#from the Ben Schwartz multiverse of blue character
lothbats9000 · 14 days
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Leo: You know my little brother Mikey is going to love you.
Sonic: ... yeah?
Leo: Oh yeah! And I bet if we ask he could even make you a chili dog pizza!
Sonic: What? ewwwwww whyyy?
Leo: Oh come on. Don't tell me you're not even a little curious now about how that would taste
Sonic: ...
(Close ups and rambles below :)
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This one was incredibly fun to draw! And it turned out way better then I thought it would! I mean here look at this:
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That was how it all started. Which it's fine but definitely not at all how I wanted it to look quite yet.
I just desperately wanted them to interact. I want Leo to someday point right at Sonic and say "little brother shaped"
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wazafam · 3 years
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A new report claims that Jason Momoa has been offered the role of Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The first film, despite immense criticism during its early marketing campaign and the lackluster history of video game movie adaptation, was a huge success at the box office, pleasing fans and critics alike. Tails the two-tailed fox is confirmed for the upcoming sequel, and many have theorized that Knuckles will appear as well.
After several decades of middling Sonic the Hedgehog video games, the franchise was majorly revitalized by the success of 2020’s live-action film. Starring Jim Carrey, James Marsden, and Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic, the movie incorporated just enough details from the video games to keep longtime fans happy, while also crafting a new story that appealed to a wide audience. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is set to release in 2022.
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According to a report from The Illuminerdi, Jason Momoa has been offered the role of Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The site previously reported Knuckles' inclusion in the sequel, both times citing unnamed sources. Neither report has been confirmed externally. The news of Knuckles’ big-screen debut and his potential portrayal by Momoa are therefore still far from fact, but it would make sense to include another of the franchise’s oldest and most iconic characters in Sonic 2. And if Knuckles were to make an appearance, Momoa would be an excellent choice to voice the red echidna.
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The inclusion of more specific Sonic characters and content from the video games would be a great move by Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The first movie had its fair share of rings, robots, and Easter eggs, but now that a broader audience has been introduced to the world of Sonic, it’s time to dive deeper into the world of the games. The series has gathered a large ensemble of characters over the course of its duration, and Knuckles certainly rises above most as one of the most popular and famous of them all.
Beyond the impending live-action sequel, Sonic is making even more moves outside of the video game space. A Netflix animated series, Sonic Prime, was recently announced, which will see the Blue Blur traveling through the multiverse on a world-saving, family-friendly adventure. There are also likely to be new game announcements made in 2021 for the franchise’s 30th anniversary, as a core installment hasn’t been released since 2017’s Sonic Forces. All of that lies between now and the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which could feature the vocal talents of Jason Momoa as Knuckles the Echidna.
Next: Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Who Sent Tails To Earth?
Source: The Illuminerdi
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Reportedly Offered Jason Momoa Knuckles Role from https://ift.tt/3p3QQCg
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