#Wordgirl au
little-the-rat · 5 months
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First character lineup for my goofy little Wordgirl continuation
In order we got: Alden (Amazo-guy), Steven (Dr. Two brains/Boxlitener), Becky Botsford (Wordgirl)
These are all very early designs, and I think all of them are gonna be reworked a tiny bit, in fact, this design of Steven is a rework of something I did two days ago, so don’t expect any continuity from me for the next month or so.
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maslosstuff · 2 months
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It's Wordgirl
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clarissasbakery · 11 months
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i’ve been wanting to draw kitty powers for pubby au
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mynameisvarian · 2 months
The Boxleitners AU (WordGirl)
Basically a Becky Boxleitner AU but I give Steven himself more character development and plot relevance before ultimately being fused to a mouse.
Before Squeaky (Season 1-2-3)
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●•• Steven Boxleitner's fusion with Squeaky occurs much later than in the show in order to give him a much more in-depth character development to show his relationship with his daughter and his positive impacts on the people of fair city as a whole before his descent and transformation into Dr. Two Brains.
●•• With her identity as a superhero with an advanced vocabulary that's only know by her companion and sidekick, Captain Huggy Face. Becky Boxleitner is unable to talk much about her problems and difficulties with her own father because of the fear that all her hero-ing would get him hurt one day if he did find out.
└ • Though during somewhere between Season 3 and before it's finale, Steven does manage to figure out her identity and tries to be helpful by providing help whenever she needs it.
●•• The Boxleitners live in a fairly nice neighborhood that's located near the outskirts of the city that is also coincidentally the same neighborhood that a decent amount of WordGirl's enemies inhabit, Their house is right next to the Butcher and Granny May's houses with Maria the Energy Monster secretly living in one of the powerlines across the street.
└ • Steven has become friends with many of his definitely not villains in their civilian identities neighbors, Examples are:
└ ✧ The Butcher (Jerald T. Butcher) - Jerald is surprisingly great friends with Steven as they'd met when Jerald had decided cook some bbq but unfortunately broke his own barbecue grill on accident though he ultimately met up with Steven when he'd heard that the man was inventing a machine that cooked meat much faster, This little interaction had then led to become the thing many of the neighbors look forward to every week, The Weekly Neighborhood Barbeque.
└ ✧ Granny May ( Granny May) - May has always treated the Boxleitners as close family ever since the day that they'd started visiting her when during one of the neighborly bbq she'd let slip that she felt alot more lonely since her family and grandkids were off on vacation with even her own mom being busy aswell and that she wished more people visited her more often, the next day Steven brought his daughter and their pet monkey over and chatted which eventually turned into them baking cookies and listening to Granny May's childhood stories every Friday after Becky gets home from school. (Colonel Mustard, Granny May's cat has also taken a liking to them)
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└ ✧ Mr. Big (Shelly Smalls) - With Wordgirl being able to foil his plans quickly he went under a fake name (Dr. Small) to seek the help of Steven Boxleitner to make a mind control bunny button which he ultimately used on Steven after the man found out about his true identity. Although even after being mind-controlled Steven still forgives Mr. Big and still do business with eachother like the time Shelly requested for a perfume that naturally causes bunnies to follow him.
➜ This leads to an episode that centers around Mr. Big using the bunnies against Wordgirl with steven on the other hand wasn't told what the perfume was for.
└ ✧ Energy Monster (Maria the Energy Monster) - Though their interaction was short, Maria had managed to convince Steven that teenage girls turn into large Electrical Monsters when they hit puberty after he'd given her a device that turned certain Electrical charges into sounds that then let her communicate.
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➜ In an altered version of "Dinner or Consequences" Maria doesn't have the device removed and is able to communicate throughout the show permanently.
★ Becky is aware of their true identities but ultimately keeps quiet so her dad's new found friendship with them wouldn't end.
●•• Steven's assigned government owned lab and Becky's school that's just a few blocks away is located near the epicenter of the city so he normally just drops her off there when he's going to do some experimentation in the laboratory and if ever Becky gets out of school early she'll just walk to her dad's workplace to see and make sure that Steven hasn't accidentally blown himself up because of being too distracted and wait for him to finish so he can drive both of them back home. (On occasions, she'll just turn into wordgirl and fly back to their house if her dad was just at home.)
└ • Becky had once been in the presence of a dozen miscoloured mice on one faithful afternoon when she'd decided to visit Steven, Each cage had been surprisingly lavish and contained three mice each plus everything their little mouse sized hearts desired, When asking about the indoor mouse zoo she was told that they were rescued from an illegal smuggling case in the far north of the city with the smuggler subjecting the mice to harsh living conditions to which made Becky automatically angry at herself for being unable to help these poor creatures as WordGirl.
