#also i watched kinnporsche.....
snarkspawn · 1 year
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KP ANNIVERSARY week 2: Favourite Supporting Characters [5/?]
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fromperdition4 · 1 month
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I love this small moment - at first glance, this is Kinn trying to calm Porsche down, by placing a supportive hand on his back.
But that's not what Kinn is doing here.
Because Kinn isn't really focused on Porsche - he's focused on Chan, who we can just barely see in the background breaking his stance and moving toward Porsche.
Chan's been trained to stop any and all threats to Korn, so he was ready to intervene when Porsche was getting heated - until Kinn stopped him. Kinn warned him off with a firm hand claiming Porsche as his, and a raised finger showing off his ring.
And this all happens behind Porsche's back! He has no idea Kinn was protecting him here - instead, he took this as a soft criticism: Kinn asking him to lay off Korn. Choosing his dad over him.
When it's just the opposite.
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chenouttachen · 2 months
happy 2nd anniversary kinnporsche thank you for literally rewiring my brain
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urheartsamess · 2 years
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pitiful origin, silas denver melvin
for @magicaldreamfox1 <3
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kissporsche · 2 years
I would love to invite you to join in with one of my all time favourite hobbies: watching the episode 9 temple scene frame by frame
because it
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is truly
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a joy
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not only can build make his face do smear frames irl, but the panicked pete expressions are just unmatched
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misspoetree · 2 years
I'm still so impressed with the visual language of KinnPorsche.
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A few minutes into the episode and they already told us so much.
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@justfionn-blog here you go :)
vp with the soft instrumental free fall theme
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matan4il · 2 years
Kinnporsche 107 sex scene meta
Me: I am not going to fall down yet another hyperfixation rabbit hole, I am not.
My brain: Yes, but have you considered Kinnporsche’s bathroom sex scene at the end of ep 107?
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(Below: going feral over why this is one of the best sex scenes ever)
This sex scene as a turning point
This scene tells a whole story, which is why it’s so emotionally evocative. It’s Kinn and Porsche’s turning point. Before it, they’ve done so many things together, they’ve felt attracted to the other man, they’ve felt anger, they’ve kissed, they’ve argued, they’ve fucked, and so often, they’ve pretended with each other. It isn’t easy for them to openly show what they feel and be vulnerable like that. Even after Kinn took a bullet for Porsche (!) at the end of 106, they still have moments when they pretend. Porsche tries to walk out of Kinn’s hospitalization room in the side story as if he didn’t nearly lose his damn mind at Khun making a joke about his brother’s condition, while Kinn in 107 tells Vegas he can do whatever he wants to with Porsche as if he won’t go apeshit crazy when he’ll think that’s happening... And this pretending takes place even after it’s already become so clear that they matter a lot to each other (for example, Porsche is staying as Kinn’s bodyguard despite them both knowing how much he hates certain inevitable parts of mafia life, and Kinn’s wishing for the first time in his life for the minor family’s success just so Porsche would return safely to him). They both have trust issues, and being that vulnerable with someone through honesty about their feelings and wants, it’s still just too damn much for them.
But not after this sex scene. They’ll still have their trials and issues, but this scene is what marks the end of them pretending to care less about each other than they do. Everything that will follow, even when there will be stuff that they keep from the other one, will still be so much more honest in terms of how they feel about each other and wanting to be together.
Which is why this scene is built as an emotional journey, signalling the change from the primal phase they were in during the first part of the season, to a new, deeper relationship in the second part. It’s why the scene starts with conflicted sex (which they’ve had before) and transitions into sweet, even joyful lovemaking (which they will have again afterwards). This scene encompasses a summary of their journey, while also being one of the most pivotal points in it. It is a mini reflection of the whole play. It’s brilliance.
That transition is why it has to start with anger, with a sense of betrayal (Kinn’s when he sees Porsche with Vegas, Porsche’s when he realizes Kinn blames him for Vegas’ unwanted advances), then passes through regret to reach the point where they both choose each other, not because they’re unaware of their points of conflict, but with a new understanding that they care enough about each other to be able to surpass them.
Defiant anger is built into what allowed them to happen in the first place. A part of why Kinn falls for Porsche to begin with is the fact that this man does NOT accept any of Kinn’s bullshit. We see it in 101 already. Porsche has the audacity to insist on getting paid for his help to the point of deciding he’s taking Kinn’s watch, the one right next to Kinn’s infamous mafia family ring (we have a clear shot of both in the same frame), and even as Kinn shows interest, Porsche doesn’t want to give him a phone number, and barely even gives him a first name (which Kinn will quickly discover is not the real one anyway). To truly emphasize how completely out of the ordinary this experience is for Kinn, right after Porsche rides away, we see a car pulling up next to Kinn and a stream of bodyguards pours out of it and bows in perfect sync to our mafia prince. This serves to highlight right away just how unique Porsche is and why Kinn HAS to take note of him.
