#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
found--family · 3 months
am i the only one who sensed some jilted lover vibes from jensen? 
#burcon#cockles#thoughts#at the start of the panel and through a few particular interactions he seemed very standoffish#he was giving a little bitter and hurt and perhaps even resentful - maybe he only learned of misha's gf#at this con too! maybe it was news to him. on top of not seeing misha for months i can understand#if he was feeling a bit neglected and out of the loop. there's also the matter of misha's gf not being#in a poly thing with jensen and dee like vicki was ie. what she has with misha is seperate so i'm sure#that's another difficult thing to deal with knowing their time together is strictly separate#i've no doubt he wants misha to have a partner and be happy but there's an adjustment period#letting new people into your life and whoever misha's partner is now or in the future is going to#affect jensen on a personal level and moreover his relationship with misha. it's all very intriguing#and while i like what little i've seen and heard about this woman for misha i just think no matter who#she is it's going to take a toll on jensen's relationship w misha. i thought it was plain to see on jensen's face#during their panel: numerous moments where he was giving a poker face that wasn't covering a laugh#but instead like he was trying to smooth out his bitterness. or so my eyes and brain and heart tell me.#just various moments where things looked uncomfortable and jensen making off-colour jokes that didn't land#and which furthermore were barbed and snarky - not in their usual banter way but like he was lashing out#and using the excuse of chaotic panel convo to explain away his comedic pitfalls. but again maybe i'm#looking to much into it? idk. there are some lovely moments! fun and caring moments - but they#mainly came from misha's direction ngl. it seemed like misha was trying hard to keep the peace#while jensen was just running his mouth on comments and jokes that kept not landing - for me#everyone on my dash is loving their dynamic this panel - and i want to feel that love! it is possible that#learning misha has a gf has skewed my perception a little like i'm putting context onto moments#i otherwise wouldn't. but i also think i would've laughed and generally felt better watching their panel#if that was the case. idk. whatever the reason i do think something was OFF between them on stage#and it was coming from jensen from the start. misha picked up on it partway though but things felt#a little strained throughout. like jensen wasn't looking at misha as much as usual or reaching out for him#misha tried to salvage and not react to things. but both their answers to the last Q were passive aggressive af#and when they left the stage together they weren't close or touching or chatting like they usually are...
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fanofnightz · 4 years
Group x Reader
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Being best friends with Guns N' Roses
You had met the boys a few days after one of their gigs at the Whisky a Go Go you had been to
They had gone for a drink at the bar you had worked at and you couldn't help but tell them what you thought about them
Soon, you had them all wrapped around your finger with your knowingness of music
Whenever they had shown up at the bar, they had asked you about your opinion on things until one day, they had invited you to one of their rehersals
After that, you had been with them more and more
Of course, Axl had tried to chat you up in the beginning
So ever since then, you had this funny flirty thing going on with him but neither of you took it seriously
Hey baby won't you come here and sit on my lab so you can feel my dick grow hard?
I don't think that I would feel much even if you were hard as rock.
The boys stayed over at your place so often that you didn't even made the effort to put the bedsheets they used back into the closet
Making food for them was a MESS
They all were in your tiny kitchen with you to watch you cook until you had to kick them out
You were lucky if they left something over for you because as soon as the food was ready, they literally attacked it like young dogs
Once, they had eaten everything you'd made and then they had tried to cook something for you in return but they had just almost burned down your kitchen
When one of them wanted to do something illegal at your place, you dragged them out of your apartment by their ears
Ouch, ouch, ouch, Y/N you're HURTING me! My hair! Don't pull my hair!
Don't you dare bringing your drugs into my apartment ever again! I could get sued for that shit!
That's it! I'll never come back here again!
In the end, they always were back at your door, asking you for forgiveness
Of course, you let them come back in because you knew that they would be lost without you
But you had to admit that you needed them as well
They always cared about you and worried about you more than they needed to
Surprinsingly, whenever you had a problem or were down, Izzy was the best to talk to because his advice were good and his way to not give too many fucks about something calmed you down
But when you just needed to cheer up, Steven was the right one to go to because he would just make jokes and tickle you until you were happy again
Chilling was the best with Slash, he was able to be really calm if he wanted to be and playing with his wild curls was really relaxing
Can I braid them? Or can I straighten them? Pleaaase let me straighten them!
I'm not your barbie doll, Y/N!
I know you also want to know how they would look
Okay do it. But don't you dare telling anyone!
