to win by a score of 10-3 and top the podium.
Skip Muirhead, who won bronze in 2014, expertly controlled affairs throughout and finally has a gold medal at her fourth Olympics after returning from hip surgery.
Teammates Vicky Wright, Jen Dodds, and Hailey Duff are champions at their first attempt.
“It’s a dream come true,” Muirhead, who shed a tear on the medal podium said “That was my third semi-final, and the two I lost were hard but I bounced back and here we are. We are Olympic champions. It’s such a special moment.”
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finestatue · 2 months
Megumi wants a gold medal. He wants to sleep for a week. He wants his best friend to stop asking for his cousin’s number and for the sycophantic press to give him one, just one singular day of peace. He wants to go home and stay there forever and hug his dog and never touch a pair of skis again. He wants his deadbeat dad to leave him alone and for Nanami to stop looking at him like he’s a second away from walking into traffic. He wants Gojo to stop being MIA and for his coach, the one person in the world who could’ve taken him to the top of the Olympic podium, to stop being dead.
But most of all, Megumi wants Yuji Itadori to drop off the face of the Earth.
Still, all that being said, he’ll settle for just the fucking gold.
(in other words, the jjk winter sports/olympics/eventual slight legal drama/documentary au that no one asked for)
now on ch.8 & 66k words! tysm for 2k hits!!
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usnatarchives · 1 year
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ZAMBONI PATENT 1949 “Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine”
By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs, in honor of Zamboni drivers Alex B (NGA's Sculpture Garden Ice Rink) and Uncle Hank (Northern MI University).
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Alex rocks the Zamboni at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden Ice Rink, 12/29/22, image by Miriam Kleiman.
Ever wonder about the incredibly cool “Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine” (aka Zamboni)?
We’ve got the patent! See all 124 pages in our Online Catalog (NARA ID 117724382).
Thanks to the Zamboni, the ice was smooth enough for this talented monkey! See Ice Skating Chimpanzee, 1963 (The Unwritten Record).
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Excerpt from the release sheet: SPORTS MONKEY SHINES! THIS CHIMP IS A GAY BLADE: Usually, summer is the whacky season, but this winter things aren’t on an even keel in Germany. They’ve taught a Chimp to Skate and he’s a real swinger! After some tricks “Archibald” leads a Conga that proves he’s a real gay blade with quite a line figure-8-atively.
“Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine” Patent file excerpts:
PROBLEM: "The maintenance of a satisfactorily smooth surface on the ice is one of the major problems in connection with the operation of a skating rink… The squeegees have no effect on the hard-frozen rough ice, and the ice therefore remains rough 'until the next time that it is scraped."
BEFORE the Zamboni: "Heretofore, the usual method of cleaning off and smoothing the surface of the ice has been to send attendants out onto the ice to sweep off the cut ice with scrapers or sweeps that are pushed ahead of them; while in other instances, the ice is scraped clean by scraper blades mounted on towed sleds towed sleds or on automotive vehicles such as the small, four-wheel drive vehicles formerly used in the military services and known popularly as the jeep In either case, after the surface of the ice has 'been scraped clean, a thin film of water is spread over the ice to fill in the cracks and low spots, and surplus water is then squeegeed away, usually by a number of attendants on skates, pushing the squeegees ahead of them… 
GOAL of ZAMBONI: "[An] object of the invention is to provide a self-propelled vehicle that can be operated by one man, and which functions automatically to shave the ice, convey the shaved ice to a large receptacle attached to the vehicle, and then squeegee a thin film `of water over the surface of the ice so as to provide a like-new surface when the water has frozen."
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Full citation: Frank J. Zamboni & Co., Inc. RG 241: Records of the Patent and Trademark Office, 1836-1978, Patent Case Files, 1936-1976, Patent Case File No. 2,642,679, Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine, Inventor Frank J. Zamboni. NARA ID 83876135
Much more online! 
Ice Skating in the National Archives, National Archives News special topics page
Records Reveal Winter Olympics History, National Archives News: 
Ice Skating at Rockefeller Center, 1937, The Unwritten Record: 
Kate S. Todd Improvement in Skating-Wands, 1872
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ocqueen · 1 year
you don't understand this man has singlehandedly re-awakened my desperate need to get into olympic luge because i HAVE to meet him in person now its required i need it. and if the way to do that is enter the winter olympics, ill fucking have to try i guess
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Turkkila & Versluis: “Ice Dance Is Becoming More Friendly To The Public”
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Ice dancers Juulia Turkkila and Matthias Verlsuis are currently finalizing their competition fitness and programs for the season's crowning European Championships in Espoo. The value competition on home ice will definitely be a season highlight.
“We are very much looking forward to skate in front of the home crowd. We seek success in both programs, aiming to show maximum performance and enjoyment,” Juulia says.
The Finnish couple's early season has been strong. They won bronze medals at both Finlandia Trophy in October and Grand Prix Espoo in November.
"The first Grand Prix medal is our biggest achievement so far,” Juulia shares.
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At the national championships in December, they crossed the 200-point mark for the first time and as expected, renewed their national titles.
During the Christmas break, Juulia and Matthias rested and gathered strength. Training continued right after the holidays.
“There is no need to make any major changes to the programs because we already did that right before nationals, especially the rhythm dance. Now, all we need is more repetition and polishing,” Matthias says.
