#drivers have been calling for reviews to the penalty system for a long time now. let's listen to them.
eirianerisdar · 1 month
Here's why Daniel getting a three-place penalty for the next race is yet again evidence that the FIA need to review their regulations:
These are the regulations for overtaking under safety car:
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The stewards were right in that Hulkenberg could pass both Lance and Daniel under safety car under Article 55.8 (h), because Lance had crashed into Daniel and they were both cars with obvious problems.
But, glaringly, there is nothing in the regs that state what happens if the car that was passed quickly gets back up to speed and tries to put themselves back into the correct order, which is what you usually do if you get out of order behind the safety car, whether because of pit exits or otherwise.
I'm not saying the stewards could have changed their verdict, but it's only on paper that Daniel had no leg to stand on, because logically, that was his spot and he was very quickly back on Hulk's tail after his wheels hit the ground again. Clearly this is yet another gap in the regs that should have been logically addressed because a situation like this would eventually come up.
It's a similar gap that "stopping on track during qualifying" needed clarification for, and last year, with the 20-place grid drop Carlos suffered for the drain cover that smashed through his car and necessitated changing its components.
Needless to say, a missed gap in the regs causing what would be a logical regaining of a spot to lead to a three-place grid penalty and 2 penatly points for a driver reflects rather more poorly on the FIA regs themselves than the driver who got punted then tried to put himself back where he should have been behind the safety car.
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thecrimeattorney · 3 years
Hire A Premier Criminal Defense Attorney in Solano County | Yuri Hill
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Criminal Defense Attorney in Solano County
Arrested or Accused of a Crime in Solano County? You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney in Solano County
At The Law Office of Yuri Hill, our California criminal defense lawyer is a passionate, reliable advocate for clients. With experience handling a wide range of felony and misdemeanor criminal cases, our legal team of Criminal Defense attorneys in Solano County will put in the time and resources to protect your rights. If you or your family member was arrested in Fairfield & Solano County, our Solano County criminal defense attorneys are more than ready to help. For a confidential consultation with a criminal defense attorney in Solano County, please call our Solano County law office or send us a message online.
An Overview of Criminal Defense Cases We Handle in Solano County
Our founding attorney Yuri Hill has been fighting for the rights of people accused of and charged with criminal offenses since he was first admitted to the California State Bar Association. Our California criminal defense firm is laser-focused on helping our clients secure their freedom and their future. Along with other criminal defense cases, our criminal defense attorney in Solano County is adept in handling:
DUI Charges: Under California law, the legal limit for drivers (21+) is 0.08. If you are caught operating a motor vehicle with a BAC above the legal limit, you can be arrested for a DUI. Even a first-time drunk driving or drugged driving offense can result in the suspension of your license, large fines, the mandatory installation of an interlock ignition device, and probation. California has graduated DUI penalties. Subsequent DUIs or DUIs with an ‘aggravating factor’ can result in jail time. At The Law Office of Yuri Hill, our DUI criminal defense attorney in Solano County is an aggressive, reliable advocate for clients. We will protect your rights.
Drug Charges: Even as California slowly reforms its drug laws, a state or federal drug charge still carries very serious criminal penalties. If you were arrested for drug possession, drug trafficking, or drug manufacturing, our criminal defense attorney in Solano County is here to help you explore every available option. Contact our drug crime defense attorney in Solano County today for immediate help with your case. Gun & Weapon Charges: Were you charged with a gun crime in Central California? If so, it is imperative that you hire a strong legal advocate. A conviction on a gun charge can carry stiff criminal penalties. Contact our criminal defense attorney in Solano County to get immediate assistance with your case. Our criminal defense attorney in Solano County will review your charges and develop a strategy to protect your rights. Domestic Violence Charges: A domestic violence charge is a serious criminal offense. If you are a parent, a conviction on domestic assault could undermine your child custody or child visitation rights. Do not plead guilty without consulting with a lawyer. Call our criminal defense attorney in Solano County for a strictly confidential consultation. Traffic Violations: If you were cited for a traffic violation, our Solano County defense firm is here to protect your rights and save your license. Whether you were pulled over for reckless driving, driving with a suspended license, or any other type of traffic violation, we are here to help. Call our Solano County criminal defense lawyer today for a strictly private, no-obligation review of your case. Crimes Against Property: Our criminal defense law firm handles the full range of crimes against property offenses. Among other types of charges, our criminal defense attorney in Solano County has experience with shoplifting charges, theft charges, grand theft auto charges, larceny charges, and burglary charges. We will protect your rights. Call our criminal defense attorney in Solano County for immediate assistance with your case. White Collar Criminal Charges: A white-collar criminal case is often a complex criminal case. You need a defense lawyer who has the skills and experience needed to effectively protect your rights. Fairfield & Solano County, CA white-collar defense lawyer Yuri Hill can defend you against the following types of charges: embezzlement, employee crimes, fraud, and identity theft. Call our criminal defense attorney in Solano County now to learn more about what we can do for you. Misdemeanor Offenses: Misdemeanor offenses are less serious than felony charges. That being said, it would be a huge mistake to view a misdemeanor as “not a big deal”—these types of charges can carry very serious penalties, including jail time. If you were charged with a misdemeanor in Fairfield & Solano County County, Solano County CA, call our California Criminal defense lawyer right away. Felony Offenses: A felony offense is the most serious category of a criminal charge. All felonies are serious. A conviction on a felony charge could result in significant jail time and it could have long-term implications for your future. You may be able to avoid a conviction and/or spare yourself from some of the most serious consequences. Call our criminal defense attorney in Solano County for immediate help. Juvenile Justice Cases: It is not uncommon for teenagers to get themselves into trouble, sometimes even criminal trouble. In California, juveniles charged with a legal violation have more options available to avoid the worst consequences. Unfortunately, the juvenile justice system can be difficult for families to navigate. Do not let youthful indiscretion harm your child’s future. Our criminal defense attorney in Solano County can help. Call our California criminal defense lawyer now for a confidential, no-obligation review and assessment of the case.
What are the Criminal Penalties in California?
In California, the penalties for a criminal conviction vary widely based on the underlying nature of the offense. The least serious type of offense, an infraction, carries a maximum punishment of a fine and no jail time. Misdemeanor offenses, such as a drunk driving charge or a shoplifting offense, can carry up to a year and a $1,000 fine. Felonies carry a penalty of more than a year in prison. A criminal defense attorney in Solano County can review the specific charges filed against you and take action to protect you from the most severe penalties.
Three Steps to Take If You are Arrested in Solano County, CA
There are few things more stressful or intimidating than being arrested and charged with a crime. Unfortunately, too many people make mistakes in the immediate aftermath of their arrest that undermine their own case. There are steps that you can take to protect rights. Here are three things that you should do if you were arrested in California: 1. Do Not Use Force or Resist: Not all arrests are fair or legitimate—but the time to fight it is in court with an experienced attorney by your side. Do not use force or resist an arrest. If you do so, it could lead to additional (potentially serious) criminal charges. Comply with the officer and prepare yourself for court. 2. Invoke Your Right to Remain Silent: Under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, you have the right to remain silent. You are not required to answer a police officer’s questions or assist with your investigation. Invoke your rights. What you say can and will be taken out of context and used against you. The police are not looking out for your best interests. 3. Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer: We have an adversarial criminal justice system. Law enforcement officers and prosecutors are focused on obtaining convictions. You cannot trust them to give you guidance—even if you are innocent. Hire an experienced criminal defense attorney in Solano County as soon as possible after an arrest. Criminal Defense: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (H4)
Criminal Defense: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)What Happens After an Arrest?
In most cases, a person who is arrested is taken to a local police station. When they arrive, they are “booked”—meaning personal information is taken and recorded. Depending on the specific allegations, bail/bond may be required to secure release while awaiting trial. If you have been arrested, call our Solano County criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
What is a Preliminary Hearing?
A preliminary hearing often occurs shortly after an arrest is made and charges are filed. During this stage of the process, the prosecution must show that it has enough evidence to proceed with the case. A skilled Solano County defense lawyer may be able to get charges dismissed or reduced at a preliminary hearing due to lack of evidence.
What is a Pre-Trial Motion in a Criminal Case?
While a plea agreement may be the best way to resolve your case, you should not accept a plea deal without first speaking to a knowledgeable Solano County criminal defense attorney. A plea bargain is a negotiation. Our criminal defense attorney in Solano County will make sure that the agreement properly protects your rights and offers the best possible deal.
You Can Trust Criminal Defense Attorney in Solano County At Yuri Hill
If you were arrested on a criminal charge, it is normal to be stressed out and overwhelmed by the gravity of our situation. During difficult times, you need a legal professional by your side. Yuri Hill is an experienced criminal defense trial attorney in Solano County with a passion for protecting the rights of his clients. Our Solano County criminal defense attorney is ready to get started on your case immediately. Among other things, our Solano County criminal defense lawyer will:
Listen to your story, answer questions, and explain the next steps;
Investigate the arrest and the charges—securing evidence build your defense; Advise you on plea agreements and negotiate for the most favorable terms; and Build a defense strategy focused solely on getting you and the best outcome. You deserve the right to clear your name in court. At The Law Office of Yuri Hill, we take your rights very seriously. It is our mission to fight aggressively to protect your freedom and your future. As every criminal case is unique, our Fairfield, CA defense firm always puts in the resources and personal attention to provide exceptional representation. We will communicate with you every step of the way—ensuring that you know exactly what is happening with your case.
Call Our Fairfield Criminal Defense Attorney for a Confidential Consultation
At The Law Office of Yuri Hill, our criminal defense lawyer in Solano County has the skills and expertise that you can rely on. If you or your loved one was arrested and charged with a criminal offense, we are here to help. Call us now for confidential legal guidance and support. Our criminal defense law firm provides criminal defense services in California and throughout the surrounding region, including in Solano County, Yolo County, San Joaquin County, Amador County, El Dorado County, Placer County, and Sutter County.
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What Is SEO and How How Has It Changed Over the Years
Many business owners will here hear the phrase 'search engine optimisation' (or SEO) from friends in the business community or even competitors and may consider it as a route to increasing sales, but what is SEO? Alternatively, a business owner may have tried 'SEO services' in the past and found it either didn't work as well as expected or was working, but no longer as effective - this article explains what SEO is, and why 'new' SEO is working better than ever.
I have been working in search engine optimisation and ranking website market, before it was even called SEO. Here are the changes in SEO since the start of the new millennium and what you should be looking for in the SEO services that your SEO Agency offers or provides.
We take a look back at SEO through the years and explain what SEO is today and how best to utilise it for our website.
SEO in 2000
Back at the start of the Millennium the 'big' search engines that most people were using were Lycos and Excite. Of course, back then a very small percentage of the UK population had access to the internet and those that did had a slow 'dial-up' system.
Websites were one or two pages with basic information to allow them to load quickly (within 20 seconds). SEO practices back then were to 'hide' as many keywords on a page as possible, so the website was found for those searches without making the page look to spammy for visitors.
In 2002 Google launched something called 'AdWords' and it was predicted to be the death of SEO, as people could pay for prominence, on the now the number 1 website for starting internet searches.
In 2003, Yahoo purchased Inktomi, AltaVista and FAST, which was basically the end of all of the 'smaller' search engines. Google started to stamp down on 'spam' practices and websites. At the same time Google realised that 'AdWords' were not going to kill off SEO and that in fact the 'natural listings' encouraged visitors back to their search engine platform. Google started to recognise 'professional SEO' experts and promoted good SEO rather than spamming SEO.
2004 saw the first website 'banned' from the internet as Google took action against websites that were spamming them. They also took legal action against the "SEO Company" responsible.
To rank a website in 2006 you just needed links back to your website and so buying links / link exchange was all the rage and most websites had a web page where they would list companies and links to their website (I am still amazed how many websites continue this practice).
Between 2004 and 2008 Google, now was the only real "player" in the search engine world, started taking action against poor linking practices and companies and started tightening up on spam and buying links. The 'Noughties" ended with all "naughty" SEO practices being practically stamped out, as Google concentrated on ranking websites based on their content and it's relevance to the search being carried out.
SEO in 2010
Between 2010 and 2015 we started to see the search engines take notice of 'Social Media' sites and soon the results were filled with Twitter 'tweets' in the results. (I can still see the face of one of my customers when searching Google for his business, and the whole first page of the search results were compiled of tweets of a Twitter conversation that two members of staff had been having about how terrible the company was!)
Videos and images were also brought in to the search results with the Google 'Caffeine' update.
Google introduced "personal search results" with the websites shown in the search results based on your previous searches and websites you had visited before. This caused a 'bit of a stir' in the SEO world as customers claimed their websites were "top of Google" for any search they did related to their industry, just because they had visited their own website many times before, so Google of course fed them back the website for all relevant searches. This can still be a bit of an issue until you show them the new 'Google Incognito search'.
The focus on ranking websites was on being found for BIG keywords. A 'Plumber' in Bristol would want to rank for that search, and so that was the focus.
Google 'Panda' and 'Penguin' updates figuratively killed off 'link exchanges' with huge penalties for websites who had irrelevant links pointing towards them. At the same time Google introduced "no follow links" to allow websites to provide relevant links to other websites and information without penalising either party. It was the start of "safe linking". Quality and relevant content was now the key to ranking in the search engines.
A report by the 'Office For National Statistics' in 2014 stated:
38 million adults (76%) in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day, 21 million more than in 2006, when directly comparable records began.
Access to the Internet using a mobile phone more than doubled between 2010 and 2014, from 24% to 58%.
74% of all adults bought goods or services online, up from 53% in 2008. Clothes (49%) were the most popular online purchase in 2014.
Of all adults in Great Britain, 67% are aware of Internet storage space services, but the take up of these services to store data is much lower at 35%.
In Great Britain, 22 million households (84%) had Internet access in 2014, up from 57% in 2006.
Fixed broadband Internet connections were used by 91% of households.
The UK was now (almost) internet savvy and usage of mobile phones to visit websites was huge.
SEO 2015 and Onwards
The biggest change to the search engines in 2015 was the 'penalisation' of websites that were not "mobile friendly" - a mobile friendly website has different information for the smaller screen to make it easier for the user to read and understand. In ensuring that users got the best experience Google started ranking mobile friendly or responsive websites (where the website automatically changes its size and format to fit the screen) higher in the rankings.
The UK population were using their mobile phones for local searches, and local companies could at last gain an advantage over the large corporates or 'national' companies on the internet.
The introduction of 'semantic search', where Google brings back websites in the results not based on the keywords, but the content on a page, again changed the way SEO agencies looked at working on websites. Ranking for the 'Big' keywords, such as 'Plumber Bristol' became less important, as internet users became more savvy with their searches. 'Long tail keywords', and as many as possible, started to grow website visitors and more importantly, conversions.
What is The SEO Process Today?
It is probably correct to say that the processes or practices associated with search engine optimisation have now out grown the term 'SEO'
In years gone by working the content and structure of a website was enough. Now, there is so much more to do to not only rank a website in search engines, but to get customer engagement. A better description of the service would be 'digital marketing'.
Old practices, as mentioned earlier, meant 'big' keywords were key to ranking. A focus on a single keyword per page or even for a whole website would rank the business and back then it was all about 'rankings'.
Old way of doing SEO
Today there are a number of factors to consider in regards to SEO. 'Semantic search' is the main driver and conversion the main goal, not rankings.
Semantic search is where Google returns information on the page, not the description the website creator input, back to the searcher. An example of this would be to take the 'Plumber Bristol' example. A few years ago you would have concentrated on ranking the business for "Plumber Bristol", "Plumber in Bristol" and perhaps "Emergency Plumber Bristol" - although this still holds true for businesses that offer a solution for 'distress purchases' (where time and a solution outweigh the need for information and advice) better practice throughout a website is to add content that offers advice and guidance and includes 'long tail keywords' (3 or 4 word searches) such as "Emergency plumber with free callout in Bristol" or "Reviews for an Emergency Plumber near me". Google wants the user to have the best experience and find the relevant information quickly, and semantic search achieves this. This is also sensible for a business owner. Would you rather your website was found by a searcher looking for "Plumber Bristol" where they could be after information, looking to get a job, looking for a plumbing service that you may not offer, or for a specific and targeted search such as "best emergency Plumber near BS7″? "Plumber Bristol" will get you a website visitor, being found for "best emergency Plumber near BS7″ will get you a customer.