If you were angry or really hyper, Axl always took you somewhere to destroy something or to just freak out together and most times, you had to run from the cops afterwards, so you didn't do it a lot
Duff was just the best to do drugs with if you did it on rare occasions, he always took care of you and made sure you didn't take too much or did something you would regret afterwards
He also was really helpful if you weren't able to reach something because he was much taller than you
Whenever you were at a party, at least one of the boys had an eye on you
And oh dear if someone came too close to you without your permission, they were DEAD
Not that you weren't able to protect yourself, but your "bodyguards" were faster than you
Duff once ended up getting arrested for fighting with a guy that had touched your boobs while you were dancing
He got away with it and the next day, you threw a surprise party for him (that had ended with the worse hangover you had ever had)
Whenever the boys did a show, you were there to support them and to be their roadie
Of course, you also helped them with their make-up, but it took them a few times until they fully trusted you with doing it
Don't you dare messing this up, Y/N, I need to look like a rockstar
Stop being a whiny bitch, you would look like a rockstar even if you wore a bright pink princess dress
You always stood right next to the stage, watching them with a proud smile
Afterwards, you were the first to tell them how good they did and to be there for them
When they rehersed and were doing new songs, you helped them figuring out the sound of the song and sometimes you even were able to help them come up with lyrics
Steven loved to teach you play the drums and you always had much fun with it even if you were AWFUL
Slash and Duff also sometimes tried to teach you to play guitar and bass but they stopped after one of the strings on Slash's favourite guitar had broken while you had been playing it
Because of that, Izzy never even let you touch his guitars
After the boys had gotten their record deal, they took you with them to the studio almost every time
They ALWAYS asked for your opinion
How was this take? Did you like it better than the last one?
It was awesome. Just like the one before that. This is the 5th time of you asking me that within the last 20 minutes. Stop being so insecure about your playing.
When their first album was finished, you were the first one to listen to it and oh boy you felt like a proud mum
After Appetite For Destruction had dropped, you also were the first one to buy the record, even though the boys had already given you one
And as they got popular more and more and suddenly were big stars, you stayed by their side, supported them everywhere you were able to and tried to keep them grounded
During their first big tour, you worked as their "Lady for the Important and the Fun Stuff" (what the boys called you) because you helped everywhere and kinda were the glue that kept everything together and made everything work
And shit yes, it was a hell of a job to take care of Guns N' Roses, but you knew that you wouldn't trade your boys for anything in the world
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drreid187 · 5 years
At Each Other's Throats
This is the sequel to a oneshot I posted a few weeks ago.
Here's part 1 if you didn't read it:
A few months after your first meeting, you and Spencer were brought back together by another case.
“Agent Y/L/N, thank you for joining us again.” You were greeted by Emily Prentiss when you stepped off the elevator.
“The pleasure is mine, Emily. I just read up on the case before I left my house, what time are we leaving?” You asked, tugging at the strap from the bag on your shoulder. You had received the case information that morning and had read through it pretty quickly. 3 women abducted from their homes, and killed by strangulation before being dumped in a forest. Lack of sexual assault indicating to possible impotence.
“Wheels up in 20.” Emily replied, grabbing her go bag.
You were greeted by everyone once you stepped onto the plane, you took the remaining empty seat beside Dr. Spencer Reid.
“Hello again, Dr. Reid.” You smiled at him. His long hair was messy and all over the place.
“Agent Y/L/N, it's great to see you.” He replied.
Throughout the flight, you all discussed victimology, brunette women in their 30s, and how the abductions took place 3 days apart, with the body of the previous victim being found the day before the next abduction. 2 days was all that you had to find the unsub, since Hanna Neeson disappeared this morning. You couldn't help but notice Spencer subtly looking at you while you were talking, or how your hands briefly touched when you were looking at the files on the table. You couldn't lie to yourself, you'd imagined what it would be like to be with him, and in your imagination, it was incredible. You threw those thoughts away so you could really focus on the case in front of you.
“Reid, Y/L/N, head to the coroner's office.” Emily said just before you landed. You nodded diligently, you glanced at Spencer, who also nodded but did not meet your gaze.
The case was not the toughest one the BAU had worked on, and in less than two days, you had a lead. Raymond Taylor, a doctor who had treated all of the victims over the last 6 months, was your unsub. He had been abused by his mother, a woman who held a startling resemblance to each of the victims. You and Spencer worked well together over the two days, but there was little conversation for fear of an argument.
You and the team had cornered Raymond Taylor in an empty multi storey car park, where he was planning on putting Hanna into his car and killing her before dumping her body. Luckily you had all gotten there on time.
You and Spencer were standing on the floor above the action; you could see JJ attempting to talk Raymond Taylor down while he held a gun to Hanna Neeson's head, she was screaming, terrified for her life.
Emily's voice was heard through your earpiece about 5 minutes later.
“Y/L/N, do you have a clear shot? If you do, shoot. This guy is not wavering, if we leave it too long he'll shoot Hanna. At this stage JJ is just delaying the inevitable.”
“Yeah, I got it.” You nodded, holding the gun tightly and closing one eye to check your him, you thought you could definitely make the shot.
“Y/N, you do not have a clear shot.” Spencer spoke from beside you.
“I'm a good shot, Spencer, I've got this.” You said, bending down and aiming again.
“A good shot is not a perfect shot, Y/N. Don't do it.” He said, his voice was stern.
“If I don't do it, he'll kill Hanna.”
“If you do do it, you'll kill her.” He said, his eyes burning into the side of your head.
“Does someone have a clear shot?” Emily's voice rang again, “We need to do this now.”
