#dean x little reader
marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 month
Just Keep Breathing
Sam and Dean & little sister!reader, Castiel & Winchester!reader, Rowena & Winchester!reader
Requested by Anonymous (x2)
Synopsis: You get sick from a mysterious illness, and you just can’t seem to get better.
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Dean’s voice was the first you heard as you stumbled into the bunker after an insanely long school day. You were somehow sweating and freezing at the same time, and it felt like you might collapse any second.
“Grab a book, there’s a ton of lore to go through,” Dean continued. “We’re looking for more info on witches, seems like there might be…” Dean’s voice trailed off when he looked up to see you all but slumping down the stairs. “Hey kid, you ok?”
“Mm-hmm,” you huffed in response as your backpack dropped to the floor—had you done that? You didn’t remember making the decision to take it off, it seemed to just fall off your slumped shoulders on its own.
“Ok, commere.” You blinked and there was Dean, his hand lifting to your forehead and his brow drawn in concern. “Jeez, you’re burning up.”
At Dean’s words, Sam looked up.
“She’s sick?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Dean removed his hand and lowered himself to one knee to look at your downturned, unfocused gaze. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
You tried to focus on Dean’s eyes, but your gaze refused to settle.
“Yeah ok,” Dean sighed. “Let’s get you to bed.”
You let Dean lead you to your room and tuck you into bed. He even helped you take your shoes off when your fingers fumbled with the laces.
“Did you eat today?” Dean asked as you settled in.
“I…” you wracked your befuddled brain. “I had lunch…but then I threw it up sometime after sixth period.”
“Ok.” Dean cringed. “You get some sleep, I’m gonna go make you food.”
Dean turned in surprise at your desperate whine.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You grabbed at his sleeve and tugged.
“Don’t go,” you sniffled. “I don’t want food, I just want you to stay.”
“Ok, ok,” Dean relented, figuring that once you were asleep he could make you something. “You better not get me sick,” he said, only half kidding, as he sat on your bed. When you reached out to him, he went to put his arms around you, but the second his hands touched you, you flinched away.
“That hurts!” You were starting to cry now as you backed away from your brother.
“What hurts?” Dean was baffled. “I barely even…” he trailed off as he pressed the back of his hand to your head again, ignoring the way you hissed and tried to flinch away from him. “Jeesh, it’s even worse now,” Dean mumbled. “Just lay back now, you gotta get some sleep, ok?”
“Don’t go,” you begged.
“I’m not going anywhere, just take it easy sweetheart,” Dean promised. “Get some rest.”
Dean waited until he was sure you were asleep before he went to talk to Sam.
“She asleep?” Sam asked, not even looking up from the lore book he was studying.
“Yeah…” Dean’s voice trailed off as he stood there awkwardly for a moment. “Sam, something’s wrong.”
“Wrong? What, with Y/N?”
“Yeah. I don’t know how to explain it…she was getting hot so fast, and when I tried to touch her, it was like I burned her or something. I don’t know, I guess I can’t be sure, but something about her getting sick doesn’t feel…normal.”
“Ok.” Sam nodded. “Well, you call around at the school and see if there’s a bug going around. I’m gonna hit the lore a bit more.”
The boys didn’t speak as they got to work.
Sam was heading to the kitchen when he heard you calling for him. He detoured into your room, his heart constructing when he saw you—you were pale and sweaty, the sheets sticking to your skin. He couldn’t tell if your cheeks were glistening from tears or sweat—it was obvious you were in pain.
“Hey honey,” he greeted gently. “Did you need something?”
“Can you stay with me?” You pleaded. Sam didn’t hesitate, coming over to sit on your bed. You reached out to hold his hand, but when your fingers touched his you hissed and pulled away.
“Something wrong?” Sam asked, remembering what Dean had said.
“It hurts.” Now there was no mistaking the tears on your face for sweat—Sam had never seen you so upset and in pain. “It’s like-like my skin is on fire and-and I just want a hug but when anybody touches me it just—it just gets worse.” You were out of breath and choking on your words by the end, and it took every ounce of Sam’s will to ignore his big brother instinct and not pull you into his arms—the last thing he wanted was to hurt you worse.
“Stay right here, I’m coming right back,” Sam said as he stood. You didn’t say anything, you just watched curiously—and a little worried—as Sam left. Sure enough, he returned a minute later with a bowl full of water and a glove.
“Ok, I’m gonna try something, hold still,” Sam instructed.
You started to giggle when Sam pulled the glove on and plunged his hand in the bowl. He grinned at you, happy to hear you laughing again.
“Ok now, hold still,” Sam insisted. “This is serious.” But he was still grinning as he took his dripping, gloved hand and pressed it against your forehead. “How does that feel?”
You closed your eyes in contentment as the cool water hit your skin and the gentle cloth brushed against your forehead.
“Better,” you told Sam with a smile. “Thanks, Sammy.”
“Anytime,” Sam said.
The two of you stayed like that for most of the afternoon, with Sam comforting you and trying to cool you off with the wet glove. Sam was determined to do anything he could to make you feel better while Dean was trying to investigate the cause of your illness. He’d also been calling Cas all day, but he hadn’t gotten an answer.
Dean was just about to give up on the books and catch a few hours of sleep when he heard Sam calling for him. He followed the sound to your room, where he found his little siblings resting on your bed.
“Can you sing me a song?” You asked, shyly picking at your sheets.
“Uhm…” Dean swallowed, a little uncomfortable. “Sure sweetheart.”
Sam relented his spot next to you so that Dean could climb in. He started off just humming “Hey Jude,” and within minutes you were fast asleep.
“You were right, Dean,” Sam said when he was sure you were asleep. “I don’t know what it is but—but it’s bad.”
“Ok well we don’t need to panic,” Dean assured him, noticing Sam’s rising anxiety. “She’s been sick before, let’s just give it a little longer and see what happens. Maybe Cas’ll finally come around and set her straight.”
“I don’t remember,” Sam mumbled.
“What?” Dean asked.
“Her getting sick. I barely ever remember her being sick.”
“Dad always sent you to school whether she was sick or not. I usually stayed behind to take care of her.” A ghost of a smile passed across Dean’s lips. “Most of the time I had to convince dad that I’d caught whatever she had so that he’d let me stay with her. I never wanted to leave her when she was sick.”
Sam was quiet for a long moment before a thought occurred to him.
“I don’t ever remember you sick.”
At this, Dean shrugged.
“I usually just powered through it. I had a job to do, after all.”
Sam was about to comment on that when his eyes suddenly snapped to you.
“Dean, is…is she breathing?” Dean jumped up as Sam moved closer to you. “Dean she’s not breathing!”
Dean blocked Sam from getting in the way and grabbed hold of your shoulders.
You jolted awake when Deans shook you, taking a great gulp of air the moment you were awake.
“Hey…ok…” Dean breathed a sigh of relief, holding you in his arms until he heard you crying as you tried to pull away. “You ok?” He asked as he let you go.
“It still hurts,” you sniffled. “What…what happened?”
“You stopped breathing,” Sam said. “It…jeez kid, you scared us.”
Dean noticed that your breaths still sounded labored.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“It…it kinda hurts,” you muttered almost to yourself as you rubbed at your chest.
“Breathing?” Sam met Dean’s eyes—they were terrified.
Your only response was a tiny nod as you continued to take shallow breaths.
“I’m gonna try Cas again,” Dean said, standing from your bed.
“I’m…” Sam hesitated, as though he didn’t want to tell Dean what he was thinking. “I’m gonna call Rowena.”
“Rowena?” Dean demanded. “Why?”
“Because we don’t know what this is, Dean!” Sam insisted. “For all we know, she got cursed! We were looking into witch activity in the area. Maybe Rowena can help.”
Dean backed off.
“Fine. Call her.”
“I can’t heal her.”
“That’s because it’s a spell, you idiot.”
“I can’t be sure of that.”
“Well I can!”
“Ok, ok,” Dean interrupted Rowena and Cas’s argument. “This isn’t helping anything. Rowena, what can you do?”
“Not much I’m afraid,” Rowena sighed. “I can’t undo the spell.”
“Well can you at least tell us what the spell is?” Sam cut in before Dean had a chance to get angry.
“That’s easy enough. It seems to be some kind of…anti-body spell.”
“What does that mean?” Dean demanded.
“It means that her body is slowly starting to reject what it needs or wants the most. Basic needs like food, water, probably even sleep, will start to hurt her.”
“It hurt when I touched her skin,” Sam interrupted.
Rowena shrugged, and continued. “I suppose the need or desire for physical affection counts. It will get worse, though. Things that she can’t live without will be too painful for her to do. Eventually even breathing will be unbearable.”
“It already hurts to breathe.” Everyone had all but forgotten you were there until you made yourself known. Your voice came out in a terrified whisper, but everyone heard you clearly.
“We’re gonna fix it,” Dean asserted. “All we have to do is find the witch, right? Then kill her.”
“It might not be that simple,” Rowena sighed. “I mean, it could’ve been anyone. For all we know, they put a spell on Y/N to make her forget them.”
“Then what are we gonna do?!” Dean demanded.
“You and Cas try to find that witch,” Sam jumped in, trying to find a way to keep panic down. “We already have a head start, since we were pretty sure one was in the area anyway. You know where most of the strange activity was, start there. Rowena and I will stay here, try and see if there’s an undo spell.”
Dean didn’t hesitate to agree. If he wasn’t so preoccupied worrying over you, he would’ve been very proud of Sam, stepping up while he was panicking. Now that Dean had a direction, he was calmer—he was ready.
“Ok. Let’s go.”
“Please don’t leave me.”
Dean and Cas had already left, and Rowena and Sam were halfway out of your room when you tear-strained voice reached Sam. He turned to face you, and his resolve to hit the books in the library crumbled when he saw you, shaking in fear and taking shallow, painful breaths.
“Bring me some books to look through,” he muttered to Rowena before coming to sit on your bed.
It was silent in your room for a few deafening seconds, before your shattered gaze met Sam’s and you spoke, breaking his heart.
“I don’t wanna die, Sammy.”
“Hey,” Sam turned to face you, resisting once again the urge to pull you into his arms. “Me and Dean are never gonna let that happen. You know that, right?”
“It-it hurts to breathe,” you cried. “And it keeps getting worse. I don’t—I don’t know how long I can do it.”
“Hey, hey…” Sam was reaching for you when he remembered that that would only make you hurt worse. His hand froze in the air, halfway to your face. “I…” Sam‘s voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Don’t…don’t say that, ok? You have to keep fighting, ok? We’re gonna find a way to fix this, but you just have to keep fighting.” Sam was so desperate to hug you that he pulled his sleeves over his hand to cover his skin and pulled you into his arms. You allowed it for several seconds, wanting so desperately to just sink into his arms. But you couldn’t.
“That…” you struggled to get the words out; you didn’t want to say them. “That hurts, too, Sammy.”
Sam flinched back like he’d been shot, looking down at you in utter defeat.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
The despair in the room was total.
“I’ve got it!”
Sam regretted his outburst when you jolted awake. Rowena had warned the both of you that sleeping might end up making you hurt more rather than feel better, but you had all but passed out from exhaustion and pain, and Sam didn’t have the heart to stop you. Even in sleep, or body and face twitched in pain periodically.
Now that you were awake, it was obvious that Rowena was right; it had made it worse.
“What—“ your breathing was labored as each breath pained you. “What happened?”
Rowena stepped into the room, having heard Sam’s declaration.
“I found the spell,” Sam insisted, holding the book up. Rowena approached him with a dubious frown. However, once she started to read the spell she slowly nodded.
“This might just do it,” she said.
“I’m gonna call Dean.”
Dean and Cas returned within an hour.
“Not a single lead,” Dean said, annoyed. “So this had better work.”
“Let’s hope so,” Sam sighed, looking at Rowena. She nodded.
“It’s a good thing that this bunker is well-stocked,” she said. “I believe we’re running out of time.”
Your gaze turned downwards when everyone glanced at you at Rowena’s words. Sure enough, your breaths had been getting shallower and shorter in your failed attempts to make them hurt less. You were also weak and pale from the lack of food and water you’d had over the past two days.
“Do it.” Dean was the first to look away from you as he spoke to Rowena.
Rowena handed you a cup filled with a mixture of herbs and things you didn’t want to know about. Your lip was quivering as you lifted the cup to your lips—you’d avoided food and water for a reason; if breathing was like a stab to the chest, how would swallowing down a potion feel?
Sam’s heart was breaking as he watched you struggle to swallow through the pain, and Dean couldn’t even look.
As soon as you had the potion down, Rowena started reading a Latin incantation from the book. Sam watched you carefully as Rowena finished it. He crossed his fingers behind his back, holding his breath as he hoped that your own would become less labored. Instead, your eyes widened in surprise as your breaths became even more panicked.
“What’s happening?” Dean demanded, his eyes flashing from you to Rowena. “What did you do?!”
“I-I don’t understand…” Rowena muttered, flipping through the book. “It should have…”
“Sam…De…” you whimpered.
Dean’s panicked eyes met Sam’s, then yours, before they went back to Rowena.
