#don't worry Sun will get his spotlight
clxckwork-sun-n-moon · 4 months
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some more of @scarredlove's wonderful Jester Moon, also with the Y/N harlequin outfit~ pose practise with a delightful sample of acrobatics
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ilycosy · 5 months
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pairing : luke castellan x reader (no parent mentioned)
summary — being the partner of luke castellan was a blessing and a curse, mostly a blessing— you had the best swordsman at camp and he was extremely loyal. a blessing really, but everyone always wanted him too. sometimes you forget that he could feel insecure too.
warnings : insecurities (relationship + scar) , petnames (baby, sweetheart, love) , hurt/comfort , luke is standoffish and implied to be mentally ill but reader loves him anyways , mentions of other ppl flirting w luke !!
aノn — i want to smother this man in the biggest kisses ever ... he didn't deserve anything that happened to him & he's innocent !!!! it's never said who readers parent is but they don't reside in hermes cabin :) ,,, also i made the scar worse !!!! i wish it was bigger & more gnarly everyday . enjoy !!!!
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you felt burned by the sun everytime he was around, even with his stoic nature and go with the flow personality— he always seemed to burn so bright when you're around. his palms melted you everytime he pulled you into a kiss, his lips hot and slick with spit from his chewing.
his constant even tone (he'll deny when the sass slips through) never bothered you, in fact you quite enjoyed it whenever he spoke. his raspy voice telling you briefly about his day, or talking about a race him and chris had that day, even when he told you not to worry about him.
other people sure seemed to enjoy him too, boys and girls gathered around him like a moth to a flame. his glow always too bright for others not to be drawn, you always saw it— the way girls would giggle and fawn over him, whenever boys lingered around him during activities.
you never told him how it bothered you, because it wasn't really his fault— he was just too perfect.
which is why it shocked you when you began noticing the way he liked keeping the helmet on even after capture the flag, hiding his face until it was deemed inappropriate. the way he favored resting his scarred side in your neck compared to his other, even though he complained of neck pains the day before.
you can't recall when he began doing these little habits, maybe ever since he got the scar, maybe when a younger camper said it made him look scary. you didn't know, but you knew that it wasn't good for him— the way he allowed himself to ache just to hide it.
luke is a great boyfriend, he recognizes when people want something more from him— he's not afraid to distance himself from others when he notices the flirting. it doesn't make him feel good to have that spotlight when you were so much better than him, in every sense of the word.
he never knew how to tell you that he knew. how he knew that the obnoxious flirting hurt you, or how you always backed away when his friends came over.
he would always come in the morning to pick you up from your cabin, hoping that his searing kisses and warm arms could show you that he's yours— even with a disgusting face.
the scar taking up the side of his face made him curl away in disgust whenever he saw it, he completely avoided bathroom mirrors because of it. he hid away from your soft eyes at any chance he could, fearing that you'd realize just how scary it is to date something like him.
the praises eased in slowly, but surely, he almost felt winded the first time he heard it ("baby get your pretty face over here!" you had said, trying to wave him over to your table. he felt lightheaded and nauseous when he walked over.) he didn't know how to handle it.
whenever he tried to ask why you began getting so verbally affectionate, he was waved off with a small wave and shrug. "can't i compliment my boyfriend?" you had asked him with a teasing tone, he hid away under your shirt the rest of the night while he got teased.
you knew that he was confused, but you didn't really care to explain— he'd just shut down and ignore the problem if you did. and you liked complimenting him, especially when he gets flustered like he does.
calling him pretty made his cheeks go red, and he always seemed more spacey after. calling him handsome always got him smiling and hiding his face. cute? he was looking away and blushing. adorable? he scoffed and smiled. gorgeous, he rolled his eyes and flicked you with red ears.
you hadn't called him beautiful yet, waiting for the perfect moment— you'd think you were planning on proposing with how calculated you were with this.
luke hadn't been sleeping well for a while, mumbling in his sleep about nonsense you couldn't understand. stress had clearly taken its toll, and he's chewing again— his lips raw and almost always bloody from his teeth snagging at the skin.
you snuck into hermes' cabin during the night, hoping that he would be up to sneaking out or even finally getting a full night's rest. your boots made him shoot up, sweaty and eyes wide before he realizes its you.
"what're you doing here, love?" he asks in a hushed tone, not yet a whisper but close. you move closer, gently lacing your hand together with his sweaty one. "wanna sneak out?"
the question was whispered, barely audible even. but it made him stand up all the same, sweatpants and cream colored long-sleeved shirt bunched up at the arms, making him look ethereal.
"are you that needy, sweetheart?" he asks as a joke when you've successfully escaped the cabin without waking people. his eyebrows wiggling slightly, his usual stoic facade melting off him like you were a candle and he was wax.
you rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you told him no. tugging him along the camp grounds until you found the picnic blanket, the basket of food right next to it all neatly set up— it took you a whole week to convince people to help you find this stuff, a demeter kid had to weave the basket.
"ta-da!" you said, doing jazz hands as you showed him the comfortable blanket. he didn't say anything, only smiling wide as he laid down on it— he patiently waited for you to get the food out, not feeling any sort of rush as he allowed himself to relax.
you hand fed him strawberries, flicking his nose every time he tried to stick your fingers in his mouth. you admired him in the moonlight, he always looked the best at night. his radiating self was enough light for you anyways.
your fingertips gently brushed his face while he was eating, chewing a piece of cake when he felt them. your fingers making their way to his big scar, tracing the jagged edges of it along with the smooth, raised middle.
"what're you doing?" he says, his voice tight in his throat as he tried to ignore the building pit of fear in his stomach.
you hummed, caressing his face as you looked at him. his eyes focused on your nose to avoid eye contact, "you're beautiful," you whisper.
"extremely beautiful." and his face goes red, his eyes watery as his chest rises up and down in deep breaths. his hands are shaky and pulling you closer, desperate for you and your touch.
it makes you really wonder, how could he ever feel insecure when you're convinced he could be cursed by aphrodite herself, and you'd still see his face when camp visits the gods?
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sv5hive · 3 months
'cause when you know, you know | cl16
pairing(s): charles leclerc x fem!reader
content warning(s): mentions of drinking
word count: 708
note: i haven't posted anything in so long i hope you didn't forget me 🫣🫣
"this is who i was talking about! charles leclerc, you know, the racing driver i mentioned?"
reluctantly, he looked up from the drink in his hands to introduce himself to you. in all honesty, the first half of the season had been tougher on him than usual and he just wanted to be left alone.
that plan was derailed the moment his eyes landed on you.
as he took you in he failed to notice your outstretched hand, waiting for his.
it wasn't his fault you looked like an angel in that white dress which seemed to hug your body perfectly, your skin glowing in the warm sunset and eyes twinkling much like the fairy lights illuminating the rooftop. it's almost as if a switch was flicked in him and all the fatigue left his body at the sight of you.
he was definitely in trouble.
"nice to meet you. i hope he hasn't told you too many stories about me." was all he was able to get out while still in a daze.
"nice to meet you too. don't worry, he's only told me the good ones!"
you even had the voice of an angel.
the conversation flowed easily with the steady stream of drinks from the bar. at some point near the beginning of your conversation, your mutual friend had abandoned you, leaving the both of you to lean against the wall in a secluded corner. neither of you minded though, as you spent hours learning almost everything about each other from your careers and families to your favourite dishes and childhood pets. somehow, you had managed to ignore everyone else at the party and stay by each others side in that corner the entire time. you looked around you only to find out you two were the last ones left up on the quiet roof. not that it mattered; you could've spent lifetimes talking to charles, shoulders pushed together, hands almost touching but jumping apart whenever they got too close, just talking about whatever came to mind.
the sun had long since dipped below the horizon and the moon was now glimmering in the waves. charles took the opportunity to admire you in his slightly drunken state before he lost the little confidence he had suddenly gained.
a cool breeze had come with nightfall and danced through your hair as you gazed at the sea through lidded eyes. the moon reflected on your face like a spotlight, magnifying your beauty to him. it felt like the universe was giving him a sign, screaming at him to not let you slip away. even if he wanted to ignore the universe, he couldn't. not when he had already felt himself falling the second he saw you and lost all common sense. a permanent, dopey smile rested on your mouth while you nursed the last remainders of your drink. whether you were smiling because of him or the several drinks you had he didn't know, but he certainly hoped it was the former (it was).
he had just met you a few hours ago but in that instant he knew this would be the story he would tell your all your friends and families over and over again until they could repeat it from memory. he could see it all so clearly.
they would ask how he knew you were the one and he would recount this exact moment, where you weren't even really paying him any attention and instead opting to stare out into the endless sea. they wouldn't understand but when they did and they wondered if they've found the one, he would be there to tell them that if you really have to ask yourself, then they aren't the one. because when you know, you know.
"what are you thinking about?" you had realised the silence had stretched on for much longer than what felt normal.
despite charles drinking several glasses of liquid courage, he still couldn't form a proper sentence around you.
"i said, what are you thinking about? you look very, concentrated."
"nothing, don't worry."
"whatever you say."
he studied your features once more before shaking his head and smiling to himself.
"come on, it's late. let me walk you back."
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lokis-army-77 · 9 months
Pretty Girl and her Hoodie Guy
Modern!Eddie Munson x fem reader
Word Count: 2.4k
It was supposed to be a sunny day until it wasn't, but that's okay because maybe love is right around the corner... or the bus stop.
Warning: E for everyone!! This is just really cute and if you don't read it I'll be very mad at yall >:(.
The first part of this is based on some pictures I saw on tiktok but I totally forgot to save it so I could give credit for the idea that it gave me.
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It has rained almost every day in Chicago for nearly a week. So, the one day the weather forecast called for bright sunny skies and nearly eighty-degree weather, you decided to leave your umbrella in your apartment along with your umbrella. 
The bus ride to campus was dry as could be, the weather was perfect and the slight breeze tickled as it made your skirt flutter around your thighs. The walk to class after getting off the bus was also crystal clear, not a single cloud in sight and the sun beat down brightly, you were thankful for the shade of the trees. 
Three hours later, as you exit the English building, you notice it has gotten darker, clouds have begun to roll in. You sigh as you begin walking to the bus stop, hopeful that the weatherman was still correct about having no rain. 
You and the meteorologist were both proven wrong when, halfway to the bus, the bottom fell out. Big, heavy droplets of rain started pouring down out of nowhere, almost instantly soaking you to the bone. 
You begin to run as fast as your bag full of books and laptop will allow. You can only pray that the rain hasn't seeped through your backpack and ruined your things. 
The bus stop is only a couple more feet away and when you make it under the awning you have a breath and set your backpack down on the bench. Today was such a bad day to wear a white shirt. The water had made it nearly see-through. Your white bra practically shining through the thin cotton fabric like a spotlight was on it. 
As you try to squeeze the water out of your clothes you hear a deep cough, like someone clearing their throat. You look up. To your left is a guy, he's tall with shaggy hair and bangs almost covering his eyes. He's wearing a black hoodie and black jeans even though it had been almost eighty-three degrees mere hours ago. Your eyes catch on the glint of piercings in his ears before they wander to the peak of a tattoo showing just above the collar of his hoodie. 
He looks at you with impossibly big, brown eyes, something you'd imagine only a puppy or a newborn baby to have. 
"Here." He says before tugging the hoodie off. The way he reaches up and grabs the back of the garment to take it off has the shirt under it riding up. You can see an expanse of ivory skin covered in charcoal-black lines, tattoos. They cover almost every inch of skin and you suspect they go farther down, past the waistband of his jeans. 
He shakes the hoodie out in front of you and you hesitate to grab it so he forces it into your shivering hands. The rain and the sudden drop in temperature are making you freeze. 
"Put that on. It'll keep you warm and away from prying eyes." His smile is big and bright as he watches you put his clothes on. 
It's big on you, more than big, enormous. What was a perfect fit on him, swallowed you whole. The hem came down almost to the back of your knees and the sleeves might as well have been a mile long. 
"Thank you," you say softly with an even softer smile back at him. 
"No worries." He then points at your hand and motions for you to reach it out to him. So, you do, without hesitation. 
He grasps your hand in his and with the other, rolls up the sleeve. He then produces a pen from seemingly thin air and scribbles something down. 
When he lets go of your arm, you hold it up. 10 scratchy numbers are etched over your forearm as well as a name. Eddie. 
You go to ask him why he's given you his number when he beats you to it. 
"Call me. I'll be needing that back." He grins, holding his fingers like a phone to his ear. You can't help the shy giggle that leaves you. 
The guy, Eddie as you have just learned, then sprints through the rain and into the bus you hadn't even realized had stopped moments before. 
He leaves you speechless and giddy. Butterflies are fluttering around in your stomach, making you dizzy. You have to sit down or else you think you might faint. 
Never have you had an interaction like this. Something so simple and sweet. He drew you in front the first second you laid eyes on him. 
It only takes you a few minutes to remember to come back to reality. Quickly you put his number in your phone under "hoodie guy (Eddie)" 
It's a few days later when you finally work up the courage to call hoodie guy. It’s maybe three in the afternoon and as the other line rings and rings your nerves begin to eat at you as you wonder if he did really want you to call him, maybe a text would have been better. 