You trusted your gut; you had gotten the highest score out of everyone during your weapon assessment during training and your score was higher than anyone in the BAU. You ignored what Spencer said, and cautiously held down the trigger which sent Raymond Taylor hurtling to the ground. Hanna Neeson remained unharmed and ran towards JJ who enveloped her in a hug.
You let out a long breath, and when you turned to your left, Spencer was gone.
It hurt you, you thought that you and Spencer had been getting along really well, and suddenly he was back to the same guy he was a few weeks ago, when he shouted at you in the office. 
An hour or so later, everyone was on the plane, and you had decided to sit directly opposite Spencer, at the back of the plane. Even though you wanted to sit beside Alvez, you figured you should talk to Spencer. He was reading a book when you sat down, and didn't look up.
"Listen, Reid, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, but you didn't believe in me enough to make the shot." You said, just loudly enough for Spencer to hear you, but so that the others couldn't.
"You disobeyed an order, Y/N." He said, glancing up briefly.
"An order, Reid? Last time I checked, it was Emily who was in charge and she is the one who told me to shoot, you're my equal here. You're the same rank as me, so don't act like I did anything wrong. I should've known someone with your brains would have a superiority complex." You muttered, and got up again to sit by Luke.
Spencer spent the majority of the flight reading, and sneaking glances at you when you weren't looking. You spent the remainder of the flight chatting with Luke, Emily and Rossi. 
The plane landed just over an hour later, you immediately agreed to go to the bar with Luke, JJ, Matt, Garcia and Emily. Rossi decided to head home and Spencer muttered something about finishing paperwork at the office instead.
Drinks were still flowing 2 hours later, and everyone was feeling it.
"Here's to another case solved. And to Y/L/N and her perfect shot." Emily toasted and everyone clicked their glasses and knocked back their drinks.
"Oh, Spence is here." JJ said, you followed her gaze to the door. Surely enough, you spotted the genius heading towards your table.
Spencer swiftly greeted everyone before turning to you.
"I'd like to talk to you outside." Spencer said, and there was a sudden silence at the table.
"Is that a suggestion or an order, Dr. Reid?" You said with a mocking face.
"Please, Y/N."
You got up and turned quickly to the table, who were very confused, before telling them you'd be back in a minute.
You followed Spencer outside, turned a corner so you weren't standing on the road, and you leaned against the wall of the bar and waited for him to say something.
"Y/N, I'm very sorry about today. I-I don't have a superiority complex, I really don't. If I'm completely honest I was just pissed off that I was wrong. I told you that you would hit Hanna if you shot, and you didn't. My maths was off, for some reason, and I was embarrassed and I'm very sorry that I took it out on you." Spencer said, he was mainly looking down at his shoes, but did then look up at you.
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have dismissed you like that, and I take back what I said about the superiority complex." You said. "Also, you'd better get used to being wrong if you're working with me."
Spencer softly chuckled.
"If it means we get to work together, I'll learn to accept it." He smiled at you.
It was only then that you realised how close you were both standing. You were both leaning against the wall, just a few inches apart. Neither of you moved. The semi-drunk part of your brain found Spencer's ability to apologise when he was wrong extremely attractive, not many men you knew did that. Another part found him just attractive anyway, and your whole body was reacting to standing so close to him. With a bit of liquid courage on board, you reached out and took his hand in yours. He didn't flinch or pull away, but squeezed yours in return.
"Do you want to come in and have a drink with us?" You asked him.
"Yeah, but first, I want to see if I'm right." He said, closing the gap between your bodies.
"Right about what?" You asked, your breathing increasing as one of his hands cupped your cheek.
"About how good it would feel to kiss you." Spencer replied, and suddenly his lips were on yours. His hands moved to either side of your face, pulling you in. Your hands gripped the front of his shirt as he so expertly moved from your lips to your neck. You involuntarily moaned and that made Spencer laugh. It felt like nothing you had ever felt before, your whole body responded to him perfectly. His soft lips traveled back up to yours and you savored his taste before pulling away.
"And?" You said, breathlessly.
"Unsurprisingly, I was right." He nodded, smiling, before pulling you back in.
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arohasfiction · 5 years
Jealousy is an Ugly Colour on you...🌸
Hello Everyone!!! I just finished writing the first scenario for Sanha!!! It took my a while since I'm a bit busy but managed to finish it hahaha😄💕
Pairing: Sanha X Female Reader
Gener: Fluff, Just Fluff bcs you know its Sanha we're talking about ^^
Word Count: 2106
A/N: ( Your lines are in Pink), ( Sanha's in Orange), (Astro's members in Purple) , and ( Astro members all together Characters lines in Bold Black)
And i used Prompts for this scenario, its my first time actually
" You're mine and I don't share, Jealousy is an Ugly Colour on you & I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new "
Summary: You are one year older than Sanha and you were an Idol and you worked in the drama Field as an Actress too who works along with Astro at Fantagio, you debuted one year after Astro so they were your Sunbai's (Seniors) .
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That day after the Artist awards, you met the boys after that in the waiting room, when Sanha called you to their room.