So it’s no wonder that Porsche’s first time confessing his love to Kinn plays out along these lines. It’s not a sweet and docile confession. It’s a storm powered by Porsche’s anger. Which may not sound very romantic, except consider Kinn for a second. At the point where Porsche first meets him, he trusts no one. He’s guarded and closed, and surrounded by people who bow to his every wish. And he’s been deeply wounded by a man he did have feelings for. IDK if he was in love with Tawan, but Kinn felt enough for him that even after Tawan’s betrayal,  Kinn kept Tawan’s picture in his bedroom. We only get a small glimpse at what Kinn and Tawan’s relationship was like, whether it was fake from the start or if at first Tawan did feel something for Kinn, but the lying and manipulating had to have started back then, and in the present we see Tawan doing that by being extra available and seemingly very sweet and docile for Kinn. It must have been a very convincing act at the time, yet Kinn managed to realize that it was a lie, that while Tawan claimed to love him, his ex never did. 
So imagine how meaningful it was to Kinn that Porsche is nothing like Tawan. That he doesn’t try to appease and be subservient. That he stands up to Kinn, and gets angry, and shouts, and pushes Kinn away. The manipulative Tawan probably never did any of those things, he surely didn’t want to risk what he had with Kinn. Which is why it matters so much that Porsche’s first love confession is so angry and ready to call it quits. Because the tragedy of what Tawan did is that Kinn has trouble believing in soft love confessions. But Porsche getting angry, Porsche calling Kinn shitty in the very same sentence in which he admits his love? That’s honest. That Kinn can believe. And all of the softness we’re going to see between them after 107 is made possible because of that very HONEST anger. In that moment, Kinn can feel that Porsche is telling him the truth, which is why Kinn himself can apologize, because he really does grasp in that moment that he was wrong, that Porsche wouldn’t play with and manipulate him the way Tawan did.
And the second Kinn realizes his mistake, he apologizes right away. I wanna point out how this also connects to 101. We don’t know why Porsche is so insistent on getting 50,000 baht from Kinn until later on, when we meet Uncle Thee and realize Porsche needs the money to cover up this man’s debts. Despite everything that Thee puts Porsche and Porchay through, he never truly apologizes, he never sees how deeply his actions hurt these two orphaned brothers, or feels any genuine remorse for that, never mind attempt to compensate the two for what they’d gone through because of him. Worse, at first he actually spins things around in such a way that Porsche actually ends up apologizing himself to Thee, even though Porsche did nothing wrong. He just wanted to see to his brother’s education, which is valid and right, and a much better use of the money than covering Thee’s debts. Even when he does eventually apologize, it’s clear that his apology is of the “I’m sorry I got caught, still need you to bail me out of this” variety.
So once again, just think about how different it is for Porsche, seeing Kinn realize that he had mistaken Porsche’s intents with Vegas, that he had spoken too harshly, and witnessing how Kinn actually cares enough that he's ready and willing to do whatever it takes to fix things. He sincerely apologizes and then proceeds to show Porsche that he knows he got it wrong, that unlike the hurtful things he said, he actually adores Porsche, and that Kinn will expresses that by physically worshipping him. By taking the time and making Porsche feel good and profoundly appreciated. There is no evasion of responsibility or manipulation on Kinn’s side. And for a man as proud and stubborn as him (characteristics Porsche is already aware of by 107), admitting he was wrong and apologizing is no small thing. Porsche must know this because at the end of the day, he chooses not to walk away from Kinn.
We all know he could. Sure, Kinn’s strong, can fight and has a gun, but we’ve seen Porsche able to fight off even people with guns who seem stronger than him. We’ve even seen him and Kinn face off in 101, and Porsche being completely undaunted by the gun Kinn was carrying, being ferocious enough that he managed to get himself out of there despite Kinn’s skills, his gun, or his bodyguards’ weapons all pointed at Porsche. So if he managed to get out of that one, he could def get out of that bathroom if he wanted to.
But he doesn’t get out. He doesn’t want to, because on some level, he can feel the change in Kinn, the realization he was wrong, the regret, the willingness to make it up to Porsche. It’s their turning point. And maybe my most fave part about an entire scene full of beauty and emotion perfectly captured, is the way Porsche physically turns around towards Kinn. It’s their turning point, literally.
This isn’t just some bathroom quickie. This is the beginning of Kinn and Porsche being on the same page, trusting each other, because they finally grasp that there is real love there. The foundation for everything we’re going to see them building together in the second half of the season.
At the end of the day, this trust is going to be so crucial for them. It’s what they both are missing at the start of the show. Kinn, as a mafia prince, trusts no one, especially not after Tawan’s betrayal. But Porsche is really suspicious of people as well. Like Kinn he has a small circle of people around him that he cares about and trusts, mostly family, but not a lot beyond that. When he meets women at Yuk’s bar, he’s not interested in anything other than sex. That requires too much of him, including trust. And when Kinn wants his phone number and his name, Porsche doesn’t trust him with either. As much as we can understand Kinn’s lack of trust in terms of the mafia world he was born into, Porsche has a somewhat similar experience in terms of the world being an untrustworthy place. He lost both his parents at a young age, the people who should be there to protect him most of all. And then he had one parental figure in his life, Thee. But that man kept amassing debts, which Porsche had to regularly pay off, risking him, his brother, Porchay’s education, their house... In 103, Porsche explicitly talks about the violence and brutality he has experienced at the hands of debt collectors, even Porchay was used to it enough that we saw him in 101 taking care of Thee’s bruises without batting an eye. Add to this that Porsche has also been involved in street fighting, a world in which we saw the “ring master” cheating Porsche out of some of the money he was owed. So trust is a crucial element that neither of them get to have beyond a very small circle of immediate family and a couple of lifelong friends. 