└ • Upon noticing his daughters clear reaction and the regret plastered all over her face, Steven placed his hand on Becky's shoulder and added that the mice were only temporarily in his care so they could be relocated to a place where all their needs will be met and that earlier today a nice elderly couple had generously donated over a pound of fruits and cheese for the poor mice which seemed to make his daughter's mood lift. He failed to mention how the perpetrator hadn't been caught yet and is probably roaming the city doing illegal smuggler things.
└ • At one point, Steven had introduced Becky to a little lab mouse that he'd affectionately named "Squeaky" in the count that the little mouse was the most noisiest and the most likely to bite her fingers if given the chance. He'd mentioned aswell that squeaky was one of the mice that was rescued from the smuggler incident so the hostility to humans was understandable.
➜ On a side note, Her dad had shown her how squeaky could break down walls and walls of drywall to get to a singular piece of cheese, It's unsure if Squeaky was experimented on by the Smuggler or if the small mouse was always like this.
●•• Steven still makes the mind-reading device but for different reasons such as to read squeaky's mind to figure out the smuggler's identity and if more animals were being illegally brought to fair city and maybe be able to help the authorities catch the criminal but with a lot of things happening here and there the mind-reading device didn't get to the testing phase until season 3.
The timeline is pretty messed up but basically any episode that's set in Season 1-3 that contains Dr. two brains as a main character is instead placed into Season 4 or tweaked so that it's Steven instead, The invasion of the bunny lovers is also put into Season 2 rather than 6.
This post is prone to being edited due to me always getting ideas on how to improve an AU so don't expect this to stay the same :D
(If you saw the sudden style change between images, Image 1 was drawn directly on FLIPACLIP while Image 2-3 was sketched on paper then placed into FLIPACLIP)
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starpunz · 1 month
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Inspired by @8-0mph AU :)
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I didn’t do a full render cause im tired but the colors look off to me i like the sketch the most
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ninjastormhawkkat · 6 months
Questions plagued Carl's mind. Was Matthew going to be okay? Were they going to stop Atomic in time? What if they didn't? Was Atomic connected to the B.E.A.W Labs? "It'll be okay." Carl was brought out of his anxiety filled thoughts. Constance was looking at him with a sympathetic look. "It'll be alright Woody. Look. He's like a cockroach." Carl narrowed his eyes at her. She placed her hands up. "I'm not trying to insult him. This time. I'm just saying that he's like a cockroach because he's so damn hard to get rid of." She didn't like seeing him like this. Especially knowing exactly what he's been through. "He's so extremely difficult to get rid of. He's resilient. Though he did allow himself to be taken away. I don't think he'd be easy to get rid of. Besides. You shouldn't be underestimating that woman and your kids. They'll get to him in time. Have trust in them Woody." Carl sighed. "I suppose you're right but it's hard not to worry. He almost died once before. His life is at risk once again. I can't help it." Tears began to well up. Constance frowned at that. "Hey. It'll be alright. I promise. Besides, I don't think the kid would have it in him if they don't arrive in time." Carl was silent for a moment. "I can't help help. I'm scared Constance. Losing him. The thought tore my heart out. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. I-" He was interrupted by her. "Hey now. It's okay. You don't need a reason to justify how you feel. You just feel the way you feel. That's all to it. " Carl was surprised at her words. Constance rolled her eyes. "You don't need to look so surprised. I can be wise and knowledgeable too." That earned a genuine laugh out of him. That was better. She didn't want to leave him in his anxiety ridden thoughts. Seeing him like that hurt. "If he does get roughed up. You can be his nurse. I'd be he'd love that. You tending to his wounds." Carl went tomato red. Sputtering her name. "Constance! You're terrible!" She cackled at his reaction. The ride to Dr.Two-Brains wad quiet. Until Maddrix spoke up, he didn't care that it was tense. He needed to speak his mind before they continued. "Atomic. I don't think he is behind anything with the B.E.A.W. Labs." Dr.Two-Brains looked at him. Raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean Matthew?" Margret wanted to make a wisecrack but remained silent. Looking at him as well. "He only went after me. If he was truly with them, he would've took Becky and I back. He would've killed you and the others. But he just wanted to go after me." Margret blinked. "Go on." Matthew was surprised they were willing to hear him out but he continued. "He didn't want to hurt anyone but me. Those who stood in the way. He may have forcefully put them out of the way but his intent with them wasn't malicious. It was personal he went after me. I don't think he knows much about the ray he had." Margret was about to put in her opinion and thoughts about it but they had already arrived at Dr.Two-Brains house. Alex landed next to them. Matthew attempted to walk into the house but he didn't make it far so Alex had to carry him in. Becky was happy to see him. Chirping happily. "Hey Becky. I'm sorry about scaring you earlier." He apologized but she had pong forgiven the man. Only caring if he was okay. Carl got up immediately and ran over to Matthew. Looking up at him with tear filled eyes. Without much thought, Carl placed his hands to Matthew's face and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Allowing it to linger for a moment before pulling away. Leaving Matthew breathless and flushed red. "Oh thank goodness! I was so scared! Don't you ever scare me like that again! I thought you were...I thought you were..."
