#and then invis threw a chair into sky's face for trying to steal the protagonist
About Invis and being a Narrator...
In my AU, "Narrators" are beings made of creativity. When Invis signed the contract, he became one of these "Narrators". He became a being made of creativity. But because he had not read the contract completely and his new role had no instructions included, he thought he was still a human.
A Narrator can take on any form. Invis therefore still looks like a human. However, his age was adjusted by the contract because 432 had included a slider that required Invis to provide a number. But 432 had "forgotten" to add a note that this seemingly arbitrary number was in fact the age of the new narrator. And since Invis had chosen the number "55", the contract thought he was 55 and shaped his voice and figure accordingly.
When Invis is invisible, you can't see it, but every time he acts like an actual Narrator, he shows his true colors. Literally. Invis knows nothing of this.
Oh, this is what he and the other Narrator actually look like:
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"True colors" Invis reminds me of peaches. Or strawberries with cream. Perhaps a strawberry milkshake? Anyways, I really like the colors.
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