#but I wasn't referencing a pic of myself so it's more the idea of myself in my head maybe
deoidesign · 2 months
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Day by day Year by year Things get a little bit better If I'm brave enough to be myself And strong enough to figure out who that is
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Until Death Do You Vow Ch1 Prologue
'Never make a promise you can't keep' and 'wake the dead' are two figures of speech that should never EVER go together. Nor should it be a good idea to do a paranormal investigation in a cemetery while still angry at your ex.
(The Groom of Gallagher Mansion Semi Corpse Bride Au. 
DISCLAIMERS AND WARNINGS!! The game that these characters are from is for 18+ folks only. While this story will be absolutely sfw the game itself is not and contains things ONLY for an 18+ audience.  I do NOT in anyway own the game or characters. They belong to their rightful owners. I do not own the movie Corpse Bride either. I also don't own the coverart which is a pic from their merch line. I only own this story here. In the beginning it will have a character briefly from the game Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack which is also a game for ONLY 18+ folks and that I ALSO do NOT own!! It's only referenced here and not part of the story.
There WILL be mentioning of death, murder, blood, etc. those parts will have warnings at the top of the chapters. If ANY chapters come with warnings PLEASE READ AND HEED THEM!!! 
Just imagine your wedding dress similar to the one above/linked below only with a longer veil and train that trails behind you.
Warnings: Ian cheats on both reader and Mc from SWWSDJ.)
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Church bells chimed in the morning.
Flowers. Soft petals. Meant for their beauty to symbolize the beauty of the bride. 
Organ music. To match in chimes of the steps of the bride walking down the aisle.
An audience to shed tears of happiness for many happy moments to come from this union. 
Smiles shown at one another in the joys of the moment.
A breath to fill your lungs trying not to cry as you smiled up at the man in front of you. The one you were going to marry and have a life with after you both finally graduated. But this moment couldn't wait. This magical moment after a year. Some say it was fast but you supposed it was called love at first sight for a reason. 
Or at least it was supposed to be. A wedding was nothing if a groom never showed up for his bride leaving her humiliated by the alter and missing the wedding entirely. Only to show up after everyone decided to call it quits and leave for the night. Waiting for you with baited breath and a guilty look on his face. He wasn't even wearing a tuxedo. But better late than never. 
"Ian! There you are! Where have you been? Y'know what? Nevermind! The priest is still here. We can go inside and still elope even if everyone left already!"
Smiles turned to him exceedingly and in joy-
"I-...I-I can't."
Reality shattered. Gasps wracked around. Silence fell.
Your eyes blinked at his guilty face. "I-...What?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n." His hands released yours as he looked down. "But I can't go through with this! I-... I've been having an affair with you behind someone else's back. Someone whom knows and left me a year ago."
More gasps were had. A bouquet of flowers dropped from your hands to your feet. Time seemed to slow before completely freezing.
"I really did try to make this work! I thought if I forced myself to invest time with you I'd forget all about them but I couldn't and I still don't. I still love them!"
Your world shattered as humiliation, guilt, regret, anger all swirled about behind shock which was the strongest emotion. Keeping you from saying anything as Ian without looking up at you took off his ring and without saying anything pushed it back into your palms. 
"Here. Take this. You can sell it to get some money. I-It's the least you deserve after what I put you and them through. I'm-... I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am."
He then left the bride standing there. Nothing but white on her body. Tears on her cheeks. And crushed flowers at her feet. No one but her lonely self for comfort in the moonlight so late at night.
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