Your thoughts are cut short when a rather chipper voice answers. “Y’ello?”
“Hi, is this Eddie?” You swear your anxiousness can be heard in your voice. 
“Yeah… and who is this?” He questions. 
“Oh, um. This is the girl you gave your hoodie to the other day, remember?” 
“I remember you.” You could almost hear the smile stretching across his face. “Was beginning to think you wouldn’t call.”
You had it bad. Really bad. Just speaking to him for these few seconds had your heart racing. “Sorry about that. I wanted to wash it before I called.” You give him your name then, shyly introducing yourself. 
He chuckles in response, “Pretty name for a very pretty girl.” 
You’re glad this is a phone call, otherwise, Eddie would see how badly you are blushing. Your face is white hot and beet red, a dead giveaway to how this stranger has totally smitten you with two limited interactions.
You don’t realize you have been quiet this whole time until Eddie speaks up once more. “Hello? You there pretty girl?"
"Y-yeah," you stutter. "I'm here." You blush impossibly harder. 
"Would you like to meet me at the coffee shop by the bus stop we met at? It'll be my treat." There's a hopefulness to his question. 
You nod only to realize he obviously can't see you. "Yes," you answer. "I'd love to."
"Great! Can you be there in thirty?" 
"Sure. I'll head that way now."
Excitedly you begin to get ready, putting way too much effort into your outfit, but hey it's not wrong to want to look good for the guy you find insanely attractive.
Thirty minutes later you are walking into the coffee shop dressed up in a cute, green corduroy pinafore dress, perfect for the upcoming fall weather, and a giant hoodie in your grasp. 
You don't notice the large guy coming up to your side until he's poking a finger into your shoulder to grab your attention. 
You jump at the sudden poke and turn to face the culprit. 
"Oh'" you say surprised. "Hi."
"Hi." He smiles back. "I'm sitting over there if you want to take a seat. What do you want to drink?"
You're quick to shake your head. "You really don't have to do that. I can pay for my part." You start fumbling for your card in the back of your phone case. 
He places a hand over yours. "I insist. What would you like?”
It doesn’t take much for you to give in and tell him your go-to order. After he repeats it back to you, you head to the table by the window Eddie had pointed to. His denim jacket was hung over the back of the chair, leaving you the booth seat to settle into. 
The cafe is relatively empty, save for the two baristas behind the counter and the older man seated at the corner table reading a book, so it doesn’t take long for Eddie to come back with two coffees carefully balanced in one large hand and a plate with a warm croissant. 
You try to help him but he tuts you away, quickly saying, “I got it, I got it.” He sets the plate down first before placing your glass in front of you and his before him. Then, he sits. 
You both take slow sips from your coffee and as he looks intently at you with those eyes, you try and avoid them. 
“This is for you.” He pushes the bread in your direction with the knuckle of his forefinger. 
“I- thank you.” A fierce blush starts to creep up your neck and you busy yourself by drinking some more.
You know that Eddie can tell you’re nervous. Who wouldn’t be able to tell with your seldom eye contact and soft, stuttering words? He starts the conversation off slow, easing you into a more comfortable state, you’re grateful for it. 
Questions like “How’s your day going” to his only little version of twenty questions finally get you to break out of your shell. He makes you laugh, a lot, to the point your stomach hurts and your muscles ache. 
Conversation flows easily after the initial bump in the road. You’ve talked about college and life after; he’s studying in the music department with plans to eventually become a professional musician. He tells you about his dreams and ambitions and you can’t help but feel inspired. You tell him about the book you would love to write one day and he listens intently. He even asks questions and refers to things you stated previously in the conversation. Never have you had such a connection with anyone, not even your closest friends. 
Eddie is so charming and witty that it barely even registers when both of your hands meet in the middle of the table. His larger fingers play with your smaller ones and you converse in your own little world. 
You’re only broken from your state of enchantment with the other when a cafe worker approaches you.
“I’m sorry guys but we close at four on Sundays and it’s ten till.” The worker gives you a strained smile, the underlying message, “Please leave.”
You gasp in shock. “How have we been here for three hours?”
Eddie looked at you, just as surprised. “Well, time does fly when you’re having fun, pretty girl.�� 
You shake your head. The complement turned pet name making you blush every time he said it but not as hard as when your name rolled off his tongue. 
“Come on,” he says, standing to his feet. “I’ll take you home.”  He reaches for your hand and pulls you up after you quickly gather up your purse and his hoodie. 
As you walk out, you both apologize profusely to the two workers for staying right until closing. 
“How are you gonna take me home?” You ask. “You took the bus the day we met.” You really didn’t want him spending an extra bus fare just to escort you home.
He gives you a lopsided grin. “I took the bus 'cause I had an inkling not to listen to the weather. This is my usual ride.” Eddie arcs his hand out in front of you both, gesturing to the sleek black motorcycle resting by the curb. 
“Woah. That is actually really cool.” You gush. You had always wondered what it would be like to ride on a motorcycle. 
Eddie reaches out and grabs the helmet strapped to the seat and hands it to you. “Wear this.” 
“What about you?”
“You’re precious cargo, far more important than me.” He answers before helping place it over your head and buckle it under your chin. Then he takes his hoody from your arms and ties it around your waist. “That should cover you up enough.” He gestures to your dress. You hadn't even thought about that detail and his mindfulness had you swooning. 
He gives you a small but thorough lesson on what you do as a passenger before getting on and then helping you on after. 
He drives slowly, taking less busy streets to the address you gave him, and the whole time you cling to him. Your heart beats wildly in your chest at the feeling of freedom as the wind whips around you. Every so often, Eddie will reach for your hand at his waist, or when you are stopped at a red light he automatically reaches back to cup your legs, fingers dragging up the back of your calves. 
You’re sad when the ride comes to a stop outside your apartment building. You are slow you follow him off the bike and even slower to let him remove the helmet. This amazing time was coming to an end and you desperately didn’t want it to. 
You can feel his calloused fingers tickle your chin as he undoes the strap. He’s careful to pull the protective gear off, fixing the strands of hair that fall out of place when he’s done. You cherish the warmth coming from his palm and it really feels like he’s about to kiss you. And you wouldn’t mind if he did. No matter if you only just met him or if this seemed to be moving fast, you wanted to know what those plump lips felt like on your own. 
He leans in and your breath hitches in your lungs, your eyes close as you prepare with the one thing you need at this moment. Only, Eddie doesn’t kiss your lips, instead, he places a gentle peck on your cheek. You deflate, sad his target was somewhere else. 
“Eddie?” You ask softly.
“Yeah?” He mutters your name, eyes staring into yours. 
“I had a great time.” 
“Me too, pretty girl.”
“Thank you for bringing me home.” 
“You’re welcome.” He backs away from you and you frown just a bit. “You should get inside.” 
“I should… I’ll text you?”
“Nothing I’d want more.” He slides his leg back over onto his bike and you turn to walk away.
“By Eddie.” You only get a few feet before you pause. “Oh, wait.” You untie his hoodie from your waist and rush back to Eddie’s side. “Here.”
He shakes his head. “You keep it. Looks better on you than it ever will on me. Plus, it’ll give me a reason to come see you again.” 
You become shy again and the mention of seeing him again, hopeful that this wasn’t just a one-time thing to get his clothes back and that he will answer when you text or call him.
“Bye, pretty girl.” He grins and you watch him put his helmet on but he doesn’t leave just yet. No, he only leaves after he sees you enter your building and you waive to him from beyond the glass door. 
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puzziepoppin · 1 year
lovelovelovelove thinking about being dallas winston's gf.
cw: mostly just fluffy relationship stuff, mentions of sex; no detail, loosely curtis!reader, not edited and written on a small amount of energy so exscue any grammar mistakes😭
-sleeping in at bucks until the sun is shine so brightly through the blinds you can't see anything but the rays hitting his face in such a perfect way spotlighting all of his usually rock hard features that have turned soft while he sleeps.
-dally is a FULL time stomach sleeper though. and when he finally gets some good sleep he sleeps hard. so if you want to cuddle up close to him don't excpect him to spoon with you. he'll hold you while he sleeps on his back once in a while, but the most you can usually get on from that boy is an arm slung around your body.
-and he is NOT a morning person. the second you inch to sit up hes mumbling with his morning groggy voice and thick accent for you to get back in bed. even if you have work or school or just have to pee. DO NOT expect him to let you up.
-he seems like a real hard-ass but i like to think he has his softer side for you but only when your alone. can't let the gang know you've made him gone soft.
-and if your a curtis girl just expect for darry to be even harder on you once he finds out your dating tusla's certified delinquent. it's all outta care for you and love. he doesn't want his family getting separated from him, and knowing how much time dally spends in the cooler has dar just a tad worried that your gonna get caught up in it sometime.
-and we all know dallas winston fucks. so in the beginning darry will definitely be a bit suspicious of dally only using you to get his dick wet. but once he sees a how dally acts around you he starts to soften up a bit. just don't let darry catch you with dally in your bed doing the devils dance. or any clothes removed for that matter.
-on the topic of fucking and touching. dally is big on pda but in his own way. he's not the type to spin you around and pick you up after he gets outta the cooler. but he knows how to be romantic. he's just more of a touchy feely (vampire on the neck) kinda guy. your friends and darry especially will always have a comment on the new hickey that's accumulated on your neck or how it looks like dallys eating your face off anytime you make out. but dal is just passionate with his kisses. passionate and hungry. if he feels the need he can add a bit of gentleness in there just gentle isn't a normal word in dallas winston's vocabulary.
a/n: more self indulgence but this time it's with my new fictional bf. no, i haven't finished reading the outsiders so DONT mention any deaths to me. and death is so bleh anyways i like to imagine a world where they all live and johnny never killed the soc and darry never hit dally. anyways maybe some more rated r coming soon babes😘
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ssentimentals · 11 months
seventeen members as their natal charts: seungcheol
sun in leo, moon in capricorn
this man is a natural born leader with great managerial skills; very practical and self-aware, knows his limits and also knows how to push them, likes being under the spotlight and can appear self-centered, but actually is more caring than one would think; big ego, can easily back up all his words with actions
''you don't get it!' you repeat, throwing hands in the air. 'you don't get it, seungcheol. you were injured and i'm not sure you've healed properly and you already want to go back to touring and it's so- how can you be so careless? about your own health, that is! don't you understand how worried i am-' you stop when he suddenly hugs you tight, bringing you close to him. 'cheol-'
'shh,' he whispers and easily withstands your slaps at his chest, ignoring them in favor of leaving kisses on your cheeks. 'babe, baby, love- i understand, okay? i do.'
you huff, continuing to push at his chest, but he's rock solid and doesn't move an inch, which only makes you angrier. seungcheol grabs your wrists with one hand and stops you, smiling fondly at your pouting lips. 'you trust me, right?' you nod without hesitation and it only makes his smile widen. 'then trust me enough to know that i won't ever be careless about my health. i know myself and i know that i am ready to go on tour.'
'but-' you try and he shushes you with his lips on yours, making you melt under him even if you don't agree. by sheer force of will you break the kiss, turning your head to the side, glaring at his amused expression. 'do you miss stage so much that you're willing to risk your health for spotlight? seungcheol, please.'
he shakes his head, letting go your wrists and now cradling your face in his hands. his eyes search for yours and he's serious as ever as he whispers: 'yes, i miss the stage and spotlight and fans, but i know my limits, babe. and i know haven't reached them yet. i can push myself further now and it'll be alright, i promise.'
seungcheol is a man of promises, you know he doesn't throw these words as easily as others. also knowing that this arguement is usueless when he's already decided, you can only sigh, nodding. he smiles in triumph, kissing your neck with silent apologies for not being on the same page as you. 'don't get injured,' you ask, trying to sound stern but failing when you see his excitement. seungcheol nods readily and you roll your eyes, shouting when he suddenly lifts you up and carries you bridal style to the bedroom. 'cheol!'
'gotta make up for the time i'll be away!'
devoted lover, one that can go on inhumane lengths for his partner; puts an effort to make relationships work, believes in the 'i treat you the way you treat me' concept; has a hard time choosing between career and love, can be somewhat detached at times, so better partner for him will be someone independent, who understands his desire for achivement and success on career field.
'i want to be with you,' seungcheol whispers and your breath hitches as he reaches out to take your hand in his. 'i think i'm doing a shit job in making it clear though.'
you smile, shaking your head. 'it's okay, seungcheol. and what do you mean? i don't need to be fawned over or taken to fancy restaurants and whatnot.'
you thought this would lift up his mood, but seungcheol only looks sadder and a tad bit angrier than before. he frowns, sttaring at your intertwined fingers. 'it's not only about fancy restaraunts,' he speaks slowly, looking up. 'me saying that i want to be with you means i am willing to shift my life in order to prioritize our relationships, to accomodate you and make time for you and-' he stops, frustrated. seungcheol pinches bridge of his nose, taking deep breaths. 'but i just have so much and i am trying my best to make time and-'
'hey,' you reach out this time, taking his hand and placing small kiss on his knuckles. this actions seems to shook him to the core as he blinks at you owlishly and you only smile back. 'cheol, i said it's okay. you think i don't see how you try to finish meetings earlier and even skip some so we can go have lunch or dinner together? how you clear the weekends to the best of your abilities, so we can go on a date and spend some time together? how you always call and text and make sure i don't feel neglected?' you lean in, seeing all of the doubts and fears reflected in his eyes. it makes you sad, how little he thinks of his efforts, when he makes so many. 'i see your devotion. i feel it. so don't worry, okay? i can see very clearly that you want to be with me.'
your reassurance makes him feel better and tension disappears from his shoulders. he exhales, leaning in to put your foreheads together, pecking your lips shortly. 'you treat me like royalty,' he whispers affectionately.
