#he wonders if that's a Dan situation and if he need a Fenton thermos
nelkcats · 1 year
Time crisis
Clockwork looked sick, this was the first time Danny had witnessed something like this so he couldn't help but feel concerned for his mentor. However, no matter how many times he asked what was going on, the Ancient refused to answer.
The halfa was taking care of him and finally Clockwork revealed that he was under attack. Danny raised an eyebrow in confusion, he saw no one in Clock Tower and the Observants were not around, seeing his confusion the Master of Time explained himself more clearly.
Clockwork had multiple bodies, distributed in different dimensions. And while they didn't follow the same rules, their job was the same, "preserve the timelines". One of his other bodies must have sensed his timeline being altered multiple times and awoke from its rest to repair the error.
Someone must not have been happy about that, if the damage Clockwork was receiving was anything to go by. The Ancient had no doubt that if they kept attacking him they would cause him further damage, which would be a big problem for the timelines.
The reason he didn't want to tell the halfa that was because he knew Danny would want to help, but not all of his "parts" were good, nor did they have the same methods to "repair" and he didn't want to show the boy a bad part of himself. Although he doubted his other "self" would attack young Daniel, seeing how fond he was of him.
Danny of course, offered to solve the problem. Knowing the boy was stubborn, Clockwork sighed in resignation and opened a portal to the DC Universe, where the Justice League was facing Kronos, Danny stepped through the portal immediately and started running to the battlefield.
Wonder Woman was gritting her teeth in fury as she faced Kronos, who was scowling in annoyance, his gaze seemed to be fixed on the speedster for some reason; half of the League were injured but holding their ground, and John Constantine had almost finished preparing a spell to destroy the titan once and for all. He opened his mouth to tell the Titan it was his end when a teenage boy ran past him.
Danny, who had no idea what was going on, stood in front of Kronos not knowing what to say. He didn't quite know how to fix the situation. Kronos looked at him in confusion as John choked as he noticed the boy in the path of his spell.
"Fate is not inevitable" the halfa told the Titan decisively. While he had been a hero and understood why the people around him would want to "stop" the other Clocky, he didn't want to see his mentor die (even if this was some sort of clone? Danny didn't quite understand), he was selfish, and he knew the other Clocky had his reasons. He looked at the wounded on the battlefield and took a deep breath before looking at the Titan again.
"Come home with me and we'll find another way to solve it" Danny offered, ignoring the heroes glaring at him. Kronos was still silent, he knew he could kill the boy in seconds but something in him protested at the idea.
Danny wondered if he could lock the being in front of him in a Fenton thermos.
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monotype-on-phantom · 7 years
Before I watched this episode, I asked you all which character’s fate in The Ultimate Enemy is the most depressing or tragic to you. It was really interesting hearing all of your opinions, so I suppose it’s about time to talk about mine.
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There’s no beating around the bush. There’s no character in TUE who makes me sadder than Vlad. This is especially odd because Vlad isn’t one of my favorite characters. I’ve mentioned that a few times. I think he’s an outstanding villain, but because of that, I usually enjoy watching him fail. I like making fun of him, and his downfalls are usually satisfying. He’s sympathetic, but it’s rare that I actually feel truly sad for him.
So what is it about him here that makes me feel that way?
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As I mentioned in my analysis of That Kid, moving in with Vlad after losing everything was probably the worst possible thing for Danny. Vlad’s hardly an example of healthy coping, and he has a pretty warped view of the world and himself. His idea of dealing with situations he deems unfair is murder, cloning, and various types of manipulation. There’s no way Danny would be able to recover living with this man alone.
Vlad didn’t want to hurt Danny in this case. He felt for him, and I think he was fully aware that Danny had lost a lot more here than Vlad ever had. Everyone he cared about the most was taken from him in one swoop, right in front of his eyes. I don’t doubt he wanted to help Danny. He’s just not good at this sort of thing himself. I’m certain his idea of helping was letting Danny do whatever he wanted, which would only make things worse since he’d only want to mope all day.
And when Danny came to him asking him to tear out his humanity so he could stop hurting, Vlad was probably the only person in the world who would agree.
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Of course, the outcome was far from what was intended. Vlad lost the ghost half he’d been relying on for 20 years, and the very child he’d been trying to help died horrifically and went on to basically destroy the world. The memory of Danny’s death in particular is evidently so painful for him that he can’t bring himself to talk or even think about it.
Ten years pass, and when we see what’s become of Vlad, he’s completely broken.
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He’s living alone in a cave, far from the safety that was in Amity Park before Dan got his ghostly wail. His clothes are tattered and filthy, and it looks like he hasn’t changed, cut his hair, or cared for himself much at all in the past 10 years. He has computers and other pieces of technology, which he’s probably used to aid Valerie (since he’s the one who made her gear and she’s likely turn to him in a crisis), and he has a bit of Packers memorabilia, but aside from that, this isn’t much of a home.
What makes all of this especially sad for me is that Vlad seems to have given up. Everyone else in this future is either dead and therefore not suffering or still fighting. To fight, you need to have hope. You need to believe that things can get better, that the evil in the world can somehow be beaten back. The Box Ghost mentions that the ghosts were all planning to fight back against Dan. Valerie and Damon are doing everything they can to keep the people of Amity Park safe from him. Even though everyone’s battered and sad, they’re not giving up. They keep fighting, hoping to beat Dan, whether to get revenge or to keep something important safe.
Vlad? He’s just sitting in his cave for 10 years, regretting the decisions that brought him to this point.
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Aside from the technology, Vlad kept a photo of himself with his old friends and Danny’s backpack.
Danny wouldn’t have had time to run to his house and pick this stuff up, and we know Vlad had the Ghost Gauntlets. After helping Danny, it seems Vlad gave him the Specter Deflector, Ghost Gauntlets, Fenton Thermos, and his backpack to keep it all in. You can headcanon something else, of course, since we don’t see exactly what happens, but the last person to have Danny’s backpack in this time period was Dan.
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The only place Danny could’ve gotten the same backpack is from the future, and the last person he interacted with before making it back to the present was Vlad. The same person who was also Danny’s last caretaker.
For some reason, it really speaks volumes to me that the only things Vlad kept aside from a bit of Packers stuff and ghost technology were things that would remind him of those who’d died. And unlike himself and his living space, those things are kept in perfect condition. The college photo has no cobwebs on it, it’s not wrinkled or dirty, and the glass is unbroken. Danny’s backpack isn’t dirty and has no holes in it. These are some of the things that mean the most to him.
With all of that in mind, it’s hard not to wonder what emotions Vlad was feeling when a young, innocent, unchanged Danny suddenly came through his portal.
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Or, just as much, I wonder what he felt after Danny left, swearing to change this future at all costs. For a time, it wasn’t. Danny left, and Vlad was left alone with his thoughts and memories (and the time medallion.)
Vlad was likely very aware that if this future didn’t exist, then neither would his change of heart. That doesn’t matter, though. He’d much rather go back to being blind than live in this world where he’s lost everything. I’m certain if he could, he’d go back to tell his younger self to cherish his friends more. To stop being so selfish and obsessing over what he doesn’t have, because despite what he thinks, he could have so much less.
Any other thoughts I have could not be worded better than this image, so I’ll leave you with it.
I’m sure that, whether he still exists or not, he was happy to know this future would never happen.
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