That’s why the real test for their love is trust. Where love confessions and the realization those feelings are mutual, those are often the climax of a love story, for Kinnporsche that happens to a great degree in the 107 sex scene. Porsche admits to loving Kinn, while Kinn shows his love through his apology, and the sex being so consensual and equal-footed, that’s in a sense them coming together and realizing they’re on the same page. But that’s not enough, because the real question is, is what they feel for each other enough to build the trust they both lack and desperately need?
In the second half of the season, they’re going to come across two huge tests of trust. And not just any tests, these are going to be grounded in a shift in reality, the kind that makes people doubt themselves, let alone others.
Kinn’s test is gonna come first, when Tawan shows up, “back from the dead”. Just think about how mind boggling that had to be for Kinn. Porsche didn’t know Tawan, he wasn’t there when Tawan was shot, and he was so certain the guy was dead that he was convinced he was being haunted by his boyfriend’s dead ex. So just imagine how much Kinn’s sense of reality must have been challenged when he was there and convinced he killed Tawan himself... It’s not simple to still have faith in yourself or in your new boyfriend after being so deeply betrayed by your ex and when things you thought you knew for a fact get challenged. And yet, we’ll come to find out Kinn did, that he never lost his trust in Porsche, not even when it looked like he did. Kinn’s real challenge wasn’t in whether or not to believe Porsche over the “resurrected” Tawan. It was in trusting him enough to let him go when Porsche escaped imprisonment in 110.
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Yes, we’ve seen Kinn letting Porsche go at the end of 106, which was an incredibly important step for him. But it’s one thing to do that when they never got to be together as a couple, when Kinn never got to experience how happy they could be sharing their lives, and when he thought he was letting Porsche go in favor of pursuing his dream of opening a bar on the beach, getting away from the darkness of the mafia world. It’s a different thing to know how happy they can both be if Porsche doesn’t go, and that if he does, they may never get that. Because by now, Porsche is tangled too deeply in the webs of this dark world, if he leaves, it’s not in order to pursue freedom and lifelong dreams. It’s to get away from Kinn. And all along, Kinn knows it can all be resolved so easily if Porsche just stays and hears the explanation regarding Tawan. But Kinn understands that if he insists, if when Porsche is asking for Kinn’s trust he won’t get it, it may be over in any case. Letting him go at this point must have been hard enough considering how at the end of 105 we saw Kinn still being that man who insists on getting everything and everyone he wants. He had to really struggle not to express himself in that way. So just imagine how hard it had to be, how much trust it actually took for Kinn to let Porsche go at that moment, especially when he probably knew Vegas, the man Kinn already suspected of being behind Tawan’s betrayal, was most likely the guy behind breaking Porsche out of that prison cell. 
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Then it’s Porsche’s turn to have his trust tested. And if Kinn experienced a revelation that would put a dent in his sense of reality, this is even more true for Porsche. His parents dying in an accident is one of the most forming experiences of his life, and then he first discovers that’s not how they were killed, then later he finds out his mom is still alive, though in a sense she’s still out of his reach. Everything he knew collapses. His own memories turn out to be untrustworthy. We see him physically experience discomfort as he struggles with that. Thee was supposedly his uncle, the man who raised him and Porchay since they were little and orphaned, but he turns out to be some stranger inserted into their lives, while a man Porsche thought was a stranger turns out to be his uncle through adoption. All of that together, it’s so destabilizing, but remember Porsche had trust issues to begin with. So to now find out all of this, to know he can’t even trust his own mind... How does one even handle something like that? It could make anyone fall apart. Yet, before the end of 114, we get the answer. Porsche isn’t okay, his trust in Korn has been shaken up seemingly for good, yet there he is, choosing to put his trust in Kinn. Eventually even pledging Porsche’s own life to him.
Kinn himself, in a sense, is tested during that final battle, too. He has been raised his whole life to believe that only those who are loyal to Korn can be trusted. Even after all of the lies and manipulations, Kinn is still extremely loyal to his father, we never even see him getting to express any upset over Korn faking his death and all the turmoil, death and destruction that brought about. Kinn's whole identity has always revolved around being his father’s son, to the degree that he still asks for Porsche to declare his loyalty to the main family, meaning to Korn, at the big battle. And he doesn’t get what he’s asking for. Porsche refuses to pledge his allegiance to this mafia family. Yet despite that, he states he is loyal to Kinn. And that is maybe the first thing Kinn has ever had that is truly his, not something he got thanks to being a mafia prince. Porsche’s love and trust is actually something Kinn has earned despite his family. That’s not something Kinn is supposed to want or accept. Yet Kinn trusts Porsche, so that Porsche is loyal to him, despite not being loyal to the family or Korn? That’s good enough. That’s another small trust test they pass.