“Found it!” Rowena breathed relief, before her eyes once again clouded with worry. “Oh no.”
“What?” Sam and Dean demanded in unison.
“The-the counterspell…it takes an hour to work, and as it works through the curse, the curse…fights back.”
“What does that mean?” Dean’s breathing sounded almost as labored as yours as he struggled to keep down his fear as well as his anger.
“It means that it’ll get worse before it gets better. If we…if we had found this at the beginning, it would’ve worked easily, but…”
“But she might not survive an hour like this,” Cas finished for Rowena, realizing what she was saying before either brother.
“What can we do?” Sam asked.
“Nothing.” Rowena shook her head. “This spell was her only hope, so…so we just have to wait and see if she outlasts the curse now. It shouldn’t take any more than an hour.”
“Ok,” Dean said, coming to sit by you. “You can do this kiddo, ok? We’re gonna be right here, you’re gonna be fine.”
The seconds crawled by one eternity at a time. Every time Dean thought you couldn’t look more in pain, your face twisted again as you tried over and over to take a deep enough breath to satisfy your starving lungs. Once it reached fifteen minutes left, Dean noticed that every minute or so you stopped breathing completely.
“Hey, c’mon.” Dean resisted the urge to cup your face. “C’mon keep breathing, you can do it.”
Suddenly you were reaching your arms out to Dean, and he was backing away.
“I-I don’t want to hurt you,” Dean said.
“Don’t…care,” You whimpered. “I…n-need y—“ you couldn’t seem to get out full words, but Dean didn’t need anything more.
“Ok, yeah.” You were in Dean’s arms in a second. “Ok, I’m here sweetheart. I’m here, you just gotta keep breathing. Keep breathing for me.”
You burrowed against your big brother despite the pain, trying all you could to keep breathing. The pain was so blindingly unbearable that you started to feel your vision blur and blacken. Sam was the first to notice you drooping in Dean’s arms, and he reached down and pulled your face away from Dean’s chest so he could look at you.
“Hey, you gotta stay awake honey,” Sam insisted.
“Don’t let her sleep!” Rowena commanded. “Her body will stop breathing automatically if she passes out.”
“Hey, hey,” Dean’s gentle taps to your face felt like full-on punches, but they did the trick. Your eyes fluttered open once more, and your hands gripped onto Dean even harder. Sam had joined Dean on your bed, his one arm wrapped around your shoulders from behind while Dean continued to hold you in his lap. Their touch was like fire on your skin, but never had a burn been so welcome.
“Keep breathing,” Dean was repeating over and over, and without that mantra you truly would have stopped ten minutes ago.
“Seven more minutes,” Cas announced.
You went to take another small breath, and you couldn’t keep the cry of pain in when it was the worst pain yet. It hit you so hard that you felt the darkness returning.
“No no no, hey,” Dean pleaded. “Breathe kiddo, you’ve gotta keep breathing.”
You’d barely even noticed that you stopped. It felt so good to stop. The pain of your unfilled lungs wasn’t nearly as horrible as the pain of breathing.
The relief was so great that you barely even felt when the blackness finally took over, and you slumped in Dean’s arms.
“No no no no…” Dean was shaking you over and over, but you were out cold. “Come on, breathe!”
“Six minutes,” Castiel said.
“She won’t last that long,” Sam breathed.
“It-it’s not an exact science,” Rowena cut in. “It might…maybe it will work a little faster.”
With nothing else to do, the four watched, barely breathing, as your body lay unnaturally still on your bed. Cas was watching his watch like a guard dog, counting the seconds until you would have brain damage…until you could die…
The great, gasping breath that escaped your lips as you sat up had all four onlookers nearly crying in relief. Sam and Dean had already been crying, but even the witch and the angel couldn’t hold in their emotions anymore as you began to breathe deeply again, tears of relief streaming down your own face.
Dean held you in his arms without fear, and you clung to him without pain. Sam’s arm was still around your shoulders—he hadn’t moved an inch.
“You’re ok,” Dean breathed as you cried on his shirt, and no one was sure if he was reassuring you or himself. “You’re ok sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
You refused to let go of your brothers, having spent two days unable to take comfort in them when you needed them most. The three of you stayed like that for so long that eventually Rowena left, but Cas stayed to watch over the Winchesters he had sworn to protect—to watch over the one he’d almost lost.
He watched silently as the three siblings fell asleep—you first, then Sam, then—once he was sure that his little brother and sister were ok—finally Dean.
He watched, knowing that they had almost lost everything today.
He watched, knowing that they would only be closer because of it.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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zepskies · 3 months
A Little Danger
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader (Latina)
Summary: While relaxing together in the bunker, Dean takes your playful teasing to a new level. (And he’s too horny to care about the consequences.)
AN: Couch sex, basically. This is another one for the Espresso-verse! Includes a call back to Devour Me.
Word Count: 2K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only. Smutty smut in a semi-public place. Hair pulling, flirty teasing, endearments, “twist” ending.
Start from the beginning of the series: ⤵️
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Usually, Dean likes the feeling of your fingers running through his hair.
Like now, on a rare day of quiet relaxation after a long hunt. When Mary’s out and Sam’s on a grocery run. And Dean’s laid out across the couch in the library, arms crossed, earbuds in while Zeppelin’s “Going to California” plays in stereo, his head and shoulders resting against your plush thigh.
Your feet are propped up on the coffee table, your mostly bare legs crossed at the ankles. You have a book in one hand while you’ve been absently massaging his head…
But when you start to get weary of reading, in your boredom, your clever fingers become less soothing through his light brown hair, and more playful in their ministrations. You start to push his hair in the opposite direction, making it spike forward in disarray.
Dean frowns. You can’t see it, but you sense the change, in the way he stops bobbing his head lightly in time with the music.
You bite back a smile and continue your little game, even tugging a little on the strands when you push them forward. Like rubbing a cat the wrong way.
Letting out an annoyed breath through his nose, Dean takes out one earbud.
“What. Are you doing?” he asks.
It takes everything within you not to laugh.
“You’re my erizito,” you reply, smiling. You take a peek at his profile and catch the way his brows furrow.
“What the hell’s that?” he asks.
“My little hedgehog,” you translate the Spanish endearment for him, and you tease him, tugging again on his soft strands.
You finally have to giggle at the way he looks back at you from the corner of his eye. You get maybe one more time to sweep your fingers through his hair the wrong way, before he grabs your hand and turns over.
Your resulting squeal turns into laughter when he yanks his earbuds off and plucks your book out of your hand.
“Eh, eh! Don’t lose my place,” you warn, stopping him from closing the book all the way. He allows you to dog-ear your page, but he then tosses the book onto the coffee table to join his phone and earbuds.
“Come ‘ere,” he mutters.
Then he grabs your crossed legs and manhandles you beneath him on the couch. You allow it with a yelp of surprise and much giggling when he jostles you, pulling you down by your hips. Dean lowers himself between your legs, where he’s so often welcome, and settles his body over yours.
You smirk in his face. His hair is all kinds of fucked up.
He can see you’re admiring your handiwork. Little hedgehog, huh?
With a shake of his head, he bows down and silences your teasing with a kiss.
Your eyes fall closed. You breathe in and utter a sound of contentment. You frame his face with your hands and follow the familiar dance of his lips against yours.
A delicious push and pull that has his teeth grazing your full lower lip, sucking it into his mouth, his fingers tangling in your hair. His other arm is perched high above your head, giving him leverage to completely cage you with his broad, heavy frame.
But it’s a good heavy. You like the feel of him laid out over you, protective and claiming all at once. And he likes the feeling of every soft curve of yours; thighs, breasts, and soft middle all a welcoming place for him to rest—and then ravage.
His lips veer away from your mouth, allowing you both to catch your breath. He burns a warm, sloppy path along your jawline. You wrap your arms around him and splay your hands across his back. They slide lower as he moves down, and down your neck.
“Babe,” you prompt quietly in his ear. You can’t help but smile. “We’ve gotten in trouble on this couch before.”
As in, you both have been caught buck ass naked and tangled together on this couch. By his brother. Twice.
Dean smirks, just before he starts to tease the shell of your ear with his tongue.
“Tell me you don’t like a little danger,” he says. 
Right, you think, with a shudder at his tongue. Or, he just has no fucking shame.
You have to giggle regardless. The trembling in your chest moves both of you, makes the shape of Dean’s smile press into your skin. He continues his downward path and rucks up your shirt.
Your knees bend further on reflex and squeeze his hips when his tongue dips between your breasts, still pushed up by your bra. You arch your back so he can slip a hand under your back and unclip the white lace. He slides it off your body, along with getting your shirt up and over your head.
Your hands dive under his layers of red plaid and black undershirt, sliding up and down the smooth slopes of his back, grazing with your nails, getting him worked up enough to have him yank off the layers himself.
He’s left in his jeans, which begin to find friction against your clothed center through the little shorts you often wear around the bunker. Dean both likes them and hates them.
Likes them, because you fill them out well, and he likes getting a handful of your ass (like he’s doing now, while he begins to rock the hard bulge in his jeans against your core while kissing you hungrily).
He also hates these little spandex shorts, because he’d rather his brother not get to see you in them. Still, Dean gets too much enjoyment out of slipping his fingers under them, squeezing your thigh, letting his thumb brush down towards your center.
Already your pussy’s throbbing.
“Need you,” you pant against his lips.
It’s been a bit too long since you two have had this kind of time alone together, not to mention the energy to fool around. It’s making you not really give a fuck about being out in the open in the middle of the library, when your shared bedroom is just down the hall.
Dean nods, then he finally palms one of your breasts like he’s reacquainting himself with an old friend. He rolls a budding nipple between his fingers and moans when he gets the other into his mouth, swirling with his tongue.
He drags a moan out of you too. You delve your hand into his wrecked hair and grip tight to keep him there.
You find yourself writhing underneath him, your hips rolling against his with need.
“Dean…” Your voice is pleading.
“Okay, I gotcha,” he says against your skin. He drags down your little shorts by the hem and reveals bare ass against the couch cushions. He hums with interest. “No panties today?”
“Surprised you didn’t notice,” you quip.
Though you do the work of unclipping his belt and helping him shimmy out of the jeans, letting them pool to the floor alongside your clothes. You roll down his boxer briefs far enough to let his cock spring free. He grabs your arm and utters a deep groan at the way you handle him, with a gentle but firm hand along his shaft.
“Guess I’ve been distracted,” he admits. He presses a forehead against your shoulder and bucks into your hand, the more you tease him. “Fuck, how long’s it been since—”
“A couple weeks,” you answer him. You begin to kiss down his neck, occasionally nipping his skin. “Too long.”
“Too damn long,” he agrees, with another sound of pleasure. He stops your hand so he can concentrate on getting you ready. He slips a long finger down your slit and between the wet folds of your pussy, where you’re already soaking for him, coating his digit.
“Fuck,” he mutters again, “all this for me, baby?”
You breathe a laugh and drag your nails down the back of his neck. “Always.”
Dean grins. Just to be thorough, he slips two fingers into your wet channel. He revels at the way you hold him close by the back of his neck and moan encouragements into his ear. But you cry out when his thumb finds your clit, and circles it with precision. Then the rest of his fingers open you up and rub against your most sensitive places.
As your inner walls tighten, so does your hand; it moves back into his hair so you have something better to hold onto. 
“Dean,” you utter a warning. He nods and withdraws his hand from inside you. He peeks over the couch again, just to make sure no one’s coming. You both know this is about to be quick and dirty.
You both are panting when he grasps your hips and gives himself a better angle. You hook your thighs around his waist and give him an encouraging nod. With that, Dean positions himself at your entrance and slowly sheathes his cock deep inside you.
You release a shuddering breath, pressing your head back into the cushions. Your hair is a tangled mess fanning underneath you. He still has a hand planted on the couch’s arm above your head; you grasp his arm for stability. Dean rubs one of your thighs, in part to also get himself together as your inner walls spasm tight around him.
Fuck, it has been a while.
But he’s making up for lost time. He gives you long, steady strokes at first, letting you feel every inch of his cock as he drives back into you. A shiver of pleasure runs down your spine and you arch against him, your hands clasped on his arms.
Your heels pressing into his ass spur him on and speed up his rhythm, until he’s hitting so hard and deep against your cervix that it almost hurts. It’s a mix of intense pleasure tinged with that briefest bit of pain as he also hits your G-spot over and over.
But a few purposeful swipes of his thumb over your clit ensures that you come with him when he finally spills into you. He buries his face where your neck meets your shoulder, and a ragged grunt rolls from his throat as his release truly hits him.
You hold him to you, your own thighs quivering along with his last few strokes inside you. That hot coil snaps and you let out a gasping moan—one he swallows up with a deep kiss.
“Jesus,” you breathe, after he releases your lips. Dean catches his breath and gives you a shrug, despite his smug grin.
You smirk and once again sweep your hand through his ridiculous hair. It’s even more wild than before. You pull your hands through it, sliding down his neck on both sides. 
“I stand corrected,” you say slyly. “Now you’re my erizote.”
Dean snorts. “And that would be?”
“My big hedgehog,” you tease.