In terms of keywords this is the largest change Google have made and it is here to stay. SEO or digital marketing is no longer about where you rank, but how many different search terms you can be found for and their conversion in to paying customers.
Website Content
A few years ago (and only 2 or 3 years ago) Google suggested to professional SEO Agencies that 300 words on a page was sufficient content. Last year they stated the MINIMUM should be at least 500 words.
Every day I am asked to review a website by a potential customer - and most of them have between 150 to 250 words on a page. This is common practice. There are two ways to look at this. Either Google has to change it's expectations as most websites do not meet their grade or another way to look at this is as an easy way to jump the competition by simply adding content to your website. Do you think Google will lower it's expectations or expect websites to improve to their standard? Google released the 'mobile friendly' update knowing that somewhere around 80% of websites would need to be upgraded - and they did it anyway as it benefitted over 50% of there users. Quality content effects 100% of their users.
I recommend to our customer about 800 words per page. This is enough content to be 'semantic search' friendly, provide relevant content and not be too word heavy.
Good practice is to have:
Page Title - say what the page is about ('Big' Keyword if you must)
Headline - asking a question
First paragraph explains briefly explains the content / solution
Image / or video
Longer description of the solution
Take our Emergency Plumber in Bristol, as an example
Page Title: Emergency Plumber Bristol
Headline: Are you looking for the best emergency plumber near you in Bristol?
First Paragraph: Smith Plumbing offer a 24 hour emergency plumbing service in Bristol. We do not charge a call out fee and can be with you in 20 minutes. That is why our customer reviews and feedback say we are the best emergency plumbing service in your area. Call now on...
Image of the van or the Plumber looking professional
Longer description: What they can fix, common problems they resolve, some of the quotes from their customers etc.
This has a number of benefits.
Firstly, those people who just want a Plumber will read the first paragraph, see the image of the van (build authority and professionalism) and call the Plumber. Other people will want more information which they can find further down the page. Is this cheating at SEO? Absolutely NOT. You are providing relevant information to the user and Google will love you for it. How content is structured and written on a page is the "new" SEO.
The second benefit is that your website will start to be found for a combination of the words on the page - semantic search - in the example above the Plumber could be found by customers and potential customers looking for "Smith Plumbing","emergency Plumber near me", "Emergency Plumber in Bristol", "Best24 hour emergency plumbing service in Bristol", "emergency plumber Bristol reviews" and dozens more search terms. If you were a Plumber would you rather be found for one big keyword or multiple relevant customer converting keywords? I thought so, and so does Google.
Old practices were to create website content for the search engines. Now you must create content to provide value for customers. This is an easier process than you might think.
What were the last 5 customer enquiries to your business? What was the problem they were trying to resolve? Write about the problem and your solution.
Link Building
The historic way of 'link building' was to get as many links from as many places as possible. This year we has a very large company contact us about their SEO and they were horrified when we suggested that they needed to remove their 1.4 MILLION links back to their website as they had spent a fortune over the years buying the links. Irrelevant links, and the more you have the more detrimental it is, highlights to Google the irrelevance of your website - regardless of how relevant it might be.
Today, a few, relevant links is far better than a Million links back to your website. Today, links have to be built through engaging relationships. Taking our Plumber once more, a link back from the 'Gas Safe register', a local plumbing centre or bathroom showroom, and a few local websites that like his information would be enough.
Social Media
Even though we still get a some companies like this now, a few years ago when we suggested businesses should be on Facebook I was normally told "Facebook - that is for teenagers isn't it? That is not our market". If done well, Facebook can drive more traffic and paying customers to your door than your website. Facebook's largest user group is 25 to 34 year olds, second largest is the 35 to 44 years old age group. The 45 to 54 year olds are using Facebook more than teenagers, and as nearly as much as 18 to 24 year old.
Facebook Users UK age - courtesy of statista
Facebook allows a business to build a brand, engage customers, get customer reviews and instant customer feedback. Unlike reviews on your website which potential customer may see if they visit your website, a review on Facebook is seen immediately by all of the users friends and if their friend 'likes' the comment - all of their friends, friends. More and more of our customers are getting leads from Facebook. People are asking their friends for suggestions on businesses to use and getting dozens of suggestions back - if you are on Facebook you are more likely to get a direct link to your contact information.
What is next for 'Social Media'? Live streaming! Twitter has purchased a company called 'Periscope' which allows you to live stream video from your phone. "So what?" I hear our 'emergency plumber' asking. If I were a Plumber I would be live streaming my work as I fix a problem, with the video going out live to all of my followers and their friends - my own television channel that is free-to-air across the whole world. Next time your business conducts a 'brain storming session' - periscope it - your customer will tell you what the solutions are.
Video Marketing
There are no 'old' SEO practices for video as it just didn't exist and when YouTube started out it was for showing funny videos of cats and the like.
Today that has all changed. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and is owned by Google. YouTube has over 1 BILLION users worldwide and every minute, 300 hours of videos are uploaded. It would take you about 2 years to watch all of the videos that will be uploaded in the next hour. It would take you the rest of your life to watch all the videos uploaded today. Google's own statistics say that by 2018 73% of searches put into a search engine will result in the person watching a video. Think of it another way, in a couple of years when 10 people search the internet for your product or service - 7 of them will watch a video, 2 will visit a website. That is why I create videos for our customers as part of our 'digital marketing service'.
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What Is SEO and How How Has It Changed Over the Years?
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Many business owners will here hear the phrase 'search engine optimisation' (or SEO) from friends in the business community or even competitors and may consider it as a route to increasing sales, but what is SEO? Alternatively, a business owner may have tried 'SEO services' in the past and found it either didn't work as well as expected or was working, but no longer as effective - this article explains what SEO is, and why 'new' SEO is working better than ever.
I have been working in search engine optimisation and ranking website market, before it was even called SEO. Here are the changes in SEO since the start of the new millennium and what you should be looking for in the SEO services that your SEO Agency offers or provides.
We take a look back at SEO through the years and explain what SEO is today and how best to utilise it for our website.
SEO in 2000
Back at the start of the Millennium the 'big' search engines that most people were using were Lycos and Excite. Of course, back then a very small percentage of the UK population had access to the internet and those that did had a slow 'dial-up' system.
Websites were one or two pages with basic information to allow them to load quickly (within 20 seconds). SEO practices back then were to 'hide' as many keywords on a page as possible, so the website was found for those searches without making the page look to spammy for visitors.
In 2002 Google launched something called 'AdWords' and it was predicted to be the death of SEO, as people could pay for prominence, on the now the number 1 website for starting internet searches. See here seo
In 2003, Yahoo purchased Inktomi, AltaVista and FAST, which was basically the end of all of the 'smaller' search engines. Google started to stamp down on 'spam' practices and websites. At the same time Google realised that 'AdWords' were not going to kill off SEO and that in fact the 'natural listings' encouraged visitors back to their search engine platform. Google started to recognise 'professional SEO' experts and promoted good SEO rather than spamming SEO.
2004 saw the first website 'banned' from the internet as Google took action against websites that were spamming them. They also took legal action against the "SEO Company" responsible.
To rank a website in 2006 you just needed links back to your website and so buying links / link exchange was all the rage and most websites had a web page where they would list companies and links to their website (I am still amazed how many websites continue this practice).
Between 2004 and 2008 Google, now was the only real "player" in the search engine world, started taking action against poor linking practices and companies and started tightening up on spam and buying links. The 'Noughties" ended with all "naughty" SEO practices being practically stamped out, as Google concentrated on ranking websites based on their content and it's relevance to the search being carried out.
SEO in 2010
Between 2010 and 2015 we started to see the search engines take notice of 'Social Media' sites and soon the results were filled with Twitter 'tweets' in the results. (I can still see the face of one of my customers when searching Google for his business, and the whole first page of the search results were compiled of tweets of a Twitter conversation that two members of staff had been having about how terrible the company was!)
Videos and images were also brought in to the search results with the Google 'Caffeine' update.
Google introduced "personal search results" with the websites shown in the search results based on your previous searches and websites you had visited before. This caused a 'bit of a stir' in the SEO world as customers claimed their websites were "top of Google" for any search they did related to their industry, just because they had visited their own website many times before, so Google of course fed them back the website for all relevant searches. This can still be a bit of an issue until you show them the new 'Google Incognito search'.
The focus on ranking websites was on being found for BIG keywords. A 'Plumber' in Bristol would want to rank for that search, and so that was the focus.
Google 'Panda' and 'Penguin' updates figuratively killed off 'link exchanges' with huge penalties for websites who had irrelevant links pointing towards them. At the same time Google introduced "no follow links" to allow websites to provide relevant links to other websites and information without penalising either party. It was the start of "safe linking". Quality and relevant content was now the key to ranking in the search engines.
A report by the 'Office For National Statistics' in 2014 stated:
38 million adults (76%) in Great Britain accessed the Internet every day, 21 million more than in 2006, when directly comparable records began. Access to the Internet using a mobile phone more than doubled between 2010 and 2014, from 24% to 58%. 74% of all adults bought goods or services online, up from 53% in 2008. Clothes (49%) were the most popular online purchase in 2014. Of all adults in Great Britain, 67% are aware of Internet storage space services, but the take up of these services to store data is much lower at 35%. In Great Britain, 22 million households (84%) had Internet access in 2014, up from 57% in 2006. Fixed broadband Internet connections were used by 91% of households. The UK was now (almost) internet savvy and usage of mobile phones to visit websites was huge.
SEO 2015 and Onwards
The biggest change to the search engines in 2015 was the 'penalisation' of websites that were not "mobile friendly" - a mobile friendly website has different information for the smaller screen to make it easier for the user to read and understand. In ensuring that users got the best experience Google started ranking mobile friendly or responsive websites (where the website automatically changes its size and format to fit the screen) higher in the rankings.
The UK population were using their mobile phones for local searches, and local companies could at last gain an advantage over the large corporates or 'national' companies on the internet.
The introduction of 'semantic search', where Google brings back websites in the results not based on the keywords, but the content on a page, again changed the way SEO agencies looked at working on websites. Ranking for the 'Big' keywords, such as 'Plumber Bristol' became less important, as internet users became more savvy with their searches. 'Long tail keywords', and as many as possible, started to grow website visitors and more importantly, conversions.
What is The SEO Process Today?
It is probably correct to say that the processes or practices associated with search engine optimisation have now out grown the term 'SEO'
In years gone by working the content and structure of a website was enough. Now, there is so much more to do to not only rank a website in search engines, but to get customer engagement. A better description of the service would be 'digital marketing'.
Old practices, as mentioned earlier, meant 'big' keywords were key to ranking. A focus on a single keyword per page or even for a whole website would rank the business and back then it was all about 'rankings'.
Old way of doing SEO
Today there are a number of factors to consider in regards to SEO. 'Semantic search' is the main driver and conversion the main goal, not rankings.
Semantic search is where Google returns information on the page, not the description the website creator input, back to the searcher. An example of this would be to take the 'Plumber Bristol' example. A few years ago you would have concentrated on ranking the business for "Plumber Bristol", "Plumber in Bristol" and perhaps "Emergency Plumber Bristol" - although this still holds true for businesses that offer a solution for 'distress purchases' (where time and a solution outweigh the need for information and advice) better practice throughout a website is to add content that offers advice and guidance and includes 'long tail keywords' (3 or 4 word searches) such as "Emergency plumber with free callout in Bristol" or "Reviews for an Emergency Plumber near me". Google wants the user to have the best experience and find the relevant information quickly, and semantic search achieves this. This is also sensible for a business owner. Would you rather your website was found by a searcher looking for "Plumber Bristol" where they could be after information, looking to get a job, looking for a plumbing service that you may not offer, or for a specific and targeted search such as "best emergency Plumber near BS7″? "Plumber Bristol" will get you a website visitor, being found for "best emergency Plumber near BS7″ will get you a customer.
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carpostnet · 5 years
Thoughts on the Tata Tigor EV Electric Sedan
  The story of the Tigor EV Electric Sedan begins with a authorities contract. For as soon as in 2017, the babus get it proper – as they take an excellent resolution of kick beginning the nascent Indian EV four wheeler market, with a stimulus. So an order of ten thousand automobiles is tendered. When all the bets appeared to be on Mahindra strolling away with the order, Tata Motors emerges as the darkish horse.
Having began my profession with Tata Motors, I’m stunned. The firm just isn’t actually recognized for its agility. To proceed the babu story – what they didn’t anticipate – is the hostile response to EVs that the sarkaari drivers would have. Used to the perks of siphoned petrol and diesel, the drivers’ resistance developed, as they may not determine easy methods to siphon electrical energy! But the greater subject, at the least from the Tigor EV perspective, was the decrease vary. And particularly, when it received in comparison with the different participant, in the two horse EV car race in India, the E-Verito.  ​ The episode jogs my memory of the story, of the demented man who goes to a city and locations an order with the carpenter, who in flip goes on to rejoice by enriching the baker – and many others – and usually the city will get again its financial system. Later on,  the carpenter realises that the order was a spurious one, however by then it would not matter – the velocity has come again in circulation in the financial system, and as the three idiots would say, all izz properly. Like the madman in the above story, EESL realised that that they had goofed up on the specs – and determined that the greatest method to save face was to postpone accepting deliveries. And so right here was Tata Motors, who had spent massive bucks on creating the Tigor EV, questioning what to do with the Tigor EV.
Earlier N. Chandra, the new chairman of the Tata group, had different plans. He created a particular EV division at Tata Motors, which is impartial of the Commercial and Passenger Car enterprise. The division has its personal President – who reviews on to the Tata Motors MD. The consideration of the prime administration made a distinction. Instead of jettisoning the Tigor EV after the lack of Government orders, the firm determined to vary route and promote the car to fleet operators. And guess what, the fleet guys gave the identical suggestions, as the authorities – give us extra vary. And TML listened. In Oct 19, they upgraded the battery pack – and received the vary as much as an ARAI accredited 213 km. A standard Ola / Uber car does about that a lot in a day – in most cities in India, with the exception of the sprawling NCR. So I believe 200 km is a candy spot for the fleet guys. Increase the vary additional, and you’ve got each value and weight penalties.  ​ With BS 6 coming in Apr 20, most car corporations are out of the blue going to be discovering diesel going out of trend. The urea tanks required in diesel automobiles to satisfy NOx emission requirements aren’t actually endearing themselves to car homeowners. So now is an efficient time for corporations to start out providing the electrical drivetrain as an choice to petrol. Of course, at double the worth. There is extra logic to this transfer than that. Given the dismal volumes in India for EVs, it is smart to unfold the mounted value of car improvement – R and D, sheet steel dies, homologation et al – over bigger variety of automobiles. This approach, you may have EVs that do not burn the trousers together with the customers’ pockets. Platform sharing appears to be like to be the approach ahead for everyone.