I can’t say enough about how powerful I think that is, which is why I also believe no matter what’s gonna come their way if we ever see a season 2, Kinnporsche can overcome it. Korn is still a very dubious figure, these love birds are still deep within the brutal mafia world, so challenges are bound to rise sooner or later. But they love and trust each other, so I feel no doubt they will come out on the other side of such challenges stronger than ever.
Yeah, basically the epicness of Kinnporsche’s love story is their trust and the way it manages to hold on and help them win even in the face of a reality bent out of shape. No matter what, by the end of 114, they know they can trust each other. And the moment when we first really see them committing to this trust, when they’re in sync for the first time and choose this trust (choose to trust the other man’s love confession and apologetic expression of love) is during this brilliant sex scene. There’s a reason I’m never gonna be over that scene, and it’s not just how hot it is. Which, for the record, is VERY.
This sex scene as a dance
It’s not just the idea behind the scene that’s powerful, or the meaning of it, its power is also in the way it was filmed. It is a dance. We can feel its rhythm. Half a step forward, one step back, sideways glide, turn and coming back together for the big, climactic jump.
When Kinn barges in there and kicks Vegas out, you can see Porsche is happy about it. Not only did Kinn just stop Vegas from continuing with those unwanted sexual advances, he was also damn sexy while doing it. Porsche is smiling at Kinn (the same hooded smile he had when they were on the balcony earlier in the ep, flirtingly discussing using Kinn’s “other gun”). 
You can tell that Kinn’s anger takes Porsche by surprise, see the joy draining out of him. In fact, this is so not what he expected that at first he doesn’t even know how to react to it, he just searches Kinn’s face for answers. Porsche knows he did nothing wrong, so how is he even in a situation to have to defend himself? It’s only when Kinn keeps pushing and even gives him a small slap that Porsche is moved into action. He gives Kinn a shove that mirrors the slap. It’s an expression of Porsche’s anger, but also puts them back on equal ground. He’s making it clear he will not be pushed around.
Porsche protests that he didn’t do anything, to which Kinn responds with a bitter, cynical smile, a physical sign of his hardship in believing this. And then trust comes up explicitly. That’s what was truly jarring for Porsche, not the slap, but realizing that Kinn still doesn’t trust him. “Shoot me already,” he says, because in this very ep he heard (from Vegas, who omitted Tawan’s betrayal) that Kinn’s paranoia led to him killing ex. That’s a freaking scary thought, to know the guy you’re into might kill you, because he’s done it before. But Porsche didn’t run away, instead he was still smiling when Kinn first leaned over him after getting Vegas out of that bathroom. He doesn’t run away now either. No, instead he challenges Kinn to shoot him. For a second, it’s as if he demands, “You will love me, and with that trust me for real, or I will die right here.”
But then he adds, “Just like how you shot your ex.” There. If the shove balanced off Kinn’s slap, it’s these words that balance his hurtful accusation. This is exactly when we see Kinn’s bitter smile slips off, just as Porsche’s genuine one disappeared earlier. These words hurt him so much, Kinn leans in closer, ready to hand out the real blow with deliberation. But it’s not a physical one, it’s the accusation that Porsche is sluttier than he thought.
And it lands. That was crossing the line. Which is ironic, because before Kinn came along, based on everything we see in 101 and hear Porsche tell Yuk in 108, Porsche was a bit of a slut (affectionate). He flirted with the women at the bar, if they were interested he slept with them right there at his work place, he never went on dates, we saw him going from zero to hot and heavy sex in no time, he showed no interest in seeing these women again, and had zero attachment to anyone. He was perfectly happy that way. Obviously, he had every right to be. But Kinn is clearly different for Porsche. Kinn was someone he was attracted to and grew emotionally attached to even before they first kissed. He felt enough that after they had sex, despite the murky circumstances, Porsche couldn’t get Kinn out of his head, he couldn’t sleep with someone else despite trying to, instead he kept flashing back to the way Kinn touched him, evidently wanting that over anything else he’s ever experienced with any of those other women. Kinn ruined Porsche by getting under his skin. Which is why this accusation is so deeply devastating. It completely erases Porsche’s love and how it affected him. If Kinn can’t see that, how can he possibly be convinced that he’s wrong?
So Porsche slaps Kinn, bigger this time, and angrily states he should have never loved such a shitty guy. This is his angry love confession and it comes from a wound, from a place of hopelessness. It’s so hurt and so raw, Kinn doesn’t doubt it. He can’t. But in that very moment, Porsche already turns to leave. He’s had it. This is their dance, perfect synched opposite movements. Porsche is ready to walk out precisely when Kinn realizes that he really does have this man’s love. That he can trust it. He’s ready to fight for it by making amends exactly when Porsche is ready to give up on it.