'that's because you treat me like royalty,' you say, staring right back at him. 'i treat you the way you treat me, don't forget.'
seungcheol smiles, nodding. he brushes your hair away and kisses your lips, his worries crumbling down one by one with more kisses from you. he's addicted to this calm and peaceful feeling you give him, so his devotion only grows more and more, ready to cover you and this whole world with a blanket of his love.
a/n: when you write of one of your ults and die a little inside, ah :') how was it, babes? you can find my masterlist here - nini
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romance-rambles · 2 months
modern alkaid | 319 roses and a date
Alkaid gets asked on a date by the girl he desperately wanted to ask out, at least before he found out who the flowers were for. You'd like to maintain that nothing you said was a lie.
2.8k, post-alkaid's florist ending [everything else happens the same way, except alkaid's first meeting with mc happens after godheim], misunderstandings + some angst, mc is reader, series: none
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ALKAID STARES DOWN BLANKLY AT the bouquet of white roses in his hands. At some point during his stunned silence, he had unwittingly taken them off yours, just as you had hoped for.
All 319 of them, to be precise—which is a number that, put in a different context, can also refer to 3/19, the day of his birth. Even with the limited capacity he has at the moment to sort out the events that led up to this moment, he can't help the way his heart flutters at the knowledge that you remembered, even though so much time has passed.
"Alkaid?" A gentle tap against his shoulder robs the flowers of their spotlight. "Do you...not like the flowers?"
He looks up and sees you, still here—still dressed so beautifully he's once more in danger of succumbing to asphyxiation, with a fretful expression that makes him wonder if he's already there. When he does not respond, you close the remaining distance between them, obscuring all else from his vision.
It is a problem only because he has nowhere left to run.
"No," he croaks out finally, leaning back over the counter to accommodate you.
Obliviously, you move closer, leaving him with no choice but to avert his gaze once more. Alkaid can only hope you aren't offended—that you don't think he finds you unattractive, with how often he does so. It's only that your beaming smile reminds him of what it feels like to stare down the sun.
"They're lovely."
Satisfied with his answer, you pull back. Your hands are clasped behind your back, and your ponytail sways slightly, once more retreating behind your shoulder. There's an adorable star-shaped pin fastened onto the strap of your cross-body bag.
He sighs discretely, relieved, and pulls the bouquet up to his face as casually as he can. The petals, he hopes, will be enough to cover up the deep scarlet staining his cheeks.
"I'm glad!" You clap your hands together. "I was worried they wouldn't be to your liking. Maybe I should've asked you what your favorite flower was before I tried asking you out."
A self-deprecating laugh slips out as you scratch your cheek. An intricate design spans the length of your nail now—shades of red and green shaped into what he can clearly recognize as halves of a rose hugging the edges—against a black background.
Alkaid bites his lip, converting the interrupted gasp into a quiet exhale.
"You guessed right. I like white roses," he says, hoping desperately that his words are nothing less than reassuring. "Though they share that spot with lilies as well."
"Lilies," you repeat, a determined gleam in your lovely eyes. "I'll keep that in mind for next time."
He bites his lip harder.
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THE MORNING HE'S DUE TO hand off your flowers, Alkaid finds himself contemplating the benefits of coffee behind the register.
Though his favorite concealer and his usual color corrector have done much to brighten up his undereyes, they can do little for the grogginess that comes with staying awake the whole night (Why such a specific number? Who are they for? Do you remember him at all?). And, by the time the clock strikes nine, he's already downed three cups of strongly-brewed tea.
What pushes him to finally break away from his usual preferences is a simple headache.
The store is empty, and there remains more than half an hour before you're set to arrive. A sharp twinge of pain in the side of his head as he stands up to check on your flowers draws out a careful hiss. Alkaid, with some amount of lingering hesitance, flips the sign on his door to closed, with a note explaining the rough length of absence. Then he walks out the door, his destination the artsy cafe across the street—the one that makes him think of you whenever he walks in.
Allen, the normally deadpan barista on duty, seems to shut down when Alkaid corrects him on his order. Soon, the news spreads to the rest of the employees, who take turns staring at him as he leaves with a warm thermos of coffee in his hands.
But, in the end, it proves to be an unnecessary trip.
You're already in front of his flower shop when he returns, half-crouched and studying the sign the way someone might study a work of abstract art. Today, too, you have a large, dark blue backpack slung over both your shoulders, its surface decorated with various pins and stickers—mostly of a cat, your cat, but also of a popular manga that you seem to like.
In Passing, that is.
It's about a love triangle featuring a tyrant emperor and a well-liked leader of the rebellion. Even without the reviews praising it for subverting expectations, Alkaid would've picked it up anyway.
He's on the third volume right now, and—
Hmm? His eyebrows furrow. Where did I leave it? In my bag?
All of a sudden, the sleep that had been so insistent on dragging his eyelids down vanishes. Alkaid wracks his brain desperately for the answers, stomach churning at the thought of you finding out about his latest reading material.
Unfortunately, you choose that moment to turn around.
"Oh, Alkaid!"
Your confused expression soon melts away, leaving behind only a cheerful smile. Tightening his grip on his thermos, he exhales silently, before flashing you a gentle smile.
"You're here." Time stops as you begin to approach him, your keychains singing a short jingle to accompany you. Your expression softens, as does your voice. "You didn't forget about me, right?"
Alkaid can only sputter out a half-coherent apology.
The words get drowned out by the insistent, purposeful beating of his heart. It's as if it wants to claw itself out of his chest and entrust itself to your hands, as it is, with shattered bones sticking out of it.
You laugh prettily, as always. "It's okay. I'm just joking."
Then, like a moth to a flame, his gaze falls upon your lips. A soft red, with a glossy sheen, one that matches the color of your skirt. On a plain canvas, it's all the more striking. It leaves him wondering about things he, currently a stranger, shouldn't be fretting over.
He's not sure how long he stares for, with slightly parted lips and a series of half-realized thoughts chiding at him to stop—only that it's not long enough for you to grow uncomfortable.
Alkaid clears his throat, holding up his thermos (I should've bought her something too, he thinks) as an explanation. "I apologize for the wait. I went over to the cafe across the street."
"Coffee lover?" you guess, making room for him to open the door.
"I'm usually more of a tea person." As he slips inside the store, he can't help but chuckle self-consciously, remembering all the different ways he imagined this scene playing out. Naturally, his next words are nothing more than the most blatant lie he's ever told. "I thought I'd try something else for a change."
"Is it a nice place?" Upon seeing the puzzled look he sends over his shoulder, you clarify, "The cafe. I've seen the reviews, but I think only experience can beat the testimony of someone you know."
He considers your question for a moment. "The staff is very friendly. I often stop by during lunch for their sandwiches."
"I see..." you murmur.
"I think you'd like it," Alkaid blurts out as he slips in behind the register, happy to note that his copy of Volume 3 is, in fact, in his bag. "The owner enjoys collecting art—there's a lot of different paintings all over the cafe. Um, since you're an art major."
"Well, now I have to try it out." You don't seem particularly startled that he knows about your major; instead, you take to drawing patterns across the wooden countertop. He thinks he sees the familiar curve of an A. "The cookies you recommended last time were really great too."
When he keeps his silence, the complete opposite of what the state of his mind currently is (she remembers?), you look up.
"Hmm?" You tilt your head, confusion clouding your once smiling expression. "Do I have the wrong person? You're Alkaid, right? From that time in the snow mountains?"
He forces himself to nod, but that too is enough.
A shy smile blossoms on your lips, paired with both a brief flash of relief flitting through your gaze and the slight, almost imperceptible widening of your eyes. Placing your hands above your heart, you sigh exaggeratedly.
"You had me worried for a moment," you say. Your eyelashes cast a dark shadow on your undereyes. "I thought we'd never meet again."
For a moment, he wonders if there's more to your sorrow than you let on. Does it have anything to do with the way you disappeared? Somewhere so far away that no one could reach you at all?
Alkaid shakes off his thoughts.
"But we did," he responds carefully. I never thought we'd meet again either, he does not say instead. "Whether it was destiny, whether it was just a coincidence, we did. All we can do is make the most of it."
A tinge of sadness mars your lovely smile. "I think that sounds lovely."
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SOON AFTER THEIR REUNION, DONE properly this time, down to exchanging numbers, Alkaid excuses himself to go fetch your flowers. When he returns, lovesick heart brimming with curiosity over the recipient's identity once more, he finds you've returned to doodling on the counter.
"Here they are, 319 white roses," he announces.
There's a blank expression on your face when you look up. Slowly, as recognition dawns upon you, it melts away to something bitter and rough. Its jagged edges dig into his his heart, leaving a paralyzing mix of sadness and longing to wash over him.
And then—
"Thank you," you say, and take the flowers off his hand.
His hand twitches, yearning for the camera he still keeps in his backpack, for the days where he feels like memorializing something instead. Lovely is the only word he has to describe you as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ears and pull the bouquet close with a faint smile.
Then, you close your eyes, and you inhale deeply. Once more, you are somewhere else—somewhere far, somewhere he can't reach.
"Ah, sorry." You crack one eye open. Now, the bouquet is clutched against your chest, but your sadness remains. "I guess I'm a bit nervous. I don't know if he'll like the flowers."
He? From some far corner of his mind, he recalls the image of your guardian. A tall man, with long silver hair and a pleasant, but guarded expression. Cael, he thinks is the name.
"For your guardian?" Alkaid inquires.
Your smile drops entirely at the mention of your guardian. A complicated series of emotions flash in your gaze, soon averted to one of the potted plants at the display. Scratching your cheek, you offer him a polite laugh.
Today, only some of your nails are a plain black. The rest remain bare.
"No, it's not for Cael." You answer carefully. "Actually—"
Looking down at the flowers, you take a deep breath. When next you speak, your voice has reclaimed the softness it'd shown him earlier—your searching gaze as well. You leave him with the truth, imparting it onto him like a mischievous secret.
"There's someone I'd like to ask out."
His stomach drops, and you leave him with the memory of lovelorn smile, forever imprinted behind his eyelids.
"I hope he says yes."
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[3:00 PM] you: Alkaid, do you have any plans tonight?
[3:17 PM] alkaid: No, I'm free
[3:21 PM] alkaid: Did something happen?
[3:22 PM] you:
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[3:22 PM] you: I haven't asked him out yet. Gonna do it soon
[3:23 PM] you: All of my other friends are busy rn.
[3:24 PM] you: Is it okay if I stop by after you close up shop?
[3:24 PM] you: I'd want to talk to someone about it
[4:31 PM] alkaid: Of course
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SOMEHOW, ALKAID MANAGES TO GET through the rest of the day.
His heart is held together haphazardly with duct tape and carefully-placed staples, though their efforts are thwarted constantly by a popular refrain (You hardly know him. Of course there's someone else.), and he's one stubbed toe away from being reduced to tears, but he manages. Somehow.
He swallows down his what-ifs and maybes and waits, watching the hands on his wristwatch inch ever closer to six in the evening. And eventually, the vaguely promised time arrives.
As he's stepping out from behind the register, a familiar chime echoes cuts through the silence. Alkaid looks up and sees you, dressed still in red and black, your turtleneck and skirt swapped out for a knee-length dress.
The bouquet of white roses—held in both hands, a stark contrast to the black leather jacket you're wearing—covers up its neckline. You smile sheepishly at him, pulling at the mesh of your bright red skirt to mimic a curtsy.
You're beautiful. Even the flowers surrounding them pale in comparison. Even the aurora they'd seen together pales in comparison. You rob him of his breath and leave gasping for a reprieve, but so long as he keeps his memory in even the smallest capacity, that's simply impossible.
The familiar knife called jealousy stabs into his heart, leaving him keenly aware of his longing. He averts his gaze, but the damage has already been done. You are beautiful, and he has waited years to see you.
"Hi." Alkaid swallows uncomfortably, as the sound of your footsteps draws closer. In a panic, his hands brace themselves against the edge of the counter. "Was something wrong with the flowers? I thought—"
A mysterious expression sits upon your features when you pull his gaze onto you, seemingly oblivious to your magnetic power.
With a deep breath, you thrust the flowers at him, knuckles brushing against his chest. You pull back for a moment, taking your flowers with you, and the soft coral of your blush makes it difficult to discern whether you find yourself a victim the of same scarlet blooming across his cheeks.
"That's—" You cough politely. There's a heart-shaped pendant dangling from your golden necklace. The dress is either strapless or your jacket has covered up the straps. "—what I'm here to find out."