Dean rolls his eyes, even as his face warms. He tries not to laugh in the face of your unending giggles.
Neither of you register the footsteps coming closer until it’s just about too late.
“Dean, are you—Oh!”
His face falls, and his eyes widen when they meet his mother’s over the back of the couch.
“Shit!” he exclaims, covering you with his body when you gasp. But it’s not really you that you’re worried about her seeing.
No mother should have to see her adult son’s naked ass.
Mary stands there behind the couch with her hand over her eyes.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t see…anything,” she says. Usually she’s a better liar.
“I’m so sorry, Mary,” you try to say, but she waves you off.
“Just…clean the sofa. Okay, guys?” she says. Then she walks away without looking back.
Dean grimaces like he’s in pain.
“Sorry, Mom,” He calls to her retreating back.
He releases a breath and lowers his forehead into the crook of your neck. Your body shakes with involuntary giggles while you hold him, soothing him with a caress of his cheek. He’s still buried deep inside you, but by now he’s released your thighs from being wrapped around his hips.
“At least it wasn’t Sam this time,” you offer.
“I don’t know what’s worse at this point,” Dean grumbles.
You bite your lip. “Well, I mean, I did warn you—”
Dean gives you a playful slap on the ass to shut you up. But your resulting squeal and laughter just makes him smile.
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AN: 😅 This one-shot started out innocent, I swear. What was once a simple "chilling on the couch" drabble turned into smut somehow, but I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think. 😘
Keep Reading:
Next up in this series is "In Bad Weather." It acts as the finale of the Espresso-verse, though I'm still writing stories within the world to fill in the gaps when different prompts come to mind:
Summary: You and Dean tackle the biggest possible monkey wrench in your relationship yet: could Chuck have been manipulating you two all along? [Set in S15 - “Fix It” for season finale]
▶️ Next Story: In Bad Weather
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords
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jasmines-library · 3 months
Hiii!! Firstly, I love your writing and I hope you’re having a great day!! I was hoping to request a Winchester sibling fic where the reader is really comforted by physical touch but is really observant and receptive to the fact their brothers are emotionally constipated and touch starved so the reader has never really asked for it but then one day either just a bad day or bad hunt and the reader just asks the boys to hold them or one of them to sit in the back of the Impala with them? Thank you so so much and I hope you have a lovely day!! 🫶
So close, yet too far.
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Summary: You just really need a hug.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Touch Starved, character death mentioned, swearing
p.s. Sorry for the long wait! I've got exams at the moment so they're taking up a lot of my time.
Life as a hunter was never still. You were constantly moving. Constantly looking over your shoulder. Constantly chasing what could be your last day on earth. And you wouldn’t ever have said you regretted it. No. In fact, you wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Hunting creatures and saving the world? It was all You couldn’t have imagined a better life…
But sometimes you found yourself wanting life to just slow down for a minute. It was so hectic and you just needed a breath. A hug. With such a busy life, there was no time for just spending quality time with your brothers. Or anyone for that matter. It was an endless cycle: Wake up. Research. Hunt. Drive. Sleep. There was no time for sitting on the couch and watching cheesy movies together. Nor was there any time for curling up together like you used to do when you were smaller. You found yourself yearning for it. For a hug or simply just a gentle arm around your shoulder. It used to bring you so much comfort. But times were tough with all that had happened recently. The three of you were even more on edge than ever before. 
Your brothers had always told you that you could ask them for anything. That you could tell them whatever you wanted… but this wasn’t just something you could ask them for. You had seen how they often shunned away from touch. From relationships. Having seen so much pain and having lost so many people…they struggled to allow themselves to let their guard down enough to enjoy a tender moment. Even with you. So no matter how much you yearned for it you could never bring yourself to push the want from your mind and into words. 
So when the hunt went worse than you could have imagined you kept quiet. 
Dean’s hand was right there; peeking out from the hem of his flannel. His fingers were bloody and calloused, scarred and covered in small cuts and yet his touch was still tender. You felt your own fingers itch to reach out and lace them between his. You wanted for him or Sam to wrap you up in their arms and hold you close. To squeeze your hand. Or a shoulder. But you knew that they had much more pressing matters to deal with that overshadowed “needy little sister”. 
You trailed behind them, dragging your feet ever so slightly to kick up the dirt and leave trails between the orange leaves. You did not look up at your brothers because you knew you would see Dean's set jaw and Sam’s pinched eyebrows as they too mourned the hunt. 
A small boy had been caught by a shtriga. He had been no older than 5 or 6 with these big, blue eyes that got impossibly wider as the creature stalked toward him. And his scream…it pierced through the air like a beam of light: clear as day yet providing no clarity. No safety like light should bring. Instead it was cold and filled with a gripping terror. 
The three of you had been too slow. No matter how hard you dragged your stubborn limbs you couldn’t get to him fast enough. So now you trudged along in silence. 
The sight of Baby did not, in fact, provide you with the relief you thought it would. Instead the gleaming of the bonnet against the moonlight just made your stomach churn. You knew that you would all try to bury the memory in a box, deep in the back of your mind. But it was never that easy. They tried hard, but you would hear them late at night. Dean hardly slept as he tried to drink his troubles away and Sam barely left his room. And then there was you who lay awake staring blankly at the ceiling as you wept softly, wrapping your arms around yourself to curl up in a ball. It didn’t bring the same comfort as theirs did, like it had done when you were small and naive when you crawled into their bed after a nightmare. When things weren’t so fucking complicated. 
Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes as you reached for the metal handle. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sit in silence to be left with your own thoughts. You couldn’t be alone. Not right now. 
“Sammy…”  Your voice was quiet. Hushed. Barely a whisper pushed out on cracked lips that trembled. 
Sam paused, his hand halfway between where he had been picking at the hem of his jeans and the handle of the passenger door. He lifted his head, humming softly in acknowledgement. 
“Sit with me… Please.”
“Of course.” His face melted and he moved in one swift movement. 
He slid in the backseat, leaning against the door frame and stretching out across the seats. He pulled you in to lean against his side, wrapping his arms around you. You lay your head on his shoulder, snuggling into his side. And began to weep. 
“Kiddo?” Sam asked gently. “What’s up?” His hands traced small circles on your arm.
Dean reached over the back of the seat with a concerned look, though part of it could be easily mistaken for fear. “It’s not your fault, Sweetheart-” He started.
“Just…hold me. Please.” You clung onto Sam, your other hand reaching out to settle atop of Dean’s. Their touch was comforting, yet you couldn’t help the wavering as you wept. “I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
And so they did. Sam nestled you further into his side, tucking your head beneath his chin and Dean clambered out of his seat to join the two of you in the back. He settled down on your other side, sandwiching you between the two of you. And they held you. They ran their fingers through your hair, held your hand and spoke to you. They held you tight and the three of you stayed close together, with no intention of moving any time soon.
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inlovewhithafairytale · 5 months
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POV: The Winchester's have a little sister
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rustys-lodge · 8 months
Requested by anon : Can you write a spn fic of dad sam/dean where she texts her dad from her room about needing help because depression gets really bad and she wants to self harm? And dad just helps her ride the wave and comforts her. Thank you
Warnings : Depression, self harm
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And without a single warning, the door to your room flew open. And there he was, standing with that empathetic smile on his face.
You'd believe it if you couldn't clearly see the worry glistening in his eyes.
"Is this where my beauty needs help for her sleep ?"
Your lips quivered and a whimper left your lips, causing your dad's shoulders to slump.
Nice try. But the wound is too deep to close up with a simple joke. And the joke is not funny. But your dad got the memo, since he flew to your bed and sat himself beside you.
"Scooch" He commanded before bringing your upper half over his chest. So you layed diagonally on the bed, with your back up to his chest, giving him scape to wrap his arms completely around your neck.
You needed that. Badly. And when your whimpers got louder, your dad hugged you tighter.
"It's bad, dad..." You choked on a sob.
"I know...kid...i know" Your father planted a kiss on your head. And his hands let you go....discreetly traveling down your arms.
He was checking to see if you'd flinch...that would mean you did it again. And you know this move because you've been through this as well.
Him randomly touching your arms, squeezing from time to time to see if it hurts you. At first you pretended like it didn't. But at some point, you realized there's no need to pretend. He knows.
"I didn't do it." You informed him and a slight sigh of relief hit your ear.
"That's my girl." Another kiss fell on the back of your back of your head. "Give me those hands."
You complied and your dad criss-crossed your arms and set your hands on your opposite shoulders, before bringing his own arms over yours.
"I'm here now, kid."
And as weird and narrow as it may have seemed. You were wrapped in a loving embrace.
And although your drowning thoughts were not ceasing, warmth flooded your body and your muscles tensed down...you hadn't slept in a while. It's been hard..Really hard.
With his arms still wrapped around your chest, your dad sung to you, considerably low, guiding you to sleep.
Sorry for the never-changing ending. It seems that comfy fics cannot end any other way. Anyways, hope this helps someone on a lonely night !! ❤️❤️❤️⚘️⚘️⚘️
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ellieslittleburrow · 2 months
Coming home late..doesn't keep Dean okay.
Summery : You've been acting out, lately. Or at least that's what Sam and Dean called it. For you it was just having fun, living. That is until Dean couldn't take it anymore...
Warnings : a bit of a violent behaviour, stern brother
Pairings : Dean winchester x sister reader
A/n : AHA WHATS THAT TITLE. Also i'm sorry if this brings bad memories to any of you guys ❤️ Comments are much appreciated peeps 🌸
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"Lookie here"
A voice you have so carelessly gotten used to, tinted with a hint of disappointment and of passive aggressiveness. "Miss wild life has just come back from her adventures."
You sighed as your boots tiredly thump the metallic steps of the bunker and Dean emerged through the metallic columns.
"What?" You threw your arms out. "Am i not allowed to go out now? Should i ask for your permission for everything?" You spat out. Fucker really had to do this as soon as you came back home?
"No!" Dean rose from the chair and dangerously made his way to you. "You could've answered the phone one of the 10 times i called, though!" He sounded enthusiastic for a second. "Or maybe just gotten home on time." And then that enthusiasm shifted to disappointment. And after a few seconds of silence, he spoke again, his voice fatigued. "What are you doing, kid?"
It was a simple 4 worded question. But the answer to it requiered a few shrinks and lots of writing. You didn't know why you were acting this way, really. To you it was no big deal. Why do they want to force everything on you? Get home at this hour, wear this and not that, eat, don't talk to that person, don't haunt this and that...You were just done with all this attention to the little details that meant nothing to you...You just..wanted them to notice you, what you liked, your qualities, the fact that you knew well enough how to haunt. There was also the fact that...handling things on your own was no longer a possibility..The pain, the nightmares, the memories.
"I'm not doing anything, Dean. I just got home like-" You stop to look at your watch. "A fucking hour late. Boohoo, what a big fucking dea-"
You stop! Faltering for a tiny moment before quickly recovering, adrenaline pumping through your body.
"Don't raise your voic-"
You'd spoke but Dean interrupted you, closing the gap between you, sending you staggering backwards. But you still hold your head up high, chest puffed up and ready to fight...cleching your fists as your hands trembled.
"i don't think you understand, lily." Your brother wrapped his hand around your arm, looming over your -what felt like- tiny body. You held your gaze down. Are you still going to fight? Or are you going to apologize and move on?
"It's not because i let you loose that it's actually acceptable for you to behave this way. I understand that you're angry and that you're taking it out on me-"
"that's fucking stupi-"
Fight it is..
"it's not stupid, you're acting out like you're five."
"i swear to god and i promise you, if you ever do this again, lily, you're done. And not done the way you usually are. I promise you that if you do this ever again, i will make sure you never forget that day. "
You scoff and shrug, the perfect cocktail for Dean's eyes to go lower, darker. Angrier. But all that bitterness washed away... and he nodded, slowly.
"Okay then" He let go of your arm and you internally wished he didn't. It felt now like you'd rather he grounds you and yells, because that smile meant that whatever was coming, was going to be much worse.
"Since you're all grown up and ready to take care of yourelf, let me change it up for you."
Much worse indeed..
He stood up straight and you shrunk again. You didn't want this!!! This is not what you had in m-
"We've already got enough problems on our plate, you acting out, with your temper tantrums and your shit-" He shakes his hands. " i'm not having it."
You'd speak up...apologize..But you're too angry and terrified to even think. Let alone talk.
"You do this shit again, you're out. Capiche?"
You opened your mouth to speak but!- you're stunned. And a lump grew heavy in your throat as regret set in....
"And you watch your language, or else i promise you i'll smack your face so bad your jaw will hurt."
Your eyebrows stood up in surprise..Never has Dean EVER been this violent. And by the looks of it, he meant it. He meant all of it. Every single word. And you...you-
You burst into tears, choking as saliva pooled in your mouth. You've never felt such things and-and you don't get why he'd eve-
"I asked you a question, lily." He thundered but you were in no state that would get you to stop crying, anytime soon. Only an unintentional whimper escaped your lips. "Lily, i asked you a question." He demanded again, groaning higher.
