#a doll's house
shesnake · 1 year
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Jessica Chastain & Arian Moayed in rehearsals for Broadway’s A Doll’s House revival, photographed by Emilio Madrid, 2023.
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nativehueofresolution · 6 months
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interview with the vampire (2023) | a doll's house (1879) by henrik ibsen (trans. william archer)
part two
thank you @iwtvfanevents for the eternal yuletide prompts <3
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straightplayshowdown · 4 months
The Play That Goes Wrong: The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society prepare to stage their new production – the 1920s murder mystery 'Murder at Haversham Manor'. However the set is not yet complete and there is no time to finish it off…..the show must go on! With a murder (and a moving corpse) established from the beginning, the murder mystery gets into full flow. However, the props start to disappear, actors go missing and the set begins to collapse around, and often on, the cast. Mayhem ensues, the acting gets worse, and the set becomes increasingly dangerous, but the company struggle on regardless.
A Doll's House: Nora and Torvald Helmer have a seemingly traditional nineteenth-century marriage. Torvald adores his wife, although he belittles her comprehension of the world. However, Nora has lived with a secret for years. She forged her father’s signature in order to borrow money to take her husband to Italy for recuperation after an illness. Her husband, Torvald, is now in a senior position working at the bank and Nora has been paying off the loan in installments. Yet her secret is about to be revealed when Torvald threatens to fire Nils Krogstad, the man Nora borrowed the money from.
Propaganda under the cut!
The Play That Goes Wrong:
Goofy, silly, I love these characters your honor. A second floor of a set falls down.
Silly! Energetic! Disastrous!
It was fun and I had a good time :)
It's the most incredible straight play of modern time. It's the stereotypical murder mystery, but with Murphy's law applied to the actual production- everything that can go wrong, does. We don't simply have the characters on the stage, we also have the actors playing them, who are all so well developed with their own foibles. From "I'm Chris Bean, the Die-rector" until the set literally falls apart, it's the funniest thing in the world, and you won't stop laughing even after you've left the theatre. More than the humor, though, it makes the theatre, and all its quirks, accessible. It demonstrates how much work goes into making a show happen, both onstage and behind the scenes. That appreciation is something very rarely shown let alone celebrated- and celebrated is the right word here. For even when everything goes wrong, and everything DOES in fact go wrong, they keep going. The show must go on, and it does, and it's wonderful. Also the three guys who star in it wrote it, and they're actually the sweetest guys ever, which is a rarity in the world of the arts.
A Doll's House:
The ending really got me! I wasn't expecting it.
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chastaindaily · 1 year
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Jessica Chastain on returning to Broadway for A Doll's House after winning an Oscar
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persefoniajax · 2 years
Do you ever get sad knowing that you'll never know all the languages and so since translators make choices (they have to) and things sometimes don't fully translate you can never experience every book exactly as it was originally intended to be read?
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dwreader · 10 months
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a doll's house, henrik ibsen (1879)
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thinking again about dream’s utter reluctance to kill rose, and what that says about him
like, sure, he told himself he was keeping her alive so she’d find the missing dreams, and that was definitely useful to him, but even after she did so, he hesitates. there was absolutely no benefit to keeping her alive after that point, and he has been explicitly going against the rules this entire time in letting her power grow at all - dream, the most lawful character in this story (aside from perhaps destiny), he doesn’t even try to kill her until he gets her explicit permission.
and dream is very aware of the potential consequences here. for show fans who haven’t read the comics, when dream said he failed in his duty and an entire universe was lost? that’s actually how he got trapped by burgess in the first place - he couldn’t kill the vortex, he cared too much about her, so he let the dream spread. even once his siblings forced his hand, he didn’t finish the job, he ran away. and it kept getting bigger and bigger, until it consumed literally everything, and dream had to essentially remake the universe by taking a dream where he never made that mistake and turning it real. but the energy expended to do that drained him of so much power that it left him vulnerable to magic like burgess’ - magic that could never normally come close to touching an endless, it’s why he got dream and not death.
dream is still recovering from the last time he made this kind of mistake. but none of that knowledge is enough to override who he is as a person
i think a lot, about dream's protests here.