Alkaid tilts his head. His confused gaze darts across his surroundings and stops at the glass window of the store's display, thinking perhaps that your mystery boy might be outside. But while the streets are not barren, there is no one outside his store.
You say his name in the same way you told him your secret. Like it's something precious. Like it's something you love. And the truth begins to settle into his bones with a finality that deafens the half-coherent puzzle pieces he's been trying to fit together—he is the only one you could possibly ask out in this empty store.
He has no choice but to look back. At you, and the bouquet you're offering him.
"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"
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AND THAT IS HOW HE finds himself with the beginnings of a bruise forming on his lip. He doesn't mind, not when the sting he feels as he wets his lip reminds him that this is not, in fact, a dream (It feels like it though, he thinks), nor a fantasy.
"You...you don't have a girlfriend, do you? It's been a while since then..."
You rub your arm lightly, muttering about something he can't understand, and what else is Alkaid meant to do but take your hand? He squeezes it gently, tickled to find that he can return the favor for all the times you've stolen his breath away.
Your lips part slightly, but whatever you hoped to say does not leave the confines of your mysterious mind. Instead, you draw some of your hair from both sides over your flushed cheeks.
"Nothing like that," he reassures, smiling gently at you. "I'm just surprised. I didn't realize you were talking about me."
"That's a reli—what." In a single moment, your voice goes from girlishly breathless to an irritated flat. Releasing your hair, you blink uncomprehendingly at him. "How?"
Watching you descend into another muttered ramble, Alkaid shrugs. "If you'd still like that date..."
You whip your head in his direction. "Then it's a date!"
The first time he met you, it was when you had fished out of the snow and offered him a warm drink to fight off the cold. They had talked about miscellaneous things, from your half-hearted desire to request a camera for your birthday to who could make the better model between them both.
And back then, he had thought to himself that there was no sound more beautiful than your laugh.
Almost four years after the fact, as he watches you giggle, Alkaid can confidently say his past self had the right idea. Such a specific title leaves him with room to declare your follow-up smile to be just as breathtaking.
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l0vem41l · 4 months
Forgive me if I disturb you, but if your requests are open can I have a romantic Glamrock Freddy x Animatronic Cat reader who's really shy and insecure about themselves?
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「 tws + notes: no tws, SUPER unedited, animatronic cat reader, i love making stuff up thatz Not In Canon, writer is bad at animatronic reader writing (my bad), cat animatronic reader has cat-like behaviour becuz i Said So 」
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「 gn!reader, romantic relationship <3 」
↳ ft. glamrock freddy (other glamrocks, the dca + vanessa mentioned)
author's note: no ur not disturbing me at all!!! ^_^ my fnaf reqs are were open!! :3 i don't typically write for animatronic reader so i hope i did this ok!! i'm so sorry if this was a little slow!! but tysm 4 ur patience! i hope u enjoy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ <3
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▸ a new animatronic at the plex meant a new companion! a new opportunity for friendship! at least, that’s what freddy initially expected. every attempt to greet you was met with you fleeing, every friendly wave met with awkward silence as you quickly averted your eyes and pretended not to see— and conversations were nonstarters.
he started to get nervous that you didn’t like him. which was a very rare experience for freddy.
▸ he asks vanessa all abt you. what were you built for? were you a new glamrock? why did you not like him? :(
“officer vanessa! i was looking for you! if i may ask—” freddy’s sentence was cut off with an exasperated sigh from the overworked security officer, barely through her shift and already done with everything. she jus like me fr.
“if it’s about that cat you keep asking about, upper management barely gave me any information. i’ve told you what i know,” vanessa rubs the bridge of her nose, reciting the info she had already told freddy possibly a thousand times, “the new animatronic is under beta testing, currently coded to not be overly social in case people get attached, and probably not going to stay very long.”
his ear twitches at the last part.
“i… i see.” freddy nods thoughtfully, thanking vanessa politely, which she dismisses with a small shrug before walking off.
he doesn’t notice you around the corner, quick to leave the scene before your presence could be discovered.
▸ skittish. that is his first impression of you. your first interaction is nothing more than him grinning at you and greeting you with a “hello!”
this seems to startle you. he expects you to make your escape immediately, as per usual— but to his surprise, you manage to muster up the tiniest “hi” before leaving.
he’s giddy about the exchange all week. the others never hear him shut up about you, freddy always gushing about the progress he made with you.
monty considers decommissioning him over this /j
▸ while vanessa had informed him of the fact you were not particularly socially inclined for the sake of beta testing, freddy began to question if that was the truth. in a few weeks time, with plenty of attempts made to speak to you and the utmost amount of patient, you grow close to freddy.
one day, you express a distaste for the limelight. something about the amount of eyes being on you frightening you, he recalls. and he’s certainly never felt that way— made for the spotlight, made to perform— freddy has a hard time conceptualizing what that might be like. and while he may never understand, he’s determined to help 
▸ no, he won’t force you to be friends with everyone at the pizzaplex and frankly doesn’t think that’s a good idea— but he certainly tries to encourage you to talk to the others who are just as curious about you as he was
freddy can’t help but be worried though. what if chica overwhelms you with her chattiness? what if roxy intimidates you too much? what if monty scares you away? what if sun and moon— well… the daycare attendant is a whole other thing in itself.
so, yes, while wanting you to speak to others and interact, he can’t help but be just the tiniest bit protective. freddy really  doesn’t mean to hover. but yes, he looks out for you always. can’t have any of his hard work be undone! not after he spent so long trying to get you out of your shell.
▸ this ends up in you two developing a system when first meeting the others. freddy accompanies you, holding your paw in his. every so often in the conversation, he squeezes it gently to ask if you’re okay.
one squeeze back for yes, two for no.
this is especially helpful when you get overwhelmed or anxious midway through a conversation and have no idea how to end it. he’ll simply make an excuse and find a quiet place for the two of you to calm down. he’ll always tell you he’s proud of your progress at the end of meeting someone new. slowly but surely, freddy sees you grow into yourself more— and he’s just delighted :))
▸ he’s quick to reassure whenever you’re insecure, earnest as ever. when you grow comfortable enough around him, freddy likes to hold your hand when speaking to you. a very good listener, and an insanely good pep talker.
▸ freddy is busy almost constantly, but he chooses to spend his free time with you!!!!! you contemplate with him what you life will be like after your beta testing stage.
he tries not to think too hard about it. to him, you’re here to stay. you have to be! he’d miss the way you absentmindedly paw at things when your bored, the way your voice box emulates a purr when you’re content, the way your yawn was stupidly cute— annndd yes fine, whatever, he was getting attached.
your shyness may have been coded as a feature to keep people away, to deter any potential attachment before a finalization of your launch in the pizzaplex— but it never deterred freddy. It just drew him in closer. and how special he felt, getting to know you.
“i don’t think i’m built to be a glamrock,” you say suddenly, breaking the silence as freddy organizes his room. the gifts from fans are arranged purposefully by him, each one placed with utmost care. you're sitting at the edge of his couch, kneading into a throw pillow absentmindedly as he decorates.
“and what makes you say that?” he questions, gaze focused on putting up a drawing done by a young child, depicting him in an array of messy lines of marker. he straightens it out and places it on the wall, taping it down before giving it a little satisfied pat.
“i’m just not as good as you guys. you’re all total rockstars and i’m just… useless.” you trail off awkwardly, averting your eyes from him. “my consciousness could be programmed into a staff bot and i’d still manage to be lousy.”
he looks at you. a beat of silence before he speaks again.
freddy’s voice is soft. “you’re perfect, superstar. you could be a glamrock. you could be anything.”
you glance up and him. he knows you don’t believe him.
“you have a place here.” he reassures.
“yeah? where?” you challenge.
“with me!” freddy’s response is quick, ears wiggling happily as he declares it— it takes him a moment to process what words just came out of his mouth.
“...and chica, and roxy, and monty— the rest. you’re one of us, now.” he tacks the last part on quickly, feeling bashful.
still, you smile, feeling slightly flustered yourself. “you think so?”
“i’m certain.”
▸ freddy loves you. in all your skittish, awkward, shy glory— he loves you.
naturally, he’s ecstatic to receive the announcement you’re there to stay! he can’t wait to see how you grow into yourself, and of course— he’ll always extend a helping paw when you need him.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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osleeplessflowero · 7 months
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(Killer is owned by Rahafwabas. This is not canon accurate to him, just for the simps!(Well, minus the stars thing.) Textbox made here.)
Words: 725
----🔪Falling For Ya🌌----
Stars shine brightly overhead in the night sky. You walk out to your apartment's balcony, looking over some plants there and making sure they're in good condition. Once you've done that, you simply stare up at the stars and admire them for their beauty. A sight you could never get tired of seeing..
You hear a sound from above, like something just opened and closed above the roof. Since you're still a bit distracted, you don't pay any attention to it.
..Until you hear screaming.
You hear a thud on the thin platform above your balcony, looking up with a confused expression.
And then a skeleton pops his head downwards, dangling upside down.
"Killer?- I thought you wouldn't be back for a while." You hold out your hand to him so he can come down safely. Last time he tried this he almost broke some bones.
"weeeell, i got some stuff done early and since i had nothing to do i figured i'd stop by to see what my favorite human was up to."
He takes your hand with a grin, and you pull him down carefully onto the railing before letting him jump down onto the balcony's floor to stand beside you.
You lean on the railing with your arms and he leans on it with his back and elbows.
"what have you been up to?"
"Not much..just stargazing."
"..stars, huh? i don't really see the appeal."
"Stars are pretty. They just shine up there in the sky and stay there forever until the sun comes up. I just like watching them."
Killer turns to you, a curious look on his face before it shifts into a smile.
"you always find the beauty in everything." "I just like to look on the positive side of things. Beats living in misery." You look at him.
"huh..i guess i get that. being around mr. king of negativity 24/7 can be kiiinda draining." He tilts his head back to look above himself, imitating his eyes rolling, before looking at you again.
"I'd say." You snicker, leaning on your side so you're facing him. "Guessing he's been extra bossy lately?"
"absolutely- i mean, i don't mind working with him, but even i need a break sometimes, y'know?"
"Yeah. It's always good to get a break. You don't want to burn yourself out."
"that's where you come in. i can always take breaks when i come to visit you." "Yep..'s what I'm here for." You point finger guns at him with a smile.
"though, um..you know, that's not the only reason i want to see you." "Yeah?" "oh c'mon- you know how i feel about you, don't you?" "Hmmm..I don't think I do." You smile slyly.
He chuckles, getting up onto the rail and standing in front of you. He holds out his hand, and you stare at it for a second.
"do you trust me?" "I dunnooo.." "c'mon, what have you got to lose?"
You smile and take his hand, being pulled up beside him. You immediately grab onto his sleeves for support, remembering just how high up you are.
"don't worry, i've gotcha. can't have you falling, now can we? well..actually..i wouldn't mind you falling for me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, averting your eyes away from him before he snaps his fingers to get your attention. When you look back, he lifts your hand and presses a gentle kiss against it, making your face heat up even more. He keeps eye contact with you through it.
"..seems i fell first, though." "Killer.." "you already knew that, but i just wanted to remind you."
He picks you up and spins you around, you let out a squeal of surprise before laughing with him.
He stops and continues to hold you just above himself.
"you stole my heart, you thief. i want it back."
You lean down a bit, inches away from Killer's face.
"Sorry..no can do."
He simply smiles at that and pulls you closer, closing the distance. The light of the moon shines over the two of you, a natural spotlight just for you.
He eventually pulls away, grinning before putting you back down onto the much safer balcony and jumping down himself.
"sooo.. how do you feel about having a roomie for the night?" "It's not like I'd say no. C'mon-" "yes-"
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leonwifey · 2 years
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"𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑻𝑶 𝒀𝑶𝑼 " — you can never get used to the mornings when he leaves.
˚୨୧ genre — fluff, domestic au
˚୨୧ word count — 1,052
˚୨୧ note — here lies my comeback drabble!! it's a little angsty? i don't know, i listen to carly rae jepsen's album otw to work every day + with the thought of RE4R leon in mind... i just had to write this.. enjoy! as always, requests are open as well :]
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Even in your most delicate and peaceful dreams, the sound of sheets rustling wakes you. Blindly swatting your hand across the king sized bed, your heart nearly falters at the feeling of emptiness. Leon’s side of the bed still radiates his familiar warmth and relief washes over you when the sound of his deep chuckle echoes from across the room. 
“Ugh, is it already time?” You grumble, rising slowly whilst attempting to rub the sleep off your eyes. 
Shifting your position so you rest against the headboard, a pang in your legs causes you to moan slightly with discomfort. Although aching terribly from the number your husband had done on you just mere hours ago, you let out a small giggle at the reminder as you rest your head back. 
The sight before you isn’t an uncommon one. With his bare broad back turned to you, you peacefully watch him get dressed with the same adoration you’ve kept with you for many many years. Behind you the sun rises shyly, seeping liquid gold between your bedroom curtains. A gold streak lines itself down Leon’s well built back, putting a spotlight on some of the scars he’d collected from past missions. When it comes to him, you can’t help but have worry root itself deep in your stomach sometimes.
