#a cuntress of some kind
moonshynecybin · 2 months
YAYYYY okay so. for dani and jorge it HAS to be after one of the most intense races of their lives. don’t ask me which I DO NOT KNOW ! i’ll leave it up to you to decide if one fits specifically but it was CRUCIALLY a knockdown drag out fucking fight. high effort. satisfying. one millionnnnn overtakes. and eventually they BOTH podium, and the race was so bananas —kinetic and tense and somewhere HOT— that they feel like the blood in their veins is legitimately made of GASOLINE— and they HATE each other at this point, but on days like this the space between them is also filled with this like. singular electricity that makes them feel like NOTHING else. the emotional release of a hard won battle… all of those endorphins panting shiny with sweat sticky with champagne… critical awareness of where the other is at all times, leftover from the track… and then they DO decide to shake hands on the podium and there’s. a moment. a spark. something a bit different than static electricity, but not far off. and they don’t think anything of it until after the race, when dani is about to get whisked away by honda to debrief— and jorge shouldn’t even notice when dani walks away but he DOES, he can FEEL it, and something prickles and begins to TEAR. jorge feels some deep instinctual part of himself seize up with panic, and theres a shout from dani’s direction and suddenly jorge’s body is moving without his permission and he’s got dani’s face in his hands and big brown eyes are looking up at him and they are fucking ANGRY. and it’s then that he knows something is very very veryyyyy wrong.
and off they go to the motogp doctors™️ ! who are like. yep! you’re cursed ! (magic ass universe where looney tunes shit like this occasionally happens to riders who ride the edge of rivalry a little too hard. rosquez have gods biggest storm coming for them in a few years.) so you have to stay as physically close as possible to each other for a couple of months!! it’ll hopefully pass. these curses don’t effect in track stuff really so you’re are both cleared to ride 🤗👍 and PEDRENZO are both like. you have to be FUCKING kidding me. dani sitting there picking at his fingernails COMPLETELY shut down and jorge just posture tight frown dialed to ELEVEN tiny little stormcloud over their heads :) and they’re holding hands because it’s the only way they don’t feel like live ants are under their skin :) THEN the doctor is like. and you guys should probably share a bed :)
and it’s rough at the beginning! they are both VERY stubborn and while dani remains the people’s princess i think when he was younger he had the capacity to just. shut the fuck down when he was pissed. close off. and jorge is NOT shy about how uncomfortable he is about the whole thing so he’s dialed the cuntress factor allll the way up. and there’s no quick fix! it’s just time! and dani is also SELF ADMITTED !!! not a patient person. SO i IMAGINE sitting next to jorge in bed and imagining himself attempting to suffocate in his most evilest of enemy’s tits is FUN but is also not a SOLUTION. action oriented guy methinks. loves solving a problem hates when the only solution is WAIT. so it ends up being this escalating arms race of belligerent horny tension where they’re literally living in each other’s pockets holding hands touching ankles sleeping in the same bed and being TORTUROUSLY aware of the other’s body the ENTIRE time. every SLIVER of skin contact i feels like a brand. passing dani in the kitchen reaching for cereal and jorge brushes a hand on dani’s waist to lean and he feels CRAZY. INSANE. that kind of stuff. and eventually i think dani (NOT PATIENT !) fucking snaps and just. jumps him. might as well make the fucking lemonade if you have the goddamn lemons !!
the REAL problem os after the curse gets lifted (of course. the second after they fuck.) when they are USED to each other’s presence and have begun to realize how much they COMPLIMENT each other and suspect (creeping at the edges of awareness) that this mighttttt be love. but they know the other was only around for months because they were literally cursed. and now they are free to go back to the status quo. where rivalry is expected. what do they do…
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mediapiays · 16 days
The fact that this woman is an obvious attention seeker does not negate the possibility that she could at least be Jimin's ex. There are too many coincidences… When people say that she definitely can't be his girlfriend because she's not sexy enough for Jimin, not private enough for Jimin, not kind enough for Jimin, I can't understand when people got to know Jimin's tastes and preferences so well lol
In fact, she is not sexy enough, private and sweet enough not for Jimin, but for his fans. I sound like I believe these rumors, I know, but it just annoys me that in the end pjms are no different from the fans of jk or taehyung.
I can't even go against this behaviour because I definitely thought she was too plain for him 😭 jimin deserves a cuntress not some washed up 'actress'
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
Adam/Sienna, Adam/Marrow, Adam/Clover, Adam/Winter and Adam/Cinder (Shackled Ambition, Bulldogs, Bullseye, Arctic Warfare and Tartaurus, respectively). That should be a good start. :3
Sienna/Adam? HARD NO
Why don’t you ship it? Canon wise, I don’t ship murdered x murderer. Non-canon wise? Uhhh…. 1. I’ve always headcanonned them as having some sort of mother-son relationship (oh wow the girl Literally Writing The Fic About That using big words) 2. AGAIN I AM WRITING THEM WITH THE FOUND FAMILY DYNAMIC 3. Again, headcanons, but… even canon wise, visually alone there is DEFO an age gap between the two me thinks(plus the “Sienna controls through the power of Pussy and Sex” tweet haunts my fucking nightmares)
What would have made you ship it? Uhhh probably nothing, always gonna be the “Surrogate Family Sienna and Adam” truther!!