You nod, hoping it would get him off you but...that only infuriorates him more. "ANSWER ME."
his tone turned more violent, piercing your ears and you nodded again. "Yeah. Yes-I I understand." Your lips trembling as your upper body leaned away from him.
Just then does he let go of your arm. "'Out of my face now, kid."
Without hesitation, you stepped aside, heading for your room.
You placed the back of your hand on your mouth, covering it before another wave of tears comes in.
You might've fucked up, badly this time, as Dean has never been this mean to you. And it just felt like....John and Sam all over again.
You had to do something about. But it could wait. Until Sam came back.
Ola, yall! I love writing angst 😭😭😭 What do we think???? ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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spaceagebachelormann · 7 months
doing ur makeup with the ducks !
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✧ warnings: none!
✧ characters included: charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, fulton reed, connie moreau, guy germaine, julie gaffney, ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
✧ additional info: can be read as romantic or platonic! readers gender isn’t explicitly specified but is supposed to be fem
✧ m.list — nav.
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ೃ༄ charlie conway
he’s. very interesting about it
he’ll mainly just sit and watch cause he doesn’t know what else to do but will ask questions
“omg what’s this” and it’s probably mascara
even though he’s a guy u would think he knows that
he’s not mean about it or anything, he actually asks a lot of questions because he’s genuinely interested
ೃ༄ adam banks
i have a hc he has an older sister so he actually knows what a lot of the bottles are
he’d let u test lipsticks on his arm <3
and if u wanted his honest opinion on how ur makeup looks he may or may not be able to give it 😭 but if he thinks it looks bad he’ll hesitate for like 5 mins before finally saying “you look a little crazy.. i’m sorry”
and he’d let u put some on him for funsies
ೃ༄ lester averman
he’d talk non stop the whole time u do ur makeup
it’s like 40% questions and 60% random nonsense
it’s entertaining though because he knows all the gossip and has fun facts that are actually terrifying
he’d wanna try to put makeup on u but u don’t let him cause he’ll fuck up 💕
and if u get up to go to the bathroom or just to get something u come back and bro looks like a clown
ೃ༄ fulton reed
despite the fact he’s very silly and chaotic and always has something to start yelling about he actually likes the peacefulness of when ur doing ur makeup
it’s like a little free period for him cause he can get hw done, sleep, just sit there and talk normally, etc
ofc cause he’s a Teenage Boy he’d probably make fun of u a little but he’s overall amazed by the process and how long a full face takes
and also would ask u to tell him whatever gossip yk and his responses are so funny
“so yk chelsea?—” “OHH THE ONE WHO GOT PREGNANT??? YEAHHH” “apparently the dad is j-“ “JAKE??? I FUCKING KNEW IT.”
ೃ༄ connie moreau
i feel like she’s one of those girls who only wears like mascara and lipgloss (not cause she’s a pick me but because she doesn’t know how to do anything else)
will ask u to do hers for her! and teach her how to do stuff like blush and eyeliner since she doesn’t know how but rlly wants to learn
and she also compliments ur makeup every 2 mins
“omgg u look gorgeous!” “connie babes i haven’t even put anything on yet” “and? <3”
ೃ༄ guy germaine
says things like “you look so pretty” or “that looks so cool? omg?” every 2 seconds
he genuinely thinks ur the greatest at doing makeup
and he also let’s u test lipsticks on his arm
i feel like he’d ask u to put eyeliner on him just cause he wants to see what it looks like on him <3
also his hands are probably really steady for some reason?? so if u have shaky hands hed help u put stuff on
ೃ༄ julie gaffney
100% curls ur lashes for u if ur also terrified of the lash curler
does hers with u even though she doesn’t rlly use concealer and foundation and skin stuff cause she washes her face every day <3
but she’d know how to use literally everything and is fucking amazing at it and can help u with whatever u want
would ask u to help her choose colours if she decides to have colourful eyeshadow
let’s u paint her nails <3
ೃ༄ ken wu
i’m ngl he probably just sits there and watches
probably uses the time to just talk about whatever
and if y’all have classes together he asks for help with hw 😭
“so what’s number 4 again??” “oh it’s 13 over 6” “ty!!”
he’d also start organizing ur makeup for funsies and brings u snacks and water if he gets bored
ೃ༄ dean portman
will look through literally all ur makeup for funsies
and also asks a shit ton of questions
would probably say “that’s so girly 😹🫵” as a joke but he’s actually rlly intrigued and likes watching u do it
hands u whatever u need but u probably have to explain it to him and he grabs it at the last second to be a bitch
“can u hand me the lash curler?” “the what” “that curvy thing that looks like a little science tool” “wtf r u talking about” “oh my god let me—“ “OHHH U MEAN THIS”
sometimes he actually has no idea wtf u mean though
ೃ༄ luis mendoza
knows what everything is cause as we all know this MAN WHORE has had like 400 gfs
would suggest different lip colours to do
will 100% rizz u up while ur putting on lip gloss or lipstick
“i like that colour, u should kiss me so we can both have it” “that wasn’t smooth at all”
he also makes jokes like the little comedian he is (compares random people to random shit)
ೃ༄ dwayne robertson
he’s like adam but more talkative
would try to guess what everything is used for and like very rarely gets it right
but when he does he gets so excited
he’d do ur hair while u do ur makeup so u don’t have to after
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beansandsprouts · 11 months
I'm Not Jealous
Dean Winchester x fem reader
Fluff with a sprinkling of angst
Summary: While on a hunt, you and the boys bumped into another hunter working the same case. You decide to join forces, but you and this new hunter get along too well for Dean's liking.
Warnings: descriptions of violence, blood, little bit of angst, implication of sex
Dean watched as you giggled at something that hunter, Ian, had said. His jaw clenched when you touched Ian's arm and moved in closer to him.
He huffed as he turned his attention back to his array of weapons as Sam gave him a knowing look.
"You know she wouldn't be flirting with someone else if you'd made a move sooner."
"What the hell are you talkin about?"
"Come on man, it's obvious how you feel about her." Sam pushed.
"She's our friend, Sam. I just don't want her to get taken advantage of."
"Uh huh."
You were hunting a werewolf, it had killed four people in the last few days and you all intended on putting an end to it.
You'd tracked it to an abandoned farmhouse a few miles outside of town, and were preparing to make a move.
"Y/n! You ready?"
You turned to face Dean, giving him a bright smile and a thumbs up.
"Alright, let's move!"
The four of you walked back out to your cars, the werewolf having been taken down without too much trouble. There would definitely be some bruises but nothing too serious.
You were leaning back against Ian's car, chatting. Dean watched, brows furrowed as he put away his weapons. His blood boiled when Ian reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Dean, you can't keep angrily staring at them."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He grumbled, averting his eyes and slamming the trunk shut.
"Hey! Ian and I are gonna go grab some dinner. I'll see you guys back at the motel, kay?"
"Yeah...whatever." Dean grumbled, not sparing you a glance.
Sam side eyed him before turning to you, "Yeah no problem. Be safe, call if you need anything."
"Will do Sam." You smiled and turned back towards Ian's car.
"You just cannot stand the thought of her with someone else." Sam chuckled.
"I just...shes never been the type. She doesn't do one night stands."
"What makes you think it's a one night stand?" Sam raised a brow.
"You can't have relationships with this job Sammy. It just doesn't work."
"Maybe not with a normal person. But two hunters? That would work better."
"You don't think she's seriously considering dating that...that...prick?"
"Ian's a nice guy Dean."
"He's not good enough for her."
"You don't think anyone's good enough for her." Sam snorted.
Dean glared at him.
"You are seriously oblivious to how much you like her, aren't you?"
"What're you on about?"
"Do you not see the way that you look at her? The way you light up when she walks into the kitchen in the mornings? How she's always the one you check on after a hunt? You've always guarded her against guys at bars. You've always taken care of her Dean."
"She's family Sam. We take care of family." He growled.
Sam sighed, "Whatever you say."
When you returned later that night, Dean was sitting up in bed watching TV next to a sleeping Sam.
"Hey!" You whispered.
Dean glanced at you, "You have fun?"
You smiled, "Yeah, Ian's great."
He grunted in response, shutting off the TV and sliding under the covers. You bit your lip, you'd kinda hoped he'd have more of a reaction to you going out with someone.
You'd had feelings for Dean for years, but either he didn't notice or he chose not to. Eventually you'd resigned yourself to being his friend, his hunting partner. But you'd always wished for me. Maybe that was why you never pursued someone, you'd always kinda hoped something would happen.
But Ian was funny and cute, and you figured maybe it was time to move on. You'd tried to have a good time tonight, but all you could think about was what it'd be like to be with Dean. You'd come clean about it to Ian, not wanting him to get too involved with someone who was in love with another man. But he'd said it was okay, he was willing to wait for you to fall for him instead. He'd even asked you out again next week. It felt good to be wanted, to have someone want to be with you.
A week later and you're getting ready for your date with Ian. He'd invited you out to this nicer restaurant. Definitely a lot nicer than you were used to. You'd put on a form fitting black dress that came down to the mid thigh and accentuated your curves, the neckline plunged, showing off your chest a bit. You'd left your hair down for once, letting it frame your face nicely. And youd put on some nice perfume Mary had gifted you awhile back. You felt good and you looked good.
You walked out into the main room and the boys looked up as you did, Sam and Cas raised their brows and Dean choked on his beer.
"You look nice." Cas said.
"Really nice. I think I've seen your hair down like...twice." Sam said.
You grinned, "Thanks guys. Its definitely a change from what I'm used to but Ian's taking me to some fancy place in town so the usual jeans and t-shirt weren't an option."
Dean was staring at you, looking you up and down, seemingly in shock.
You heard a knock at the door, and shouted for him to come in. Ian came in, a bouquet of flowers in hand. He came down the stairs and his eyes widened when he saw you.
"Thanks." You smiled at him.
He wordlessly handed you the flowers, still staring. You left the room to try and hunt down a vase.
"You better treat her right." Dean said. Not even looking at Ian.
"Oh like you have?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean growled, standing and whipping around to face him.
Ian had a look of contempt on his face, like he was disgusted by the mere sight of Dean, "Nothing."
"No what the fuck-"
"I found a vase," You said as you entered the room again, "Put them in my-what's going on in here?"
"Nothing! You ready to go?"
"Uh yeah, sure." You said, eyes on Dean's clearly irritated face.
The evening was wonderful, Ian was lovely to be around. And the food was great. You entered the bunker again later that night with a smile on your face, which was quickly gone when you saw the pissed off look on Dean's.
"Dean? You ok?"
"Why are you going out with him?"
"Because I like him? What do you mean?"
"You've only ever needed us. Why has that suddenly changed? What could he possibly give you that me and Sam and Cas and Jack can't?"
You looked at him, shocked. He had stood and turned to face you.
"You can't have seriously expected this to never happen?"
"Why not? We've given you everything you need. A home, protection, family. What else is there?"
You blinked, "What?"
"What does he give you that we cant?" He growled.
You shook your head, "I want to be loved, Dean. I want to be held and kissed," your voice rising, "I want to be taken on dates and brought flowers. And God damnit I want to have sex!"
He just looked at you in shock.
"Listen," you continued, "I love you guys. You mean the world to me. But you all can't give me that. You can't give me what I want." Your voice broke.
"Why not?"
Your face contorted in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Dean's jaw clenched, "Why cant I be the one to give you that?"
"Why not me y/n? I know I'm not the ideal partner, I drink a lot, I'm not the most emotional, and I know I don't deserve you, but I can try. I want to try. I want to give you that. I want you to smile at me the way you smiled at that schmuck."
You took a step back, ran your hands through your hair. You'd wanted this for so long. You'd imagined it, imagined what he'd say, what you'd say. But suddenly it was actually happening and you didn't know what to do.
Dean stepped forward and took your hands into his rough ones.
"Can't you give me a chance to do that for you?" He pleaded.
"God damnit Dean. I finally try to move on from you and you drag me right back in."
He drew in a breath as you looked up at him, teary eyed.
You stepped forward and leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Dean felt his heart flutter at the small action, he stared at you wide eyed.
"You just...you..."
"I kissed you Dean." You said with an amused look on your face.
He broke out in a wide grin, "Wow."
"Wow?" You snorted.
"Shut up." Though you could tell he really didn't mean it.
"So are you gonna just stand there grinning like an idiot or are you gonna kiss me?"
"I'm gonna kiss you." He said as he leaned down, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body, and kissed you.
You sighed happily, reaching to wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him like you'd been waiting to for thousands of years. And in some ways, it felt like you had.
He pulled back and began pressing kisses to your jaw and neck, you giggled. The feeling of his stubble brushing against your neck sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. His lips moved down your neck nipping and sucking, leaving marks along the way.
"Dean..." You breathed, your hands gently tugging at his hair.
"You're mine now. And I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it. Especially that wussy little prick you went out with tonight."
"He's not wussy and hes not a prick." You snorted.
"At least he was open about his feelings from the beginning. It didn't take him years to realize how much of a catch I am." You grinned.
Dean groaned, "You're not gonna let that go are you?"
"Oh definitely not. It took you three years to finally tell me you wanted me. Three years and me dressing up to go out with someone else."
