#but it's not
keepyourlife · 1 day
I think that's normal for many aroace people that most people in their live have a partner that they prioritize. It's important to find people even if it's hard to make new friends who think similar. Because it really sucks if you always prioritize people but they wouldn't do the same for you.
you're right, of course, but it's still pretty hurtful, you know? obviously for an allo person, their partner comes first. i've had a discussion with my friend about that a week ago bc i told her that, while i'm not averse to romance and sex (i have had relationships before), finding that is not a priority and when it's a relationship or my friends, they come first. they always will. but for them, that's not the case.
i'm having trouble making new friends in general, so finding likeminded people has been hard and still is. i'm 23 and in my country's second biggest city, one would think that'd make it easier, but no.i've got one ace friend, but she's married.
so where does that leave me, in 10-15 years when the rest is probably married, too? it's the big thing that made accepting being aroace so hard for me and why it happened at age 23 and not 13.
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nancylou444 · 1 day
Hey @support when are you doing to put some importance into retaining tags?
I'm tired of continuing to type in tags that I used TWO MINUTES AGO.
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freyaswolf · 13 days
Nothing ruins your Friday more than realizing it's only Monday
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king-swaltz · 23 days
Tell me why my middle school was named a f t e r a tiger statue
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chaoskiro · 1 month
What anyone walking past my door right now might have heard:
1. I am going to kill that thing with hammers!
2. *Glass hitting metal and glass making loud clanking sounds*
3. Heeheeheehee (in the most weird way)
That is, if it wasn't for the loud ass washing machine that I want to kill with hammers.
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Today we won
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I guess I won't kill myself this year
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gorbalsvampire · 1 month
the feral quality of fettered, sadistic, homo desire, though
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isekyaaa · 1 month
Arlecchino haters not gonna be happy with 4.6...
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haldenlith · 2 months
Some people are probably tired of me shouting into the void about this, but my mind is buzzing angrily about it.
Quick context: I am going back to school, so I can have a nice shiny piece of paper that says I'm a "Super Legit Know What I'm Talking About, I Paid Thousands For This Stupid Piece of Paper" Graphic Designer. (To be fair I've actually learned a lot so far.)
I'm in this one "distance learning" (ie online) class, "Typography II". We were given a big project that was very obviously our Final at the beginning of the year, in January. It was to write/research and design an entire book, 40-page minimum (including covers and table of contents). It came due last week. (I was very much done and submitted before then, because I was very In The Zone with this project. Unsure about sharing it here because it has my name on it, but I might share the link in a DM if you ask. I think I wrote a pretty compelling typography book.)
We're then assigned people to do critiques on (to ensure everyone gets critiqued by two people). I check so that I can do my critiques.
Let me tell you what. I just about hit the ceiling. Five-ish people, including myself, turned the assignment in. (Or at least turned it in on time.) Hell, of what was turned in, I think, aside from myself, only two other people put any amount of research into their book topic (WHICH WE CHOSE, they weren't even assigned! We got to pick whatever we wanted as long as we could relate it to typography!). And honestly, only one other student, from reading their book, felt like they put any actual effort into it at all. (Her book was simple, but very nice.) The other... read like he got bored half-way through his own research, because he had like a handful of sources and a whole bunch of paragraphs that were just him repeating himself, just paraphrased, in a very obvious "I need to hit the 40-page minimum" attempt.
Another person had a nice looking book, but it was filled with Lorem Ipsum filler text. Another was maybe two pages of research, and then the entire rest of the book was just a picture book.
I just... what.
We had three months -- THREE MONTHS -- to do this. Three. Tres. Ninety whole ass days. We had FOUR check-ins during the course of those three months, to show our progress and how we're doing, and a FIFTH optional check-in that wasn't graded. It was there so that we could ask for help if we needed it. The professor even asked the class if the due dates were too tight (we also had other exercises and projects to do in the meantime while we did this in the background), if the class was going too fast, and they needed more time... Short of doing it in interpretive dance in front of a neon flashing sign, I don't know how more obviously she could've asked, "Hey, this is your sign to speak up if you're having issues."