The best method to do a coronary heart transplant in a petroleum car, is to make use of the engine area for the motor and related electronics – and the area for the gasoline tank for the battery. And that is precisely what Tata has executed. Tesla has its battery pack operating all alongside the flooring, however then Tesla is a ground-up EV. Interestingly, the greater battery floor space of the Tesla additionally presents a hearth hazard – as there have been incidents the place Teslas have flamed up by items of steel mendacity on the highway. The new Tigor will get a 22 kWh battery, which is up from the 16 kWh one earlier. The 30 kW motor does an enough job of dealing with regular city visitors. The battery is a prismatic LFP pack.   ​ Heart transplants include their very own negative effects. What a petroleum car DNA engineer nonetheless doesn’t perceive, is how necessary the battery, aka gasoline tank, in an electrical car is. Imagine designing a Tigor sized car with a scooter gasoline tank – that is the scenario with EVs immediately. And in such a scenario each drop counts. So effectivity is the identify of the sport – and never the brute drive effectiveness – which Tata’s ERC has been used to, of their greater than 50 years of engine constructing. The first rule of effectivity is to journey gentle. I roam round the county with a backpack – and the size of the journey doesn’t matter – so long as I get to do my laundry on a regular basis. On the identical strains, frugality must be the DNA with EV design. How to get the most out of each Watt-hour of vitality saved in the battery. And we hope that the Nano classes of frugality haven’t been forgotten by the Tata Motors crew.​
Here are the low hanging fruit for upping effectivity. Low rolling resistance tyres, that are a wee bit over inflated to get extra juice out of the battery pack. TML crew knowledgeable us that the tyres do have lesser resistance – however I couldn’t see the Toyota Prius type of treads in them. The air-con requires about four kW energy. For a 75 kW petrol car it’s simply 5% of output, however for an electrical it’s greater than 10%. The identical cooling unit additionally has to do a job of cooling the battery pack – and that is necessary – as batteries don’t like being on the fallacious facet of 40 diploma Celsius. The distinction in inside temperatures in white car parked in the solar, when contrasted to a black one parked for the identical variety of hours, will be as a lot as 5 diploma Celsius. No marvel, most Tigor Electrics bought are white. My recommendation to future EV consumers could be, it doesn’t matter what the coloration of your cash, however let your EV be white!
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And now coming to the excessive hanging fruit – weight. Here is my estimate of the weight break-up of the Tigor EV. 
Battery Pack – 215 kg
Motor and drive practice – 85 kg
Body Shell – 300 kg
Steering and Suspension – 150 kg
Seats, Dashboard et al – 150 kg
Electronics and cabling – 150 kg
Air conditioning and Cooling – 100 kg 
Tyres, together with stepney – 80 kg
A complete of 1200 kg – which is about the identical as the petrol / diesel variants. The underlying philosophy being that if the weight stays the identical, the dealing with would stay the identical. Maybe we will query this philosophy. Maruti, in spite of everything, has grow to be market chief in India, as a result of it is automobiles are usually lighter than competitors – with in fact, the concomitant enhance in gasoline effectivity. Government has taxation norms for petrol/diesel automobiles based mostly on the size of the car. For EVs the slabs needs to be weight based mostly – in order that relative vitality guzzlers like the tremendous heavy Teslas – if and once they come into the Indian market – find yourself paying the highest taxes.   The best factor in weight is to do away with the spare tyre. Not joking! The Mahindra E2O was really bought in European markets with no spare wheel – and the frunk (the entrance boot) really had a fish basket. And in addition – the Tigor proprietor would additionally get extra boot area. But coming again to heavier points – the exterior panels are the costliest – and it will not make sense to the touch them. But the inside sheet steel will be checked out. With lesser load in the engine compartment, there might be some weight saving prospects there. Since the car runs smoother, and would sometimes not be a rural off roader, there will be extra weight financial savings in the suspension too. I imagine TML is working on lowering weight in the cab space – we imagine that the seats of the newer Tigor are lighter. What prevents extra investments in weight discount is the uncertainty about volumes. Group chairman Chandra is prepared with investments, proviso to gross sales occurring. Chicken and egg. The goal needs to be to get the Tigor weight all the way down to lower than a ton. 
The different variable that performs a call in car shopping for, particularly EVs, is preliminary value. The operating value at 1 Rupee a km is a wow ingredient. But the preliminary spend of 13 lakh + is a dampener. The greens would love this worth – and the excellent news for the greens is that the car is now out there for particular person homeowners. However, with FAME subsidies not being given to people, it will be a good suggestion for revolutionary accountants to give you monetary jugaads which may give firm homeowners the cloak of changing into a fleet proprietor – and get the subsidy. We don’t actually count on TML to endorse this conduct, which is on borderlines between good and dangerous ethics. But the moral issues would get sorted out when a fleet proprietor leases the automobiles to people or corporations. The different benefit of leasing an electrical is that it de-risks the proprietor, as she doesn’t have to fret about upkeep. My recommendation to TML could be to start out the leasing service itself. Why let aggregators take away a market – and make a commodity out of cars. The belief in the Tata model will make a lease from Tata simpler for customers to purchase. Till date, business banks have been fearful of lending loans for EV purchases, not being too positive of what the residual values of the automobiles are going to be. Auto producers now have to put cash the place their mouth is – and inform customers by their actions about the belief they’ve in the automobiles they’re constructing. We have seen that occuring with Revolt in the electrical bike area – and the glorious response it has acquired from the market. Time for an encore in automobiles, TML!  Jugaad apart, most of our desi sensibility loves seeing extra inexperienced in the pocket than exterior of it. The battery pack is the greatest value driver of EVs. My guess is that we’re battery vitality storage prices of about 500 $ per kWh. So there goes 11,000 {dollars} or Rs. eight lakh straight. Battery swapping has potential to decrease this value. If swapping can occur in the identical time {that a} fleet driver spends at a CNG pump, then we’re good. We will nonetheless want an actual life vary of 100 km – as we count on a fleet proprietor to drive round 200 km a day. The authorities generally is a big enabler over right here. The crucial in battery swapping is requirements. And right here is the place the babus appears to have adopted a wait and watch mannequin. Even easier stuff like charging ports haven’t been standardised – as the babus anticipate the extra developed nations to actually, take cost. 
In the good previous days of petrol automobiles, the Americans would provide big variety of engine choices. Maybe the time has come, to supply an enormous variety of battery choices in the Tigor EV. Batteries, being modular, work on a special paradigm. Economies of scale occur at the module stage. And once more, if corporations get collectively to outline these commonplace modules, everybody stands to win on this cooperative-competitive sport. Most people and small fleet homeowners wouldn’t be investing in the excessive present quick charging infrastructure. It takes 11 hours to do a full cost with sluggish charging for the Tigor EV. A type of boundary line for in a single day charging. One shudders when one thinks of the 18 hours it takes to cost the 35 kWh Hyundai Kona on sluggish cost. But then with a 452 km vary (ARAI determine), you are able to do a cost each Sunday. One extra choice that may be provided in the Tigor EV is with out capacity for quick charging. Am positive it will shave off a lakh from the worth. And now that I’m on it, my suggestion could be to shift the sluggish charging port to the facet – with much more area to drag out jammed charging ports. Like in Volvo buses, you may have hoses that go into the gasoline tank from either side, the firm can have a look at having the sluggish and quick charging ports on both facet of the car – in the identical slot as the gasoline tank flap.  Combined with a decrease battery dimension, the magic determine of sub 10 lakh might be reached for the private car person.  ​ To finish; would I purchase this car? Hmmm… Real life vary is about 150 km. Now for E2O customers who’ve lived with 100 km vary, to not point out Reva customers who lived with 60, 150 is certainly a step up. If we have a look at typical city drive cycles, most are lower than 100 km. So in a way, the Tigor will meet your week day wants. So if you’re already an E20 person, who has discovered the E20 to be becoming in your drive cycle, and there’s one other ICE car in the storage, then do check drive the Tigor ASAP; this might be E20 substitute. But if the EV goes to be your single car, and you intend to do lengthy drives on weekends, vary anxiousness can occur. A bit of chicken tells me that the Tata Nexon EV launch is only some months away. And with a worth differential of some extra lakh – and a variety distinction of greater than 100 km – weekend drivers, wait and watch!
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privateplates4u · 5 years
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Audi A8 review - the world's leading limo?
For  Hugely intelligent tech, excellent comfort, nimble for its size Against  Doesn't feel quite as special as an S-class High-tech and slick inside and out, the A8 is an impressive luxury car - if not quite as compelling as an S-class It’s not known for its great drivers’ cars, but the luxury saloon class is the automotive world’s best window into the technology we’ll all be using in the future. As such, you can view the latest Audi A8 as an indication as to what you can expect from the next couple of generations of more exciting cars like the RS4, from haptic touchscreens to semi-autonomy and road-monitoring active suspension. The A8 is also an improvement in its own right over the car it replaces. Technology doesn’t raise as much suspicion in the luxury class as it does with sports cars or hot hatchbacks, and most of the new A8’s features ensure it gets closer to the luxury ideal than its predecessor, from an improved ride quality to a quieter cabin and an even more effortless drive. [gallery:5] It can’t quite entertain us like something smaller and lighter, but the latest A8 also handles better than before, with a nimbler feel thanks to four-wheel steering, while steady improvements in engine technology mean the initial offering of a pair of V6s (petrol and diesel) feel as punchy as they are refined and frugal. Despite all this, the A8 doesn’t quite eclipse the Mercedes-Benz S-class for us. While the Mercedes’ baroque styling isn’t to all tastes and its cabin quality isn’t quite up to the Audi’s level, it’s both more involving and more comfortable than the Audi and feels more special from behind the wheel. Audi A8 in detail Performance and 0-60 time - Healthy power and torque figures overcome a hefty kerbweight (despite the aluminium construction) to deliver strong performance - 0-62mph in 5.6sec for the 55 TFSI. Engine and gearbox - Two engines currently available, both 3-litre V6s, one petrol and the other diesel - the latter sure to be more popular in the UK. Eight-speed Tiptronic automatic is standard. Ride and handling - Four-wheel steering gives the A8 surprising agility and the ride improves on the previous model. It’s as relaxed as ever, too. MPG and running costs - Diesel’s 50.4mpg and petrol’s 37.7mpg are both reasonable, but S-class and 7-series are more frugal still. Interior and tech - Debuted Audi’s new trend for dual central touchscreens with haptic feedback. Usual Audi quality and sense of imperviousness are present and correct. Design - Less cohesive overall than previous A8s but still relatively subdued next to rivals despite the comically large grille. Prices, specs and rivals Just shy of £70,000 will get you behind the wheel of an A8, with the 50 TDI standard wheelbase coming in at £69,100. The 55 TFSI lifts that to £71,000, while the long-wheelbase versions of each add £3995 to those totals. From that point you can quickly ramp up the price with options. Moving from 18-inch alloy wheels to 19s is £1900 and to 20s is £2850. Matrix LED headlights with laser technology are £4900, individual electric rear seats are £3200, ventilated massage seats £1600. S Line trim is available for £4495 which adds 19in wheels by default and sports seats in place of the usual “comfort” ones. > BMW 7-series review Standard kit is comprehensive though: the large but by no means exhaustive list includes LED headlights, leather trim, Virtual Cockpit instruments, navigation, 36 months of Audi’s connected services, adaptive cruise and a head-up display. [gallery:7] The A8’s most obvious rivals are the BMW 7-series and Mercedes-Benz S-class, with left-field alternatives coming in the shape of cars like the Lexus LS, Maserati Quattroporte, Jaguar XJ and - for a select band of customers - the Tesla Model S. Competition among the German trio comes mostly down to personal brand preference, though evo’s own choice would be the S-class, which remains a dominant force in this sector of the market with a mix of luxury, driving characteristics and technology that gives it the edge over the Audi and BMW. The others are more heart-over-head purchases, particularly the ageing but entertaining Jaguar and Maserati. The Tesla lacks the quality and pedigree of the others but probably leads the market in performance and technology.  Performance and 0-60 time Until Audi produces an S8 or reverses its decision not to drop the W12 engine into the car, the 55 TFSI will remain the quickest A8 in a straight line sprint. With little fuss and only slightly less noise the petrol V6 will carry the A8 to 62mph in 5.6 seconds from rest, with the long wheelbase version of the same just a tenth slower. Top speed is limited to 155mph. The diesel isn’t far behind - 0-62mph takes 5.9 seconds here and in contrast to the petrol, there’s no on-paper performance deficit for long wheelbase models. Top speed is, once again, limited to 155mph. > Lexus LS True to the luxury car brief, neither engine feels particularly stressed in its near two-tonne cage. Both the petrol and diesel remain relatively hushed however hard they’re worked - audible certainly, but not concerningly so - and the petrol in particular almost sounds like it’s doing its job in a neighbouring car. Performance is strong too, and you’ll only be left wanting more if you’re exploring the very top of the rev range in each; there’s a hint of breathlessness that admittedly might disappear once the engines are run in. [gallery:6] The petrol’s silken responses make it the more appealing of the duo and there’s a linearity to the performance that makes it easy to access without ever promising actual excitement. The diesel is hardly rowdy but Mercedes’ recent introduction of inline-six diesels (and BMW’s continued use of them) show that a V6 like Audi’s will never quite compete on refinement. With both units delivering their maximum torque figures from little over 1000rpm, there’s effectively no penalty in lolling around at low revs and driving on the torque, but switch to Dynamic mode and both engines seem to work even harder in their mid-ranges with a welcome improvement in throttle response. Few owners will regularly use the gearchange paddles on the back of the steering wheel, but they do make it even easier to access the deepest reserves of urge, and react quickly enough to your gearchange demands. Engine and gearbox Slightly indecisive? Good news, because you currently have a choice of only two powertrains in the A8. Both displace three litres and both are V6s, with one being powered by diesel and the other using petrol. Nice and straightforward. Well, not as straightforward as it might have been given Audi now calls them the 50 TDI and 55 TFSI, but that’s why we’re here. The 50 TDI produces 282bhp at 3750rpm and sends 443lb ft of torque (at 1250rpm) to all four wheels via an eight-speed tiptronic automatic, while the 55 TFSI develops 335bhp at 5000rpm and 369lb ft from a low 1370rpm, also sending its power through an eight-speed auto to Audi’s quattro all-wheel drive setup. [gallery:4] Both use mild hybrid technology. Audi’s take on the tech involves a 48-volt electrical system and a belt-driven starter-alternator, with the ability not just to start and stop the engine, but also cut it on the move for engine-off coasting, and energy recuperation under deceleration. The benefits look bigger in practice than the fairly meagre 0.7-litre cut in consumption (0.15 gallons) every 62 miles suggests. It works out at around 80 miles of the A8 50 TDI’s theoretical 900-mile range on an 82 litre/18 gallon fill. Not bad for the fuel light bingo enthusiasts among us... Ride and handling Ride and comfort are more important in a car like this than handling precision and fun, and this brief has turned out a car that behaves much as you’d expect. The ride quality feels like an improvement on the old model, which itself wasn’t uncomfortable but was always a little more firm than you’d probably wish for from a luxury saloon. Equally, it isn’t quite up to S-class standards when it comes to flowing over rough surfaces, so the A8 always feels a little more like a high-end private hire vehicle than a proper luxury limousine. The tradeoff here is that there’s surprisingly good body control despite the near-5.2-metre length and near two-tonne kerbweight. Body roll is kept to a minimum and the A8 tracks quickly and smoothly through most corners, the weight only starting to take its toll when you ask for quicker direction changes, where it takes a little longer to compose itself. > Best sport saloons 2018 Audi’s fitment of four-wheel steering helps here too. While the smaller A7 is slightly disappointing with the four-wheel steering setup, it makes a bigger difference to the A8, particularly around tighter corners when the rear wheels turn up to five degrees in the opposite direction to those at the front. It shrinks the car usefully, making it feel almost like the much smaller A4 in certain corners - though like others in this class, the A8’s girth forces you to wind back the pace on tighter and narrower roads. [gallery:1] Grip levels are strong and while you don’t get much indication of what the front wheels are doing through the muted steering, there’s enough accuracy and response that the lack of feel isn’t too concerning. And the rest of the time, the steering feels ideal for a car of this type - syrupy smooth and weighted well enough to give an impression of stability at speed. The A8 is of course in its element on the motorway, where only a small rustle of wind noise from the mirrors and a hum from the wide tyres disturbs an otherwise peaceful cabin. MPG and running costs With only two engines currently available you won’t need to burn many calories on deciding which model will best suit your idea of low running costs. On fuel consumption, CO2 and related taxation alone, the diesel looks to be the better pick: both standard-wheelbase and LWB 50 TDIs are capable of 50.4mpg on the combined fuel economy cycle, with CO2 of 154g/km. That will result in a £515 first-year VED bill and £450 a year thereafter, owing to a list price of over £40,000. BIK for 2018-2019 is 34 per cent. In contrast, the petrol 55 TFSI (again irrespective of wheelbase) achieves 36.7mpg combined and 175g/km of CO2. Its own tax figures are £830 in first-year VED and £450 thereafter, and 35 per cent in BIK for 2018-2019. In other words, the petrol will cost you more both to fill and to tax. There are no solid indications on the horizon as yet how taxation and systems like the London congestion charge may change relative to petrol and diesel models, so for the time being the diesel - which also costs less to buy than the petrol - looks like the more affordable car to run. Interior and tech The A8 was the first recent Audi to incorporate a dual touchscreen layout for minor controls. Similar to that used in the Range Rover Velar it’s better to use in practice, with convincing haptic feedback to let you know when you’re using the virtual buttons - from a surprisingly realistic button press vibration to small scrolling clicks. The trick is remembering to use it like actual buttons - as a light touch is no longer enough to activate certain controls. Smartphone-style pinches and swipes can also be used, for example when operating the navigation system. As such systems go, it’s well resolved and a relatively intuitive way of operating the various functions - including but not limited to audio, ventilation and the aforementioned navigation. But we’re still not convinced it’s better than systems operated by physical, tactile controls, such as BMW’s rotary iDrive controller. > Tesla Model S review The Virtual Cockpit instrument cluster remains an excellent setup though, and the rest of the A8’s cabin is excellent. It’s not as sumptuous as that of an S-class and lacks the wow-factor too, but many will prefer the A8’s ruthlessly logical horizontal architecture, beautiful standards of build and excellent materials. [gallery:2] You’ll not struggle to find a suitable driving position given the range of adjustment on offer, and the seats are well shaped - enough to secure you in cornering but wide and flat enough for long-distance comfort. There's plenty of space in the back too, which will surely be this car’s true purpose. The A8 is packed with other technology too. Active suspension is available, and while the most useful daily feature of this setup is the ability to monitor the road ahead and prepare the suspension accordingly (a system we’ve not yet tested), the cleverest feature is an ability to lift either side of the car by 80mm if it detects an imminent side impact - ensuring the colliding car hits the stronger sills of the A8 rather than focusing energy into the doors. A8s also get SAE Level 3 autonomous features - a level where where monitoring of the driving environment, and steering and acceleration/deceleration duties are conditionally autonomous, but the car still needs a driver to intervene in certain conditions. The A8’s take is “traffic jam pilot”, where systems can control the car autonomously at up to 37mph on dual-carriageways and other multi-lane roads in heavy traffic, and offer remote and garage parking functions. Design You won’t need to be an ardent car-spotter to recognise this new car as an A8, even if you might need a little more skill to discern it from the model it replaces. In other words, it looks like a big Audi saloon, neither original nor particularly offensive, even if the new car’s front grille has grown to comically large proportions. Current Audi design trends mean the company hasn’t been able to resist fiddling and tweaking individual panels and the result is a slightly busier shape than before, but by the standards of its closest rivals - the BMW 7-series, Mercedes-Benz S-class and Lexus LS, the Audi is fairly understated. [gallery:11] The exception is that new rear light setup and the Blackpool Illuminations impression it does when you unlock the car, but given it was Audi that started the trend for LED daytime running lights in the last few decades, you can bet that others will adopt the Christmas tree effect too, so you’d better get used to it. The A8 remains a primarily aluminium car, but Audi has also increased use of high-strength steels, magnesium and carbonfibre too. Body strength and torsional rigidity have increased as a result and the body itself is physically lighter than it was before, but the influx of new kit means the A8 as a whole is nearly 100kg heavier than the car it replaces. 3 May 2018
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numberplates4u-blog · 5 years
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Audi A8 review - the world's leading limo?
