#but you know they're not evil they're just like way nicer in comparison to their parents
I don't know how much sense this makes but I need a Langelique Cinderella AU, I think it'd work pretty well
#brought to you by:#my last post about angelique's fuck-ass sneakers#& juliet#and juliet#&j#okay but genuinely I think it would work really well#like Angelique is working for lady and daddy cap right#ignore how I called him daddy cap we did Romeo and Juliet for the school play this year and that's what we all called him#and like May and Juliet are the quote unquote evil stepsters#but you know they're not evil they're just like way nicer in comparison to their parents#and like you know the prince holds a ball to find a wife and it's this like whole thing#because lady and daddy cap want Juliet and may to go to like end up with the prince#and like the prince is still Frankie here because maycois is goated let's be real#and like this is kind of where you could either make it centric to a specific ship or you could just do like the whole thing as an au#you could say that like Frankie likes May but when they approach the capulets they're like oh Juliet you want Juliet and it's a whole thing#and you could do jumeo because I don't know maybe Romeo is like you know what Paris was like in the actual Romeo and Juliet play Romeo is#like Paris and the capulets hate him because Lance has kind of like pushing Frankie to be with Romeo but Romeo wants to be with Juliet#and Juliet wants to be with Romeo and blah blah blah but Lance and Angelique specifically comes in where it's like okay but what if Lance i#also looking for a new partner at these balls because you know his wife like died and he needs someone else to share the throne with and#that's why both may and Juliet end up going because their parents don't care about the age difference because their parents suck and they'r#just like you're going to end up with royalty one way or another and you know Angelique is like be safe and actually parenting them and#and warning them and making sure they're prepared to like actually go out to this ball because royalty or not it's still dangerous and#they're both like why don't you just come with us and it's a bit where like maybe April and William play the role of fairy godparents#and you know Angelique is able to go and she meets Lance and they have their little shoe thing and they have the Cinderella ark meanwhile#there's the whole love square with May Frankie Juliet and Romeo and Juliet gets to have a moment where it's like how are you so controlling#that you're pushing May to get with a man like 30 years their senior yet you cant deal with me getting with the wrong rich guy and may is#like screw y'all Juliet was The Golden child anyway okay I get what I want now and it's all happily ever after#and angelique gets Lance a magical girl transformation and some CLEAN FUCKING SNEAKERS EVEN MINE ARENT THAT DIRTY N I DONT CLEAN EM FOR SHI#anyways
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the-bar-sinister · 1 month
Bound but at a Distance (1454 words) by thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 1/1 Additional Tags: Family Feels, Family Drama, Family Secrets, Post-Canon, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
The secret comes out.
September 29, 2028– 1:30 pm
It would have been a typical lazy Saturday at the Wright Anything Agency, except that everyone was getting ready for a wedding tomorrow that Trucy, sadly, didn't have an invitation to. Athena was out with Maya and Ema shopping for dresses, and Trucy had the run of the office with her daddy.
“I can’t believe I wasn’t invited to that wedding, daddy.” Trucy was complaining for the fourth time that morning as she flipped through the office mail. She’d pouted when she slumped in for breakfast. She’d sniffled when Maya, Athena and Ema headed out. She’d stomped through her practice routine.
She was understandably, in her own opinion, pretty upset that she was the only one getting left out of the stupid Sprocket Airship Wedding part three.
"Sorry, kiddo," Phoenix murmured as he looked over he shoulder at the letters in the inbox. "I tried, but all I got was the invite and the plus one. It's gonna be a boring party anyway– they're on the third one after all."
“But this is the first one where they don’t got an evil butler stinking the whole thing up!” Trucy flopped onto her back with a whine. “It’s got an airship, daddy! An Airship! They coulda had me an’ the bunnies do a show a mile in the air or something!”
"I already gave them your card, Trucy," he chuckled, patting her on the shoulder. "Who knows, maybe they'll call you for wedding number four. Hey– any mail from Apollo, today?"
“How many weddings can she possibly have? Save some for the rest of us, jeeze.” Trucy grumbled. She flipped through the last of the mail hopefully, and she bit her lip. “I dunno…nothin’ yet…“he’s been sending less and less lately.” 
Phoenix sighed. "He sure has, huh? Starting to feel like he's on the moon…"
Trucy’s sour feelings about not being invited to the wedding were small in comparison to the turmoil that roiled inside her when Apollo Justice was brought up. It’d been months now that he’d been gone, had promised to write, and that he’d still be a part of their lives even if he was staying in the mountains far away.
It’d been several weeks since she’d even gotten a letter. It was like he was vanishing before her eyes, and eventually it’d be months or even years, or long enough that she couldn’t remember his face. Just like with her original daddy, or her mother.
“...he might as well be,” she muttered as her shoulders started to shake. 
Phoenix put his arms around her daughter's shaking shoulders. "Hey… hey, Trucy, it's alright. He's not going to be gone forever."
Trucy sniffed, and wiped at her eyes, surprised to find that she’d already started to cry. “He’s gonna forget about us, daddy.” 