“In the following weeks, we will work with video footage of our skating. We’ll look at the small details and try to make every move as precise as possible. The aim is to make the details so natural that everything flows seamlessly in the overall performance,” Juulia describes.
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This year, there is greater room for danceability in the rhythm dance.
“It's a good trend, but I hope that the skating side can also be shown in the programs and that it will also be appreciated. On the other hand, creativity is increasing the interest in ice dance and this can be showcased more in choreographic step sequences,” Matthias says.
According to Juulia and Matthias, the sport is becoming more friendly to the public. They hope that there will be even more room for creativity in the future.
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Competitive tension is felt during events but it's a familiar feeling for both of them, having been single skaters for more than a decade and ice dancers for six years.
“On competition days, going for a walk outside calms me down. Music, movies and videos also help relax the mind,” Matthias shares.
Juulia tries to take small naps on competition days.
“Even if I can't sleep, lying down in bed helps the body and mind rest. Sometimes, I also watch videos or Netflix to take my mind off the competition,” Juulia says.
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Both emphasize the importance of recovery in elite sports. As their career progresses, they pay more and more attention to rest and nutrition.
“Rest is really needed to gain energy for training. The older we get, the more we pay attention to recovery. Over time, we’ve also learned to listen to our bodies,” Juulia shares.
During his recent military service, Matthias discovered how important it is to listen to your body.
“I had a really tough time in the summer because I had to build up my fitness for sport and participate in weapons training at the same time. I pressed stop on some practice days to recover properly. Our spring and summer training sessions were completely different than normal, but we got through it. The competition season has progressed well,” Matthias sighs.
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After Euros, the next prestigious competition is Worlds in Saitama, Japan. Juulia and Matthias are definitely looking forward to this competition. Having competed there in 2019, they say that the experience was fantastic. The venue was filled with people who enthusiastically cheered for everyone.
However, all prestigious competitions are only intermediate stages to Juulia and Matthias' main goal — the 2026 Winter Olympics.
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ohyoufool · 5 months
party people!
the setting of call of the champions, my latest check please fic, is the salt lake city olympics. which makes me ask...
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coejafiero · 2 years
Olympic snowboarder and X Games gold medalist Todd Richards brings up a good point, they’re still 5th graders
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vintagepromotions · 2 years
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Poster for the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo, Japan (1972).
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beatrack92 · 1 year
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Miho Takagi 🇯🇵
Vancouver 2010 Olympics
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finestatue · 26 days
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Megumi wants a gold medal. He wants to sleep for a week. He wants his best friend to stop asking for his cousin’s number and for the sycophantic press to give him one, just one singular day of peace. He wants to go home and stay there forever and hug his dog and never touch a pair of skis again. He wants his deadbeat dad to leave him alone and for Nanami to stop looking at him like he’s a second away from walking into traffic. He wants Gojo to stop being MIA and for his coach, the one person in the world who could’ve taken him to the top of the Olympic podium, to stop being dead.
But most of all, Megumi wants Yuji Itadori to drop off the face of the Earth.
Still, all that being said, he’ll settle for just the fucking gold.
(in other words, the jjk winter sports/olympics/eventual slight legal drama/documentary au that no one asked for)
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alln64games · 3 months
Nagano Winter Olympics ’98
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JP release: 18th December 1997
NA release: 29th January 1998
PAL release: February 1998
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
N64 Magazine Score: 32%
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The first Olympic title on the N64 – and, curiously, the last one on a Nintendo platform until Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. Olympic video games are usually collection of simple games based around Olympic Sports, often catering for multiplayer – and while Nagano does the first, it doesn’t really focus on multiplayer.
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There are 10 sports – some with a few variations and are slow and tedious at best, and outright uninteresting at worst. The Skiing and snowboarding slaloms are best, but they’re both slow with some slight turns as you go through gates. The halfpipe is probably the worst, which has you copying input commands before you jump and your snowboarder doing a trick.
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The AI is also insanely good at the game, so unless you manage to master the unclear and terrible controls, you’ll be happy if you make it to 15th place. The snowboard slalom is an odd exception, as I fell over a few dozen times and still won by a significant margin.
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The massive let down in the multiplayer side is the complete lack of any simultaneous events. You all have to take turns setting records. Speed Skating is against an opponent, but in multiplayer you all race against a CPU player. Only curling, which is a turn-based sport, has any kind of interaction between players. On top of that, from what I can tell, each player still needs their own controller.
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Nagano Winter Olympics is a shoddy sports minigame collection with poor controls and a terrible multiplayer mode.
We tried playing single Nagano events until we were really good at them. We tried the seven-event championship mode. We tried multiplayer championships. At no time – not even for a second -did we have any fun whatsoever.
- Jonathan Davies, N64 Magazine #12
Remake or Remaster?
Both older and newer Olympic titles have done a much better job than this.
Official Ways to get the game
There’s no official way to play Nagano Winter Olympics ’98
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Title: Hot Ice
Author: SlantedKnitting
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In his first Olympics, Arthur has high hopes, his father high expectations. But the short track is an unforgiving place, and things rarely go according to plan.
A trip to Beijing, where Morgana snowboards, Merlin figure skates, and Arthur finds something he wasn’t looking for.
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