For  Hugely intelligent tech, excellent comfort, nimble for its size Against  Doesn't feel quite as special as an S-class High-tech and slick inside and out, the A8 is an impressive luxury car - if not quite as compelling as an S-class It’s not known for its great drivers’ cars, but the luxury saloon class is the automotive world’s best window into the technology we’ll all be using in the future. As such, you can view the latest Audi A8 as an indication as to what you can expect from the next couple of generations of more exciting cars like the RS4, from haptic touchscreens to semi-autonomy and road-monitoring active suspension. The A8 is also an improvement in its own right over the car it replaces. Technology doesn’t raise as much suspicion in the luxury class as it does with sports cars or hot hatchbacks, and most of the new A8’s features ensure it gets closer to the luxury ideal than its predecessor, from an improved ride quality to a quieter cabin and an even more effortless drive. [gallery:5] It can’t quite entertain us like something smaller and lighter, but the latest A8 also handles better than before, with a nimbler feel thanks to four-wheel steering, while steady improvements in engine technology mean the initial offering of a pair of V6s (petrol and diesel) feel as punchy as they are refined and frugal. Despite all this, the A8 doesn’t quite eclipse the Mercedes-Benz S-class for us. While the Mercedes’ baroque styling isn’t to all tastes and its cabin quality isn’t quite up to the Audi’s level, it’s both more involving and more comfortable than the Audi and feels more special from behind the wheel. Audi A8 in detail Performance and 0-60 time - Healthy power and torque figures overcome a hefty kerbweight (despite the aluminium construction) to deliver strong performance - 0-62mph in 5.6sec for the 55 TFSI. Engine and gearbox - Two engines currently available, both 3-litre V6s, one petrol and the other diesel - the latter sure to be more popular in the UK. Eight-speed Tiptronic automatic is standard. Ride and handling - Four-wheel steering gives the A8 surprising agility and the ride improves on the previous model. It’s as relaxed as ever, too. MPG and running costs - Diesel’s 50.4mpg and petrol’s 37.7mpg are both reasonable, but S-class and 7-series are more frugal still. Interior and tech - Debuted Audi’s new trend for dual central touchscreens with haptic feedback. Usual Audi quality and sense of imperviousness are present and correct. Design - Less cohesive overall than previous A8s but still relatively subdued next to rivals despite the comically large grille. Prices, specs and rivals Just shy of £70,000 will get you behind the wheel of an A8, with the 50 TDI standard wheelbase coming in at £69,100. The 55 TFSI lifts that to £71,000, while the long-wheelbase versions of each add £3995 to those totals. From that point you can quickly ramp up the price with options. Moving from 18-inch alloy wheels to 19s is £1900 and to 20s is £2850. Matrix LED headlights with laser technology are £4900, individual electric rear seats are £3200, ventilated massage seats £1600. S Line trim is available for £4495 which adds 19in wheels by default and sports seats in place of the usual “comfort” ones. > BMW 7-series review Standard kit is comprehensive though: the large but by no means exhaustive list includes LED headlights, leather trim, Virtual Cockpit instruments, navigation, 36 months of Audi’s connected services, adaptive cruise and a head-up display. [gallery:7] The A8’s most obvious rivals are the BMW 7-series and Mercedes-Benz S-class, with left-field alternatives coming in the shape of cars like the Lexus LS, Maserati Quattroporte, Jaguar XJ and - for a select band of customers - the Tesla Model S. Competition among the German trio comes mostly down to personal brand preference, though evo’s own choice would be the S-class, which remains a dominant force in this sector of the market with a mix of luxury, driving characteristics and technology that gives it the edge over the Audi and BMW. The others are more heart-over-head purchases, particularly the ageing but entertaining Jaguar and Maserati. The Tesla lacks the quality and pedigree of the others but probably leads the market in performance and technology.  Performance and 0-60 time Until Audi produces an S8 or reverses its decision not to drop the W12 engine into the car, the 55 TFSI will remain the quickest A8 in a straight line sprint. With little fuss and only slightly less noise the petrol V6 will carry the A8 to 62mph in 5.6 seconds from rest, with the long wheelbase version of the same just a tenth slower. Top speed is limited to 155mph. The diesel isn’t far behind - 0-62mph takes 5.9 seconds here and in contrast to the petrol, there’s no on-paper performance deficit for long wheelbase models. Top speed is, once again, limited to 155mph. > Lexus LS True to the luxury car brief, neither engine feels particularly stressed in its near two-tonne cage. Both the petrol and diesel remain relatively hushed however hard they’re worked - audible certainly, but not concerningly so - and the petrol in particular almost sounds like it’s doing its job in a neighbouring car. Performance is strong too, and you’ll only be left wanting more if you’re exploring the very top of the rev range in each; there’s a hint of breathlessness that admittedly might disappear once the engines are run in. [gallery:6] The petrol’s silken responses make it the more appealing of the duo and there’s a linearity to the performance that makes it easy to access without ever promising actual excitement. The diesel is hardly rowdy but Mercedes’ recent introduction of inline-six diesels (and BMW’s continued use of them) show that a V6 like Audi’s will never quite compete on refinement. With both units delivering their maximum torque figures from little over 1000rpm, there’s effectively no penalty in lolling around at low revs and driving on the torque, but switch to Dynamic mode and both engines seem to work even harder in their mid-ranges with a welcome improvement in throttle response. Few owners will regularly use the gearchange paddles on the back of the steering wheel, but they do make it even easier to access the deepest reserves of urge, and react quickly enough to your gearchange demands. Engine and gearbox Slightly indecisive? Good news, because you currently have a choice of only two powertrains in the A8. Both displace three litres and both are V6s, with one being powered by diesel and the other using petrol. Nice and straightforward. Well, not as straightforward as it might have been given Audi now calls them the 50 TDI and 55 TFSI, but that’s why we’re here. The 50 TDI produces 282bhp at 3750rpm and sends 443lb ft of torque (at 1250rpm) to all four wheels via an eight-speed tiptronic automatic, while the 55 TFSI develops 335bhp at 5000rpm and 369lb ft from a low 1370rpm, also sending its power through an eight-speed auto to Audi’s quattro all-wheel drive setup. [gallery:4] Both use mild hybrid technology. Audi’s take on the tech involves a 48-volt electrical system and a belt-driven starter-alternator, with the ability not just to start and stop the engine, but also cut it on the move for engine-off coasting, and energy recuperation under deceleration. The benefits look bigger in practice than the fairly meagre 0.7-litre cut in consumption (0.15 gallons) every 62 miles suggests. It works out at around 80 miles of the A8 50 TDI’s theoretical 900-mile range on an 82 litre/18 gallon fill. Not bad for the fuel light bingo enthusiasts among us... Ride and handling Ride and comfort are more important in a car like this than handling precision and fun, and this brief has turned out a car that behaves much as you’d expect. The ride quality feels like an improvement on the old model, which itself wasn’t uncomfortable but was always a little more firm than you’d probably wish for from a luxury saloon. Equally, it isn’t quite up to S-class standards when it comes to flowing over rough surfaces, so the A8 always feels a little more like a high-end private hire vehicle than a proper luxury limousine. The tradeoff here is that there’s surprisingly good body control despite the near-5.2-metre length and near two-tonne kerbweight. Body roll is kept to a minimum and the A8 tracks quickly and smoothly through most corners, the weight only starting to take its toll when you ask for quicker direction changes, where it takes a little longer to compose itself. > Best sport saloons 2018 Audi’s fitment of four-wheel steering helps here too. While the smaller A7 is slightly disappointing with the four-wheel steering setup, it makes a bigger difference to the A8, particularly around tighter corners when the rear wheels turn up to five degrees in the opposite direction to those at the front. It shrinks the car usefully, making it feel almost like the much smaller A4 in certain corners - though like others in this class, the A8’s girth forces you to wind back the pace on tighter and narrower roads. [gallery:1] Grip levels are strong and while you don’t get much indication of what the front wheels are doing through the muted steering, there’s enough accuracy and response that the lack of feel isn’t too concerning. And the rest of the time, the steering feels ideal for a car of this type - syrupy smooth and weighted well enough to give an impression of stability at speed. The A8 is of course in its element on the motorway, where only a small rustle of wind noise from the mirrors and a hum from the wide tyres disturbs an otherwise peaceful cabin. MPG and running costs With only two engines currently available you won’t need to burn many calories on deciding which model will best suit your idea of low running costs. On fuel consumption, CO2 and related taxation alone, the diesel looks to be the better pick: both standard-wheelbase and LWB 50 TDIs are capable of 50.4mpg on the combined fuel economy cycle, with CO2 of 154g/km. That will result in a £515 first-year VED bill and £450 a year thereafter, owing to a list price of over £40,000. BIK for 2018-2019 is 34 per cent. In contrast, the petrol 55 TFSI (again irrespective of wheelbase) achieves 36.7mpg combined and 175g/km of CO2. Its own tax figures are £830 in first-year VED and £450 thereafter, and 35 per cent in BIK for 2018-2019. In other words, the petrol will cost you more both to fill and to tax. There are no solid indications on the horizon as yet how taxation and systems like the London congestion charge may change relative to petrol and diesel models, so for the time being the diesel - which also costs less to buy than the petrol - looks like the more affordable car to run. Interior and tech The A8 was the first recent Audi to incorporate a dual touchscreen layout for minor controls. Similar to that used in the Range Rover Velar it’s better to use in practice, with convincing haptic feedback to let you know when you’re using the virtual buttons - from a surprisingly realistic button press vibration to small scrolling clicks. The trick is remembering to use it like actual buttons - as a light touch is no longer enough to activate certain controls. Smartphone-style pinches and swipes can also be used, for example when operating the navigation system. As such systems go, it’s well resolved and a relatively intuitive way of operating the various functions - including but not limited to audio, ventilation and the aforementioned navigation. But we’re still not convinced it’s better than systems operated by physical, tactile controls, such as BMW’s rotary iDrive controller. > Tesla Model S review The Virtual Cockpit instrument cluster remains an excellent setup though, and the rest of the A8’s cabin is excellent. It’s not as sumptuous as that of an S-class and lacks the wow-factor too, but many will prefer the A8’s ruthlessly logical horizontal architecture, beautiful standards of build and excellent materials. [gallery:2] You’ll not struggle to find a suitable driving position given the range of adjustment on offer, and the seats are well shaped - enough to secure you in cornering but wide and flat enough for long-distance comfort. There's plenty of space in the back too, which will surely be this car’s true purpose. The A8 is packed with other technology too. Active suspension is available, and while the most useful daily feature of this setup is the ability to monitor the road ahead and prepare the suspension accordingly (a system we’ve not yet tested), the cleverest feature is an ability to lift either side of the car by 80mm if it detects an imminent side impact - ensuring the colliding car hits the stronger sills of the A8 rather than focusing energy into the doors. A8s also get SAE Level 3 autonomous features - a level where where monitoring of the driving environment, and steering and acceleration/deceleration duties are conditionally autonomous, but the car still needs a driver to intervene in certain conditions. The A8’s take is “traffic jam pilot”, where systems can control the car autonomously at up to 37mph on dual-carriageways and other multi-lane roads in heavy traffic, and offer remote and garage parking functions. Design You won’t need to be an ardent car-spotter to recognise this new car as an A8, even if you might need a little more skill to discern it from the model it replaces. In other words, it looks like a big Audi saloon, neither original nor particularly offensive, even if the new car’s front grille has grown to comically large proportions. Current Audi design trends mean the company hasn’t been able to resist fiddling and tweaking individual panels and the result is a slightly busier shape than before, but by the standards of its closest rivals - the BMW 7-series, Mercedes-Benz S-class and Lexus LS, the Audi is fairly understated. [gallery:11] The exception is that new rear light setup and the Blackpool Illuminations impression it does when you unlock the car, but given it was Audi that started the trend for LED daytime running lights in the last few decades, you can bet that others will adopt the Christmas tree effect too, so you’d better get used to it. The A8 remains a primarily aluminium car, but Audi has also increased use of high-strength steels, magnesium and carbonfibre too. Body strength and torsional rigidity have increased as a result and the body itself is physically lighter than it was before, but the influx of new kit means the A8 as a whole is nearly 100kg heavier than the car it replaces. 3 May 2018
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vincentvelour · 4 years
BEPS Pillar Two reflects radically changing world of corporate taxation
BEPS Pillar Two reflects radically changing world of corporate taxation
        By Tom Lickess, Head of International Tax Advisory
In 2013, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and G20 countries jointly developed an action plan to address base erosion and profit shifting by multinational enterprises. Essentially, base erosion and profit shifting, or BEPS, occurs when multinationals exploit tax legislative gaps between countries to reduce or eliminate the taxation of profits.