The Other boys went out and you two were left alone. " (Y/N)-ah noona, I have something to tell you, i wanted to tell you along time ago" he placed his hands on the back of his neck then said, "I love you". You froze in your place didn't know how to respond, you wanted to say something but words didn't come out. " yo-you don't love me?" He said nervously. " I-I love you too, sorry you surprised me so I didn't know how to respond, I love you too Sanha-yah". You two later Started dating secretly he told you that he will tell the hyungs in the right time. Sanha was a tall handsome boy with a boyfriend type looks ( a brownish soft hair), you didn't feel the age difference between you two though you were just a year older than him, he knew how much you loved his agyeos and the times he acted cute and how you like to bury your face in his chest when you cuddle together , so he usually did it just to see your smile. Your apartment was next to Astro's, so you always were their with them, chatting and playing.
That day no-one but sanha was there in the apartment, he called you and as soon as you picked up " noona, are free? If you are come here the hyungs are out, they won't come back soon", " yes I'm free just give me 5 min , and i will be there". You ended the call, put on your hoodie with shorts and went to their apartment. Since no-one is there you snuggled into him while sitting on the sofa, and he hugged you while palcing his head on yours, you two watched a movie together when your tummy made some weird noise. He laughed " pffffffttt , are you hungry??!" , You giggled at him and nodded then you said " Do you want some Ramyun?" And he nodded, before you got up from your place , he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him, he placed his big palm between the end of your jaw and your neck while your hairlines were tangled between his long fingers, and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. Since you started dating you two didn't kiss alot because he was feeling shy bit and he was making sure that you go on slowly, but today he took the step first, you didn't expect it but you liked it and you wanted more, he pulled away and looked at you " You forgot the kiss hehehehe", your cheeks were on fire so you got up and went to the kitchen behind you, you started making the Ramyun and getting the ingredients ready, 10 min later you were observing the Ramyun while it was boiling when suddenly you felt two wide arms are warpped around you " babe, I'm too hungryyy now", " hehehe just 5 min and it will be ready" you said while turning around warpping your arms around him and giving him a hug.At the same time the boys entered and saw you two being fluffy to each other, they were speechless, suddenly Rocky spoke" What are you two doing?" You two got surprised and pullled yourselves away and looked at them with blushed faces. Later on, Sanha Explained everything to them, " What!!! 2 months already?!" Said Mj surprisengly. " Why didn't you tell us Sanha-yah?" Asked Jinjin.
" Heheh i wasn't ready but please hyung please don't let anyone else know about this " Said Sanha, then Eunwoo replied " Don't worry, now you two can act comfortably around here". You blushed on what eunwoo said and looked at Sanha while smiling shyly, The next day You were walking in the hall after coming out of the CEO office, you were chosen to be the female lead in one of the upcoming Dramas as a collge girl who experiences different kind of love in her life , you passed by the practice room and entered but, you found no-one there, " i guess they didn't come back yet, i will just wait here" , you played one of your favourite Astro songs which was 'Always You' and you kept singing along, 15 minutes later the boys entered and found you still listening to their songs and dancing along with joy, " ohh hahah you're back" you said, even though you perform on stage since you are an idol but you always felt shy if they were watching you especially Sanha. " I have good news to tell you all" you suddenly said while smiling widely to bursh off your embarrassment, you continued " I got the lead role in a drama hehehe" , Everyone congratulated you but for some reason Sanha was sitting quietly with a frown on his face, while the others were chatting together, you approached him, Sat right next to him and placed your hands on his hands, " What's wrong ddana? Is something going on your mind?" You asked him confusedly, " What type of drama is it?" he asked you without looking at you , " Its a Romance drama and i will be-", " is there mm- a... a K-kissing scene in it?" You paused for a moment at his sudden question but then you burst out laughing, " Pfffftt hahahha", " Hey While are you laughing I'm being serious!", " You are so cute,,,My dear ddana, i Haven't received the script book yet so i don't really know", Sanha pouted at your answer, then you looked at him came closer to his face " you're not jealous, are you?!?" You asked with a smirk on your face. " Of course I'm not why would i?!" He stood up saying and then went back to the boys claiming that they need to practice leaving you behind giggling at him being all jealous.
After one week every thing was settled, you got your role script and had a script reading meeting with rest of the drama cast ,few days later you started filming the drama , every thing went smoothy, particularly nothing happened with you and Sanha either until one day , "ohh ... sanha-yah..? What are you doing here?" You saw him in the back seat of your van, " I'm going with you to the shooting site" he spoke, you tried to act like its just something normal, of course you don't want your Manger to find out about your relationship with Sanha , you faked a small laugh and said " but don't you have practice?!", "No, it happened that we are free the whole evening so I'm coming along" , " but you have to-", " Don't worry i took the permission from Manger-hyung and Jinjin hyung" he cutted you, you weren't worried at all because you wanted to show sanha that you're not doing something wrong because you knew the reason behind him coming with you. You finally reached the shooting site , the scene that you was supposed to film today is about your character trying to help her kitty who ended up being on the tree , and you should fall off the tree, when the male lead see's you while he was passing by he catches you somehow. So the filming started after the director's 'ACTION' , you acted smoothly until the fall scene came, Sanha was watching you, As you fall, the male lead catches you in a bridal style, you both shared a long stare into each other's eyes ( this was what the script said), Sanha tried to hide his jealousy as much as possible but he finally couldn't stand watching and went somewhere else. After shooting you were sitting on a bench resting and suddenly saw Sanha giving you an iced mocha, " Here... Drink this, its from the truck that your fans sent it" he handed it to you without looking, you tried to scan his expression and it was really obvious, you could clearly see that he's jealous, " Sanha-yah are you feeling uncomfortable?" You asked " why should i ...omg don't tell me that you think I'm still jealous...ohh seriously??" He pretended, " shhhh they will hear us" you glared at him then you lowered your voice " but your face says something else" , he just shoved the drink in his mouth and walked away " Hey Sanha-yah!! Where are you going??!" , " I'm gonna take a walk... don't follow me" , you saw his back as he walks away.