Feeling your quiet gaze along with the power of intuition as a husband, the blonde agent turns to you with a smirk before pulling on his shirt. Heavenly blue and deep, his eyes meet yours.
“You’re staring, Sweetheart…” 
“Mhm, I’m just enjoying the view.” You quip sleepily.
As you watch your god of a husband make his way back towards the bed, a small smile is unable to keep itself off your lips. The warmth of the golden sun covers him in full and you finally see his handsome face, one you’ve fallen in love with over and over and over again. Leon sits on the edge of the bed beside you and he leans over to tuck your hair behind your ear. A small, yet endearing gesture that immediately makes you melt at his touch. 
Cupping the frame of your face with his large hand, his calloused thumb glides itself across the soft valley of your cheeks and down to brush your plush lips. 
“Gonna miss this face.” He admits, dropping his hand and turning his head to return to the task of getting ready. 
Already missing his face, your arms instantly drape themselves over his wide shoulders with your chin hooking itself near his neck. While your husband fixes on his watch to his wrist, you take the opportunity to pepper kisses along his jaw. The agent lets out a soft grunt as you dutifully continue your ministrations, letting the last kiss go with a pop. “Just don’t miss me too much, Mr. Kennedy.” 
“Oh, Mrs. Kennedy,” Leon coos, craning his head to tickle his nose against yours. “We both know I couldn’t do such a thing.”
With the way his azure eyes delve into yours, you can’t help but chase after those irresistible lips of his. The overfamiliar situation makes you bite your trembling lip. Once again do you rise during the early mornings of the day to watch your husband leave your embrace. There are times when you fear he won’t ever return and there are times when you can barely move another inch in the large bed that is always filled by two. This time, you feel as though everything consumes you all at once.
“What if I miss you more?” You whisper, the sound of uncertainty filling the silent bedroom.
“Not possible,” Leon shakes his head with a small smile. “Come here.” 
In an instant flurry, his large hands grab at your waist and he places you right on his lap. The sudden action causes you to wince as you start to feel the soreness in your legs creep up once more. To this, he smirks and you’re too late to hide your reaction. “Sore, huh?”
“Shut up.” You squirm, failing at an attempt to escape from his hold. Despite the fact that the two of you have been married and are still desperately in love for many moons, the man continues to keep his ability to fluster you without fail. “This is your fault.”
“But you love me.” The hands that hold you give you a small squeeze.
You nod solemnly, wrapping your arms around his neck. “That I certainly do.”
Leon’s phone vibrates on the bedside table, breaking the trance the two of you share. The sound serves as a reminder that causes your heart to deflate and you make a small effort to cover the frown. When you turn back to look at him, his eyebrows are furrowed and you can already read what’s on his mind. 
You’re thinking the same thing, too. Something told you he’d be gone a little longer this time. Spain was way too far for your comfort and peace of mind.
“Looks like that’s my cue...” He exhales in defeat. 
Following him to the door, you quickly grab his new jacket from the closet. It was expensive, a brown jacket with fine leather and fur to accompany it. You had given it to him as a gift, a little something to celebrate him. “Don’t forget your jacket. And don’t lose it.” You warn your husband playfully, enough to lighten the mood.
He accepts the jacket from you and puts it on obediently. As you open the front door, the autumn breeze bites at your skin and you silently hope that Leon will be fine. across the street, a sleek black car and suited men are posted outside your house patiently waiting for a certain agent.
“Of course, I love you.” Leon says, leaning in to seal his declaration with a short, passionate kiss to your lips.
“Be safe and you better come home to me quickly.”
“You know I always do.” He pulls you in to plant one last kiss to your temple before stepping out of the house. “I’ll come home soon.”
“Okay. I love you, too.” 
With your last parting words, you watch gingerly from the lonely door, your husband leaving you once more. It is when the car leaves your sight do your tears begin to fall.
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winxanity-ii · 28 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 20 Chapter 20 | burning declarations⌟
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The competitive fire ignited by Vlad King's announcement about the Sports Festival still blazed bright within Class 1-B the next day.
The clock ticked painfully slow as the afternoon sun cast long shadows through the classroom windows. The air buzzed with conversations laced with an extra dose of nervous excitement. The Sports Festival loomed large in everyone's minds—a chance to prove themselves on the national stage.
You, however, remained silent, observing this spectacle with a detached amusement. Seeing how excited they were for the competition was almost... endearing.
Half an hour before the final bell, Vlad King grunted in dismissal, his usual stoic expression etched with weariness. "Alright, that's it for today. Enjoy your evenings, but remember, the festival is just around the corner. Train hard, hone your quirks, and don't let me down."
The moment the door shut behind him, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the room. Laughter and lighthearted chatter replaced the studious silence of moments ago.
You then rose from your chair, catching a few eyes. "I believe I have to use the restroom room. I'll be back shortly." Before anyone could respond, you exited the classroom.
The moment the door clicked shut behind you, Monoma slammed his fists against his desk with a resounding crack, commanding the attention of his classmates. The playful chatter died down, replaced by a curious murmur as all eyes turned towards him.
A triumphant grin stretched across Monoma's face. He reveled in the spotlight, his voice booming through the classroom. "Alright, everyone, gather around! Now that our precious President has finally graced us with her absence," he shot a pointed glance towards the empty doorway, "it's time we get down to business!"
"Those smug, self-proclaimed heroes-in-training from Class 1-A," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain, "might think they're hot stuff, basking in the limelight! But let me tell you something," he continued, his voice rising in fervor, "the upcoming Sports Festival is our chance to shove it right back in their faces!"
He paced dramatically in front of the class, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Oh, those 'poor souls' burdened with their enriched hero training and their oh-so-impressive quirks! Don't worry, Class 1-B is here to save the day! We'll show them what real talent looks like, what sheer determination can accomplish!"
Monoma slammed his fist against his desk once more, the sudden bang momentarily silencing the room. "But let's get real here," he continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Half of those stuck-up heroes-in-training in Class 1-A probably coasted their way in on their parents' coattails. Think about it! Todoroki, the son of the number-two hero Endeavor! Yaoyorozu, heiress to a giant tech company, too!"
A wave of murmurs rippled through the class. Kendo shot Monoma a warning look, but a flicker of truth in his words ignited a spark of resentment in some of the students. This wasn't just about proving their talent; it was about proving their worth on a level playing field.
Monoma, sensing the shift in momentum, pressed on. "And where were these so-called heroes when Akuma-san needed them most? Huh?" He jabbed a finger towards the empty doorway, his voice tinged with genuine anger. "Our precious class president, left all alone to face those villains at the USJ! Where was Class 1-A then? Too busy basking in the glory of their fancy teachers to lend a helping hand?"
A collective gasp filled the room. The memory of the USJ attack, still fresh in everyone's minds, was a raw nerve. Monoma's words, laced with a twisted sense of protectiveness, struck a chord.
"They need to be shown what it means to be a true hero, not some pampered product of nepotism!" His voice boomed through the classroom, his eyes flashing with a fiery determination. "We're going to Class 1-A. We're going to show them what happens when you mess with one of us!"
A stunned silence followed Monoma's declaration. Then, as if a dam had broken, the class erupted in a cacophony of shouts and angry yells. The embers of competitive spirit fanned by Monoma had now morphed into a bonfire of righteous fury (fueled by a healthy dose of manipulation, of course).
"Yeah! Akuma-san could have died!"
"Those cowards! We should have been the ones there to protect her!"
"Those lazy bums don't deserve what they got!"
"We'll show them what Class 1-B is made of!"
You, the unwitting catalyst for this sudden outburst, emerged from the restroom completely oblivious.
As you walked down the hallway, a commotion erupted from down the hall suddenly caught your attention. A knot of students clustered around a single doorway. You considered brushing it off, returning to your own classroom, but two things stopped you in your tracks.
The first was the sight of your classmates and many others, surrounding the doorway of Class 1-A. The second was the unmistakable sound of Hitoshi's voice, his usual montoness laced with an edge of unexpected aggression.
What were they all doing there?
A slow smile spread across your face, hidden beneath a mask of nonchalance. This unexpected turn of events was far more intriguing than you had anticipated.
With a casual gait that belied your growing interest, you approached the crowd, drawn in by the unfolding drama like a moth to a flame. You positioned yourself at the edge of the throng, a silent observer to the unfolding spectacle.
Hitoshi's tall, lanky figure and tired purple eyes dominated the scene, his voice cutting through the cacophony. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like," he drawled, his monotone delivery a stark contrast to the commotion he'd caused, "but you seem pretty arrogant. Are all the students in the hero course like this?"
Before anyone could respond, a familiar explosion erupted from the crowd. Bakugo, ever the embodiment of explosive anger, bristled with fury. "Huh?!" he roared, his voice tinged with disbelief.
A wave of unease washed over Class 1-A. Hitoshi's casual dismissal of them, punctuated by Bakugo's simmering anger, felt like a pot about to boil over.
Undeterred by the hostile reception, Hitoshi continued to push his point, his eyes never leaving the bewildered faces of Class 1-A. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned," he declared, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"
Another round of confused murmurs rippled through the crowd. Bakugo, however, remained silent, a scowl etched onto his face.
Hitoshi didn't miss the apathy. "Didn't you get the memo?" he drawled. "The school has left those of us overlooked, a chance. Depending on the results of the Sports Festival, they'll consider transfers... to the hero course." His voice dropped to a low murmur, sending shivers down several spines. "And it seems they may also transfer people out."
Midoriya let out a strangled gasp, his eyes wide with realization. The implication was clear: Class 1-A wasn't safe from being shuffled around based on their performance.
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Hitoshi, sensing the shift in atmosphere, turned his gaze towards Bakugo, a challenge glinting in his purple eyes. "Scouting out the competition, huh?" he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Well, let me be the first to inform you—at least I have the courtesy to announce my intentions and say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you..."
A beat of silence followed, then Hitoshi arrived his eyes, letting out a theatrical sigh. "...I came here with a declaration of war," he announced, his voice echoing in the stunned silence.
You found yourself slipping away from the commotion just as Tetsutetsu burst onto the scene, oblivious to the tension he was interrupting. Reaching your classroom door, you gently pushed it open and slipped back inside. The familiar sight of your desk and scattered textbooks offered a small distraction amidst the brewing storm.
As you began packing your backpack, a wry smile played on your lips. You hadn't expected U.A. High to be this competitive, even after getting accepted.
The naive image of aspiring heroes working together, forged in the fires of training and camaraderie, had been shattered.
Here, it seemed, it was every hero for themself.
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The afternoon sun cast long shadows as you and Bakugo walked down the street, your house a few feet away. Just as you neared your doorstep, Bakugo finally broke the silence.
"Hey," he began, his voice barely a mutter. "You... you heard about the Sports Festival, right?"
"Okay, so, what's your plan? Are you gonna go for No.1?"
There was a beat of silence as the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and pink.
You hummed in thought, tapping your chin with your index finger. "Honestly, I haven't really decided yet," you admitted, your voice laced with a hint of amusement.
Bakugo finally tore his gaze away from the sidewalk, his fiery red eyes meeting yours for a fleeting moment, lips falling into a scowl at your flippant response. He seemed about to launch into one of his usual explosive rants, but then, just as quickly, he clamped his mouth shut. Hesitation flickered across his features, an unusual expression for the ever-confident blonde.
Finally, with a gruffness that couldn't quite mask a hint of awkwardness, he blurted, "I want you to win first place." He looked everywhere but at you, a faint blush creeping up his neck, staining his cheeks a barely-there pink.
This unexpected request sent a jolt through you. Once again, here your puppy was with a request.
This wasn't the Bakugo you knew—the self-proclaimed winner who wouldn't dream of asking someone else to claim victory. A slow smile tugged at the corners of your lips, hidden by your usual mask of indifference.
"Pardon?" you repeated, feigning nonchalance. You tilted your head slightly, studying the flustered expression on his face.
Bakugo's scowl deepened, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that seemed more comical than intimidating at this point. The dark blush that had started on his cheeks now dusted the tips of his ears, a testament to his uncharacteristic bashfulness.
Finally, after a moment of what seemed like an internal struggle, Bakugo met your gaze with a fiery intensity. "Look," he began, his voice rough with barely contained emotion, "you don't need to be wasting away with those second-rates in Class 1-B. You belong with the best," he finished, his scowl deepening for a moment before softening back into a hesitant frown. "You belong in Class 1-A...with me."
You sighed, taking a few steps up to him. You weren't as tall as him, so you had to strategically position yourself on your tiptoes to reach his height. With a playful nudge, you cupped his chin, your fingers gently brushing against his cheek. The touch sent a barely noticeable tremor through him, causing him to lean into your touch, his fiery gaze momentarily flickering away.
"I know you mean well, puppy," you said softly, your thumb gently rubbing a circle on his cheek, forcing him to maintain eye-contact, "but the truth is, I already have a plan in motion and I'm afraid joining 1-A isn't part of it..."
A flicker of disappointment crossed the blonde's features. He looked off to the side, a dejected scowl returning to his face. Just as his fiery spirit seemed to dim, you squeezed his chin gently, your touch lingering for a teasing moment. "...But..." you started, extending the word for dramatic effect, "...there are other ways to get pushed to Class 1-A, other than winning the Sports Festival, wouldn't you agree?"