"God when you walked in...I just couldn't believe it. I'd never seen you like that. Most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And then when I realized it was for that pr-" He paused when you gave him a look, "For that man. It pissed me off. I wanted you to dress like that for me."
"Oh Dean, you lovely oblivious idiot." You cooed.
"An oblivious idiot that you fell for." He teased.
"Damn right I did." You said and pulled him down to press little kisses all over his face.
As you moved to kiss his cheek he turned his head to catch your lips.
"Now, let me show you something Ian definitely can't do." He grinned, picking you up and carrying you off to his room.
The next morning you wandered out sleepily in one of Dean's t-shirts. Sam looked up at you, taking in the way you looked before grinning.
"Finally figured out his feelings huh?"
"Took him long enough." You laughed.
"Damn right it did. I've been watching you two pine after each other for way too long."
"It only took that long because he's an idiot."
"Who's an idiot?" Dean asked, walking into the kitchen and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"No one." You said as you and Sam shared a knowing look.
Dean narrowed his eyes, "Uh huh."
"Nothing to worry about love, eat your bacon." You chuckled.
Dean shrugged and sat at the table, loading his plate with eggs and bacon.
You smiled, a cup of coffee in your hand. You felt satisfied. And happy, and you knew you'd only feel happier as time went on.
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afro-hispwriter · 1 month
when y/n is dating one of the brothers but still includes the other and gives them both the motherly type love they deserve… i eat that shit up😩
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angeluvvv · 11 months
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the way this man has me in a chokehold 😮‍💨
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v3nusxsky · 4 months
i’m not 100% sure your requests are open or if you’ve done this before but i’ve read some of your leonora lesso fics and i’m in love
i’m was wondering whether you could maybe right a little!lesso x caregiver!reader. they’re both teachers, maybe r is an ever
but tbh maybe just some hurt comfort <3
The Little Lion
*Authors note~ ahh little Leo and Agere is my life, may be horrid I am currently in a lecture for behaviour with a massive headache but I’m determined to catch up on writing fics*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little Leonora, cg y/n first time regression star struck Leonora
Prompt~see ask^^^
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Being the Dean Of Evil wasn’t ever Leonora’s plans but it’s where she ended up and appeared to be amazing at her job. But was she evil? Or maybe just hurt deep down? The world would never know the pain she’d been through and just how she dealt with her pain. While she held her scary exterior inside lay a soft gooey core that is ever so fragile and to be protected at all costs.
Being evil for so long tends to drain the red head, and with her Never students acting up more, it was worse than ever before. No one knew of the tentative relationship you and Lesso had began, but the tension between you both was simply too hard to ignore and one night with a lot of alcohol had confession’s of truth spilling from you both. Agreeing to try this out but of course no one could know, not until you both knew it would work of course.
That was a couple of months ago and things had been going rather well. You being an Ever made things slightly harder but both of you worked to find ways to meet in secrecy and have subtle changes in your daily life’s when it came to communication. That’s why it wasn’t uncommon for you to sneak into the Deans room after hours. There would be no students to catch you and should a member of staff see you, then you had a well rehearsed reason to be there.
Entering her room tonight felt different but you couldn’t put you finger on the reason why. With a quick scan of the room you could see nothing was out of its place however, Leonora was no where to be found which is odd. Normally she’s waiting with a signature look that’s just for you as her eyes room your body just drinking in your beauty.
“Nora?” You murmured in a hope she would appear but all that greeted you was silence. Moving forward into her chamber you made your way to her sleeping area. “Nora, darling?” You mumbled before knocking and pushing the heavy oak door open, never in a million years would you have expected the sight in front of you.
In the bed, Leonora was dressed in fussy orange socks with a lion onesie, colouring some pages that looked to be animal prints. Clearly she was in her own little world and you almost felt bad for intruding. Almost. The way she was currently looking at you jade you feel you were more needed than ever before. Being an ever you knew exactly what was going on here.
“Hi darling, watcha got there?” You whispered to her before settling on the edge of her bed. But Leonora said nothing just staring at you with her mouth agape like she’d seen a unicorn or something equally as magical. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her star struck expression, “close your mouth darling, you’ll be catching flys in a minute.”
“Princess” the red head stated still absolutely entranced by you. “You think I’m a princess darling?” You happily fed into her statement hoping to gain her trust. “Pretty” was slurred around the woman’s thumb that had made its way between her lips. It was so obvious what was happening here. With a gasp you responded, “well thank you little darling. I think you’re pretty too.”
Silence fell over the room again, you didn’t mind of course, clearly Leonora needed this and now wasn’t the time to talk about what this was, so you settled for giving her whatever she needed from you in this moment. “Raw!” Lesso growled as she continued to scribble in a pen that could honestly rival the woman’s hair colour. “Such a cute little lion” you murmured to her causing her to smile, not smirk but smile at you and blush. Leonora Lesso doesn’t blush… but your little lion here seemed to be the opposite.
It wasn’t long before Leonora had shoved a pen at you and instructed that you colour in certain areas, “ands no out of lines!” She firmly reprimanded after you went ever so slightly went over the lines. “I’m so sorry little cub” you feigned a pout.
“Im not use to sharing I sorry, I fix it then pretty princess happy and loves Leo lion!” A childish slur causing words to blur together and just sounding adorable. “Thank you little cub, I still love you little lion, how could I not with this cute mane on your head hmm?” You whispered before ruffling the fake mane on the hood of the lion onesie.
It wasn’t long after that small interaction you could see her little balled up fists rubbing at her eyes, a clear indication that it was in fact past midnight. “Little lion, aren’t you getting sleepy yet?” You attempted not knowing how to bring this up with her. But luckily she nodded and crawled straight into your lap, her head nestled into your neck and a hand resting above your heart. It was clear you weren’t going anywhere tonight but opted to soothe Leonora to sleep so you could move the woman without disturbing her. Although the little version of Lesso was okay with you acting like a caregiver that didn’t mean Leonora was too. Your hand gently rubbed soothing circles on her back as you swayed your legs ever so slightly in hopes to comfort her. Just when you thought she’d drifted off you caught her sleepy mumble off, “thank you for looking after me princess.”
Word count ~ 1023
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 months
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader, Demon Dean & little sister!reader
Requested by @abiball027
Synopsis: Dean does some things as a demon that everyone regrets.
Warnings: demon blood addiction, demon Dean gets the reader addicted to demon blood, kidnapping, this one’s kinda dark guys, angst with a happy ending.
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Your body was on autopilot as it led you through the bunker. You didn’t even realize you were headed to Dean’s room until you stopped in front of his door, unable to go further. Your hand twitched towards the knob, but you stopped yourself from reaching out to grab it.
There was nothing in there you wanted to see. You didn’t want to look at Dean’s body again; you couldn’t.
You staggered in surprise when the door flung open. Dean’s frame filled the doorway, and it was all you could do to stay upright.
“De…what…” you caught sight of Crowley in the room behind him, and you directed your next words at the king of hell. “You—did you bring him back?”
You didn’t want to wait for an answer; in fact, you were a split second away from throwing yourself at your big brother when Crowley stepped between you.
“I wouldn’t do that; he’s still adjusting.”
“Adjusting? Crowley, what did you do?” You demanded, before shaking your head. “You know what, it doesn’t matter. I’ve gotta tell Sam.” You turned to go, but Dean’s hand shot out at an inhuman speed, and he held your arm in a vice grip.
“What—Dean?” You looked up in surprise at your big brother.
“No Sam,” he demanded, but his eyes seemed unfocused. That is, until he blinked and they flashed black. You wrestled your arm from him and stepped back, your hand going to the demon knife at your belt. You pulled it out, directing it at Crowley.
“You…” your voice shook with anger, and you nearly choked on it. “You let one of your filthy demons possess my brother?”
“Not exactly.” Crowley shrugged.
Dean interrupted you.
“It’s all me, sweetheart.”
“That’s not possible.” You shook your head. “It can’t be.”
“Oh it’s Dean alright,” Crowley said. “Because of the Mark of Cain, he can’t be killed. I merely brought his soul out of its little…hibernation. Or, chrysalis, I suppose is a better analogy. And now he’s evolved into…well, this.”
Dean and Crowley’s matching grins turned your stomach.
“W-we…” you swallowed, trying to let your mind catch up with your racing heart. “We can fix this. We know how-how to cure demons. I can get Sam and we—“
“No!” Dean’s sudden tone change made you flinch. “I don’t want to be cured, and you’re not going to get Sam.”
“I-I don’t understand.” you shivered.
“No. You wouldn’t.” Dean chuckled darkly. “You wouldn’t understand power.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb, sweetheart. You’ve always been the weak one, so you wouldn’t understand what having power feels like.” Dean’s eyes flashed black again, and you flinched. “Well I’ve got power now, and I like how it feels.”
“Stop it.” You shook your head, turning to Crowley. “Dean wouldn’t say this stuff. What did you do to him?” You yelped in surprise when Dean’s hands once again grabbed your arms.
“It’s all me, N/N. The new me. The better me.”
You tried to break free from Dean’s grip, but he wouldn’t let go. Crowley stepped forwards, putting a hand on Dean’s shoulder.
“We should get out of here while Moose is still gone.”
“You’re right.” Dean didn’t release his grip on your arm. “But I’m bringing her with.”
“What?” You and Crowley asked in horrified unison.
“Dean, you agreed to leave it all behind. You said you didn’t want—“
“I said I didn’t want Sam stopping me,” Dean interrupted Crowley. “She’s not strong enough to do anything to me.” Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Dean continued. “But, with a little help, she could be useful.”
“Help?” Crowley frowned. “How could she do anything for us?”
“She can…” Dean’s eyes flashed black—it seemed to be his new favorite trick. “If I give her a taste of power.” Dean shoved you towards Crowley. “Hold her still.”
Crowley took hold of your arms without question, although he was clearly hesitant.
Dean took the demon knife out of your hands easily, and he sliced a small cut on the heel of his hand.
“What are you—“
Dean took advantage of your mouth being open by pressing the heel of his hand to your lips. You froze up as Dean’s other hand came up to plug your nose.
He’d completely cut off your air, and you struggled as the metallic taste of Dean’s blood invaded your mouth. He and Crowley easily held you still, and Dean kept his hand there for several seconds before moving it so that his palm was covering your mouth. No more blood was going in, but you still couldn’t breathe.
“Swallow and I’ll let you go,” Dean said. You continued to struggle, but it was useless. “C’mon little sister, just swallow.”
You struggled until you felt dizzy and your lungs were screaming. You swallowed almost without meaning to, the bitter taste of Dean’s blood invading your senses. Dean and Crowley released you simultaneously.
You backed away from both men, stumbling against the wall as you gasped for breath. You didn’t even know what to say; you were too confused, too hurt, too scared.
“What was that?” Crowley asked, sounding as confused as you felt.
“Like I told you,” Dean growled. “With a little power, this little rugrat might be useful. And since I’m the one controlling the power…” Dean waved a hand over his cut wrist, and it healed itself. “I’m the one who she has to listen to. The perfect little sidekick.”
You didn’t need to hear anything more. You turned on your heel and tried to run, but Dean grabbed onto your arms and flung you against the wall. The back of your head hit the wall, and suddenly you couldn’t see or feel anything.
You awoke to the gentle purr of the Impala, and for a long moment you couldn’t tell what was going on. Were you on a hunt? You couldn’t remember. Then you tried to move your hands to rub your face, and they stopped, impeded by something metal. Your eyes fluttered open, and the first thing you saw was your hands cuffed to the back of Dean’s seat. Crowley was in the passenger seat, and the memories came back almost instantly.
“She’s awake,” Crowley said.
“Ahh, good morning sweetheart,” Dean grinned, a sickeningly sinister smirk that looked nothing like your big brother.
“Where are we? Where are we going?” You looked out the windows, but the road sides were no help to your poor sense of direction.
Dean just chuckled.
“Wherever we want.”
The three of you drove all day, and once the sun lowered behind the horizon line, Dean pulled into a seedy motel. He opened his door and came around to your door. He didn’t unlock your cuffs; instead, he pulled a flask from his back pocket and unscrewed it, bringing it up to your mouth. You knew it was his blood before the liquid touched your lips, but again your struggles were futile as Dean held his hands over your mouth and nose until you swallowed.
“See, that’s not so bad,” Dean cooed even as you shuddered. “A few more of these and you’ll be so hooked, you’ll be begging me for another hit.”
Crowley watched with an unreadable expression as Dean freed your wrists from the handcuffs and led you inside the motel. Within minutes, Dean had you cuffed to the air conditioner in his room, and he and Crowley were off to party at the nearest bar. You tried to wiggle around to reach into your pocket, only to discover that Dean must’ve taken your phone and lock picking kit while you were knocked out. With nothing to focus on, you became acutely aware of the hunger pangs that were becoming more frequent: you hadn’t eaten since you’d been in the bunker. But soon, a different hunger took hold of you. It was unfamiliar, and it hurt worse than normal hunger. Fear began to nag at you, but you shook it off. You couldn’t be hooked on demon blood already, could you?
