#also if this is just a lizzy au then yesss go for it
fence-time · 10 months
It has been almost a full week, but thinking about warrior cats AU again, mainly what Martyn added to it because he is silly goofy
Basically; Martyn (Lionoak) (and maybe Lizzie (Berryshade)) being Pearl, Grian, and Jimmy (Harriermoon, Finchsun, and Canarysong)'s older half sibling. Why? Just going off vibes alone.
Also Joel (Littleleaf) might be a medicine cat just for fun <3
- Gri
Awhhh they’re all so silly, I love pearl grian and Jimmy all having bird prefixes and pearl and grians moon sun dynamic aswell, idk it just makes me very happy :3
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adhd-mess · 4 years
Ignore the antis. They're not actually here to defend CSA victims, they just want a justification to harass people. Anyways, do you have any headcanons for SebaCiel? Or VinCiel? 👀
Thank you! Yesss I do! I did my best to write and I honestly could go on and on for SebaCiel but I had to stop myself! I love doing hcs!
Sebastian is v protective over Ciel
Like the littlest things people do to harm Ciel set Sebastian on fire(making him angry)
He hates when Ciel has to play as a lure especially during Viscount and Circus arc
After the evens of Viscount Druitt Sebastian held Ciel and didn’t let go all night.
Similar story after the circus arc
Ciel doesn’t mind because since his family was murdered he has abandonment issues and seeing how committed Seb is it him warms his heart
When Ciel has a night terror he will scream and cry and occasionally attack people. The only person that can calm him down Sebastian
He’ll slip into the room quietly, saying a quiet “it’s Sebastian, young master.” And then slowly wake and calm the scared child
Their first kiss was unexpected but sweet
Lizzy had been over for a day or two and Seb was missing Ciel
So when the young lady was sound asleep, what is giving her chamomile tea a crime?
He snuck into his master’s quarters
Ciel of course was annoyed but secretly happy by his presence
Seb began naming reasons Lizzy shoud go home and the confidence in Ciel took over and strode over to him and kissed him
When he realized what he had done they didn’t talk for days until Ciel initiated another kiss one that lasted longer
Sebastian loves to cuddle and play with hair so Ciel is normally the one who gets the brunt of that
Ciel will sometimes slip into his room just to sleep in the same bed as him
They sleep in each other’s bed a lot
They also know what the other is thinking just by looking at each other
They are a v lovey dovey couple in private
Vincent was quite overwhelmed with his feelings for his son
Vincent started to distance himself from his beloved child because of it
But Ciel was not having that
He loved his father and would do anything for (or anything he told him to do)
And Vincent knew that and one day he did take advantage of that
But of course he made sure his son was okay with doing what he asked him to do
Ciel was more than happy, he loved his father
As he got older he reciprocated the feelings his father held for him(in an au where he didn’t die)
Vincent loves to dress Ciel up
And Ciel loves to be dressed up just like a doll
Vincent dotes on Ciel’s every need
He’s makes sure he’s happy and feels safe in his arms
Vincent is very possessive over Ciel and has destroyed every possible relationship for him and he absolutely despises Lizzy
Ciel doesn’t mind
He finds it nice that someone cares so much
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