"No way, Trucy," Phoenix shook his head. "There's no way he could, you know?"
His hand searched for the tissue box on the desk, and pulled a few out, offering them to her.
Trucy snatched the tissues and pressed the whole bundle to her face. 
“He super could, daddy! I mean…I mean…he’s got a whole new life there with family an’ everything.” She sniffed. “Why’d he wanna think about us? We messed up his law career…made him clean toilets…I shoulda been nicer and not dragged into my sh-shows!” 
He stood there with his hand on her back for a long moment, and took a deep breath. "It's not like that, Trucy. Apollo… has family here too."
“N-nuh uh, daddy!” Trucy wiped her eyes with a loud sniffle. “we woulda known if he did!” 
He passed her another tissue and hesitated. "Trucy, there's something I need to tell you. I've wanted to tell you for a while, but I didn't have permission."
Trucy took the tissue with a puzzled frown as she tried to wipe her eyes and nose. 
“W…what kinda thing, Daddy?” She tilted her head to the side , and her eyes focused instinctively. Whatever this was…she didn’t want to have to catch her adopted father in a lie. 
"When I say Apollo has family here…" He began slowly. She could see how tense he'd become. "I mean you, Trucy."
Her eyes traced over him…she didn’t see any nervous twitch or tell aside from the tension, and she felt her own body tense in surprise as she took a sharp intake of breath.
“W-w-w…what?”  He had to have still been joking, even if she didn’t register a single lie. Sure, there’d been clues…they’d always been so much alike, after all. They even had the same funny little cowlicks…but, lots of people did.
It was common. 
Her daddy held her shoulder gently, but firmly, and took a breath. "He's your brother, Trucy. Your half brother."
“......” Trucy’s brow furrowed, before she felt tears burning at the back of her eyes again. “he’s…he’s…he’s my half brother? W-whatta you mean? Daddy didn’t have any other kids!” 
"Your mother did."
“....” Trucy’s world was spinning around her as her tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes. “Mommy had another kid…and it was frickin’ APOLLO JUSTICE, Daddy??? And you KNEW?” 
HIs hands flew up in defense. "Hey, hey, hey! I was sworn to secrecy, kiddo!"
“By WHO!!! Mommy’s DEAD and it’s not like Uncle Valant would care!” She pressed her hands to her face. “was it daddy? Before he got killed? Was it Apollo? Did Apollo know?? “
"Apollo doesn't know," Phoenix said. He rubbed his hands together anxiously for a moment, and then he slowly put his hands on her shoulders. "And it was your mother, Trucy. She isn't dead."
Trucy’s entire world was shaking around her. The fundamental truths of her life surrounding the many secrets and magic tricks that made up her past. ’Your mother was killed in a magic accident’ and ‘your father left you because he had to vanish after the trauma of her death and Magnifi’s grand inheritance scheme’ and ‘you have no family left except the family you made’...
They were all pulled away in one of the weirdest magic acts of her life.
“.....momma isn’t…dead…?” 
"She's not dead," he repeated. "You've met her. She swore me to secrecy."
Trucy sniffed again. 
“You’re kidding me…it…it…” she rubbed at her eyes. “It’s someone I know??”
"Kind of," Phoenix murmured. He squeezed her shoulders again, holding her close. "It's Lamiroir, Trucy. She's your and Apollo's mother. It's.. a long story."
“....Lamiroir” Trucy repeated dully. “Famous songstress Lamiroir…who sent me flowers for my big show. And she swore you to secrecy because Justitia forbid me and Apollo know we’re brother and sister.” 
She fell against her father with a squeaky, tear-muffled wail.
"Oh, kiddo…" Phoenix held her tightly, scooping her hat off her head, and leaning his cheek against her hair. "I wanted her to tell you both right away."
Trucy tried to respond, but she hiccuped and choked on her tears and held him tighter.
“B-but…but if I’d known I…he…we..” she stammered out with a wail. “I joked about marrying him to Mr. Dhurke! We PROBABLY shoulda known before that, huh?? And n-now my only brother in the world is gonna forget about me in the m-mountains, thinking I’m just an an-an…annoying co-worker!!!” 
Phoenix squeezed her. "Truce– honey, I don't think Apollo thinks of you as just an annoying coworker. Not at all. I would have told him before he left, but I only just got permission to say anything. We'll write him a letter, okay?"
“A letter??” Trucy thumped her fists against his shoulder, “daddy a letter’s not gonna cut it!!” 
He winced, and ran his fingers through her hair. "A phone call, then. Okay? Next time we can get ahold of him."
Trucy sobbed into his shoulder. “...Geeze…my brother. My-...my big brother Apollo…and momma too? I…I think I’m gonna pass out.” 
"Try to stay conscious, okay, bug?" He held her tightly. "I know it's a big shock. I'll get ahold of your mom soon and you two can have a long talk. She owes you, big time."