Later,you came back to the dorms, the whole way back was filled with silence, as you and sanha were getting off the van you saw the boys approaching you both, " ohh (Y/N)-ah !! Good work today" they said to you and you did the same to them, Soon they felt the heavy atmosphere around you and Sanha, Mj suddenly asked " did something happened between you two?!", " Ohohohh hahah no why you're asking such things Mj-oppa.... Its just that i feel a bit tired heheh" you said as you look at Sanha, you grabbed Sanha's wrist and dragged him behind you " excuse us please we have something to do together hehehe" you explained, " hey we don't!!!" Sanha tried to pull but you didn't let go of him and took him to your apartment. As you closed the door you looked at him " Sanha-yah... Sorry for Saying this but you're such a baby... Why are you acting like that,,, did i do something that bothered you?!, please be honest with me", " NO NO!! I think the problem is in me Aish!!!" He said angrily running his fingers in his brownish hair, you could see that he's kind of flustered, you couldn't stand seeing him like that so you reached out your to hold his hands when you just realized that you are locked between him and the wall behind you, " The problem is in me (Y/N)-ah..! YES I'm jealous,, i can't stand seeing another man touching you" he said while looking stright into your eyes, " You know that we are just acting, there are no real feeling neither a meant purpose of touching its all fake!" , You said, Sanha lowered his head sighing but putting it up again saying "You're mine and I don't share" you knew that it wasn't the right time to get butterflies in your tummy because of his words but you can't help, your cheeks were all red like strawberries, he started blushing too after realizing what he've said " Are you blushing?", " No you are, shut up just stop staring at me like that" you shyly said looking in another direction Sanha wasn't staring now at your blushed cheeks but your lips, still locked between him and the wall he leaned slowly and pressed his lips on yours, you couldn't help but kiss him back, you warped your arms around his neck, one of his hands are placed between your jaw and neck, while the other one on the wall behind you supporting his body, slowly you pulled away but still close from each other's faces that your noses were touching, " Jealousy is an ugly colour on you" you said looking into his honey coloured eyes, he said nothing but pulled you in an another passionate kiss.
Later, you were both cuddling in the bed watching a random show on the Tv when suddenly Sanha started speaking, " Babe.." you hummed in reply, " I'm sorry", " for what?", " For being such a jealous baby earlier i really didn't mean it but i just love you so much and- " you cutted him with a peek on his lips, " its okay ddana... I can understand..i would probably acted the same if i saw you with another girl" you said giggling burying your face in his chest like you always liked to do , " (Y/N)-ah Noona, please don't fall for any men other than me okay??!" He said in an sad cute tone you raised your head up at him, " Sanha-yah, I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new", He didn't expect you to say that as his face went all red along with his ears, you laughed at him and he hugged you to cover you from seeing him blushing.
The End
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callmeakumatized · 6 years
Sugarcoated - Ch. 5
Prev. Ch. Ao3 FF.net
Day 5 Prompt:
"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge."
"Can I pick?"
Marinette had never wished for an Akuma attack in her life. Usually she would complain at having one right after the other, especially when she had fought against her own best friend the day before. Usually she would huff at the inconsiderate disposal of bad vibes two days in a row. But not today.
Today, Marinette had found out in the worst way possible the real identity of her partner.
Today, Marinette had gone only about 10 minutes into homeroom until the fragments of her broken reality started unwillingly piecing themselves together, despite her best efforts to avoid doing so.
Today, Marinette had only lasted another hour before Mme. Bustier sent her to the nurse's office for fear that a sudden, feverish illness had taken hold of her.
So, today, Marinette was thankful for the second Akuma attack in a row – Not for someone getting Akumatized, really, but for the distraction. Even if it was Nathanael.
The boy had a huge crush on her. Who knew?
She didn't.
But apparently, as Marinette found out later, her red-haired classmate hadn't handled what the class had (appropriately) named the "doorway scene" very well. Like there was any question about who Marinette liked before that, right? Adrien was pretty attached to her by the hip (or the other way around, but that doesn't matter). Nathanael, though, apparently had harbored some sort of hope for her affections despite all this, only to have them dashed to pieces at the sight of her playful, flirtatious banter with her civilian counterpart.