As part of their plan, the OECD and G20 finalized 15 BEPS Actions in late 2015. The actions are intended to “equip governments with domestic and international rules and instruments to address tax avoidance, ensuring that profits are taxed where economic activities generating the profits are performed and where value is created.”
Since the release of the BEPS Actions, the pace of change as regards tax rules worldwide has been dizzying. In the last five years, over 135 countries — known as the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework — have worked together to implement BEPS recommendations. According to the OECD website: more than 250 tax regimes that facilitated base erosion and profit shifting have been changed or eliminated; more than 85 countries have signed the multilateral BEPs convention (which closes tax loopholes in thousands of tax treaties); and more than 2,000 bilateral relationships for country-by-country exchanges are now in place.
The bottom line is that corporate groups with international supply chains and operations are increasingly facing myriad new and changing domestic and international tax rules. The most significant changes include recent and ongoing proposals to fundamentally reshape the taxation of the digital economy. It’s critical for multinationals to understand that these proposals will go way beyond the tech sector and affect virtually all multinational businesses.
As we enter a new decade, and more and more countries implement BEPS recommendations, the global tax landscape will continue to change. In this period of uncertainty, the boards, CFOs and indeed all corporate stakeholders of multinationals must prioritize achieving tax compliance while remaining tax efficient.
Some new and upcoming country-specific rules on digital taxation
While the OECD’s BEPS recommendations have provided the catalyst for many countries to revisit their own tax rules, not all OECD guidelines are adopted consistently across all jurisdictions. Many countries have continued to act unilaterally to protect their tax bases and make changes to account for the evolving global, digitalised economy. Here’s a list of examples of some unique, country-specific tax rules that primarily address digital commerce:
The U.S. base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT). This new minimum corporate income tax was introduced under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. It looks to curtail large multinationals with a U.S. presence from shifting profits to lower tax jurisdictions.
Australia's diverted profits tax (Australia DPT). Widely referred to as the “Google tax,” Australia’s DPT has been in effect since 2017 and looks to prevent multinationals from shifting profits made in Australia to other jurisdictions to avoid paying tax. It imposes a 40 percent tax rate on diverted profits.
The UK's diverted profits tax (UK DPT). Introduced in 2015 and amended in 2018, the UK’s DPT — like Australia’s — targets large groups (typically multinational enterprises) that shift profits outside the UK. The specifics of the two DPTs, however — including rates and penalties — are distinct.
France's digital services tax (France DST). France unilaterally implemented its DST last July, retroactive to 1 January 2019. It imposes a 3 percent tax on revenue generated from digital services, and applies to companies with annual revenues of more than 750 million euros worldwide and more than 25 million euros in France.
The UK's digital services tax (UK DST). The UK’s DST will go into effect in April 2020. It will impose “a new 2 percent tax on the revenues of search engines, social media platforms and online marketplaces which derive value from UK users.”
All of the above tax rules look to combat base erosion and profit shifting. It’s critical to understand, however, that they are being implemented at different times, with different levels of application, by different countries.
BEPS Pillar Two: The "GloBE" proposal
Many tax authorities, experts and even business leaders have recognized that our current patchwork system of country-specific tax laws that allows for base erosion and profit shifting in a global, digital economy is not sustainable. In language outlining the policy objective of its new digital services tax, UK tax authorities speak to the need for a unified approach, acknowledging that the UK’s DST is a stopgap measure: “The [UK] government still believes the most sustainable long-term solution to the tax challenges arising from digitalisation is reform of the international corporate tax rules and strongly supports G7, G20 and OECD discussions on the different proposals for reform. The government is committed to dis-applying the digital services tax once an appropriate international solution is in place.”
The OECD’s ongoing BEPS work informs and reflects this widely accepted belief. As we discussed in a previous post, the OECD’s current work plan on the taxation of the digital economy is divided into two pillars:
Pillar One. This examines the allocation of taxation rights and profit allocation between countries, and the associated tax nexus.
Pillar Two. This is referred to as the Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal, or “GloBE.” It proposes to provide countries with a right to “tax back” when other countries have not imposed a minimum level of tax or not exercised their taxation rights.
In November 2019, the OECD issued a public consultation document on Pillar Two. As the OECD recognizes, notwithstanding its wider BEPS recommendations, the GloBE proposal “seeks to comprehensively address remaining BEPS challenges by ensuring that the profits of internationally operating businesses are subject to a minimum rate of tax.” The consultation document emphasizes that the GloBE proposal, like Pillar One, addresses challenges posed by the digital economy, but “goes even further and addresses these challenges more broadly.”
The GloBE proposal consists of four rules:
An income inclusion rule. This effectively taxes the income of a foreign branch or controlled entity if that income was not subject to a minimum rate of tax.
An undertaxed payments rule. This denies a tax deduction (or imposition of a de facto sourced-based withholding tax) for a payment to a related party if the associated income was not subject to a minimum rate of tax.
A switch-over rule. This would be introduced to treaties that would permit a residence jurisdiction to switch from a tax exemption to a tax credit method, when profits attributable to a permanent establishment are not subject to a minimum rate of tax.
A subect-to-tax rule. This would complement the undertaxed payments rule by subjecting a payment to source-based taxation and adjusting eligibility for treaty benefits on certain items of income when the income is not subject to a minimum rate of tax.
As the consultation document points out, Pillar Two “represents a substantial change to the international tax architecture.” Indeed, while there is consensus that the international tax framework needs to be updated to address current economic realities like the digital economy, getting countries to give up any element of their sovereign right to levy tax (which also serves as a driver of inward investment) remains problematic. For example, the European Union’s Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) — originally proposed in 2011 and revised and re-proposed in 2016 — calls for a single set of rules governing how EU corporations calculate and apportion tax across the EU. Yet it has encountered resistance, especially from smaller EU member states that may lose tax revenues if the proposal is put into practice.
The task of implementing the GloBE proposal is even more daunting than implementing the CCCTB, since the GloBE proposal engages all 36 OECD members, the G20 and 70 percent of the remaining countries around the world. And, of course, Pillar Two is only a part of a much broader rewrite of the international tax “rulebook.” As this collective effort is evolving, individual countries continuously shore up their own tax bases on a unilateral basis, while others continue to use “race-to-the-bottom” tax measures to attract inward investment.
Corporate taxation is, in short, undergoing profound changes. More than ever, multinational enterprises must monitor and remain abreast of country-specific tax changes and new tax requirements. They should also regularly review their corporate legal structures and internal and third-party supply chains against these implemented and proposed unilateral and global tax law revisions.
Finally, this process should not be seen as negative. Rather, multinationals should be mindful of the potential for operational efficiencies and tax opportunities (or tax-leakage reduction) that may be identified when performing these reviews. Even if tax savings aren’t immediately forthcoming, the reviews will at the least provide the boards, C-suites and stakeholders of multinationals with a higher level of tax assurance. This will in turn drive up the value of the multinational group by lowering tax-related risk, one of the main business expenditure outflows.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Why Pop Culture Still Can’t Get Enough of Charles Manson
The Manson case had a touch of evil to it — in fact, more than a touch; it was, in many minds, a post-apocalyptic deluge. It exposed how defenseless the folk-rock stars, the movie stars, the producer stars, the drug stars, the limo driver stars and thousands of would-be and wannabe stars were in their pretend fortresses up in the hills of Los Angeles and Malibu.
No one had guards packing pistols or rifles in the summer of 1969. It was as if the whole Los Angeles scene was being protected by the hippies at Hog Farm commune, who had recently provided security at Woodstock consisting of what their leader called “seltzer bottles and cream pies.”
Then, around midnight on Aug. 8, Abigail Folger was lounging in a Cielo Drive guest room in Benedict Canyon, reading a book, when a knife-wielding Susan Atkins walked into her bedroom unannounced. Folger, an heir to the Folgers coffee fortune and a guest of the very pregnant actress Sharon Tate, waved hello.
It was ultimate vulnerability.
[Read our review of “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood.”]
The ultra-brutal killings that followed stunned the world, prompting headlines about Hippies and Weirdos and Ritual Murder. Along with Folger and Tate, who was married to the director Roman Polanski, the victims that night included Folger’s boyfriend, the Polish writer Wojtek Frykowski; Tate’s friend, the hair-stylist-to-the-stars Jay Sebring; and a young man named Steven Parent, who had been visiting the estate’s caretaker.
The next night, in another part of town, the owner of a supermarket chain, Leno LaBianca, and his wife, Rosemary, were killed in a similarly barbaric fashion, with the words “Healter Skelter,” misspelled by one of the killers, written in blood on the LaBiancas’ refrigerator.
Things changed quickly in Los Angeles after that.
As I first began to investigate the case for my 1971 book, “The Family,” the allure of the Tate-LaBianca murders seemed obvious: It had famous rock ’n’ roll stars like Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys, who briefly housed the so-called Manson family; it had the appeal of the Wild West; it had the bass drum of the 1960s, with its sexual liberation, its love of the outdoors, its ferocity and its open use of drugs. It had the hunger for stardom and renown; it had religions of all kinds; it had warfare and hometown slaughter; and it had it all in a huge panorama of sex, drugs and violent transgression.
But now, I ask myself: What is the big deal about the Manson family? After 50 years, surely the obsession has died down?
It has not. As the bountiful media attention around Quentin Tarantino’s new film, “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood,” attests, the obsession is alive and well. And that film is only the latest in a long line of pop culture products from the past half-century to be inspired by the crime, including movies, TV series, a stop-motion animation film and too many documentaries, books, articles and musical tributes to count. At least one prestigious university offers a semester-long seminar on the murders.
As the novelist Graham Greene noted in “The Third Man,” “One’s file, you know, is never quite complete, a case is never really closed, even after a century, when all of the participants are dead.” And as Tarantino knows, Hollywood dotes on self-revealing and self-obsessed stories about itself.
We may be stuck with Charlie Manson for a while.
The End of the ’60s
The Manson case had ripped aside the veils of Hollywood and inflamed the world’s interest, and as a fairly well known musician and writer of the counterculture at the time, I was interested, too, if at first for different reasons. For years after my book was published, I had so much Manson family lore in the front of my brain that my personal calendar was based on what the Manson group had done on that particular day in 1967, ’68 or ’69.
When I first started looking into the family, I thought they might be innocent, and might have even been framed. I pondered whether some scheme were afoot to blame a hippie tribe with psychedelic dune buggies for some killings that others had committed.
I soon learned otherwise.
In my weekly column, written during the 1970 trial for The Los Angeles Free Press, I tried at first to write about Manson and the other defendants as human beings, not cult demons. I was also concerned with whether Manson and his followers were being judged by a jury of their peers.
In addition, I was against the death penalty, and the prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, although a good Los Angeles liberal, was very adroit at putting on a trial that could lead to a death sentence.
If Manson got death, I wrote in one of my columns at the time, then what about William Calley and the perpetrators of the massacre at My Lai during the Vietnam War?
Because of my countercultural bona fides — among other things, I was a member of the rock band the Fugs, and the Free Press was the country’s premier underground newspaper — I was accepted by remnants of the Manson family. Before and during the trial, they invited me out several times to their home base on the Spahn Movie Ranch, at the edge of the San Fernando Valley, where several key scenes in Tarantino’s movie take place. After a garbage run dinner, they asked me to lead their communal singing in which they specialized in Manson’s songs. They handed me a guitar, but I turned down the offer.
A few weeks before the trial, which was scheduled for June 15, I had gone camping with members of the Manson family, along with a documentary filmmaker, out in the vastness of the mountains above Death Valley, 50 miles from the nearest phone. I slept in a van with a key — and not yet arrested — member of the group.
Even though I often dressed more like a Manson family member than like Bugliosi, I nevertheless had an assignment from Esquire and a book contract from a major publisher, so I had access to the prosecution and homicide investigators. When I called one of the prosecutors, Burton Katz, he was dumbfounded to learn that I had slept in that van beside the guy he believed had cut off the head of Shorty Shea, a former stuntman working on Spahn Ranch who had disappeared several weeks after the Tate-LaBianca murders. (When investigators finally located Shea’s body, over a decade later, his head was attached.)
That’s when I began to get the shivers about the Manson group.
I had also begun learning about a plot to free Manson.
The young man in the van, I found out, had during our trip asked a member of the film crew, “What would you say would happen if one night 75 heads were cut off?” From what was being tossed about, it was obvious an escape attempt for Manson was being planned.
Members of the Manson family said that he had maps of the Los Angeles sewer system. They said there was a set of parallel dry tunnels running all the way from downtown to the edge of the desert, which you could barrel through on motorcycles to freedom. They had talked to the filmmaker about chopping off heads as a distraction to aid the escape.
I told them I didn’t care about their plans. I wanted them to think that an escape meant nothing to me so they wouldn’t become suspicious.
I had never snitched in my life. In my youth, I had been counseled by friends never to catch the eye of a police officer and to be very wary in their company. Later, as someone whose face had been on the cover of Life magazine as a leader of the so-called “other culture,” I was doubly suspicious of the police. In writing and researching the book, however, I began to feel sympathy and respect for a number of police officers whose work I began to understand and appreciate.
So I decided to go to the authorities. I contacted a CBS reporter who was covering the trial and told him what I knew. Together we made arrangements to tip off the police.
The weekend before the trial began, I learned that Manson had been moved to a super secure cell at the Hall of Justice, the same place he was to be tried. The cell had previously held Sirhan Sirhan, the man prosecuted for the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Fear Swept the Poolsides
There was great fear of Manson and his disciples, at least in Los Angeles during the trial, among those associated with movies and the music business. One need look no further for the origins of our abiding fixation: Many of the culture’s prominent voices from the past 50 years were shaped by that fear, their worldviews and obsessions forged in it. (In a recent interview with Esquire, Tarantino, who grew up in Los Angeles and was 6-years-old at the time, called 1969 “the year that formed me.”)
I saw that fear at work firsthand. Whenever my band played Los Angeles in the 1960s, we stayed at Sandy Koufax’s Tropicana Motel, located on Santa Monica Boulevard near La Cienega. There was a banana tree by the pool and hibiscus bushes with large red flowers. And there was always a party. During the summer of 1970, while I attended the Tate-LaBianca trial, I stayed with my wife, Miriam, and ­5-year-old daughter, Deirdre, at the Tropicana.
Others in the music business were also staying at the Tropicana that summer, including Kris Kristofferson, the 5th Dimension and Janis Joplin, who was cutting her final album, “Pearl.” In the afternoons, the tables by the pool would fill up with visiting friends, including Phil Ochs, the writer John Carpenter and the singer Rita Coolidge.
The musicians were very anxious that I not bring any of the Manson family to the Tropicana. A few vowed to move out if I did, and I promised I wouldn’t.
A ripple of fear seemed to sweep across the poolside when it appeared that I had breached the edict one afternoon, as two hirsute young men came to visit me. Their names were Glenn Frey and J.D. Souther, and you could almost hear the shudders around the pool, where everyone was certain I had violated the ban against Mansonites.
Frey, whose band the Eagles would sell tens of millions of albums, was not attired in the threads of a star. Souther, who wrote many hit songs during the ensuing decade, was similarly bedecked. Their band, Longbranch Pennywhistle, performed a Fugs cover at their concerts, and the two had come by to invite Miriam and me to a show.
Kris Kristofferson told Miriam at the time that when the two men came poolside, he contemplated diving into the pool and swimming to the other side — the quickest route to safety.