So Kinn has to stop him from leaving, but Porsche is in no place to hear him out. The result is they’re backed up against the wall. Kinn is so desperate to apologize and make things right. Porsche is physically surrounded by him. But something shifts in that moment. It doesn’t change completely, Porsche is still angry and hurt. But he’s also looking into Kinn’s eyes, and he sees there something that’s enough to stop from Porsche from fully trying to walk out. Like I mentioned, he could have fought Kinn, he could have gotten out of that bathroom. He chooses to let Kinn back him into the wall. Porsche is still upset, he turns his own back and raises his shoulders like another wall between them, but he’s not completely closed off. He doesn’t talk, but he’s there. He can hear whatever Kinn has to say.
What does he say? He just experienced sincere anger, indicating sincere love, and now he’s awash with sincere guilt. He’s searching for the right words, he’s straining, you can see it in the way the vein in his temple stands out, he’s hovering his lips, his breath, over Porsche’s skin. Then he finally settles for something that isn’t an explanation, and it isn’t some grand speech. It’s an honest apology. And he echoes it with every following adoring gesture ghosting over the nape of the man he loves.
And Porsche? He knows it doesn’t have to be some grand speech. He’s familiar with the actual rarity of an honest apology and a willingness to work to make things right. He lets Kinn kiss his nape. Just think about how vulnerable that area is. How sensitive. How many physical sensations can be evoked there. Porsche chooses to allow it. His head started out down, in a self-protective angle, but now it’s rising slightly. We still can’t quite see him, but the expression on his face is more visible than a moment ago. 
All along, the camera dances with them too, moving from a greater focus on Kinn (he was the center of the frame in the moment when he backed Porsche into the wall), to both of them, to them with their reflections in the mirror, then backing away from the reflections to being once more just them.
This is so important. Reflections in art are where people meet themselves, where they can reflect back on who they are, what they want, where their true self or happiness lies and how they can get there. Kinn has to look all of his doubts and shed them for his apology to be real. Porsche has to make a decision on whether he can trust Kinn enough to forgive him. But while reflections are an opening for insight and self-inspection, they’re also dangerous in art. Those who look at their reflections and fail to find the right insight, to act on it, to find their way from that reflection to their true self, might get caught in the unreal reflection. The horror genre is especially notorious for this (mirrors, doppelgangers, etc). So it matters that the camera pans over to the mirror, to give them that ability to form their insights, but then withdraws from their reflections back to Kinn and Porsche. And when does the camera start its movement back? Precisely when Kinn says he’s sorry. Precisely when the camera’s angle does lower, catches a better glimpse of Porsche’s eyes. They’re being honest. They could make it.
It’s then that Porsche begins to turn towards Kinn. Hesitantly. But this is a part of their dance. Porsche turns as the camera moves back from the mirror, turns as Kinn moves with him and backs away a bit to give him space, turns as there’s now just enough space for the background light to flood in from behind, take up the space between them and break into a thin, faint rainbow at the edge.
They just look at each other. This is so fragile. Kinn is apologizing, Porsche is willing to give it a chance, but this is still so uncertain. They clearly have the power to hurt each other deeply. That’s a reason to walk away. But they have that power because they love each other so much. That’s a reason to stay. They look at one another, and they see all that. They have to decide whether they want this with all of the risks attached.
And Kinn does. He raises his hand to grasp the hair at the back of Porsche’s neck, like a signal of what he’s about to do. That’s time for Porsche to stop this if he doesn’t want it to happen. He doesn’t. Kinn’s got implicit permission, and he dives into it, into making things better by worshipping Porsche, by making him feel good. It’s still hesitant and cautious. He doesn’t dare kiss Porsche on the lips. He’s not worthy yet. He knows what that kind of kissing means, it’s why he avoided it with everyone else after Tawan. Everyone but Porsche. Yet now, Kinn is denying himself that, and instead he starts kissing Porsche everywhere else. Who doesn’t stop it. So Kinn keeps going, and going, and eventually he circles back, works his way up, physically, to kissing Porsche on the mouth. Once again, he’s allowed to. Porsche had closed his eyes when Kinn started kissing him, starting his surrender to how it made him feel. And now, he actively joins the kiss, opens his mouth for it. And Kinn practically devours Porsche at this point. This is where you can really feel the desperation he’s been reigning in since the second Porsche was ready to walk away from them.
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But the kiss is stopped. Porsche pushes Kinn away, holds him by his neck at a small distance, and examines him. They’ve kissed and had sex and flirted in no uncertain terms before, but this will be the first time Porsche really chooses this. He looks at Kinn with the full understanding of what it means if he doesn’t stop them now. Kinn gives him a small nod, and Porsche’s hands are letting go of his throat, allowing the distance between them to dissipate, rising up to cup Kinn’s face, while his own go down to undo Porsche’s pants. It’s a dance. Synchronized timing, opposite motions, one final direction they’re both moving in. They’re finally moving with each other in perfect harmony.
Kinn pulls down Porsche’s pants like a revelatory act, feeling up his hips with so much reverie. The camera travels up and down their bodies to show us all that, in a similar manner to how Kinn’s hands were roaming over Porsche’s skin. There’s so much adoration in the gaze, as much as there is in the touch, and that’s amplified when the camera focuses back on their faces, intently focused on each other.