What really sealed the deal, though, was when Mme. Bustier, upon insisting Marinette go see the nurse, had then pointedly asked Adrien to escort her there (that complete shipper!) The other students had let out some suggestive "ooooo's" before stage-whispering philosophies on what the two "really would be doing." Beyond being embarrassing for the two teens to whom the comments were directed, Nathanael, the sweet boy, had had a silent meltdown at the interchange. Marinette and Adrien had barely made it down the hall before Nathanael, in all his stripey supersuit and Anime hair glory, had burst through the wall of the classroom.
The sight of an Akuma, admittedly, didn't surprise Marinette very much. Their school – their class – seemed to have a propensity for attracting the bad-news butterflies.
What did surprise Marinette, thought, was feeling Adrien's hands suddenly grab hold of her, one on her waist and on her arm, tightening defensively. Thankfully the destruction happening around her covered her internally and somewhat outward screaming at the sudden, protective physical contact. But while Marinette was internally reeling at this seemingly simple action, the gesture only seemed to further upset the possessed boy facing them.
A snarl was the only warning they had before the Akuma raised his hand, twirling his magical stylus and – !
– started doodling on his magical sketchpad.
(It would have been comedic to see the way both secret superheroes' heads tilted questioningly at this gesture.)
"Here's something to help with your perfect hair, Model Boy!"
As they watched, a giant hairdryer suddenly materialized in front of them. Before Marinette could even react, Adrien was already moving. He shoved Marinette away from the enormous flying bathroom tool; then, after throwing her a strained wink, took off down the hall, hairdryer in hot pursuit
What the what now!?
Marinette had picked herself up and was about to follow after Adrien, when a voice suddenly sounded next to her. She jumped at the close proximity.
"Marinette," said the teenaged villain in a voice that was all-too-familiar. Marinette turned to study his face, thinking of who from her class had not been Akumatized yet.
Red hair…drawing pad…
"Nathanael?" she sputtered, obviously surprised. The artist had been quiet all morning, as he was prone to do. Shy, timid Nathanael? What could have possibly…?
Nathanael smiled, seeming suddenly shy. "It's, uh, it's 'The Evilustrator' now, actually. I need to talk to you, Marinette."
"O-Okay, well, I, uh, I actually need to get to the nurse, so um…yeah. Nice outfit though!"
Marinette offered a wave before turning away. She needed to transform into Ladybug. She needed to make sure Adrien was safe. Her hallway companion seemed to have other plans, though.
"Marinette, wait!" The Evilustrator grabbed onto her wrist when she tried to leave, but let go immediately, as if touching her would scald his skin. "I can, I mean, I'm just asking for a chance, Marinette!"
A what now?
"I don't understand," Marinette replied, curious now despite her instinct to run. This was one of her friends, after all.
"I just – ugh! – I just can't see you with him anymore." Nathanael nodded toward the direction Adrien had ran off to. His fists clenched and his eyes flared with malice. All at once, the anger dancing in his eyes was turned toward Marinette. "You – You should be with me."
Ah. Okay.
Marinette let out a shaky breath, taking a few tentative steps back.
How does one turn down a possessed teenage boy? She thinks that she might have missed that article in the last La Mode magazine. Oh well. Regardless…this? This was not going to happen.
"I should be able to choose who I want to be with, Nathanael."
"You go, girl!" someone shouted from behind The Evilustrator. And for the second time that day, Marinette realized her class had become privy to what should have probably been a private conversation. At least, not one that warranted being recorded for whatever reason.
(She realized, later, that Alya was liveblogging. Great.)
Alya crouched in the doorway, several other classmates standing behind her. They had all been watching the "show", but now everyone other than Alya was attempting to fry the blogger with their laser vision for having just revealed their super-secret spying location. The Evilustrator growled, and Marinette, realizing that she might need to protect her friends, like, now, took advantage of the small distraction and split.
Three seconds of hard running in, she saw the one person who could always put her at ease.
Chat Noir was running straight toward her, but in lieu of the wide Cheshire smile that made him him, she saw instead an intensity that, frankly, scared her. When he caught up to her, he latched onto her arms, and gave her a thorough once over. There was a little bit of relief in his eyes, but the smile was still elusive.
"He didn't touch you, did he?" he whispered, looking from the direction of The Evilustrator and back to her.
Marinette shook her head immediately, not entirely able to form words yet. What she really needed was someone to tell her what she was feeling, because she sure as heck didn't know. From being the unknowing reason for the newest Akuma to having Cat-Boy not only looking at her in a nice way but with something protective-bordering-on-possessive flashing in his eyes…Marinette was having a hard time putting a name to the emotion currently making her heart race.
"G-Glad to see you weren't blown away, Kitty," she finally replied quietly, hoping to alleviate some of the butterflies flying around in her chest.
Chat Noir chuckled, a small smile playing at his lips. He let go of her arms as The Evilustrator, upon trapping their classmates in a glass box (Alya still recording with a smile on her face), turned to look their way.