A flicker of hope, faint but undeniable, ignited in Bakugo's eyes. You leaned in even closer, your voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Besides," you continued, "how boring would it be if I joined your class the easy way? Instead, how about a little wager?"
"A wager?" he echoed, his voice rough with interest.
"Yes a wager," you declared. "If you can snag first place at this year's Sports Festival, I promise you that I'll be in Class 2-A by next year. Deal?"
A flicker of surprise danced across Bakugo's fiery eyes. He stared at you for a long moment, his usual bravado replaced by a hesitant curiosity. The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, a challenge wrapped in a promise.
He couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through him at the thought of not only winning the Sports Festival but potentially having you by his side in future hero courses; it was a potent mix that ignited his competitive spirit.
"You better be serious," he finally growled, a subtle tremor in his voice betraying his simmering determination.
A peal of laughter escaped your lips. "Oh, I am," you replied, your voice laced with amusement. "As long as you remember, I don't settle for second best. If you want your dream to become a reality, then winning first place isn't just an option—it's a necessity."
Your words struck a chord within him. His eyes dialated, breath catching in his throat as a flicker of surprise gave away to a steely determination. "...First..." he muttered, the single word laced with a newfound intensity.
You held his gaze, a playful smile dancing on your lips. "Yes, first," you confirmed, your voice a low murmur that sent a delicious warmth spreading through him. "So, if you want me, puppy...you better train harder than you ever have before."
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***ehh, not much once again, but i did sprinkle a lil bakugo!puppy love to make up for it, hehehe. quick update: due to being broke (😔) I had to go back to my part-time job 💔, so updates will be either quick or slow depending on if they piss me off at this damn country club cuz I do be inspired when upset 😂. also, quick question: how would y'all feel about an morally-grey isekai'd!reader x yandere!various!demon slayer fic??? 👀👀
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kandisheek · 2 months
There are many amazing things about RayShippouUchiha's writing, but what always stands out to me is the way they write people being enamored with Tony. I have a soft spot for female Tony, and Ray writes some of the best fem!Tony fics I've found in this fandom. Some of their fics read like straight up poetry, and they're a master of both the angsty and the fluffy. I have a lot of their fics lined up to rec them in other weeks, so if you don't see your favorites in this list, don't worry, they're probably coming up at some other point this year.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Fearful Symmetry
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,684 Tags: Shapeshifters, Kidnapping, Team as Family
Summary: He’s obviously in the warehouse district near the docks, probably in one of the abandoned packing plants or something of the like. Honestly at this point this kidnapping couldn’t get more cliché if it actively tried. “Service sucks and the wait staff stole my clothes,” Tony whispers, unable to help himself as he slinks down the hall, “Zero stars, would not come again.”
Reasons why I love it: BAMF Tony getting himself out of tough scrapes will never not be an instant win for me. Couple that with a worried-sick team and pining Bucky who just wants to keep Tony safe, and there's a perfect recipe for Kandi-bait. Also, there's shifters, so, you know, what's not to love? Especially when Tony's true nature is revealed - it fits him so well, and I really love the mental images I got from that scene. I love this fic, and I bet you will too!
Grip. Chamber. Sights.
Pairing: Bucky/fem!Tony Rating: T Words: 14,824 Tags: Longing, Awkward Flirting, Recovery
Summary: He thinks maybe he should be unsettled by the impact she’s had on him. Thinks maybe it should chafe. That maybe it should remind him of HYDRA and having his choices, his will, ripped away from him. It doesn’t. She doesn’t. It, she, the memory of her, feels like choice.
Reasons why I love it: God, Bucky's devotion to Toni in this one is so pure and right. Their first meeting is perfect, and I love how Toni is the one to get Bucky to really reflect on his life and the choices he has. Plus, Bucky's attempts at flirting are both hilarious and adorable. This fic is amazing, and I highly encourage you to read it!
The Beat We Drum
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,510 Tags: Honeymoon, Trans Tony, Comfort No Hurt
Summary: Tony isn’t sure what he wouldn’t be willing to suffer to have this, to have this sun-drenched morning where he feels safe and whole. To have years stretching out in front of him with the possibility of so many more of these mornings yet to come.
Reasons why I love it: Newlywed Winteriron is just - gah, I love it so much. They're both snarky assholes, and they fit together like the imperfect puzzle pieces that they are. I really love the banter in this one, and the promise of future sexytime is really hot. I hope you give this one a shot, because it's fantastic!
Monday In A Cafe (All You Did Was Look My Way)
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 6,301 Tags: Meet-cute, Coffee Shop, Love at First Sight
Summary: Then Gorgeous, as Bucky abruptly names him in his head, slides a bit further down the counter and reaches for his wallet. He pulls out what Bucky’s pretty sure is a crisp hundred and stuffs it into the tip jar Clint decorated to look like a bulls-eye. And then he turns and looks directly at Bucky. Staring into big doe eyes from across the way Bucky resists the urge to bring his hand up to grip at his chest. Because that split second is all it takes. One look and Bucky is officially gone.
Reasons why I love it: They're such idiots in love, I live! Bucky is so cute when he fawns over Tony like a lovesick fool, and the exasperation of everyone around him just makes it even funnier. And the identity porn is hilarious, oblivious Bucky is my favorite. This fic is like a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallow fluff, so go ahead and enjoy it!
The Straight Path (Until The End Of My Days)
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,389 Tags: Fix-it, Angst with a Happy Ending, Murder
Summary: “Buck,” Steve whispers then, voice low like a secret, “I don’t … I don’t think I want to live in a world without him. I don’t think I can.” “Ah hell Stevie,” Bucky laughs, soft and fond and just a bit sad. “I always knew that.”
Reasons why I love it: This is such a beautiful fix-it. Ray does a fantastic job of presenting the original timeline in a way that feels viscerally awful, enough so to make Steve want a do-over. And the things he does - even though they're super dark, holy fuck - actually make sense for his character. I love this fic so much, and I really hope you decide to read it for yourself, because it's amazing!
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fallingforel · 9 months
heyy! i was wondering if you could do an alex turner fic with the one bed trope (sorry if it sounds weird but english is not my first language🥹). thank you so much if you do it!! <3
a/n. of course my lovely. I would love to do this. here it is and hope you like it. p.s. this would defo happen with 2013 slutty alex era and I hope you like it. and don't worry...I barely understand my own english sometimes and I'm a native english speaker I had this half written a few weeks back but have finally finished it now. half asleep so sorry if theres any errors. It's probably the longest oLove you all <3😂😂😂
CW: sexual tension, smut, MNDI
PROMPT: none
WORDS: 2,894
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Alex and I have never seen eye to eye with each other. And that really sucked when we were in a band together. I had only ever agreed to it because they were really desperate for a female singer for their songs. I was Matt's sister but have always despised Alex, ever since he moved in next door to me. During the summers when we was younger he was always soaking me with a water gun when I was trying to catch up on some reading and sun bathing.
MAY 2002
"Y/n please come on we're desperate for a female singer, please come on. You know I wouldn't ask if I was so desperate. But you're the only girl I know that can sing well" Alex said
"Okay fine." I say which makes Matt and Alex whisper Yes to themselves and fistpump the air.
"But on one condition." I say making them hold their cheers
"Only until you find a replacement. Because this is not what I want to do, I want a Uni. You must promise me you actively look."
"okay" They both say in Unison
MAY 2013
After the glorious upturns of the first album I was surprised, and also Matt and Alex begged me to stay. I reluctantly agreed but I decided that I could get used to the lifestyle after going on our first tour.
So here I was On our 4th tour and My opinions of Alex hadn't change Infact I think they have gotten worse, especially since the incline we've had. The fame getting to his head a little bit. Thinking he could get every girl he wants. It really angered me. He also thought he was better than me and that riled me up, especially when we were on stage and he took over the spotlight, cutting me off at any moment he could.
It was only when we got to sweden things took a turn for the worse.
"I'm staying with breanna, Jamies with Katie, and nicks with Kelly. so you two have got to share" Matt said when we arrived at the hotel.
"WHAT??" Alex and I said in unison
"what do you mean we've got to share? I am NOT sharing with him"
"yeah and I'm not sharing with her"
"EXCUSE YOU? IM A DELIGHT TO SHARE A ROOM WITH I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW" I said raising my voice a bit which had people turning their heads to look in our direction, usually I would've been a bit embarrassed but in that moment I was too riled up to care.
"YOU SAID IT FIRST!" Alex retorted which only started the anticipated tumultuous bickering between the two of us.
Which made Matt shout over us "ENOUGH!" which made us stop and turn out heads at him. "It's only for one night, Please can you just get over it. It only happened because we had our original room arrangement of Alex and I sharing and then You, jamie and Nick having your own rooms and Breanna surprised me. I'll make sure Ian books five rooms for the next stop and the stops after so it doesn't happen again okay?" he asks. raising his eyebrow at both of us, and holding up a keycard
"fine." we both say. I grab the card from his hand and get in the lift, alex following hot on my heels, grabbing his suitcase dragging it across the floor, to the lift. I press the button for the fifth floor. We're waiting in silence for what feels like a decade but in reality is only a minute. The lift dings and we both step out.
I look for room 542 which I finally reach after turning a million corridors. I put the keycard in the door and open the door to find my worst nightmare a double bed...one.
"Oh this has got to be the worst day in existence." Alex says from behind me. "At least we can agree on one thing." I say before I'm hearing the door shut so I look behind me to find no Alex so I open the door. Only to find an Alex shaped figure walking the way to the lift so I shout "where are you going" "To find another room" "You won't find one, the rooms are all booked incase you haven't forgotten we're hosting a concert tomorrow" but I am met with a middle finger and Alex walking away.
A knock is heard on the door 10 minutes later, I open it to find Alex standing at it. "No rooms available then?" "Nope. I'm going to sleep on the tour bus. Anything is better than sharing a bed with you" "Okay fine whatever, you won't find it comfortable especially after sleeping in hotels for this tour. see you in thirty" I say my back faced to him returning on getting my pyjamas and my shower stuff out of my suitcase. I'm only met with "see you at soundcheck" and dragging of wheels on the floor and harsh slamming on the door.
thirty minutes later I had managed to get in and out of the shower in my pyjamas. and I was just about to dry my hair when I was met with a knock on the door, and once again there stood Alex.
"Uncomfy?" I questioned. before walking away from the door.
"No actually, there were fans outside shouting for you."
"awwh is the little narcissist too afraid of his ego getting bruised" I said with a fake pout on my face and a fake mothers concern lacing my voice.
"Fuck this I'm gonna go see if any of the lads will let me bunk with them" "for fucks sake Alex leave them alone, they're all with their girlfriends for the first time in months they don't need you cockblocking them" I said but once again I'm met with the harsh slam of the door
No more than 10 minutes later I am met with a knock on the door. I open it once again but laugh when I'm met with Alex wincing in pain from breanna holding his ear "please take him, he's not sleeping in our room" She says. "Bring him in." I say sighing
"I told you, the girls don't want you interrupting their time with their boyfriends. Now stop being such a baby and get changed for bed. It's not that bad sharing with me."
"I'll sleep on the floor thank you" Alex says tenaciously. stripping himself down to the boxers, Alex is a good looking guy that I will admit, but not near enough personality to have me on my knees risking them getting first degree burns from the carpet. He had my throat in my mouth, almost losing the words coming out of my mouth... key word, almost.
"No you fucking well won't come off it, you and I know that it is near enough impossible to have a good night's sleep on the floor, now get in the bed. I'll create a pillow barrier, if I'm really that scary sleeping with" I say while pulling the covers down for Alex to climb in
"No need. I'll just sleep on the edge so nothing happens" he says.
"fine suit yourself" I say sighing turning over the other way and moving right to the end of the bed so that there was a big enough gap between the two of us .
We were in silence for at least half an hour before Alex broke it.
"Why do you hate me?" Alex turned and said Of course he chose now to air out our dirty laundry, right when I was just about to imagine being in Chris Evan's arms.
"I don't hate you, I just dislike you. Since the minute you moved next door." I say turning to face him
"Oh come off it, You can't hold a grudge for that long Y/n." he laughs, that sound that only ever came out of Alex once in a blue moon, the kind of laugh that has you quaking in your boots like one of the fangirls of Elvis many years ago.
FUCK, I really have fallen for him. Maybe whatever I was feeling wasn't distaste, but in actual reality, Like.
I didn't have to tell him, one thing about me was I could keep a good facade up for a long long time.
"Oh, I can and I will" I say lying through my teeth.
"No seriously, there's something else what is it?" he says raising an eyebrow.
"I...Uh..." I said my cloudy brain betraying me, I knew there was a reason. I just couldn't think of it. Not right now, not when Alex was looking like a greek god infront of me.
snap out of it Y/n
"does this feel like the hate you have for me" he said leaning in and kissing my lips holding onto my hair. The kiss wasn't slow or sensual, nor filled with distaste. It was desperate, needy and fast, filled with desire. I kissed back my hands finding a way to latch onto his gelled hair.