Noticing how distressed Carl was acting, Matthew snapped into focus and cupped Carl's face. He gently brushed away the man's tears. "I know love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Matthew spoke in a gentle tone, interrupting Carl's ramblings. Carl just sighed and stared back at Matthew with intense eyes. "I know you believe you deserve death and suffering after what happened all those years ago," Carl began to speak as tears filled his eyes. "But please! Please don't ever sacrificed your life like that ever again! Don't let yourself be taken or defeated so easily like that ever again! Seeing you dragged away without a fight..it was terrifying and painful to see you give up so easily like that. You may not believe it anymore, but you aren't capable of never being loved again. The thought of losing you again brought me more pain and suffering than what you did nearly 20 years ago. You are not a monster Matthew! Monsters don't feel regret, they don't apologize or feel remorse for their actions. You did that." Matthew stared silently at Carl. Neither man said nothing as they gently placed their foreheads against each other. Tears streaming from both of their eyes now. "I'm...sorry. I'm so sorry. Carl I..." Matthew tried to speak through his tears. "I know. I know." Carl only replied. Matthew didn't have to say anything. He knew what he was thinking. The others remained silent as they watched. None of them really saying anything and giving these two a moment, but also none of them having any negative reactions towards Matthew. Alex looked towards Victor and Two Brains. Both of them were having solemn but also bittersweet reactions. Alex wasn't sure what Victor was thinking, but he highly suspected what Two Brains was. Alex always figured, deep down, Two Brains could never fully hate his father. Whenever he was mentioned before, Two Brains would always have a solemn look, but never a hateful one. Alex figured Two Brains still loved the father that raised and cared for him and his siblings so well, he just hated the killer the man had become. Alex didn't hold it against him. He knew that if his parents and Rebecca were still alive, they wouldn't hold it against him either. Everyone was soon startled by Becky suddenly growling even as Tristan held her. They turned around and saw Atomic was beginning to wake up from the back of Victor's car. Carl, Tristan, Constance, the Chaotic four, Joe, Alan, Agent AA, and the Henchmen begin to tense up. Some of them were looking ready for an attack. Dr. Two Brains raised up his hands to halt them. "Hang on a second everyone. Atomic may be conscious but trust me. He doesn't have access to his powers right now." Dr. Two Brains tried reassuring them. Victor then spoke up. "He's right. Two Brains took his powers. He is out of the game but only temporarily." Atomic began to become lucid and tried to get out of the car. "How did you do that?" Jenkins asked as he still took on a defensive stance. Dr. Two Brains shrugged. "I went Professor Terror on him and shot him with a device from my staff that not only inhibited his powers, but also knocked him out pretty good. I originally designed the device in case Miss Power ever came back but I figured this was still a good time to use it." Two Brains casually explained. As Atomic got to his feet and his mind became more clear, his eyes soon landed on the group. His expression instantly morphed from puzzlement to fury when he spotted Maddrix standing near them still alive. "YOU ARE DEAD MADDRIX!" Atomic yelled before jumping into the air...and later falling back down flat on his face. It was a comedic sight. "Hey Matthew is stubbornness reacting out of emotion an inherited trait from your side of the family?" Two Brains asked in a sarcastic tone as he stared at the fallen Atomic with an annoyed deadpan expression. Matthew shrugged. "Um' shouldn't we still tie him up even though he doesn't have any powers?" Sunshine suggested. "I got this. Fluffy please wrap up the crazy hero." Archie requested his pet spider. @dualnaturedscientist
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animation-is-my-jam · 2 months
(Wakes up) WAH-oh yeah, I can post anything here. Okey, tehe (0v0)/ Ha, yes, Jam's infamous just dump art I've made over the past months I've only ever posted on Discord, but now it's Tumblr turn. The usual drill of Wordgirl stuff and AUs/Ocs.