You couldn’t be sure, and that only flamed your panic. This whole situation was crazy, and you didn’t know how to adjust; Dean, a demon; you, kidnapped; and demon blood being fed to you no matter how much you tried to resist. Your mind played around with the idea that it wasn’t really Dean—that Crowley had lied and it really was some random demon inside your brother’s corpse—but you knew that Crowley, as devious as he was, had no reason to lie.
And that meant that it really was your big brother, trying to turn you into a demon blood addict just so that he could use you.
“We’re back!” Dean crowed triumphantly, snapping you out of your thoughts as he entered the motel with Crowley at his heels. A fast food bag was tossed into your lap, and Dean reached over your head and released you from the handcuffs. You chowed down on the burger without hesitation—you were too hungry to be ornery—noting in the back of your mind that Dean had remembered exactly how you liked your food; maybe he was still in there somewhere.
To your dismay, the food could only satisfy so much, and that unfamiliar pain lingered. You felt your eyes unintentionally slipping towards Dean’s flask, and unfortunately Dean noticed too. A wide grin split his face as he looked from you to his flask.
“Knew it wouldn’t take much to have you hooked,” he said, and when you started to shake your head in a panic his gaze softened—if only slightly. “Hey now,” he soothed, coming to sit by you and pulling out his flask. “It hurts, right?” At your hesitant nod, he continued. “I know it does. Now let your big brother take the pain away, ok?”
His tone was so familiar, and yet so unfamiliar at the same time. Soothing words that Dean might say to you before stitching up a wound—but that was not what was happening now. Dean’s voice was gentle, but his eyes held a dead indifference that had never been directed at you, not from Dean. Everything felt so wrong, and you were so overwhelmed and hurting that you could do nothing but cry softly as Dean lifted the flask to your lips and forced the liquid down your throat. He didn’t even bother to plug your nose, as you were too tired to fight him—you swallowed with no protest other than the tears tracking down your cheeks.
White hot shame filled you along with the demon blood. You had more fight in you than this, you knew you did. But this was different.
You’d never expected to be fighting against your brother, and that thought alone drained all of the fight in you.
“There it is.” Dean’s smirk turned your stomach, and you were already starting to regret eating that burger. “See? Feels good, doesn’t it?”
You tried to turn away from him, but he grabbed onto your shoulder.
“C’mon, I’m gonna cuff you near the couch so you can get some sleep.”
Dean cuffed your hands to the nightstand next to the couch. You could lay on the couch with your arms stretched over your head; it was uncomfortable, but better than the floor you supposed.
To your surprise, you fell asleep quickly, drained from the long day on edge. But it was a fitful sleep, and some time in the middle of the night you awoke panting. It took you a moment to realize what was different; you weren’t handcuffed anymore. You looked down in your lap to see the cuffs in three pieces. You stared down at your hands; had you done that?
A groan from one of the beds had you flinching as Dean sat up. His eyes found you in the dark, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the black abyss that used to be your brothers bright green eyes. Then he blinked, and the green was there, but it wasn’t the same.
“Go back to sleep,” he demanded, and you were laying back down when he suddenly got up. You felt your body shaking as Dean approached you; you’d never been more scared of anyone than you were of Dean right now.
“Seems the demon blood is working,” Dean chuckled as he held up the broken cuffs. His eyes flickered to you. “How does power feel, little sister?”
You didn’t know how to answer that question. You didn’t feel powerful. Sure, you could break steel without even meaning to, but you had no power over your situation; if anything you felt more helpless than you ever had.
Remembering Sam’s powers when he’d been drinking demon blood, you pushed your hand out in front of you. Before you even made contact with Dean, he staggered back and fell—you had telekinesis!
You jumped up from the couch and ran for the door. It had the door-block on it, but it tore loose when you yanked the door open. You took one stride out into the night air before strong arms wrapped around your midsection and flung you backwards, back into the motel room.
“Your powerful, little sister,” Dean chuckled darkly. “But not more powerful than me.”
You backed away, not even looking where you were going as you tried to escape your approaching brother. Your foot caught on the desk, and you went down hard, but you kept backing away, using your hands to scoot back. It didn’t do much, and when Dean reached you he gripped your shoulder and dragged you to your feet. He shoved you back down onto the couch, and turned and walked out the door without another word. You sat there in confusion until Dean returned—presumably from the Impala—with thick chains in his hands.
“This should hold you for a bit longer.” He smirked. “At least until I can get you so addicted to blood that you won’t leave.”
“That’s not going to happen,” you insisted.
Dean just laughed.
The pain was all consuming; you could think of nothing else. You were hungry, too, and thirsty, and your back ached from sleeping on the couch; but none of that mattered. All you could think about was blood.
You found yourself suddenly much more sympathetic towards Sam; sure, you’d felt bad for him—you knew his addiction had hurt like crazy—but you’d never felt it before. It was a new kind of pain in a world where you thought you’d experienced every kind.
What made it hurt worse was knowing that it was your big brother inflicting this pain, and not to get you un-hooked on demon blood; he was doing it to teach you some kind of sick lesson. Or maybe he thought it would get you even more addicted; if so, it was working.
After your little stunt trying to run away, Dean had chained you up to the wall, gagged you, and left with Crowley. That was yesterday; he hadn’t returned, even when night came and went. He knew the withdrawal pains would hit you like a truck; you figured that was the point.
What if it wasn’t a lesson? What if he was just sick of dragging you around, and he left you there? His words wouldn’t stop echoing in your head…
“You’ve always been the weak one…”
You’d always felt that way, but to hear Dean—even a black-eyed Dean—say it out loud hurt more than you wanted to admit.
And the fact that, even with demon blood in you, you couldn’t break out of the chains Dean put on you seemed to aid his description of you.
Were you really so pathetic that you were only useful when pumped full of demon blood?
“Hiya sweetheart, did you miss me?”
You’d been so lost that you didn’t even notice Dean enter the hotel room until he was right in front of you, unlocking your cuffs and pulling the gag down. When he was done, you felt your hands grip onto his arm of their own accord, and your eyes found his pleadingly. You wanted to pretend you didn’t know what you were pleading for—food, maybe? Water? But you and Dean knew all too well.
“You did miss me,” Dean said with a grin. “Is this what you want?” Dean held up a fast food bag. You hadn’t eaten in a day, you should have wanted it.
But you didn’t even look at it.
“No?” Dean put the bag down and picked up a water bottle. “How about this? Not this either?”
“Dean…” you mumbled, your eyes slipping down to your hands. “It…it hurts, Dean.”
“Aww.” Dean chuckled. You knew he was patronizing you, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him to make the pain go away.
“What about this?” Your eyes lifted to see Dean pulling out his flask. You saw a hand reach out for it, surprised when you realized it was your own. Dean wouldn’t let you touch it, though. He pulled it out of reach, shaking his head. “Don’t touch, sweetheart. That’s my job.”
You didn’t move as Dean opened the flask and lifted it to your face. You wished you could pretend that he was forcing you to drink the blood, but it wasn’t true anymore. He really had gotten you hooked.
The only question now was what would Sammy do when he found you?
The next few weeks fell into a regime. You tagged along while Dean and Crowley dragged you to town after town, bar after bar, motel after motel. After the first week, Dean stopped using the chains; he didn’t need them anymore. The resourceful, smart Winchester in the back of your mind knew that he was training you like a dog—when you listened, he let you drink from his flask; when you disobeyed, he let you suffer—but there was nothing you could do. You couldn’t resist the demon blood anymore, it hurt too much. And a part of you—the part desperate to please your big brother—didn’t want to. Dean thought you were useless without powers, and you didn’t have it in you to disagree anymore. The only reason Dean even wanted you around was that you had powers. Without that…
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Crowley approached you and Dean.
“We need to talk,” he said to Dean.
“So talk,” Dean said with a shrug. “She won’t bother us.” Dean waved offhandedly at you.
That’s all you were now; the sidekick, the tool, meant to stand aside and keep quiet.
“I don’t think you want her to hear this.” When Dean didn’t respond, Crowley sighed and continued. “Moose called.”
You stiffened, and Dean noticed.
“Go take a walk, N/N,” Dean said. You didn’t argue—you’d given up on that—but you did hesitate. Dean blinked, his eyes flashing black, and you flinched. “I said take a walk.”
You left without another word, but your brain was going a million miles a minute.
Sam called? Was he coming? Would he fix Dean…and you?
You returned to Dean when he waved you over.
Like an obedient little puppy, you thought disgustedly. You thought you’d given up on your pride and your dignity weeks ago, but the thought of Sam returning to see you like this brought it all rushing back.
“Here.” Dean pulled out his flask when you approached him. You stiffened and you had to force your head to turn away from your big brother. Dean scoffed, “One mention of Sammy and now you’re all high and mighty?” Dean’s fingers clenched around your jaw, and he turned your chin to face him. “Let me make this clear; drink now, or I won’t let you for the next two days.”
Your breath caught in your throat; the most he’d ever cut you off was for about a day, and that had been one of the most painful days of your life. You couldn’t do it, you knew you couldn’t.
Dean let go of your face, and you tilted your head up slightly, your lips parting just a little. It was all the assent that Dean needed.
“That’s what I thought,” he huffed, uncapping his flask.
What had you gotten yourself into?
You’d been getting better and better with your powers. Dean had had you practicing, mostly on random demons that Crowley let get too close to him.
The better you got, the more you began to think that Dean was right; you had been useless before, never able to help your brothers. Now you could help—now you had power.
Every time you got better with your powers, Dean would flash you a wide grin—it was cocky, not at all like his old proud smile—but it was good to see nonetheless. It felt good to do something for your big brother. It felt like you were finally repaying him for everything he had done for you.
“Pick a side!”
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Crowley’s outburst. You had followed Dean into Crowley’s demon meeting after Dean murdered one of Crowley’s clients. After weeks around Crowley, you tended to tune him out, but now he seemed heated, and Dean was tense beside you.
“Or what?” Dean asked before shoving a Crowley across the floor. Crowley got up in a huff, glancing around as if to see if his demons had noticed—of course they had.
“This—“ Crowley gestured between himself and Dean “—is over. You’re too unpredictable.”
“Ok,” Dean said, a nonchalant smile gracing his lips. “How’s this for unpredictable?” And suddenly he was looking at you, eyes boring into you as if you could read his mind. To your surprise, you could; or at least, you knew what he wanted. He wanted to piss Crowley off—he wanted you to exorcise all of Crowley’s goons. You’d only ever exorcised one at a time, which was a far cry from the five that surrounded you now.
Still, your big brother wanted something from you, and you were going to do your best.
You closed your eyes in concentration, holding your hand out as almost an anchor. You could feel the power pulsing through your blood, as if the demon blood was intertwining with your own. You heard screams of pain from the demons, but you blocked them out, hyper-focused. When the screaming stopped, you opened your eyes to see five empty vessels strewn across the floor. Your attention turned to Crowley, your hand still outstretched.
He staggered back a half step, but Dean reached out and pushed your hand down.
“Hey, easy—not him sweetheart.”
Your attention turned to Dean at his words, and there it was; that proud grin. Your lips twitched up even as you thought that you missed the way the old Dean would let you know he was proud of you. The way that he’d smile a real smile, and ruffle your hair, and say, “Good job, kid.”
Instead, this Dean smirked and pulled his flask out of his back pocket, holding it for you to drink from even as he turned his attention back to Crowley.
“You want unpredictable? You want this to be over? Good; I don’t need you, I never did.” Dean capped his flask and turned to go.
He didn’t even look back to see if you would follow; he knew you would.
You sat on a stool beside a piano in an empty bar, watching Dean play around with the keys. It had been hours since he’d let you have a drink, but every time you tapped his arm he just snapped at you to leave him be. You were doing just that—sitting quietly and watching your big brother—when the door to the bar opened.
“Sam!” You jumped up before you’d even fully registered that it was Sam who’d walked in the door. When you started towards him, Dean’s voice stopped you.
It was just the one word, but it was enough. Your body acted almost if its own accord, stopping the instant the word was out of Dean’s mouth. You’d gotten used to obeying him without question lately, and it was a habit you weren’t so sure you could break.
“Commere,” Dean said, and again you listened, going to stand beside him as he stood from the piano bench.
Your eyes drifted to Sam, who was looking from Dean to you in utter confusion.
“Good.” Dean’s voice brought your attention back to him, and you saw him reaching into his back pocket for his flask. Your stomach dropped to your toes; that was why he wouldn’t let you drink earlier. He suspected that Sam was coming, and he wanted you to be desperate enough to drink in front of him. Your heart caught in your throat as you stared up at Dean, as if he could somehow undo what he’d already done. He just smirked at you as he uncapped the flask and held it up.
Your body was screaming for it—you’d been achy, pain stiffening your muscles for at least an hour—you needed it. Keeping your eyes downcast so that you didn’t have to see Sam’s face, you took a half step closer to Dean and let him tilt the contents of the flask into your mouth.
“What are you doing?” Sam lurched forward, recognizing the substance immediately. “Dean, you can’t! Y/N, stop!”
“Aww, it’s not her fault, Sammy,” Dean chuckled as he pulled the flask away and capped it. “She was never gonna be strong enough to stop me.”