After mere moments he moved on top of me, pulling off my pyjama top and finding his way to my unconcealed breasts kneading them like he was a sculptor and I was his masterpiece. He then moved his way down from my lips kissing down my neck placing hot warm open mouth kisses until he reached my tits sucking them and occasionaly nibbling my nipples.
He spent a few moments on each of my boobs until he started working his way down my body until he reached my belly button sending shivers up my spine causing me to arch my back, which allowed him to tug my pyjama shorts off along with my panties. The cold air to my exposed core shocked me right though causing an audible gasp.
"Now, Now Princess, None of that yet. I haven't even showed you my expert skills" Alex said, cockily. Stopping his work for a second tilting his head up to reach my eyes looking into my eyes with his hazel ones staring right back up at me lust taking over the hazel with black.
He continued with his hot wet kisses down until he reached my core, placing a hand over my clit before he started licking my folds slow and sensual, before he dove right into my clit switching his fingers for his mouth. He entered his fingers into me easing slowly but the pace soon quickened, causing me to let out a few whimpers every now and again.
He then switched out his fingers for his tongue jerking in and out sending me right out the knot forming in the bottom of my stomach before I could even orgasm though he pulled away completely.
"what are-" "I want to be inside you when you come" He said cutting me off sitting up and ripping off his clothes, one item by one until I heard the irreplaceable rip of foil he was infront of me completely naked and he came back down over me, placing his cock back inside me without warning which made me gasp.
Our bodies moved together, slow and sensual then fast and needy before I felt that knot again in the bottom of my stomach "Alex" I let out a moan "Im about to-" "let go princess I'm there too." We both came together it was something out of a movie the way Alex's face morphed when he came. We stayed together for a few minutes before he flipped me over and both our libidos came back again.
"ride me this time sweetheart, I want to feel every inch of that pussy sweetheart" He said, I didn't need telling before I was on top of him bouncing rolling my hips every which way. It soon got me to come again. Letting out a few strings of moans before, "oh alex" "oh my god" "Oh fuck" before a final one.
"that's it sweetheart come for me let it all out"
He came soon after.
I laid ontop of him for a good while.
"Come on lets get you cleaned up darling" He said getting up and pulling out of me before picking me up and pulling me into the bathroom and sitting me on the toilet
"go for a wee sweetheart, you don't want any nasty UTI'S" I did as he said while he found a some bubble bath and started running a bath.
"why are you doing this alex?"
"Why am I doing what sweetheart?"
"Looking after me, it's not like I deserve it. I've been nothing but horrible to you these past years we've known each other"
"It's what you deserve." He said,
the silent air between us smelt of sex but also had tension riding between us. What that tension was, I had no idea.
"Can I tell you something y/n" Alex said breaking the uncomfy silence we were sitting in
"You don't have to ask if you can tell me something Alex. Just tell me."
"I acted vile towards you, because I thought it was easier than loving you Princess. I soon realised that couldn't be far from the truth though. Loving you has been the easiest thing I have ever done." He said before retracting back into the silence that we had created around us.
"Alex." I said sighing
"You don't have to say you love me back right now, But there has to be something there right? what happened back there. There wasn't an ounce of hate in that sex Y/n"
"It's a lot right now Alex, But I definitely like you back." I said smiling sluggishly, the post sex sleep taking over my eyelids.
"uh uh, don't fall asleep on me princess. It's time to take a bath" He said pulling me off the toilet seat and placing me into the bathtub before climbing in behind me and sitting behind me allowing me to put my head back onto his chest.
He washed my hair, my back and let me do the rest we stayed resting against each other for a few minutes before he coaxed me out of the bathtub wrapping me up in a towel and putting my hair in another towel turban style. After getting dried I put my hair into a ponytail and put my pyjamas back on.
Alex joined me back on the bed, and pulling me close to his chest. we stayed like that before I felt my eyes grow heavy and fall asleep in Alex's warmth.
I was woken up with chaste kisses being placed on my back with a pair of manly arms wrapped around my waist. Panic ensued for a few moments before I realised what happened last night.
"I acted vile towards you, because I thought it was easier than loving you Princess" "Loving you has been the easiest thing I have ever done"
A smile ripped through the blank expression on my face. It felt like a dream but alas it wasn't it was real life. I had someone that loved me someone that I loved back. I always thought that this happened in romance books or movies. But, it happened in real life too. That much was proven by Alex and I.
I hummed and turned over wrapping my arms round Alex
"Morning princess," Alex said "Why do you call me that?" "what princess?" "yeah."
"because, you are a princess and you deserve the world of luxuries" "Alex" I said tearing up "That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me"
"don't cry darling, I didn't mean to make you cry. I've done that enough over the years we've known each other"
"Happy tears I promise" I say silence crowding over us, But this time a nice comfortable one, Unlike the uncomfy tension one last night in the bathroom.
"I've been doing some thinking" I say this time me being the one to break the silence.
"Oh yeah? what's that darling?"
"I realised that I feel the same way you feel about me, I realised that I haven't felt like this ever, not when I was with other people, I never felt about them the same way the way I feel about you. I love you back Alex." I say before I get a kiss on my lips. This time filled with love, no desire for it to turn into something deeper.
Though we were soon burst out of our bubble by a knock at the door we both groaned I got up and answered the door.
"What do you want Matt?"
"Oh shit, You and Alex had sex didn't you. EWWW, ALEX MY SISTER DUDE?"
"Shut up what do you want?"
"You didn't deny it. It's true then?"
"yes. Alex and I are now seeing eachother. It happened last night. Now. Answer my question. What. Do. You. Want?"
"good to know. Your going to miss breakfast, It ends in half an hour and also soundcheck starts in 2 hours so make sure you're at the tour bus with 15 minutes to spare. Thank you goodbye. guess I won't need to be telling Ian to book those spare rooms after all." Matt says turning his back as I go to the shut door.
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remember-digimon · 11 days
And now, I would like to put my extensive hyperfixation knowledge about astrology to work and tell you how I hc each kid's sun sign.
Please keep in mind, this is just my opinion, and if you hc a different sign for someone, your headcanon is still valid 😁 this is just my dumb interpretation.
If you have any thoughts, please feel free to let me know in the replies! ❤️
(Click to view the post! It's a long one lol I didn't want to destroy everyone's dash 😅)
Starting off with Tai.
Obviously he's a fire sign. There's no way he isn't a fire sign. So that's Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Aries is brash and rambunctious. Leo loves the spotlight. Sagittarius is untamed and full of wanderlust. To me, there's no way Tai *isn't* an Aries.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so this sign doesn't have the 'experience' the other signs have. But they make up for that by charging into things, eager to experience new things, and to prove themselves. Aries is ruled by Mars, and in a better aspect than Scorpio. Aries is Mars being projected outwards, Scorpio is Mars projected inwards. (Spoiler alert: more on this when I get to Matt.)
Tai is impulsive and wants to take action. He is Mars in motion, taking action, full throttle forward movement. As the beginning of the zodiac cycle, Aries urges us to move forward, just like how Tai urges the group to move forward.
His career as a diplomat might not seem fitting to an Aries, who are known to be hot-headed in some instances, but I think it works out because he's blazing a new trail.
Next, Sora.
Since she is the mom friend, my first instinct for her is Cancer, ruled by the moon, a very motherly-love sign. Cancer is a water sign, which is at odds with her Digimon being fire-based, but I don't think their Digimon necessarily have to match up with the element of their sign.
Anyway, Cancer being a water sign means emotions. Especially for a water sign ruled by the moon, which pulls the tide. Cancers need to be needed. They want to take care of their loved ones. Being ruled by the moon, a Cancerian could be prone to mood swings as the moon changes phases so often.
Sora wants everyone to be happy and to get along. More than once she has an inner monologue where she is concerned about everyone's mood; most notably after Tai and Matt's big fight during the early part of the Dark Masters arc. She notices that everyone is tired and cranky and just generally beat down. It's very Cancerian for her to notice the mood of the group and worry about them.
Her career as a kimono designer makes sense because she was lead into appreciating traditional Japanese culture by her mother. It's also a creative career which is a good avenue for a water sign.
Next, Matt.
*points at him* SCORPIO
I have never been so sure of a fictional character's sign in my LIFE. And I'm not just saying this because I'm also a Scorpio 😅
Scorpio is ruled classically by Mars, and Pluto in the modern era. This sign is all about passion, intensity, secrets and mystery, and jealousy. Matt feels things so intensely that he can't help but blow up on Tai; the majority of their fights happen because Matt can't control his emotions very well. Granted, he's 11, so it's just a life skill he hasn't learned yet. By the time 02 happens he's much more in control of himself.
As mentioned above, Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars. In Aries, it's outward, and in Scorpio it's inward. This means that Tai puts that Mars energy (passion, action, driving force, etc) forward while Matt keeps it bottled up. I think this is why they tend to argue so much, and also why they get along a lot better when they're older and more mature.
In any case, Matt has a lot of strong emotions that he has trouble showing, he is great at intuitively reading people, he hides his true self behind a cool personality that he developed as a coping mechanism. This all screams Scorpio to me.
For his career as an astronaut/aerospace engineer, he's exploring an unknown, which Scorpio craves. They want to know every secret. Even those in the scientific community.
Next, Izzy.
I'm gonna say Aquarius. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden change, breakthroughs, innovation, and cutting-edge technology. It's also an air sign, which governs communication, thought, change, and the mind.
Personality wise, I've always thought Aquarians of being nice enough, but a little hesitant in revealing their true self. Unlike Scorpio, who hides out of self-preservation, Aquarius does it because they don't want to dump their theory of the universe or whatever on some poor soul who wasn't interested.
An Aquarius will be a deep thinker, if not abnormally intelligent for their age, and they might feel separated from their peers because of this. I think this applies to Izzy; he is very smart, specifically because of how he thinks and approaches problems. He doesn't just magically know the answer; he isn't above collaboration to get to the bottom of something. In fact, he spends a good part of 01 looking for Gennai because Izzy knows he knows a lot more than him about the Digital World.
Outside of just being smart, though, Aquarius is also about revolution, ushering in change, and doing what's best for the group. They're progressive, but also independent. They have the majority in mind, but also maintain their own perspective. Sounds like Izzy to me. This all adds up with his career in computer science, too.
Next, Joe.
Capricorn. This is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and duty. Earth signs have a 'slower' energy than the other elements, and can be well-grounded or stubborn. Capricorn specifically is the sign of 'work smarter not harder' and accomplishing goals.
Joe's work ethic is shown in his studies. When the kids go back home mid-season, he goes to take a practice test. When he fails it, he's worried for a moment, then resolves to study harder and do better.
It's also reflected in his behavior in the Digital World; he readily takes on responsibility, like when he climbed the mountain on his own just to resolve an argument between Tai and Matt.
As a doctor, Joe had to put in a lot of hard work without immediate payoff. This is something that Capricorn thrives under.
Next, Mimi.
For awhile, I had a hard time deciding between Taurus and Virgo for Mimi. Since they're both earth signs, I looked to their planets; Mercury for Virgo (communication, thought, travel) and Venus for Taurus (beauty, comfort, aesthetic). So basically I've decided on Taurus lol
Taurians are stubborn. They also like good food, nice things, comfy spaces, and they LOVE being at home. They'll make a little nest for themselves to get cozy in just about anywhere. They can also be bossy.
Sounds like Mimi, huh? She is stubborn, and she's the one most often complaining about wanting to eat or stop for a rest or wanting to go home. She straight up sobs with joy when they get back to Japan. She also puts a lot of effort into her aesthetic, not because she cares what other people think, but because it's important to her to look nice. Looking nice makes her feel nice.
She goes into cooking as a profession. In the original Japanese she's a nutritionist, while in the dub she hosts a cooking show. If there's one thing a Taurus loves, it's food, so it makes sense that she would pursue a career focused on cooking.
Next, TK.
I'm just gonna say Pisces. Water sign ruled by Neptune. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and therefore has the 'experience' of every other sign. But they do have their own issues.
Being ruled by Neptune, they're liable to fall into daydreaming. In fact, if I could describe Pisces in one word it would be 'dreamy'; not in the 'good looking' kind of way, but 'head in the clouds' kind of way. Pisceans rarely get mad, but when they do it can be scary. They're almost calm when they're really mad.
TK has a vivid imagination and gets along with just about everyone. He also has a child-like outlook, even when grown up. The one time he got REALLY, ACTUALLY mad was when he confronted Ken as the Digimon Emperor, and we all know how that went. His career as a novelist also fits a Pisces.
Next, Kari.
I'm going with Libra. Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus. They are diplomatic, fair, and generally pacifists. They want to get along with everyone and be everyone's friend lol. They're also very charming.
Kari is a sweet kid, and while I don't remember a lot from 02 (I still need to do a rewatch) I do recall Kari being very patient with the new DigiDestined, and very kind to them.
Libras also can suffer from indecisiveness, much in the same way Gemini does. They want to weigh out each option carefully before proceeding.
As a teacher, particularly a kindergarten/primary school teacher, being a Libra would help Kari with looking after a bunch of little kids.
Next, Davis.
Leo! Center of attention, lover of the spotlight. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the sun. Just like how staring at the sun can make you go blind, overexposure to a Leo will make you exhausted. They're full of energy, love to be the one everyone's talking about, and constantly need their ego boosted.