“Y-you can say that again!!!” Trucy sniffled. “every family I’ve ever had has vanished on me, daddy! And …and Momma owes me BIG TIME for this.”
"She sure does," he nodded. "But hey– you know I'm not going to vanish on you, right, Trucy? Not ever."
Trucy sobbed into his shoulder. 
“Y-you better not, daddy.” Her heart sank just thinking about it, and she couldn’t stop the tears anymore. “Please don’t, ever. No matter what.” 
Phoenix pulled her tight and held her while she cried. "I promise, kiddo. I promise."
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mdhwrites · 1 year
 I actually think the fandom is scared of Boscha being strong because they don’t like admitting the bully IS sometimes much stronger than you. I have consumed lots of Boscha content, and I’ve seen L U Z written as lifting Boscha in the air with one arm by the throat, or just generally deleting her in single hand combat?
 Meanwhile I’ve read Boschlow (and Scarscha) content where Boscha is perfectly strong and capable even in comparison to Willow (yes I know Boschlow is controversial but the Boscha content that isn’t just hateful to her is HARD to find, luckily most of it drags Boscha through a long ass redemption arc or just makes her nicer from the get go?). Its usually Boscha haters who paint her as an inhumane monster and make her incompetent… or homophobic (SOMEHOW??)… or fatphobic… or transphobic... or a perv… or an abuser… yes i have seen all of these in various fics.
 Hunt//w does do the whole… uh… make Willow’s partner pathetic to emphasise her strength. But part of that is the fandoms obsession with having Hunter be cradled and petted for being such a good trauma dumpster, and Willow tends to baby Hunter in a lot of stories ive read.
So… This is honestly touching on the fact that the fandom projects a LOT of themselves onto the characters to an EXTREMELY unhealthy degree. You can see it on multiple levels throughout the show. Because Luz is canonically nuerodivergent with ADHD, they will protect her to the ends of the Earth. Because many of have experienced some form of parental abuse or have strained relationships with their parents, they push onto Odalia and Alador the idea that they truly are the most evil people ever. Though actually, even back between Seasons 1 and 2, you have people playing dual fantasies. The godlike parent who would always understand them in Alador but just couldn't do anything their hellish partner who hated everything about them, Odalia.
And of course, you have the possibility that much of the fandom has been bullied for many reasons (say, all those phobic elements you brought up? Just saying the writer may have a personal reason to bring those in). As such, the bully character is going to be hated beyond comparison. They're also going to be treated in such a way as to make them feel strong. Hence why people will even ignore "My weak nerd arms" Luz for the sake of allowing themselves to feel like they're beating the bully. To feel like they're superior.
Admittedly, most of this comes from the Twitter side of the fandom in my eyes. However, Twitter kind of cultivates this attitude for a show like this? How many people do you see making hateful content towards Boscha who are
Constantly online LGBTQ+ Heavily expressive of themselves Do not wish to be told what to do Incredibly hurt and angry at certain other groups, especially white dudes?
And none of these are inherently bad, especially the LGBTQ+ part, except for probably that last one because racism is still racism even against a dominant class. eyes Velma and how it's still on the air despite being racist because of that fact I also want to admit that I very much so fall into the first, third and sometimes even fourth categories. And eight years ago I was such a shit. If I hated an element of My Little Pony back then, EVERYONE had to agree with me. You were a moron if you didn't and just blind.
I crashed hard and lost a lot of friends because of that mentality and changed though. I try to see other perspectives and actually listen to other people. It's this listening that allows me to write LGBTQ+ characters despite not being one. I'm not going to say my stuff is as good as what an actual sapphic writer could do but it seems like sapphics do in fact like my work and don't find it offensive.
Sorry, got a little sidetracked. The larger point is that what people do with Boscha is… Fine. It's what fanfiction is for honestly. To release or explore the emotions and ideas you want to. It only becomes a problem when that fiction matters more than the reality of things. When you might see a blog like this and scream at me for enabling abuse or supporting bullying just because I think Boscha has more depth than you do.
No one has done that to me because of Boscha btw. Luz? I've been told to go die because "She's a minor and nuerodivergent" (I'm not kidding. TOH fans unironically use that meme to excuse Luz) despite the fact that… She's a fictional character. And I'm not. She'll never be affected by my words or your feelings. I sure as shit will be.
sigh And to touch on the last point: Yes, Huntlow definitely gets pushed for infantalizing Hunter but the show in general does that with how everyone treats him. It's not malicious in my eyes though because it happened to Amity too. It's just more of a thing in the fandom art while most people don't focus on the fact that Amity has quite obviously become less skilled, focused or impressive in general since getting with Luz. Somehow she's more powerful despite not training and seeming to not have any interest in magic anymore but that's because the show runs on "It's magic and fuck you."
sigh This show doesn't do character arcs well. And the fandom is blinded by how the characters can represent them and what they want more than what is actually happening on screen. Which is nothing new. Not for fandoms or for this show.
And sorry for how rambly this got. I have complicated feelings towards this fandom for so many reasons.
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