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Kinn starts jerking Porsche off. They start moaning loudly, their bodies tense and stretch, and Porsche’s hand joins Kinn down there. The intensity on their faces makes way for something more. Porsche’s delight. He’s relishing this. This sex and this man that he chose. Their hands start stroking at exactly the same time, and Kinn grabs Porsche’s hair tightly while repeating his name. It’s the first time we see this mafia prince, whose lives and the lives of his men have always depended on him being fully in control, start to unravel. After Tawan, Kinn didn’t intend on ever loving again, and now he gets to, and this time, it’s the real thing, with someone who’s honest with him, and loves him right back. That’s so intense, no wonder he’s not quite in control.
Which is exactly when Porsche steps up, takes charge as they both start smiling at each other, basking in how good this is. Porsche even stops for a second, licks his hand, and brings it back down to bring them both to completion.
Because this is their dance: the sex in this scene, just like their relationship overall, starts out with Kinn being the active one, the initiator, the one in control, but soon Porsche joins him, at first with trepidation, but then with more and more enthusiasm, with more commitment and passion poured into it, eventually matching Kinn, and even taking control himself, bringing them back to an equal footing. The initial choice is Kinn’s and the final one is Porsche’s, just like in the show overall. It matters so much that the sex itself is implied to be an act of mutual masturbation, it’s maybe the most “egalitarian” of sex acts that two men can have.
And when it’s over, they don’t let go of each other. Skin against clothes, we see them holding on and kissing. Hugging, and burying their faces in the crook of each other’s neck. That must have been the first time they felt that this is truly theirs. That they can have this. A joy and togetherness and love and fulfilment neither one of them was even hoping for. This was the big jump, the real leap of faith, and they took it together, completely in sync. All of the trust we’ll see later that will get them through everything, that will get them to the moment where they have their symbolic “wedding,” letting us know their commitment to each other doesn’t fall short of any heteronormative marriage, we’d have none of that if it weren’t for this perfect moment.
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Thank you so much to the wonderful @nattaphum​​ for her permission to add the beauty of her gifs (which everyone should check out) to this post, and help put this meta together. Cris, you’re a gift to your fandom, so this is kind of a belated bday gift to you. Buon compleanno! xoxox
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dummerjan · 2 years
emotionally I am always on a rooftop somewhere in Bangkok
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
☕️ I’d love to hear some bitching about tropes 👀
one thing that makes me immediately exit out of fics: Chay wanting anything to do with the mafia.
in general, I don't think fics let Chay be angry enough. or like, they have Chay be angry at Exclusively Kim, which I hate the most, but Chay's so pissed at Porsche after he found out he left him for the mafia he stormed off. like, the kid who's entire character is loneliness and willingness to burn the world for 1.5 people, storms off from His Person because he's pissed he lied to him and joined the mafia. Chay's anger isn't explosive, but it is fierce. also, please look at his face in the Chay & Porsche pool scene. he is SO BEGRUDGING about the fact Porsche wants to stick around for Kinn.
ANYWAYS. my point: Chay hates the mafia. he Is Not Happy In The Mafia. he very begrudgingly puts up with the mafia for his brother and will accept it for Kim also after their reconciliation, but he holds the rest of them to a double standard and resents them for being mafia. if a story involves Chay thinking he "owes" the family (???) or wants to be involved in jobs, I know it's not the story for me.
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal opinion, I'm not going to be mean
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ticchina · 10 months
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They have the most beautiful and genuine friendship ever and I hope it will last forever because they both deserve to have each other in their lives. 🤎
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pharawee · 2 years
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Jeff Satur as Kim Theerapanyakul in KinnPorsche, Episode 14
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lu-sn · 2 years
remembering back to that liminal week between ep12 and ep13. how we were all losing our minds trying to figure out: what is pete going to do next?
maybe he's going to manipulate the shit out of vegas, lure him in like a honey trap before ruthlessly crushing his heart, leaving vegas behind as carnage in the wreckage.
maybe he's going to bide his time. not encourage vegas's advances but not discourage them either, keep his cards close to his chest and his wits about him before he finds a moment to slip out when vegas's guard is down.
maybe - maybe he'll stay. maybe he's perceptive enough to see through the abusive behavior, willing to help vegas work through it because he's a bastion of mental strength on his own. he can take it, because their love is worth it. bit by bit, vegas will learn what it means to love someone without hurting them. and then they'll take over the world.
and then, ep13 dropped, and it was none of those things. it was so much simpler than that.
pete is human. he's not some crazy resilient dark horse, capable of taking anything thrown at him, capable of turning this insane situation on its head. instead, he was just human enough to be in pain. to be caught up in a depressive spiral, because he was in the worst mental state of his life and yet he couldn't stop part of himself from wanting to be there.
and despite that, he was strong enough to tell vegas plainly: i'm hurting. you are hurting me. and so i have to go.
no manipulations, no plans, no schemes. just honesty.
and then he was strong enough to go.
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itsza · 2 years
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(+ vegas my dude, pick a side)
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Kinnporsche as textposts part 14/??