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because for all that killing a dream vortex is explicitly a part of his duty, it also runs entirely counter to who he is
he's literally made up of every dream anyone has ever had, he exists because people dream, because they hope. like he says in his speech to john in episode 5, people need dreams to keep living. and it goes the other way round, too. because there's no way to kill a dream, no matter how shitty a situation you put a person in, they can always hope that things will change, that they will get better. but if you kill a person, that's the only way to ensure they can never dream again, the only way to permanently stop a dream. of course he can't bring himself to do so willingly, of course he's going to object to it - in order for him to even exist, he has to believe that there's always another way
and he's spent so long being punished for that mercy. which is why i love the doll's house plot, because this time, his hesitation means unity has time to figure out what's going on, and keep him from falling into desire's trap
for once, the fact that he couldn't kill someone saves his life
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wheresbenni · 1 year
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Anjana Vasan, Assad Zaman and the cast of A DOLL’S HOUSE at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith, London, 2019.
sources: 1 2
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yellow-submazine · 25 days
John Lennon Paper Doll (part 1)
One of the larger projects @the-paper-apricot worked on for the zine was a paper doll of John. We planned to include photos of the finished doll, and a printable pattern so you could make your own! (We’ll upload the printable version soon). We chatted a lot about the artistic merit of the project, and we planned to include a short essay on the ideas we discussed.
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That essay was never written, but here are the main points we wanted to include:
Cutting out and dressing paper dolls is traditionally seen as an activity for girls. As such they are treated as frivolous and lacking substance. There is an interesting interplay between this and the idea that the Beatles were discovered by, and beloved of, young girls before they were ever taken seriously by adult men (this is hyperbole, but you know what we mean)
An early title for the White Album was A Doll’s House (mentioned by Ian MacDonald in Revolution in the Head), inspired by the Ibsen play of the same name. In the play Nora tells her husband: “And you have always been so kind to me. But our home has been nothing but a playroom. I have been your doll-wife, just as at home I was papa’s doll-child; and here the children have been my dolls.” Perhaps the Beatles felt that they had been someone’s playthings.
Andy Warhol played with paper dolls, a fact which we thought added something to the discussion about gender. From an interview with Glenn O’Brien in 1977: GLENN O’BRIEN: What was your first work of art? ANDY WARHOL: I used to cut out paper dolls.
John was interested in his own relationship with gender. "I look at early pictures of meself, and I was torn between being Marlon Brando and being the sensitive poet - the Oscar Wilde part of me with the velvet, feminine side. I was always torn between the two, mainly opting for the macho side, because if you showed the other side, you were dead." John Lennon - 'The Last Rolling Stone Interview' By Jonathan Cott, Rolling Stone Magazine 1980
Tony Bramwell referred to Brian Epstein's home as "that little doll’s house" in his book, although that view wasn't necessarily shared by any of the Beatles.
We were going to make a comparison with the sleeve artwork for Sgt. Pepper, and especially with the insert sheet of cardboard cut-outs that came with it. See https://www.the-paulmccartney-project.com/1967/03/designing-the-packaging-for-sgt-peppers-lonely-hearts-club-band/  for more on the cover and cut-outs
The idea that the stand-up cut-outs of the band should help the fans take part in the project of Sgt. Pepper as an art ‘event’ seemed especially pertinent.
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@the-paper-apricot began work on this doll last spring, shortly after beginning her paper doll pop project. 
In part 2 we'll share some photos of the finished doll, and part 3 will include a paper doll of John and patterns of his outfits that you can print and cut out! ✂️
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queenofinys · 1 year
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JESSICA CHASTAIN as Nora in A Doll’s House on Broadway
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chloepiphany · 10 months
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[A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen / Despair by Leon de Smet]
gif made by me!
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nativehueofresolution · 6 months
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interview with the vampire (2023) | a doll's house (1879) by henrik ibsen (trans. william archer)
part one
thanks again @iwtvfanevents for the eternal yuletide prompts!
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losingbenni · 1 year
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KAUSHIK DAS & NIRU A Doll's House, 2019 | Lyric Hammersmith Theatre
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dwreader · 10 months
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a doll's house, henrik ibsen (1879)
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8046006 · 1 year
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Arian Moayed for The New York Times (2023)
Original size = 1800 × 2508
📷 by Erik Tanner
👔 by Jared Depriest Gilbert
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