"It was a hairy situation to be sure," he muttered, pulling Marinette behind him and taking a defensive stance. Nathanael was drawing something on his pad, and in the next moment, he was jumping onto a flying board of some sort. Chat turned to look at Marinette, who was still frozen in place, all thoughts and feelings that didn't revolve around him having left her brain completely.
Unfortunately, there was no warning this time.
Chat yelped when a glass box, like the one their class was now trapped in, dropped from nowhere, cutting him off from Marinette and securing him in a cubical prison. Marinette only had time to widen her eyes before arms were around her, hoisting her into the air. An explosion made her scream in surprise, and she covered her head in defense as another wall was blown apart, sending chunks of debris everywhere. She was flying, she knew, but she couldn't open her eyes to see where she was going; all she could do was grab on tight to the form carrying her, eyes shut tight.
No, no, no, no!
Marinette was going to kill Hawkmoth.
…If she didn't die here first.
(And, even then, she hoped with all her residual Ladybug magic, she'd be able to come back and haunt the life out of Hawkbutt for subjecting her to this.)
With a dramatic sigh, Marinette hung loosely over Nathanael's shoulder as they soared higher and farther away from the school. Uncertain if she really wanted to see how high they had gone (it was a little scarier without the protection of her spots, okay!?), Marinette peered through the slits of her eyes at the retreating ground. Chat was staring at them, and seeing him free of his box prison and coming for her was a bigger relief than she would ever let him know.
Marinette breathed out heavily, able to relax a bit now. She propped her head up in one hand, resting her elbow on her captor's shoulder. Tikki's big blue eyes peeked out of Marinette's purse, looking up expectantly at her Ward, but Marinette only shrugged in response to her wide-eyed companion. What could Marinette do? It wasn't like she could transform right now, not without revealing her identity to literally the one person in the world from whom it was most important to hide. Fortunately, she could see Chat Noir following them.
Unfortunately, he was too slow compared to Nathanael's flying wakeboard thing; he'd never catch up to them unless her abductor stopped.
What Marinette needed now was a plan.
As they flew over the city, a familiar landmark caught her attention.
"Nathanael!" she yelled suddenly, turning her head to look at his face. "Let's stop there, yeah? We can talk on the bridge about, you know…stuff."
A flutter of eyelashes went a long way.
The boy blinked at her before looking over her shoulder at where she was pointing. Then he blushed.
They touched down on the Pont des Arts, and Marinette put a hand to her chest, purposefully taking in large gasps of air.
"Wow!" she said breathily, turning to Nathanael. "That was really brave what you just did, Nath, taking me from Chat Noir like that!" She clasped her hands together in mock idol worship. "I never liked him…I'm so, so thankful you did that for me."
Chat Noir landed deftly behind him, but Nathanael was so caught up in Marinette's cooing to pay attention to anything else. Whatever Marinette was doing was working, so she amped it up a little.
She batted her eyelashes some more.
She wiggled her hips, just a little.
She stared straight into his eyes through her own heavy lids.
And then silently congratulated herself for nearly disarming an Akumatized villain without even laying a finger on him. Now all she had to do was let Chat take over as the distraction he was so she could run off and transform.
Nathanael was stuck in a wide-eyed stare. As surprisingly and ego-boosting to Marinette as this was, what surprised her most was when she spied a familiar cat-boy frozen behind him, wearing a similar expression.
Marinette suddenly couldn't breathe.
A pair of purple butterfly lines appeared around Nathanael's eyes, and Marinette looked passed him in this temporary distraction to gesture pointedly at Chat.
Their eyes locked onto each other, and Marinette suddenly felt just as frozen as her partner looked.
Marinette gulped thickly.
Thankfully, Chat seemed to recover from his stupor before The Evilustrator was done chatting (arguing?) with Hawkmoth. Without the boy ever seeing it coming, Chat landed a sound kick on The Evilustrator's back, sending him flying straight passed Marinette. With a swift grab, Marinette snatched the stylus from his hands as he whooshed by.
Before she had a chance to celebrate however, Marinette was once again grabbed roughly around the waist and snatched into the air. This time, however, instead of screaming at the debris flying around her, she screamed at the sight of the river rushing up to her.
A hand covered her mouth while she and her companion spun up and around. When she was finally still (though the world still seemed to be spinning a bit), the one thing she could register – other than the ridiculously nice smell of her superhero partner – was warm breath on her hair and warm arms surrounding her as they sat still and silent in the rafters of the bridge.
They could hear the angry roars of The Evilustrator form above them, either not knowing where they were or unable to get to them. Either way, Chat's plan had worked. Marinette couldn't focus, though; Chat Noir was breathing heavily while staring into her eyes, and she was captivated, again, by the look in them.
She'd seen her kitty with many different expressions. Playful. Snarky. Smirking. Even scared on occasion. But this?
This was new.
(And it was just for her.)
And all she could do was stare back at him, feeling like her chest was heaving in equal pace as his, though she hadn't put forth the same physical effort he had. He was warm from it. Smelled like sweat. Mixed with his usual cologne, it was a heady scent, and Marinette found herself leaning in a little closer just to get more of it.
"Are you sniffing me?" he asked after maybe the fourth deep breath in.