“Live Freaky, die Freaky,” one of the people gathering outside Sharon Tate’s house reportedly said the morning after her murder. What that meant for the hills and valleys of Hollywood was, “From now on it’s lock your doors, close your gates, hire some guards, get some guns.”
Bread and Circuses
Some important people and events fade with time. A few years ago, I gave a talk at a large Midwest university on the subject of 1968, and I spoke about the time Allen Ginsberg chanted a poem by William Blake in a confrontation with military troops during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
After my presentation, I was leaving the auditorium when a young man approached me and asked, “Mr. Sanders — Allen Ginsberg, he was one of the lawyers at the O.J. Simpson trial, right?”
But some events last and last and last.
Ask Tarantino. He has his finger firmly on a key element of human proclivities. His “Once Upon a Time” received a six-minute standing ovation this year at Cannes.
He knows, to paraphrase the ancient Roman poet Juvenal, that the people want bread and circuses. They want sex scandals and shocking violence, the more vicious the better — even today, when such things seem as common as a hamburger stand.
Ed Sanders is a poet, writer and co-founder of the underground rock band the Fugs. For his 1971 book, “The Family,” he embedded himself among several of Charles Manson’s followers.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
As some 2020 rivals forgo corporate cash, de Blasio imposes few limits
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As some 2020 rivals forgo corporate cash, de Blasio imposes few limits
Bill de Blasio has drawn criticism for the way he raises money for campaigns. | Scott Olson/Getty Images
2020 elections
The mayor told POLITICO earlier this year that he would not rule out taking money from real estate executives in a potential presidential bid.
NEW YORK — Bill de Blasio is entering a crowded 2020 Democratic field full of candidates swearing off corporate donors unpopular with the left wing of the party. But the mayor of New York City sees no need to impose those types of restrictions on himself.
De Blasio has run aggressive and occasionally reckless fundraising operations since the start of his political career, when he wascensuredfor exceeding the legal spending limit in a City Council race. And now that he is vying for president and needs to show the country his fundraising prowess, he isgoing back to donors who want things from his administration— a practice he readily points out is not barred by law, even though it is the exact behavior that landed him in the crosshairs of federal prosecutors in 2016.
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De Blasio has cast himself as a leader of the progressive wing of his party with a focus on income inequality and getting big money out of politics. But his fundraising practices would appear at odds with that image. The mayor told POLITICO earlier this year that he would not rule out taking money from real estate executives in a potential presidential bid.
He boasted that under his watch, the city’s already stringent campaign finance system was made even more so last year — a reform he sought after being hammered for his record on campaign finance for years.
But as for ruling out specific types of donations, he replied, “That’s very individual. Everyone has to square it with their own values and their own sense of their mission.”
No city officials were charged in the U.S. Attorney’s Office probe of the mayor’s fundraising that closed in 2017, but prosecutors found several instances in which de Blasio and his fundraisers sought money from people with business before his administration and the mayor went as far as to direct city agencies to act on behalf of those donors.
One of his campaign donorspleaded guilty last year to attempting to bribe the mayorin exchange for government help with his property. Last week, construction executiveHusam Ahmad pleaded guiltyto making straw donations to de Blasio’s 2013 mayoral campaign. And de Blasio donor Jeremy Reichberg wassentenced to four years in prisonfor his role in an NYPD bribery scheme.
A POLITICO review of thousands of emails released through a Freedom of Information request and interviews with former employees fill in the contours of de Blasio’s fundraising apparatus: Political staffers pushing him to hit up developers and unions seeking something from the city, while lawyers scramble to ascertain the guidelines for such fundraising and whether the mayor himself followed them.
Taken together, they demonstrate what has long become a pattern in de Blasio’s political career — playing fast and loose with established rules for raising and spending money.
“The mayor has repeatedly raised money through various C4 organizationsand now PACs [political action committees] from entities and individuals with business before the city, both raising questions of pay to play and undermining the city’s campaign finance limits,” said election reform advocate Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York. “It’s only barely legal and not outright illegal because the Supreme Court has systematically watered down anti-corruption laws.”
“That’s not the standard we’d hope to see the mayor of New York City hold himself to,” she added.
One week after taking office, de Blasio received a letter from the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board on the fundraising restrictions for Campaign for One New York — an outside nonprofit he established to promote his agenda. He and his aidesrelied on donations from individuals looking for action from the city on specific projects, and ultimately raised more than $4 million before shuttering it after the federal investigation began.
The ethics board’s advice was clear: The mayor could not personally solicit from anyone with “matters pending or about to be pending” before the city — advice the board codified in a formal rule last week. His staff was free to do so.
Despite the guidance, de Blasio did in fact call donors with city interests, the city’s Department of Investigation discovered during its own probe last year. It referred its determination, which was heavily redacted when made public, to the Conflicts of Interest Board. The boardwould not disclosewhether it issued any penalties.
According to the 2018 Department of Investigation report, the mayor told city investigators he was “not specifically aware” of several fundraising restrictions regarding donors with business before the city.
Three people familiar with the fundraising protocols, who would only speak on background, said that assertion struck them as insincere, since they believe the mayor was briefed on the legal guidance. In fact, de Blasio constantly defends his practices when batting away reporters’ questions by insisting he followed legal protocol.
They said de Blasio would typically call donors to make his general pitch and his fundraiser at the time, Ross Offinger, would follow up with a specific monetary request.
But the vetting process to determine if the donors were within bounds did not become especially rigorous until April of 2014. At that point, City Hall officials and Hilltop Public Solutions, a consulting firm working on Campaign for One New York, began running the names through multiple databases and querying deputy mayors and top government staffers to ensure they did not pose conflicts, one of the sources said.
Multiple former aides and outside advisers told POLITICO they felt that both they and de Blasio had been poorly served by the mayor’s attorneys — whose at-times conflicting advice created confusion around the rules governing communications and fundraising for his outside nonprofits.
Several former aides, who spoke on condition of anonymity, remembered receiving conflicting opinions from different attorneys about how to communicate about de Blasio’s nonprofits. Some lawyers advised using only private email for communications. Others insisted all business be conducted on government email and maintained, incorrectly, that even City Hall staffers’ emails with people who didn’t work in government could be shielded from public disclosure.
The emails speak to that confusion as well.
One exchange from the spring of 2016 showed lawyers for the mayor and the Campaign for One New York furiously workshopping a response to a reporter’s question about whether the mayor personally raised money from donors with business before the city.
“Do you want to tell her the Mayor doesn’t do all the solicitations,” former City Hall counsel Henry Berger wrote in an email on May 2, 2016 to a group of government staffers, outside advisers, the mayor’s private attorney Barry Berke and well-known election lawyer Laurence Laufer, who was representing the Campaign for One New York.
“Then sh[e] will ask which ones he did and we don’t know the answer,” Berger wrote.
Those involved at the time said de Blasio received a warning letter from the Conflicts of Interest Board about his fundraising behavior, after City Hall attorneys flagged that the mayor personally solicited two donations from people who were off-limits, two people familiar with the matter told POLITICO. The New York Times haspublicly pressed de Blasio on the warning letter,but he has declined to answer any questions about it or make it public.
One of the donations was from developer and longtime ally Bruce Ratner, who had a matter pending when he gave, the sources said. The city returned that contribution and one other at the time.
Functional successor
In the middle of 2015, de Blasio launched his “Progressive Agenda,” a national policy platform he hoped to use to influence the 2016 presidential election. It was initially run by the Campaign for One New York, but in the summer of 2015, The Progressive Agenda Committee [TPAC] was spun off as a separate nonprofit, with its own executive director, staff and fundraising aims.
De Blasio did not seek any guidance from the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board about how to fundraise for the Progressive Agenda. Interviews with former staffers and emails show that his attorneys and staff considered it to be “functionally a successor” to the Campaign for One New York and generally believed it was governed by the same set of rules.
While multiple news outlets have reported that donors to the Campaign for One New York had business before the city, the emails show de Blasio’s aides suggesting he raise money for The Progressive Agenda from a different list of potential donors, many of whom also had business before the city.
Former City Hall staffers and aides to The Progressive Agenda could not recall whether or not de Blasio called the donors on the list, which was circulated in early March of 2016, just weeks before news would break of the federal probe into de Blasio’s fundraising.
The list included real estate developers like Steve Witkoff, Ron Moelis and David Kramer. Taxi drivers federation head and Manhattan restaurateur Fernando Mateo also was a target, as was Moishe Indig, a prominent leader in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community who had regular meetings with City Hall staffers for much of 2015 and 2016 to press for action on issues for his constituents.
A spokesperson for Moelis and Kramer said neither ever received a call soliciting funds from those working for The Progressive Agenda Committee. Mateo, Indig and Witkoff did not respond to requests for comment.
But the emails show that in the beginning, de Blasiodid play an extraordinarily hands-on rolein identifying donors and soliciting funds for The Progressive Agenda.
The nonprofit reported raising money from just four discrete donors, all of whom de Blasio appears to have solicited himself — the United Food and Commercial Workers, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, a grocery chain called Mom’s Markets, and John Stocks, who gave money to the nonprofit through the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a shadowy organization of powerful Democratic donors whose donors aren’t publicly disclosed. Representatives for UFCW, Mom’s Markets and Stocks did not respond to requests for comment. A spokesperson for AFSCME declined to comment.
De Blasio’s de facto direction
Laufer also warned de Blasio’s advisers that the City Charter appears to say the mayor can’t raise money for a nonprofit organization in which he holds a position. And while de Blasio didn’t officially hold a title in either the Campaign for One New York or the Progressive Agenda, the emails show he was a de facto leader of both.
In a March 2016 email to de Blasio’s City Hall counsel, The Progressive Agenda’s executive director Geri Prado asked for advice about how to prepare federal tax documents for the organization that could shield the mayor and the nonprofit from legal problems.
“In light of the Mayor’s prime role in founding and convening the policy agenda but not playing a formal role on paper, I have several questions I’d like to discuss with both of you so we can ensure we are protecting the Mayor and his office as well as the c4 and potential c4 status of the organization,” Prado wrote.
A person with former ties to the mayor’s political operation, who would only speak on the condition of anonymity, questioned the donors de Blasio’s team has been taking money from for his federal Fairness PAC, the precursor to his 2020 campaign.
“If they are called out for the practice a couple of times, I think it’s weird that they continue to run up on that line by fundraising at all from people who may not be on the [city’s official] ‘doing business’ list but clearly do business with the city,” the person said.
The person noted that a construction company hoping to get a development contract with the cityhosted a fundraiser last month for de Blasio.
“He may not be on the fucking database, which is probably a pretty bad database, but clearly he wants to do business with the city,” the person told POLITICO.
The mayor is no stranger to fundraising troubles.
In 2007 he received a $50,000 fine from the city Campaign Finance Board for exceeding the spending limit on his 2005 Council race — money that Laufer, who worked for him at the time, defended because it was part of an unsuccessful election to become speaker of the body. The Campaign Finance Board determined that those races were not separate enough to warrant exceeding the threshold.
De Blasio then continued raising money for years for that account to pay down that debt.
After becoming the city’s public advocate in 2009, he used an affiliated nonprofit to raise money for his support of national causes, all while attempting to elevate his own profile as he contemplated running for mayor.
That organization, the Fund For Public Advocacy, raised millions of dollars, including hundreds of thousands from billionaire George Soros. One of the Fund’s biggest projects, ironically, was opposing a Supreme Court ruling that enables unlimited donations in politics.
When he ran for mayor, he raised donations for that race while simultaneously asking the same individuals to give to his 2009 account so he could pay off debt from campaign poster fines.
Faced with perpetual scrutiny over his fundraising practices — not because a politician aggressively raising money is strange, but because de Blasio fancies himself the reformer’s reformer — the mayor espouses an ends-justify-the-means attitude.
“The mayor’s fundraising has helped countless four-year-olds enter free full-day pre-k and create the most affordable housing of any administration,” spokeswoman Freddi Goldstein said. “It was all driven by the goal of helping New Yorkers.”
The mayor actually boasted of his campaign finance reform credentials when addressing the Woodbury County Democratic Party in Sioux City, Iowa on Friday. He referenced a referendum that passed in November that lowered the maximum contribution limits for campaign donors, while increasing the public matching funds.
“You’ve got, for the first time ever, everyday people running for office and they don’t need any big donors in their life. Everything is low-dollar donations, everything is matching funds,” he said. “I would love to see that kind of system for our whole country.”
Emilie Ruscoe contributed reporting.
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nrip · 5 years
Physicians who don't play the social media game may be left behind
The internet truly is a wondrous invention.
It has evened the playing field with a wide swath of people now having access to information that used to be possessed in the hands of only the elite few not too long ago.
  However, as with most things, there can be downsides associated with any tool of progress.
  Yelp is a powerful social tool that allows individuals to share experiences, good or bad, so that the masses can glean useful tidbits on a particular establishment.
Great Yelp reviews, especially from the so-called, “social influencers,” can drive a large amount of traffic to a restaurant for example.
  Scathing Yelp reviews can, conversely, have owners hearing crickets when their doors are open.
I admit that I have had Yelp reviews influence my decision on where to eat many a time, especially if I am in an unfamiliar place. However, hijacking a line from Uncle Ben in Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
And unfortunately, this unchecked power wielded by everyday citizens can indeed tarnish the original noble intent.
  There are instances of business owners getting extorted with the threats of false negative reviews on Yelp.
Other patrons have threatened restaurants with negative reviews if not seated promptly.
“That’s great, Xrayvsn. But what does this have to do with medicine?”
  That is a fair question, indeed.
I only have a two-word response: Press Ganey.
For the uninitiated, Press Ganey is a company that has created a survey aimed toward patients so that they can rate their health care experience.
Much like Yelp, patients can essentially grade their physicians for each encounter they have with the medical system.
The premise behind this survey is to create transparency in a business that typically shield’s itself from a consumer’s prying eyes and holds the medical professionals accountable.
The main issue at hand is that these patient survey scores have an impact on the reimbursement formulas that the payors use to compensate physicians.
Have a low enough score for patient satisfaction, and your wallet will feel the impact as you will be getting less money for a patient encounter that someone who has a higher score would.
Afraid a patient seeking pain medications would leave a scathing review if you do not cave in and prescribe them?
No worries.
Just prescribe what the patient wants, and you can be assured of a 5-star rating.
And if you refuse?
Then you could suffer the wrath of an angry patient.
Doing what is right and justified in medicine may incur financial and reputation penalties for the physician if the patient feels he or she is being under-treated according to whatever online source they might have stumbled upon.
And like the Yelp examples above, this may unwittingly create medical practices that do more harm than good.
There is also the potential for survey bias.
What do I mean?
We have all seen vehicles in front of us with the “How’s My Driving? Call XXX-XXX-XXXX” sticker.
Question: How many of us have called that number to report the driver is doing a good job?
Now if that driver flips the bird at you while cutting you off in traffic would you be more inclined to call that number?
I know I sure would.
Patients who have received bad medical care, perceived or otherwise, are more likely to vent their frustrations on the survey while patients who have exemplary or even just standard care may forgo answering the survey altogether.
[As an aside I would like to tell of the following experience that drives home this point:
In my commute to work, after some recent construction work had been going on, I noticed that there happened to be a stretch of interstate where some pretty severe potholes had developed for a period of two to three miles.
Even worse, these potholes would line up at the border between the fast and slow lanes so an unsuspecting driver who happens to change lanes would get a rude awakening.
I called the department of transportation hotline, spoke with an actual person and voiced my concern.
The very next day, I was amazed that every single pothole had been filled. I called the same hotline and spoke with a representative remarking what a fantastic job they have done and how quickly the turnaround was.
Her response was, “Wow. We always get complaints. You are the first person I can remember that called to give praise.”
Social media platforms
In addition to patient satisfaction survey scores, today’s physicians have other issues to contend with that their older counterparts never had to deal with in the past.
As social media platforms continue to gain dominance over the internet, a side effect that modern-day physicians face is more to do with the appearance of high-quality care rather than delivering high-quality care.