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(Becky, Tobey, Tori, Luis, Matilda)
The McCallister-Botsford family. It's funny how much this Future AU/domestic older Tobecky stuff is my biggest fixation, but I never draw this family together. Yeah, that changed now!
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(Designs for a Becky and Tobey in this AU)
An idea of an AU I had where Wordgirl never crawled into Huggy's spaceship, so she stayed on Lexicon while he still crashed. Mr. Big took over bc there was no hero (a World Without Wordgirl scenario), and Becky technically doesn't exist. I have a doc explaining more of this AU, and maybe I'll post it if anyone is curious.
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Ha! Valentine's Day drawing I did and posted everywhere but here. Sorry yall get it late.
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(Magic Pony (Penelope), Pretty Princess (Phoebe), and Pearl Pup).
I love just expanding Pretty Princess more than it should bc I'm fixated of a show within a show. So here's me going crazy in the reboot idea lmao.
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Wanted to draw something for this, and I helped with a friend in organizing any original characters we had that are Palestinian and draw art in support, and I immediately thought of Mason and Safa, my Wordgirl OCs. Was used for her college project on the topic of new age social media activism.
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(Mari (young) and Lux Jose).
Mari. My interpretation of Wordgirl's biological mother. She's sorta my personal blorbo. Most used in Future AU where I give her backstory.
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Luis expression sheet. The second McCallister-Botsford child, my beloathed. He sucks but I love my son or rather their son? Anyway, I tried in expressions and a second attempt at his older teen design bc I hated it...still kinda do/lh.
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drakkonyan · 7 months
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hell yeah!
ok so basically, ive always like the idea of "what of instead of Squeaky Steven had fused with Mr Cheese" so did it!
this AU occurs after Dr. Wordgirl brains, basically 2B was trying to get spare pieces from the swap ray when conveniently Mr cheese broke into his lair, conveniently again he shoot the ray at him. Now the thing; he didnt swaped mind with Cheese, SQUEAKY DID
by doing so, not only did 2Bs got less vicious and feral, less craving of cheese and more civil, but also colder and more dangerous, getting himself a whole criminal gang and going on less bombastic and spectacular robberies and crimes, and becoming more coldblooded and dangerous as a criminal
basically the AU goes on over how he goes worse and worse while Wordgirl, Squeaky and even the Henchmen need to do detective work in order to bring him back to normal, since he's become more evasive
(yes this is inspired in The Great Mouse Detective and thats why Maria is a big kittycat and also 2Bs lowkey pet/killing machine, but like, let me be lol. Might change stuff in order to differentiate it and not to make it just mouse detective but Wordgirl, idk)
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veganpepperoni · 2 months
Its giving my “To be me again” AU
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….imma draw it
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snickerzanddoodlez · 9 months
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Wordgirl refs for the fan reboot because it needed to be done
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melodythebunny · 4 months
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Headcanon - Amazo guy gets stage fright
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little-the-rat · 5 months
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Hey wordgirl fandom, it’s been a bit, have a new au I’ve been cooking up
I won’t talk too much abt it bc I might make a comic abt it but, space war, lexicon, Ms Power and anguish for all my favorite characters 💖
Also Dr. Two Brains looses Squeaky, but bc Dr. Boxlitener is no more, and Squeaky is gone, all we have left is the amalgamation between the two, wich I will call Steven. Also he has a kind of stroke like thing when Squeaky is ripped off, so he’s lost a lot of his motor skills on his left, and as trouble with balance, hence the tail, wich is supported by the suspenders and belt. There’s so much I could say abt the design, but I’ll do a character sheet to explain it all.
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maslosstuff · 1 month
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Two Becky's must be a time paradox?!
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clarissasbakery · 1 year
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sky-ivylight · 5 months
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my companions and I were talking about a Tobecky tiktok AU and i was struck with inspiration
[ID: A drawing of Becky Botsford, a dark skinned young person with dark curly hair, a magenta headband, and a white collared shirt layered under a dark green sweater, as if it's a screenshot from a tiktok. She's holding up a hand-written card with the words "TOUCH GRASS" in allcaps on it, and she looks annoyed. Overlayed on the top left corner of the screen is a comment from someone with the username "the_real_scoop" and it reads "he is literally in love with you" in allcaps. /END ID]
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I had an idea for a Wordgirl episode that kind of delves into au territory, where through some more magic wishing stuff, a frustrated Wordgirl wishes that all of the villains had never become villains in the first place, and then she gets to see how different things would have been..
Spoiler: All the villains are kind of miserable and Becky is bored.
I'll probably do more with this idea when summer hits but for now take these doodles
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Forgive me for this being so messy, finals week is hitting hard
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