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adanima · 1 year
KP ships in the Big Brother house
Kinn enters the house as a fan, super stoked to be playing. His older brother, Khun, is the one who got him and his cousins interested in Big Brother. (Y’know, back when they were all on good terms)
He enters the house with this absolute Adonis of a man whose name he learns is Porsche. Kinn makes sure to claim a bed right next to Porsche because he will not be giving up the chance to ogle the man as he dresses
Eventually all the houseguests greet each other and Kinn is thinking his time in the house is off to a great start. Until the producers announce that season's first twist: the next set of houseguests to be introduced may not be strangers to everyone and Kinn just knows. He knows one of his family is going to be in the BB house with him this summer
Sure enough, who walks through the doors but Vegas with his infuriatingly smug grin
The house quickly devolves into "Kinn's side" and "Vegas's side"
Vegas plots like hell and can sway many of the houseguests his way but Kinn and most of his allies are comp beasts and manage to dominate most of the HoH and (less) PoV wins
There is an unlucky week where Kinn gets chosen as a Have-Not. His only consolation so far is that Porsche is also a Have-Not this week and their suffering together has brought them closer
Kinn learns a lot about Porsche as they groan about eating slop. Porsche is a recruit - he's only ever seen one season of Big Brother before, recommended to him by producers, and he fell asleep halfway through. He has only the barest of game strategies in mind and he's mostly here for the chance to win some money for his brother's college fund. Kinn is so enamored
On a particularly bad day in the house, three separate fights blowing up that day, the slop just makes the bad day worse. Porsche looks so defeated and Kinn can't stand it. They're cuddling in the Have-Not room and hoping he can make Porsche feel better, Kinn goes in for a kiss. Luckily, Porsche is very happy to engage in a makeout session and from there, they're officially in a showmance
Tawan is a houseguest who had a fledgling crush on Kinn and got super jealous of Porsche for getting with Kinn. Because of his jealousy, he decided to work with Vegas to get Porsche evicted but it ends with Tawan getting evicted in week 3
Big volunteers to be a pawn during one of Kinn's HoH weeks, and ends up being the one evicted that week
Immediately after Big's eviction, Kinn's side finds out that Ken, who they thought was part of their group, had switched to Vegas's side and cast the tie-breaking vote that sent Big home. Ken gets evicted the next week
Vegas keeps getting nominated for eviction, but he either manages to grab PoV or wrangle enough votes from the other houseguests to stay
Porsche gets evicted when there are 5 houseguests left. That week's HoH put both Kinn and Porsche up for eviction. On eviction night, Vegas voted to evict Kinn, the last houseguest voted to evict Porsche, and the HoH cast the tie-breaking vote to evict Porsche.
The houseguest who evicted Porsche as HoH reaches top 3 with Kinn and Vegas. In the top 3, Kinn wins final HoH and surprisingly chooses to bring Vegas with him to Final 2. Call him petty, but he still has a grudge against the other remaining houseguest for getting Porsche evicted. Plus, it's not like he thinks Vegas actually has a chance of winning against him
Kinn wins with a jury vote of 5-2. Porsche wins Favorite House Guest, so they both get to walk away from the BB house with money in their pockets
The very next day, both of them enthusiastically announce on IG and twitter that they’re officially dating
The very next season, both Kim and Chay compete. They were both approached by Big Brother production to be one of the twists of the season: three of the houseguests will be related to previous BB players. Out of the three of them, whoever lasts in the competition the longest compared to their relative will win $10k.
In his intro package, Kim drawls, "Unlike my brother last season, I won't risk my game for some guy, no matter how attractive they might be." (the comments on the yt clip of this are so heated once the season ends)
So into the house they go. Since Kinn won his season, Kim knows the only way for him to get the $10k is if he wins and the other two houseguests get evicted from the house sooner than their relatives were. Kim would really like that $10k to help fund his fledgling music career
Chay is mostly doing this for the Experience and the chance at some money. He saw how Porsche did and figured why not. Then who does he see in the house but Wik - the super hot guy he's seen on tiktok who has an amazing voice. Oh. Oh no.
The twist about the three related houseguests is dropped and all the houseguests are in a frenzy. They're determined to figure out who could be one of the three in hopes of getting them out asap. Kim is grateful is he dyed his hair recently for a music video because it makes it that much harder for people to see the resemblance between him and Kinn
Chay's starstruck-ness about Wik helps him out here. His face was so *pikachu face* even before the twist was announced, the other houseguests figure that's just how he is. Even as he is mildly freaking out about how he looks way too much like Porsche. He's just thanking everything out there that he introduced himself as Chay instead of Porchay
And then the competitions are on. Kim makes sure to not perform too well in comps but still places decently. Chay is absolutely the social butterfly of the house
When Chay shyly expresses his admiration of Wik to Kim, Kim immediately knows he can take advantage of that and agrees to ally with Chay. Similar to canon, Kim dips his toe into flirting with Chay and then Chay runs with it. KimChay are officially a showmance before the first week is over
They make it through most of the game without any major hiccups. Chay is over the moon with how his summer is going. And then the sword drops. When there's 6 houseguests left, Chay gets nominated for eviction. Luckily, Kim does not.