Physicians who have embraced this social media movement have taken to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to promote themselves.
At the same time, potentially more experienced physicians who do not “play the social game” may fall by the wayside as potential patients choose their more celebrity counterparts.
Would you rather be operated on by the famous Dr. Oz or someone who is not famous in the media?
Patients automatically equating celebrity to mean the best may indeed be setting a bad precedent.
It gives a new meaning to the term “socialized medicine.”
“Xrayvsn” is a radiologist and can be reached at his self-titled site, XRAYVSN.
Image credit: Shutterstock.com
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Drug Possession Laws in Mississippi
New Post has been published on https://www.substanceabuseprevention.net/drug-possession-laws-in-mississippi/
Drug Possession Laws in Mississippi
ARTICLE OVERVIEW: Been caught with drugs in the state of Mississippi? Not certain how the legal proceedings will go? We review laws, penalties, and basics for alternate sentencing like drug court and voluntary rehab.ESTIMATED READING TIME: 10 minutesTable of Contents:Zero Tolerance and BasicsSchedulesSpecific LawsThe Legal Process in MississippiBurden of ProofSentencingMisdemeanor PossessionFelony PossessionOther PenaltiesAlternative SentencingWhen to Contact a LawyerZero Tolerance and BasicsLike much of the south, Mississippi has zero tolerance when it comes to their drug possession laws. Therefore, a drug possession charge is taken very seriously. Strong penalties go with convictions. Penalties for holding controlled substances depends on the amount you have on you. In Mississippi, possession charges are put into one of two categories. These include:Personal Amount. Depending on the drug, you can only have so much on you for it to be considered a personal amount. For example, a personal amount of cocaine is considered less than one-tenth of a gram, or one dosage unit. In terms of Scheduled I and II CDS, once you possess more than one-tenth of a gram, you risk being charged with…Sales of Controlled Substances in Mississippi. This is when authorities believe you’re either distributing or trafficking drugs. These penalties are always much more intense than that of a personal amount (see below for details).SchedulesIn Mississippi, a drug is referred to as a “controlled dangerous substance,” or CDS. Like other states, Mississippi classifies each drug according to a schedule. These are defined under MS. Code Ann. § 41-29-113 [1]. CDS Schedule I are considered to be the most dangerous drugs. So, getting caught in possession of these kinds of drugs will result in harsher penalties.Drugs classified by schedule are as follows:Schedule I SubstancesSynthetic cannabinoidsHallucinogensOpiates like heroinOpiate derivatives such as morphineSchedule II SubstancesAmphetaminesDepressants like barbituatesOpioid pain medications like codeine, fentanyl, and hydrocodoneSchedule III SubstancesAnabolic steroidsKetamineNalorphineStimulantsSchedule IV SubstancesCertain depressants such as alfaxalone, barbitalCertain stimulants such as cathine, phentermineSchedule V SubstancesCertain prescription depressantsCertain prescription stimulantsSpecific LawsMs. Code Ann. § 41-29-113: House Bill 1031Ms. Code Ann. § 41-29-115: Senate Bill 2379The Legal Process in MississippiWithin the state of Mississippi, the stages of a criminal case work in 9 distinct steps. [2]. These The rules of criminal procedure in cases of drug possession are as follows.1. InvestigationIf police are suspicious of a crime, they’ll collect all the evidence they can on the crime scene. They’ll also interview witnesses. The length of investigations varies depending on the circumstance of the crime. However, most drug possession crimes don’t require much of an investigation considering the drug itself is all the evidence a police officer needs.2. Arrest, Initial Appearance, and Bond SettingUpon arrest, you’ll be taken to your town or city’s police headquarters. From there, you’ll immediately be placed before a judge to make an initial appearance. During this time, a bond will be set for your release.3. Preliminary HearingIf you aren’t able to pay the bond, then you’ll be entitled to a preliminary hearing. This might be referred to as a probable cause hearing. Through this, the court system will decide whether or not enough probable causes exists to convict you of a crime.4. IndictmentYour case will then be brought before a grand jury. It should be noted, all that will be shown to this jury is the evidence the prosecutor chooses to present. During this time, you will not be able to defend yourself.5. ArraignmentNot too long afterward, the Court will give your case an arraignment. During this time, you’ll be told your official charges and given the opportunity to inquire as to whether or not you need an attorney. From there, you’ll be asked to submit a plea to the charges and then the court will set an initial trial date.6. DiscoveryDuring this part of the legal process, you’ll now have the ability to file a motion for discovery. In order to do so, the State will produce all evidence to you. In turn, you’ll also be allowed to present evidence in your favor to the State.7. Plea NegotiationsYou may want to make a deal with the State and resolve the case before having to go to trial. Most people go through with a plea negotiation when they’re trying to reduce their punishment. There are many plea negotiations the state of Mississippi has to offer (see below). You’ll want to talk to your lawyer about the matter.8. TrialIf there is no agreement made based on your plea, then you must go to trial. A trial usually begins with an opening statement by the prosecutor and attorney defending you. From there, the State will present its case by calling witnesses and introducing the evidence taken against you.Then, you will have your opportunity to present your witnesses and evidence, proving your innocence. After your presentation, the State will go again against you. They bring back evidence they had shown prior. From there, the judge will tell the jury of all the laws applicable to your case. Then you’ll be offered a closing argument along with the prosecutor. And the case is finally submitted. The jury will come to its decision and you will receive …9. Sentencing, if applicableIf you’re found guilty of a drug possession crime in the State of Mississippi, then you’ll receive a sentence. This is usually a separate hearing in which both you and the prosecutor will be allowed to present your evidence again. Furthermore, the Court may ask for a pre-sentence investigation, or PSI, which would be managed by a probation officer. This investigation will look into your background and determine whether or not the sentence is appropriate for your circumstances.Burden of ProofUnder Mississippi law, the prosecutor must demonstrate specific elements in order to properly convict you. These elements include:1. LEGALITY. The evidence that you were in possession of a controlled dangerous substance when you were arrested.2. KNOWLEDGE. The evidence that you knew of the illegal nature of this controlled dangerous substance and you knew it was present at the time of your arrest.3. CONTROL. The evidence that you had control over both the presence and location of the controlled dangerous substance.SentencingDrug sentencing will entirely depend on your case. As mentioned earlier, Mississippi considers the schedule of the drug and how much of it was in your possession in order to determine your sentence. The higher the schedule and the more of a drug, the higher your penalization.Still, the purpose of a trial is to figure out all the details surrounding the charges. A trial will paint a picture of the circumstances and, in turn, the idea is that you will be penalized accordingly. In order learn more about potential sentences, you’ll want to talk to a lawyer. Also, you may qualify for alternative sentencing (see below).Misdemeanor PossessionWhen you’re charged with a misdemeanor, your punishment is taken less seriously than that of a felony. However, in the state of Mississippi, very few drug possession crimes are considered a misdemeanor. Typical misdemeanor penalties include:A fine of up to $1,000.Jail time between 6 months and 1 year.What might be considered misdemeanor drug possession in Mississippi? If you have less than 30 grams of marijuana, then you’ll probably be charged with a misdemeanor. This is because marijuana has recently been removed from the list of Schedule I drugs in Mississippi. Also, if you’re caught solely with drug paraphernalia, you’ll also only be charged a misdemeanor. With any other drug possession crime, you’ll be charged with a felony.Felony PossessionIn the state of Mississippi, most cases of drug possession result in a felony charge. Levels of severity in the charge depend on your circumstances. People in possession of a Schedule I drug will end up with a more severe penalty than someone in possession of a Schedule V drug. Still, even just a personal amount of a top schedule controlled dangerous substance will land you a felony.Typical punishments for a felony charge include:A fine of up to $10,000Prison time between 1 to 4 years.Other PenaltiesOften, you’ll find yourself facing other penalties due to your drug possession crime. The state of Mississippi decides on these crimes on a case to case basis. Due to this, it’s not entirely certain which penalties you’ll face for your crime. In order to get a better sense, you’ll want to talk to your lawyer. Other penalties for possession of a controlled dangerous substance include:Ineligibility to obtain certain employment.Ineligibility to obtain certain types of government employment.Ineligibility to qualify for certain types of college scholarship or financial aid.Ineligibility to qualify for public housing.Ineligibility to receive a state license or certification.Potential community service.Potential enrollment in drug treatment programs.Probation.Suspension of your driver’s license.Alternative SentencingIn Mississippi, you do have the opportunity to face alternative sentences [3]. It’s difficult for people with drug possession crimes to qualify for these considering Mississippi’s zero tolerance policy on controlled dangerous substances. Still, if you’re looking to reduce jail time and other punishments, it’s in your best interest to take a look at these.In order to get a real sense of which alternative sentences you apply for, you’ll want to talk the matter over with your lawyer. Some options include:1. Drug Court.These specialized courts are used solely for drug offenders and their purpose is to reduce crime on the streets. [4] The idea is drug abusers will benefit more from rehabilitation rather than traditional punishments. Rehabilitation often includes supervised drug testing and treatment services. You’ll receive counseling, incentives, and must make consistent court appearances. If you successfully complete your drug treatment, then your charges will be dropped.2. Non-adjudicated ProbationIf you enter as a guilty plea, you might be offered non-adjudicated probation. This works like probation in the sense that you’ll need to pay fines and court costs, report to a supervising officer, and take regular drug tests. However, if you complete it all successfully, you’ll be discharged.3. House Arrest – Intensive Supervision ProgramUnder very certain circumstances, people can avoid incarceration through house arrest. You must be screened and approved in order to qualify. If you are approved, you’ll have to wear an electronic monitor which checks to make sure you’re always in agreement with your curfew requirements. A house arrest will allow you to work, go to church and receive both medical attention and drug treatment. If you break your house arrest circumstances, you will be charged with further penalties.4. Pre-trial DiversionIf you’re a first offender of a non-violent crime who wasn’t charged with drug sales or possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, you can qualify for a pre-trial diversion in Mississippi. Through this type of sentence, you’ll be placed on special probation where you must attend court on a regular basis. It should be noted, rules for pre-trial diversion vary from court to court.5. Recidivism Reduction ProgramAlso known as RRP, this program aims to rehabilitate drug-offenders rather than incarcerate them. You can expect to be placed into a rigorous drug treatment program and receive important therapy.6. Restitution CenterIf you owe a good amount of fines, you might be sentenced to a restitution center while you’re on probation. This is where you’ll be educated of your crimes and the criminal system. You will also be monitored and aided in finding work.When to Contact a LawyerImmediately upon your arrest, you should consider finding yourself a lawyer. Part of the reason is drug possession charges in Mississippi are taken very seriously and almost always have strong consequence. However, due to the fact that penalties vary from case to case, a lawyer will be able to figure out the best possible solution for YOU.Can’t afford a lawyer?Then the State will provide you with one as long as you qualify. If you do qualify, it’s important to take as much advice from this lawyer as possible for the sake of your trial. In order to get a real sense of which lawyers in Mississippi are best for your case, you should check out the Mississippi Bar Association and their member directory. [5]Your QuestionsHave more questions about drug possession laws in Mississippi?Feel free to ask them in the comments below. If you have more information to share pertaining to these laws or advice about Mississippi’s legal system, we’d also love to hear from you. We try to get back to everyone in a prompt and personal manner.Reference Sources: [1] Mississippi Code Ann. § 41-29-113 [2] Mississippi First Circuit Court: Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure [3] State of Mississippi: Department of Corrections Records Handbook [4] State of Mississippi: Drug Court Rules [5] Mississippi Bar Association: MS Bar Association Lawyers Source: https://addictionblog.org/mississippi/laws/drug-possession
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jeffrey2garner · 6 years
The Best Yet? Driving the 2019 Mazda MX-5
With its 30th anniversary looming, the Mazda MX-5 has never looked more appealing. Early models can be picked up for less than £1,000, and from here on there really is an MX-5 for every budget. For now, the options top out with the car tested here, the 2019 MX-5 complete with a revised engine for an even more exciting driving experience.
WHAT’S NEW? For the 2019 MX-5, Mazda has answered calls to add more power to its two-seat roadster, which is now available with an improved version of the company’s 2.0-litre, four-cylinder engine. It kicks out 182bhp, which is an increase of 24bhp compared with the outgoing car and helps to reduce the 0-62mph time by a respectable 0.8 seconds to just 6.5 seconds.
There’s also slightly more torque (4lb ft), but it’s the 700rpm increase in the rev limiter that really makes a difference, allowing the engine to spin all the way through to 7,500rpm – a challenge it positively relishes.
With Mazda being Mazda this has not all been achieved simply by remapping the car’s ECU, but has instead involved fitting lighter pistons and conrods, revised camshafts, exhaust valves and injectors, and an improved intake system. Because why make things easy for yourself?
Another small but useful change is that the steering wheel now adjusts for reach as well as height to improve the driving position, although it’s a shame Mazda didn’t also give the seats more lower back support at the same time. That grumble aside, the driving environment is superb, and you can also now specify Apple CarPlay to improve the infotainment system.
THE DRIVE Even those who already rate the MX-5 as a brilliant driver’s car will appreciate the additional energy and urgency of this revised engine. It turns the Mazda into a proper sports car that’s capable of carrying serious speed, pulling hard through the mid-range and positively zinging to its new redline. Where previously you’d be needing to change up a gear you can now hold on for a few more glorious seconds and enjoy an engine of real character.
The six-speed manual gearbox remains a delight to operate, so much so you’ll be needlessly flicking through the gears just to enjoy its short, mechanical throw, indulging in a blip of the throttle on down changes (a responsibility Mazda has left as the driver’s).
Mazda hasn’t made any changes to the ride or handling, but then it didn’t need to. The MX-5 has long been the benchmark for affordable front-engined, rear-wheel-drive sports cars and so it remains. The steering is sharp, the chassis balance superb and the throttle response instant. What’s more, traction is ample on account of there being a limited-slip differential and no sudden rush of turbocharged torque to deal with. That’s not to say the MX-5 can’t still be provoked, only that you’d need to be seriously greedy with the throttle in order to do so.
WHAT ABOUT THE ROOF? The surefooted handling isn’t the only thing about the MX-5 that makes it suitable for all-weather driving. The folding fabric roof is also perfectly watertight (a point we can confirm having driven the car in atrocious conditions) and you could reheat last night’s pasta on the heated seats such is their ferocity.
Alternatively, if you want the full metal roof experience Mazda also offers the new engine in the RF holding hard-top version of the MX-5. The more complex roof might carry a weight penalty of around 50kg, but the revised engine pulls just as hard and the handling remains superb.