You ducked your head in shame even as your nerves were screaming for more blood. You couldn’t bear to even look in Sam’s direction.
“Dean, what did you do?” Sam demanded, panic lacing his tone.
“Made her useful!” Dean insisted, still grinning like this was all a great joke. “You should see her now, Sammy. She exorcised five demons all at once today, I bet she’s pretty tired out.”
Despite yourself, your lips twitched up in a small smile at Dean’s words. He was bragging on you to Sam—it was nice to hear.
“Useful?” Sam’s scoff brought the shame back. “Dean, she’s not an object! She’s not some kind of tool for you to use! She’s our sister!”
“So what? She was useless before, a weak and pathetic tag-along. I finally brought some purpose to her life.”
You bit down hard on your lip to keep it from quivering. You kept your gaze down so you didn’t have to see either of your brothers.
“Dean, stop it!” Sam yelled.
“Fine.” Dean shrugged. “You want me to stop? Try and bring her back. She won’t go, I’ve got her hooked more than you ever were.”
Dean stepped back, watching from the other side of the piano while Sam approached you. You kept your eyes on your shoes even as you heard Sam approaching.
“Honey, hey, look at me.” Sam came to a stop mere inches from you. Your breaths picked up as tears blurred your vision, but you forced yourself to blink them back and look up at your brother. The hate that you were expecting wasn’t there, neither was the disgust or the anger. Instead, Sam’s eyes were gentle; understanding. “I can help you. You don’t have to keep doing this.”
“But…” Dean’s words swam around in your head, and they were all you could think of. “But without this I’m useless. I wanna be useful. I’m useful, Sammy, I’m powerful!”
Sam’s gaze never wavered.
“But are you happy?”
You stopped. You’d been so worried about being useful to Dean, that you hadn’t even thought about…
Your head shook slowly from side to side, the tears returning. Sam’s gaze softened even more.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
“I’m…I’m sorry, Sam,” you whimpered, finally letting the tears fall. “I-I didn’t mean to—but I can’t st-stop.” You covered your face with your hands as you sobbed, and you flinched when you felt Sam’s hand on your shoulder.
“Shh, hey…” Sam pulled you into his embrace, and you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head as he rubbed your back. “Honey it’s ok. We can fix this, I just gotta take you home.”
“She’s not gonna leave me, Sammy,” Dean mocked. “I’ve got her hooked.”
“You’re coming too,” Sam directed at him. “I didn’t just come for her. We can cure demons, Dean.”
“Did you even stop to think that if I wanted to be cured, I wouldn’t have left? And I certainly wouldn’t have gotten our little sister addicted to demon blood just to cut off her supply.” Dean jeered, laughing. “I mean, what kind of brother would do that?”
“Enough, Dean! I’m bringing you back whether you want to come or not.” Sam reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of demon cuffs.
“Do you really think those will hold me?” Dean scoffed.
“We’re about to find out,” Sam sighed.
A hiss filled the air, followed by smoke that separated both of your brothers from your sight.
“Sam! Dean!” Your cries were followed by a fit of coughing when you breathed in the gas. A hand on your shoulder turned your attention to Dean, who was trying to drag you towards the door.
“Sammy,” you protested, searching through the gas for your brother.
“He’s fine,” Dean growled, pulling harder. “Now come on.”
“No!” You yanked your arm from Dean’s grasp. He didn’t try to grab you again; he didn’t think he had to.
“Y/N, come. That’s an order.”
You gritted your teeth, shoving down the pain in your body that begged you to listen to Dean.
“Screw your orders.”
Dean’s eyes flashed black as he advanced on you.
“You little—“
You didn’t hesitate—you lifted your hands and used the telekinesis that Dean had given you to fling him across the room. You turned your back, not even bothering to see where he landed.
You found Sam easily, and the two of you made it out of the building after Dean. The minute Sam stepped foot out the door, a man came out of nowhere and knocked him out.
“Sam!” You knelt next to your big brother, glancing in fear at the man who’d hit him. He hesitated when he saw you were just a kid.
“Stay out of my way, or you’re next,” he warned before turning to face Dean. You remembered Dean mentioning that a man was after him; you had no doubt that Dean would win this fight, so you turned your attention to waking Sam up—he was your only chance at bringing Dean home.
“Sammy, come on,” you urged. He only stirred once Dean and the other man were finished their fight—Dean won, but he didn’t kill the other man, to your surprise.
“Just stay here,” Sam instructed, shaking off his headache as he stood, demon cuffs held with his injured arm—you wondered suddenly how he’d been hurt—and holy water in the other hand.
You stayed back as Sam approached Dean from behind. It was over in mere seconds—Dean, distracted by the holy water, was unable to fight off the cuffs that Sam slapped on him.
“Dean, stop! It’s over.”
You got into the passenger’s seat after Sam ushered Dean into the back. Sam was outside, passing off the First Blade to Crowley.
“You picked the wrong side,” Dean said, and the sound of his voice made you flinch.
“Says the one in the handcuffs,” you shot back, but your voice was much too shaky for Dean to take seriously.
“Oh, this won’t last,” Dean said, lifting his hands. “And once these come off, you’re going to regret using those powers on me.”
You breathed easier when Sam returned to the Impala, and the three of you were off. Sam and Dean were arguing about Dean’s fight with that man, Cole. Sam was convinced that because Dean let him live, there was still some good in him.
“Letting him live was the worst thing I could’ve done to him,” Dean chuckled. “And that’s nothing compared to what I’m going to you.” Sam swallowed nervously, but Dean continued. “Or to our little sister.” You nearly jumped out of your seat when Dean kicked it.
“Stop it,” Sam demanded. “She…she didn’t do anything.”
“Oh, she picked her side,” Dean insisted. “And she picked wrong.”
You were shaking by the time the Impala reached the bunker. Sam kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, recognizing the symptoms; you needed more blood.
“Stay here,” he instructed as he stepped out to get Dean. “I’m gonna get him settled downstairs and I’ll come back for you.”
Sure enough, a few minutes later Sam returned and led you to your room.
“You know what I have to do, right?” He asked gently. You nodded.
“Tie me down and lock me up, right?”
“I’m sorry,” Sam said. “I don’t want to, but—“
“But there’s a demon in the bunker, and I’m about to go through extreme withdrawals,” you finished. “I-I know Sam. It’s not your fault.” Your gaze was glued to your fidgeting hands.
“Hey, look at me.” When you met his gaze, Sam continued. “It’s not your fault either. I know you didn’t want it.”
“I started to.” You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Af-after a while, I started to want it. The power…all of it.”
“It’s ok.” Sam pulled you close, and his embrace made you feel more at home than you had in weeks. “I know how that feels, but we’re gonna fix it. I’m gonna be right here.”
When he pulled away, you took a deep breath.
“I’m ready.”
You were wrong. Dead wrong, and so was Sam. Sam was killing you, you were sure of it.
Of course, that was the withdrawal talking, but you were too far deep in your pain to know that. All you knew was that you’d never hurt this much in your life, and the way to make the pain go away was right downstairs, but Sam wouldn’t let you near it.
“I need Dean,” you cried for the thousandth time. “Sammy, please!” You were in too much pain to even notice that Sam wasn’t there, and he hadn’t been in to check on you in a while. In fact, you were so distracted that you didn’t even notice the door opening, and the very person you were begging for walking in.
“I told you you picked the wrong side,” Dean chuckled, his voice grabbing your attention.
“Dean,” you whimpered, in too much pain to be scared or curious that he’d gotten out. “Dean, please.”
“You know—“ Dean sighed as he began to undo the straps holding your legs. “You talk too much.” Once both your legs were free, Dean made his way near your head. You swallowed hard as Dean picked up a knife that you’d left on your dresser. “So I think I’ve found the perfect punishment for you. I mean, you did use your powers on me. Did you think I was just going to forget that?”
“P-punishment?” You asked nervously.
“Yeah,” Dean glared down at you, his eyes flashing black. “First, I’m gonna cut off your tongue. Then, I’m gonna give you so much blood, that you won’t be able to think straight. Then you’re gonna help me kill Sammy, then Crowley. And if you ever disobey me again, I’ll slit your throat.” Dean grinned. “How’s that for a little brotherly love?”
Dean’s knife was inching closer to your mouth, his other hand gripping your face to keep you still, when the lights went out. Dean released you, and a tense silence filled the bunker for a moment or two before the emergency lights clicked on, red light casting an eery glow throughout your room.
“Looks like it’s your lucky day,” Dean said to you. “Now that I know where Sammy is, you can wait; after all, you’re not going anywhere.”
All you could do was watch as Dean turned and walked out, intent on killing your brother.
You were struggling against the restraints to no avail when Sam came bursting into the room.
“Did he hurt you?” Sam demanded, alarmed when you suddenly burst into tears.
“I-I thought he was gonna kill you,” you cried.
“It’s ok, I’m ok,” Sam assured you as he started to undo you restraints.
“Don’t!” You insisted. “I’m…I don’t think I’m clean yet.”
Sam halted his movements, his eyes trained on your face.
“He didn’t hurt you?” Sam asked.
“He didn’t get the chance.” You sniffled. “W…where is he?”
“Chained up again,” Sam sighed. “Cas is watching him. I think…I think maybe he’s almost human now.”
“Go to him,” you insisted. “I’ll be ok here until I’m clean, really.” Somehow, Dean’s threats had strengthened your resolve to stay away from demon blood. “Go bring our Dean back.”
“I want to see her.”
Sam was adamant. “You can’t, not yet.”
Dean sighed, rubbing his newly-freed hands over his face.
“Why not?”
Before Sam could answer, a cry of pain could be heard from your room. Sam cringed.
“She…she’s still in detox. She could go nuts if she sees you, even though you’re not a demon anymore. We can’t take that chance.”
Dean didn’t argue; he knew Sam was right. Still, the next two days were complete torture as he was forced to stay away from you, listening to your pleas for him. Every time you called out his name was a reminder that it was Dean’s fault that you were hurting.
“I’m sorry,” he found himself whispering over and over under his breath every time you cried out; he was desperate to tell you in person.
After those awful two days, the screaming stopped. Dean was already halfway to your room when he was stopped by Sam.
“She’s ok,” Sam insisted. “I think she’s clean. I just took her restraints off.”
“Ok,” Dean said simply, trying to move past Sam and toward your door. Sam moved in front of him.
“She’s sleeping. She needs it.”
Dean deflated, discouraged.
“What is this, Sam? Are you really trying to help her, or do you just not trust me?” He knew he was being unfair, but he had to know.
“It’s not about you,” Sam assured him, clearly pushing away his hurt at Dean’s implication. “She needs rest. Besides, I…I don’t know how she’ll react to seeing you again, and I don’t want to push her faster than I need to.”
Dean was silent for a long moment, before finally asking the question that had been nagging at him for days.
“Do you think she hates me?”
Sam looked pained, as if he had expected the question.
“Right now I…I almost wish she did,” Sam said. “Because I think she hates herself more than anything.”
You’d been awake for about twenty minutes, but you hadn’t moved. At least, your body hadn’t moved; your mind was going at a breakneck speed. You remembered briefly that Sam had said Dean was cured, but you couldn’t be sure if you’d imagined it in your withdrawal fog. You were pretty sure that most of yesterday had been a hallucination. Sam had insisted that he wouldn’t let Dean in, yet there he had been, jeering at you, saying again and again that the second you were clean, you’d be useless again.
You knew it wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. But the hallucination had been right anyway.
The sound of the door opening had your head turning, but your mind still hadn’t left its dark corner.
“Hey,” Sam greeted, and even though the door was only open a little, you could see Dean standing behind him. That only lasted for a moment before Sam squeezed himself into your room and shut the door behind him. “How are you?”
“He doesn’t want to see me?” Your eyes remained glued to the door where Dean had been standing, even as you sat up.
“What?” Sam frowned. “Of course he does, I just…I wanted to check with you first. Are you gonna be ok to see him?”
You nodded. “If…” you were suddenly nervous at the thought of seeing Dean after everything. “If he wants to.”
“Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?”
Shame bubbled up in you as you thought about the past few weeks, and you ducked your head, unwilling to answer Sam’s question. He didn’t push it; instead, he turned to go, leaving the door open so that Dean could take his place.
“Hey sweetheart,” Dean greeted gently, and you heard rather than felt your breath pick up at the sound of his voice. You kept your eyes downcast.
What did Dean think of you? You remembered how disappointed and angry he had been with Sam when Sam had gotten hooked on demon blood. Would Dean hate you now? Would he finally see you as the burden you’d always been, now that you didn’t have powers anymore?
“Sweetheart, would you look at me?” When your eyes met his, you saw not anger or disappointment, but sadness. That was too much for you. The tears came suddenly and soundlessly. “Oh, kiddo…” Dean sighed, reaching his hands out to comfort you. However, you’d spent too much time with the rough, angry demon Dean to see comfort in his hands. When you flinched back, Dean stopped immediately, returning his hands to his sides. “I’m sorry, I…” Dean’s voice cracked. “I didn’t come here to scare you, I just wanted to apologize. I know that doesn’t make up for what I did, but…but I wanted you to know.”