"Uh…" Marinette didn't look up at him, didn't want to see the look in his eyes, the mirth that she could feel suddenly radiating from him. "Yes?"
She had looked. And he was smirking.
Marinette scowled.
"Tikki, spots on!"
Chat stumbled backward, and Marinette was grateful he didn't drop her altogether as she suddenly transformed. She turned away from him, legs wrapped around one of the beams there to hold her steady, before de-evilizing the Akuma and sending the cure around the city. It all happened swiftly, matter-of-factly; Ladybug, upon finishing, snapped her compact shut and sat back down by a wide-eyed Chat again, putting an arm on him for support before calling off her transformation. Tikki gave a little wave to Chat Noir before flying back into Marinette's purse.
Still wrapped in her own thoughts and grumblings, Marinette, without thinking much about it, wrapped her hands around Chat's neck before plopping down in his lap. When her kitty made no movement or sound of any kind, Marinette glanced at him.
"Whaaat are you doing?" he asked, looking her up and down.
Marinette instantly felt the telltale heat of a blush race up her cheeks.
Oh, this position was a little…
Not suggestive. She was not going to even think "suggestive".
Intimate. Their position was a little intimate and Chat – haha, this was so funny – Chat couldn't read her mind and apparently had no idea what she was doing.
"I – well, uh, you – Chat you, I mean – should probably take me back to the school, r-right?"
"Oh, uh…yeah…I guess so…I just, I mean…" Chat's grip around her tightened.
Since when did Adrien Agreste ever sound flustered? Marinette mused silently, trying not to let her lip twitch into the smile it was aching for.
"Marinette, are you disappointed that I'm Chat Noir?"
Chat Noir looking anything but confident was strange. But seeing Chat Noir looking truly nervous was something so out of context with the Chat Noir she knew so well, Marinette almost laughed out loud. Almost.
"Uh, yeah, I am," she answered, looking straight at him. His ears immediately drooped and he went to look away, but she touched his cheek to turn him back to face her.
"But it's not because of you." Marinette sighed, fighting within herself to keep going. "I'm, well, I'm disappointed that you had to see me like…like I am, I guess. I, uh…" She squirmed a bit in his arms (trying not to think about how nice it felt). "I'm disappointed that the two people whose opinions matter most to me have both seen me at my weakest. I mean, you're Chat Noir, and you're Adrien Agreste. You're strong, and confident, and so incredibly, stupidly brave, and I just…I know my power – well, Tikki's power – is what cleanses everything, but really, what more do I have to offer? I come up with these insane plans and spout out the first one that comes to mind and I want to sound like I know what I'm doing, hoping it will help me feel more, well, more sure of myself. More like you."
Chat was staring at her with the biggest kitten eyes she'd ever seen on a human being. Then his lips pursed and he looked away.
"You mean more like, Adrien, right?"
For the second time, Marinette grabbed this boy's face and turned his head to her.
"No, Chat, I mean like you. Both – or well, all – of you."
His lips twitched slowly into a smile, and then a dopey grin, and then a bit of a smirk. It was like watching a…well, a model during a photoshoot. Marinette smiled and pulled her hands around his neck again, looking away. Chat chuckled next to her.
"Ladybug has a crush on Chat Noir."
Marinette whipped her head back at her partner's words, hoping her betrayal shown as bright on her face as her blush felt.
"Wow, really?" she said. "That's what you got out of all that?"
"Can you blame me?" he said in a low voice. "This is like, the best day of my life! My flirting, which was just meant to get under your skin, actually worked. Like a two-for-one deal."
"Oh my gosh are you serious right now!? Gall, Chat! Most days I don't know whether to push you off a bridge or kiss yooouuu…" her words trailed off to die in the thick awkwardness that followed. That's not what she meant to say. Sure, that's what she was thinking about – had been for the good part of the last 24 hours, to be honest – but definitely not what she had meant to say out loud.
Chat…looked even more smug. It made her temper flare.
"Can I pick?" he purred, leaning forward and wiggling his eyebrows.
"You really want to push your luck again?" she whispered back, touching the bruised spot on his cheek while trying to ignore the way her heart beat wildly. He snorted at this.
"I think – "
Oh, holey cheese, he was so close now.
" – that you're hardly – "
Their noses brushed, his eyes starting to flutter closed.
" – in a position – "
Her eyes closed and her breathing was coming out in slightly rattling gasps.
Is this really happening!?
" – to negotiate."
Chat's clawed fingers traced lightly up Marinette's back. They were close, they were touchy-feely by nature.
But this? This just gave Marinette the overall feeling of hot.
Her hands went to either side of his face, thumbing his cheeks right under his mask.
"A-Are you threatening me?" Marinette voiced, hardly able to get the words out with the feel of Chat's breath on her lips. She didn't give him time to answer, though. The pressure in her chest was too intense. Instead, deciding that she couldn't wait any longer, she went for it.
There was a brief moment when she felt like she would actually be able to enjoy this kiss with her partner, that he would actually kiss back this time, but…no.
Chat Noir, in his surprise, slipped backward, taking Marinette with him for a swim in the Seine.
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