Despite not shipping it, anything positive? “Shackled Ambitions” is a metal ass ship name
Bulldogs? Ship!
What made you ship it? From the super cute ship name and a whole lot of differing possibilities dynamic wise (given ONE DIES BEFORE WERE INTRODUCED TO THE OTHER), it’s honestly just a ship I can vibe with. And both characters are my little meow meows
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? Happy fun buddy x Edgeo the Hedgehog over here…
3.Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Idk. Don’t see much of this ship anywhere but everything I do see is… fairly nice. It’s cute. Solid 7-8.
Bullseye? Ehhhhhh?????
Genuinely have nothing to say on this since I’ve LITERALLY never heard of it before LOL
Arctic Warefare? Honestly SHIP
What made you ship it? Literally came into my mind as a “this would be funny lol” and it has since plagued my mind like a parasite
Favorite things about the ship? what could have been (if bullboy over here ever got to interact with a Schnee). plus they’re both bad bitch cuntresses soooo
Unpopular opinion about your ship? I am a firm believer in the white and blue x black and red, Angel x Devil, “good” x “evil”, and the dynamic possibilities are very interesting. Probably wouldn’t ever want it in canon (because what they’re doing with Winter as of RN kind of suuuucks!!!!) but AU is where the heart is.
Tartaurus? Again, ehhhh?
Why don’t you ship it? I see them paralleling more in how their lives (—of child slavery man this show has a weird problem with making their villains margina—) shaped who they became as they grew older, and less less them as a. Thing. plus the whole “she killed a bunch of his men to get him to comply” shit YIKES
What would have made you ship it? Had Adam ever been allowed to interact with any other character outside of like. 5 and also if Cinder wasn’t soooooooo boring now
Positives? Again, cool ass ship name
sorry if this is cluttered asf, I’m new at this and yeeeeah :D
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
top taylor swift songs that were actually written about rosquez?
they are many they are myriad they are legion.... no order and non exhaustive ofc
wouldve couldve shouldve. ouegh ough aough aoueg. ouregh. and i damn sure never would've danced with the devil. at nineteen. and the god's honest truth is that the pain was heaven. i mean JESUS CHRIST dude. songs that make me want 20 mins alone in a room with valentino rossi and a baseball bat.
all to well ten min. i think the longer version is inferior generally but adding the lens of a slightly fucked up age gap pushes this up the list. so many insane rosquez details in this one. i was thinkin on the drive down hes gonna say its love you never called it what it was. (hello.) the idea you had of me, who was she? a never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you. (HELLO?) charmed my dad with self effacing jokes like youre on a late night show. (HELLO!!!) my friend valentino did that to my buddy marc. i was there i SAW IT. my friend @repsol-ariel made gifs.
i bet you think about me. jussssst the right amount of insufferable for them in the bitter post divorce chaos of it all... truly like. vale you fucked UP dude. i think this plays in marc's head for every championship he wins 2016-2019. when you realized im harder to forget than i was to leave. crazy. bananas. fun to think about if youre nasty... i also love indulging the side of marc that is kind of fucking mad at vale lol. my cuntress... this is why we cant have nice things also fits in this category. its the fun parts of divorce: like spite!
forever and always. you ever think about 2015 and how crazy marc probably felt when he realized his whatsapp thread with valentino post ranch visit was all messages from HIM. like truly before that season he said vale is my friend all is good between us :) then in midseason he says its a different relationship not quite a friend one just absolutely white knuckling it. and all this happened with little public indication of off-track conflict. WHAT HAPPENED. anyways did i say something way too honest that made you run and hide? like a scared little boy??
story of us. a fixture of my imaginings. but you held your pride like you shouldve held me. how did tswift know. what did she see. was there a psychic on her staff. did she perhaps have a prophetic dream of some sort.
haunted. YOU AND EYE WALK A FRAGILE LINE I HAVE KNOWN IT ALL THIS TIME.... CMON CMON DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THISSSSSS i thought I had you figured out... something's gone terribly wrong.... you're all I wanted.... hello. is this thing on. like truly maybe the most rosquez of my rosquez songs. this one is THEMMMM to me. its dramatic its tense its yearning its a little PISSED OFF.
back to december. RECONCILIATION ANTHEM. your tanned skin your sweet smile so good to me so right.... GOD. truly like before they reconcile but after vale has turned the corner. wistful regretfulness!! pride swallowing by someone not used to it!!!
cowboy like me: twin flames!!!! FUKC!!!! IM NEVER GONNA LOVE AGAIN!
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