You looked up suddenly, not surprised but doubtful. You’d expected an apology from Dean, but you hadn’t expected it to sound quite so sincere; you’d expected underlying disappointment at least.
“You…” you swallowed. “You’re not upset with me?”
“With you?” Dean was confused. “Why would I be upset with you?”
You ducked your head as the tears returned.
“I-I was weak,” you choked out. “I’m still weak.”
“Hey, hey.” Dean tilted your chin up with his fingers, his hands as gentle as could be on your skin. “None of this—not one bit—was your fault. I did this to you, and I don’t blame you, not for a second. Understand?”
You were shaking your head.
“I-I should’ve—“
“There was nothing you coulda done to stop me,” Dean said, self-loathing lacing his every word. “And I know how impossible it is to stop on your own after you’ve started, I’d never blame you for getting addicted.”
You stayed silent as you processed his words. Once you had, you felt the need to speak again.
“I don’t blame you either,” you insisted. “You weren’t the same—demon you. It wasn’t anything like you, it wasn’t your fault.”
Dean looked dubious, but he also didn’t bother to argue. Comfortable silence reigned for several minutes before he spoke again.
“How do you feel?”
“Starving,” you answered honestly, to which Dean smiled.
“You wanna take a little trip? You and me, I’ll take you to get some food.”
The idea of Dean bundling you into the Impala and driving off—without Sam nonetheless—had terror gripping your heart, accelerating its pace. You didn’t blame Dean for what he’d done, but the memories were still all too fresh.
“Or,” Dean countered, instantly noting your panicked expression. “Or I could go and get something to bring back, and you, me, and Sammy could have a movie night?”
You nodded—that sounded perfect. Dean was just turning to go when you stopped him.
“Dean? Does…is there any part of you that wishes I’d stayed that way?”
“What way?” Dean’s brows drew together, whether in concern or confusion you couldn’t tell. “You mean, addicted to demon blood?”
“I just mean…” you struggled to force the words out. “I mean…useful.”
Deans face fell, and you regretted asking.
“I-I mean, I don’t really do anything around here. At least then, I—“
“Stop.” You weren’t sure if it was the seriousness of his tone, or the fact that you’d spent the last few weeks obeying his every word, but you shut up immediately when Dean spoke. “I want you to listen to me very carefully,” Dean said slowly and deliberately, and again you stayed obediently silent. “Nothing about what I did to you was good, ok? And you are not useless. Actually,” Dean waved his hand in front of his face dismissively. “Forget about use. Sam was right, you’re not some tool, ok? You’re important to us, and not because of what you can do. But even if it was about that, you do so much for us. You’ve been with me and Sammy through everything, and that matters way more than you moving stuff with your mind, ok?”
Despite the tears that were still falling, you felt a smile tug at your lips.
“Ok, Dean.”
“Ok,” Dean said with a firm nod. “Go find Sam, and I’ll head out for food.”
You stood almost mechanically and headed for the door without a word. Dean recognized your stance with a silent horror.
“Hey,” Dean’s voice was shaky as he reached out and grabbed your hand. “That…it wasn’t an order, ok? I’m not making you anything, I—“
“I know,” you interrupted, understanding his horror. “It’s just…habit, I-I guess. Shut up and obey, you know?” You wished you hadn’t added that last part when you saw Dean stiffen ever so slightly, swallowing hard.
“I’m so—“
“Don’t apologize again,” you pleaded. “I forgive you, ok? I-I guess I just need to unlearn some things.”
Dean nodded, but you could tell he was still beating himself up inside. You took two strides and reached him, pulling him into an embrace. His arms enveloped you entirely, and you realized that you’d forgotten how much you missed him.
“Tell me if I can help with that, ok?” He said.
“Ok,” you promised. “Now go get me some food, I’m starving.”
Dean’s chest rumbled next to your ear as he chuckled.
“Yes ma’am.”
@mrvlxgrl @nyotamalfoy @chocorade @inlovewhithafairytale @aestheticdaisies @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
Fic Taglist:
@just-levyy @mfstargirlsworld
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3d-wifey · 3 months
I'm so surprised that more ppl don't do scp aus. Like the character as a Plague Doctor esque scp and the reader as a doctor/assistant/prisoner or even as another scp. Like... am I just a genius? A revolutionary of sorts?
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jasmines-library · 3 months
Hey I don't know if you've ever done a Winchester!sister story with the sister being really young and also much younger then her brothers, so I don't know if you would be able to do this request for me but I really hope you can:)
Anyway the request is 2 year old reader wakes her brothers up by crying and they get up and find her in her crib her onsie pajamas buttons is open as if she tried to get rid of it and then when Dean picks her up he feels the heat radiating from her.
Both Dean and Sam know they have to take care of the situation. Dean takes her temperature, and they find out she is sick and they take care of her and so on and so on. This is just a type of summary so you can change things as much as you like. I love a good fluff and angst story;)
Loveee your writing and can't wait for this story❤️❤️❤️
Sick Bug
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Summary: When you wake up feeling sick, your big brothers are there to help make you feel better.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Sickness
Exciting sidenote: I am 2 followers away from 1K!!
You were crying again. Poor baby had been restless all day, tossing and turning as if you were trying to escape a force that wasn’t there. At first your brothers thought you were just over tired: the three of you had been on the road all day. Travelling with a toddler was dangerous business, so Sam and Dean tried not to do it often, but with Cas MIA and Bobby out of town they were left with no choice.
They had lay you down to rest not too long ago, but you had been restless since then. You had protested being put to bed in the first place, clinging to Dean with your little hands but after some coaxing he had managed to get you to sleep. That and you were absolutely exhausted and struggling to keep your little eyes open.
Then your eyes had come flying open and your little whimpers filled the room. You were too hot and felt like you were going to suffocate as your squirmed, trying your unbutton your pyjamas. Your head ached and your sinuses were uncomfortably blocked, throwing you off balance.
Dean rose slowly from his slumber, altered by your cries. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he made his way to your crib where you were sat up trying to struggle out of your onesie. Sam rolled over to glance at your from his bed. He hadn’t really been sleeping, but seeing as Dean had made his way over to you he didn’t feel the need to.
“What’s the matter, huh sweetheart?” Dean frowned as he reached out to pick you up. Your arms reached out instinctively to grab him as you continued to cry.
The second you were in Deans arms he became increasingly worried about the warmth that radiated off of you and he shot a look to Sam who, at his brothers concerning lack of speech, clambered out of bed and moved cumbersomely towards you.
You buried your face into the crook of Deans’s neck trying to hide from the ache. His skin provided some relief and you sniffled. Dean further furrowed his brow. Your skin was hot. Too hot.
“Sweetheart?” Dean tried to coax your face away from his neck. He brushed away the stray hairs that your cold flush of sweat had plastered to the edge of your face before pressing his palm to your forehead. “She’s warm, Sammy.”
“You feeling poorly, kiddo?” Sam asked, taking you from Deans arms. You clung to him closely and nodded feebly.
Dean moved quickly towards the first aid kit, rummaging around for the thermometer as Sam bounced you up and down gently in his arms to try and soothe you a little. The eldest Winchester’s movements were somewhat panicked as he pulled out the glass cylinder.
“Alrighty sweetheart, open up.” He tried to persuade you to place the tube under your tongue. When you finally stopped trying to turn your tired face away and they had convinced you to hold it in your mouth for long enough, Sam pulled out to reveal that the line had skyrocketed to 101.
“Fever.” Sam confirmed, showing his brother the thermometer. He shifted you in his arms. “Explains why she can’t sleep.”
Suddenly you were overtaken by a fit of harsh, dry coughs that tore through you. Sam winced, rubbing you back gently.
“S’mmy…” you blubbered gripping his shirt tightly.
“Shh. It’s alright sweetheart we’ve got you.” Sammy moved over to the bed, still cradling you in his arms. He looked up at Dean. Realistically he knew that you would be fine, but he had never dealt with anything like this before and it worried him.
Dean on the other hand knew how to handle the situation. He had dealt with Sammy being ill plenty of times when he was younger. But when he looked at your flushed and sweaty cheeks and the way your body shivered ever so slightly, he couldn’t help but feel awful. As though he should have found someone to take care of you instead. But watching you curled up in his brother’s arms he realised he had more pressing matters to worry about.
Moving back to the first aid box, he pulled out a dose of medicine, cursing silently when you were overrun by another coughing fit. It was followed by another whimper. Sam slowly removed the outer layer of your onesie hoping that he could cool you down quicker. Still you clung to him closely, too young to understand that you might get him sick as you sniffled against him, but Sam didn’t care. He would risk being sick if it meant taking away your pain.
“Here we go sweetheart.” Dean wandered back over, a cool glass of water on one hand and a medicine in the other: one of those small sachets that they kept on hand in case of emergencies. “This will help you feel all better.” He promised.
Reaching out you held onto the cup, and with Deans help took a few sips. The icy water soothed the back of your throat and you sighed in content, setting back into Sam a little. It took a little more convincing for you to take the medicine. Tired and overwhelmed you had tried to refuse the bitter taste. But in the end Sam had promised you that you would feel much better if you took it, so reluctantly you let the liquid slide over your tongue.
It wasn’t long after that that you began to grow tired. Your little eyes struggled to stay awake as you lay curled up in Sam’s lap. Dean had perched beside him, watching shitty cartoons to help keep him awake so he could monitor your temperature in case you got any worse. Though as your ragged breaths evened out into tiny half-snores, the medicine seemed to be doing its job as your temperature seemed to slowly fall back down to a slightly more normal number.
At some point, Sam had also fallen asleep. Rubbing circles on your back and smoothing over your hair had lulled him into slumber. Dean smirked and pulled the bedcovers over the two of you. It looked like you weren’t going back to your bed tonight.
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inlovewhithafairytale · 5 months
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POV: Your camara roll if you were the Winchester's little sister
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rustys-lodge · 4 months
Heyyy! i was wondering if i could request a supernatural fic. Deand and sams little sister (10) has been having really bad nightmares and one night she wakes up in a wet bed. This fic would mean a lot because i struggled with this for a long time🤍🤍 Lots and lots of comfot!!
A/N: sorry for the delay, i accidently didn't save every time i wrote something so i had to rewrite it many times. Also ik the gifs dont match the story but id personally rather have a picture in my mind of who im reading about so yeah ❤️
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You had just woken up-jolted awake-in the dead of night when sticky pyjamas started itching your legs.
You sleepily pulled your leg up, your fingers roaming around to feel for the itchy part when realization hit you-You wet the bed. And as a storm of thoughts started hitting you, tears pooled down your face.
You didn't mean it. You didn't want that to happen. The things haunting your dreams took full control of you. Of your body. You didn't mean for this to happen. What will Sam and Dean think of you. What would they-
A little gasp escaped your throat before you went quiet. You blinked through the tears, still under the shock and fully unprepared.
"Get out, get out. Get out." You histerically shouted, pulling the covers up to hide your body. "Get out!"
But Dean's furrowed eyebrows showed no cooperation. He wasn't about to leave you. And his careful steps contrasting your harsh demand for him to go only showed that.
Your small hands gripped the covers harder as he closed in on you. "Kid, what's gotten into y-"
"Don't ask me to leave when you obviously need my hel-"
"I don't. Please lea-NO"
A yell that you did not permit escaped your lips when Dean's thigh was only inches away from resting on the bed. "Don't sit! i-i-" A storm of choked up sobs welled up and burst . And it seemed like Dean finally understood when he sighed, understanding and sympathetic.
"Oh kiddo..." His hand gently went for the covers, which you held tighter, but he tugged at it a couple of times and you let go, bringing your legs close to your upper body, enveloping them in a defensive manner.
And just as if you weren't humiliated enough, Sam entered your room, a mixture of worry and sleepiness puzzling his features.
"She..." Dean hesitated, causing embarrassment to flush your cheeks and more tears to gather in your eyes.
"I...I'm sorry. I-I was having such bad nightmares and i-" You sniffled, unable to hold the tears in. "I don't kno-"
"it's okay...Honey, come here." Sam came over, holding his hand out for you to hold. "come here." He softly pulled you out of bed. "Let's go take a quick bath."
You followed Sam to the bathroom, and a shower and a fresh change of clothes later, you find yourself settled in between your pillow,ms, right beside Sam.
He handed you your little bunny when he noticed a change in your features. "Don't...think about it too much, pumpkin." Sam spoke. And it somehow arose that embarrassement and fear within you again. Your cheeks heated up. You were once again feeling the same you were earlier.
"I'm sorry that i caused you troub-"
Your little mumbled was halted when Sam cupped your cheeks, enveloping the entirety of your face. "We're sorry that you have to go through that every night. And that you had to witness the monstrosities of the world at such a young age."
You lowered uour gaze to the ground as he continued. "Please do not apologize to us."
Your brother shifted his body to lay on his side, facing you, and as you did the same, he wrapped his hand around your back, pulling you close to him.
"Nothing can hurt you now. I got you."
I'm sorry you struggled with that ❤️❤️ i hope this fic brings you the comfort needed ❤️
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