This is technically an upper level course. This is also a class you can't take without taking Typography I, which was set up THE EXACT SAME WAY. This is also an elective class specifically for Graphic Design Degrees at my uni. You're not here unless you intend to be a designer.
It's just insulting to see, en masse, everyone just go "nah". They're wasting my time because I have to struggle to critique whatever is going on with those that DID submit. They're wasting the professor's time by sitting in her class and not doing the work. They're wasting another student's time by taking up a seat that could've been filled by someone else. They're wasting their own time being there and going through the motions (some of them had some really interesting progress shots to show of their book during the check-ins), but not following through.
They're also wasting money, because the class is like... $400-ish, so, you know.
It's also insulting considering the sheer amount of work I put into my own submission. It feels like researching and making a gourmet three-course meal to the best of my ability to impress a cooking show judge with, but then looking over and seeing half the competition hasn't even bothered to make anything, and the other half has a stale, cold burger off the McDonald's dollar menu.
I know I shouldn't care, because it doesn't entirely affect me at the end of the day (though I do have to suffer through trying to critique it or get marked off). But still, it's just... mind blowing to me.
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rainbowsheepish · 2 months
Why didn't anyone tell me that experiencing an eclipse (not at total yet) triggers unreality?
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swan2swan · 2 months
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And the Chocolate Taiyaki ends the war forever.
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phoeanix · 2 months
bold : always / italics : sometimes / crossed out : never
aggressive | annoying | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold / cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messy | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-critical | self-righteous | self-patronizing | serial killer | stubborn | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
tagged by: @arachnidiots tagging: @cyclopaes @psychiq @watsonjackpot
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ceruleanterrapin · 2 months
Pancakes, pizza grilled cheese, or pizza for dinner....
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sugaldean · 3 months
Things to not say to someone when they tell you a medical condition that makes their life harder and they feel like it's not fair:
Hey everybody have their cross to bear.
That's not helpful. At all. It's actually super hard to hear when you're feeling vulnerable
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glacierruler · 3 months
It is times like these, that I remember why I hate the US so much.
Gay Panic should be a thing where queer people refer to their crushes, or how they met the love(s) of their lives, or something cute and sweet.
And I understand that people outside the US might not have these laws, and so don't understand the context here, so therefore use that term. And honestly, I'm fine with that.
I just hate the fact that every time I hear that term, read it, or anything else. I. Think. Of. That. STUPID. FUCKING. LAW!!!
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
so imagine everyone's out at karaoke, and it's late into the night...
and oikawa and hinata have been trying in vain to convince their respective very taciturn boyfriends to please please pretty please sing nelly furtado's promiscuous with them wouldn't it be so fun pleaseee - and then in the midst of their begging, they catch each other's eye... if iwaizumi and kageyama won't sing it with them... well then, they really have no choice but to sing it together, don't they??
this is hardly the first time they've shut it down at karaoke or danced together, but it is the first time their boyfriends are there to witness the spectacle that is oihina's combined vibes. hinata's not going to let that change how much he absolutely kills his part, if kags had wanted in he should have agreed to sing with hinata the first ten times he'd asked. oikawa may or may not be playing it up more than usual, sending glances and smirks iwa's way periodically.
iwaizumi is fairly entertained by the two's antics, but kageyama is absolutely fuming and regretting everything that brought him to this point - he had not foreseen this outcome at all - and the dark cloud grows over him until he can't take it anymore and drags shouyou away from oikawa in the middle of the song to yell at (make out with) him in the other room, prompting laughs from the rest of peanut gallery.
once kghn are otherwise occupied, tooru collapses in iwa's lap, farrrr too pleased with himself. iwaizumi chides him ofc ("you know you're really too old to be teasing kageyama like that") and oikawa very poorly feigns ignorance ("i have no idea what you're talking about iwa-chan 😌")
on all subsequent karaoke nights, kageyama glowers at oikawa anytime he gets close to hinata, and oihina are banned from doing duets (bigger group numbers are tentatively and reluctantly allowed)
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