THE VERDICT It might be the most expensive MX-5 money can buy, but this latest model is also arguably the best. It’s seriously quick, sounds good and handles beautifully, and all for an on the road price that starts from £22,295. In terms of meeting its brief, the MX-5 is one of the best cars on sale today. Price: MX-5 range from £18,95, car as tested from £22,295 Power: 182bhp @ 7,000rpm 0-62mph: 6.5 seconds Top speed: 136mph Fuel economy: 40.9mpg (on test 38mpg)
BLASTS FROM THE PAST Mazda MX-5 Mk1 Launched in 1989, the original MX-5 was designed to recall the classic two-seater British sports car, only with modern standards of build quality and reliability. It was an instant hit, with a fantastically responsive engine (both 1.6 and 1.8-litre units were available), snappy gearbox and balanced handling all wrapped up in a lightweight body. Search for used examples of the Mk1 Mazda MX-5 on CarGurus
Mazda MX-5 Mk2 The second generation of MX-5 arrived in 1998 and – to the disappointment of many – lost its pop-up headlights due to safety regulations. What it didn’t lose, however, was its near-perfect driving dynamics, and even today a spin in one of these early cars will remind you of just how much fun driving can be. Search for used examples of the Mk2 Mazda MX-5 on CarGurus
Mazda MX-5 Mk3 By the time the Mk3 MX-5 arrived in 2005 it was a slightly larger and inevitably heavier car. As a result, some found that early examples had lost a bit of its predecessors’ dynamic sparkle, although it was still a very good car, and was further improved over time. For those seeking even more versatility Mazda introduced a folding hardtop body style for the Mk3 MX-5, known as the Roadster Coupe. Search for used examples of the Mk3 Mazda MX-5 on CarGurus
Mazda MX-5 Mk4 The latest MX-5, launched in 2015, is regarded as one of the most rewarding driver’s cars on sale today, combining the agility of its predecessors with the latest technology and a more aggressive design. Key to its appeal is its low kerb weight, which helps makes the most of what the 1.5- and 2.0-litre engines have to offer. If it’s driving thrills in a modern package that you’re after, a Mk4 MX-5 is hard to beat. Search for used examples of the Mk4 Mazda MX-5 on CarGurus
In the market for a used car? CarGurus makes it easy to find great deals from top-rated dealers. CarGurus compares price, detailed vehicle data and dealer reviews to give each used car a deal rating from great to overpriced, and sorts the best deals first. Find out more and begin your used car search at CarGurus
The content above is for informational purposes only and should be independently verified. Please see our Terms of Use for more details.
  from The CarGurus Blog http://blog.cargurus.com/2018/09/28/the-best-yet-driving-the-2019-mazda-mx-5 via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2018/09/the-best-yet-driving-2019-mazda-mx-5.html via IFTTT
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larabalais · 6 years
What Is SEO and How How Has It Changed Over the Years?
Many small business owners will here listen to the term'search engine optimisation' (or SEO) from friends from the company community or perhaps competitions and might consider it as a path to increasing earnings, but what's SEO? Alternately, a company owner might have attempted'SEO services' previously and found it didn't do the job as well as anticipated or has been functioning, but not as successful - this report explains what SEO is, and also 'new' SEO is operating better than everbefore.
I've been working in search engine optimization and ranking site marketplace, until it was called SEO. Here are the modifications in SEO because the beginning of the new century and exactly what you ought to be searching for at the SEO services your SEO Agency provides or supplies.
We have a look back in SEO during the years and clarify what SEO is now and how to utilize it for our site.
SEO in 2000
Back at the beginning of the Millennium that the'big' search engines that many folks were using were both Lycos and Excite. Obviously, back then a tiny fraction of the UK people had access to the web and those who did had a slow'dial-up' system.
Websites were just one or 2 pages with basic information to permit them to load fast (within 20 minutes ). SEO practices back then were to'hide' as many key words on a page as you can, so the site was found for all those hunts without making the page seem to spammy to people.
Back in 2002 Google found something called'AdWords' and it had been called the death of SEO, as individuals could cover prominence, on the today the number 1 site for beginning searches.
Back in 2003, Yahoo bought Inktomi, AltaVista and FAST, which was essentially the conclusion of all the'smaller' search engines. Google began to pin down on'spam' clinics and sites. At precisely the exact same time Google realised the'AdWords' weren't likely to kill SEO and in fact the'natural listings' invited people back to their own search engine stage. Google began to reevaluate'professional SEO' pros and encouraged great SEO instead of spamming SEO.
2004 saw the very first site'banned' in the net as Google took actions against sites which were spamming them. In addition they took legal actions from the"SEO Company" accountable.
Tumblr media
To rank a site in 2006 you simply desired links back to your own site and so purchasing links / link building has been the rage and many sites had a web page where they'd list businesses and links to their own site (I am still amazed how many sites continue this practice).
Between 2004 and 2008 Google, was the sole"player" in the search engine world, began taking action against inferior linking practices and businesses and began tightening up on junk and purchasing links. The'Noughties" finished with "naughty" SEO practices being nearly made out, as Google focused on rank sites based on their articles and it has relevance to the research being performed.
SEO in 2010
Between 2010 and 2015 we began to find that the search engines take note of'Social Media' websites and shortly the outcomes were full of Twitter'tweets' from the outcomes. (I could still see the surface of one of my clients when searching Google for his small business, and the first page of their search results were published with tweets of a Twitter dialog that two members of staff were having about how awful the firm was!)
Videos and graphics were brought into the search results using the Google'Caffeine' upgrade.
Google introduced"personal search results" using all the sites shown from the search results according to your past searches and sites you'd seen previously. This triggered a'bit of a stir' from the SEO world as clients claimed their sites had been"top of Google" for almost any search they did connected to their business, simply because they'd seen their particular site many times previously, therefore Google naturally fed them back the site for all applicable searches. This may still be a little bit of a problem until you show them the brand new'Google Incognito search'.
The concentrate on rank sites was found for BIG key words. A'Plumber' in Bristol would need to rank for this hunt, so that has been the attention.
Google'Panda' and'Penguin' updates killed off'link exchanges' with enormous penalties for sites who'd insignificant links pointing towards them. At precisely the exact same time Google introduced"no follow links" allowing sites to provide pertinent links to other sites and data without penalising both party. It was the beginning of"safe linking". Quality and appropriate content has been now the secret to rank in search engines.
A report from the'Office For National Statistics' in 2014 said:
38 million adults (76 percent ) in Great Britain obtained the Internet daily, 21 million over in 2006, when straight related records began. Access to the Internet with a cell telephone over doubled between 2010 and 2014, from 24 percent to 58 percent. 74 percent of adults purchased products or services online, up from 53 percent in 2008. Clothes (49 percent ) were the hottest online buy in 2014. Of adults in Great Britain, 67 percent are conscious of Internet storage area solutions, however, the take from those services to store info is a lot reduced in 35%. In Great Britain, 22 million families (84%) had Internet access in 2014, up from 57 percent in 2006. Fixed broadband Internet connections were used by 91 percent of families. The UK was today (nearly ) net savvy and use of cellular phones to see sites was enormous.
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SEO 2015 and Onwards
The largest change to the search engines in 2015 was that the'penalisation' of sites which were not"mobile friendly" - a cellular friendly site has distinct advice for the smaller display to make it simpler for the user to browse and comprehend. In ensuring that consumers got the ideal experience Google started rank mobile responsive or friendly sites (in which the site automatically changes its format and size to fit the display ) greater in the ranks.
The UK people were using their cellular phones for local searches, and local businesses could gain an edge over the big corporates or even'national' businesses online.
The debut of'semantic search', in which Google brings websites from the outcomes not depending on the key words, but the articles onto a webpage, again altered the manner SEO agencies looked in focusing on sites. Position for its'Big' key words, for example'Plumber Bristol' became important, as net users became more informed with their hunts. 'Long tail keywords', as numerous as possible, began to grow website traffic and what's more, conversions.
What's The SEO Process Today?
It's probably right to state that the procedures or practices associated with search engine optimization have out grown the word'SEO'
In years gone by functioning the material and construction of a site was sufficient. Now, there's a whole lot more to do to not just rank a web site in search engines, but to find client involvement. An improved description of this service could be'digital marketing'.
Old practices, as stated previously, supposed'big' key words were crucial to rank. A focus on a single keyword each page or perhaps for a complete site would rank the company and back then it was about'rankings'.
Old Method of doing SEO
Now there are a range of elements to think about in regards to SEO. 'Semantic search' is the major driver and conversion the principal goal, not positions.
Semantic search is where Google returns info on the webpage, not the description the web site founder input, straight back into the searcher. A good instance of this is to choose the'Plumber Bristol' instance. A couple of years back you'd have focused on rank the company for"Plumber Bristol","Plumber in Bristol" and possibly"Emergency Plumber Bristol" - but this still is true for companies offering a remedy for'distress purchases' (where time plus an alternative outweigh the demand for advice and information ) better practice during a web site would be to include content that provides advice and guidance also contains'long tail keywords' (4 or 3 word searches) for example"Emergency plumber with free callout in Bristol" or"Reviews for an Emergency Plumber near me". Google needs the consumer to have the very best experience and locate the relevant information immediately, and semantic search accomplishes this. Additionally, this is sensible to get a company owner. Can you rather your site had been found by a searcher searching for"Plumber Bristol" where they might be following advice, looking for a job, searching for a plumbing service which you might not provide, or to get a particular and targeted search such as"best emergency Plumber near BS7″? "Plumber Bristol" will get you a website visitor, being found for"greatest emergency Plumber near BS7″ will fetch you a client.
Concerning key words this is the greatest change Google have made and it's here to remain. SEO or electronic marketing is no more about where you rank, however the number of different search phrases you're able to be found for their conversion into paying clients.
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Website Content
A couple of years back (and just two or three years back ) Google indicated to specialist SEO Agencies which 300 words onto a webpage was adequate content. Last year they said the MINIMUM ought to be at least 500 words.
Daily I am asked to examine a web site by a prospective client - and the majority of them have between 150 to 250 words onto a webpage. That is common practice. There are two ways to have a look at this. Either Google must alter it's expectations because most sites don't satisfy their tier or a different way to check at this is as a simple way to jump the contest simply by adding articles to your site. Can you think Google will reduce it is expectations or anticipate sites to enhance for their own standard? Google published the'mobile friendly' update understanding that somewhere around 80 percent of sites would have to be updated - and they did it anyhow as it gained over 50 percent of users. Quality articles impacts 100 percent of the customers.
I suggest to our client roughly 800 words each page. This is sufficient articles to be'semantic search' friendly, provide relevant content rather than be overly word heavy.
Fantastic practice would be to have:
Page Title - convey exactly what the page is all about ('Big' Keyword if you have to ) Headline - requesting a query First paragraph clarifies briefly explains the articles / alternative Image / or movie Longer description of this answer Take our Emergency Plumber at Bristol, for instance:
Page Title: Emergency Plumber Bristol
Headline: Are you Searching for the best emergency plumber near you in Bristol?
First Paragraph: Smith Plumbing provide a 24 hour emergency plumbing service in Bristol. We don't charge a call out charge and may be with you in 20 minutes. That's precisely why our client testimonials and opinions say we're the very best emergency plumbing service in your region. Call today on...
Image of the van or the Plumber appearing skilled
Longer description: What they could mend, common issues they solve, a few of the quotations from their clients etc.. This has a range of advantages.
Primarily, those men and women who only need a Plumber will read the first paragraph, then see the picture of this van (build professionalism and authority ) and telephone the Plumber. Other folks would want to have more information that they may find farther down the page. Is this cheating in SEO? Absolutely NOT. You're supplying relevant information to the consumer and Google will love you for this. The content is organised and composed on a webpage is your"new" SEO.
The next advantage is that your site will begin to get found to get a mixture of keywords on the webpage - semantic lookup - at the case above the Plumber might be located by clients and prospective clients searching to get"Smith Plumbing","emergency Plumber near me","Emergency Plumber in Bristol","Best24 hour emergency plumbing service in Bristol","emergency plumber Bristol reviews" and heaps more search conditions. In case you have been a Plumber could you rather be seen for one enormous keyword or several relevant customer converting key words? I believed so, and so does Google.
Old practices were to make site content to the search engines. Now you need to create content to give value for clients. This is a simpler process than you may think.
What were the past 5 client enquiries to your small business? What was the difficulty they had been attempting to solve? Write about the issue and your answer.
Link Building
The historical means of'link building' would be to have as many links from as many areas as you can. This season we've an extremely large firm contact us in their SEO and they were horrified when we proposed they had to eliminate their 1.4 MILLION hyperlinks back to their own site since they'd spent a lot of money over the years purchasing the hyperlinks. Inbound links, and the further you have the more damaging it's, highlights to Google that the irrelevance of your site - no matter how important it may be.
Nowadays, a couple of, related links is much superior than a Million hyperlinks back to your site. Nowadays, links need to be constructed through participating relationships. Accepting our Plumber once again, a connection back from the'Gas Safe register', a local pipes facility or toilet showroom, and a couple of regional sites which enjoy his advice would be sufficient.
Social Media
Though we still get some companies similar to this today, a couple of years back when we proposed companies ought to be on Facebook I had been generally told"Facebook - that is for teenagers isn't it? That is not our market". If performed well, Facebook can induce more visitors and paying clients to your door compared to your site. Facebook's biggest consumer group is 25 to 34 year olds, next biggest is the 35 to 44 years old age category. The 45 to 54 year olds are using Facebook over teens, and as almost up to 18 to 24 year-old.
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Facebook Users UK era - courtesy of statista
Facebook enables a company to construct a brand, participate clients, get customer reviews and instant customer responses. Unlike testimonials on your own site which prospective customer may see should they see your site, an overview on Facebook is viewed instantly by each the users buddies and when their buddy'likes' the remark - all their pals, buddies. Increasingly more of our clients are receiving leads from Facebook. Folks are asking their friends for tips on companies to utilize and obtaining heaps of ideas back - if you're on Facebook you're more inclined to acquire a direct connection to your own contact info.
What's next for'Social Media'? Live streaming! Twitter has bought a business called'Periscope' that permits you to live stream video in the mobile phone. "So what?" I hear our Celtics ergency plumber' asking. If I were a Plumber I would be live streaming my work as I fix a problem, with the video going out live to all of my followers and their friends - my own television channel that is free-to-air across the whole world. Next time your business conducts a'brain storming session' - periscope it your client will let you know exactly what the answers are.
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loycereiber · 6 years
Misdemeanor DUI
The act of operating a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol (ethanol) or other drugs (including over the counter medications), to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired is called a DUI or driving under the influence. Whether your case is a felony or a misdemeanor will depend on several factors. You need to speak with a DUI lawyer about your case as soon as possible. Don’t wait.
Know Your Rights: • There must be legally sufficient facts to constitute “probable cause” to stop, detain and arrest you.
You should be advised that submission to field sobriety testing and portable field breath testing is not required by law.
Once arrested, you must be advised of your constitutional rights (the “Miranda Warning”) before any further questioning takes place.
You must be given a choice of breath or blood testing; if you refuse, you must be advised of the legal consequences (the “implied consent” advisement).
If a breath test is administered at the police station, since the breath sample is not saved, you must be given a chance to obtain a blood sample for later independent testing by your defense attorney.
Is a DUI a Misdemeanor or a Felony?
If you are driving under the influence with a child in the car you can be charged with “child endangerment” which is a felony.
It is illegal to have an open container of alcohol in your vehicle, or to drink while in a vehicle – even if the car is parked.
It is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence of alcohol (or any other drug)
Your car may be impounded for up to 90 days at your own expense, or even sold with the proceeds going to the city or county.
These penalties can seen over the top, but from the perspective of protecting the public, the Utah State Congress has enacted these lawyer. At Ascent Law, our job as a DUI Lawyer Salt Lake City is to protect you and your rights.
Utah man accused of DUI-related death will stand trial
After an alleged domestic confrontation, a Utah man drove away from the situation. Allegedly, he sped up to nearly 60 mph as he approached an intersection. Police say that when he sped through the intersection against a red light, he hit another vehicle, which began a chain reaction accident that ultimately involved nine vehicles. That alleged DUI accident led the death of a 43-year-old mother and the critical injury of her 16-year-old daughter. Seven others in the other vehicles suffered minor injuries.
When police interviewed the man at the hospital, they smelled what was believed to be alcohol on his person and noted he had bloodshot eyes. At the scene, officers reportedly observed that he was slurring his speech. No further information regarding his claimed intoxication was provided.
The allegedly drunk driver faces a litany of charges relating to the accident. In an unusual move, Utah prosecutors decided to charge the man with felony murder in the first-degree. Ordinarily, an individual in his situation would be charged with vehicular homicide in either the third or second-degree. Additional charges include one felony count of DUI, seven misdemeanor counts of DUI and two counts of aggravated assault. One of two domestic violence charges was dropped.
The potential penalties associated with these DUI-related charges are significant. Under our system of law, however, he is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty in a court of law. His criminal defense team will review all of the evidence the prosecution intends to present to the court. From this information, an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the day’s events can be conducted, which should reveal the best course of action in moving forward with his defense.
Free Consultation with a DUI Lawyer
When you need help with a felony or misdemeanor DUI in Utah, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/misdemeanor-dui/
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