Then, Kim wins PoV! Everyone goes into the veto meeting expecting a new nominee to be announced, because of course Kim is going to use the veto on Chay, his showmance
Except...Kim doesn't use the veto. Everyone's staring at him with their mouth open. Kim explains how he figured out Chay is Porsche's brother and one of the three houseguests eligible for the $10k prize. And since Porsche was evicted with 5 houseguests left, this is the last chance for Chay to get evicted before possibly winning the prize
With an indecent amount of sly talk, Kim manages to reveal this while not revealing that he himself is also one of the three houseguests eligible for the $10k
Chay gets evicted that week and hugs everyone but Kim on his way out of the house
From there, people side eye Kim a lot in the house but he manages to maneuver his way to Final 2
In an uncanny reflection of the previous season, Kim wins with a jury vote of 5-2 and Chay wins Favorite House Guest
People online went crazy during the live finale when Chay pointedly did not vote for Kim to win and would turn away anytime they were close to making eye contact
In all the post-finale interviews, every interviewer asks KimChay about each other and it is Awkward for everyone every time
The internet is strongly divided between people who want KimChay to get back together and people who think they should never talk to each other again
KimChay themselves only state they'll talk things out privately and then they never mention each other again on their respective social medias. People take this to mean they went their separate ways
Which is why the internet freaks out yet again when four months later, Chay posts a photo of him and Kim on a double date with Kinn and Porsche
Vegas comes back to Big Brother to play in a later season as one of four "vets" or returning BB players.
Just like in his first season, the house quickly gets split between two factions. On one side is Vegas and his allies. On the other side is a group that's headed by one of the other vets: Arm. With Arm are superfan Pol and recruit Pete.
Vegas plays pretty similarly to his first season, scheming his way through the house. He initially tried swaying Pete to betray his alliance but got annoyed when Pete just smiled at him and refused to play along. After that, he mostly forgets about Pete and targets other members of that alliance.
One week when Arm's side of the house has HoH, Pete volunteers to be a pawn to be nominated for eviction against one of Vegas's allies. However, Vegas campaigns hard against him and the week ends with Pete getting evicted. He becomes the first member of that season's jury
After Pete is evicted, Pol becomes HoH. He and Arm backdoor Vegas in return for Vegas getting Pete evicted. Vegas ends up getting evicted and sent to the jury house
At the jury house, it's just Pete and Vegas. And without anyone else, without any cameras, they find it surprisingly easy to talk to each other.
Vegas opens up about always being compared to his cousin, even before Kinn beat him at the BB game on national television. And how he can only imagine the ridicule he'll face once this season of BB is over. Pete opens up about never being seen in general. Talking leads to...other things and that week where it's just them in the jury house is one of the most liberating weeks either of them has ever experienced.
When Big Brother broadcasts segments from the jury house, some people raise their eyebrows at how friendly Vegas and Pete seem with each other. But the moments in the jury house don't last long because it's revealed there will be a Battle Back and one of the first five jurors will get to return to the Big Brother house
Vegas wins the Battle Back and reenters the house. The rest of the houseguests are so wary of him at first but quickly get mystified because he seems somewhat calmer now? Like he's not as erratic? But they quickly remember that Vegas is still a strong player when he immediately wins HoH and PoV in the same week, sending his most prominent opponent Arm out of the house
Vegas makes it all the way to Final 2 and once again loses the jury vote. Predictably, he's bitter about it in the post-show interviews but after the immediate aftermath, he's pretty silent on social media
Vegas contacts Pete almost immediately after the show is over and they get into a relationship. Somehow, they manage to fly under the radar and no one notices. Probably because the public's attention is quickly caught on the news that Kinn and Porsche are engaged
VegasPete never officially state they're dating. The public only finds out when KinnPorsche share photos from their wedding and people spot Pete there with Vegas's arm around his waist in every. single. photo.
BB fans have coined the name TK group when referring to KinnPorsche and KimChay - two Theerapanyakul-Kittisawasd pairings dominating both the BB game and the fans
Depending on which group of fans you talk to, Vegas may or may not be included in the TK group, because of his last name and the fact that he did win money from BB. Vegas himself isn't sure whether he wants to be included in the group
The matter of whether TK group should also refer to Vegas is settled a couple of years later when another Theerapanyakul enters the Big Brother house and wins - Macau. With the inclusion of both Vegas and Macau, TK group is talked about a lot as the family with the most money won from Big Brother
Speaking of Macau's win - for three whole days after Macau wins, Vegas's twitter account is just quote retweet after quote retweet of any mention of Macau, with Vegas captioning "That's my brother!"
Macau does not end up in a relationship with someone from his BB season, or any other season, much to the relief of his family and the disappointment of fans
Upon finding out that Khun exists, the public quickly starts a fan petition to get him to compete on Big Brother as well. Knowing that he'd immediately be targeted because of his family, Khun waits until there's a season of Celebrity Big Brother, then competes in that and absolutely smokes the competition
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king-sassy08 · 1 month
Watching KinnPorsche for the first time. Their fight together and you can tell the mentality here is "picking a fight with a random guy because he's hot"
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