Davis kind of fell into the same trap as Tai back in the day (and maybe nowadays, too) where fans like to portray him as stupid. Neither Tai nor Davis is stupid. Tai just doesn't have much inhibition and Davis wants to look cool. If rushing into danger will make him look cool, he'll do it. If being the best at soccer will make him look cool, he'll play as hard as possible. When something happens to him that makes him look not so cool, it's a big blow to his ego and he can get bummed out really easily.
Leos are show-offs, but they have the talent to show off in the first place. They take great pride in being the best they can be at something. They're confident and very generous.
As a ramen chef, Davis wants to be the BEST ramen chef. He wants to make something of himself, and also provide something amazing for other people.
Next, Cody.
Capricorn. As stated above with Joe, Capricorns are earth signs ruled by Saturn. It would be strange for everyone in such a large group to have different sun signs, and it just makes sense to me for Cody to also be a Capricorn.
Cody is a diligent worker, level-headed, and very responsible and respectful. Where Joe channels his Capricorn sun into being the 'grown-up' and becoming a doctor, Cody's motives are to make his family proud of him. This loyalty to family is pretty common in earth signs.
With a job as a defense attorney, Cody would also need to study hard and attend college past a bachelor's degree. This shows his diligence and work ethic.
Next, Yolei.
Gemini. An air sign ruled by Mercury. Mercury moves fast around the sun, and it goes retrograde a lot (meaning it appears to move backwards in the sky and causes setbacks in its dominion of travel, contracts, and communication). This can make a Gemini sun to appear scatterbrained.
Yolei is full of enthusiasm and is desperate to be seen as an individual thanks to her large family. Geminis don't like to be left alone, as the sign of the twins, so she needs someone alongside her to bounce her wild ideas off of. Geminis can also be judgemental, but they change their mind very quickly.
Geminis are also known to be very talkative. They might ramble when they're nervous.
As a stay-at-home mom, she likely enjoys the rowdiness of raising three kids. Though once they get older and can start chatting and asking questions, like kids do, she would get pretty tired.
Finally, Ken.
I'm gonna put Ken down as a Scorpio, also. A water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto.
The difference between Matt and Ken as Scorpios, in my opinion, is that Matt is more of a Mars Scorpio (passionate, intense, driven) while Ken is more of a Pluto Scorpio (secretive, magnetic, elusive).
As the Digimon Emperor, Ken is just about everything bad about Scorpio. Manipulative, ill-tempered, and withdrawn. Once he gets over that, he still keeps to himself a lot and doesn't like to show what he's really feeling.
A detective is a classic job recommendation for a Scorpio. We like to get to the bottom of every secret.
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terrence-silver · 7 months
What kind of favours would Terry and beloved give to guests at their wedding? I feel like it would be very extravagant. My parents went to one where the guests all got a champagne glass with crushed diamonds in the stem of the glass. I have a feeling it would be something like that 😆
Yeah, sure, crushed diamonds in champagne glasses, silver ouroboros broches and napkin holders, embroidered initials on said napkins, limousines (and private planes) picking up and dropping off his guests and quite literally and anything and everything that has that typical flare of wealth to it.
The more, the merrier.
Whatever lets him flex his money, impress people and possibly, most importantly, tactically avert the attention from his partner. Yes, you heard that correctly. Avert the attention from his partner --- at least the main bulk of it --- because of course, while he definitely wants the fact that he's married acknowledged and congratulated upon (repeatedly, at that, while he soaks up the attention like the cat who got the cream, pride growing by the hour) right alongside the praise on the subject of his perfect choice of spouse (which serves as a testament to his immaculate taste and that he's won something he considers an ultimate prize when nobody else did) he also doesn't want said spouse to be gawked at a little too much for his liking due to the fact everyone will be too busy gawking at the endless wedding offerings instead and not at someone who's his. Look at the carved ice sculptures! Is that a fountain made out of decorative liquor glasses!? Wow! Mr. Silver has a private collection of Rembrandt paintings and a wine cellar all of his own!? Lets tour the mansion!
See, I've this firm belief Terry Silver's a pathologically jealous man.
Immensely confident --- sure --- but also jealous to the bone.
So, contrary to popular belief, I don't think he can flaunt his beloved for too long without getting agitated, irked, internally and almost childishly hateful, selfish and legitimately going down the route of plotting revenge over everything and anything, no matter how irrational, miniscule or harmless, seeing as how Terry can and will find fault in everything under the sun --- beloved getting too much attention and even if they get none or too little (Because how dare people!? They will all pay!) No matter how people pose themselves towards beloved, I don't figure Terry will ever be truly pleased, because the thoughts going through his head mainly boil down to 'mine, mine and mine'. Beneath his sleek veneer, he's out to be antagonistic and territorial and that's exactly what he broadcasts from inside. He's a confident Playboy type until he falls in love, that is and then it would be most preferable if the one he fell in love with was somewhere, hidden away, for his eyes only. The carefree, suave, smooth days are over. As such, his wedding day will ostensibly be a parade of strategic and extravagant distractions where the surrounding unbelievable materialism serves to throw sparkling dust into people's eyes. Are those fireworks!? Is that a private classical band playing music on stage!? Everyone can swear that Mr. Silver's partner was here approximately half an hour ago but everyone was so taken and smitten by the collection of vintage cars Terry showed off sometime during the ceremony that whoever he married gently fell out of the spotlight. If they're all too busy falling in love with mere items, they won't have time to fall in love with beloved, and even if they do, it's an impotent, inert sort of love, because beloved belongs to him and these would-be admirers might as well drop dead in desperation (slowly and painfully --- very, very, very slowly. In fact, scratch that, they should live long life and observe and suffer) a gleeful Terry might think.
Oh, don't worry. Terry knows beloved's all his; he's in no doubts.
That there's no threat from anyone, anywhere.
He has no rivals.
It's just the fact that he simply doesn't like someone his ogled that's reason enough for him to play the bragging game with his guests to get their attention unto something else entirely. If it's with wedding offerings, than sure, wedding offerings it is, baby!
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summertimemusician · 8 months
Linktober (Shadow) Day 10
(Puppet) Zelda
Summer Stop Showcasing Your Love for Twilight Princess and Sleep Deprivedly Writing when Exam Season is Right Around the Corner Challenge (Impossible) /j
Look, we don't talk enough about the Zelda's (or as I affectionately call them, Valkyries) and certainly not about Dusk, whom I am still so bitter that they gave her such a good design but never did anything with it, hence this is my attempt to fix that by giving her the spotlight and some love and give homage to the original Puppet Zelda, Dusk walked so Flora could run it (or well, TP Ganon did so TOTK Ganon could), hence I smashed these two prompts together lol, might make it a two parter after the others are done, but for now as always it's left to interpretation.
As always anything can be read as romantic or platonic or in and out of an LU concept, though the names are used for convenience and to give a rough idea of which kind of scenario we're working with here. Though it's less one of the boys and reader and more one of the ladies and reader this time, if that's not your cup of tea then kindly scroll by, again, this is just something very self indulgent before I pass out and work on the rest lol.
Anyway, good reading!
You slowly but surely came to adore festivals in Hyrule.
No matter the era, it filled you with so much joy whenever your group would come to a new Hyrule during the Hylian holidays, from the Picori Festival in Four's Era, to the Harvest Festival in Legend's, the Pioneering Celebration's in Wind's or the Spring and Summer Equinoxes in Time's and Warrior's, it usually meant your heroes would get the chance to unwind and relax, to eat good food with little worry for a portal (as they strangely didn't appear directly during festival days), you could see the Chain's family and friend's and have such a good time eating or dancing or learning the tradition's from your boy's. Such a stroke of luck came the next time you landed on Twilight's Era, as well as an invitation letter from Dusk to come to Castle Town and celebrate.
(Also translated as 'The nobles are probably hounding her about having 'The One Who Purged the Twilight' make at least one appearance in the castle and she couldn't stall them anymore' by Twilight, with tone tinged by exasperation and aggravation both, albeit much less than the poison of the sharp bitterness of Legend towards the nobility, Wild's tense silence that could mean a memory, or even Warrior's passive aggressiviness when it came to formal events.)
It would be the first time you'd truly meet a Zelda since joining the Chain, and Dusk was likely the most curious case, being crowned queen soon after the Twilight invasion was over and done with and only show during times of war and the only one to have an almost fully cordial relationship with Twilight until the coronation (even Time was closer with Lullaby according to Malon, likely due to knowing her future self). Neither you nor Twilight could say you knew much about her compared to the other's and their respective princesses (or queen's in Warrior's case), so it was a surprise to be invited at all though none of you could say you minded, the plaza of Castle Town was brilliantly decorated in the late autumn sun,  with the decorations glowing orange, yellow and blue witth lanterns and banners all around Castle Town, with decorated shops many stalls rented out for food, games and people, from young children laughing as they played to couples stealing kisses to family and friend's reuniting, it was no surprise you and your boys also got lost in the excitment after having set off from Ordon's own festival, decked out in fall colors and the green many of them favored and paint made to mimic Ordona's markings , you and Twilight getting swept away in the dance at the center with one of the many traveling troupes of musicians, you couldn't help your bright grin to match his as you occasionaly had to dodge running children in between the spinning dancers, clapping along to the song, just a few dances before you had to head on to the castle and finally meet Zelda wouldn't hurt, right?
"Pardon me," Came the soft, musical tone of your new partner, spiriting you away from Twilight with a small smile as he excused himself to find WIld and hopefully some refreshments.
At least that was what you thought, before almost having your heart jump out of your throat by Queen Zelda Vespera Hyrule herself entering the ring of dancers, taking you as a partner.
She spun you around with a hum, you almost struggled to keep up in your shock thought thankfully she held you steady, dark, ash inked hair held steady in a braided crown, looseing around her shoulders and eyes vibrant with vaguely masked cerulean amusement as she shook her head, the lanterns casting burning gold upon her irises, "No need for that. I'd rather my presence not be announced. I thought I'd meet you and Link halfway, away from the court." Another twirl, and she sighs, understandingly, as regal as ever, her gloved palm upon yours warm as you are sure your face is, "He's expressed dislike for the castle in the past and I cannot blame him for such, it's only fair I find him first then, after all he's done for us."
You are briefly separated, as you digest the information and reeling from the surprise, it makes sense. None of the Link's were overly fond of Hyrule Castle and Twilight was no exception, with the nobles who minimally contributed to anything yet demanded reward or for their schemes to be enabled and the complacent knights, easily swayed by the honeyed words of vipers and who were useless in the face of true danger even during the invasion, none of your boys - even Warriors who learned how to swim or drown in that mess - felt comfortable there. You can't imagine it wasn't similar for Dusk, even growing up among them.
... She did seem very lonely, even back then.
You dance back into her arms, nodding easily as you take her in, with her hair braided in white ribbons and cream, ruffled poet's shirt and lightly heeled riding boots, she really did look just like any other young woman out for a night of festival fun, albeit breathtakingly beautiful just the same, "Alright then, would Zelda be fine then?"
Her smile was radiant, as bright as the lanterns in the plaza in contrast to her shaded lips, voice soft like the whisper of a breeze through autumn leaves, "It's perfect, I'm so glad to finally be able to meet you personally." She twirls you, and you laugh as it transitions into an unexpected dip, the disguised queen giggling in turn and it's soft and fluttering, "Link's letters don't do you full justice, the flesh is much more captivating than the imagination."
"Says the Queen of Hyrule," You snipe back, hoping to all being's holy in this land and the realms beyond that you are not flushing crimson enough to outshine the lanterns, you briefly catch a glimpse of Twilight, standing somewhere just beyond the dancers and sipping on an apple cider, you lock eyes and you briefly tilt your chin to Zelda, 'So. This is the Queen of Hyrule. HELP?!'
He briefly looks you over, seemingly studying the situation, then gives you a wolfish smirk at whatever he saw, 'Have fun.' He mouths, taking a long swig.
'Traitor.' You hiss in your thoughts because turns out you are NOT well equipped to handle Hylian Royalty suddenly sweeping you off your feet (literally) without ample preparation and your only hope of composing yourself clearly wasn't going to help, so you smile and continue on, "I'm hardly that much, but thank you, y- Zelda."
"Nonsense," She primly answers, before you switch partners once more, to the left, then back to Dusk, and back again, she tilts her head, humming contemplatively, "Would you mind showing me around the festival? I'm sure Link won't mind if I steal you for a couple moments."
You chuckle, "I hardly know Castle Town all that well myself, I doubt I'd be a good guide." And that's true, you've only seen it distantly, during Twilight's adventure, it could hardly compare to the real thing.
She smiles, somethibg soft and beautiful and sharp with amusement, eyes glinting like clouded aquamarine, rhodedendron eargerness and hydrangea beautiful, "Then I suppose we'll just explore it together then, shall we go?"
"We shall." You answer back, after all, it's not everyday you can say you went to a festival with a Zelda.
She links her arm with yours, grip tight and warm.
(Later, although not much later, Twilight will meet Dusk at Telma's.
She had not even seen you on the way, though she had been looking forward to your meeting.)
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